Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Wahls Protocol - Dr Terry Wahls

After progressive multiple sclerosis landed Dr Wahls in a tilt/recline wheelchair, she exhaustively researched autoimmune disease and brain biology, and embraced the concepts of functional medicine. Determined to overcome her initial dismal diagnosis,, she made a choice to rely on food as her medicine and begun using paleo concepts as guidelines for her unique, nutrient rich plan. As her broken biochemistry began to fix itself, Dr Wahls soon retained full mobility and left her wheel chair behind for good. Dr Wahls transformation was nothing short of miraculous, and she knew these treatments could be life-changing for anyone struggling with an autoimmune condition. Now, Dr Wahls shares her pioneering research along with three levels of nutrient-rich diets that can help you reverse the debilitating symptoms of your disease. The Wahls Protocol gave Dr Wahls her life back. Give it the chance to restore yours.

Podívejte se také The Callisto Protocol - Day One Edition - PS4 (0811949034335)

cena 591.0 Kč

The Callisto Protocol - PS5 (0811949034908)

Hra na konzoli - PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Postavte se nekonečné záplavě hrůz: The Callisto Protocol je survival horor nové generace od Glena Schofielda, autora kultovního survival hororu Dead Space. Nervydrásající atmosférou, napětím a brutalitou prolínajícími se s děsivými okamžiky bezmoci a lidství vás The Callisto Protocol vtáhne do strhujícího příběhu, ve kterém se za každým rohem skrývá nevýslovná hrůza. Přežijte!The Callisto Protocol PS5 je hororová akční adventura kráčející ve stopách kultovní série Dead Space. V kůži vězně se v ní pustíte do přežívání uvnitř rozsáhlého koridoru plného strašlivých monster a jiných nečekaných hrůz. Utečte v The Callisto Protocol PS5 z vězeníVypravte se v rámci tohoto temného příběhu na zamrzlý měsíc Callisto. Navštivte gigantický vězeňský komplex Black Iron...

Podívejte se také Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - DVD (P00745)

cena 1349.0 Kč

The Callisto Protocol - PS4 (0811949034762)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Postavte se nekonečné záplavě hrůz: The Callisto Protocol je survival horor nové generace od Glena Schofielda, autora kultovního survival hororu Dead Space. Nervydrásající atmosférou, napětím a brutalitou prolínajícími se s děsivými okamžiky bezmoci a lidství vás The Callisto Protocol vtáhne do strhujícího příběhu, ve kterém se za každým rohem skrývá nevýslovná hrůza. Přežijte!The Callisto Protocol PS4 je hororová akční adventura kráčející ve stopách kultovní série Dead Space. V kůži vězně se v ní pustíte do přežívání uvnitř rozsáhlého koridoru plného strašlivých monster a jiných nečekaných hrůz. Utečte v The Callisto Protocol PS4 z vězeníVypravte se v rámci tohoto temného příběhu na zamrzlý měsíc Callisto. Navštivte gigantický vězeňský komplex...

Podívejte se také by terry kosmetika

cena 969.0 Kč

The Callisto Protocol - Xbox Series X (0811949035097)

Hra na konzoli - Xbox Series X, krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Postavte se nekonečné záplavě hrůz: The Callisto Protocol je survival horor nové generace od Glena Schofielda, autora kultovního survival hororu Dead Space. Nervydrásající atmosférou, napětím a brutalitou prolínajícími se s děsivými okamžiky bezmoci a lidství vás The Callisto Protocol vtáhne do strhujícího příběhu, ve kterém se za každým rohem skrývá nevýslovná hrůza. Přežijte!The Callisto Protocol Xbox Series X je hororová akční adventura kráčející ve stopách kultovní série Dead Space. V kůži vězně se v ní pustíte do přežívání uvnitř rozsáhlého koridoru plného strašlivých monster a jiných nečekaných hrůz. Utečte v The Callisto Protocol Xbox Series X z vězeníVypravte se v rámci tohoto temného příběhu na zamrzlý měsíc Callisto. Navštivte gigantický vězeňský komplex...

Objev podobné jako The Callisto Protocol - Xbox Series X (0811949035097)

cena 1199.0 Kč

The Callisto Protocol - Day One Edition - PS4 (0811949034335)

Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - Postavte se nekonečné záplavě hrůz: The Callisto Protocol je survival horor nové generace od Glena Schofielda, autora kultovního survival hororu Dead Space. Nervydrásající atmosférou, napětím a brutalitou prolínajícími se s děsivými okamžiky bezmoci a lidství vás The Callisto Protocol vtáhne do strhujícího příběhu, ve kterém se za každým rohem skrývá nevýslovná hrůza. Přežijte!The Callisto Protocol PS4 je hororová akční adventura kráčející ve stopách kultovní série Dead Space. V kůži vězně se v ní pustíte do přežívání uvnitř rozsáhlého koridoru plného strašlivých monster a jiných nečekaných hrůz. Utečte v The Callisto Protocol PS4 z vězeníVypravte se v rámci tohoto temného příběhu na zamrzlý měsíc Callisto. Navštivte gigantický vězeňský komplex...

Objev podobné jako The Callisto Protocol - Day One Edition - PS4 (0811949034335)

cena 1159.0 Kč

Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - DVD (P00745)

Film na DVD - Bez plánu. Bez podpory. Bez šance. Bombový útok v Kremlu vrhne na IMF podezření z mezinárodního terorismu. Agent Ethan Hunt se proto se svým elitním týmem stahuje do ilegality a hledá skutečné atentátníky... Špionážní agentura IMF má obrovský problém. Právě když její agent, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), prováděl tajnou operaci v Moskvě, spáchal kdosi úspěšný bombový útok na Kreml. Ruští představitelé jsou rozezlení na nejvyšší míru a mluví dokonce o válečném aktu. A protože se všechny nitky sbíhají právě u IMF, americký prezident dá pro jistotu od agentury oficiálně ruce pryč vyhlášením „Ghost Protocolu”, čímž ji odřízne od zdrojů, zázemí, podpory a z jejích členů udělá lidi na odstřel. Ethan Hunt se společně s trojicí věrných a odhodlaných kolegů (Simon Pegg, Paula Patton a Jeremy Renner) pokusí najít pachatele útoku a smýt tak ze sebe veškerou vinu. Ovšem tahle mise bude skutečně nesplnitelná. Bonusy: • Nesplnitelné mise: Písečná bouře, Rekvizity

Objev podobné jako Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - DVD (P00745)

cena 129.0 Kč

Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol (DVD)

DVD film Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol [2011]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Hrají: Tom Cruise. Bombový útok v Kremlu vrhne na IMF podezření z mezinárodního terorismu. Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se proto se svým elitním týmem (Jeremy Renner – Avengers a Simon Pegg – Star Trek) stahuje do ilegality. Zatímco se skupina snaží očistit jméno agentury, vyjde najevo spiknutí s cílem rozpoutat jadernou válku. K záchraně světa musí agenti využít všechna kouzla moderní technologie, která mají v zásobě. Tahle mise je opravdovější a riskantnější než všechny předešlé - je prostě nesplnitelná.

Objev podobné jako Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol (DVD)

cena 139.0 Kč

The Cat in the Hat (Dr Seuss) - Dr. Seuss

The one and only Cat in the Hat from the iconic Dr. Seuss gets a brand new look, introducing his roller-coaster ride of mayhem to a new generation of readers. When Sally and her brother are left alone, they think they're in for a dull day - until the Cat in the Hat steps in on the mat, bringing with him mayhem and madness! This is the classic book that every child should have the joy of reading. The perfect book for early readers, the new style brings a worldwide favourite to a whole new generation.

Objev podobné jako The Cat in the Hat (Dr Seuss) - Dr. Seuss

cena 236.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

cena 357.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

A Financial Times Best Thriller of the Year 2023If, like Kane, you're a Denied Access Area spy for the CIA, then boundaries have no meaning. Your function is to go in, do whatever is required, and get out again - by whatever means necessary. You know when to run, when to hide - and when to shoot.But some places don't play by the rules. Some places are too dangerous, even for a man of Kane's experience. The badlands where the borders of Pakistan, Iran and Afghanistan meet are such a place - a place where violence is the only way to survive.Kane travels there to exfiltrate a man with vital information for the safety of the West - but instead he meets an adversary who will take the world to the brink of extinction. A frightening, clever, vicious man with blood on his hands and vengeance in his heart...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust - Terry Hayes

cena 268.0 Kč

ENDOCARE Expert Drops Firming Protocol 2x10 ml

Duální sérum ENDOCARE Expert Drops Firming Protocol přináší kombinaci aktivních látek ke zpevnění a vyhlazení pokožky. Dopřejte své pleti hloubkovou regeneraci!

Objev podobné jako ENDOCARE Expert Drops Firming Protocol 2x10 ml

cena 859.0 Kč

ENDOCARE Expert Drops Depigmenting Protocol 2x10 ml

ENDOCARE Expert Drops Depigmenting Protocol je duální sérum, které redukuje pigmentové skvrny, pomůže sjednotit tón pleti a znovu rozjasní její vzhled.

Objev podobné jako ENDOCARE Expert Drops Depigmenting Protocol 2x10 ml

cena 1050.0 Kč

ENDOCARE Expert Drops Hydrating Protocol 2x10 ml

Obnovu a osvěžení pro Vaši pleť přináší dva flakónky s denním a nočním sérem ENDOCARE Expert Drops Hydrating Protocol. Vyplní a vypne pleť a pomůže vyhladit její texturu.

Objev podobné jako ENDOCARE Expert Drops Hydrating Protocol 2x10 ml

cena 859.0 Kč

Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - Blu-ray (P00746)

Film na Blu-ray - Bez plánu. Bez podpory. Bez šance. Bombový útok v Kremlu vrhne na IMF podezření z mezinárodního terorismu. Agent Ethan Hunt se proto se svým elitním týmem stahuje do ilegality a hledá skutečné atentátníky... Špionážní agentura IMF má obrovský problém. Právě když její agent, Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise), prováděl tajnou operaci v Moskvě, spáchal kdosi úspěšný bombový útok na Kreml. Ruští představitelé jsou rozezlení na nejvyšší míru a mluví dokonce o válečném aktu. A protože se všechny nitky sbíhají právě u IMF, americký prezident dá pro jistotu od agentury oficiálně ruce pryč vyhlášením „Ghost Protocolu”, čímž ji odřízne od zdrojů, zázemí, podpory a z jejích členů udělá lidi na odstřel. Ethan Hunt se společně s trojicí věrných a odhodlaných kolegů (Simon Pegg, Paula Patton a Jeremy Renner) pokusí najít pachatele útoku a smýt tak ze sebe veškerou vinu. Ovšem tahle mise bude skutečně nesplnitelná. Bonusy: • Mise přijata (HD): • Rozcvička...

Objev podobné jako Mission: Impossible Ghost Protocol - Blu-ray (P00746)

cena 269.0 Kč

Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol (BLU-RAY)

Blu-ray HD film Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol [2011]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Tom Cruise. Bombový útok v Kremlu vrhne na IMF podezření z mezinárodního terorismu. Agent Ethan Hunt (Tom Cruise) se proto se svým elitním týmem (Jeremy Renner – Avengers a Simon Pegg – Star Trek) stahuje do ilegality. Zatímco se skupina snaží očistit jméno agentury, vyjde najevo spiknutí s cílem rozpoutat jadernou válku. K záchraně světa musí agenti využít všechna kouzla moderní technologie, která mají v zásobě. Tahle mise je opravdovější a riskantnější než všechny předešlé - je prostě nesplnitelná.Bonusy: • Mise přijata (HD):Rozcvička v DubajiVancouver: Boj na pěsti• Nesplnitelné mse (HD):Písečná bouřeRekvizity• Vystřižené scény s volitelným komentářem režiséra (HD):Alternativní úvod:Hendricks nacvičuje proslovZmatek ve vozeBenji téměř dopaden v Kremlu

Objev podobné jako Mission: Impossible 4 - Ghost Protocol (BLU-RAY)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 99.0 Kč

The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...

Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes

cena 79.0 Kč

The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett

The eye-wateringly funny fantasy romp across the Discworld, featuring the most incompetent wizard you'll ever find . . .'The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies' IndependentIt is known as the Discworld. It is a flat planet, supported on the backs of four elephants, who in turn stand on the back of the great turtle A'Tuin as it swims majestically through space. And it is quite possibly the funniest place in all of creation...As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the Discworld has only one possible saviour. Unfortunately, this happens to be the singularly inept and cowardly wizard called Rincewind, who was last seen falling off the edge of the world.

Objev podobné jako The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett

cena 402.0 Kč

The Last Continent - Terry Pratchett

The Discworld is very much like our own – if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that is . . . 'Anything you do in the past changes the future. The tiniest little actions have huge consequences. You might tread on an ant now and it might entirely prevent someone from being born in the future.' The Discworld's most inept wizard has found himself on the Discworld’s last continent, a completely separate creation. It's hot. It's dry . . . very dry.There was this thing once called The Wet, which no one believes in. Practically everything that's not poisonous is venomous. But it's the best bloody place in the world, all right?And in a few days, it will be except . . . Who is this hero striding across the red desert? Champion sheep shearer, horse rider, road warrior, beer drinker, bush ranger, and someone who'll even eat a Meat Pie Floater when he's sober? A man in a hat whose luggage follows him on little legs, who's about to change history by preventing a swagman stealing a jumbuck by a billabong?Yes . . . all this place has between itself and wind-blown doom is Rincewind, the inept wizard who can't even spell wizard.Still . . . no worries, eh?

Objev podobné jako The Last Continent - Terry Pratchett

cena 299.0 Kč

On the Road - Terry Deary

Put the pedal to the metal! Discover all the foul factsbehind the story of cars and automobiles across the world withhistory's most horrible headlines: motor edition.The master of making history fun, Terry Deary, turns his attentionto the road. From scalding steam engines topreposterous propellor powered vehicles, awfulaccidents to rebellious road raiders,cursed cars and risky racers, it's all inHorrible Histories: On the Road:fully illustrated throughout and packed with hair-raisingstories - with all the horribly hilarious bits includedwith a fresh take on the classic Horrible Historiesstyle, perfect for fans old and newthe perfect series for anyone looking for a funand informative readHorrible Histories has been entertaining childrenand families for generations with books, TV, stage show, magazines,games and 2019's brilliantly funny HorribleHistories: the Movie - Rotten Romans.Get your history right here and collect the whole horrible lot.Read all about it!

Objev podobné jako On the Road - Terry Deary

cena 214.0 Kč

Erik the Viking - Terry Jones

Vikings! Dragons! Adventure on the high seas! Buckle up for the ultimate Viking saga, retold with extraordinary flair by Monty Python’s Terry Jones.This is the tale of a Viking warrior who lived hundreds and hundreds of years ago. His name was Erik.His ship was called Golden Dragon, and its figurehead was a fierce monster carved out of wood, and covered with gold leaf.One day Erik said to his wife, ‘I must find the land where the sun goes at night.''But his wife replied, ‘No one has ever been to that far country. And of those who have tried few have ever returned . . .''As Erik and the crew of the Golden Dragon set off in search of adventure, their courage, skill, strength and stamina will all be tested to the extreme. Terry Jones’s unforgettable retelling delivers drama, magic, monsters and heroes.‘Filled with magic and adventure . . . Terry had a mythmaker’s soul and a historian’s mind.’ – Neil GaimanWith an exclusive foreword from the author, and packed with colour illustrations from multi-awardwinning illustrator Michael Foreman.

Objev podobné jako Erik the Viking - Terry Jones

cena 384.0 Kč

The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett

The Discworld is very much like our own - if our own were to consist of a flat planet balanced on the back of four elephants which stand on the back of a giant turtle, that is . . 'What shall we do?' said Twoflower. 'Panic?' said Rincewind hopefully. He always held that panic was the best means of survival. As it moves towards a seemingly inevitable collision with a malevolent red star, the Discworld could do with a hero. What it doesn't need is a singularly inept and cowardly wizard, still recovering from the trauma of falling off the edge of the world, or a well-meaning tourist and his luggage which has a mind (and legs) of its own. Which is a shame, because that's all there is . . .

Objev podobné jako The Light Fantastic - Terry Pratchett

cena 325.0 Kč

Emper Protocol toaletní voda pro muže 100 ml

Emper Protocol, 100 ml, Toaletní vody pro muže, Nadčasová klasika, která vzdává hold mužné eleganci a přirozenému charisma. Pánská toaletní voda Emper Protocol se rychle stane nepostradatelnou součástí vaší osobnosti. citrusová vůně aromatická vůně s bylinnými tóny dřevitá vůně nadčasová elegantní vůně pro milovníky klasiky

Objev podobné jako Emper Protocol toaletní voda pro muže 100 ml

cena 320.0 Kč

Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

A truly unmissable set of unearthed stories from the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett: award-winning and bestselling author, and creator of the phenomenally successful Discworld series.An exclusive collection of twenty early short stories by one of the world's best loved authors, these are rediscovered tales that Pratchett wrote under a pseudonym for newspapers during the 1970s and 1980s.Whilst none of the stories are set in the Discworld, they hint towards the world he would go on to create in his award-winning and globally bestselling series, containing all of his trademark wit, satirical wisdom and fantastic imagination. These are tales which entertain, enlighten and, most importantly, make you laugh.Meet Og the inventor, the first caveman to cultivate fire, as he discovers the highs and lows of progress; haunt the Council with the defiant evicted ghosts of Pilgarlic Towers; visit Blackbury, a small market town with weird weather and an otherworldly visitor; and travel millions of years back in time to The Old Red Sandstone Lion pub.The final ever 'new' writing to be published from the late, great Sir Terry Pratchett, A STROKE OF THE PEN is a must-have collection of fantastic short stories for fans, old and new.

Objev podobné jako Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

cena 402.0 Kč

The Shepherd´s Crown - Terry Pratchett

Deep in the Chalk, something is stirring. The owls and the foxes can sense it, and Tiffany Aching feels it in her boots. An old enemy is gathering strength.This is a time of endings and beginnings, old friends and new, a blurring of edges and a shifting of power. Now Tiffany stands between the light and the dark, the good and the bad.As the fairy horde prepares for invasion, Tiffany must summon all the witches to stand with her. To protect the land. Her land.There will be a reckoning . . .

Objev podobné jako The Shepherd´s Crown - Terry Pratchett

cena 449.0 Kč

The Colour Of Magic - Terry Pratchett

NAMED AS ONE OF THE BBC'S 100 MOST INSPIRING NOVELS'It was octarine, the colour of magic. It was alive and glowing and vibrant and it was the undisputed pigment of the imagination . . .'Somewhere between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a magical world not totally unlike our own. Except for the fact that it travels through space on the shoulders of four giant elephants who in turn stand on the shell of an astronomically huge star turtle, of course.Rincewind is the world's worst wizard who has just been handed a very important job: to look after the world's first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land. Unfortunately, their journey across the Disc includes facing robbers, monsters, mercenaries, and Death himself.And the whole thing's just a game of the gods that might send them over the edge . . .'If you've never read a Discworld novel, what's the matter with you?' Guardian'Pratchett uses his other world to hold up a distorting mirror to our own' The TimesThe Colour of Magic is the first book in the Wizards series, but you can read the Discworld novels in any order.

Objev podobné jako The Colour Of Magic - Terry Pratchett

cena 268.0 Kč

The Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett

This is where the dragons went. They lie . . . not dead, not asleep, but . . . dormant. And although the space they occupy isn't like normal space, nevertheless they are packed in tightly. They could put you in mind of a can of sardines, if you thought sardines were huge and scaly. And presumably, somewhere, there's a key to let them out. Captain Sam Vimes of the Night Watch is going to have a doozy of a night when they are.

Objev podobné jako The Illustrated Guards! Guards! - Terry Pratchett

cena 899.0 Kč

The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett

A nightmarish danger threatens from the other side of reality . . .Armed with only a frying pan and her common sense, young witch-to-be Tiffany Aching must defend her home against the monsters of Fairyland. Luckily she has some very unusual help: the local Nac Mac Feegle - aka the Wee Free Men - a clan of fierce, sheep-stealing, sword-wielding, six-inch-high blue men.Together they must face headless horsemen, ferocious grimhounds, terrifying dreams come true, and ultimately the sinister Queen of the Elves herself . . .

Objev podobné jako The Wee Free Men - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

The Colour Of Magic - Terry Pratchett

In the beginning there was...a turtle.Somewhere on the frontier between thought and reality exists the Discworld, a parallel time and place which might sound and smell very much like our own, but which looks completely different.Particularly as it's carried though space on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown). It plays by different rules.But then, some things are the same everywhere. The Disc's very existence is about to be threatened by a strange new blight: the world's first tourist, upon whose survival rests the peace and prosperity of the land.Unfortunately, the person charged with maintaining that survival in the face of robbers, mercenaries and, well, Death, is a spectacularly inept wizard...

Objev podobné jako The Colour Of Magic - Terry Pratchett

cena 312.0 Kč

The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett

On a world supported on the back of a giant turtle (sex unknown), a gleeful, explosive, wickedly eccentric expedition sets out. There's an avaricious but inept wizard, a naive tourist whose luggage moves on hundreds of dear little legs, dragons who only exist if you believe in them, and of course THE EDGE of the planet...

Objev podobné jako The Colour of Magic - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

Mort: The Death Collection - Terry Pratchett

It is known as the Discworld. It is a flat planet, supported on the backs of four elephants, who in turn stand on the back of the great turtle A'Tuin as it swims majestically through space. And it is quite possibly the funniest place in all of creation...Death comes to us all. When he came to Mort, he offered him a job.After being assured that being dead was not compulsory, Mort accepted. However, he soon found that romantic longings did not mix easily with the responsibilities of being Death's apprentice.Terry Pratchett's hilarious fourth Discworld novel established once and for all that Death really is a laughing matter...

Objev podobné jako Mort: The Death Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

Johnny and the Dead - Terry Pratchett

Sell the cemetery?Over their dead bodies . . .Not many people can see the dead (not many would want to). Twelve-year-old Johnny Maxwell can. And he's got bad news for them: the council want to sell the cemetery as a building site. But the dead have learnt a thing or two from Johnny. They're not going to take it lying down . . . especially since it's Halloween tomorrow.Besides, they're beginning to find that life is a lot more fun than it was when they were . . . well . . . alive. Particularly if they break a few rules . . .

Objev podobné jako Johnny and the Dead - Terry Pratchett

cena 214.0 Kč

Johnny and the Bomb - Terry Pratchett

THIS TIME . . . IT'S WAR.Johnny Maxwell is just an ordinary boy, walking through an ordinary alley . . . until he stumbles across a shopping trolley that can travel back in time.A trip on this time travelling shopping trolley takes Johnny and his friends back to 1941, in the middle of the Second World War. More specifically, on the day the German bombs will fall on their town.What if Johnny and his friends could stop it? But tampering with history could have disastrous consequences...

Objev podobné jako Johnny and the Bomb - Terry Pratchett

cena 214.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

Kvalita značky z domu Playshoes. Tento župan vyrobený z plyšového měkkého froté udržuje malé děti v teple. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce kravata a praktický knoflík v oblasti krku S TV oblíbená DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Třída 1 (Certifikát 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Na prostřední Stüfe třmeny

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

cena 678.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

Kvalita značky z domu Playshoes. Tento župan vyrobený z plyšového měkkého froté udržuje malé děti v teple. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce kravata a praktický knoflík v oblasti krku S TV oblíbená DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Třída 1 (Certifikát 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Na prostřední Stüfe třmeny

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

cena 678.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

Kvalita značky z domu Playshoes. Tento župan vyrobený z plyšového měkkého froté udržuje malé děti v teple. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce kravata a praktický knoflík v oblasti krku S TV oblíbená DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Třída 1 (Certifikát 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Na prostřední Stüfe třmeny

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

cena 726.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

Kvalita značky z domu Playshoes. Tento župan vyrobený z plyšového měkkého froté udržuje malé děti v teple. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce kravata a praktický knoflík v oblasti krku S TV oblíbená DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Třída 1 (Certifikát 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Na prostřední Stüfe třmeny

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

cena 678.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

Kvalita značky z domu Playshoes. Tento župan vyrobený z plyšového měkkého froté udržuje malé děti v teple. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce kravata a praktický knoflík v oblasti krku S TV oblíbená DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Oeko-Tex Standard 100 Třída 1 (Certifikát 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Na prostřední Stüfe třmeny

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Bathrobe The Mouse růžová

cena 726.0 Kč

A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

Far away and long ago, when dragons still existed and the only arcade game was ping-pong in black and white, a wizard cautiously entered a smoky tavern in the evil, ancient, foggy city of Morpork...A truly unmissable, beautifully illustrated collection of unearthed stories from the pen of Sir Terry Pratchett: award-winning and bestselling author, and creator of the phenomenally successful Discworld series.Twenty early short stories by one of the world''s best loved authors, each accompanied by exquisite original woodcut illustrations.These are rediscovered tales that Pratchett wrote under a pseudonym for newspapers during the 1970s and 1980s. Whilst none are set in the Discworld, they hint towards the world he would go on to create, containing all of his trademark wit, satirical wisdom and fantastic imagination.Meet Og the inventor, the first caveman to cultivate fire, as he discovers the highs and lows of progress; haunt the Ministry of Nuisances with the defiant evicted ghosts of Pilgarlic Towers; visit Blackbury, a small market town with weird weather and an otherworldly visitor; and go on a dangerous quest through time and space with hero Kron, which begins in the ancient city of Morpork...A STROKE OF THE PEN is a must-have collection for fans of all ages.Praise for Terry Pratchett''Pratchett is a master storyteller'' - A. S. Byatt, Guardian''The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies'' - Independent''Compulsively readable, fantastically inventive, surprisingly serious exploration in story form of just about any aspect of our world . . . There''s never been anything quite like it'' - Evening Standard''Like most true originals, Pratchett defies categorisation'' - The Times ''Pratchett found something better than literature'' - Frank Cottrell Boyce, Guardian

Objev podobné jako A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

cena 569.0 Kč

A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

From one of the world’s best-loved storytellers, a truly unmissable collection of rediscovered stories, written under a pseudonym in the 1970s and 80s. These early tales hint at the worlds Terry would go on to create, containing all his trademark wit, satirical wisdom and fantastic imagination.Meet Og the inventor, the first caveman to cultivate fire, as he discovers the highs and lows of progress; haunt the Ministry of Nuisances with the defiant evicted ghosts of Pilgarlic Towers; visit Blackbury, a small market town with weird weather and an otherworldly visitor; and go on a dangerous quest through time and space with hero Kron, which begins in the ancient city of Morpork.

Objev podobné jako A Stroke of the Pen: The Lost Stories - Terry Pratchett

cena 268.0 Kč

Diggers : The Second Book of the Nomes (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

And Grimma said, We have two choices. We can run, or we hide. And they said, Which shall we do? She said, We shall Fight. A Bright New Dawn is just around the corner for thousands of tiny nomes when they move into the ruined buildings of an abandoned quarry. Or is it? Soon strange things begin to happen. Like the tops of puddles growing hard and cold, and the water coming down from the sky in frozen bits. Then humans appear and they really mess everything up. The quarry is to be re-opened, and the nomes must fight to defend their new home. But how long will they be able to keep the humans at bay - even with the help of the monster Jekub?

Objev podobné jako Diggers : The Second Book of the Nomes (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

cena 89.0 Kč

The Lorax - Dr. Seuss

Celebrate the original eco warrior! After fifty years his message is more important than ever, so enjoy Dr. Seuss's trademark rhyme in this anniversary edition of the classic environmental fable."Mister! He saidwith a sawdusty sneeze,I am the Lorax.I speak for the trees."The Lorax is a timeless classic that has been using humour and rhyme to raise awareness of the destruction of the environment for more than fifty years.Join the long-suffering crusader and help save the planet with this very special anniversary edition of Dr. Seuss's beloved, and still achingly relevant, ode to conservation.The perfect gift for boys and girls passionate about our planet, or just those who love to read.

Objev podobné jako The Lorax - Dr. Seuss

cena 236.0 Kč

The Sh!te Before Christmas - Terry Serena

From Sunday Times bestselling author and viral TikTok sensation @MammyBanter One month to go. One stressed mum. Can she pull off the perfect family Christmas? It's the most wonderful time of the year...Like every mum, Tara wants a perfect Christmas for her family - but no-one else is lifting a finger and she's losing her elf-ing mind. From a vaping teen, explosive potty training and a disastrous Nativity, to a distracted husband acting very out of character, the final straw is Tara's glamorous, feckless mother moving herself back in for the holidays. Can Tara pull off the holly jolly Christmas of her dreams? Will she deck the halls and not her family? Or is this a Christmas catastrophe waiting to happen...Hilarious, heartwarming and festive as f*ck - the new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of Mammy Banter: The Secret Life of an Uncool Mum. Mammy Banter was a Sunday Times #4 hardback fiction bestseller on 5 March 2022.

Objev podobné jako The Sh!te Before Christmas - Terry Serena

cena 241.0 Kč

The Night Gardener - Eric Fan, Terry Fan

Get lost in the imaginative world of the Fan Brothers: a place you'll want to revisit again and again. "Something was happening on Grimloch Lane. Something good." One day, William discovers that the tree outside his window has been sculpted into a wise owl. Each day, more topiaries appear, each one more beautiful than the last. Soon, William's grey little town is full of colour and life. And, though the mysterious night gardener disappears as suddenly as he appeared, William and his town are changed forever. With breathtaking illustrations and spare, sweet text, this masterpiece about enjoying the beauty of nature is sure to become an instant classic. A best-selling picture book about an orphan whose life is transformed by a mysterious night gardener bringing colour and life to his town.

Objev podobné jako The Night Gardener - Eric Fan, Terry Fan

cena 266.0 Kč

Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

The funniest, most insighftul, clever and totally bonkers parody of all things Shakespeare, filled to the brim with Pratchett's signature style.'Pratchett uses his other world to hold up a distorting mirror to our own' The Times'The Discworld novels have always been among the most serious of comedies, the most relevant and real of fantasies' Independent'An enduring, endearing presence in comic literature' GuardianWitches are not by nature gregarious, and they certainly don't have leaders.Granny Weatherwax was the most highly regarded of the leaders they didn't have.But even she found that meddling in royal politics was a lot more difficult than certain playwrights would have you believe...

Objev podobné jako Wyrd Sisters: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 443.0 Kč

Witches Abroad: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

Granny Weatherwax and Nanny Ogg are going on a trip to avert certain disaster. Terry Pratchett's Discworld returns with another laugh-out-loud adventure dissecting everyone's favourite fairy tales.It seemed an easy job... After all, how difficult could it be to make sure that a servant girl doesn't marry a prince?But for the witches Granny Weatherwax, Nanny Ogg and Magrat Garlick, travelling to the distant city of Genua, things are never that simple...Servant girls have to marry the prince. That's what life is all about. You can't fight a Happy Ending.At least - up until now...

Objev podobné jako Witches Abroad: The Witches Collection - Terry Pratchett

cena 420.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

Značková kvalita od domu Playshoes. Měkká a plyšová šála s kapucí vyrobená z savého bavlněného froté s motivem myši. Vybaven kapucí. Praktické pro doma, na pláži nebo v bazénu. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce S oblíbeným televizorem DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Smyčka pro připevnění Oeko-Tex Standard 100 třída 1 (osvědčení 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Uprostřed Stüfe třmeny K dispozici v rozměrech 75x75 cm a 100x100 cm

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

cena 411.0 Kč

The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

From Snuff: 'Vimes' prompt arrival got a nod of approval from Sybil, who gingerly handed him a new book to read to Young Sam. Vimes looked at the cover. The title was The World of Poo. When his wife was out of eyeshot he carefully leafed through it. Well, okay, you had to accept that the world had moved on and these days fairy stories were probably not going to be about twinkly little things with wings. As he turned page after page, it dawned on him that whoever had written this book, they certainly knew what would make kids like Young Sam laugh until they were nearly sick. The bit about sailing down the river almost made him smile. But interspersed with the scatology was actually quite interesting stuff about septic tanks and dunnakin divers and gongfermors and how dog muck helped make the very best leather, and other things that you never thought you would need to know, but once heard somehow lodged in your mind.'

Objev podobné jako The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

cena 89.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

Značková kvalita od domu Playshoes. Měkká a plyšová šála s kapucí vyrobená z savého bavlněného froté s motivem myši. Vybaven kapucí. Praktické pro doma, na pláži nebo v bazénu. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce S oblíbeným televizorem DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Smyčka pro připevnění Oeko-Tex Standard 100 třída 1 (osvědčení 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Uprostřed Stüfe třmeny K dispozici v rozměrech 75x75 cm a 100x100 cm

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

cena 484.0 Kč

Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

Značková kvalita od domu Playshoes. Měkká a plyšová šála s kapucí vyrobená z savého bavlněného froté s motivem myši. Vybaven kapucí. Praktické pro doma, na pláži nebo v bazénu. Podrobnosti o produktu: Materiál: 100% bavlna Super nadýchané froté ručníky Velká kapuce S oblíbeným televizorem DIE MAUS hranice v kontrastních barvách Smyčka pro připevnění Oeko-Tex Standard 100 třída 1 (osvědčení 11.0.86164, Hohenstein) Lze prát při 40 ° C Vhodné pro sušičky Uprostřed Stüfe třmeny K dispozici v rozměrech 75x75 cm a 100x100 cm

Objev podobné jako Playshoes Terry Towel Hood The Mouse růžová

cena 411.0 Kč

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