Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Stolen Hours - Karen Swan
‘A dramatic start to a gripping new series . . . meticulously researched and beautifully told by one of our most prolific and talented writers’ - Santa Montefiore on The Last SummerAn Island full of secrets . . .It’s the summer of 1929 and Mhairi MacKinnon is in need of a husband. As the eldest girl among nine children, her father has made it clear that he can’t support her past the coming winter. Options are limited on the island of St Kilda, but the MacKinnons’ neighbour, Donald, has a business acquaintance on Harris also in need of a spouse and offers to chaperone Mhairi there on his final crossing of the year.She returns an engaged woman, but is in love with the wrong man – one who can never be hers. As she dreads the spring, when she will be sent from home to become a stranger’s wife, word arrives that St Kilda is to be evacuated.The lovers are granted a few more stolen hours together, but those last days on St Kilda also bring heartache for Mhairi and her friends. And, when a dead body is discovered on the abandoned isle, they all find themselves under the shadow of suspicion . . .The Stolen Hours is the second book in Karen Swan’s bestselling Wild Isle series, which began with The Last Summer.Praise for The Last Summer (book one):''Powerful writing and a wonderful premise make this a novel you’ll simultaneously want to savour and race through. I loved it and can’t wait for the next in the series!'' - Jill Mansell, author of Promise Me''The most exciting, enchanting and evocative story of forbidden love I’ve ever read. I truly loved it and am waiting feverishly for the second instalment'' - Cathy Bramley, author of The Sunrise Sisterhood
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The Lost Lover - Karen Swan
An epic first love. A second chance . . .'One of our most prolific and talented writers’ – Santa MontefioreYoung Flora MacQueen has always dreamt of more than life on the small Scottish island of St Kilda. So, when she catches the eye of visiting adventurer and wealthy businessman James Callaghan, her future seems brighter.Winter seas separate the lovers but the island’s evacuation the following summer promises to reunite them – until tragedy strikes.Heartbroken and needing to support her family on the mainland, a chance meeting offers hope. Soon Flora is the toast of glamorous Paris; fame and fortune are hers for the taking. But at a high price.When a scandal erupts back home, she is implicated, along with her friends, Effie and Mhairi. But then a deception comes to light that will change everything . . .The Lost Lover is Book Three in Karen Swan's bestselling Wild Isle series, following The Last Summer and The Stolen Hours.
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The Last Summer (Quick Reads) - Karen Swan
An island full of secrets. A gripping love story . . .her young life Effie Gillies has lived, wild and free, on the remote Scottish island of St Kilda. But when Lord Sholto visits the island, the attraction between them is instant. For one glorious week she guides the handsome young Lord around the isle, and falls in love for the first time. But a storm hits and her world falls apart.Three months later, all the islanders are moved to a better life on the mainland. And Effie is surprised to be offered a job working for Sholto's father. But Sholto and Effie come from two different worlds - can love ever win?The Last Summer is based on the true history of St Kilda and its small island community.Quick Reads are short books from bestselling authors, perfect for a fast and satisfying read – whether you're a regular reader, or just getting started. This edition is an abridged version of Karen Swan's beloved bestseller, The Last Summer.'The most exciting, enchanting story of forbidden love I’ve ever read' – Cathy Bramley, author of The Sunrise Sisterhood'I loved it and can’t wait for the next in the series!' – Jill Mansell, author of Promise Me'Perfect for everyone dreaming of summer' – Rachel Hore, author of The Hidden Years
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Vianočné pohľadnice - Karen Swan
Vianočné pohľadnice sú román o tom, ako môžu existovať najbližšie spojenia najďalej od seba.V snahe zachrániť manželstvo sa Natasha a Rob vyberú na zimnú dovolenku na Maldivy. Romantická idylka však netrvá dlho – na ceste domov sa stratí milovaná hračka ich dcéry, plyšová kravička. Natashi sa nedarí utešiť smutné dieťa a zúfalá požiada o pomoc na sociálnych sieťach. Hračka sa zázračne nájde, no medzičasom sa stala šťastným talizmanom pre Duffyho, ktorý sa vydal do Himalájí a je tisíce kilometrov ďaleko. Duffy sľúbi, že ich bude o putovaní kravičky informovať a posiela fotografie. Začne sa korešpondencia a čoskoro to nie je len dievčatko, kto netrpezlivo čaká na nové správy. Natasha má niekedy pocit, že tento cudzinec na druhom konci sveta je jej bližší ako manžel vedľa nej. Týždne plynú, Duffy mieri hlbšie do hôr a Natasha si na ňom začína všímať zmenu.Jedného dňa správy z hôr prestanú chodiť. Je hračka stratená navždy? Aj Duffy?Natasha príliš neskoro zisťuje, prečo Duffy vôbec potreboval nejaký talizman…„Dobrý príbeh, pri ktorom sa môžete cez Vianoce schúliť pod deku… Únikový román v najlepšej forme.“– Heat Magazine„Lahodne očarujúce, neodolateľne romantické.“– Hello!
Objev podobné jako Vianočné pohľadnice - Karen Swan
Poslední léto - Karen Swan
Život na nehostinném skotském souostroví St. Kilda je v roce 1930 pro mladou ženu plný překážek. Divoká Effie ho však bere takový, jaký je – a svými schopnostmi se vyrovná každému místnímu muži. Když ostrov navštíví mladý lord Sholto, Effie ho okamžitě zaujme a ji samotnou poprvé napadne, že by mohla hledat štěstí i na pevnině. A tak začíná příběh zakázané lásky, jíž stojí v cestě upjaté konvence skotské smetánky. Jak dopadne střet zcela odlišných světů, jimiž navíc otřese záhadný nález mrtvého těla?
Objev podobné jako Poslední léto - Karen Swan
Vánoční vyznání - Karen Swan
Ve snaze zachránit své manželství se Natasha a Rob vydají na dovolenou na Maledivy. Romantická idylka ale netrvá dlouho, cestou domů se navíc ztratí milovaná hračka jejich dcery – plyšová kravička. Natasha se o pomoc obrátí na sociální sítě a hračka se zázračně najde, jenže tou dobou už míří v batohu svého nálezce do Nepálu. Tajemný dobrodinec slíbí, že se kravička bude z výletu pravidelně hlásit, a Natashe začne být tenhle cizinec na druhé straně světa stále bližší. A pak se z hor náhle ozývat přestane...
Objev podobné jako Vánoční vyznání - Karen Swan
Španělský slib - Karen Swan
Jeden z nejbohatších španělských mužů umírá. Během přípravy pozůstalosti ho však postihne mozková mrtvice a jeho rodina s ohromením zjistí, že chce celý svůj majetek darovat mladé ženě, o níž nikdy neslyšeli. Co je zač a co je spojuje? Jeho nepochopitelné jednání jim pomáhá objasnit Charlotta Fairfaxová, londýnská poradkyně ohledně syndromu náhlého zbohatnutí, která to považuje za jednoduchý případ. Existuje přece pouze jediný důvod, proč starý muž odkáže krásné ženě peníze, nebo ne? V Madridu však začíná vyplouvat na povrch šokující minulost prominentní rodiny…
Objev podobné jako Španělský slib - Karen Swan
Last Summer - Karen Swan
Two strangers from drastically different worlds meet . .. Wild-spirited Effie Gillies has lived all her life on the small island of St Kilda. But when Lord Sholto, heir to the Earl of Dumfries, visits, the attraction between them is instant.For one glorious week she guides the handsome young visitor around the isle, falling in love for the first time - until a storm hits and her world falls apart. Three months later, St Kilda lays silent as the islanders are evacuated for a better life on the mainland. With her friends and family scattered, Effie is surprised to be offered a position working on the Earl's estate.Sholto is back in her life but their differences now seem insurmountable, even as the simmering tension between them grows . . .Then, when a shocking discovery is made back on St Kilda, all her dreams for this bright new life are threatened by the dark secrets Effie and her friends thought they had left behind. Opposites attract in this epic and spellbinding novel, which transports us from the untamed beauty of St Kilda to the glamour and intrigues of high society in the 1930s. The Last Summer is the first book in the Wild Isle series by Sunday Times bestseller Karen Swan, inspired by the true history of St Kilda and its small island community.It is followed by The Stolen Hours.
Objev podobné jako Last Summer - Karen Swan
Zimní bouře - Karen Swan
Je léto roku 1929 a Mhairi se nutně potřebuje vdát. Jako nejstarší dcera z devíti dětí nemá jinou možnost. Na svém rodném ostrově St. Kilda moc na výběr nemá, ale jejich soused Donald zná obchodníka z Hebrid, který shání ženu. Nabídne se, že k němu Mhairi doprovodí na poslední plavbě před sezónou bouří. Domů se dívka vrací zasnoubená, ale zamilovaná do nesprávného muže. Zima uvrhne St. Kildu do izolace, která milencům poskytne čas na tajné schůzky. Jednou ale musí zakázaná láska skončit…
Objev podobné jako Zimní bouře - Karen Swan
Poslední léto - Karen Swan - e-kniha
eBook: Život na nehostinném skotském souostroví St. Kilda je v roce 1930 pro mladou ženu plný překážek. Divoká Effie ho však bere takový, jaký je – a svými schopnostmi se vyrovná každému místnímu muži. Když ostrov navštíví mladý lord Sholto, Effie ho okamžitě zaujme a ji samotnou poprvé napadne, že by mohla hledat štěstí i na pevnině. A tak začíná příběh zakázané lásky, jíž stojí v cestě upjaté konvence skotské smetánky. Jak dopadne střet zcela odlišných světů, jimiž navíc otřese záhadný nález mrtvého těla?
Objev podobné jako Poslední léto - Karen Swan - e-kniha
Vánoční vyznání - Karen Swan - e-kniha
eBook: Ve snaze zachránit své manželství se Natasha a Rob vydají na dovolenou na Maledivy. Romantická idylka ale netrvá dlouho, cestou domů se navíc ztratí milovaná hračka jejich dcery – plyšová kravička. Natasha se o pomoc obrátí na sociální sítě a hračka se zázračně najde, jenže tou dobou už míří v batohu svého nálezce do Nepálu. Tajemný dobrodinec slíbí, že se kravička bude z výletu pravidelně hlásit, a Natashe začne být tenhle cizinec na druhé straně světa stále bližší. A pak se z hor náhle ozývat přestane...
Objev podobné jako Vánoční vyznání - Karen Swan - e-kniha
Španělský slib - Karen Swan - e-kniha
eBook: Jeden z nejbohatších španělských mužů umírá. Během přípravy pozůstalosti ho však postihne mozková mrtvice a jeho rodina s ohromením zjistí, že chce celý svůj majetek darovat mladé ženě, o níž nikdy neslyšeli. Co je zač a co je spojuje? Jeho nepochopitelné jednání jim pomáhá objasnit Charlotta Fairfaxová, londýnská poradkyně ohledně syndromu náhlého zbohatnutí, která to považuje za jednoduchý případ. Existuje přece pouze jediný důvod, proč starý muž odkáže krásné ženě peníze, nebo ne? V Madridu však začíná vyplouvat na povrch šokující minulost nejen prominentní rodiny, ale i Charlotty samotné…
Objev podobné jako Španělský slib - Karen Swan - e-kniha
Zimní bouře - Karen Swan - e-kniha
eBook: Je léto roku 1929 a Mhairi se nutně potřebuje vdát. Jako nejstarší dcera z devíti dětí nemá jinou možnost. Na svém rodném ostrově St. Kilda moc na výběr nemá, ale jejich soused Donald zná obchodníka z Hebrid, který shání ženu. Nabídne se, že k němu Mhairi doprovodí na poslední plavbě před sezónou bouří. Domů se dívka vrací zasnoubená, ale zamilovaná do nesprávného muže. Zima uvrhne St. Kildu do izolace, která milencům poskytne čas na tajné schůzky. Jednou ale musí zakázaná láska skončit…
Objev podobné jako Zimní bouře - Karen Swan - e-kniha
All I Want for Christmas - Karen Swan
Three first dates and an art-world mystery – it's going to be a busy Christmas for Darcy. All I Want for Christmas is a cosy winter romance from Karen Swan, author of Christmas By Candlelight. Can she find love this Christmas?Christmas in Copenhagen is a magical time of year but Darcy Cotterell isn’t feeling festive.Newly single, again, she's not even going home for Christmas. Instead she will be spending her holiday finishing her art history PhD. Her best friend, Freja, has other ideas.She signs Darcy up to a dating app, determined that she won't be lonely this Christmas. Darcy agrees to three dates – but her mind is on work, not play: an unknown portrait by Denmark’s greatest painter has been found and she is tasked with identifying the woman in the painting. During her research, she encounters sexy, arrogant lawyer Max Lorensen – who happens to be bachelor number one! The attraction is instant but, knowing they must work together, they abandon the match.Or try to. But their feelings are undeniable - until Darcy discovers Max has an agenda . . .
Objev podobné jako All I Want for Christmas - Karen Swan
The Stolen Heir - Holly Black
Return to the opulent world of Elfhame, filled with intrigue, betrayal, and dangerous desires, with this first book of a captivating new duology from the #1New York Timesbestselling author Holly Black.A runaway queen. A reluctant prince. And a quest that may destroy them both.Eight years have passed since the Battle of the Serpent.But in the icy north, Lady Nore of the Court of Teeth has reclaimed the Ice Needle Citadel. There, she is using an ancient relic to create monsters of stick and snow who will do her bidding and exact her revenge.Suren, child queen of the Court of Teeth, and the one person with power over her mother, fled to the human world. There, she lives feral in the woods.Lonely, and still haunted by the merciless torments she endured in the Court of Teeth, she bides her time by releasing mortals from foolish bargains.She believes herself forgotten until the storm hag, Bogdana chases her through the night streets. Suren is saved by none other than Prince Oak, heir to Elfhame, to whom she was once promised in marriage and who she has resented for years.Now seventeen, Oak is charming, beautiful, and manipulative.He's on a mission that will lead him into thenorth, and he wants Suren's help. But if she agrees, it will mean guarding her heart against the boy she once knew and a prince she cannot trust, as well as confronting all the horrors she thought she left behind.
Objev podobné jako The Stolen Heir - Holly Black
The Stolen Heir - Holly Black
A runaway queen. A reluctant prince. And a quest that may destroy them both.Eight years have passed since the Battle of the Serpent. But in the icy north, Lady Nore of the Court of Teeth has reclaimed the Ice Needle Citadel. There she is using an ancient relic to create monsters of stick and snow who will do her bidding and exact her revenge.Suren, child queen of the Court of Teeth, and the one person with power over her mother, fled to the human world, where she lives feral in the woods. Lonely, and still haunted by the merciless torments she endured in the Court of Teeth, she bides her time by releasing mortals from foolish bargains. She believes herself forgotten until the storm hag Bogdana chases her through the night streets. Suren is saved by none other than Prince Oak, heir to Elfhame, to whom she was once promised in marriage and who she has resented for years.Now seventeen, Oak is charming, beautiful and manipulative. He's on a mission that will lead him into the north, and he wants Suren's help. But if she agrees, it will mean guarding her heart against the boy she once knew and a prince she cannot trust, as well as confronting all the horrors she thought she had left behind.
Objev podobné jako The Stolen Heir - Holly Black
Kitty and the Stolen Storybook - Paula Harrisonová
Kitty is a superhero-in-training with feline superpowers. She dreams of being just like her superhero mum one day, but she''s still got a lot to learn. Join her for a series of enchanting adventures by the light of the moon.In Kitty and the Stolen Storybook, Kitty spots a mysterious figure lurking in the shadows near the library and her super senses alert her to trouble. That night, she returns to discover that there''s been a break-in. The whole library is in a mess: displays have been ruined, books are scattered all over the floor, and Pixie the cat''s favourite storybook has disappeared. There''s something very strange going on, and it''s up to Kitty to find out who''s responsible. Will a set of muddy pawprints lead to the culprit . . .?
Objev podobné jako Kitty and the Stolen Storybook - Paula Harrisonová
Nush and the Stolen Emerald - Jasbinder Bilan
Nush is maharani of an Indian kingdom. When a divine emerald isstolen from them, Nush stows away to England to ask Queen Victoriafor help. This is her moment to shine – and bring backthe emerald that will heal the kingdom . . .
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Operencia: The Stolen Sun - Xbox Digital (6JN-00077)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: akční,. 82% Operencia: The Stolen Sun je RPG hra pro Xbox One. Proveďte se světem inspirovaným evropskou mytologií. Vašim úkolem bude najít ukradené Slunce a vrátit světu světlo. Autentický dabing pro více než 30 různých rolí. Věrné zpracování míst Inspirace pochází ze skutečných historických míst jako Deva Fortress a Balvanyos, nebo postav jako Attila. Nemilosrdný a...
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The Book of Stolen Dreams - Farr David
An exhilarating, awe-inspiring debut from a master storyteller writing for children for the first time, perfect for fans of Katherine Rundell, Eva Ibbotson and His Dark Materials. Shortlisted for the Waterstones Children's Book Prize. "A new and important voice for young people." Michael Morpurgo"Dazzling! An instant classic. An eye-wateringly funny and jaw-droppingly fantastical adventure, chock-a-block with rare books, airships, and penguin-shaped hats." Ben Miller"A wonderful story. Gripping and magical." Anthony HorowitzWhen Rachel and Robert are passed a stolen book by their librarian father, they have to go on the run and protect it at all costs. With their father captured and everyone hunting for the Book, they must uncover its secrets and track down the final, missing page. But the cruel and calculating Charles Malstain is on their trail. When the children discover the astonishing, magical truth about the Book, they resolve to do everything in their power to stop it falling into his hands. For if it does, he could rule forever. Step inside the pages of an immortal adventure and discover a truly unforgettable journey of wonder, courage and magic...
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The Hours (1841150355)
Kniha - autor Michael Cunningham, 230 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Strong literary fiction which is inspired by the life and work of Virginia Woolf. The novel weaves three separate plot strands centred around the writing and reading of "Mrs Dalloway" and is a meditation on artistic behaviour, failure, love and madness. From the acclaimed author of )A Home At The End Of The World". Winner of this year's Pulitzer Prize for fiction.
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Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search for the Stolen Maze Stone - Hiro Kamigaki, IC4DESIGN
Pierre the Maze Detective has a new case. Mr X has stolen the Maze Stone, which has the power to turn the whole of Opera City into a maze. Can you help Pierre and his friend Carmen find their way through the mazes - and stop Mr X before it's too late?This beautifully illustrated book features 15 full-spread illustrations of intricate, magical mazes. Take a trip through a fantastic world of underground cities, hot-air balloons, tree-top towns and haunted houses. Trace your way through each maze, spot the clues and solve the extra mystery challenges along the way.Hours of puzzle fun, for all maze detectives aged 8+. A page of answers with the routes through the mazes and other solutions is included at the end of the book.
Objev podobné jako Pierre the Maze Detective: The Search for the Stolen Maze Stone - Hiro Kamigaki, IC4DESIGN
The Dark Hours - Michael Connelly
Has a killer lain dormant for years only to strike again on New Year’s Eve? LAPD Detective Renée Ballard and Harry Bosch team up to find justice for an innocent victim in the new thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael ConnellyThere's chaos in Hollywood on New Year's Eve. Working her graveyard shift, LAPD Detective Renée Ballard seeks shelter at the end of the countdown to wait out the traditional rain of lead as hundreds of revelers shoot their guns into the air. As reports start to roll in of shattered windshields and other damage, Ballard is called to a scene where a hardworking auto shop owner has been fatally hit by a bullet in the middle of a crowded street party.It doesn't take long for Ballard to determine that the deadly bullet could not have fallen from the sky. Ballard’s investigation leads her to look into another unsolved murder—a case at one time worked by Detective Harry Bosch.Ballard and Bosch team up once again to find out where the old and new cases intersect. All the while they must look over their shoulders. The killer who has stayed undetected for so long knows they are coming after him
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The Secret Hours - Mick Herron
A 'Book of the Year' in The Times, Sunday Times, Guardian, Observer, Daily Telegraph, Spectator, Sunday Express, TLS, Irish Times*'Pure class' Ian Rankin 'Pitch-perfect' Lee Child'A powerful standalone spy thriller from a true contemporary master' Daily TelegraphTrying to investigate the Secret Service is like trying to get rid of the stink of dead badger. Hard. For two years the government's Monochrome inquiry has produced nothing more than a series of dead ends.The Service has kept what happened in the newly reunified Berlin under wraps for decades, and intends for it to stay that way. But then the OTIS file turns up. What classified secrets does it hold? And what damage will it create?All Max Janácek knows is that someone is chasing him through the pitch-dark country lanes and they want him gone.WE ALL HAVE JOBS TO DO IN THE DAYLIGHT. IT'S WHAT YOU DO IN THE SECRET HOURS THAT REVEALS WHO YOU REALLY ARE. 'Wonderful . . . high action, a spinning moral compass, and hidden motives on every page' Michael Connelly*Mick Herron's The Secret Hours was a Sunday Times Number Four bestseller in hardback in the second week of September 2023
Objev podobné jako The Secret Hours - Mick Herron
The Secret Hours - Mick Herron
An Instant Sunday Times Bestseller* and a gripping standalone thriller with a riveting reveal about a disastrous MI5 mission in Cold War Berlin. A dazzling entry-point to Mick Herron''s writing and an unmissable read for Slough House fans''Pure class'' Ian Rankin''I doubt I''ll read a more enjoyable novel all year'' Paula Hawkins''Pitch-perfect'' Lee Child''Terrific'' The Times''Never has a work of popular fiction delighted me more'' The Spectator''A thriller of immense brilliance'' Sunday TimesTwo years ago, the Monochrome inquiry was set up to investigate the British secret service. Monochrome''s mission was to ferret out misconduct, allowing the civil servants seconded to the inquiry, Griselda Fleet and Malcolm Kyle, unfettered access to confidential information in the service archives. But with progress blocked at every turn, Monochrome is circling the drain . . . Until the OTIS file appears out of nowhere. What classified secrets does OTIS hold that see a long-redundant spy being chased through Devon''s green lanes in the dark? What happened in a newly reunified Berlin that someone is desperate to keep under wraps? And who will win the battle for the soul of the secret service - or was that decided a long time ago? Spies and pen-pushers, politicians and PAs, high-flyers, time-servers and burn-outs . . . They all have jobs to do in the daylight. But what they do in the secret hours reveals who they really are.*Mick Herron''s The Secret Hours was a Sunday Times Number Four bestseller in hardback in the second week of September 2023
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The Unplugged Hours - Hannah Brencher
TED Talks speaker and mental health advocate Hannah Brencher inspires readers to unplug from technology and cultivate a life of presence, connection and wonder.
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The Secret Hours - Santa Montefiore
The enchanting new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author, Santa Montefiore. The perfect summer read for 2020!'Let the wind take me and the soft rain settle me into the Irish soil from where I came. And may my sins be forgiven.'Arethusa Clayton has always been formidable, used to getting her own way. On her death, she leaves unexpected instructions. Instead of being buried in America, on the wealthy East Coast where she and her late husband raised their two children, Arethusa has decreed that her ashes be scattered in a remote corner of Ireland, on the hills overlooking the sea.All Arethusa ever told Faye was that she grew up in a poor farming family and left Ireland, alone, to start a new life in America as did so many in those times of hardship and famine. But who were her family in Ireland and where are they now? What was the real reason that she turned away from them? And who is the mysterious benefactor of a significant share of Arethusa's estate?Arethusa is gone. There is no one left to tell her story. Faye feels bereft, as if her mother's whole family has died with her. Leaving her own husband and children behind, she travels to the picturesque village of Ballinakelly, determined to fulfil her mother's last wish and to find out the reason for Arethusa's insistence on being laid to rest in this faraway land.
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The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)
Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Stolen Heir: A Novel of Elfhame, from the author of The Folk of the Air series (1471413624)
The Cousins - Karen McManus
The Storys are the envy of their neighbours: owners of the largest property on their East Coast island, they are rich, beautiful, and close. Until it all falls apart. The four children are suddenly dropped by their mother with a single sentence:You know what you did.They never hear from her again.Years later, when 18-year-old cousins Aubrey, Milly and Jonah Story receive a mysterious invitation to spend the summer at their grandmother's resort, they have no choice but to follow their curiosity and meet the woman who's been such an enigma their entire lives.This entire family is built on secrets, right? It's the Story legacy.This summer, the teenagers are determined to discover the truth at the heart of their family. But some secrets are better left alone.THE BRILLIANT NEW THRILLER FROM INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF ONE OF US IS LYING KAREN M MCMANUS
Objev podobné jako The Cousins - Karen McManus
The First 48 Hours - Simon Kernick
A WOMAN IS SNATCHED FROM THE STREET. AND IN THE FIRST 48 HOURS, EVERY SECOND COUNTS . . .''Simon Kernick writes with his foot pressed hard on the pedal. Hang on tight!'' HARLAN COBEN''Great plots, great characters, great action'' LEE CHILD''An absolute master of the adrenaline-fuelled ride'' PETER JAMES''Compulsive...this is Kernick at his best'' THE SUN''Expertly crafted...a vivid, high-octane page-turner'' THE GUARDIANA COP NEEDS TO CRACK A DEADLY CASE He''s a detective hunting cold-blooded killers, but does he know more than he admits? A MOTHER HAS TO SAVE HER DAUGHTER She''s a lawyer who must defend a murderer - but how far will she go to protect her only child? A COUPLE WILL COMMIT THE PERFECT CRIMEThey have a plan - but can they trust each other with their lives?FOR EACH OF THEM, THE FIRST 48 HOURS MAY ALSO BE THEIR LAST . . .Praise for Simon Kernick:''One of Britain''s top thriller writers'' THE SUN''That thud you hear is Kernick whipping the rug from under your feet again.'' THE TIMES''Simon Kernick is one of the most reliable purveyors of the edge-of-your-seat thriller'' SUNDAY EXPRESS''Pace, pace, pace is what Simon Kernick does best'' DAILY MIRROR
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The Secret Hours (Defekt) - Santa Montefiore
The enchanting new novel from Sunday Times bestselling author, Santa Montefiore. The perfect summer read for 2020!'Let the wind take me and the soft rain settle me into the Irish soil from where I came. And may my sins be forgiven.'Arethusa Clayton has always been formidable, used to getting her own way. On her death, she leaves unexpected instructions. Instead of being buried in America, on the wealthy East Coast where she and her late husband raised their two children, Arethusa has decreed that her ashes be scattered in a remote corner of Ireland, on the hills overlooking the sea.All Arethusa ever told Faye was that she grew up in a poor farming family and left Ireland, alone, to start a new life in America as did so many in those times of hardship and famine. But who were her family in Ireland and where are they now? What was the real reason that she turned away from them? And who is the mysterious benefactor of a significant share of Arethusa's estate?Arethusa is gone. There is no one left to tell her story. Faye feels bereft, as if her mother's whole family has died with her. Leaving her own husband and children behind, she travels to the picturesque village of Ballinakelly, determined to fulfil her mother's last wish and to find out the reason for Arethusa's insistence on being laid to rest in this faraway land.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Hours (Defekt) - Santa Montefiore
The Secret Lake - Karen Inglis
A lost dog, a hidden time tunnel and a secret lake... A page-turning time travel adventure for ages 8-11. Now enjoyed by over 500,000 young readers!When Stella and her younger brother, Tom, move to their new London home, they become mystified by the disappearances of Harry, their elderly neighbour''s dog. Where does he go? And why does he keep reappearing wet-through? Their quest to solve the riddle over the summer holidays leads to a boat buried under a grassy mound - and a tunnel that takes them to a secret lake. Who is the boy rowing towards them? Why is he so terrified? And whose are those children''s voices carried on the wind from beyond the woods? Stella and Tom soon discover that they have travelled back in time to their home and its gardens almost 100 years earlier. Here they make both friends and enemies and uncover startling connections between the past and present.''A modern classic for children''The Secret Lake has been described by readers as a "modern Tom''s Midnight Garden" and compared in atmosphere with The Secret Garden and the Nancy Drew mysteries. Karen Inglis describes it as, "a time travel mystery adventure with modern twists - the kind of adventure that I loved to read as a child, but brought right up to date!"
Objev podobné jako The Secret Lake - Karen Inglis
The Cousins (Defekt) - Karen McManus
The Storys are the envy of their neighbours: owners of the largest property on their East Coast island, they are rich, beautiful, and close. Until it all falls apart. The four children are suddenly dropped by their mother with a single sentence:You know what you did.They never hear from her again.Years later, when 18-year-old cousins Aubrey, Milly and Jonah Story receive a mysterious invitation to spend the summer at their grandmother's resort, they have no choice but to follow their curiosity and meet the woman who's been such an enigma their entire lives.This entire family is built on secrets, right? It's the Story legacy.This summer, the teenagers are determined to discover the truth at the heart of their family. But some secrets are better left alone.THE BRILLIANT NEW THRILLER FROM INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF ONE OF US IS LYING KAREN M MCMANUS
Objev podobné jako The Cousins (Defekt) - Karen McManus
The Bonus - T. L. Swan
Grace Porter has the perfect job, great pay, a beautiful office, everything she ever dreamed of, if not for one small detail. She’s utterly and hopelessly in love with her boss. Gabriel Ferrara is tall and handsome, and most days she wants to stab her eyes out with a pencil, anything to stop her seeing his perfection.How any female could work in these conditions and not be completely besotted with him is beyond her. Then he opens his mouth and she remembers why. He’s bossy and sarcastic, with a wit so sharp it could cut glass.Every weekend is the same . . .while he’s off living his dream life, she’s counting down the days until Monday when she sees him again. But enough is enough. Grace is tired of organising his glamorous and exciting life, instead of living her own.Determined to find true happiness, she hands in her resignation. Furious, he won’t accept it, and rages like never before. Desperate to keep her, he offers her a Bonus .. . one she never saw coming.Finally . . .It’s Grace’s turn to be the boss.
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The Casanova - T. L. Swan
In T L Swan’s steamy third installment of the Miles High Club, Kate’s hot new pen pal is a welcome distraction from her horrible boss. But nobody is as distracting as Elliot Miles…and he knows it. My favorite hobby is infuriating Elliot Miles. Just the sight of my boss’s handsome face triggers my sarcasm. God knows how he earns his Casanova reputation—if a million women want him with his personality, what the heck am I doing wrong? Disgusted with my love life, I join a dating app under a fake name. I start chatting to a man named Edgar. He’s not my type and lives on the other side of the world, but we hit off a friendship, laugh and confide in each other. But lately things are getting weird at work. Elliot’s being…attentive. His eyes linger a little longer than they should, and there’s a heat behind them that I haven’t felt before. And then, in the shock of all shocks, he tells me that my vulnerability is appealing. But when was I vulnerable? Horror dawns…Has my boss been reading my emails to Edgar? Damn it, why did I use my work email? Oh no, does he know what I really think of him? I’d rather die than ever admit it. Or, even worse: is it possible that the man I loathe in real life is the man I’m falling for online?
Objev podobné jako The Casanova - T. L. Swan
The Last Hours: Chain of Iron (1406398470)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 624 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Last Hours: Chain of Iron (1406398470)
The Last Hours: Chain of Iron (1529500915)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel. Cordelia Carstairs seems to have everything she ever wanted. She's engaged to marry James Herondale, the boy she has loved since childhood. She has a new life in London with her best friend Lucie Herondale and James's charming companions, the Merry Thieves. She is about to be reunited with her beloved father. And she bears the sword Cortana, a legendary hero's blade. But the truth is far grimmer. James and Cordelia's marriage is a lie, arranged to save Cordelia's reputation. James is in love with the mysterious Grace Blackthorn whose brother, Jesse, died years ago in a terrible accident. Cortana burns Cordelia's hand when...
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24 Hours in the Jungle - Lan Cook
Join a brother and sister in Borneo as they help their mother and other scientists with their work in the jungle, and encounter orangutans, a very stinky flower and a clouded leopard. Find out what makes the jungle and the wildlife that lives there so special, and learn about the work being done to protect it.
Objev podobné jako 24 Hours in the Jungle - Lan Cook
The Last Hours: Chain of Gold (1406390984)
Kniha - autor Cassandra Clare, 592 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Last Hours: Chain of Gold (1406390984)
The Book of Hours - Reiner Maria Rilke
Long hailed as a masterwork of modern German literature, The Book of Hours (1905) marks the origin of Rainer Maria Rilke’s distinctive voice and vision—where clarity of diction meets unexpected imagery, where first-person poetry discovers its full lyric possibility. In these audacious poems, a devout but intimately candid speaker addresses an ultimately unknowable deity. “What will you do, God, when I die?” Rilke’s speaker asks, passing through love, fear, guilt, anger, bewilderment, loneliness, tenderness and exaltation in his search for meaning.In this dual-language edition, Edward Snow, “the most trustworthy and exhilarating of Rilke’s contemporary translators” (Michael Dirda, The Washington Post), makes Rilke’s achievement accessible as never before in English. Snow combines striking fidelity to the German text with an uncanny ability to convey not just its tones and cadences but the captivating psychological presence that animates Rilke’s best poems. Mystical and moving, The Book of Hours retains its power to astonish.
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The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (9780141034591)
Kniha - autor Nassim Nicholas Taleb, 366 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná THE BLACK SWAN is a concept that will change the way you look at the world. Black Swans underlie almost everything, from the rise of religions, to events in our own lives. A Black Swan is a highly improbable event with three principle characteristics: it is unpredictable; it carries a massive impact; and, after the fact, we concoct an explanation that makes it appear less random and more predictable than it was. The astonishing success of Google was a black swan; so was 9/11. Why do we always ignore the phenomenon of Black Swans until after they occur? As Taleb reveals, we are hard-wired not to truly estimate risk, too vulnerable to the impulse to simplify and not open enough to rewarding those who can imagine the 'impossible'. In this revelatory book, Taleb explains everything we know about what we don't know, and shows us how to face the world.
Objev podobné jako The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable (9780141034591)
The Natural Menopause Method - Karen Newby
The Natural Menopause Method is a complete one-stop guide to the perimenopause and menopause, covering everything from recognising symptoms to managing relationships and understanding which treatments really work. Author Karen Newby takes a wholistic approach to Midlife and the biological and social challenges it throws at us.Everything you need to know about achieving nutritional balance to support flagging vitality and celebrate the potential of your midlife. Are you tired all the time? Suffer with mood swings? Do you have stubborn weight gain especially around the middle? Are you dealing with brain fog? Is disturbed sleep making you feel exhausted? The Natural Menopause Method is a nutritional guide to address these and many other common menopause symptoms; helping readers to navigate the biological and social challenges of midlife through the healing lens of food. Exploring topics from HRT to tackling hot flushes as well as self-help and lifestyle tips, this book provides practical advice on recognising and troubleshooting symptoms in order to understand what foods and supplements can really work for us.Registered Nutritionist and lifestyle coach Karen Newby has over 10 years’ experience coaching women through the midlife, empowering clients to embrace life’s natural changes and feel reinvigorated, stronger, happier and healthier. Karen is a huge believer in the transformative effect that food can have on alleviating the symptoms of the menopause and her realistic, easily-integrated guidance on sleep, stress, energy, hormone balance (and even a 14-day cleanse) accompanied by her fresh and friendly approach will be your companion through the years before, during and after the menopause.Topics include: What is going on in my body?; How to get rid of that stubborn weight gain; How to sleep better (and deal with night sweats); How to balance mood and curb sugar cravings; How to combat a foggy head; What to eat: food essentials for your perimenopausal store cupboard; A 14 Day Cleanse.
Objev podobné jako The Natural Menopause Method - Karen Newby
The Apothecary's Wife - Karen Bloom Gevirtz
The running joke in Europe for centuries was that anyone in a hurry to die should call the doctor. As far back as ancient Greece, physicians were notorious for administering painful and often fatal treatments – and charging for the privilege. For the most effective treatment, the ill and injured went to the women in their lives. This system lasted hundreds of years. It was gone in less than a century.Contrary to the familiar story, medication did not improve during the Scientific Revolution. Yet somehow, between 1650 and 1740, the domestic female and the physician switched places in the cultural consciousness: she became the ineffective, potentially dangerous quack, he the knowledgeable, trustworthy expert. The professionals normalized the idea of paying them for what people already got at home without charge, laying the foundation for Big Pharma and today’s global for-profit medication system.A revelatory history of medicine, The Apothecary’s Wife challenges the myths of the triumph of science and instead uncovers the fascinating truth. Drawing on a vast body of archival material, Karen Bloom Gevirtz depicts the extraordinary cast of characters who brought about this transformation. She also explores domestic medicine’s values in responses to modern health crises, such as the eradication of smallpox, and what benefits we can learn from these events.
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Vissevasse Puzzle The Swan 1000 elementów
Puzzle z kolekce Vissevasse. Model vyroben z papíru.
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The Trials of Empire - Richard Swan
The Trials of Empire is the epic conclusion to the bestselling Empire of the Wolf series, where Sir Konrad Vonvalt - the most powerful and feared of the Emperor''s Justices - must finally face the dark powers that seek to detroy the Empire.THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS AT HANDThe Empire of the Wolf is on its knees, but there''s life in the great beast yet.To save it, Sir Konrad Vonvalt and Helena must look beyond its borders for allies - to the wolfmen of the southern plains, and the pagan clans in the north. But old grievances run deep, and both factions would benefit from the fall of Sova.Even these allies might not be enough. Their enemy, the zealot Bartholomew Claver, wields infernal powers bestowed on him by a mysterious demonic patron. If Vonvalt and Helena are to stand against him, they will need friends on both sides of the mortal plane - but such allegiances carry a heavy price.As the battlelines are drawn in both Sova and the afterlife, the final reckoning draws close. Here, at the beating heart of the Empire, the two-headed wolf will be reborn in a blaze of justice . . . or crushed beneath the shadow of tyranny. Praise for the Empire of the Wolf series''A stunning piece of modern fantasy writing'' RJ Barker''Utterly compelling, thoroughly engrossing and written with such skilful assurance I could barely put it down'' Nicholas Eames''A fantastic debut'' Peter McLean''Equal parts heroic fantasy and murder mystery . . . Richard Swan''s sophisticated take on the fantasy genre will leave readers hungry for more'' Sebastien de Castell''Great characters, compelling and wonderfully written. A brilliant debut and fantastic start to the series'' James Islington''Totally addictive'' Novel Notions''A brilliant book, with intrigue, excellent character arcs, a brutal magic system and a story I just could not put down'' Grimdark Magazine''An absorbing fantasy murder mystery . . . I have been thoroughly hooked by this series and cannot wait for the next helping of political upheaval'' Fantasy Book Critic''Fantasy, mystery, drama, intrigue, action - The Justice of Kings has it all'' Bibliosanctum''One of those utterly compelling and believable books that begs to be read in one sitting. This is going to be one of the standouts of the year'' British Fantasy Society''Swan''s debut is a thrilling epic fantasy with a murder mystery and supernatural twist that will delight fans of Sherlock Holmes. It certainly delighted me'' Fantasy Hive''Swan has built a dark and gritty world, filled it with beautifully written characters and lays out a master-crafted story to create an incredible book that you can''t put down'' FanFiAddictThe Empire of the Wolf trilogyThe Justice of KingsThe Tyranny of FaithThe Trials of Empire
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The Last Hours: Chain of Iron - Cassandra Clare
The Shadowhunters must catch a killer in Edwardian London in this dangerous and romantic sequel to the #1 New York Times bestselling novel Chain of Gold, from New York Times and USA TODAY bestselling author Cassandra Clare. Chain of Iron is a Shadowhunters novel.Cordelia Carstairs seems to have everything she ever wanted. She’s engaged to marry James Herondale, the boy she has loved since childhood. She has a new life in London with her best friend Lucie Herondale and James’s charming companions, the Merry Thieves. She is about to be reunited with her beloved father. And she bears the sword Cortana, a legendary hero’s blade.But the truth is far grimmer. James and Cordelia’s marriage is a lie, arranged to save Cordelia’s reputation. James is in love with the mysterious Grace Blackthorn whose brother, Jesse, died years ago in a terrible accident. Cortana burns Cordelia’s hand when she touches it, while her father has grown bitter and angry. And a serial murderer is targeting the Shadowhunters of London, killing under cover of darkness, then vanishing without a trace.Together with the Merry Thieves, Cordelia, James and Lucie must follow the trail of the knife-wielding killer through the city’s most dangerous streets. All the while, each is keeping a shocking secret: Lucie, that she plans to raise Jesse from the dead; Cordelia, that she has sworn a dangerous oath of loyalty to a mysterious power; and James, that he is being drawn further each night into the dark web of his grandfather, the arch-demon Belial. And that he himself may be the killer they seek.
Objev podobné jako The Last Hours: Chain of Iron - Cassandra Clare
Frank Sinatra - In The Wee Small Hours (LP)
Subžánr: Jazz;Swing;Vocal Jazz;Traditional Pop;Pop;Easy Listening Žánr: Jazz;Swing;Pop Varianta: In The Wee Small Hours (Vinyl LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Země interpreta: USA Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1930 - 1939;1970 - 1979;1940 - 1949;1980 - 1989;1950 - 1959;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999 Interpret / Téma: Frank Sinatra Rok vydání: 2015.0 Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2015-12-04 Barva podle výrobce: Black
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24 Hours In the Stone Age - Lan Cook
Join a young cave-dweller for a day, as she goes hunting, makes her own stone tools and creates amazing cave art. Learn all about the dangers of life in the Stone Age, what makes a good shelter and what edible plants can be gathered in the wild.
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The Wine Bible (3rd Edition) - Karen MacNeil
Nothing improves the experience of wine like knowledge. The proof is in the numbers: Karen McNeil's The Wine Bible is America's bestselling wine book with over 800,000 copies in print. Now this essential book is even better, with a new third edition that's completely revised, completely updated, given a larger trim size and--yes!--now in full-color with over 400 new photographs. No other wine book compares to The Wine Bible in its gift for grounding the reader deeply, and happily, in the fundamentals while layering on passionate asides, tips, anecdotes, definitions, illustrations, maps, labels, and recommended bottles. It is like a complete, always fascinating wine course from a truly great teacher. Karen McNeil, "America's missionary of the vine" (TIME Magazine), is the only U.S. winner of every major wine award in the English language. And she herself has never stopped learning. For this new edition she tasted $168,000 worth of wines, a tremendous sacrifice to keep the reader current with: New chapters on Great Britain, Croatia, Israel; a new section called In the Beginning...Wine in the Ancient World; new fully revised Great Wines section (formerly the "Wines to Know") for each country and region; expanded chapters on France, Italy, Australia, South America, and the U.S.; an expanded grape glossary including 400-plus varieties; a revised wine terms glossary; and an expanded Mastering Wine Section incorporating latest science on taste and smell. Truly, a bible for curious wine-lovers of every level of expertise.
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Return to the Secret Lake - Karen Inglis
Another page-turning time travel adventure for ages 8-12 set between 1900s and present-day London. The long-awaited sequel to the international best-seller The Secret Lake. Almost a year has passed since Stella and Tom discovered a time tunnel and travelled to early 1900s London, where they befriended Emma, Lucy and Jack. The magical moles that made the tunnel and secret lake appear have since vanished, but the children are longing to meet again. Then an illness, which leaves Emma''s life in danger, changes everything. The moles reappear, and Lucy realises the only hope of finding a cure lies in the future. So unfolds a thrilling tale of time travel, rekindled friendships and new threats that no one could have foreseen... The original Secret Lake mystery adventure has now been enjoyed by almost half a million young readers and is in translation around the world. This gripping sequel, which seamlessly combines children''s historical fiction with reading for pleasure, does not disappoint!
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The Little Book of Colour - Karen Haller
A SUNDAY TIMES DESIGN BOOK OF THE YEAR_________________________________________The definitive guide to using the power of colour to improve your happiness, wellbeing and confidence.What if I told you that all around you is something that can increase your motivation and positively influence how you feel?It''s called colour.Building on over 20 years of experience, Applied Colour & Design Psychology Specialist Karen Haller puts this life-changing solution in your hands. With her unmatched expertise, she demonstrates the many practical ways in which you can use colour to transform your life. Whether you''re decorating an interior or revamping your wardrobe, get ready to be inspired by the possibilities to:- Create a home that reflects your personality- Grow your confidence in using colour- Add colour to your workplace- Choose clothes that express the true you- Find your unique colour palette & design compatibilityIn the first book that mixes the science, psychology and emotional impact of colour, Karen Haller takes you on a journey through rediscovering the joy of colour.
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