Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Narrow Road Between Desires - Patrick Rothfuss
Bast knows how to bargain. The give-and-take of a negotiation is as familiar to him as the in-and-out of breathing; to watch him trade is to watch an artist at work. But even a master's brush can slip.When he accepts a gift, taking something for nothing, Bast's whole world is knocked askew, for he knows how to bargain - but not how to owe. From dawn to midnight over the course of a single day, follow the Kingkiller Chronicle's most charming fae as he schemes and sneaks, dancing into trouble and back out again with uncanny grace. The Narrow Road Between Desires is Bast's story.In it he traces the old ways of making and breaking, following his heart even when doing so goes against his better judgement. After all, what good is caution if it keeps him from danger and delight?
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Narrow Road Between Desires - Patrick Rothfuss
Bast knows how to bargain. The give-and-take of a negotiation is as familiar to him as the in-and-out of breathing; to watch him trade is to watch an artist at work. But even a master's brush can slip.When he accepts a gift, taking something for nothing, Bast's whole world is knocked askew, for he knows how to bargain - but not how to owe. From dawn to midnight over the course of a single day, follow the Kingkiller Chronicle's most charming fae as he schemes and sneaks, dancing into trouble and back out again with uncanny grace. The Narrow Road Between Desires is Bast's story.In it he traces the old ways of making and breaking, following his heart even when doing so goes against his better judgement. After all, what good is caution if it keeps him from danger and delight?
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The Name Of The Wind - Patrick Rothfuss
'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep. My name is Kvothe. You may have heard of me' So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin. The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.
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The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
'I have stolen princesses back from sleeping barrow kings. I burned down the town of Trebon. I have spent the night with Felurian and left with both my sanity and my life. I was expelled from the University at a younger age than most people are allowed in. I tread paths by moonlight that others fear to speak of during day. I have talked to Gods, loved women, and written songs that make the minstrels weep.My name is Kvothe.You may have heard of me'So begins the tale of Kvothe - currently known as Kote, the unassuming innkeepter - from his childhood in a troupe of traveling players, through his years spent as a near-feral orphan in a crime-riddled city, to his daringly brazen yet successful bid to enter a difficult and dangerous school of magic. In these pages you will come to know Kvothe the notorious magician, the accomplished thief, the masterful musician, the dragon-slayer, the legend-hunter, the lover, the thief and the infamous assassin.The Name of the Wind is fantasy at its very best, and an astounding must-read title.
Objev podobné jako The Name of the Wind (Defekt) - Patrick Rothfuss
The Wise Man´s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
Sequel to the extraordinary THE NAME OF THE WIND, THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the second instalment of this superb fantasy trilogy from Patrick Rothfuss. This is the most exciting fantasy series since George R. R. Martin's A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, and a must-read for all fans of HBO's GAME OF THRONES. Picking up the tale of Kvothe Kingkiller once again, we follow him into exile, into political intrigue, courtship, adventure, love and magic ...and further along the path that has turned Kvothe, the mightiest magician of his age, a legend in his own time, into Kote, the unassuming pub landlord. Packed with as much magic, adventure and home-grown drama as THE NAME OF THE WIND, this is a sequel in every way the equal to its predecessor and a must-read for all fantasy fans. Readable, engaging and gripping THE WISE MAN'S FEAR is the biggest and the best new fantasy novel out there.
Objev podobné jako The Wise Man´s Fear - Patrick Rothfuss
The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
This is a stunning new novella in the Kingkiller universe, and a genuine must-read for fans, showing us a little of the world from the perspective of Auri, one of its best-loved characters.
Objev podobné jako The Slow Regard of Silent Things - Patrick Rothfuss
Jméno větru - Patrick Rothfuss
Jmenuji se Kvothe. Unášel jsem spícím mohylovým králům ukradené princezny. Spálil jsem město Trebon. Strávil jsem noc s Felurian a odešel živý a při smyslech. Byl jsem vyloučen z Univerzity ve věku mladším, než na ni lidé obvykle vstupují. Mluvil jsem s bohy, miloval ženy a skládal písně, při kterých minstrelové vzlykali. Možná jste o mně slyšeli.Tak začíná Kvothův příběh – od jeho dětství strávené ve skupině potulných herců, přes léta prožitá jako polodivoký sirotek na ulicích zločinem prolezlého města až po drzý a nepřehlédnutelný vstup do obtížného a nebezpečného studia magie na slavné Univerzitě. Na samém počátku však Kvotha potkáváme již jako zkušeného mága, zručného zloděje, suverénního muzikanta a neblaze proslulého vraha.Ale ve Jménu větru se toho o něm skrývá mnohem víc, vždyť jde o pravdivé zobrazení událostí skrývajících se za legendou o Kvothovi Královrahovi.
Objev podobné jako Jméno větru - Patrick Rothfuss
Hudba ticha - Patrick Rothfuss
Novela z cyklu Kronika Královraha. Hluboko pod Univerzitou existuje temné místo, o němž ví jen málokdo. Jde o zborcené bludiště prastarých chodeb, průchodů a dávno opuštěných místností. V rozlehlé spleti tunelů zvané Podvěcí se skrývá křehká dívka, schoulená v samotném srdci tohoto zapomenutého místa. Jmenuje se Auri a sama je plná tajemství.Hudba ticha je letmý, hořkosladký pohled do jejího života, do jejího malého, ale poutavého dobrodružství, příběh současně radostný i ponurý, nabízející čtenáři příležitost spatřit svět jejíma očima. A dozvědět se skutečnosti, o nichž ví pouze Auri... V této knize nás Patrick Rothfuss zavede do kouzelného světa jedné z nejzajímavějších postav úspěšnéKroniky Královraha. V Hudbě ticha zazní tajemství a záhady tragického příběhu dívky, která se pokouší přežít ve světě, jenž se jí rozpadl pod rukama...
Objev podobné jako Hudba ticha - Patrick Rothfuss
Meno vetra - Patrick Rothfuss
Volám sa Kvothe. Oslobodil som princezné od spiacich hlinených kráľov. Do tla som vypálil mesto Trebon. Strávil som noc s Felurian a neprišiel som o život ani o zdravý rozum. Keď ma vylúčili z univerzity, nemal som ani toľko rokov, v koľkých tam väčšinu študentov prijmú. Len vo svetle mesiaca som vstúpil na cesty, o ktorých sa iní báli rozprávať aj za bieleho dňa. Hovoril som s bohmi, miloval ženy a skladal piesne, pri ktorých trubadúri plakali. Možno ste o mne už počuli.Takto sa začína príbeh, ktorý nemá v žánri fantasy literatúry obdobu. Príbeh Kvotha: chlapcovo detstvo v skupine potulných umelcov, roky, ktoré ako polodivoká sirota strávil v meste plnom zločinu, drzo odvážny, no predsa úspešný pokus vstúpiť do ťažkej a nebezpečnej školy mágie, aj život na úteku po vražde kráľa.Meno vetra, strhujúci príbeh napísaný rukou básnika, je majstrovské dielo, ktoré čitateľa prenesie do tela a mysle čarodejníka. Ponúka príbeh hrdinu vyrozprávaný jeho vlastným hlasom. Je to príbeh o smútku, prežití, hľadaní zmyslu v jeho svete a o tom, ako spolu s nezlomnou vôľou, ktorá ho poháňala, stáli za zrodom legendy.
Objev podobné jako Meno vetra - Patrick Rothfuss
The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan
This is a story about the many forms of love and death, of war and truth, as one man comes of age, prospers, only to discover all that he has lost. In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Burma Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle’s young wife two years earlier. Struggling to save the men under his command from starvation, from cholera, from beatings, he receives a letter that will change his life forever.*WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014*'An unforgettable story of men at war' The TimesThis series of war novels from Vintage Classics presents eight powerful stories about the horror and waste of war - each a passionate plea to prevent its repetition.
Objev podobné jako The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan
Tenká hranice touhy - Patrick Rothfuss
Bast je mistrem směnného obchodu. Vyjednávání, jak výhodně dostat něco za něco, je pro něj stejně přirozené jako dýchání. Sledovat ho při tom je jako sledovat umělce při práci. Jenže i mistr tesař se někdy utne. Když Bast přijme dar a získá cosi zadarmo, celý jeho svět se převrátí vzhůru nohama, protože on moc dobře ví, jak obchodovat - ale neumí dlužit. Sledujte nejoblíbenější postavu slavné Kroniky Královraha v průběhu jediného dne při jejích nadpřirozených kouscích, úkladech a úskocích. Buďte svědkem toho, jak se lehkým tanečním krokem vrhá do nejsvízelnějších problémů a následně se z nich jako zázrakem zase vymaní. Jak hledá a nachází starodávné cesty k tvoření a ničení. Následuje srdce, i když rozum mu velí něco jiného. Konec konců, proč si dávat pozor, když pak přijdete o veškeré napětí a potěšení?
Objev podobné jako Tenká hranice touhy - Patrick Rothfuss
Strach múdreho muža - Patrick Rothfuss
2. Diel série: Príbeh kráľovraha "Volám sa Kvothe. Oslobodil som princezné od spiacich hlinených kráľov. Do tla som vypálil mesto Trebon. Strávil som noc s Felurian a neprišiel som o život ani o zdravý rozum. Keď ma vylúčili z univerzity, nemal som ani toľko rokov, v koľkých tam väčšinu študentov prijmú. Len vo svetle mesiaca som vstúpil na cesty, o ktorých sa iní báli rozprávať aj za bieleho dňa. Hovoril som s bohmi, miloval ženy a skladal piesne, pri ktorých trubadúri plakali. Možno ste o mne už počuli." Takto sa začína príbeh, ktorý nemá v žánri fantasy literatúry obdobu. V druhom dieli trilógie rozprávanie neobyčajného chlapca, ktorý hľadá vietor a je na najlepšej ceste stať sa legendou, pokračuje. V hostinci Míľnik sa začína nový deň a Kvothe diktuje Kronikárovi pokračovanie svojho príbehu. Aj v ďalšom semestri musí čeliť nepriateľom z radov študentov i profesorov a tvrdo bojuje o každú mincu, aby sa udržal na univerzite. Po nevydarenom pokuse o záchranu prsteňa z rúk zlodeja a úhlavného nepriateľa Ambrosa zápasí o holý život. K tomu sa pridáva obvinenie na súde, po ktorom sa Kvothe rozhodne na niekoľko mesiacov opustiť univerzitu, kým utíchne rozruch. Vydáva sa do ďalekého Severenu, kde vstupuje do služieb vplyvného maera Alverona. Dostáva za úlohu zlikvidovať banditov rabujúcich výbercov daní na kráľovských cestách. Výprava sa nečakane zvrtne, Kvothe sa dostáva do ríše víl a neskôr do Ademu, krajiny obývanej zvláštnym a životaschopným národom. Chlapec sa učí novým schopnostiam a pritom neustále pátra po tajomných Chandriáncoch, vrahoch svojej rodiny. V knihe Strach múdreho muža podniká Kvote prvé kroky na ceste hrdinu a zisťuje na vlastnej koži, aké je to ťažké, keď sa človek stane legendou ešte za svojho života.
Objev podobné jako Strach múdreho muža - Patrick Rothfuss
Between Woods and the Water (Defekt) - Patrick Leigh Fermor
The second great Patrick Leigh Fermor classic - and the sequel to A Time of Gifts - in John Murray B-format for the first time.
Objev podobné jako Between Woods and the Water (Defekt) - Patrick Leigh Fermor
Between Woods and the Water (Defekt) - Patrick Leigh Fermor
The second great Patrick Leigh Fermor classic - and the sequel to A Time of Gifts - in John Murray B-format for the first time.
Objev podobné jako Between Woods and the Water (Defekt) - Patrick Leigh Fermor
The Book of Desires (PC) DIGITAL (213343)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: logická, PC The Book of Desires objevte fascinující svět v The Book of Desires, vzrušující dobrodružné hře s hlavolamy a skrytými objekty. Vypnuto Ponořte se do světa fantazie a zažijte úžasné dobrodružstvíAshley měla děsivou noční můru, kde cestovala po bizarní sféře. Když se probudila, uvědomila si, že to nebyla jen noční můra, ale děsivá skutečnost. Vypnuto Zajímavý příběh Objevte fantastický svět v této dobrodružné hře s logickými hádankami a skrytými objekty. Vypnuto Pomozte Ashley uniknout z této noční můry. Vypnuto...
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The Shadows Between Us (1250189969)
Kniha - 336 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Shadows Between Us (1250189969)
The Dark Between Stars (1472259351)
Kniha - 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Atticus has captured the hearts and minds of nearly 700k followers (including stars like Karlie Kloss, Emma Roberts, and Alicia Keys). In his second collection of poetry, The Dark Between Stars, he turns his attention to the dualities of our lived experiences = the inescapable connections between our highest highs and lowest lows. He captures the infectious energy of starting a relationship, the tumultuous realities of commitment, and the agonizing nostalgia of being alone again. While grappling with the question of how to live with purpose and find meaning in the journey, these poems offer both honest explorations of loneliness and our search for connection, as well as light-hearted, humorous observations. As Atticus writes poignantly about dancing, Paris, jazz clubs, sunsets, sharing a bottle of wine on the river, rainy days, creating, and destroying, he illustrates that we need moments of both beauty and...
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The Space Between Worlds (1529387116)
Kniha - autor Micaiah Johnson, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná POSITIONING A thrilling, high-concept sci-fi novel, with heart, intelligence and insight, exploring social issues such as race, poverty, sexuality, and the variable circumstances that leads someone to thrive in one reality and perish in another, STRATEGY We struggled publishing this in hardback during lockdown, and we would really like to make Waterstones our focus for the paperback and actively engage booksellers early on to ensure enthusiasm and support, With a new refreshed cover look for the paperback, we plan to run ebook activity ahead of the paperback publication to raise the profile and visibility of this title within the SFF community, PRE PUBLICATION Trade Marketing: Featured in the Hodder catalogue, Bespoke Sales Board produced for key retailer meetings, Submit to relevant Bookseller category spotlights to maximise industry awareness, Promote across...
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Between the Lies - Louise Tickle
When it comes to families, is anyone a reliable witness?Cherry Magraw can never forget the date her mother and brother were killed - the night of her ninth birthday. When her father was jailed for their murders, she lost everyone she loved. Twenty years later, Cherry is a freelance journalist investigation domestic abuse and the secret world of the family courts, when she gets a letter from her father - still in prison for the killings - which contains a startling request. From that point on, her past becomes entangled with her work, dismantling everything Cherry thought she knew about her family tragedy and plunging her into a dangerous game of cat and mouse. Will her history cloud her judgement about another desperate family? And how far will she go to save someone's children?
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The In-Between - Christos Tsiolkas
''[Tsiolkas''s] most heartfelt novel to date'' Financial Times''A love story par excellence...he''s simply one of the great writers of our time'' Irish Times''Warm and rewarding...it triumphantly succeeds'' GuardianIt''s been a long time since I''ve been on a date,'' he says, pocketing his own phone. ''Please ignore anything I say for at least the first ten minutes.''Ivan''s laugh is loud, delighted. ''I know, mate, I''m bloody terrified.''Two middle-aged men meet on an internet date. Each has been scarred by a previous relationship; each has his own compelling reasons for giving up on the idea of finding love.But still they both turn up for the dinner, feel the spark and the possibility of something more. How can they take the risk of falling in love again. How can they not?A tender, affecting novel of love, of hope, of forgiveness by one of today''s most fearless and truthful interpreters of the human heart, the acclaimed bestselling author of The Slap and Damascus.
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The Librarianist - Patrick Dewitt
From bestselling and award-winning author Patrick deWitt comes a novel about an ordinary man who thought life's surprises were behind him - until a chance encounter changed everythingBob Comet is a retired librarian passing his solitary days surrounded by books in a mint-colored house in Portland, Oregon. One morning on his daily walk he encounters a confused elderly woman lost in a market and returns her to the senior centre that is her home. Hoping to fill the void he's known since retiring, Bob begins volunteering at the center. Here, as a community of strange peers gathers around Bob, and following a brush with a painful complication from his past, the events of his life and the details of his character are revealed.Behind Bob Comet's straight man facade is the story of an unhappy child's runaway adventure during the last days of the Second World War, of true love won and stolen away, of the purpose and pride found in the librarian's vocation, and the pleasures of a life lived to the side of the masses.
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The Exile - Patrick Worrall
It's 1951 and the servants of Stalin are closing in on the occupied nations of eastern Europe. As the Red Army tightens the net, Greta - best and bravest of freedom fighters - is told to escape to the West and undertake a dangerous mission.Greta's task is to find a missing girl: the precious daughter of a partisan general who was sent into exile in the final days of the war.But the so-called Free World is no place for vulnerable young refugees. Europe is in ruins, the old Empires are dying, and a spectacular cast of spivs, gangsters and rival intelligence agencies are fighting over the scraps.Crossing the Iron Curtain will require nerves of steel as Greta faces down the French mob, ex-Nazis, Soviet spies, all the glamour and temptation of Paris and ultimately, her own demons.The Exile is the stunning prequel to The Partisan, Patrick Worrall's critically-acclaimed debut, which introduced the world to the force of nature that is Greta.This is her white-knuckle ride into the black heart of postwar Europe - a terrifying world in which allies and enemies are impossible to tell apart.
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Read Between the Wines Tote Bag
Nechoďte do knihkupectví nevybaveni! Zásobte se svým oblíbeným vínem, knihami, nebo oběma s touto novou stylovým taškou od Gibbs Smith. Vyrobeno v USA. Rozměry: 16 palců na šířku x 15 1/2 palců na výšku x 5 palců do kouta, přírodní bavlna, 22 palců ucho.
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The Distance Between Us - Maggie O'Farrellová
Gripping, insightful and deft, THE DISTANCE BETWEEN US by Maggie O''Farrell is a haunting story of the way our families shape our lives, from the award-winning author of HAMNET. It was a Sunday Times Top Ten bestseller 2004 and won the Somerset Maugham Award.On a cold February afternoon, Stella catches sight of a man she hasn''t seen for many years, but instantly recognises. Or thinks she does. At the same moment on the other side of the globe, in the middle of a crowd of Chinese New Year revellers, Jake realises that things are becoming dangerous.They know nothing of one another''s existence, but both Stella and Jake flee their lives: Jake in search of a place so remote it doesn''t appear on any map, and Stella for a destination in Scotland, the significance of which only her sister, Nina, will understand.
Objev podobné jako The Distance Between Us - Maggie O'Farrellová
The Go-between - Leslie P. Hartley
L.P. Hartley's moving exploration of a young boy's loss of innocence The Go-Between is edited with an introduction and notes by Douglas Brooks-Davies in Penguin Modern Classics.'The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there'When one long, hot summer, young Leo is staying with a school-friend at Brandham Hall, he begins to act as a messenger between Ted, the farmer, and Marian, the beautiful young woman up at the hall. He becomes drawn deeper and deeper into their dangerous game of deceit and desire, until his role brings him to a shocking and premature revelation. The haunting story of a young boy's awakening into the secrets of the adult world, The Go-Between is also an unforgettable evocation of the boundaries of Edwardian society.Leslie Poles Hartley (1895-1972) was born in Whittlesey, Cambridgeshire, and educated at Harrow and Balliol College, Oxford. For more than thirty years from 1923 he was an indefatigable fiction reviewer for periodicals including the Spectator and Saturday Review. His first book, Night Fears (1924) was a collection of short stories; but it was not until the publication of Eustace and Hilda (1947), which won the James Tait Black prize, that Hartley gained widespread recognition as an author. His other novels include The Go-Between (1953), which was adapted into an internationally-successful film starring Julie Christie and Alan Bates, and The Hireling (1957), the film version of which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival.If you enjoyed The Go-Between, you might like Barry Hines's A Kestrel for a Knave, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.
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The Shadows Between Us - Tricia Levensellerová
No one knows the extent of the freshly crowned Shadow King's power. Some say he can command the shadows that swirl around him to do his bidding. Others say they speak to him, whispering the thoughts of his enemies. Regardless, Alessandra, tired of being overlooked, has a plan to gain power: woo the Shadow King, marry him, then kill him and take his kingdom for herself.But Alessandra's not the only one trying to kill the king. As he dodges assassination attempts, she finds herself trying to keep him alive long enough to become his queen - all while struggling not to lose her heart. After all, who better for a Shadow King than a cunning, villainous queen?
Objev podobné jako The Shadows Between Us - Tricia Levensellerová
The Silence In Between - Josie Ferguson
The gripping historical debut about a family separated by the Berlin wall - perfect for fans of All the Light We Cannot See, In Memoriam and Alone in BerlinSHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES DEBUT FICTION PRIZE 2024SELECTED AS ONE OF INDEPENDENT'S BEST HISTORICAL FICTION OF THE YEAR 2024'A tautly plotted, deeply involving novel that packs a real emotional punch … I can't recommend this novel highly enough' Laura Barnett, author of The Versions of Us'A hauntingly beautiful exploration of love, family and societal unrest all set against the backdrop of the Berlin Wall' Glamour_____Imagine waking up and a wall has divided your city in two. Imagine that on the other side is your child... Lisette is in hospital with her baby boy. The doctors tell her to go home and get some rest, that he’ll be fine. When she awakes, everything has changed. Because overnight, on 13 August 1961, the border between East and West Berlin has closed, slicing the city - and the world - in two. Lisette is trapped in the east, while her newborn baby is unreachable in the west. With the streets in chaos and armed guards ordered to shoot anyone who tries to cross, her situation is desperate. Lisette's teenage daughter, Elly, has always struggled to understand the distance between herself and her mother. Both have lived for music, but while Elly hears notes surrounding every person she meets, for her mother - once a talented pianist - the music has gone silent. Perhaps Elly can do something to bridge the gap between them. What begins as the flicker of an idea turns into a daring plan to escape East Berlin, find her baby brother, and bring him home.... Based on true stories, The Silence in Between is a page-turning, emotional epic that will stay with you long after you finish reading. ______BOOKSELLER LOVE for THE SILENCE IN BETWEEN:‘Without a doubt one of the best books I have read this year… I can’t recommend this book enough’Abbey Rowlinson‘Absolutely heartbreaking and beautiful at the same time. A must-read’Dominika ‘A sublime story, told beautifully’Kurde, Horsham‘A truly compelling and moving novel with two incredible female characters I won’t forget in a hurry’Tilly Fitzgerald ‘Kind, thoughtful and poignant… an uplifting and hopeful story’Lauren‘A powerful and emotional book’Neil Challis, Windsor ‘A thought provoking, ultimately kind and beautifully researched debut’Beth, Chesterfield ‘I genuinely loved this – it’s definitely a stand out novel of 2024’Helen, Scarborough ‘A cracking debut from this talented new author’Jen Mackay, Windsor ‘This truly has the potential to be the next big story, so full of heart as it is!’Libby Low‘A powerful story of human resilience and family bonds’Emma Smith, Bedford ‘A beautiful but heart-breaking read from a wonderful new voice in historical fiction’Victoria, Aviemore ‘An excellent novel… a sensitive retelling of two critical and terrible periods of Berlin history’Sean Farrell‘An incredible book full of heartbreak, hope, unbreakable love… I don’t think this book will ever leave me. I will be recommending it to customers as a must read’Hayley Ralls, St Neots
Objev podobné jako The Silence In Between - Josie Ferguson
The Places In Between - Rory Stewart
Winner of the RSL Ondaatje PrizeShortlisted for the Guardian First Book Award‘A striding, glorious book . . . A flat-out masterpiece’ The New York Times Book ReviewCaught between hostile nations, warring factions and competing ideologies, Afghanistan was in turmoil following the US invasion. Travelling entirely on foot and following the inaccessible mountainous route once taken by the Mughal emperor Babur the Great, Rory Stewart was nearly defeated by the extreme, hostile conditions.Only with the help of an unexpected companion, and the generosity of the people he met on the way, did he survive to report back on his journey with unique insight on a region closed to the world by twenty-four years of war.‘This evocative book feels like a long-lost relic of the great age of exploration’ The Guardian
Objev podobné jako The Places In Between - Rory Stewart
The Bridge Between Worlds - Gavin Francis
In a world increasingly preoccupied by borders, bridges celebrate the possibility of connection, allowing the flow of goods, people and ideas. Bridges are among our grandest physical structures with the power of transforming lives and economies, but we also stand (or fall) upon the simple arch of bones in our feet. Text is a bridge between writer and reader, and conversation builds bridges of understanding between minds. Dr Gavin Francis has spent his life fascinated by the power of bridges to improve human connection. In The Bridge Between Worlds he examines bridges both actual and metaphorical, on a journey through more than twenty countries, across four decades of travel. From Rome''s Ponte Sant''Angelo to Brooklyn, Victoria Falls to London, Singapore to Siberia, this thought-provoking book reflects on connections between nations and between individuals. Francis demonstrates what the building of bridges has meant to our civilisation, how crossings can enrich our lives, and the price we pay when we tear them down.
Objev podobné jako The Bridge Between Worlds - Gavin Francis
The Rolling Stones - Between The Buttons (US version) (LP)
Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rock Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979 Typ: LP deska;Album Žánr: Rock;Blues Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Spojené království Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Universal Music Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Datum vydání: 2023-04-07 Interpret / Téma: The Rolling Stones Varianta: Between The Buttons (US Version) (LP)
Objev podobné jako The Rolling Stones - Between The Buttons (US version) (LP)
The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein
The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis'' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In 1974, French aerialist Philippe Petit threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent an hour walking, dancing, and performing high-wire tricks a quarter mile in the sky. This picture book captures the poetry and magic of the event. The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is the winner of the 2004 Caldecott Medal, the winner of the 2004 Boston Globe - Horn Book Award for Picture Books, and the winner of the 2006 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children''s Video.
Objev podobné jako The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein
Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors (9781788705868)
Kniha - autor Tom Bower, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The British Royal Family believed that the dizzy success of the Sussex wedding, watched and celebrated around the world, was the beginning of a new era for the Windsors. Yet, within one tumultuous year, the dream became a nightmare. In the aftermath of the infamous Megxit split and the Oprah Winfrey interview, the Royal Family's fate seems persistently threatened. The public remains puzzled. Meghan's success has alternatively won praise, bewildered and outraged. Confused by the Sussexes' slick publicity, few understand the real Meghan Markle. What lies ahead for Meghan? And what has happened to the family she married into? Can the Windsors restore their reputation? With extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web of courtroom drama, courtier politics and...
Objev podobné jako Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors (9781788705868)
1794: The City Between the Bridges - Niklas Natt och Dag
The year is 1794. A young nobleman, Eric Three Roses, languishes in hospital. Some think he would be just at home in the madhouse across the road. Ridden with guilt, he spends his nights writing down memories of his lost love who died on their wedding night. Her mother also mourns her and when no one listens to her suspicions, she begs the aid of the only person who will listen: Jean Mickel Cardell, the one-armed watchman. Cecil Winge is six months in the ground but when his younger brother Emil seeks out the watchman to retrieve his brother's missing pocket watch, Cardell enlists his help to discover what really happened at Three Roses' estate that night. But, unlike his dead brother, the younger Winge is an enigma, and Cardell soon realises that he may be more hindrance than help. And when they discover that a mysterious slave trader has been running Three Roses' affairs, it is a race against time to discover the truth before it's too late. In 1794, the second installment of Niklas Natt och Dag's historical noir trilogy, we are reunited with Mickel Cardell, Anna Stina Knapp, and the bustling world of late eighteenth century Stockholm from The Wolf and the Watchman. The city is about to see its darkest days yet as veneers crack and the splendour of old gives way to what is hiding in the city's nooks and crannies.
Objev podobné jako 1794: The City Between the Bridges - Niklas Natt och Dag
The Snakehead - Patrick Radden Keefe
In this thrilling panorama of real-life events, the bestselling author of Empire of Pain investigates a secret world run by a surprising criminal: a charismatic middle-aged grandmother, who from a tiny noodle shop in New York's Chinatown, managed a multimillion-dollar business smuggling people.In The Snakehead, Patrick Radden Keefe reveals the inner workings of Cheng Chui Ping aka Sister Ping's complex empire and recounts the decade-long FBI investigation that eventually brought her down. He follows an often incompetent and sometimes corrupt INS as it pursues desperate immigrants risking everything to come to America, and along the way he paints a stunning portrait of a generation of undocumented immigrants and the intricate underground economy that sustains and exploits them.Grand in scope yet propulsive in narrative force, The Snakehead is both a kaleidoscopic crime story and a brilliant exploration of the ironies of immigration in America.
Objev podobné jako The Snakehead - Patrick Radden Keefe
The Mountain Between Us - Charles Martin - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Soon to be a major motion picture starring Kate Winslet and Idris Elba. An atmospheric, suspenseful and gripping story of two people finding love while fighting to survive. When a blizzard strands them in Salt Lake City, two strangers agree to charter a plane together, hoping to return home; Ben Payne is a gifted surgeon returning from a conference, and Ashley Knox, a magazine writer, is en route to her wedding. But when unthinkable tragedy strikes, the pair find themselves stranded in Utah’s most remote wilderness in the dead of winter, badly injured and miles from civilization. Without food or shelter, and only Ben’s mountain climbing gear to protect themselves, Ashley and Ben’s chances for survival look bleak, but their reliance on each other sparks an immediate connection, which soon evolves into something more. Days in the mountains become weeks, as their hope for rescue dwindles. How will they make it out of the wilderness and if they do, how will this experience change them forever? Heart-wrenching and unputdownable, The Mountain Between Us will reaffirm your belief in the power of love to sustain us.
Objev podobné jako The Mountain Between Us - Charles Martin - audiokniha
Jamie Lawson - The Years In Between (LP)
Subžánr: Rock;Akustický Žánr: Rock;Pop Země interpreta: Spojené království Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: The Years In Between (Vinyl LP) Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá Vydavatelství: Gingerbread Man Records Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Jamie Lawson Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-04-26
Objev podobné jako Jamie Lawson - The Years In Between (LP)
Sammy Hagar & The Circle - Space Between (LP)
Žánr: Rock;Hard Rock Subžánr: Rock;Hard Rock Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: USA;Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-10-05 Vydavatelství: BMG Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Sammy Hagar & The Circle Varianta: Space Between
Objev podobné jako Sammy Hagar & The Circle - Space Between (LP)
The Gloom Between Stars - Piper C. J.
In the third installment of the TikTok sensation The Night and Its Moon, Nox and Amaris are about to learn the high cost of getting everything they've dreamed. Passion and politics become one in the same as the two women, torn apart and brought back together, learn to navigate life in a new kingdom. Victory means more than battles and bloodshed as they develop the lethal titles and powers thrust upon them.With the continent on the precipice of disaster, our heroines search for love, desire, and healing in Castle Gwydir, battling the demons within and without.
Objev podobné jako The Gloom Between Stars - Piper C. J.
The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty (024131433X)
Kniha - autor Daron Acemoglu; James A. Robinson, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the Financial Times' Best Books of 2019 One of Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2019 Shortlisted for the Lionel Gelber Prize 'As enjoyable as it is thought-provoking' Jared Diamond By the authors of the international bestseller Why Nations Fail, based on decades of research, this powerful new big-picture framework explains how some countries develop towards and provide liberty while others fall to despotism, anarchy or asphyxiating norms - and explains how liberty can thrive despite new threats. Liberty is hardly the 'natural' order of things; usually states have been either too weak to protect individuals or too strong for people to protect themselves from despotism. There is also a happy Western myth that where liberty exists, it's a steady state, arrived at by 'enlightenment'. But liberty emerges only when a delicate and incessant balance is struck...
Objev podobné jako The Narrow Corridor: States, Societies, and the Fate of Liberty (024131433X)
All the Beauty in the World - Bringley Patrick
**THE SUNDAY TIMES ART BOOK OF THE YEAR****A Financial Times Best Book of 2023**A revelatory portrait of a great museum and the moving story of one guard''s quest to find solace and meaning in art''Who would have thought that the outstanding art book of you would have been written not by a curator or an art historian or even an artist - but by a museum guard?'' Sunday TimesWhen Patrick’s older brother dies at twenty-six, all he wants is to retreat. So, he does. He quits his job and seeks refuge in the most beautiful place he can think of: New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art.All the Beauty in the World recounts Patrick’s time as a museum guard, keeping quiet vigil over some of our greatest treasures and uncovering the Met’s innermost secrets. As his connection to the art and the life that swirls around it grows, so does Patrick – and gradually he emerges transformed by heartbreak, community and the power of art to illuminate life in all its pain, pleasure and hope.''As luminous as the old masters paintings'' Daily Mail''Consoling and beautiful'' Guardian''Marvellous'' Daily Telegraph''A beautiful tale about beauty. It is also a tale about grief, balancing solitude and comradeship, and finding joy in both the exalted and the mundane'' Washington Post
Objev podobné jako All the Beauty in the World - Bringley Patrick
The Secret Desires of Julie - A Collection of 10 Sensual Stories - Camille Bech - e-kniha
eBook: Although Thomas was deeply in love with his beautiful wife, Julie, he was still upset that she still wasn’t ready to have kids. But that didn’t limit the passion they had for one another. Enter: Au Pair, Nadine. Nadine was not used to working around a couple who was so loud during their lovemaking. One night, while Thomas and Julie were having passionate sex, Nadine decided to sneak in close and watch. The friendship between Julie and Nadine later grew, and before they know it, all principles are up in the air.
Objev podobné jako The Secret Desires of Julie - A Collection of 10 Sensual Stories - Camille Bech - e-kniha
Revenge, Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors - Tom Bower
The British Royal Family believed that the dizzy success of the Sussex wedding, watched and celebrated around the world, was the beginning of a new era for the Windsors. Yet, within one tumultuous year, the dream became a nightmare, with the infamous Megxit split and bombshell Oprah Winfrey interview. In the aftermath, and with the recent passing of the Queen, the Royal Family's fate seems persistently threatened.The public remains puzzled. Meghan's success has alternatively won praise, bewildered and outraged. Confused by the Sussexes' slick publicity, few understand the real Meghan Markle. What lies ahead for Meghan? And what has happened to the family she married into? Can the Windsors restore their reputation under a new monarch?With extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web of courtroom drama, courtier politics and thwarted childhood dreams to uncover an astonishing story of love, betrayal, secrets and revenge.
Objev podobné jako Revenge, Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors - Tom Bower
FLATYZ Flat Art Cat between the butterflies (4772059003061)
Svíčka - klasická, plochá, bez parfemace Klíčové přednosti svíčky FLATYZ Flat Art Cat between the butterflies Klasická svíčka FLATYZ je skvělou dekorací do každého domova Ve vaší domácnosti bude pěkným doplňkem díky svému plochému tvaru Svíčka je vyrobena bez parfemace Hoří díky bavlněnému knotu Hmotnost činí 80 g
Objev podobné jako FLATYZ Flat Art Cat between the butterflies (4772059003061)
Lawson,Jamie: The Years In Between - CD (9029546942)
Hudební CD - Páté studiové album britského hudebníka Jamieho Lawsona vychází u vydavatelství Gingerbread Eda Sheerana. Na této desce Lawson spolupracoval hned s několika přáteli, hudebníky, mezi nimiž jsou Jamie Scott (Jess Glynne, Rudimental, Niall Horan), Natalie Hemby (Kacey Musgraves), Amy Wadge (Ed Sheeran Páté studiové album britského hudebníka Jamieho Lawsona vychází u vydavatelství Gingerbread Eda Sheerana. Na této desce Lawson spolupracoval hned s několika přáteli, hudebníky, mezi nimiž jsou Jamie Scott (Jess Glynne, Rudimental, Niall Horan), Natalie Hemby (Kacey Musgraves), Amy Wadge (Ed Sheeran, Camila Cabello) a Matty Benbrook (Paolo Nutini, Lewis Capaldi). V jedné písni hostují též kolegové z hudební formace Turin Brakes. Chráněnec Eda Sheerana a vůbec první interpret podepsaný značkou Gingerbread, kterou Sheeran založil, aby na ní mohl dát prostor talentovaným tvůrcům. Jamie pochází z Anglie, žije v Manchsteru a s Sheeranem se setkal už v roce...
Objev podobné jako Lawson,Jamie: The Years In Between - CD (9029546942)
The Gunman (film) - Manchette Jean-Patrick
Deadly professional assassin Martin Terrier returns to Paris after his latest job determined to get out of the game. Ten years ago he made a promise to return to his childhood sweetheart in the south of France. But circumstances put Martin's attempted retirement on hold: a key target is flying in to Paris, and there is only one man fit for the task of eliminating him. As Martin flees southwards, desperate to return to the crushing mediocrity of life in a backwater town, he finds his former employers will stop at nothing to regain his services for one last job. Bursting with Gallic irony and visceral brutality, The Gunman (originally published in English as The Prone Gunman) is a shocking and sardonic masterpiece from the late, great master of the French crime novel, J-P Manchette.
Objev podobné jako The Gunman (film) - Manchette Jean-Patrick
The Library of Fragrance Between The Sheets kolínská voda unisex 30 ml
The Library of Fragrance Between The Sheets, 30 ml, Kolínské vody unisex, Pro každého. Bez rozdílu. Unisex kolínská voda The Library of Fragrance Between The Sheets se skvěle hodí jak pro ženy, tak pro muže, a proto ji můžete bez obav sdílet i se svou drahou polovičkou. ovocná vůně unisex – pro muže i pro ženy jedinečná vůně pro speciální příležitosti
Objev podobné jako The Library of Fragrance Between The Sheets kolínská voda unisex 30 ml
Ego Kill Talent: The Dance Between Extremes - CD (4050538613193)
Hudební CD - Jako mnoho jiných kapel museli i Ego Kill talent kvůli pandemii Covid-19 přehodnotit své plány a namísto koncertování po celém světě se vrhli na tvorbu a přichází s dlouhohrajícím albem „The Dance Between Extremes”, které je složeno z tří postupně zveřejněných EP. Jako mnoho jiných kapel museli i Ego Kill talent kvůli pandemii Covid-19 přehodnotit své plány a namísto koncertování po celém světě se vrhli na tvorbu a přichází s dlouhohrajícím albem „The Dance Between Extremes”, které je složeno z tří postupně zveřejněných EP. Rockovou skupinu Ego Kill Talent tvoří Jonathan Dörr [zpěv], Jean Dolabella [bicí, kytara], Raphael Miranda [bicí, baskytara], Niper Boaventura [kytara, baskytara] a Theo Van Der Loo [baskytara, kytara]. Skupina již vystupovala společně například s Metallicou a jako předskokany si je osobně pro své Foo Fighters vybral Dave Grohl. Seznam stop CD NOW! / The Call / Lifeporn / Deliverance / Silence / In Your Dreams Tonight / Sin...
Objev podobné jako Ego Kill Talent: The Dance Between Extremes - CD (4050538613193)
Ego Kill Talent: The Dance Between Extremes - LP (4050538613209)
LP vinyl - Jako mnoho jiných kapel museli i Ego Kill talent kvůli pandemii Covid-19 přehodnotit své plány a namísto koncertování po celém světě se vrhli na tvorbu a přichází s dlouhohrajícím albem „The Dance Between Extremes”, které je složeno z tří postupně zveřejněných EP. Jako mnoho jiných kapel museli i Ego Kill talent kvůli pandemii Covid-19 přehodnotit své plány a namísto koncertování po celém světě se vrhli na tvorbu a přichází s dlouhohrajícím albem „The Dance Between Extremes”, které je složeno z tří postupně zveřejněných EP. Rockovou skupinu Ego Kill Talent tvoří Jonathan Dörr [zpěv], Jean Dolabella [bicí, kytara], Raphael Miranda [bicí, baskytara], Niper Boaventura [kytara, baskytara] a Theo Van Der Loo [baskytara, kytara]. Skupina již vystupovala společně například s Metallicou a jako předskokany si je osobně pro své Foo Fighters vybral Dave Grohl. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP A1 NOW! / A2 The Call / A3 Lifeporn / A4 Deliverance / A5 Silence...
Objev podobné jako Ego Kill Talent: The Dance Between Extremes - LP (4050538613209)
The Cure Tričko In Between Days Unisex Black XL
Žánr: Punk;Gothic;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Subžánr: Alternative Rock;New Wave;Alternative;Gothic Rock;Post Punk;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Cure Pohlaví: Unisex Velikost: XL Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009 Věková skupina: Dospělý Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá
Objev podobné jako The Cure Tričko In Between Days Unisex Black XL
The Cure Tričko In Between Days Unisex Black L
Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979 Barva: Černá Věková skupina: Dospělý Barva podle výrobce: Black Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Materiál: Bavlna Velikost: L Subžánr: Rock;Alternative Rock;Alternative;Post Punk;New Wave;Gothic Rock Země původu: Spojené království Pohlaví: Unisex Žánr: Rock;Gothic;Punk Délka rukávu: Krátké Země interpreta: Spojené království Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: The Cure
Objev podobné jako The Cure Tričko In Between Days Unisex Black L
PER | Level 4: The Go-Between - Leslie P. Hartley
Classic / British EnglishIt is the summer of 1900 and Leo is staying with his friend Marcus. Leo likes Marcus’s beautiful older sister very much. To make her happy, he becomes a secret messenger for her and a local farmer. But then he realises what their messages are about, and his whole life begins to change. The Go-Between is a set text for the Cambridge English: First for Schools exam in 2014.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Go-Between - Leslie P. Hartley
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