Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Shadow Girls - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová

Tea-Bag, a young Nigerian girl, has fled a refugee camp in Spain for the promise of a new life in Sweden. Tania has made a long and dangerous journey to escape themisery of life in a brothel. Leila has travelled with her family from Iran. All of them are facing different challenges in their new home.Meanwhile, celebrated poet Jesper Humlin is looking for inspiration. Harried by his mother and girlfriend, misunderstood by his publisher and tormented by his stockbroker, Jesper needs a new perspective on life. A chance encounter with Tea-Bag leads him into the shadow world of the immigrant experience in Sweden. Initially he sees the girls purely as material for his work, but they have very different ideas.This inspiring novel encompasses both humour and tragedy and illuminates our understanding of those left on the margins of our society.

Podívejte se také The Seven Sisters 03. The Shadow Sister (1447288629)

cena 268.0 Kč

The Magpie Society: One for Sorrow - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová

Welcome to the Magpie Society...Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie.For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping. But the two girls are thrown together when a mysterious podcast airs, with a sinister headline: I KNOW WHO KILLED LOLA. AND ONE OF YOU IS NEXT.This edition includes the spine-chilling first chapter of THE MAGPIE SOCIETY: TWO FOR JOY. From the Back Cover Tragedy has struck Illumen Hall, a prestigious boarding school of tradition and achievement. The body of student Lola Radcliffe is discovered on the beach, and on her back someone has tattooed an elaborate magpie. For new student Audrey, it's just another strange and unsettling thing about her new surroundings. For her roommate Ivy, the death of her friend Lola is something she's desperate to get past - and Audrey's presence isn't helping.

Podívejte se také Macdonald Amy: The Human Demands (Deluxe) - CD (4050538641028)

cena 259.0 Kč

Straky - Amy McCullochová, Zoe Suggová - e-kniha

eBook: Mrtvá studentka na pláži. Série otázek bez odpovědí. Tajemné stračí tetování. Audrey přijíždí z Ameriky na prestižní anglickou internátní školu, aby utekla své minulosti. Nic se ale neděje podle očekávání – spolubydlící Ivy ji ignoruje a nad celou školou se vznáší mrak v podobě nejasné smrti sedmnáctileté spolužačky na konci předešlého školního roku. Když začne kdosi vysílat anonymní podcast s názvem „Kdo zabil Lolu?“, celá škola už nemluví o ničem jiném. Co znamenal obrázek straky vytetovaný na jejím těle? Existuje snad stále tajné Stračí společenství a má něco společného se smrtí studentky? Nebo to byla opravdu jen nešťastná nehoda? Děsivý a napínavý příběh z místa, nad nímž se vznáší hejna zlověstných strak, vám nedá spát.

Podívejte se také All the Missing Girls (1786491966)

cena 339.0 Kč

The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová

THE CHILLING CONCLUSION TO #1 BESTSELLING SERIES THE MAGPIE SOCIETYA DEADLY DISAPPEARANCEA RACE AGAINST TIMEAnd, at the eleventh hour . . .A SHOCKING REVELATIONAudrey and Ivy, determined to bring their fellow student Lola Radcliffe's killer to justice, find themselves in the middle of another mystery when a friend disappears in suspicious circumstances.Their only clue is a mysterious card left by the enigmatic Magpie Society. With time running out and the police baffled, Audrey and Ivy must delve deeper than ever into the dark secrets that their school is hiding.But someone is playing a deadly game. And to beat them, Audrey and Ivy have to start rewriting the rules...

Objev podobné jako The Magpie Society: Two for Joy - Zoe Suggová

cena 232.0 Kč

Straky - Amy McCullochová

MRTVÁ STUDENTKA NA PLÁŽI.SÉRIE OTÁZEK BEZ ODPOVĚDÍ.TAJEMNÉ STRAČÍ TETOVÁNÍ. Audrey přijíždí z Ameriky na prestižní anglickou internátní školu, aby utekla své minulosti. Nic se ale neděje podle očekávání – spolubydlící Ivy ji ignoruje a nad celou školou se vznáší mrak v podobě nejasné smrti sedmnáctileté spolužačky na konci předešlého školního roku. Když začne kdosi vysílat anonymní podcast s názvem „Kdo zabil Lolu?“, celá škola už nemluví o ničem jiném.Co znamenal obrázek straky vytetovaný na jejím těle? Existuje snad stále tajné Stračí společenství a má něco společného se smrtí studentky? Nebo to byla opravdu jen nešťastná nehoda?Děsivý a napínavý příběh z místa, nad nímž se vznáší hejna zlověstných strak, vám nedá spát.

Objev podobné jako Straky - Amy McCullochová

cena 357.0 Kč

Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová

Thriller, ze kterého dostanete závrať! Novinářka Cecily se vydává se skupinou odvážlivců do Himálaje, aby pokořila jednu z nejvyšších hor světa. Plánuje o náročném výstupu napsat reportáž, která ji konečně proslaví. Kvůli této cestě se vzdala mnohého – vztahu i úspor –, ale věří, že se to vyplatí.Když jeden z horolezců zemře, všichni to považují za tragickou nehodu. Každý ví, že hory jsou nemilosrdné. Jenže poté co se najde další mrtvý, Cecily pochopí, že kromě nelítostné zimy, vichru a ledu tady číhá ještě jedno nebezpečí – vrah! V této nadmořské výšce vás policie neochrání. Nikdo vás neuslyší volat o pomoc. A když si Cecily nedá pozor, další na řadě bude ona…

Objev podobné jako Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová

cena 357.0 Kč

Cordially Invited - Zoe Suggová

For as long as Zoe Sugg can remember she has loved welcoming friends & family into her home, whether it's to celebrate someone else's big day or just being with friends, there is nothing she enjoys more than putting her energy into making any occasion special. In Zoe's eyes the best thing about getting people together is there really is no right or wrong way: maybe you want to plan a throw-everything-at-it shindig, or simply make a special effort for one guest. Mostly it's about how people feel when they're in your company.How the smallest of gatherings can feel momentous, and the biggest of parties can feel intimate. Over the years Zoe has shared glimpses of this side to her in her videos, with millions of viewers taking daily inspiration from her life. In Cordially Invited she shares her best and never seen before ideas in print.Divided into seasons, and woven through with Zoe's own stories and memories, this book reveals her favourite events - big or small - throughout the y

Objev podobné jako Cordially Invited - Zoe Suggová

cena 536.0 Kč

Pojďte slavit! - Zoe Suggová

Průvodce dokonalé hostitelky aneb Jak z každého dne udělat den, na který nezapomenete.

Objev podobné jako Pojďte slavit! - Zoe Suggová

cena 19.0 Kč

Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Novinářka Cecily Wongová dorazila na Manáslu, osmý nejvyšší vrchol světa, aby zís kala rozhovor s mezinárodně proslulým horolezcem Charlesem McVeighem během poslední etapy rekordní série výstupů. Kvůli tomuto příběhu se vzdala přítele i úspor, ale je to pro ni skvělá kariérní příležitost. Když však jeden z horolezců zemře při nehodě, kterou ostatní považují za nešťastnou náhodu, obává se, že je jejich expedice v ohrožení. A když zemře další člen výpravy, je už pozdě na návrat. Cecily uvízne na hoře v jedné z nejodlehlejších oblastí světa a bude muset bojovat o život nejen s přírodními živly, ale i proti vrahovi, který je mezi nimi.

Objev podobné jako Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová - audiokniha

cena 379.0 Kč

Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová - e-kniha

eBook: Thriller, ze kterého dostanete závrať! Novinářka Cecily se vydává se skupinou odvážlivců do Himálaje, aby pokořila jednu z nejvyšších hor světa. Plánuje o náročném výstupu napsat reportáž, která ji konečně proslaví. Kvůli této cestě se vzdala mnohého – vztahu i úspor –, ale věří, že se to vyplatí.Když jeden z horolezců zemře, všichni to považují za tragickou nehodu. Každý ví, že hory jsou nemilosrdné. Jenže poté co se najde další mrtvý, Cecily pochopí, že kromě nelítostné zimy, vichru a ledu tady číhá ještě jedno nebezpečí – vrah! V této nadmořské výšce vás policie neochrání. Nikdo vás neuslyší volat o pomoc. A když si Cecily nedá pozor, další na řadě bude ona...

Objev podobné jako Smrt v ledu - Amy McCullochová - e-kniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Girl Online: Going Solo - Zoe Suggová

Penny's life is back to normal. As Penny starts the school year she's ready to face the world - alone. Noah has gone off the radar after ending his world tour early and no one, including Penny, knows where he is. So when she accepts Megan's invitation to visit her performing arts school it seems like an opportunity to make some new friends. Helping everyone else seems to be the right remedy. Elliot needs her friendship more than ever, and she meets Posey - struggling with stage fright and in need of support. But is charming Scottish boy Callum the right kind of distraction? And can Penny truly move on when Noah's shadow seems to haunt her round every corner?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online: Going Solo - Zoe Suggová

cena 268.0 Kč

Girl Online: On Tour - Zoe Suggová

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny's bags are packed . . . When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online: On Tour - Zoe Suggová

cena 268.0 Kč

Girl online - Zoe Suggová - e-kniha

eBook: Penny má tajemství. Pod přezdívkou Girl Online si začne psát blog o svém každodenním životě – o klucích a kamarádkách, o trablech ve škole i doma, ale také o záchvatech paniky a úzkosti, kterými v poslední době trpí.Když ji ovšem na školním představení potká ten „největší trapas na světě“ a situace začne být na všech frontách na pováženou, rodiče ji vezmou s sebou na pár dnů do New Yorku. A tam Penny potká Noaha: úžasného charismatického muzikanta, kterému se prostě nedá odolat. A vůbec poprvé v životě se doopravdy zamiluje. A jak jinak (je přece blogerka!), o své pocity se upřímně podělí se všemi čtenářkami svého anonymního blogu.Jenomže Noah má taky svoje tajemství. A kvůli němu její anonymita na webu jednoho dne praskne jako mýdlová bublina – a v ohrožení se neocitne jenom ona, ale i její vztahy k nejbližším přátelům. Girl Online promlouvá vtipným, neotřelým hlasem nové generace teenagerů. Jde o svěží román plný romantiky a humoru, který se však zároveň zabývá aktuálními problémy, které mladá generace řeší, tedy zneužíváním internetu, kyberšikanou, falešným světem bulváru a pomíjivostí módních celebrit. *** Zoe Sugg neboli Zoella má čtyřiadvacet let a pochází z anglického Brightonu. Její videa na YouTube sleduje každý měsíc více než dvanáct milionů lidí. Zoella spustila svůj videokanál v roce 2009 – její příspěvky se zabývají tématy, jako jsou móda, kosmetika či životní styl, ale nevyhýbá se ani závažnějším otázkám spojeným s životem dnešních teenagerů. Má skoro sedm a půl milionů odběratelů na YouTube, jeden a půl milionu odběratelů na Twitteru a dva miliony na Instagramu. *** Girl Online vyšla ve Velké Británii v listopadu 2014 a za první týden zaznamenala největší prodeje mezi všemi debutovými romány v dějinách. Jde o nejrychleji prodávanou britskou knihu v pevné vazbě roku 2014 – za jediný týden se prodalo skoro osmdesát tisíc výtisků. V Británii se Girl Online stala ještě před Vánocemi 2014 bestsellerem napříč všemi literárními kategoriemi a velké úspěchy slaví i v USA. Zahraniční práva se bleskově prodala do pětatřiceti zemí.

Objev podobné jako Girl online - Zoe Suggová - e-kniha

cena 89.0 Kč

Girl Online: On Tour 2 - Zoe Suggová

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny joins her rock-star boyfriend, Noah, on his European music tour.Penny's bags are packed. When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online: On Tour 2 - Zoe Suggová

cena 384.0 Kč

Girl Online: On Tour (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny's bags are packed . . . When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online: On Tour (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

cena 129.0 Kč

Girl Online 3 - Jde svou cestou - Zoe Suggová

„Jsem Zoella a každý měsíc mě na YouTube sleduje víc než 12 milionů fanoušků.“ Pokračování britského bestselleru Girl Online.Život Penny Porterové se po létě plném zážitků a nečekaných zvratů pomalu vrací do zaběhaných kolejí. Školní rok začal a Penny je připravená vzít život do svých rukou a být na světě sama za sebe. Noah, její Kluk z Brooklynu, nečekaně zrušil všechny koncerty a není po něm ani vidu ani slechu. Nikdo netuší, kde se skrývá. A neví to ani Penny. A tak když se Penny vypraví do Londýna na návštěvu umělecké školy, kde studuje její spolužačka Megan, zdá se, že by to mohla být dobrá příležitost najít si nové přátele.Netrvá dlouho a v Pennyině životě se objevuje i nový kluk – okouzlující a talentovaný student fotografi e Callum. Pomůže Callum Penny zapomenout na Kluka z Brooklynu? A dokáže vůbec Penny začít nový život, když to vypadá, že ji Noahův stín pronásleduje téměř na každém kroku?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online 3 - Jde svou cestou - Zoe Suggová

cena 19.0 Kč

Girl Online: On Tour 2 (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

The sequel to the number-one bestseller Girl Online. Penny joins her rock-star boyfriend, Noah, on his European music tour.Penny's bags are packed. When Noah invites Penny on his European music tour, she can't wait to spend time with her rock-god-tastic boyfriend. But, between Noah's jam-packed schedule, less-than-welcoming bandmates and threatening messages from jealous fans, Penny wonders whether she's really cut out for life on tour. She can't help but miss her family, her best friend Elliot . . . and her blog, Girl Online. Can Penny learn to balance life and love on the road, or will she lose everything in pursuit of the perfect summer?

Objev podobné jako Girl Online: On Tour 2 (Defekt) - Zoe Suggová

cena 189.0 Kč

Straky: Ty budeš další! (978-80-271-3564-6)

Kniha - autor Zoe Suggová; Amy McCullochová, 288 stran, česky, brožovaná s přebalem lesklá MRTVÁ STUDENTKA NALEZENÁ NA PLÁŽI. SÉRIE OTÁZEK BEZ ODPOVĚDÍ. TAJEMNÉ STRAČÍ TETOVÁNÍ. Děsivý a napínavý příběh z místa, nad nímž se vznáší hejna zlověstných strak, vám nedá spát.

Objev podobné jako Straky: Ty budeš další! (978-80-271-3564-6)

cena 327.0 Kč

Girls of Storm and Shadow - Natasha Ngan

In this mesmerizing sequel to the New York Times bestselling Girls of Paper and Fire, Lei and Wren have escaped their oppressive lives in the Hidden Palace, but soon learn that freedom comes with a terrible cost. Lei, the naive country girl who became a royal courtesan, is now known as the Moonchosen, the commoner who managed to do what no one else could. But slaying the cruel Demon King wasn't the end of the plan---it's just the beginning. Now Lei and her warrior love Wren must travel the kingdom to gain support from the far-flung rebel clans. The journey is made even more treacherous thanks to a heavy bounty on Lei's head, as well as insidious doubts that threaten to tear Lei and Wren apart from within. Meanwhile, an evil plot to eliminate the rebel uprising is taking shape, fueled by dark magic and vengeance. Will Lei succeed in her quest to overthrow the monarchy and protect her love for Wren, or will she fall victim to the sinister magic that seeks to destroy her?

Objev podobné jako Girls of Storm and Shadow - Natasha Ngan

cena 249.0 Kč

The Outrun - Liptrot Amy

At the age of thirty, Amy Liptrot finds herself washed up back home on Orkney. Standing unstable on the island, she tries to come to terms with the addiction that has swallowed the last decade of her life. As she spends her mornings swimming in the bracingly cold sea, her days tracking Orkney's wildlife, and her nights searching the sky for the Merry Dancers, Amy discovers how the wild can restore life and renew hope.

Objev podobné jako The Outrun - Liptrot Amy

cena 325.0 Kč

The Outrun - Liptrot Amy

NOW A MAJOR FILM STARRING SAOIRSE RONANWITH A NEW AFTERWORD FROM THE AUTHORTHE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLERWINNER OF THE PEN ACKERLEY PRIZE AND THE WAINWRIGHT PRIZEAfter spending her twenties in London, Amy Liptrot returns to her home in Orkney where she comes to terms with the addiction that has consumed the past decade of her life. On the remote island, Amy spends her mornings swimming in the cold sea, her days observing wildlife, and her nights searching the sky for any signs of the Northern Lights. She soon discovers how the natural world can restore life, heal old wounds and renew hope.

Objev podobné jako The Outrun - Liptrot Amy

cena 325.0 Kč

The Catch - Amy Lea

'[Amy is] always brilliant' Ali Hazelwood'If The Proposal and While You Were Sleeping had a baby' Sarah Adams'I can't wait for readers to devour it' B.K. Borison----In a last ditch attempt to rescue her brand from the brink of irrelevance, fashion influencer Melanie Karlsen finds herself in a rural fishing village on the east coast of Canada. The only thing scarier than nature itself? Burly fisherman Evan Whaler - who single-handedly disproves the theory that canadians are 'nice'.After a boating incident lands Evan in the hospital, Mel is mistaken for his fiancee by his welcoming yet quirky family. And, in exchange for Evan's help with her social media content, Mel agrees to fake their engagement for just. one.week. But reeling in their budding feelings for each other proves more difficult than expected. Is Mel willing to sacrifice her picture-perfect life in the city for a chance at true love in the wild?-----Praise for Amy's other swoon-worthy rom-coms...'Sparkles with Amy's signature sweetness and steam' Carley Fortune, Every Summer After'An outright, unmitigated delight' Christina Lauren, The Unhoneymooners'Every rom-com reader's dream' Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka, The Roughest Draft'The tension is chef's kiss!' Sarah Adams, When in Rome'A perfect mix of relatable characters, hilarious banter and steam' Lily Chu, The Stand-In

Objev podobné jako The Catch - Amy Lea

cena 241.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for!

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A shunned princess. A reluctant king.A marriage that could save both their kingdoms . . .but destroy their hearts. Though she is the oldest daughter, Princess Faraine lives in the background, shunned from court and kept out of sight. Her chronic illness makes her a liability to the crown, and she has learned to give place to her beautiful, favored younger sister in all things.When the handsome and enigmatic Shadow King comes seeking a bride, Faraine is not surprised that her sister is his choice. Though not eager to take a human bride, King Vor is willing to do what is necessary for the sake of his people. When he meets the lively Princess Ilsevel, he quickly agrees to a marriage arrangement.So why can’t he get the haunting eyes of her older sister out of his head?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 330.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A treacherous bride. A heartbroken groom.Is their marriage over before it's begun? Her deceit discovered, Faraine finds herself trapped in the Shadow Realm at the mercy of her new husband. She's surrounded by enemies, far from any allies, and her best bet for survival is to convince Vor to send her home. But to do so means to give up on the alliance.Which would spell disaster for her people. With the tremors growing worse and poison spreading through his realm, Vor is more desperate than ever to find a solution. Only, it cannot involve his wife.Vor wants nothing to do with the woman he has inadvertently married. At one time, he thought he might love her, but now? How can love flourish where trust is broken? When circumstances require them to spend more time together, however, Vor's blood is stirred in ways he doesn't like to acknowledge. Can two lost hearts find healing and hope in one another? Or is their love already poisoned beyond recovery?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

The Flow - Amy-Jane Beer

WINNER OF THE 2023 JAMES CROPPER WAINWRIGHT PRIZE FOR NATURE WRITING''Unparalleled.'' THE WAINWRIGHT PRIZE''A true masterpiece.'' TIMES LITERARY SUPPLEMENT''A tour de force.'' GUY SHRUBSOLE''Quietly courageous.'' PATRICK BARKHAM''Lyrical, wholehearted and wise.'' LEE SCHOFIELD''A knockout. I loved it.'' MELISSA HARRISON''Honest, raw and moving.'' SOPHIE PAVELLE''An extraordinary book by an extraordinary author.'' CHRIS JONES''A book of wit, wonder and of wisdom.'' NICK ACHESON''Beautiful.'' NICOLA CHESTERA visit to the rapid where she lost a cherished friend unexpectedly reignites Amy-Jane Beer''s love of rivers setting her on a journey of natural, cultural and emotional discovery.On New Year''s Day 2012, Amy-Jane Beer''s beloved friend Kate set out with a group of others to kayak the River Rawthey in Cumbria. Kate never came home, and her death left her devoted family and friends bereft and unmoored.Returning to visit the Rawthey years later, Amy realises how much she misses the connection to the natural world she always felt when on or close to rivers, and so begins a new phase of exploration.The Flow is a book about water, and, like water, it meanders, cascades and percolates through many lives, landscapes and stories. From West Country torrents to Levels and Fens, rocky Welsh canyons, the salmon highways of Scotland and the chalk rivers of the Yorkshire Wolds, Amy-Jane follows springs, streams and rivers to explore tributary themes of wildness and wonder, loss and healing, mythology and history, cyclicity and transformation.Threading together places and voices from across Britain, The Flow is a profound, immersive exploration of our personal and ecological place in nature.

Objev podobné jako The Flow - Amy-Jane Beer

cena 325.0 Kč

The Secret Ocean - Amy Grimes

The Secret Ocean will take you and your child on an extraordinaryjourney. In the sparkling oceans of the world, a beautifulday is about to start. The fish are swimming and the corals arebursting with colour. A stunning gift for parent and child to share full of charming momentsto discover together.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Ocean - Amy Grimes

cena 384.0 Kč

The Lighthouse at the World's End - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny final book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends are headed to the mortal realm in search of the only thing that will shake a very tricky witch off their tail: a priceless stargold locket. It lies hidden in the Nest of a Thousand Treasures, guarded by Nine’s old foe – the formidable gangmaster of all the thieflings in London.Even if Nine can get her hands on the locket, the friends must find a way to release its power – and for that they must travel through the World Between Worlds to the lighthouse on the Isle of Illusion, where nothing is quite as it seems…

Objev podobné jako The Lighthouse at the World's End - Amy Sparkes

cena 241.0 Kč

The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny next book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends have cured the house's hiccups and are off to the strange and utterly unpredictable Back of Beyond in search of Professor Dish – Spoon's best friend and partner in all things alchemy.When they find Dish trapped by the greedy witch Ophidia in the basement of a particularly marvellous shop, it soon becomes clear they're going to need something more than Flabberghast's dicey magic and Nine's quick thinking to triumph this time. What they really need is a rather clever witch – one particularly good at curses...A new instalment in the brilliantly funny, magical and commercial series for readers age 8+.

Objev podobné jako The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

cena 205.0 Kč

The Tower at the End of Time - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny sequel to The House at the Edge of Magic."Magically warm and wonderfully weird, it''s Terry Pratchett meets Diana Wynne Jones" – Louie Stowell, author of Loki: A Bad God''s Guide to Being GoodNine and her friends have broken the curse on their marvellous, magical House, and are free to travel the worlds once more! Their first stop: The Wizarding Hopscotch Championships.There''s only one problem: the House is nervous about travelling – and gets the hiccups! Bouncing from world to world with every "HIC!", they finally land at the championships, only for Flabberghast to have an unfortunate run-in with square number seven, and find himself faced with the terrible Tower at the End of Time.But maybe here they can find out how to cure the House''s hiccups, and Nine might finally discover who left her the beloved music box, and who she really is...A young middle grade novel full of humour, magic and mischief – and the second in a three book series.

Objev podobné jako The Tower at the End of Time - Amy Sparkes

cena 214.0 Kč

Greta and the Giants - Zoe Tucker

This inspiring picture book retells the story of Nobel Peace Prize nominee Greta Thunberg – the Swedish teenager who has led a global movement to raise awareness about the world’s climate crisis – using allegory to make this important topic accessible to young children.Greta is a little girl who lives in a beautiful forest threatened by Giants. When the Giants first came to the forest, they chopped down trees to make houses. Then they chopped down more trees and made even bigger homes. The houses grew into towns and the towns grew into cities, until now there is hardly any forest left. Greta knows she has to help the animals who live in the forest, but how? Luckily, Greta has an idea… A section at the back explains that, in reality, the fight against the 'giants' isn’t over and explains how you can help Greta in her fight. This book has been printed sustainably in the UK on 100% recycled paper. By buying a copy of this book, you are making a donation of 3% of the cover price to Greenpeace UK.

Objev podobné jako Greta and the Giants - Zoe Tucker

cena 266.0 Kč

The Ex-Mas Holidays - Allison Zoe

'A super cute, heart-warming, second-chance holiday romance.' NetGalley reviewer, Falling in love can sometimes go off-piste... There's never a good time to bump into your ex - so Maya Bashir is shocked when she comes face to face with her old flame Sam Holland, who is wearing nothing but a tiny apron, working as a naked butler at her friend's Christmas party. Having driven home for the holidays after losing her boyfriend, flat and job - and dreading her father's inevitable disappointment that she still doesn't have a fifty-year-plan - perhaps Sam is exactly the distraction Maya needs.But as sparks begin to fly, Maya doesn't know if she can let Sam back into her heart so easily... With Christmas day fast approaching, will Maya find love or disaster under the tree? For fans of Sophie Cousens, Mhairi McFarlane and Sophie Ranald comes a hilarious Christmas romance that will warm your heart this winter! If you love: - Enemies to lovers - Second-chance romance - An adorable meet-cute - City girl/small hometown Then you will LOVE The Ex-mas Holidays! Praise for The Ex-mas Holidays 'Well wasn't this the cutest!... Will be looking out for future work from this author!' NetGalley reviewer, 'Maya and Sam's characters are so believable and I always felt they had a chance...A brilliant read.' NetGalley reviewer, 'I loved all the descriptions of the Christmas house lights and the naked butler was brilliant. A great Christmas / winter read.' NetGalley reviewer, 'A slow burn of a romance that is perfect for reading all tucked up warm indoors.' NetGalley reviewer, 'A beautifully written second chance at love Christmas story.' NetGalley reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Ex-Mas Holidays - Allison Zoe

cena 241.0 Kč

The Fearless Organization - Amy C. Edmondson

Conquer the most essential adaptation to the knowledge economy The Fearless Organization: Creating Psychological Safety in the Workplace for Learning, Innovation, and Growth offers practical guidance for teams and organizations who are serious about success in the modern economy. With so much riding on innovation, creativity, and spark, it is essential to attract and retain quality talent—but what good does this talent do if no one is able to speak their mind? The traditional culture of "fitting in" and "going along" spells doom in the knowledge economy. Success requires a continuous influx of new ideas, new challenges, and critical thought, and the interpersonal climate must not suppress, silence, ridicule or intimidate. Not every idea is good, and yes there are stupid questions, and yes dissent can slow things down, but talking through these things is an essential part of the creative process. People must be allowed to voice half-finished thoughts, ask questions from left field, and brainstorm out loud; it creates a culture in which a minor flub or momentary lapse is no big deal, and where actual mistakes are owned and corrected, and where the next left-field idea could be the next big thing. This book explores this culture of psychological safety, and provides a blueprint for bringing it to life. The road is sometimes bumpy, but succinct and informative scenario-based explanations provide a clear path forward to constant learning and healthy innovation. Explore the link between psychological safety and high performance Create a culture where it’s “safe” to express ideas, ask questions, and admit mistakes Nurture the level of engagement and candor required in today’s knowledge economy Follow a step-by-step framework for establishing psychological safety in your team or organization Shed the "yes-men" approach and step into real performance. Fertilize creativity, clarify goals, achieve accountability, redefine leadership, and much more. The Fearless Organization helps you bring about this most critical transformation.

Objev podobné jako The Fearless Organization - Amy C. Edmondson

cena 709.0 Kč

Listen for the Lie - Amy Tintera

Get ready to be obsessed with this funny and thrilling new murder mystery, perfect for fans of MURDER IN THE FAMILY by Cara Hunter, NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by Lisa Jewell, and HOW TO KILL YOUR FAMILY by Bella Mackie.INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THE SUNDAY TIMES ''PICK OF THE MONTH'' WOMAN & HOME ''BOOK OF THE MONTH'' TOP TEN KINDLE BESTSELLER ''Dark comedy and darker thrills'' - ALEX MICHAELIDES''A world-class whodunit'' - STEPHEN KING''Edgy, thrilling, twisty - I loved it!'' - LIANE MORIARTY‘Smart, surprising and very funny - wickedly entertaining’ – SHARI LAPENAAm I a murderer? You tell me . . .My name is Lucy Chase, but you already know that. Yes, I’m the woman who doesn’t remember murdering her best friend.You probably think I did it, too. I get it. Being found covered in her blood doesn’t exactly scream ‘innocent’.Look, I’m as frustrated as you. I’d love to know if I’m a murderer – it’s something you really should know about yourself, right?And now, thanks to true-crime podcast Listen for the Lie, I could finally have my answer. But how will I live with myself if it was me?And if I didn''t kill her, then who the hell did?READERS ARE OBSESSED WITH LISTEN FOR THE LIE ''This book invented a whole new genre of crime-com! A dark story that perfectly balanced the fun and dark, and with a racing ending that will keep you in a tight grip.'' Reader Review''I just want everyone to read it. The author could write my council tax bill and I would love it.'' Reader Review''Everything about this book is brilliant'' Reader Review''This novel was the perfection concoction of thrilling and humorous.'' Reader Review''An all-around perfect thriller!'' - Reader ReviewInstant New York Times bestseller, March 2024The Sunday Times Pick of the Month, March 2024Woman & Home Book of the Month, March 2024Top Ten Kindle Bestseller, April 2024

Objev podobné jako Listen for the Lie - Amy Tintera

cena 443.0 Kč

Listen for the Lie - Amy Tintera

Get ready to be obsessed with this funny and thrilling new murder mystery, perfect for fans of MURDER IN THE FAMILY by Cara Hunter, NONE OF THIS IS TRUE by Lisa Jewell, and HOW TO KILL YOUR FAMILY by Bella Mackie. INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER THE SUNDAY TIMES 'PICK OF THE MONTH' WOMAN & HOME 'BOOK OF THE MONTH' TOP TEN KINDLE BESTSELLER 'Dark comedy and darker thrills' - ALEX MICHAELIDES'A world-class whodunit' - STEPHEN KING'Edgy, thrilling, twisty - I loved it!' - LIANE MORIARTY‘Smart, surprising and very funny - wickedly entertaining’ – SHARI LAPENAAm I a murderer? You tell me . .. My name is Lucy Chase, but you already know that. Yes, I’m the woman who doesn’t remember murdering her best friend.You probably think I did it, too. I get it. Being found covered in her blood doesn’t exactly scream ‘innocent’.Look, I’m as frustrated as you. I’d love to know if I’m a murderer – it’s something you really should know about yourself, right?And now, thanks to true-crime podcast Listen for the Lie, I could finally have my answer. But how will I live with myself if it was me?And if I didn't kill her, then who the hell did?READERS ARE OBSESSED WITH LISTEN FOR THE LIE 'This book invented a whole new genre of crime-com! A dark story that perfectly balanced the fun and dark, and with a racing ending that will keep you in a tight grip.' Reader Review'I just want everyone to read it.The author could write my council tax bill and I would love it.' Reader Review'Everything about this book is brilliant' Reader Review'This novel was the perfection concoction of thrilling and humorous.' Reader Review'An all-around perfect thriller!' - Reader ReviewInstant New York Times bestseller, March 2024The Sunday Times Pick of the Month, March 2024Woman & Home Book of the Month, March 2024Top Ten Kindle Bestseller, April 2024

Objev podobné jako Listen for the Lie - Amy Tintera

cena 266.0 Kč

Dancing in the Rain - Amy Dowden

Strictly Come Dancing professional and breast cancer and Crohn''s awareness advocate Amy Dowden shares her journey from growing up in the Welsh Valleys to dancing on the glittering stage of prime-time television. Through her debilitating illness as a teen and her recent chemotherapy treatment for stage 3 breast cancer, Amy''s is a story of an unbreakable spirit with an irrepressible joy for life and dance; she is living proof that our darkest times do not define us. From her first dance lesson, Amy never wanted to be off the dance floor; when the music is on, nothing else matters, and it has been what has kept her going in the toughest of times. Despite facing the relentless challenges of undiagnosed Crohn''s disease through her teens, Amy''s love for dance remained unwavering. Her passion led her to win the British Championships with her partner and become the first Welsh professional dancer on Strictly Come Dancing. However, Amy''s journey took an unexpected turn when she discovered a lump in her breast just before her honeymoon. Despite undergoing a mastectomy and enduring gruelling chemotherapy, her journey was far from over. Complications arose, and she faced the harsh reality of reduced chances of having children. Yet, through it all, Amy''s spirit remained unbroken, fuelled by her love for dance and the unwavering support of her family, friends and supporters.In Dancing in the Rain, Amy Dowden shares her poignant and deeply personal story, offering solace and inspiration to anyone navigating life''s storms. With courage and vulnerability, she reminds us that no matter the challenge, the human spirit can prevail, and that even in the darkest of times, there is always hope.

Objev podobné jako Dancing in the Rain - Amy Dowden

cena 650.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods (0356514218)

Kniha - 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 289.0 Kč

The Shadow Cabinet - Juno Dawson

The follow-up to the sensational #1 Sunday Times bestseller Her Majesty’s Royal CovenAll is not as it seems within the halls of Her Majesty’s Royal Coven…Despite thinking they’ve thwarted the prophecy, the witches are still reeling from the events of the past few months.Ciara now occupies her twin sister’s body as she prepares to take on the role of High Priestess. But why are the sinister government agents of the Shadow Cabinet so invested in her coronation?And then there’s the small matter of Dabney Hale: freshly escaped from Grierlings prison, he’s on the hunt for a mythical object that will give him unimaginable power. Leonie’s brother is on the trail, but doesn’t know the danger he now faces, and so she sets off to bring him home and bring Hale to justice.Meanwhile, Theo and Holly are left to their own devices. Theo to work out how her miraculous transformation took place and Holly to discover what’s going on with her mum and dad. Elle’s Instagram-perfect world is about to come crashing down in the most terrifying way.Payback’s a witch as Ciara, Leonie, Elle, Theo and Holly are about to find out.Readers are spellbound by HMRC:''Juno Dawson is at the top of her game in this vibrant and meticulous take on witchcraft. Her characteristic wit and grit shine through’ Samantha Shannon‘I fell in love with her coven’ Kiran Millwood Hargrave‘A breath of fresh air’ Joanne Harris‘Utterly compelling’ Louise O’Neill‘I devoured this’ Lindsey Kelk‘Thrilling and hair-raising’ Russell T Davies

Objev podobné jako The Shadow Cabinet - Juno Dawson

cena 295.0 Kč

The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan

Now a major TV series on Prime Video The fourth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Stone of Tear, invulnerable fortress of legend, has fallen. The Children of the Dragon have risen to the call of prophecy and march to the aid of the Light. Callandor, the Sword That Is Not a Sword, is held by Rand al''Thor, the man proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn.But still the shadows lengthen and still the Forsaken grow in strength. If he is to fight them, Rand must master the male half of the True Source, a power corrupted by the Dark One, a power that drives men to madness, a power that may save or damn the world.''Epic in every sense'' Sunday Times''With the Wheel of Time, Jordan has come to dominate the world that Tolkien began to reveal'' New York Times''[The] huge ambitious Wheel of Time series helped redefine the genre'' George R. R. Martin''A fantasy phenomenon'' SFXThe Wheel of Time series:Book 1: The Eye of the WorldBook 2: The Great HuntBook 3: The Dragon RebornBook 4: The Shadow RisingBook 5: The Fires of HeavenBook 6: Lord of ChaosBook 7: A Crown of SwordsBook 8: The Path of DaggersBook 9: Winter''s HeartBook 10: Crossroads of TwilightBook 11: Knife of DreamsBook 12: The Gathering StormBook 13: Towers of MidnightBook 14: A Memory of LightPrequel: New SpringLook out for the companion book: The World of Robert Jordan''s The Wheel of Time

Objev podobné jako The Shadow Rising - Robert Jordan

cena 294.0 Kč

The Shadow King - Harry Sidebottom

334 BC. Alexander the Great is just twenty-one years old when he sets out with a small army to challenge Persia, the largest and most powerful empire in the world. Together, his Macedonian army marches East into the unknown - winning battles against overwhelming odds, storming impregnable fortresses from the Aegean through to India. But there is another Alexander. Prince of the Macedonian royal house of Lyncestis, he becomes Alexander the Great's general and most trusted friend. Alexander of Lyncestis is torn: between this friendship and the duty to avenge his murdered brothers. And he is under threat, too. Others - Persians, Greeks, Macedonians - see him as a rival for the throne. For six years of conspiracy and battle, his life hangs by a thread. For Alexander of Lyncestis is the Shadow King.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow King - Harry Sidebottom

cena 325.0 Kč

The Shadow in the Glass - Harwood JJA

Once upon a time Ella had wished for more than her life as a lowly maid.Now forced to work hard under the unforgiving, lecherous gaze of the man she once called stepfather, Ella's only refuge is in the books she reads by candlelight, secreted away in the library she isn't permitted to enter.One night, among her beloved books of far-off lands, Ella's wishes are answered. At the stroke of midnight, a fairy godmother makes her an offer that will change her life: seven wishes, hers to make as she pleases. But each wish comes at a price and Ella must decide whether it's one she's willing to pay...A smouldering, terrifying new spin on Cinderella - perfect for fans of Laura Purcell and Erin Morgenstern.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow in the Glass - Harwood JJA

cena 241.0 Kč

The Shadow in the North - Philip Pullman

The second book in Philip Pullman's classic SALLY LOCKHART quartetin a beautiful new edition. Sally Lockhart is a thoroughly modernwoman in a world of pompous men. Soon she is ensnared in a whirlof high-society danger and deceit, which can lead her in onlyone direction - to the terrifying secret of the Shadow in the North.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow in the North - Philip Pullman

cena 266.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

''A masterfully crafted, brutally compelling Norse-inspired epic'' Anthony RyanTHE GREATEST SAGAS ARE WRITTEN IN BLOOD. A century has passed since the gods fought and drove themselves to extinction. Now only their bones remain, promising great power to those brave enough to seek them out.As whispers of war echo across the land of Vigrið, fate follows in the footsteps of three warriors: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman pursuing battle fame, and a thrall seeking vengeance among the mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods.Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.Further praise for The Shadow of the Gods''Visceral, heart-breaking and unputdownable'' Jay Kristoff''A satisfying and riveting read. The well-realised characters move against a backdrop of a world stunning in its immensity. It''s everything I''ve come to expect from a John Gwynne book'' Robin Hobb''A masterclass in storytelling . . . epic, gritty fantasy with an uncompromising amount of heart'' FanFiAddict''Quintessential Gwynne honed to perfection . . . The Shadow of the Gods is absolutely stunning, one hell of an epic series opener and a spectacular dose of Viking-flavoured fantasy'' The Tattooed Book Geek''Reminds me of all that I love in the fantasy genre. The Shadow of the Gods is an action-packed cinematic read'' Fantasy Hive

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

cena 250.0 Kč

Nattou Hudební skříňka Zoë the hedgehog mini

Podrobnosti o produktu: Věk: od 0 měsíců Krásná plyšová hračka s měkkými barvami a roztomilým obličejem - je skutečným lamačem dětských srdcí. Plyšová hračka nabízí různé způsoby držení a podporuje rozvoj hrubé a jemné motoriky. Extra měkká tkanina zprostředkovává pocit bezpečí a jistoty v prvních týdnech a měsících života Spolu s něžnou ukolébavkou La-Le-Lu je tento hudební plyšák ideálním společníkem pro sladké sny. Rozměry a materiál: Rozměry (délka x šířka x výška): 22 x 18 x 11 cm Materiál: polyester a bavlna Péče: prát v ruce / nebělit / nesušit v sušičce / nesušit v bubnové sušičce, nežehlit / nečistit chemicky

Objev podobné jako Nattou Hudební skříňka Zoë the hedgehog mini

cena 481.0 Kč

Macdonald Amy: The Human Demands - LP (4050538641011)

LP vinyl - Skotská zpěvačka, kytaristka a skladatelka Amy MacDonald šla 15 let na hudební scéně vždy svou cestou, která vyústila k doposud zřejmě jejímu nejlepšímu albu. Zpěvačka 15 let na hudební scéně šla vždy svou cestou, která vyústila k doposud zřejmě jejímu nejlepšímu albu. Album „The Human Demands” produkoval Jim Abbiss, který se proslavil spoluprací s Arctic Monkeys a Kasabian. Na albu se Amy věnuje tématům, se kterými se dříve či později setká každý z nás - dospívání, milostná vzplanutí, pálení mostů, čelení depresi. Prvním singlem je skladba „The Hudson”. Skotská zpěvačka, kytaristka a skladatelka Amy MacDonald se narodila roku 1987 v Glasgow. Prorazila již svým debutovým albem „This Is The Life” z roku 2007 . Vydala dosud čtyři studiová alba, která se vždy dostala do Top 5 bristkého žebříčku. Seznam stop LP A1 Fire / A2 Statues / A3 Crazy Shade of Blue / A4 The Hudson / A5 The Human Demands / B1 We Could Be So Much More / B2 Young Fire, Old Flame /...

Objev podobné jako Macdonald Amy: The Human Demands - LP (4050538641011)

cena 489.0 Kč

Hortense and the Shadow - O'hara Natalia

"Through the dark and wolfish woods,through the white and silent snow,lived a small girl called Hortense.Though kind and brave, she was sad as an owl because of one thing . . .Hortense hated her shadow."A beautifully illustrated dark fairy tale that will remind you of the fables you read as a child. A treasure not to be missed.

Objev podobné jako Hortense and the Shadow - O'hara Natalia

cena 205.0 Kč

Sanctuary of the Shadow - Aurora Ascher

Enter the circus at your own risk . . .and discover the greatest show on earth in this explosive and darkly magical fantasy novelFor humans, the circus is a place filled with wonder and amazement. For Harrow, it's a place to hide from those who slaughtered her entire clan. Disguising her abilities as part of her act has kept her true identity safe for years.Until he arrives.A strange new attraction with no name, no memory of who - or even what - he is, let alone an explanation for his odd yet deadly powers.But beneath the layers of anger and isolation, one glimpse into his inky eyes reveals a soul that calls out to the loneliness in her own.And so, she chooses him.Harrow is drawn to the darkness, to her insatiable need to soothe the beast who threatens their very existence. But with every secret she unlocks from his past, another from hers is revealed - luring enemies who will stop at nothing to get their final revenge on Harrow. And she's afraid she's given them the perfect weapon against her because he's not what he seems.But maybe it's time they finally learn neither is she...

Objev podobné jako Sanctuary of the Shadow - Aurora Ascher

cena 357.0 Kč

The Shadow of Perseus - Claire Heywood

The myth of Perseus, told through the story of the three women who knew him best - his mother Danae, his wife Andromeda, and his victim, Medusa. The myth remembers him as a hero.The women who knew him best remember him differently.Now it's time to hear their side of the story . . . *** His mother Banished from her homeland thanks to a prophecy foretelling that her unborn child will one day cause the death of her father, Danae finds herself stranded, pregnant, and alone. Forging a new life for herself and for her young son Perseus will be the hardest thing she's ever done. His trophy As a member of a reclusive band of women who live deep in the woods, known as the Gorgons, Medusa has eschewed all contact with the outside world. That is, until the day she finds an injured boy named Perseus in the forest. His wife When a harsh sandstorm threatens to destroy her nomadic desert tribe's way of life, Andromeda knows that a sacrifice will be required to appease the gods and end the storm. But when a forceful young Perseus interferes, Andromeda's life is set on an entirely new path. As Perseus becomes increasingly obsessed with the promise of his own destiny, his heroic journey casts a shadow of violence and destruction across all three women's lives. But even as he tries to silence them, the women may find that reclaiming their voices is their only hope for lifting themselves into a better future.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of Perseus - Claire Heywood

cena 402.0 Kč

The Shadow Rising (Defekt) - Robert Jordan

The fourth novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published.The Stone of Tear, invulnerable fortress of legend, has fallen. The Children of the Dragon have risen to the call of prophecy and march to the aid of the Light. Callandor, the Sword That Is Not a Sword, is held by Rand al'Thor, the man proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn.But still the shadows lengthen and still the Forsaken grow in strength. If he is to fight them, Rand must master the male half of the True Source, a power corrupted by the Dark One, a power that drives men to madness, a power that may save or damn the world.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow Rising (Defekt) - Robert Jordan

cena 139.0 Kč

Sanctuary of the Shadow - Aurora Ascher

Enter the circus at your own risk . . .and discover the greatest show on earth in this explosive and darkly magical fantasy novelFor humans, the circus is a place filled with wonder and amazement. For Harrow, it's a place to hide from those who slaughtered her entire clan. Disguising her abilities as part of her act has kept her true identity safe for years.Until he arrives. A strange new attraction with no name, no memory of who - or even what - he is, let alone an explanation for his odd yet deadly powers. But beneath the layers of anger and isolation, one glimpse into his inky eyes reveals a soul that calls out to the loneliness in her own.And so, she chooses him. Harrow is drawn to the darkness, to her insatiable need to soothe the beast who threatens their very existence. But with every secret she unlocks from his past, another from hers is revealed - luring enemies who will stop at nothing to get their final revenge on Harrow.And she's afraid she's given them the perfect weapon against her because he's not what he seems. But maybe it's time they finally learn neither is she...

Objev podobné jako Sanctuary of the Shadow - Aurora Ascher

cena 447.0 Kč

The Shadow Work Journal - Keila Shaheen

Embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing and inner transformation with the new and updated smash-hit TikTok sensation and million-copy international bestseller.Are you ready to embark on a powerful journey of self-discovery, healing and inner transformation?The Shadow Work Journal is an empowering and compassionate tool to help you face your shadows and overcome the obstacles and limiting self-beliefs that are holding you back from achieving your true potential.Based on established and highly effective therapeutic practices, this interactive journal will guide you on an exploration through the hidden aspects of your psyche, to confront and embrace your shadow self. Using insightful prompts, and thought-provoking exercises and reflections, you'll discover a path to greater self-awareness, cultivate self-love and acceptance, and find a deeper connection with your authentic self.Join the millions of people whose lives have been transformed through The Shadow Work Journal and experience the healing you deserve.Benefits of Shadow Work:* Improved interactions with others* Heal generational trauma* Become "un-stuck"* Set personal boundaries* Build compassion for yourself and those around you* Gain greater awareness and clarity of the world around you

Objev podobné jako The Shadow Work Journal - Keila Shaheen

cena 357.0 Kč

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