Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Three Little Pigs - Mara Alperin
Three little pigs set off to build new homes for themselves. But someone big and bad soon comes looking for a tasty piggy snack ...Can the pigs outwit the wicked wolf? My First Fairytales are a magical introduction to the well-loved stories that are a key part of every childhood. With fresh and fun illustrations, these simple re-tellings of classic fairy tales make a perfect read for young and old alike!
Podívejte se také The Three Musketeers
The Three Billy Goats Gruff - Mara Alperin
When three billy goat brothers reach the bridge to the meadow, a slobbering troll blocks their path. The brothers are no fools - but how do you trick a troll?My First Fairy Tales are a magical introduction to the well-loved stories that are a key part of every childhood. With fresh and fun illustrations, these simple re-tellings of classic fairy tales make a perfect bedtime read for three to six year olds. Make sure you collect Goldilocks and the Three Bears and Little Red Riding Hood, too!
Podívejte se také ABUS JC4300A Mara (4003318769726)
The True Story of the Three Little Pigs - Scieszka Jon
A hilarious retelling of the Three Little Pigs by Jon Scieszka.You may think you know the story of the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf - but only one person knows the real story. And that person is A. Wolf. His tale starts with a birthday cake for his dear old granny, a bad head cold and a bad reputation. The rest (as they say) is history.A hilariously inventive retelling of the popular story which Publishers Weekly called the ''Funniest book of the year''.Jon Scieszka began to train as a doctor but left to take a course in fiction writing at Columbia University and to become a teacher. He lives in Brooklyn and spends his time writing and talking about books. Lane Smith, an acclaimed author/illustrator, has achieved major success in his collaborations with Jon Scieszka. He also provided the original concept and illustrations for the hit film James and the Giant Peach. He lives in New York.Also by Jon Scieszka:The True Story of the Three Little Pigs; The Frog Prince, COntinued; The Stinky Cheese Man and other Fairly Stupid Tales; The Book that Jack Wrote; Math Curse; Squids will be Squids; Baloney; Science Verse; Seen Art?; Cowboy and Octopus; Walt Disney''s Alice in Wonderland; Robot Zot; Knights of the Kitchen Table; The Not-so-Jolly Roger; The Good, the Bad, and the Goofy; Your Mother was a Neanderthal; 2095; Tut Tut; Summer Reading s Killing Me; It''s all Greek to Me; See You Later, Gladiator; Sam Samurai; Hey Kid, Want to Buy a Bridge?; Viking it and Liking it; Me oh Maya; Da Wild, Da Crazy, Da Vinci; Marco? Polo!
Podívejte se také Three Degrees: The Album - CD (4260134478007)
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- The Dark Pictures Anthology: Little Hope - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00623)
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- little tikes
- About the Sun, little pets and a mysterious night (978-80-735-3179-9)
Three Little Pigs - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
eBook: Part of the ‘Hello English’ collection, ‘Three Little Pigs’, is a simple and easy-to-follow re-telling of the classic English fable about three pigs that build their houses from hay, wood, and stone. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, this English language learning book teaches children a bunch of new words such as pig, friend, strong - and many more! ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.
Objev podobné jako Three Little Pigs - Ivy Dad - e-kniha
Geomag Magicube Three Little Pigs 42 dílků
Rodiče čtou pohádku O třech malých prasátkách a děti ji přikládáním klipů k magnetickým kostičkám sami vytváří. Nebo můžete vymýšlet pohádky vlastní. Součástí je text v češtině a slovenštině. Obsahuje 10 magnetických kostek, 31 klipů s obrázky a oboustrannou
Objev podobné jako Geomag Magicube Three Little Pigs 42 dílků
BBQ koření Three Little Pigs All Purpose 184g
Univerzální BBQ koření, které chutná téměř na cokoliv. Toto koření má jedinečnou svěží chuť, aniž by bylo příliš daleko od toho, co lidé očekávají od BBQ koření. Použijte ho na drůbež, vepřové i hovězí maso, ale i zeleninu, hranolky nebo brambory. Jemný nádech kouřového aroma v kombinaci s pálivými papričkami roztančí vaše chuťové buňky.Složení: sůl (32,5%), koření včetně chilli papričky, hnědý cukr, sušená cibule a česnek, glutamát sodný, paprika, výtažky z papriky (barvivo),
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Three Little Pigs All Purpose 184g
BBQ grilovací omáčka Carolina Style 524g Three Little Pigs
Omáčka Three Little Pigs Carolina Style je lahodná omáčka s jemnými chutěmi a výrazným aroma, která je inspirována kuchyní amerického jihu, konkrétně oblastí Karolíny.Tato omáčka se vyznačuje výrazným kořeněním a pikantní chutí, díky které dokáže zpříjemnit chuť vašim oblíbeným pokrmům, zejména grilovaným masům, ale také hamburgerům nebo hot dogům. Vyrobená je z kvalitních surovin a bez přidání umělých konzervantů, barviv nebo ochucovadel, což ji činí zdravou volbou pro každého, kdo si chce vyc
Objev podobné jako BBQ grilovací omáčka Carolina Style 524g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Memphis BBQ Rub 347g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Memphis BBQ Rub je směs koření speciálně vytvořená pro přípravu lahodného BBQ jídla s typickou chutí Memphis-style BBQ. Tato kořenící směs obsahuje kvalitní ingredience, jako jsou paprika, cibule, česnek a další koření, které dodají vašemu jídlu autentickou chuť a aroma.Použijte ji na vepřové, drůbeží nebo hovězí maso, abyste vytvořili dokonalý Memphis-style BBQ zážitek.Složení:sůl, cukr, koření, dicetát sodný, kukuřičný škrob, sušená cibule a česnek,
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Memphis BBQ Rub 347g Three Little Pigs
BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Competition 575g Three Little Pigs
Omáčka Three Little Pigs Kansas City Competition je vynikající BBQ omáčka s kořeněnou a sladkou chutí, která je inspirována tradičními recepty z Kansas City, což je centrum amerického BBQ.Tato omáčka je vyrobena z kvalitních ingrediencí, včetně rajčatové pasty, hnědého cukru, jablečného octa a koření, které jí dodávají unikátní chuť a vůni. Three Little Pigs Kansas City Competition omáčka je ideální pro marinování masa, použití jako dip nebo jako přísada do různých pokrmů.Složení:
Objev podobné jako BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Competition 575g Three Little Pigs
BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Sweet BBQ 541g Three Little Pigs
Omáčka Three Little Pigs Kansas City Sweet BBQ je sladká BBQ omáčka s kořeněnou chutí, která je inspirovaná tradičními recepty z Kansas City.Tato omáčka je ideální pro grilování, marinování nebo použití jako dip pro maso, drůbež, ryby nebo zeleninu. Je vyrobena z kvalitních surovin, jako jsou rajčata, hnědý cukr, octová a Worcestershire omáčka a směs koření, která jí dodává charakteristickou chuť.Omáčka Three Little Pigs Kansas City Sweet BBQ je skvělou volbou pro všechny, kteří milují
Objev podobné jako BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Sweet BBQ 541g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub 347g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub je koření určené pro grilování a přípravu BBQ jídel. Tento rub je vytvořený podle receptury z Kansas City a má sladkou chuť s mírně pikantním závěrem. Obsahuje směs různých koření a bylin, které dodávají vašim jídlům autentickou BBQ chuť.Použijte ho na hovězí, vepřové, drůbeží, ryby nebo zeleninu a vychutnejte si lahodné jídlo s vůní a chutí z divokého západu.Složení:cukr, sůl, sušená cibule, česnek ,paprika, glutamát sodný,
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub 347g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Touch of Cherry BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Touch of Cherry BBQ Rub je koření pro grilování a marinování, které dodává vašim pokrmům sladkou a ovocnou chuť třešní.Tento rub je ideální pro kuřecí maso, vepřové maso, hovězí maso nebo ryby a přidává jim charakteristickou chuť a aroma, které jsou oblíbené mezi milovníky BBQ. S kořením Three Little Pigs Touch of Cherry BBQ Rub budou vaše grilované pokrmy nezapomenutelným zážitkem pro všechny vaše hosty.Složení:hnědý cukr, cukr, sůl, sušená cibule a
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Touch of Cherry BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Kansas City Championship BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Kansas City Championship BBQ Rub je vynikající směs koření určená především pro přípravu grilovaného masa. Tato směs koření je inspirována tradičními recepty z Kansas City, které se vyznačují sladkou a pikantní chutí s lehkou vůní dýmu.Three Little Pigs Kansas City Championship BBQ Rub obsahuje kvalitní koření jako je paprika, cibule, česnek, chilli, hnědý cukr a další aromatické látky, které dodávají masu lahodnou chuť a vůni. Tento produkt je ideální pro všechny milovníky gr
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Kansas City Championship BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub je koření ideální pro přípravu pokrmů na grilu. Tento kořenící mix v sobě kombinuje cukr, sůl, papriku a další aromatické přísady, které dodávají pokrmům autentickou chuť Kansas City stylu BBQ.Použijte ho na vepřové, kuřecí maso a žebra a připravte si nezapomenutelný zážitek z grilování. Složení:sůl, cukr, česnek, cibule, paprika, E621, paprika, koření, dextróza, protispékavá látka, celer, přírodní kouřové aroma
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Kansas City Sweet BBQ Rub 184g Three Little Pigs
BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Spicy Chipotle 558g Three Little Pigs
Omáčka Three Little Pigs Kansas City Spicy Chipotle je pikantní omáčka s chipotle papričkami, která pochází z amerického města Kansas City.Tato omáčka je ideální pro milovníky pálivých jídel a dodává jim výraznou chuť s lehkou sladkou a kouřovou příchutí. Omáčka je skvělým doplňkem pro grilované maso, burgery nebo jako dip pro zeleninu a chipsy.Složení:voda, hnědý cukr, kukuřičný sirup, destilovaný ocet, rajčatová pasta, chipotle pyré (chipotle papričky, voda, sůl, kys
Objev podobné jako BBQ grilovací omáčka Kansas City Spicy Chipotle 558g Three Little Pigs
BBQ koření Kansas City All Purpose BBQ Rub 354g Three Little Pigs
Three Little Pigs Kansas City All Purpose BBQ Rub je vynikající směs koření určená k použití při grilování a pečení masa. Tato klasická směs koření, inspirovaná tradicí BBQ v Kansas City, obsahuje kombinaci soli, cukru, papriky a dalších koření, které dodávají masu skvělou chuť a aroma.All Purpose BBQ Rub je skvělý pro přípravu vepřového, hovězího, kuřecího, rybího nebo zeleninového masa a dodá mu autentickou BBQ chuť.Složení:sůl, koření včetně chilli papričky, hnědý c
Objev podobné jako BBQ koření Kansas City All Purpose BBQ Rub 354g Three Little Pigs
Five Little Pigs - Agatha Christie
Agatha Christie's ingenious murder mystery, reissued with a striking new cover designed to appeal to the latest generation of Agatha Christie fans and book lovers. Beautiful Caroline Crale was convicted of poisoning her husband, yet there were five other suspects: Philip Blake (the stockbroker) who went to market; Meredith Blake (the amateur herbalist) who stayed at home; Elsa Greer (the three-time divorcee) who had roast beef; Cecilia Williams (the devoted governess) who had none; and Angela Warren (the disfigured sister) who cried `wee wee wee' all the way home. It is sixteen years later, but Hercule Poirot just can't get that nursery rhyme out of his mind...
Objev podobné jako Five Little Pigs - Agatha Christie
Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel - Quentin Blake
A remarkable collaboration – that brings together giants of the picture book world – to create a funny, anarchic and utterly delightful picture book. A classic of the future.Hilda Snibbs is going on holiday to the Grand Hotel – and, of course, she is taking her three little monkeys, Tim and Sam and Lulu. But what starts out as a relaxing break soon begins to unravel in this fun-filled and mischievous tale!Quentin Blake’s delightfully funny story is brought to life by Emma Chichester Clark’s beautiful mixed-media illustration in this incredible follow-up to the magical Three Little Monkeys at Christmas.
Objev podobné jako Three Little Monkeys and the Grand Hotel - Quentin Blake
The Case of the Poisonous Pigs - Nick Sheridan
Three unlikely detectives, one BIG mystery: the third book in the laugh-out-loud, illustrated mystery series from award-winning journalist and television presenter Nick Sheridan. Scooby-Doo for a new generation, perfect for fans of Pamela Butchart and Sam Copeland. There’s something growing in Snoops Bay. It started as a lump, then it became a bump, then a mound, then a hill. Now it’s a fully-fledged mutant mountain. Young detectives Riz, Olly, Drew and Anton know there’s more to the story than meets the eye and are determined to uncover the mystery. Little do they know, the biggest clue is lying a few miles away at Pigtopia, a brand-new pig theme park that’s hiding a mutant-sized secret . . .There’s always a mystery to solve in Snoops Bay!
Objev podobné jako The Case of the Poisonous Pigs - Nick Sheridan
Three Little Lies - Laura Marshall
Sasha North has gone missing. Everyone says she's run away, but I know better. We've been best friends since we were teenagers, since Sasha swept into the neighbourhood and brought colour to my life. Until a brutal attack changed both our lives forever. I know what happened that night. I know who wants revenge. And if Sasha has been taken, does that mean I'm next?
Objev podobné jako Three Little Lies - Laura Marshall
Kori Kumi Three little birds (5018997412190)
Poznámkový blok - Poznámkový blok Kori Kumi Three little birds je vhodný pro děti již od 3 let. Ty si do něho mohou kreslit, později také trénovat abecedu či psát poznámky. Blok disponuje formátem A5 a obsahuje 30 listů. Děti jistě ocení i jeho originální design. Kori Kumi Three little birds umožní dětem zapisovat všechny důležité poznámky a zaznamenávat jejich kresby. Klíčové vlastnosti poznámkového bloku Kori Kumi Three little birds Poznámkový blok vhodný pro děti již od 3 letDisponuje formátem A5Obsahuje 30 linkovaných listůKori Kumi Three little birds v originálním designu Formát:A5 Výška:15 cm
Objev podobné jako Kori Kumi Three little birds (5018997412190)
The Three Musketeers
Audiokniha MP3 Alexander Dumas, čte Rodilý mluvčí All for one and one for all! The three musketeers - Porthos, Aramis and Athos - are the most daring swordsmen in France, and special bodyguards to the king. When d'Artagnan comes to Paris to join their ranks, they become the greatest friends of his life. when a villainous plot is hatchet against the royal family by the sly Cardinal, the four dashing blades must save them at any cost...
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers
The Lightstruck - Sunya Mara
Vesper Vale sacrificed everything to save her city from the cursed storm. But when she awakens from three years of slumber as a vessel of The Great Queen, she finds her home beset by sinister forces.The Great King and his army of lightstruck - once regular citizens who are now controlled by an ominous light - have besieged the city. And the people are looking to Vesper, now revered as a goddess after her sacrifice, as their only hope.As she fights to rescue them, Vesper faces a growing chasm between her and Dalca, the prince she swore never to love.Haunted by the guilt of their choices and faced with the pressures of a city near ruin, Vesper and Dalca find themselves torn between the growing factions within the city and the royal court.But in order to save her city from the light, Vesper must face the power most outside of her control - the goddess within.
Objev podobné jako The Lightstruck - Sunya Mara
The Darkening - Sunya Mara
Vesper Vale is the daughter of revolutionaries. Failed revolutionaries. Since the Queen sentenced her mother to death by a deadly Storm that curses everyone it touches, Vesper and her father have been on the run.So when the queen's soldiers - led by paranoid Prince Dalca - catch up to them, Vesper will do whatever it takes to keep her father from sharing her mother's cruel fate. Even arm herself with her father's book of dangerous experimental magic. Even infiltrate the prince's elite squad of soldier-sorcerers.Even cheat her way into his cold heart. But when Vesper learns that there's more to the story of her mother's death, and that her home is in dire peril, she has little choice: trust the devious prince with her family's secrets, or follow her mother's footsteps into the Storm . .
Objev podobné jako The Darkening - Sunya Mara
The Seal on the Beach - Mara Bergman
An inspiring story of hope and survival written and illustrated with lyricism, empathy and warmth.Maggie is on holiday with her aunt and uncle. Meanwhile her mum waits for Maggie’s baby brother to come home from hospital. On a walk across the wild Norfolk shoreline, Maggie finds a seal pup stranded on the beach, all alone. She is the sweetest thing Maggie has ever seen. But without her mum, how will the seal survive? Who will rescue her and will she ever be returned to the sea, and find her family again? Expressed through her vivid dreams and thoughtful actions, Maggie longs for the rescue and survival of this dear little seal pup. And, all the while, she hopes with all her heart to be reunited with her own mum and baby brother again.
Objev podobné jako The Seal on the Beach - Mara Bergman
The Lightstruck (Defekt) - Sunya Mara
Vesper Vale sacrificed everything to save her city from the cursed storm. But when she awakens from three years of slumber as a vessel of The Great Queen, she finds her home beset by sinister forces.The Great King and his army of lightstruck - once regular citizens who are now controlled by an ominous light - have besieged the city. And the people are looking to Vesper, now revered as a goddess after her sacrifice, as their only hope.As she fights to rescue them, Vesper faces a growing chasm between her and Dalca, the prince she swore never to love.Haunted by the guilt of their choices and faced with the pressures of a city near ruin, Vesper and Dalca find themselves torn between the growing factions within the city and the royal court.But in order to save her city from the light, Vesper must face the power most outside of her control - the goddess within.
Objev podobné jako The Lightstruck (Defekt) - Sunya Mara
The Three-Body Problem (178497157X)
Kniha - autor Cixin Liu, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Cixin Liu, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná 1967: University student Ye Wenjie witnesses Red Guards beat her father to death during China's Cultural Revolution. His crime? Failure to recant his belief in science. This singular event will shape not only the rest of her life but also the future of mankind. Four decades later, after a spate of apparent suicides among elite scientists, Beijing police ask nanotech engineer Wang Miao to infiltrate a secretive cabal of international scientists. During the course of his investigation, Wang is inducted into a mysterious online game that immerses him in a virtual world ruled by the intractable and unpredictable interaction of its three suns. This is the Three-Body Problem and it is the key to everything. The key to the scientists' deaths, the key to humanity's place in the cosmos and the key to the extinction-level threat...
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem (178497157X)
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
This edition of The Three Musketeers contains a retold novel, an introduction, notes on the author, notes on the period when the book is set, the book's themes, a simple glossary, and a free CD (running time 2 hours). The book on the CD is read slowly and clearly to aid comprehension. This novel set in the 17th century is an exciting adventure story about a young man called d'Artagnan who leaves home to travel to Paris, to join the Musketeers of the Guard. The three musketeers (of the title of the book) are his friends Athos, Porthos and Aramis whose motto is 'one for all, all for one'. Dumas was writing about the old regime in France so puts his musketeers through adventures that take the friends through many absurd quests, and injustices to expose things that had happened before the French Revolution. The musketeers provide exciting entertainment. Dumas wrote two more novels about the three musketeers. The book has inspired films, musicals and plays, and was written as a serial first, published in a magazine.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
It is 1625 and France is under threat. D'Artagnan, a young nobleman, sets off to Paris to seek his fortune as a member of the King's Guard and befriends three musketeers - the mysterious Athos, ambitious and romantic Aramis, and bumbling Porthos. Together the friends must use all their guile and ingenuity to outwit the dastardly schemes of Cardinal Richelieu and the glamorous spy, Milady.As fresh and entertaining today as when it was first written, Alexandre Dumas's The Three Musketeers is a gripping adventure story of daring sword fights, romances, espionage and murder.This sensitively abridged Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The Three Musketeers features an afterword by playwright, screenwriter and actor, Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
The Three Dahlias - Katy Watson
''An absolute treat of a read with all the ingredients of a vintage murder mystery: a country house, mysterious dead bodies and three actresses all keen to catch the killer. Perfect weekend reading!'' Janice Hallett, author of The Appeal''Celebrates and gently satirises Golden Age crime novels in a hugely entertaining country house mystery'' The Times----------Three rival actresses team up to solve a murder at the stately home of the author who made them famous - only to discover the solution lies in the stories themselves. A contemporary mystery with a Golden Age feel, perfect for fans of Agatha Christie and Jessica Fellowes.In attendance: the VIP fans, staying at Aldermere; the fan club president turned convention organiser; the team behind the newest movie adaptation of Davenport''s books; the Davenport family themselves - and the three actresses famous for portraying Lettice''s 1930s detective, Dahlia Lively.National treasure Rosalind King, from the original movies. TV Dahlia for thirteen seasons, Caro Hooper. And ex-child star Posy Starling, fresh out of the fame wilderness (and rehab) to take on the Dahlia mantle for the new movie.Each actress has her own interpretation of the character - but this English summer weekend they will have to put aside their differences, as the crimes at Aldermere turns anything but cosy. When fictional death turns into real bodies, can the three Dahlias find the answers to the murders among the fans, the film crew, the family - or even in Lettice''s books themselves?----------PRAISE FOR THE THREE DAHLIAS''Dame Agatha would approve'' Daily Mail''The perfect holiday read'' Woman and Home''A wonderful celebration of Golden Age crime. . . a read you can sink into, just like the perfect country house weekend. You will definitely love Dahlia in all her guises by the end'' S.J. Bennett, author of The Windsor Knot''A sprightly offering. . . a pleasant summer read'' The Critic''A fun, 1930s style murder-mystery, which makes for perfect holiday reading'' Woman''s Weekly''A cosy whodunnit told with modern flair'' Yours
Objev podobné jako The Three Dahlias - Katy Watson
The Three Theban Plays - Sofoklés
Free when packaged with any Damrosch World Literature title.
Objev podobné jako The Three Theban Plays - Sofoklés
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
Offers an introduction to classic fairy tales for toddlers and preschool children.
Objev podobné jako Goldilocks and the Three Bears
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
With an Introduction and Notes by Keith Wren. University of Kent at Canterbury. One of the most celebrated and popular historical romances ever written, The Three Musketeers tells the story of the early adventures of the young Gascon gentleman, D'Artagnan and his three friends from the regiment of the King's Musketeers - Athos, Porthos and Aramis. Under the watchful eye of their patron M. de Treville, the four defend the honour of the regiment against the guards of Cardinal Richelieu, and the honour of the queen against the machinations of the Cardinal himself as the power struggles of seventeenth century France are vividly played out in the background. But their most dangerous encounter is with the Cardinal's spy, Milady, one of literature's most memorable female villains, and Alexandre Dumas employs all his fast-paced narrative skills to bring this enthralling novel to a breathtakingly gripping and dramatic conclusion. Our edition uses the William Barrow translation first published by Bruce and Wylde (London,1846).
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas
The Three Graces - Amanda Craig
'Hugely entertaining' Telegraph'She's such a skilful storyteller who vividly dramatises our lives with wit, wisdom and compassion'BERNARDINE EVARISTO'I revelled in The Three Graces - such an intriguing cast, so convincingly presented, and a narrative that continually surprises' PENELOPE LIVELY'A brilliant piece of storytelling... it should be the book everybody's reading this summer'ANDREW O'HAGAN'Gorgeous and generous... rich with characters and suffused with sunlight' LISSA EVANS When Enzo shoots an illegal migrant from his bedroom one night, it triggers a series of events that embroil old and young, rich and poor, native and foreign.His elderly neighbours Ruth, Diana and Marta are three friends who have retired to Tuscany. Ruth's favourite grandson Olly is about to get married from her idyllic hillside farmhouse; however, the bride, Tania, seems curiously unengaged by anything but vlogging as a social media influencer. Marta, preparing to give the annual music recital sponsored by a Russian oligarch in hiding from Putin, is increasingly unwell, and her grandson, Xan, is full of resentment at the inequalities he encounters.Diana is nursing her husband, Lord Evenlode, who is living with dementia, and looking back over a long and troubled marriage. Over two weeks in May, all these characters will face challenging choices as they grapple with their own past and with present dangers. For although the Tuscan spring looks as ravishing as a Renaissance painting, the realities of modern life make it harder and harder to believe that there is more that unites us than what keeps us apart.Brilliant, enthralling, funny and generous, this is an exploration of the indomitable human heart.
Objev podobné jako The Three Graces - Amanda Craig
The Little Books of the Little Brontes - Sara O'Leary
The inspiring true tale of young siblings who loved to make stories – and grew up to be among English literature''s finest writers.Many years ago, the four children of the Brontë family – Charlotte, Branwell, Emily and Anne – lived in a windswept house by the Yorkshire moors with their father. Although their lives were often filled with sadness and their world was only as large as the distance they could walk, their inner worlds were bound only by their imaginations. Hungry for stories, these children devoured novels and poetry, history and fables. And with the gift of a group of toy soldiers, they were inspired to make their own tiny books ... a passion that would last them a lifetime.
Objev podobné jako The Little Books of the Little Brontes - Sara O'Leary
The Drawing of the three - Stephen King
THE DRAWING OF THE THREE is the second volume in Stephen King's epic Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is soon to be a major motion picture starring Matthew McConaughey and Idris Elba, due in cinemas August 18, 2017.In the second novel of Stephen King's bestselling fantasy masterpiece, Roland of Gilead, the Last Gunslinger, encounters three mysterious doors which open - for Roland, and Roland alone - to different times in our world. He must draw the three who should accompany him on the road. In 1980s New York, Roland joins forces with defiant Eddie Dean. The second door leads to the 1960s and conflicted civil rights activist Odetta Holmes. The final door reveals Jack Mort, a deadly serial killer, in the 1970s. Mort is stalking Jake, the young boy Roland met in Mid-World.As titanic forces gather, a savage struggle between underworld evil and otherworldly enemies threatens to bring an end to Roland's journey toward the Dark Tower...J
Objev podobné jako The Drawing of the three - Stephen King
The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
Read the award-winning, critically acclaimed, multi-million-copy-selling science-fiction phenomenon – now a major Netflix Original Series from the creators of Game of Thrones.1967: Ye Wenjie witnesses Red Guards beat her father to death during China''s Cultural Revolution. This singular event will shape not only the rest of her life but also the future of mankind.Four decades later, Beijing police ask nanotech engineer Wang Miao to infiltrate a secretive cabal of scientists after a spate of inexplicable suicides. Wang''s investigation will lead him to a mysterious online game and immerse him in a virtual world ruled by the intractable and unpredictable interaction of its three suns.This is the Three-Body Problem and it is the key to everything: the key to the scientists'' deaths, the key to a conspiracy that spans light-years and the key to the extinction-level threat humanity now faces.Praise for The Three-Body Problem: ''Your next favourite sci-fi novel'' Wired ''Immense'' Barack Obama ''Unique'' George R.R. Martin ''SF in the grand style'' Guardian ''Mind-altering and immersive'' Daily Mail Winner of the Hugo and Galaxy Awards for Best Novel
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
The Three Golden Keys - Petr Sís
Fascinující ilustrovaná kniha o Praze, v níž se prolínají historické legendy s osobními příběhy a vzpomínkami. Černá kočka nás provází křivolakými ulicemi Starého Města a Malé Strany, abychom našli klíče k zámkům vlastního dětství. Tři zlaté klíče otevírají tajemné dveře starých pražských pověstí o Bruncvíkovi, o Golemovi a o mistru Hanušovi. Legendární kniha, kterou k vydání připravila Jacqueline Kennedyová, vyšla poprvé v New Yorku v roce 1994. Nyní se v české verzi vrací ke čtenářům v autorově rodné zemi.------------------World-renowned artist brings to life the magic of Prague and its legends.In this allegorical tale, a man in a hot-air ballon is thrown off course in a violent storm, landing him in the city of his youth. He finds the way to his old home, but the house is dark, with three rusty padlocks on the door. A black cat with eyes of fire appears and leads him through Prague's silent streets and monuments in seach of the three golden keys that will open the door of his boyhood home and restore the city to life. In this reissue of one of his most personal works, Peter Sís recaptures the wonder of his own lost childhood in Prague and celebrates the city's wonderful cultural heritage, reborn after forty-five years of Communist rule. He wrote it for his young daughter, Madeleine, who is growing up in the New World, so that when she is old enough to understand it she will have a record of the strange and wonderful heritage that is her birthright. “The fairy-tale capital has found its artist in Peter Sís. His brilliant homage to his hometown is at once charming and grave, filled with countless nuances and details that only a loving eye will notice . . . Like all the best children's books, this is one an adult will keep reaching for. For Peter Sís has succeeded in creating a book not only for the child, but for the adult she will one day be.”— The New York Times Book Review
Objev podobné jako The Three Golden Keys - Petr Sís
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha
Audiokniha: All for one and one for all! The three musketeers - Porthos, Aramis and Athos - are the most daring swordsmen in France, and special bodyguards to the king. When d'Artagnan comes to Paris to join their ranks, they become the greatest friends of his life. when a villainous plot is hatchet against the royal family by the sly Cardinal, the four dashing blades must save them at any cost...
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - audiokniha
Someone in the Attic - Andrea Mara
The gripping, twisty thriller that everyone is talking about - the new novel from Andrea Mara, bestselling author of Richard and Judy Book Club pick, No One Saw a Thing. ‘An absolute page turner!’ Shari Lapena‘A twisty thriller full of clever misdirection.' Claire Douglas'Andrea Mara is the Queen of the Cliffhanger.' CL Taylor‘I enjoyed every terrifying page.’ Elly Griffiths‘A gripping story, beautifully told.’ Patricia CornwellNo one suspects a thing. When your daughter shows you a video of a masked man climbing out of an attic, you initially ignore her. But then you recognise the carpet, the stairs and the paintings. Your heart skips a beat, because the footage was filmed inside your house…Someone wants revenge. You’re certain no one could access this luxury gated community, designed to keep intruders out. But then the second video arrives – the same as the first – and you really begin to panic. Everyone is hiding something. Could someone be living in your attic? Why would a stranger target you? And what if it’s not a stranger at all?Don't miss Andrea Mara's unputdownable new novel, It Should Have Been You - available to pre-order now!Everyone is talking about Someone in the Attic:'This is her best book yet!' * * * * *'The most gripping and thrilling book I've read in a long time.' * * * * *'My favourite of Andrea’s so far!' * * * * *'WOW! What a book!. * * * * *'What a read!!!' * * * * *'Bloody hell!' * * * * *'Just amazing! * * * * *Andrea Mara, Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024
Objev podobné jako Someone in the Attic - Andrea Mara
The Three Clerks - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
eBook: Set in the 1850s, The Three Clerks exposes and probes the relationships between three clerks and the three sisters who became their wives. At the same time it satirizes the Civil Service examinations and financial corruption in dealings on the stock market.
Objev podobné jako The Three Clerks - Anthony Trollope - e-kniha
The Three-Body Problem Boxset - Cixin Liu
Weaving a complex web of stratagem, subterfuge, philosophy and physics across light years of space and 18.9 million years of time, this tale of humanity’s struggle to reach the stars is a visionary masterwork of unprecedented scale and momentum. A boxed set of Cixin Liu's Three Body Problem trilogy, containing The Three-Body Problem, The Dark Forest and Death's End
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem Boxset - Cixin Liu
Strom - The Three - L´Arbre - Lucie Sunková
Výtvarná kniha režisérky a výtvarnice Lucie Sunkové Strom vychází ze stejnojmenného animovaného filmu. Působivá animace malovaná pomocí olejových barev na skle je unikátní, velmi pracná a celý proces natáčení je pomíjivý. Filmový obraz běží v čase a my nemůžeme zastavit svou pozornost na výtvarných jednotlivostech. Kniha nám to umožňuje v podobě zastavených obrazů. Básnický metaforický příběh, který je ve filmu vyprávěn beze slov, získává ve své knižní podobě další - obrazově literární - rozměr.
Objev podobné jako Strom - The Three - L´Arbre - Lucie Sunková
Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles - Michael Rosen
A fabulously funny take on a classic story from two giants of children’s books!Goldilocks and her little dog are off on an adventure, looking for that house again – the one with the chairs, the porridge and beds. The sound of the sea calls to them and before they know it, they have found quite a different sort of a house . . . there are bowls, and chairs and sort-of beds . . . plus some rather unexpected and hilarious inhabitants!From Michael Rosen, the highly regarded author of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt, comes this wonderful new take on the famous nursery rhyme, brilliantly brought to life by David Melling, the creator of Hugless Douglas.
Objev podobné jako Goldilocks and the Three Crocodiles - Michael Rosen
Secrets for the Three Sisters - Annie Groves
The heartwarming new novel from the author of The District Nurses of Victory Walk. It’s autumn 1940 and the Blitz has cast its shadow over London. Everyone is doing their bit to help, including the three Harrison sisters of the East End’s Victory Walk.Nurse Rose is snowed under in the hospital tending to victims of the bombings. Her sister Clover is on active duty on the south coast, while the baby of the family, Daisy, is growing up quickly working on the London Underground, now that thousands of people are taking shelter down below.Even in wartime, the sisters find time for a wedding, but the bride is keeping a secret, which threatens to come to light. Can the three sisters stick together, for each other, and for King and Country?
Objev podobné jako Secrets for the Three Sisters - Annie Groves
The Three-Body Problem - Liou Cch'-Sin
1967: Ye Wenjie witnesses Red Guards beat her father to death during China's Cultural Revolution. This singular event will shape not only the rest of her life but also the future of mankind. Four decades later, Beijing police ask nanotech engineer Wang Miao to infiltrate a secretive cabal of scientists after a spate of inexplicable suicides. Wang's investigation will lead him to a mysterious online game and immerse him in a virtual world ruled by the intractable and unpredicatable interaction of its three suns. This is the Three-Body Problem and it is the key to everything: the key to the scientists' deaths, the key to a conspiracy that spans light-years and the key to the extinction-level threat humanity now faces.
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem - Liou Cch'-Sin
The Three-Body Problem - Liou Cch'-Sin
Ye Wenjie witnesses Red Guards beat her father to death during China's Cultural Revolution. This singular event will shape not only the rest of her life but also the future of mankind.Four decades later, Beijing police ask nanotech engineer Wang Miao to infiltrate a secretive cabal of scientists after a spate of inexplicable suicides. Wang's investigation will lead him to a mysterious online game and immerse him in a virtual world ruled by the intractable and unpredictable interaction of its three suns. This is the Three-Body Problem and it is the key to everything: the key to the scientists' deaths, the key to a conspiracy that spans light-years and the key to the extinction-level threat humanity now faces.
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem - Liou Cch'-Sin
The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
eBook: eep dive into Alexandre Dumas\' swashbuckling historical adventure tale of honour and chivalry, set during the backdrop of the French monarchy\'s slow demise, ´The Three Musketeers´.Kickstarting the epic trilogy, ´The Three Musketeers´ follows D\'Artagnan\'s desperate attempt to leave home and join the elite Musketeers of the Guard in Paris. When he befriends three other formidable musketeers his age, the group soon take it upon themselves to save the state and control the courts!But when rogue do-gooders step on the toes of France\'s Ancien Régime, there\'s bound to be trouble. And violence. Will it be off with the heads? Or will the musketeers show France what a true republic looks like?Weaving a whirlwind adventure tale of courage and might, Dumas\' \'The Three Musketeers´ is a must-read masterpiece for fans of Luke Evans, Orlando Bloom, and Logan Lerman in the eponymous blockbuster hit film adaptation.
Objev podobné jako The Three Musketeers - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha
The Three-Body Problem 2. The Dark Forest (1784971618)
Kniha - autor Cixin Liu, 550 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Cixin Liu, 550 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this is the second novel in the SF trilogy. Ties in with the hardback publication of the final book, "Death's End", which is also out this month. 'A milestone in Chinese science fiction' "New York Times"
Objev podobné jako The Three-Body Problem 2. The Dark Forest (1784971618)
Pigs in a Pickle - Wilhelm
The three little pigs from Pigs in a Blanket are back for more fun in this silly interactive board book with a positive message! These three little pigs are ready for anything?especially having fun. But, whoops! Sometimes the pigs' day doesn't go as planned. That's OK! No matter what the oopsie, the pigs keep going, always staying positive and landing on their teensy feet! • A positive message about perseverance told in clever rhyming, easy-to-follow text • Fun and interactive book for family story time • Hans Wilhelm has written and illustrated over 200 books for children and adults including the popular Guess Which Hand and Pigs in a Blanket. For children who love barnyard animals, Peppa Pig, Perfect Piggies!, and Tickle the Pig, Pigs in a Pickle will warm hearts and inspire confidence. A fun and simple book about overcoming challenges for preschoolers and toddlers.
Objev podobné jako Pigs in a Pickle - Wilhelm
The Three Golden Keys (80-86803-05-8)
Kniha - autor Petr Sís, 60 stran, česky, pevná s přebalem matná In THE THREE GOLDEN KEYS Peter Sís recaptures the wonder of his own lost childhood in Prague and celebrates the city's wonderful cultural heritage, reborn after forty years of Communist rule. He wrote it for his young daughter, Madeleine, who is growing up in the New World, so that when she is old enough to understand it she will have a record of the strange and wonderful heritage that is her birthright. Utterly magical on every level, THE THREE GOLDEN KEYS, is destined to become a classic of children's literature.
Objev podobné jako The Three Golden Keys (80-86803-05-8)
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