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The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová

THE TIKTOK SENSATIONRediscover the million-copy bestselling fantasy read with a different kind of magic, now in a stunning anniversary edition to mark 10 years since it's paperback debut.The circus arrives without warning. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon an iron gates reads:Opens at NightfallCloses at DawnFull of breath-taking amazements and open only at night, Le Cirque des Reves seems to cast a spell over all who wander its circular paths. But behind the glittering acrobats, fortune-tellers and contortionists a fierce competition is underway.Celia and Marco are two young magicians who have been trained since childhood for a deadly duel. With the lives of everyone at the Circus of Dreams at stake, they must test the very limits of the imagination, and of their love.Complete the gorgeous anniversary collection with The Starless Sea, the second novel from the author of the The Night Circus, out now.'The only response to this novel is simply: wow. It is a breathtaking feat of imagination, a flight of fancy that pulls you in and wraps you up in its spell' The Times

Podívejte se také BVLGARI Goldea The Roman Night EdP

cena 268.0 Kč

The Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. The black sign, painted in white letters that hangs upon the gates, reads:Opens at NightfalllCloses at DawnAs the sun disappears beyond the horizon, all over the tents small lights begin to flicker, as though the entirety of the circus is covered in particularly bright fireflies. When the tents are all aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign appears.Le Cirque des RevesThe Circus of Dreams.Now the circus is open.Now you may enter.

Podívejte se také antonin kratochvil circus sideshow

cena 241.0 Kč

Night Circus - Erin Morgensternová

The circus arrives without warning. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon iron gates reads: Opens at Nightfall Closes at Dawn As dusk shifts to twilight, tiny lights begin to flicker all over the tents, as though the whole circus is covered in fireflies. When the tents are aglow, sparkling against the night sky, the sign lights up: Le Cirque des Reves The Circus of Dreams The gates shudder and unlock, seemingly by their own volition. They swing outward, inviting the crowd inside. Now the circus is open. Now you may enter. Discover this amazing fantasy read with a different kind of magic. The Starless Sea, the second novel from the author of the The Night Circus, is available for pre-order now.

Podívejte se také Night Trains: The Rise and Fall of the Sleeper (1781255598)

cena 268.0 Kč

The Night Circus: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Erin Morgensternová

A beautiful hardback edition of the modern fantasy classic, from the bestselling author of The Starless Sea.'The only response to this novel is simply: wow. It is a breathtaking feat of imagination, a flight of fancy that pulls you in and wraps you up in its spell' The TimesThe circus arrives without warning.It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Against the grey sky the towering tents are striped black and white. A sign hanging upon an iron gates reads:Opens at NightfallCloses at DawnFull of breath-taking amazements, Le Cirque des Reves seems to cast a spell over all who wander its circular paths. But behind the glittering acrobats, fortune-tellers and contortionists a fierce competition is underway.Celia and Marco are two young magicians in the Circus, who have been trained since childhood for a deadly duel. With the lives of everyone at the Circus of Dreams at stake, they must test the very limits of the imagination, and of their love.The circus is open.Get ready to enter the fantastical world of the Night Circus.'Lush, evocative, dreamlike...a magical, coming-of-age story' Sunday Times'A beguiling, gripping read... Morgenstern has crafted a thrilling and transporting tale' EconomistVintage Quarterbound Classics: Bound to be beautiful

Objev podobné jako The Night Circus: Vintage Quarterbound Classics - Erin Morgensternová

cena 536.0 Kč

The Starless Sea - Erin Morgensternová

Are you lost or are you exploring? When Zachary Rawlins stumbles across a strange book hidden in his university library it leads him on a quest unlike any other. Its pages entrance him with their tales of lovelorn prisoners, lost cities and nameless acolytes, but they also contain something impossible: a recollection from his own childhood. Determined to solve the puzzle of the book, Zachary follows the clues he finds on the cover - a bee, a key and a sword. They guide him to a masquerade ball, to a dangerous secret club, and finally through a magical doorway created by the fierce and mysterious Mirabel. This door leads to a subterranean labyrinth filled with stories, hidden far beneath the surface of the earth. When the labyrinth is threatened, Zachary must race with Mirabel, and Dorian, a handsome barefoot man with shifting alliances, through its twisting tunnels and crowded ballrooms, searching for the end of his story. You are invited to join Zachary on the starless sea: the home of storytellers, story-lovers and those who will protect our stories at all costs.

Objev podobné jako The Starless Sea - Erin Morgensternová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Night Circus (0345802624)

Kniha - autor Erin Morgenstern, 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Night Circus (0345802624)

cena 226.0 Kč

Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová

Navštivte spolu s námi tajemný cirkus, jenž přijíždí bez ohlášení, aby na svá noční představení roztáhl černobílá šapitó a poskytl svým návštěvníkům opravdu nezapomenutelné zážitky, které nevypadají jako pouhé triky a iluze, ale spíše jako opravdová a mocná kouzla. Nebývale úspěšný románový debut Erin Morgensternové s podmanivou magickou atmosférou sleduje v několika dějových liniích a časových rovinách nebezpečnou hru dvou kouzelníků, v níž jsou v sázce životy jejich učedníků. Co když ale cirkus, jenž má být jevištěm nemilosrdného souboje, k sobě Celii a Marca připoutal mnohem víc, než by si jejich mistři vůbec dokázali představit?

Objev podobné jako Noční cirkus - Erin Morgensternová

cena 498.0 Kč

Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová

Zachary Ezra Rawlins je naprosto obyčejný mladík, který vede poklidný studentský život ve vermontském univerzitním kampusu. Vše ale změní jediná návštěva knihovny, při které Zachary na zaprášené polici objeví zvláštní knihu. Bez dechu obrací stránku za stránkou, uchvácený osudy nešťastných milenců, sběratelů klíčů a bezejmenných akolytů, když vtom narazí na něco nečekaného - na příběh z vlastního dětství. Prapodivná kniha mu nedá spát, a tak se rozhodne odhalit její tajemství a sledovat tajuplné stopy v podobě včely, klíče a meče. Cesta plná dobrodružných zvratů ho postupně přivede na maškarní večírek v New Yorku, do tajného klubu a podzemní knihovny, ukryté hluboko pod povrchem země. To, co Zachary objeví, ovšem není jen podzemním útočištěm knih a jejich strážců - je to domov ztracených měst a moří, milenců, kteří si pode dveřmi a napříč časem posílají láskyplné vzkazy, a dávno zapomenutých příběhů vyprávěných uctivým šepotem. Setká se s těmi, kdo tajnému archivu obětovali zrak i jazyk, ale i s těmi, kdo jej naopak chtějí zničit. Spolu s Mirabel, nebojácnou ochránkyní tohoto světa, a Dorianem, pohledným mužem, jehož věrností si nemůže být nikdo jistý, navštíví klikaté tunely, temná schodiště, přeplněné taneční sály i sladká pobřeží kouzelné říše a odhalí pravou podstatu svého údělu.

Objev podobné jako Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová

cena 446.0 Kč

Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Existují tři cesty do podzemního světa. Toto je jedna z nich. Hluboko v podzemí je knihovna plná ztracených měst a moří a zapomenutých příběhů. Kdesi v ní čeká na Zacharyho Ezru Rawlinse jeho úděl. Zachary Ezra Rawlins je obyčejný vysokoškolský student, který jednoho dne objeví v univerzitní knihovně zvláštní knihu. Nejprve se nedokáže odtrhnout od příběhů nešťastných milenců, sběratelů klíčů a bezejmenných akolytů, pak však narazí mezi řádky na něco nečekaného – na příběh z vlastního dětství. Stopy v podobě včely, klíče a meče ho postupně přivedou na maškarní večírek v New Yorku, do tajného klubu a obrovské knihovny, ukryté hluboko pod povrchem země. V domově ztracených měst a moří a dávno zapomenutých příběhů přestávají platit běžné zákony prostoru a času. Někteří tomuto tajnému archivu obětovali to nejcennější, ale existují i síly, které jej chtějí zničit. Spolu s odvážnou Mirabel a Dorianem, jehož věrností si nemůže být nikdo jistý, navštíví Zachary klikaté tunely, přeplněné taneční sály i konejšivá pobřeží kouzelné říše. Tam, někde daleko, na něj čeká jeho vlastní úděl…

Objev podobné jako Bezhvězdné moře - Erin Morgensternová - audiokniha

cena 299.0 Kč

Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

eBook: Erin Morgenstern nám v novom románe otvára dvere do svojej zlatom pretkanej fantázie, pričom hľadá s čitateľmi odpoveď na otázku, aká je skutočná sila príbehov. Kultový román Nočný cirkus si získal srdcia a podmanil predstavivosť miliónov čitateľov po celom svete. Bezhviezdne more je spisovateľkiným vyznaním lásky všetkým čitateľom, neskutočne snovým, znepokojujúcim i vášnivým, prekypujúcim citmi a mystériami. Zachary Ezra Rawlins objaví v univerzitnej knižnici zvláštnu knihu a na jej stránkach jeden deň z vlastného detstva popísaný do neskutočných detailov. Kým nemo dumá nad touto nevysvetliteľnou záhadou, natrafí na tri stopy – včelu, meč a kľúč –, ktoré ho zavedú na literárny maškarný ples. Krátko nato sa ocitne v prastarej knižnici hlboko v podzemí, kde sa nachádzajú všetky zabudnuté mestá, obývajú ich odvekí milenci a nebožtíkovia šepocú zabudnuté príbehy. Zachary sa musí mať na pozore pred strážcami, ktorí obetovali priveľa, aby ochránili jedinečnú zbierku. Aj pred tými, ktorí robia všetko pre jeho skazu. Prečo mu však robí spoločnosť sympatický bosý mladík Dorian, kým sa túla vinutými podzemnými chodbami, zabudnutými schodiskami, preplnenými tanečnými sálami a aj neskutočne sladkými plážami Bezhviezdneho mora? Zachary napokon sám vyrozumie, ako musí konať – a to nielen v knižnom príbehu, ale aj v skutočnom svete.

Objev podobné jako Bezhviezdne more - Erin Morgensternová - e-kniha

cena 349.0 Kč

The Circus Train - Amita Parikh

An electrifying, magical debut novel about a young girl whose life with a travelling circus is upended as Europe is ravaged by the Second World War. Brought together by magic. Torn apart by war. Europe, 1938. Even as the daughter of the extraordinary headlining illusionist, Lena Papadopoulos has never quite found her place within the World of Wonders - a travelling circus that traverses the continent in a luxury steam engine. Brilliant and curious, Lena yearns for the real-world magic of science and medicine, despite the limitations she feels in her wheelchair. But when a young French orphan, Alexandre, comes aboard the circus train, Lena's life is infused with magic and wonder for the first time.But outside the bright lights of the circus, darkness is descending on Europe. War is about to shatter Lena's world, and take away everything she holds dear. And to recover what she has lost, Lena will have to believe in the impossible. A must-read for fans of Water for Elephants, The Circus Train will take readers on a heart-wrenching two-decade journey across a continent in which great beauty and unimaginable horror live side by side.

Objev podobné jako The Circus Train - Amita Parikh

cena 449.0 Kč

The Circus Train - Amita Parikh

Brought together by magic. Torn apart by war. _________Europe, 1938.Even as the daughter of the extraordinary headlining illusionist, Lena Papadopoulos has never quite found her place within the World of Wonders - a travelling circus that traverses the continent in a luxury steam engine. Brilliant and curious, Lena yearns for the real-world magic of science and medicine, despite the limitations she feels in her wheelchair. But when a young French orphan, Alexandre, comes aboard the circus train, Lena's life is infused with magic and wonder for the first time.But outside the bright lights of the circus, darkness is descending on Europe. War is about to shatter Lena's world, and take away everything she holds dear. And to recover what she has lost, Lena will have to believe in the impossible.A must-read for fans of Water for Elephants, The Circus Train will take readers on a heart-wrenching two-decade journey across a continent in which great beauty and unimaginable horror live side by side.

Objev podobné jako The Circus Train - Amita Parikh

cena 268.0 Kč

The Tearsmith - Erin Doom

Legend speaks of the Maker of Tears: a man with eyes like glass, who crafts all the fears that dwell in people's hearts . . .What will it take for star-crossed orphans Nica and Rigel to face him and his creations?----Growing up within the walls of Grave's Orphanage, Nica's imagination burned with fantastical stories. Including that of The Tearsmith, a mysterious craftsman, guilty of having forged all the fears and anxieties in the world. When at seventeen, she's adopted by Mr and Mrs Mulligan, Nica thinks she's leaving her world of dark fairy tales behind her.But the Mulligans also adopt Rigel, an orphan who is as mesmerising and handsome as he is troubled. They share a past filled with grief and isolation, and the ever-gentle Nica starts to fall for her forbidden love. However it isn’t long until the fears and the darkness of her childhood threaten to unravel her future.Can Nica find the courage to embrace the future? Forget her past? And fall for her secret love?

Objev podobné jako The Tearsmith - Erin Doom

cena 268.0 Kč

Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise - Reese Witherspoon

Busy Betty has always been busy. Every day she wakes up with a million questions and a billion ideas! And today she has an amazing idea: she's throwing her mum a birthday party. Shhh . . . It's a surprise!Then Betty and her best friend, Mae, have the best idea of all: What if they threw Mum a circus surprise party?! It will be the greatest day in the history of the universe!Everything is perfect until Betty realises - oh, no! - Mum's birthday isn't today . . . it's next month. Whatever will they do with their circus surprise now?Reese Witherspoon's Busy Betty is an exuberant, smart, and larger-than-life character who encourages young readers to tackle each obstacle with enthusiasm, excitement, and big ideas.

Objev podobné jako Busy Betty & the Circus Surprise - Reese Witherspoon

cena 447.0 Kč

The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She, her mom, and her cousin have formed a new and powerful coven; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's started mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn "Wells" Penhallow. Wells has come to Graves Glen to re-establish his family's connection to the town they founded as well as to make a new life for himself after years of being the dutiful son in Wales. When he opens up a shop of his own, Penhallow's, just across the street from Something Wicked, he quickly learns he's gotten more than he bargained for in going up against Gwyn. When their professional competition leads to a very personal - and very hot - kiss, both Wells and Gwyn are determined to stay away from each other, convinced the kiss was just a magical fluke. But when a mysterious new coven of witches come to town and Gwyn's powers begin fading, she and Wells must work together to figure out just what these new witches want and how to restore Gwyn's magic before it's too late.

Objev podobné jako The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

cena 268.0 Kč

The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

Magic doesn't always play by the rules.Gwyn Jones is perfectly happy with her life in Graves Glen. She's formed a powerful new coven with her family; she's running a successful witchcraft shop, Something Wicked; and she's mentoring some of the younger witches in town. As Halloween approaches, there's only one problem - Llewellyn 'Wells' Penhallow.Wells has come to Graves Glen for two reasons: to re-establish his family's connection to the town and to make a new life for himself away from his father. But when he opens a magic shop of his own just across the street from Gwyn's, he quickly learns that going up against her won't be as easy as he thought . . . especially after an accidental magic-inspired - and very hot - kiss. While Gwyn and Wells are fully committed to their witchy rivalry, they soon find themselves thrown together once again to deal with the sudden appearance of a mysterious new coven and Gwyn's growing concern that something - or someone - is messing with her magic . . .

Objev podobné jako The Kiss Curse - Erin Sterling

cena 402.0 Kč

The Yearlong Pantry - Erin Alderson

Erin Alderson’s third cookbook is a vegetarian guide to grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. Ingredient breakdowns with new cooking techniques and stunning recipes make The Yearlong Pantry both a timeless reference and a fun refresh for anyone looking to add new flourishes to pantry staples. Learn which grains to fry, pop, or leave to the rice cooker, how to turn different nuts into butters, creams, or salad crunchies, and which beans stand up well in hearty sauces or as purees. Chapters, organized by ingredient, start with basic background, buying, storage, and cooking lessons with charts, then dive into recipes to showcase the yearlong pantry with seasonal vegetable swaps. Think Grilled Peaches with Hot-Honey Hazelnut Vinaigrette, Carrot Soup with Chile-Fried Spelt, and Charred Chimichurri Ayocote Beans over Whipped Ricotta. Whether it’s your first time cooking beans and you’re not sure whether to soak or when to add salt, or you’re a dry goods aficionado and know exactly which heirloom varieties of rice are your favorite, The Yearlong Pantry will guide you from pantry to plate with delicious results.

Objev podobné jako The Yearlong Pantry - Erin Alderson

cena 797.0 Kč

The Skeleton Key - Erin Kelly

A reunion leads to tragedy, and the unravelling of dark family secrets . . .It is the summer of 2021 and Nell has come home at her family's insistence to celebrate an anniversary. Her father, Sir Frank Churcher, is regarded as a cult figure by many. Fifty years ago he wrote The Golden Bones. Part picture book, part treasure hunt, it was a fairy story about Elinore, a murdered woman whose skeleton was scattered all over England. Clues and puzzles in the pages of The Golden Bones led readers to seven sites where jewels were buried - gold and precious stones, each a different part of a skeleton. One by one, the tiny golden bones were dug up until only Elinore's pelvis remained hidden. The book was a sensation. A community of treasure hunters called the Bonehunters formed, in frenzied competition, obsessed to a dangerous degree. People sold their homes to travel to England and search for Elinore. Marriages broke down as the quest consumed people. A man died. The book made Frank a rich man. And it ruined Nell's life.But Sir Frank has reunited the Churchers for a very particular reason. The book is being reissued, along with a new treasure hunt and a documentary crew are charting the anniversary. Nell is appalled, and fearful. During the filming, Frank finally reveals the whereabouts of the missing golden bone. And then all hell breaks loose.From the bestselling author of He Said/She Said and Watch Her Fall, this is a taut, mesmerising novel about a daughter haunted by her father's legacy . . .

Objev podobné jako The Skeleton Key - Erin Kelly

cena 402.0 Kč

Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová

For generations, four Clans of wild cats have shared the forest according to the laws laid down by their ancestors. But the warrior code has been threatened, and the ThunderClan cats are in grave danger. The sinister ShadowClan grows stronger every day. Noble warriors are dying--and some deaths are more mysterious than others. In the midst of this turmoil appears an ordinary housecat named Rusty... who may turn out to be the bravest warrior of them all.

Objev podobné jako Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová

cena 232.0 Kč

The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling

The Ex Hex is a spellbinding rom-com with a twist, think Practical Magic in Gilmore Girls' Stars Hollow . . .'You broke my heart, Rhys Penhallow. And we curse you. You and your whole stupid, hot line.' Vivienne Jones handled the biggest break-up of her life the way that any witch would: vodka, bubble baths, and a curse on her ex. That was nine years ago. Now Rhys Penhallow, descendant of the town's founders, breaker of hearts and still irritatingly gorgeous, is back. Rhys has returned to the quaint town of Graves Glen to recharge the ley lines and make an appearance at the annual fall festival. But when his every move results in calamity, Vivi realises that hexing her ex might not have been so harmless after all . . . As the curse starts to affect the magic of the town, resulting in murderous wind-up toys, an outraged ghost, and a surprisingly talkative cat, Vivi and Rhys must put their personal feelings aside and work together to break the curse and save not just the town, but also Rhys's life.

Objev podobné jako The Ex Hex - Erin Sterling

cena 268.0 Kč

The Wedding Witch - Erin Sterling

A wedding to witness. A brooch to poach.And a house that's haunted as f**k . . .Bowen Penhallow has always been a loner, but when his friend - who happens to be a ghost - invites him to a Yuletide wedding at a grand Welsh countryside estate, Bowen reluctantly agrees. Tamsyn Bligh is not a witch, but she has managed to finagle an invite to the Witchy Wedding of the Century in the hopes of making the score of the century - just one priceless magical artifact from Tywyll House would set her up for life!But Tamsyn isn't the only one sneaking about in Tywyll House, and the combination of a very strong spell and a classic wedding mishap transports Bowen and Tamsyn back to Tywyll House's 1958 Yuletide celebrations. Bowen and Tamsyn must work together to get back to the present, but they first must reckon with the origins of Tywyll House's haunting .. . and the fact that somewhere between the mistletoe and the bonfire, they might be falling in love.

Objev podobné jako The Wedding Witch - Erin Sterling

cena 312.0 Kč

Kyuss - ..And The Circus Leaves Town (Reissue) (LP)

Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;Nové vydání;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Stoner Rock Vydavatelství: Elektra Interpret / Téma: Kyuss Rok vydání: 2014.0 Varianta: ..And The Circus Leaves Town (Reissue) (LP) Datum vydání: 2014-07-22 Barva podle výrobce: Black

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cena 807.0 Kč

Steve Hackett - The Circus And The Nightwhale (Limited Edition) (Red Coloured) (LP)

Žánr: Rock Barva podle výrobce: Red Typ: LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Barevná Země interpreta: Spojené království Země původu: Německo Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989 Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Červená Interpret / Téma: Steve Hackett Subžánr: Progressive Rock Rok vydání: 2024.0 Datum vydání: 2024-02-16 Vydavatelství: Inside Out Music Varianta: The Circus And The Nightwhale (Limited Edition) (Red Coloured) (LP)

Objev podobné jako Steve Hackett - The Circus And The Nightwhale (Limited Edition) (Red Coloured) (LP)

cena 615.6 Kč

The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová

From the author of House of Salt and Sorrows comes the breathtaking fairytale retelling readers have been waiting for When death calls, she must answer. Hazel Trepas has always known she was different from her siblings. A thirteenth child, she was promised to one of the gods at birth - Merrick, the god of death. When he finally arrives, Hazel learns the art - and magic - of healing. Word of her extraordinary gift to know the cure for every ailment spreads throughout the kingdom. But all gifts come with a price. When Death claims a soul for himself, it is Hazel who must end their suffering... permanently. Soon, destiny brings her to the royal court where she meets Leopold, an infuriatingly alluring prince with a disdain for everything and everyone. Here, Hazel faces her biggest dilemma yet: to carry out her duties or follow the urges of her own heart. Can she go against the will of Death himself to save someone who is marked to die?

Objev podobné jako The Thirteenth Child - Erin A. Craigová

cena 268.0 Kč

The House of Mirrors - Erin Kelly

''A bold, beautiful, sexy, full-throttle thriller: immaculately constructed and rich with detail, it is a gorgeous, creepy Gothic story for our times'' NICCI FRENCH''The queen of psychological gothic reigns'' GILLIAN McALLISTER''Literary crime novel is justified here'' SUNDAY TIMES''Mysteries galore ... properly chilling'' OBSERVEROne of them has killed before.One of them will kill again.In the sweltering summer of 1997, straight-laced, straight-A student Karen met Biba - a bohemian and impossibly glamorous aspiring actress. A few months later, two people were dead and another had been sent to prison.Having stood by Rex as he served his sentence, Karen is now married to him with a daughter, Alice, who runs a vintage clothing company in London. They''re a normal family, as long as they don''t talk about the past, never mention the name Biba, and ignore Alice''s flashes of dark, dangerous fury. Karen has kept what really happened that summer of ''97 hidden deep inside her. Alice is keeping secrets of her own. But when anonymous notes begin to arrive at Alice''s shop, it seems the past is about to catch up with them all ...''Breathtaking, original and beautifully written, I absolutely loved it'' C.L. TAYLOR''Dripping in atmosphere'' HEAT''A rich, gothic thriller that jumps from different perspectives and times, this is something of a work of art'' BEST''A fantastic read'' WOMAN & HOME''Full of duplicity, doppelgängers and dead girls'' dresses, The House of Mirrors delivers a white-knuckle ride as a murky past creeps up on the present. I don''t think I took a breath until I found myself screaming my way through the crescendo'' ALICE SLATER''I love an Erin Kelly book! The worlds she creates are so rich and alive'' JANE FALLON''When it comes to deeply involving, twisty thrillers, Erin Kelly is in a league of her own. The House of mirrors is a magnificent mystery that begs to be read in a single sitting but deserves to be pored over slowly, every word savoured. Possibly the finest thriller you''ll read all year'' CHARLOTTE PHILBY''Erin Kelly is quite simply one of the best crime writers around. The House of Mirrors is a totally absorbing story of family secrets, omissions and outright lies, with unforgettable characters and settings. It is impeccably plotted down to the very last line. I loved it'' JANE CASEY''An electrifying thriller'' WOMAN''S OWN

Objev podobné jako The House of Mirrors - Erin Kelly

cena 502.0 Kč

The Skeleton Key (Defekt) - Erin Kelly

A reunion leads to tragedy, and the unravelling of dark family secrets . . .It is the summer of 2021 and Nell has come home at her family's insistence to celebrate an anniversary. Her father, Sir Frank Churcher, is regarded as a cult figure by many. Fifty years ago he wrote The Golden Bones. Part picture book, part treasure hunt, it was a fairy story about Elinore, a murdered woman whose skeleton was scattered all over England. Clues and puzzles in the pages of The Golden Bones led readers to seven sites where jewels were buried - gold and precious stones, each a different part of a skeleton. One by one, the tiny golden bones were dug up until only Elinore's pelvis remained hidden. The book was a sensation. A community of treasure hunters called the Bonehunters formed, in frenzied competition, obsessed to a dangerous degree. People sold their homes to travel to England and search for Elinore. Marriages broke down as the quest consumed people. A man died. The book made Frank a rich man. And it ruined Nell's life.But Sir Frank has reunited the Churchers for a very particular reason. The book is being reissued, along with a new treasure hunt and a documentary crew are charting the anniversary. Nell is appalled, and fearful. During the filming, Frank finally reveals the whereabouts of the missing golden bone. And then all hell breaks loose.From the bestselling author of He Said/She Said and Watch Her Fall, this is a taut, mesmerising novel about a daughter haunted by her father's legacy . . .

Objev podobné jako The Skeleton Key (Defekt) - Erin Kelly

cena 79.0 Kč

W.A.S.P. - Inside The Electric Circus (Reissue) (Blue Coloured) (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Nové vydání;Album Barva: Modrá Varianta: Inside The Electric Circus (Reissue) (Blue Coloured) (LP) Interpret / Téma: W.A.S.P. Barva podle výrobce: Blue Vydavatelství: Madfish Subžánr: Heavy Metal Žánr: Heavy Metal Rok vydání: 2012.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako W.A.S.P. - Inside The Electric Circus (Reissue) (Blue Coloured) (LP)

cena 842.0 Kč

The Rolling Stones - Rock And Roll Circus (3 LP)

Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Subžánr: Rock;Rock and Roll;Blues;Chicago Blues;Electric Blues Žánr: Rock;Rock and Roll;Blues Hmotnost: 180 g Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999 Složení setu: 3 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Varianta: Rock And Roll Circus (3 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Datum vydání: 2019-07-05 Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Decca Interpret / Téma: The Rolling Stones

Objev podobné jako The Rolling Stones - Rock And Roll Circus (3 LP)

cena 1253.0 Kč

The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

Kniha - autor Elie Wiesel, 340 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wiesel's trilogy of Holocaust stories offers meditations on mankind's attraction to violence and on the temptation of self-destruction.

Objev podobné jako The Night Trilogy: Night / Dawn / Day (0809073641)

cena 465.0 Kč

Warrior Cats: Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová

Take your first steps into the wilderness with Rusty the house cat as he leaves his home to go and live in the wild. A thrillling new feline fantasy series that draws you into a vivid animal world.When ‘kittypet’ Rusty strays into the forest beyond his owner’s garden and is ambushed by a wild cat, life as he knows it is over.After a brave fight, he is invited to leave the ‘twoleg’ world and join Thunderclan, one of four cat tribes, to train as a warrior.Rusty becomes Firepaw and learns laws of the wild – hunting and fighting to protect the clan’s survival.When the fearsome Shadowclan threaten Thunderclan’s territory his warrior skills are put to the test. But how can he protect the clan when he suspects their own deputy of trechery?

Objev podobné jako Warrior Cats: Into the Wild - Erin Hunterová

cena 232.0 Kč

Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová

The sixth book in Erin Hunter's #1 nationally bestselling Warriors seriesJoin the legion of fans who have made Erin Hunter's Warriors series a bestselling phenomenon. More thrilling adventures, epic action, and fierce warrior cats await in Warriors #6: The Darkest Hour.The time has come for Fireheart--now Firestar, leader of ThunderClan--to face his destiny. Tigerstar's sinister ambitions have brought the whole forest to the brink of a terrible and deadly battle. Now prophecies will unfold, and heroes will rise....

Objev podobné jako Warriors #6 : The Darkest Hour - Erin Hunterová

cena 241.0 Kč

The Circus 1870s-1950s - Noel Daniel, Linda Granfield, Fred Dahlinger

At its heyday, the American circus was the largest showbiz industry the world had ever seen. From the mid-1800s to mid-1900s, traveling circuses performed for audiences of up to 14,000 per show, employed as many as 1,600 men and women, and crisscrossed the country on 20,000 miles of railroad in one season alone. The spectacle of death-defying daredevils, strapping superheroes and scantily clad starlets, fearless animal trainers, and startling “freaks” gripped the American imagination, outshining theater, vaudeville, comedy, and minstrel shows. This book sheds fresh light on the circus phenomenon. With photographic gems of early circus performers, as well as original posters, lithographs, sideshow banners and engravings from the 16th to 19th centuries illustrating the worldwide roots of the circus, readers are transported to a world of thrill and skill, grit and glamor. Highlights include iconic circus photographs by Mathew Brady, Cornell Capa, Walker Evans, Weegee, and Lisette Model, and little-known circus images by Stanley Kubrick and Charles and Ray Eames.

Objev podobné jako The Circus 1870s-1950s - Noel Daniel, Linda Granfield, Fred Dahlinger

cena 536.0 Kč

The Night Visitor (1786482185)

Kniha - autor Lucy Atkins, 544 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The stunning new domestic noir thriller from the author of the bestselling The Missing One and The Other Child. Perfect for fans of I Let You Go and The Ice Twins.She knows what you have done . . .London-based TV historian Olivia Sweetman has everything - a successful career, three beautiful children, and a talented writer husband. In a small Sussex museum one day she meets Vivian, the socially awkward sixty year old housekeeper of nearby Ileford Manor. When Vivian shows Olivia the sensational Victorian diary she has found, Olivia is desperate to write a book about it. But in order to secure access, Olivia must put her misgivings aside and hire Vivian as her research assistant. Eighteen months later, with the book finished and tipped as a bestseller, Olivia is relieved to be shot of the difficult, if highly efficient, Vivian. She takes a much-needed summer holiday with family and...

Objev podobné jako The Night Visitor (1786482185)

cena 439.0 Kč

The Night Gate (1784295086)

Kniha - autor Peter May, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a sleepy French village, the body of a man shot through the head is disinterred by the roots of a fallen tree. A week later a famous art critic is viciously murdered in a nearby house. The deaths occurred more than seventy years apart. Asked by a colleague to inspect the site of the former, forensics expert Enzo Macleod quickly finds himself embroiled in the investigation of the latter. Two extraordinary narratives are set in train - one historical, unfolding in the treacherous wartime years of Occupied France; the other contemporary, set in the autumn of 2020 as France re-enters Covid lockdown. And Enzo's investigations reveal an unexpected link between the murders - the Mona Lisa. Tasked by the exiled General Charles de Gaulle to keep the world's most famous painting out of Nazi hands after the fall of France in 1940, 28-year-old Georgette Pignal finds herself swept along by the tide...

Objev podobné jako The Night Gate (1784295086)

cena 252.0 Kč

Defy the Night (1526632802)

Kniha - autor Brigid Kemmerer, 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT. In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harriston and Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist. Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most. As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom ... and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy. From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a brand-new blockbuster fantasy series about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice.

Objev podobné jako Defy the Night (1526632802)

cena 235.0 Kč

The Culture Map, Decoding How people Think… - Erin Meyer

Whether you work in a home office or abroad, business success in our ever more globalized and virtual world requires the skills to navigate through cultural differences and decode cultures foreign to your own. Renowned expert Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain where people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together.When you have Americans who precede anything negative with three nice comments French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans who get straight to the point ( your presentation was simply awful") Latin Americans and Asians who are steeped in hierarchy Scandinavians who think the best boss is just one of the crowd,the result can be, well, sometimes interesting, even funny, but often disastrous.Even with English as a global language, it's easy to fall into cultural traps that endanger careers and sink deals when, say, a Brazilian manager tries to fathom how his Chinese suppliers really get things done, or an American team leader tries to get a handle on the intra-team dynamics between his Russian and Indian team members.In The Culture Map , Erin Meyer provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business. She combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice for succeeding in a global world.

Objev podobné jako The Culture Map, Decoding How people Think… - Erin Meyer

cena 402.0 Kč

The Night Hunt - Alexandra Christo

THE NEW DARK FANTASY ROMANCE NOVEL FROM ALEXANDRA CHRISTO, AUTHOR OF TIKTOK SENSATION, TO KILL A KINGDOM. Enter a world of Gods and monsters . . . Atia is an immortal who feeds on fear and nightmare. As the last of her kind, she hides in the shadows of the world to escape the wrath of the vengeful Gods. Silas is a Herald, carrying messages and ferrying the dead, as punishment for a past he can't remember. Atia would never dream of allying with someone like him, but when she breaks a sacred law and the gods send monsters to hunt her, Silas offers an irresistible deal: he'll help her take on the Gods and get vengeance for her family. But in return, she must help him break the curse that binds him and restore his humanity. All they need to do is kill three powerful creatures: a vampire, a banshee and one of the very Gods who has destroyed both their lives. Only together can they finally rewrite their destinies. Perfect for fans of Sarah J Maas, Tricia Levenseller and Alexandra Bracken, this is a thrilling fast-paced fantasy with breath-taking romance.

Objev podobné jako The Night Hunt - Alexandra Christo

cena 259.0 Kč

Survive the Night - Riley Sager

One of the most addictive thrillers I've read this year. A compulsive page-turner with high stakes and a heroine you find yourself absolutely rooting for' Gytha Lodge Charlie Jordan is being driven across the country by a serial killer. Maybe. Behind the wheel is Josh Baxter, a stranger Charlie met by the college ride share board, who also has a good reason for leaving university in the middle of term. On the road they share their stories, carefully avoiding the subject dominating the news - the Campus Killer, who's tied up and stabbed three students in the span of a year, has just struck again. Travelling the lengthy journey between university and their final destination, Charlie begins to notice discrepancies in Josh's story. As she begins to plan her escape from the man she is becoming certain is the killer, she starts to suspect that Josh knows exactly what she's thinking. Meaning that she could very well end up as his next victim. A game of cat and mouse is about to play out. In order to win, Charlie must do only one thing . . . survive the night.

Objev podobné jako Survive the Night - Riley Sager

cena 268.0 Kč

Defy the Night - Brigid Kemmererová

'A kinetic tale of the tension between duty, love and trust' - Cassandra Clare'Defy the Night is everything I crave in a fantasy romance' - Stephanie Garber'Addicting from page one!' - Jennifer L. ArmentroutA spark of rebellion is all it takes to DEFY THE NIGHT.In a kingdom where sickness stalks the streets and only the richest can afford a cure, King Harristan and his brother Prince Corrick are forced to rule with an iron fist.Tessa Cade is a masked outlaw marked for death, but she likes it that way. Together with the mysterious, handsome Weston, she robs from the rich to help the poor, distributing food and medicine to those who need it most.As it becomes clear that the only way to save her people is to assassinate the King, Tessa must face a deadly mission that will take her to the dark heart of the kingdom ... and force her to work with the very people she intended to destroy.From New York Times bestselling author Brigid Kemmerer comes a brand-new blockbuster fantasy series about a corrupt kingdom, a star-crossed romance and a girl who will do anything for justice.

Objev podobné jako Defy the Night - Brigid Kemmererová

cena 250.0 Kč

The Night Fire - Michael Connelly

A JUDGE MURDERED IN A CITY PARK Mickey Haller, the Lincoln Lawyer, defends the man accused. A HOMELESS PERSON BURNED ALIVE Detective Renee Ballard catches the case on the LAPD's notorious graveyard shift. AN UNSOLVED HOMICIDE FROM A LIFETIME AGO Harry Bosch is left a missing case file by his mentor who passed away. He was the man who taught Bosch that everybody counts, or nobody counts. Why did he keep the case all these years? To find the truth - or bury it? IN L.A. CRIME NEVER SLEEPS But in Ballard, Bosch and Haller: the fire always burns. Will it light the way - or leave their lives in ashes?

Objev podobné jako The Night Fire - Michael Connelly

cena 268.0 Kč

Velvet Was the Night (1529417988)

Kniha - autor Silvia Moreno-Garcia, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 282.0 Kč

Tender is the Night (0241341485)

Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Tender is the Night (0241341485)

cena 209.0 Kč

The Night House - Jo Nesbø

In the wake of his parents' tragic deaths fourteen-year-old Richard Elauved has been sent to live with his aunt and uncle in the remote town of Ballantyne. Richard quickly earns a reputation as an outcast, and when a classmate named Tom goes missing, no one believes him when he says the telephone booth out by the edge of the woods sucked Tom into the receiver like something out of a horror movie.No one, that is, except the enigmatic Karen, who encourages Richard to pursue clues the police refuse to investigate. He traces the number to an abandoned house in the woods. There he catches a glimpse of a terrifying face in the window.And then the voices start. When another classmate disappears, Richard grapples with the dark magic that's possessing Ballantyne to try and find them before its too late...

Objev podobné jako The Night House - Jo Nesbø

cena 268.0 Kč

The Night Stalker - Robert Bryndza

A page-turning thriller packed with suspense. The second Detective Erika Foster novel by bestselling author, Robert Bryndza. 'Absolutely brilliant ...impossible to put this book down! ... A must read' The Quiet Knitter If the Night Stalker is watching, you're already dead... In the dead of a swelteringly hot summer's night, Detective Erika Foster is called to a murder scene. The victim, a doctor, is found suffocated in bed. His wrists are bound and his eyes bulging through a clear plastic bag tied tight over his head. A few days later, another victim is found dead, in exactly the same circumstances. As Erika and her team start digging deeper, they discover a calculated serial killer - stalking their victims before choosing the right moment to strike. The victims are all single men, with very private lives. Why are their pasts shrouded in secrecy? And what links them to the killer? As a heat wave descends upon London, Erika will do everything to stop the Night Stalker before the body count rises, even if it means risking her job. But the victims might not be the only ones being watched... Erika's own life could be on the line. The global bestselling author of The Girl in the Ice is back with a heart-racing, electrifying thriller. If you love Angela Marsons, Rachel Abbott and Peter James, you'll be hooked on Robert Bryndza. The Night Stalker now a Wall Street Journal #1 best seller Biographical Notes Robert Bryndza is the author of the international #1 bestselling Detective Erica Foster series. Robert's books have sold over 2 million copies and have been translated into 27 languages. He is British and lives in Slovakia.

Objev podobné jako The Night Stalker - Robert Bryndza

cena 299.0 Kč

The Night Ship - Jess Kiddová

Embarking on a journey in search of her father, a young girl called Mayken boards the Batavia, the most impressive sea vessel of the age. During the long voyage, this curious and resourceful child must find her place in the ship's busy world, and she soon uncovers shadowy secrets above and below deck.As tensions spiral, the fate of the ship and all on board becomes increasingly uncertain. 1989. Gil, a boy mourning the death of his mother, is placed in the care of his irritable and reclusive grandfather.Their home is a shack on a tiny fishing island off the Australian coast, notable only for its reefs and wrecked boats. This is no place for a child struggling with a dark past and Gil's actions soon get him noticed by the wrong people. The Night Ship is an enthralling tale of human brutality, providence and friendship, and of two children, hundreds of years apart, whose fates are inextricably bound together.

Objev podobné jako The Night Ship - Jess Kiddová

cena 268.0 Kč

Pixies - The Night the Zombies Came (LP)

Datum vydání: 2024-10-25 Interpret / Téma: Pixies Barva: Černá Subžánr: Alternative Rock;Indie Rock Varianta: The Night the Zombies Came (LP) Žánr: Indie;Rock Vydavatelství: Bertelsmann Music Group Rok vydání: 2024.0 Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako Pixies - The Night the Zombies Came (LP)

cena 850.0 Kč

Call of the Night 17 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion.One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna. Except that she’s a vampire. That’s okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too. But transformation doesn’t come that easily...Ko’s school trip is full of surprises as he forges connections with old and new friends. Kyoko pursues a lead regarding the truth about her father. And Mahiru and Kiku take the final steps in their relationship as human and vampire…leaving Ko with a lot to process.

Objev podobné jako Call of the Night 17 - Kotoyama

cena 268.0 Kč

The Night of Wenceslas - Lionel Davidson

The award-winning debut thriller from the bestselling author of Kolymsky Heights'Quite simply the best thriller writer around.' SpectatorNicolas Whistler is young, bored and in debt. When an opportunity to make some money arises, he can't turn it down. He is sent to Prague to carry out a simple assignment, but he soon finds himself trapped between the secret police and the clutches of the mysterious Vlasta. Whether he likes it or not, Nicolas is now a spy.

Objev podobné jako The Night of Wenceslas - Lionel Davidson

cena 259.0 Kč

Kiss - Creatures Of The Night (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979 Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Mástrované poloviční rychlostí;Jubilejní edice;Album;LP deska;Nové vydání Rychlost: 16 2/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2022-11-18 Žánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Glam Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Glam Metal Vydavatelství: Universal Music Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Creatures Of The Night (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Kiss

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cena 773.5 Kč

The Night In Question - Lawson Liz

It's not that Alice wants someone to die. It's just that things were a lot more interesting when she and Iris were investigating a murder. Two months after Alice and Iris solved the murder of Brooke Donovan, Steve Anderson has become a semi-celebrity; Iris Adams and Cole Fielding are almost dating; and Alice Ogilvie is bored out of her brain.Reluctantly attending the school dance at Levy Castle, Alice sneaks away from the party to do some snooping while Iris gets close to Cole. But when she pushes open the door to what was once Charles Levy's study, she quite literally falls onto her next case...

Objev podobné jako The Night In Question - Lawson Liz

cena 241.0 Kč

The Night Before Christmas - Clement Moore

Here is a delightful poem that tells the story of the night before Christmas, when Santa Claus arrives with his reindeer and clambers down the chimney to fill the stockings by the hearth. The text and pictures combine to capture the feeling of magic and excitement, and give a real sense of warmth and Christmas spirit. Tomie dePaola has set the poem in the 1840s, using his own home in a small New Hampshire village as a model. The borders to the pages are based on designs from New England quilts, giving the book a wonderfully nostalgic feel.

Objev podobné jako The Night Before Christmas - Clement Moore

cena 236.0 Kč

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