Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Secret World of Weather - Tristan Gooley

YOUR GUIDE TO THE HIDDEN WONDERS OF THE WEATHER FROM TRISTAN GOOLEY, AUTHOR OF INTERNATIONAL BESTSELLER THE WALKER''S GUIDE TO OUTDOOR CLUES & SIGNS Readers LOVE The Secret World of Weather:''This book finally explains what weather is and the fundamental why. Clouds now have real meaning!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Every page is a gem'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Classic Tristan Gooley: ''You get yourself comfortable in the armchair, a drink beside you and start to read, but before you know it there is a desire to get out of the chair, step outside and see if you can put into practice some of the things he is telling you!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐*****************************The weather changes as we walk around a tree or turn down a street. There is a secret world of weather - one that we all live in, but very few see. Each day we pass dozens of small weather signs that reveal what the weather is doing all around us - and what is about to happen. The clues are easy to spot when you know how, but remain invisible to most people. In The Secret World of Weather you''ll discover the simple rules that explain the weather signs. And you''ll learn rare skills that enhance every minute you spend outdoors, whether you are in a town, on a beach or in a wilder spot. As the author of the international bestsellers The Walker''s Guide to Outdoor Clues and Signs and How to Read Water, Tristan Gooley knows how to de-code the phenomena and signs to look for. As he says, ''I want you to get to know these signs as I have, as characters. By studying their habits and behaviours, the signs come to life and the meaning reveals itself. From this flows an ability to read what is happening and what is about to happen''.This is the ultimate guide to exploring an undiscovered world, one that hides in front of our eyes.***************************Critical acclaim for The Secret World of Weather:''A sensitive study that combines theoretical physics with beautiful nature writing.'' - Telegraph Best Books To Read On A Summer Holiday''The Secret World of Weather frames itself early on as an aid to forecasting, by decoding signs in mackerel skies and dust devils. But it''s really much more than that . . . Gooley is the best kind of teacher: gentle, patient, nudging'' - Richard Mabey, Telegraph''Gooley marshals a riveting compendium of weather-reading skills . . . he has plenty of facts at his fingertips with which to excite'' - The Times''This breezy new book reveals how to read nature''s very own weather forecast . . . full of fascinating trivia'' - Daily Mail''I would recommend this book to all who seek explanations of the incredible variety of natural sights and sounds detectable in the open air.'' - Weather, journal of the Royal Meteorological Society''After 40 years as a professional meteorologist, I''ve looked at the weather through Tristan Gooley''s fresh eyes and seen new things'' - Peter Gibbs, weatherman and BBC presenter''Spot hidden weather signs around you that will enable you to embrace the outdoors and plan your garden accordingly'' - Gardens Illustrated

Podívejte se také Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

cena 384.0 Kč

The Walker's Guide to Outdoor Clues and Signs - Tristan Gooley

''It''s like being given some sort of magical text... eye-opening and invaluable.'' India Knight, Sunday Times''Even the intrepid Bear Grylls could learn a trick or two from this book'' The TimesThe ultimate guide to what the land, sun, moon, stars, trees, plants, animals, sky and clouds can reveal - when you know what to look for. Includes over 850 outdoor clues and signs for you to enjoy the wonders of the outdoors from your living room. This top ten bestseller is the result of Tristan Gooley''s two decades of pioneering outdoors experience and six years of instructing, researching and writing. It includes lots of outdoor clues and signs that will not be found in any other book in the world. As well as the most comprehensive guide to natural navigation for walkers ever compiled, it also contains clues for weather forecasting, tracking, city walks, coast walks, night walks and dozens of other areas.

Podívejte se také Various: Until the End of the World - LP (9362490386)

cena 384.0 Kč

The Secret World : A History of Intelligence - Christopher Andrew

The history of espionage is far older than any of today's intelligence agencies, yet the long history of intelligence operations has been largely forgotten. The first mention of espionage in world literature is in the Book of Exodus.'God sent out spies into the land of Canaan'. From there, Christopher Andrew traces the shift in the ancient world from divination to what we would recognize as attempts to gather real intelligence in the conduct of military operations, and considers how far ahead of the West - at that time - China and India were. He charts the development of intelligence and security operations and capacity through, amongst others, Renaissance Venice, Elizabethan England, Revolutionary America, Napoleonic France, right up to sophisticated modern activities of which he is the world's best-informed interpreter. What difference have security and intelligence operations made to course of history? Why have they so often forgotten by later practitioners? This fascinating book provides the answers.

Podívejte se také The Secret Garden

cena 399.0 Kč

Tajemství počasí - Tristan Gooley

Kniha Tajemství počasí odhaluje skrytý svět přírodních zákonitostí. Sledování nenápadné souhry větru, oblaků, mlhy, teploty, deště a mnoha dalších projevů umožňuje počasí nejen předpovídat, ale také porozumět tomu, jak ovlivňuje a vytváří okolní krajinu. Každá kapka, kaluž nebo pampeliška nám můžou sdělit důležité věci. Dobrodruh, cestovatel a učitel ze školy v přírodě Tristan Gooley, autor knihy Orientace v přírodě, píše o tématu zasvěceně a zároveň srozumitelně.

Objev podobné jako Tajemství počasí - Tristan Gooley

cena 447.0 Kč

Tajný svet počasia - Tristan Gooley

Každý oblak, zmena teploty, kvapka dažďa, slnečný lúč či vánok prezrádza niečo o našom počasí. Po prečítaní tejto knihy budete schopní predpovedať počasie aj bez použitia smartfónu. Autorove rady však ďaleko presahujú zvyčajnú predpoveď počasia. Kniha prináša nový pohľad, akým sme doteraz o počasí neuvažovali. Počasie tvorí našu krajinu a krajina zasa naše počasie. Všetko, čo vidíme na oblohe, odráža to, kde sme. Keď sa naučíme čítať znamenia prírody, počasie sa stane našou mapou a odhalí nám, ako poveternostné podmienky pomohli tvoriť mestá, lesy, kopce a celý okolitý svet.

Objev podobné jako Tajný svet počasia - Tristan Gooley

cena 778.0 Kč

Ako čítať zo stromov - Tristan Gooley

Stromy sú ako snehové vločky – každý je originál. Sú plné osobitých znakov a stôp odhaľujúcich tajomstvá o ich živote aj o krajine, v ktorej stojíme. Čítať tajnú reč mĺkvych obrov našich hôr je jednoduché – stačí len vedieť, čo hľadať. V knihe Ako čítať zo stromov objavíte jednoduché princípy, ktoré vysvetľujú tvary stromov a rôzne s nimi súvisiace javy aj ich význam. Praktické obrázky vám pomôžu tieto znaky bez omylu rozoznať a získate tak zručnosti, ktoré neovláda len tak hocikto. Zrazu porozumiete, čo hovorí vŕba farbou svojich listov, javor mladými spodnými konármi či celý les tvarom jednotlivých korún stromov. Tajnou rečou sa vám prihovoria nielen stromy vo voľnej prírode, ale aj tie v meste či vo vašej záhrade. Stromy nám majú veľa čo povedať a je na nás, či budeme načúvať ich príbehom. Po prečítaní tejto knihy sa už na žiadny strom nepozriete tak ako predtým.

Objev podobné jako Ako čítať zo stromov - Tristan Gooley

cena 838.0 Kč

How To Read Water - Tristan Gooley

''A wonderful read... It''s one of those books that gives you a new pair of eyes to see the world in a different way. I''ve been transported by it... You''ll love every minute, the writing is absolutely beautiful.'' - Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall From the bestselling author of THE WALKER''S GUIDE TO OUTDOOR CLUES AND SIGNSA must-have book for walkers, sailors, swimmers, anglers and everyone interested in the natural world, in How To Read Water, Natural Navigator Tristan Gooley shares knowledge, skills, tips and useful observations to help you enjoy the landscape around you and learn about the magic of the outdoors from your living room.Includes over 700 clues, signs and patterns. From wild swimming in Sussex to wayfinding in Oman, via the icy mysteries of the Arctic, Tristan Gooley draws on his own pioneering journeys to reveal the secrets of ponds, puddles, rivers, oceans and more to show us all the skills we need to read the water around us.

Objev podobné jako How To Read Water - Tristan Gooley

cena 384.0 Kč

How to Read a Tree - Tristan Gooley

THE LATEST GUIDE TO THE HIDDEN MEANING OF NATURE FROM THE NATURAL NAVIGATOR, TRISTAN GOOLEY Readers are LOVING How to Read a Tree:''I could write a book about this book. After the first five pages I knew my forest hiking was already permanently changed. After five more I began ordering copies for some fellow tree-loving friends'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Very interesting and beautifully written'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''An enjoyable read full of fascinating stuff'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''I absolutely loved this book! I''ve read several of his other books before and this one might be my favourite. Gooley is the master of providing a way to examine patterns'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐-------------- Do two trees ever appear identical? No, but why? Every small difference is a clue. Each tree we meet is filled with signs that reveal secrets about the life of that tree and the landscape we stand in. The clues are easy to spot when you know what to look for, but remain invisible to most people.In How to Read a Tree, you''ll discover the simple principles that explain the shapes and patterns you can see in trees and what they mean. And you''ll learn rare skills that can be applied every time you pass a tree, whether you are in a town or a wilder spot.As the author of the international bestsellers The Walker''s Guide and How to Read Water, Tristan Gooley knows how to uncover the phenomena worth looking for. He has been instructing people in the art of reading trees for two decades and this book includes signs that will not be found in any other book in the world.Once you have learned to see these things it is impossible to unsee them. We will never look at a tree the same way again.----------------- ''An important book and a pleasure to read.'' - Raynor Winn, author of The Salt Path''You will never look at a tree in the same way again after reading this mesmerising book. Gooley drops learning as lightly as blossom falls in spring.'' - John Lewis-Stempel''Tristan Gooley has done trees the greatest service.'' - Isabella Tree''Will undoubtedly leave you with a deeper appreciation of trees...your country walks will never be quite the same again'' - Daily Mail

Objev podobné jako How to Read a Tree - Tristan Gooley

cena 384.0 Kč

Orientace v přírodě - Tristan Gooley - e-kniha

eBook: Dávno před GPSkami, kompasy a dokonce před existencí kartografie se lidé dokázali ve světě nějak zorientovat. Přírodní detektiv připomíná polozapomenuté vědění našich předků. Stačí se soustředit na strom ohnutý větrem, hloubku kaluže nebo ptačí zpěv. Průvodcem se snadno stane slunce, měsíc, hvězdy, mraky, počasí, prodlužující se stíny, rostliny, zvířata. Knížka je plná anekdot a příkladů z celé planety, z různých kontinentů a kultur, a přitom se informace dají dobře přenést i na českou krajinu. Dobrodružná cesta plná obdivu k malým i velkým zázrakům přírody právě začíná.

Objev podobné jako Orientace v přírodě - Tristan Gooley - e-kniha

cena 305.0 Kč

Orientace v přírodě - Znovuobjevené umění, jak se nechat vést přírodou - Tristan Gooley

Dávno před GPSkami, kompasy a dokonce před existencí kartografie se lidé dokázali ve světě nějak zorientovat. Přírodní detektiv připomíná polozapomenuté vědění našich předků. Stačí se soustředit na strom ohnutý větrem, hloubku kaluže nebo ptačí zpěv. Průvodcem se snadno stane slunce, měsíc, hvězdy, mraky, počasí, prodlužující se stíny, rostliny, zvířata. Knížka je plná anekdot a příkladů z celé planety, z různých kontinentů a kultur, a přitom se informace dají dobře přenést i na českou krajinu. Dobrodružná cesta plná obdivu k malým i velkým zázrakům přírody právě začíná.

Objev podobné jako Orientace v přírodě - Znovuobjevené umění, jak se nechat vést přírodou - Tristan Gooley

cena 160.0 Kč

The World of The Witcher (1616554827)

Kniha - 182 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Lavish illustrated volume based on the bestselling role-player game, which has a 3rd game slated for release in 2015. The first two have sold over 5.5m copies worldwide, and now transfer to illustrated hardback book form for the first time.

Objev podobné jako The World of The Witcher (1616554827)

cena 847.0 Kč

The Illustrated World of Tolkien

Tolkien's works have inspired artists for generations and have given rise to myriad interpretations of the rich and magical worlds he created.The Illustrated World of Tolkien gathers together artworks and essays from expert illustrators, painters and etchers, and fascinating and scholarly writing from renowned Tolkien expert David Day, and is an exquisite reference guide for any fan of Tolkien's work, Tolkien's world and the imaginative brilliance his vision inspired.Published to coincide with the 40th Anniversary of the publication of the international bestseller The Tolkien Bestiary, The Illustrated World of Tolkien revisits the work of some of the original illustrators but also features works from artists who have contributed to David Day's more recent books.

Objev podobné jako The Illustrated World of Tolkien

cena 805.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn - Courtney Alameda

The next novel set in the world of Blizzard Entertainment's legendary online game World of Warcraft. When the world was young, all life shook before the might of Galakrond, a massive primal dragon whose hunger could not be sated. Five primal dragons rose valiantly beside the titan-forged Keeper Tyr to combat this threat.Though the fight was desperate, Galakrond fell by their teeth and talons, and they were chosen to become protectors of Azeroth. The titans gifted Nozdormu, Ysera, Alexstrasza, Malygos, and Neltharion with order magic, transforming them into the Aspects, powerful dragons with command of time, nature, life, magic, even the earth itself. Other primal dragons followed them on their path,and, imbued with the titans' power, the dragonflights rose to shape the world and serve the Aspects.That is the tale the dragonflights have always told . . .but it is not the whole story. For while the Dragonqueen and her flights set to reshaping Azeroth, not all dragonkind sees order magic as a gift. Spurning the titans' interference, a group of rebel primal dragons drink deep from the elemental powers of the planet and are reborn as theIncarnates.Led by Iridikron, the Incarnates believe that dragonkind should be subservient to no one. They foment a rebellion against the Aspects, what they are and all they stand for. Despite the efforts of the Dragonqueen Alexstrasza and her primal friend, Vyranoth, to preserve peace, both sides slip closer to violence, as dragons are forced to choose a side or be swept up in the growing conflict.With battle lines and allegiances drawn, the war amongst dragonkind shakes the foundation of the world. Both sides realize they will have to make sacrifices to secure the future of their kind, sacrifices that will cascade through the ages.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: War of the Scaleborn - Courtney Alameda

cena 269.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (8595680301803)

Desková hra - strategická hra, pro 1 až 5 hráčů, délka hry 50 min, v českém jazyce, vhodné od 14 let Všichni nadšenci do World of Warcraft, zbystřete. Právě se k vám dostává nová strategická hra World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, která je založena na principu známého systému Pandemic. Kdo jej ovládá, nebude mít problém se do hry rychle vžít. Přesto ukrývá mnoho překvapivých herních prvků a odlišnou hratelnost. Staňte se legendárními hrdiny a postavte se nemrtvé armádě paladina Arthase, která zaútočila na Azeroth. Vyrazte na ledový Northrend, postavte se čelem všem jeho nástrahám a dobijte brány mrazivé pevnosti. Podaří se vám Arthase už nadobro zničit? Nebo se stanete jeho další obětí? Hra World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King je určena pro 1 až 5 hráčů ve věku od 14 let. Je kompletně v českém jazyce a partie trvá necelou hodinu. Klíčové vlastnosti deskové hry World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich KingStrategická hra na principu...

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King (8595680301803)

cena 1529.0 Kč

The Secret of the Kelpie - Don Lari

A stunning adaptation of the traditional Scottish folktale of the kelpie -- starring a shape-shifting water horse -- made world-famous by Andy Scott's kelpies statues. Can Flora uncover the secret of the kelpie in time to save her family?

Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Kelpie - Don Lari

cena 236.0 Kč

The Secret of the Moonshard - Struan Murray

''Sensational storytelling'' - AF Steadman, author of Skandar and the Unicorn Thief.The gripping new magical adventure from Branford Boase winner Struan Murray.Domino has lived her whole life believing that just one drop of magic could kill her.Held in a floating laboratory by scheming Science Barons, she has never known a single day of freedom.When Domino discovers that everything she''s been told by the Barons is a lie, she escapes to Abzalaymon, a wondrous city filled with scientific marvels, hulking thunder lizards and hidden magic.But the Barons are soon on Domino''s trail. Because a war is brewing between science and magic. A war that could destroy the world. And Domino might just be the key to saving everyone . . .''Thrilling'' Guardian

Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Moonshard - Struan Murray

cena 236.0 Kč

Paraván The Secret of Magma Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván The Secret of Magma Dekorhome

cena 5480.0 Kč

The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835)

Kniha - autor Kassia St Clair, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A mind-expanding tour of the world without leaving your paintbox. Every colour has a story, and here are some of the most alluring, alarming, and thought-provoking. Very hard painting the hallway magnolia after this inspiring primer. Simon GarfieldThe Secret Lives of Colour tells the unusual stories of the 75 most fascinating shades, dyes and hues. From blonde to ginger, the brown that changed the way battles were fought to the white that protected against the plague, Picasso s blue period to the charcoal on the cave walls at Lascaux, acid yellow to kelly green, and from scarlet women to imperial purple, these surprising stories run like a bright thread throughout history. In this book Kassia St Clair has turned her lifelong obsession with colours and where they come from (whether Van Gogh s chrome yellow sunflowers or punk s fluorescent pink) into a unique study of human...

Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of Colour (1473630835)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Secret of Chimneys - Agatha Christie

A young drifter finds more than he bargained for when he agrees to deliver a parcel to an English country house... Little did Anthony Cade suspect that a simple errand on behalf of a friend would make him the centrepiece of a murderous international conspiracy. Someone would stop at nothing to prevent the monarchy being restored in faraway Herzoslovakia. The combined forces of Scotland Yard and the French Surete can do no better than go in circles - until the final murder at Chimneys, the great country estate that yields up an amazing secret...

Objev podobné jako The Secret of Chimneys - Agatha Christie

cena 239.0 Kč

Paraván The Secret of Magma Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

Objev podobné jako Paraván The Secret of Magma Dekorhome

cena 5480.0 Kč

The Secret of Cooking - Bee Wilson

WINNER OF A GUILD OF FOOD WRITERS AWARD 2024 for BEST GENERAL COOKBOOKA TIMES and GUARDIAN BOOK OF THE YEAR 2023NIGELLA LAWSON''S COOKBOOK OF THE YEAR ‘Notes from a lifetime of reading, thinking, cooking and eating’ Diana HenryThe Secret of Cooking is packed with solutions for how to make life in the kitchen work better for you, whether you are cooking for yourself or for a crowd.Bee shows you how to get a meal on the table when you’re tired and stretched for time, how to season properly, cook onions (or not) and what equipment really helps.The 140 recipes are doable and delicious, filled with ideas for cooking ahead or cooking alone and the kind of unfussy food that makes everyday life taste better.‘A lifetime of kitchen wisdom here’ Nigel Slater‘A truly remarkable cookbook that will change lives'' Rachel Roddy‘It’s not often that a genuinely game-changing cook book comes out, but this accomplished, approachable and helpful book – its writing as nourishing as the recipes – is most definitely it. Quite frankly, there’s not a kitchen that should be without a copy of The Secret of Cooking’ Nigella Lawson‘There is wisdom, and notes from a lifetime of reading, thinking, cooking and eating here. And it’s not just about food but about how we live, and how we look after ourselves and each other’ Diana Henry

Objev podobné jako The Secret of Cooking - Bee Wilson

cena 886.0 Kč

The World of Cyberpunk 2077 (1506713580)

Kniha - 192 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá An insightful, captivatingly designed, full-color hardcover that transports readers to the futuristic megalopolis of Night City--the epicenter of the vibrant new action-RPG from CD Projekt Red. An insightful, captivatingly designed, full-color hardcover that transports readers to the futuristic megalopolis of Night City--the epicenter of the vibrant new action-RPG from CD Projekt Red. Step into the year 2077, a world dotted with dystopian metropoles where violence, oppression, and cyberware implants aren't just common--they're necessary tools to get ahead. Delve into incisive lore to discover how the economic decline of the United States created a crippling dependence on devious corporations and birthed the Free State of California. Explore the various districts, gangs, and history of Night City. Learn all there is to know about the technology of tomorrow and research the cybernetics, weapons, and vehicles...

Objev podobné jako The World of Cyberpunk 2077 (1506713580)

cena 1029.0 Kč

The Imaginary World of… - Keri Smithová

'What kind of world would you like to inhabit?' Here, Keri Smith begins with a list. Writing down everything the reader is drawn to, from things they love or collect to things that fascinate and excite, including objects, colours, sounds, textures, memories, places and people, the list serves as the building block for the creation of a new world. This world is based entirely on who the reader is as an individual, and as such is completely unique. Prompted to think about landscape, place names, maps, currency and more Keri Smith encourages everyone to push their imaginations to the limit.

Objev podobné jako The Imaginary World of… - Keri Smithová

cena 449.0 Kč

The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson

The essential companion to the No. 1 internationally bestselling The Wheel of Time, one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. With never-before-told legends and fascinating histories of its peoples and lands, this engrossing book, written by Robert Jordan himself in collaboration with Teresa Patterson, takes you on an unforgettable journey through the extraordinary world of The Wheel of Time. The Wheel of Time turns, and Ages come and pass, leaving memories that become legend. Legend fades to myth, and even myth is long forgotten when the Age that gave it birth comes again.

Objev podobné jako The World of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time - Robert Jordan, Teresa Patterson

cena 312.0 Kč

Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

Kniha - autor Patrick Radden Keefe, 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The story of the Sackler Dynasty, Purdue Pharma, and their involvement in the opioid crisis that has created millions of addicts, even as it generated billions of dollars in profit.

Objev podobné jako Empire of Pain: The Secret History of the Sackler Dynasty (1529063078)

cena 459.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (143915760X)

Kniha - autor Christie Golden, 392 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Now in paperback, this "New York Times" bestseller reveals the origin of Arthas Menethil, the featured villain in the Wrath of the Lich King video game.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Arthas: Rise of the Lich King (143915760X)

cena 239.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects - Christie Golden

When Azeroth was young, the noble titans appointed the five great dragonflights to safeguard the budding world. Each of the flights' leaders was imbued with a portion of the titans' vast cosmic powers. Together, these majestic Dragon Aspects committed themselves to thwarting any force that threatened the safety of Azeroth.More than 10,000 years ago, a betrayal by the maddened black Dragon Aspect, Deathwing, shattered the strength and unity of the dragonflights. His most recent assault on Azeroth-the Cataclysm-has left the world in turmoil. At the Maelstrom, the center of Azeroth's instability, former Horde warchief Thrall and other accomplished shaman struggle to keep the world from tearing apart in the wake of Deathwing's attack. Yet a battle also rages within Thrall regarding his new life in the shamanic Earthen Ring, hampering his normally unparalleled abilities.Of even greater concern is a bleak and terrifying possible future glimpsed by the mysterious green Dragon Aspect, Ysera: the Hour of Twilight. Before this apocalyptic vision comes to pass, Thrall must purge his own doubts in order to discover his purpose in the world and aid Azeroth's dragonflights as they face the Twilight of the Aspects.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects - Christie Golden

cena 259.0 Kč

The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy

"Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent." - 7 x 7"Aftel, ... explores the natural and cultural history of scent in her newest book, The Museum of Scent."- Veranda"A beautiful book about beautiful things, with a fascinating narrative told by an author who loves her subject."- Kirkus Reviews"It is so rich in story, information, and images, you don't just read it, you fall into it and don't want it to end!" - Ivy Ross, co-author of New York Times bestseller Your Brain on Art and VP of Hardware Design at GoogleBreathe in the natural and cultural history of scent with this richly illustrated book inspired by the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents."This work . . . is a true original a rarest of rare legacy volume. This book was created by a beautiful elder who is a polymath: meaning, a highly unique person of multiple modern and old ways of knowing. . . . Mandy Aftel's dons and talents are now resting in your hands in this magical tome that, I deeply sense and hope, will bless you time and again." From the foreword by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes Reyes, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves and the forthcoming La Curandera, Walking in Two WorldsMandy Aftel is one of the world's preeminent natural perfumers, with a clientele ranging from the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen to Ivy Ross, head of hardware design at Google. Eschewing the synthetic molecules that dominate commercial perfumes, Aftel creates her complex and subtle fragrances using only natural essences. For her, each of these essences is a gateway to a lost world of scent, stretching back to the beginnings of human civilization and intertwined with the history of medicine, cuisine, adornment, sexuality, and spirituality. In 2017, Aftel opened a one-room museum the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents in her backyard in Berkeley, California, to help a modern audience rediscover the enchantment of this lost world. Her museum has attracted thousands of enthusiastic visitors and has been featured in the New York Times, Vogue, Goop, O: The Oprah Magazine, and numerous other media outlets.Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent. She guides us through the different families of botanical fragrances (including flowers, woods, leaves and grasses, and resins), depicting each plant with a hand-colored antique woodcut and revealing its olfactory notes and lore. Special chapters are devoted to the most rare and precious fragrances such as ambergris, formed of a rare secretion of the sperm whale and to antique essential oil bottles, handwritten recipe books, and other evocative artifacts. The Museum of Scent, which includes a bookmark subtly scented with a natural essence, invites us on a sensuous, imaginative journey.

Objev podobné jako The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy

cena 984.0 Kč

The Secret Life of the Universe - Cabrol Nathalie A.

Over the last few decades, space exploration has revolutionised our understanding of our place in the cosmos. We now know that there are many habitable environments within our solar system.Yet a profound question remains: are we alone in the universe?Nathalie A. Cabrol, leading astrobiologist and director of the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, takes us to the frontiers of the search for life. This book's odyssey begins by searching for how life began on Earth in order to understand what's necessary for life to exist elsewhere.What role did our Moon play? And could life on Mars, or another world, have seeded life on Earth?Cabrol continues this dazzling interplanetary tour, illuminating the likeliest places for life in our neighbourhood: Venus, Mars, the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and Pluto. Finally, we seek life beyond our Solar System, looking at the recent revolution in the night sky: the realisation that there are millions of exoplanets within our galaxy that could support life.The Secret Life of the Universeis both a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the latest discoveries and an awe-inspiring exploration of what this means for us as humans on Earth today. It's an exhilarating journey, perfect for anyone who has ever looked up at the stars and wondered what might be out there.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of the Universe - Cabrol Nathalie A.

cena 447.0 Kč

The Secret Life of the Universe - Cabrol Nathalie A.

‘A highly readable, entertaining and mind-expanding read from a formidable scientist’ iNews ‘A highly informative survey of the current state of astrobiology’ Literary ReviewOver the last few decades, space exploration has revolutionised our understanding of our place in the cosmos. We now know that there are many habitable environments within our solar system. Yet a profound question remains: are we alone in the universe? Nathalie A. Cabrol, leading astrobiologist and director of the Carl Sagan Center at the SETI Institute, takes us to the frontiers of the search for life. This book’s odyssey begins by searching for how life began on Earth in order to understand what’s necessary for life to exist elsewhere. What role did our moon play? And could life on Mars, or another world, have seeded life on Earth? Cabrol continues this dazzling interplanetary tour, illuminating the likeliest places for life in our neighbourhood: Venus, Mars, the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, and Pluto. Finally, we seek life beyond our solar system, looking at the recent revolution in the night sky: the realisation that there are millions of exoplanets within our galaxy that could support life.The Secret Life of the Universe is both a comprehensive and authoritative guide to the latest discoveries and an awe-inspiring exploration of what this means for us as humans on Earth today. It’s an exhilarating journey, perfect for anyone who has ever looked up at the stars and wondered what might be out there. The hardcover edition includes integrated black and white illustrations throughout, and a 16-page colour plate section.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of the Universe - Cabrol Nathalie A.

cena 650.0 Kč

Plakát World of Warcraft - The Lich King

Plakát World of Warcraft - The Lich King se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát World of Warcraft - The Lich King

cena 189.0 Kč

The World of Free Horses - Tomáš Míček

The world of horses is a peculiar intermediate realm: on one hand, horses embody embeddedness in nature, on the other hand, horses have been strongly associated with the human world for millennia. But there has always been a remnant of wildness and naturalness, of inner fire and dynamic vitality that cannot easily be tamed. The photographer Tomas [Week has been on the trail of the wildness and naturalness of horses for decades. Of course, horses are not the only theme of this talented photographer; he has already created the impressive books "Magic Places of the Earth", "Magic Stones" and "Trees of the World". For him, they form a single homage to nature. This book about the world of horses wonderfully complements the overall symphony.

Objev podobné jako The World of Free Horses - Tomáš Míček

cena 1334.0 Kč

Inside the World of Bridgerton - Catherine Curzon

Inside the World of Bridgerton is a fascinating dive into the real history that inspired the smash-hit show Bridgerton. Written by an expert on the period, this book reveals the true workings of Regency high society. Discover the true Regency history behind the TV phenomenon.In Inside the World of Bridgerton, author and Regency period expert Catherine Curzon explores the historical inspirations behind the hit series, and illuminates the fascinating details of real life in Regency high society.Examining a range of key topics, this revealing guide covers everything from the class structure of the era and the crucial role played by marriage to the stunning fashion, culture and social events of the time that have enchanted audiences and history fanatics for centuries. With further chapters dedicated to sex, race, the media and more, this is a window into the real history that has helped make Bridgerton into such a global phenomenon.Offering insightful advice on what to - and what not to – wear, how to see and be seen, the reality of ‘coming out’ into the public arena, and decoding the real-life scandal sheets on which the beloved TV show is largely based, Inside the World of Bridgerton highlights how the real ladies and gentlemen of Regency England lived and loved.

Objev podobné jako Inside the World of Bridgerton - Catherine Curzon

cena 357.0 Kč

The World of Late Antiquity - Peter Brown

A remarkable study in social and cultural change that explains how and why the Late Antique world, between c. 150 and c. 750 AD, came to differ from 'Classical civilization'. The first century AD was one of momentous events: the end of the Roman empire, the rise of Christianity across western Europe and the disappearance of Persia from the Near East; an era in which the most deep-rooted of ancient institutions disappeared for all time creating divergent legacies which are still present. Renowned historian Peter Brown examines these changes and the reactions to them, to show that the period of Late Antiquity was one of outstanding new beginnings and far-reaching impacts. The result is a lucid answer to a crucial question in world history; how the exceptionally homogenous Mediterranean world of the first century AD became divided into the three mutually estranged societies of the Middle Ages: Catholic Western Europe, Byzantium and the Islamic world. Brown's remarkable study in social and cultural transformation explains how and why the Late Antique world, came to differ from the 'Classical civilization' of the Greeks and Romans. Featuring a new preface and updated with colour illustrations throughout, The World of Late Antiquity demonstrates that we still have much to learn from this enduring and intriguing period of history.

Objev podobné jako The World of Late Antiquity - Peter Brown

cena 536.0 Kč

The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

From Snuff: 'Vimes' prompt arrival got a nod of approval from Sybil, who gingerly handed him a new book to read to Young Sam. Vimes looked at the cover. The title was The World of Poo. When his wife was out of eyeshot he carefully leafed through it. Well, okay, you had to accept that the world had moved on and these days fairy stories were probably not going to be about twinkly little things with wings. As he turned page after page, it dawned on him that whoever had written this book, they certainly knew what would make kids like Young Sam laugh until they were nearly sick. The bit about sailing down the river almost made him smile. But interspersed with the scatology was actually quite interesting stuff about septic tanks and dunnakin divers and gongfermors and how dog muck helped make the very best leather, and other things that you never thought you would need to know, but once heard somehow lodged in your mind.'

Objev podobné jako The World of Poo (Defekt) - Terry Pratchett

cena 89.0 Kč

The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa

A revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of maths'Lively, satisfying, good at explaining difficult concepts' The Sunday TimesMathematics shapes almost everything we do. But despite its reputation as the study of fundamental truths, the stories we have been told about it are wrong. In The Secret Lives of Numbers, historian Kate Kitagawa and journalist Timothy Revell introduce readers to the mathematical boundary-smashers who have been erased by history because of their race, gender or nationality.From the brilliant Arabic scholars of the ninth-century House of Wisdom, and the pioneering African American mathematicians of the twentieth century, to the 'lady computers' around the world who revolutionised our knowledge of the night sky, we meet these fascinating trailblazers and see how they contributed to our global knowledge today.Along the way, the mathematics itself is explained extremely clearly, for example, calculus is described using the authors' home baking, as they pose the question: how much cake is in our cake? This revisionist, completely accessible and radically inclusive history of mathematics is as entertaining as it is important.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of Numbers - Kate Kitagawa

cena 499.0 Kč

The Secret Life of Butterflies - Rena Ortega

A beautifully illustrated book on the fascinating lives of these delicate creatures.This glorious guide uncovers the often surprising secret life of butterflies. Learn how to recognize the different types of butterfly species, discover how they evolved and how they eat, sleep and travel the world.Rena Ortega's marvellous illustrations accompany text by Roger Vila, one of the world's greatest butterfly experts, who explains why these beautiful insects are so important.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of Butterflies - Rena Ortega

cena 429.0 Kč

The Secret Lives of Stones - Hettie Judah

''A delightful storybook . . . a portrait of our whole world created from the contents of the ground'' Literary Review''A real cabinet of curiosities'' Sunday TimesFrom the hematite used in cave paintings to the moldavite that became a TikTok sensation; from the stolen sandstone of Scone to the unexpected acoustics of Stonehenge; from crystal balls to compasses, rocks and minerals have always been central to our story.3,000 years ago Babylonians constructed lapidaries - books that tried to pin down the magical secrets of rocks. In Lapidarium, renowned art critic Hettie Judah explores the unexpected stories behind sixty stones that have shaped and inspired human history, from Dorset fossil-hunters to Chinese philosophers, Catherine the Great to Michelangelo.Discover why alchemists sought cinnabar and sulphur. Unearth the mystery of the tuff statues of Rapa Nui, the lost amber room of Frederick of Prussia and the scandal of Flint Jack. Find out how a Greek monster created coral, moon rock explains the history of Earth''s only satellite and obsidian inspired the world''s favourite computer game. Stone by stone, story by fascinating story, Lapidarium builds into a dazzling, epoch-spanning adventure through human culture, and beyond.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Lives of Stones - Hettie Judah

cena 502.0 Kč

The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha

What will two children do to win an island? From Costa-winning author of Voyage of the Sparrowhawk. Skylar's old friends felt sorry for her but they were too afraid to talk to her. Yakov's old friends were far away, blown across continents by war . . . When Skylar meets Yakov she is still reeling from the news of her grandfather's stroke.Yakov is just desperate to go home. They recognise something in each other: a need for friendship, but something else fizzy beneath the surface. A refusal to accept what life has dealt them; a reckless desire to change things up for the better.So when there's a competition to own nearby Golden Island, it's no surprise they want it. But how can two children possibly win an island? And what will they risk to call it their own?Exquisitely told, with compassion and empathy: an unmissable, life-affirming novel from the inimitable Natasha Farrant. Natasha Farrant's book Voyage of the Sparrowhawk won the Costa Children's Book Award 2020.

Objev podobné jako The Secret of Golden Island - Farrant Natasha

cena 236.0 Kč

The Secret Network of Nature - Peter Wohlleben

An exploration of the invisible connections sustaining the entire natural world from the bestselling author of The Hidden Life of Trees Did you know that trees can influence the rotation of the earth?Or that wolves can alter the course of a river?Or that earthworms control wild boar populations?The natural world is a web of intricate connections, many of which go unnoticed by humans. But it is these connections that maintain nature’s finely balanced equilibrium.Drawing on the latest scientific discoveries and decades of experience as a forester, Peter Wohlleben shows us how different animals, plants, rivers, rocks and weather systems cooperate, and what''s at stake when these delicate systems are unbalanced. ‘Peter Wohlleben doesn''t merely look, he sees. Let''s all learn as much from him as we can, and quickly’ Rosamund Young, author of The Secret Life of Cows

Objev podobné jako The Secret Network of Nature - Peter Wohlleben

cena 325.0 Kč

The Secret Life of Bugs - Moira Butterfieldová

Inspire the next generation to look after the world around them with The Secret Life of Bugs, a collection of delightful stories and engaging facts. Let Luna, a friendly ladybird, lead you through this beautiful first guide to bug life. Learn about bug habitats – who lives where, from teeny tiny bugs (featherwing beetles) to the largest of critters (giant stick insect and goliath beetles). Find out the amazing things that bugs can do, like flying high or disguising themselves. Read magical creepy crawly folklore stories from around the planet, too. The ladybird has learnt much on her travels and will be a great guide for young readers, perhaps inspiring them to develop a lifelong love of bugs. Sadly, many insects are under threat, so the Ladybird guide will be an ideal character to teach children about pollution and climate change, and encourage them to care about all creepy crawlies. Sumptuous and detailed illustrations take pride of place in this magical book that mixes natural history with a splash of fantasy, creating a book to be pored over time and again. There’s never been a better time to introduce your child to the beauty of every living thing, even the teeny tiny. Following on from The Secret Life of Trees, The Secret Life of Bees, The Secret Life of Birds and The Secret Life of Oceans, Bugs is the next book in the series.

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of Bugs - Moira Butterfieldová

cena 384.0 Kč

The Secret Life of Writers - Guillaume Musso

In 1999, after publishing three cult novels, celebrated author Nathan Fawles announces the end of his writing career and withdraws to Beaumont, a wild and beautiful island off the Mediterranean coast.Autumn 2018. As Fawles' novels continue to captivate readers, Mathilde Monney, a young Swiss journalist, arrives on the island, determined to unlock the writer's secrets and secure his first interview in twenty years.That same day, a woman's body is discovered on the beach and the island is cordoned off by the authorities.And so, begins a dangerous face off between Mathilde and Nathan, in which the line between truth and fiction becomes increasingly blurred...

Objev podobné jako The Secret Life of Writers - Guillaume Musso

cena 268.0 Kč

The Illustrated World of Tolkien The Second Age - David Day

This volume is an in-depth and exquisitely illustrated guide to the Second Age of Middle-earth, one of the least-explored periods of Arda's history.The Illustrated World of Tolkien: The Second Age, is the follow up companion to the best-selling The Illustrated World of Tolkien, and gathers together artwork, charts, and fascinating and scholarly writing from renowned Tolkien expert David Day. Exploring the languages, poetry and elements of the heroic ages of Norse, Greek and Roman mythologies that may have influenced Tolkien's writing, it is a reference guide for any fan of Tolkien's work, Tolkien's world and the imaginative brilliance his vision inspired.The Second Age is made up of two great narrative channels: on the one hand the rise and cataclysmic downfall of the island-kingdom of Númenor and its aftermath, and on the other the forging of the Rings of Power and the rise to power of the new dark lord.Tolkien's sources for his Second Age are, of course, as rich and varied as ever and this book delves into some of these influences and shows how the power of Tolkien's imagination is manifest even in the lesser-known parts of his legendarium.This work is unofficial and is not authorised by the Tolkien Estate or HarperCollins Publishers.

Objev podobné jako The Illustrated World of Tolkien The Second Age - David Day

cena 805.0 Kč

The Curious Bartender - The artistry and alchemy of creating the perfect cocktail - Tristan Stephenson

Preparing a first-class cocktail relies upon a deep understanding of its ingredients, the delicate alchemy of how they work together. In The Curious Bartender, Tristan Stephenson explores and experiments with the art of mixing the perfect cocktail, explaining the fascinating modern turns mixology has taken. Showcasing a selection of classic cocktails, he explains their intriguing origins, introducing the colourful historical characters who inspired or created them. Moving on, he reinvents each drink from his laboratory, adding contemporary twists to breathe fresh life into these vintage classics. Stay true to the originals with a Sazerac or a Rob Roy, or experiment with some of his modern variations to create a Green Fairy Sazerac topped with an absinthe 'air' or an Insta-age Rob Roy with the 'age' on the side. Also included is a reference section detailing all the techniques you will need, making this an essential anthology for the cocktail enthusiast.

Objev podobné jako The Curious Bartender - The artistry and alchemy of creating the perfect cocktail - Tristan Stephenson

cena 599.0 Kč

The Wild World of Barney Bubbles: Graphic Design and the Art of Music - Paul Gorman

A celebration of a graphic design genius, published to mark what would have been his 80th birthday. The Wild World of Barney Bubbles celebrates the graphic design genius whose work linked the underground optimism of the 60s to the sardonic and manipulative art that accompanied the explosion of punk. Barney Bubbles remains a powerful influence on contemporary artists four decades after his death, having encompassed designs for Sir Terence Conran and underground magazines Oz and Friends as well as remarkable record sleeves and posters for Billy Bragg, Elvis Costello, Depeche Mode, Ian Dury, Hawkwind, The Damned and Nick Lowe. He also collaborated with artists and photographers, including Derek Boshier and Brian Griffin, and produced paintings, furniture, set designs and promo videos, not least the era-defining clip for The Specials’ 80’s hit, ‘Ghost Town’. This revised edition of Paul Gorman’s definitive Barney Bubbles monograph contains hundreds of rare and previously unpublished photographs, working sketches, notebooks and original artwork. It includes a new essay by American designer Clarita Hinojosa and sixteen extra pages of rare ephemera painstakingly collected by the author over the years.

Objev podobné jako The Wild World of Barney Bubbles: Graphic Design and the Art of Music - Paul Gorman

cena 886.0 Kč

World of Warcraft: The Shattering : Book One of Cataclysm - Christie Golden

Thrall, wise shaman and the war chief of the Horde, has sensed a disturbing change . . . Long ago, Azeroth's destructive native elementals raged across the world until the benevolent titans imprisoned them within the Elemental Plane. Despite the titans' intervention, many elementals have ended up back on Azeroth. Over the ages, shaman like Thrall have communed with these spirits and, through patience and dedication, learned to soothe roaring infernos, bring rain to sun-scorched lands, and otherwise temper the elementals' ruinous influence on the world of Azeroth. Now Thrall has discovered that the elementals no longer heed the shaman's call.While Thrall seeks answers to what ails the confused elements, he also wrestles with the orcs' precarious future as his people face dwindling supplies and growing hostility with their night elf neighbours. The fate of Azeroth's great races is shrouded in a fog of uncertainty, and the erratic behaviour of the elemental spirits, troubling though it is, may only be the first ominous warning sign of the cataclysm to come.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft: The Shattering : Book One of Cataclysm - Christie Golden

cena 259.0 Kč

The Secret History of the Mongols - Atwood Christopher P.

A new translation of a great historical epic, recounting the turbulent life and times of Chinggis Khan'Bear the sword andHew asunder high and haughty necksSlash apart all strong and self-willed shoulders'Born poor into a world of dangers and hardships, Chinggis (or Genghis) Khan would grow up to unify Mongolia and conquer a vast empire stretching from modern-day Beijing to Baghdad. The Secret History of the Mongols, written after Chinggis's death in the thirteenth century, is a great historical saga recounting not only his turbulent life and times, but that of his loved ones, ancestors and heirs. This remarkable new translation of the earliest surviving work written in Mongolian gives insight into a world of warlords, kinship, horses, yurts, shamans and vast landscapes, where bloody battles and violent family conflicts are impelled by Heaven's destiny.

Objev podobné jako The Secret History of the Mongols - Atwood Christopher P.

cena 357.0 Kč

The Secret of the Blood-Red Key - Farr David

The dazzling follow-up to the phenomenal The Book of Stolen Dreams from master storyteller David Farr, perfect for fans of Katherine Rundell and Philip Pullman. Step inside the pages of an immortal adventure... Rachel and Robert have defeated the tyrant Malstain and become the heroes of Krasnia, but all is not how it should be. Robert is swept away with his new friends, leaving Rachel alone to take care of her ailing father, who's lost without their beloved mother. From nowhere, a boy appears knowing the secrets of the hidden blood-red key. For the key is a way into the Hinterland - and Rachel must promise that, as a new key keeper, she will answer when it calls. When a young girl, Elsa Spiegel, is illegally smuggled into the Hinterland, Rachel has no choice but to use her key to save Elsa. But her fate is linked to Krasnia, and Rachel must battle to save her home as she knows it. Praise for The Book of Stolen Dreams:"A new and important voice for young people." Michael Morpurgo"Dazzling! An instant classic. An eye-wateringly funny and jaw-droppingly fantastical adventure, chock-a-block with rare books, airships, and penguin-shaped hats." Ben Miller"A wonderful story. Gripping and magical." Anthony Horowitz

Objev podobné jako The Secret of the Blood-Red Key - Farr David

cena 266.0 Kč

World of Warcraft - For The Horde - batoh (8718526155365)

Batoh , rozměry: 41 × 29 × 14 cm, unisex provedení Nezáleží na tom, co máte v plánu, batoh World of Warcraft - For The Horde - batoh je ideální volbou. Od prvního okamžiku potěší svým nápaditým zpracováním i praktickou ergonomií. Spadá do kategorie unisex. Po stránce rozměrů, má batoh Difuzed 41 × 29 × 14 cm. Nejdůležitější vlastnosti batohu World of Warcraft - For The Horde - batoh Batoh Difuzed vám padne jako ulitý Vymazlené unisex provedení Rozměry se vyšplhaly na 41 × 29 × 14 cm

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft - For The Horde - batoh (8718526155365)

cena 999.0 Kč

The Lost World Of British Communism - Samuel Raphael

The Lost World of British Communism is a vivid account of the Communist Party of Great Britain. Raphael Samuel, one of post-war Britain's most notable historians, draws on novels of the period and childhood recollections of London's East End, as well as memoirs and Party archives, to evoke the world of British Communism in the 1940s. Samuel conjures up the era when the movement was at the height of its political and theoretical power, brilliantly bringing to life an age in which the Communist Party enjoyed huge prestige as a bulwark for the struggles against fascism and colonialism.

Objev podobné jako The Lost World Of British Communism - Samuel Raphael

cena 500.0 Kč

The Hidden World of Mythical Folk - Maz Evans

Discover a world of mythical folk, of fairies, goblins, elves, and all kinds of magical beings that dance in our dreams and spark our imagination. Take a walk through the woods at twilight or the hills under a starlit night and delight in a hidden world of magical folk from around the world, from Scottish sprites and Irish leprechauns to fearsome Nordic trolls and Alpine Barbegazi. This beautifully illustrated guide will help you find their secret hiding places, show you the best times to spot them, and how to keep your distance.Beautifully written by bestselling author Maz Evans and sumptuously illustrated by Hans Christian Andersen Award-winning artist Robert Inpgen, this is the perfect book for fans of mythical folk and magic.

Objev podobné jako The Hidden World of Mythical Folk - Maz Evans

cena 443.0 Kč

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