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The Wood at Midwinter - Susanna Clarková

‘A church is a sort of wood. A wood is a sort of church. They’re the same thing really.’Nineteen-year-old Merowdis Scott is an unusual girl.She can talk to animals and trees – and she is only ever happy when she is walking in the woods. One snowy afternoon, out with her dogs and Apple the pig, Merowdis encounters a blackbird and a fox. As darkness falls, a strange figure enters in their midst – and the path of her life is changed forever.

Podívejte se také The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368)

cena 294.0 Kč

Piranesi - Susanna Clarková

Piranesi vždycky žil v Domě. Ten má stovky, ne-li tisíce místností a chodeb, v nichž je uvězněný oceán. Vodní labyrint. Piranesi se čas od času vídá se svým přítelem, Tím druhým, jenž Piranesiho potřebuje pro vědecký výzkum Velkých a Tajných Vědomostí. Piranesi si své poznatky zaznamenává do deníku. Pak se začnou objevovat vzkazy; ne vše je takové, jak se zdá. A když vyjdou na světlo důkazy o existenci dalšího člověka možná i jiného světa mimo zdi Domu, Piranesi začne rozplétat pavučinu lží - i když je pravda všechno, jen ne příjemná. Piranesi je hlavní postava románu. Giovanni Battista Piranesi byl italský malíř z osmnáctého století, který proslul cyklem čtrnácti leptů Smyšlené představy žalářů. Svět Labyrintu a Piranesiho kresby mají hodně společného. Originální fantasy s hutnou atmosférou od autorky bestselleru Jonathan Strange a pan Norell.

Podívejte se také Gerry & the Pacemakers: Live At The BBC - CD (9029563631)

cena 348.0 Kč

Piranesi - Susanna Clarková

Piranesi lives in the House. Perhaps he always has. In his notebooks, day after day, he makes a clear and careful record of its wonders: the labyrinth of halls, the thousands upon thousands of statues, the tides that thunder up staircases, the clouds that move in slow procession through the upper halls. On Tuesdays and Fridays Piranesi sees his friend, the Other. At other times he brings tributes of food to the Dead. But mostly, he is alone. Messages begin to appear, scratched out in chalk on the pavements. There is someone new in the House. But who are they and what do they want? Are they a friend or do they bring destruction and madness as the Other claims? Lost texts must be found; secrets must be uncovered. The world that Piranesi thought he knew is becoming strange and dangerous. The Beauty of the House is immeasurable; its Kindness infinite.

Podívejte se také Panic! At The Disco: Pray For The Wicked - CD (7567865715)

cena 241.0 Kč

Piranesi - Susanna Clarková - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Když žijete v labyrintu a společnost vám dělají němé sochy, začnete časem pochybovat o vlastní příčetnosti... Podivný Dům se stovkami síní, jehož základy omývají mořské vlny a pod jehož střechou plují mraky, představoval pro muže přezdívaného Piranesi celý svět, obývaný pouze mrtvými a Tím druhým. S příchodem nečekaných návštěvníků se ovšem jednoho dne objeví množství palčivých otázek, týkajících se mimo jiné protagonistovy skutečné identity, pravé povahy jeho vztahu k Tomu druhému a v neposlední řadě možné existence dalších světů za hranicemi Domu. Piranesi tak začne skládat dohromady jednotlivé dostupné střípky informací, z nichž mnohé jsou ukryté v jeho vlastních denících – on si ovšem nepamatuje, že si je poznamenal! Nalézt kýžené odpovědi se však ukazuje být stejně těžké jako odejít z tohoto labyrintu... Originální fantastický příběh od autorky bestselleru Jonathan Strange a pan Norell doprovází hudba Vladivojny La Chii.

Objev podobné jako Piranesi - Susanna Clarková - audiokniha

cena 349.0 Kč

The King's Messenger - Susanna Kearsley

‘Thoroughly researched and told with brilliantly compelling authenticity. I loved it’ Barbara Erskine, bestselling author of The Story SpinnerFor fans of Diana Gabaldon and Philippa Gregory, courtly rivalry and intrigue… He is tasked with the most dangerous of missions. She is only there from duty. But in the face of treachery and injustice, might they need each other more than they could know…? 1613: Scotland and England, unified under one crown, are reeling from the sudden death of King James’ popular eldest son, Henry, as rumours swirl that the prince was poisoned. Andrew Logan, one of the King’s Messengers, is sent north with secret orders to find and arrest the man the king suspects. Phoebe Westaway cannot abide Andrew Logan. But when her ageing father is tasked with helping Logan, Phoebe finds herself with no choice but to join them in their quest to capture Sir David Moray, once Prince Henry’s trusted courtier, and carry him to London to stand trial for the prince’s murder. It’s a journey rife with complications. Sir David has no intention of allowing himself to be delivered to London, and as he draws them deeper into the dark web of court alliances and rivalries, Phoebe realises she might have more need of Logan than she believes. A story of justice, honour, truth and love – and survival against impossible odds… Praise for The Vanished Days: ‘Fascinating and immersive… I love a novel that deals with the many ways in which people keep their secrets’ DIANA GABALDON ‘A hugely engrossing book and a complete world created’ IAN RANKIN ‘The Vanished Days is an absolute tour de force of historical storytelling, tender and dramatic, gripping and authentic. Kearsley manages effortlessly to balance the epic sweep of the drama with telling moments of gentle characterization, all delivered in pitch-perfect style. I thoroughly enjoyed it: a perfect escape in these dark days’ JANE JOHNSON, author of The Salt Road and The Tenth Gift ‘An engrossing and deeply romantic novel of Scotland’s Jacobite rebellion’ RACHEL HORE ‘This novel tells of a tender love story set amid the Jacobite rebellion. For readers unfamiliar with the twists and turns of this period of Scottish history, author Kearsley provides a helpful map, along with rich details of the protagonists. Courage in this era lies not in acts of heroic daring, but in steadfast pursuit of truth and justice. Perfect for fans of Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander’ WOMAN & HOME

Objev podobné jako The King's Messenger - Susanna Kearsley

cena 591.0 Kč

Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery - Agatha Christie

An all-new collection of winter-themed mysteries from the master of the genre, just in time for the festive period. There's a chill in the air and the days are growing shorter… It's the perfect time to curl up in front of a crackling fireplace with this winter-themed collection from legendary mystery writer Agatha Christie. But beware of deadly snowdrifts and dangerous gifts, poisoned meals and mysterious guests.This compendium of short stories, some featuring beloved detectives Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple, is an essential omnibus for Christie fans and the perfect gift for mystery lovers. INCLUDES THE STORIES: The Chocolate Box A Christmas Tragedy The Coming of Mr Quin The Mystery of the Baghdad Chest The Clergyman's Daughter The Plymouth Express Problem at Pollensa Bay Sanctuary The Mystery of Hunter's Lodge The World's End The Manhood of Edward Robinson Christmas Adventure

Objev podobné jako Midwinter Murder: Fireside Tales from the Queen of Mystery - Agatha Christie

cena 443.0 Kč

Dinner At Hol's - Hollie Wood

This family-friendly cookbook from social media sensation Dinner At Hol's - aka Hollie, a recipe creator and mum of two young children - will have everyone cooking up quick, tasty and affordable dinners at home.

Objev podobné jako Dinner At Hol's - Hollie Wood

cena 738.0 Kč

Midwinter - John Buchan - e-kniha

eBook: The Jacobite army marches into England and Alistair Maclean, close confident of Charles Edward Stewart embarks on a secret mission to raise support for the cause in the west.He soon begins to suspect someone close to the Prince is passing information to the Government, but just as he closes in on the traitor his own life is put in danger. Who is the turncoat and can Maclean save his own life and his Prince?

Objev podobné jako Midwinter - John Buchan - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

Annie is born into a world where like most of us she meets her Granny. She plays with her, she learns from her, they talk together and they even share their secrets together. As Annie grows and comes to know the world, Granny slowly leaves it. Annie is there with Granny right to the end and even plays with her afterwards. Now how does she do that?

Objev podobné jako Annie and her Granny - About the Life at the Beginning and at the End - Martina Špinková

cena 286.0 Kč

Behind the Scenes at the Museum

Take an exclusive tour of the world's most exciting museums and discover their hidden treasures.This behind-the-scenes guide showcases a huge range of incredible artefacts from history and reveals the hard work, care, and effort that goes into collecting, preserving, and storing them. Ever wondered what happens to an astronaut's space suit after it's been worn on the Moon? Or how the world's most valuable diamond is looked after? Find out all about how museums work and the people that make it happen - from how historians care for Anne Frank's diary to what it takes to excavate and exhibit a wooly mammoth skeleton. Behind the Scenes at the Museum gives you exclusive access to hidden objects that aren't normally on public display. It lets you into a world of animal specimens pickled in jars, priceless jewellery too valuable to be on display, and fragile papers that must be kept in carefully controlled conditions. Filled with incredible images, step-by-step explanations of exciting techniques, and job profiles of the people that make it happen, Behind the Scenes at the Museum offers unique, behind-the-curtain access to the secret delights of the world's most interesting museums.

Objev podobné jako Behind the Scenes at the Museum

cena 402.0 Kč

Sovětský román - Clarková Katerina

Monografie Kateriny Clarkové, zabývající se historií a vývojem románu jako protežovaného žánru socialistického realismu, představovala na počátku 80. let 20. století významný milník v analýze sovětské literatury. Autorka přiřkla na Západě zavrhovaným ideologickým dílům vlastní hlas a interpretovala je nikoli z perspektivy západního kánonu klasické literatury, ale z hlediska kontinuity a klíčových dichotomií, které vyprovázely ruskou / sovětskou kulturu napříč 19. a 20. stoletím. S použitím antropologických teorií rozkrývá vývoj sovětského románu jako komplexní a proměnlivé pole, na němž se střetávají mocenské, společenské i výsostně literární faktory. Vnímá jej nejen jako výsledek vědomé mocenské represe, ale i jako prostředek oboustranného vyjednávání mezi politikou a literaturou, jako rituální prostor, v němž krystalizují významné kulturní síly utvářející celou sovětskou společnost. Kniha tak mimo jiné nabízí inspirativní pohled na dynamiku a mnohotvárnost socialistického realismu, který bývá občas chápán en bloc jako statický souhrn utilitárních politických doktrín.

Objev podobné jako Sovětský román - Clarková Katerina

cena 416.0 Kč

Sportovní výživa - Nancy Clarková

V šestém (u nás čtvrtém), upraveném vydání knihy Sportovní výživa dostanete ty nejlepší rady od mezinárodně uznávané odbornice na výživu. Ať už sportujete vrcholově nebo se jen zajímáte o zdravý životní styl, Nancy Clarková vám poradí, jak z výživy dostat maximum. Pomůže vám s výběrem potravin v obchodě i restauraci, ale také s tím, co jíst před cvičením, během něj i po něm. Díky 89 originálním receptům budete vědět, jaké vyvážené pokrmy můžete připravovat ve vlastní kuchyni. Dozvíte se všechno o dietách bez hladovění, zdravém nabírání na váze i specifických výživových potřebách sportovců bojujících s poruchami příjmu potravy. Kniha vychází z ověřených vědeckých poznatků a pomůže vám zorientovat se ve světě stravovacích plánů, sacharidů, bílkovin, příjmu tekutin, biopotravin, potravinových doplňků nebo hubnutí nebo tvorby svalové tkáně.

Objev podobné jako Sportovní výživa - Nancy Clarková

cena 357.0 Kč

Podvod - Carol Higgins Clarková

Regan Reillyovou by nenapadlo, že její návštěvu na západním pobřeží, kde začínala jako soukromý detektiv, tak ovlivní náhodně setkání s kamarádkou, s níž se před lety seznámila v televizní soutěži. Tentokrát přijela do Los Angeles s manželem Jackem, velitelem policejní jednotky pro řešení závažné trestné činnosti, který má ve městě pracovní povinnosti. Až jeho jednání skončí, chtěli si jen tak vyrazit po okolí.Regan si krátí dlouhou chvíli nákupy a v garáži nákupního centra potká Zeldu, s níže se setkala před sedmi lety v televizním studiu. Ani jedna v soutěži neuspěla, ale Zelda měla štěstí a zdědila osm milionů dolarů po osamělé sousedce, které pomáhala venčit psa. Na charitativní akci vydražila týdenní pobyt ve starém domě v Hollywood Hills. Právě ten den v něm pořádá večírek a pozve i Regan. Dům i jeho okolí jsou překvapivě zanedbané, Zelda má pocit, že by to mělo být naopak, zaplaceno by měl dostat ten, kdo se do něj nastěhuje. Na večírku se Regan seznámí se Zeldinými přáteli, jejím asistentem, finančním poradcem i účetní. Když zábava skončí, Zelda Regan požádá, aby se ještě zdržela, chce se s ní poradit a požádat ji, aby prověřila otcovu novou manželku Bobby Jo, s níž se otec nečekaně oženil na výletě v Las Vegas. Jenže během večera se Zeldě udělá špatně a Regan se neodváží odejít a nechat ji v domě samotnou.Představuje hrozbu pro Zeldu opravdu Bobby Jo? Je to ona, kdo má zájem o její peníze? Komu vlastně patří starý dům a proč je tak zanedbaný? Je jen náhoda, že Regan našla v lese kousek od domu u auta úplně nový řeznický nůž?

Objev podobné jako Podvod - Carol Higgins Clarková

cena 249.0 Kč

The Couple at the Table - Sophie Hannahová

SIX COUPLES. ONE LUXURY RESORT. THE PERFECT MURDER . . .A dream honeymoon...You've madly in love, newly married and at an exclusive resort.A nightmare dinner ...You receive a note warning you to 'Beware of the couple at the table nearest to yours.' There are five other couples. Any of them might have murder in mind.A crime that seems impossible...Who tried to warn you? Who is out to get you?And will you make it home alive?SOPHIE HANNAH IS THE QUEEN OF THE UNGUESSABLE MYSTERY!

Objev podobné jako The Couple at the Table - Sophie Hannahová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Piano at the Station - Helen Rutter

Constantly in trouble at school with little encouragement at home, Lacey’s future looks bleak until she discovers a love of music in this compelling tale by bestseller Helen Rutter.Lacey''s smart tongue and quick temper are constantly getting her confined to isolation at school. But there’s a lot more to her that most people never see, and when Lacey gets sent to lunch-time music lessons to keep her out of trouble, she discovers a love and talent for the piano that opens up a whole new world for her.Just as she’s really beginning to make progress, her music teacher has to leave, which throws Lacey back into turmoil. Will she go back to her self-destructive ways or will music offer her a way to save her from herself?

Objev podobné jako The Piano at the Station - Helen Rutter

cena 236.0 Kč

JHS Pedals The AT+

Kytarový efekt JHS The AT+ je signature overdrive/booster pedál známého kytarového virtuosa Andyho Timmonse. Jedná se o modifikace staršího overdrive/distortion pedálu AT, kdy sekci distortion nahrazuje booster (overdrive obvod je stejný). I v tomto případě tak efekt čerpá inspiraci ve firemní amp-in-box krabičce Angry Charlie, resp. šťavnatém hard/heavy zvuku legendárního britského aparátu Marshall JCM800. Jednotlivé ovladače krabičky věrně simulují chování skutečných potenciometrů zmíněného aparátu, přičemž EQ funguje jako zjednodušená verze třípásmového ekvalizéru a Air jako potenciometr Presence, tj. dodává zvuku vyšší středy/výšky. Třípolohovým switchem upravíte feel pedálu tak aby odpovídal charakteru a odezvě 25, 50 a 100wattových zesilovačů. Sekce Boost lze používat samostatně před kytarovými zesilovači a dalšími overdrive pedály v efektovém řetězci, nebo k nakopnutí overdrive obvodu The AT+. Pedál je zapojen jako true bypass a lze napájet pomocí 9-18V DC center negative adaptérů. Odběr krabičky odpovídá 15mA. JHS Pedals je poměrně nová americká značka se sídlem v Kansas City. Nabízí širokou škálu kytarových a baskytarových pedálových efektů vyrobených v USA.

Objev podobné jako JHS Pedals The AT+

cena 5990.0 Kč

The Boy at the Top of the Mountain (1250115051)

Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Boy at the Top of the Mountain (1250115051)

cena 226.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "DOUGLAS ADAMS IS A TERRIFIC SATIRIST."--The Washington Post Book WorldFacing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability--and desperately in search of a place to eat.Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a longtime friend and expert contributor to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the three-armed, two-headed ex-president of the galaxy; Tricia McMillan, a fellow Earth refugee who's gone native (her name is Trillian now); and Marvin, the moody android who suffers nothing and no one very gladly. Their destination? The ultimate hot spot for an evening of apocalyptic entertainment and...

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

cena 203.0 Kč

The Woman in the Wood - Lesley Pearse

One night in 1960, the twins awake to find their father pulling their screaming mother from the house. She is to be committed to an asylum. It is, so their father insists, for her own good. It's not long before they, too, are removed from their London home and sent to Nightingales - a large house deep in the New Forest countryside - to be watched over by their cold-hearted grandmother, Mrs Mitcham. Though they feel abandoned and unloved, at least here they have something they never had before - freedom. The twins are left to their own devices, to explore, find new friends and first romances. That is until the day that Duncan doesn't come back for dinner. Nor does he return the next day. Or the one after that. When the bodies of other young boys are discovered in the surrounding area the police appear to give up hope of finding Duncan alive. With Mrs Mitcham showing little interest in her grandson's disappearance, it is up to Maisy to discover the truth. And she knows just where to start. The woman who lives alone in the wood about whom so many rumours abound. A woman named Grace Deville. The Woman in the Wood is a powerful, passionate and sinister tale of a young woman's courage, friendship and determination from one of the world's favourite storytellers.

Objev podobné jako The Woman in the Wood - Lesley Pearse

cena 239.0 Kč

The First to Die at the End (9781398519992)

Kniha - autor Adam Silvera, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't.

Objev podobné jako The First to Die at the End (9781398519992)

cena 279.0 Kč

The Doors - Live At The Bowl'68 (LP)

Subžánr: Acid Rock;Psychedelic Rock;Blues;Blues Rock;Rock Datum vydání: 2012-11-19 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: USA Žánr: Blues;Hard Rock;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Doors Rok vydání: 2012.0 Vydavatelství: Rhino Records;Elektra;Atlantic Složení setu: 2 ks Varianta: Live At The Bowl'68 Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;Live;LP deska Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako The Doors - Live At The Bowl'68 (LP)

cena 879.0 Kč

The Lighthouse at the World's End - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny final book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends are headed to the mortal realm in search of the only thing that will shake a very tricky witch off their tail: a priceless stargold locket. It lies hidden in the Nest of a Thousand Treasures, guarded by Nine’s old foe – the formidable gangmaster of all the thieflings in London.Even if Nine can get her hands on the locket, the friends must find a way to release its power – and for that they must travel through the World Between Worlds to the lighthouse on the Isle of Illusion, where nothing is quite as it seems…

Objev podobné jako The Lighthouse at the World's End - Amy Sparkes

cena 241.0 Kč

At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters. This is a gorgeous atlas of eight of the world’s greatest mountains on all its continents: Everest, Fuji, Matterhorn, Kilimanjaro, Denali, Pucak Jaya, Chimborazo and Vinson Massif. Clear, accessible texts by Robin Jacobs break down the geography of each mountain, its flora and fauna, the history of its conquest, tales of local populations and indigenous mythologies, and finally, how best to climb it.The routes to the summit are explained as are the individual climbing challenges posed by each mountain. Further chapters provide information on how mountains are formed, climbing terms, how to tie knots and what to do in case of an avalanche. A must have for any young explorer or climbing enthusiast!

Objev podobné jako At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

cena 491.0 Kč

The Stranger at the Wedding - A. E. Gauntlett

The beautiful bride Annie never believed in true love. Not until she caught sight of Mark on a crowded commuter train. It wasn t until months later that they finally had their picture-perfect first date and after a whirlwind romance, they are now about to tie the knot.The handsome groom Both Annie and Mark have suffered tragedy their shared experience of sorrow has brought them together, but at times the pressure of those losses has also threatened their happiness. Today they will leave all of that in the past, and forge a new life. But not everyone gathered here has come to toast the new couple.The stranger And Annie quickly realises that her new life isn t going to be the happily ever after she had planned. A completely unputdownable, brilliantly sharp, dark and twisty story of love, lies and obsession that is set to be one of 2024's most talked about debuts. Whose side are you on?

Objev podobné jako The Stranger at the Wedding - A. E. Gauntlett

cena 402.0 Kč

The Boy at the Top of the Mountain - Bayne John

When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler. Quickly, Pierrot is taken under Hitler's wing, and is thrown into an increasingly dangerous new world: a world of terror, secrets and betrayal, from which he may never be able to escape.John Boyne was born in Ireland in 1971. He is the author of nine novels for adults, five for young readers and a collection of short stories. Perhaps best known for his 2006 multi-award-winning book The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, John’s other novels, notably The Absolutist and A History of Loneliness, have been widely praised and are international bestsellers. His most recent book is The Boy At The Top Of The Mountain, which sees him returning to the setting of the Second World War. His novels are published in over 45 languages.

Objev podobné jako The Boy at the Top of the Mountain - Bayne John

cena 223.0 Kč

The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

Soon no one on Earth will have a place to hide in this novel about fears known and unknown by #1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz.In retreat from a devastating loss and crushing injustice, Katie lives alone in a fortresslike stone house on Jacob’s Ladder island. Once a rising star in the art world, she finds refuge in her painting.The neighboring island of Ringrock houses a secret: a government research facility. And now two agents have arrived on Jacob’s Ladder in search of someone—or something—they refuse to identify. Although an air of menace hangs over these men, an infinitely greater threat has arrived, one so strange even the island animals are in a state of high alarm.Katie soon finds herself in an epic and terrifying battle with a mysterious enemy. But Katie’s not alone after all: a brave young girl appears out of the violent squall. As Katie and her companion struggle across a dark and eerie landscape, against them is an omnipresent terror that could bring about the end of the world.

Objev podobné jako The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

cena 266.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

Following the smash-hit sci-fi comedy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is the second part in Douglas Adams' multi-media phenomenon and cult classic series. This edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by Monty Python star, Terry Jones.If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe?Which is exactly what Arthur Dent and the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea.And did anyone actually make a reservation?Follow Arthur Dent's galactic (mis)adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

cena 295.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

A special illustrated edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the bestselling magical novel from master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Breathtaking black-and-white illustrations throughout by fine artist and illustrator, Elise Hurst. ''Both a pitch-perfect fantasy and a moving examination of childhood memories and their effects on our adult selves ... superb'' The Times''Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul'' Joanne HarrisThis is what he remembers, as he sits by the ocean at the end of the lane:A dead man on the back seat of the car, and warm milk at the farmhouse.An ancient little girl, and an old woman who saw the moon being made.A beautiful housekeeper with a monstrous smile.And dark forces woken that were best left undisturbed.They are memories hard to believe, waiting at the edge of things. The recollections of a man who thought he was lost but is now, perhaps, remembering a time when he was saved...

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 325.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

It began for our narrator forty years ago when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond the world are on the loose, and it will take everything our narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed - within his family and from the forces that have gathered to destroy it. His only defense is three women, on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang. THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE is a fable that reshapes modern fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac - as pure as a dream, as delicate as a butterfly's wing, as dangerous as a knife in the dark.

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 241.0 Kč

The Cafe at the Edge of the Woods - Mikey Please

Welcome to the Café at the Edge of the Woods, the utterly charming and mesmerising new picture book from BAFTA award-winning writer Mikey Please.Rene''s dreams have finally come true! She''s opened a café beside an enchanted wood, and with the help of a newfound waiter, Glumfoot, she is ready to serve the finest cuisine! But the locals seem to favour a most peculiar palette, requesting all sorts of disgusting things.Can Glumfoot''s quick-thinking save the day?Join Rene and Glumfoot in this incredible other-worldly story full of magical humour, mythical creatures and culinary curiosities.CREATOR AND CODIRECTOR OF THE OSCAR-NOMINATED ANIMATED FILM ROBIN ROBIN, AS SHOWN ON NETFLIX ''I really, really love this story'' – Jon Klassen

Objev podobné jako The Cafe at the Edge of the Woods - Mikey Please

cena 236.0 Kč

The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

A hugely rewarding read." SFX Magazine "James is one to watch." Kirkus Reviews How far would you go to save those you love? Lowrie and Shen are the youngest people on the planet after a virus caused global infertility. Closeted in a pocket of London and doted upon by a small, ageing community, the pair spend their days mudlarking and looking for treasure - until a secret is uncovered that threatens not only their family but humanity's entire existence. Now Lowrie and Shen face an impossible choice: in the quiet at the end of the world, they must decide what to sacrifice to save the whole human race...

Objev podobné jako The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

cena 268.0 Kč

Taken at the Flood (0008129541)

Kniha - autor Agatha Christie, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A few weeks after marrying an attractive widow, Gordon Cloade is tragically killed by a bomb blast in the London blitz. Overnight, the former Mrs. Underhay finds herself in sole possession of the Cloade family fortune. Shortly afterward, Hercule Poirot receives a visit from the dead man's sister-in-law who claims she has been warned by "spirits" that Mrs. Underhay's first husband is still alive. Poirot has his suspicions when he is asked to find a missing person guided only by the spirit world. Yet what mystifies Poirot most is the woman's true motive for approaching him. This title was previously published as There is a Tide...

Objev podobné jako Taken at the Flood (0008129541)

cena 249.0 Kč

Paraván Map on the wood Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Map on the wood Dekorhome

cena 5480.0 Kč

Paraván Map on the wood Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván Map on the wood Dekorhome

cena 5480.0 Kč

LOOK AND READ - in the wood (AJ)

A collection of books specifically designed for kids. Reading is a lot easier with large-print letters, and with fun pictograms! Guess their meaning or look it up in our glossary! Tato barevná kniha obsahuje piktogramy vložené do textu a nahrazující slova ve větě. Malé dítě má během čtení za úkol tyto piktogramy správně pojmenovat (kniha obsahuje i legendu s nápovědou ke každému piktogramu), aby text dával smysl. Tak se dozví spoustu zajímavých informací o zvířatech a zároveň si velmi dobře procvičí představivost, pohotovost a paměť.

Objev podobné jako LOOK AND READ - in the wood (AJ)

cena 196.0 Kč

Brrr! - Susanna Soberg

Máte rádi koupačku? Cože?? Ano, ale jenom v létě?! Nesmysl! Celý svět teď sviští na otužovací vlně. Zkuste plavat i v zimě a zaručujeme vám, že takové koupání se vám zaryje hluboko pod kůži a už se ho zkrátka nebudete chtít vzdát! Nastartujte svou dobrou náladu podle Skandinávského receptu na štěstí, začněte se otužovat!

Objev podobné jako Brrr! - Susanna Soberg

cena 312.0 Kč

Narušení - Susanna Kaysen

Po sezení s psychiatrem, kterého nikdy předtím neviděla, je osmnáctiletá Susanna odeslána do psychiatrické léčebny McLean, aby podstoupila léčbu deprese. Dva roky pak tráví na oddělení pro dospívající dívky a líčí příběhy jednotlivých dívek i vlastních prožitků na pozadí bouřlivých 60. let. S humorem, nadsázkou, ale i s mrazivě kritickým pohledem na odosobněný režim psychiatrické nemocnice se zamýšlí nad tím, co je normální a co je známka šílenství, co je duševní nemoc a jakou cestou se dobrat uzdravení?Kniha byla zfilmována s Winonou Ryder v hlavní a Angelinou Jolie ve vedlejší roli.Susanna Kaysen je americká spisovatelka.

Objev podobné jako Narušení - Susanna Kaysen

cena 89.0 Kč

Slovinsko - Longley Susanna

Pohostinné, úchvatné, neokoukané - takové je Slovinsko, malá evropská země, která nabízí velké množství zimního i letního vyžití. Kromě nepřeberné nabídky nejrůznějších sportovních aktivit a adrenalinové zábavy zde najdete také mnoho architektonických skvostů a dechberoucích přírodních parků. Vydejte se po stopách významného slovinského architekta Josipa Plečnika, který ovlivnil také současný vzhled Pražského hradu. Udělejte si výlet k mizejícímu jezeru Cerknica, které je naprostým světovým unikátem. Osedlejte ušlechtilé lipicány, prohlédněte si místní tajuplné jeskyně a ochutnejte zdejší vína originálních chutí. Na vaší cestě vás skvěle provede tento průvodce prestižní řady Rough Guide, který vás zavede na všechna výjimečná a důležitá místa této sympatické země, poradí vám, kde se ubytovat a co ochutnat, a přiblíží vám také bohatou slovinskou historii.

Objev podobné jako Slovinsko - Longley Susanna

cena 535.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A festive, Christmas edition of the award-winning novel about memory, magic, and survival. *Also appeared in October Buyer's Notes*

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

cena 305.0 Kč

The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

The Stoker Award-winning, taut and propulsive twist on home invasion horror, packed psychological suspense. Soon to be a major film, Knock At the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan.Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, "None of what's going to happen is your fault". Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out, "Your dads won't want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world."So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.

Objev podobné jako The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

cena 99.0 Kč

The Girl at the Front of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

The debut picture book from Onjali Q. Raúf, the bestselling and award-winning author of The Boy at the Back of the Class. There's a new girl in my class.She has eyes as wide and as golden as a tiger's, a face as pale as a glass of milk, and hair as shiny as a mirror. I'd like to be her friend. But she never wants to play with me in the playground or makes sandcastles in the sandpit.The cleverest people I know say that the new girl is sad because she had to leave her home, her family, her school, her toys, her books and all her friends too. But I've got a plan! There's something I can do to make her feel better when she's missing everything she's left behind . . . This heartfelt story about the power of friendship and kindness shows young children what steps they can take to make refugee children feel welcome.

Objev podobné jako The Girl at the Front of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 384.0 Kč

The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2019 SHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE 2019 Told with heart and humour, The Boy at the Back of the Class is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense. There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it. He's nine years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite! But then I learned the truth: Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to help. That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan. . . With beautiful illustrations by Pippa Curnickshow less

Objev podobné jako The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 232.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

SOLVE THE MURDER TO SAVE WHAT''S LEFT OF THE WORLD THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER''A mind-bending, genre-blending, boy-that-ending mystery unlike any I''ve ever read'' A. J. FINN ''I loved it'' C. J. TUDOR ''An absolute blast'' BENJAMIN STEVENSON''Wildly inventive'' M. W. CRAVEN ''Believe the hype'' ALICE BELL ''Extraordinary'' WILL DEAN An Observer Thriller of the MonthOutside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic. 122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they’re told by the scientists.Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death. And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn’t solved within 107 hours, the fog will smother the island – and everyone on it.But the security system has also wiped everyone’s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer – and they don’t even know it…Readers love The Last Murder at the End of the World: ''Mind-bending''''Absolutely loved it''''Captivating'' ''Thrillingly fast-paced'' ''New favourite book'' ''Another masterpiece'' ''Unique'' ''Explosive'' ''Absolutely unforgettable'' ''Unlike anything I''ve ever read before'' ''Still shocked by the ending'' ''Wonderfully imaginative''The Last Murder at the End of the World was No. 1 in the Sunday Times Hardback Fiction chart w/e 30th March 2024

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 591.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

Solve the murder to save what's left of the world. Outside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic.122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they re told by the scientists. Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death.And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn t solved within 92 hours, the fog will smother the island and everyone on it. But the security system has also wiped everyone s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer and they don t even know it The outstanding new high concept murder mystery from the Sunday Times bestselling and Costa Book Award winning author of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle.

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 357.0 Kč

The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

"A poetic and remarkably fertile exploration of the relationship between human beings and the natural environment."—Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian"I'm very grateful to have this book."—Ursula K. Le GuinThe acclaimed and award-winning book about what a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planetA Flavorwire and Times Higher Education Book of the YearMatsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world—and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the northern hemisphere. Through its ability to nurture trees, matsutake helps forests to grow in daunting places. It is also an edible delicacy in Japan, where it sometimes commands astronomical prices. In all its contradictions, matsutake offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: what manages to live in the ruins we have made? A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. Here, we witness the varied and peculiar worlds of matsutake commerce: the worlds of Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, industrial forests, Yi Chinese goat herders, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions also lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human destruction. By investigating one of the world's most sought-after fungi, The Mushroom at the End of the World presents an original examination into the relation between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.

Objev podobné jako The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

cena 473.0 Kč

The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

This special edition of The Boy at the Back of the Class comes with a gold foiled cover to celebrate the 5 year anniversary. WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2019 WINNER OF THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE 2019SHORTLISTED FOR THE JHALAK PRIZE 2019Told with heart and humour, The Boy at the Back of the Class is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense. There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.He's nine years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!But then I learned the truth: Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War.A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to help.That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan. . . With beautiful illustrations by Pippa Curnick

Objev podobné jako The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 241.0 Kč

Gerry & the Pacemakers: Live At The BBC - CD (9029563631)

Hudební CD - Gerry & The Pacemakers: Live At The BBC verze na CD v regulerní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Parlophone v roce 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Beat a Pop Rock. Gerry & The Pacemakers: Live At The BBC verze na CD v regulerní edici. Toto konkrétní vydání vyšlo v Velké Británii ve vydavatelství Parlophone v roce 2018. Album zasahuje do žánrů Rock, Beat a Pop Rock. Seznam stop CD Dizzy Miss Lizzy (BBC Live Session) / Slippin' And Slidin' (BBC Live Session) / Ferry Cross The Mersey (BBC Live Session) / Why Oh Why (BBC Live Session) / You You You (BBC Live Session) / Baby You're So Good To Me (BBC Live Session) / I'll Be There (BBC Live Session) / Slow Down (BBC Live Session) / My Babe (BBC Live Session) / It'll Be Me (BBC Live Session) / You Win Again (BBC Live Session) / Reelin' And A Rockin' (BBC Live Session) / Hallelujah I Love Her So (BBC Live Session) / Walk Hand...

Objev podobné jako Gerry & the Pacemakers: Live At The BBC - CD (9029563631)

cena 179.0 Kč

The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera

In this prequel to the NO. 1 INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING phenomenon of TIKTOK fame, They Both Die at the End, two new strangers spend a life-changing day together after Death-Cast make their first fateful calls. It's the night before Death-Cast goes live, and there's one question on everyone's mind: Can Death-Cast actually predict death, or is it an elaborate hoax? Orion Pagan has waited years for someone to tell him that he's going to die, given his serious heart condition. Valentino Prince has a long and promising future ahead of him and only registered for Death-Cast after his twin sister nearly died in a car accident. Orion and Valentino cross paths in Times Square and immediately feel a deep connection. But when the first End Day calls go out, their lives are changed for ever - one of them receives a call . . . the other doesn't.

Objev podobné jako The First to Die at the End - Adam Silvera

cena 259.0 Kč

The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny next book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends have cured the house's hiccups and are off to the strange and utterly unpredictable Back of Beyond in search of Professor Dish – Spoon's best friend and partner in all things alchemy.When they find Dish trapped by the greedy witch Ophidia in the basement of a particularly marvellous shop, it soon becomes clear they're going to need something more than Flabberghast's dicey magic and Nine's quick thinking to triumph this time. What they really need is a rather clever witch – one particularly good at curses...A new instalment in the brilliantly funny, magical and commercial series for readers age 8+.

Objev podobné jako The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

cena 205.0 Kč

The Caravan at the Edge of Doom - Jim Beckett

When her grandparents explode in their caravan toilet late one night, twelve-year-old Harley discovers a surprising truth: their toilet is a gateway to the Land of the Dead, and they are its Guardians. Well, they were. But there's no time to mourn their passing. Because Harley's baby brother has accidentally gone with them to the Land of the Dead. And Harley only has 24 hours to rescue him before he's trapped there FOREVER!This hilarious and heartbreaking debut features exploding grandparents, unexpected heroes and a truly EPIC adventure.

Objev podobné jako The Caravan at the Edge of Doom - Jim Beckett

cena 249.0 Kč

Panic! At The Disco - Death Of The Bachelor (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Rock;Emo;Folk Rock;Alternative Rock;Punk;Pop Žánr: Rock;Pop;Punk Vydavatelství: Atlantic;Fueled By Ramen Varianta: Death Of The Bachelor Interpret / Téma: Panic! At The Disco Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2016-04-22 Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Rok vydání: 2016.0 Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Panic! At The Disco - Death Of The Bachelor (LP)

cena 659.0 Kč

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