Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Elder Scrolls: The Official Cookbook - Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
Feast your way through the world of Skyrim with The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim: The Official Cookbook.
Podívejte se také The Elder Scrolls V - Dovahkiin - figurka (4580416944298)
World of Warcraft: New Flavors of Azeroth - The Official Cookbook - Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
Noted Pandaren chef Nomi is your guide through the culinary world of Azeroth in this follow-up to World of Warcraft: The Official Cookbook. Journey through Azeroth and prepare to feast on new culinary delights inspired by World of Warcraft. In this cookbook, Pandaren chef Nomi has collected the best recipes gathered during his travels and will instruct you in everything you need to know as you feast your way through Azeroth. As a young boy in Pandaria, Nomi answered the beckoning call of the Cooking School Bell, and quickly grew into a promising chef. Through the years, this intrepid cook has traveled across Azeroth, learning countless regional recipes and techniques from Pandaria, the Broken Isles, and even the mysterious Shadowlands. Each chapter features easy-to-follow dishes, as well as numerous tips on how to not burn your food. Let culinary expert Nomi be your guide in World of Warcraft: Flavors of Azeroth.
Podívejte se také The Elder Scrolls: Vista of Greymoor - Puzzle (5908305233558)
World of Warcraft - Oficiální kuchařka - Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
Připravte se na pořádnou hostinu! Je tu oficiální kuchařka pro všechny fanoušky hry World of Warcraft! Najdete v ní pokrmy, které potěší chuťové pohárky jak členů Aliance, tak přívrženců Hordy... jídla ze všech částí Azerothu!V knize najdete přes 100 receptů, které zvládnou i méně zkušení kuchaři. A samozřejmě i rady, jak ingredience z Azerothu, které u nás přece jen špatně seženete, důstojně nahradit.
Podívejte se také The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Upgrade - Xbox Digital (7CN-00101)
Podívejte se také
- The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Collectors Edition - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00153)
- Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr - Puzzle (5908305240358)
- The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471162168)
- Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00293)
- Davis Eddie „Lockjaw”: Cookin' With Jaws And The Queen: The Legendary Prestige Cookbook Albums )4xCD (7242477)
- Czech Cookbook (9780692972175)
- The turn of the Screw
- The Hound of the Baskervilles
- The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368)
- The Hand on the Wall (0062338110)
- The Heart of the Matter (0099478420)
- Portugal. The Man: In The Mountain In The Cloud - LP (7567864186)
- Toronzo Canon: The Preacher. The Politician Or The Pimp - CD (0014551499527)
- the simpsons
- The Crown
- The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)
- The Killers: Imploding the Mirage - CD (0852570)
- How We Understand the Beats: The Reception of the Beat Generation in the United States and the Czech (978-80-210-9048-4)
- The Wisdom of Crowds: The Riotous Conclusion to The Age of Madness (0575095989)
- Yardbirds: The Best Of The Yardbirds - CD (CHARLY604CD)
The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood - Xbox (5055856428978)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, krabicová verze, žánr: akční a RPG, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Gold, - obsahuje základní hru, všechna dříve vydaná rozšíření (Morrowind, Summerset, Elsweyr, a Greymoor) a nové rozšíření Blackwood. Základní hra i všechna rozšíření v jednomThe Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood je vrcholným zážitkem Elder Scrolls a zahrnuje základní hru, novou kapitolu Blackwood a všechny předchozí kapitoly. Otevřený světVytvořte si svoji nejlepší RPG postavu, zahrajte si sólo nebo dobrodružství s přáteli a určete svůj osud v neustále se rozšiřujícím světě. Bez omezení úrovně můžete jít kamkoli a kdykoli ve skutečně otevřeném světě. The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood obsahuje:základní hru...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Online Collection: Blackwood - Xbox (5055856428978)
World of WarCraft - Nové příchutě Azerothu - Oficiální kuchařka - Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
Pochutnejte si na nových kulinářských dobrotách z Azerothu díky World of Warcraft: Novým příchutím Azerothu. Věhlasný šéfkuchař a pandaren Nomi vás v pokračování World of Warcraft: Oficiální kuchařky provede rozmanitými zeměmi Azerothu a představí recepty, které se poprvé objevily v rozšířeních nesmírně populární hry od Blizzardu.Jako malý pandarenský chlapec odpověděl Nomi na volání Zvonu kuchařské školy a rychle vyrostl ve slibného šéfkuchaře (s trochou pomoci od jistého dobrodruha). Přestože Nomi strávil mládí tím, že objevoval nové a neotřelé způsoby, jak uvařit příšerně připálené jídlo, dovedl od té doby své kuchařské schopnosti k dokonalosti a teď je připravený své bohaté znalosti předat dál. Během let tento neohrožený kuchař procestoval Azeroth a naučil se bezpočet receptů a technik z Pandarie, Roztříštěných ostrovů, a dokonce i tajemných Stínových zemí. V této kuchařce sesbíral Nomi ty nejlepší recepty ze svých cest a poradí vám, co všechno potřebujete vědět, abyste si na pouti Azerothem co nejlépe pochutnali.
Objev podobné jako World of WarCraft - Nové příchutě Azerothu - Oficiální kuchařka - Chelsea Monroe-Cassel
The Elder Scrolls Skyrim - Legendary Edition - PC DIGITAL (1162786)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a RPG, The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Legendary Edition PC slaví velké výročí!Hra The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Legendary Edition PC, která získala více než 200 ocenění Hra roku, oslavuje 10 let dobrodružství v ohromujících detailech. Prožijte jiný život, v jiném světěThe Elder Scrolls Skyrim Legendary Edition PC představuje novou podobu fantasy eposu s otevřeným světem a přináší kompletní virtuální svět, který můžete prozkoumávat, jak se vám zlíbí. Hrajte za jakoukoli postavu, kterou si dovedete představit, a dělejte, co chcete; legendární svoboda volby, vyprávění příběhu a dobrodružství hry The Elder Scrolls je zde realizována jako nikdy předtím. The Elder Scrolls Skyrim Legendary Edition PC – Jste tím, za koho hrajeteVyberte si ze stovek zbraní,...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Skyrim - Legendary Edition - PC DIGITAL (1162786)
The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00150)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: akční a RPG, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Gold, Zastavte démonickou invaziVydejte se v MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood opět do Tamrielu. Vytvořte si svého šampiona a sami, nebo za pomoci ostatních hráčů zastavte démonickou invazi snažící se jej pohltit. Čelte novým hrozbám a dejte démonům na frak. Vyrazte do světaObjevujte temná zákoutí imperiálních měst. Zamiřte do zasmrádlých bažin, nebo se prostě dejte za nosem a poznejte lépe životem kypící svět procházející stálým vývojem. Porazte rudého obraČelte démonickému princi Mehrunesi Dagonovi, který se pokouší změnit svět smrtelníků ve svou doménu. Likvidujte jeho přisluhovače a nakonec se střetněte...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00150)
The Adventure Time - The Official Cookbook - Jordan Grosser
Grab your friends and get cooking in the land of Ooo with Adventure Time: The Official Cookbook, featuring recipes from all your favourite characters and kingdoms.
Objev podobné jako The Adventure Time - The Official Cookbook - Jordan Grosser
The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Upgrade - Xbox Digital (7CN-00101)
Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Akční a RPG, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Zastavte démonickou invaziVydejte se v MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood opět do Tamrielu. Vytvořte si svého šampiona a sami, nebo za pomoci ostatních hráčů zastavte démonickou invazi snažící se jej pohltit. Čelte novým hrozbám a dejte démonům na frak. Vyrazte do světaObjevujte temná zákoutí imperiálních měst. Zamiřte do zasmrádlých bažin, nebo se prostě dejte za nosem a poznejte lépe životem kypící svět procházející stálým vývojem. Porazte rudého obraČelte démonickému princi Mehrunesi Dagonovi, který se pokouší změnit svět smrtelníků ve svou doménu. Likvidujte...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Upgrade - Xbox Digital (7CN-00101)
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - PC DIGITAL (1469107)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a RPG, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition PC je legendární mistrovské dílo ze studia Bethesda Game Studios. Bojujte proti starověkým drakům, prozkoumávejte drsné hory, stavte domy nebo se staňte mistrem stovky zbraní, kouzel a schopností. Svět Elder Scrolls Draci, dlouho ztracení ve světě Elder Scrolls, se vrátili a budoucnost Skyrim visí v rovnováze. Jako Dragonborn, prorokovaný hrdina narozený v moci Hlasu, jste jediný, kdo může stát proti nim....
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition - PC DIGITAL (1469107)
The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Collectors Edition - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00153)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: akční a RPG, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Gold, Zastavte démonickou invaziVydejte se v MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood opět do Tamrielu. Vytvořte si svého šampiona a sami, nebo za pomoci ostatních hráčů zastavte démonickou invazi snažící se jej pohltit. Čelte novým hrozbám a dejte démonům na frak. Vyrazte do světaObjevujte temná zákoutí imperiálních měst. Zamiřte do zasmrádlých bažin, nebo se prostě dejte za nosem a poznejte lépe životem kypící svět procházející stálým vývojem. Porazte rudého obraČelte démonickému princi Mehrunesi Dagonovi, který se pokouší změnit svět smrtelníků ve svou doménu. Likvidujte jeho přisluhovače a nakonec se střetněte...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Collectors Edition - Xbox Digital (G7Q-00153)
The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Collectors Edition Upgrade - Xbox Digital (7CN-00103)
Herní doplněk / DLC - Xbox One S/Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: Akční a RPG, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Zastavte démonickou invaziVydejte se v MMORPG The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood opět do Tamrielu. Vytvořte si svého šampiona a sami, nebo za pomoci ostatních hráčů zastavte démonickou invazi snažící se jej pohltit. Čelte novým hrozbám a dejte démonům na frak. Vyrazte do světaObjevujte temná zákoutí imperiálních měst. Zamiřte do zasmrádlých bažin, nebo se prostě dejte za nosem a poznejte lépe životem kypící svět procházející stálým vývojem. Porazte rudého obraČelte démonickému princi Mehrunesi Dagonovi, který se pokouší změnit svět smrtelníků ve svou doménu. Likvidujte...
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls Online Blackwood Collectors Edition Upgrade - Xbox Digital (7CN-00103)
Disney Frozen: The Official Cookbook - S.T. Bende, Daytona Danielsen
Feel like you are visiting Arendelle with Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf in this cookbook inspired by Disney’s Frozen and Frozen 2, featuring open-faced sandwiches inspired by Anna, Christmas kransekake inspired by Elsa, beloved lefse, a giant cookie in the wavy shape of Norway, and more!For the first time in forever, fans of Elsa, Anna, Kristoff, and Olaf will get to experience sights, smells, and tastes of Arendelle. This all-new cookbook features Scandinavian recipes celebrating some of the people and cultures that inspired Disney’s Frozen and Frozen 2.The Tastes of Arendelle: The Official Frozen Cookbook features step-by-step instructions and full-color photographs so chefs of any age or skill level can learn to prepare traditional Scandinavian treats. Featuring more than fifty-five recipes with historical tie-ins to each recipe’s significance in the films and culture, this comprehensive cookbook brings the tastes of Arendelle into your very own hus.AUTHENTIC SCANDINAVIAN CUISINE: Includes recipes for Scandinavian dishes and delicacies such as kransekake, inspired by the Disney animated feature film Frozen and Frozen 255+ RECIPES: More than 55 Frozen-inspired recipes for appetizers, entrees, drinks, and desserts will bring Arendelle to your kitchenSTUNNING IMAGES: Beautiful, full-color photos of finished dishes help ensure successFOR ALL SKILL LEVELS: Perfect for kids, adults, and families, this book has easy-to-follow recipes, making it ideal for any skill level and occasionFIRST OFFICIAL COOKBOOK: Created in collaboration with Disney, this is the first official cookbook for Disney’s FrozenCOMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Disney: Cooking with Magic, Lilo & Stitch: The Official Cookbook, Encanto: The Official Cookbook, and Coco: The Official Cookbook are also available!
Objev podobné jako Disney Frozen: The Official Cookbook - S.T. Bende, Daytona Danielsen
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - dobrodružná hra - Harris Rob, Angeriz-Caburrasi Javier, Ec
Populární videohra na vašem stole. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dobrodružná hra je hra pro 1 až 4 hráče plná dobrodružství a objevování v regionu Skyrim. Společně se svými spoluhráči se zhostíte rolí hrdinů zapletených ve velmi důležitých a nebezpečných událostech, kde jejich akce mohou rozhodnout o životě a smrti nejen jejich, ale mnoha ostatních. Hra je rozdělená na dvě kampaně po třech kapitolách. Vaše rozhodnutí budou mít vliv na další průběh příběhu, což znamená, že hra může být pokaždé jiná. Každá kapitola by měla trvat mezi 90 až 120 minutami herního času a záměrem autorů je, abyste je hráli popořadě, neboť tak tvoří ucelený příběh. Nicméně každou si můžete zahrát i nezávisle. Staňte se hrdinnými dobrodruhy ve Skyrimu, členy organizace Čepelí. V průběhu hry budete procházet strhujícím příběhem plným spiknutí, válek a intrik, kde vaše činy a rozhodnutí budou mít trvalé dopady na okolní svět. K vítězství se musíte propracovat kartami hlavních úkolů. Selhání u karty hlavního úkolu nevede automaticky k celkové prohře, je možné být neúspěšný a přesto zvítězit. Nicméně, každá z kapitol má sadu podmínek, které mohou výslednou prohru způsobit. Na konci každé kapitoly budete muset projít poslední zkouškou. Ta se liší podle kapitoly. Může to být cokoli od epické bitvy po zoufalý závod s časem. Selhání v této zkoušce bude pro vás znamenat také porážku. Prohrajete-li v kapitole, můžete pokračovat dále, ale další kapitola pro vás bude obtížnější. Obsah balení: 6 figurek postav 1 kostka nepřátel 38 kostiček 394 žetonů 4 desky postav 1 herní plán 849 karet 1 pravidla 1 tutoriál/kniha scénářů
Objev podobné jako The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - dobrodružná hra - Harris Rob, Angeriz-Caburrasi Javier, Ec
Fallout: The Vault Dweller's Official Cookbook - Victoria Rosenthal
Craft your own glass of Nuka-Cola, a bowl of BlamCo Mac & Cheese, and more with the recipes in Fallout: The Vault Dweller’s Official Cookbook. Based on the irradiated delicacies found in the award-winning Fallout video game series, this Vault-Tec™ approved cookbook provides fans of the game with over seventy recipes inspired by their favorite Fallout foods. Whip up tasty versions of Yum Yum Deviled Eggs, throw some deathclaw meat on the grill, and recreate BlamCo Mac & Cheese with Fallout: The Vault Dweller’s Official Cookbook.
Objev podobné jako Fallout: The Vault Dweller's Official Cookbook - Victoria Rosenthal
The Wizard of Oz: The Official Cookbook - Elena P. Craig, Emma Carlson Berne, Elizabeth Fish
Follow the yellow brick road with Dorothy and the gang and enter into a culinary world of more than 70 delicious dishes inspired by the all-time classic film The Wizard of Oz!Celebrate a timeless classic with more than 70 dishes from the charming world of The Wizard of Oz! Filled with magically tasty mains, appetizers, and desserts straight from the Emerald City, this family-friendly cookbook includes an enchanting roster of recipes that fans will love. With this deluxe cookbook, you won’t need to leave Kansas (or your home) to share a magical meal. Featuring full-color photography, comprehensive nutritional information, and helpful tips and tricks, The Wizard of Oz: The Official Cookbook will prove that there’s no place like home! 70+ RECIPES: Dishes inspired by Dororthy, the Cowardly Lion, the Tin Man, and the rest of your favorites will bring the magic of Emerald City into your kitchen STUNNING IMAGES: Beautiful, full-color photos of finished dishes help ensure success FOR ADULTS AND FAMILIES: Perfect for both adults and families, this book has easy-to-follow recipes that use everyday ingredients, making it ideal for any skill level or occasion MAGICAL GIFT: Whether you’re throwing an Emerald City-themed party or shopping for The Wizard of Oz fan in your life, The Wizard of Oz: The Official Cookbook will delight fans of the film and cooking enthusiasts alike COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION: Pair a meal from The Wizard of Oz: The Official Cookbook with Insight Editions’ excellently crafted stationery, including The Wizard of Oz: There''s No Place Like Home Signature Pop-Up Card, The Wizard of Oz: Wicked Witch of the West Pocket Notebook Collection, and The Wizard of Oz: Hardcover Ruled Journal
Objev podobné jako The Wizard of Oz: The Official Cookbook - Elena P. Craig, Emma Carlson Berne, Elizabeth Fish
The Witcher Official Cookbook: 80 mouth-watering recipes from across The Continent - Anita Sarna
Take a culinary journey through the fantastical world of The Witcher with thoughtfully imagined, flavorful recipes inspired by The Witcher''s expansive settings, characters, and lore. In this beautifully photographed cookbook, Anita Sarna and Karolina Krupecka, the creators of fan-favorite food blogs Nerds'' Kitchen and Witcher Kitchen, share their meticulously-researched, immersive recipes that give fans a taste of the distinct flavors a witcher might sample as he travels the countryside in search of monsters to slay and coin to earn.These dishes celebrate local and seasonal ingredients while adding unique twists that form a culinary map of the Continent and beyond. Warm up over a bowl of fragrant stew or juicy baked fruit from the namesake trees of White Orchard; end a hard journey to Velen with a hearty, rustic meal at the local tavern; enjoy an aromatic snack as you stroll the markets of Oxenfurt; sample dishes from near and far in the diverse port city of Novigrad; dine on freshly-caught fish and mulled drinks on the islands of Skellige; feast on rich dishes in the sun-drenched climates of Toussaint and Beauclair; or forage on the perilous road to Kaer Morhen to learn the edible secrets of the witcher''s keep. Transport your kitchen to another world with the tempting scents and flavors in The Witcher Official Cookbook. CD PROJEKT(R), The Witcher(R) are registered trademarks of CD PROJEKT Capital Group. The Witcher game (c) CD PROJEKT S.A. Developed by CD PROJEKT S.A. All rights reserved. The Witcher game is set in the universe created by Andrzej Sapkowski in his series of books. All other copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Objev podobné jako The Witcher Official Cookbook: 80 mouth-watering recipes from across The Continent - Anita Sarna
Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)
Kniha - autor Kyle Newman; Jon Peterson; Michael Witwer, 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)
Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr - Puzzle (5908305240358)
Puzzle - 1000 dílků v balení, téma fantasy, logické, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 48 × 68 cm (V׊) Skládání puzzlí je oblíbenou hrou. Touto činností se ovšem nemusí bavit pouze děti. Také dospělí si užijí čas strávený u malých dílků, se kterými mají možnost si postavit oblíbený motiv. Tyto puzzle Good Loot můžete pořídit pro kohokoliv. Před koupí si musíte promyslet, pro koho je pořizujete. Tyto puzzle mají totiž celkem 1000 dílků. Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které zná určitě každý. Rozhodující vlastnosti puzzlí Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr - Puzzle Puzzle rozvíjí koncentraci, představivost i jemnou motoriku Díky skládání puzzlů vlastně relaxujete Puzzle Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr - Puzzle je možné pořídit pro kluky i holky Balení se skládá z 1000 dílků Spadají mezi klasické puzzle, které skládal už opravdu každý
Objev podobné jako Elder Scrolls: Elsweyr - Puzzle (5908305240358)
Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00293)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: RPG, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Gold, 76% The Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind je skvělé rozšíření do světa Skyrim. Nabídne nové dobrodružství jak pro TESO veterány, tak i pro nové hráče. Bavte se díky nevídaně rozsáhlému novému obsahu a novým prvkům, které budou zaujmou jak nové, tak existující hráče. Nová mocná třída Warden nabídne hráčům možnost vládnout přírodní magií. Nový PvP mód - "BATTLEGROUNDS" Ponořte se do intenzivních 4v4v4 bojů v...
Objev podobné jako Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00293)
The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471162168)
Kniha - 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471162168)
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.
The story of the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls has become a part of Western lore. Who has not heard about the Bedouin shepherd who threw a rock into a cave, heard a crash, went in to explore, and found the scrolls? The story in that form may be accurate, but it turns out to be something of a simplification. As a matter of fact, much remains unknown about the exact circumstances under which those scrolls were discovered. The story of the discovery at first deals with just one cave; the other ten were located at later times.
Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.
The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471195112)
Kniha - 350 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Eldest Curses 1. The Red Scrolls of Magic (1471195112)
The NOPI Cookbook (0091957168)
Kniha - autor Yotam Ottolenghi; Ramael Scully, 332 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Yotam Ottolenghi has changed the way people cook and eat. Following on from his seminal first cookbook, OTTOLENGHI: THE COOKBOOK, in this brand-new collection, Yotam and Head Chef Ramael Scully offer over 100 recipes for the most popular dishes from their outstanding central London restaurant, NOPI. This stunning book delivers original, inspirational, flavour-packed dishes. .
Objev podobné jako The NOPI Cookbook (0091957168)
The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Defekt) - VanderKam James C.
The story of the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls has become a part of Western lore. Who has not heard about the Bedouin shepherd who threw a rock into a cave, heard a crash, went in to explore, and found the scrolls? The story in that form may be accurate, but it turns out to be something of a simplification. As a matter of fact, much remains unknown about the exact circumstances under which those scrolls were discovered. The story of the discovery at first deals with just one cave; the other ten were located at later times.
Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Defekt) - VanderKam James C.
The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook - Tom Grimm
Prepare and enjoy over 60 recipes from The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook, inspired by J.R.R Tolkien's epic trilogy.The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook includes over 60 recipes for Breakfast, Second Breakfast, Elevenses, Luncheon, Afternoon Tea, Dinner, Supper, and Drinks. Fans will enjoy this cookbook's multitude of easy-to-follow recipes and stunning photography, transporting them into the world of Tolkien's fantasy adventure.With The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook, fans will be able to pick from a wide variety of food and drinks derived from The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings trilogy. Follow your favorite characters through a culinary excursion through the novels' fictional world.?50+ RECIPES: More than 60 Lord of the Rings-inspired recipes, including Elvish Bread, Root Vegetable Stew, and Old Winyard's Mulled WineSTUNNING IMAGES: Beautiful, full-color photos of the finished dishes help ensure successBRING MIDDLE-EARTH INTO YOUR KITCHEN: Travel through the epic world of J.R.R Tolkien's acclaimed works through a wide variety of dishes and drinksPERFECT GIFT FOR LORD OF THE RINGS FANS: The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook is a fantastic gift for The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings enthusiasts in your lifeFOR ALL SKILL LEVELS: Easy-to-follow recipes make this the perfect cookbook for beginner and experienced chefs alike
Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Lord of the Rings Cookbook - Tom Grimm
The Green Cookbook - Iyer Rukmini
**THE ESSENTIAL ALL NEW VEGAN AND VEGETARIAN COOKBOOK FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE ROASTING TIN PHENOMENON**''A bible of vegetarian and vegan dishes that even the most enthusiastic meat-eaters will adore'' The Times75 ingenious plant-led recipes that help get delicious dinners on the table with even less effort and even more delicious flavour. Rukmini Iyer changed the way we eat when she started the Roasting Tin revolution. In The Green Cookbook, she shares her indispensable tips and recipes for time-pressed home cooks.You’ll find speedy 15-minute meals that come together in one pot or pan, time-saving recipes for dinner tonight and lunch tomorrow, flavour-packed family-friendly recipes, batch-cooks to help you prepare for a busy week and stress-free meal plans that help to relieve the mental load.''Makes cooking from scratch accessible to everyone'' Niki Segnit, author of The Flavour Thesaurus''Rukmini just keeps pulling all these absolute bangers out of the bag'' India Knight''A soothing guide in our more-hectic-than-ever lives'' Alexina Anatole, author of Bitter''Gorgeous recipes'' Melissa Hemsley, author of Real HealthyPraise for Rukmini Iyer’s Roasting Tin series:''Rightly considered cookbooks for our times’ Rachel Roddy, Guardian Books of the Year''This book will earn a place in kitchens up and down the country'' Nigella Lawson''So delicious. So easy'' Nina Stibbe‘A boon for any busy household'' Jay Rayne
Objev podobné jako The Green Cookbook - Iyer Rukmini
The HBD Cookbook - Petronella Ravenshear
‘I’m full of energy and I feel great. The compliments are flooding in’ – The TimesPraise for Petronella Ravenshear and The Human Being Diet: ‘Whisper it, but the secret weapon for weight loss among the sleekest, leanest women of southwest London is the Human Being Diet’ The Times‘The remarkable results are incontrovertible.’ The Telegraph‘Fashion set go wild for tough new nutrition plan’ Daily Mail‘[Petronella Ravenshear] knows her stuff’ Tatler‘Hailed for its transformative powers’ The Times''I like the HBD because it''s so simple, there''s no faffing around endlessly totting up calories or points.''''I feel renewed. I''d battled my relationship with food for so many years and now I''m healthy and I feel fantastic. It''s a feeling money can''t buy.''Change the way you eat to change the way you feel.The Human Being Diet is a revolutionary programme to help you become the best, healthiest, lightest, most energetic, happiest version of YOU.These delicious recipes are based on the groundbreaking nutritional science of The Human Being Diet. Find out when to eat, what to eat and how much to eat to reset your metabolic rhythm and restore your health, resulting in perfect weight, boundless energy, flawless skin, healthy digestion and refreshing sleep.
Objev podobné jako The HBD Cookbook - Petronella Ravenshear
The Good Chicken Cookbook - Marcus Bean
This is the go-to cookbook for sustainable chicken recipes, with advice on using the whole bird, preparation techniques and tips on chicken care.
Objev podobné jako The Good Chicken Cookbook - Marcus Bean
The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook - Thibaud Villanova
Create 40 delicious dishes from your favourite Studio Ghibli films!40 recipes inspired by the masterpieces of Studio Ghibli: My Neighbour Totoro, Spirited Away, Princess Mononoke, The Moving Castle... Dive into the dreamlike worlds of these animated films and enjoy the recipes created by Thibaud Villanova, a specialist in the cuisine of the imagination.
Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Ghibli Cookbook - Thibaud Villanova
The Unofficial Sims Cookbook - Taylor O'Halloran
Learn how to make all the meals you've seen your Sims devour with The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.Sure, you've honed your Sims' cooking skills, but how are your skills IRL? Now, you can perfect the baked Alaska and lobster thermidor you've been watching your Sims make with The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.Learn the steps behind the classic simulated recipes:-Chili Con Carne-Silly Gummy Bear Pancakes-Grandma's Comfort Soup-Minty Mocha Cupcakes-And more!Your hunger will be satisfied, and you may even start your career path towards becoming a famous chef! Dive straight in with the delicious recipes in The Unofficial Sims Cookbook.
Objev podobné jako The Unofficial Sims Cookbook - Taylor O'Halloran
The Veggie Family Cookbook - Claire Thomson
The Veggie Family Cookbook is the new essential kitchen bible for year-round family cooking. Claire Thomson writes foolproof, delicious recipes that will please everyone around the table – as a professional chef and mum of three (two of which are vegetarian), she understands the challenge of whipping up tasty, crowd-pleasing dishes with vegetables centre stage, and all with minimum fuss at the end of a busy working day. With an emphasis on practicality and flavour, The Veggie Family Cookbook provides you with every veg-forward recipe you will ever need, whether you're a vegetarian family or simply looking for easy ways to get everyone eating more veg. Including Broad Bean Falafels and Spring Rolls for lunchbox heroes, Fried Rice with Tofu and loaded veg traybakes for speedy suppers, ideas for veggie feasts for celebrations and weekends, and fruity desserts that can be rustled up in no time, this book is jam-packed with inspirational ideas for the curious home cook.
Objev podobné jako The Veggie Family Cookbook - Claire Thomson
The Lula Cafe Cookbook - Jason Hammel
The debut cookbook from Jason Hammel, showcasing the all-day seasonal food and arty vibe of his iconic Chicago restaurant This book is the story of 20 years of cooking, love, friendship, and community told through food, with each recipe taking a particular moment in time as its inspiration. Chapters include: Brunch, Soups, Snacks, Salads, Vegetables, Pasta, Meat/Fish, and Desserts, along with dozens of ‘building block’ recipes and ‘classic’ signature dishes. With 90 all-day recipes, each marked with the date of their creation, and all-new photography, this first book about Jason Hammel's bustling hotspot, Lula Cafe, gives a vibrant insight into the food and story of this iconic Chicago restaurant, written by its admired chef-author owner. Beloved by its loyal clientele, Lula is a meeting place for locals, gourmands, artists, writers, filmmakers, and musicians, and the intensely personal recipes and stories in this book are infused with their creative spirit – the perfect book for creative home cooks, and for readers who love stories about the ingredients, techniques, and people behind the food they eat.
Objev podobné jako The Lula Cafe Cookbook - Jason Hammel
The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
Can you work out whodunnit, with what and why like Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot? Put your armchair detective abilities to the ultimate test... Do you have the flair, order and method of Poirot, or the unassuming, shrewd intelligence of Miss Marple? You're going to need it... Brush off your moustache, collect your knitting needles and put your little grey cells to good use in the case of the missing librarian.With a murderous culprit leaving behind 100 of the most perplexing puzzles to solve, can you complete them to follow the trail of the crime? Immerse yourself in the world of Agatha Christie with this new and official puzzling series of events.
Objev podobné jako The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids - Mark Lehner, Pierre Tallet
Pierre Tallet’s discovery of the Red Sea Scrolls – the world’s oldest surviving written documents – in 2013 was one of the most remarkable moments in the history of Egyptology. These papyri, written some 4,600 years ago, combined with Mark Lehner’s research and theories, change what we thought we knew about the building of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Here, for the first time, Tallet and Lehner together give us the definitive account of this astounding discovery. The story begins with Tallet’s hunt for hieroglyphic rock inscriptions in the Sinai Peninsula, leading up to the discovery of the papyri – the diary of Inspector Merer, who oversaw workers in the reign of Pharaoh Khufu – in Wadi el-Jarf, the site of an ancient harbour on the Red Sea. The translation of the papyri reveals for the first time exactly how the stones of the Great Pyramid were transported to Giza. Combined with Lehner's excavations of the recently unearthed harbour, the Red Sea Papyri have greatly advanced our understanding of how the ancient Egyptians were able to build monuments that survive to this day. Tallet and Lehner narrate this thrilling discovery and explore how the building of the pyramids helped create a unified state, propelling Egyptian civilization forward. This lavishly illustrated book captures the excitement and significance of these seminal findings, conveying above all how astonishing it is to discover a contemporary eye-witness testimony to the creation of the only remaining Wonder of the Ancient World.With over 200 illustrations
Objev podobné jako The Red Sea Scrolls: How Ancient Papyri Reveal the Secrets of the Pyramids - Mark Lehner, Pierre Tallet
The Official Race Across the World Puzzle Book - Roland Hall
Bustle through Panama City, trek up and down Delphi and dart across Quebec. Would you win in a frenetic race across the world? This is an action-packed puzzle book that challenges you to travel the world using only your wits and travel knowledge. It’s a fast-paced journey that immerses you in the thrilling adventure show, traversing continents and navigating obstacles. Embark on an extraordinary expedition Become part of the adventure in this exciting story-led quiz book that mirrors the peaks and valleys of the first three series. Follow the well-trodden paths Travel from London to Singapore, Mexico City to Ushuaia, and Vancouver to St. John’s, discovering the trails walked by the bold explorers on the show. Challenge yourself with a range of difficulties From easy brainteasers to more complex challenges, no stone is left unturned, echoing the diverse terrains across countries. Test your global knowledge How much did you learn from the show? Grapple with questions on the landmarks, architecture and fascinating cultures explored by the contestants.So grab your backpack, fasten your hiking boots, leave your phone at home, and get ready to race across the world!
Objev podobné jako The Official Race Across the World Puzzle Book - Roland Hall
Minecraft: The Island: (The First Official Minecraft Novel) (1784758655)
Kniha - 286 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Minecraft: The Island: (The First Official Minecraft Novel) (1784758655)
The Red Scrolls of Magic - Cassandra Clare, Wesley Chu
All Magnus Bane wanted was a vacation-a lavish trip across Europe with Alec Lightwood, the Shadowhunter who against all odds is finally his boyfriend. But as soon as the pair settles in Paris, an old friend arrives with news about a demon-worshipping cult called the Crimson Hand that is bent on causing chaos around the world. A cult that was apparently founded by Magnus himself. Years ago. As a joke.Now Magnus and Alec must race across Europe to track down the Crimson Hand and its elusive new leader before the cult can cause any more damage. As if it wasn't bad enough that their romantic getaway has been sidetracked, demons are now dogging their every step, and it is becoming harder to tell friend from foe. As their quest for answers becomes increasingly dire, Magnus and Alec will have to trust each other more than ever-even if it means revealing the secrets they've both been keeping.
Objev podobné jako The Red Scrolls of Magic - Cassandra Clare, Wesley Chu
The Official Heartstopper Colouring Book - Alice Osemanová
Packed with stunning artwork from the bestselling Heartstopper series, this unique colouring book allows you to relax with Nick, Charlie and friends - and also includes several exclusive never-before-seen images. Boy meets boy. Boys become friends. Boys fall in love. This beautiful colouring book contains all the fan favourite characters and scenes such as Nick and Charlie's first kiss and their trip to Paris, plus guest appearances from Nellie, Tao and Ellie, Tara and Darcy and many more! Featuring some empty speech bubbles to fill in with your own creative thoughts, and the entire Tara/Darcy mini-comic to colour at the end, this book has something for everyone. Celebrate the power of love and friendship, while becoming involved in the Heartstopper world in a truly interactive way. Praise for Heartstopper:'Absolutely delightful. Sweet, romantic, kind. Beautifully paced. I loved this book.' RAINBOW ROWELL, author of Carry On'The queer graphic novel we wished we had at high school.' Gay TimesHeartstopper was Children's #1 bestseller in the TCM chart on 23 April 2022.
Objev podobné jako The Official Heartstopper Colouring Book - Alice Osemanová
Squishmallows: The Official Baking Book - Original Squishmallows
Discover your new favourite treat with 50 delicious recipes inspired by your adorable Squishmallows. Squishmallows: The Official Baking Book is the only place you will find delights such as:Cam’s three-colour dough cookiesHans’s chocolate truffles with sprinklesLesedi’s cinnamon rollsBethany’s Linzer love heart cookiesMac’s pumpkin spiced whoopie pies!The ultimate recipes for buttercream, caramel and Squishmallows marshmallow are also included, alongside a selection of delicious and refreshing drink recipes for all seasons.Each recipe includes a fabulous illustration of your favourite Squishmallows alongside colourful photos of each of the bakes.Squishmallows: The Official Baking Book is suitable for bakers of all abilities and a perfect way to spend more time celebrating these loveable, super soft plush companions.
Objev podobné jako Squishmallows: The Official Baking Book - Original Squishmallows
Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
“Now, if you don’t mind, there is a great big universe out there calling, and I’ve gotta get going!”With exclusive content from Ncuti Gatwa’s first outing as the Fifteenth Doctor, discover more about the Time Lord who has been keeping the Earth safe for over 60 years.This brand-new edition is the ultimate guide to all of the Doctor’s fifteen incarnations – from William Hartnell to Tom Baker and including both of David Tennant’s eras – you will learn fascinating facts from all of space and time.Discover more about the Doctor’s many helpful companions, fearsome foes and, of course, the TARDIS who has been through it all.Learn the difference between regeneration and bi-generation, why you should never anger a Meep, and always, always get Cherry Sunday a cup of tea!So, allons-y!
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
The Official Dune Colouring Book - Frank Herbert
The first official colouring book based on Frank Herbert's Dune - one of the bestselling science fiction novels of all time. Visit Arrakis in a whole new way as you colour in your favourite characters and scenes from Frank Herbert's enduring and beloved classic novel. Dune tells the unforgettable story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable desert planet, and his journey to a mythic destiny that will bring to fruition humankind's most ancient and unattainable dream.This intricate, beautifully wrought colouring book will include forty-four original illustrations, featuring character studies, locations, and scenes inspired by Dune, the profound and triumphant novel adored by millions of readers around the world.
Objev podobné jako The Official Dune Colouring Book - Frank Herbert
An English Vineyard Cookbook - The Gladwin Family
An English Vineyard Cookbook is a beautifully illustrated, practical and seasonal recipe book from renowned chef Peter Gladwin.Our Vineyards are a rich and plentiful resource which, when cultivated and harvested sustainably, can provide an abundance of incredible flavours to suit any dish for any season. Guided through the culinary expertise of renowned London chef Peter Gladwin, readers will be able to do just that as they are shown how to use the best-sourced ingredients and learn about what wines complement each dish best to guarantee a delight to any palate.Whether it’s weeknight dinners or celebratory weekend feasts, with this comprehensive cookbook readers will be able to create and try a range of recipes at home using organic products sourced across the UK. Featuring plenty of seasonal dishes to choose from, readers of all skill levels will be able to enjoy creating dishes with clear instructions and beautiful photography that showcases the amazing culinary creations that can made.
Objev podobné jako An English Vineyard Cookbook - The Gladwin Family
The Food For Life Cookbook - Tim Spector
In: 30 plants a week. Out: Calorie counting. In: Fermenting. Out: Ultra-processed foods. But, how? The Food For Life Cookbook takes the ground-breaking guidance in Tim Spector's #1 bestselling guide to the new science of eating well and, in over 100 delicious and achievable recipes created in collaboration with ZOE, the nutrition science company that he co-founded, shows just how simple and enjoyable it can be to adapt to a gut-friendly way of eating. Shaped by Tim's own experience of transforming the way he eats, as well as common requests from readers and ZOE members, chapters include 15-minute meals, ideas for eating well when the fridge looks bare, and generous feasts and sweet treats for special moments with friends.Packed with plant-led inspiration for delicious meals to feed you, your family and your microbiome, as well as tips for increasing plant diversity and science-based explanations for the nutritional benefits of the ingredients and recipes included, The Food For Life Cookbook is a must-have for every gut-loving home and kitchen. Cook for life. Join the food revolution.
Objev podobné jako The Food For Life Cookbook - Tim Spector
The Green Air Fryer Cookbook - Denise Smart
80 DELICIOUS MEAT-FREE MEALS FOR YOUR AIR FRYER Affordable, efficient and easy, air fryers are a must-have gadget for your home. These handy appliances use less energy, less oil and take less time than conventional ovens, helping you prepare fuss-free versions of all your favourite dishes.Perfect for vegetarians and vegans, this cookbook contains 80 creative meatless and plant-based recipes for your air fryer. Featuring chapters on tasty breakfasts, light bites and sides, flavourful mains and irresistible sweet treats, each section has an even split of vegetarian and vegan recipes. In just a few simple steps, you can cook everything in your air fryer, from Katsu sweet potato curry to Crunchy ice cream balls with chocolate fudge sauce. With so many delicious and effortless recipes, The Green Air Fryer Cookbook is the perfect companion to your air fryer.CONTENTS INCLUDE:Breakfast ClubVegan: Banana & blueberry muffins; Spiced tofu scrambleVegetarian: Sweet potato & spring onion fritters with avocado; Brioche cinnamon French toastEasy Speedy MainsVegan: Crispy gnocchi with butternut squash & spinach; Barbecue mushroom burgers with kimchi slawVegetarian: Roasted balsamic vegetables & halloumi; Chickpea fajitasLight Bites & SidesVegan: Vegetable samosas; Perfect roast potatoesVegetarian: Courgette, sweetcorn & chilli fritters; Macaroni cheese bitesSweet TreatsVegan: Mini rhubarb & almond crumbles; Chilli caramel popcorn clustersVegetarian: Baked lemon curd cheesecake; Bananas with miso caramel sauce
Objev podobné jako The Green Air Fryer Cookbook - Denise Smart
The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook - Quadrille
The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook shows you how to ditch the takeaways and make meals you actually want to eat – with 80 delicious recipes. We all know the benefits of going meat-free – but when you're a student with limited shelf space, a tight budget and little kitchen experience, creating tasty veggie and vegan meals at home seems impossible. This book is here to change that.The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook contains 80 recipes, all based around cheap, staple ingredients like rice, pasta, potatoes and bread, along with a helpful guide to equipment, hygiene and buying food on a budget. Whether you want library-friendly lunches like Vegan Caesar Pasta Salad, to homemade Falafel Pitas to prove to your parents you really can cook, this book has it all. And, with a photo for each recipe and easy-to-follow instructions, you'll never go hungry again! From fresher's week to graduation, this is the only cookbook you'll ever need.
Objev podobné jako The Seriously Good Veggie Student Cookbook - Quadrille
The Flygerians Cookbook - Jess Edun, Jo Edun
Recipes for delicious home-cooked food from Nigerian sisters The Flygerians, leading personalities in the fast-emerging and popular West African food scene."Street food with a touch of magic—The Flygerians deserve to soar high"—Jimi Famurewa, award-winning food critic, The Evening Standard, London Meet two inseparable sisters, Jo and Jess Edun, who are bringing the sweet taste of Nigeria to the UK food scene. Inspired by their Grandma''s joyful cooking, they are keeping her legacy alive in their restaurant and pop-up residencies. Local heroes themselves, these siblings are striving to make a positive impact through food and the social connections it can create. They believe great food should bring speak to your soul and warm the heart. Visit and as well as Supermalt wings, smokey jollof, pounded yam and rum punch, customers can expect good vibes, care of the Afrobeats soundtrack and hang out with diners who insist it is the best Nigerian food outside of the homeland. This, their first book delivers recipes for home-cooked dishes for anyone who loves to eat and wants to experience the uniquely delicious tastes and textures that West African food brings to the table.
Objev podobné jako The Flygerians Cookbook - Jess Edun, Jo Edun
The Seriously Good Kids' Cookbook - Sue Quinnová
The Seriously Good Kids Cookbook is packed with over 50 simple, delicious and fun recipes containing easy-to-follow captions and 300 photos in a unique cartoon-strip style to inspire children of all ages to get busy in the kitchen. Original and creative projects will capture kids' imaginations, such as the paper bag breakfast of a bacon and egg sandwich in a paper bag cooked on a barbecue. The kick'n'roll tin can ice cream is bound to be the project of the summer: pack a large tin can with ice and rock salt, insert a sealed ziplock bag containing cream, sugar and vanilla and kick it to the park or the beach... within 25 minutes... homemade ice cream! Kids will also learn as they go along; each recipe contains a culinary technique such as beating, whipping, piping or baking and 'Adult alerts' appear throughout the book and ensure the recipes are all easy and safe to make. This is a book which will become treasured as it helps children to discover the endless fun to be had in the kitchen and to learn skills which will stay with them for life.
Objev podobné jako The Seriously Good Kids' Cookbook - Sue Quinnová
The Essential New York Times Cookbook : The Recipes of Record - Hesser Amanda
Ten years after the phenomenal success of her once-in-a-generation cookbook, former The New York Times food editor Amanda Hesser returns with an updated edition for a new wave of home cooks. Devoted Times subscribers as well as newcomers to the paper's culinary mother lode will find dozens of recipes to treasure: Purple Plum Torte, David Eyre's Pancake, Pamela Sherrid's Summer Pasta and a host of other classics, from 1940s Caesar Salad and 1960s flourless chocolate cake (Evelyn Sharpe's French Chocolate Cake) to today's No-Knead Bread and Giant Crinkled Chocolate Chip Cookies. Also included are fifty new but instantly iconic recipes, including Samin Nosrat's Herbed Rice with Tahdig, Melissa Clark's Simple Roast Turkey and Alison Roman's one-pot Spiced Chickpea Stew.Hesser has tested and adapted each of the 1,000-plus recipes and she highlights her go-to favourites from more than a century's-worth of cooking tradition with wit and warmth. As Saveur declared, this is a "tremendously appealing collection of recipes that tells the story of American cooking."
Objev podobné jako The Essential New York Times Cookbook : The Recipes of Record - Hesser Amanda
The International Best Dressed List: The Official Story - Amy Fine Collins
Written by Amy Fine Collins, Introduction by Graydon Carter, Foreword by Carolina Herrera A lavishly illustrated banquet of style, elegance, and taste, this is a who's who of the most glamorous men and women around the world, the ultimate treasury of fashion inspiration.This sumptuous volume--the ultimate sourcebook for fashion mavens, Instagram followers, and celebrity worshippers--presents the complete history of the much-lauded and highly visible International Best-Dressed List (IBDL) launched by Eleanor Lambert, "Godmother of Fashion," in 1940. The List has become a barometer of style and the highest honor a sartorial savant can receive, and today it's an ongoing record of the world's most glamorous women and men from society, royalty, Hollywood, celebrity, fashion, art, culture, sports, and media. These gorgeous "swans" of elegance, influence, and grace are gathered here in the most comprehensive survey ever published.This rich story is told by insider and IBDL Hall-of-Famer Amy Fine Collins through her encyclopedic knowledge, exclusive insights, and countless entertaining anecdotes about the behind-the-scenes goings-on--Lambert was offered kickbacks and bribes of up to $50,000 by list aspirants--that shed light on the selection process, the vibrant personalities (not to mention egos) of the chosen, and the zeitgeist of the times.For sixty years, Lambert was queen of the International Best-Dressed List. In 2002, she formally ceded the reins to Graydon Carter, Amy Fine Collins, Reinaldo Herrera, and Aimée Bell.
Objev podobné jako The International Best Dressed List: The Official Story - Amy Fine Collins
The Sopranos: The Official Cocktail Book - Emma Carlson Berne, Sarah Gualtieri
Raise a toast to one of television’s greatest series with distinctive cocktails inspired by the iconic moments and legendary characters of The Sopranos.Now it’s easier than ever to craft killer cocktails sure to make the family proud. Featuring 60 classic recipes, The Sopranos: The Official Cocktail Book will have your whole crew sipping in style. This officially licensed collection includes drinks inspired by everyone from Tony and Junior Soprano to Chris Moltisanti, Paulie, Carmela, Doctor Melfi, and more–plus step-by-step instructions, bartender tips, and beautiful full-color photography–making it an essential addition to every wise guy’s bar cart or bookshelf. 60 RECIPES: Containing a varied roster of drinks from all corners of the series, The Sopranos: The Official Cocktail Book is a must-have, comprehensive guide for... this thing of ours. FOR ALL RANKS: Detailed, step-by-step instructions and helpful mixology tips ensure success. STUNNING PHOTOS: Beautiful, full-color photography helps you present picture-perfect (FBI-proof) cocktails. DRINK LIKE A BOSS: Featuring lively concoctions inspired by the memorable locations, legends, and allies of the New Jersey mob, this book captures the world and feel of the award-winning series inside every glass.
Objev podobné jako The Sopranos: The Official Cocktail Book - Emma Carlson Berne, Sarah Gualtieri
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