Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Romantic Manifesto (Defekt) - Ayn Randová
In this beautifully written and brilliantly reasoned book, Ayn Rand throws a new light on the nature of art and its purpose in human life. Once again Miss Rand eloquently demonstrates her bold originality and her refusal to let popular catchwords and conventional ideas stand between her and the truth as she has discovered it. The Romantic Manifesto takes its place beside The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged as one of the most important achievements of our time.
Podívejte se také Polštář 45x30 cm, Pat&Mat, defekt (99853A)
Ctnost sobectví (Defekt) - Ayn Randová
Za nejvyšší morální hodnotu zpravidla považujeme nezištnou pomoc. Debata se pak soustředí na otázky, komu bychom měli pomáhat či jak velkou oběť je potřeba přinést. Morálka sebeobětování však vůbec neřeší, jaké hodnoty má člověk sledovat a co je v jeho vlastním zájmu. Zajímá ji pouze to, že prospěch z toho, co člověk vytváří, mají mít ostatní, nikoli on sám. Ayn Randová ve svém eseji "Objektivistická etika" tento přístup zásadně zpochybňuje a předkládá nám morálku orientovanou na život, ne jeho obětování. Ukazuje, co znamená jednat ve vlastním zájmu. Není to jednání na úkor ostatních naopak jde o jediný způsob, jak mohou být v souladu racionální zájmy jednotlivců ve společnosti. Sobectví pro ni není vrtošivým, instinktivním chováním, ale důsledným, usilovným a trvalým promýšlením, jak promítat morální principy do každodenních situací a podle toho se chovat. Randová naplňuje pojem sobectví zcela novým obsahem: racionálně pojímané sobectví je jedinou morálkou, která je v souladu s lidským životem.
Podívejte se také Tyreweld sprej na opravu defekt 500ml (HT4YA)
The Fountainhead - Ayn Randová
When "The Fountainhead" was first published, Ayn Rand's daringly original literary vision and her groundbreaking philosphy, Objectivism, won immediate worldwide interest and acclaim. This instant classic is the story of an intransigent young architect, his violent battle against conventional standards, and his explosive love affair with a beautiful woman who struggles to defeat him. This edition contains a special Afterword by Rand's literary executor, Leonard Peikoff, which includes excerpts from Ayn Rands' own notes on the making of "The Fountainhead." As fresh today as it was then, here is a novel about a hero - and about those who try to destroy him.
Podívejte se také Roxy Music: Manifesto (2x LP) - LP (0746026)
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We the Living - Ayn Randová
We the Living depicts the struggle of the individual against the state, and the impact of the Russian Revolution on three human beings who demand the right to live their own lives and pursue their own happiness. This classic novel is not a story of politics, but of the men and women who fight for existence within a totalitarian state.
Objev podobné jako We the Living - Ayn Randová
Anthem - Ayn Randová
Ayn Rand's classic tale of a dystopian future of the great "We"--a world that deprives individuals of a name or independence--that anticipates her later masterpieces, The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged. They existed only to serve the state. They were conceived in controlled Palaces of Mating. They died in the Home of the Useless. From cradle to grave, the crowd was one--the great WE. In all that was left of humanity there was only one man who dared to think, seek, and love. He lived in the dark ages of the future. In a loveless world, he dared to love the woman of his choice. In an age that had lost all trace of science and civilization, he had the courage to seek and find knowledge. But these were not the crimes for which he would be hunted. He was marked for death because he had committed the unpardonable sin: He had stood forth from the mindless human herd. He was a man alone. He had rediscovered the lost and holy word--I. "I worship individuals for their highest possibilities as individuals, and I loathe humanity, for its failure to live up to these possibilities."--Ayn Rand
Objev podobné jako Anthem - Ayn Randová
Zdroj - Ayn Randová
Ayn Randová v románu Zdroj (1943) poprvé naplno uplatnila svou originální literární vizi a nastínila vlastní filozofický směr, který později nazvala objektivismus. Kniha se po vydání dočkala okamžitého komerčního úspěchu a je dnes považována za klasiku. V roce 1949 byl román zfilmován s Garym Cooperem v hlavní roli. Děj sleduje kariéru i milostný život mladého geniálního architekta, který si stojí pevně za svými zásadami a neúnavně čelí tlaku veřejnosti, jež se ho snaží zlomit a přimět ke konformitě. Randová v románu otevírá řadu zásadních témat, která později rozpracovala esejisticky v knize Ctnost sobectví (1964) nebo beletristicky ve svém nejznámějším díle Atlasova vzpoura (1957). Jejím cílem je ukázat, že morálním a správným smyslem života jednotlivce není stádnost a sebeobětování ve prospěch ostatních a společnosti, nýbrž dosahování vlastního štěstí na základě nezávislého myšlení a sledování svých racionálních zájmů.
Objev podobné jako Zdroj - Ayn Randová
Ctnost sobectví - Ayn Randová
Za nejvyšší morální hodnotu zpravidla považujeme nezištnou pomoc. Debata se pak soustředí na otázky, komu bychom měli pomáhat či jak velkou oběť je potřeba přinést. Morálka sebeobětování však vůbec neřeší, jaké hodnoty má člověk sledovat a co je v jeho vlastním zájmu. Zajímá ji pouze to, že prospěch z toho, co člověk vytváří, mají mít ostatní, nikoli on sám. Ayn Randová ve svém eseji "Objektivistická etika" tento přístup zásadně zpochybňuje a předkládá nám morálku orientovanou na život, ne jeho obětování. Ukazuje, co znamená jednat ve vlastním zájmu. Není to jednání na úkor ostatních naopak jde o jediný způsob, jak mohou být v souladu racionální zájmy jednotlivců ve společnosti. Sobectví pro ni není vrtošivým, instinktivním chováním, ale důsledným, usilovným a trvalým promýšlením, jak promítat morální principy do každodenních situací a podle toho se chovat. Randová naplňuje pojem sobectví zcela novým obsahem: racionálně pojímané sobectví je jedinou morálkou, která je v souladu s lidským životem.
Objev podobné jako Ctnost sobectví - Ayn Randová
Atlasova vzpoura - Ayn Randová
Rozsáhlý, vlivný a kontroverzní román Ayn Randové vyšel poprvé v roce 1957 a dodneška je její nejproslulejší a nejprodávanější knihou. Randová se věnovala především filosofii, vypracovala vlastní směr zvaný objektivismus. K němu patří etický egoismus či racionální sledování vlastního zájmu. Ve svém románu využívá postupů science-fiction, detektivky i milostné romance. Děj tohoto díla je zasazen do dystopické budoucnosti Spojených států, v které se prosazují socialistické tendence, regulace a daně. Ústřední premisu knihy metaforicky vyjadřuje název: co se stane, když se Atlas, který na svých ramenou nese svět, rozhněvá a svět z ramen shodí? Co se stane, když tvůrčí mozky – vůdčí byznysmeni, vědci, vynálezci, umělci... –, kteří udržují svět v chodu, začnou stávkovat? Tento motiv demonstruje, že když se zničí lidské usilování o vlastní zisk a prospěch, povede to ke zhroucení celé společnosti.
Objev podobné jako Atlasova vzpoura - Ayn Randová
Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Randová
Published in 1957, Atlas Shrugged was Ayn Rand's greatest achievement and last work of fiction. In this novel she dramatizes her unique philosophy through an intellectual mystery story that integrates ethics, metaphysics, epistemology, politics, economics, and sex. Set in a near-future U.S.A. whose economy is collapsing as a result of the mysterious disappearance of leading innovators and industrialists, this novel presents an astounding panorama of human life-from the productive genius who becomes a worthless playboy...to the great steel industrialist who does not know that he is working for his own destruction...to the philosopher who becomes a pirate...to the woman who runs a transcontinental railroad...to the lowest track worker in her train tunnels. Peopled by larger-than-life heroes and villains, charged with towering questions of good and evil, Atlas Shrugged is a philosophical revolution told in the form of an action thriller.
Objev podobné jako Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Randová
Zdroj - Ayn Randová - e-kniha
eBook: Ayn Randová v románu Zdroj (1943) poprvé naplno uplatnila svou originální literární vizi a nastínila vlastní filozofický směr, který později nazvala objektivismus. Kniha se po vydání dočkala okamžitého komerčního úspěchu a je dnes považována za klasiku. V roce 1949 byl román zfilmován s Garym Cooperem v hlavní roli. Děj sleduje kariéru i milostný život mladého geniálního architekta, který si stojí pevně za svými zásadami a neúnavně čelí tlaku veřejnosti, jež se ho snaží zlomit a přimět ke konformitě. Randová v románu otevírá řadu zásadních témat, která později rozpracovala esejisticky v knize Ctnost sobectví (1964) nebo beletristicky ve svém nejznámějším díle Atlasova vzpoura (1957). Jejím cílem je ukázat, že morálním a správným smyslem života jednotlivce není stádnost a sebeobětování ve prospěch ostatních a společnosti, nýbrž dosahování vlastního štěstí na základě nezávislého myšlení a sledování svých racionálních zájmů.Vychází ve spolupráci s Jiřím Kinkorem.
Objev podobné jako Zdroj - Ayn Randová - e-kniha
Objektivismus: Filozofie Ayn Randové - Leonard Peikoff
Americká spisovatelka Ayn Randová, světově známá svými bestsellery, odvodila a definovala filozofii objektivismu - přesvědčivý systém myšlení, který říká, že lidské bytosti jsou schopny a měly by svůj život řídit rozumem. V této knize podává Leonard Peikoff, přední znalec myšlení Ayn Randové, ucelený výklad její filozofie. Představuje zde vynikající obhajobu názorů Ayn Randové týkající se všech klíčových filosofických otázek.
Objev podobné jako Objektivismus: Filozofie Ayn Randové - Leonard Peikoff
The Everyday Hero Manifesto (Defekt) - Robin S. Sharma
Aim for Iconic Rise to Legendary Make History For over twenty-five years, leadership legend and personal mastery trailblazer Robin Sharma has mentored billionaires, business titans, professional sports superstars and entertainment royalty via a revolutionary methodology that has caused them to accomplish rare-air results. Now, in this groundbreaking book, he makes this transformational system available to anyone ready for undefeatable positivity, monumental productivity, deep spiritual freedom and a life of helpfulness to many.In The Everyday Hero Manifesto you will discover: · The hidden habits used by many of the world’s most creative and successful people to realize their visionary ambitions· Original techniques to turn fear into fuel, problems into power and past troubles into triumphs· A breakthrough blueprint to battle-proof yourself against distraction and procrastination so that you produce magic that dominates your domain· Pioneering insights on installing world-class routines, including rising early, achieving superhuman fitness and becoming the most disciplined person you know· Unusual wisdom knowledge to operate with far more simplicity, beauty and peace Part memoir on a life richly lived, part instruction manual for virtuoso-grade performance and part handbook for spiritual freedom in an age of high-velocity change, The Everyday Hero Manifesto will completely transform your life. Forever.
Objev podobné jako The Everyday Hero Manifesto (Defekt) - Robin S. Sharma
The Communist Manifesto (0141395907)
Kniha - 418 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Communist Manifesto (0141395907)
The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
With an introduction by Dr. Laurence Marlow. A spectre is haunting Europe (and the world). Not, in the twenty-first century, the spectre of communism, but the spectre of capitalism. Marx's prediction that the state would wither away of its own accord has proved inaccurate, and he did not foresee the tyrannies which have ruled large parts of the globe in his name. Indeed, he would have been appalled if he had witnessed them. But his analysis of the evils and dangers of raw capitalism is as correct now as when it was written, and some of his suggestions (progressive income tax, abolition of child labour, free education for all children) are now accepted with little question. In a world where capitalism is no longer held in check by fear of a communist alternative, The Communist Manifesto (with Socialism Utopian and Scientific, Engels's brief and clear exposition of Marxist thought) is essential reading. The Condition of the Working Class in England in 1844 is Engels's first, and probably best-known, book. With Henry Mayhew's London Labour and the London Poor, it was and is the outstanding study of the working class in Victorian England.
Objev podobné jako The Communist Manifesto - Karl Marx
The Checklist Manifesto - Atul Gawande
THE GAME-CHANGING BOOK FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF BEING MORTALToday we find ourselves in possession of stupendous know-how, which we willingly place in the hands of the most highly skilled people. But avoidable failures are common, and the reason is simple: the volume and complexity of our knowledge has exceeded our ability to consistently deliver it - correctly, safely or efficiently. In this groundbreaking book, Atul Gawande makes a compelling argument for the checklist, which he believes to be the most promising method available in surmounting failure. Whether you''re following a recipe, investing millions of dollars in a company or building a skyscraper, the checklist is an essential tool in virtually every area of our lives, and Gawande explains how breaking down complex, high pressure tasks into small steps can radically improve everything from airline safety to heart surgery survival rates. Fascinating and enlightening, The Checklist Manifesto shows how the simplest of ideas could transform how we operate in almost any field.
Objev podobné jako The Checklist Manifesto - Atul Gawande
The Communist Manifesto - Friedrich Engels
A rousing call to arms whose influence is still felt today, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels' The Communist Manifesto is edited with an introduction by Gareth Stedman-Jones in Penguin Classics.Marx and Engels's revolutionary summons to the working classes, The Communist Manifesto is one of the most important political theories ever formulated. After four years of collaboration, they produced an incisive account of their idea of Communism, in which they envisage a society without classes, private property or a state, arguing that the exploitation of industrial workers will eventually lead to a revolution in which Capitalism is overthrown. This vision provided the theoretical basis of political systems in Russia, China, Cuba and Eastern Europe, affecting the lives of millions. The Communist Manifesto still remains a landmark text: a work that continues to influence and provoke debate on capitalism and class.Gareth Stedman Jones's extensive and scholarly introduction provides an unique assessment of the place of The Communist Manifesto in history, and its continuing relevance as a depiction of global capitalism. This edition reproduces Samuel Moore's translation of 1888 and contains a guide to further reading, notes and an index.Karl Marx (1818-1883) was born in Trier, Germany and studied law at Bonn and Berlin. He settled in London, where he studied economics and wrote the first volume of his major work, Das Kapital (1867, with two further volumes in 1884 and 1894). He is buried in Highgate Cemetery, London.Friedrich Engels (1820-1895), as well as his collaboration with Marx, was the author of The Condition of the Working Class in England (1845), based on personal observations and research.If you enjoyed The Communist Manifesto, you might like Marx's Capital, also available in Penguin Classics.'The words of the Communist Manifesto flare like the fiery writing on the wall above the crumbling bastions of capitalist society: socialism or barbarism!'Rosa Luxemburg
Objev podobné jako The Communist Manifesto - Friedrich Engels
The Romantic - William Boyd
Set in the 19th century, the novel follows the roller-coaster fortunes of a man as he tries to negotiate the random stages, adventures and vicissitudes of his life. He is variously a soldier, a lover, a husband, a father, a friend of famous poets, a writer, a bankrupt, a jailbird, a farmer, an African explorer - and many other manifestations - before, finally, he becomes a minor diplomat, a consul based in Trieste (then in Austria-Hungary) where he thinks he will see out the end of his days in well-deserve
Objev podobné jako The Romantic - William Boyd
The Romantic - William Boyd
Soldier. Farmer. Felon. Writer. Father. Lover.One man, many lives.Born in 1799, Cashel Greville Ross experiences myriad lives: joyous and devastating, years of luck and unexpected loss. Moving from County Cork to London, from Waterloo to Zanzibar, Cashel seeks his fortune across continents in war and in peace. He faces a terrible moral choice in a village in Sri Lanka as part of the East Indian Army. He enters the world of the Romantic Poets in Pisa. In Ravenna he meets a woman who will live in his heart for the rest of his days. As he travels the world as a soldier, a farmer, a felon, a writer, a father, a lover, he experiences all the vicissitudes of life and, through the accelerating turbulence of the nineteenth century, he discovers who he truly is. This is the romance of life itself, and the beating heart of The Romantic.From one of Britain''s best-loved and bestselling writers comes an intimate yet panoramic novel set across the nineteenth century.''Picaresque, big-hearted and moving, this is Boyd at the top of his game'' Guardian''There are few reading pleasures as great as giving in to a William Boyd novel'' Sunday Times''One of our best contemporary storytellers'' Spectator''Simply the best realistic storyteller of his generation'' Sebastian Faulks
Objev podobné jako The Romantic - William Boyd
The Chicken Soup Manifesto: Recipes from around the world
This is a celebration of one of the most widely interpreted, humble and beloved dishes the world over: chicken soup. With more than 100 recipes dedicated to this one special meal, James Beard-nominee Jenn Louis shows readers how chicken soup is not only a source of heart-warming sustenance but a cure-all and the ultimate expression of love.With chapters broken down by region and country, The Chicken Soup Manifesto includes everything from Algerian Chorba Bayda, Colombian and Panamanian Sancocho and Thai Kao Tom Gai to Spanish Sopa de Picadillo. Along with the recipes, Jenn Louis also covers essential chicken know-how, from selecting and storing, to stock 101 and brining. The book is fully photographed with a design that establishes it as a collectible object as much as a hard-working guide to the world's favourite soup.
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The Everyday Hero Manifesto - Robin S. Sharma
Aim for Iconic Rise to Legendary Make History For over twenty-five years, leadership legend and personal mastery trailblazer Robin Sharma has mentored billionaires, business titans, professional sports superstars and entertainment royalty via a revolutionary methodology that has caused them to accomplish rare-air results. Now, in this groundbreaking book, he makes this transformational system available to anyone ready for undefeatable positivity, monumental productivity, deep spiritual freedom and a life of helpfulness to many.In The Everyday Hero Manifesto you will discover: · The hidden habits used by many of the world’s most creative and successful people to realize their visionary ambitions· Original techniques to turn fear into fuel, problems into power and past troubles into triumphs· A breakthrough blueprint to battle-proof yourself against distraction and procrastination so that you produce magic that dominates your domain· Pioneering insights on installing world-class routines, including rising early, achieving superhuman fitness and becoming the most disciplined person you know· Unusual wisdom knowledge to operate with far more simplicity, beauty and peace Part memoir on a life richly lived, part instruction manual for virtuoso-grade performance and part handbook for spiritual freedom in an age of high-velocity change, The Everyday Hero Manifesto will completely transform your life. Forever.
Objev podobné jako The Everyday Hero Manifesto - Robin S. Sharma
The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (0312430000)
Kniha - autor Atul Gawande, 216 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The modern world has given us stupendous know-how. Yet avoidable failures continue to plague us in health care, government, the law, the financial industry-in almost every realm of organized activity. And the reason is simple: the volume and complexity of knowledge today has exceeded our ability as individuals to properly deliver it to people-consistently, correctly, safely. We train longer, specialize more, use ever advancing technologies, and still we fail. Atul Gawande makes a compelling argument that we can do better, using the simplest of methods: the lowly checklist.
Objev podobné jako The Checklist Manifesto: How to Get Things Right (0312430000)
Together : A Manifesto Against the Heartless World - Ece Temelkuran
There is so much to be afraid of in our current moment: climate catastrophe, the rise of a new fascism, a virus that has reshaped the way we live. But something better is possible. We can choose to turn away from an uncaring world and instead build a world where we stand compassionately as one. In Together, award-winning political thinker, author and poet, Ece Temelkuran provides an inspiring manifesto for change, reveals fresh possibilities for the better world we might want to live in, and gives us a new vocabulary for the political action that the 21st century asks of humankind.
Objev podobné jako Together : A Manifesto Against the Heartless World - Ece Temelkuran
The Communist Manifesto (Little Black Classics) - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains.'Marx and Engels's revolutionary summons to the working classes - one of the most important and influential political theories ever formulated.Introducing Little Black Classics: 80 books for Penguin's 80th birthday. Little Black Classics celebrate the huge range and diversity of Penguin Classics, with books from around the world and across many centuries. They take us from a balloon ride over Victorian London to a garden of blossom in Japan, from Tierra del Fuego to 16th-century California and the Russian steppe. Here are stories lyrical and savage; poems epic and intimate; essays satirical and inspirational; and ideas that have shaped the lives of millions.Karl Marx (1818-1883) and Friedrich Engels (1820-1895). Marx's works available in Penguin Classics are Capital, Dispatches for the New York Tribune, Early Writings, Grundrisse, The Portable Karl Marx and Revolution and War.
Objev podobné jako The Communist Manifesto (Little Black Classics) - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
The Communist Manifesto & Other Selected Writings - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
HarperCollins is proud to present its incredible range of best-loved, essential classics.Published in 1848, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engel’s pamphlet The Communist Manifesto is a landmark text in socialist and Marxist history – a rallying cry for the revolutionary overthrow of capitalist society by the working classes.
Objev podobné jako The Communist Manifesto & Other Selected Writings - Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels
Various: Romantic Panipe - The Album - CD (7619943022715)
Hudební CD - Máte rádi panovu flétnu? tak je tento výběr určený právě vám. Máte rádi panovu flétnu? tak je tento výběr určený právě vám. Seznam stop CD 1 / Candle In The Wind / I Will Always Love You / Barcarole / Love Is All Around / Can You Feel The Love Tonight / The Hurting Love / How Deep Is Your Love / For Elise / Anyone Who Had A Heart / Endless Love / Concerto D'Amour / Wonderful Tonight / Woman In Love / Only For Love / Largo / Hello / Lonesome Sheep / The Nightingale / Yesterday / Don't Cry For Me Argentina / CD 2 / El Condor Paso / La Marcha / Quechua / Altiplano / Salar De Uyuni / Cordillera De Los Andes / El Canto Del Cuculi / Huaytapallana / Huayno De La Roca / Cono De Arita / Illampu / Rosita / Titicaca / Nevado Del Huila / La Muerta Del Inca / Hombre De Argentina / Charango Solo / El Chicano
Objev podobné jako Various: Romantic Panipe - The Album - CD (7619943022715)
The Friend Zone: the most hilarious and heartbreaking romantic comedy - Abby Jimenez
''A deliciously hot, sweet debut. This book is an absolute treat.'' L. J. SHEN, USA TODAY BESTSELLING AUTHOR''5 stars isn''t enough for this laugh out loud, beautifully honest, and sometimes heart-breaking novel'' Goodreads reviewer______________ He''s the best man . . . and that''s the problem. Kristen Petersen is perfectly fine. She has friends she''d fight to the death for and the very best dog in the world: Stuntman Mike. In fact, everything''s calm in the world of Kristen, until she starts to plan her best friend''s wedding and meets the best man, Josh Copeland. Josh is funny, sexy, stands up to her sarcasm, and is always one snack ahead of her hangry. Even Stuntman Mike adores him. But he wants a big family, and Kristen knows children are probably not a part of her future. She''s sure he''d be better off with someone else, someone who can give him everything he wants, so Kristen keeps him at arm''s length: in the Friend Zone. But as their attraction grows, it''s harder and harder to resist falling for the man who seems to be everything she''s not allowed to have . . . The Friend Zone will have you laughing one moment and grabbing for tissues the next as it tackles the realities of infertility and loss with wit, heart, and a lot of sass.Perfect for fans of Christina Lauren, Helen Hoang, Sally Thorne, Jo Watson and Sophie Kinsella.______________WHAT READERS ARE SAYING ABOUT THE FRIEND ZONE:''Harnessing sass, heartfelt struggle, and unapologetic sexuality, Jimenez''s debut is as hysterical as it is tear-jerking'' Publishers Weekly''Let''s get one thing straight, Abby Jimenez is hilarious'' Goodreads''Anyone who thinks they don''t like romance needs to read The Friend Zone. It''s a game changer'' Goodreads''I laughed, I teared up, and most importantly, I didn''t want to put it down'' Goodreads''It was so refreshing to see a difficult topic like infertility play such a significant role in a romantic comedy'' Goodreads''Not only is this book hilarious and heartfelt, it felt real'' Goodreads''Hilarious but also healing'' Goodreads
Objev podobné jako The Friend Zone: the most hilarious and heartbreaking romantic comedy - Abby Jimenez
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Objev podobné jako essence The Nude Lip Set dárková sada na rty Romantic
Edita Randová: Večerní písně (CD)
Mezzosopranistku Editu Randovou doprovází na CD s názvem Večerní písně zkušený klavírista Vladimír Strnad. CD obsahuje čtyři písňové cykly Antonína Dvořáka a jeden písňový cyklus Bedřicha Smetany. Antonín Dvořák byl spolu s Bedřichem Smetanou průkopníkem novodobé české hudby v linii vrcholného romantismu. Antonín Dvořák byl jedním z nejslavnějších hudebních skladatelů všech dob. Dvořákova hudba – vyrůstající z českých kořenů a zároveň světová, tradiční, ale v každé době moderní – měla a má klíčový význam pro vnímání českých zemí v kontextu evropských kulturních dějin. V tvorbě Antonína Dvořáka najdeme téměř všechny hudební formy, a právě hudba vokální zaujímá jedno z nejdůležitějších míst Dvořákových kompozic, a to jak významem, tak početností. Z jeho nevyčerpatelného bohatství hudebních nápadů vznikla celá řada vokálních skladeb. V této oblasti tvorby komponoval nejen pro velké soubory jako opery, kantáty, oratoria, ale velice významné jsou i jeho písňové cykly. Forma sólové písně s klavírem zaměstnává Dvořáka celý život a věnuje se jí s láskou. V písních uzrávala skladatelova nejvlastnější hudební poetika, zosobněná vrcholnými a obecně nejmilovanějšími díly, i předpoklad písňové tvorby budoucí generace. Počtem opusů tvoří obdivuhodně rozsáhlé dílo. Dvořák velice rád komponuje celé shluky písní na texty jednoho autora a z jedné básnické knihy.
Objev podobné jako Edita Randová: Večerní písně (CD)
THE SIMS 4: (SP6) ROMANTIC GARDEN STUFF - Xbox Digital (7D4-00231)
Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Simulátor, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra 66% Úspěšný simulátor života se dočkal nového pokračování v podobě The Sims 4. Hra se zaměřuje na vylepšenou inteligenci Simíků a detailní nástroje pro tvorbu postav. Zažijte nové příběhy ve světě plném dobrodružství. Studna přání Vydejte se ke studni tajných přání, která vám snad splní vaše sny. Běžte se Simíky k fontáně a užijte si legraci. Oblečte si nové oblečení a zažijte také trochu romantiky. The Sims...
Objev podobné jako THE SIMS 4: (SP6) ROMANTIC GARDEN STUFF - Xbox Digital (7D4-00231)
Randová Edita: Večerní písně - CD (8593085007603)
Hudební CD - CD přináší vrcholná díla Antonína Dvořáka a Bedřicha Smetany v podání mezzosopranistky Edity Randové. CD přináší vrcholná díla Antonína Dvořáka jako např. V národním tónu, Písně na slova Elišky Krásnohorské, Večerní písně op.3, Večerní písně op. 31 a též jeden cyklus písní Bedřicha Smetany Večerní písně. Celé CD se jmenuje právě podle těchto tří cyklů a to Večerní písně. Interpretka spolu s klavíristou Vladimírem Strnadem se snažili co nejvýstižněji zachytit atmosféru díla průkopníků novodobé české hudby A. Dvořáka a B. Smetany. Mezzosopranistka Edita Randová se rozhodla nazpívat tyto cykly, neboť právě s Dvořákem slaví největší úspěchy v zahraničí a plní tak slib posluchačům, nazpívat celou písňovou tvorbu Dvořáka. Seznam stop Antonín Dvořák - V národním tónu Op. 73 B 146 / Antonín Dvořák - Písně na slova Elišky Krásnohorské B 23 / Antonín Dvořák - Večerní písně Op. 3, B61 / Antonín Dvořák - Večerní písně Op. 31 B 61 / Bedřich Smetana - Večerní...
Objev podobné jako Randová Edita: Večerní písně - CD (8593085007603)
Beh na dlhú trať - Katarína Randová
Keď sa žena sklame, zatne sa, že už nijaký vzťah nechce. Na dobu určitú. Nikoho... Skoro nikoho... Vlastne si jej rozhodnutie vyskúšal vesmír a priplietol jej do cesty urasteného sexi chlapa. A hneď dvoch... Zrazu sa stratí nechuť a život naberá na obrátkach. Ale len pomyselne. Pretože to nie je cesta, ktorou sa treba vydať. Keď citová investícia je vyššia ako výnos. Keď život nie je len o sexe...
Objev podobné jako Beh na dlhú trať - Katarína Randová
The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)
Her codename is Kingfisher. Her mission: to seduce and marry most powerful man in the world. October 2016: In America, the election is a few weeks away. Journalist Grace Elliot has just landed a scoop that she believe will make her career. A porn-star is willing to talk about her affair with the man some hope and many fear will become the next president of the United Stares. But no one will touch it. Instead, Grace is sent to Europe where she discovers a story so big, so explosive that it could decide the American election and launch a new Cold War. If she can stay alive long enough to tell it... Spies, murder and one of the biggest conspiracies of our time lie at the heart of the thriller of the year.
Objev podobné jako The Kingfisher Secret (Defekt)
The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)
A modern serial killer - hunting an ancient secret. \n\nA woman is left to die as the rebuilt Globe theatre burns. Another woman is drowned like Ophelia, skirts swirling in the water. A professor has his throat slashed open on the steps of Washington's Capitol building. \n\nA deadly serial killer is on the loose, modelling his murders on Shakespeare's plays. But why is he killing? And how can he be stopped? \n\nA gripping, shocking page turner, The Shakespeare Secret masterfully combines modern murder and startling true revelations from the life of Shakespeare. It has been acclaimed as one of the most compulsively readable thrillers of recent years.
Objev podobné jako The Shakespeare Secret (Defekt)
The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.
Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
Geralt the Witcher races to find his missing ward, Ciri, in this fourth novel in the bestselling Witcher series that inspired the Netflix show and video games.The world has fallen into war. Ciri, the child of prophecy, has vanished. Hunted by friends and foes alike, she has taken on the guise of a petty bandit and lives free for the first time in her life.But the net around her is closing. Geralt, the Witcher, has assembled a group of allies determined to rescue her. Both sides of the war have sent brutal mercenaries to hunt her down. Her crimes have made her famous.There is only one place left to run. The tower of the swallow is waiting...Translated by David French.
Objev podobné jako The Tower of the Swallow (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray
While marooned at his banking job in the bewilderingly damp and insular realm known as Ireland, Claude Martingale is approached by a down-on-his-luck author, Paul, looking for his next great subject. Claude finds that his life gets steadily more exciting under Paul's fictionalizing influence; he even falls in love with a beautiful waitress.
Objev podobné jako The Mark and the Void (Defekt) - Paul Murray
The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco
The year is 1327. Franciscans in a wealthy Italian abbey are suspected of heresy, and Brother William of Baskerville arrives to investigate. When his delicate mission is suddenly overshadowed by seven bizarre deaths, Brother William turns detective. His tools are the logic of Aristotle, the theology of Aquinas, the empirical insights of Roger Bacon - all sharpened to a glistening edge by wry humor and a ferocious curiosity. He collects evidence, deciphers secret symbols and coded manuscripts, and digs into the eerie labyrinth of the abbey, where "the most interesting things happen at night."
Objev podobné jako The Name of the Rose (Defekt) - Umberto Eco
The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
After walking through a portal in the Tower of the Swallow, thus narrowly escaping death, the Witcher girl, Ciri, finds herself in a completely different world... a world of the Elves. She is trapped with no way out. Time does not seem to exist and there are no obvious borders or portals to cross back into her home world. But this is Ciri, the child of prophecy, and she will not be defeated. She knows she must escape to finally rejoin the Witcher, Geralt, and his companions - and also to try to conquer her worst nightmare. Leo Bonhart, the man who chased, wounded and tortured Ciri, is still on her trail. And the world is still at war.
Objev podobné jako The Lady of the Lake (Defekt) - Andrzej Sapkowski
The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...
Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel
Vaclav Havel's remarkable and rousing essay on the tyranny of apathy, with a new introduction by Timothy Snyder Cowed by life under Communist Party rule, a greengrocer hangs a placard in their shop window: Workers of the world, unite! Is it a sign of the grocer's unerring ideology? Or a symbol of the lies we perform to protect ourselves? Written in 1978, Vaclav Havel's meditation on political dissent - the rituals of its suppression, and the sparks that re-ignite it - would prove the guiding manifesto for uniting Solidarity movements across the Soviet Union. A portrait of activism in the face of falsehood and intimidation, The Power of the Powerless remains a rousing call against the allure of apathy. 'Havel's diagnosis of political pathologies has a special resonance in the age of Trump' Pankaj Mishra
Objev podobné jako The Power of the Powerless (Defekt) - Václav Havel
The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
This Is The Amazing New Thriller From Terry Hayes. If You Thought I Am Pilgrim Was Good...
Objev podobné jako The Year of the Locust (Defekt) - Terry Hayes
The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová
Every dawn brings horror to a different family in a land ruled by a killer. Khalid, the eighteen-year-old Caliph of Khorasan, takes a new bride each night only to have her executed at sunrise. So it is a terrible surprise when sixteen-year-old Shahrzad volunteers to marry Khalid. But she does so with a clever plan to stay alive and exact revenge on the Caliph for the murder of her best friend and countless other girls. Shazi's wit and will get her through to the dawn that no others have seen, but with a catch . . . she may be falling in love with a murderer. Shazi discovers that the villainous boy-king is not all that he seems and neither are the deaths of so many girls. It's up to her to uncover the reason for the murders and to break the cycle once and for all. "So you would have me throw Shazi to the wolves?" "Shazi? Honestly, I pity the wolves."
Objev podobné jako The Wrath and the Dawn (Defekt) - Renéé Ahdiehová
The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes
By the author of Look Who's Back, a radical and bold satire in inequitable times.REFUGEE CAMPS IN AFRICA ARE SWELLINGAnd Europe has closed its borders. The refugees have no future, no hope, and no money to pay the vast sums now demanded by people smugglers. But what they do have is time.AND THEN AN ANGEL ARRIVES FROM REALITY T.V.When German model and star presenter Nadeche Hackenbusch comes to film at the largest of the camps, one young refugee sees a unique opportunity: to organise a march to Europe, in full view of the media. Viewers are gripped as the vast convoy moves closer, but the far right in Germany is regrouping and the government is at a loss. Which country will halt the refugees in their tracks?THE HUNGRY AND THE FATA devastating, close-to-the-knuckle satire about the haves and have-nots in our divided world by one of Europe's finest and most perceptive writers, in which an outlandish conceit follows a kind of impeccable logic to a devastating conclusion.Translated from the German by Jamie Bulloch
Objev podobné jako The Hungry and the Fat (Defekt) - Timur Vermes
The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
In war they made impossible choices. Now can they live with them?'Moving . . . surprises and devastates' New York Times'Masterful' People'Mesmerising . . . reveals new truths about one of history's most tragic eras' USA TodayThe Third Reich has crumbled. The Russians are coming.Marianne von Lingenfels - widow of a resister murdered by the Nazi regime - finds refuge in the crumbling Bavarian castle where she once played host to German high society. There she fulfils her promise to find and protect the wives and children of her husband's brave conspirators, rescuing her dearest friend's widow, Benita, from sexual slavery to the Russian army, and Ania from a work camp for political prisoners. As Marianne assembles this makeshift family she is certain their shared pain will bind them together.But as Benita begins a clandestine relationship and Ania struggles to conceal her role in the Nazi regime, Marianne learns that her clear-cut, highly principled world view has no place in these new, frightening and emotionally-charged days.All three women must grapple with the realities they now face, and the consequences of decisions each made in the darkest of times . . . Deeply moving and compelling, The Women of the Castle is a heart-wrenching and hopeful novel of secrets and survival, a reckoning, and the astonishing power of forgiveness. Perfect for fans of All the Light You Cannot See, The Reader and The Light Between Oceans.
Objev podobné jako The Women of the Castle (Defekt) - Jessica Shattuck
The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe
Welcome to Tilly Bagshawe's Swell Valley, where the scandal is in a class of its own. Tatiana Flint-Hamilton's gilded cage is torn away when her estranged father dies. As the beloved family estate slips through Tati's fingers, the portraits of her ancestors look down disapprovingly. The new Lord of the Manor is just as ruthless as Tati. The old-world status of Furlings is everything the wealthy, self-made Brett Cranley has ever wanted. Luckily his wife Angela is the perfect homemaker, happy to fall into line with whatever Brett desires. Along with her two children, Furlings soon becomes Angela's lifeline, a place she can finally belong. And one she's not going to give up easily. Losing everything has made Tati realise that her rightful inheritance is all that she now lives for...and she will do anything to get it back. But the fate of Furlings lies in the hands of the villagers. Let the Fittlescombe fireworks begin!
Objev podobné jako The Inheritance (Defekt) - Tilly Bagshawe
The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø
In the mountains of Norway a man lives a peaceful existence. However one day his younger brother, always the more successful and charming of the two, turns up to visit, accompanied by his new wife. It soon turns out that the little brother is not quite as angelic as he seems.Set in a small town filled with secrets, this is a compellingly atmospheric new thriller from the Sunday Times number one bestseller.
Objev podobné jako The Kingdom (Defekt) - Jo Nesbø
The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová
THE SELECTION changed the lives of thirty-five girls forever. Now, only one will claim Prince Maxon's heart...It's swoon meets the Hunger Games in the third instalment of THE SELECTION series! For the four girls who remain at the palace, the friendships they've formed, rivalries they've struggled with and dangers they've faced have bound them to each other for the rest of their lives. Now, the time has come for one winner to be chosen. America never dreamed she would find herself anywhere close to the crown - or to Prince Maxon's heart. But as the competition approaches its end and the threats outside the palace walls grow more vicious, America realises just how much she stands to lose - and how hard she'll have to fight for the future she wants. The breathtaking third title in THE SELECTION series will make you swoon!
Objev podobné jako The One (Defekt) - Kiera Cassová
The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy
The international bestselling Off-Campus series returns with a collection of four novellas by New York Times bestselling author and TikTok sensation Elle Kennedy! This brand-new installment provides the much-anticipated answer to the question: Where are they now?Four stories. Four couples. Three years of real life after graduation...A wedding.A proposal.An elopement.And a surprise pregnancy.Life after college for Garrett and Hannah, Logan and Grace, Dean and Allie, and Tucker and Sabrina, isn't quite what they imagined it would be. Sure, they have each other, but they also have real-life problems that four years at Briar U didn't exactly prepare them for. As it turns out, for these four couples, love is the easy part. Growing up is a whole lot harder.Come for the drama, stay for the laughs! Catch up with your favorite Off-Campus characters as they navigate the changes that come with growing up and discover that big decisions can have big consequences...and big rewards.
Objev podobné jako The Legacy (Defekt) - Elle Kennedy
The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus
'A story for our, and all, times' Guardian The Plague is Albert Camus's world-renowned fable of fear and courageThe townspeople of Oran are in the grip of a deadly plague, which condemns its victims to a swift and horrifying death. Fear, isolation and claustrophobia follow as they are forced into quarantine. Each person responds in their own way to the lethal disease: some resign themselves to fate, some seek blame, and a few, like Dr Rieux, resist the terror.An immediate triumph when it was published in 1947, The Plague is in part an allegory of France's suffering under the Nazi occupation, and a story of bravery and determination against the precariousness of human existence. 'A matchless fable of fear, courage and cowardice' Independent'Magnificent' The Times
Objev podobné jako The Plague (Defekt) - Albert Camus
The Passenger (Defekt) - Cormac McCarthy
It is three in the morning when Bobby Western zips the jacket of his wetsuit and plunges from the boat deck into darkness. His divelight illuminates a sunken jet, nine bodies still buckled in their seats. Missing from the crash site are the plane's black box, and the tenth passenger. But how? A collateral witness to machinations that can only bring him harm, Western is shadowed in body and spirit - by men with badges; by the ghost of his father, inventor of the atom bomb; and by his sister, the love and ruin of his soul. From the bar rooms of New Orleans to an abandoned oil rig off the Florida coast, The Passenger is a breathtaking novel of morality and science, the legacy of sin, and the madness that is human consciousness, and one of the final works by Cormac McCarthy, a true American master.
Objev podobné jako The Passenger (Defekt) - Cormac McCarthy
The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks
#1 New York Times bestselling author Nicholas Sparks returns with a moving new novel about an injured army doctor and the two women whose secrets will change the course of his life. Trevor Benson never intended to move back to New Bern, North Carolina. But when a mortar blast outside the hospital where he worked as an orthopedic surgeon sent him home from Afghanistan with devastating injuries, the dilapidated cabin he'd inherited from his grandfather seemed as good a place to regroup as any. Tending to his grandfather's beloved bee hives while preparing for a second stint in medical school, Trevor isn't prepared to fall in love with a local . . . yet, from their very first encounter, Trevor feels a connection with deputy sheriff Natalie Masterson that he can't ignore. But even as she seems to reciprocate his feelings, she remains frustratingly distant, making Trevor wonder what she's hiding. Further complicating his stay in New Bern is the presence of a sullen teenage girl, Callie, who lives in the trailer park down the road. Claiming to be 17, she works at the local sundries store and keeps to herself. Discovering that she was once befriended by his grandfather, Trevor hopes Callie can shed light on the mysterious circumstances of his grandfather's death, but she offers few clues - until a crisis triggers a race that will uncover the true nature of Callie's past, one more intertwined with the elderly man's passing than Trevor could have ever anticipated. In his quest to unravel Natalie and Callie's secrets, Trevor will learn the true meaning of love and forgiveness . . . and that in life, to move forward, we must often return to the place where it all began.
Objev podobné jako The Return (Defekt) - Nicholas Sparks
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