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The Runaway Girls - Jacqueline Wilsonová

The must-have new Victorian novel from bestselling, much-loved children's author, Jacqueline Wilson. Victorian London, 1851. Queen Victoria is on the throne and the Great Exhibition is about to open! Lucy Locket lives with her father, the New Mother and the New Baby. They sent away her beloved Nurse and replaced her with a horrid governess. Lucy desperately wants someone to be kind to her, and to have some fun - there's very little of that in her house. Kitty Fisher is a street performer who earns tin for her supper by tumbling. She has always lived on the street and on her wits, with only the kind Gaffer to help her. But now Gaffer is gone, and Kitty is all alone. When Lucy runs away from home, Kitty shows Lucy how to survive - where to find the best picnic leftovers in the park, and which trees makes the best beds. Lucy learns quickly and shows Kitty her own skills - befriending families to get free meals and singing beautiful melodies for the crowds. But the streets of Victorian London are dangerous and soon the girls find themselves under threat from thieves - and even worse, the Workhouse!

Podívejte se také All the Missing Girls (1786491966)

cena 223.0 Kč

The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová

''I seemed to be seeing double. I saw two Edies instead of one - but they weren''t the same.'' Edie is fascinated by Victorian times, and she''s just desperate to be cast in the lead role of her drama club production of Oliver. When she''s given a real Victorian notebook she''s determined to write the best story ever, all about a girl in a workhouse. But when she starts writing, something strange happens.Edie finds herself in Victorian London. She feels the same, but everything around her is completely different to what she knows. Soon, she realises she''s living the life of another Edie Trimmer - and is in danger of being sent to a real workhouse!Will she forget everything she knows about her other life - and will she ever be able to make it back to her family?A heart-warming time travel adventure about family and friendship from the much-loved, bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.Discover Jacqueline Wilson''s other bestselling titles: Little StarsEmerald StarHetty FeatherProject FairyThe Runaway Girls

Podívejte se také FOSSIL JACQUELINE ES3546 (4053858204645)

cena 443.0 Kč

The Other Edie Trimmer - Jacqueline Wilsonová

''I seemed to be seeing double. I saw two Edies instead of one - but they weren''t the same.'' Edie is fascinated by Victorian times, and she''s just desperate to be cast in the lead role of her drama club production of Oliver. When she''s given a real Victorian notebook she''s determined to write the best story ever, all about a girl in a workhouse. But when she starts writing, something strange happens.Edie finds herself in Victorian London. She feels the same, but everything around her is completely different to what she knows. Soon, she realises she''s living the life of another Edie Trimmer - and is in danger of being sent to a real workhouse!Will she forget everything she knows about her other life - and will she ever be able to make it back to her family?A heart-warming time slip adventure about family and friendship from the much-loved, bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.

Podívejte se také FOSSIL JACQUELINE ES3545 (4053858204621)

cena 236.0 Kč

Star of the Show - Jacqueline Wilsonová

‘I’m going to a place called Grand Theatre and I’m going to be a dancer in a pantomime!’Tess loves to dance, even when everything seems grim. After mum dies and pa leaves, she and her brothers and sisters are all alone, with hardly any food or money. With empty stomachs and scrambling for pennies, they’ve got to fend for themselves.When Tess’s big brother and sister go out to look for work, she has to stay in class at The Ragged School and take care of their baby sister Ada. But Tess is determined that even though she is poor, she will still get to go to the ball…or at least to dance in the Cinderella pantomime at the Grand Theatre…A captivating Victorian adventure about family troubles and big dreams from the bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.

Objev podobné jako Star of the Show - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 384.0 Kč

The Best Sleepover in the World - Jacqueline Wilsonová

A long-awaited sequel to the hugely popular book Sleepovers!Daisy''s worst ever enemy Chloe is desperate to win back her friends so she announces she''s going to have THE BEST SLEEPOVER IN THE WORLD. There''s going to be a swim in a luxury pool, a special makeover for every guest, and a real live meeting with a social media superstar.All Chloe''s old friends are invited, even Daisy''s best friend Emily. But Daisy is left out.Daisy''s sister Lily is non-verbal but she''s learned Makaton at her new special school. She signs to Daisy that she wants a sleepover. Will family and friends somehow make Lily''s party THE BEST SLEEPOVER IN THE WORLD?A moving look at friendship, sleepovers and siblings from the much loved, bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.Jacqueline Wilson, top 5 bestselling children''s author in the UK of all time, Nielsen Book Scan, June 2024

Objev podobné jako The Best Sleepover in the World - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Girl Who Wasn't There - Jacqueline Wilsonová

''And we''re going to live here, happily ever after, just like a fairy tale.''When Dad tells Luna and her little sister Aurora that they''re moving to live in a real tower, it''s almost like they''ve stepped inside a fairytale.But everything is not as magical as it first seems. The tower needs patching up, Dad still doesn''t have a job and they''re not even allowed in the room up at the very top.When it''s time to start at their new school, Luna quickly finds a friend, but six-year-old Aurora absolutely hates the children in her class. She prefers to spend her time with her imaginary friend Tansy. Aurora''s make-belief life causes problems for them all - and it seems like Aurora really believes Tansy exists...Is there really a curse on the tower - and will Luna be able to break it?A spine-tingling tale from the bestselling Jacqueline Wilson.

Objev podobné jako The Girl Who Wasn't There - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 384.0 Kč

Sleepovers - Jacqueline Wilsonová

"Guess what!" said Amy. "It''s my birthday next week and my mum says I can invite all my special friends for a sleepover party."You''re invited to the ultimate sleepover!Amy, Bella, Chloe, Daisy and Emily are best friends at school, they even have their own Alphabet Club (just look at their initials!). Daisy is the newest member, she''s desperate to fit in, even though Chloe is VERY unfriendly to her at times.And, when the girls start planning sleepovers for their birthdays, Daisy starts dreading her own.She doesn''t know what her friends will make of her older sister . .From bestselling author Jacqueline Wilson, Sleepovers is a funny but moving tale exploring bullying, disability and friendship. It is the perfect book to introduce young readers to the world of Jaqueline Wilson, one of the country''s most beloved authors.Has all the Jacqueline Wilson hallmarks of humour, good sense and a profound realism - IndependentAnd now, discover the sequel to Sleepovers, THE BEST SLEEPOVER IN THE WORLD.

Objev podobné jako Sleepovers - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

Zlatá klec - Jacqueline Wilsonová

Rose Riversová bydlí v honosném domě v Londýně se svým otcem, známým malířem, hádavou matkou, šesti sourozenci a spoustou služebnictva - a připadá si jako ve zlaté kleci. Je inteligentní a zvídavá a ráda by studovala na internátní škole jako její stejně starý bratr. Ve společnosti však panuje názor, že pro mladé dámy je vzdělání naprosto zbytečné, a tak má Rose smůlu. Po bratrovi se jí stýská o to víc, že teď nemá žádného skutečného přítele. Náhle se však objeví příležitost navázat hned dvě přátelství - s novou pomocnicí chůvy Clover Moonovou a s chráněncem otce, nadaným malířem Parisem Walkerem, jenž v jejich domě tráví dlouhé hodiny tvorbou portrétu její matky. Rose nedbá na to, že ani jedno přátelství není společensky přípustné, a její život se v krátké době obrátí vzhůru nohama... Chtěla jsem si myslet, že se jim líbí u nás sloužit. Jenomže oni samozřejmě nebyli šťastní z toho, že musejí pracovat celý den v domě, kde je nikdo nemá rád a kde si nemůžou ani chvilku hrát. I kdybych se snažila sebevíc, nikdy bych nemohla být jejich kamarádka, jelikož jsem dcera jejich pána a paní a oni jsou jen sloužící. To, že já i oni jsme děti, bylo každému ukradené.

Objev podobné jako Zlatá klec - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 241.0 Kč

Think Again - Jacqueline Wilsonová

**Pre-order now to get your hands on a special foiled design beneath the jacket, EXCLUSIVE to the first print run while stocks last!**''Think Again is pure nostalgia in a bottle, and oh-so-relatable. Jacqueline Wilson taps into the joys and pains of women everywhere.'' - Dawn O''Porter''Enchanting, moving, meaningful, fun - thank God for Jacqueline Wilson!'' - Alice WinnWhatever happened to beloved Girls series characters Ellie, Magda and Nadine?They''re all grown up now - but if they think they know what''s coming, they''d better think again...Adulthood isn’t quite what Ellie Allard dreamed it would be when she was fourteen years old. Though she’s got her beautiful daughter Lottie, her trusty cat Stella and life-long best friends in Magda and Nadine, her love life is non-existent and she feels like she’s been living on auto-pilot, just grateful to be able to afford the rent on her poky little flat.But this year on her birthday, it seems it’s time for all that to change – whether Ellie wants it to or not. As she navigates new, exciting and often choppy waters, she’s about to discover that life will never stop surprising you – if only you let it.Bringing the same warmth and humour to an adult novel as she does to her work for younger readers, Jacqueline Wilson finally answers the questions fans have been asking for years in this uplifting, life-affirming story about friendship, family, and finding fulfilment in unexpected places.Readers can''t wait for THINK AGAIN!''[Jacqueline Wilson is] the patron saint of bookish Millennial women everywhere'' - iNews''Jacqueline Wilson taught me how to cope with being a teenage girl – I''m so happy she''s back'' - Independent''One of the UK''s most iconic writers'' - Stylist''Jacqueline Wilson fans are in for a treat'' - Radio Times''I cannot stress enough how much I loved Think Again. Readers are going to be beyond delighted by this update on Ellie, Magda and Nadine.'' - Holly Bourne‘Nostalgic, warm and full of heart … being back with Ellie and the gang is pure magic’ - Laura Kay''Realistic, sharp eyed, Think Again perfectly captures a woman at a turning point. I loved it and didn’t want it to end'' - Katie Fforde''There''s such a warmth to Wilson''s writing that the reading experience was a total joy. I adored going on Ellie''s journey of discovery with her, and the ending was perfectly satisfying.'' - Laura Pearson''A dream come true... I get to spend time in my Jacqueline Wilson bubble again! The queen of girlhood and now young womanhood fiction.'' Reader Review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''It is every inch the Jacqueline Wilson book - intensely readable and full of joy... I stayed up until 2:30 am because I just HAD to finish it.'' Reader Review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐''Such a delight! For those who loved Jacqueline Wilson, this return to the Girls series in Ellie''s voice was so heartwarming and nostalgic.'' Reader Review ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

Objev podobné jako Think Again - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 650.0 Kč

Tančím charleston - Jacqueline Wilsonová

„Narazila jsem na ty šaty náhodou. Jsou nádherný. Patřily mojí mámě, ne? Prosím, řekni mi, kdy je měla na sobě! Bylo to, když se seznámila s mým tátou? Teto, musíš mi to říct!“Píší se dvacátá léta minulého století a ve městě i na venkově se tančí charleston. Mona a její teta bydlí v malém domku na panství Somersetových – teta je dámskou krejčovou paní hraběnky. O Monu se stará odmalička. Mona totiž nikdy nepoznala svou matku ani otce – ale ví, že může se svou maminkou mluvit na jejím hrobě.Když lady Somersetová zemře a zámek zdědí jiný člen její rodiny, všechno se začne měnit. Bohémská atmosféra na zámku pomůže Moně zazářit a najít si nové kamarády. Je opravdu vzrušující smět se zúčastnit velkolepého maškarního plesu nebo si vyjet na výlet do Londýna, ale nové zkušenosti s sebou někdy přinášejí odhalení a Mona zjišťuje, že její minulost ukrývá tajemství, která se nedají tutlat donekonečna.Další z historických románů pro dívky u nás známé a oblíbené autorky je určen pro čtenářky od deseti do třinácti let.

Objev podobné jako Tančím charleston - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

Vzdušné zámky - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

Konec dobrý, všechno dobréNaděje umírá posledníOdvážnému štěstí přejeLondýn 1876Hetty Featherová je ještě docela malé miminko, když ji její zoufalá matka odloží do nalezince. V nalezinci je takových dětí mnoho – ale než začne Hetty chodit do školy, musí žít u pěstounské rodiny.Hetty je chudá, ale šťastná. Žije na venkově se svými „bratry“ Jemem a Gideonem. Pomáhá na poli a vymýšlí nejrůznější hry. Jednoho dne děti tajně navštíví cirkusové představení a Hetty uchvátí vystoupení krasojezdkyně madame Adeliny a jejích koní.Hettyino štěstí ale ohrozí návrat do nalezince, kde teď vládne velmi přísný režim. V den zlatého jubilea královny Viktorie dostane Hetty opět příležitost vidět madame Adelinu – a možná i najít svou pravou matku…

Objev podobné jako Vzdušné zámky - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

cena 223.0 Kč

První starosti - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

Líbí se vám, jak vypadáte? Já vypadám příšerně – jsem odporně a nechutně TLUSTÁ. Moje kamarádky Magda a Naďa si myslí, že jsem blázen – protože samy takovéhle starosti nemají. Magda je úžasná kočka a Naďa vypadá jako modelka. To jen já jsem sele Sally, takže je nejvyšší čas začít držet dietu. A tentokrát to vydržím, ať se děje, co se děje.Jen ten, kdo zažil problém zvaný „mentální anorexie“ na vlastní kůži ví, o jak záludnou a nebezpečnou nemoc se jedná. Hlavní hrdinka Sally, která trpí komplexy méněcennosti pro svou tloušťku, se rozhodne, že se s ní rychle vypořádá. Pomalu se ale zaplétá do sítí lží, hádek s rodinou a roztržek s kamarádkami, z nichž jako by nebylo úniku…Volná čtyřdílná řada, která obsahuje díly První láska, První starosti, První nástrahy a První slzy, je povzbudivým čtením pro -náctileté dívky, které prožívají první lásky, starosti, problémy a zklamání spojené s dospíváním. S jejich hlavní hrdinkou, sympatickou Sally,se dívky snadno ztotožní. Nad jejími příhodami se mohou smát i plakat, protože v devítce není nic snadnějšího…

Objev podobné jako První starosti - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

cena 205.0 Kč

Moje máma Tracy Beakerová - Jacqueline Wilsonová

Jsem hodně podobná své mámě - s výjimkou brýlí - jsem malá, mám černé oči a bláznivě kudrnaté vlasy, ale moje máma je hlučná, ničeho se nebojí a je s ní legrace. Já jsem daleko tišší a spousta věcí mi dělá starosti. Jess a Tracy Beakerovy jsou perfektní tým. Jess si myslí, že Tracy je ta nejlepší máma na světě (i když křičí na paní učitelku). Tracy je akční, odvážná a dělá, co může, aby Jess vytvořila takový domov, po jakém sama zoufale toužila, když vyrůstala v dětském domově. Jejich byt je sice trochu plesnivý, ale jsou v něm spolu šťastné. Když se však na scéně objeví Sean Godfrey, Tracyin nový přítel, který je hodně bohatý, Jess dostane strach, že by se všechno mohlo změnit. Co když Sean bude chtít udělat z její skvělé mámy někoho úplně jiného? Seanův úžasný dům s bazénem a drahá auta jsou sice možná tím, po čem Tracy v dětství snila, ale nebudou si muset na svůj dokonalý domov ještě chvilku počkat…?

Objev podobné jako Moje máma Tracy Beakerová - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

První nástrahy - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

Devět hodin. V devět nejpozději musím být doma. Táta si myslí, že po deváté je to pro samotnou holku venku NEBEZPEČNÉ. Ale ty nejnádhernější kouzelné věci se stávají právě v tuhle dobu. Se svými nejlepšími kamarádkami Magdou a Naďou potkávám kluka. A jsem to JÁ, o koho má zájem. JÁ! Úplně obyčejná a ne zrovna štíhlá Sally. Nestojí o svůdnou superkočku Magdu. Ani o atraktivní a světaznalou Naďu. Stojí O MĚ! Ale neomrzí Russela holka, která musí být nejpozději v devět hodin doma...?

Objev podobné jako První nástrahy - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharrat

cena 229.0 Kč

Vánoční překvapení - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

V nalezinci se slaví Vánoce a Hetty Featherová dostane nečekaný dárek. Její radost však vyvolá žárlivost, která přeroste do maléru. Nepřející vrchní sestra Bottomlyová Hetty zatrhne všechny sváteční dobroty a radovánky. Chudinka Hetty je zdrcená - ale když se zdá, že už je všechno ztraceno, objeví se drahá přítelkyně, aby jí dopřála takové Vánoce, jaké ještě nikdy nezažila… Touto knihou se Jacqueline Wilsonová vrací k Hetty Featherové, oblíbené hrdince své série z viktoriánské doby. Je to dokonalý dárek nejen k Vánocům pro dívky od osmi do dvanácti let od oblíbené a osvědčené autorky knih pro děti a mládež. Knížku opět vtipně ilustroval Nick Sharratt a na konci děti najdou několik stran bonusů: kvíz, mini kurz kreslení, postup na výrobu přáníčka, omalovánky, recepty...

Objev podobné jako Vánoční překvapení - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

cena 223.0 Kč

První slzy - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

Sallyin slibný románek s Russellem hrozí ztroskotáním. Magdě puká srdce žalem nad zemřelým křečkem (ačkoli nikdo nevěděl, že ještě vůbec nějakého má!). A Naďa už má plné zuby svých kamarádek, které ji v jednom kuse poučují, jak nebezpečné jsou známosti po Internetu. Myslí si, že její nový e-mailový přítel je prostě senzační.Jsou vyplakány celé kýble slz a posmrkány stovky kapesníků. Přežije dívčí přátelství tuhle náročnou zkoušku?

Objev podobné jako První slzy - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

cena 205.0 Kč

Diamantové holky - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

Další průřez skutečným životem – navrch drsným a uvnitř vášnivě vřelým – pro „náctileté“ čtenářky od oblíbené britské autorky Jacqueline Wilsonové.„Jste moje milovaný Diamantový holky,“ řekla máma. „Moje malý drahocenný klenoty…“ Dixie, Rochelle, Jude a Martine – to jsou Diamantové holky. Možná vám to zní jako název nějaké kapely, ale jsou to sestry a jejich životy mají daleko k hvězdné slávě. Přestěhovaly se do zchátralého domu v jedné špinavé čtvrti a nebydlely tu ještě ani pět minut, a Rochelle už zase flirtuje, Jude se hádá a Martine se uráží a utíká z domova. Přestože je Dixie nejmladší, strašně by chtěla dát dům do pořádku, než se vrátí máma z porodnice s malým! Dají se Diamantové holky včas dohromady, aby přivítaly prvního Diamantového kluka?

Objev podobné jako Diamantové holky - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

cena 223.0 Kč

Nový domov Tracy a Jess - Jacqueline Wilsonová

Novým bydlištěm Jess a Tracy Beakerových je Skládka - ne ten dětský domov, kde Tracy vyrůstala, ale obchod se starožitnostmi v milém přímořském městečku. Je plný pokladů, k nimž patří i majitelka starožitnictví Flo a jejich pejsek Alfie. Jess hledá pro mámu nějakého fantastického nového partnera (hlavně proto, že ten protivný starý partner, Sean Godfrey, se k její hrůze opět vrací na scénu). To však není ten nejhorší problém, co musí řešit. Má na ni spadeno nějaký chuligán, který jí dokonce ukradne zmrzlinu z ruky. Když však Jess odhalí pravdu o svém novém nepříteli, přinese to do života děvčat Beakerových velkou změnu. V tomto vtipném a zároveň dojemném příběhu u nás známé a oblíbené dětské autorky se znovu setkáme s Jess, která jako by z oka vypadla své mamince Tracy Beakerové. Kniha je vhodná pro dívky od devíti do dvanácti let.

Objev podobné jako Nový domov Tracy a Jess - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

Družička k pronájmu - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

Tenhle příběh začíná šaty...Velice hezká a rozumná devítiletá dívka má téměř nenošené úžasné růžové značkové šaty pro družičku s ladícími doplňky. Zúčastní se jakékoli svatby a dodá tak dokonalý lesk a perfektní styl vašim svatebním fotografiím. Za den si účtuje velmi malý poplatek.Tilly má plný šatník družičkovských šatů. Jediným problémem je, že existují jen v její fantazii. Ve skutečnosti je to Tillyina nejlepší kamarádka Matty, kdo má nádherné růžové šaty pro družičku na dokonalou svatbu s nevěstou v bílých šatech. Tilly se bojí, že z ní družička nikdy nebude. A tak se rozhodne, že vezme osud do vlastních rukou – a dá si inzerát, kde nabídne své služby...Kniha od autorky dětských bestsellerů pro dívky od osmi do jedenácti let.

Objev podobné jako Družička k pronájmu - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

cena 223.0 Kč

Čtyřlístek pro štěstí - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

Clover Moonová žije v jedné špinavé zchátralé uličce viktoriánského Londýna. V jejich domku s ní bydlí ještě šest mladších sourozenců, unavený otec a jeho samolibá a panovačná druhá žena. Inteligentní a učenlivá Clover, která ze všeho nejraději kreslí, přímo srší nápady. Stará se nejen o svou vlastní sestru Megs, ale i o své nevlastní sourozence – a zábavu vymýšlí pro děti z celé ulice. Navzdory svému talentu je odsouzena k těžké a monotónní práci v továrně. Náhodné setkání s jedním malířem jí však umožní nahlédnout do jiného světa a inspiruje ji k myšlence, že by v něm snad jednoho dne mohla žít i ona… U nás známá a oblíbená autorka knih pro děti a mládež se tímto příběhem opět vrací do viktoriánské doby, z níž je i úspěšná série knih o Hetty Featherové. Román je určen pro dívky od deseti do čtrnácti let.

Objev podobné jako Čtyřlístek pro štěstí - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Nick Sharratt

cena 223.0 Kč

Magic Faraway Tree: A New Adventure - Jacqueline Wilsonová

Discover the Magic Faraway Tree and explore the amazing lands it can lead to, in an irresistible new story by bestselling author Jacqueline Wilson, set in this much-loved world. Milo, Mia and Birdy are on a countryside holiday when they wander into an Enchanted Wood. Among the whispering leaves, there is a beautiful tree that stands high above the rest.The Magic Faraway Tree is home to many remarkable creatures including a fairy called Silky, her best friend Moonface and more. Little Birdy is only too happy to find that fairies are real. Even her older brother and sister are soon won over by the magic of the Faraway Tree and the extraordinary places they discover above it, including the Land of Unicorns.But not every land is so much fun. Danger looms in the Land of Dragons. Will Moonface's magic work in time to save the children?The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton was Jacqueline Wilson's own favourite book as a very young child.Now Britain's favourite contemporary children's author, creator of Hetty Feather and Tracy Beaker, revisits this glorious magical world, weaving a brand-new story perfect for the next generation of young readers. Discover the magic!

Objev podobné jako Magic Faraway Tree: A New Adventure - Jacqueline Wilsonová

cena 223.0 Kč

Magic Faraway Tree: A Christmas Adventure - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Mark Beech

Explore the much-loved Magic Faraway Tree at the most special time of the year. This brand-new story by superstar author Jacqueline Wilson is set in the original world created by Enid Blyton.Milo, Mia and Birdy are excited to return to the cottage beside the Enchanted Wood for Christmas. They can't wait to visit their magical friends Silky the fairy and Moonface again.Which amazing worlds will arrive at the top of the Faraway Tree at this time of year? The children are hoping for a trip to the Land of Presents or perhaps the Land of Snow. But before they can celebrate, there is a chilling visit to the Land of the Frozen North . . .The Magic Faraway Tree by Enid Blyton was Jacqueline Wilson's own favourite book as a young child. Now Britain's favourite contemporary children's author, creator of Hetty Feather and Tracy Beaker, is revisiting it in her second wonderful book about this magical world.

Objev podobné jako Magic Faraway Tree: A Christmas Adventure - Jacqueline Wilsonová, Mark Beech

cena 357.0 Kč

Emerald and the Runaway Royal - Harriet Muncaster

Meet Isadora Moon''s mermaid friend, Emerald! Emerald is learning how to be a mermaid princess, but there are just so many rules. She loves having fun with her friends and exploring her underwater world with her pet octopus, Inkibelle, she doesn''t want to be stuck in the palace with everyone looking at her and checking that she''s doing things the proper, royal way. Emerald''s mum and stepdad King Auster are busy preparing for a very important visit from another royal family-The Seadragons!Emerald is on her best ''princess-like'' behaviour even though she''d much rather be wearing her comfy clothes, hanging out with her friends and pet Octopus, Inkibelle. When Prince Mola Seadragon takes a Manta Ray from the royal stable and runs away, Emerald follows. On an adventure across Scallop City, Emerald and Mola discover they have much more in common than they thought.

Objev podobné jako Emerald and the Runaway Royal - Harriet Muncaster

cena 207.0 Kč

The Winter Runaway - Katie Flynn

Discover the emotionally gripping new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling historical fiction and family saga author. Can you ever escape your past?Tammy and her mother, Grace, are desperate to escape Tammy’s violent bully of a father. When an unforeseen tragedy strikes, mother and daughter must flee Scotland in the dead of night, forced to leave behind everything they know and love – including one another. Under new identities, Tammy and Grace must start afresh. Tammy joins the services, where she meets a dashing officer who begins to break her guard down. But can the course of love ever run smooth with Tammy unable to reveal her true self?The Winter Runaway is the first instalment in the brand-new Runaway's trilogy from the beloved bestselling author. WHY READERS LOVE KATIE FLYNN: 'Takes you on a journey of heartbreak and joy''Hard to put down''Her characters are like old friends''Heartwarming romance'Katie Flynn, Sunday Times bestseller, March 2024

Objev podobné jako The Winter Runaway - Katie Flynn

cena 591.0 Kč

The Winter Runaway - Katie Flynn

*The first installment in the brand new Runaway''s series from the Sunday Times bestselling author - available to pre-order now!*Tammy and her mother, Grace, are desperate to escape Tammy’s violent bully of a father. But when an unforeseen tragedy strikes, mother and daughter must flee Scotland in the dead of night.To survive the severest of penalties, they leave behind everything they know and love – including one another.Under new identities, Tammy and Grace must start afresh. Tammy joins the services and there she meets a dashing officer who begins to break her guard down.But can the course of true love ever run smooth with Tammy unable to reveal her true self?

Objev podobné jako The Winter Runaway - Katie Flynn

cena 266.0 Kč

PER | Level 6: The Runaway Jury - John Grisham

Contemporary / American English Pynex, a tobacco company, could lose hundreds of millions of dollars in a big court case. The jury is being watched. One of the jurors is working with a mysterious woman outside the court. Both sides will do anything to win.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 6: The Runaway Jury - John Grisham

cena 259.0 Kč

Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Runaway Reindeer - Amelia Cobb

At Zoe's Rescue Zoo only the cutest, cuddliest animals need apply!

Objev podobné jako Zoe's Rescue Zoo: The Runaway Reindeer - Amelia Cobb

cena 207.0 Kč

Fireman Sam - The Runaway from Zoo - Mattel - e-kniha

eBook: Norman and Mandy are at the beach when they spot a penguin! Realising it must have escaped from the Zoo, Mandy wants to return it, but Norman has other ideas and decides to take it home. He soon discovers that looking after a penguin is more work than he realised though, and trouble starts when the penguin goes missing after he tries to take it to the swimming pool. Luckily, Fireman Sam and the firefighting team are soon on their way to the rescue!

Objev podobné jako Fireman Sam - The Runaway from Zoo - Mattel - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

Paddington in Peru: The Story of the Movie - Anna Wilsonová

New for 2024, the unmissable, official novelisation of the third Paddington movie! In his third big screen outing from Studiocanal, the creators of Wonka and the Harry Potter movies, Paddington and the Browns leave Windsor Gardens to embark on an epic adventure to visit Aunt Lucy at The Home for Retired Bears. There, they find a mystery that sends them on a hilarious and thrilling journey along the Amazon, through the jungle and up to the mountain peaks of Peru. This wonderful retelling of the cinematic film has been penned by Anna Wilson, based on the story by Paul King, Mark Burton and Simon Farnaby, and the screenplay written by Mark Burton, Jon Foster and James Lamont.

Objev podobné jako Paddington in Peru: The Story of the Movie - Anna Wilsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

National Trust: A Story of the Seasons - Anna Wilsonová

Discover the secrets of the changing seasons in this enchanting and fact-filled guide to nature. Follow wildlife season by season, finding out about the exciting - and sometimes surprising - stories of the animals, plants and places you see around you. Meet tiny tadpoles growing into frogs in spring and colourful butterflies clustering around the summer wildflowers.Follow hedgehogs as they find safe places to hibernate among the falling autumn leaves, and birds searching for berries to eat during the coldest winter months. A seasonal nature story for the whole family to treasure.

Objev podobné jako National Trust: A Story of the Seasons - Anna Wilsonová

cena 591.0 Kč

Runaway Jury

When justice is for sale, every jury has a price. In Biloxi, Mississippi, a landmark trial against a tobacco company begins. There are hundreds of millions of dollars at stake and soon it swerves mysteriously off course. The jury is behaving strangely, and at least one juror is convinced he's being watched. Soon they have to be sequestered. Then a tip from an anonymous young woman suggests she is able to predict the jurors' increasingly odd behaviour. Someone has a plan. But who? And, more importantly, what do they want?

Objev podobné jako Runaway Jury

cena 169.0 Kč

Runaway - Alice Munroová

Winner of the Nobel Prize in Literature The matchless Munro makes art out of everyday lives in this exquisite collection. Here are men and women of wildly different times and circumstances, their lives made vividly palpable by the nuance and empathy of Munro's writing. Runaway is about the power and betrayals of love, about lost children, lost chances. There is pain and desolation beneath the surface, like a needle in the heart, which makes these stories more powerful and compelling than anything she has written before. Winner of the Man Booker International Prize 2009.

Objev podobné jako Runaway - Alice Munroová

cena 223.0 Kč

RunAway - Anabelle Stehl

Proč ti, které nejvíce milujeme, mají zároveň moc nás nejvíce zraňovat?Život jedenadvacetileté vysokoškolské studentky Miriam se ze dne na den změní. V podcastu své kamarádky prozradí tajemství, které už dlouho nosí v sobě. Před dvěma lety musela učinit závažné rozhodnutí a podstoupila interrupci. Netušila, jaké následky bude mít odhalení na vztahy s rodinou, a hlavně s její sestrou. A aby toho nebylo málo, touží po tom, aby přátelství s klukem z party Eliasem přerostlo v něco většího. Je v pořádku, aby si začínala s bratrem své nejlepší kamarádky? Dokáže mu pomoci vyřešit jeho osobní problémy? Podaří se jí urovnat vztahy se svou rodinou?Kniha zavádí čtenáře do atraktivního prostředí Berlína, kde naši hrdinové studují, milují, baví se a rozhodují o svém dalším životě.Román RunAway je volným pokračováním románů BreakAway a FadeAway z třídílné série Away. Opět se setkáváme s Liou, Phuong, Kyrou, Noahem, Milanem a dalšími hrdiny z prvního a druhého dílu.

Objev podobné jako RunAway - Anabelle Stehl

cena 99.0 Kč

The Girls (1784701742)

Kniha - autor Emma Cline, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The bestselling debut that took 2016 by storm - a brilliant coming-of-age story with a dark heart. California, 1969. Evie Boyd is desperate to be noticed. Until she sees them. Hair, long and uncombed. The girls. And at the centre, Russell and the ranch. Rumours of sex, frenzied gatherings, teen runaways. Is Evie too enthralled by the girls to see that her life is about to be changed forever?

Objev podobné jako The Girls (1784701742)

cena 261.0 Kč

The Silence of the Girls (0241983207)

Kniha - autor Pat Barker, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Queen Briseis has been stolen from her conquered homeland and given as a concubine to a foreign warrior. The warrior is Achilles: famed hero, loathed enemy, ruthless butcher, darkly troubled spirit. Briseis's fate is now indivisibly entwined with his. No one knows it yet, but there are just ten weeks to go until the Fall of Troy, the end of this long and bitter war. This is the start of The Iliad: the most famous war story ever told. The next ten weeks will be a story of male power, male ego, male violence. But what of the women? The thousands of female slaves in the soldiers' camp - in the laundry, at the loom, laying out the dead? Briseis is one of their number - and she will be our witness to history.

Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Girls (0241983207)

cena 262.0 Kč

The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

"For a full hour, he poured lemonade. The world is a thirsty place, he thought as he nearly emptied his fourth pitcher of the day." And I am the Lemonade King. Fourth-grader Evan Treski is people-smart. He s good at talking with people, even grownups. His younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math-smart, but not especially good with people. So when the siblings lemonade stand war begins, there really is no telling who will win or even if their fight will ever end. Brimming with savvy marketing tips for making money at any business, definitions of business terms, charts, diagrams, and even math problems, this fresh, funny, emotionally charged novel subtly explores how arguments can escalate beyond anyone s intent. Awards: 2009 Rhode Island Children's Book Award, 2007 New York Public Library 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing, North Carolina Children s Book Award 2011, 2011 Nutmeg Award (Connecticut)

Objev podobné jako The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

cena 239.0 Kč

The Bell Bandit - Jacqueline Davies

The third installment of the popular Lemonade War series finds siblings Evan and Jessie Treski at their grandmother's Vermont house for the holidays, solving another mystery. This one involves figuring out who stole a cherished bell the whole neighborhood

Objev podobné jako The Bell Bandit - Jacqueline Davies

cena 178.0 Kč

The Magic Trap - Jacqueline Davies

Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, unmasked a bell thief, and stood at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets. Now they are creating a magic show--a professional magic show, in their own backyard! They practice, they study, and they practice some more. And who shows up? Their father, who has done such a good job of disappearing over the past few years. Just as Evan and Jessie took on running a business in The Lemonade War and a court of law in The Lemonade Crime, in this fifth novel of the bestselling Lemonade War series, they take on the challenges of magic and illusion all while discovering some hidden truths about their own family. Another fresh, funny, emotionally charged novel by the author whom Books for Kids calls, "one of the best writers for the middle grades around."

Objev podobné jako The Magic Trap - Jacqueline Davies

cena 178.0 Kč

The Lemonade Crime - Jacqueline Davies

Following the laws of our legal system, Evan and Jessie's fourth grade class concocts a courtroom on the playground, putting Scott Spencer, alleged thief, on trial. They create a legitimate courtroom--with a judge, witnesses, a jury of their peers--and surprising consequences. As she explores the difficulties of fairness, Jacqueline Davies once again reveals how good she is at understanding the complex emotions of children this age.

Objev podobné jako The Lemonade Crime - Jacqueline Davies

cena 214.0 Kč

The Candy Smash - Jacqueline Davies

Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, and even unmasked a bell thief. Now they are at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets. Evan believes some things (such as his poetry) are private. Jessie believes sc

Objev podobné jako The Candy Smash - Jacqueline Davies

cena 178.0 Kč

The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik

Bestseller in ''Books on Self-esteem and Self-reliance for Young Adults'' Amazon category in the UK, May 2024"... this book is a MUST if you have a growing girl." - online customer review"Some things are super scary especially for a 9-year-old but reading this together, I felt, let her know that she could talk to me about anything." - online customer review"It has everything a girl needs to understand their body and mood changes as they experience this new stage of their lives." - online customer review"A very gentle and friendly guide to growing up." - online customer review"The illustrations are all child-appropriate and the level of detail is set just right." - online customer review"Opens the door for conversations about the changes they are and will be going through." - online customer reviewA sensitively written, friendly guide to growing up, specifically aimed at younger girls.A friendly, reassuring and positive guide for girls as they approach puberty, explaining the changes that will happen to their bodies as they grow up and how these changes might make them feel. Covering everything from periods and breast development to body hair and personal hygiene, puberty and parenting expert Anita Naik addresses any worries that girls may have relating to what is ''normal''. She reassures readers and boosts their confidence, encouraging them to feel positive about the changes they will experience as they go through puberty.The Girls'' Guide to Growing Up also includes advice on topics such as body image, self-esteem and how puberty affects boys, and has an age-appropriate section on sex and reproduction.Contents include:- What is puberty?- Your puberty timeline- Breasts and bras- Same age, different stage- Skin changes- Sweats, smells and personal hygiene- Hair in new places- Changes down below- What are periods?- The practical side of periods- Managing periods- Sex explained- Making babies- New feelings- Managing your moods- Healthy eating- The power of exercise- Self-esteem and body image- Privacy and your body- Puberty for boys- Boys have worries, too

Objev podobné jako The Girls' Guide to Growing Up: the best-selling puberty guide for girls - Anita Naik

cena 236.0 Kč

The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová

Shorlisted for the Women's Prize for Fiction and the Costa Novel Award Booker-winning novelist Pat Barker imagines the untold story of the women at the heart of history's greatest epic 'Magnificent... You are in the hands of a writer at the height of her powers' Evening Standard 'Chilling, powerful, audacious... A searing twist on The Iliad. Amid the recent slew of rewritings of the great Greek myths and classics, Barker's stands out for its forcefulness of purpose and earthy compassion' The Times 'A stunning return to form' Observer When the Greek Queen Helen is kidnapped by Trojans, the Greeks sail in pursuit, besieging the city of Troy. Trapped in the Greek soldiers' camp is another captured queen, Briseis. Condemned to be bed-slave to Achilles, the man who butchered her family, she becomes a pawn in a menacing game between bored and frustrated warriors. In the centuries after this most famous war, history will write her off, a footnote in a bloody story scripted by vengeful men - but Briseis has a very different tale to tell . . .

Objev podobné jako The Silence of the Girls - Pat Barkerová

cena 241.0 Kč

RunAway - Anabelle Stehl - e-kniha

eBook: Proč ti, které nejvíce milujeme, mají zároveň moc nás nejvíce zraňovat?Život jedenadvacetileté vysokoškolské studentky Miriam se ze dne na den změní. V podcastu své kamarádky prozradí tajemství, které už dlouho nosí v sobě. Před dvěma lety musela učinit závažné rozhodnutí a podstoupila interrupci. Netušila, jaké následky bude mít odhalení na vztahy s rodinou, a hlavně s její sestrou. A aby toho nebylo málo, touží po tom, aby přátelství s klukem z party Eliasem přerostlo v něco většího. Je v pořádku, aby si začínala s bratrem své nejlepší kamarádky? Dokáže mu pomoci vyřešit jeho osobní problémy? Podaří se jí urovnat vztahy se svou rodinou?Kniha zavádí čtenáře do atraktivního prostředí Berlína, kde naši hrdinové studují, milují, baví se a rozhodují o svém dalším životě.Román RunAway je volným pokračováním románů BreakAway a FadeAway z třídílné série Away. Opět se setkáváme s Liou, Phuong, Kyrou, Noahem, Milanem a dalšími hrdiny z prvního a druhého dílu.

Objev podobné jako RunAway - Anabelle Stehl - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Valley Of The Dolls - Susann Jacqueline

Before Jackie Collins, Candace Bushnell and Lena Dunham, Jacqueline Susann held the world rapt with her tales of the private passions of Hollywood starlets, high-powered industrialists and the jet-set.Valley of the Dolls took the world by storm when it was first published, fifty years ago. Never had a book been so frank about sex, drugs and show business. It is often sited as the bestselling novel of all time.Dolls - red or black; capsules or tablets; washed down with vodka or swallowed straight. For Anne, Neely and Jennifer, it doesn''t matter, as long as the pill bottle is within easy reach. These three beautiful women become best friends when they are young and in New York, struggling to make their names in the entertainment industry. Only when they reach the peak of their careers do they find there''s nowhere left to go but down - to the Valley of the Dolls.

Objev podobné jako Valley Of The Dolls - Susann Jacqueline

cena 294.0 Kč

The Comfort of Ghosts - Jacqueline Winspear

1945. In London, it feels as if the peace is harder than the war. Years of devastating Luftwaffe bombing has obliterated stretches of the city and left others abandoned. Against this backdrop, psychologist-investigator Maisie Dobbs is drawn into the plight of a group of adolescent orphans, along with a gravely ill demobbed soldier who are squatting in a Belgravia mansion. Maisie''s attempt to help brings to light a decades-old mystery concerning her first husband, James Compton, who was killed while flying an experimental fighter aircraft. The deeply personal investigation leads her to a ghostly figure who is grappling with the weight of his own conscience and the outcome of the part he played during the war. This final instalment in the internationally bestselling series will challenge so much of what Maisie understands about her life and forces her to question what she has always accepted to be true.

Objev podobné jako The Comfort of Ghosts - Jacqueline Winspear

cena 650.0 Kč

The Bell Bandit (Defekt) - Jacqueline Davies

The third installment of the popular Lemonade War series finds siblings Evan and Jessie Treski at their grandmother's Vermont house for the holidays, solving another mystery. This one involves figuring out who stole a cherished bell the whole neighborhood

Objev podobné jako The Bell Bandit (Defekt) - Jacqueline Davies

cena 9.0 Kč

The Candy Smash (Defekt) - Jacqueline Davies

Jessie and Evan Treski have waged a lemonade war, sought justice in a class trial, and even unmasked a bell thief. Now they are at opposite ends over the right to keep secrets. Evan believes some things (such as his poetry) are private. Jessie believes sc

Objev podobné jako The Candy Smash (Defekt) - Jacqueline Davies

cena 49.0 Kč

All the Missing Girls (1786491966)

Kniha - autor Megan Miranda, 370 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A nail-biting, breath-taking story about the disappearances of two young women - a decade apart - told in reverse. A brilliant debut from an amazing new voice in thriller writing. It's been ten years since Nicolette left her hometown after her best friend, Corinne, went missing. Then, another young woman goes missing. And like ten years ago, the whole town is a suspect.

Objev podobné jako All the Missing Girls (1786491966)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Beloved Girls - Harriet Evans

Two young girls. One hot, long, sultry summer. And a rambling old English manor house where nothing is as it seems . . . A successful London barrister, Catherine Christophe, goes missing the day before her wedding anniversary. The clue to her disappearance, it seems, lies buried thirty years in the past.Somerset, 1989. Janey Lestrange arrives to stay for the summer at the grand old house of the Hunter family. But something is wrong behind the beautiful façades of Vanes. Janey's childhood friend, Kitty Hunter, her brother and their eccentric parents - once so welcoming - do not seem to want her there. It is only as the night of an ancient and mysterious family ritual looms closer that Janey comes to realise they need her . . .Decades later, the tragic events of that unforgettable summer still cast the darkest shadow. Can the truth about what happened that night ever be brought into the light?

Objev podobné jako The Beloved Girls - Harriet Evans

cena 250.0 Kč

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