Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Ministry For The Future - Kim Stanley Robinson
ONE OF BARACK OBAMA''S FAVOURITE READS OF THE YEAR ''If I could get policymakers and citizens everywhere to read just one book this year, it would be Kim Stanley Robinson''s The Ministry for the Future'' Ezra Klein, Vox ''A great read'' Bill GatesThe Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all. Its setting is not a desolate, postapocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us. Chosen by Barack Obama as one of his favorite books of the year, this extraordinary novel from visionary writer Kim Stanley Robinson will change the way you think about the climate crisis.''A novel that presents a rousing vision of how we might unite to overcome the greatest challenge of our time'' TED.com''A breathtaking look at the challenges that face our planet in all their sprawling magnitude and also in their intimate, individual moments of humanity'' Booklist (starred review)''Gutsy, humane . . . a must-read for anyone worried about the future of the planet'' Publishers Weekly (starred review)''A sweeping epic about climate change and humanity''s efforts to try and turn the tide before it''s too late'' Polygon (Best of the Year)''Steely, visionary optimism'' Guardian
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The Ministry for the Future (0356508862)
Kniha - autor Kim Stanley Robinson, 592 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Ministry for the Future is a masterpiece of the imagination, using fictional eyewitness accounts to tell the story of how climate change will affect us all. Its setting is not a desolate, postapocalyptic world, but a future that is almost upon us. Chosen by Barack Obama as one of his favorite books of the year, this extraordinary novel from visionary writer Kim Stanley Robinson will change the way you think about the climate crisis.
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Šaman - Kim Stanley Robinson
"Měli jsme špatného šamana. Tuhle větu Trn opakoval vždycky, když taky dělal něco špatného." Trn je šaman. Smyslem jeho života je předávat příběhy a moudrost kmene, učit ty, kteří budou kráčet v jeho stopách. Vřesa je léčitelka. Bez ní by klan nedržel pospolu a nepřežil těžká období. Zná byliny a ví, jak málo dělí lék od jedu. Elga je cizinka. Všichni ji podceňují, ale ona je ta, která přichází z neznáma a od základu změní život vlčí tlupy. A pak je tady Potáplík. Šamanův učeň, rozhodnutý najít si svou vlastní cestu. Ale svět je zrádný, cesta není nikdy jednoduchá a není jisté, kam povede. Šaman je silný, vzrušující a srdcervoucí příběh o cestě chlapce k dospělosti. A také úžasná vize o tom, jak jsme žili před třiceti tisíci lety.
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Icehenge - Kim Stanley Robinson
Na severním pólu Pluta stojí záhada: obrovský kruh vztyčených ledových bloků, vystavěných na způsob pozemského Stonehenge – jenže desetkrát větších, osaměle zářících na samotné výspě Sluneční soustavy. Co je to? Kdo je tam postavil? Tajemství se patrně skrývá v chaotických desetiletích marsovské revoluce, ve ztracených vzpomínkách těch, kdo žijí celá staletí. Mohla tudy letět jistá kosmická loď, už desítky let zapomenutá – pokud na ní přežila posádka. A pokud tato loď vůbec kdy existovala...
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Šaman - Kim Stanley Robinson - e-kniha
eBook: „Měli jsme špatného šamana. Tuhle větu Trn opakoval vždycky, když taky dělal něco špatného.“ Trn je šaman. Smyslem jeho života je předávat moudrost kmene a jeho příběhy, učit ty, kteří budou kráčet v jeho stopách. Vřesa je léčitelka. Bez ní by klan nedržel pospolu a zemřel. Elga je ta, kterou všichni podceňují, a která pak změní jejich života od základu. A pak je tady Potáplík. Šamanův učeň, rozhodnutý najít si svou vlastní cestu. Ale svět je zrádný, cesta není nikdy jednoduchá, a není jisté, kam povede. Šaman silný, vzrušující a srdcervoucí příběh o cestě chlapce k dospělosti. A také úžasná vize o tom, jak jsme žili před třiceti tisíci lety.
Objev podobné jako Šaman - Kim Stanley Robinson - e-kniha
Ministerstvo pro budoucnost - Kim Stanley Robinson
Brilantní román z blízké budoucnosti o klimatických změnách. Tato nová organizace byla založena v roce 2025 a její cíl byl jednoduchý: hájit zájmy budoucích generací a chránit všechny živé tvory, současné i budoucí. Brzy se stala známou jako Ministerstvo pro budoucnost a toto je její příběh… Od legendárního autora sci-fi Kima Stanleyho Robinsona přichází vize změny klimatu, jakou si dosud nikdo nedokázal představit. Kniha Ministerstvo pro budoucnost, vyprávěná výhradně prostřednictvím fiktivních očitých svědectví, je mistrovským dílem představivosti, příběhem o tom, jak nás všechny klimatické změny ovlivní v příštích desetiletích. Jejím dějištěm není pustý postapokalyptický svět, ale budoucnost, která je téměř před námi - a v níž možná právě překonáme mimořádné výzvy, kterým čelíme. Je to román bezprostřední i působivý, stejně zoufalý jako plný naděje, a je to jedna z nejsilnějších a nejoriginálnějších knih o klimatických změnách, které kdy byly napsány.
Objev podobné jako Ministerstvo pro budoucnost - Kim Stanley Robinson
Roky rýže a soli - Kim Stanley Robinson
Ve čtrnáctém století postihne lidstvo jedna z největších pohrom historie - začíná řádit černá smrt. Z dějepisu víme, že zahubila třetinu evropského obyvatelstva. Ale co kdyby morová rána vyhladila takřka celou evropskou populaci? Jak by se změnil náš svět? V Rocích rýže a soli se nám otevírá pohled na události, které se mohly stát, kdyby... na dějiny táhnoucí se přes několik staletí, na dějiny, v nichž se rodí a zanikají lidské rody a celé národy, na dějiny, v nichž má své místo strašlivý hladomor i báječné vynálezy. Jsou to roky rýže a soli. Ocitáme se ve světě, kde do Nového světa připluje přes Tichý oceán první loď z Číny a kolonizace se šíří ze západu na východ. Ve světě, kde průmyslovou revoluci nastartují ti největší vědečtí myslitelé původem z Indie. Kde buddhismus a islám jsou nejvlivnějšími náboženstvími s největším počtem věřících, a křesťanství je pouze nevýznamnou historickou epizodou. K. S. Robinson nám očima vojáků a králů, průzkumníků a filozofů, otroků a učenců předkládá nesmírně bohatou mozaiku alternativního vývoje lidského pokolení. Přepisuje historii a zároveň rozebírá nejhlubší otázky způsobem, jakým je toho schopen pouze autor jeho erudice a kalibru. Od stepí střední Asie po břehy západní polokoule, od doby Akbarovy říše po současnost a dál se před námi odvíjí ohromující příběh vzniku zcela nového světa.
Objev podobné jako Roky rýže a soli - Kim Stanley Robinson
Ministerstvo pro budoucnost - Kim Stanley Robinson - e-kniha
eBook: V roce 2025, kdy už je jasné, že světové velmoci nedokážou plnit své ekologické závazky, vzniká organizace Ministerstvo pro budoucnost. Ta má poměrně prostý úkol: hájit zájmy následujících generací a chránit všechny živé tvory přítomnosti i budoucnosti. Její role dostává nový rozměr ve chvíli, kdy na Indii dopadne smrtící vlna veder, jejíž nedozírné následky přimějí lidstvo spojit se a konat... Kniha Ministerstvo pro budoucnost, vyprávěná výhradně prostřednictvím fiktivních očitých svědectví, je mistrovským dílem představivosti, příběhem o tom, jak nás všechny klimatické změny ovlivní v příštích desetiletích. Jejím dějištěm není pustý postapokalyptický svět, ale budoucnost, která je téměř před námi – a v níž možná právě překonáme mimořádné výzvy, kterým čelíme. Je to román bezprostřední i působivý, stejně zoufalý jako plný naděje, a je to jedna z nejsilnějších a nejoriginálnějších knih o klimatických změnách, které kdy byly napsány. Kniha, kterou Barack Obama zařadil na seznam svých nejoblíbenějších knih roku 2020.
Objev podobné jako Ministerstvo pro budoucnost - Kim Stanley Robinson - e-kniha
AI 2041: Ten Visions for the Future (0753559013)
Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná In a groundbreaking blend of science and imagination, the former president of Google China and a leading writer of speculative fiction join forces to answer an urgent question: How will artificial intelligence change our world over the next twenty years? AI will be the defining issue of the twenty-first century, but many people know little about it apart from visions of dystopian robots or flying cars. Though the term has been around for half a century, it is only now, Kai-Fu Lee argues, that AI is poised to upend our society, just as the arrival of technologies like electricity and smart phones did before it. In the past five years, AI has shown it can learn games like chess in mere hours-and beat humans every time. AI has surpassed humans in speech and object recognition, even outperforming radiologists in diagnosing lung cancer. AI is at a tipping point. What comes next? Within two decades, aspects of...
Objev podobné jako AI 2041: Ten Visions for the Future (0753559013)
The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
A BOY MEETS A GIRL. THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE. A FINGER MEETS A TRIGGER.THE BEGINNING MEETS THE END. ENGLAND IS FOREVER. ENGLAND MUST FALL.In the near future, a disaffected civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test the limits of time-travel. Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, assisting and monitoring the expat known as '1847' - Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Arctic, so he's a little disoriented to find himself alive and surrounded by outlandish concepts such as 'washing machine', 'Spotify' and 'the collapse of the British Empire'.With an appetite for discovery and a seven-a-day cigarette habit, he soon adjusts; and during a long, sultry summer he and his bridge move from awkwardness to genuine friendship, to something more. But as the true shape of the project that brought them together begins to emerge, Gore and the bridge are forced to confront their past choices and imagined futures. Can love triumph over the structures and histories that have shaped them? And how do you defy history when history is living in your house?
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
A BOY MEETS A GIRL. THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE.A FINGER MEETS A TRIGGER. THE BEGINNING MEETS THE END. ENGLAND IS FOREVER.ENGLAND MUST FALL.In the near future, a disaffected civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test the limits of time-travel.Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, assisting and monitoring the expat known as '1847' - Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Arctic, so he's a little disoriented to find himself alive and surrounded by outlandish concepts such as 'washing machine', 'Spotify' and 'the collapse of the British Empire'. With an appetite for discovery and a seven-a-day cigarette habit, he soon adjusts; and during a long, sultry summer he and his bridge move from awkwardness to genuine friendship, to something more.But as the true shape of the project that brought them together begins to emerge, Gore and the bridge are forced to confront their past choices and imagined futures.Can love triumph over the structures and histories that have shaped them? And how do you defy history when history is living in your house?
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
The Ministry of Unladylike Activity - Robin Stevensová
The start of a thrilling new World War Two mystery series from the number-one-bestselling and multi-award-winning author of Murder Most Unladylike.''Robin Stevens is Agatha Christie for children'' - Katherine Rundell on the Murder Most Unladylike series''Superb'' - Observer''Absolutely thrilling'' - Louie Stowell1940. The world is at war, and a secret arm of the British government called the Ministry of Unladylike Activity is training up spies.Enter May Wong: courageous, stubborn, and desperate to help end the war so that she can go home to Hong Kong (and leave her annoying school, Deepdean, behind forever). May knows that she would make the perfect spy. After all, grown-ups always underestimate children like her.When May and her friend Eric are turned away by the Ministry, they take matters into their own hands. Masquerading as evacuees, they travel to Elysium Hall, home to the wealthy Verey family - including snobby, dramatic Nuala. They suspect that one of the Vereys is passing information to Germany. If they can prove it, the Ministry will have to take them on.But there are more secrets at Elysium Hall than May or Eric could ever have imagined.And then, someone is murdered . . .Join May, Eric and Nuala in the first unputdownable book in a fast-paced, mysterious and adventurous new series from million-copy-bestseller, Robin Stevens.
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Unladylike Activity - Robin Stevensová
The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Damien Lewis
One of the most remarkable stories in the history of Special Forces' operations - Daily ExpressIn the bleak moments after defeat on mainland Europe in winter 1939, wartime leader Winston Churchill knew that Britain had to strike back hard. He recruited a band of eccentric free-thinking warriors to become the first 'deniable' secret operatives behind enemy lines, offering these volunteers nothing but the potential for glory and all-but-certain death. The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare tells of the daring victories for this small force of 'freelance pirates' in their many missions against the Nazis, often dressed in enemy uniforms and breaking all previously held rules of warfare.Master storyteller and military historian Damien Lewis brings the true adventures of the secret unit to life, from their earliest missions to the death of the group's leader just weeks before the end of World War Two.
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Ungentlemanly Warfare - Damien Lewis
The Ministry of Unladylike Activity 2: The Body in the Blitz - Robin Stevensová
The second thrilling and unputdownable mystery starring a new generation of the Detective Society, from the million-copy-bestselling author of Murder Most Unladylike: Robin Stevens.March 1941. Britain is at war, and a secret agency called the Ministry of Unladylike Activity is training up children as spies - because grown-ups always underestimate them. Enter May, Eric and Nuala: courageous, smart, and the Ministry''s newest recruits.May''s big sister Hazel has arranged for them to stay on a quiet street close to the Ministry, home to an unlikely collection of people thrown together by the war. And it is in the basement of the bombed-out house at the end of that street that they discover something mysterious. Something that was not there when the Blitz wreckage was first combed through. Something that has been placed there recently. A body...Could this be the missing Ministry spy that Daisy Wells is on a dangerous mission in France to find? Or could it be someone else - someone a resident of the street wanted silenced . . . ?
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Unladylike Activity 2: The Body in the Blitz - Robin Stevensová
Feeding the Future - Clean Eating for Children & Families - Lohralee Astor, Tali Shine
Delicious, clean, and nutritious dishes for the whole family More than 70 easy-to-follow recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner Feeding the Future is filled with inspiring, creative recipes that all family members—from those aged two to grown-up “kidults”—will love and enjoy. These recipes are clean, nutritious, and delicious, as well as fun, and easy-to-make. This book is the perfect tool for health-conscious and time-stretched parents. Our notion of clean eating is using simple and fresh ingredients in their most natural state. We say no to wheat, refined sugar, and genetically modified oils, as they can be addictive, acidic, energy-depleting, or cause mood swings and hyperactivity in children. We have made sure to include a range of dishes that avoid dairy, nuts, eggs, and meat to try and accommodate every child, even those with specific dietary requirements and allergies! Because children are growing and developing, it’s important that they consume adequate vitamins and nutrients through their diets. This is why our book is full of wholesome recipes; children are, after all, our future. There is no need to compromise our children’s health by settling for less than ideal choices simply for their convenience. Feeding the Future makes clean eating for kids scrumptious, fun, and easy.
Objev podobné jako Feeding the Future - Clean Eating for Children & Families - Lohralee Astor, Tali Shine
The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie
They'll do anything to outsmart each other. Anything, except fall in love.Kim Hani - the once-terrible gumiho known as the Scarlet Fox - spends her days working at a cafe and trying not to let a certain customer irk her.Seokga - a trickster god thrown from the heavens for his attempt at a coup - spends his days hunting demons and irking a particular gumiho.When a demon of darkness escapes the underworld, and the Scarlet Fox emerges from hiding before quickly vanishing, Seokga is offered a chance at redemption: kill them both, and his sins will be forgiven.But Hani is prepared to do anything to prevent Seokga from bringing her to justice, even trick her way into his investigation. Anything, that is - except fall in love . . .
Objev podobné jako The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie
The Witch-Ionary - Deb Robinson
Filled with all the definitions that you could need, The Witch-ionary is an A-Z of magickal words and their meanings. All the way through to the end of the alphabet, all the terms that might crop up in a spell book are explained – along with why that spellbook might be called a book of shadows!
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The Unicorn Project - Kim Gene
The Phoenix Project wowed over a half-million readers. Now comes the Wall Street Journal Bestselling The Unicorn Project!“The Unicorn Project is amazing, and I loved it 100 times more than The Phoenix Project…”—FERNANDO CORNAGO, Senior Director Platform Engineering, Adidas“Gene Kim does a masterful job of showing how … the efforts of many create lasting business advantages for all.”—DR. STEVEN SPEAR, author of The High-Velocity Edge, Sr. Lecturer at MIT, and principal of HVE LLC.“The Unicorn Project is so clever, so good, so crazy enlightening!”––CORNELIA DAVIS, Vice President Of Technology at Pivotal Software, Inc., Author of Cloud Native PatternsThis highly anticipated follow-up to the bestselling title The Phoenix Project takes another look at Parts Unlimited, this time from the perspective of software development.In The Unicorn Project, we follow Maxine, a senior lead developer and architect, as she is exiled to the Phoenix Project, to the horror of her friends and colleagues, as punishment for contributing to a payroll outage. She tries to survive in what feels like a heartless and uncaring bureaucracy and to work within a system where no one can get anything done without endless committees, paperwork, and approvals.One day, she is approached by a ragtag bunch of misfits who say they want to overthrow the existing order, to liberate developers, to bring joy back to technology work, and to enable the business to win in a time of digital disruption. To her surprise, she finds herself drawn ever further into this movement, eventually becoming one of the leaders of the Rebellion, which puts her in the crosshairs of some familiar and very dangerous enemies.The Age of Software is here, and another mass extinction event looms—this is a story about rebel developers and business leaders working together, racing against time to innovate, survive, and thrive in a time of unprecedented uncertainty...and opportunity.“The Unicorn Project provides insanely useful insights on how to improve your technology business.”—DOMINICA DEGRANDIS, author of Making Work Visible and Director of Digital Transformation at Tasktop———“My goal in writing The Unicorn Project was to explore and reveal the necessary but invisible structures required to make developers (and all engineers) productive, and reveal the devastating effects of technical debt and complexity. I hope this book can create common ground for technology and business leaders to leave the past behind, and co-create a better future together.”—Gene Kim, November 2019
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The Black Orb - Ewhan Kim
''Captivates you until the last page. Fast-paced, gripping, brilliant - a book with an accurate insight into this time filled with confusion'' J. M. Lee, international bestselling author of The Investigation and Broken SummerOne evening in downtown Seoul, Jeong-su is smoking a cigarette outside when he sees something impossible: a huge black orb appears out of nowhere and sucks his neighbour inside.The orb soon begins consuming other people and no one knows how to stop it. Impervious to bullets and tanks, the orb splits and multiplies, chasing the hapless residents of Seoul out into the country and sparking a global crisis with widespread violence and looting. Jeong-su must rely upon his wits as he makes the arduous journey in search of his elderly parents. But the strangest phases of this ever-expanding disaster are yet to come and Jeong-su will be forced to question everything he has taken for granted.Dryly funny, propulsive and absurd, The Black Orb is terrifyingly prescient about the fragility of human civilisation.
Objev podobné jako The Black Orb - Ewhan Kim
The Eyes Are The Best Part: A Novel - Monika Kim
Ji-won's life tumbles into disarray in the wake of her Appa's extramarital affair and subsequent departure. Her mother, distraught. Her younger sister, hurt and confused.Her college freshman grades, failing. Her dreams, horrifying... yet enticing.In them, Ji-won walks through bloody rooms full of eyes.Succulent blue eyes. Salivatingly blue eyes. Eyes the same shape and shade as George's, who is Umma's obnoxious new boyfriend.George has already overstayed his welcome in her family's claustrophobic apartment. He brags about his puffed-up consulting job, ogles Asian waitresses while dining out, and acts condescending toward Ji-won and her sister as if he deserves all of Umma's fawning adoration. No, George doesn't deserve anything from her family.Ji-won will make sure of that.For no matter how many victims accumulate around her campus or how many people she must deceive and manipulate, Ji-won's hunger and her rage deserve to be sated.A brilliantly inventive, subversive novel about a young woman unraveling, Monika Kim's The Eyes Are the Best Part is a story of a family falling apart and trying to find their way back to each other, marking a bold new voice in horror that will leave readers mesmerized and craving more.
Objev podobné jako The Eyes Are The Best Part: A Novel - Monika Kim
Ministry - The Land Of Rape And Honey (2 LP)
Složení setu: 2 ks Žánr: Metal Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska;Album Varianta: The Land Of Rape And Honey (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Ministry Vydavatelství: Rhino Records Barva: Černá Subžánr: Alternative Metal;Industrial Metal Datum vydání: 2024-10-04 Rok vydání: 2024.0
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The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson
Annie has a secret. But if she's not going to tell, we won't either. It's a heart-breaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken, not quite yet. Especially now there's someone out there who seems determined to fix her. Kate has run aw
Objev podobné jako The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson
The Trillion Dollar Conman - Ben Robinson
Based on the hit BBC 5Live podcast series, The Trillion Dollar Conman is a tale of audacious international fraud that is stranger than fiction. In 2009, Notts County FC were struggling to survive in League Two when they were taken over by a mysterious company supposedly backed by the Bahrain royal family. The club was promised millions of pounds worth of investment and marquee players, including Sol Campbell and Kasper Schmeichel, were signed by former England manager Sven-Göran Eriksson, who had been appointed to take the club all the way to the Premier League. However, within months, the dream turned into a nightmare as it transpired that the club, the players and the fans had been duped by a convicted fraudster called Russell King. The world's oldest professional football club found itself at the centre of one of the most outlandish frauds in sporting history, which spanned the globe from Nottingham to North Korea, involving fake sheikhs, fast cars, broken promises and a trail of destruction.
Objev podobné jako The Trillion Dollar Conman - Ben Robinson
Standing in the Shadows - Peter Robinson
The brilliant last novel in the number one bestselling Alan Banks crime series - by the master of the police procedural.'The best mystery-procedural series on the market. Try one and tell me I'm wrong' STEPHEN KINGLate November, 1980. Student Nick Hartley returns from a lecture to find his house full of police officers. As he discovers that his ex-girlfriend has been found murdered in a nearby park, and her new boyfriend is missing, he realises two things in quick succession: he is undoubtedly a suspect as he has no convincing alibi, and he has own suspicions as to what might have happened . . .Late November 2019. An dig near Scotch Corner unearths a skeleton that turns out to be far more recent than the Roman remains the archaeologist is looking for. Detective Superintendent Alan Banks and his team are called in and, as an investigation into the find begins, the past and the present meet with devastating consequences.'The master of the police procedural' MAIL ON SUNDAY
Objev podobné jako Standing in the Shadows - Peter Robinson
Paleo-Ketogenic: The Why and the How - Craig Robinson, Sarah Myhill
A guide to why a diet that combines paleo principles (no dairy, no grains) with ketogenic properties is the non-negotiable basis of good health and how to achieve this simply, sustainably and affordably.
Objev podobné jako Paleo-Ketogenic: The Why and the How - Craig Robinson, Sarah Myhill
Interstellar: The Search for Extraterrestrial Life and Our Future Beyond Earth - Avi Loeb
Loeb has a joy in conjecture and an omnivorous spirit of inquiry that are more reminiscent of 20th-century thinkers such as Freeman Dyson or Carl Sagan than most of his peers' The TimesCould we build space craft that could travel to distant stars? Could we augment human biology for spaceflight? Could the search for extraterrestrials be brought into the mainstream of scientific research?Avi Loeb tells us that in each case, the real question is not could we, but will we choose to? With an approach that is firmly grounded in cutting-edge science, he explores the potential for non-rocket space launch, deep space probes, and the technological preservation of human civilisation. He examines the evidence for UFOs and UAPs, and argues that the search for further evidence, using existing scientific technologies, is long overdue.Urgent and important, Noah's Spaceship is a mission statement and a blueprint for the future of humanity. Loeb explains why becoming interstellar is imperative for our civilization to survive - and how we can accomplish it.'One of the more imaginative and articulate scientists around' New York Times
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The Master Cleanser - Stanley Burroughs
The Master Cleanser diet otherwise known as the lemonade diet, it's the easiest, most delicious, effective cleansing and weight loss diet available. You can feel good and get rid of what ails you. This diet has been used for every health problem with great success.
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Where the Poppies Now Grow - Hilary Robinson
Set during the First World War, in simple rhyme, Where the Poppies Now Grow takes readers on a journey of friendship set against a changing landscape of innocence, of war and then finally, of peace.
Objev podobné jako Where the Poppies Now Grow - Hilary Robinson
Pop Smoke - Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon (2 LP)
Země interpreta: USA Typ: LP deska;Stereo;Album Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Žánr: Hip Hop;Trap;Rap Datum vydání: 2021-01-15 Varianta: Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon (2 LP) Subžánr: Hip Hop;Trap;Gangsta;Funk Interpret / Téma: Pop Smoke Rok vydání: 2021.0 Vydavatelství: Republic Records
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Pop Smoke: Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon - CD (0747475)
Hudební CD - Pravý král New Yorku se vydání svého debutového alba nedožil. 50 Centův nástupce vydal reinkarnovanou klasiku Pravý král New Yorku se vydání svého debutového alba nedožil. 50 Centův nástupce vydal reinkarnovanou klasiku Násilná vloupačka odstranila ze světa nekorunovaného nástupce velkých rapových jmen z New Yorku. Kdo ví, jaký vliv, formu a drive by nakonec album Pop Smoka Shoot For The Stars Aim For The Moon mělo, kdyby v únoru nezemřel. Únor 2020. Svět netuší, co ho za pár dnů čeká. Prozatím se ale všude žije poměrně normálně, není proto nijak zvláštní, že americký hiphop v poklidu očekává zajímavý projekt. Na začátku měsíce, konkrétně 7. února, vydává vycházející brooklynská hvězda Pop Smoke očekávaný a v pořadí druhý mixtape Meet The Woo 2 a sklízí šílený úspěch. Ten oslavuje ze svého nového pronajatého domu v prokletých hollywoodských kopcích Los Angeles. Večer, 19. února, jej ale navštěvují minimálně čtyři maskovaní muži. Nezvaní. Pop...
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Růžová.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Růžová.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Fialová.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Fialová.
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The Colony of Good Hope - Kim Leine
A hugely powerful chronicle of lives lived on the edge' - Sunday Times, Books of the YearIn the tradition of Conrad's Heart of Darkness, an immensely powerful historical novel about the first encounters between Danish colonists and Greenlanders in the early eighteenth century, of brutal clashes between priests and pagans and the forces that drive each individual towards darkness or light. 1728: The Danish King Fredrik IV sends a governor to Greenland to establish a colony, in the hopes of exploiting the country's allegedly vast natural resources. A few merchants, a barber-surgeon, two trainee priests, a blacksmith, some carpenters and soldiers and a dozen hastily married couples go with him.The missionary priest Hans Egede has already been in Greenland for several years when the new colonists arrive. He has established a mission there, but the converts are few. Among those most hostile to Egede is the shaman Aappaluttoq, whose own son was taken by the priest and raised in the Christian faith as his own.Thus the great rift between two men, and two ways of life, is born. The newly arrived couples - men and women plucked from prison - quickly sink into a life of almost complete dissolution, and soon unsanitary conditions, illness and death bring the colony to its knees. Through the starvation and the epidemics that beset the colony, Egede remains steadfast in his determination - willing to sacrifice even those he loves for the sake of his mission.Translated from Danish by Martin Aitken, Kim Leine's The Colony of Good Hope explores what happens when two cultures confront one another. In a distant colony, under the harshest conditions, the overwhelming forces of nature meet the vices of man.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Černá
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Černá.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Bílá
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Bílá.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Fialová.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Fialová.
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Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Černá
The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Černá.
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This Land: The Struggle for the Left (0141994398)
Kniha - 36 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
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The Hunt for the Cursed Unicorn - Alex Bell
All aboard for The Train of Dark Wonders! The second book in the magical must-read middle-grade series.
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The Future - Naomi Aldermanová
‘Gripping’ MARGARET ATWOOD''A fabulous, witty writer on the digital world’ SUNDAY TIMES''A little Atwood, a little Gibson, all Alderman, it’s brilliant and I loved it'' LAUREN BEUKESThe latest novel from the Women’s Prize-winning author of The Power, The Future is a white-knuckle tour de force and dazzling exploration of the world we have made and where we are going.Lai Zhen is about to die. As an Internet-famous survivalist, she’s spent her life prepping for the end of the world. But now, desperate and cornered in a mall in Singapore, she’s mad she might go out not knowing what the hell is going on. If she makes it out alive, what kind of a future will be waiting for her?Across the world, Martha Einkorn works the room at a gathering of mega-rich companies hell-bent securing a future just for them. Covert weapons, private weather, technological prophecy, when Martha fled her father’s compound she may have left the cult behind, but if the apocalyptic warnings of his fox and rabbit sermon are starting to come true, how much future is actually left?Martha and Zhen’s worlds are about to collide. While a few billionaires assured of their own safety lead the world to destruction, Martha’s relentless drive and Zhen’s insatiable curiosity could lead to something beautiful … or the cataclysmic end of civilization.‘A rollicking, fun-packed thriller’ ALASTAIR REYNOLDSNaomi Alderman''s novel The Power won the Women''s Prize for Fiction in 2017.
Objev podobné jako The Future - Naomi Aldermanová
The Doors - Waiting For The Sun (50th Anniversary) (LP)
Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Typ: LP deska;Album;Jubilejní edice Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Subžánr: Rock;Blues Rock;Blues;Psychedelic Rock;Acid Rock Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock;Blues;Hard Rock Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Atlantic;Elektra;Rhino Records Datum vydání: 2019-01-10 Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Interpret / Téma: The Doors Rok vydání: 2019.0 Varianta: Waiting For The Sun (50Th Anniversary)
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Dune: The inspiration for the blockbuster film - Frank Herbert
What The Lord of the Rings is to fantasy, Dune is to science fiction. Presenting one of the most influential works of all time, which has inspired countless other stories for more than half a century, this is an awe-inspiring world, and a story of truly epic scope.''An astonishing science fiction phenomenon'' WASHINGTON POST''I know nothing comparable to it except The Lord of the Rings'' Arthur C Clarke''It is possible that Dune is even more relevant now than when it was first published'' NEW YORKERPaul Atreides, son of Duke Leto Atreides, and all of his family have been sent to the planet Arrakis, having been outmanoeuvred by their arch-enemy Baron Harkonnen.Arrakis - also known as Dune - is an arid place, but a planet of fabulous wealth, the only source of a drug prized throughout the Galactic Empire: Spice.What will happen next will change everything. There are secrets on Dune, known only to the planet''s native people, the Fremen. They have been waiting for their moment to make their move.Paul will be brought into the path by terrible events beyond his control. But Paul himself is important. He is the child of destiny, a child of prophecy, and within him is the power to bring the Empire to its knees.Joint winner of the HUGO AWARD for best novel, 1966Winner of the NEBULA AWARD for best novel, 1965Read the book which inspired the Academy Award-winning and jaw-dropping cinematic events Dune: Part One (2021) and Dune: Part Two (2024). A science fiction spectacular like no other, this is a deeply climate conscious novel, and a compelling family saga for the ages.
Objev podobné jako Dune: The inspiration for the blockbuster film - Frank Herbert
The Search for the Giant Arctic Jellyfish - Savage Chloe
A moving tale of grit, endurance and self-belief to inspire young explorers and dreamers from a stunningly talented debut.Dr Morley is about to embark on a quest to the northernmost tip of the world, to discover a creature that everyone talks about but nobody has ever seen: The Giant Arctic Jellyfish. After years of research and hard graft, she gathers together a highly trained crew and a boat full of specialist equipment, and sets sail for the vast icy scapes of the Arctic. Will she find what she is searching for? Or will it find her?From debut author-illustrator Chloe Savage comes a beautifully detailed adventure into the unknown, sure to captivate the imagination of young explorers.
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The New Vision for the New Architecture - Jaroslav Anděl
Kniha poprvé uvádí jedinečný soubor fotografií moderní architektury, které vznikly ve spolupráci avantgardních architektů a fotografů ve dvacátých a třicátých letech 20. století. Tento soubor představuje dobové fotografie a jejich náměty - klíčové i méně známé moderní budovy, uspořádané podle stavebních typů - nejen jako důležité dokumenty moderní architektury, ale také jako autentické příklady vize, která dodnes zůstává inspirací. Současně ukazuje, že meziválečné Československo patřilo v hnutí za novou architekturu k předním evropským zemím.
Objev podobné jako The New Vision for the New Architecture - Jaroslav Anděl
The Secret State : Preparing for the Worst 1945 - 2010
What were the secret plans for Britain if World War Three had erupted and 'breakdown' had occurred? When would the Queen have been informed and where would she have gone? How does the contingency planning for a national emergency work today? This book gives the detailed answers to these questions.
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The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella
From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow.
Objev podobné jako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella
The Race to the Future - Kassia St Clair
10 June 1907, Peking. Five cars set off in a desperate race across two continents on the verge of revolution. An Italian prince and his chauffeur, a French racing driver, a conman and various journalists battle over steep mountain ranges and across the arid vastness of the Gobi Desert. The contestants need teams of helpers to drag their primitive cars up narrow gorges, lift them over rough terrain and float them across rivers. Petrol is almost impossible to find, there are barely any roads, armed bandits and wolves lurk in the forests. Updates on their progress, sent by telegram, are eagerly devoured by millions in one of the first ever global news stories. Their destination: Paris. More than its many adventures, the Peking-to-Paris provided the impetus for profound change. The world of 1907 is poised between the old and the new: communist regimes will replace imperial ones in China and Russia; the telegraph is transforming modern communication and the car will soon displace the horse. In this book bestselling author Kassia St Clair traces the fascinating stories of two interlocking races - setting the derring-do (and sometimes cheating) of one of the world's first car races against the backdrop of a larger geopolitical and technological rush to the future, as the rivalry grows between countries and empires, building up to the cataclysmic event that changed everything - the First World War. The Race to the Future is the incredible true story of the quest against the odds that shaped the world we live in today.
Objev podobné jako The Race to the Future - Kassia St Clair
The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella
From the bestselling authors and hosts of 'The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe' a high-tech roadmap of the future in their beloved voice, cracking open both the follies of futurists past and how technology will profoundly change our world moving forward. Our predictions of the future are a wild fantasy, inextricably linked to our present hopes and fears, biases and ignorance. Whether they be the outlandish leaps predicted in the 1920s, like multi-purpose utility belts with climate control capabilities and planes the size of luxury cruise ships, or the forecasts of the '60s, which didn't anticipate the sexual revolution or women's liberation, the path to the present is littered with failed predictions and incorrect estimations.The best we can do is try to absorb from futurism's checkered past, perhaps learning to do a little better.In The Skeptics' Guide To The Future, Steven Novella and his co-authors build upon the work of futurists of the past by examining what they got right, what they got wrong, and how they came to those conclusions. By exploring the pitfalls of each era, they give their own speculations about the distant future, transformed by unbelievable technology ranging from genetic manipulation to artificial intelligence and quantum computing. Applying their trademark skepticism, they carefully extrapolate upon each scientific development, leaving no stone unturned as they lay out a vision for the future of tomorrow.
Objev podobné jako The Skeptics' Guide to the Future - Steven Novella
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