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To Play the King - Michael Dobbs

The #1 International Bestseller from the Executive Producer of the hit Netflix series "House of Cards," starring Kevin Spacey.Francis Urquhart is back and the newly elected Prime Minister continues his climb to power. This time he will take on the King himself, threatening to expose Royal secrets. This game is winner-takes-all, but who will walk away the victor?The role of the monarchy in modern Britain comes under scrutiny as Prime Minister Francis Urquhart threatens to expose Royal secrets when his plans are blocked by the idealistic new King. Their differences of opinion quickly degenerate into open hostility. The battlefield ranges from architecture to the underprivileged; the battle is fought with rigged opinion polls, manipulated newspaper headlines, sexual scandal and economic brinkmanship as Urquhart sets out to destroy not only the King's family and friends but even the King himself.Continuing the dark tale of greed, corruption, and unquenchable ambition, "To Play the King "reveals that no matter the country, politics, intrigue and passion reign in the corridors of power.

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cena 169.0 Kč

Hra králem: House of Cards - To Play the King (978-80-257-2527-6)

Kniha - autor Michael Dobbs, 288 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Dům z karet patří k nejlepším politickým thrillerům historie. Vydán byl v roce 1989 a okamžitě se dočkal obrovského úspěchu u čtenářů i u kritiků. Pojednává o machiavelistickém a bezskrupulózním politikovi Francisu Urquhartovi, jemuž přestane jeho úloha v britském parlamentu stačit a rozhodne se zamířit výš: až úplně nahoru, tedy do křesla premiéra. Přestože je to vážený a alespoň navenek slušný člověk, za svým cílem jde přes mrtvoly. Kniha se dočkala dvou pokračování a do širšího povědomí se dostala i díky dvěma seriálům. První adaptaci provedlo BBC (1990) s Ianem Richardsonem v hlavní roli. Ještě slavnější je však zpracování americké od společnosti Netflix, v němž byla hlavní role svěřena Kevinu Spaceymu. První sezóna proběhla v roce 2013 a následovalo mnoho pokračování. Thriller, který pánům ani dámám ve Westminsteru dlouho nedal spát.

Podívejte se také Hra králem: House of Cards - To Play the King (978-80-257-2527-6)

cena 245.0 Kč

MS How To Play The Penny Whistle

Škola hry na irskou flétnu Publikace How To Play The Penny Whistle nepředpokládá žádnou předchozí znalost hry na irskou flétnu nebo zkušenost s jakýmkoliv jiným nástrojem. Jednoduše, s pomocí ilustrací a diagramů, vás krok za krokem provede základy hry na irskou flétnu a naučí vás správným návykům a dovednostem. Publikace obsahuje výběr z oblíbených skladeb a melodií. Vhodné pro flétnu laděnou v D.

Podívejte se také The Play That Goes Wrong (1474244947)

cena 150.0 Kč

MS Learn To Play Whitesnake

Škola hry na kytaru S tímto DVD se snadno a rychle naučíte hrát na kytaru pět hitů slavné britské formace Whitesnake. Riffy i kytarová sóla notu po notě! Seznam skladeb: • Fool For Your Loving • Here I Go Again • Is This Love • Judgement Day • Still Of The Night

Objev podobné jako MS Learn To Play Whitesnake

cena 592.0 Kč

Time to Play Speed Purple Švihadlo

Odolné vysokorychlostní švihadlo na fitnes s profesionální hliníkovou rukojetí, nastavitelnou délkou, dvojitým ložiskem. Během cvičení se nikdy nezamotáte. Barva podle výrobce: Purple;Purpurová Délka: 3 m Země původu: Čína Balení obsahuje: Náhradní šňůra;Švihadlo Set: Ano Barva: Fialová Hmotnost: 0,18 kg

Objev podobné jako Time to Play Speed Purple Švihadlo

cena 311.0 Kč

PlayMais Fun to Play Dino 550ks (4041077005938)

Vyrábění pro děti vhodná od 5 let Přemýšlíte, jak zabavit vaše dítě a myslíte si, že už se nedá nic nového vymyslet? Vyzkoušejte kreativní sadu PlayMais Fun to Play Dino a objevíte nové možnosti pro tvoření malých dětí. Sada Fun to Play Dino je plná barevných kousků, které jsou vyrobeny z kukuřičného škrobu barveného potravinářským barvivem. Přírodní hračka je 100% biologicky rozložitelná a bez umělých přísad - pro děti naprosto neškodná. Ke spojování není třeba lepidlo, stačí jen kapka vody. Tvarujte, spojujte, krájejte, lepte - to vše zvládnete s tímto ekologickým výrobkem PlayMais. Hračka podporuje rozvoj kreativity, motorických dovedností a dětské fantazie. Kreativní sada je vhodná pro děti od 5 let. Klíčové vlastnosti kreativní sady PlayMais - Fun to Play Dino, 550 ksFun to Play Dino obsahuje barevné kousky vyrobené z kukuřičného škrobuBarveno potravinářským barvivemPřírodní hračka je 100% biologicky rozložitelná a bez umělých...

Objev podobné jako PlayMais Fun to Play Dino 550ks (4041077005938)

cena 399.0 Kč

Bluey: Time to Play Sticker Activity - Bluey

It''s time to play with Bluey and Bingo!Join in the fun with Bluey and Bingo as they play all their favourite games. With pages to colour, stickers to stick and puzzles to solve, this book is full of fun activities to keep Bluey fans busy!Want more Bluey? Also available:Bluey: Fun and Games Colouring BookBluey: Meet Bluey! Sticker Activity BookBluey: Bluey and Friends Sticker Activity BookBluey: Easter Fun Activity

Objev podobné jako Bluey: Time to Play Sticker Activity - Bluey

cena 148.0 Kč

MS Lick Library: Learn To Play Jimi Hendrix

Noty pro kytaru LICK LIBRARY – LEARN TO PLAY JIMI HENDRIX Toto DVD představuje nejslavnější skladby kapely Jimiho Hendixe. Každá skladba je představena, analyzována a demonstrována tak, abyste se ji efektivně naučili hrát. Seznam skladeb: Hey Joe Little Wing Purple Haze The Wind Cries Mary Voodoo Child (Slight Return)

Objev podobné jako MS Lick Library: Learn To Play Jimi Hendrix

cena 712.0 Kč

Kala Learn To Play Elvis Rockabilly Koncertní ukulele

Elvis pomohl položit základy pro Rockabilly na jeho cestě stát se králem rock'n'rollu. Jeho spojení country a R & B přineslo do rockabilly svěží vzdušné vlny, přední místo v americké kultuře a inspirovalo mnohé budoucí legendy Rock n rollu. Součástí tohoto setu jsou lekce pro 3 z nejpopulárnějších rockabilly písní od Elvise. K dispozici v koncertním provedení. Krk: Mahogany Zadní deska a luby: Mahogany Přední deska: Mahogany Barva: Grafika Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Povrchová úprava: Satin Počet strun: 4 Menzura (mm): 360.0 Barva podle výrobce: Elvis Rockabilly Balení obsahuje: Elvis Rockabilly songs;Free Online Lessons;Ladička;Manuál Struny: Aquila Super Nylgut Nultý pražec: Graph Tech NuBone Typ: Koncertní ukulele Hmatník: Vavřín (Laurel) Ladící mechanika: Open Gear Země původu: Čína

Objev podobné jako Kala Learn To Play Elvis Rockabilly Koncertní ukulele

cena 3160.0 Kč

Kala Learn To Play Elvis Blue Hawaii Koncertní ukulele

Kala si váží "Krále" vydáním podpisového naučného ukulele setu. KALA-LTP-C-EBH obsahuje koncertní ukulele Elvis Signature Series Blue Hawaii, lekce pro 3 z nejpopulárnějších písní Elvise z jeho havajské éry a další doplňky. Film Blue Hawaii představil Elvisovu lásku k havajské hudbě a její vliv během celé jeho kariéry. Album Blue Havaj strávil 20 týdnů jako č. 1 v hitparádě Billboard 's Pop. Struny: Aquila Super Nylgut Balení obsahuje: Elvis Blue Hawaii songs;Free Online Lessons;Ladička;Manuál Menzura (mm): 360.0 Barva podle výrobce: Elvis Blue Hawaii Nultý pražec: Graph Tech NuBone Ladící mechanika: Standard Open-Gear Povrchová úprava: Satin Počet strun: 4 Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Typ: Koncertní ukulele Země původu: Čína Hmatník: Vavřín (Laurel) Přední deska: Mahogany Krk: Mahogany Barva: Grafika Zadní deska a luby: Mahogany

Objev podobné jako Kala Learn To Play Elvis Blue Hawaii Koncertní ukulele

cena 2405.5 Kč

Kala Learn To Play Elvis Viva Las Vegas Koncertní ukulele

Elvis pomohl vydláždit cestu pro rezidence v Las Vegas, které dnes vidíte. Jeho 636 vyprodaných koncertů v Las Vegas v řadě upevnilo jeho postavení krále rock 'n' rollu. Součástí tohoto balení jsou lekce pro 3 nejoblíbenější písně Elvise z jeho éry v Las Vegas. K dispozici jako koncertní model. Součástí startovací soupravy Elvis Learn To Play je: Koncertní ukulele Elvis Signature Series Viva Las Vegas Lekce 3 písní Elvis Las Vegas Chromatická ladička Stručný návod Lekce online zdarma Zdarma aplikace Kala Ukulele s ladičkou Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Povrchová úprava: Satin Počet strun: 4 Výřez (cutaway): Ne Balení obsahuje: Klipová ladička;Manuál;Elvis Las Vegas Songs;Free Online Lessons Země původu: Čína Kobylka/tremolo: Vavřín (Laurel) Typ: Koncertní ukulele Hmatník: Vavřín (Laurel) Ladící mechanika: Open Gear Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Ne Nultý pražec: Graph Tech NuBone Barva: Grafika Přední deska: Mahogany Krk: Mahogany Zadní deska a luby: Mahogany Počet pražců: 18 Struny: Aquila Super Nylgut Menzura (mm): 376.0 Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 36.5 Barva podle výrobce: Elvis Viva Las Vegas Interpret / Téma: Elvis Presley

Objev podobné jako Kala Learn To Play Elvis Viva Las Vegas Koncertní ukulele

cena 3145.0 Kč

Estée Lauder Beautiful Magnolia Dare to Play Set dárková sada pro ženy

Estée Lauder Beautiful Magnolia Dare to Play Set, 3 ks, Krémy na ruce pro ženy, Luxusní vůně bude vždy tou pravou volbou, pokud chcete opravdu potěšit. Dámský parfémový set Estée Lauder Beautiful Magnolia Dare to Play Set v krásném balení radost obdarované ještě znásobí. Vsaďte na kouzlo dokonale sladěné sady, do které se zamiluje na první pohled každá žena. Vlastnosti: luxusní provedení miniatura vůně je ideální do kabelky výběr smyslných květinových vůní limitovaná edice parfémovaná kosmetika prodlouží výdrž vůně sada zaujme na první pohled krásným balením podtrhne smyslnost každé ženy Sada obsahuje: BEAUTIFUL MAGNOLIA parfémovaná voda 100 ml BEAUTIFUL MAGNOLIA parfémovaná voda 10 ml Beautiful Magnolia hydratační krém na ruce 30 ml

Objev podobné jako Estée Lauder Beautiful Magnolia Dare to Play Set dárková sada pro ženy

cena 3436.0 Kč

Bright Starts Dětské chodítko 4 v 1, Ways to Play Walker™ - Ford F-150

Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 6 měsíců Nechte motor zařvat a připravte se na závodění s Fordem a B right Starts tlačit na plyn pedal Když potřebuješ zábavu na plné obrátky, tento pick-up Ford F-150 - Truck je ideální chodítko pro tuto práci. Chodítko 4 v 1 je konstruováno jako chodítko Ford Tough, které podporuje více úrovní hry a mohou si s ním hrát dvě děti najednou. V normálním režimu chodítka mohou začínající chodci řídit chodítko po domě s větší stabilitou a podporou Zkušenější chodci mohou chodítko používat jako kočárek k pohybu po domě. Autentické zvuky, světla, převody, volant a vzhled tohoto robustního chodítka Ford Truck podnítí představivost vašeho dítěte. Odnímatelný volant lze použít pro hraní na podlaze nebo na cestách Rozměry a hmotnost: Rozměry (délka x šířka x výška): 64 x 71 x 51 cm Hmotnost: 4 kg Materiál a péče: Materiál: plast 70 %, Metal l 20 %, látka 10 %. Pokyny pro péči: Polštář na sezení- Perte v pračce ve studené vodě, šetrný cyklus. Nebělit. Sušte v sušičce na nízké teplotě.

Objev podobné jako Bright Starts Dětské chodítko 4 v 1, Ways to Play Walker™ - Ford F-150

cena 3062.0 Kč

The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

A warm and funny story for younger readers, about two foxes, a ghost and one of the biggest archaeological discoveries in living memory…‘A heartwarming tale for animal lovers and football fans alike’ GuardianIn a cosy den under a garden shed lives a family of foxes. They love to watch football, all foxes do. One day, they are surprised by a ghostly voice coming from deep underground. The stranger promises to grant the foxes their dearest wish if they only set him free.With their favourite football team on a losing streak, the foxes know exactly what to wish for. But can they trust the mysterious stranger?

Objev podobné jako The Fox and the Ghost King - Michael Morpurgo

cena 236.0 Kč

Dilo a čarodějnice od Černé skály - Horace Dobbs

Pokud jste si oblíbili delfínka Dila, nebo máte vůbec rádi delfíny a zajímáte se o jejich život a jejich zapojení do terapie člověka, neměli byste si nechat ujít další knihu: Dilo a čarodějnice od Černé skály. Celá serie o delfínkovi Dilo: Dilo a volání hlubin (nový dotisk) a Dilo hledá přátelé, je oblíbená nejen u nás, ale v celé Evropské unii. Třetí část serie o delfínkovi Dilovi pojednává mimo jiné o delfináriu.

Objev podobné jako Dilo a čarodějnice od Černé skály - Horace Dobbs

cena 188.0 Kč

King, Ben E.: Don't Play That Song - LP (0349783751)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice třetího alba amerického zpěváka. Deska původně vyšla v roce 1962. Amerického soulového a R&B zpěváka nejvýrazněji proslavil hit Stand By Me, jenž se dostal do americké Top 10 Vinylová reedice třetího alba amerického zpěváka. Deska původně vyšla v roce 1962. Amerického soulového a R&B zpěváka nejvýrazněji proslavil hit Stand By Me, jenž se dostal do americké Top 10 hned dvakrát - v roce 1961, kdy původně vyšel, a v roce 1986, kdy figuroval jako ústřední melodie stejnojmenného filmu. Seznam stop LP1 Don't Play That Song (You Lied) [Mono] / Ecstasy (Mono) / On the Horizon (Mono) / Show Me the Way (Mono) / Here Comes the Night (Mono) / First Taste of Love / Stand by Me / Yes (Mono) / Young Boy Blues (Mono) / The Hermit of Misty Mountain (Mono) / I Promise Love (Mono) / Brace Yourself (Mono)

Objev podobné jako King, Ben E.: Don't Play That Song - LP (0349783751)

cena 669.0 Kč

Various: Legends Play The Beatles - CD (CLOCD2324)

Hudební CD - Neuvěřitelná sestava rockových, popových a folkových legend se sešla na této sbírce nejlepších coververzí Beatles vydaných v posledním desetiletí. Neuvěřitelná sestava rockových, popových a folkových legend se sešla na této sbírce nejlepších coververzí Beatles vydaných v posledním desetiletí. Představí vystoupení Heart's Ann Wilson, Judy Collins, Cream's Jack Bruce, Asia/King Crimson zpěvák John Wetton, Air Supply, Molly Hatchet, Glenn Hughes z Deep Purple a mnoho dalších. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop CD Here Comes the Sun - Richard Page & Steve Morse / Across the Universe - Ann Wilson / Penny Lane - John Wetton / Back in the USSR - Molly Hatchet / Norwegian Wood - Andrew Gold / The Long and Winding Road - Air Supply / Tomorrow Never Knows - Electric Moon / Rain - Sugar Candy Mountain / Eleanor Rigby - Jack Bruce / And I Love Her - Howard Jones / Yesterday - Judy Collins / Let It Be - Glenn Hughes

Objev podobné jako Various: Legends Play The Beatles - CD (CLOCD2324)

cena 309.0 Kč

Various: Legends Play The Beatles - LP (CLOLP2324)

LP vinyl - Neuvěřitelná sestava rockových, popových a folkových legend se sešla na této sbírce nejlepších coververzí Beatles vydaných v posledním desetiletí. Neuvěřitelná sestava rockových, popových a folkových legend se sešla na této sbírce nejlepších coververzí Beatles vydaných v posledním desetiletí. Představí vystoupení Heart's Ann Wilson, Judy Collins, Cream's Jack Bruce, Asia/King Crimson zpěvák John Wetton, Air Supply, Molly Hatchet, Glenn Hughes z Deep Purple a mnoho dalších. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP Here Comes the Sun - Richard Page & Steve Morse / Across the Universe - Ann Wilson / Penny Lane - John Wetton / Back in the USSR - Molly Hatchet / Norwegian Wood - Andrew Gold / The Long and Winding Road - Air Supply / Tomorrow Never Knows - Electric Moon / Rain - Sugar Candy Mountain / Eleanor Rigby - Jack Bruce / And I Love Her - Howard Jones / Yesterday - Judy Collins / Let It Be - Glenn Hughes

Objev podobné jako Various: Legends Play The Beatles - LP (CLOLP2324)

cena 559.0 Kč

The Story Orchestra: I Can Play: The Nutcracker - Frances Lincoln Children's Books

From the The Story Orchestra series, a beautifully illustrated first piano sound book! Press the keys to learn 8 famous classical tunes from The Nutcracker as you follow the story.While other books in the series play famous pieces of classical music, in this new Story Orchestra format, young readers can now play the tunes themselves! Color and shape codes correspond to the 14 keys, so kids can learn easy 8-bar, one-finger melodies, so even the youngest child can learn to play music with this simple method. For best results, playing readers the original piece first is recommended so children can familiarise themselves with the pacing of the tune. Each song includes an enchanting illustration and description of the part of the story that the music is telling, along with playing tips. All the favorite characters from The Nutcracker story are there to encourage young musicians as they play their first notes with the sound of a piano. I Can Play: The NutcrackerGrandfather’s DanceClara’s DreamWaltz of the SnowflakesRussian DanceDance of the Reed FlutesWaltz of the FlowersDance of the Sugar Plum FairyFinaleReaders should press firmly on the pages to activate the keys, encouraging them to explore the possibilities of making music!

Objev podobné jako The Story Orchestra: I Can Play: The Nutcracker - Frances Lincoln Children's Books

cena 502.0 Kč

Ruby: The King of Gems

A showstopping survey of the ruby, king of the gems This is the most ambitious book ever published on ruby, the king of gems. From emperors and empresses, kings and queens, Maharanis to Hollywood royalty, a stunning array of style icons are shown wearing their favourite ruby jewelry, alongside classic images of rubies throughout the centuries. The book also showcases sixty of the world’s most significant and renowned pieces of ruby jewelry, including many previously unseen designs from royal and private collections. Historic creations are represented alongside pieces from major modern and contemporary jewelry houses, among them Cartier, Boucheron, Van Cleef & Arpels, Chaumet, Mellerio dits Meller and Graff. Additionally, Ruby offers practical guidance on what to look for in a quality ruby gemstone, a look at extraordinary jewelry techniques as well as the author Joanna Hardy's travelogue from visits to the world's great ruby deposits.

Objev podobné jako Ruby: The King of Gems

cena 2281.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for!

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A shunned princess. A reluctant king.A marriage that could save both their kingdoms . . .but destroy their hearts. Though she is the oldest daughter, Princess Faraine lives in the background, shunned from court and kept out of sight. Her chronic illness makes her a liability to the crown, and she has learned to give place to her beautiful, favored younger sister in all things.When the handsome and enigmatic Shadow King comes seeking a bride, Faraine is not surprised that her sister is his choice. Though not eager to take a human bride, King Vor is willing to do what is necessary for the sake of his people. When he meets the lively Princess Ilsevel, he quickly agrees to a marriage arrangement.So why can’t he get the haunting eyes of her older sister out of his head?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 330.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A treacherous bride. A heartbroken groom.Is their marriage over before it's begun? Her deceit discovered, Faraine finds herself trapped in the Shadow Realm at the mercy of her new husband. She's surrounded by enemies, far from any allies, and her best bet for survival is to convince Vor to send her home. But to do so means to give up on the alliance.Which would spell disaster for her people. With the tremors growing worse and poison spreading through his realm, Vor is more desperate than ever to find a solution. Only, it cannot involve his wife.Vor wants nothing to do with the woman he has inadvertently married. At one time, he thought he might love her, but now? How can love flourish where trust is broken? When circumstances require them to spend more time together, however, Vor's blood is stirred in ways he doesn't like to acknowledge. Can two lost hearts find healing and hope in one another? Or is their love already poisoned beyond recovery?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

The Boy Who Would Be King - Michael Morpurgo

A beautifully illustrated full-colour tribute to King Charles III, published to mark his coronation. There once was a boy who was going to be king one day... From the Nation's Favourite Storyteller Sir Michael Morpurgo comes a poetic celebration of our new monarch, King Charles III, beautifully illustrated in watercolour by acclaimed artist Michael Foreman. There once was a little boy, born a prince. Encouraged by his parents, he grew up with a passion for the countryside, wanting to look after it. Then, as the longest-serving Prince of Wales in British history, he dedicated decades of his life to raising awareness for conservation. Now our king, his devoted work will continue to inspire the protection of our planet for future generations. This allegorical story tells how - with the help of a tiny acorn - a wise old woman gives a lonely boy, who would be king, the courage and determination to change the world for the better, for everyone. An exquisite companion to There Once is a Queen, this commemoration of King Charles III's coronation is a gift book truly to be treasured.

Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Would Be King - Michael Morpurgo

cena 357.0 Kč

PRIMEROS The King 12 ks (8594068387217)

Kondomy - extra velké, latexové, běžná lubrikace, velikost 57 × 190 mm (Š×D), tloušťka 0,065 mm, 12 kusů v balení Užijte si opravdovou rozkoš s extra velkými kondomy PRIMEROS King SizeAť už se nacházíte kdekoliv, vždy buďte připraveni do akce. Kondomy PRIMEROS King Size jsou extra velké, díky čemuž vám zajistí ještě větší rozkoš během milování. O hladký průběh se postará silikonový olej, který je nejen příjemný, ale i lékařsky ověřený. Jemná svěží vůně navodí tu správnou romantickou atmosféru, díky které se budete cítit skvěle! V balení najdete 12 kusů kondomů pro ty nejžhavější chvilky. S kondomy PRIMEROS King Size jistě zažijete nezapomenutelnou noc plnou rozkoše. Benefity extra velkých kondomů PRIMEROS King Size, 12 ksExtra velké kondomy PRIMEROS King Size Hladký průběh během milování zajistí silikonový olejSvěží vůně navodí romantickou atmosféruKondomy jsou snadno otevíratelné a ve tmě svítíAnatomický tvar vám dopřeje snadné...

Objev podobné jako PRIMEROS The King 12 ks (8594068387217)

cena 169.0 Kč

I'm the King of the Castle - Hill Susan

I''m the King of the Castle by Susan Hill is a chilling novel that explores the extremes of childhood cruelty, now published as a Penguin Essential for the first time.''Some people are coming here today, now you will have a companion.''But young Edmund Hooper doesn''t want anyone else in Warings, the large and rambling Victorian house he shares with his widowed father. Nevertheless Charles Kingshaw and his mother are soon installed and Hooper sets about subtly persecuting the fearful new arrival.In the woods, Charles fights back but he knows that his rival will always win the affections of the adults - and that worse is still to come . . .

Objev podobné jako I'm the King of the Castle - Hill Susan

cena 295.0 Kč

Winnie-the-Pooh Meets the King - Jane Riordan

'Kings and crowns and whatnot? It sounds like something out of a dream or a fairy tale,' said Eeyore. When Winnie-the-Pooh and his friends go on an expedition to a Royal London Park they don't expect to find themselves in the middle of a royal adventure. This charming story takes place at a very special Royal Coronation.When Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet lose Eeyore in the crowd, they come up with a plan to find their friend. Along the way they meet a Very Important Person and learn about the importance of kindness, helping others and new beginnings. This classic character children's book will make a wonderful keepsake to honour the historic coronation of King Charles III

Objev podobné jako Winnie-the-Pooh Meets the King - Jane Riordan

cena 214.0 Kč

Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)

Kniha - autor Eric Berne, 164 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Reissue of this classic about the dynamics of relationships.

Objev podobné jako Games People Play: The Psychology of Human Relationships (0241257476)

cena 309.0 Kč

The Play - Elle Kennedy

A brand-new standalone novel in the New York Times bestselling Briar U series!She's about to put this player in his place . . .What I learned after last year's distractions cost my hockey team our entire season? No more screwing up. No more screwing, period. As the new team captain, I need a new philosophy: hockey and school now, women later.Which means that I, Hunter Davenport, am officially going celibate . . .no matter how hard that makes things. But there's nothing in the rulebook that says I can't be friends with a woman. And I won't lie - my new classmate Demi Davis is one cool chick.Her smart mouth is hot as hell, and so is the rest of her, but the fact that she's got a boyfriend eliminates the temptation to touch her. Except three months into our friendship, Demi is single and looking for a rebound. And she's making a play for me.Avoiding her is impossible. We're paired up on a yearlong school project, but I'm confident I can resist her. We'd never work, anyway.Our backgrounds are too different, our goals aren't aligned, and her parents hate my guts. Hooking up is a very bad idea. Now I just have to convince my body - and my heart.Praise for Elle Kennedy: 'Delicious, complicated and drama-filled . . .I read it in one sitting, and you will, too' L. J. Shen, USA Today bestselling author 'A deliciously sexy story with a wallop of emotions that sneaks up on you' Vi Keeland, No.1 New York Times bestselling author 'Elle Kennedy delivers another sexy and addictive read, and my latest personal favourite from her!' Tijan, New York Times bestselling author

Objev podobné jako The Play - Elle Kennedy

cena 268.0 Kč

The King´s Beast 2 - Rei Toma

A smoldering tale of romance and revenge set in the world of the New York Times best seller Dawn of the Arcana!Ajin boys who show signs of special abilities are conscripted to serve in the imperial palace as beast-servants-status symbols and shields for their royal masters, to be kept or discarded on a whim. When they were children, Rangetsu's twin brother Sogetsu was ripped from her arms and sent to the palace to attend Prince Tenyou as a beast-servant, where he quickly fell victim to bloody dynastic intrigues. Now in a world that promises only bitterness, Rangetsu's one hope at avenging her brother is to disguise herself as a man and find a way into the palace!Rangetsu knows she must keep a low profile in the palace if she's to have any hope of tracking down her brother's killer. But when an Ajin is wrongly accused of murder, can Rangetsu stand idly by knowing that Prince Tenyou has the power to prevent another horrible injustice?

Objev podobné jako The King´s Beast 2 - Rei Toma

cena 259.0 Kč

Mr. Tee Hail the King Tee black - S

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee Hail the King Tee black - S

cena 422.8749 Kč

The King in Yellow - Robert W. Chambers

With an Introduction by David Stuart Davies. 'I read it and reread it, and wept and laughed and trembled with horror which at all times assails me yet'. With its strange, imaginative blend of horror, science fiction, romance and lyrical prose, Robert W. Chambers' The King in Yellow is a classic masterpiece of weird fiction. This series of vaguely connected stories is linked by the presence of a monstrous and suppressed book which brings fright, madness and spectral tragedy to all those who read it. An air of futility and doom pervade these pages like a sweet insidious poison. Dare you read it? This collection has been called the most important book in American supernatural fiction between Poe and the moderns. H. P. Lovecraft, creator of the famed Cthulu mythos, whose own fiction was greatly influenced by this book stated that The King in Yellow 'achieves notable heights of cosmic fear'.

Objev podobné jako The King in Yellow - Robert W. Chambers

cena 178.0 Kč

The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

THE DRAWING OF THE THREE is the second volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the second novel of Stephen King's bestselling fantasy masterpiece, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doors which open - for Roland, and Roland alone - to different times in our world. He must draw the three who should accompany him on the road. In 1980s New York, Roland joins forces with defiant Eddie Dean. The second door leads to the 1960s and conflicted civil rights activist Odetta Holmes. The final door reveals Jack Mort, a deadly serial killer, in the 1970s. Mort is stalking Jake, the young boy Roland met in Mid-World.As titanic forces gather, a savage struggle between underworld evil and otherworldly enemies threatens to bring an end to Roland's journey toward the Dark Tower...J

Objev podobné jako The Drawing of the three - Stephen King

cena 279.0 Kč

The King in Yellow - Robert W. Chambers

A beautiful gift edition of the cult classic work of weird fiction and supernatural horror, which inspired H.P. Lovecraft and the first season of HBO’s True Detective The weird tales in this slim volume are all linked by a play, the second act of which reveals truths so terrible and beautiful that it drives all who read it to despair: The King in Yellow. I cannot forget Carcosa where black stars hang in the heavens; where the shadows of men’s thoughts lengthen in the afternoon . . . I pray God will curse the writer, as the writer has cursed the world with this beautiful, stupendous creation, terrible in its simplicity, irresistible in its truth–a world which now trembles before the King in Yellow. These four macabre, uncanny, and unsettling stories are some of the most thrilling ever written in the field of weird fiction. Since their first publication in 1895, they have become a cult classic, influencing the renowned master of cosmic horror, H.P Lovecraft, to the creators of HBO’s True Detective.

Objev podobné jako The King in Yellow - Robert W. Chambers

cena 325.0 Kč

The Timekeepers: The Tesla Trap - SJ King

Tag along with the Timekeepers in these history-themed adventure stories to discover amazing people and events that shaped our world.Meet the Timekeepers, a secret organisation of kids who keep the course of history on track – and history needs them! A villain called DeLay is set on causing chaos… When the hands on their special watches start to spin backwards, the Timekeepers know that DeLay has been up to no good, and it’s up to them to put things right. The Timekeepers travel back to 1890s New York City and the laboratory of Nikola Tesla. On the eve before Tesla is set to reveal his latest invention, the X-Ray Machine, the time pirate DeLay, disguised as Tesla''s rival Thomas Edison, steals the machine. The Timekeepers begin a pursuit around NYC in search of the machine to ensure history stays on track.This children’s chapter book series offers:- An introduction to history in a way that blends a fun story with real facts, and also includes a non-fiction section with additional information such as, timelines, quizzes, and a glossary.- Beautifully illustrated art accompanied by expertly written text.- An insight into different historical time periods, carries the theme of persistence through adversity, and shows the connection between the past and the present.Tag along with the Timekeepers in these history-themed adventure stories for 7 to 9 years olds that will help readers discover the amazing people and events that shaped our world. With a range of adventures that span all of history, The Timekeepers series is perfect for any adventure lover.More in the seriesAt DK, we believe in the power of discovery. So why stop here? If you like The Timekeepers: Tesla Trap, then you’ll love other titles in the series. Why not check out the second title in the series, The Timekeepers: Ancient Olympics to learn about the first ever Olympic Games, or First Flight and discover the events of the first ever successful aircraft flight?

Objev podobné jako The Timekeepers: The Tesla Trap - SJ King

cena 207.0 Kč

The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien

Begin your journey into Middle-earth.A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power.The third part of J.R.R. Tolkien's epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS.The Dark Lord has risen, and as he unleashes hordes of Orcs to conquer all Middle-earth, Frodo and Sam struggle deep into his realm in Mordor.To defeat Sauron, the One Ring must be destroyed in the fires of Mount Doom. But the way is impossibly hard, and Frodo is weakening. The Ring corrupts all who bear it and Frodo's time is running out.Will Sam and Frodo succeed, or will the Dark Lord rule Middle-earth once more?

Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien

cena 294.0 Kč

The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien

Special unjacketed hardback edition of the final part of J.R.R. Tolkien’s epic masterpiece, The Lord of the Rings. This edition features the complete story with a unique cover design embellished with silver foil and the iconic maps appearing in red and black as endpapers.The Companions of the Ring have become involved in separate adventures as the quest continues. Aragorn, revealed as the hidden heir of the ancient Kings of the West, joined with the Riders of Rohan against the forces of Isengard, and took part in the desperate victory of the Hornburg. Merry and Pippin, captured by orcs, escaped into Fangorn Forest and there encountered the Ents.Gandalf returned, miraculously, and defeated the evil wizard, Saruman. Meanwhile, Sam and Frodo progressed towards Mordor to destroy the Ring, accompanied by Sméagol – Gollum, still obsessed by his ‘preciouss’. After a battle with the giant spider, Shelob, Sam left his master for dead; but Frodo is still alive – in the hands of the orcs. And all the time the armies of the Dark Lord are massing.

Objev podobné jako The Return of the King - J. R. R. Tolkien

cena 447.0 Kč

The Wicked King (1471407365)

Kniha - autor Holly Blacková, 326 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 239.0 Kč

The Curator - Owen King

Half fairy tale and half historical account of a revolution that never was, Owen King's The Curator is full of sly humor, sensuality, and strangeness - Holly BlackFrom Sunday Times bestselling author Owen King comes a Dickensian fantasy of illusion and charm where cats are revered as religious figures, thieves are noble, scholars are revolutionaries, and conjurers the most wonderful criminals.At first glance, the world has not changed: the trams on the boulevards, the grand hotels, the cafes abuzz with conversation. The street kids still play on the two great bridges that divide the city, and the smart set still venture down to the Morgue Ship for an evening's entertainment.Yet it only takes a spark to ignite a revolution.For young Dora, a maid at the university, the moment brings liberation. She finds herself walking out with one of the student radicals, Robert, free to investigate what her brother Ambrose may have seen at the Institute for Psykical Research before he died.But it is another establishment that Dora is given to look after, The Museum of the Worker. This strange, forgotten edifice is occupied by waxwork tableaux of miners, nurses, shopkeepers and other disturbingly lifelike figures.As the revolution and counter-revolution outside unleash forces of love, betrayal, magic and terrifying darkness, Dora's search for the truth behind a mystery that she has long concealed will unravel a monstrous conspiracy and bring her to the very edge of worlds.In The Curator, Owen King has created an extraordinary time and place - historical, fantastical, yet compellingly real, and a heroine who is courageous, curious and utterly memorable.

Objev podobné jako The Curator - Owen King

cena 449.0 Kč

The Bird King (1611854717)

Kniha - autor G. Willow Wilson, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Bird King (1611854717)

cena 328.0 Kč

The Institute - Stephen King

''It does everything you''d expect of a masterpiece - and it is one'' Sunday Express''Hums and crackles with delicious unease'' Independent''Captivating'' The Sunday Times''An absorbing thriller'' Mail on SundayNO ONE HAS EVER ESCAPED FROM THE INSTITUTE.Luke Ellis, a super-smart twelve-year-old with an exceptional gift, is the latest in a long line of kids abducted and taken to a secret government facility, hidden deep in the forest in Maine.Here, kids with special talents - telekinesis and telepathy - like Luke''s new friends Kalisha, Nick and Iris, are subjected to a series of experiments.There seems to be no hope of escape. Until Luke teams up with an even younger boy whose powers of telepathy are off the scale.Meanwhile, far away in a small town in South Carolina, former cop Tim Jamieson, looking for the quiet life, has taken a job working for the local sheriff. He doesn''t know he''s about to take on the biggest case of his career . . .THERE''S ONLY ONE WAY OUT.''An epic tale of childhood betrayal and hope regained... an immersive tale full of suspense and thrills that will keep readers up late at night racing towards a heartbreaking yet glorious finale... a dazzling achievement'' - Daily Express

Objev podobné jako The Institute - Stephen King

cena 325.0 Kč

The Outsider - Stephen King

King's crime thriller featuring Holly Gibney and Detective Ralph Anderson is now released with a stunning new cover look. Now you see him. Now you don't.A horrifying crime. Water-tight evidence points to a single suspect. Expect he was seventy miles away, with an iron-clad alibi.Detective Anderson sets out to investigate the impossible: how can the suspect have been both at the scene of the crime and in another town?

Objev podobné jako The Outsider - Stephen King

cena 312.0 Kč

The Shining - Stephen King

One of the true classics of horror fiction, THE SHINING is regarded as one of Stephen King's masterpieces.

Objev podobné jako The Shining - Stephen King

cena 279.0 Kč

The Gunslinger - Stephen King

This first novel in his epic fantasy masterpiece, Stephen King introduces readers to one of his most enigmatic heroes, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger. He is a haunting figure, a loner, on a spellbinding journey into good and evil, in a desolate world which frighteningly echoes our own.In his first step towards the powerful and mysterious Dark Tower, Roland encounters an alluring woman named Alice, begins a friendship with Jake, a kid from New York, and faces an agonising choice between damnation and salvation as he pursues the Man in Black.Both grippingly realistic and eerily dreamlike, THE GUNSLINGER leaves readers eagerly awaiting the next chapter.And the Tower is closer...

Objev podobné jako The Gunslinger - Stephen King

cena 239.0 Kč

Vysokohorské túry - Západní Alpy - Ralf Gantzhorn, Edwin Schmitt, Wolfgang Pusch, Waeber MIchael

Aktuální průvodce pro oblast švýcarských Západních Alp nejen podrobně popisuje výstupy na vrcholy velehor, ale současně je také atraktivní publikací, nad kterou je možné i doma snít o jejich dechberoucí kráse. Bohatý zdroj užitečných informací jak pro začátečníky, tak pro zkušené vysokohorské turisty a horolezce, kteří už mají něco za sebou. V knížce najdete: Podrobné aktuální popisy všech túr Barevné ilustrativní fotografie Situační snímky se zákresem tras Orientační mapky v měřítku 1 : 50 000 Klasifikace obtížnosti podle směrnic UIAA

Objev podobné jako Vysokohorské túry - Západní Alpy - Ralf Gantzhorn, Edwin Schmitt, Wolfgang Pusch, Waeber MIchael

cena 402.0 Kč

The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 556 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná J.R.R. Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labeled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail.

Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)

cena 239.0 Kč

Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

Plakát Pán prstenů - Návrat krále se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu

Objev podobné jako Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King

cena 189.0 Kč

Tweedy Jeff: Love Is The King - LP (5149721847)

LP vinyl - Jeff Tweedy a jeho deska Love Is The King. Jeff Tweedy a jeho deska Love Is The King. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop Love Is The King / Opaline / A Robin Or A Wren / Gwendolyn / Bad Day Lately / Even I Can See / Natural Disaster / Save It For Me / Guess Again / Troubled / Half-Asleep

Objev podobné jako Tweedy Jeff: Love Is The King - LP (5149721847)

cena 629.0 Kč

Millennium The King Performance - stolní elektronické šachy (4032153008301)

Stolní hra - logická hra, pro 2 hráče, vhodné od 7 let S Millennium The King Performance vstupujete do luxusní třídy šachových počítačů. Bezchybné zpracování ručně vyrobené dřevěné desky vám přinese pocit jedinečnosti. Stolní elektronické šachy vám díky výkonu více než 2400 Elo zaručují možnost široké škály nastavení obtížnosti. Na své si tak přijdou úplní začátečníci i velmi pokročilí hráči. Díky 81 LED diodám na každém poli, které zprostředkovávají komunikaci s počítačem, a nové senzorové technologii HighSensitive, se můžete soustředit pouze na jedinečný zážitek ze samotné hry. Stolní elektronické šachy Millennium The King Performance jsou určeny pro hráče od 7 let. Klíčové vlastnosti stolních elektronických šachů Millennium The King PerformanceElektronické šachy Millennium The King Performance disponují výkonem minimálně 2400 Elo (turnajová úroveň)Hrací deska a figurky jsou ručně vyrobeny ze dřevaS 81 LED diodami a...

Objev podobné jako Millennium The King Performance - stolní elektronické šachy (4032153008301)

cena 11890.0 Kč

Tweedy Jeff: Love Is The King - CD (5149721846)

Hudební CD - Jeff Tweedy a jeho deska Love Is The King. Jeff Tweedy a jeho deska Love Is The King. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop Love Is The King / Opaline / A Robin Or A Wren / Gwendolyn / Bad Day Lately / Even I Can See / Natural Disaster / Save It For Me / Guess Again / Troubled / Half-Asleep

Objev podobné jako Tweedy Jeff: Love Is The King - CD (5149721846)

cena 339.0 Kč

Primeros The King extra velké kondomy 12 ks

Primeros The King jsou extra velké kondomy s hladkým povrchem. Mají anatomický tvar a jemně voní. Příjemnou lubrikaci zajišťuje silikonový olej lékárenské kvality.

Objev podobné jako Primeros The King extra velké kondomy 12 ks

cena 235.0 Kč

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