Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Obesity Code - Dr Jason Fung
We are in the midst of an obesity epidemic, but despite being inundated with diet advice we are only getting fatter. We count calories and exercise regularly, yet still the pounds won’t budge. Why?In this highly readable and provocative book, Dr Jason Fung sets out a groundbreaking new theory: that obesity is caused by our hormones, rather than a lack of self-control. He reveals that overproduction of insulin in the body is the root cause of obesity and obesity-related illnesses including type 2 diabetes, and offers robust scientific evidence that reversing insulin resistance is the only way to lose weight in the long term. It turns out that when we eat is just as important as what we eat, so in addition to his five basic steps — a set of life-long eating habits that will improve your health and control your insulin levels — Dr Fung explains how to use intermittent fasting to break the cycle of insulin resistance and reach a healthy weight — for good.
Podívejte se také Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder -Friday The 13th - Pátek 13. - Halloween (8434077026410)
Dejte sbohem obezitě - Jason Fung
Čím to je, že přes existenci nespočtu diet se lidstvo potýká s epidemií obezity? Počítáme kalorie, pravidelně se hýbeme, ale ručička na váze stále neklesá. V této čtivé a provokativní knize přichází doktor Jason Fung s převratnou teorií – totiž že obezita má co do činění s našimi hormony, a ne s absencí sebedisciplíny. Dozvíte se, jak souvisí přemíra inzulinu s nárůstem váhy a nemocemi jako je cukrovka 2. typu. Je důležité nejen co, ale i kdy jíme? Kniha obsahuje 5 základních kroků, které vám pomohou zapracovat na zdraví a osvojit si zdravé návyky pro optimální hladinu inzulinu.
Podívejte se také Code 93
Dejte sbohem obezitě - Jason Fung - e-kniha
eBook: Čím to je, že přes existenci nespočtu diet se lidstvo potýká s epidemií obezity? Počítáme kalorie, pravidelně se hýbeme, ale ručička na váze stále neklesá. V této čtivé a provokativní knize přichází doktor Jason Fung s převratnou teorií – totiž že obezita má co do činění s našimi hormony, a ne s absencí sebedisciplíny. Dozvíte se, jak souvisí přemíra inzulinu s nárůstem váhy a nemocemi jako je cukrovka 2. typu. Je důležité nejen co, ale i kdy jíme? Kniha obsahuje 5 základních kroků, které vám pomohou zapracovat na zdraví a osvojit si zdravé návyky pro optimální hladinu inzulinu.
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Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore
Po celé dlouhé dějiny se lidé postili. Ať z kulturních a náboženských důvodů, nebo jen kvůli neúspěšnému lovu, občasné hladovění bylo tisíce let přirozenou součástí života – až do nedávna. Naše těla se evolučně nezměnila, ale hlad už nemáme nikdy: každý den snídáme, svačíme, obědváme, zase svačíme, večeříme... Má současná epidemie obezity a dalších civilizačních chorob kořeny v této radikální stravovací změně? Přibývá vědeckých důkazů, že ano. Lékař Jason Fung proto vyzkoušel s více než tisícovkou pacientů různé postní režimy a dosáhl přitom skvělých výsledků. V knize vysvětluje, jak můžeme využít půstu v boji s nadváhou. S pomocí vědeckých studií také dokazuje, že půst zpomaluje stárnutí, má potenciál pro léčbu cukrovky 2. typu, vysokého krevního tlaku nebo metabolického syndromu a efektivně pomáhá tam, kde selhávají jiné postupy. V knize se mimo jiné dozvíte: Komu půst může pomoci a proč je účinnější metodou hubnutí než tradiční nízkokalorické diety. Proč vás půst připraví o tuk, ale nikoliv o svalovou hmotu. Proč je dodržování půstu vlastně jednodušší než klasické diety a jak pracovat s pocitem hladu. Jaké jsou druhy půstů a že si můžete zvolit postní režim na míru. Že i několikahodinové vynechání jídla může sloužit jako účinný půst. Jaké (překvapivě chutné!) zdroje výživy si můžete při půstu dopřát. Jak půst správně přerušit a kdo by ho vůbec neměl držet. Tak co kdybyste zkusili jít proti proudu, alesponˇ chvíli nejedli a pocˇkali, co to s vámi udělá?
Objev podobné jako Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore
Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore - audiokniha
Audiokniha: „Základem je pravidelná strava! Raději často a v malých porcích!“ Znáte podobné poučky o zdravém stravování, že? Ale co když je to všechno jinak? O knize Po celé dlouhé dějiny se lidé postili. Ať z kulturních a náboženských důvodů, nebo jen kvůli neúspěšnému lovu, občasné hladovění bylo tisíce let přirozenou součástí života – až do nedávna. Naše těla se evolučně nezměnila, ale hlad už nemáme nikdy: každý den snídáme, svačíme, obědváme, zase svačíme, večeříme... Má současná epidemie obezity a dalších civilizačních chorob kořeny v této radikální stravovací změně? Přibývá vědeckých důkazů, že ano. Lékař Jason Fung proto vyzkoušel s více než tisícovkou pacientů různé postní režimy a dosáhl přitom skvělých výsledků. V knize vysvětluje, jak můžeme využít půstu v boji s nadváhou. S pomocí vědeckých studií také dokazuje, že půst zpomaluje stárnutí, má potenciál pro léčbu cukrovky 2. typu, vysokého krevního tlaku nebo metabolického syndromu a efektivně pomáhá tam, kde selhávají jiné postupy. V knize se mimo jiné dozvíte: - Komu půst může pomoci a proč je účinnější metodou hubnutí než tradiční nízkokalorické diety. - Proč vás půst připraví o tuk, ale nikoliv o svalovou hmotu. - Proč je dodržování půstu vlastně jednodušší než klasické diety a jak pracovat s pocitem hladu. - Jaké jsou druhy půstů a že si můžete zvolit postní režim na míru. - Že i několikahodinové vynechání jídla může sloužit jako účinný půst. - Jaké (překvapivě chutné!) zdroje výživy si můžete při půstu dopřát. - Jak půst správně přerušit a kdo by ho vůbec neměl držet. Tak co kdybyste zkusili jít proti proudu, alespoň chvíli nejedli a počkali, co to s vámi udělá? O autorech JASON FUNG je kanadský nefrolog a přední expert na léčbu obezity i diabetu 2. typu pomocí půstu, zabývá se též nízkosacharidovou dietou. Napsal dva další bestsellery na téma zdraví a výživy The Obesity Code a The Diabetes Code. JIMMY MOORE je autorem bestsellerů The Ketogenic Cookbook, Keto Clarity a Cholesterol Clarity a moderátorem Livin’ La Vida Low-Carb Show, nejdéle existujícího podcastu o zdraví. # Více o knize www.melvil.cz/pust Sdílejte s hashtagem #pruvodcepustem.
Objev podobné jako Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore - audiokniha
Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore - e-kniha
eBook: >>„Základem je pravidelná strava! Raději často a v malých porcích!“ Znáte podobné poučky o zdravém stravování, že? Ale co když je to všechno jinak?
Objev podobné jako Kompletní průvodce půstem - Jason Fung, Jimmy Moore - e-kniha
The Emotion Code - Dr Bradley Nelson
''I believe that the discoveries in this book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and in so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones.'' - Tony RobbinsIn this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skilfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of ''trapped emotions'' - emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson''s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your ''emotional baggage'', and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.
Objev podobné jako The Emotion Code - Dr Bradley Nelson
The Kindness Fix - Jason Wood
The help we give to others can be more effective and more just if we cultivate greater levels of compassion. Jason Wood reviews the research and talks to experts from across the world to make the moving case for greater compassion in public life.
Objev podobné jako The Kindness Fix - Jason Wood
Embrace the Chaos - Jason Fox
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER.Discover how to become the best version of yourself with this game-changing, personal development plan from the star of Channel 4’s SAS: Who Dares Wins and author of Battle Scars and Life Under Fire.‘A motivational masterclass with a proven framework for improving every day.'' Aldo KaneChallenge your limits, change your habits and transform your life.In Embrace the Chaos, Special Forces veteran Jason Fox sets out a revolutionary programme of personal challenges designed to help you reboot, disrupt your thinking, and grow your capabilities.Across 52 short chapters of practical advice - battle-tested on elite military operations and extreme expeditions - Foxy mentors you through a series of tasks that will enhance your life.These exercises range from micro-adventures and small habit changes to addressing your routine, cleansing your relationships, setting personal goals and learning new skills.In this life-changing book you’ll find:- A new challenge for every week of the year.- Practical advice and tips.- Physical and creative tasks.- Mentoring guidance through each process.Whether you’re looking for adventure, in need of mental clarity, or seeking military grade productivity, Embrace the Chaos will push you physically and mentally to become the best version of yourself.
Objev podobné jako Embrace the Chaos - Jason Fox
The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* The Ladybird Book of the Sickie - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of The Sickie - Jason Hazeley
The Fever Code (9781911077039)
Kniha – anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A new book in the bestselling "Maze Runner" series, this is a prequel which holds all the answers to questions that fans want to know. How did WICKED find the Gladers? Who are Group B? And what side are Thomas and Teresa really on? All will be revealed! Ages: 12+
Objev podobné jako The Fever Code (9781911077039)
Friday The 13th - Jason - tričko (GMERCHc2034nad)
Tričko - Potom vás zajisté zaujme tričko Bioworld.
Objev podobné jako Friday The 13th - Jason - tričko (GMERCHc2034nad)
Plakát Friday the 13th - Jason Voorhees
Plakát Friday the 13th - Jason Voorhees se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm
Objev podobné jako Plakát Friday the 13th - Jason Voorhees
The Lula Cafe Cookbook - Jason Hammel
The debut cookbook from Jason Hammel, showcasing the all-day seasonal food and arty vibe of his iconic Chicago restaurant This book is the story of 20 years of cooking, love, friendship, and community told through food, with each recipe taking a particular moment in time as its inspiration. Chapters include: Brunch, Soups, Snacks, Salads, Vegetables, Pasta, Meat/Fish, and Desserts, along with dozens of ‘building block’ recipes and ‘classic’ signature dishes. With 90 all-day recipes, each marked with the date of their creation, and all-new photography, this first book about Jason Hammel's bustling hotspot, Lula Cafe, gives a vibrant insight into the food and story of this iconic Chicago restaurant, written by its admired chef-author owner. Beloved by its loyal clientele, Lula is a meeting place for locals, gourmands, artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians, and the intensely personal recipes and stories in this book are infused with their creative spirit – the perfect book for creative home cooks, and for readers who love stories about the ingredients, techniques, and people behind the food they eat.
Objev podobné jako The Lula Cafe Cookbook - Jason Hammel
The Da Vinci Code (9780552161275)
Kniha - anglicky An ingenious code hidden in the works of Leonardo da Vinci. A desperate race through the cathedrals and castles of Europe. An astonishing truth concealed for centuries . . . unveiled at last. As millions of readers around the globe have already discovered, The Da Vinci Code is a reading experience unlike any other. Simultaneously lightning-paced, intelligent, and intricately layered with remarkable research and detail, Dan Brown's novel is a thrilling masterpiece—from its opening pages to its stunning conclusion.The Louvre, Paris: the elderly curator of the museum has been violently murdered in the Grand Gallery. Harvard professor Robert Langdon is summoned to decipher the baffling codes which the police find alongside the body. As he and a gifted French cryptologist, Sophie Neveu, sort through the bizarre riddles, they are stunned to find a trail that leads to the works of Leonardo Da Vinci - and suggests the answer to an age-old mystery that...
Objev podobné jako The Da Vinci Code (9780552161275)
The Code Breaker - Walter Isaacson
Walter Isaacson's #1 New York Times bestselling history of our third scientific revolution: CRISPR, gene editing, and the quest to understand the code of life itself, is now adapted for young readers!When Jennifer Doudna was a sixth grader in Hilo, Hawaii, she came home from school one afternoon and found a book on her bed. It was The Double Helix, James Watson's account of how he and Francis Crick had discovered the structure of DNA, the spiral-staircase molecule that carries the genetic instruction code for all forms of life.This book guided Jennifer Doudna to focus her studies not on DNA, but on what seemed to take a backseat in biochemistry: figuring out the structure of RNA, a closely related molecule that enables the genetic instructions coded in DNA to express themselves. Doudna became an expert in determining the shapes and structures of these RNA molecules-an expertise that led her to develop a revolutionary new technique that could edit human genes.Today gene-editing technologies such as CRISPR are already being used to eliminate simple genetic defects that cause disorders such as Tay-Sachs and sickle cell anemia. For now, however, Jennifer and her team are being deployed against our most immediate threat-the coronavirus-and you have just been given a front row seat to that race.
Objev podobné jako The Code Breaker - Walter Isaacson
The Kellerby Code - Jonny Sweet
''Magnificent.'' Richard Osman‘Razor-sharp.’ Erin Kelly How far would you go for a friend?Edward is living in a world he can’t afford and to which he doesn’t belong. To camouflage himself, he has catered to his friends’ needs: fetching drycleaning, sorting flowers for premieres. It’s a noble effort, really – anything to keep his perfectly awful ''best pals'' Robert and Stanza happy. In return, his proximity to their abundance might sponge the shame of his birth and violent past cleanly away.But Edward has - secretly - been in love with Stanza since their Cambridge days. The shattering discovery that Stanza and Robert are an item pushes him too far. His little acts of kindness take a sinister turn, giving way to the unspeakable brutality Edward fears is at his core.Are there limits to what he will do for his friends? Are there limits to what he will do to them?‘Fresh, frightening, bittersweet and brutal..’ Chris Whitaker''A dastardly romp for fans of ''Saltburn'', The Talented Mr Ripley and dare I say a horrible little book called Death of a Bookseller . . . A lot of fun.'' Alice Slater‘A subtle and gripping thriller for fans of The Secret History and The Talented Mr. Ripley.’ Claire McGowanWHAT READERS ARE SAYING . . .‘I loved The Kellerby Code. The toxic friend group our lower class protagonist bends over backwards to fit into, the growing resentment of the effortless wealth and success and the inevitable tipping point.’‘This is one of those books that get more absorbing and utterly bizarre as it goes, you absolutely have to read it.’‘Immensely enjoyable . . . A wild roller coaster ride with plenty of cringeworthy and laugh out loud moments.’
Objev podobné jako The Kellerby Code - Jonny Sweet
The Twyford Code - Janice Hallett
Edith Twyford was once a world-famous children's author, but now her only legacy is the rumoured existence of the Twyford Code: a series of clues hidden in her books leading to... what? No one knows - but that hasn't stopped the speculation.Steve Smith can trace nearly all the bad things in his life back to Edith Twyford. As a child he found one of her books, covered in strange symbols. He showed it to his teacher, Miss Iles, who was convinced it held the key to the code. Within weeks Miss Iles had disappeared, and Steve has no idea if she is dead or alive - or if she was right. Now he's determined to find out.But the Twyford Code hides secrets some would do anything to possess, and Steve isn't the only one on its trail. The race is on to solve the mystery of the century. Could you get there first?The top ten bestselling cosy crime sensation of the summer from the author of The Appeal, perfect for fans of Richard Osman and S. J. Bennett.
Objev podobné jako The Twyford Code - Janice Hallett
The Fever Code - James Dashner
The world has ended: the earth is scorched, and fever rages through the population. Out of the chaos, a boy emerges with the power to change everything: Thomas. This is the start of his story. An electrifying Maze Runner prequel, The Fever Code holds all the answers: How did WICKED find the Gladers? Who are Group B? Whose side are Thomas and Teresa really on? Lies will be exposed. Secrets uncovered. Loyalties proven. You'll never see the truth coming ...
Objev podobné jako The Fever Code - James Dashner
The Snowman Code - Simon Stephenson
A beautifully hopeful, funny and heartwarming tale about the lasting power of love and friendship, from the critically-acclaimed and award-winning screenwriter behind Pixar’s Luca and Paddington 2.In London, in a winter which shows no sign of ending, a unique friendship begins.This is the story of Blessing, aged ten-and-a-half, and Albert Framlington, aged six hundred – an eccentric snowman who has seen many winters in many cities, and who is duty-bound by the Snowman Code to help any child in need. Together, Blessing and Albert must find a way to defeat Blessing’s bullies, win back Albert’s long-lost love Clementine, and even overcome the never-ending winter itself…Perfect for fans of The Christmasaurus, A Boy Called Christmas, The Snowman and Paddington, The Snowman Code is a heartwarming, hilarious and unforgettable modern classic for families to curl up with on frosty winter nights.
Objev podobné jako The Snowman Code - Simon Stephenson
The Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lakhiani
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • What if everything we think we know about how the world works—our ideas of love, education, spirituality, work, happiness, and love—are based on Brules (bullsh*t rules) that get passed from generation to generation and are long past their expiration date?This book teaches you to think like some of the greatest non-conformist minds of our era, to question, challenge, hack, and create new rules for YOUR life so you can define success on your own terms.The Code of the Extraordinary Mind is a blueprint of laws to break us free from the shackles of an ordinary life. It makes a case that everything we know about the world is shaped by conditioning and habit. And thus, most people live their lives based on limiting rules and outdated beliefs about pretty much everything—love, work, money, parenting, sex, health, and more—which they inherit and pass on from generation to generation.But what if you could remove these outdated ideas and start anew? What would your life look like if you could forget the rules of the past, and redefine what happiness, purpose, and success mean for you?Not Just a Book, but a MovementBlending computational thinking, integral theory, modern spirituality, evolutionary biology, and humor, personal growth entrepreneur Vishen Lakhiani provides a revolutionary 10-point framework for understanding and enhancing the human self. You will learn about bending reality. You will learn how to apply unique models like consciousness engineering to help you learn and grow at speeds like never before.You will learn to make a dent in the universe and discover your quest. This framework is based on Lakhiani’s personal experiences, the 5 million people he’s reached through Mindvalley, and 200 hours of interviews and questions posed to incredible minds, including Elon Musk, Richard Branson, Peter Diamandis, Ken Wilber, Dean Kamen, Arianna Huffington, Michael Beckwith, and other legendary leaders.In a unique fusion of cutting-edge ideas, personal stories, irreverence, and a brilliant teaching style, Lakhiani reveals the 10 powerful laws that form a step-by-step process that you can apply to life to shed years of struggle and elevate yourself to exceptional new heights.The 10 Laws to an Extraordinary LifeThis book challenges conventional ideas of relationships, goal-setting, mindfulness, happiness, and meaning. In a unique fusion of cutting-edge ideas, personal stories, and humorous irreverence, and not to mention, humor and napkin diagrams, this framework combines computational thinking with personal growth to provide a powerful framework for re-coding yourself—and replacing old, limiting models that hold you back with new, empowering beliefs and behaviors that set you on the path toward an extraordinary life. A life of more happiness and achievement than you might have dared to dream possible.Once you discover the code, you will question your limits and realize that there are none. Step into a new understanding of the world around you and your place in it, and find yourself operating at a new, extraordinary level in every way...happiness, purpose, fulfilment, and love.This Book Is a Living, Breathing Manifesto That Goes Beyond a Traditional PublicationFor those who want more, The Code of the Extraordinary Mind connects to a full on immersive experience including ways for you to dive into particular chapters to unlock additional videos or training and connect with each other and the author to learn via peer-to-peer learning networks.
Objev podobné jako The Code of the Extraordinary Mind - Vishen Lakhiani
The Ladybird Book Of The People Next Door - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of The People Next Door - Jason Hazeley
The Ladybird Book Of The Mid-Life Crisis - Jason Hazeley
From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of The Mid-Life Crisis - Jason Hazeley
Friday The 13th - Jason - tričko M (5055917637998)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, velikost M, materiál bavlna Hlavní přednosti trička Bioworld Tričko Bioworld je ideální na běžné nošení i sportovní aktivity K jeho výrobě posloužil kvalitní materiál, jakým je bavlna Tričko z bavlny je komfortní a účinně odvádí vlhkost Tričko s krátkými rukávy Charakteristický kulatý výstřih Velikost: M
Objev podobné jako Friday The 13th - Jason - tričko M (5055917637998)
How It Works: The Student - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* How it Works: The Student - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipste
Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Student - Jason Hazeley
How It Works: The Grandparent - Jason Hazeley
This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them.The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text.
Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Grandparent - Jason Hazeley
The Matrix - Matrix Code - tričko (GMERCHd408nad)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, znáte z Matrix, materiál bavlna Klíčové přednosti trička Heroes Tričko Heroes je univerzální a hodí se pro běžné nošení i sportovní aktivity Udělá radost hlavně těm, kterým se líbí Matrix K jeho zhotovení posloužil příjemný materiál, konkrétně bavlna Tričko z bavlny je velmi pohodlné a dokáže účinně odvádět vlhkost Disponuje krátkými rukávy Klasika v podobě kulatého výstřihu
Objev podobné jako The Matrix - Matrix Code - tričko (GMERCHd408nad)
The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups (1847941273)
Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Culture Code: The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups (1847941273)
How It Works: The Wife (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Wife (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
The Centrist Dad Handbook - Jason Hazeley, Nico Tatarowicz
A funny and gentle deep dive into the most unbearably reasonable men in the UK – your perfect Christmas present for any dad, husband, brother or uncle who owns more gilets than shoes, buys vinyl (but doesn’t always remove the cellophane), puffs on a CBD vape and claims he has a brick from the Haçienda in his outdoor barbecue. (Yeah. Right.) Packed full of quizzes, lifehacks and top 10 lists, The Centrist Dad Handbook will answer questions like:Why exactly is the Centrist Dad’s taste in music stuck in the Blair era?Why does he carry a folded bicycle wherever he goes?Why does he call it his ‘office’ when it’s clearly a shepherd’s hut?Would he consider bringing back hanging if the rope was made of sustainably-sourced hemp? The guide will also examine gnarlier issues like music festivals, e-scooters and whether it is OK to still listen to The Smiths if you do so whilst wearing noise-cancelling headphones and sorting the recycling. Plus food and drink ideas (the most centrist food is, obviously, half-and-half sweet-and-salty popcorn) and the thing no guide to Centrist Dads would be complete without: Adrian Chiles. Written by Jason Hazeley (who co-authored the bestselling phenomenon The Ladybird Books for Grown-Ups series and anything with the word Cunk in the title) and Nico Tatarowicz (The Armstrong & Miller Show, Murder In Successville, Spitting Image), this is The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook for the 21st century. A humour book must for that breed of men who miss Top Gear even though they identify as cyclists.
Objev podobné jako The Centrist Dad Handbook - Jason Hazeley, Nico Tatarowicz
How It Works: The Dog (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* How it Works: The Dog - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Dog (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
How It Works: The Husband (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Husband (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
Mighty Thor Vol. 5: The Death Of The Mighty Thor - Jason Aaron
Marvel Legacy hits Asgard with a bang - the death of the Mighty Thor! The final judgment comes as the Mangog arrives. The War Thor meets the beast head-on, but even the bloodthirst of this Ultimate hammer-wielder may pale in comparison to the Mangog's might! The battle rages as Jane Foster's cancer takes a turn for the worse, and she might not have to wait for the final judgment at all. The clock is ticking, the War of the Realms is spreading, and Mjolnir cannot save her this time. Can even the legendary Hercules help avert disaster? It's the beginning of the end - one that will lead to the most dramatic finale in the Marvel Universe. The tragic and heroic story of Jane Foster finally reaches its heart-rending zenith! COLLECTING: MIGHTY THOR 700-706, MIGHTY THOR: AT THE GATES OF VALHALLA
Objev podobné jako Mighty Thor Vol. 5: The Death Of The Mighty Thor - Jason Aaron
The Bro Code - Barney Stinson, Matt Kuhn
THE BRO CODE provides men with all the rules they need to know in order to become a "bro" and behave properly among other bros. THE BRO CODE has never been published before. Few know of its existence, and the code, until now, has been verbally communicated between those in the 'bro'.Containing approximately 150 "unspoken" rules, this code of conduct ranges from the simple (bros before hos) to the complex (the hot-to-crazy ratio, complete with bar graphs and charts). With helpful sidebros THE BRO CODE will help any ordinary guy become the best bro he can be. Let ultimate bro and co-author Barney Stinson and his book, THE BRO CODE share their wisdom, lest you be caught making eye contact in a devil's three-way (two dudes, duh.)
Objev podobné jako The Bro Code - Barney Stinson, Matt Kuhn
Calibra VD Dog Diabetes&Obesity 2 kg
Kompletní dietní krmivo pro psy Calibra VD Dog Diabetes & Obesity vyniká nízkým obsahem kalorií a sacharidů, a vysokým podílem kvalitních proteinů.
Objev podobné jako Calibra VD Dog Diabetes&Obesity 2 kg
The Intelligent Investor, 3rd Ed. - Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig
75th Anniversary EditionThe classic work on investing, filled with sound and safe principles that are as reliable as ever, now revised with an introduction and appendix by financial legend Warren Buffett—one of the author’s most famous students—and newly updated commentaries on each chapter from distinguished Wall Street Journal writer Jason Zweig.“By far the best book about investing ever written.”—Warren BuffettSince its original publication in 1949, Benjamin Graham’s revered classic, The Intelligent Investor, has taught and inspired millions of people worldwide and remains the most respected guide to investing. Graham’s timeless philosophy of “value investing” helps protect investors against common mistakes and teaches them to develop sensible strategies that will serve them throughout their lifetime.Market developments over the past seven decades have borne out the wisdom of Graham’s basic policies, and in today’s volatile market, The Intelligent Investor remains essential. It is the most important book you will ever read on making the right decisions to protect your investments and make them grow.Featuring updated commentaries which accompany every chapter of Graham’s book—leaving his original text untouched—from noted financial journalist Jason Zweig, this newly revised edition offers readers an even clearer understanding of Graham’s wisdom and how it should be applied by investors today.
Objev podobné jako The Intelligent Investor, 3rd Ed. - Benjamin Graham, Jason Zweig
The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR CHRISTMAS 2016* The Ladybird Book of Boxing Day - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles from the Ladybirds for Grown Ups Series: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse The Ladybird Book of the Meeting Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster
Objev podobné jako The Ladybird Book Of Boxing Day (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley
Miles Morales: The Avenging Avenger - Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Latour
Spider-Man meets Spider-Gwen! The two most sensational web-spinners of the 21st century don't just cross paths - they lock lips! Miles Morales and Gwen Stacy are two young heroes from different Earths, and a multiversal mission is about to upend both their lives! But as the plot thickens, will this spider-crossed pair see teen romance give way to arachnid animosity? Then, with Miles' life turned upside down, his mother copes with startling new truths. Who can she turn to? Meanwhile, Miles needs a win - but when the Black Cat and Hammerhead incite an underworld gang war, things don't end well for Miles. Will his battle against his inner demons consume him? Or can his amazing friends help him find his way back to the light?
Objev podobné jako Miles Morales: The Avenging Avenger - Brian Michael Bendis, Jason Latour
What Women Want - Maxine Mei-Fung Chung
From a young bride-to-be struggling to accept her sexuality, to a mother grappling with questions of identity and belonging, and a pensioner falling in love for the first time, What Women Want is an enthralling and deeply intimate examination of womanhood.With empathy and bravery, psychotherapist Maxine Mei-Fung Chung delves into what makes us who we are. Through her conversations with her patients, she lays bare our fears, our secrets, our wants, and ultimately, our capacity for healing. To desire is an action.This extraordinary book liberates and empowers us to claim what we truly want.
Objev podobné jako What Women Want - Maxine Mei-Fung Chung
The Cat in the Hat (Dr Seuss) - Dr. Seuss
The one and only Cat in the Hat from the iconic Dr. Seuss gets a brand new look, introducing his roller-coaster ride of mayhem to a new generation of readers. When Sally and her brother are left alone, they think they're in for a dull day - until the Cat in the Hat steps in on the mat, bringing with him mayhem and madness! This is the classic book that every child should have the joy of reading. The perfect book for early readers, the new style brings a worldwide favourite to a whole new generation.
Objev podobné jako The Cat in the Hat (Dr Seuss) - Dr. Seuss
Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder - Friday the 13th - Pátek 13. - GUIRCA
Maska Horor Jason je skvělou volbou na halloweenskou párty. Tato strašidelná maska upoutá pozornost každého na oslavě či karnevalu. Maska Horor Jason je skvělou volbou na halloweenskou párty. Tato strašidelná maska upoutá pozornost každého na oslavě či karnevalu.
Objev podobné jako Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder - Friday the 13th - Pátek 13. - GUIRCA
The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk
A ground-breaking survey of more than 650 of the most exceptional cars ever designed, organized geographically The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. Organized geographically then chronologically by decade, the book covers more than a century of exceptional and noteworthy car design – from Japanese cult classics, French Art-Deco masterpieces, German iconic models, Italian icons, and British performance machines, to American styling sensations, and pop culture and family favorites. This fresh take on an eternally popular subject, charts car design’s evolution across centuries and continents. Packed with images, combining period photography, studio shots, and original car advertising, the book’s oversized format generously displays the cars in all their remarkable detail. With captivating texts that tell stories of engineering feats, economic twists and turns, high-society lifestyles, and the desires of the masses, this book is a must-have for car and design fans of every kind.
Objev podobné jako The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk
The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk
A ground-breaking survey of more than 650 of the most exceptional cars ever designed, organized geographically The Atlas of Car Design is a global survey of the world’s greatest car designs, featuring more than 650 of the most revered (and occasionally reviled) models, from more than 190 manufacturers and more than 30 countries. Organized geographically then chronologically by decade, the book covers more than a century of exceptional and noteworthy car design – from Japanese cult classics, French Art-Deco masterpieces, German iconic models, Italian icons, and British performance machines, to American styling sensations, and pop culture and family favorites. This fresh take on an eternally popular subject, charts car design’s evolution across centuries and continents. Packed with images, combining period photography, studio shots, and original car advertising, the book’s oversized format generously displays the cars in all their remarkable detail. With captivating texts that tell stories of engineering feats, economic twists and turns, high-society lifestyles, and the desires of the masses, this book is a must-have for car and design fans of every kind.
Objev podobné jako The Atlas of Car Design: The World's Most Iconic Cars - Jason Barlow, Guy Bird, Brett Berk
Culture Code : The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups - Daniel Coyle
THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'A marvel of insight and practicality' Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of HabitHow do you build and sustain a great team?The Culture Code reveals the secrets of some of the best teams in the world - from Pixar to Google to US Navy SEALs - explaining the three skills such groups have mastered in order to generate trust and a willingness to collaborate. Combining cutting-edge science, on-the-ground insight and practical ideas for action, it offers a roadmap for creating an environment where innovation flourishes, problems get solved, and expectations are exceeded.'There are profound ideas on every single page, stories that will change the way you work, the way you lead, and the impact you have on the world. Highly recommended, an urgent read.' Seth Godin, author of Linchpin'Truly brilliant . . . Read it immediately' Adam Grant, author of Originals'Well told stories, with actionable lessons' Financial Times
Objev podobné jako Culture Code : The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups - Daniel Coyle
Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI - Murgia Madhumita
What does it mean to be human in a world that is rapidly changing thanks to the development of artificial intelligence, of automated decision-making that both draws on and influences our behaviour?Through the voices of ordinary people in places far removed from Silicon Valley, Code Dependent explores the impact of a set of powerful, flawed, and often exploitative technologies on individuals, communities, and our wider society. Madhumita Murgia, AI Editor at the FT, exposes how AI can strip away our collective and individual sense of agency – and shatter our illusion of free will.AI is already changing what it means to be human, in ways large and small. In this compelling work, Murgia reveals what could happen if we fail to reclaim our humanity.
Objev podobné jako Code Dependent: Living in the Shadow of AI - Murgia Madhumita
Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder -Friday The 13th - Pátek 13. - Halloween (8434077026410)
Karnevalová maska - pro děti i dospělé, motiv filmy a seriály, na karneval a party, materiál plast Zásadní přednosti produktu Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder -Friday The 13th - Pátek 13. - Halloween Karnevalová maska GUIRCA je jedinečným doplňkem pro účast na akcích v převleku Je ideální volbou pro děti i dospělé Svým provedením je určená na události typu karneval a party K její výrobě posloužil kvalitní materiál, konkrétně plast Typ: maska S maskou na karneval GUIRCA budete vy nebo vaše dítko hvězdou večera
Objev podobné jako Maska Horor Jason - Bloody Murder -Friday The 13th - Pátek 13. - Halloween (8434077026410)
Halenka Undress Code Sex and the City dámská, černá barva, hladká
Halenka z kolekce Undress Code. Model vyroben z kombinace dvou různých materiálů. Model má asimetrický výstřih.
Objev podobné jako Halenka Undress Code Sex and the City dámská, černá barva, hladká
The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco
THE MILLIONAIRE FASTLANE: NOW AN INTERNATIONAL BEST-SELLER!Is the financial plan of mediocrity -- a dream-stealing, soul-sucking dogma known as "The Slowlane" your plan for creating wealth? You know how it goes; it sounds a little something like this: "Go to school, get a good job, save 10% of your paycheck, buy a used car, cancel the movie channels, quit drinking expensive Starbucks lattes, save and penny-pinch your life away, trust your life-savings to the stock market, and one day, when you are oh, say, 65 years old, you can retire rich."The mainstream financial gurus have sold you blindly down the river to a great financial gamble: You've been hoodwinked to believe that wealth can be created by recklessly trusting in the uncontrollable and unpredictable markets: the housing market, the stock market, and the job market. This impotent financial gamble dubiously promises wealth in a wheelchair -- sacrifice your adult life for a financial plan that reaps dividends in the twilight of life.Accept the Slowlane as your blueprint for wealth and your financial future will blow carelessly asunder on a sailboat of HOPE: HOPE you can find a job and keep it, HOPE the stock market doesn't tank, HOPE the economy rebounds, HOPE, HOPE, and HOPE. Do you really want HOPE to be the centerpiece for your family's financial plan?Drive the Slowlane road and you will find your life deteriorate into a miserable exhibition about what you cannot do, versus what you can. For those who don't want a lifetime subscription to mediocrity and a slight chance of elderly riches, there is an alternative; an expressway to extraordinary wealth that can burn a trail to financial independence faster than any road out there.
Objev podobné jako The Millionaire Fastlane : Crack the Code to Wealth and Live Rich for a Lifetime - M. J. DeMarco
Star Wars Timelines: From the Time Before the High Republic to the Fall of the First Order (Defekt) - Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Baver Kristin, Amy Richa
Chart the history of Star Wars in this stunning guide, from the time before the High Republic to the end of the First Order.An indispensable companion for all Star Wars fans, this premium quality book displays visual timelines that chronologically map key events, characters, and developments, and mark their significance.Track crucial conflicts across the years that affect the galaxy in profound ways. Follow the Skywalker lightsaber as it passes through the generations and witness the evolution of the iconic TIE fighter across different eras. Trace the movement of the Death Star plans over the years and uncover multiple branching timelines that break down important battles.See essential events at a glance arranged by era and drill down into details to discover major and minor events, key dates, and fascinating insights all chronologically arranged. Pore over intricate timelines on nearly every page.Soar into Star Wars Timelines to explore: • Chronological approach divides Star Wars history into seven eras:Early History, The High Republic, The Fall of the Jedi, The Reign of the Empire, The Age of Rebellion, The New Republic, and The Rise of the First OrderA must-have addition to the library of all fans of Star Wars, Star Wars Timelines is sure to thrill.
Objev podobné jako Star Wars Timelines: From the Time Before the High Republic to the Fall of the First Order (Defekt) - Jason Fry, Cole Horton, Baver Kristin, Amy Richa
Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy + Code - Karen Holmes
Pearson English Readers bring language learning to life through the joy of reading. Well-written stories entertain us, make us think, and keep our interest page after page. Pearson English Readers offer teenage and adult learners a huge range of titles, all featuring carefully graded language to make them accessible to learners of all abilities. Through the imagination of some of the world’s greatest authors, the English language comes to life in pages of our Readers. Students have the pleasure and satisfaction of reading these stories in English, and at the same time develop a broader vocabulary, greater comprehension and reading fluency, improved grammar, and greater confidence and ability to express themselves.
Objev podobné jako Pearson English Readers: Level 4 Marvel Guardians of the Galaxy + Code - Karen Holmes
The Lorax - Dr. Seuss
Celebrate the original eco warrior! After fifty years his message is more important than ever, so enjoy Dr. Seuss's trademark rhyme in this anniversary edition of the classic environmental fable."Mister! He saidwith a sawdusty sneeze,I am the Lorax.I speak for the trees."The Lorax is a timeless classic that has been using humour and rhyme to raise awareness of the destruction of the environment for more than fifty years.Join the long-suffering crusader and help save the planet with this very special anniversary edition of Dr. Seuss's beloved, and still achingly relevant, ode to conservation.The perfect gift for boys and girls passionate about our planet, or just those who love to read.
Objev podobné jako The Lorax - Dr. Seuss
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