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The Summer Swap - Sarah Morgan
Read the Sunday Times bestseller, The Summer Swap, the heart-warming new novel from Sarah Morgan, out now. ‘Another great read from Sarah Morgan … A story of family, friendships and forgiveness and its beautifully written with warm-hearted characters … I loved it’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The Summer Swap is another great roller coaster of an emotional novel from Sarah Morgan. There is romance, heartbreak and the uncovering of long-held secrets and mistaken assumptions … Difficult to put down!’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐* * *It''s never too late to start over again …A summer escapeWhen Cecilia Lapthorne’s 75th birthday celebrations take an unexpected turn, she seeks solace away from the festivities and escapes to Dune Cottage – without telling her family where she’s going.A new friendshipLily Thomas, a struggling artist, has secretly been staying in the unoccupied cottage. When Cecilia discovers Lily during a late-night visit, an unexpected bond forms between the two women.A chance to start over Then Cecilia’s grandson, Todd – and Lily’s unrequited crush – shows up, sending a shockwave through their unlikely friendship. Will it inspire Lily to find the courage to live the life she wants? Can Cecilia finally let go of the past to find a new future? Because as surely as the tide erases past footprints, this summer is offering both Cecilia and Lily the chance to swap old dreams for new …* * *Praise for Sarah Morgan ‘A truly heart-warming read’ Woman & Home‘An absolute delight from start to finish … The imagination, tranquility, and wholesomeness that radiated from its pages were such a joy to read'' The Bookseller ‘Uplifting and compelling’ My Weekly
Podívejte se také Delphin The End Quick swap s gumičkou Velikost 4 6ks (8586018454001)
Beach House Summer - Sarah Morgan
A marriage in the spotlight Joanna Whitman's high-profile marriage held more secrets than she cares to remember, so when her ex-husband dies, she doesn't know what to feel. But when she discovers that he's left behind a pregnant young woman, Joanna is forced to act. She knows exactly how brutal the spotlight on them both will be...unless she can find a way for them to disappear. A beach house hideaway Ashley Blake is amazed when Joanna suggests they lie low at her beach house in her sleepy Californian hometown. Joanna should be hating her, not helping her. But alone and pregnant, Ashley needs all the support she can find. A summer of new beginnings Joanna's only goal for the summer is privacy. All Ashley wants is space to plan for her and her baby's future. But when an old flame reappears, and secrets spill out under the hot summer sun, this unlikely friendship is put to the test...
Podívejte se také Morgan - DVD (D007462)
Vianočný únik - Sarah Morgan
Povznášajúci román o priateľstve a o riskovaní všetkého pre najväčší dar zo všetkých, odohrávajúci sa v čase najkrajších sviatkov v roku.
Podívejte se také Morgan - Blu-ray (BD001442)
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Rodina pre začiatočníkov - Sarah Morgan
Newyorská kvetinárka Flora je so svojím životom navonok spokojná, no málokto o nej vie, že sa s ňou osud nemaznal. Ako dieťa osirelaa vychovávala ju teta, ktorá jej dala pocítiť, že je iba nechcené bremeno. Flora odvtedy nezažila pocit, že niekam patrí... až kým nestretlapríťažlivého vdovca Jacka.Jackova dcéra, tínedžerka Izzy, sa zo všetkých síl snaží nezosypať.Odkedy jej zomrela mama, starostlivosť o otca a mladšiu sestru bolato jediné, pri čom sa cítila bezpečne. Navyše ju ťaží mamino tajomstvo,na ktoré prišla krátko pred jej smrťou. Keď zistí, že jej otec má novú priateľku, vstúpi do svojej najhoršej nočnej mory. Aby toho nebolo málo, otec Floru pozve na každoročnú letnú dovolenku do Anglicka,k najlepšej kamarátke jeho zosnulej manželky. Flora sa všemožneusiluje získať si Izzinu priazeň, tá je však odhodlaná držať si ju od tela. Ako leto plynie, predsa len medzi nimi vzniká opatrné puto.Obe, Flora aj Izzy, musia prekročiť svoje hranice, aby sa naučili,že rodina je neraz zložitá spleť vzťahov, do ktorých treba dozrieťa predovšetkým im treba dať šancu.
Objev podobné jako Rodina pre začiatočníkov - Sarah Morgan
Rodina pro začátečníky - Sarah Morgan
Newyorská floristka Flora Donovanová si žije hezky, ale za svým optimistickým chováním skrývá tajemství. Je opuštěná. Jako dítě osiřela a od té doby neměla nikdy pocit, že by někam patřila... Až do chvíle, kdy potká Jacka Parkera. Je to první muž, který jí opravdu rozumí, a to změní celý její život.Sedmnáctiletá Izzy Parkerová sotva drží pohromadě. Od té doby, co jí před rokem zemřela máma, je péče o tátu a malou sestru tou jedinou věcí, která jí dává pocit jistoty. Zjištění, že její táta má novou přítelkyni, je jako ta nejhorší noční můra — o náhradní matku teď rozhodně nestojí. A pak táta pozve Floru, aby s nimi jela na letní prázdniny…Flora s Izzy soucítí, ale také si moc přeje, aby její vztah s Jackem fungoval. Během léta musí Flora posunout své vlastní hranice, aby objevila části své osobnosti, o jejichž existenci zatím nevěděla. A našla rodinu, kterou si vždycky přála.
Objev podobné jako Rodina pro začátečníky - Sarah Morgan
Svadba v decembri - Sarah Morgan
Rodina Whitovcov pricestuje do zasneženého Aspenu na svadbu mladšej dcéry Rosie, ktorú na poslednú chvíľu zorganizovali na Vianoce. Ako prví dorazia nevestini rodičia Maggie a Nick, ktorí pred touto dôležitou udalosťou skrývajú jedno tajomstvo: rozvádzajú sa. Už pol roka žijú oddelene a to posledné, čo potrebujú, je uviaznuť spolu v neodolateľne romantickej zimnej rozprávkovej krajine.Svadba znepokojuje aj Rosinu staršiu sestru Katie. Bojí sa, že jej spontánna, dobrosrdečná sestra robí chybu, preto je odhodlaná ochrániť ju pred nesprávnym rozhodnutím. Kiežby len neskutočne príťažlivý družba Jordan prestal mariť jej plány...Budúca nevesta Rosie svojho snúbenca ľúbi, no má vážne pochybnosti. Keď už všetci prišli na jej svadbu, ako im môže povedať, že si ňou nie je istá? Veľký deň sa blíži, emócie sa stupňujú a Whitovci prežívajú Vianoce, na ktoré ani jeden z nich nezabudne!
Objev podobné jako Svadba v decembri - Sarah Morgan
Dom na pláži - Sarah Morgan
Strhujúci príbeh o priateľstve a láske Keď Joanne zomrie pri autonehode bývalý manžel, slávny šéfkuchár Cliff Whitman, nevie, čo má cítiť. Len čo však zistí, že mladá žena, ktorá nehodu prežila, je tehotná, cíti potrebu konať, lebo presne vie, ako sa na ňu zamerajú médiá.Ashley neverí vlastným očiam, keď sa v nemocničnej izbe zjaví Joanna a navrhne jej, aby sa spolu ukryli v jej dome na pláži. Nepochopiteľnú ponuku však nemôže odmietnuť, hoci sa obáva, že keď Joanna zistí skutočný dôvod, prečo sedela v Cliffovom aute, ich neisté puto sa rozpadne.Joannin návrat do domu jej detstva vyvolá v miestnej komunite veľký rozruch, najmä u muža, s ktorým sa pred rokmi rozišla. Osamelá Ashley chce využiť pobyt v dome na plánovanie budúcnosti pre seba a svoje dieťa, ale nehodlá spôsobovať Joanne akékoľvek problémy. No keď pod horúcim letným slnkom vyplávajú na povrch tajomstvá, ich nepravdepodobné priateľstvo bude vystavené skúške.
Objev podobné jako Dom na pláži - Sarah Morgan
Vianoce vo Vermonte - Sarah Morgan
Vďaka svojmu historickému šarmu a bohatej knižnici je penzión Hattie Colemanovej považovaný za dokonalú dovolenkovú destináciu. Hattie ovdovela príliš mladá a je vyčerpaná z vedenia penziónu a úlohy matky, túži len po tom, aby úspešne zvládala jeden deň za druhým. Erica, Claudia a Anna – celoživotné priateľky, sa vyberú na každoročné stretnutie svojho knižného klubu do Hattinho penziónu a všetko sa zmení. Ich blízke priateľstvo a spoločná láska ku knihám ich už previedli mnohými vzostupmi aj pádmi. Hattie však vidí, že si so sebou priniesli aj nevyriešené otázky a problémy, no nič ju nepripraví na prekvapenie, ako hlboko sa nové známosti prepletú s jej vlastným príbehom.Nájdu tieto štyri ženy s rozličnými osudmi cestu, ako si vzájomne pomôcť a začať novú kapitolu života?
Objev podobné jako Vianoce vo Vermonte - Sarah Morgan
Vila na ostrove - Sarah Morgan
Pod stredomorským slnkom sa odohráva zamotaná rodinná dráma a horúci romantický príbeh, ktorý je dokonalým letným únikom z reality...Slávna autorka romantických príbehov Catherine Swiftová sa už desaťročia umiestňuje na popredných priečkach zoznamov bestsellerov, hoci jej vlastný ľúbostný život nie je taký dokonalý. Najviac ju mrzí napätý vzťah so staršou dcérou, ale to sa má čoskoro zmeniť. Catherine sa spolieha na to, že jej štvrtá svadba na krásnom gréckom ostrove rodinu konečne spojí.Adeline nevie, čo je horšie – či to, že sa jej matka po štvrtý raz vydáva, alebo to, že ju núti byť svedkom tejto katastrofy v jej luxusnej vile na Korfu. Opätovne prežíva bolesť z rozchodu rodičov a z matkinej nevery, ktorej ná-sledkom jej jej nevlastná sestra Cassie. Vracia sa na miesto, na ktorom ke-dysi prežila krásne aj bezútešné chvíle. Stretáva svojho najlepšieho kama-ráta z detstva, ktorý v nej prebudí dlho potláčané stránky jej osobnosti.
Objev podobné jako Vila na ostrove - Sarah Morgan
Jedno leto v Paríži - Sarah Morgan
Jeden čarovný antikvariát, jedno nepravdepodobné priateľstvo dvoch žien a jedno leto v Paríži, ktoré im navždy zmení život...Grace je šokovaná, keď jej manžel na dvadsiate piate výročie svadby oznámi, že na dovolenku do Paríža s ňou nepocestuje, na-miesto toho sa chce rozviesť. Po dlhšom váhaní sa rozhodne, že do Paríža pôjde sama.Audrey v snahe uniknúť z domova si nájde prácu v parížskom an-tikvariáte, no bez znalosti francúzštiny sa jej letné dobrodružstvo zdá odsúdené na zánik. Až kým nestretne Grace...Medzi Grace a Audrey, ktoré žijú vedľa seba nad antikvariátom, sa zrodí nečakané priateľstvo. Obidve prišli do Paríža, aby našli samy seba, no skutočnosť, že našli jedna druhú, je tým najlepším, čo ich mohlo stretnúť.
Objev podobné jako Jedno leto v Paríži - Sarah Morgan
Na Vianoce o jedného viac - Sarah Morgan
Pre sestry Samanthu a Ellu Mitchellové sú Vianoce najvzácnejším obdobím roka. Tento rok však budú nakupovať darčeky pre toho najnečakanejšieho hosťa zo všetkých – pre svoju matku. Od ich posledného stretnutia ubehlo už päť rokov. Keď sa im mama z ničoho nič ozve, Samantha s Ellou neochotne súhlasia, že spolu strávia Vianoce v nádhernej Škótskej vysočine... Gayle Mitchellová si vybudovala pozoruhodnú kariéru. Úspech si však vyžiadal svoju daň – vážne narušil jej vzťah s dcérami. K ich výchove pristupovala prísne s cieľom sformovať z nich silné osobnosti, no namiesto toho ich od seba odohnala. Až vidina vlastnej zraniteľnosti prinúti Gayle napraviť to. Počas prvých spoločných rodinných sviatkov po rokoch všetky ženy Mitchellové zistia, že niekedy stačí postaviť sa minulosti čelom, aby ste vyliečili rany vo svojom srdci. Pre jednu z nich pobyt v Škótsku prinesie aj nečakané ľúbostné vzplanutie.
Objev podobné jako Na Vianoce o jedného viac - Sarah Morgan
Rodina pro začátečníky - Sarah Morgan - e-kniha
eBook: Newyorská floristka Flora Donovanová si žije hezky, ale za svým optimistickým chováním skrývá tajemství. Je opuštěná. Jako dítě osiřela a od té doby neměla nikdy pocit, že by někam patřila... Až do chvíle, kdy potká Jacka Parkera. Je to první muž, který jí opravdu rozumí, a to změní celý její život.Sedmnáctiletá Izzy Parkerová sotva drží pohromadě. Od té doby, co jí před rokem zemřela máma, je péče o tátu a malou sestru tou jedinou věcí, která jí dává pocit jistoty. Zjištění, že její táta má novou přítelkyni, je jako ta nejhorší noční můra — o náhradní matku teď rozhodně nestojí. A pak táta pozve Floru, aby s nimi jela na letní prázdniny…Flora s Izzy soucítí, ale také si moc přeje, aby její vztah s Jackem fungoval. Během léta musí Flora posunout své vlastní hranice, aby objevila části své osobnosti, o jejichž existenci zatím nevěděla. A našla rodinu, kterou si vždycky přála.
Objev podobné jako Rodina pro začátečníky - Sarah Morgan - e-kniha
The Book Swap - Bickers Tessa
A REASON TO LIVE.Still grieving the death of her best friend, Erin knows she needs to start living - but has no idea how. Then she loses her favourite book, a heavily annotated and containing her friend''s final words to her.A REASON TO LOVE.When James finds Erin''s note-filled book in his local community library, it sparks a life-changing conversation. He writes his own message back, and soon they are locked in an anonymous book exchange, with no idea who the other person in the margins might be.A REASON TO FORGIVE?But Erin and James have a shared history that neither of them realise. How will Erin react when she discovers the other writer isn''t a stranger at all - but the person she once swore she''d never forgive?A story of second chances and new beginnings, this is a love letter to books - and a love letter to love.Your favourite authors are loving The Book Swap:''Catnip for any book geek'' CESCA MAJOR''It''s You''ve Got Mail, but make it even more bookish'' NIAMH HARGAN''A gorgeous debut from tremendous Tessa Bickers'' SALLY PHILLIPS''What a gorgeous, life-affirming, bookishly beautiful novel this is!'' CRESSIDA MCLAUGHLIN''If you love books and you love love, you are going to adore The Book Swap'' JULIE COHEN
Objev podobné jako The Book Swap - Bickers Tessa
Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Black 34 Kalhoty
Dámské kalhoty Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Pants jsou typem kalhot určených pro ženy, které jsou vyrobeny z lehké a prodyšné žerzejové tkaniny, která je příjemná na nošení v teplém počasí. Kalhoty mají uvolněný a ležérní styl s volným střihem a elastickým pasem, který umožňuje snadný pohyb a pohodlné nošení. S těmito kalhotami budete vypadat skvěle a cítit se pohodlně, ať už jste na golfovém hřišti nebo na veřejnosti. Sezóna: Podzim;Léto;Zima;Jaro Velikost pasu: 34 Barva: Černá Velikost: 34 Délka: 7/8 (pants) Země původu: Čína Barva podle výrobce: Black Specifikace materiálu: Polyamid;Elastická vlákna Typ produktu: Kalhoty Materiál: Elastická vlákna;Polyamid Pohlaví: Dámské Věková skupina: Dospělý
Objev podobné jako Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Black 34 Kalhoty
Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Navy 38 Kalhoty
Dámské kalhoty Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Pants jsou typem kalhot určených pro ženy, které jsou vyrobeny z lehké a prodyšné žerzejové tkaniny, která je příjemná na nošení v teplém počasí. Kalhoty mají uvolněný a ležérní styl s volným střihem a elastickým pasem, který umožňuje snadný pohyb a pohodlné nošení. S těmito kalhotami budete vypadat skvěle a cítit se pohodlně, ať už jste na golfovém hřišti nebo na veřejnosti. Sezóna: Jaro;Léto;Zima;Podzim Specifikace materiálu: Elastická vlákna;Polyamid Pohlaví: Dámské Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva: Námořnická modrá;Modrá Typ produktu: Kalhoty Materiál: Polyamid;Elastická vlákna Barva podle výrobce: Navy Velikost: 38 Země původu: Čína Velikost pasu: 38 Délka: 7/8 (pants)
Objev podobné jako Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Navy 38 Kalhoty
Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Navy 34 Kalhoty
Dámské kalhoty Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Pants jsou typem kalhot určených pro ženy, které jsou vyrobeny z lehké a prodyšné žerzejové tkaniny, která je příjemná na nošení v teplém počasí. Kalhoty mají uvolněný a ležérní styl s volným střihem a elastickým pasem, který umožňuje snadný pohyb a pohodlné nošení. S těmito kalhotami budete vypadat skvěle a cítit se pohodlně, ať už jste na golfovém hřišti nebo na veřejnosti. Země původu: Čína Barva: Modrá;Námořnická modrá Sezóna: Podzim;Zima;Léto;Jaro Délka: 7/8 (pants) Velikost pasu: 34 Velikost: 34 Specifikace materiálu: Elastická vlákna;Polyamid Pohlaví: Dámské Typ produktu: Kalhoty Věková skupina: Dospělý Materiál: Polyamid;Elastická vlákna Barva podle výrobce: Navy
Objev podobné jako Alberto Sarah Summer Jersey Navy 34 Kalhoty
Delphin obratlík quick swap the end 10 ks
Špičkové detaily, dlouhá trvanlivost a spolehlivé systémy pro vaše kaprařské návazce, to je THE END! Protože konec sestavy je nový začátek vašeho rybářského příběhu!
Objev podobné jako Delphin obratlík quick swap the end 10 ks
The Sanatorium - Sarah Pearse
A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . .
Objev podobné jako The Sanatorium - Sarah Pearse
The Wilds - Sarah Pearse
The Sanatorium took you to the Alps and chilled you to the bone. Now, The Wilds will take you deep into the woods . . . and out there, it''s easy to get lost.''The most addictive book I''ve read in a long time . . . This book really gets you thinking'' ***** Reader Review''Will keep you on the edge of your seat, with its blend of psychological depth and thrilling suspense'' ***** Reader Review''Amazing. Made me love reading again'' ***** Reader ReviewAfter the dark events that scarred her childhood, Kier Templer escaped her hometown and twin to live her life on the road. They''ve never lost contact until, on a trip to a Portuguese national park, Kier vanishes without a trace.Detective Elin Warner arrives in the same park ready to immerse herself in its vast wilderness - only to hear about Kier''s disappearance, and discover a disturbing map she left behind. The few strangers at the isolated camp close ranks against her questions, and the park''s wild beauty starts to turn sinister.Elin must untangle the clues to find out what really happened to Kier. But when you follow a trail, you have to be careful to watch your back...''An atmospheric chiller with shocking twists'' SHARI LAPENA''Grips from page one with its serpentine plot and mood of real menace'' LOUISE CANDLISH''Everything we crave in thriller writing. This is a one-sitting read'' JEFFERY DEAVER''A complex story with skilful twists, leading us to a breathless conclusion'' LUCY CLARKE''Intelligent, twisty, stylish and incredibly suspenseful'' WILL DEAN''An addictive, atmospheric mystery in a spectacular setting'' T.M. LOGAN''A stunning, sweeping suspense which leaves you reeling'' JANE CORRY''Will leave your jaw on the floor'' MATTHEW BLAKE''I was gripped and moved. A cracker of a thriller'' EVE CHASE''Whiplash-inducing twists. Utterly gripping'' JOHN MARRS''An engrossing, surprising wilderness thriller'' MARK EDWARDS*THE SANATORIUM was a No.1 Sunday Times paperback bestseller 08.01.22.
Objev podobné jako The Wilds - Sarah Pearse
The Island - Sarah Goodwin
FYRE FESTIVAL meets ONE OF THE GIRLS in this psychological thriller with twists you''ll never see coming.''It''s the hottest ticket in town. But once you''re in, there''s no getting out.''Jody, Ari and Carla have won golden tickets to the summer’s hottest music festival, which promises to be full of glamour, mystique and lots of freebies.But, arriving on the sun-drenched shores of a private Greek island among influencers and celebrities, the trio are dismayed to find the small festival site far from the beacon of music, art and ‘immersive experiences’ they were promised. Disappointed but not deterred, they vow to make the most of the trip.But when a shocking discovery on day three turns the festival into a nightmare, the girls find themselves trapped on the island with no escape…
Objev podobné jako The Island - Sarah Goodwin
The Enemy - Sarah Adamsová
Enemies should never get a second chance. But this one might . . . It's been twelve years since June Broaden has seen her high school enemy (and secret crush), Ryan Henderson.That's a long time to hold a grudge over some petty feud, but the sharp memory of him dangling a kiss at graduation, then pulling away at the last second, has fuelled many angry fantasies since. Now's her chance to get even. Ryan, along with most of her high school class, is back in town for her best friend's wedding, and June is eager to show the former bully exactly what he missed out on.A lot has changed since their high school days; June is the Southern queen of gourmet donuts now, not to mention one of the most desired bachelorettes in her small town. What's she's not expecting, though, is for Ryan to show up looking like Adonis and touting his own career success as the youngest chef to ever win three Michelin stars. How dare he try to one up her revenge plot? Luckily June never backs down from a challenge . . .
Objev podobné jako The Enemy - Sarah Adamsová
The Match - Sarah Adamsová
Sometimes, love finds you when you least expect it . .. Evie Jones has dedicated her life to Southern Service Paws, the company that matched her with the love of her life: Charlie, a service dog trained to assist with her epilepsy. But, as the company struggles to make ends meet, it's up to her and her longtime mentor and boss to keep the doors open with the fundraiser of the century.When Evie meets Jacob Broaden at a client consultation for his daughter, Sam, there are instant sparks - but not the good kind. Still, it doesn't take long for Jacob to be convinced that a service dog, and possibly Evie, might just be the best thing for his family. As Evie spends more time with Jacob and helps Sam find her perfect match, she starts longing for the loving family she's never had.For Jacob, falling in love with Evie is the last thing he should be doing, but love has a way of finding those who need it most . . .
Objev podobné jako The Match - Sarah Adamsová
Delphin The End Quick swap Velikost 4 10ks (8586018454018)
Obratlík -, velikost: 4, počet ks v balení: 10 ks Dáváte při rybolovu přednost vlastní výrobě koncové sestavy? Pak by vám neměla chybět série obratlíků Delphin The End Quick swap o velikosti 4. Jedná se o rychloupínací obratlíky, které jsou vhodné například pro výrobu sestavy na lov kaprů. Tyto obratlíky se plynule otáčejí ve vodě a jsou velmi pevné díky kovové konstrukci. V balení najdete 10 ks obratlíků velikosti 4. Klíčové vlastnosti obratlíku Delphin The End Quick swap Velikost 4 10 ksDelphin The End Quick swap pro všechny rybářské nadšenceKlipy s obratlíkem určené pro výrobu koncové sestavyVyrobeny z kvalitního a pevného kovuVhodné například na lov kaprůVýborně se otáčejí ve voděPraktické balení 10 ksVelikost:4
Objev podobné jako Delphin The End Quick swap Velikost 4 10ks (8586018454018)
Delphin Obratlík Quick swap THE END vel.4 10ks
Pevný černý rychloupínací obratlík "Quick Swap" slouží pro rychlou výměnu hotových návazců. Balení obsahuje ideální velikost číslo 4, kterou využijete v drtivé většině situací. Pevný černý rychloupínací obratlík "Quick Swap" slouží pro rychlou výměnu hotových návazců. Balení obsahuje ideální velikost číslo 4, kterou využijete v drtivé většině situací. Špičkové detaily, dlouhá trvanlivost a spolehlivé systémy pro vaše kaprařské návazce, to je THE END! Protože konec sestavy je nový začátek vašeho rybářského příběhu!
Objev podobné jako Delphin Obratlík Quick swap THE END vel.4 10ks
Delphin Rychloobratlík Quick swap s gumičkou THE END 6ks
Sada černého rychloupínacího obratlíku "Quick Swap" s ochrannou G-Round gumičkou. Sada černého rychloupínacího obratlíku "Quick Swap" s ochrannou G-Round gumičkou. Obratlík slouží pro rychlou výměnu hotových návazců. Ochranná kamuflážová gumička zajišťuje návazec proti samovolnému vypadnutí a zároveň zabraňuje zamotání montáže během nahazování. Balení obsahuje 6 obratlíků a 6 gumiček. Série kaprařské bižuterie THE END v unikátním kamuflážovém G-Round vyhotovení dílů vyrobených vstřikovacím lisem v nejvyšší kvalitě. Ideální lom světla pod hladinou činí z těchto produktů téměř neviditelné prvky vodního světa. Částečně transparentní hnědá barva ve spojení s černými matnými částicemi jsou tím pravým receptem na bezchybné odprezentování koncové sestavy. Špičkové detaily, dlouhá trvanlivost a spolehlivé systémy pro vaše kaprařské návazce, to je THE END! Protože konec sestavy je nový začátek vašeho rybářského příběhu!
Objev podobné jako Delphin Rychloobratlík Quick swap s gumičkou THE END 6ks
The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová
Discover the heartwarming friends-to-lovers romance that became a sensation on TikTok! Bree Camden is helplessly (and secretly) in love with her longtime best friend and NFL legend, Nathan Donelson. And that's the least of her problems. After a car accident ended her chance of becoming a ballerina, Bree now runs her own dance studio - if she can afford the rent to keep it open, that is. When Nathan comes to the rescue and buys the entire building, a stubborn Bree is not happy about it. Rebelling with a couple - okay, maybe more than a couple - of tequila shots, she spills her deepest, darkest secret to a TMZ reporter. One viral video later, the world thinks Nathan and Bree are the perfect couple and Nathan's publicist has an idea that could mean financial security for Bree. The catch? They have to pretend to be in love. For three. whole. weeks. Is now the moment for Bree to finally act on her hidden feelings? And is it possible that Nathan has been hiding some of his own? FEATURES A NEW CHAPTER AND Q&A WITH SARAH!
Objev podobné jako The Cheat Sheet - Sarah Adamsová
The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner
With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time.Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary’s fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries.Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary’s in a stunning twist of fate—and not everyone will survive.
Objev podobné jako The Lost Apothecary - Sarah Penner
The Little Stranger - Sarah Watersová
Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize 'Sarah Waters's masterly novel is . . . gripping, confident, unnerving and supremely entertaining' Hilary Mantel In a dusty post-war summer in rural Warwickshire, a doctor is called to a patient at lonely Hundreds Hall. Home to the Ayres family for over two centuries, the Georgian house, once grand and handsome, is now in decline, its masonry crumbling, its gardens choked with weeds, its owners - mother, son and daughter - struggling to keep pace. But are the Ayreses haunted by something more sinister than a dying way of life? Little does Dr Faraday know how closely, and how terrifyingly, their story is about to become entwined with his.
Objev podobné jako The Little Stranger - Sarah Watersová
The Temporary Roomie - Sarah Adamsová
From the New York Times bestselling author of Practice Makes Perfect comes an expanded edition of The Temporary Roomie - a witty and relatable romantic comedy about finding joy in the unexpected, with a never-before-seen chapter. No one said fair trade needed to be 'fair.' As the owner of Honeysuckle Salon, Jessie Barnes usually has everything managed and on track, but now in her third trimester of an unexpected pregnancy, she feels a bit lost and increasingly desperate after faulty plumbing floods her apartment. Unfortunately, her knight in shining armour is actually Dr. Drew Marshall, her best friend's brother, and also the man she chewed out not too long ago for being a chauvinistic dirtbag. Every moment Drew's had to prove her wrong since then has failed, so Jessie's opinion of him hasn't improved. That remains the case when he agrees to let her stay with him during renovations, under one condition: she pretends to be his girlfriend for upcoming work festivities.For the sake of her brother, Jessie is willing to make the tough situation work, and giving Drew a taste of his own medicine sounds . . . intriguing. But when their rivalry sparks a deeper connection, Jessie's future gets even more unclear - and with a baby on the way, she'll have to make a decision soon.
Objev podobné jako The Temporary Roomie - Sarah Adamsová
The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse
A beautiful, eerie hotel in the Swiss Alps, recently converted from an abandoned sanatorium, is the last place Detective Elin Warner wants to be. But her estranged brother has invited her there for his engagement party, and she feels she has no choice but to accept.Arriving in the midst of a threatening storm, Elin immediately feels on edge. And things only get worse when they wake the next morning to find her brother's fiancee is missing. With access to the hotel cut off, the guests begin to panic.But this is only the first disappearance. Everyone's in danger - and anyone could be next . . .
Objev podobné jako The Sanatorium (Defekt) - Sarah Pearse
The Dictionary People - Sarah Ogilvie
**LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN’S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2024**''Enthralling and exuberant ... Here is a wonder-book for word-lovers'' Jeanette Winterson‘A lively, entertaining, and illuminating read. I loved it’ Susie DentWhat do three murderers, Karl Marx''s daughter and a vegetarian vicar have in common?They all helped create the Oxford English Dictionary.The Oxford English Dictionary has long been associated with elite institutions and Victorian men. But the Dictionary didn''t just belong to the experts; it relied on contributions from members of the public. By 1928, its 414,825 entries had been crowdsourced from a surprising and diverse group of people, from astronomers to murderers, naturists, pornographers, suffragists and queer couples.Lexicographer Sarah Ogilvie dives deep into previously untapped archives to tell a people''s history of the OED. Here, she reveals, for the first time, the full story of the making of one of the most famous books in the world - and celebrates the extraordinary efforts of the Dictionary People.** A Financial Times, TLS and Daunt Books Book of the Year 2023 **''Utterly fascinating, entertaining, astonishing and as clever as a box of monkeys ... I completely love it'' Joanna Lumley''Full marks to Sarah Ogilvie... guaranteed to grab those of us obsessed with books, language and mystery'' Financial Times''[An] astonishing book'' Sunday Times''Touching ... The oddities [of language] enliven the book'' Observer *Book of the Day*''[An] affectionate and accomplished book'' TLS''Engaging'' Spectator''Marvellous, witty and wholly original'' Alan Rusbridger''Glorious and surprising'' Richard Ovenden, Bodley''s Librarian and author of Burning the Books‘A fascinating and delightful exploration of the Victorian world … Wonderful’ Nicola Shulman, TLS Podcast
Objev podobné jako The Dictionary People - Sarah Ogilvie
On The Edge - Sarah Turner
THE NUMBER ONE BESTSELLERThe hilarious and heart-wrenching new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author of STEPPING UP and THE UNMUMSY MUM.*******************‘Sarah Turner writes family like no one else. With her trademark humour and insight, Turner creates a colourful world of family secrets and misunderstandings, of arguments and avoidance, while also revealing the love that lies beneath. I loved it.’ Katie Marsh, author of UNBREAK YOUR HEARTSometimes, in order to move forward, you need to go back.Joni’s always felt like an outsider in her blended family, and as an adult she’s done all she can to avoid them. The only person she’s remained close to is her beloved Nana.When Nana dies, she leaves behind something unexpected: an itinerary of pre-arranged activities for the whole family to complete over the course of a week. After years of trying but failing to bring Joni back into the fold, this appears to be Nana’s parting shot. After all, nothing says ‘family bonding’ quite like abseiling and ballroom dancing.With marriage and kids on the horizon, the life Joni’s always dreamed of is finally within touching distance. The last thing she wants to do is revisit the past.But Joni’s about to discover that a lot can happen in seven days. Nana’s Week of Fun is about to change everything…''What a brilliant storyteller Sarah is . . . as well as laughing out loud, I also cried A LOT'' Jennie Godfrey, author of THE LIST OF SUSPICIOUS THINGS‘On The Edge is warm, funny and truthful about the complexities of families. It’s bursting with positivity, and full of characters the reader can root for.’ Caroline Hulse, author of THE ADULTSReaders love On the Edge!''I laughed out loud constantly and cried a little as well. The family are so well put together, they felt familiar and recognisable''''I loved this book and would have read it in a single day if my kids hadn’t needed attention''''There were so many relatable moments in the book that really resonated for me and just had me rooting for Joni''Praise for Sarah Turner:''Written with such love and heart. Sarah has done an exceptional job of marrying her trademark comedy with deep and raw emotion. I loved it!'' GIOVANNA FLETCHER''Stop EVERYTHING and read this! Funny, tender and beautifully observed. Loved, loved, LOVED it!'' CATHY BRAMLEY''A heart-blasting triumph of a novel - wise, witty and wonderfully human.'' ISABELLE BROOM*******************On the Edge was a #1 Kindle bestseller on 7/8/24
Objev podobné jako On The Edge - Sarah Turner
The Paying Guests - Sarah Watersová
It is 1922, and in a hushed south London villa life is about to be transformed, as genteel widow Mrs Wray and her discontented daughter Frances are obliged to take in lodgers. Lilian and Leonard Barber, a modern young couple of the 'clerk class', bring with them gramophone music, colour, fun - and dangerous desires. The most ordinary of lives, it seems, can explode into passion and drama...A love story that is also a crime story, this is vintage Sarah Waters.
Objev podobné jako The Paying Guests - Sarah Watersová
The Spellshop - Sarah Beth Durst
Kiela has always had trouble dealing with people. Thankfully, as a librarian at the Great Library of Alyssium, she and her assistant, Caz—a magically sentient spider plant—have spent the last decade sequestered among the empire’s most precious spellbooks, preserving their magic for the city’s elite.When a revolution begins and the library goes up in flames, she and Caz flee with all the spellbooks they can carry and head to a remote island Kiela never thought she’d see again: her childhood home. Taking refuge there, Kiela discovers, much to her dismay, a nosy—and very handsome—neighbor who can’t take a hint and keeps showing up day after day to make sure she’s fed and to help fix up her new home.In need of income, Kiela identifies something that even the bakery in town doesn’t have: jam. With the help of an old recipe book her parents left her and a bit of illegal magic, her cottage garden is soon covered in ripe berries.But magic can do more than make life a little sweeter, so Kiela risks the consequences of using unsanctioned spells and opens the island’s first-ever and much needed secret spellshop.Like a Hallmark rom-com full of mythical creatures and fueled by cinnamon rolls and magic, The Spellshop will heal your heart and feed your soul.
Objev podobné jako The Spellshop - Sarah Beth Durst
The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová
College sweethearts meet again years later, in this highly anticipated sequel to the viral TikTok sensation The Cheat Sheet!'Adams dazzles in her latest, a saucy second chance rom-com' Publishers Weekly, STARRED REVIEW ?'The Rule Book did not disappoint. . .Their banter, the quirkiness, the iou he keeps GAHHH. I could keep going on for how much I loved this' ? ? ? ? ?'I knew I would be obsessed with this book, but truly this one blew me away. I swear, Sarah's writing just keeps getting better and better' ? ? ? ? ?'This book was such a fun ride.I loved Derek and Nora's story. It was a joy to see them process through their individual challenges and insecurities, grow, and ultimately reconnect. It was so so sweet.Sarah Adams just keeps getting better!' ? ? ? ? ?'This was by far one of the funniest and exciting sports romance books I've read. I literally loved everything about it' ? ? ? ? ?................................................. Nora Mackenzie's entire career lies in the hands of famous NFL tight end Derek Pender who also happens to be her extremely hot college ex-boyfriend.Nora didn't end things as gracefully as she could have back then, and now it's come back to haunt her. Derek is her first client as an official full-time sports agent and he's holding a grudge. Derek has set his sights on a little friendly revenge.If Nora Mackenzie, the first girl to ever break his heart, wants to be his agent, oh he'll let her be his agent. The plan is simple: make Nora's life absolutely miserable. But if Derek knows anything about the woman he once loved-she won't quit easily.Instead of giving in, Nora starts a scheme of her own. But then a wild night in Vegas leads to Nora and Derek in bed the next morning married. With their rule book out the window, could this new relationship be the thing to save their careers?
Objev podobné jako The Rule Book - Sarah Adamsová
Delphin obratlík quick swap s gumičkou the end 6 ks
Ochranná kamuflážová gumička zajišťuje návazec proti samovolnému vypadnutí a zároveň zabraňuje zamotání montáže během nahazování. Balení obsahuje 6 obratlíků a 6 gumiček. Série kaprařské bižuterie THE END v unikátním kamuflážovém G-Round vyhotovení dílů vyrobených vstřikovacím lisem v nejvyšší kvalitě. Ideální lom světla pod hladinou činí z těchto produktů téměř neviditelné prvky vodního světa. Částečně transparentní hnědá barva ve spojení s černými matnými částicemi jsou tím pravým receptem na bezchybné odprezentování koncové sestavy. Špičkové detaily, dlouhá trvanlivost a spolehlivé systémy pro vaše kaprařské návazce, to je THE END! Protože konec sestavy je nový začátek vašeho rybářského příběhu!
Objev podobné jako Delphin obratlík quick swap s gumičkou the end 6 ks
The Cautious Traveller's Guide to The Wastelands - Sarah Brooks
The breathtaking historical fantasy set onboard the Great Trans-Siberian Express - available now! ''Imagine a crossover between Murder on the Orient Express, Game of Thrones and Paradise Lost . . . Brooks has serious talent'' SUNDAY TIMES ''I was completely transported by this book . . . I urge everybody to pick up a copy'' STUART TURTON ''Breathtaking . . . Abounding with mysteries and marvels'' SAMANTHA SHANNON ''Exceptional. Strange, addictive, immersive, it''s a steampunk Piranesi meets His Dark Materials'' JENNIE GODFREY ''Mysterious and clever and brilliant'' NATASHA PULLEYIt is said there is a price that every passenger must pay. A price beyond the cost of a ticket.It is the end of the nineteenth century and the world is awash with marvels. But there is nothing so marvellous as the Wastelands: a terrain of terrible miracles that lies between Beijing and Moscow.Nothing touches the Wastelands except the Great Trans-Siberian Express: an impenetrable train built to carry cargo across continents, but which now transports anyone who dares.Onto the platform steps a curious cast of characters: Marya, a grieving woman with a borrowed name; Weiwei, a famous child born on the train; and Henry Grey, a disgraced naturalist.But there are whispers that the train isn''t safe. As secrets and stories begin to unravel, the passengers and crew must survive their journey together, even as something uncontrollable seems to be breaking in . . .
Objev podobné jako The Cautious Traveller's Guide to The Wastelands - Sarah Brooks
The London Seance Society - Sarah Penner
May mercy be upon the man who finds himself the enemy of a vengeful medium… 1873. At an abandoned château on the outskirts of Paris, a dark séance is about to take place, led by acclaimed spiritualist Vaudeline D'Allaire. Known worldwide for her talent in conjuring the spirits of murder victims to ascertain the identities of the people who killed them, she is highly sought after by widows and investigators alike. Lenna Wickes has come to Paris to find answers about her sister's death, but to do so, she must embrace the unknown and overcome her own logic-driven bias against the occult. When Vaudeline is beckoned to England to solve a high-profile murder, Lenna accompanies her as an understudy. But as the women team up with the powerful men of London's exclusive Séance Society to solve the mystery, they begin to suspect that they are not merely out to solve a crime, but perhaps entangled in one themselves… 'Gloriously gothic, delightfully atmospheric slice of Victoriana' Daily Mail
Objev podobné jako The London Seance Society - Sarah Penner
The Night She Dies - Sarah Clarke
How far would you go to protect your child?''Tense and tightly plotted with a killer twist'' Louise Jensen, author of The IntrudersBullied at school, Rachel’s teenage daughter Lucy is a shadow of the sweet, happy child she once was. So when Rachel returns home one night to find Lucy gone, she fears the worst.Rachel searches through the night with her husband and Lucy’s older sister, desperate to find her child safe.The following morning, a body is found in the woods.But the nightmare is only just beginning.Praise for The Night She Dies:''The very definition of a page-turner and keeps you guessing until the literal last page’ Katy Brent, author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It‘Thought-provoking, shocking at times, and plenty of surprises along the way’ Catherine Cooper, The Island''A taut, chilling tale of love, loss and revenge'' A.A. Chaudhuri, author of She''s Mine''So tense it''s actually painful. My fingernails will never recover'' Sarah J Naughton, author of The Mothers''I absolutely love Sarah Clarke''s books and this might just be her best yet'' Sophie Flynn, author of What Stays UnsaidReaders LOVE The Night She Dies''A brilliant and engaging read with so much tension and so many secrets!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Such a gripping read'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Great emotional psychological thriller… totally engrossing and intriguing'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Haunting and atmospheric, this is a page-turner'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Night She Dies - Sarah Clarke
The Weight of Water - Sarah Crossan
Sarah Crossan's exquisite debut novel explores first love, friendship and quiet courage. It will leave you sad, happy and wanting more.Sometimes I want to tear off my clothes And show them I'm the same Underneath Maybe better. Life is lonely for Kasienka. She misses her old home in Poland, her mother's heart is breaking, and at her new English school friends are scarce.But when someone new swims into her life, Kasienka learns that there is more than one way to stay afloat. This stunning novel from Carnegie Medal winner Sarah Crossan explores how to pick up the pieces when everything you know is turned on its head and you have to start all over again.
Objev podobné jako The Weight of Water - Sarah Crossan
Michelangelo: the last decades - Sarah Vowles
Tracing the final 30 years of Michelangelo’s career, this book examines how the great master used art and faith to explore the common human experience of ageing in a rapidly changing world. ‘This fascinating and beautifully illustrated catalogue demonstrates the creativity of Michelangelo’s late years in a way that is both accessible and scholarly.’ – Jill Burke, author of How to be a Renaissance Woman and The Italian Renaissance Nude Michelangelo was not the isolated, tortured genius of artistic legend but a man who maintained a close circle of friends and associates into old age. His late drawings, letters and poetry offer powerful insights into his psychology, reflecting his Catholic faith, his commanding intellectual engagement, and his hope for eternal life.Built on the British Museum’s extraordinary collection of drawings, this book explores Michelangelo’s relationships and late creativity to go beyond the towering Renaissance master known today.
Objev podobné jako Michelangelo: the last decades - Sarah Vowles
The Lost Apothecary (Defekt) - Sarah Penner
"A bold, edgy, accomplished debut!" --Kate Quinn, New York Times bestselling author of The Alice Network and The Huntress A forgotten history. A secret network of women. A legacy of poison and revenge. Welcome to The Lost Apothecary... Hidden in the depths of eighteenth-century London, a secret apothecary shop caters to an unusual kind of clientele. Women across the city whisper of a mysterious figure named Nella who sells well-disguised poisons to use against the oppressive men in their lives. But the apothecary's fate is jeopardized when her newest patron, a precocious twelve-year-old, makes a fatal mistake, sparking a string of consequences that echo through the centuries. Meanwhile in present-day London, aspiring historian Caroline Parcewell spends her tenth wedding anniversary alone, running from her own demons. When she stumbles upon a clue to the unsolved apothecary murders that haunted London two hundred years ago, her life collides with the apothecary's in a stunning twist of fate--and not everyone will survive. With crackling suspense, unforgettable characters and searing insight, The Lost Apothecary is a subversive and intoxicating debut novel of secrets, vengeance and the remarkable ways women can save each other despite the barrier of time.
Objev podobné jako The Lost Apothecary (Defekt) - Sarah Penner
Delphin The End Quick swap s gumičkou Velikost 4 6ks (8586018454001)
Obratlík -, velikost: 4, počet ks v balení: 6 ks Dáváte při rybolovu přednost vlastní výrobě koncové sestavy? Pak by vám neměla chybět série obratlíků Delphin The End Quick swap o velikosti 4. Jedná se o rychloupínací obratlíky, které jsou doplněny o praktické gumičky G-Round proti zamotání. Gumičky v kamuflážovém provedení také ochraňují návazec proti vypadnutí. Jsou vhodné například pro výrobu sestavy na lov kaprů. Tyto obratlíky se plynule otáčejí ve vodě a jsou velmi pevné. V balení najdete 6 ks obratlíků velikosti 4. Klíčové vlastnosti obratlíku Delphin The End Quick swap s gumičkou Velikost 4 6 ksDelphin The End Quick swap pro všechny rybářské nadšenceKlipy s obratlíkem určené pro výrobu koncové sestavyVčetně praktické gumičky G-Round proti zamotání a vypadnutí návazceRychloupínací obratlíky jsou vyrobeny z kvalitního a pevného kovuVhodné například na lov kaprůVýborně se otáčejí ve voděPraktické balení 6 ksVelikost:4...
Objev podobné jako Delphin The End Quick swap s gumičkou Velikost 4 6ks (8586018454001)
The Trip - Phoebe Morgan
A sizzling beach read thriller with an ending readers are calling ''jaw-dropping''…''A stone cold tale of secrets, lies and betrayal unfolds on the holiday from hell – 2024’s suitcase essential.'' Janice Hallett, bestselling author of The Appeal‘A thrilling page-turner set against a stunning Thai backdrop where everyone has secrets and with a killer twist – loved it.’ Catherine Cooper, author of The Chalet''A sizzler – pack it in your beach bag!'' Cara Hunter, author of Murder in the Family''I raced through The Trip – thrilling and fabulous. A summer thriller you won''t want to put down.'' Lauren North, author of The Teacher''s Secret''A stunningly brilliant book. The Trip is sun-drenched suspense that demands to be read in one breathless sitting.'' Matthew Blake, author of Anna OThe perfect holiday. The perfect crime.Four friends on the holiday of a lifetime. Until a vicious murder shatters their paradise.Four friends who''d do anything for each other, until now.Only one of them committed a crime.But all four know how to keep a secret.And they''re all guilty of something…Readers love The Trip!‘A terrific thriller set on an island with a bunch of friends and one of them could be the killer – what more could you ask for in a book? Loved this!’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This was such a fantastic gripping read it pulled me in from the first page until the very last … Excellent writing from start to finish and what a finish it was – such a jaw-dropping ending’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Yet another brilliant novel by this author. I am a big fan''Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Awesome book! I can’t get enough of these beach vacation thrillers. Great suspense. Great ending!’Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''I loved the twist and was desperate to know the "secret"… Fantastic''Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Trip - Phoebe Morgan
My Summer of You 1: The Summer of You - Nagisa Furuya
A wistful summer blossoms between two high-school boys finding themselves and each other through a shared love of movies in this moving, dramatic, two-volume BL romance series, perfect for fans of Seven Days, Given, or I Hear the Sunspot. Chiharu Saeki and Wataru Toda are two high school students who share a common hobby: They love to watch movies. After they meet, they become fast friends, until one day, when Chiharu confesses his love for Wataru.Wataru says that Chiharu's confession doesn't bother him, and the boys continue throughout their summer, going to pilgrimages to see film spots from their favorite movies. But the more time he spends with Chiharu, Wataru realizes that he may not only be as unaffected by Chiharu's confession as he claimed to be, but those feelings may also be mutual...
Objev podobné jako My Summer of You 1: The Summer of You - Nagisa Furuya
After Me Comes the Flood - Sarah Perryová
The debut novel by the bestselling author of THE ESSEX SERPENTOne hot summer's day, John Cole decides to leave his life behind.He shuts up the bookshop no one ever comes to and drives out of London. When his car breaks down and he becomes lost on an isolated road, he goes looking for help, and stumbles into the grounds of a grand but dilapidated house.Its residents welcome him with open arms - but there's more to this strange community than meets the eye. They all know him by name, they've prepared a room for him, and claim to have been waiting for him all along.Who are these people? And what do they intend for John?Elegant, gently sinister and psychologically complex, After Me Comes the Flood is the haunting debut novel by the author of The Essex Serpent.
Objev podobné jako After Me Comes the Flood - Sarah Perryová
Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight
The latest no-f**ks-given guide from New York Times bestselling author of the international sensation The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do YouDo you waste time overthinking things you can't do anything about?Do you freak out when things don't go to plan?Does anxiety get in the way of you living your best life?When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back.Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so.
Objev podobné jako Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight
The Golden Couple - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen
If Avery Chambers can’t fix you in 10 sessions, she won’t take you on as a client. Her successes are phenomenal—she helps people overcome everything from domineering parents to assault—and almost absorbs the emptiness she sometimes feels since her husband’s death. Marissa and Mathew Bishop seem like the golden couple—until Marissa cheats. She wants to repair things, both because she loves her husband and for the sake of their eight-year-old son. After a friend forwards an article about Avery, Marissa takes a chance on this maverick therapist, who lost her license due to controversial methods. When the Bishops glide through Avery’s door and Marissa reveals her infidelity, all three are set on a collision course. Because the biggest secrets in the room are still hidden, and it’s no longer simply a marriage that’s in danger.
Objev podobné jako The Golden Couple - Greer Hendricks, Sarah Pekkanen
The London Year - Yolanda Zappaterra, Sarah Guy
From January to December, discover the very best of London through the year, with this illustrated guide showcasing 200 events across the city. A bustling city with seemingly endless energy, London is the ultimate destination for those seeking new and dynamic cultural experiences. There are fun and fanciful events on throughout the year, with the most unusual often known only by locals. This unique guide unlocks these lively seasonal activities, highlighting key dates and attractions across art, culture, history, nature, education, food, and drink, and giving you a fresh perspective on London’s vibrant cultural calendar. Take part in remarkable events, and embrace unique opportunities across the city, including: Taking part in the city’s annual steel pan competition Watching the sheep racing at Lambeth County Show Catching Richmond Park’s rhododendrons in full bloom Staying overnight at London Zoo The London Year is brought to life with inspired features that guide you through the rich tapestry of the city… Events and activities for all ages and interests An ideal day out for each month Unusual opening hours of various attractions and venues Must-see one-off occasions Fascinating historical details This is a refreshing guide to London and its vibrant calendar of events. An ideal gift for locals, students, or regular visitors to the city, allowing anyone to explore the capital in a whole new way.
Objev podobné jako The London Year - Yolanda Zappaterra, Sarah Guy
The Twelve Murders of Christmas - Sarah Dunnakey
The perfect Christmas gift for armchair detectives – Agatha Christie meets Murdle. 12 murderous mysteries to read. 20 perplexing puzzles to solve. 1 mystifying murder to unravel… Mastermind Puzzlemaster Sarah Dunnakeycordially invites you to crack the code of who killed Edward Luddenham. It’s the first anniversary of the mysterious death of Edward Luddenham, found dead at his home on the Yorkshire moors one frosty Christmas Eve. Now nine people gather at his manor house for the reading of the Will. Each has their own motivations for coming: curiosity, duty, unrequited love, desperation, greed. They have been instructed to bring a “festive mystery story” to share. But all you need is a pencil. Safe from the biting cold and the relentless snowfall outside, settle in with your favourite tipple in hand, as the storytelling begins. Though you’ll need to keep your wits about you – for among those present is Edward’s killer… Can you solve the puzzles and unmask the murderer before they strike again? Agatha Christie meets Murdle with these twelve puzzling whodunnits from renowned professional puzzler Sarah Dunnakey, that will test even the most seasoned of sleuths this Christmas.
Objev podobné jako The Twelve Murders of Christmas - Sarah Dunnakey
Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight
The latest no-f**ks-given guide from New York Times bestselling author of the international sensation The Life-Changing Magic of Not Giving a F**k, Get Your Sh*t Together, and You Do YouDo you waste time overthinking things you can't do anything about? Do you freak out when things don't go to plan? Does anxiety get in the way of you living your best life? When life hands you a big fat f**king lemon, Calm the F**k Down gives you practical ways to manage the situation, not to mention your anxiety about the situation. One hundred per cent practical and zero percent Pollyanna-ish, this is a book that acknowledges all the bad shit that can and probably will happen to you - from break ups and breakdowns to floods, family feuds and France running out of butter - and shows you what you can realistically do about it so you can get on with your life, stop worrying and wallowing, and start bouncing back. Think of Calm the F**k Down as the friend who, instead of reassuring you that 'everything's going to be okay,' actually shows you how to make it so.
Objev podobné jako Calm the F**k Down - Sarah Knight
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