Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians - Chris Riddell

Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians is the second and final title in The Cloud Horse Chronicles duology, the exciting magical adventure from the Costa Award-winning creator of Goth Girl and 2015-2017 UK Children's Laureate Chris Riddell. With gorgeous illustrations throughout.The Guardians of Magic disappeared ten years ago, leaving the Kingdom of Thrynne in the icy grip of a powerful sorceress. Most people have fled in desperate search of warmer lands, escaping the Ice Monsters that roam the streets. Meanwhile, young Tiggy Thistle lives hidden and safe with a kindly Badger until the day she meets one of the crafty Stiltskin brothers and she has to run from her happy home. So begins Tiggy's quest to find Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba - the lost Guardians and their beautiful Cloud Horses - the only people, she believes, who can save Thrynne from the curse of endless winter.

Podívejte se také The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

cena 239.0 Kč

Ottoline and the Yellow Cat - Chris Riddell

Introducing Miss Ottoline Brown, an exceptionally inquisitive Mistress of Disguise, and her partner in crime, Mr Munroe. Ottoline and the Yellow Cat is a quirky mystery-adventure from Chris Riddell, author of the award-winning Goth Girl books. No puzzle is ever too tricky for the two of them to solve . . .Ottoline lives in a stylish apartment in Big City with a small hairy creature called Mr Munroe. Together they look after the Brown family's eclectic collections - and dabble in a spot of detective work. So they are the first to the scene of the crime when a string of high-society dog-nappings and jewel thefts hits Big City.Ottoline (who luckily has a diploma from the Who-R-U Academy of Disguise) and Mr Munroe go undercover – and expose an ingenious scam masterminded by furry feline crook, the Yellow Cat . . .Winner of the Nestle Prize, and crammed with black-and-white illustrations, Ottoline and the Yellow Cat is perfect for young and reluctant readers.Though they can be enjoyed in any order, continue the adventures of Ottoline and Mr Munroe with Ottoline Goes to School.

Podívejte se také Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)

cena 236.0 Kč

Neil Gaiman & Chris Riddell Box Set: The Graveyard Book / Coraline / Fortunately, the Milk (1408873273)

Kniha - autor Neil Gaiman, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Podívejte se také Guardians of the Galaxy (0,3 l) - Hrnek (M00039)

cena 599.0 Kč

Pan Podpostel - Chris Riddell

Pod postelí je tvrdá zem a panu Podpostelovi se tam špatně spí. A tak poprosí malého Jeníka, jestli by si mohl vlézt k němu do postýlky. Sympatická příšera okamžitě usne, ale chrápe tak, že si Jeník musí jít pro špunty do uší. A co se nestane – ze šuplíku na něj vyskočí další dvě příšerky. Postupně se objeví tolik nečekany´ch nočních návštěvníků, co by rádi spali u Jeníka v posteli, že si nakonec musí sám ustlat na zemi…

Objev podobné jako Pan Podpostel - Chris Riddell

cena 223.0 Kč

Otolína ve škole - Chris Riddell

Hlavními hrdiny úspěšné, mezinárodně oceňované a mnohokrát vyznamenané knižní série jsou tak trochu zvláštní holčička jménem Otolína a její nerozlučný kamarád – malý vlasatý tvor z norských močálů zvaný pan Moura. Otolína vášnivě sbírá nejrůznější věci a miluje všechny druhy počasí, zejména však déšť, neboť se ráda čvachtá v kalužích. Obývá apartmá číslo 243 ve dvacátém čtvrtém patře mrakodrapu, který vypadá docela jako pepřenka, takže není divu, že mu také Pepřenka všichni říkají… Otolínini rodiče jsou sběrateli a neustále cestují po celém světě. O Otolínu je v jejich nepřítomnosti ovšem skvěle postaráno, nikdy se necítí osamělá. Společnost jí přece dělá pan Moura a kromě něj holčičce se vším, co je potřeba, pomáhá celá řada dalších neobyčejných společníků. Díky nim se nikdy nenudí! Otolína navíc miluje záhady, stejně jako pan Moura. Oči má pořád otevřené a uši nastražené pro případ, že by se setkala s něčím neobvyklým nebo zajímavým. Její zápisník by mohl vyprávět! Ráda řeší zapeklité případy, vymýšlí chytré plány a přichází věcem na kloub – ostatně, má pro to speciální nadání…A pokud by vás snad zajímalo, jak v sobě tahle zvláštní dívenka objevila své neobvyklé schopnosti, navštivte s ní nevšední školu plnou velmi nevšedních žáků v příběhu Otolína ve škole – bude to určitě nezapomenutelný zážitek! Knihy jsou bohatě ilustrované, nápadité a propracované obrázky srozumitelné dětem se plynule prolínají s textem, což činí z četby velkýzážitek – ať už se do ní ponoří děti, anebo dospělí..

Objev podobné jako Otolína ve škole - Chris Riddell

cena 89.0 Kč

Otolína a žlutá kočka - Chris Riddell

Hlavními hrdiny úspěšné, mezinárodně oceňované a mnohokrát vyznamenané knižní série jsou tak trochu zvláštní holčička jménem Otolína a její nerozlučný kamarád – malý vlasatý tvor z norských močálů zvaný pan Moura. Otolína vášnivě sbírá nejrůznější věci a miluje všechny druhy počasí, zejména však déšť, neboť se ráda čvachtá v kalužích. Obývá apartmá číslo 243 ve dvacátém čtvrtém patře mrakodrapu, který vypadá docela jako pepřenka, takže není divu, že mu také Pepřenka všichni říkají… Otolínini rodiče jsou sběrateli a neustále cestují po celém světě. O Otolínu je v jejich nepřítomnosti ovšem skvěle postaráno, nikdy se necítí osamělá. Společnost jí přece dělá pan Moura a kromě něj holčičce se vším, co je potřeba, pomáhá celá řada dalších neobyčejných společníků. Díky nim se nikdy nenudí! Otolína navíc miluje záhady, stejně jako pan Moura. Oči má pořád otevřené a uši nastražené pro případ, že by se setkala s něčím neobvyklým nebo zajímavým. Její zápisník by mohl vyprávět! Ráda řeší zapeklité případy, vymýšlí chytré plány a přichází věcem na kloub – ostatně, má pro to speciální nadání…U jejích nevšedních dobrodružství, jako je například řešení záhady série loupeží na Třetí ulici, které přináší knížka Otolína a žlutá kočka, se rozhodně nebudou nudit malí ani velcí čtenáři! Knihy jsou bohatě ilustrované, nápadité a propracované obrázky srozumitelné dětem se plynule prolínají s textem, což činí z četby velkýzážitek – ať už se do ní ponoří děti, anebo dospělí..

Objev podobné jako Otolína a žlutá kočka - Chris Riddell

cena 89.0 Kč

Ada a hrůzostrašná slavnost - Chris Riddell

Přípravy na Úplňkovou slavnost a na hrůzohradské dortoklání jsou v plném proudu! Na panství lorda Hrůzy se sjíždějí ti nejslavnější kuchaři a Zlověstník se jako vždycky chová velice podezřele. Aby toho nebylo málo, Adina plachá komorná Márinka střeží překvapivé tajemství. A jak se zdá, na Adiny narozeniny si ani letos nikdo nevzpomene!

Objev podobné jako Ada a hrůzostrašná slavnost - Chris Riddell

cena 232.0 Kč

Zapeklité případy malé Otolíny - speciální dárkové balení - Chris Riddell

Hlavní hrdinkou příběhů je odvážná, zábavná a tak trochu svérázná holčička Otolína, která miluje záhady, vymýšlí chytré plány a ráda přichází věcem na kloub. Ostatně má pro to zvláštní nadání. Společnost jí dělá její nejlepší kamarád, malý vlasatý tvor z norských močálů - tajemný pan Moura. Společně řeší dva velké případy - podivnou sérii loupeží v Třetí ulici a záhadu ve škole pro děti s neobvyklým darem. Chris Riddell, britský ilustrátor a úspěšný autor knížek pro děti, získal za své dílo několik ocenění. Knihy jsou bohatě ilustrované, plné osobitých detailů. Nápadité a propracované obrázky se plynule prolínají s textem, což činí z četby velký zážitek - ať už se do ní ponoří děti, anebo dospělí.

Objev podobné jako Zapeklité případy malé Otolíny - speciální dárkové balení - Chris Riddell

cena 178.0 Kč

Emerald and the Lost Treasure - Harriet Muncaster

Meet Isadora Moon''s mermaid friend, Emerald! Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but there are just so many rules! She loves having fun with her friends and exploring her underwater world with her pet octopus, Inkibelle, she doesn''t want to be stuck in the palace with everyone looking at her and checking that she''s doing things the proper, royal way.Emerald''s class are spending the day sea combing-picking up human rubbish that ends up on the ocean floor. When Emerald finds a precious teddy lying in a clump of seaweed, she''s tempted to keep it for herself, but the tag says it belongs to a human called Jack. Emerald asks her land-loving friend, Isadora Moon, and Isadora''s cousin, Mirabelle, to help her return it and together they embark on an exciting adventure across the land and sea!

Objev podobné jako Emerald and the Lost Treasure - Harriet Muncaster

cena 207.0 Kč

Delta and the Lost City - Fargher Anna

Follow Delta the wolfdog around Pompeii in 79 AD while the shadow of the great volcano Mount Vesuvius looms. This breathtaking historical adventure, drawing on the legend of the Hero dog of Pompeii, comes from the bestselling, award-winning author of The Umbrella Mouse, Anna Fargher. Illustrated throughout in black and white by David Dean.It’s the year 79 AD, and the earth around Pompeii is quaking . . .Young wolfdog Delta finds herself on the run and escaping her family’s villa after bearing witness to a horrible crime. With the help of her eagle friend, Bellona, Delta navigates the tricky terrain full of threatening creatures and thieves outside the ancient city''s walls.But the earth is warning of a much larger threat, and determined to warn her family, Delta must race against time and find them before it’s too late . . .Journey with Delta through an inspiring journey around the ancient city of Pomepii and the famous eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.''Ambitious and wonderful'' – Michael Morpurgo, author of War Horse on The Umbrella Mouse.

Objev podobné jako Delta and the Lost City - Fargher Anna

cena 236.0 Kč

The Lost and the Damned - Guy Haley

On the thirteenth day of Secundus, the bombardment of Terra began... With the solar defences overcome through the devastating strength of the Traitor armada and the power of the warp, Horus launches his assault on the Throneworld in earnest. After withstanding a ferocious barrage of ordnance, an immense ground war commences outside the Palace with every inch gained paid for in the lives of billions. The front lines are beyond horrific and the very air is reduced to poison and blood. Bodies are thrown into the meatgrinder but the outer redoubts cannot possibly hold for long, even with the loyal primarchs to reinforce them. For Horus has his own generals to call upon... Between the plague weapons of Mortarion and the fury of Angron, the defenders face a losing battle.

Objev podobné jako The Lost and the Damned - Guy Haley

cena 232.0 Kč

Kroniky Světakraje I. - Cesta za tajemný Hvozd - Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell

Snítek byl ještě miminko, když ho na prahu svého obydlí uprostřed tajuplného Hvozdu našli lesní trollové a ujali se ho. Jen chlapec povyrostl, trollové mu důrazně kladli na srdce, aby se měl před Hvozdem na pozoru a neopouštěl bezpečí vyšlapané stezky. Jenže Snítek zatouží dozvědět se, odkud se vzal a kdo byli jeho rodiče, proto jedné chladné noci sejde ze stezky a vydá se na dalekou cestu. Začíná velkolepé dobrodružství, při němž se hrdina setkává se spoustou fantastických bytostí a rostlin - s krutým lebounem, bručivědem, lesní lékárnicí žvanižínkou, nenasytným krvavým dubem či konejšivým uspávačníkem. Dokáže Snítek najít místo, kam patří? Prodáno přes tři miliony výtisků po celém světě. Přeloženo do více než 20 jazyků.

Objev podobné jako Kroniky Světakraje I. - Cesta za tajemný Hvozd - Paul Stewart, Chris Riddell

cena 311.0 Kč

The Squirrel and the Lost Treasure - Bickford-Smith Coralie

SHORTLISTED FOR THE QUEEN''S KNICKERS AWARD''The most beautiful book of the year... it’s like a poem… a work of art'' - Chris PackhamAn enchanting clothbound fable about growth, new life and finding hope in unexpected places, from the award-winning designer and creator of The Fox and the Star.One autumn evening, a young squirrel spots an acorn glinting on the forest floor.Eager to protect her treasure from watchful eyes and hungry mouths, she buries it deep in the heart of the forest.But when she returns after the icy winter, her acorn is nowhere to be found. Where could it be?''Exquisite, moving and hopeful on so many different levels. I love the bright green of the spring, I really feel that incandescence when I turn the page. I will be buying it for many.'' - Lucy Jones, author of Losing Eden

Objev podobné jako The Squirrel and the Lost Treasure - Bickford-Smith Coralie

cena 502.0 Kč

Ruffles and the Lost Bouncy Ball - David Melling

Ruff! Ruff! Meet Ruffles, the playful puppy who faces all the tricksy troubles of preschool life in this heart-warming picture book series from bestselling author and illustrator David Melling. Ruffles loves scratching and sniffing and sleeping. But most of all, he loves his bouncy, bouncy ball!But wait! Where is Ruffles' bouncy, bouncy ball? It's not between the books, in the fishbowl, or even in the umbrella . . . Where could it possibly be? Can Ruby help Ruffles find his lost ball, or is there something else they can play with that would be just as fun? Dog-lovers won't be able to resist the adorable Ruffles in this preschool series from the creator of Hugless Douglas (over 5 million copies sold worldwide). Other titles in the series include: Ruffles and the Teeny, Tiny Kittens, Ruffles and the Red, Red Coat, Ruffles and the Cosy, Cosy Bed, Ruffles and the New Green Thing and Ruffles and the Cold, Cold Snow.

Objev podobné jako Ruffles and the Lost Bouncy Ball - David Melling

cena 236.0 Kč

Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure - Alex T. Smith

From the international bestselling creator of Claude, comes a brand new hero - Mr Penguin, adventurer and penguin.Indiana Jones meets Hercule Poirot in this new Alex T. Smith series with plenty of slapstick humour, mystery and adventure. Highly illustrated throughout with a striking black and orange design.It has been weeks since Mr Penguin''s last adventure and he''s been stuck at his desk, twiddling his flippers ever since. That is until the phone rings!Mr Penguin and Colin (a spider and Mr Penguin''s silent right hand man) are called in to find the missing treasure somewhere in the Museum of Extraordinary Objects. The quest finds them solving secret codes, fighting ferocious beasts, eating fish finger sandwiches and travelling deep below the museum to a lost jungle...Praise for Alex T. Smith''s Claude series:''Illustrated with humour and elegance.'' Sunday Times''Quirky illustrations with plenty of humour.'' The MetroClaude won the 5-9 young fiction Sainsbury''s Children''s Book Award, was selected for the Waterstone''s Children''s Book Prize, the Richard and Judy Book Club and is soon to be a TV star on Disney Junior with 52 episodes airing in 2017. Alex T. Smith is a World Book Day Illustrator. Follow Alex at http://alextsmith.blogspot.co.uk and https://twitter.com/Alex_T_Smith

Objev podobné jako Mr Penguin and the Lost Treasure - Alex T. Smith

cena 236.0 Kč

Kingston and the Lost Frog (Set 7) - Catherine Baker

Letters & Sounds (2021): Phase 4 Scholastic Set: 07 Title: Kingston and the Lost Frog Focus: Adjacent consonants with short vowel sounds (example words: lump frog still cloth went) Tricky words: was the he of you said I have there put are when out here Book Band: Yellow This title is part of a brand new set of phonically decodable reading books perfect for very early readers. These expertly levelled stories are engaging, and are exactly matched to Little Wandle Letters & Sounds Revised, used in schools across the UK. The series includes a wide selection of diverse and inclusive stories, accompanied by bright, contemporary and humorous illustrations that will engage and inspire young readers with a 'find the character' feature on each spread.The artwork is detailed so as not to provide picture cues and prompting. Each book also contains parent's notes and a 'retell the story' task to support children's oracy, vocabulary and comprehension skills. Thirteen sets of books covering groups of sounds to allow for progression.The stories in this set focus on the sounds found in Scholastic Set 07 and revise the sounds found in previous sets. There are thirteen sets in total, covering: Phase 2 Set 1: s a t p i n m d Phase 2 Set 2: g o c k ck e u r h b f l Phase 2 Set 3: ff ll ss j v w x y z zz Phase 2 Set 4: qu ch sh th ng nk Phase 3 Set 5: ai ee igh oa oo Phase 3 Set 6: ar or ur ow oi ear air er Phase 4 Set 7: Adjacent consonants with short vowels Phase 4 Set 8: Adjacent consonants with Phase 3 long vowels Phase 5 Set 9: ay (play), ou (cloud), oy (boy), ea (each), ir (bird), ie (pie), ue (blue), u (unicorn) Phase 5 Set 10: o (go), i (tiger), a (paper), e (he), a-e (snake), i-e (time), o-e (home), u-e (cute), e-e (these), ew (new), ie (shield), aw (claw) Phase 5 Set 11: y (funny), ea (head), wh (wheel), oe (toe), ou (shoulder), y (fly), ow (snow), g (giant), ph (phone), le (apple), al (metal), c (ice), ve (give), o-e (some), o (mother), ou (young), se (cheese), se (mouse), ce (fence), ey (donkey), ui (fruit), ou (soup) Phase 5 Set 12: or (word), u (full), oul (could), are (share), ear (bear), ere (there), au (author), aur (dinosaur), oor (floor), al (walk), tch (match), ture (adventure), al (half), a (father), a (water), a (want), ear (learn), wr (wrist), st (whistle), sc (science), ch (school), ch (chef), ze (freeze), schwa at the end of words (actor) Phase 5 Set 13: eigh (eight), aigh (straight), ey (grey), ea (break), gn (gnaw), kn (knee), mb (thumb), ere (here), eer (deer), su (treasure), si (vision), dge (bridge), ge (large), y (crystal), ti (potion), ssi (mission), si (mansion), ci (delicious), augh (daughter), our (pour), oar (oar), ore (more) Have you got them all?

Objev podobné jako Kingston and the Lost Frog (Set 7) - Catherine Baker

cena 107.0 Kč

Starfell: Willow Moss and the Lost Day - Dominique Valente

Misfit witch Willow Moss holds the fate of the magical world of Starfell in her rather unremarkable hands . . . A spellbinding new fantasy series for readers aged 8-12, perfect for fans of Cressida Cowell.Willow Moss, the youngest and least powerful sister in a family of witches, has a magical ability for finding lost things - like keys, or socks, or wooden teeth. Her magic might be useful, but it's not exactly exciting . . . Until, that is, the most powerful witch in the whole of Starfell turns up at her door needing Willow's help.A whole day - last Tuesday to be precise - has gone missing. And the repercussions could be devastating. Can Willow find the day to save the day?

Objev podobné jako Starfell: Willow Moss and the Lost Day - Dominique Valente

cena 312.0 Kč

Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon - Nintendo Switch (045496479091)

Hra na konzoli - Nintendo Switch, krabicová verze, žánr: RPG, Zpátky ke kořenůmBayonetta nebyla vždy drsnou akční hrdinkou schopnou skolit jakékoliv monstrum, jež se jí postaví do cesty. Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon Nintendo Switch vám ukáže, jak bylo s její matkou, a především prvním démonem.Prozkoumejte v Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon Nintendo Switch tajemný lesAvalon Forest je lesní říší, která se nebaví ukazovat své krásy. Nikdy jí však nemůžete zcela věřit, protože lesní tvorové rozhodně nejsou přátelská stvoření. Postavte se všudypřítomným hrůzám a nenechte se tímto místem pohltit.Ovládejte obaKontrolu v Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon Nintendo Switch nemáte pouze nad legendární hlavní hrdinkou. Ovládáte jak jí, tak i démona Cheshire, s jehož pomocí řešíte bojové situace spolu s hádankami.

Objev podobné jako Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon - Nintendo Switch (045496479091)

cena 1149.0 Kč

The Lost World and Other Stories (1847496504)

Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Brand-new edition of a major work from the creator of Sherlock Holmes. Fully annotated edition.

Objev podobné jako The Lost World and Other Stories (1847496504)

cena 209.0 Kč

The Lost Café Schindler: One Family, Two Wars, and the Search for Truth - Schindler Meriel

Kurt Schindler was an impossible man. His daughter Meriel spent her adult life trying to keep him at bay. Kurt had made extravagant claims about their family history. Were they really related to Franz Kafka and Oscar Schindler, of Schindler's List fame? Or Hitler's Jewish doctor - Dr Bloch? What really happened on Kristallnacht, the night that Nazis beat Kurt's father half to death and ransacked the family home? When Kurt died in 2017, Meriel felt compelled to resolve her mixed feelings about him, and to solve the mysteries he had left behind. Starting with photos and papers found in Kurt's isolated cottage, Meriel embarked on a journey of discovery taking her to Austria, Italy and the USA. She reconnected family members scattered by feuding and war. She pieced together an extraordinary story taking in two centuries, two world wars and a family business: the famous Café Schindler. Launched in 1922 as an antidote to the horrors of the First World War, this grand café became the whirling social centre of Innsbruck. And then the Nazis arrived. Through the story of the Café Schindler and the threads that spool out from it, this moving book weaves together memoir, family history and an untold story of the Jews of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It explores the restorative power of writing, and offers readers a profound reflection on memory, truth, trauma and the importance of cake.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Café Schindler: One Family, Two Wars, and the Search for Truth - Schindler Meriel

cena 349.0 Kč

The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found - Lees Jordan

''Completely fantastic'' A.F. Steadman, bestselling author of Skandar and the Unicorn ThiefThe spell-binding world-building of Philip Pullman with the page-turning kid appeal of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief. Discover a world of magic and secrets, friendship and unimaginable quests in this spectacular new fantasy series from the most exciting new voice in children''s books.A boy who doesn''t believe in magic. An impossible world that will change his mind.Eleven-year-old Benjamiah Creek believes in science, logic and the power of reason. He definitely does not believe in magic. But when he receives a mysterious gift in the post - a doll that can transform into a bird - he is led into the impossible (and most definitely magical) world of Wreathenwold, where dark secrets are lost amongst a vast labyrinth of streets.Benjamiah soon finds himself swept along in a dangerous quest - led by the fierce and brilliant Elizabella, who is determined to solve the disappearance of her missing brother.Will Benjamiah ever find his way home and discover his puzzling connection with this strange, enchanted world?‘The Whisperwicks is a brilliantly spun and wholly original story. This is an exciting new voice in children’s fiction’ Abi Elphinstone, bestselling author of Sky Song''Unbelievably good'' Hannah Gold, bestselling author of The Last Bear''A breathtaking debut - I love the heartfelt friendship, fantastical worldbuilding, and sheer amount of warmth that runs throughout this book'' Natasha Hastings, author of The Miraculous Sweetmakers''Lees makes the world of Wreathenwold come alive . . . An adventure story full of twists, action and mild scares that will suit a reader who enjoys Harry Potter, or Percy Jackson, weaving together magic, mythology and human relationships.'' Children''s Books Ireland''Lees writes with confidence and fantastic imagination. Readers attracted to the dark storytelling of Neil Gaiman and Philip Pullman will adore this captivating first instalment in this haunting new series'' Booklist

Objev podobné jako The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found - Lees Jordan

cena 402.0 Kč

The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found - Lees Jordan

The spell-binding world-building of Philip Pullman with the page-turning kid appeal of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief. Discover a world of magic and secrets, friendship and unimaginable quests in this spectacular new fantasy series from the most exciting new voice in children's books.A boy who doesn't believe in magic. An impossible world that will change his mind.Eleven-year-old Benjamiah Creek believes in science, logic and the power of reason.He definitely does not believe in magic. But when he receives a mysterious gift in the post - a doll that can transform into a bird - he is led into the impossible (and most definitely magical) world of Wreathenwold, where dark secrets are lost amongst a vast labyrinth of streets.Benjamiah soon finds himself swept along in a dangerous quest - led by the fierce and brilliant Elizabella, who is determined to solve the disappearance of her missing brother.Will Benjamiah ever find his way home and discover his puzzling connection with this strange, enchanted world?

Objev podobné jako The Whisperwicks: The Labyrinth of Lost and Found - Lees Jordan

cena 399.0 Kč

The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work and Writings of Dr. Spencer Black (1594746168)

Kniha - 208 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Philadelphia. The late 1870s. Home to the famous anatomist and surgeon Dr. Spencer Black. The son of a "resurrectionist" (aka grave robber), Dr. Black develops an unconventional hypothesis: What if the world's most celebrated mythological beasts--mermaids, minotaurs, and satyrs--were in fact the evolutionary ancestors of humankind?

Objev podobné jako The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work and Writings of Dr. Spencer Black (1594746168)

cena 599.0 Kč

Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kesslerová

The eagerly awaited new Emily Windsnap adventure from million-copy-selling author, Liz Kessler. Emily spies a mysterious ship and visits the lost city of Atlantis. Welcome back to the world of Emily Windsnap! A school trip to a beautiful island plunges Emily and her friends into a new adventure. What is the secret of the mysterious ship that sometimes appears on the horizon, and does the answer lie in the lost city of Atlantis? Emily's adventures have been captivating fans for more than ten years, and this is the eagerly awaited sixth book in the bestselling series.

Objev podobné jako Emily Windsnap and the Ship of Lost Souls (Book 6) - Liz Kesslerová

cena 223.0 Kč

Christine And The Queens - Chris (2 LP + CD)

Barva: Černá Subžánr: Indie Pop;Electro Interpret / Téma: Christine And The Queens Typ: LP deska;Album;CD Rok vydání: 2018.0 Žánr: Pop Datum vydání: 2018-09-21 Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Universal Music Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Balení obsahuje: LP;CD Země interpreta: Francie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: Chris (2 LP + CD) Složení setu: 3 ks

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cena 571.5 Kč

The Guardians (1473684625)

Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Guardians (1473684625)

cena 233.0 Kč

Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) - CD (7559791740)

Hudební CD - Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Vychází na CD a 2LP. Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Americká zpěvačka, písničkářka a skladatelka, majitelka třinácti cen Grammy často spoluúčinkovala na skladbách slavnějších kolegů. Spolupracovala s Neilem Youngem, Lindou Ronstandt, Roy Orbisonem, Dolly Parton, Bobem Dylenem nebo Markem Knopflerem. Rok vydání : 2021 (live) Seznam stop CD Roses in the Snow (Live) / Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Live) / Beneath Still Waters (Live) / If I Could Only Win Your Love (Live) / Amarillo...

Objev podobné jako Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) - CD (7559791740)

cena 399.0 Kč

Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) (2x LP) - LP (7559791743)

LP vinyl - Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Ramble in Music City: The Lost Concert je záznam vystoupení americké hudebnice Emmylou Harris se skupinou The Nash Ramblers z roku 1990 v Nasvhillu. Mezi hosty vystoupení byli Sam Bush, Roy Huskey Jr., Larry Atamanuik, Al Perkins a Jon Randall Stewart. Vychází na CD a 2LP. Americká zpěvačka, písničkářka a skladatelka, majitelka třinácti cen Grammy často spoluúčinkovala na skladbách slavnějších kolegů. Spolupracovala s Neilem Youngem, Lindou Ronstandt, Roy Orbisonem, Dolly Parton, Bobem Dylenem nebo Markem Knopflerem. Rok vydání : 2021 (live) Seznam stop LP1 Roses in the Snow (Live) / Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (Live) / Beneath Still Waters (Live) / If I Could Only Win Your Love (Live) / Amarillo...

Objev podobné jako Harris Emmylou And The Nash Ramblers: Ramble In Music City: The Lost Concert (Live) (2x LP) - LP (7559791743)

cena 579.0 Kč

The History of Middle-Earth 05: The Lost Road and Other Writings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien

The fifth volume of the History of Middle-earth, containing the early myths and legends which led to the writing of Tolkien's epic tale of war, The Silmarillion.

Objev podobné jako The History of Middle-Earth 05: The Lost Road and Other Writings - J. R. R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien

cena 312.0 Kč

Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills : The - Subaru

The manga adaptation of the novel Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills, by Greg Rucka, revisits fan-favorite characters Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe before they joined the Rebellion in the blockbuster film Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Jump into hyperspace with all-new Star Wars publishing! The Force is with me, and I am one with the Force. - Chirrut Imwe Presiding over the Kyber Temple on Jedha, the Guardians of the Whills, Baze Malbus and Chirrut Imwe, had hoped to maintain a peaceful balance despite the growing presence of the Empire in their Holy City. They struggle to maintain their beliefs as stormtroopers threaten to take over, when Saw Gerrera appears offering them a chance to help Jedha. How far are Baze and Chirrut willing to compromise for peace, or will Saw's plan be too dangerous to risk? Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills revisits Baze and Chirrut before they meet the rebellion members who turn the tide in the fight against the Empire in Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. Writer Jon Tsuei and manga artist Subaru bring the origin story of this fan-favorite duo to life in a new manga adaptation based on the novel by Greg Rucka.

Objev podobné jako Star Wars: Guardians of the Whills : The - Subaru

cena 349.0 Kč

Go Wild: Find Freedom and Adventure in the Great Outdoors - Chris Naylor

The great outdoors is the beating heart of our world, but modern life is pulling us ever further away from it. Spending our time shut away indoors and hunched over screens, we’ve lost touch with nature, and it’s harming our health and our happiness. But it’s never too late to find our way back. This book will help you find a way of reconnecting with the great outdoors. Whether you like to walk, run or swim, admire the wildlife or forage for wild foods, within these pages there will be something to inspire you to get out into the fresh air and reignite your sense of wonder at the world around you. Nature is a balm for the body and soul, so escape the pace of the everyday and set yourself free: get out there, find adventure, and go wild!

Objev podobné jako Go Wild: Find Freedom and Adventure in the Great Outdoors - Chris Naylor

cena 491.0 Kč

Christine And The Queens: Chris 2018 (2x LP +CD) - LP+CD (2543601)

LP vinyl - Christine and the Queens, vlastním jménem Hélo?se Letissier, (* 1. června 1988) je francouzská zpěvačka. Christine and the Queens, vlastním jménem Hélo?se Letissier, (* 1. června 1988) je francouzská zpěvačka. Narodila se v Nantes, kde její otec vyučoval angličtinu na univerzitě. Její matka byla rovněž učitelkou. Studovala divadlo na École normale supérieure de Lyon a v roce 2010 se usadila v Paříži. Zanedlouho začala používat umělecké jméno Christine and the Queens a v roce 2011 vydala první extended play Miséricorde. Později vydala několik dalších EP a singlů. Svou první dlouhohrající desku, nazvanou Chaleur humaine, vydala v roce 2014. Ta se umístila na druhé příčce francouzské hitparády a bodovala též v hitparádách v dalších zemích. Druhá deska s názvem Chris následovala v roce 2018. Obsah: LP 1 A1. Comme si A2. Girlfriend A3. The Walker B1. Doesn't Matter B2. 5 Dollars B3. Goya Soda C2. What's-her-face C3. Feel So Good D1. Make Some Sense D2....

Objev podobné jako Christine And The Queens: Chris 2018 (2x LP +CD) - LP+CD (2543601)

cena 619.0 Kč

Guardians of the Galaxy Budík - Groot

Stolní budík s licencí a grafikou Groota z filmu Strážci Galaxie. Produkt je napájen USB kabelem, který je součástí balení.

Objev podobné jako Guardians of the Galaxy Budík - Groot

cena 894.0 Kč

The Lost Symbol (9780552161237)

Kniha - autor Dan Brown, 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Impossible to put down . . . Another mind-blowing Robert Langdon story' New York Times A mysterious invitation brings Robert Langdon to Washington DC. There, he is presented with a sequence of bloody clues which he must unravel if he is to prevent a terrible plan. But all is not as it seems in this dangerous city - an ancient organisation will reassert its power once more. The only man standing in its way - Robert Langdon. Dan Brown is the bestselling author of Digital Fortress, Deception Point, Angels and Demons, The Da Vinci Code, The Lost Symbol and most recently, Inferno. Three of his Robert Langdon novels have been adapted for the screen by Ron Howard, starring Tom Hanks. They have all been international blockbusters. His new Robert Langdon novel, Origin will be out in Autumn 2017. Dan Brown is a graduate of Amherst College and Phillips Exeter Academy, where he has taught English...

Objev podobné jako The Lost Symbol (9780552161237)

cena 226.0 Kč

The Lost Spells (0241444640)

Kniha - autor Robert Macfarlane; Jackie Morris, 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A timeless, stunning gift to be pored over and cherished for years - dazzlingly beautiful and richly inventive, discover the magical new book from the creators of The Lost Words. Kindred in spirit to The Lost Words but fresh in its form, The Lost Spells is a pocket-sized treasure that introduces a beautiful new set of natural spell-poems and artwork by beloved creative duo Robert Macfarlane and Jackie Morris. Each "spell" conjures an animal, bird, tree or flower — from Barn Owl to Red Fox, Grey Seal to Silver Birch, Jay to Jackdaw — with which we share our lives and landscapes. Moving, joyful and funny, The Lost Spells above all celebrates a sense of wonder, bearing witness to nature's power to amaze, console and bring joy. Written to be read aloud, painted in brushstrokes that call to the forest, field, riverbank and also to the heart, The Lost Spells summons back...

Objev podobné jako The Lost Spells (0241444640)

cena 399.0 Kč

Guardians of the Galaxy - Groot - tričko (BILGGV00008)

Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, znáte z Marvel a Strážci Galaxie, materiál bavlna Hlavní přednosti trička Logoshirt Tričko Logoshirt je připraveno na běžné nošení i sportovní aktivity Potisk zaujme hlavně ty, kterým se líbí Marvel a Strážci Galaxie Materiálem je bavlna Pohodlné bavlněné tričko dokáže účinně odvádět vlhkost Tričko s krátkými rukávy S kulatým výstřihem

Objev podobné jako Guardians of the Galaxy - Groot - tričko (BILGGV00008)

cena 449.0 Kč

The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner

With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time.Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary’s fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries.Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary’s in a stunning twist of fate—and not everyone will survive.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner

cena 259.0 Kč

The Lost Bookshop - Evie Woods

**Evie Woods'' stunning new novel The Story Collector is available now**The Echo of Old Books meets The Lost Apothecary in this evocative and charming novel full of mystery and secrets.‘The thing about books,’ she said ‘is that they help you to imagine a life bigger and better than you could ever dream of.’On a quiet street in Dublin, a lost bookshop is waiting to be found…For too long, Opaline, Martha and Henry have been the side characters in their own lives.But when a vanishing bookshop casts its spell, these three unsuspecting strangers will discover that their own stories are every bit as extraordinary as the ones found in the pages of their beloved books. And by unlocking the secrets of the shelves, they find themselves transported to a world of wonder… where nothing is as it seems.Readers have fallen in love with The Lost Bookshop:‘Beautifully written and captures the wonder and awe that a story can bring to its reader…a delightful story for any book lover…an ode to storytelling and the connections that books can make!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Wowwww!! It’s been awhile since I read something so fascinating, captivating and special all in one…It takes you on a journey like most books do, but this one, I just want to inscribe on my back and hope that it becomes a part of me so that I can carry it with me always’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A must read for readers that love books’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A beautiful story that begs to be read in one sitting…a magical story filled with beautiful prose and many surprises that readers will not soon forget’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This spellbinding book hooked me from the very beginning and I couldn''t put it down til the end’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A love story, one with books and booklovers at its heart. A warm, wonderful novel that sweeps up the reader into an absorbing, magical tale’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘If you enjoy books by the Brontë sisters … then I would fully recommend you read this book’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This novel has it all: wit, a dash of magic, and a large heart. A fantastic read’⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Lost Bookshop - Evie Woods

cena 241.0 Kč

The Lost Metal - Brandon Sanderson

Return to #1 New York Times bestseller Brandon Sanderson's Mistborn world of Scadrial as its second era, which began with THE ALLOY OF LAW, comes to its earth-shattering conclusion in THE LOST METAL. For years, frontier lawman turned big-city senator Waxillium Ladrian has hunted the shadowy organization the Set - with his late uncle and his sister among their leaders - since they started kidnapping people with the power of Allomancy in their bloodlines. When Detective Marasi Colms and her partner, Wayne, find stockpiled weapons bound for the Outer City of Bilming, this opens a new lead.Conflict between the capital, Elendel, and the Outer Cities only favors the Set, and their tendrils now reach to the Elendel Senate - whose corruption Wax and his wife, Steris, have sought to expose - and Bilming is even more entangled. After Wax discovers a new type of explosive that can unleash unprecedented destruction and realizes that the Set must already have it, an immortal kandra serving Scadrial's god, Harmony, reveals that Bilming has fallen under the influence of another god: Trell, worshipped by the Set. And Trell isn't the only factor at play from the larger Cosmere - Marasi is recruited by offworlders with strange abilities who claim their goal is to protect Scadrial...at any cost.Wax must choose whether to set aside his rocky relationship with God and once again become the Sword that Harmony has groomed him to be. If no one steps forward to be the hero Scadrial needs, the planet and its millions of people will come to a sudden and calamitous ruin.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Metal - Brandon Sanderson

cena 89.0 Kč

The Lost Man - Jane Harperová

The gripping new novel from the author of the Sunday Times top ten bestsellers, The Dry and Force of Nature. He had started to remove his clothes as logic had deserted him, and his skin was cracked. Whatever had been going through Cameron's mind when he was alive, he didn't look peaceful in death.Two brothers meet at the remote border of their vast cattle properties under the unrelenting sun of the outback. In an isolated part of Australia, they are each other's nearest neighbour, their homes hours apart.They are at the stockman's grave, a landmark so old that no one can remember who is buried there. But today, the scant shadow it casts was the last hope for their middle brother, Cameron. The Bright family's quiet existence is thrown into grief and anguish. Something had been troubling Cameron. Did he choose to walk to his death? Because if he didn't, the isolation of the outback leaves few suspects...

Objev podobné jako The Lost Man - Jane Harperová

cena 214.0 Kč

Cordae - The Lost Boy (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 140 g Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Typ: LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Hip Hop;Rap Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2024.0 Subžánr: Rap;Hip Hop Interpret / Téma: Cordae Vydavatelství: Warner Music Datum vydání: 2024-11-22 Varianta: The Lost Boy (LP)

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cena 947.0 Kč

The Lost Memories - Lorna Cook

Readers will be captivated by this story of love, sacrifice, and destiny, where the past and present collide to rewrite the future.“The Lost Memories gathered me up and swept me away. A beautiful, uplifting tale of life’s many types of love, and how the truest are never forgotten.” Amanda Geard–––––––––––––––-Suffolk, 1944. American pilot Charlie’s second tour is about to draw to a close, but his heart is forever changed when he meets Kitty, a local girl with dreams of joining the Women’s Land Army. As love blooms, the pair are all too aware that every perilous mission Charlie flies may well be his last…Suffolk, 2011. When Kitty’s granddaughter and ambitious tearoom owner Amy meets American tourist and photographer Jack, she agrees to show him around in exchange for his photographic talents. The deal quickly grows into an unexpected bond – but when long-buried secrets emerge, neither of their worlds will ever be the same again…The Lost Memories is a heartwarming, multi-generational love story, perfect for fans of Kate Quinn, Lucinda Riley and Kate Morton.–––––––––––––––-READERS ARE LOVING THE LOST MEMORIES:‘No one does epic, sweeping romance as well as Lorna Cook!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I loved everything about this book…deserves a place on everyone’s summer reading list.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This is a very special novel, delivered with a warm and loving hand.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Truly swept me away and pulled my heart in so many directions while invoking tears, sighs, smiles and laughter.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I was sorry when it ended. Couldn’t put it down. One of the best novels I have read.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This is such a beautiful story… It is wonderfully heartfelt and fantastically written.'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Another dual timeline gem from Cook.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The storyline is superb…one of those books that leaves you with a warm cosy feeling.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Lost Memories - Lorna Cook

cena 295.0 Kč

The Lost Paths - Jack Cornish

***LONGLISTED FOR NATURE WRITING, THE WAINWRIGHT PRIZE 2024***Discover the rich history of Britain''s millennia-old network of pathways, and it will be impossible to take an unremarkable walk again . . .''A nostalgic amble through the history of travel in England and Wales, and an examination of the routes that make up our modern path network. Jack Cornish interlaces titbits of travel, history, personal reflection and anecdote'' The Times''Cornish’s book delves back in history and is written with a sense of urgency. On each page you discover an enticing new vista'' Mail on Sunday--- Hundreds of thousands of miles of paths reach into – and connect – communities across England and Wales. More than just a practical way for us to walk, ride and cycle, they are an inheritance from our past, revealing how our ancestors interacted with and shaped their surroundings. From Iron Age footsteps to Anglo-Saxon mercenary trails, through Railway Age tracks and Home Army defences, our land reveals a hidden history of us. But thousands of miles are still missing from our maps, and they will be lost forever unless they are urgently reclaimed. Fighting for these paths’ survival through his work with the Ramblers Association, Jack Cornish has spent years walking and recording these forgotten routes – those that have been lost, those that have been saved and those which remain hidden in plain sight. The Lost Paths is a history of the people who have used, and in some cases created, these walkways:The drovers who herded their sheep and cattle to marketThe wanderers who travelled between workhouses, seeking shelter and subsistenceThe miners who ventured deep underground along the Cornish coastThe wartime heroes who built up Britain’s defensive infrastructure This incredible ‘ordinary’ history of the land beneath our feet reminds us just how precious these paths are, and have been, to the human story of this island. This is a celebration of an ancient network and a rallying cry to reclaim what has been lost and preserve it for future generations.---‘Marvellous. Cornish is the ideal companion on the road: interested in everything, learned, acute, and a splendid story-teller’ Charles Foster, author of Being a Beast''A rallying cry to reclaim lost routes and preserve this precious resource for future generations'' Walk Magazine

Objev podobné jako The Lost Paths - Jack Cornish

cena 591.0 Kč

The Lost World - Michael Crichton

''Gripping'' Sunday Express''Action-packed'' New York Daily News''Another monster hit by a giant of a writer'' The Daily Express''The Lost World moves at a spanking pace. . . recommended as first-rate entertainment'' The Spectator_____________________The bestselling sequel to Jurassic ParkSomething has survived.Six years have passed since the secret disaster at Jurassic Park. In the years since the extraordinary dream of science and imagination came to a crashing end, the island has been indefinitely closed to the public, its park dismantled, the dinosaurs themselves destroyed.Or so it was thought.But something has survived. And when a team led by maverick scientist Ian Malcolm enters the mysterious ''Site B'' to investigate, they are determined that this, at last, will be the end of the dinosaurs..._____________________More praise for The Lost World''Harrowing thrills. . . fast-paced and engaging'' People''Fast and gripping'' The Washington Post''A very scary read'' Entertainment Weekly''An edge-of-the-seat tale'' St. Petersburg Times

Objev podobné jako The Lost World - Michael Crichton

cena 295.0 Kč

The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan

When Jason, Piper and Leo crash land at Camp Half-Blood, they have no idea what to expect. Apparently this is the only safe place for children of the Greek Gods - despite the monsters roaming the woods and demigods practising archery with flaming arrows and explosives. But rumours of a terrible curse - and a missing hero - are flying around camp.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Hero - Rick Riordan

cena 214.0 Kč

The Lost Lover - Karen Swan

An epic first love. A second chance . . .'One of our most prolific and talented writers’ – Santa MontefioreYoung Flora MacQueen has always dreamt of more than life on the small Scottish island of St Kilda. So, when she catches the eye of visiting adventurer and wealthy businessman James Callaghan, her future seems brighter.Winter seas separate the lovers but the island’s evacuation the following summer promises to reunite them – until tragedy strikes.Heartbroken and needing to support her family on the mainland, a chance meeting offers hope. Soon Flora is the toast of glamorous Paris; fame and fortune are hers for the taking. But at a high price.When a scandal erupts back home, she is implicated, along with her friends, Effie and Mhairi. But then a deception comes to light that will change everything . . .The Lost Lover is Book Three in Karen Swan's bestselling Wild Isle series, following The Last Summer and The Stolen Hours.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Lover - Karen Swan

cena 502.0 Kč

The Lost Girl - Rosie Goodwin

1875With their father missing and their mother suddenly passing, Esme and Gabriel are forced to track down their estranged grandfather in Lincolnshire. Cold and unwelcoming, he is reluctant to take them in, but aware of his standing as the village vicar, he knows must protect his reputation, and allow the children to stay with him.Esme's relief at finding refuge soon turns to despair when Gabriel is sent to boarding school, leaving her alone in their grandfather's unhappy home. But the house isn't as empty as it first appeared and Esme, with her unusual gift of being able to see spirits, begins to encounter the ghosts of young women in the abandoned rooms and dark corridors of the rectory. The women are trapped between this world and the next, seeking help from Esme and leaving her with a mystery to solve if she is to stand a chance of establishing a peaceful, happy life.Can Esme lay the ghosts to rest to save herself and find the life she deserves?

Objev podobné jako The Lost Girl - Rosie Goodwin

cena 266.0 Kč

The Lost Lionesses - Gail Emms

A captivating and moving account of the first England women''s football team that took part in the 1971 World Cup - detailing the injustice faced by those who took part and its effect on the women''s game as a whole. Told by the team themselves and written by the celebrity daughter of the main striker.''Don''t laugh, one day there may be a female Arsenal'', one headline read amidst the ridicule following the First Women''s World Cup in 1971.The spotlight was on the original lionesses, a diverse group of schoolgirls, bank clerks, and telephonists, primarily hailing from Chiltern Valley football club, run by a 60-year-old, multilingual bus driver called Harry. These amateur girls emerged as England''s first women''s football team at the 1971 World Cup in Mexico, only to face scorn once returned home. They were mocked by the press and their achievements were undermined. Players were banned for three months to two years if they tried to play with another team. The heroes had been punished.50 years later, the time has come to tell their truth.Narrated by the daughter of one of the team members, Janice Barton, with unprecedented access to the secrets and insights of the first ever woman''s team, this is a multi-generational story celebrating the power of a group of women who refused to accept the status quo - revealing how the events of 1971 shaped mother and daughter''s lives both personally and professionally.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Lionesses - Gail Emms

cena 650.0 Kč

The Lost Daughter - Elena Ferrante

A NEW EDITION TO TIE IN WITH THE CRITICALLY ACCLAIMED FILM DIRECTED BY MAGGIE GYLLENHAAL, STARRING OLIVIA COLMAN, DAKOTA JOHNSON AND PAUL MESCALFrom the international bestselling author of MY BRILLIANT FRIENDLeda is devoted to her work as an English teacher and to her two children. When her daughters leave home to be with their father in Canada, Leda anticipates a period of loneliness and longing. Instead, slightly embarrassed by the sensation, she feels liberated, as if her life has become lighter, easier.She decides to take a holiday by the sea, in a small coastal town in southern Italy. But after a few days of calm and quiet, things begin to take a menacing turn. Leda encounters a family whose brash presence proves unsettling, at times even threatening. When a small, apparently meaningless, event occurs, Leda is overwhelmed by memories of the difficult and unconventional choices she made as a mother and their consequences for herself and her family. The seemingly serene tale of a woman’s pleasant rediscovery of herself soon becomes the story of a ferocious confrontation with an unsettled past. The Lost Daughter is a compelling and perceptive meditation on womanhood and motherhood, exploring the conflicting emotions that tie us to our children.18M copies of Elena Ferrante''s books sold worldwide

Objev podobné jako The Lost Daughter - Elena Ferrante

cena 266.0 Kč

The Lost Whale - Hannah Gold

The Lost Whale is the enchanting second novel from the author of The Last Bear: the bestselling debut hardback of 2021 and The Times Children's Book of the Week, winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize and the Blue Peter Award and shortlisted for the British Book Awards and the Indie Book Awards 2022'Unforgettable highly accomplished animal adventure about the connection between a boy and a whale, with strong ecological themes' The Bookseller, Editor's ChoiceWhat if you could communicate with a whale?Rio has been sent to live with a grandmother he barely knows in California, while his mum is in hospital back home. Alone and adrift, the only thing that makes him smile is joining his new friend Marina on her dad's whale watching trips. That is until an incredible encounter with White Beak, a gentle giant of the sea changes everything. But when White Beak goes missing, Rio must set out on a desperate quest to find his whale and somehow save his mum.Dive into this incredible story about the connection between a boy and a whale and the bond that sets them both free.Perfect for readers of 8+, beautifully illustrated throughout by Levi Pinfold - winner of the Kate Greenaway Medal and illustrator of Harry Potter 20th anniversary edition covers.

Objev podobné jako The Lost Whale - Hannah Gold

cena 223.0 Kč

The Lost Sunlion - Lee Newbery

The third magical adventure in the Last Firefox series. When out-of-control weather brings danger to his home town, Charlie Challinor suspects that more than climate change might be to blame. Heading back to Fargone with Cadno the firefox, Lippy and Roo, Charlie discovers the magical realm is also in dire peril.The sinister giant Gawr has stolen the Cariad, the Heart of Fargone, mixing up the world's magic and plunging the land into chaos. With the Cariad's ancient guardian, the sunlion Llew, missing in action, only Charlie and his friends can save the day - but at what cost . . . ?

Objev podobné jako The Lost Sunlion - Lee Newbery

cena 236.0 Kč

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