Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Dragons of Deepwood Fen - Bradley Beaulieu
Lorelei Aurelius is the smartest inquisitor in the mountain city of Ancris. When a mysterious tip leads her to a clandestine meeting between the Church and the hated Red Knives, she uncovers a plot that threatens not only her home but the empire itself.The trail leads to Rylan Holbrooke, a notorious thief posing as a dragon singer. Lorelei soon discovers there’s more to Rylan than meets the eye. He came to Ancris to solve the very same mystery she stumbled onto. Knowing his incarceration could lead to the Red Knives’ achieving their goals, Lorelei makes a fateful decision: she frees him.Now branded as traitors, the two flee the city on dragonback. In the massive forest known as the Holt, they follow the trail of clues and discover something terrible. The Red Knives are planning to awaken a powerful demi-god in the holiest shrine in Ancris, and for some reason the Church is willing to allow it. It forces their return to Ancris, where the unlikely allies must rally the very people who’ve vowed to capture them before it’s too late.
Podívejte se také Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - PS5 (5060528037730)
The Dragons of Deepwood Fen - Bradley Beaulieu
Lorelei Aurelius is the smartest inquisitor in the mountain city of Ancris. When a mysterious tip leads her to a clandestine meeting between the Church and the hated Red Knives, she uncovers a plot that threatens not only her home but the empire itself. The trail leads to Rylan Holbrooke, a notorious thief posing as a dragon singer.Lorelei soon discovers there s more to Rylan than meets the eye. He came to Ancris to solve the very same mystery she stumbled onto. Knowing his incarceration could lead to the Red Knives achieving their goals, Lorelei makes a fateful decision: she frees him.Now branded as traitors, the two flee the city on dragonback. In the massive forest known as the Holt, they follow the trail of clues and discover something terrible. The Red Knives are planning to awaken a powerful demi-god in the holiest shrine in Ancris, and for some reason the Church is willing to allow it.It forces their return to Ancris, where the unlikely allies must rally the very people who ve vowed to capture them before it s too late.
Podívejte se také Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - Xbox (5060528038713)
12 králů Šarachaje - Bradley Beaulieu
Šarachaj, skvostné město na poušti, centrum obchodu a kultury, od nepaměti pod vládou dvanácti Králů – krutých, bezcitných, mocných a nesmrtelných. S pomocí armády Stříbrných Kopiníků, elitních oddílů Panen Ebenového Ostří a posvátných obránců, děsivých asirim, si Králové udržují svou pozici nesporných, neporazitelných pánů pouště. Pod jejich vládou nikdo nepozná svobodu.Život se zdá neutěšený až do chvíle, kdy se Çeda, statečná dívka z chudinské západní čtvrti města, vzepře královským zákonům. Za svaté noci Beht Zha´ir přes přísný zákaz opouští svůj domov. Pod rouškou tmy jí spletitá cesta odhaluje hrůznou pravdu o zastřené minulosti Králů a skrytých záhadách jejího vlastního dědictví. Odkrytá tajemství mohou konečně rozbít železné sevření moci Králů… pokud Çedu všemocní Králové nenaleznou jako první.První kniha brilantní série „Píseň rozvátých písků“ jednoho z nejpopulárnějších současných autorů fantasy.
Podívejte se také Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - Nintendo Switch (5060528037587)
Podívejte se také
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Píseň rozvátých písků 2 - Krví v písku - Bradley Beaulieu
Doslova „Krví v písku“ je psána epická fantasy odehrávající se na dunách nekonečného pouštního světa.Ceda, nyní Panna Ebenového Ostří ve službách Králů Šarachaje, prochází tréninkem elitních bojovnic a na misích, které mají králům rozšířit jejich vládu, rozplétá jejich pečlivě střežená tajemství. Dozvídá se o temné historii asirim, zotročených Králi před stovkami let. Když se s nimi během své služby u Panen sblíží a připoutá je k sobě, cítí jejich bolest se stejnou intenzitou jako ony. Asirim prahnout po svobodě, ale stojí proti nim síla, kterou nedokáží překonat – samotní bohové.Ceda by se mohla stát jejich spásou, na kterou čekají. Je však nezbytné postupovat velice obezřetně. Po poslední porážce způsobené rebelantským seskupením s názvem Bezměsíčný Hostitel, dychtí Králové po krvi a v nemilosrdném odvetném tažení e pročesává celé město. Cedin přítel Emre a jeho noví spojenci v Bezměsíčném Hostiteli doufají, že díky nepokojům získají výhodu nebezpečí navzdory. To představuje otevřený boj s Králi a jejich nadpřirozenými schopnostmi, získanými od bohů, i Pannami s jejich smrtícími ebenovými čepelemi.Když se Ceda s Emrem zapletou do intrik Hamzakiira, čaroděje krvavé magie, dozvídají se zničující tajemství, které může otřást mocí nenáviděných Králů. Ceda se ale musí naučit pohybovat v bouřlivých vodách moci a ovládnout vzrůstající hněv asirim, jinak bude vše zatraceno.
Objev podobné jako Píseň rozvátých písků 2 - Krví v písku - Bradley Beaulieu
House of the Dragons - tričko (GMERCHc2042nad)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, materiál bavlna Zásadní přednosti trička Cotton Division Tričko Cotton Division nabízí komfort a pohodlí jak pro běžné nošení, tak pro sportovní aktivity Jeho výrobním materiálem je bavlna Bavlněné tričko je pohodlné a dobře odvádí vlhkost Krátké rukávy vhodné do teplejších dnů Klasika v podobě kulatého výstřihu
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragons - tričko (GMERCHc2042nad)
House of the Dragons - tričko S (3664794421976)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, velikost S, materiál bavlna Zásadní přednosti trička Cotton Division Tričko Cotton Division je skvělou volbou pro každodenní nošení i sportovní aktivity Materiálem použitým k jeho výrobě je bavlna Bavlněné tričko je pohodlné a dobře odvádí vlhkost S krátkými rukávy Klasický model s kulatým výstřihem Velikost: S
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragons - tričko S (3664794421976)
House of the Dragons - tričko M (3664794421983)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, velikost M, materiál bavlna Hlavní přednosti trička Cotton Division Tričko Cotton Division je skvělou volbou jak pro běžné nošení, tak i pro sportovní aktivity Materiálem použitým k jeho výrobě je bavlna Bavlněné tričko je pohodlné a dobře odvádí vlhkost S krátkými rukávy ideálními na léto Najdete u něj kulatý výstřih Velikost: M
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragons - tričko M (3664794421983)
House of the Dragons - tričko XXL (3664794422010)
Tričko - s krátkými rukávy, s kulatým výstřihem, velikost XXL, materiál bavlna Hlavní přednosti trička Cotton Division Tričko Cotton Division je skvělou volbou jak pro běžné nošení, tak i pro sportovní aktivity Materiálem použitým k jeho výrobě je bavlna Tričko z bavlny je pohodlné a dokáže efektivně absorbovat vlhkost Tričko s krátkými rukávy Klasika v podobě kulatého výstřihu Velikost: XXL
Objev podobné jako House of the Dragons - tričko XXL (3664794422010)
The Anthology of Rap - Bradley Adam
An extraordinary collection of lyrics showcasing rap's poetic depth and diversityFrom the school yards of the South Bronx to the tops of the Billboard charts, rap has emerged as one of the most influential musical and cultural forces of our time. In The Anthology of Rap, editors Adam Bradley and Andrew DuBois explore rap as a literary form, demonstrating that rap is also a wide-reaching and vital poetic tradition born of beats and rhymes.This pioneering anthology brings together more than three hundred rap and hip-hop lyrics written over thirty years, from the "old school" to the "golden age" to the present day. Rather than aim for encyclopedic coverage, Bradley and DuBois render through examples the richness and diversity of rap's poetic tradition. They feature both classic lyrics that helped define the genre, including Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five's "The Message" and Eric B. & Rakim's "Microphone Fiend," as well as lesser-known gems like Blackalicious's "Alphabet Aerobics" and Jean Grae's "Hater's Anthem."Both a fan's guide and a resource for the uninitiated, The Anthology of Rap showcases the inventiveness and vitality of rap's lyrical art. The volume also features an overview of rap poetics and the forces that shaped each period in rap's historical development, as well as a foreword by Henry Louis Gates, Jr., and afterwords by Chuck D and Common. Enter the Anthology to experience the full range of rap's artistry and discover a rich poetic tradition hiding in plain sight.
Objev podobné jako The Anthology of Rap - Bradley Adam
The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
A BOY MEETS A GIRL. THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE. A FINGER MEETS A TRIGGER.THE BEGINNING MEETS THE END. ENGLAND IS FOREVER. ENGLAND MUST FALL.In the near future, a disaffected civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test the limits of time-travel. Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, assisting and monitoring the expat known as '1847' - Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Arctic, so he's a little disoriented to find himself alive and surrounded by outlandish concepts such as 'washing machine', 'Spotify' and 'the collapse of the British Empire'.With an appetite for discovery and a seven-a-day cigarette habit, he soon adjusts; and during a long, sultry summer he and his bridge move from awkwardness to genuine friendship, to something more. But as the true shape of the project that brought them together begins to emerge, Gore and the bridge are forced to confront their past choices and imagined futures. Can love triumph over the structures and histories that have shaped them? And how do you defy history when history is living in your house?
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
A BOY MEETS A GIRL. THE PAST MEETS THE FUTURE.A FINGER MEETS A TRIGGER. THE BEGINNING MEETS THE END. ENGLAND IS FOREVER.ENGLAND MUST FALL.In the near future, a disaffected civil servant is offered a lucrative job in a mysterious new government ministry gathering 'expats' from across history to test the limits of time-travel.Her role is to work as a 'bridge': living with, assisting and monitoring the expat known as '1847' - Commander Graham Gore. As far as history is concerned, Commander Gore died on Sir John Franklin's doomed expedition to the Arctic, so he's a little disoriented to find himself alive and surrounded by outlandish concepts such as 'washing machine', 'Spotify' and 'the collapse of the British Empire'. With an appetite for discovery and a seven-a-day cigarette habit, he soon adjusts; and during a long, sultry summer he and his bridge move from awkwardness to genuine friendship, to something more.But as the true shape of the project that brought them together begins to emerge, Gore and the bridge are forced to confront their past choices and imagined futures.Can love triumph over the structures and histories that have shaped them? And how do you defy history when history is living in your house?
Objev podobné jako The Ministry of Time - Kaliane Bradley
Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - PS4 (5060528038690)
Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, krabicová verze, žánr: akční, - V Legendě o devíti říších budete hrát za jednoho ze čtyř draků s různými schopnostmi, které vám pomohou nejen překonat překážky vyžadující logické myšlení, ale i souboje s bossy. Staňte se drakemZměňte se v rámci příběhu DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of The Nine Realms PS4 v draka. Poznejte, jaké to je svobodně létat herním světem. Plachtěte s přáteli a měňte v dračí kůži podobu vesmíru. Procházejte v DreamWorks Dragons: Legends of The Nine Realms PS4 různé světyObjevujte odlišně navržené říše. Zamiřte do ledem pokrytých tunder, do sopečných krajin. Vyhýbejte se překážkám. Vylepšujte svého šupinatého šampiona a stvořte z něj tak smrtící monstrum, kterého se budou všichni nepřátelé bát. Zpřístupněte si nové šupináče
Objev podobné jako Dragons: Legends of the Nine Realms - PS4 (5060528038690)
The Penguin Book of Dragons - Bruce Scott G.
The definitive global anthology of writings about dragons, from Ancient Egypt to the modern daySince the earliest moments of human history, dragons have occupied a place in our imaginations. Bringer of night in Ancient Egypt; mortal enemy of the elephant in South Asia; slain by a god in Sanskrit hymn. In the Book of Revelation, there is the Leviathan; in Loch Ness, a monster. Their crushing coils and their treasure hoards are found throughout literature and language: in the Old English of Beowulf, in the Elvish of Tolkien, in the far-flung travels of Marco Polo.The Penguin Book of Dragons is the definitive collection of all this and more: two thousand years of legend and lore about the menace and majesty of dragons.
Objev podobné jako The Penguin Book of Dragons - Bruce Scott G.
Ember Spark and the Thunder of Dragons - Abi Elphinstoneová
Rusty Fizzbang, vet to magical beasts, needs an apprentice.Ember Spark, looking for adventure, is his newest recruit - and together with an unlikely friend, Arno, she is sent to help a baby dragon whose parents have gone missing. But keeping magical beasts a secret isn’t an easy task, especially with arch-villain, Jasper Hornswoggle, hot on their heels and keen to derail them…
Objev podobné jako Ember Spark and the Thunder of Dragons - Abi Elphinstoneová
Rise of the Shadowfire: A Graphic Novel (City of Dragons #2) - Jaimal Yogis
Grace and friends return for a new adventure in this second installment of the bestselling City of Dragons series! Ever since the battle in Hong Kong, Grace and her friends have been trying to find a way to get to Paris. When Nate suddenly appears and whisks Grace away to the Dragon King's lair, she learns that Daijiang and his underlings are searching for an ancient relic that will let them subjugate the dragons, and Grace needs to find it first! With Grace's burgeoning Hunxue powers, the team must get to Paris and stop Daijiang's plan. But their new ally, Dr.Kim, may not be all she appears, and Daijiang has formidable allies of his own: a strangely familiar accomplice and a terrifying, powerful dragon that could threaten all of Paris.
Objev podobné jako Rise of the Shadowfire: A Graphic Novel (City of Dragons #2) - Jaimal Yogis
Revolution Dárková sada X House of Dragons The Egg Set
Ozdobte si rty a tváře triem odstínů, inspirovaných ikonickými draky Vhagerem, Caraxem a Syraxem. Každý tón je uložen v embosovaném kovovém pouzdře ve tvaru vajíčka, které po otevření odhalí balzám. Sada obsahuje: Balzám na rty a tváře Vhager Balzám na rty a tváře Caraxes Balzám na rty a tváře Syrax
Objev podobné jako Revolution Dárková sada X House of Dragons The Egg Set
Dragonlance: Dragons of Fate: (Dungeons & Dragons) - Margaret Weis
A courageous heroine trapped in the distant past is determined to return to her own time-without changing the shape of the world forever-as the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dragons of Deceit. A clash of powerful magical forces sets off the Graygem of Gargath, sending Destina and her companions deeper into the past than she intended-to the age of Huma Dragonsbane and the Third Dragon War. Now, after the Device of Time Journeying shatters, they must find another way back to their own era, before the Graygem alters history irrevocably and the Third Dragon War ends in defeat for the forces of good.With the battle raging on, Destina tries desperately to make amends and prevent disaster. Raistlin and Sturm encounter their heroes, Huma and Magius, and must reconcile the myths with the men. Meanwhile, Tasslehoff-shocked that the Knights of Solamnia have never heard of dragonlances-sets out to find the famed weapons.But as the forces of the Dark Queen close in on the High Clerist's Tower, Destina's party must return to their own timeline together-or not at all.
Objev podobné jako Dragonlance: Dragons of Fate: (Dungeons & Dragons) - Margaret Weis
The Art and Making of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Eleni Roussos
The official behind-the-scenes companion to Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, featuring cast and crew interviews, photos, and insights about making the filmFor fans of Dungeons & Dragons and the upcoming fantasy adventure film Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, this gorgeous tome showcases the storytelling, worldbuilding, and creativity behind the movie.Join in the adventures across Faerûn with stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Hugh Grant, Justice Smith, Regé-Jean Page, Sophia Lillis, and the rest of the dedicated cast and crew on their journey to bring the world of Dungeons & Dragons to life. With sections that highlight fan-favorite characters, monsters, and settings, plus explorations of key scenes from the film, this book is packed with production photos, concept art, storyboards, interviews, and more.Experience the film like never before in this visual feast that takes you behind the scenes of bringing Dungeons & Dragons to the big screen.
Objev podobné jako The Art and Making of Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves - Eleni Roussos
The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager - Andy Cope, Amy Bradley
The BESTSELLING book on BEING A TEEN, now updated into an all new edition. In a world where there’s a lot of talk about ‘living your best life’ and being your ‘best self’, The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager shows you how. The book has a strong academic underpinning (its DNA is taken from the author’s PhD) but is written in a fun and non-patronising way. The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager is a book that prepares young people for REAL life; addressing modern issues of screen time and social media, as well as the teenage perennials of confidence, positivity, motivation and relationships. The book is built on a rock-solid foundation of wellbeing and human flourishing but is quirky in tone and entertaining to read. Dr Andy Cope’s words are brilliantly brought to life by award winning illustrator, Amy Bradley. The book includes activities and thought-provoking questions that encourage the user to interact with the material. Reflecting and journalling helps make the messages stick. Learn how to: Stay upbeat in a fast-paced worldBe resilient and rise to life’s challengesCreate strong relationshipsTackle anxietyTap into your values and use them to guide your lifeShape your future The book has a deliberately light touch but is not light-weight. It doesn’t dodge the issues. In a world of rising anxiety, The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager provides a personal upgrade to ‘world class’. It shows young people how to let go of bad habits and develop positive traits that will fire up their future. It covers themes of resilience, values, consumerism, purpose and communication, in a page-turning way. The Art of Being a Brilliant Teenager is THE go-to book to ease young people into adulthood.
Objev podobné jako The Art of Being A Brilliant Teenager - Andy Cope, Amy Bradley
Dragonlance: Dragons of Eternity - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
The third new Dragonlance novel from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman, featuring fan-favorite characters from the iconic first two trilogies, Dragonlance Chronicles and Dragonlance Legends--books that brought a generation of readers into the fantasy fold.An intrepid woman and her friends must somehow undo the great damage they have done to the future of their world in the thrilling conclusion to the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance seriesWhen Destina Rosethorn and her companions were transported to a time 300 years before their birth—to the days of the Third Dragon War famed in song and story—the last thing they wanted to do was upset history. But upon returning to the near-past from which they departed, they discover a world completely altered. Thanks in no small part to the Graygem of Gargath that Destina carries, the war that was once won is now lost, and the forces of evil hold sway over the land.The river of Time is rising, flowing inexorably towards present day. So it is up to Destina and her friends to make one last, desperate attempt to restore Time’s river to its proper channel. For if they cannot manage it, the altered past will sweep over the present until no trace of their old world remains.
Objev podobné jako Dragonlance: Dragons of Eternity - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
The Book of Concealment (Dungeons & Dragons): A Game Screen and Journal in One
For any Dungeons & Dragons player, this officially licensed and beautifully illustrated Dungeons & Dragons journal features gridded pages and a hardcover case that doubles as a privacy game screen.Designed with the Dungeon Master in mind but useful for all players and games, the case of this journal unfolds into a four-panel game screen—slide it off the paperback journal to reveal a stunningly illustrated scene by artist Hydro74. Use the screen to shield your own strategies for total concealment and the gridded journal to capture your campaign, build worlds, and jot down other notes from your sessions. The screen includes foil stamping and removeable stickers on the front and back and the journal includes a textured cover for the ultimate gift.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Concealment (Dungeons & Dragons): A Game Screen and Journal in One
The Boy Who Grew Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 1) - Shepherd Andy
'Irresistible ... a modern classic' GUARDIAN'A warm-hearted debut ... lovely, expressive, characterful' SUNDAY TIMESWhen Tomas discovers a strange old tree at the bottom of his grandad's garden, he doesn't think much of it. But he takes the funny fruit from the tree back into the house - and gets the shock and delight of his life when a tiny dragon hatches! The tree is a dragonfruit tree, and Tomas has got his very own dragon, Flicker ...Tomas soon finds out that life with Flicker is great fun, but also very ... unpredictable. Yes, dragons are wonderful, but they also set fire to your toothbruth and leave your pants hanging from the TV aerial. Tomas has to learn how to look after Flicker - and quickly. And then something extraordinary happens - more dragonfruits appear on the tree. Tomas is officially growing dragons ...The first book in a sparky and utterly enchanting new series.
Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Grew Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 1) - Shepherd Andy
Dragons of Deceit. Dragonlance Destinies, vol. 1 - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
The first new Dragonlance novel from Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman in over a decade, and featuring fan-favorite characters from the iconic first two trilogies, Dragonlance Chronicles and Dragonlance Legends--books that brought a generation of readers into the fantasy fold.Destina Rosethorn--as her name implies--believes herself to be very much a favored child of destiny. But when her father dis in the War of the Lance, her carefully-constructed world comes crashing down. Not only does she lost her beloved father, but the legacy he has left her: a wealthy fiance, and rule over the family lands and castle. With nothing left in the world to support her but wits and determination, she hatches a bold plan: to secure the Device of Time Journeying she read about in one of her father's books and prevent her father's death.The last known holder of the Device was one of the Heroes of the Lance: the free-spirited kender, Tasselhoff Burrfoot. BUt when Destina arrives in Solace--home not only to Tas, but to fellow heroes Caramon and Tika Majere--she sets into motion a chain of events more deadly than she had ever anticipated: one that could change not only her personal history, but the fate of the entire world, allowing a previously-defeated evil to once again gain ascendancy.
Objev podobné jako Dragons of Deceit. Dragonlance Destinies, vol. 1 - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
Dragons of Fate. Dragonlance Destinies, vol. 2 - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
A courageous heroine trapped in the distant past is determined to return to her own time-without changing the shape of the world forever-as the New York Times bestselling Dragonlance series continues in the thrilling sequel to Dragons of Deceit.A clash of powerful magical forces sets off the Graygem of Gargath, sending Destina and her companions deeper into the past than she intended-to the age of Huma Dragonsbane and the Third Dragon War. Now, after the Device of Time Journeying shatters, they must find another way back to their own era, before the Graygem alters history irrevocably and the Third Dragon War ends in defeat for the forces of good.With the battle raging on, Destina tries desperately to make amends and prevent disaster. Raistlin and Sturm encounter their heroes, Huma and Magius, and must reconcile the myths with the men.Meanwhile, Tasslehoff-shocked that the Knights of Solamnia have never heard of dragonlances-sets out to find the famed weapons.But as the forces of the Dark Queen close in on the High Clerist's Tower, Destina's party must return to their own timeline together-or not at all.
Objev podobné jako Dragons of Fate. Dragonlance Destinies, vol. 2 - Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman
City of Dragons - Robin Hobb
Return to the world of the Liveship Traders and journey along the Rain Wild River in the third instalment of high adventure from the author of the internationally acclaimed Farseer trilogy.The secret is out...The Tarman expedition has at last found Kelsingra, a city filled with ancient treasures. Rumours of the city have floated down the Rain Wild River. Adventurers, pirates and fortune hunters will soon be coming to pillage what they can. Among them, Hest Finbok, determined to claim back his errant wife, Alise.Meanwhile, Selden Vestrit finds himself a prisoner of the ailing Duke of Chalced, who believes the 'dragon man's' flesh and blood may cure him.Where is Tintaglia, greatest of dragons, when there is need of her? She holds the memories that will unlock the mysteries of Kelsingra, and the power to defend it, and dragonkind. Without her, all may be lost.
Objev podobné jako City of Dragons - Robin Hobb
Blood of Dragons - Robin Hobb
The final instalment of Robin Hobb's Sunday Times bestselling series The Rain Wild Chronicles.Dragons will fly over Kelsingra once more...Attacked by hunters, Tintaglia is dying of her wounds. If she perishes, her ancestral memories will die with her and the dragons in the ancient city of Kelsingra will lose the secret knowledge they need to survive.The dragon keepers immerse themselves in the dangerously addictive memory-stone records of the city in the hope of recovering the lost Elderling magic that once allowed humans and dragons to co-exist.But war is coming: war between dragons and those who would destroy them...
Objev podobné jako Blood of Dragons - Robin Hobb
Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)
Kniha - autor Kyle Newman; Jon Peterson; Michael Witwer, 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Heroes' Feast (Dungeons & Dragons): The Official Dungeons & Dragons Cookbook (1984858904)
Of Jade and Dragons - Chen Amber
IRON WIDOW meets SIX CRIMSON CRANES in this immersive YA fantasy inspired by Chinese legend, perfect for fans of Leigh Bardugo and Chloe Gong.Aihui Ying’s life is viciously torn apart when her father is killed by a masked assassin. Left with only his journal and a jade pendant snatched from his killer, she vows to take her revenge.Seeking answers, Ying infiltrates the prestigious Engineers Guild – the ancient institution home to her father’s secret past. There, she begins to navigate a world fraught with politics and treachery.Soon though, Ying’s quest for vengeance turns into a fight for survival and she’ll have to stay one step ahead of everyone. . .if she’s to make it out alive.‘A richly detailed and wildly imaginative book.’ - Xiran Jay Zhao, #1 New York Times bestselling author of Iron Widow
Objev podobné jako Of Jade and Dragons - Chen Amber
Dragons: Dawn of New Riders - PS4 (5060528031776)
Hra na konzoli - PS4 / PS4 Pro, PS5 (s mechanikou), krabicová verze, žánr: dobrodružná, - V nové hře na motivy známých filmů se vydáte se svým drakem do oblak a zabráníte zlotřilým padouchům před zničením dračí svatyně. % Akční adventura, ve které se vydáte s drakem do oblak, abyste zabránili padouchům zničit dračí svatyni. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Uvidíte známá místa z filmu, ale i nová neprozkoumaná území. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Řešte hádanky, ale také musíte obstát v boji, kde můžete odemykat spoustu dovedností. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Ostrov...
Objev podobné jako Dragons: Dawn of New Riders - PS4 (5060528031776)
The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley
In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.In Tokyo - one of the world's largest megacities - a stray cat is wending her way through the back alleys. And, with each detour, she brushes up against the seemingly disparate lives of the city-dwellers, connecting them in unexpected ways. But the city is changing. As it does, it pushes her to the margins where she chances upon a series of apparent strangers - from a homeless man squatting in an abandoned hotel, to a shut-in hermit afraid to leave his house, to a convenience store worker searching for love. The cat orbits Tokyo's denizens, drawing them ever closer.
Objev podobné jako The Cat and the City - Nick Bradley
The Boy Who Grew Dragons (1848126492)
Kniha - autor Andy Shepherd, 206 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Please Read Notes: Brand New, International Softcover Edition, Printed in black and white pages, minor self wear on the cover or pages, Sale restriction may be printed on the book, but Book name, contents, and author are exactly same as Hardcover Edition.
Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Grew Dragons (1848126492)
Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PC) DIGITAL (404274)
Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: RPG a arkády, 80 % Konečně tu máme revival Dungeons & Dragons, který se opravdu povedl. Na co se můžete těšit v sérii Chronicles of MystaraGrafika vám připomene staré dobré arkádové hryDíky několika postupům vypůjčeným ze Street Fightera si užijete zábavnější soubojeVybírat budete z 6 rozmanitých herních postavNa lov monster se vydáte buďto online anebo v kooperativním režimuKromě boje, získávání zkušeností a kořisti vám půjde i o dosažení různých achievementůPoznámka - Chronicles of Mystara obsahuje hry Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom & Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara Svým grafickým retro provedením vás série Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara zanese ve vzpomínkách zpět do bezstarostných devadesátek....
Objev podobné jako Dungeons & Dragons: Chronicles of Mystara (PC) DIGITAL (404274)
Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott
An extraordinary destiny unfolds . . . Twelve-year-old Zhi Ging has always been an outcast.Until she receives an invitation to Hok Woh, an underwater school that offers her the chance to become immortal, and to finally belong. There, she battles in hair-raising boat races, meets ageshifting tutors and competes in thrilling trials. But there are rumours of a growing dark force . . . and students who fail the trials are disappearing.Can Zhi Ging uncover the truth before it's too late?The first in the unmissable magical fantasy series of 2024, set to take the world by storm. Perfect for fans of Nevermoor and Dragon Mountain.
Objev podobné jako Paper Dragons: The Fight for the Hidden Realm - Siobhan McDermott
Mirabelle and the Baby Dragons - Harriet Muncaster
Meet Mirabelle Starspell. Her mum is a witch, her dad is a fairy and she is a bit of both. She likes casting spells with her fairy wand and flying around on her witchy broomstick, but most of all the thing she really, really likes to do is cause mischief.When Mirabelle and her family are invited to spend some time at a dragon sanctuary, Mirabelle cannot wait to get stuck in and show off everything she knows. But she''s about to find out that she''s not quite the dragon expert she believes herself to be . . .A beautiful hardback edition with silver sprayed edges, and lots of fun activities to do at the back-the perfect gift for the Harriet Muncaster fan in your life.
Objev podobné jako Mirabelle and the Baby Dragons - Harriet Muncaster
The Positive Kitchen - Olivia Mae Bradley
Olivia Mae Bradley (@livthepositivefooodie) has dedicated her online career to sharing budget, macro-friendly food. The Positive Kitchen sees her much-loved healthy recipes find a forever home in full-colour print, with unreal, fuss-free dishes that are ideal for weeknight eats, as well as weekend treats.
Objev podobné jako The Positive Kitchen - Olivia Mae Bradley
The Emotion Code - Dr Bradley Nelson
''I believe that the discoveries in this book can change our understanding of how we store emotional experiences and in so doing, change our lives. The Emotion Code has already changed many lives around the world, and it is my hope that millions more will be led to use this simple tool to heal themselves and their loved ones.'' - Tony RobbinsIn this newly revised and expanded edition of The Emotion Code, renowned holistic physician and lecturer Dr. Bradley Nelson skilfully lays bare the inner workings of the subconscious mind. He reveals how emotionally-charged events from your past can still be haunting you in the form of ''trapped emotions'' - emotional energies that literally inhabit your body. These trapped emotions can fester in your life and body, creating pain, malfunction and eventual disease. They can also extract a heavy mental and emotional toll on you, impacting how you think, the choices that you make, and the level of success and abundance you are able to achieve. Perhaps most damaging of all, trapped emotional energies can gather around your heart, cutting off your ability to give and receive love.The Emotion Code is a powerful and simple way to rid yourself of this unseen baggage. Dr. Nelson''s method gives you the tools to identify and release the trapped emotions in your life, eliminating your ''emotional baggage'', and opening your heart and body to the positive energies of the world. Filled with real-world examples from many years of clinical practice, The Emotion Code is a distinct and authoritative work that has become a classic on self-healing.
Objev podobné jako The Emotion Code - Dr Bradley Nelson
Ohňostroj - Baterie výmetnic best of dragons 200 ran (8595596319794)
Ohňostroj - klasický, efekty typu brokátové koruny, chvosty, palmy a vrby, doba trvání efektu 200 s, 200 ran, 1 ks v balení, vícebarevný, kategorie F3 Zboží určené pro osoby starší 21 let. Při převzetí bude ověřen váš věk. Chystáte zahradní párty nebo narozeninovou oslavu a přemýšlíte, čím originálním byste hosty překvapili? Pak budete nadšeni z nezapomenutelného ohňostroje Tarra. Tento ohňostroj najdeme v kategorii mezi klasickými, které se používají nejčastěji. Učiníte tak nezapomenutelnou každou důležitou událost. Efekty dosahují výšky až 50 m a užijete si je po dobu 200 s. Můžete se těšit na 200 ran. Tato zábavní pyrotechnika patří do kategorie F3, takže se nesmí dostat do rukou osobám mladším 21 let. V balení naleznete jeden kus. Zpestřete si jakoukoliv událost pomocí zábavní pyrotechniky! Zásadní vlastnosti produktu Ohňostroj - Baterie výmetnic best of dragons 200 ran Stane se nezapomenutelnou součástí každé silvestrovské oslavy S klasickým ohňostrojem...
Objev podobné jako Ohňostroj - Baterie výmetnic best of dragons 200 ran (8595596319794)
Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová
Find out the fascinating stories of ten real-life dragons, the myths and legends surrounding them, their discoveries and how they survive today.For centuries, dragons have captured our imaginations, guarding troves of treasure and breathing out fire. They appear in many myths and legends from around the world, some soaring through the air on scaly wings; some lurking in caves underground and some diving the depths of the seas and oceans.While there is, sadly, no such thing as a fire-breathing dragon, there are still dragons alive today in the animal kingdom. One of them can even fly. This book brings together the stories of ten real-life dragons, with fascinating facts mixed with some folklore. There are also tales of how these extraordinary creatures were discovered and about their adaptations for surviving in the wild.Are you ready for the wildlife safari of a lifetime?This high-interest approach to the natural world shows the diversity of nature, evolution and adaptation and can be used to support the science curriculum study of living things at key stage two.Full-colour photographs combined with illustrations make this a beautiful and fascinating introduction to real-life dragons around the world.
Objev podobné jako Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová
DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00701)
Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, elektronická licence, klíč pro Xbox Live, žánr: dobrodružná, % Akční adventura, ve které se vydáte s drakem do oblak, abyste zabránili padouchům zničit dračí svatyni. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Uvidíte známá místa z filmu, ale i nová neprozkoumaná území. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Řešte hádanky, ale také musíte obstát v boji, kde můžete odemykat spoustu dovedností. Není vyplněn Alternativní text k fotografii! Ostrov Havenholme Ostrov je v troskách, svatyně...
Objev podobné jako DreamWorks Dragons Dawn of New Riders - Xbox Digital (G3Q-00701)
Playmobil 71083 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Feathers & Alex (4008789710833)
Stavebnice - téma filmy a seriály, materiál plast, vhodná od 4 let Klíčové vlastnosti stavebnice Playmobil 71083 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Feathers & Alex Stavebnice představuje spoustu možností ke tvoření Poslouží k rozvíjení kreativity a motoriky Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Playmobil je navržena pro děti od 4 let Téma: filmy a seriály
Objev podobné jako Playmobil 71083 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Feathers & Alex (4008789710833)
Playmobil 71082 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Plowhorn & D'Angelo (4008789710826)
Stavebnice - téma filmy a seriály, materiál plast, vhodná od 4 let Hlavní přednosti stavebnice Playmobil 71082 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Plowhorn & D'Angelo Stavebnice nabízí zábavu i možnost vzdělávání Rozvíjí dětské prstíčky i logické myšlení Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Playmobil je přizpůsobena dětem od 4 let Téma: filmy a seriály
Objev podobné jako Playmobil 71082 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Plowhorn & D'Angelo (4008789710826)
Playmobil 71084 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Lab (4008789710840)
Stavebnice - téma filmy a seriály, materiál plast, vhodná od 4 let Hlavní přednosti stavebnice Playmobil 71084 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Lab Stavebnice nabízí tvořivou formu hraní pro děti Přispívá k rozvoji dětské motoriky a fantazie Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Playmobil je určena dětem od 4 let Téma: filmy a seriály
Objev podobné jako Playmobil 71084 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Lab (4008789710840)
Playmobil 71085 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Quad & Phil (4008789710857)
Stavebnice - téma filmy a seriály, materiál plast, vhodná od 4 let Hlavní vlastnosti stavebnice Playmobil 71085 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Quad & Phil Stavebnice přináší dětem spoustu zábavy Je nápomocná při rozvíjení kreativity, jemné motoriky i logického myšlení Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Playmobil je doporučena pro děti od 4 let Téma: filmy a seriály
Objev podobné jako Playmobil 71085 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Icaris Quad & Phil (4008789710857)
What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust - Alan Bradley
''Cosy mystery fans will love this latest delightful installment!'' NITA PROSE, bestselling author of THE MAIDFlavia de Luce, along with her pestilent younger cousin, investigates the murder of a former public hangman and uncovers secrets that bring the greatest shock of her life.****Poisonous mushrooms, pestilent cousins - and a most perplexing murder...There''s a new arrival at Buckshaw - Flavia de Luce''s obnoxious cousin Undine. Flavia reluctantly takes on the mentorship of her fellow orphan, who in her best moments shows some potential for trespassing and trickery.When Major Greyleigh, a former hangman, is found dead from a breakfast of poisonous mushrooms, suspicion falls on the de Luce family''s longtime cook, Mrs. Mullet. After all, didn''t she pick the mushrooms and serve them to Greyleigh moments before his death?Flavia knows her beloved Mrs. Mullet is innocent. Together with Dogger, estate gardener and partner-in-crime, and the odious Undine, she sets out to find the real killer and clear Mrs. Mullet''s good name.But following the case''s twists and turns will lead her to a most surprising discovery - one with the power to upend her entire life...****PRAISE FOR THE HISTORICAL FLAVIA DE LUCE MYSTERIES: ''To say I am overjoyed by the return of the magnificent Flavia is a massive understatement. It''s a great day when we have her back in our lives with a new, and riveting, crime to solve''LOUISE PENNY, bestselling author of the ARMAND GAMACHE MYSTERIES''Flavia is the best female detective I''ve ever read, full of realism, self-confidence and emotion (in roughly equal parts), and her tales are hilarious, engaging and occasionally heart-breaking''DIANA GABALDON, New York Times bestselling author ''The Flavia de Luce novels are now a cult favourite'' MAIL ON SUNDAY''A cross between Dodie Smith''s I Capture The Castle and the Addams family... Delightfully entertaining'' GUARDIAN''Flavia is mercilessly addictive''DAILY TELEGRRAPH''At once precocious and endearing, Flavia is a marvellous character. Quirkily appealing, this is definitely a crime novel with a difference''CHOICE
Objev podobné jako What Time the Sexton's Spade Doth Rust - Alan Bradley
Bumble and Snug and the Angry Pirates - Mark Bradley
Best friends Bumble and Snug are Bugbops - little monsters filled with BIG feelings! In this full-colour graphic novel, join them on a funny, imaginative adventure with some VERY angry pirates, learning about the world outside and inside along the way. Bumble and Snug are going on a big adventure to ... have a picnic! But when they accidentally get lost, they''re both cross - is their adventure ruined?Working together to find their way home, Bumble and Snug come across a pirate treasure horde. But taking treasure that isn''t yours is a good way to get into trouble, and sure enough some VERY angry pirates aren''t far behind. Bumble and Snug are certain they can replace the treasure, and fix things to make everybody happy. But there''s another monstrous obstacle in store - and this one has TENTACLES.Bumble and Snug and the Angry Pirates is a story about being cross and how to listen, friendship and sandcastles, and one GIANT octopus! Perfect for readers just starting to enjoy stories independently, for visual readers and for wise kids to share with their grown-ups. For fans of Narwhal and Jelly and Dogman.
Objev podobné jako Bumble and Snug and the Angry Pirates - Mark Bradley
Bumble and Snug and the Jealous Giants - Mark Bradley
Best friends Bumble and Snug are bugbops - little monsters filled with BIG feelings! Join them in this new, full-colour graphic novel, as they go on a thrilling, funny adventure with some VERY jealous giants and learn about the world outside and inside.Bumble and Snug are competing in the annual Bugbop Ball Championships where there are absolutely no rules and lots of chaos! It all comes down to the finale where the pixie team are playing against some VERY jealous giants.When the trophy is stolen from the winners, Bumble and Snug put on their detective hats to solve the mystery. But there''s another duo on the case and Bumble is determined to beat them...Bumble and Snug and the Jealous Giants is a story about jealousy, friendship and mystery, and one extremely SHINY trophy!Perfect for readers just starting to enjoy stories independently, for visual readers and for wise kids to share with their grown-ups. For fans of Narwhal and Jelly and Dogman.
Objev podobné jako Bumble and Snug and the Jealous Giants - Mark Bradley
The War That Saved My Life - Bradley Kimberly Brubaker
Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room flat. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada''s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn''t waste a minute - she sneaks out to join him. So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Miss Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take in the two children. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan - and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie.
Objev podobné jako The War That Saved My Life - Bradley Kimberly Brubaker
A Natural History of Dragons : A Memoir by Lady Trent - Brennan Marie
Everyone knows Isabella, Lady Trent, to be the world's preeminent dragon naturalist. Here at last, in her own words, is the true story of a pioneering spirit who risked her reputation, prospects, and her life to satisfy scientific curiosity; of how she sought true love despite her lamentable eccentricities; and of her thrilling expedition to the mountains of Vystrana, where she made discoveries that would change the world.
Objev podobné jako A Natural History of Dragons : A Memoir by Lady Trent - Brennan Marie
Playmobil 71080 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Wu & Wei s Jun (4008789710802)
Stavebnice - téma filmy a seriály, materiál plast, vhodná od 4 let Zásadní přednosti stavebnice Playmobil 71080 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Wu & Wei s Jun Stavebnice poskytuje dítěti dobrý pocit z dokončeného díla Rozvíjí dětské prstíčky i logické myšlení Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Playmobil je přizpůsobena dětem od 4 let Téma: filmy a seriály
Objev podobné jako Playmobil 71080 Dragons: The Nine Realms - Wu & Wei s Jun (4008789710802)
Kid-Zilla and the Invaders from Planet Aargh! - Jess Bradley
ADVENTURES DON''T COME ANY BIGGER THAN THIS!When the Earth is invaded by extra-mean extraterrestrials and ginormous monsters, Zoe and her kid brother Pablo think things can''t get any crazier. But then their school gets infiltrated by aliens and Pablo gets turned into a massive monster himself! For some kids, being suddenly supersized might be scary. But for Pablo, it''s the beginning of an incredible and hilarious adventure. Instead of going berserk, our colossal kid hero continues to obsess over video games, trading cards, and cookie dough ice cream.Zoe soon realises that he''s the same annoying little brother as ever ... except that now, her "little" brother is 100 feet tall!Can a schoolkid in the body of a skyscraping monster take on an entire alien army? Can Zoe and Pablo keep it together when the whole world is going 100% bananas? Find out in ...Kid-Zilla!This funny, action-packed, and completely off-the-wall comic story will delight fans of Dog-Man and Bunny Versus Monkey. Parents and kids alike will thrill to the anarchic humour, fast-paced storytelling, in this big-hearted tale of sibling friendship and triumph over adversity. Perfect for young readers aged 7+.
Objev podobné jako Kid-Zilla and the Invaders from Planet Aargh! - Jess Bradley
A Dance With Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin
HBO's hit series A GAME OF THRONES is based on George R R Martin's internationally bestselling series A SONG OF ICE AND FIRE, the greatest fantasy epic of the modern age. A DANCE WITH DRAGONS: AFTER THE FEAST is the SECOND part of the fifth volume in the series. The future of the Seven Kingdoms hangs in the balance. In King's Landing the Queen Regent, Cersei Lannister, awaits trial, abandoned by all those she trusted; while in the eastern city of Yunkai her brother Tyrion has been sold as a slave. From the Wall, having left his wife and the Red Priestess Melisandre under the protection of Jon Snow, Stannis Baratheon marches south to confront the Boltons at Winterfell. But beyond the Wall the wildling armies are massing for an assault...On all sides bitter conflicts are reigniting, played out by a grand cast of outlaws and priests, soldiers and skinchangers, nobles and slaves. The tides of destiny will inevitably lead to the greatest dance of all.
Objev podobné jako A Dance With Dragons, part 2: After the Feast - George R.R. Martin
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