Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Glass Box - J. Michael Straczynski
A tense, thought-provoking pressure cooker about a young woman imprisoned in a psychiatric facility for her political views, perfect for fans of One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Girl, Interrupted. Riley Diaz is a troublemaker, born and raised. Half Irish, half Cuban, she's an orphan with the spirit and resilience of her ancestors and the protest protocols of her late parents.She's ready and able to resist the new tyrannies. After attending a protest, Riley is incarcerated in a shadowy American Renewal Center, detained under dangerous new legislation. This newly authoritarian government is trialling the mandatory re-education of dissidents, and Riley is receiving psychiatric treatment because of her politics.Riley is imprisoned in a nightmarish world of persecution and incursions on her freedom - forced therapy, involuntary medication, extended incarceration, solitary confinement, grotesquely restricted rations, false accusations and more. Trapped in an emerging dystopia, against people who would label her mad for speaking her mind, Riley can only do what she does best - rebel.
Podívejte se také Capital Sports Základní sada Dominat Edition A, CF Box, J-Cups, J-Hooks, ocel
Skleník - J. Michael Straczynski
Skleník je nekompromisní, svižný sci-fi román o rozhodnutích, před něž jsme postaveni, a o jejich důsledcích, kterým pak musíme čelit. Když je Riley Diaz uvězněna na základě nového tajemného zákona o obraně, ocitne se v jednom z rychle přibývajících Amerických středisek obnovy - zařízení po vzoru psychiatrických léčeben -, kde má podstoupit povinnou převýchovu. Program ASO používá ke zlomení disidentů podlé strategie, jako je nucená terapie, nedobrovolná medikace, samovazba, omezené příděly jídla a další. Podvol se, a jsi volný. Vzdoruj a… Osamocená Riley vyhlašuje válku lžím a manipulacím a snaží se program ASO a jeho pracovníky v bílých pláštích zničit. Přestože je izolovaná a spoluvězni ji nemají zrovna v lásce, nakonec si získá jejich důvěru a vytvoří si pevné pouto s tajemným pacientem známým pouze jako Frankenstein, který je stejně záhadný jako jeho jmenovec. Na počátku zničení nespravedlivého systému někdy stojí pouze jeden člověk, který je ochoten navzdory všemu vstát a říct "ne" - a to i ve chvíli, kdy má pocit, že vstát nedokáže. A Riley Diaz je připravena rozbít Skleník za každou cenu. Uznávaný americký spisovatel, scenárista a producent J. Michael Straczynski bere čtenáře na fascinující cestu inspirovanou znepokojivými problémy současnosti, jako je omezování svobody projevu. Skleník je dramatický a procítěný příběh, v němž vystupují autentické a často zvláštní postavy, které si čtenáři zamilují.
Podívejte se také Michael George: Songs From The Last Century - CD (0886978404220)
Thor By Straczynski & Gillen Omnibus - J. Michael Straczynski, Kieron Gillen
Witness the return of Thor in a story only author J. Michael Straczynski could tell! Resurrected after breaking the endless cycle of Ragnarok, the Asgardian God of Thunder is reunited with the mortal form of Dr. Don Blake. Together, they must reckon with the legacy of Thor's mythic Norse kingdom and the rebirth of its immortal heroes - on Earth! How will Broxton, Oklahoma, react to the Norse gods' arrival?! Then, writer Kieron Gillen takes up the hammer and reveals just how intricately Loki has been scheming all along! But when the Trickster's plans spiral out of control - culminating in the Siege of Asgard and the return of an ancient evil - it's up to Thor and his fellow Asgardians to save two realms!
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Vycházející hvězdy - Síla - J. Michael Straczynski
Příběh neobyčejnou mocí obdařených pedersonských dětí se řítí do finiše. Od posledního dílu se toho mnohé změnilo. Síla Zvláštních se mnohokrát zvýšila a stali se mocí, se kterou se prostě musí počítat. Zvláště, když ovládli celé Chicago a když si v podstatě po celém světě mohou dělat co chtějí. Několik z nich, aby zabránili větší tragédii, začnou spolupracovat s vládou a plánují osvobození Chicaga. Jenže nejen sovy nejsou tím, čí se zdají být - a J. Michael Straczynski dokáže s příběhem i čtenáři několikrát pořádně zatřást. J. Michael Straczynski v něm mixuje monumentální bojové scény s osobními tragédiemi. Je vidět, že měl za sebou obrovské seriálové zkušenosti, protože dokáže perfektně splétat jednotlivé osudy a parádně rozvíjet propracovaný příběh, ve kterém má každý dílek své přesné místo.
Objev podobné jako Vycházející hvězdy - Síla - J. Michael Straczynski
Vycházející hvězdy 1 + 2 - J. Michael Straczynski
Zvýhodněný balíček dvou knížek Vycházejících hvězd!-----------------------Vycházející Hvězdy 1: Zrozeni z ohněKdyž v malém městečku Pederson ve státě Illinois dojde k záhadnému světelnému úkazu, nachází se právě v děloze 113 dětí. Tyto děti se narodí se speciálními schopnostmi, s velkým porenciálem tvořit, ale i ničit. Nejsou na své schopnosti připraveny - a svět není připraven na ně.Vycházející hvězdy jsou vůbec první komiksovou sérií J. M. Straczynského (Babylon 5, Amazing Spider-Man, Krajina půlnočních stínů). Autor stvořil temný, silný a realistický "superhrdinský" příběh, srovnání s Moorovými Strážci. Straczynski dokázal, že má nejen na vytváření kultovních televizních seriálů, ale i stejně kultovních komiksových ság.-----------------------Vycházející hvězdy 2: SílaPříběh neobyčejnou mocí obdařených pedersonských dětí se řítí do finiše. Od posledního dílu se toho mnohé změnilo. Síla Zvláštních se mnohokrát zvýšila a stali se mocí, se kterou se prostě musí počítat. Zvláště, když ovládli celé Chicago a když si v podstatě po celém světě mohou dělat co chtějí. Několik z nich, aby zabránili větší tragédii, začnou spolupracovat s vládou a plánují osvobození Chicaga. Jenže nejen sovy nejsou tím, čí se zdají být - a J. Michael Straczynski dokáže s příběhem i čtenáři několikrát pořádně zatřást.
Objev podobné jako Vycházející hvězdy 1 + 2 - J. Michael Straczynski
Krajina půlnočních stínů / 4.vydání - J. Michael Straczynski
Napadli mě. Ukradli mi duši. Propadl jsem iluzorní skulinou v chodníku a skončil na místě opuštěnejch věcí a vykořeněnejch lidí. A jestli do roka nezískám svoji duši zpátky, skončím jako mrtvola, nebo jako jeden z těch průsvitnejch tvorů, který jsem zahlídnul. Říká David Grey, hlavní postava Krajiny půlnočních stínů, atmosférického příběhu o lidských slabostech a daleké cestě k sebepoznání, vrcholného díla J. Michaela Straczynského, známého scenáristy a producenta televizních i komiksových seriálů. Kniha vznikala přes dvacet let. Straczynski chtěl jejím alegorickým příběhem varovat před manipulativností sekt, se kterými měl velmi trpkou osobní zkušenost. Společně s eposem A zrodí se hvězdy… patří k jeho vrcholným dílům.
Objev podobné jako Krajina půlnočních stínů / 4.vydání - J. Michael Straczynski
Spider-Man : Odhalení - J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita jr.
Spider-man se vrací do boje. A pokud si myslí, že nemůže být nic horšího nez požírač superhrdinů Morlun, tak je na velkém omylu. Situace kolem pavouka houstne a brzo si náš hrdina bude muset odpovědět na některé základní otázky:- Kam mizí děti z ulic New Yorku? Jak přemoct někoho, kdo se dokáže udělat nehmotným? Jak přesvědčit Billa Gatese, aby ze Spider-Mana udělal maskota internetu? Jak přežít v astrálním světě? Jak vysvětlit tetičce May, že její milovaný synovec Petr Parker je ve skutečnosti Spider-Man... Ideálně tak, aby to přežila? A především... jak zvládnout nový post pedagoga a dožít se přestávky?
Objev podobné jako Spider-Man : Odhalení - J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita jr.
Vycházející hvězdy 1 - Zrozeni z ohně - J. Michael Straczynski
Když v malém městečku Pederson ve státě Illinois dojde k záhadnému světelnému úkazu, nachází se právě v děloze 113 dětí. Tyto děti se narodí se speciálními schopnostmi, s velkým porenciálem tvořit, ale i ničit. Nejsou na své schopnosti připraveny - a svět není připraven na ně. Vycházející hvězdy jsou vůbec první komiksovou sérií J. M. Straczynského (Babylon 5, Amazing Spider-Man, Krajina půlnočních stínů). Autor stvořil temný, silný a realistický "superhrdinský" příběh, srovnání s Moorovými Strážci. Straczynski dokázal, že má nejen na vytváření kultovních televizních seriálů, ale i stejně kultovních komiksových ság.
Objev podobné jako Vycházející hvězdy 1 - Zrozeni z ohně - J. Michael Straczynski
Spider-Man - Ezekielův návrat - J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita jr.
Když Dormammu zaútočil na naši realitu, dostalo se sem i něco dalšího. Něco nebezpečného, co chce Spider-Mana... obdarovat obří mocí? Je to sice milá změna po všech těch, kteří ho chtěli zabít, ale následky mohou být smrtící.A jakoby to nestačilo, tak se vrací i tajemný Ezekiel. Ovšem jako co? Jako přítel, jako mentor, nebo jako něco víc? New York zaplavili pavouci a sága Spider-Manova původu se uzavírá. Odhalují se nečekané skutečnosti - a to, že za všechno se platí. A hlavním platidlem bude, zdá se, Spider-Man.
Objev podobné jako Spider-Man - Ezekielův návrat - J. Michael Straczynski, John Romita jr.
Hulk: Planet Hulk Omnibus - J. Michael Straczynski, Greg Pak, Daniel Way
The strongest one there is in his most savage story ever! After a brutal battle between the Hulk and the Fantastic Four, Earth's greatest heroes decide that for the good of all, they must shoot the Hulk into space! But when he lands on the savage world of Sakaar, an epic for the ages begins. This one has it all: Strange alien planet! Oppressed barbarian tribes! Corrupt emperor! Deadly woman warrior! Gladiators and slaves! Battle-axes and hand blasters! Monsters and champions! And the Incredible Hulk! Let the smashing commence! Plus: an alternate "What If?" take, a guidebook to Sakaar and Amadeus Cho's totally awesome debut!
Objev podobné jako Hulk: Planet Hulk Omnibus - J. Michael Straczynski, Greg Pak, Daniel Way
The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová
‘One of the best fantasy book series of the past decade’ TIMEThe twist of a knife. The birth of a legend. Step into the world of the #1 bestselling Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas with this collection of prequel novellas. Celaena Sardothien is her kingdom’s most feared assassin. Though she works for the powerful Assassin’s Guild and its scheming master, Arobynn Hamel, she yields to no one and trusts only her fellow killer-for-hire, Sam. But when Arobynn dispatches her on missions that take her from remote islands to hostile deserts, Celaena finds herself acting independently of his wishes and questioning her own allegiance. If she hopes to escape Arobynn’s clutches, Celaena will have to put her faith in her wits and her blade ... knowing that if she fails, she’ll lose not just a chance at freedom but her life. A prequel to the New York Times bestselling Throne of Glass, this collection of five novellas explores the history of this cunning assassin and her enthralling — and deadly — world. Included in this volume: The Assassin and the Pirate LordThe Assassin and the HealerThe Assassin and the DesertThe Assassin and the UnderworldThe Assassin and the Empire
Objev podobné jako The Assassin´s Blade: The Throne of Glass Prequel Novellas - Sarah J. Maasová
j-hope - Jack In The Box (Hope Edition) (CD)
Typ: Album;CD Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: CD Subžánr: K-Pop Vydavatelství: Universal Music Datum vydání: 2023-08-18 Rok vydání: 2023.0 Varianta: Jack In The Box (Hope Edition) (CD) Žánr: Pop Interpret / Téma: j-hope
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Karafa J-Line Knitting Glass
Karafa z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z skla.
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Dekorativní svícen J-Line Flower Glass
Dekorativní svícen z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben ze skla a kovu.
Objev podobné jako Dekorativní svícen J-Line Flower Glass
Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maasová
Lethal. Loyal. Legendary.Enter the world of Throne of Glass with the first book in the #1 bestselling series by Sarah J. Maas.In a land without magic, an assassin is summoned to the castle. She has no love for the vicious king who rules from his throne of glass, but she has not come to kill him. She has come to win her freedom. If she defeats twenty-three murderers, thieves, and warriors in a competition, she will be released from prison to serve as the King’s Champion. Her name is Celaena Sardothien.The Crown Prince will provoke her. The Captain of the Guard will protect her. And a princess from a faraway country will befriend her. But something rotten dwells in the castle — and it’s there to kill. When her competitors start dying mysteriously, one by one, Celaena’s fight for freedom becomes a fight for survival — and a desperate quest to root out the evil before it destroys her world.Thrilling and fierce, Throne of Glass is the first book in the #1 New York Times bestselling series that has captivated readers worldwide.
Objev podobné jako Throne of Glass - Sarah J. Maasová
The Glass Hotel
The New York Times bestselling novel, from the author of Station Eleven.'A perfect post-lockdown read' - Sunday Times'Elegant, haunting' - The Times'A damn fine novel . . . evocative and immersive' - George R. R. MartinVincent is the beautiful bartender at the exclusive Hotel Caiette. When New York financier Jonathan Alkaitis walks into the hotel and hands her his card, it is the beginning of their life together.That same night, a hooded figure scrawls a note on the windowed wall of the hotel: 'Why don't you swallow broken glass.' Leon Prevant, a shipping executive, sees the note from the hotel bar and is shaken to his core.When Alkaitis's investment fund is revealed to be a Ponzi scheme, Leon loses his retirement savings in the fallout, but Vincent seemingly walks away unscathed. Until, a decade later, she disappears from the deck of one of Leon's ships . . .
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Stolní přesýpací hodiny J-Line Glass Green
Stolní přesýpací hodiny z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z skla.
Objev podobné jako Stolní přesýpací hodiny J-Line Glass Green
The Glass Room - Simon Mawer
Cool. Balanced. Modern. The precisions of science, the wild variance of lust, the catharsis of confession and the fear of failure - these are things that happen in the Glass Room. High on a Czechoslovak hill, the Landauer House shines as a wonder of steel and glass and onyx built specially for newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer, a Jew married to a gentile. But the radiant honesty of 1930 that the house, with its unique Glass Room, seems to engender quickly tarnishes as the storm clouds of WW2 gather, and eventually the family must flee, accompanied by Viktor's lover and her child. But the house's story is far from over, and as it passes from hand to hand, from Czech to Russian, both the best and the worst of the history of Eastern Europe becomes somehow embodied and perhaps emboldened within the beautiful and austere surfaces and planes so carefully designed, until events become full-circle.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Room - Simon Mawer
The Glass Girl - Kathleen Glasgow
From the author of bestselling Girl in Pieces, comes the story of a teenage girl on the brink, and the bumpy road back to recovery. For the first printing only! This special edition features a stunning sprayed edge and inside colour printing. While stocks last.'Stunning in every sense of the word.' Josh Silver, author of HappyHeadBella is at breaking point. Everyone in her life needs something from her. And there’s only one thing that dulls the pain.Alcohol smooths the sharp edges and makes it all so much easier. What’s the big deal? Everyone drinks. And Bella knows she can stop whenever she wants.But one party changes everything. Too many drinks lands her, unconscious, on the front steps of her mother’s house. With a fractured cheekbone and no memory of what happened, it’s time to deal with reality.And for Bella, that means going to rehab.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Girl - Kathleen Glasgow
Capital Sports Dominat Edition A, základní stojan, basic rack, CF Box, J-Cups, J-Hooks, ocel
Edice Dominat od Capital Sports je ideálním základem pro crossfit box , ať už jej chcete používat profesionálně, nebo v domácím prostředí.Základní stojan se skládá ze čtyř 270 cm dlouhých svislých tyčí s mimořádně velkými základovými deskami, které zajišťují stabilitu i při vysokém zatížení. Rohové sloupy jsou propojeny tyčí Dirty South Bar, která je vhodná pro silové sportovce různých postav se dvěma výškami úchopu.Dvě uprostřed spojené dvojité tyče na bocích zajišťují potřebnou stabilitu. Tyto tyče lze samozřejmě použít i pro přítahy a další cviky. Na zbývající straně tvoří jednoduchá tyč spojovací konec stojanu . To znamená, že kolem základny je prostor pro nejméně čtyři silové sportovce současně.Rozsáhlé možnosti tréninku s činkami umožňují čtyři J-Cups, které lze díky mnoha laserem vyřezaným otvorům ve stojanech upevnit v různých výškách podle individuálních tréninkových potřeb. Všechny J-Cups jsou extrémně pevné, plně pozinkované a snadno unesou hmotnost až 250 kg. Podložky vyrobené z pevného plastu pomáhají chránit činky.Všechny díly základního stojnu Capital Sports jsou vyrobeny z odolné 3 mm silné oceli, která je chráněna proti korozi a poškrábání černou práškovou barvou.
Objev podobné jako Capital Sports Dominat Edition A, základní stojan, basic rack, CF Box, J-Cups, J-Hooks, ocel
The Shadow in the Glass - Harwood JJA
Once upon a time Ella had wished for more than her life as a lowly maid.Now forced to work hard under the unforgiving, lecherous gaze of the man she once called stepfather, Ella's only refuge is in the books she reads by candlelight, secreted away in the library she isn't permitted to enter.One night, among her beloved books of far-off lands, Ella's wishes are answered. At the stroke of midnight, a fairy godmother makes her an offer that will change her life: seven wishes, hers to make as she pleases. But each wish comes at a price and Ella must decide whether it's one she's willing to pay...A smouldering, terrifying new spin on Cinderella - perfect for fans of Laura Purcell and Erin Morgenstern.
Objev podobné jako The Shadow in the Glass - Harwood JJA
Blood Trail - C. J. Box
It''s elk season in the Rockies, but this year one hunter is stalking a different kind of prey. A gripping Joe Pickett story from C.J. Box, whose novels have been adapted into the hit TV shows Joe Pickett and Big Sky. Wyoming Game Warden Joe Pickett takes the call when a hunter is found dead in the mountains. But this was no accident: the man was strung up, gutted, skinned and beheaded, as if he were the elk he’d been pursuing.With a killer on the loose and the public horrified, Governor Rulon is forced to end hunting season early for the first time in state history, losing Wyoming lucrative revenue and infuriating hunters. That’s the least of Joe’s worries, for soon another murder victim is discovered.Are the killings the work of a deranged anti-hunting activist, or of a lone psychopath with a personal vendetta? With few clues to go on and tension rising, Joe must hunt down the murderer before they strike again.Reviews for Blood Trail''Writing beautifully about the Mountain West and its people.'' Publishers Weekly''Writing genius...on a par with...James Lee Burke...'' Library Journal
Objev podobné jako Blood Trail - C. J. Box
Below Zero - C. J. Box
Could Joe Pickett''s foster daughter, seemingly killed six years ago, still be alive? A gripping read from award-winning author and New York Times bestseller C.J. Box.''Tell Sherry April called.''A simple message that shakes Sheridan Pickett to the core. For April – foster daughter to Sheridan''s parents Joe and Marybeth – has been presumed dead since a brutal massacre that Joe Pickett himself witnessed.To Joe, it doesn''t seem possible that April could have survived. But the person who now begins to text Sheridan is able to recall things only April would know about.When the texts turn ominous, Marybeth discovers that they are being sent from locations where vicious murders have taken place. Desperate to discover if April really is still alive and if so, to protect her, Joe and Sheridan take to the road with Joe''s associate Nate Romanowski. They will cross paths with a dying Chicago mobster on a mission of his own, as Joe and his family seek to discover the truth, and if the danger is as real as it seems.Reviews for Below Zero''The pace is relentless.'' Denver Post''Murder Well Done...'' New York Times''Spectacular.'' Milwaukee Express
Objev podobné jako Below Zero - C. J. Box
Throne of Glass Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
#1 New York Times bestselling author Sarah J. Maas started a worldwide phenomenon when she published her debut novel, Throne of Glass. To date, Sarah's books have spent more than 92 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list and she has hit #1 on charts around the world. Her books have sold more than seven million copies and have been translated into 36 languages. Throne of Glass alone has sold over one million copies. Now you can own this epic fantasy classic in a deluxe hardcover collector's edition.Throne of Glass begins the sweeping saga of assassin Celaena Sardothien, who is serving a life sentence in the mines of Endovier - until a young captain of the guard offers her a deal. She will have her freedom, on one condition: she must fight to win a deadly competition to serve as the champion of the king. The king who rules his kingdom with a cruel and merciless hand.Live or die, Celaena will be free. Win or lose, her destiny will claim her.Now available in this gorgeous new package, the Throne of Glass Collector's Edition features unique foil-stamped cover art, a ribbon marker, beautiful new interior page designs, colour endpapers and a new map of Erilea.
Objev podobné jako Throne of Glass Collector´s Edition - Sarah J. Maasová
The Glass Castle: A Memoir (1844081826)
Kniha - autor Jeannette Walls, 342 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná While Jeannette Walls was living on Park Avenue, covering the Academy Awards as a journalist, her parents were squatting in an abandoned building on the Lower East Side. An almost incredible story of a nomadic, impoverished childhood.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Castle: A Memoir (1844081826)
The Glass Room (Defekt) - Simon Mawer
Cool. Balanced. Modern. The precisions of science, the wild variance of lust, the catharsis of confession and the fear of failure - these are things that happen in the Glass Room. High on a Czechoslovak hill, the Landauer House shines as a wonder of steel and glass and onyx built specially for newlyweds Viktor and Liesel Landauer, a Jew married to a gentile. But the radiant honesty of 1930 that the house, with its unique Glass Room, seems to engender quickly tarnishes as the storm clouds of WW2 gather, and eventually the family must flee, accompanied by Viktor's lover and her child. But the house's story is far from over, and as it passes from hand to hand, from Czech to Russian, both the best and the worst of the history of Eastern Europe becomes somehow embodied and perhaps emboldened within the beautiful and austere surfaces and planes so carefully designed, until events become full-circle.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Room (Defekt) - Simon Mawer
Box na drobné předměty J-Line
Box na drobné předměty z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z ze skla.
Objev podobné jako Box na drobné předměty J-Line
Box na drobné předměty J-Line
Box na drobné předměty z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z ze skla.
Objev podobné jako Box na drobné předměty J-Line
Three-Inch Teeth - C. J. Box
THE THRILLING NEW YORK TIMES #2 BESTSELLING NOVEL FROM C.J. BOX.Wyoming game warden Joe Pickett faces two different kinds of rampaging killers – one animal, one human – in this riveting adventure from award-winning author C.J. Box.A rogue grizzly bear has gone on a rampage, killing, among others, the prospective fiancé of Joe Pickett''s daughter. At the same time, Dallas Cates, who Joe helped lock up, is released from prison with a list of six names tattooed on his skin. He wants revenge on the people who sent him away: the people he blames for the deaths of his entire family and the loss of his reputation and property.Targeted are his lawyer, a judge, the county prosecutor, a prison guard, Joe’s associate Nate Romanowski – and Joe Pickett himself. Using the grizzly attacks as cover, Cates devises a method of violence identical to the bear killings and sets out to methodically check off his list. Can Joe stop him before he himself becomes the next target on the killer’s list?Reviews for Three-Inch Teeth''Pulse-pounding adventure'' Publishers Weekly''Taut and suspenseful'' Irish Independent''Full of suspense and action'' Mystery and Suspense MagazineReviews for C.J Box‘Box is writing at the top of his game.’ Publishers Weekly‘C. J. Box is among the finest and most literate authors of modern thrillers.’ Bookreporter‘Box’s sparse and pragmatic prose is the perfect complement to the wilderness vistas Pickett knows like the back of his hand.’ Providence Journal
Objev podobné jako Three-Inch Teeth - C. J. Box
Sada sklenic na víno J-Line Glass Plastic 6-pack
Sada sklenic na víno z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z plastu.
Objev podobné jako Sada sklenic na víno J-Line Glass Plastic 6-pack
The Glass-Blowers (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
Perhaps we shall not see each other again. I will write to you, though, and tell you, as best I can, the story of your family. A glass-blower, remember, breathes life into a vessel, giving it shape and form and sometimes beauty; but he can with that same breath, shatter and destroy it' Faithful to her word, Sophie Duval reveals to her long-lost nephew the tragic story of a family of master craftsmen in eighteenth-century France. The world of the glass-blowers has its own traditions, it's own language - and its own rules. 'If you marry into glass' Pierre Labbe warns his daughter, 'you will say goodbye to everything familiar, and enter a closed world'. But crashing into this world comes the violence and terror of the French Revolution against which, the family struggles to survive. The Glass Blowers is a remarkable achievement - an imaginative and exciting reworking of du Maurier's own family history.
Objev podobné jako The Glass-Blowers (Defekt) - Daphne du Maurier
The Glass Pearls (Faber Editions) - Emeric Pressburger
For fans of The Passenger, this thrilling tale of an ex-Nazi surgeon hiding in plain sight in 1960s London by the celebrated filmmaker is a lost noir gem, introduced by Anthony Quinn and narrated on audio by Mark Gatiss, as chosen by Ian Rankin on BBC Radio 4''s A Good Read.''Stunning: incredibly good, tense and compelling and morally complex.'' Ian Rankin''This extraordinary novel had me hooked from start to finish.'' Sarah Waters''An outstanding novel: gripping, tense and darkly unsettling. '' Jonathan Freedland''A wonderfully compelling noir thriller and audacious and challenging act of imagination.'' William Boyd''One of the best London novels of the 20th century.'' Benjamin Myers Nothing is more inviting to disclose your secrets than to be told by others of their own ...London, June 1965. Karl Braun arrives as a lodger in Pimlico: hatless, with a bow-tie, greying hair, slight in build. His new neighbours are intrigued by this cultured German gentleman who works as a piano tuner; many are fellow émigrés, who assume that he, like them, came to England to flee Hitler. That summer, Braun courts a woman, attends classical concerts, dances the twist. But as the newspapers fill with reports of the hunt for Nazi war criminals, his nightmares become increasingly worse …''A haunting, remarkable novel, as startlingly original as any of Pressburger''s films.'' Nicola Upson''A dark and harrowing window on the past: the ending will haunt your dreams.'' Janice Hallett
Objev podobné jako The Glass Pearls (Faber Editions) - Emeric Pressburger
The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandelová
Vincent is the beautiful bartender at the Hotel Caiette, a five-star glass-and-cedar palace on the northernmost tip of Vancouver Island. New York financier Jonathan Alkaitis owns the hotel. When he passes Vincent his card with a tip, it's the beginning of their life together. That same day, a hooded figure scrawls a note on the windowed wall of the hotel: 'Why don't you swallow broken glass.' Leon Prevant, a shipping executive for a company called Neptune-Avramidis, sees the note from the hotel bar and is shaken to his core. Thirteen years later Vincent mysteriously disappears from the deck of a Neptune-Avramidis ship. Weaving together the lives of these characters, Emily St. John Mandel's The Glass Hotel moves between the ship, the towers of Manhattan and the wilderness of remote British Columbia, painting a breathtaking picture of greed and guilt, fantasy and delusion, art and the ghosts of our pasts.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Hotel - Emily St. John Mandelová
The Trap - Ava Glass
Emma Makepeace is back in the third gripping instalment of the Alias Emma series.''The new queen of spy fiction'' Guardian''Emma Makepeace is a worthy heir to the James Bond mantle.'' James Patterson''A can’t-put-down thriller - you''re in for a treat.'' Cosmopolitan''A slick and fun whirlwind that grips until the end'' Crime Monthly __________How far would you go to catch a killer?This is the question UK agent Emma Makepeace must ask herself when she is sent to Edinburgh for the upcoming global G7 Summit.The Russians are in town and Emma and her team know a high-profile assassination is being planned.But who is their target?There is only one way to find out. Emma must set a trap using herself as bait.As the most powerful leaders in the world arrive and the city becomes gridlocked, Emma knows the clock is ticking.__________''A fast-paced and propulsive read'' Perspective Magazine - Thriller of the Month''A Criminally Good Read'' Crime Scene Magazine''If you’re looking for a new thriller to get your teeth to get stuck into, this is definitely for you.'' Pick Me Up - Book of the Week''Ava Glass weaves a razor-sharp tale of espionage'' Woman''s Own''Fans of Ava Glass’s hell-for-leather spy thrillers will love this fast and furious ride'' Peterborough Telegraph__________Readers can''t get enough of The Trap . . .***** ''This is a terrific thriller fuelled by pure adrenaline, but I wouldn’t expect anything less from author Ava Glass. This is a brilliant series that delivers on every level.''***** ''Good luck trying to stop somewhere in the middle of this lightening fast read!''***** ''A hugely entertaining read and the best in the series so far.''***** ''If you like spy thrillers and you haven’t read the series then you are missing a treat.''***** ''Once you start this book, there’s absolutely no stopping.''Bookseller bestseller, September 2023
Objev podobné jako The Trap - Ava Glass
Crookhaven: The School for Thieves - J. J. Arcanjo
13-year-old Gabriel is a brilliant pickpocket, a skill which he uses to keep his often empty belly not quite so empty. And then one day, he's caught.But instead of being arrested, he is invited by the mysterious Caspian Crook to attend Crookhaven - a school for thieves. At Crookhaven, students are trained in lock-picking, forgery and 'crim-nastics', all with the intention of doing good out in the world, by conning the bad and giving back to the innocent.But ... can you ever really trust a thief?With a school wide competition to be crowned Top Crook and many mysteries to uncover, Gabriel's first year at Crookhaven will be one to remember...An irresistible series about chosen family, high stakes thievery, and what it really means to do good. Perfect for fans of M.G. Leonard and Anthony Horowitz.
Objev podobné jako Crookhaven: The School for Thieves - J. J. Arcanjo
The Glass Wall : Lives on the Baltic Frontier - Egremont Max
This journey to the edge of Europe mixes history, travelogue and oral testimony to spellbinding and revelatory effect. Few countries have suffered more from the convulsions and bloodshed of twentieth-century Europe than those in the eastern Baltic. Small nations such as the Baltic States of Latvia and Estonia found themselves caught between the giants of Germany and Russia, on a route across which armies surged or retreated. Subjected to foreign domination and conquest since the Northern crusades in the twelfth century, these lands faced frequent devastation as Germans, Russians and Swedish colonisers asserted control of the territory, religion, government, culture and inhabitants. The Glass Wall features an extraordinary cast of characters - contemporary and historical, foreign and indigenous - who have lived and fought in the Baltic and made the atmosphere of what was often thought to be western Europe's furthest redoubt. Too often it has seemed to be the destiny of this region to be the front line of other people's wars. By telling the stories of warriors and victims, of philosophers and Baltic Barons, of poets and artists, of rebels and emperors, and others who lived through years of turmoil and violence, Max Egremont reveals a fascinating part of Europe, on a frontier whose limits may still be in doubt.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Wall : Lives on the Baltic Frontier - Egremont Max
The Glass Hotel (Defekt) - Emily St. John Mandelová
Vincent is the beautiful bartender at the Hotel Caiette, a five-star glass-and-cedar palace on the northernmost tip of Vancouver Island. New York financier Jonathan Alkaitis owns the hotel. When he passes Vincent his card with a tip, it's the beginning of their life together. That same day, a hooded figure scrawls a note on the windowed wall of the hotel: 'Why don't you swallow broken glass.' Leon Prevant, a shipping executive for a company called Neptune-Avramidis, sees the note from the hotel bar and is shaken to his core. Thirteen years later Vincent mysteriously disappears from the deck of a Neptune-Avramidis ship. Weaving together the lives of these characters, Emily St. John Mandel's The Glass Hotel moves between the ship, the towers of Manhattan and the wilderness of remote British Columbia, painting a breathtaking picture of greed and guilt, fantasy and delusion, art and the ghosts of our pasts.
Objev podobné jako The Glass Hotel (Defekt) - Emily St. John Mandelová
Šachy J-Line Box Card and Chess
Šachy a dáma z kolekce J-Line. Model vyroben z umělohmotného materiálu a dřeva.
Objev podobné jako Šachy J-Line Box Card and Chess
The Girl with Glass Feet
'Magical' Guardian Shortlisted for the 2009 Costa First Novel Award, this is a novel to fall in love with - for anyone who loved the escapism of The Time Traveller's Wife and The Memory Keeper's Daughter.
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Bohemian Glass: The Great Masters
Tracing the work of six modern Czech glassmakers from the Cold War to the present day Realized in collaboration with the Museum of Decorative Arts in Prague, Bohemian Glass highlights the work of six major Czech glass artists born in the 1920s and ’30s. These great masters nurtured a new mode of artistic glass, while drawing upon Bohemia’s historical relationship with other European glassmaking centers.
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Star Wars: Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss - Steven Barnes
Jedi Master Mace Windu travels to a dangerous, remote planet on a mission that challenges even his deadly prowess - all to fulfill Qui-Gon's last request. The Jedi are reeling from Qui-Gon Jinn’s sudden death at the hands of a Sith. Jedi Master Mace Windu’s feelings about Qui-Gon have always been complicated, and have not been made any simpler in death.While they often disagreed, Mace valued Qui-Gon's unique perspective, and their shared dedication to the Force made them allies. Without Qui-Gon and his unorthodox views, Mace feels out of balance. While considering his fallen friend’s legacy, Mace is surprised to receive a final message from Qui-Gon, marked to be delivered to Mace on the event of Qui-Gon’s death.The message contains a last request: a plea to help the Outer Rim planet of Metagos. Many years ago, a violent solar flare transformed the surface of the desert planet into a landscape of irradiated glass—as beautiful as it is dangerous. Now most of the surviving inhabitants live underground, where rival clans fight to control the planet’s limited resources.As a young Jedi, Qui-Gon protected the Sa’ad farming clan from the planet’s less scrupulous factions. The Sa’ad practice the art of dream-weaving, retaining their waking minds upon sleep in order to communicate and coexist with the wild creatures around them. Qui-Gon vowed to return if they ever required his aid, but now it falls to Mace to fulfill that promise.The Sa’ad’s leader, KinShan Nightbird, has begged for the Jedi’s help in freeing Metagos from the crime lords who threaten to eradicate her people’s way of life. Intent on fulfilling Qui-Gon’s final wishes, Mace travels to Metagos and infiltrates the enemies of the Sa’ad. But as the Jedi Master investigates the intricate web of adversaries and allies, Mace finds himself pushed to the boundaries of the Jedi code, challenging his beliefs and his relationship to the Force itself.
Objev podobné jako Star Wars: Mace Windu: The Glass Abyss - Steven Barnes
The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening - L. J. Smith
Book 1 in L. J. Smith''s incredible vampire series - in love with two vampire brothers, will Elena choose good or evil? Currently streaming on Netflix and ITV-XElena is the school beauty, but she''s bored. Until a new boy turns up in her class. Stefan is dark and mysterious - and she''s determined to get to know him better. But Stefan is just as determined to resist her ... until a series of attacks in the area terrify the town and Stefan is held responsible. Elena is the only one who offers to help and, falling in love with her, Stefan tells her his terrible story. He is a vampire, on the run from his evil brother, Damon, who doesn''t share Stefan''s qualms about drinking human blood. And Damon is the one Stefan suspects of really being behind the recent attacks ... Can Elena help prove his innocence - without revealing his secret?
Objev podobné jako The Vampire Diaries: The Awakening - L. J. Smith
The Deer and the Dragon - Piper C. J.
The deities you call aren't always the ones who answer.Marlow needs to believe she's crazy. The alternative would mean embracing the gift-or curse-shared by her mother and grandmother: she can see angels and demons. She would have to admit she's been seeing one for years, the alluring, starlit man she calls Caliban, who understands her, soothes her, loves her like no one else. And with her history of religious trauma, she's far too afraid to do that-at least, until a fae from the Nordic pantheon strolls into her life and informs her that her so-called hallucinations are actually a passionate affair with the Prince of Hell.A prince who has now gone missing.But finding Caliban will mean accepting her new reality and seeing the world for what it truly is. The veil is far thinner than she or any human realizes, and the mortal realm is up for grabs. Before she knows it, Marlow is deeply entangled in a centuries-old war, stumbling straight into a battleground between vicious and powerful pantheons. And who will come out on top...may just depend on her and the man she never dared to believe in.
Objev podobné jako The Deer and the Dragon - Piper C. J.
On a Sea of Glass - Bill Wormstedt, Tad Fitch, J. Kent Layton
On the night of 14/15 April 1912, a brandnew, supposedly unsinkable ship, the largest and most luxurious vessel in the world at the time, collided with an iceberg and sank on her maiden voyage. Of the 2,208 people on board, only 712 were saved. The rest either drowned or froze to death in the icy-cold waters of the North Atlantic. How could this ‘unsinkable’ vessel sink and why did so few of those aboard survive?The authors bring the tragedy to life, telling the story of the ship’s design, construction and maiden voyage. The stories of individuals who sailed on her, many previously known only as names on yellowing passenger and crew lists, are brought to light using rarely-seen accounts of the sinking. The stories of passengers of all classes and crewmembers alike, are explored. They tell the dramatic stories of lives lost and people saved, of the rescue ship Carpathia, and of the aftermath of the sinking. Never again would a large passenger liner sail without lifeboats for all.Despite the tragedy, the sinking of the Titanic indirectly led to untold numbers of lives being saved due to new regulations that came into force after the tragedy. Profusely illustrated, including many rare and unique views of the ship and those who sailed on her, this is as accurate and engrossing a telling of the life of the White Star Line’s Titanic and her sinking as you will read anywhere. Made special by the use of so many rare survivor accounts from the eye witnesses to that night to remember, the narrative places the reader in the middle of the maiden voyage, and brings the tragic sinking to life as never before.
Objev podobné jako On a Sea of Glass - Bill Wormstedt, Tad Fitch, J. Kent Layton
Crescent City Hardcover Box Set - Sarah J. Maasová
A beautiful hardcover box set collecting all three books in the Crescent City series. Bryce Quinlan had the perfect life—working hard all day and partying all night—until a demon murdered her closest friends, leaving her bereft, wounded, and alone. When the accused is behind bars but the crimes start up again, Bryce finds herself at the heart of the investigation.She'll do whatever it takes to avenge their deaths. Hunt Athalar is a notorious Fallen angel, now enslaved to the Archangels he once attempted to overthrow. His brutal skills and incredible strength have been set to one purpose—to assassinate his boss's enemies, no questions asked.But with a demon wreaking havoc in the city, he's offered an irresistible deal: help Bryce find the murderer, and his freedom will be within reach. As Bryce and Hunt dig deep into Crescent City's underbelly, they’re plunged into the fight of a lifetime, making them question everything they thought they knew. With a sizzling romance at its heart and surprises at every turn, the #1 New York Times bestselling Crescent City series has captivated readers everywhere with its exploration of loss, power, and love.
Objev podobné jako Crescent City Hardcover Box Set - Sarah J. Maasová
Skleněný trůn 1-7 - box - Sarah J. Maasová
V temných a špinavých solných dolech Endovieru si doživotní trest odpykává osmnáctiletá dívka. Celaene byla od dětství trénovaná k jednomu jedinému úkolu – stát se tím nejlepším zabijákem na světě, rychlým, tichým, neodhalitelným a všehoschopným. Ale udělala chybu. Nechala se chytit. Pak však dostala druhou šanci a uvědomila si, že je jen na ní, jak s ní naloží. Sledujte celou dlouhou životní cestu od trestankyně ke královně celých říší!
Objev podobné jako Skleněný trůn 1-7 - box - Sarah J. Maasová
alt-J - The Dream (LP)
Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Rock;Indie Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019 Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Infectious Music Subžánr: Folktronica;Indie Rock;Art Rock;Indie Pop Rok vydání: 2022.0 Datum vydání: 2022-02-11 Interpret / Téma: alt-J Varianta: The Dream (LP)
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The Split - Sharon J. Bolton
THE CHILLING AND GRIPPING RICHARD AND JUDY BOOK CLUB PICKSHE'LL NEVER STOP RUNNING.BUT HE'LL NEVER STOP LOOKING.A year ago Felicity Lloyd fled England to South Georgia, one of the most remote islands in the world, escaping her past and the man she once loved. Can she keep running her whole life?Freddie Lloyd has served time for murder - and now he wants her back. Wherever she is, he won't stop until he finds her. Will he be able to track her to the ends of the earth?TOGETHER THEY'LL FIND THEMSELVES TRAPPED ON THE ICE AND IN DANGER. WHO WILL SURVIVE?
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The Drift - C. J. Tudorová
PRE-ORDER THE HEART-POUNDING NEW NOVEL FROM THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF THE CHALK MAN AND RICHARD & JUDY PICK THE BURNING GIRLSAn overturned coach. A stranded cable car. An isolated chalet . . .Three groups of strangers. A deadly killer. No escape.THE DRIFT . . . survival can be murderPraise for C. J. Tudor:'C. J. Tudor is terrific. I can't wait to see what she does next' Harlan Coben'Britain's female Stephen King' Daily Mail'A mesmerizingly chilling and atmospheric page-turner' J.P. Delaney'Her books have the ability to simultaneously make you unable to stop reading while wishing you could bury the book somewhere deep underground where it can't be found. Compelling and haunting' Sunday Express'Some writers have it, and some don't. C. J. Tudor has it big time' Lee Child'A dark star is born' A. J. Finn
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The Drift - C. J. Tudorová
Survival can be murder . . .During a deadly snowstorm, Hannah awakens to carnage, all mangled metal and shattered glass. Evacuated from a secluded boarding school, her coach careered off the road, trapping her with a handful of survivors.Meg awakens to a gentle rocking. She's in a cable car stranded high above snowy mountains, with five strangers and no memory of how they got on board.Carter is gazing out of the window of an isolated ski chalet that he and his companions call home. As their generator begins to waver in the storm, the threat of something lurking in the chalet's depths looms larger.Outside, the storm rages. Inside one group, a killer lurks.But which one?And who will make it out alive?
Objev podobné jako The Drift - C. J. Tudorová
The Gathering - C. J. Tudorová
A boy is found with his throat ripped out,the blood drained from his body. It’s not the firstsuch killing, and the town knows who to blame:the vampyr colony in the mountains.But out-of-state detective Barbara Atkins think the evidencedoesn’t stack up. People are lying. And Deadhart has a history of dark secrets.The snow keeps falling, but so do the victims. Time is running out for Barbara. Is she hunting a cold-blooded murderer,or a bloodthirsty monster?And which does she fear most?
Objev podobné jako The Gathering - C. J. Tudorová
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