Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Neverending Story - Michael Ende
Small and insignificant Bastian Balthazar Bux is nobody's idea of a hero, least of all his own. Through the pages of an old book he discovers a mysterious world of enchantment - but a world that is falling into decay. The great task of making things well again falls on Bastian and so begins a dazzling, magical adventure.
Podívejte se také Balíček audioknih od Michael Ende - ty nejlepší příběhy pro děti za výhodnou cenu
The Neverending Story: 45th Anniversary Edition - Michael Ende
Discover our collectable Puffin Clothbound Classic edition of The Neverending Story Puffin Clothbound Classics are stunning collectable gift editions of some of the best-loved classics in the world - including this highly anticipated 45th anniversary edition of The Neverending Story. Only the right name gives beings and things their reality. A wrong name makes everything unreal. That''s what lies do - Michael EndeBastian is nobody''s idea of a hero, least of all his own.Through the pages of an old book he discovers a mysterious magical world - a world of dragons, monsters, witches and GIANTS! A world that is doomed unless a human can save it...Can Bastian succeed in battling terrible foes and find the strength he needs to give the Empress a new name?Collect our Puffin Clothbound Classics: 9780241444313 The Little Prince 9780241663554 The Jungle Book 9780241568811 Charlotte''s Web 9780241688243 Little Women 9780241688250 Peter Pan 9780241688267 The Railway Children 9780241688236 Chinese Cinderella 9780241411216 Treasure Island 9780241411209 The Wizard of Oz 9780241655702 Watership Down 9780241663578 The Worst Witch 9780241663547 David Copperfield 9780241663561 The Neverending Story 9780241623909 Stig of the Dump 9780241623916 The Dark is Rising 9780241411162 The Secret Garden 9780241411148 Black Beauty 9780241411155 Dracula 9780241425121 Frankenstein 9780241425138 Wuthering Heights 9780241425114 Tales from Shakespeare 9780241425107 Tales of the Greek Heroes 9780241411193 A Christmas Carol 9780241621196 Grimms'' Fairy Tales 9780241425145 Hans Christian Andersen''s Fairy Tales
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Momo - Michael Ende
At the edge of the city, in the ruins of an old amphitheatre, there lives a little homelss girl called Momo. Momo has a special talent which she uses to help all her friends who come to visit her. Then one day the sinister men in grey arrive and silently take over the city. Only Momo has the power to resist them, and with the help of Professor Hora and his strange tortoise, Cassiopeia, she travels beyond the boundaries of time to uncover their dark secrets.
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Nekonečný příběh - Michael Ende
Příběh o tlouštíkovi Bastiánovi, nesmělém a všemi spolužáky vysmívaném chlapci, synovi nikoho, zavede čtenáře do zvláštního světa. Je jím Fantázie a Bastián se do ní dostane skrze stránky neméně zvláštní knížky. Spolu s chlapcem Átrejem – synem všech – prožije na Veliké Cestě Hledání četná dobrodružství. Nejednou se ocitne v nebezpečí, stane se z něj hrdina a zmoudří. Nakonec se vrátí tam, kde je jeho místo – mezi lidi. Nekonečný příběh byl několikrát zfilmován.
Objev podobné jako Nekonečný příběh - Michael Ende
Vytrvalá korytnačka Karla - Michael Ende
Chystá sa kráľovská svadba! Kráľ zvierat Lev XXVIII. sa bude ženiť a na svadbu sú pozvané všetky zvieratá. Prečo by teda nešla aj korytnačka Karla? A tak sa rozhodne vydať na dlhú cestu, aj keď ju ostatné zvieratá presviedčajú, že to nemôže stihnúť. Karla je pevne odhodlaná a odmieta sa vzdať.
Objev podobné jako Vytrvalá korytnačka Karla - Michael Ende
Nekonečný příběh - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Když nesmělý Bastián Balthazar Bux jednoho dne prchá před spolužáky, kteří ho šikanují, rozhodne se před nimi schovat v antikvaritátu. V bezpečí za dveřmi krámku jej zaujme kniha s motivem dvou hadů, kteří jsou vzájemně zakousnuti do svých ocasů a názvem Nekonečný příběh. Chlapec nedokáže odolat, a když je majitel knihkupectví zabrán do telefonického hovoru, svazek ukradne a uchýlí se s ním do skrýše na půdě školy. Na jeho stránkách se dozvídá o říši Fantázie, která pomalu upadá do Nicoty. Zatímco čte o záchranné misi bojovníka Átreje, uvědomuje si, že se celé vyprávění týká i jeho. I on se bude muset aktivně zapojit, aby říše, která ho okouzlila, a její vládkyně dětská císařovna mohly být zachráněny. Dokáže se ale vyrovnat s následky svých činů v realitě, kterou stvořil pomocí svých přání, a bude umět čelit své temné stránce? Jen tak se totiž bude moci vrátit se zpět do světa, kam patří… „Skok do magického světa… Rázný, nápaditý a chytrý.“ – Washington Post „Výbuch představivosti.“ – Sunday Times „Endeho fantazie je famózní a okouzlující…“ – vaseliteratura.cz Michael Ende (1929–1995) V nadějné atmosféře poválečného Německa, kdy zažívalo nesmírný rozmach divadlo, vystudoval Michael Ende hereckou školu, ale více než hraní se věnoval psaní divadelních her. Od těch byl pak už jen krůček k delším textům, ve kterých rozehrával surrealistické vidění světa, kombinoval realitu s fantazií a díky nimž se proslavil. Jeho první rukopis odmítlo deset nakladatelů, než v roce 1960 vyšel pod názvem Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema. Za knihu Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas (1973) získal evropskou cenu za dětskou literaturu, ale největší úspěch mu bezesporu přinesl Nekonečný příběh (1979). Ten byl v roce 1985 zfilmován (následovala i několikerá pokračování), ale autor se od tohoto zpracování distancoval. Jan Vlasák (*1943) Narodil se v Čáslavi, vystudoval brněnskou JAMU a následně se stal členem souboru divadla v Uherském Hradišti. Prošel mnoha scénami (Divadlo Petra Bezruče, Státní divadlo, Divadlo E. F. Buriana, Státní divadlo v Brně, Realistické divadlo, Rokoko i Národní divadlo), v současné době je členem souboru Městských divadel pražských. Účinkoval v řadě televizních inscenací a seriálů (Tři králové, PF 77, Hodina tance a lásky, Ordinace v růžové zahradě, Cesty domů, Cukrárna, Cirkus Bukowsky, První republika, Svět pod hlavou) a filmů (Výchova dívek v Čechách, Milenci a vrazi, Vratné lahve, Bathory).
Objev podobné jako Nekonečný příběh - Michael Ende - audiokniha
O Snožroutkovi - Michael Ende, Annegert Fuchshuber
Které dítě by se někdy nebálo jít spát a nemělo strach z příšer, které číhají ve snech? Je tomu tak i s malou princeznou Dřímalkou v příběhu "O Snožroutkovi" od Michaela Endeho. Dřímalku, dcerušku krále Ospálkova, trápí zlé sny, a proto večer nechce do postele. Když už si s tím neví rady ani největší mudrci z celé země, začne sám pan král pátrat po celém světě po nějakém léku, který by princezničce pomohl. Nakonec najde Snožroutka, který všechny zlé sny jednoduše zbaští.
Objev podobné jako O Snožroutkovi - Michael Ende, Annegert Fuchshuber
Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas - Michael Ende
Podivuhodné vyprávění z pera autota světoznámého Nekonečného příběhu. Nevšední vyprávění o děvčátku Momo, které přemohlo zloděje času. Díky její veliké odvaze tak lidé opět nabyli ztracenou schopnost čas vnímat. Mimořádná kniha, plná poetiky a napětí, je psaná strhujícím jazykem a čtenáře zaujme už od prvních řádků. Stejně jako i u dalších knih Michaela Endeho (Nekonečný příběh) vstoupíme do světa podivuhodné fantazie.
Objev podobné jako Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas - Michael Ende
Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Jsou věci, které potřebují čas… A nesmírně. Tik tak, je to tak. Ještě že v jednom kamenném italském divadle žije Momo, holčička s nádhernýma očima a se srdcem na dlani, která umí druhým báječně naslouchat. To každý nedovede. Někdo spíš popřává sluchu úlisným šedým pánům velícím vše uspěchat a vůbec se pořád někam štvát, aby se ušetřené vteřiny, minuty, hodiny a dny daly v budoucnu investovat. A do čeho? Kdoví, co mají ti lumpové za lubem – jenže Momo jim zkříží plány. Pomůžou jí želva Kasiopeja a Mistr Hóra z domu Nikdenení v ulici Nikdynebyla? Symbolická pohádka vypráví o uhrančivé dětské nevinnosti a smyslu času, který je lidem vyměřen. O jeho veličinu se sice v žánru fantasy svádějí bitvy už od chvíle, kdy z něj Einstein učinil středobod vesmíru, ale dosud ho v beletrii nikdo neuctil vroucněji než děvčátko stvořené v představivosti Michaela Endeho. Tik tak, ne jinak. Jen poslouchejte… „Úchvatné podobenství vyladěné jak švýcarské hodinky. Člověk jen zírá, jak je to prosté, a zároveň se mu chce plakat dojetím.“ – Süddeutsche Zeitung „Uběhlo už čtyřicet let, ale přehlédnout se to nedá. Prorocká alegorie o tom, jak moderní technologie dělají přesný opak toho, co hlásají. Místo aby nás obohatily o čas, který můžeme radostně strávit spolu, ve skutečnosti nám ho kradou.“ The Atlantic „Pět hvězdiček. Překrásný, hluboký příběh. Kniha, ke které bych se měla vracet…“ databazeknih.cz
Objev podobné jako Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Rodrigo Raubíř a neohrožený Špunt - Michael Ende, Wieland Freund
Špunt je malý chlapec, který neví, co je strach. Potulný život loutkáře ho nebaví a nudí. Od rodičů stále slyší, co musí a nesmí, že něco nejde a že se něco nedělá. Sní o dobrodružném životě plném nebezpečí. A tu se jednoho dne dozví, že nedaleko něj žije rytíř Rodrigo Raubíř, kterého se bojí celé široké daleké okolí a příkopy jeho hradu lemují ohlodané vybělené kosti. Malý Špunt se rozhodne okamžitě: uteče z domova a vstoupí do Rodrigových služeb. Kniha o odvaze a strachu a o tom, že ne vždy jsou věci takové, jaké se na první pohled mají zdát, je určena především čtenářům od 7 do 10 let. Michael Ende je známý německý autor fantastické a dětské literatury (Nekonečný příběh, Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas, Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema). Knihu o Rodrigovi a Špuntovi za svého života Michael Ende rozepsal, ale nestihl ji dokončit. Wieland Freund je německý novinář, literární vědec, překladatel a autor knih pro děti a mládež. Za svoje dílo byl oceněn mnoha německými literárními cenami. Autor přebral Endeho příběh, který v duchu rozpracovaného příběhu dokončil.
Objev podobné jako Rodrigo Raubíř a neohrožený Špunt - Michael Ende, Wieland Freund
Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Jim Knoflík je obyčejný kluk, jemuž se dějí neobyčejné věci. Už jako miminko se octl v Jasmánii, ostrovním královstvíčku, jemuž vládne král Alfons Třičtvrtěnadvanáct. Jeho nejlepším kamarádem je strojvůdce Lukáš, hrdý majitel parní lokomotivy Emy. Když se tahle nerozlučná trojice jednoho dne rozhodne vydat do světa, promění se jejich cesta ve velké dobrodružství. Po příjezdu do Mandaly totiž zjistí, že byla unesena císařova dcera a nešťastný panovník je požádá o pomoc při její záchraně. Stopy ztracené princezny je vedou pohořím Koruna světa, Údolím soumraku a skalní branou Ústa smrti až do dračího města Žalmánie. Tím ale jejích podivuhodné pátrání zdaleka nekončí, neboť na ně čeká množství zkoušek, nebezpečných překážek i tajuplných hádanek... Podle příběhu byl v roce 2018 natočen stejnojmenný film v režii Dennise Gansela. Čte Jan Vlasák.Formát: CD mp3
Objev podobné jako Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Další vyprávění plné fantazie od autora legendárního Nekonečného příběhu Jim Knoflík je obyčejný kluk, jemuž se dějí neobyčejné věci. Už jako miminko se octl v Jasmánii, ostrovním královstvíčku, jemuž vládne král Alfons Třičtvrtěnadvanáct. Jeho nejlepším kamarádem je strojvůdce Lukáš, hrdý majitel parní lokomotivy Emy. Když se tahle nerozlučná trojice jednoho dne rozhodne vydat do světa, promění se jejich cesta ve velké dobrodružství. Po příjezdu do Mandaly totiž zjistí, že byla unesena císařova dcera a nešťastný panovník je požádá o pomoc při její záchraně. Stopy ztracené princezny je vedou pohořím Koruna světa, Údolím soumraku a skalní branou Ústa smrti až do dračího města Žalmánie. Tím ale jejich podivuhodné pátrání zdaleka nekončí, neboť na ně čeká množství zkoušek, nebezpečných překážek i tajuplných hádanek… Podle příběhu byl v roce 2018 natočen stejnojmenný film v režii Dennise Gansela. Michael Ende (1929–1995) V nadějné atmosféře poválečného Německa, kdy zažívalo nesmírný rozmach divadlo, vystudoval Michael Ende hereckou školu, ale více než hraní se věnoval psaní divadelních her. Od těch byl pak už jen krůček k delším textům, ve kterých rozehrával surrealistické vidění světa, kombinoval realitu s fantazií a díky nimž se proslavil. Jeho první rukopis odmítlo deset nakladatelů, než v roce 1960 vyšel pod názvem Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema. Za knihu Děvčátko Momo a ukradený čas (1973) získal evropskou cenu za dětskou literaturu, ale největší úspěch mu bezesporu přinesl Nekonečný příběh (1979). Ten byl v roce 1985 zfilmován (následovala i několikerá pokračování), ale autor se od tohoto zpracování distancoval. Jan Vlasák (* 1943) Narodil se v Čáslavi, vystudoval brněnskou JAMU a následně se stal členem souboru divadla v Uherském Hradišti. Prošel mnoha scénami (Divadlo Petra Bezruče, Státní divadlo, Divadlo E. F. Buriana, Státní divadlo v Brně, Realistické divadlo, Rokoko i Národní divadlo), v současné době je členem souboru Městských divadel pražských. Účinkoval v řadě televizních inscenací a seriálů (Tři králové, PF 77, Hodina tance a lásky, Ordinace v růžové zahradě, Cesty domů, Cukrárna, Cirkus Bukowsky, První republika, Svět pod hlavou) a filmů (Výchova dívek v Čechách, Milenci a vrazi, Vratné lahve, Bathory).
Objev podobné jako Jim Knoflík, Lukáš a lokomotiva Ema - Michael Ende - audiokniha
Rodrigo Raubíř a neohrožený Špunt - Michael Ende, Wieland Freund - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Během strašlivé bouře po cestě temným Děsohvozdem zmizí z maringotky kočovných loutkoherců Baculíkových jejich jediný synek zvaný Špunt. Zatoužil totiž po kariéře panoše Rodriga Raubíře ‒ nejhrůznějšího z loupeživých rytířů, jenž sídlí ve zdejších končinách ‒ a vydal se ho vyhledat do jeho hradu. Aby však mohl rytíři sloužit, musí nejprve zcela sám, bez pomoci vykonat co nejtěžší zločin! Stačil by třeba únos následnice trůnu spojený s vymáháním výkupného? Jenže Rodrigo Raubíř není docela takový, jako ve zvěstech, které se o něm povídají, a princeznu Filipu Anagundu Rózu tahle situace zřejmě docela baví. Do věci se ale zapojí ještě mocichtivý kouzelník, moudrý papoušek, trudnomyslný král, nespokojený drak a samozřejmě nešťastní rodiče Baculíkovi, kteří zoufale hledají své ztracené dítě...
Objev podobné jako Rodrigo Raubíř a neohrožený Špunt - Michael Ende, Wieland Freund - audiokniha
Balíček audioknih od Michael Ende - ty nejlepší příběhy pro děti za výhodnou cenu
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Michael Ende, čte Různí interpreti a Více interpretů Děvčátko Momo a ukradený časJsou věci, které potřebují čas… A nesmírně.Tik tak, je to tak. Ještě že v jednom kamenném italském divadle žije Momo, holčička s nádhernýma očima a se srdcem na dlani, která umí druhým báječně naslouchat. To každý nedovede. Někdo spíš popřává sluchu úlisným šedým pánům velícím vše uspěchat a vůbec se pořád někam štvát, aby se ušetřené vteřiny, minuty, hodiny a dny daly v budoucnu investovat. A do čeho? Kdoví, co mají ti lumpové za lubem – jenže Momo jim zkříží plány. Pomůžou jí želva Kasiopeja a Mistr Hóra z domu Nikdenení v ulici Nikdynebyla?Symbolická pohádka vypráví o uhrančivé dětské nevinnosti a smyslu času, který je lidem vyměřen. O jeho veličinu se sice v žánru fantasy svádějí bitvy už od chvíle, kdy z něj Einstein učinil středobod vesmíru, ale dosud ho v beletrii nikdo neuctil vroucněji než děvčátko stvořené v představivosti Michaela Endeho. Tik tak,...
Objev podobné jako Balíček audioknih od Michael Ende - ty nejlepší příběhy pro děti za výhodnou cenu
Parsons Alan: Neverending Show: Live In The Netherlands (2x CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (8024391116340)
Hudební DVD - Anglický progresivní rockový hudebník Alan Parsons vystoupil živě v Tivoli v nizozemském Utrechtu v květnu 2019. Anglický progresivní rockový hudebník Alan Parsons vystoupil živě v Tivoli v nizozemském Utrechtu v květnu 2019. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop DVD One Note Symphony / Damned If I Do / Don't Answer Me / Time / Breakdown + The Raven (Medley) / I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You / Psychobabble / Luciferama / Don't Let It Show / I Robot / Limelight / Standing On Higher Ground / As Lights Fall / I Can't Get There From Here / Prime Time / Sirius + Eye In The Sky (Medley) / Old And Wise / (The System Of) Dr. Tarr And Professor Fether / Games People Play / The Never Ending Show (New Studio Audio Track) - Bonus Track CD 1,2 One Note Symphony / Damned If I Do / Don't Answer Me / Time / Breakdown + The Raven (Medley) / I Wouldn't Want To Be Like You / Psychobabble / Luciferama / Don't Let It Show / I Robot /...
Objev podobné jako Parsons Alan: Neverending Show: Live In The Netherlands (2x CD + DVD) - CD-DVD (8024391116340)
The Premonition : A Pandemic Story - Michael Lewis
'It's a foreboding,' she said. 'A knowing that something is looming around the corner. Like how when the seasons change you can smell Fall in the air right before the leaves change and the wind turns cold.' In January 2020, as people started dying from a new virus in Wuhan, China, few really understood the magnitude of what was happening. Except, that is, a small group of scientific misfits who in their different ways had been obsessed all their lives with how viruses spread and replicated - and with why the governments and the institutions that were supposed to look after us, kept making the same mistakes time and again. This group saw what nobody else did. A pandemic was coming. We weren't prepared. The Premonition is the extraordinary story of a group who anticipated, traced and hunted the coronavirus; who understood the need to think differently, to learn from history, to question everything; and to do all of this fast, in order to act, to save lives, communities, society itself. It's a story about the workings of the human mind; about the failures and triumphs of human judgement and imagination. It's the story of how we got to now.
Objev podobné jako The Premonition : A Pandemic Story - Michael Lewis
The Story Orchestra: The Nutcracker
Follow Clara on a magical Christmas adventure in this musical retelling of The Nutcracker ballet—push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Tchaikovsky’s score.It is Christmas Eve at Clara’s house. Scents of ginger, chocolate, and peppermint waft through the air. Clara’s parents are having a party, and her little brother Fritz is decorating the Christmas tree. Clara’s godfather, a toymaker, arrives with gifts, including a very special one for her—a wooden nutcracker carved in the shape of a little man. After Fritz breaks it, the children are sent to bed.The story follows Clara in her dreams as she battles and defeats a mouse king, then travels with her nutcracker-turned-prince to the Land of Sweets where she watches its enchanting inhabitants perform beautiful dances. As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the ballet’s music, including “The Waltz of the Flowers,” “The Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy,” “The Russian Dance,” and the awesome “Finale.”Readers should press firmly on the pages to activate the sound board at the back of the book, encouraging interactive learning and introducing children to this beautiful piece of music.At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, with details about his composition of The Nutcracker ballet. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms, and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera, and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores. With The Story Orchestra keyboard sound books, children can play the famous melodies themselves with the sound of a real grand piano. Also available from the Story Orchestra series: The Magic Flute, I Can Play (vol 1), Carnival of the Animals, Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, and Four Seasons in One Day.Manufacturer’s note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.
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The Story of the Car
A stunning visual celebration of cars over a century of progress!Introducing The Story of the Car - a historical and visual exploration of awe-inspiring automobiles over a period of one hundred years, from the first horseless carriage to driverless vehicles, this all-encompassing car book takes you on a journey to explore the ways in which this once rare and luxurious status symbol has become a fundamental part of everyday life. So get in gear and drive straight in to discover: Fact-filled narrative spreads, profiles, and features offer readers an unrivalled range and breadth of information Packed with colour photographs and artworks, fascinating facts, and biographies that bring every aspect of motoring to life Covers cutting-edge advances in car technology providing the very latest information Features specially commissioned photography, alongside evocative and rarely seen archive images Taking you on a technical journey inside the engine of a luxury car, and into the lives of the most successful pioneers of automobile history, the book also explores the possibilities of the "green" motoring, the electric engine, and the uses of AI on the roads of the future. Combining rarely seen images, insightful biographies.and fascinating features, The Story of the Car illustrates how after over a century of progress and development, cars still convey that undeniable sense of freedom, passion, excitement and desire. From the romance of Route 66, to mainstream motor-racing, alternative car culture to taming the traffic, this all-encompassing book on cars has something for everybody to explore and love. A must-have volume for motoring enthusiasts, whether a gift or a self-purchase, The Story of the Car hosts a plethora of fascinating topics, divided into 8 key chapters, in chronological order.From inventing the car in 1885 and the birth of the automobile industry between 1906-1925, to driving into the future at the start of the new millennium, explore speed, power and style as you race across the world with your new-found knowledge on all things automobiles!On your mark, get set, go!
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The Story Orchestra: The Sleeping Beauty
Discover the enchanting world of The Sleeping Beauty in this musical retelling of the ballet—push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Tchaikovsky's score.Join the King and Queen as they throw a party for their new baby, Princess Aurora. But when a terrible guest arrives and places a curse on princess, the kingdom must find the one special person who can defeat it… As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes illustrated by artist Jessica Courtney Tickle, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the ballet’s music.Readers should press firmly on the pages to activate the sound board at the back of the book, encouraging interactive learning and introducing children to this beautiful piece of music.At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky, with details about his composition of Swan Lake. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms, and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera, and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores. With The Story Orchestra keyboard sound books, children can play the famous melodies themselves with the sound of a real grand piano. Also available from the Story Orchestra series: The Magic Flute, I Can Play (vol 1), Carnival of the Animals, Swan Lake, The Nutcracker, and Four Seasons in One Day.Manufacturer’s note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.
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The Only Story (1529110661)
Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Only Story (1529110661)
The Brain: The Story of You (1782116613)
Kniha - autor David Eagleman, 246 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Locked in silence and darkness, the brain nevertheless creates both your identity and your reality. Renowned neuroscientist Eagleman takes reader on a journey into the heart of our very existence, asking questions such as: What is reality? and How do we make decisions?, as well as looking at things such as brain surgery and facial expressions.
Objev podobné jako The Brain: The Story of You (1782116613)
The Story of the Forest - Linda Grant
SHORTLISTED FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL FICTION 2023''Epic and marvellously entertaining... There''s a furious energy to the novel, which constantly moves forward even as it looks sorrowfully back''FINANCIAL TIMES''Magnificent... I want to press a copy on everyone I know''NIGELLA LAWSON''Epic, magnificent, beautiful... I couldn''t put it down'' PHILIPPA PERRY''Jewel-like clarity... exceptional''RICHARD COLES''Exquisite writing [and] a triumphant, elegant ending'' MAIL ON SUNDAY''An intelligent family saga... ambitious and moving and funny'' TESSA HADLEYIt''s 1913 and a young, carefree and recklessly innocent girl, Mina, goes out into the forest on the edge of the Baltic sea and meets a gang of rowdy young men with revolution on their minds. It sounds like a fairy tale but it''s life.The adventure leads to flight, emigration and a new land, a new language and the pursuit of idealism or happiness - in Liverpool. But what of the stories from the old country; how do they shape and form the next generations who have heard the well-worn tales?From the flour mills of Latvia to Liverpool suburbia to post-war Soho, The Story of the Forest is about myths and memory and about how families adapt in order to survive. It is a story full of the humour and wisdom we have come to relish from this wonderful writer.Orwell Prize for Political Fiction Award Ceremony - 22 June 2023
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Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)
Kniha - autor Marjane Satrapi, 344 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Wise, often funny, sometimes heartbreaking, "Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood" tells the story of Marjane Satrapi's life in Tehran from the ages of six to fourteen, years that saw the overthrow of the Shah's regime, the triumph of the Islamic Revolution and the devastating effects of war with Iraq. The intelligent and outspoken child of radical Marxists, and the great-grandaughter of Iran's last emperor, Satrapi bears witness to a childhood uniquely entwined with the history of her country. Persepolis paints an unforgettable portrait of daily life in Iran and of the bewildering contradictions between home life and public life. Amidst the tragedy, Marjane's child's eye view adds immediacy and humour, and her story of a childhood at once outrageous and ordinary, beset by the unthinkable and yet buffered by an extraordinary and loving family, is immensely moving. It is also very...
Objev podobné jako Persepolis I and II: The Story of a Childhood and The Story of a Return (009952399X)
The Story of the Trapp Family Singers (0060005777)
Kniha - autor Maria Augusta von Trapp, 312 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In her own beautiful, simple words, Baroness Maria Augusta Trapp tells the dramatic story that inspired the classic American musical and film "The Sound of Music." 8-page photo insert.
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The Story of the Lost Child - Elena Ferrante
The Story of the Lost Child is the concluding volume in the dazzling saga of two women- the brilliant, bookish Elena, and the fiery, uncontainable Lila. Both are now adults, with husbands, lovers, aging parents, and children. Their friendship has been the gravitational center of their lives. Both women fought to escape the neighborhood in which they grew up-a prison of conformity, violence, and inviolable taboos. Elena married, moved to Florence, started a family, and published several well-received books. In this final novel she has returned to Naples, drawn back as if responding to the city's obscure magnetism. Lila, on the other hand, could never free herself from the city of her birth. She has become a successful entrepreneur, but her success draws her into closer proximity with the nepotism, chauvinism, and criminal violence that infect the neighborhood. Proximity to the world she has always rejected only brings her role as its unacknowledged leader into relief. For Lila is unstoppable, unmanageable, unforgettable.The four volumes in this series constitute a long remarkable story that readers will return to again and again, and each return will bring with it new revelations.
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The Story Orchestra: The Planets - Jessica Courtney-Tickle
*GOOD HOUSEKEEPING BEST KIDS BOOK AWARD 2023 WINNER* Discover the spellbinding magic of The Planets in this musical reimagining of one of Holst’s most famous suites.Push the button on each beautiful scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Holst’s score. This tale is about a brother and sister who adventure deep into our solar system. Our story begins one night as Helen and Tim get ready for bed in their new space rocket bunk beds… but sleep will have to wait as they magically blast up, up, up into the glittering night sky, leaving planet Earth far below them. Helen and Tim journey here, there and everywhere through our majestic solar system. They soar past the cold rocky surface of Mars as it rises into towering peaks and plunges into deep canyons and glide through a bumpy asteroid belt made of icy rocks. They blast deeper into our solar system, exploring the dazzling stars and astounding planets along the way. But now it really is time to head home! As the rocket speeds towards Earth, Tim and Helen watch the sun rise over their planet. As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the score. Readers should press firmly on the pages to activate the sounds, encouraging interactive learning and introducing children to this beautiful piece of music. At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Gustav Holst, with details about his composition of The Planets. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores.Also available from the Story Orchestra series: Four Seasons in One Day, The Nutcracker, The Sleeping Beauty, Swan Lake, Carnival of the Animals, The Magic Flute, In the Hall of the Mountain King and I Can Play (vol 1).Manufacturer’s note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.
Objev podobné jako The Story Orchestra: The Planets - Jessica Courtney-Tickle
The Wolf's Story - Toby Forward
The real story of Little Red Riding Hood – told by the Wolf himself!Recounted in the confidential, conversational voice of a New York wheeler-dealer, this funny version of the Grimm Brothers'' Little Red Riding Hood is retold from a fresh perspective – the Wolf''s! Full of humorous revelations and surprises, the story shows, as it unfolds, how a series of misunderstandings and accidents leads to his vilification.
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The Story Spinner - Barbara Erskine
The instant Sunday Times No. 1 Bestseller.Don''t miss the collector’s edition with a foiled design underneath the dust jacket. Exclusive to the first print run and available while stocks last! A Welsh princess. A Roman general. Their love story lost to time…The land of the Silures, 382 ADElen is a princess promised to a general of Rome. Macsen came to Wales seeking an alliance that would advance his quest for power.Despite warnings her marriage is destined for heartache, Elen is determined to honour her vows.But this union will change her destiny forever…Camp Meadow, 2024Cadi is a writer who has discovered Elen’s lost story. As she puts pen to paper, she hears the sound of ghostly marching feet.Opening the gate to the ancient meadow behind her cottage, could the secret behind Elen’s fate lie closer than she thinks?But someone is desperate to keep the past buried, plotting to destroy the meadow…Can Cadi uncover Elen’s story before it’s lost to time?The Sunday Times bestselling author returns with a spellbinding tale of love, ambition, and secrets that have lain silent for over a thousand years…PRAISE for The Story Spinner!‘A delicious feast of love, drama, suspense, mystery, history, and a ghostly magic… Simply unputdownable!’ Santa Montefiore‘Intriguing, dramatic, beautifully researched, with characters that bring past and present alive’ Rachel Hore‘On my best books of the year list.’ Elizabeth Chadwick‘Beautifully written and vividly evoking the magic of lost worlds, this novel is so breath-taking in its scope that it left me longing for more.’ Alison WeirReaders LOVE The Story Spinner!‘I loved this book! What a great story! Both gripping and thrilling I could not put this book down! Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The characters make the story. It sucked me in and kept me reading. I''m sorry to have finished it’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I thought about this book even when I wasn''t reading it which, to me, is the sign of a good book.’ Reader review ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Story Spinner - Barbara Erskine
The Biggest Story Activity Book
This book features 104 fun activities—including crossword puzzles, color-by-number art, and mazes—to spark curiosity and help children learn God’s story of redemption.
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The Story Collector - Iris Costello
‘Utterly compelling’ Heidi Swain‘Evocatively written, poignant and compulsive'' Emma Curtis‘Brilliant, twisty’ Sara SheridanThree women. A long-buried secret. One voice will free them all…London, 1915: Amid the wartime chaos, Katerina is hailed as a beacon of hope for her bakery, which offers divination alongside sweet treats. But the dark truth she’s hiding could cost her everything.Germany, 1918: Miriam secretly vows to help a mute British soldier in the prisoner-of-war camp she’s stationed at. Soon she must make an impossible choice: will she save the one she loves, or herself?Cornwall, Present Day: Edie is astonished to discover a mysterious box hidden in the wall of her newly renovated cottage. As Edie starts to investigate, she uncovers a secret that has lain hidden for over a century...Sweeping through the cobbled streets of war-time London, a German WWI camp, and the sea-swept cliffs of Cornwall, The Story Collector is a thrilling, richly woven story about three women, bound by a long-held secret.-----PRAISE FOR IRIS COSTELLO''A rich and tender story'' Ruth Hogan, The Keeper of Lost Things''The perfect winter read'' Amanda Prowse, To Love and Be Loved''Spellbinding, addictive, and beautifully written'' Sophie Irwin, A Lady''s Guide to Fortune Hunting''Richly atmospheric, evocative and moving'' Abbie Greaves, The Ends of the Earth‘Makes for a spellbinding read'' Rhiannon Ward, The Shadowing''Beautifully written with a story that draws you in'' Jane Corry, I Died on a Tuesday
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The Story Collector - Evie Woods
An evocative and charming novel full of secrets and mystery, from the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Lost BookshopIn a quiet village in Ireland, a mysterious local myth is about to change everything…One hundred years ago, Anna, a young farm girl, volunteers to help an intriguing American visitor translate fairy stories from Irish to English. But all is not as it seems and Anna soon finds herself at the heart of a mystery that threatens her very way of life.In New York in the present day, Sarah Harper boards a plane bound for the West Coast of Ireland. But once there, she finds she has unearthed dark secrets – secrets that tread the line between the everyday and the otherworldly, the seen and the unseen.With a taste for the magical in everyday life, Evie Woods''s latest novel is full of ordinary characters with extraordinary tales to tell.Readers have fallen in love with The Story Collector:‘I highly recommend this book if you enjoy historical fiction and want to learn more about Ireland and its folklore history surrounding the faeries.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Romantic and magical, an adventure to be enjoyed.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Painted beautifully.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A bewitching story which I will treasure.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A mystical treasure that echoes with the fairy world power of Ireland. A mesmerising tale told in two timelines where the past unfolds and ripples like a wave into the future.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This is the perfect book to read on a winter afternoon in front of the fire.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''A delightful tale of love and loss and magical stories.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐Previously published as The Story Collector by Evie Gaughan.
Objev podobné jako The Story Collector - Evie Woods
The Moravian Night : A Story
Mysteriously summoned to a houseboat on the Morava River, a few friends, associates, and collaborators of an old writer listen as he tells a story that will last until dawn: the tale of the once well-known writer's recent odyssey across Europe. As his story unfolds, it visits places that represent stages of the narrator's and the continent's past, many now lost or irrecoverably changed through war, death, and the subtler erosions of time. His wanderings take him from the Balkans to Spain, Germany, and Austria, from a congress of experts on noise sickness to a clandestine international gathering of jew's-harp virtuosos. His story and its telling are haunted by a beautiful stranger, a woman who has a preternatural hold over the writer and appears sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the longed-for destination of his travels.Powerfully alive, honest, and at times deliciously satirical, The Moravian Night explores the mind and memory of an aging writer, tracking the anxieties, angers, fears, and pleasures of a life inseparable from the recent history of Central Europe. In crystalline prose, Peter Handke traces and interrogates his own thoughts and perceptions while endowing the world with a mythic dimension.
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The Lost Story - Meg Shaffer
From the author of the bestselling novel The Wishing Game comes a Narnia-inspired fairy tale for grown-ups who still knock on the back of wardrobe doors . . . just in case.Once upon a time, two boys went missing in the woods. Six months later, they reappeared, with no explanation for where they'd been or how they'd survived.Fifteen years on, Rafe is a reclusive artist with no memory of what happened during those months, despite the scars he bears. Meanwhile, Jeremy is a famed missing persons investigator.With his uncanny abilities, he is the one person who can help vet tech Emilie Wendell find her long-lost sister, who vanished in the very same forest as Rafe and Jeremy.Jeremy also keeps a secret: the fantastical truth about the magical realm they made home for those six months. And it's there they may find Emilie's sister.Alongside Emilie, Rafe and Jeremy must return to the enchanted world they left behind - for only then can they get back everything and everyone they've lost.
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The Song of the Cell: The Story of Life - Siddhartha Mukherjee
From the dawn of life itself, every being that has ever lived owes its existence to the cell.The discovery of this vital form led to a transformation in medicine but also in our understanding of ourselves - not as bodies or machines but as ecosystems. It has also given us the power to treat a vast array of mortal maladies...and even to create new kinds of human altogether.Rich with stories of scientists, doctors and the patients whose lives may be saved by their work, The Song of the Cell is a stunning ode to the building blocks of life and the cutting-edge science harnessing their power for the better.
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The Proclaimers - This Is The Story (Blue Coloured) (LP)
Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Folk;Alternative Rock;Roots Rock Typ: Barevná;Album;LP deska Žánr: Folk;Rock Vydavatelství: Rhino Records Interpret / Téma: The Proclaimers Varianta: This Is The Story (Blue Coloured) (LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2024-10-19 Barva podle výrobce: Blue Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Modrá
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The Story of Thomas the Tank Engine - Thomas & Friends
A special board book edition of the original, classic story introducing Thomas the Tank Engine!This is a beautifully-illustrated story about Thomas the little blue Tank Engine, who worked really hard on The Fat Controller''s railway. Every day he puffed around Sodor shunting trucks and pulling freight. But what he dreamed about was having his very own branch line …Thomas has been teaching children lessons about life and friendship for 75 years. He ranks alongside other beloved characters such as Paddington Bear, Winnie-the-Pooh and Peter Rabbit as an essential part of our literary heritage.Other board books about Thomas the Tank Engine include:Thomas & Friends: Go, Thomas, Go! (shaped board book with wheels) 9781405296809Thomas & Friends: Happy Birthday, Thomas! 9781405297240Thomas & Friends: Ten Little Engines 9781405293303Thomas & Friends: Pocket Library 9781405293006Thomas & Friends: Noisy Sound Book 9781405295208Thomas & Friends: Hide & Seek 9781405293129
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The Story of the Titanic for Children - Joe Fullman
Explore the beautiful sundecks, marvel at the luxurious design and relive the tragic sinking of the world''s most famous ship with The Story of the Titanic for Children. Over one hundred years on, the captivating story of the Titanic has lost none of its appeal. This stunning book explores real-life stories and little known facts that will absorb young readers. Beautiful images and bite-sized information bring the Titanic to life, from its construction to the victims and survivors after its tragic sinking. Filled with amazing facts and details giving insights into the ''unsinkable'' ship, The Story of the Titanic for Children will satisfy even the most curious minds.
Objev podobné jako The Story of the Titanic for Children - Joe Fullman
The Story Orchestra: Carnival of the Animals - Katy Flint
Discover the magical world of Carnival of the Animals in this musical reimagining of this celebrated suite for children – push the button in each breathtaking scene to hear the vivid sound of an orchestra playing from Camille Saint-Saëns’ score. One day, two brothers discover a magical animal kingdom behind their bookcase. They are greeted by the royal lion with his shaggy mane; ask for directions from an old lonely tortoise; take a ride on some lumbering elephants; topple a skeleton of dinosaur bones; and swim among a school of shimmering fish. If only they could take them all home... The book includes extracts from “The Swan,” “Aquarium,” “Fossils,” and “Finale” (From Disney’s Fantasia) along with a totally new story to link the pieces together. As you and your little one journey through the magical scenes, you will press the buttons to hear 10 excerpts from the suite’s music. At the back of the book, find a short biography of the composer, Camille Saint-Saëns, with details about his composition of Carnival of the Animals. Next to this, you can replay the musical excerpts and, for each of them, read a discussion of the instruments, rhythms and musical techniques that make them so powerful. A glossary defines musical terms.The Story Orchestra series brings classical music to life for children through gorgeously illustrated retellings of classic ballet, opera, and program music stories paired with 10-second sound clips of orchestras playing from their musical scores. With The Story Orchestra keyboard sound books, children can play the famous melodies themselves with the sound of a real grand piano. Also available from the Story Orchestra series: The Magic Flute, I Can Play (vol 1), Swan Lake, The Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, and Four Seasons in One Day.Manufacturer's note: please pull the white tab out of the back of the book before use. Sound buttons require a firm push in exact location to work, which may be hard for young children. All sound clips are 10 seconds long.The perfect primer to introduce children to classical music.
Objev podobné jako The Story Orchestra: Carnival of the Animals - Katy Flint
The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story - Charlie Mackesy
A journey, in search of homeCharlie Mackesy's beloved The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse has been adapted into an animated short film, coming to BBC One and iPlayer this Christmas.This beautifully made hardback celebrates the work of over 100 animators across two years of production - with Charlie's distinctive illustrations brought to life in full colour with hand-drawn traditional animation and accompanying hand-written script."I made a film with some friends about a boy, a mole, a fox and a horse - their journey together and the boy's search for home. I hope this book gives you courage and makes you feel loved."
Objev podobné jako The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse: The Animated Story - Charlie Mackesy
Paraván Story of the Summer Dekorhome
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
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Lara: The Untold Love Story (0008156816)
Kniha - autor Anna Pasternak, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Drawing on both archival and family sources, this is a revealing account of the critical role played by Olga Ivinskaya in Boris Pasternak's life and how their own love story inspired the great literary classic.
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Space: The Human Story - Tim Peake
Only 628 people in human history have left Earth.This is their story.Astronaut Tim Peake traces the lives of the remarkable men and women who have forged the way for humanity beyond Earth, from Yuri Gagarin to Neil Armstrong, from Valentina Tereshkova to Peggy Whitson.Full of fascinating insight into our greatest pioneers and unsung heroes, and astonishing detail only an astronaut would know, Peake's book is the first of its kind to chronicle the human evolution of space exploration over sixty years, from our first forays to now. In the process, Peake reveals what spaceflight is really like: the wondrous view of Earth, the surreal weightlessness, the extraordinary danger, the surprising humdrum, the unexpected humour, the new-found perspective, the years of training, the psychological pressures, the gruelling physical toll, the thrill of launch and the trepidation of re-entry.In the next few years, NASA will send the first woman and the first person of colour to step on the lunar surface. What will separate these upcoming moonwalkers from the legendary Apollo crews? Does it still take a derring-do attitude, super-human fitness, intelligence, plus 'the right stuff' - a fabled grace under pressure? And how will astronauts travel even further - to Mars and beyond?Space: The Human Story reveals all.
Objev podobné jako Space: The Human Story - Tim Peake
Mythos: The iIllustrated story - Stephen Fry
Step into Stephen Fry’s richly colourful world of magic, mayhem, monsters and maniacal gods in MYTHOS: THE ILLUSTRATED STORYNo one loves and quarrels, desires and deceives as boldly or brilliantly as Greek gods and goddesses.In Stephen Fry's vivid retelling, we gaze in wonder as wise Athena is born from the cracking open of the great head of Zeus and follow doomed Persephone into the dark and lonely realm of the Underworld. We shiver in fear when Pandora opens her jar of evil torments and watch with joy as the legendary love affair between Eros and Psyche unfolds.Mythos: The Illustrated Story captures these extraordinary myths for our modern age in striking colour - in all their dazzling and deeply human relevance.
Objev podobné jako Mythos: The iIllustrated story - Stephen Fry
Paraván Story of the Summer Dekorhome
Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:
Objev podobné jako Paraván Story of the Summer Dekorhome
Normandy: the Sailors' Story - Nick Hewitt
The first account of the Allied navies’ vital contribution to the success of the D-Day landings and the Normandy campaign
Objev podobné jako Normandy: the Sailors' Story - Nick Hewitt
The Story of Drawing - Susan Owens
Drawing is at the heart of human creativity. The most democratic form of art-making, it requires nothing more than a plain surface and a stub of pencil, a piece of chalk or an inky brush. Our prehistoric ancestors drew with natural pigments on the walls of caves, and every subsequent culture has practised drawing—whether on papyrus, parchment, or paper. Artists throughout history have used drawing as part of the creative process. While painting and sculpture have been shaped heavily by money and influence, drawing has always offered extraordinary creative latitude. Here we see the artist at his or her most unguarded. Susan Owens offers a glimpse over artists’ shoulders—from Michelangelo, Rembrandt, and Hokusai to Van Gogh, Käthe Kollwitz, and Yayoi Kusama—as they work, think, and innovate, as they scrutinise the world around them or escape into imagination. The Story of Drawing loops around the established history of art, sometimes staying close, at other times diving into exhilarating and altogether less familiar territory.
Objev podobné jako The Story of Drawing - Susan Owens
J.I.D - The Forever Story (2 LP)
Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Album;LP deska Varianta: The Forever Story (2 LP) Subžánr: Rap;Hip Hop Datum vydání: 2022-12-16 Vydavatelství: Dreamville Žánr: Rap;Hip Hop Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: J.I.D Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black
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The Story of Lamborghini - Stuart Codling
The Story of Lamborghini is a pocket-sized and wonderfully designed celebration of this most astonishing of supercar manufacturers.With their incredible looks and performance to match, Ferruccio Lamborghini''s cars have been synonymous with speed and exclusivity for more than 60 years. In The Story of Lamborghini, every aspect of the legendary brand''s success is celebrated, from Ferruccio''s famous argument with Enzo Ferrari that led to the creation of the company, to Lamborghini''s position at the peak of jaw-dropping design and construction.Lamborghini has produced some of the most sought-after cars ever made. From the Miura of the 1960s to the Countach of the 1980s, and from the Diablo of the 1990s to the extraordinary Revuelto hypercar of today, this famous marque is a by-word for outrageous styling and performance - since 1990, all Lamborghini sports cars have boasted a top speed of over 200mph.Filled with stunning imagery and insightful commentary, The Story of Lamborghini charts the history of this legendary marque in a package that will sit perfectly on any car fan''s bookshelf.
Objev podobné jako The Story of Lamborghini - Stuart Codling
The Moravian Night : A Story (Defekt)
Mysteriously summoned to a houseboat on the Morava River, a few friends, associates, and collaborators of an old writer listen as he tells a story that will last until dawn: the tale of the once well-known writer's recent odyssey across Europe. As his story unfolds, it visits places that represent stages of the narrator's and the continent's past, many now lost or irrecoverably changed through war, death, and the subtler erosions of time. His wanderings take him from the Balkans to Spain, Germany, and Austria, from a congress of experts on noise sickness to a clandestine international gathering of jew's-harp virtuosos. His story and its telling are haunted by a beautiful stranger, a woman who has a preternatural hold over the writer and appears sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the longed-for destination of his travels.Powerfully alive, honest, and at times deliciously satirical, The Moravian Night explores the mind and memory of an aging writer, tracking the anxieties, angers, fears, and pleasures of a life inseparable from the recent history of Central Europe. In crystalline prose, Peter Handke traces and interrogates his own thoughts and perceptions while endowing the world with a mythic dimension.
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The Story Of Fashion - Jana Sedláčková
Take a whirlwind tour through the history of fashion from the ancient world up to the present day. This fascinating guide features an in-depth look at different styles and periods, informative timelines and overviews of fashion icons past and present.
Objev podobné jako The Story Of Fashion - Jana Sedláčková
The Old Nurse's Story - Elizabeth Gaskellová
Hester, a teenage girl, is left in charge of a young child in a cold, gloomy manor house under the looming shadows of the Cumberland fells. She hears strange organ music playing, but everyone tells her it isn''t happening. She is forbidden from visiting the mysterious East Wing. She is desperate to keep her young charge safe from some unknown disaster, one she feels sure is coming, and - as the terrible events that have happened in her new home become clear to her - she is increasingly unable to do so...
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