Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Man Without Qualities - Robert Musil

With an introduction by Jonathan Lethem. It is 1913, and Viennese high society is determined to find an appropriate way of celebrating the seventieth jubilee of the accession of Emperor Franz Josef. But as the aristocracy tries to salvage something illustrious out of the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the ordinary Viennese world is beginning to show signs of more serious rebellion. Caught in the middle of this social labyrinth is Ulrich: youngish, rich, an ex-soldier, seducer and scientist. Unable to deceive himself that the jumble of attributes and values that his world has bestowed on him amounts to anything so innate as a 'character', he is effectively a man 'without qualities', a brilliant, detached observer of the spinning, racing society around him. Part satire, part visionary epic, part intellectual tour de force, The Man Without Qualities by Robert Musil is a work of immeasurable importance.

Podívejte se také The Invisible Man ()

cena 499.0 Kč

Tri ženy - Robert Musil

Slávne novely legendárneho rakúskeho prozaika. Kniha Tri ženy je zbierka noviel, v ktorých sa autor sústreďuje na zobrazenie vzťahu muža a ženy, na ich vzájomný citový život i na individuálny prístup každého z partnerov. Hoci milenci prežívajú spoločné chvíle, sú si neprekonateľne cudzí a práve toto napätie využíva autor na psychologické priblíženie ich konania. Hrdinovia príbehov Roberta Musila podstupujú morálnu skúšku, ktorá hlboko zasiahne do ich životov. „Z každej novely sa mohol stať román. Ak sa nestal, závisí to od postoja spisovateľa k svojmu nápadu. Novela je zárodok románu, vyvinie sa z neho plod a potom sa absorbuje."Robert Musil

Podívejte se také Stubbs the Zombie in Rebel Without a Pulse - Xbox (9120080076786)

cena 268.0 Kč

Zmatky chovance Törlesse - Robert Musil

Zmatky chovance Törlesse jsou románovou prvotinou význačného rakouského spisovatele, literárním plodem jeho pobytu ve vojenské škole v Eisenstadtu a v Hranicích na Moravě. Musil ji napsal, když mu bylo pouhých dvaadvacet let, a poprvé vyšla v roce 1906, přesto jde o dílo neobyčejně zralé, které dodnes uchvacuje nové generace čtenářů subtilní, citlivou a pronikavě přesnou studií duševního i tělesného zrání mladičkého chovance internátní vojenské školy. Na pozadí hrdinova pubertálního procitání autor zároveň vykresluje obraz fungování lidského společenství uvnitř uzavřeného světa, jemuž vládne duch soupeření a konfrontace, a zachycuje mechanismy soužití mezi chovanci, vztahy mezi jedincem a masou, mezi obětí a jejími trýzniteli, mezi diktátory a jejich přisluhovači i spojenci. Prvotina Roberta Musila v novém překladu Radovana Charváta.

Podívejte se také Plant Robert, Krauss Alison: Raise The Roof - CD (9029667219)

cena 231.0 Kč

The Fourth Man - Robert Baer

For the first time ever, New York Times bestselling author and former CIA operative Robert Baer tells the explosive story of how insiders believe a KGB mole rose to the highest ranks of the CIA. In the aftermath of the Cold War, US intelligence caught three high-profile Russian spies. However, these arrests left major questions unanswered, and rumours have long swirled of another mole, often referred to as the Fourth Man. Three pioneering female veterans of counterintelligence were tasked with unearthing him. With steadfast determination and expertise, they came to a shocking conclusion, one which had, and continues to harbour, dramatic consequences for American security. In this gripping insider account, Baer tells a thrilling story of Russian espionage and American intelligence. With profound implications for the rise of Vladimir Putin and international relations with Russia, The Fourth Man is a real-life spy thriller with echoes of John Le Carre.

Objev podobné jako The Fourth Man - Robert Baer

cena 449.0 Kč

El hombre sin atributos - Robert Musil

El hombre sin atributos fue escrita entre 1930 y 1942 y quedó interrumpida por la muerte del autor. Los actores principales de esta tragicomedia monumental son: Ulrich, el hombre sin atributos, el matemático idealista, el sarcástico espectador; Leona y Bonadea, las dos amadas del matemático, desbancadas por Diotima, cerebro dirigente de la «Acción Paralela» y mujer cuya estupidez sólo es comparable a su hermosura; y Arnheim, el hombre con atributos, un millonario prusiano cuya conversación fluctúa entre las modernas técnicas de la inseminación artificial y las tallas medievales búlgaras.

Objev podobné jako El hombre sin atributos - Robert Musil

cena 849.0 Kč

Vincenc neboli Přítelkyně významných mužů - Robert Musil

Autor mistrovského románu Muž bez vlastností se ani jako dramatik nezapře při nelítostném pohledu na společnost a vztahy mezi lidmi. Půvabná přítelkyně významných mužů Alfa dovede se svými obdivovateli a svůdci hrát neodolatelnou hru, ve které se při té příležitosti o nich leccos dozvíme. Jakou roli ale hraje v příběhu titulní postava hry Vincenc? Vychází jako 174. svazek edice D v překladu Jitky Bodlákové.

Objev podobné jako Vincenc neboli Přítelkyně významných mužů - Robert Musil

cena 197.0 Kč

Determined: The Science of Life Without Free Will - Robert M. Sapolsky

What if free will is an illusion? As Robert Sapolsky shows in this masterful account of the science of human behaviour, everything we think and do is caused by the luck of our biology and the influence of our environment, and ultimately both are beyond our control. In a world without free will, we must completely rethink what we mean by choice, responsibility, morality and justice.Sapolsky’s extraordinary book does exactly this, guiding us toward a profoundly fairer, more humane way of living together.

Objev podobné jako Determined: The Science of Life Without Free Will - Robert M. Sapolsky

cena 384.0 Kč

Engelbert Humperdinck - A Man Without Love (CD)

Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: A Man Without Love (CD) Subžánr: Traditional Pop Žánr: Pop Vydavatelství: Classics & Jazz UK Datum vydání: 2024-07-19 Interpret / Téma: Engelbert Humperdinck Balení obsahuje: CD Typ: Album;CD Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako Engelbert Humperdinck - A Man Without Love (CD)

cena 565.0 Kč

The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player - John C. Maxwell

Where can a person go to learn how to become a better team player? Your choices are definitely limited. John C. Maxwell takes the pain out of knowing what makes a team tick. If you want to have a better team, you have to develop better players. Great team players, like great teams, are formed from the inside out.The qualities Maxwell teaches quickly take you to the heart of teamwork. Anybody can understand them and apply them -- whether at home, on the job, at church, or on the ball field. If you learn the 17 essential qualities of a team player, you can become the kind of person every team wants. If everyone on your team does it, there will be no holding you back.

Objev podobné jako The 17 Essential Qualities of a Team Player - John C. Maxwell

cena 325.0 Kč

O intelektuálním erótu: Esej o Robertu Musilovi (978-80-7530-325-7)

Kniha - autor Roger Willemsen, 266 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Esej Rogera Willemsena nabízí pronikavou úvahu k vnitřní souvislosti Musilova vydaného díla a ke spojnicím tohoto díla s náčrty, deníky a autorovým životem. Jedinečnost Musilova chápání literatury tu je promyšlena v celém svém dosahu a Musil-spisovatel je představen ve své autentické podobě: jako neteologický, zcela nitrosvětský mystik, jako osamělý průzkumník možnosti mezilidských pout, jako autor a konstruktér krajně precizních popisů nevyslovitelna.

Objev podobné jako O intelektuálním erótu: Esej o Robertu Musilovi (978-80-7530-325-7)

cena 230.0 Kč

The Bladderstones: Without Cover (CD)

Pětiletí existence slavící kapela The Bladderstones, která je už pevnou součástí tuzemské klubové scény a sama se charakterizuje jako blues/crossover, vydává po debutu ("Bored of Love", 2014) druhé autorské album "Without Cover". A jde o ještě pestřejší kolekci nahrávek, protože základní hudební hmotu tentokrát obohacují prvky fusion, alternativního metalu i popu. Trio se opírá o zkušenosti dlouholetého člena skupiny Jablkoň, baskytaristy a v The Bladderstones hlavního vokalisty Johnnyho Judla, o hru vynikajícího moderního kytaristy Tomáše Frolíka a o energii nového bubeníka Michaela Noska, patřícího k instrumentální špičce domácího rocku i jazzu. Na albu se poprvé ocitá v roli sólového zpěváka i Frolík ("For Once"), zatímco Judl překvapí češtinou ve vlastním textu songu "Životní role". Závěrečnou podmanivou instrumentálku "Pro Petra" skupina věnovala zesnulému příteli a známému výrobci a opraváři kytar Petru Jurkovičovi. Ve "Way Too Much of Love" pak jde o lehké šťouchnutí do zatuchlého rybníčku českého blues. Důležitým elementem při vzniku CD byl i hudební režisér a zvukový mistr Ondřej Ježek, podepsaný i pod konečným mixem ze svého studia Jámor, kam The Bladderstones přišli pomoci i hosté, David Babka, specialista na klouzavou steel kytaru, a Ondřej Kříž na elektrické piano. Tracklist: 1. For Once 04:28 2. Another Man 06:52 3. Životní Role 03:12 4. Death Wish On My Mind 02:30 5. Baby Please Don't Go 03:21 6. And The Life... 05:15 7. Fire It Up 03:00 8. Runaway 05:54 9. Too Much 04:56 10. Pro Petra 09:15

Objev podobné jako The Bladderstones: Without Cover (CD)

cena 299.0 Kč

Portugal. The Man - Woodstock (LP)

Barva: Černá Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Rock;Psychedelic Rock Interpret / Téma: Portugal. The Man Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Atlantic Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Typ: LP deska;Album Datum vydání: 2017-07-21 Varianta: Woodstock Rok vydání: 2017.0 Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP

Objev podobné jako Portugal. The Man - Woodstock (LP)

cena 769.0 Kč

The Man in the Moon - Andrew Barrow

Are all aspiring stand-up comics as tragic as Baby Reindeer? If William is anything to go by, the answer is possibly ‘yes’. Nostalgic, razor-sharp and deliciously peculiar, this is a weird but wonderful comedy of manners by the award-winning author of The Tap Dancer.William is a lonely young man on the loose in the late 1960s. A disastrous appearance as a stand-up comic in a pub called The Man In the Moon is only the start of his adventures, in which he consorts with theatrical types, frenzied advertising men and accident-prone lodgers.William’s exploits lead him eventually to the consulting rooms of a Harley Street psychiatrist, where his delusions that he is a comic genius can finally be laid bare.Andrew Barrow’s second – and so far last – novel, first published in 1996, is a hilariously bittersweet comedy that follows in the footsteps of last year’s sensational reissue of The Tap Dancer, which drew praise from Alan Bennett (‘my favourite novel’), Craig Brown (‘sublime comedy’) and India Knight (‘hilariously funny’).

Objev podobné jako The Man in the Moon - Andrew Barrow

cena 295.0 Kč

The Tallest Man On Earth - The Talles Man On Earth (LP)

Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 45 RPM Vydavatelství: Gravitation Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Rok vydání: 2011.0 Typ: EP deska;12" vinylová deska Varianta: The Talles Man On Earth (LP) Interpret / Téma: The Tallest Man On Earth Subžánr: World Music;Folk Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: Švédsko Žánr: Folk

Objev podobné jako The Tallest Man On Earth - The Talles Man On Earth (LP)

cena 682.1 Kč

The Man in the Brown Suit - Agatha Christie

A young woman investigates an accidental death at a London tube station, and finds herself of a ship bound for South Africa... Pretty, young Anne came to London looking for adventure. In fact, adventure comes looking for her - and finds her immediately at Hyde Park Corner tube station. Anne is present on the platform when a thin man, reeking of mothballs, loses his balance and is electocuted on the rails. The Scotland Yard verdict is accidental death. But Anne is not satisfied. After all, who was the man in the brown suit who examined the body? And why did he race off, leaving a cryptic message behind: `17-122 Kilmorden Castle'?

Objev podobné jako The Man in the Brown Suit - Agatha Christie

cena 214.0 Kč

Saving the Planet Without the Bullsh*t - Assaad Razzouk

Have you heard that you should plant trees to save the planet? Or buy carbon offsets when you fly? Or recycle plastic? Go vegan? Or not have children? What if all these actions were a distraction, no matter how well-intentioned?In this provocative manifesto, Assaad Razzouk shows that for too long our ideas about what's best for the environment have been unfocused and distracted, trying to go in too many directions and concentrating on individual behaviour. While some of these things can be useful, they are dwarfed by one big thing that simply has to happen very soon if we're to avoid major environmental breakdown: curtailing the activities of the fossil fuel industry.Full of counter-intuitive statistics and positive suggestions for individual and collective action, this ingenious book will change how you view the climate crisis.

Objev podobné jako Saving the Planet Without the Bullsh*t - Assaad Razzouk

cena 359.0 Kč

Portugal The Man: Woodstock - CD (7567866083)

Hudební CD - Už osmá studiovka skupiny. Po vydání předchozí desky Evil Friends (2013) kapela strávila spoustu času nahráváním plánovaného alba Gloomin+Doomin, ale protože nebyla spokojena s výslednou podobou, nahrávka nikdy nevyšla. Až prázdninový výlet domů na Aljašku dal kapele nový náboj a inspiraci. Už osmá studiovka skupiny. Po vydání předchozí desky Evil Friends (2013) kapela strávila spoustu času nahráváním plánovaného alba Gloomin+Doomin, ale protože nebyla spokojena s výslednou podobou, nahrávka nikdy nevyšla. Až prázdninový výlet domů na Aljašku dal kapele nový náboj a inspiraci. Portugal. The Man výzvu přijali, starý materiál smazali, oslovili hned několik producentů a spolupracovníků (např. Mike D z Beastie Boys, Danger Mouse nebo tradiční Casey Bates) a překvapili svěžím zvukem singlu Feel It Still. Album Woodstock je nepochybně vydařenou deskou, která může oslovit i mainstreamové posluchače, aniž by se jim jakkoli podbízela! Portugal. The Man...

Objev podobné jako Portugal The Man: Woodstock - CD (7567866083)

cena 359.0 Kč

Travis: The Man Who - LP (7209191)

LP vinyl - The Man Who je druhé album skotské kapely Travis z roku 1999. Travis je skotská kapela, původem z města Glasgow. Vznikla v roce 1990 a hraje kytarový pop.tzv. "indies". Pro Travis jsou typické pomalejší kytarové skladby s melancholickými motivy. Travis jsou srovnáváni s kapelami Oasis, Coldplay, Keane nebo Snow Patrol. The Man Who je jejich druhé album z roku 1999. Obsah: Green Behind The Ears Only Molly Knows Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah High As A Kite Be My Baby Where Is The Love Village Man Slide Show (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) River Days Of Our Lives We Are Monkeys Baby One More Time (Live From The Bay Tavern / Robin Hoods Bay / 1999) Coming Around Just The Faces Change The Connection Rock 'N' (Salad) Roll The Weight

Objev podobné jako Travis: The Man Who - LP (7209191)

cena 639.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice (0241988241)

Kniha - autor Richard Osman, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice (0241988241)

cena 276.0 Kč

The Man - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Man' is a gothic novel combining elements of horror and romance written by Bram Stoker, the author of the acclaimed 'Dracula' made famous by the 1931 movie adaption starring Bela Lugosi. Other masters of gothic fiction include Edgar Allan Poe and H.G. Wells. 'The Man' follows the story of Stephen, a lovely young woman and Harold, who is slowly approaching manhood. This story focuses on the immense social and physical proprieties required of the pre-industrial era in England and the struggles facing Stephen and Harold in overcoming them. Stephen is a remarkable character, that has an enlightened feminist perspective ahead of her time, liberating her from the confined conventions regarding a women's role in society. Stoker's descriptive powers seen in the renowned 'Dracula' are also vividly demonstrated in 'The Man' .A sheer pleasure to read, brimming with beautiful prose and an enchanting storyline. 'The Man' is highly recommended for readers who also enjoy classic english literature focusing on the strength of women in the face of adversity as vibrantly depicted in the works of Jane Austen and George Eliot. -

Objev podobné jako The Man - Bram Stoker - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Innocent Man

A gripping true-crime story of a shocking miscarriage of justice, from international bestselling thriller author John Grisham, author of A Time to Kill, The Firm and The Whistler.In the baseball draft of 1971, Ron Williamson was the first player chosen from Oklahoma. Signing with Oakland, he said goodbye to his small home town and left for California to pursue his dreams of glory.Six years later he was back, his dreams broken by a bad arm and bad habits - drinking, drugs and women. He began to show signs of mental illness. Unable to keep a job, he moved in with his mother and slept 20 hours a day on her sofa.In 1982, a 21 year-old cocktail waitress, Debra Sue Carter, was raped and murdered, and for five years the crime went unsolved. Finally, desperate for someone to blame, police came to suspect Ron Williamson and his friend Dennis Fritz. The two were finally arrested in 1987 and charged with murder.With no physical evidence, the prosecution's case was built on junk science and the testimony of jailhouse snitches and convicts. Dennis Fritz was found guilty and given a life sentence.Ron Williamson was sent to Death Row.But as Grisham methodically lays out, there was no case against him. Ron Williamson was wrongly condemned to die. If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you.__________________In 2018, THE INNOCENT MAN was adapted by Netflix into a gripping six-part true crime series.

Objev podobné jako The Innocent Man

cena 169.0 Kč

The Invisible Man ()

Audiokniha MP3 - autor Herbert George Wells a Dana Olšovská, čte Phil Watson oslechnete si napínavý příběh o mladém vědci a studujte přitom angličtinuJak se stát neviditelným? A jaká úskalí tento zdánlivě úžasný stav s sebou nese? Poslechnete si napínavý příběh o mladém vědci a studujte přitom angličtinu! Poté, co mladý přírodovědec Griffin objeví klíč k neviditelnosti a provede úspěšný pokus na sobě, již není schopen výsledek zvrátit. Brzy zjistí, jaké výhody a hlavně nevýhody má trvalá neviditelnost a s ní spojená existence ve společnosti. Podaří se mu zachovat lidskou tvář? K čemu ho jeho neuvěřitelný experiment přivede? Příběh v angličtině je určen pro začátečníky, kteří si chtějí vyzkoušet, jak si poradí se souvislým textem v angličtině. Audioknihu namluvil rodilý mluvčí.

Objev podobné jako The Invisible Man ()

cena 79.0 Kč

The Man in the High Castle: Penguin Essentials (0241968097)

Kniha - autor Philip K. Dick, 248 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Dick's alternative history the Nazis have won WWII, and taken over New York. The Japanese control California. In a neutral buffer zone an underground author offers his own vision of reality that offers hope to the disenchanted.

Objev podobné jako The Man in the High Castle: Penguin Essentials (0241968097)

cena 259.0 Kč

Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent - Judi Dench

Taking a curtain call with a live snake in her wig; being painted green and cavorting naked through the Warwickshire countryside; acting opposite a child with a pumpkin on his head... these are just a few things Dame Judi Dench has done in the name of Shakespeare.In this book, Judi tells us about every Shakespearean role she's played throughout her career. Written in dialogue with fellow artist Brendan O'Hea, Judi guides us through Shakespeare's plays with incisive clarity, reveals the secrets behind her rehearsal process and invites us to share in her triumphs, disasters and backstage shenanigans.As Judi herself says 'Shakespeare is an international language, a beacon for humanity, and a bridge across cultures.Everything you have felt or are yet to feel is all in there in his plays.'

Objev podobné jako Shakespeare: The Man Who Pays The Rent - Judi Dench

cena 447.0 Kč

The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick

A dazzling speculative novel of 'counterfactual history' from one of America's most highly-regarded science fiction authors, Philip K. Dick's The Man in the High Castle includes an introduction by Eric Brown in Penguin Modern Classics. Philip K. Dick's acclaimed cult novel gives us a horrifying glimpse of an alternative world - one where the Allies have lost the Second World War. In this nightmare dystopia the Nazis have taken over New York, the Japanese control California and the African continent is virtually wiped out. In a neutral buffer zone in America that divides the world's new rival superpowers, lives the author of an underground bestseller. His book offers a new vision of reality - an alternative theory of world history in which the Axis powers were defeated - giving hope to the disenchanted. Does 'reality' lie with him, or is his world just one among many others? Philip Kindred Dick (1928-82) was born in Chicago in 1928. His career as a science fiction writer comprised an early burst of short stories followed by a stream of novels, typically character studies incorporating androids, drugs, and hallucinations. His best works are generally agreed to be The Man in the High Castle and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the inspiration for the movie Blade Runner. If you enjoyed The Man in the High Castle, you might like Yevgeny Zamyatin's We, also available in Penguin Classics.

Objev podobné jako The Man in the High Castle - Philip K. Dick

cena 268.0 Kč

The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein

The story of a daring tightrope walk between skyscrapers, as seen in Robert Zemeckis'' The Walk, starring Joseph Gordon-Levitt. In 1974, French aerialist Philippe Petit threw a tightrope between the two towers of the World Trade Center and spent an hour walking, dancing, and performing high-wire tricks a quarter mile in the sky. This picture book captures the poetry and magic of the event. The Man Who Walked Between the Towers is the winner of the 2004 Caldecott Medal, the winner of the 2004 Boston Globe - Horn Book Award for Picture Books, and the winner of the 2006 Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Children''s Video.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Walked Between the Towers - Mordicai Gerstein

cena 325.0 Kč

Enzo Ferrari: The Man and the Machine - Enzo Ferrari

Excellence, luxury, and performance. Less well-known is the man behind the brand. For nearly seventy years, Enzo Ferrari dominated a motor-sports empire that defined the world of high-performance cars.Next to the Pope, Ferrari was the most revered man in Italy. But was he the benign padrone portrayed by an adoring world press at the time, or was he a ruthless despot, who drove his staff to the edge of madness, and his racing drivers even further?Brock Yates's definitive biography penetrated Ferrari's elaborately constructed veneer and uncovered the truth behind Ferrari's bizarre relationships, his work with Mussolini's fascists, and his fanatical obsession with speed.

Objev podobné jako Enzo Ferrari: The Man and the Machine - Enzo Ferrari

cena 384.0 Kč

The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha

eBook: Trying to process a life crisis Gothenburg policeman, Dennis Wilhelmson, decides to take a trip to his quiet childhood island, Smögen. Dennis is looking forward to enjoying some peaceful days at the small town island, where nothing really ever happens... or so he thought. Everything changes when the body of a young man is found in the habour basin and an old friend of his is missing without a trace. Dennis is now involuntarily thrown in to the biggest murder investigation the area has ever seen.Enter Sandra Haraldsson, a young ambitious and very straight forward police aspirant. This was definitely not the calm and harmonious summer Dennis had been planning for himself to recover. But can Sandra heal his heart while they take on the investigation?The Man on the Beach is the first part in the series "The Smögen Murders".-

Objev podobné jako The Man on the Beach - Anna Ihrén - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

The Old Man and the Sea (9780099273967)

Kniha - autor Ernest Hemingway, 112 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Set in the Gulf Stream off the coast of Havana, Hemingway's magnificent fable is the tale of an old man, a young boy and a giant fish. This story of heroic endeavour won Hemingway the Nobel Prize for Literature. It stands as a unique and timeless vision of the beauty and grief of man's challenge to the elements.

Objev podobné jako The Old Man and the Sea (9780099273967)

cena 200.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice - Richard Osman

cena 241.0 Kč

Kraftwerk - The Man Machine (2009 Edition) (LP)

Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Datum vydání: 2012-06-08 Interpret / Téma: Kraftwerk Rok vydání: 2012.0 Subžánr: Techno;Synth-pop;Experimental;House Varianta: The Man Machine (2009 Edition) Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: LP deska;Album Vydavatelství: Parlophone Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Elektronický Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: Německo Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP

Objev podobné jako Kraftwerk - The Man Machine (2009 Edition) (LP)

cena 972.9 Kč

The Will of the Many - James Islington

At the elite Catenan Academy, where students are prepared as the future leaders of the Hierarchy empire, the curriculum reveals a layered set of mysteries which turn murderous in this new fantasy by bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington. Vis, the adopted son of Magnus Quintus Ulcisor, a prominent senator within the Hierarchy, is trained to enter the famed Catenan Academy to help Ulciscor learn what the hidden agenda is of the remote island academy. Secretly, he also wants Vis to discover what happed to his brother who died at the academy.He’s sure the current Principalis of the academy, Quintus Veridius Julii, a political rival, knows much more than he’s revealing. The Academy’s vigorous syllabus is a challenge Vis is ably suited to meet, but it is the training in the use of Will, a practice that Vis finds abhorrent, that he must learn in order to excel at the Academy. Will—a concept that encompasses their energy, drive, focus, initiative, ambition, and vitality—can be voluntarily “ceded” to someone else.A single recipient can accept ceded Will from multiple people, growing in power towards superhuman levels. Within the hierarchy your level of Will, or legal rank, determines how you live or die. And there are those who are determined to destroy this hierarchal system, as well as those in the Academy who use it to gain dominance in internationally bestselling author James Islington’s wonderfully crafted new epic fantasy series.

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cena 591.0 Kč

The Man Who Didn't Burn - Moore Ian

When an English expat is brutally murdered, his charred corpse left on a Loire Valley hillside, the police turn to juge d’instruction Matthieu Lombard to find the perpetrator.

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Didn't Burn - Moore Ian

cena 295.0 Kč

Marvin Gaye - You're The Man (2 LP)

Žánr: Jazz;Funk;Disco;R&B;Soul Typ: Album;LP deska Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989 Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Jazz;Soul;R&B;Funk Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA Varianta: You're The Man (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2019.0 Interpret / Téma: Marvin Gaye Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2019-03-29

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cena 979.0 Kč

Portugal. The Man: In The Mountain In The Cloud - LP (7567864186)

LP vinyl - Vinylová reedice šestého alba skupiny. Deska původně vyšla v roce 2011 jako debut Portugal. The Man u velkého vydavatelství Atlantic. Portugal. The Man pocházejí z Aljašky. Vinylová reedice šestého alba skupiny. Deska původně vyšla v roce 2011 jako debut Portugal. The Man u velkého vydavatelství Atlantic. Portugal. The Man pocházejí z Aljašky. Ústřední postavou je zpěvák a skladatel John Gourley, který v roce 2001 založil screamo punk rockovou úderku Anatomy Of A Ghost. Portugal. The Man původně vznikli jako jeho boční projekt, po rozpadu domovské skupiny se jim ale Gourley začal věnovat naplno. Kapela prošla mnoha personálními změnami, z Aljašky se přestěhovala do Portlandu a po několika vydařených albech pro nezávislá vydavatelství podepsala v roce 2010 smlouvu s velkou firmou Atlantic. Tvorbu Portugal. The Man lze označit jako směs alternativního a psychedelického rocku, progresivního rocku a experimentálního popu. Rok vydání : 2011...

Objev podobné jako Portugal. The Man: In The Mountain In The Cloud - LP (7567864186)

cena 749.0 Kč

Ultrasound examination of the lower limbs - Dalibor Musil, et al. - e-kniha

eBook: This monograph focuses on the clinical use of ultrasound in phlebology. The introduction covers the technical aspects from basic physical principles of the ultrasound signal formation and processing, principles of rheology and the Doppler effect through various ultrasound modalities to practical instructions for setting the ultrasound machine for examination of various areas of the venous system. The next part provides detailed description of the venous anatomy of the lower extremities as a reliable guide for navigating the sometimes variable vein morphology. The core of the book is a description of the principal nosological units in phlebology and methods for their sonographic diagnosis. In the first place is chronic venous disease, along with superficial and deep vein thrombosis, the post-thrombotic syndrome, congenital vascular malformations and variations, and venous aneurysms. The core of the book is the description of the main nosological entities in physiology and the methods for sonographic diagnostics.An increasingly important overlap of ultrasonography from diagnostics to therapy is outlined in chapters on the use of sonography in local venous thrombolysis and surgical treatment of chronic venous disease. The book concludes with several case reports, a practical and a synthesis of all the other chapters, a clinical outllook and a message for everyday practice. Essentially, they are an extract of why the book was created. Increasingly important is the extension of ultrasound diagnostics into therapy, which is outlined in the chapters on the use of sonography for local venous thrombolysis and surgical treatment of chronic venous diseases.

Objev podobné jako Ultrasound examination of the lower limbs - Dalibor Musil, et al. - e-kniha

cena 424.0 Kč

The Sellout: Longlisted for the Man Booker Prize 2016 (1786070170)

Kniha - autor Paul Beatty, 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 309.0 Kč

The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)

Kniha - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Francis Fukuyama, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fukuyama's profound inquiry leads the reader to the question of whether humanity will eventually reach a stable state in which it is at last completely satisfied, or whether there is something about the condition of humans that will always lead them to smash this ultimate equilibrium and plunge the world back into chaos.

Objev podobné jako The End of the History and the Last Man (0743284550)

cena 461.0 Kč

The Man Who Swallowed the Wind - Olga Walló - e-kniha

eBook: How to survive in Prague. The path of exemplary orphan Ivan begins at a children’s institution in the 1950s, leading him to a seminary, madhouse and philosophical faculty, before culminating at a Mexican Embassy in the 1990s. Along the way, he encounters secret agents, a foolish actress, mysterious handwritten texts, and even his own stomach. Will he find his father? Or the Father Almighty? Will he find himself? Detective story turned inside out, or picaresque tale?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Swallowed the Wind - Olga Walló - e-kniha

cena 139.0 Kč

Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

LP vinyl - Reedice třetího studiového alba původně vydaného v roce 1970. Pro protagonistu znamenala deska přechod od folkové polohy k tvrdšímu rockovému zvuku. U příležitosti padesátého výročí britského vydání je na picture discu k dispozici remasterovaná verze z roku 2015. Reedice třetího studiového alba původně vydaného v roce 1970. Pro protagonistu znamenala deska přechod od folkové polohy k tvrdšímu rockovému zvuku. U příležitosti padesátého výročí britského vydání je na picture discu k dispozici remasterovaná verze z roku 2015. Jedna z největších osobnostní světové hudby, proslulý hudební chameleon a průkopník hned několika hudebních směrů. Za svůj život vydal tento britský umělec rovných dvacet pět alb, z nichž velká část se zařadila do zlatého fondu populární hudby a ovlivnila hned několik generací hudebníků z několika hudebních žánrů. Své poslední album Black Star David Bowie vydal 8. ledna 2016 v den svých šedesátých devátých narozenin a pouhé dva dny...

Objev podobné jako Bowie David: The Man Who Sold The World - LP (9029513293)

cena 749.0 Kč

The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: In the final chapter of their saga, the Musketeers must reckon with France's most famous mystery—"The Man in the Iron Mask". As the story begins, D'Artagnan is in the service of the corrupt King Louis XIV. Meanwhile, his old friends Aramis and Porthos are hatching a coup. They've learned that the king's identical twin is locked away in prison. If they can somehow swap the places of the two men, France will be saved. It's a plan that sets the Musketeers on a collision course with each other. Inspired by a real story, "The Man in the Iron Mask" is a rip-roaring historical adventure. And a fitting send-off to literature's greatest swashbucklers. Recommended for anyone who loved the movie with Leonardo DiCaprio and Jeremy Irons.

Objev podobné jako The Man in the Iron Mask - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Anansi's Gold: The man who swindled the world - Yeebo Yepoka

The astounding, never-before-told story of how an ingenious Ghanaian con artist ran one of the 20th century’s longest and most audacious frauds. When Ghana declared independence from Britain in 1957, it immediately became a target for opportunists determined to lay hold of whatever assets colonialism hadn’t already stripped. The military ousted the new nation’s first president, Kwame Nkrumah, then falsely accused him of stealing the country’s gold and hiding it overseas.Into this story stepped one of history’s most charismatic scammers, John Ackah Blay-Miezah – a con man to rival the trickster god Anansi. Born into poverty, Blay-Miezah declared himself the custodian of an alleged Nkrumah trust fund worth billions. You, too, could claim a piece, if only you would help him rescue it – with a small investment.Over the 1970s and ’80s, he grew his scam to epic proportions, amassing hundreds of millions of pounds from thousands of marks all over the world. He baffled Henry Kissinger, scandalised Shirley Temple-Black, and had Nixon’s former attorney-general at his beck and call. Many tried to stop him, but Blay-Miezah continued to live in luxury, protected by ex-SAS soldiers while he deceived lawyers, businessmen and investigators around the globe.In Anansi’s Gold, Yepoka Yeebo chases the ever-wilder trail of Blay-Miezah – and unfolds a riveting account of Cold War entanglements and African dreams – revealing the untold story of the grifter who beat the West at its own thieving game.

Objev podobné jako Anansi's Gold: The man who swindled the world - Yeebo Yepoka

cena 357.0 Kč

Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson

'A fantastic and fascinating exploration of the life of a great champion... Full of compelling insight.' - Tom Hiddleston'This book captures the deep complexities in Novak's mind and his life and how he's dealt with them in a thoughtful, soul-searching way.' - Chris Evert'A fascinating insight into the greatest tennis player of all time.' - Evening Standard tennis correspondent, Matt Majendie'An absorbing insight into the story behind the greatest player of all time.' - The Times tennis correspondent, Stuart Fraser'Mark Hodgkinson goes memorably deep on Novak Djokovic - from his hard-luck beginnings to his gluten-free diet to his unorthodox mind - helping us better understand one of the most fascinating figures in sports.' - Christopher Clarey, author of The Master'Meticulously-researched, this is a go-to book for anyone who wants to get a real insight into what has made Novak Djokovic such a champion.' - Simon Cambers, author of The Federer EffectNo man or woman has won more Grand Slam singles titles than Novak Djokovic, who took his 24th major at the 2023 US Open. Based on fresh interviews with people close to Djokovic - including his friends and mentors, along with his former coaches and his rivals - this is an in-depth exploration of the psyche of one of the most fascinating and controversial sporting characters ever.From a bomb shelter in Belgrade to an immigration detention centre in Melbourne, and everywhere in between, this book uncovers his relentless pursuit of perfection and the unconventional beliefs that have propelled him to greatness. Rage. Forgiveness.Shame. Pride. Love.Searching for Novak examines the psychological and emotional side of rewriting tennis history.

Objev podobné jako Searching for Novak: The man behind the enigma - Mark Hodgkinson

cena 529.0 Kč

The Sartorialist. MAN: Inspiration Every Man Wants, Education Every Man Needs

Whether you're Trad or Goth, Boomer or Gen X, wear tailored or vintage, The Sartorialist: MAN will help you explore and hone your personal expression of style in the streetwear age. This is your chic primer to menswear, where you can finally learn about (or reacquaint yourself with) essential wardrobe elements. With Schuman's dynamic street photography providing inspiration, he also blows the dust off menswear rules of the past and updates style principles, outlining strategies gleaned from his long experi- ence as a photographer and fashion editor. Along with practical lessons on sartorial matters--from how to tie a tie to how to shine your shoes, illustrated with step- by-step instructions--he covers sartorial conundrums facing twenty-first-century men, from how to talk to your tailor to sustainable fashion. Refreshing, contemporary, and inspiring, this striking menswear bible will come to define today's essence of style.

Objev podobné jako The Sartorialist. MAN: Inspiration Every Man Wants, Education Every Man Needs

cena 1110.0 Kč

The Illustrated Man (1451678185)

Kniha - autor Ray Bradbury, 280 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 229.0 Kč

The Chestnut Man (1405939761)

Kniha - 502 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Chestnut Man (1405939761)

cena 249.0 Kč

The Running Man (1444723545)

Kniha - autor Richard Bachman; Stephen King, 242 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná It's not just a game when you're running for your life.Every night they tuned in to the nation's favourite prime-time TV game show.They all watched, from the sprawling slums to the security-obsessed enclaves of the rich. They all watched the ultimate live death game as the contestants tried to bet not the clock, but annihhilation at the hands of the Hunters. Survive thirty days and win the billion dollar jackpot - that was the promise. But the odds were brutal and the game rigged. Best score so far was eight days.And now there was a new contestant, the latest running man, staking his life while a nation watched.

Objev podobné jako The Running Man (1444723545)

cena 294.0 Kč

Travis: The Man Who (2x CD) - CD (7209190)

Hudební CD - The Man Who je druhé album skotské kapely Travis z roku 1999. Travis je skotská kapela, původem z města Glasgow. Vznikla v roce 1990 a hraje kytarový pop.tzv. „indies”. Pro Travis jsou typické pomalejší kytarové skladby s melancholickými motivy. Travis jsou srovnáváni s kapelami Oasis, Coldplay, Keane nebo Snow Patrol. The Man Who je jejich druhé album z roku 1999. Seznam stop Green Behind The Ears / Only Molly Knows / Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah / High As A Kite / Be My Baby / Where Is The Love / Village Man / Driftwood (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) / The Urge For Going / Slide Show (Live at the Link Café / Glasgow / 1999) / River / Days Of Our Lives / We Are Monkeys / Baby One More Time (Live From The Bay Tavern / Robin Hoods Bay / 1999) / Coming Around / Just The Faces Change / The Connection / Rock 'N' (Salad) Roll / The Weight

Objev podobné jako Travis: The Man Who (2x CD) - CD (7209190)

cena 409.0 Kč

Gaye Marvin: You're The Man (2019) - CD (7758401)

Hudební CD - You're The Man je vůbec první plánované „ztracené” album Tamla / Motown od Marvina Gayeho. Patnáct ze sedmnácti skladeb alba je poprvé na vinylu a tři skladby jsou nově smíchány společností SaLaAM ReMi. You're The Man je vůbec první plánované „ztracené” album Tamla / Motown od Marvina Gayeho. Patnáct ze sedmnácti skladeb alba je poprvé na vinylu a tři skladby jsou nově smíchány společností SaLaAM ReMi. Součástí alba je také vzácná dlouhá LP verze zrušeného vánočního singlu Marvina Gayeho z roku 1972, nevydaná směs trezoru jeho instrumentální strany B a nová esej Marvinova životopisce Davida Ritze. Vydání se bude shodovat s 60. výročí Motown jako label a také 80. narozeniny Marvina Gaye (2. dubna). Seznam stop CD You're The Man (Side A) / The World Is Rated X (Side A) / Piece Of Clay (Side A) / Where Are We Going? (Side A) / I'm Gonna Give You Respect (Side B) / Try It. You'll Like It (Side B) / You Are That Special One (Side B) / We...

Objev podobné jako Gaye Marvin: You're The Man (2019) - CD (7758401)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

It's the following Thursday. Elizabeth has received a letter from an old colleague, a man with whom she has a long history. He's made a big mistake, and he needs her help. His story involves stolen diamonds, a violent mobster, and a very real threat to his life. As bodies start piling up, Elizabeth enlists Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron in the hunt for a ruthless murderer. And if they find the diamonds too? Well, wouldn't that be a bonus? But this time they are up against an enemy who wouldn't bat an eyelid at knocking off four septuagenarians. Can the Thursday Murder Club find the killer (and the diamonds) before the killer finds them?

Objev podobné jako The Man Who Died Twice (Defekt) - Richard Osman

cena 109.0 Kč

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