Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The God Delusion - Richard Dawkins

The God Delusion caused a sensation when it was published in 2006. Within weeks it became the most hotly debated topic, with Dawkins himself branded as either saint or sinner for presenting his hard-hitting, impassioned rebuttal of religion of all types. His argument could hardly be more topical. While Europe is becoming increasingly secularized, the rise of religious fundamentalism, whether in the Middle East or Middle America, is dramatically and dangerously dividing opinion around the world. In America, and elsewhere, a vigorous dispute between ''intelligent design'' and Darwinism is seriously undermining and restricting the teaching of science. In many countries religious dogma from medieval times still serves to abuse basic human rights such as women''s and gay rights. And all from a belief in a God whose existence lacks evidence of any kind.Dawkins attacks God in all his forms. He eviscerates the major arguments for religion and demonstrates the supreme improbability of a supreme being. He shows how religion fuels war, foments bigotry and abuses children.The God Delusion is a brilliantly argued, fascinating polemic that will be required reading for anyone interested in this most emotional and important subject.

Podívejte se také Lamb of God: Lamb of God - CD (0727361537524)

cena 325.0 Kč

Outgrowing God : A Beginner´s Guide - Richard Dawkins

Should we believe in God? In this new book, written for a new generation, the brilliant science writer and author of The God Delusion, explains why we shouldn't.Should we believe in God? Do we need God in order to explain the existence of the universe? Do we need God in order to be good? In twelve chapters that address some of the most profound questions human beings confront, Dawkins marshals science, philosophy and comparative religion to interrogate the hypocrisies of all the religious systems and explain to readers of all ages how life emerged without a Creator, how evolution works and how our world came into being.For anyone hoping to grapple with the meaning of life and what to believe, Outgrowing God is a challenging, thrilling and revelatory read.

Podívejte se také Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion (0525510567)

cena 268.0 Kč

The God Delusion. 10th Anniversary Edition (1784161934)

Kniha - autor Richard Dawkins, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Podívejte se také Richard Cliff: Music... The Air That I Breath - CD (9029514095)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition - Richard Dawkins

The million copy international bestseller, critically acclaimed and translated into over 25 languages. As influential today as when it was first published, The Selfish Gene has become a classic exposition of evolutionary thought. Professor Dawkins articulates a gene's eye view of evolution - a view giving centre stage to these persistent units of information, and in which organisms can be seen as vehicles for their replication. This imaginative, powerful, and stylistically brilliant work not only brought the insights of Neo-Darwinism to a wide audience, but galvanized the biology community, generating much debate and stimulating whole new areas of research. Forty years later, its insights remain as relevant today as on the day it was published. This 40th anniversary edition includes a new epilogue from the author discussing the continuing relevance of these ideas in evolutionary biology today, as well as the original prefaces and foreword, and extracts from early reviews. Oxford Landmark Science books are 'must-read' classics of modern science writing which have crystallized big ideas, and shaped the way we think.

Objev podobné jako The Selfish Gene : 40th Anniversary edition - Richard Dawkins

cena 321.0 Kč

The Genetic Book of the Dead: A Darwinian Reverie - Richard Dawkins

From one of the world’s great science writers, a book that explores the deepest principles of evolutionary history. In this groundbreaking new approach to the evolution of all life, Richard Dawkins shows how the body, behaviour, and genes of every living creature can be read as a book – an archive of the worlds of its ancestors. A perfectly camouflaged desert lizard has a desiccated landscape of sand and stones ‘painted’ on its back.Its skin can be read as a description of ancient deserts in which its ancestors survived – and, before that, of the worlds of its more remote ancestors: a genetic book of the dead. But such descriptions are more than skin-deep. The fine chisels of Darwinian natural selection carve their way through the very warp and woof of the body, into every biochemical nook and corner, into every cell of every living creature.A zoologist of the future, presented with a hitherto-unknown animal, will be able to reconstruct the worlds that shaped its ancestors, to read its unique ‘book of the dead’. The book is filled with fascinating examples of the power of Darwinian natural selection to build exquisite perfection, paradoxically accompanied by what look like gross blunders. Along the way, Dawkins dismantles influential criticisms of the ‘gene’s-eye-view’ of life.And, to end with a provocative sting in the tail, the author asks there is a sense in which all our ‘own’ genes can be seen as a gigantic colony of cooperating viruses?From the author of The Selfish Gene and The Ancestor’s Tale comes a revolutionary, richly illustrated book that unlocks the door to an ancient past, seen through wholly new eyes.

Objev podobné jako The Genetic Book of the Dead: A Darwinian Reverie - Richard Dawkins

cena 738.0 Kč

Rozplétání duhy - Richard Dawkins

Proč se básníci a jiní umělci tak často vyjadřují o vědě s pohrdáním? Proč bývá tak často vědecká literatura nudnější než telefonní seznam? Opravdu Newton svým slavným experimentem se skleněným hranolem a lomem světla zbavil duhu poetického kouzla? Biolog Richard Dawkins si podobné otázky ohledně smyslu, krásy a záhad našeho světa a lidské povahy kladl řadu let a své odpovědi na ně shrnul v hluboce humanistické knize Rozplétání duhy. Věčný skeptik provádí čtenáře světem přírodních věd i kultury s přesvědčením, že „v nejlepší vědě by mělo zbýt místo i pro poezii“ a „záhady neztrácejí své kouzlo tím, že je vyřešíme, ale často se ukáže, že řešení je krásnější než záhada sama“.

Objev podobné jako Rozplétání duhy - Richard Dawkins

cena 291.0 Kč

Rozchod s bohem - Richard Dawkins

V tomto svižném uvedení do moderního ateismu nám jeden z nejvýznamnějších vědců dneška vysvětluje, proč bychom neměli věřit v boha. Argumenty, které rozvíjel ve své dosavadní práci, představuje ve své nejnovější knize stručně, přehledně a působivě, se zřetelem na čtenáře, kteří nejsou zběhlí v soudobé evoluční biologii. Sám Dawkins byl v mládí natolik ohromen krásou a spletitostí stvoření, že věřil, že za ním musí stát nějaký tvůrce. Když se však seznámil s teorií evoluce, představu boha zavrhl. Ve své knize dává čtenářům možnost znovu promyslet zásadní otázky o životě a vesmíru.

Objev podobné jako Rozchod s bohem - Richard Dawkins

cena 267.0 Kč

Záhadám vstříc (Defekt) - Richard Dawkins

První díl autobiografie nejznámějšího světového biologa, skeptika a ateisty nabízí bližší pohled na autorův raný život, na intelektuální probuzení, kterého se mu dostalo v Oxfordu, a cestu, která jej vedla k napsání Sobeckého genu. Počíná vyprávěním o idylickém dětství stráveném v koloniální Africe, o poválečném návratu do Velké Británie a studiu na střední internátní škole, kde navzdory téměř zbožnému poslechu nahrávek Elvise Presleyho odmítnutím pokleknout v kapli k modlitbě Dawkins započal svou kariéru skeptika. Byl to ale až Oxford, nebo spíše jeho jedinečný systém tutorů, který mladé lidi směřoval k tomu, aby spíše pokládali otázky a při hledání odpovědí používali rozsáhlou knihovnu, než se jen učili na zkoušky, co Dawkinsovi umožnilo plný rozvoj jeho intelektuálních schopností. Z důvodu stávkou zapříčiněného přerušení dodávky elektřiny vzala jeho kariéra odborného asistenta a přednášejícího na Oxfordu neočekávaný obrat. Pozastavil svůj výzkum založený na počítačích a podnícen tehdy rozšířeným neporozuměním přírodnímu výběru známému jako "skupinový výběr" začal s prací na knize Sobecký gen. Předkládá se nám tu tedy poprvé intimní memoár přibližující dětství a intelektuální vývoj evolučního biologa a světoznámého ateisty. Je to příběh vyprávějící o tom, jak se Dawkins dostal k psaní knihy, která je považována za jedno z nejdůležitějších děl dvacátého století.

Objev podobné jako Záhadám vstříc (Defekt) - Richard Dawkins

cena 139.0 Kč

S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins

Asi každý se někdy zasnil, jaké by to bylo roztáhnout křídla a vznést se do vzduchu jako pták. Někteří dobrodruzi tyto sny proměnili ve skutečnost a cestování letadlem nám dnes připadá stejně všední jako jízda vlakem. Ale jak vlastně ptáci létají? A co netopýři nebo motýli? K čemu je některým savcům či plazům schopnost plachtit? A v čem se létající živočichové liší od letadel vyrobených lidmi? Odpovědi na tyto a další otázky hledá ve své knize proslulý evoluční biolog a autor teorie sobeckého genu Richard Dawkins, který čtenáře provází světem létajících tvorů a popisuje odvěké snahy člověka se jim vyrovnat. Od nezávislé evoluce křídel u několika skupin organismů a jiných způsobů, jak se vzepřít gravitaci, zabrousí do historie balónového létání, připomene úspěch bratří Wrightů, vyloží fyzikální principy letu a objasní, proč by lidstvo mělo dobýt vesmír. Jeho čtivý a srozumitelný výklad doprovází poutavé ilustrace Jany Lenzové.

Objev podobné jako S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins

cena 447.0 Kč

Největší show pod Sluncem - Richard Dawkins

Biologická evoluce není "pouhou teorií", ale skutečností. Probíhá po miliardy let a vedla ke vzniku tolika podivuhodných životních forem, že si zaslouží označení za největší show na Zemi; a toto velkolepé představení přitom nepotřebovalo žádného režiséra. Současně se ale evoluce odehrává i přímo před našima očima, můžeme ji zaznamenat na sloních klech i ve vrtění psího ocasu. Kniha známého britského biologa a popularizátora vědy nám ukáže fungování evoluce z mnoha pohledů, od paleontologického záznamu přes molekulární genetiku a vývoj embrya až po domestikaci zvířat či to, jak se historie života promítla do geografického rozšíření současných druhů.

Objev podobné jako Největší show pod Sluncem - Richard Dawkins

cena 536.0 Kč

Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins

At a time when science can seem complex and remote, it has a greater impact on our lives, and to the future of our planet, than ever before. It really matters that its discoveries and truths should be clearly and widely communicated. That its enemies, from the malicious to the muddled, the self-deluding to the self-interested, be challenged and exposed. That science should be brought out of the laboratory, taken into the corridors of power and defended in the maelstrom of popular culture. No one does this better than Richard Dawkins. In bringing together his forewords, afterwords and introductions to works by some of the leading thinkers of our age - Carl Sagan, Lawrence Krauss, Jacob Bronowski, Lewis Wolpert - and a selection of his reviews, both admiring and critical, of a wide range of scientific and other works, Books do Furnish a Life celebrates the writers who communicate the ideas of science and the natural world in both fiction and non-fiction. It celebrates the courage of those who write about their experiences of escaping religion and embracing rationality, of protecting the truths of science and analytical rigour against charlatanry and obfuscation.

Objev podobné jako Books do Furnish a Life - Richard Dawkins

cena 399.0 Kč

S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins - e-kniha

eBook: Snili jste někdy, že umíte létat jako pták? Bez úsilí se vznášet nad vrcholky stromů, plachtit a pak se vrhnout k zemi, prostě se volně pohybovat ve třech rozměrech? Můžete to zažít v počítačových hrách, ve virtuální realitě nebo na psychedelickém tripu, ale do skutečnosti mají takové sny přece jen daleko. Není proto divu, že od nepaměti velcí myslitelé včetně Leonarda da Vinci zkoumali, jak toho dosáhnout. S hlavou v oblacích je kniha o létání, o různých způsobech, jak přemoct gravitaci a pokořit třetí rozměr. Lidé o tom sní stovky let, ale mnozí živočichové i rostliny našli různá řešení již před stovkami milionů let. Od mytického Ikara přes obrovského ptáka Argentavis magnificens a blechu až po balon, Boeing 747 a chmýří pampelišky - užijte si přehledně uspořádaný průzkum různých možností a jejich fyzikálních i evolučních omezení i výhod. Kniha je fascinující a elegantně napsaná a díky těsné spolupráci biologa světového formátu a talentované slovenské výtvarnice J. Lenzové je současně poučná, zábavná a mimořádně půvabná.

Objev podobné jako S hlavou v oblacích - Richard Dawkins - e-kniha

cena 349.0 Kč

Boží blud - Přináší náboženství útěchu, anebo bolest? - Richard Dawkins

Když známý britský evoluční biolog Richard Dawkins vydal v roce 2006 knihu The God Delusion, okamžitě tím rozpoutal živou diskusi ve sdělovacích prostředcích i na Internetu. Tento vědec již předtím napsal hodně děl o vztahu filozofie a vědy, v nichž kromě jiného usvědčoval víru v Boha z iracionality a poukazoval na její negativní vliv na společnost. V této poslední knize se však tomuto tématu věnoval naplno, aby zvýšil sebevědomí ateisty a podpořil všechny, kdož by chtěli odvrhnout náboženství, a ukázal jim, že i bez něj je možné žít plnohodnotný, mravní a šťastný život. Dawkinsovu knížku lze v zásadě rozdělit do tří částí. V první se autor soustřeďuje na tzv. hypotézu Boží existence, podle níž „existuje jakýsi nadčlověk, nadpřirozená inteligence, která úmyslně vyprojektovala a stvořila vesmír a všechno v něm včetně nás“. Dawkins ukazuje, že hypotéza o existenci takové inteligentní bytosti je vědeckou hypotézou, kterou je nutno analyzovat jako kteroukoli jinou, a že existují jen chabé důvody pro její přijetí, kdežto důvody pro její odmítnutí jsou obrovské. „Iluzi dizajnu v živém světě mnohem úsporněji, nesrovnatelně elegantněji a bez potřeby nějakého inteligentního konstruktéra vysvětluje darwinovský přirozený výběr.“ V druhé části knížky autor usiluje o nalezení přirozených důvodů, pro které je náboženství všudypřítomné, a odpovídá na otázku, zda je náboženské přesvědčení nevyhnutelné pro naši morálku. V závěru vysvětluje, jaké důvody má pro svůj nekompromisní postoj k náboženství – jak kvůli náboženským dogmatům tisíce lidí v zemích třetího světa umírají na pohlavní přenosné nemoci, jak je dětem vnucována víra jejich rodičů mnohdy na základě fyzického i psychického teroru, jak náboženský fundamentalismus bojuje proti vědě, genetickému výzkumu a vyučování evoluční teorie ve školách a jak náboženský fanatismus stojí v pozadí terorizmu.

Objev podobné jako Boží blud - Přináší náboženství útěchu, anebo bolest? - Richard Dawkins

cena 357.0 Kč

The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion (059323975X)

Kniha - autor Eliot Brown; Maureen Farrell, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The inside story of WeWork, its audacious founder, and what its epic unraveling says about a financial system drunk on the elixir of Silicon Valley innovation—from the Wall Street Journal correspondents (recently featured in the WeWork Hulu documentary) whose scoop-filled reporting hastened the company’s downfall.

Objev podobné jako The Cult of We: WeWork, Adam Neumann, and the Great Startup Delusion (059323975X)

cena 412.0 Kč

The God is Not Willing

The thrilling opening chapter in an epic new fantasy from the author of The Malazan Book of the Fallen...Many years have passed since three Teblor warriors brought carnage and chaos to Silver Lake. Now the tribes of the north no longer venture into the southlands. The town has recovered and yet the legacy remains. Indeed, one of the three, Karsa Orlong, is now revered as a god, albeit an indifferent one. In truth, many new religions have emerged and been embraced across the Malazan world. There are those who worship Coltaine, the Black-Winged Lord, and the cult of Iskar Jarak, Guardian of the Dead, is popular among the Empire's soldiery.Responding to reports of a growing unease among the tribes beyond the border, a legion of Malazan marines marches towards Silver Lake. They aren't quite sure what they're going to be facing, but, while the Malazan military has evolved and these are not the marines of old, one thing hasn't changed: they'll handle whatever comes at them. Or die trying.And in those high mountains, a new warleader has risen amongst the Teblor. Scarred by the deeds of Karsa Orlong, he intends to confront his god even if he has to cut a bloody swathe through the Malazan Empire to do so. But further north, a new threat has emerged and now it seems it is the Teblor who are running out of time. Another long-feared migration is about to begin and this time it won't just be three warriors. No, this time tens of thousands are poised to pour into the lands to the south. And in their way, a single company of Malazan marines . . . It seems the past is about to revisit Silver Lake, and that is never a good thing . . .

Objev podobné jako The God is Not Willing

cena 268.0 Kč

The God of the Woods - Liz Moore

A NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERWINNER OF JIMMY FALLON''S SUMMER READS BOOK CLUBSELECTED FOR BARACK OBAMA''S SUMMER 2024 READING LIST''I was totally gripped'' DOUGLAS STUART''Immersive and enthralling'' PAULA HAWKINS___________''If you venture into those woods you’re still sure of a big surprise’ The TimesSome said it was tragic, what happened to the Van Laars.Some said the family deserved it. That they never even thanked the searchers who stayed out for five nights in the freezing forest trying to help find their missing son.Some said there was a reason it took the family so long to call for help. That they knew what happened to the boy.Now, fifteen years later, the Van Laars'' teenage daughter has gone missing in the same wilderness as her brother. Some say the two disappearances aren’t connected.Some say they are.––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––-‘Brilliantly plotted and perfectly paced … I can''t remember the last time I felt so entangled in a novelist''s coils’ Clare Chambers, author of Small Pleasures''A beguiling novel with a relentless grip. You won''t be able to put it down'' Claire Fuller, author of Unsettled Ground''At once an immersive family saga and utterly propulsive mystery. Beautifully written'' Emilia Hart, author of Weyward‘A masterful literary thriller’ Lucy Clarke, author of The Hike‘Riveting from page one to the last breathless word … This book flew by at lightning speed, but will stick with me for a very long time’ Rebecca Makkai, author of I Have Some Questions For You‘Dickensian in scope … Very entertaining’ Vogue, Best Picks for Summer 2024The God of the Woods debuted at #3 on the New York Times bestseller list on 21 July 2024.

Objev podobné jako The God of the Woods - Liz Moore

cena 502.0 Kč

The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie

They'll do anything to outsmart each other. Anything, except fall in love.Kim Hani - the once-terrible gumiho known as the Scarlet Fox - spends her days working at a cafe and trying not to let a certain customer irk her.Seokga - a trickster god thrown from the heavens for his attempt at a coup - spends his days hunting demons and irking a particular gumiho.When a demon of darkness escapes the underworld, and the Scarlet Fox emerges from hiding before quickly vanishing, Seokga is offered a chance at redemption: kill them both, and his sins will be forgiven.But Hani is prepared to do anything to prevent Seokga from bringing her to justice, even trick her way into his investigation. Anything, that is - except fall in love . . .

Objev podobné jako The God and the Gumiho - Kim Sophie

cena 411.0 Kč

The God of that Summer - Ralf Rothmann

As the Second World War enters its final stages, millions in Germany are forced from their homes by bombing, compelled to seek shelter in the countryside where there are barely the resources to feed them.Twelve-year-old Luisa, her mother, and her older sister Billie have escaped the devastation of the city for the relative safety of a dairy farm. But even here the power struggles of the war play out: the family depend on the goodwill of Luisa’s brother-in-law, an SS officer, who in expectation of payment turns his attention away from his wife and towards Billie. Luisa immerses herself in books, but even she notices the Allied bombers flying east above them, the gauntness of the prisoners at the camp nearby, the disappearance of fresh-faced boys from the milk shed – hastily shipped off to a war that’s already lost.Living on the farm teaches Luisa about life and death, but it’s man’s capacity for violence that provides the ultimate lesson, that robs her of her innocent ignorance. When, at a birthday celebration, her worst fears are realized, Luisa collapses under the weight of the inexplicable.Ralf Rothmann’s previous novel, To Die in Spring, described the horror of war and the damage done on the battlefield. The God of that Summer tells the devastating story of civilians caught up in the chaos of defeat, of events that might lead a twelve-year-old child to justifiably say: ‘I have experienced everything.’

Objev podobné jako The God of that Summer - Ralf Rothmann

cena 321.0 Kč

The God of Small Things - Arundhati Royová

‘They all broke the rules. They all crossed into forbidden territory. They all tampered with the laws that lay down who should be loved, and how. And how much.’This is the story of Rahel and Estha, twins growing up among the banana vats and peppercorns of their blind grandmother’s factory, and amid scenes of political turbulence in Kerala. Armed only with the innocence of youth, they fashion a childhood in the shade of the wreck that is their family: their lonely, lovely mother, their beloved Uncle Chacko (pickle baron, radical Marxist, bottom-pincher) and their sworn enemy, Baby Kochamma (ex-nun, incumbent grand-aunt).Arundhati Roy’s Booker Prize-winning novel was the literary sensation of the 1990s: a story anchored to anguish but fuelled by wit and magic.

Objev podobné jako The God of Small Things - Arundhati Royová

cena 295.0 Kč

The God is Not Willing - Steven Erikson

'Awe-inspiring. Prepare to fall in love with epic fantasy all over again.' ANNA SMITH SPARK, author of the bestselling The Court of Broken Knives'Erikson is an extraordinary writer . . . treat yourself.' STEPHEN R. DONALDSONThe thrilling opening chapter in an epic new fantasy from the author of The Malazan Book of the Fallen...Many years have passed since three Teblor warriors brought carnage and chaos to Silver Lake.Now the tribes of the north no longer venture into the southlands. The town has recovered and yet the legacy remains. Indeed, one of the three, Karsa Orlong, is now revered as a god, albeit an indifferent one. In truth, many new religions have emerged and been embraced across the Malazan world. There are those who worship Coltaine, the Black-Winged Lord, and the cult of Iskar Jarak, Guardian of the Dead, is popular among the Empire's soldiery.Responding to reports of a growing unease among the tribes beyond the border, a legion of Malazan marines marches towards Silver Lake. They aren't quite sure what they're going to be facing, but, while the Malazan military has evolved and these are not the marines of old, one thing hasn't changed: they'll handle whatever comes at them. Or die trying.And in those high mountains, a new warleader has risen amongst the Teblor. Scarred by the deeds of Karsa Orlong, he intends to confront his god even if he has to cut a bloody swathe through the Malazan Empire to do so.But further north, a new threat has emerged and now it seems it is the Teblor who are running out of time. Another long-feared migration is about to begin and this time it won't just be three warriors. No, this time tens of thousands are poised to pour into the lands to the south. And in their way, a single company of Malazan marines . . .It seems the past is about to revisit Silver Lake, and that is never a good thing . . .'A master of lost and forgotten epochs, a weaver of ancient epics.' SALON.COMAcclaim for The Malazan Book of the Fallen:'This masterwork of the imagination may be the high watermark of epic fantasy.' GLEN COOK'Arguably the best fantasy series ever written . . . the quality and ambition of the ten books that make up The Malazan Book of the Fallen are unmatched within the genre.' FANTASYBOOKREVIEW'Nobody does it better than Erikson . . . the best fantasy series around.' SFFWORLD'In a league of his own in genre fiction terms - by turns lyrical, bawdy, introspective, poetical and blood-soaked . . . incredible.' BOOKGEEKS'One of the most original and engrossing fantasy series of recent times.' INTERZONE

Objev podobné jako The God is Not Willing - Steven Erikson

cena 357.0 Kč

The God of Good Looks - Breanne Mc Ivor

Getting a second chance is a beautiful thing…Bianca Bridge’s personal and professional lives are in tatters. She has lost her beloved mother and has only a distant relationship with her self-made father. And now, she’s been outed as the mistress of a government minister – ending her journalism career before it had even started.All but unemployable, she is astonished when tyrannical make-up artist Obadiah Cortland, Trinidad’s legendary ‘God of Good Looks’, hires her as his new assistant. At first, Bianca can’t stand her fierce new boss – and he lets her know the feeling is mutual. But when her ex threatens both their futures and working together becomes their last resort, she begins to glimpse another Obadiah beneath the façade he’s so carefully cultivated.

Objev podobné jako The God of Good Looks - Breanne Mc Ivor

cena 294.0 Kč

Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible - Coyne Jerry A

A superbly argued book.- --Richard Dawkins, author of The God Delusion The New York Times bestselling author of Why Evolution is True explains why any attempt to make religion compatible with science is doomed to fail In this provocative book, evolutionary biologist Jerry A. Coyne lays out in clear, dispassionate detail why the toolkit of science, based on reason and empirical study, is reliable, while that of religion--including faith, dogma, and revelation--leads to incorrect, untestable, or conflicting conclusions. Coyne is responding to a national climate in which more than half of Americans don't believe in evolution, members of Congress deny global warming, and long-conquered childhood diseases are reappearing because of religious objections to inoculation, and he warns that religious prejudices in politics, education, medicine, and social policy are on the rise. Extending the bestselling works of Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens, he demolishes the claims of religion to provide verifiable -truth- by subjecting those claims to the same tests we use to establish truth in science. Coyne irrefutably demonstrates the grave harm--to individuals and to our planet--in mistaking faith for fact in making the most important decisions about the world we live in. Praise for Faith Versus Fact -A profound and lovely book . . . showing that the honest doubts of science are better . . . than the false certainties of religion.- --Sam Harris, author of The End of Faith

Objev podobné jako Faith Versus Fact: Why Science and Religion Are Incompatible - Coyne Jerry A

cena 499.0 Kč

God and the Devil - Peter Cowie

‘A commanding portrait.’ Total Film‘Indispensable . . . rich, engaging, thorough.’ Sight & Sound‘Bergman’s films stand alone as beacons in film history.’ Wim WendersA chronicle of the life and career of one of film''s defining figures, God and the Devil draws on exclusive extracts from Bergman’s diaries, letters and production workbooks. Peter Cowie brings us close to the man and the artist, as he wrestled with themes of love, sex and betrayal – with the figure of Death always hovering overhead.‘Cowie’s meticulously researched book maps the details of Bergman’s eventful personal life onto his characters and themes.’ Barney Horner, New Statesman‘Scrupulous, accurate and trustworthy.’ Tom Shone, Sunday Times‘Brings us as close to the man – and the artist – as we’re likely to get . . . Sure to become the definitive Bergman biography.’ Paula Hammond, Film Juice'' The mark of a good critical biography is that it sends you back to the work with fresh perspectives and renewed curiosity . . . This reader . . . came out wanting to watch or rewatch everything Bergman ever did.'' Wall Street Journal‘Having met Bergman in 1969 and corresponded with him until 1995, veteran film author Peter Cowie is able to channel first-hand knowledge of Bergman into a book that’s respectful without being overly reverential.’ Matt Looker, Total Film

Objev podobné jako God and the Devil - Peter Cowie

cena 502.0 Kč

The Burning God - Rebecca F. Kuangová

The exciting end to The Poppy War trilogy, R.F. Kuang''s acclaimed, award-winning epic fantasy that combines the history of 20th-century China with a gripping world of gods and monsters, to devastating, enthralling effect.After saving her nation of Nikan from foreign invaders and battling the evil Empress Su Daji in a brutal civil war, Fang Runin was betrayed by allies and left for dead.Despite her losses, Rin hasn’t given up on those for whom she has sacrificed so much – the people of the southern provinces and especially Tikany, the village that is her home. Returning to her roots, Rin meets difficult challenges – and unexpected opportunities. While her new allies in the Southern Coalition leadership are sly and untrustworthy, Rin quickly realizes that the real power in Nikan lies with the millions of common people who thirst for vengeance and revere her as a goddess of salvation.Backed by the masses and her Southern Army, Rin will use every weapon to defeat the Dragon Republic, the colonizing Hesperians, and all who threaten the shamanic arts and their practitioners.As her power and influence grows, will she be strong enough to resist the Phoenix’s voice, urging her to burn the world and everything in it?

Objev podobné jako The Burning God - Rebecca F. Kuangová

cena 268.0 Kč

The God of Small Things (Collins Modern Classics) - Arundhati Royová

Introducing the Collins Modern Classics, a series featuring some of the most significant books of recent times, books that shed light on the human experience – classics which will endure for generations to come.He folded his fear into a perfect rose. He held it out in the palm of his hand. She took it from him and put it in her hairEstha and Rahel, seven-year-old twins, are growing up amidst vats of banana jam, mountains of peppercorns and scenes of political turbulence in Kerala. But when their beautiful young cousin Sophie arrives, their world is irrevocably shaken. An illicit liaison and tragedies both accidental and intentional expose things that lurk unsaid, in a country drifting dangerously towards unrest.Winner of the Booker Prize, The God of Small Things is lush, lyrical and unnerving: a literary sensation and a modern classic.‘A voice of breathtaking beauty… a masterpiece’ Observer

Objev podobné jako The God of Small Things (Collins Modern Classics) - Arundhati Royová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Half-God of Rainfall - Inua Ellams

From the award-winning poet and playwright behind Barber Shop Chronicles, The Half-God of Rainfall is an epic story and a lyrical exploration of pride, power and female revenge.There is something about Demi. When this boy is angry, rain clouds gather. When he cries, rivers burst their banks and the first time he takes a shot on a basketball court, the deities of the land take note.His mother, Modupe, looks on with a mixture of pride and worry. From close encounters, she knows Gods often act like men: the same fragile egos, the same unpredictable fury and the same sense of entitlement to the bodies of mortals.She will sacrifice everything to protect her son, but she knows the Gods will one day tire of sports fans, their fickle allegiances and misdirected prayers. When that moment comes, it won’t matter how special he is. Only the women in Demi’s life, the mothers, daughters and Goddesses, will stand between him and a lightning bolt.

Objev podobné jako The Half-God of Rainfall - Inua Ellams

cena 295.0 Kč

Sword of the War God - Tim Hodkinson

THE EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE YEAR - READERS LOVE SWORD OF THE WAR GOD!''Tim Hodkinson has created a fascinating and undeniably epic tale... Highly recommended!'' Theodore Brun''A relentless tale from start to finish that will leave you breathless for more.'' Richard CullenFeaturing breathtaking battles, fearsome foes, and vehement vows of vengeance, SWORD OF THE WAR GOD is a thrilling adventure set amongst the blood and tumult of fifth-century Europe, where the dying Roman Empire, the mighty Huns, and heroes from Norse mythology vie for power. In a world of war and ruin, men and gods collide.436 AD. The Burgundars are confident of destroying Rome''s legions, for the Empire is weak. Their forces are strong and they have beaten the Romans in battle before. But they are annihilated, their king killed, his people scattered. Their fabled treasure is lost. For Rome has new allies: the Huns, whose taste for bloodshed knows no bounds. Many years later, the Huns, led by the fearsome Attila, have become the deadliest enemies of Rome. Attila seeks the Burgundars'' treasure, for it includes the legendary Sword of the War God, said to make the bearer unbeatable.No alliance can defeat Attila by conventional means. With Rome desperate for help, a one-eyed old warlord from distant lands and his strange band of warriors may have the answers... but oaths will be broken and the plains of Europe will run with blood before the end.Drawing on Norse mythology and European history, Sword of the War God is an epic historical adventure perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Joanne Harris, Neil Gaiman and Christian Cameron.Goodreads Reviewers on SWORD OF THE WAR GOD''Definitely delivers on its promise – it truly is an epic historical adventure that takes you on a blisteringly fast page-turning journey through bloodshed, vengeance, betrayal, and epic battles until the epic end.''''A thrilling historical that draws on real history and legends.''''There is so much to enjoy in the way Hodkinson re-imagines these many core myths of Europe.''''This is epic storytelling in every sense.''''A bold re-imagining of an enduring epic.''''Bernard Cornwell had better up his game.''''An exhilarating journey through the tumultuous landscape of fifth-century Europe, where empires clash and legends come to life.''''A spectacular and epic tale that spans thousands of miles and encompasses many cultures.''''A lot of people will really enjoy this book!''''A must-read!''Reviews for Tim Hodkinson''A superb author of dark age fiction.'' Simon Turney''Will appeal to fans of Bernard Cornwell, George R. R. Martin, and especially Theodore Brun.'' Historical Novel Society''An excellently written page-turner.'' Historical Writers Association

Objev podobné jako Sword of the War God - Tim Hodkinson

cena 325.0 Kč

The Dreamer - Cliff Richard

SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLEREarly evening on Saturday 13th September, 1958, Cliff Richard and The Drifters appeared on ITV''s pop show Oh Boy!, electrifying living rooms across the nation with their now legendary performance of ''Move It''. Overnight, the 17-year-old Elvis fan with big dreams became a real-life teen idol, and Britain had their first rock ''n'' roll star. A new chapter had started in the history of music.Over sixty years later, with a hit in every decade since and over 250 million record sales, Cliff Richard performs live to sell-out audiences with continued success as a recording artist, while era-defining pop stars have come and gone.Now in his autobiography, Cliff takes us back to 1950s post-War London, where he exploded out of the skiffle scene with his unique new sound. From there he is catapulted into the centre of the British film industry, and goes on to conquer Saturday-night TV. We go behind the scenes on West End musicals, and around the world with him on tour.Cliff Richard is one of the biggest-selling artists of all time, and he has achieved that while always following his own path, on his own terms. Here he tells his story in his own words, through the toughest times he has faced, to the biggest dreams that came true.

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cena 591.0 Kč

Blind Guardian - The God Machine (Red Coloured) (Limited Edition) (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Typ: Limitovaná edice;Barevná;LP deska;Album Žánr: Metal;Heavy Metal Barva: Červená Země interpreta: Německo Složení setu: 2 ks Interpret / Téma: Blind Guardian Varianta: The God Machine (Red Coloured) (Limited Edition) (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Subžánr: Power Metal;Heavy Metal Vydavatelství: Nuclear Blast Barva podle výrobce: Red Datum vydání: 2022-09-02 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP

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cena 1548.9 Kč

Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - Wild God (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Subžánr: Rock Žánr: Rock Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: LP deska Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Rok vydání: 2024.0 Datum vydání: 2024-08-30 Vydavatelství: Play It Again Sam Interpret / Téma: Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds Barva: Černá Varianta: Wild God (LP)

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cena 951.0 Kč

God and John Point the Way - Steve Eggleton

An imaginative and engaging retelling of John the Baptist's story.

Objev podobné jako God and John Point the Way - Steve Eggleton

cena 236.0 Kč

The Good and Beautiful God - James Bryan Smith

THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL GOD is the first book in the Apprentice Series, which along with three other titles forms ''a curriculum for Christlikeness''. THE GOOD AND BEAUTIFUL GOD focuses on the character of God and how we can move into a life of intimacy with him. What we believe about God is of huge importance to our lives: the path to spiritual transformation begins here. Each chapter uncovers the narratives by which Jesus lived, and includes a ''soul-training'' exercise to help embed this narrative into our minds, bodies and souls. Each chapter also includes questions that can be used for individual reflection or group discussion.

Objev podobné jako The Good and Beautiful God - James Bryan Smith

cena 325.0 Kč

The Gene Keys - Richard Rudd

Does your DNA have a hidden purpose, and could it be the transformation of consciousness itself? Gene Keys offers a means of unlocking your untapped potential by awakening the sleeping genius inside you.A SPIRITUAL COMPANION FOR LIFE Since its first publication, Gene Keys has been hailed as a spiritual classic. It is the hub of a whole interconnected web of online wisdom teachings. Designed to help you decode your Gene Keys Profile (free from genekeys.com/free-profile), the book explains how to transform your specific "shadow patterns" or traumas, into creative gifts. On every page there is a key insight that helps you to see yourself and live your life in a more harmonious way. As you read it, Gene Keys creates the uplifting feeling that humanity is now undergoing a great awakening, culminating in a bright and positive future, very different from the world we see today. A visionary synthesis with many practical applications, logical yet with great poetic subtlety, Gene Keys is a spiritual companion to contemplate over the course of a lifetime.

Objev podobné jako The Gene Keys - Richard Rudd

cena 738.0 Kč

The Accidental Garden - Richard Mabey

''Part memoir, part naturescape and part gardening book ... there is also something much rarer in this book: wisdom. What a treat'' The Times''Delightful ... Mabey is the doyen of UK nature writing'' New Statesman''Our greatest nature writer'' New ScientistWe regard gardens as our personal dominions, where we can create whatever worlds we desire. But they are also occupied by myriads of other organisms, all with their own lives to lead. The conflict between these two power bases, Richard Mabey suggests, is a microcosm of what is happening in the larger world. In this provocative book, rooted in the daily dramas of his own Norfolk garden, Mabey offers a different scenario, where nature becomes an equal partner, a ''gardener'' itself. Against a background of disordered seasons he watches his ''accidental'' garden reorganising itself. Ants sow cowslip seeds in the parched grass. Moorhens take to nesting in trees. A spectacular self-seeded rose springs up in the gravel. The garden becomes a place of cultural and ecological fusion, and perhaps a metaphor for the troubled planet. This is vintage Mabey, maverick, intensely observed, and written with an unquenchable sense of wonder.

Objev podobné jako The Accidental Garden - Richard Mabey

cena 384.0 Kč

The Arabian Nights - Burton Richard

Collected nearly a millennium ago, these folktales are presented as stories that crafty Scheherazade tells her husband, King Shahryar, over a thousand-and-one consecutive nights, to pique his interest for the next evening's entertainment . . . and save her life. They include "Sinbad the Sailor," "Aladdin and His Magic Lamp," and "Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves." Color illustrations by René Bull.

Objev podobné jako The Arabian Nights - Burton Richard

cena 867.0 Kč

God Is An Astronaut - The End Of The Beginning (Gold Vinyl) (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009 Typ: Barevná;Dotisk;Nové vydání;LP deska;Album Země interpreta: Irsko Vydavatelství: Revive Records Žánr: Elektronický;Rock Rok vydání: 2018.0 Interpret / Téma: God Is An Astronaut Subžánr: Post Rock;Downtempo Varianta: The End Of The Beginning (Gold Vinyl) (LP) Barva podle výrobce: Gold Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva: Zlatá Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP

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cena 847.0 Kč

The Case of the Red-Bottomed Robber - Richard Byrne

The young chalks are busy at the chalkboard but someone keeps stealing their drawings . . .Mrs Red calls Sergeant Blue to investigate but when the culprit is caught, he absconds in a cloud of chalk dust. The chalks find another way to lure the suspect into their hands and it is only then that they discover they''ve misjudged the poor chalk rubber all along . . .With a stunning graphic look on a chalkboard-black background, this is a fun story where readers truly participate in the investigation: looking for the clues, assessing the line-up of suspects, and closing in on the culprit.

Objev podobné jako The Case of the Red-Bottomed Robber - Richard Byrne

cena 236.0 Kč

The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

This is a story about the many forms of love and death, of war and truth, as one man comes of age, prospers, only to discover all that he has lost. In the despair of a Japanese POW camp on the Burma Death Railway, surgeon Dorrigo Evans is haunted by his love affair with his uncle’s young wife two years earlier. Struggling to save the men under his command from starvation, from cholera, from beatings, he receives a letter that will change his life forever.*WINNER OF THE MAN BOOKER PRIZE 2014*'An unforgettable story of men at war' The TimesThis series of war novels from Vintage Classics presents eight powerful stories about the horror and waste of war - each a passionate plea to prevent its repetition.

Objev podobné jako The Narrow Road to the Deep North - Richard Flanagan

cena 268.0 Kč

The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman

In a peaceful retirement village, four unlikely friends meet up once a week to investigate unsolved murders. But when a brutal killing takes place on their very doorstep, the Thursday Murder Club find themselves in the middle of their first live case. Elizabeth, Joyce, Ibrahim and Ron might be pushing eighty but they still have a few tricks up their sleeves. Can our unorthodox but brilliant gang catch the killer before it's too late?

Objev podobné jako The Thursday Murder Club - Richard Osman

cena 268.0 Kč

The Bullet That Missed - Richard Osman

It is an ordinary Thursday and things should finally be returning to normal.Except trouble is never far away where the Thursday Murder Club is concerned. A decade-old cold case leads them to a local news legend and a murder with no body and no answers.Then a new foe pays Elizabeth a visit. Her mission? Kill...or be killed.As the cold case turns white hot, Elizabeth wrestles with her conscience (and a gun), while Joyce, Ron and Ibrahim chase down clues with help from old friends and new. But can the gang solve the mystery and save Elizabeth before the murderer strikes again?

Objev podobné jako The Bullet That Missed - Richard Osman

cena 268.0 Kč

Murder Under the Mistletoe - Richard Coles

It is Christmas Day and at Champton Rectory, Canon Daniel Clement and his mother Audrey are joined by the residents and guests of the big house to drink, eat and be merry.At the festive feast, peace and goodwill prevail. Until two meet under the mistletoe. One of them falls down dead. And Daniel suspects murder has returned to Champton...Can Daniel and Detective Sergeant Neil Vanloo solve the crime and catch the Christmas killer?

Objev podobné jako Murder Under the Mistletoe - Richard Coles

cena 384.0 Kč

Murder at the Monastery - Richard Coles

Canon Daniel Clement has suffered a secret humiliation and to recover takes respite at the monastery where he was a novice. But the monastery doesn''t allow the break he needs, for tensions are building there too. There is a death at the monastery, and Daniel thinks it might be murder.Meanwhile back at Champton, Daniel is the subject of village gossip, his mother Audrey is up to something again, there''s trouble at the dress shop, trouble up at the big house, and the puppies are running riot.As dark secrets unfold, can Daniel solve the mystery at the monastery without the help of Detective Seargeant Neil Vanloo?

Objev podobné jako Murder at the Monastery - Richard Coles

cena 650.0 Kč

The Trials of Empire - Richard Swan

The Trials of Empire is the epic conclusion to the bestselling Empire of the Wolf series, where Sir Konrad Vonvalt - the most powerful and feared of the Emperor''s Justices - must finally face the dark powers that seek to detroy the Empire.THE TIME OF JUDGEMENT IS AT HANDThe Empire of the Wolf is on its knees, but there''s life in the great beast yet.To save it, Sir Konrad Vonvalt and Helena must look beyond its borders for allies - to the wolfmen of the southern plains, and the pagan clans in the north. But old grievances run deep, and both factions would benefit from the fall of Sova.Even these allies might not be enough. Their enemy, the zealot Bartholomew Claver, wields infernal powers bestowed on him by a mysterious demonic patron. If Vonvalt and Helena are to stand against him, they will need friends on both sides of the mortal plane - but such allegiances carry a heavy price.As the battlelines are drawn in both Sova and the afterlife, the final reckoning draws close. Here, at the beating heart of the Empire, the two-headed wolf will be reborn in a blaze of justice . . . or crushed beneath the shadow of tyranny. Praise for the Empire of the Wolf series''A stunning piece of modern fantasy writing'' RJ Barker''Utterly compelling, thoroughly engrossing and written with such skilful assurance I could barely put it down'' Nicholas Eames''A fantastic debut'' Peter McLean''Equal parts heroic fantasy and murder mystery . . . Richard Swan''s sophisticated take on the fantasy genre will leave readers hungry for more'' Sebastien de Castell''Great characters, compelling and wonderfully written. A brilliant debut and fantastic start to the series'' James Islington''Totally addictive'' Novel Notions''A brilliant book, with intrigue, excellent character arcs, a brutal magic system and a story I just could not put down'' Grimdark Magazine''An absorbing fantasy murder mystery . . . I have been thoroughly hooked by this series and cannot wait for the next helping of political upheaval'' Fantasy Book Critic''Fantasy, mystery, drama, intrigue, action - The Justice of Kings has it all'' Bibliosanctum''One of those utterly compelling and believable books that begs to be read in one sitting. This is going to be one of the standouts of the year'' British Fantasy Society''Swan''s debut is a thrilling epic fantasy with a murder mystery and supernatural twist that will delight fans of Sherlock Holmes. It certainly delighted me'' Fantasy Hive''Swan has built a dark and gritty world, filled it with beautifully written characters and lays out a master-crafted story to create an incredible book that you can''t put down'' FanFiAddictThe Empire of the Wolf trilogyThe Justice of KingsThe Tyranny of FaithThe Trials of Empire

Objev podobné jako The Trials of Empire - Richard Swan

cena 325.0 Kč

The Knives (Defekt) - Kelly Richard T.

As Home Secretary in Her Majesty's Government, David Blaylock's work involves the control of Britain's borders, the oversight of her police force, and the struggle against domestic terror threats. Some say the job is impossible; Blaylock insists he is tough enough. But around Westminster the gossip-mongers say his fiery temper is a liability.

Objev podobné jako The Knives (Defekt) - Kelly Richard T.

cena 69.0 Kč

The Beetle - Marsh Richard - e-kniha

eBook: The Beetle (1897) tells the story of a fantastical creature, “born of neither god nor man,” with supernatural and hypnotic powers, who stalks British politician Paul Lessingham through fin de siècle London in search of vengeance for the defilement of a sacred tomb in Egypt. In imitation of various popular fiction genres of the late nineteenth century, Marsh unfolds a tale of terror, late imperial fears, and the “return of the repressed,” through which the crisis of late imperial Englishness is revealed. This Broadview edition includes a critical introduction and a rich selection of historical documents that situate the novel within the contexts of fin de siècle London, England’s interest and involvement in Egypt, the emergence of the New Woman, and contemporary theories of mesmerism and animal magnetism.

Objev podobné jako The Beetle - Marsh Richard - e-kniha

cena 333.0 Kč

Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion (0525510567)

Kniha - autor Jia Tolentino, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “From The New Yorker’s beloved cultural critic comes a bold, unflinching collection of essays about self-deception, examining everything from scammer culture to reality television.”—Esquire Book Club Pick for Now Read This, from PBS NewsHour and The New York Times • “A whip-smart, challenging book.”—Zadie Smith • “Jia Tolentino could be the Joan Didion of our time.”—Vulture FINALIST FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE’S JOHN LEONARD PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST BOOK • NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY AND HARVARD CRIMSON AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • Time • Chicago Tribune • The Washington Post • NPR • Variety • Esquire • Vox • Elle • Glamour • GQ • Good Housekeeping • The Paris Review • Paste • Town & Country • BookPage • Kirkus Reviews • BookRiot • Shelf Awareness Jia...

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cena 379.0 Kč

Trick Mirror: Reflections On Self-Delusion (000829495X)

Kniha - autor Jia Tolentino, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná We are living in the era of the self, in an era of malleable truth and widespread personal and political delusion. In these nine interlinked essays, Jia Tolentino, the New Yorker's brightest young talent, explores her own coming of age in this warped and confusing landscape. From the rise of the internet to her own appearance on an early reality TV show; from her experiences of ecstasy - both religious and chemical - to her uneasy engagement with our culture's endless drive towards 'self-optimisation'; from the phenomenon of the successful American scammer to her generation's obsession with extravagant weddings, Jia Tolentino writes with style, humour and a fierce clarity about these strangest of times. Following in the footsteps of American luminaries such as Susan Sontag, Joan Didion and Rebecca Solnit, yet with a voice and vision all her own, Jia Tolentino writes with a rare gift...

Objev podobné jako Trick Mirror: Reflections On Self-Delusion (000829495X)

cena 282.0 Kč

Robert Fripp - God Save The Queen / Under Heavy Manners (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Spojené království Hmotnost: 200 g Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Elektronický;Rock Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Remastered;Album Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Černá Subžánr: Ambient;Art Rock;Avantgarde;Experimental Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: God Save The Queen / Under Heavy Manners (LP) Interpret / Téma: Robert Fripp Vydavatelství: Panegyric Datum vydání: 2022-07-01

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cena 669.8 Kč

Empire Of The Sun - Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP)

Barva: Průhledná Typ: LP deska;Barevná;Album Interpret / Téma: Empire Of The Sun Datum vydání: 2024-07-26 Subžánr: Synthpop;Electropop Vydavatelství: EMI Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP) Barva podle výrobce: Clear Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Elektronický Balení obsahuje: LP

Objev podobné jako Empire Of The Sun - Ask That God (Clear Coloured) (LP)

cena 924.0 Kč

Trick Mirror : Reflections on Self-Delusion - Tolentino Jia

FINALIST FOR THE NATIONAL BOOK CRITICS CIRCLE'S JOHN LEONARD PRIZE FOR BEST FIRST BOOK • NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY AND HARVARD CRIMSON AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The New York Times Book Review • Time • Chicago Tribune • The Washington Post • NPR • Variety • Esquire • Vox • Elle • Glamour • GQ • Good Housekeeping • The Paris Review • Paste • Town & Country • BookPage • Kirkus Reviews • BookRiot • Shelf Awareness Jia Tolentino is a peerless voice of her generation, tackling the conflicts, contradictions, and sea changes that define us and our time. Now, in this dazzling collection of nine entirely original essays, written with a rare combination of give and sharpness, wit and fearlessness, she delves into the forces that warp our vision, demonstrating an unparalleled stylistic potency and critical dexterity. Trick Mirror is an enlightening, unforgettable trip through the river of self-delusion that surges just beneath the surface of our lives. This is a book about the incentives that shape us, and about how hard it is to see ourselves clearly through a culture that revolves around the self. In each essay, Tolentino writes about a cultural prism: the rise of the nightmare social internet; the advent of scamming as the definitive millennial ethos; the literary heroine's journey from brave to blank to bitter; the punitive dream of optimization, which insists that everything, including our bodies, should become more efficient and beautiful until we die. Gleaming with Tolentino's sense of humor and capacity to elucidate the impossibly complex in an instant, and marked by her desire to treat the reader with profound honesty, Trick Mirror is an instant classic of the worst decade yet.

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cena 268.0 Kč

The Hundred-Foot Journey - Morais Richard. C.

Now a major motion picture starring Helen Mirren, directed by Lasse Hallström and produced by Oprah Winfrey, Steven Spielberg, Juliet Blake, Dreamworks and Participant MediaThe Hundred-Foot Journey is the story of Hassan Haji, a boy from Mumbai who embarks, along with his boisterous family, on a picaresque journey first to London and then across Europe, before they ultimately open a restaurant opposite a famous chef, Madame Mallory, in the remote French village of Lumiere. A culinary war ensues, pitting Hassan’s Mumbai-toughened father against the imperious Michelin-starred cordon bleu, until Madame Mallory realizes that Hassan is a cook with natural talents far superior to her own.Full of eccentric characters, hilarious cultural mishaps, vivid settings and delicious meals described in rich, sensuous detail, Hassan’s charming account lays bare the inner workings of the elite world of French haute cuisine and provides a life-affirming and poignant coming-of-age tale.

Objev podobné jako The Hundred-Foot Journey - Morais Richard. C.

cena 286.0 Kč

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