Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
The Curious Columns of Adrian Chiles - Adrian Chiles
Adrian Chiles''s weekly column for the Guardian has gained a cult following for his unique insights into everything from the present tense in history podcasts to his favourite spoon, or his legendary at-home urinal. As Gawker put it, ''Adrian Chiles never misses.'' And his targets are the stuff of life: the everyday things we all need to stop and think about a little more.The Curious Columns of Adrian Chiles finds Britain''s much-loved broadcaster musing on the sacred and the profane, the whimsical and the bizarre, offering his idiosyncratic take on self-checkouts, speeding tickets and the correct duration of a hug, falling into a bed of wild garlic, and discovering he has a naked doppelgänger on OnlyFans. In this brilliant bumper collection, he takes us on a bright, bemused tour of British life, delivering offbeat truths and a comforting blast of humour and warmth for baffling times.I thought it was weird to have a favourite spoon. Then I realised I wasn''t alone...At Easter I had a fall. The wild garlic smelled lovely, but I didn''t want to die thereI recently saw something in a petrol station toilet southbound on the M1 that I can never unsee
Podívejte se také Šipky TARGET steel ADRIAN LEWIS G3, 21g, 90% wolfram (12446)
Gerda - Adrián Macho
Malá Gerda je najšťastnejšia veľryba na svete. Raz sa však prihodí niečo nečakané a Gerda zostane úplne sama. Vyberie sa teda na plavbu šírym oceánom. Cestou stretáva veľa nových kamarátov: kosatky, tučniaky, čajky a chobotnice. Prezradia jej zaujímavosti o svojom živote, ale aj o oceáne, v ktorom všetci spolu žijú. Nájde nakoniec malá Gerda nový domov?
Podívejte se také Smith Adrian, Kotzen Richie: Better Days...And Nights - CD (4050538829785)
Gerda Příběh velryby - Adrián Macho
Malá velryba Gerda si užívá spokojené dětství. Jednou se však přihodí něco nečekaného a Gerda zůstane sama, bez rodiny. A tak osamocená a smutná bloudí oceánem, až nakonec potká nové přátele. Kosatky, tučňáky, racky nebo třeba chobotnice. Od každého kamaráda se dozví nejen zajímavosti o jejich životě, ale především o fascinujícím světě, kterým proplouvá. Najde nakonec malá Gerda to, co hledá?
Podívejte se také Šipky TARGET steel ADRIAN LEWIS G3, 25g, 90% wolfram (12448)
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Gerda - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
eBook: Malá Gerda je najšťastnejšia veľryba na svete. Raz sa však prihodí niečo nečakané a Gerda zostane úplne sama. Vyberie sa teda na plavbu šírym oceánom. Cestou stretáva veľa nových kamarátov: kosatky, tučniaky, čajky a chobotnice. Prezradia jej zaujímavosti o svojom živote, ale aj o oceáne, v ktorom všetci spolu žijú. Nájde nakoniec malá Gerda nový domov?
Objev podobné jako Gerda - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
Jazero života - Adrián Macho, Adam Illés
Malý sloník Abebe si užíval radostné detstvo v ďalekej Afrike. Každý deň sa s kamarátmi váľal v kalužiach osviežujúceho blata a všetci boli zafúľaní až po uši. Kúpali sa a šantili v malých jazierkach s priezračne čistou vodou. No ako dni plynuli, kaluže mizli a voda v jazierkach sa strácala, až napokon celkom vyschli. Sloník Abebe sa rozhodne vydať na ďalekú cestu a niekoľko zvierat sa pridá k nemu. Podarí sa im však nájsť vodu?
Objev podobné jako Jazero života - Adrián Macho, Adam Illés
Stane se zázrak - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho
Človíček má každý den tolik práce! Staví hrady, stará se o zvířátka a občas si vymýšlí úplně nová, dosud nepoznaná stvoření nebo země. Když se ale jednou ráno chce vrátit ke své práci, zjistí, že všechny hrady už jsou hotové a všechna zvířátka nakrmená. Najednou má pocit, že se zastavil čas. Co teď bude dělat? Posadí se do trávy a přemýšlí. A najednou to přijde… stane se zázrak.
Objev podobné jako Stane se zázrak - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho
Gerda: Příběh moře a odvahy - Adrián Macho
Od doby, co se Gerda znovu shledala se svým ztraceným bratrem Larsem, zpívají si společně uspávanku, kterou je jako malá velrybátka naučila maminka. Jednoho dne se však sourozenci dozvědí, že píseň má i pokračování, a navzdory strachu z neznáma se ho vydají hledat. Cestou zažijí nečekaná dobrodružství a seznámí se s mnoha obyvateli podmořského světa. Podaří se jim ale najít chybějící sloky maminčiny písničky?
Objev podobné jako Gerda: Příběh moře a odvahy - Adrián Macho
Gerda: Strach má veľké oči - Adrián Macho
Gerda a Lars veselo plávajú v Rajskej zátoke a každý večer pred spaním si spievajú maminu uspávanku. Je to najkrajšia melódia pod slnkom. Raz im však staručká veľryba Lisbet nasadí chrobáka do hlavy. Vraj ich piesni chýba koniec. A tak zvedavá Gerda s bratom naberú odvahu, prechádzajú hlbokým oceánom, plytkými morami aj neprebádanými lesmi chalúh a rias, aby našli pokračovanie ich obľúbenej uspávanky. Mala Lisbet pravdu alebo im len natárala báchorky?
Objev podobné jako Gerda: Strach má veľké oči - Adrián Macho
Vánoce ve Snížkově - Adrián Macho, Eliška Kramerová
V Malé studené dolině ve Sněžných horách nastal předvánoční čas a všechna zvířátka se těší, jak společně oslaví Vánoce. To však ještě netuší, že jim někdo ukradne ze stromečku všechny vánoční ozdoby. Zvířátka jsou smutná a nešťastná a Štědrý večer se kvapem blíží. Ne nadarmo se však říká, že Vánoce jsou časem zázraků...
Objev podobné jako Vánoce ve Snížkově - Adrián Macho, Eliška Kramerová
Odhaľovanie trestných činov - Adrián Vaško, Jozef Stieranka
Publikácia sa zaoberá predovšetkým problematikou odhaľovania trestných činov. Uvedená časť boja s kriminalitou nie je v súčasnosti komplexne skúmaná a rozpracovaná. Aktuálne trendy vo vývoji kriminality, najmä organizovanej a s medzinárodným prvkom, potvrdzujú, že doterajšie prístupy už nie sú dostatočné na zabezpečenie jej kontroly. Je potrebné klásť väčší dôraz na činnosť bezpečnostných zložiek zameranú na predchádzanie a zamedzovanie trestnej činnosti. Autori sa pokúsili priblížiť odhaľovanie trestných činov, cez prizmu získavania, spracovávania a využívania predovšetkým indikátorov trestnej činnosti, s prepojením na trestné konanie. Zameriavajú sa na prácu s informáciami v štádiu pred trestným konaním, ako aj v jeho rámci, osobitne v procese dokazovania. V monografii približujú nové stratégie a prístupy odhaľovania trestných činov s využitím operatívno-pátracej činnosti a spravodajskej činnosti. Odhaľovanie trestných činov chápu ako činnosti, ktoré sú vykonávané s cieľom zistenia samotnej existencie skutku, ktorý je možné kvalifikovať ako trestný čin a ktorý nebol oznámený príslušným orgánom a nie je ani inak evidovaný v príslušných štatistikách. V praxi sa v súčasnosti pozornosť dominantne zameriava na objasňovanie trestných činov, čo znamená reakciu na už spáchané a zistené protizákonné aktivity. Bezpečnostné zložky musia aktívnejšie pôsobiť už v „predpolí zločinu“ a teda získavať, analyzovať a vyhodnocovať informácie o pripravovanej trestnej činnosti. Takýto prístup je dôležitý aj pre neskoršie štádium objasňovania trestnej činnosti, nakoľko umožňuje získať a zadokumentovať informácie, ktoré môžu byť významné v trestnom konaní. Niektoré informácie získané v rámci odhaľovania trestnej činnosti môžu byť, pri dodržaní zákonom určených podmienok, využiteľné aj v procese dokazovania a môžu nadobudnúť hodnotu dôkazu. Vedecká monografia je určená najmä pre odbornú verejnosť. Svoje nezastupiteľné miesto si nájde aj pri výučbe na vysokých školách s právnym a bezpečnostným zameraním a taktiež môže prispieť k rozvoju vedných odborov „Právo“ a „Bezpečnostné vedy“.
Objev podobné jako Odhaľovanie trestných činov - Adrián Vaško, Jozef Stieranka
Na konec světa - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho
Malému Eskymáčkovi Yukovi maminka večer vypráví příběhy o místě, kde končí svět. Jenomže pižmoň ani polární liška o něm nic nevědí. Možná mu nakonec poradí veliká bílá medvědice... Povede se Yukovi najít konec světa? Půvabná pohádka s ilustracemi Adriána Macha, tvůrce milované velryby Gerdy, ukáže dětem neobvyklá zvířata žijící v polárních zemích. A zavede je do kouzelných míst, na která je i fantazie někdy krátká.
Objev podobné jako Na konec světa - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho
Jazero života - Adrián Macho, Marcel Melicher - e-kniha
eBook: Malý sloník Abebe si užíval radostné detstvo v ďalekej Afrike. Každý deň sa s kamarátmi váľal v kalužiach osviežujúceho blata a všetci boli zafúľaní až po uši. Kúpali sa a šantili v malých jazierkach s priezračne čistou vodou. No ako dni plynuli, kaluže mizli a voda v jazierkach sa strácala, až napokon celkom vyschli. Sloník Abebe sa rozhodne vydať na ďalekú cestu a niekoľko zvierat sa pridá k nemu. Podarí sa im však nájsť vodu?
Objev podobné jako Jazero života - Adrián Macho, Marcel Melicher - e-kniha
Gerda Příběh malé velrybky - Adrián Macho, Zuzana Trstenská
Vypluj s malou Gerdou do vod oceánu a prožij s ní celý den od úsvitu až po ulehnutí do postýlky. Budete společně skotačit ve vlnkách, seznámíte se s racky, tučňáky i narvaly a prožijete společně hravá dobrodružství i opravdovou mořskou bouři, po které ale vyjde přenádherná duha. A když přijde večer, stulíte se do bezpečí maminčiny náruče a společně odplujete do říše snů.
Objev podobné jako Gerda Příběh malé velrybky - Adrián Macho, Zuzana Trstenská
Judikatúra vo veciach práv duševného vlastníctva - Adrián Fedor
Prvá a jedinečná publikácia, ktorá sa venuje judikatúre najvyšších súdnych autorít Slovenskej republiky z oblasti práv duševného vlastníctva. Právo duševného vlastníctva je dynamicky sa rozvíjajúcim právnym odvetvím, ktorého potreba aplikácie vzrastá ruke v ruke spoločne s fenoménom umelej inteligencie a informačných technológií. Komplexné zhrnutie judikatúry na túto tému dosiaľ na Slovensku chýbalo. Táto kniha obsahuje 127 publikovaných a nepublikovaných rozhodnutí Najvyššieho súdu Slovenskej republiky a Ústavného súdu Slovenskej republiky, vydaných od roku 1999 do roku 2023 z oblasti priemyselných práv na výsledky tvorivej duševnej činnosti (patentové právo, právo úžitkových vzorov, dizajnové právo a právo nových odrôd rastlín), priemyselných práv na označenie (právo ochranných známok a právo obchodných mien), práv obdobných priemyselným právam (zlepšovateľské právo, právo know-how, právo doménových mien a právna ochrana názvu a dobrej povesti právnickej osoby) a práv súvisiacich s priemyselnými právami (právo obchodného tajomstva a právo nekalej súťaže). Autor z niektorých rozhodnutí vybral právne najzaujímavejšie state z ich odôvodnení, ktoré majú zovšeobecňujúcu povahu a ktoré nie sú v tradičnej právnickej literatúre bežne dostupné. Publikácia je systematicky členená a využiteľná pre široké spektrum čitateľov.
Objev podobné jako Judikatúra vo veciach práv duševného vlastníctva - Adrián Fedor
Gerda: Příběh moře a odvahy - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
eBook: Gerda s bratrem Larsem vyplouvají hledat ztracenou píseň své maminky Od doby, co se Gerda znovu shledala se svým ztraceným bratrem Larsem, zpívají si společně uspávanku, kterou je jako malá velrybátka naučila maminka. Jednoho dne se však sourozenci dozvědí, že píseň má i pokračovaní, a navzdory strachu z neznáma se ho vydají hledat. Cestou zažijí nečekaná dobrodružství a seznámí se s mnoha obyvateli podmořského světa. Podaří se jim ale najít chybějící sloky maminčiny písničky?
Objev podobné jako Gerda: Příběh moře a odvahy - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
V říši snů - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho - e-kniha
eBook: Každý z nás sní. Ale kde se ta kouzelná říše snů vlastně nachází? A kdo nás do ní zavede? Pojď si zalétat s kouzelným dráčkem, který ti odhalí nevídané věci! Vždycky, když usneš, přijde pro tebe z opačného konce světa a proletíš s ním kraje známé i neznámé… Tato nádherná pohádková knížka ti otevře bránu do světa fantazie, kde se nemožné stává skutečností.
Objev podobné jako V říši snů - Zuzana Štelbaská, Adrián Macho - e-kniha
Vánoce ve Snížkově - Adrián Macho, Eliška Kramerová - e-kniha
eBook: V Malé studené dolině ve Sněžných horách nastal předvánoční čas a všechna zvířátka se těší, jak společně oslaví Vánoce. To však ještě netuší, že jim někdo ukradne ze stromečku všechny vánoční ozdoby. Zvířátka jsou smutná a nešťastná a Štědrý večer se kvapem blíží. Ne nadarmo se však říká, že Vánoce jsou časem zázraků...
Objev podobné jako Vánoce ve Snížkově - Adrián Macho, Eliška Kramerová - e-kniha
Gerda: Strach má veľké oči - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
eBook: Gerda a Lars veselo plávajú v Rajskej zátoke a každý večer pred spaním si spievajú maminu uspávanku. Je to najkrajšia melódia pod slnkom. Raz im však staručká veľryba Lisbet nasadí chrobáka do hlavy. Vraj ich piesni chýba koniec. A tak zvedavá Gerda s bratom naberú odvahu, prechádzajú hlbokým oceánom, plytkými morami aj neprebádanými lesmi chalúh a rias, aby našli pokračovanie ich obľúbenej uspávanky. Mala Lisbet pravdu alebo im len natárala báchorky? Talentovaný slovenský ilustrátor Adrián Macho prichádza s ďalším napínavým dobrodružstvom najobľúbenejšej veľryby Gerdy.
Objev podobné jako Gerda: Strach má veľké oči - Adrián Macho - e-kniha
Zákon o hlavním městě Praze Komentář - Tomáš Havel, Martina Děvěrová, Adrián Radošinský
Komentář k zákonu o hlavním městě Praze si dává za úkol pomoci čtenáři pochopit smysl a účel jednotlivých ustanovení a přispět tak ke správné aplikaci práva v praxi. Ke každému ustanovení je připojen komentář, odkaz na související ustanovení zákona o hlavním městě Praze, jakož i na jiné právní předpisy, výčet literatury, která s komentovanou problematikou úzce souvisí, a v některých případech také výběr z judikatury soudů, jež se tématu výraznějším způsobem dotýkají. Součástí komentáře k některým ustanovením zákona je též citace a komentář k souvisejícím ustanovením Statutu hlavního města Prahy. Zákon o hlavním městě Praze totiž není možné vykládat bez jeho propojení s příslušnými ustanoveními Statutu hlavního města Prahy.
Objev podobné jako Zákon o hlavním městě Praze Komentář - Tomáš Havel, Martina Děvěrová, Adrián Radošinský
The Curious Vanishing of Beatrice Willoughby - G. Z. Schmidt
The Amadeuses were always considered somewhat strange. Even before the incident. When six-year-old Beatrice Willoughby vanished at the Amadeuses' annual All Hallows Eve party, people in the tiny mountain town of Nevermore were quick to whisper: They were always odd. Their house is full of dark magic. And when Mort Amadeus was pegged for the crime, the Amadeuses, once the center of society, retreated. They closed their doors, disappeared from life. People almost forgot. Until thirteen years later, when six envelopes land at the doorstep of six households in town: We cordially invite you to a celebration on the 31st of October this Saturday evening at the Amadeus household. So begins the mystery of who was really responsible for the missing girl thirteen years ago. Was it Duchess von Pelt, whose face no one has ever seen? Mrs. Raven, the keeper of the local inn? Wormwood, the Amadeuses' mysterious caretaker? Dr. Foozle, the town pharmacist? Count Baines, who seems to know when unlucky things are about to happen? Judge Ophelius, who presided over Beatrice's case originally? Mr. and Mrs. H, a couple who no one can ever quite remember? Or somehow, might precocious, eleven-year-old Dewey and his storytelling dad, Chaucer, be somehow mixed up in all this? The guests must work together to identify the guilty party among them over the course of the evening--but beware the ticking clock, because at midnight, everything is going to change! Told from different perspectives, this is a sly, darkly funny mystery. Filled with strange characters and set in a mansion deep, deep in the woods. G. Z. Schmidt has crafted an unforgettable puzzle, perfect for reading on a dark autumn night.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Vanishing of Beatrice Willoughby - G. Z. Schmidt
The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy
"Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent." - 7 x 7"Aftel, ... explores the natural and cultural history of scent in her newest book, The Museum of Scent."- Veranda"A beautiful book about beautiful things, with a fascinating narrative told by an author who loves her subject."- Kirkus Reviews"It is so rich in story, information, and images, you don't just read it, you fall into it and don't want it to end!" - Ivy Ross, co-author of New York Times bestseller Your Brain on Art and VP of Hardware Design at GoogleBreathe in the natural and cultural history of scent with this richly illustrated book inspired by the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents."This work . . . is a true original a rarest of rare legacy volume. This book was created by a beautiful elder who is a polymath: meaning, a highly unique person of multiple modern and old ways of knowing. . . . Mandy Aftel's dons and talents are now resting in your hands in this magical tome that, I deeply sense and hope, will bless you time and again." From the foreword by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estes Reyes, author of Women Who Run with the Wolves and the forthcoming La Curandera, Walking in Two WorldsMandy Aftel is one of the world's preeminent natural perfumers, with a clientele ranging from the singer-songwriter Leonard Cohen to Ivy Ross, head of hardware design at Google. Eschewing the synthetic molecules that dominate commercial perfumes, Aftel creates her complex and subtle fragrances using only natural essences. For her, each of these essences is a gateway to a lost world of scent, stretching back to the beginnings of human civilization and intertwined with the history of medicine, cuisine, adornment, sexuality, and spirituality. In 2017, Aftel opened a one-room museum the Aftel Archive of Curious Scents in her backyard in Berkeley, California, to help a modern audience rediscover the enchantment of this lost world. Her museum has attracted thousands of enthusiastic visitors and has been featured in the New York Times, Vogue, Goop, O: The Oprah Magazine, and numerous other media outlets.Now Aftel has created this beautiful book, illustrated with treasures from her museum's collection, so that readers at home can immerse themselves in the world of scent. She guides us through the different families of botanical fragrances (including flowers, woods, leaves and grasses, and resins), depicting each plant with a hand-colored antique woodcut and revealing its olfactory notes and lore. Special chapters are devoted to the most rare and precious fragrances such as ambergris, formed of a rare secretion of the sperm whale and to antique essential oil bottles, handwritten recipe books, and other evocative artifacts. The Museum of Scent, which includes a bookmark subtly scented with a natural essence, invites us on a sensuous, imaginative journey.
Objev podobné jako The Museum of Scent: Exploring the Curious and Wondrous World of Fragrance - Aftel Mandy
The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time - Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour's dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Incident of The Dog in The Night-Time - Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
OVER TEN MILLION COPIES SOLDThe Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger''s Syndrome. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour''s dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.''Outstanding...a stunningly good read'' Observer''Mark Haddon''s portrayal of an emotionally dissociated mind is a superb achievement... Wise and bleakly funny'' Ian McEwan Winner of the Whitbread Book of the Year**ONE OF THE GUARDIAN''S 100 BEST BOOKS OF THE 21st CENTURY**
Objev podobné jako The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time - Mark Haddon
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Simon Stephenson
My name is Christopher John Francis Boone. I know all the countries of the world and the capital cities. And every prime number up to 7507.Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears''s dead dog. It has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight, and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain and is exceptional at maths, but he is ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers. But Christopher''s detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a frightening journey that turns his world upside-down.Simon Stephens''s adaptation of Mark Haddon''s bestselling, award-winning novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time offers a richly theatrical exploration of this touching and bleakly humorous tale.This edition contains some strong language and may not be suitable for all school curricula. Other editions are available.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Simon Stephenson
Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)
Kniha - 80 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Worlds of Wonder: A Colouring Book for the Curious (1529107393)
A Place For Everything: The Curious History of Alphabetical Order - Flanders
'Marvellous . . . I read it with astonished delight . . . It is equally scholarly and entertaining.' –Jan Morris 'Quirky and compelling.' –The Times One we've learned it as children few of us think much of the alphabet and its familiar sing-song order. And yet the order if the alphabet, that simple knowledge that we take for granted, plays a major role in our adult lives. From the school register to the telephone book, from dictionaries and encyclopaedias to library shelves, our lives are ordered from A to Z. Long before Google searches, this magical system of organisation gave us the ability to sift through centuries of thought, knowledge and literature, allowing us to sort, to file, and to find the information we have, and to locate the information we need. In A Place for Everything, acclaimed historian Judith Flanders draws our attention to both the neglected ubiquity of the alphabet and the long, complex history of its rise to prominence. For, while the order of the alphabet itself became fixed very soon after letters were first invented, their ability to sort and store and organize proved far less obvious. To many of our forebears, the idea of of organising things by the random chance of the alphabet rather than by established systems of hierarchy or typology lay somewhere between unthinkable and disrespectful. A Place for Everything fascinatingly lays out the gradual triumph of alphabetical order, from its possible earliest days as a sorting tool in the Great Library of Alexandria in the third century BCE, to its current decline in prominence in our digital age of Wikipedia and Google. Along the way, the reader is enlightened and entertained with a wonderful cast of unknown facts, characters and stories from the great collector Robert Cotton, who denominated his manuscripts with the names of the busts of the Roman emperors surmounting his book cases, to the unassuming sixteenth- century London bookseller who ushered in a revolution by listing his authors by 'sirname' first.
Objev podobné jako A Place For Everything: The Curious History of Alphabetical Order - Flanders
The Curious Bartender - The artistry and alchemy of creating the perfect cocktail - Tristan Stephenson
Preparing a first-class cocktail relies upon a deep understanding of its ingredients, the delicate alchemy of how they work together. In The Curious Bartender, Tristan Stephenson explores and experiments with the art of mixing the perfect cocktail, explaining the fascinating modern turns mixology has taken. Showcasing a selection of classic cocktails, he explains their intriguing origins, introducing the colourful historical characters who inspired or created them. Moving on, he reinvents each drink from his laboratory, adding contemporary twists to breathe fresh life into these vintage classics. Stay true to the originals with a Sazerac or a Rob Roy, or experiment with some of his modern variations to create a Green Fairy Sazerac topped with an absinthe 'air' or an Insta-age Rob Roy with the 'age' on the side. Also included is a reference section detailing all the techniques you will need, making this an essential anthology for the cocktail enthusiast.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Bartender - The artistry and alchemy of creating the perfect cocktail - Tristan Stephenson
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon, Simon Stephenson
This schools'' edition of Mark Haddon''s multi-award-winning novel adapted for the stage of the National Theatre by Simon Stephens is perfect for Key Stages 3 and 4. Featuring the play script from the Modern Plays edition but with the language adjusted for school use*, this edition includes a wealth of classroom activities for the English and drama classrooms.Christopher, fifteen years old, stands beside Mrs Shears''s dead dog. It has been speared with a garden fork, it is seven minutes after midnight, and Christopher is under suspicion. He records each fact in the book he is writing to solve the mystery of who murdered Wellington. He has an extraordinary brain and is exceptional at maths, but he is ill-equipped to interpret everyday life. He has never ventured alone beyond the end of his road, he detests being touched and he distrusts strangers. But Christopher''s detective work, forbidden by his father, takes him on a frightening journey that turns his world upside-down.This educational edition in Methuen Drama''s Critical Scripts series has been prepared by national Drama in Secondary English experts Ruth Moore and Paul Bunyan. Building on a decade of highly effective work and publications endorsed by national organisations and supported by teachers and consultants across Britain, each book in the series: > meets the requirements at KS3 and GCSE> features detailed, structured schemes of work utilising drama approaches to improve literary and language analysis > places pupils'' understanding of the learning process at the heart of the activities > will help pupils to boost English GCSE success and develop high-level skills at KS3> will save teachers considerable time devising their own resources.Simon Stephens''s adaptation of Mark Haddon''s bestselling, award-winning novel, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time offers a richly theatrical exploration of this touching and bleakly humorous tale.* The instances of stronger language have been tempered in this edition specifically for school use. Teachers may still wish to satisfy themselves that it is suited to the age of their pupils.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time - Mark Haddon, Simon Stephenson
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (978-0-994704-3-4)
Kniha - autor Mark Haddon, 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's, a form of autism. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours yellow and brown and being touched. He has never gone further than the end of the road on his own, but when he finds a neighbour's dog murdered he sets out on a terrifying journey which will turn his whole world upside down.The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is a murder mystery novel like no other. The detective, and narrator, is Christopher Boone. Christopher is fifteen and has Asperger's Syndrome. He knows a very great deal about maths and very little about human beings. He loves lists, patterns and the truth. He hates the colours...
Objev podobné jako The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time (978-0-994704-3-4)
The Curious Quest - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
eBook: Rich, pampered and obnoxious Ernest Bliss is making himself ill through his hard partying lifestyle. When a doctor refuses to treat him Bliss’s vanity is offended, and he makes a wager that he will live for a year off what he can earn through purely honest means. If he fails, he will make a sizable donation for a new hospital. A charming series of adventures follows as Ernest meets characters from all walks of life, opening his eyes to the wider struggles of society. The 1936 Cary Grant movie ‘The Amazing Adventure’ was based on this E. Phillips Oppenheim novel.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Quest - Edward Phillips Oppenheim - e-kniha
The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee - Tristan Stephenson
The essential compact compendium for the coffee enthusiast. This is the ultimate guide to the history, science and cultural influence of coffee according to coffee aficionado and master storyteller Tristan Stephenson. You’ll explore the origins of coffee before discovering the varieties of coffee and the alchemy responsible for transforming a humble bean into the world’s most popular drink. You’ll learn how to roast coffee at home in the Roasting section before delving into the Science and Flavour of Coffee and finding out how sweetness, bitterness, acidity and aroma all come together. Discover how espresso and milk are a match made in heaven, yielding such treasures as the Flat white, Latte, Cappuccino and Macchiato. Other Brewing Methods features step-by-step guides to classic brewing techniques, from a Moka pot and a French press to Aeropress and Siphon brewing. Finally, why not treat yourself to one of Tristan’s expertly concocted recipes. From an Espresso Martini to a Pumpkin Spice Latte and Coffee Liqueur to Butter Coffee, this is the definitive guide to the extraordinary world of coffee.
Objev podobné jako The Curious Barista's Guide to Coffee - Tristan Stephenson
Kameninová soška THE CURIOUS ONE Kähler 12,5 cm bílá
Hlavní výhody: skvělý nápad na dárek krásná dekorace sběratelský předmět Dodatečné informace: výška: 12,5 cm šířka: 6,5 cm hloubka: 8 cm neglazovaná úprava designér: Malene Bjelke
Objev podobné jako Kameninová soška THE CURIOUS ONE Kähler 12,5 cm bílá
Kameninová soška THE CURIOUS ONE Kähler 12,5 cm bílá
Hlavní výhody: skvělý nápad na dárek krásná dekorace sběratelský předmět Dodatečné informace: výška: 12,5 cm šířka: 6,5 cm hloubka: 8 cm neglazovaná úprava designér: Malene Bjelke
Objev podobné jako Kameninová soška THE CURIOUS ONE Kähler 12,5 cm bílá
The Centrist Dad Handbook - Jason Hazeley, Nico Tatarowicz
A funny and gentle deep dive into the most unbearably reasonable men in the UK – your perfect Christmas present for any dad, husband, brother or uncle who owns more gilets than shoes, buys vinyl (but doesn’t always remove the cellophane), puffs on a CBD vape and claims he has a brick from the Haçienda in his outdoor barbecue. (Yeah. Right.) Packed full of quizzes, lifehacks and top 10 lists, The Centrist Dad Handbook will answer questions like:Why exactly is the Centrist Dad’s taste in music stuck in the Blair era?Why does he carry a folded bicycle wherever he goes?Why does he call it his ‘office’ when it’s clearly a shepherd’s hut?Would he consider bringing back hanging if the rope was made of sustainably-sourced hemp? The guide will also examine gnarlier issues like music festivals, e-scooters and whether it is OK to still listen to The Smiths if you do so whilst wearing noise-cancelling headphones and sorting the recycling. Plus food and drink ideas (the most centrist food is, obviously, half-and-half sweet-and-salty popcorn) and the thing no guide to Centrist Dads would be complete without: Adrian Chiles. Written by Jason Hazeley (who co-authored the bestselling phenomenon The Ladybird Books for Grown-Ups series and anything with the word Cunk in the title) and Nico Tatarowicz (The Armstrong & Miller Show, Murder In Successville, Spitting Image), this is The Official Sloane Ranger Handbook for the 21st century. A humour book must for that breed of men who miss Top Gear even though they identify as cyclists.
Objev podobné jako The Centrist Dad Handbook - Jason Hazeley, Nico Tatarowicz
Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman: Adventures of a curious character (009917331X)
Kniha - autor Richard Phillips Feynman, 350 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, "Adventures Of A Curious Character As Told To Ralph Leighton". Over a period of years, Feynman's conversations with his friend Ralph Leighton were first taped and then set down as they appear here, little changed from their spoken form, giving a wise, funny, passionate and totally honest self-portrait of one of the greatest men of our age.
Objev podobné jako Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman: Adventures of a curious character (009917331X)
The Colossal Book of Incredible Facts for Curious Minds - Chas Newkey-Burden, Nigel Henbest, Simon Brew, Sarah Tomley, Ken Okona-Mensah, Tom Parfitt,
A polish bear in World War II rose to the rank of colonel. Penguins can't taste fish. The ashes of the man who invented the pringles container are buried in one.Houseflies buzz in the key of F. 'hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia' is the fear of long words. These are just 0.1% of all the facts in this incredible tome! Written by seven authors and covering subjects as diverse as The Universe, Art and Literature, The Natural World and Movies, The Colossal Book of Incredible Facts for Curious Minds is the ultimate trivia book! Why not amaze family and friends with the reasons pandas do handstands, the sinister source of the term 'rule of thumb', or that the patent for the fire hydrant was destroyed...in a fire. Every entry is weird, wonderful, inspiring and quite brilliantly, true!
Objev podobné jako The Colossal Book of Incredible Facts for Curious Minds - Chas Newkey-Burden, Nigel Henbest, Simon Brew, Sarah Tomley, Ken Okona-Mensah, Tom Parfitt,
Hortus Curious: Discover the World's Most Weird and Wonderful Plants and Fungi
Celebrate the weird, wacky, and wonderful world of plants with a book that revels in the diversity of the botanical world.Plants are truly awe-inspiring. They can be vast, minute, smelly, or spectacularly ugly. Some plants live on their own, or by growing off others; some live by air and water; others are carnivorous, eating the creatures around them; some plants look remarkably like animals; while others have unusual symbolism; and some have special cultural significance. This book explores them all, bringing together the most peculiar and most fascinating plants on the planet - celebrating them in all their diverse splendour.Split into five chapters, covering everything from poisonous plants to painkilling ones, Michael Perry explains exactly what makes each plant special. With exquisitely detailed illustrations of all the different species, this is an informative, humorous, and beautiful gift for all those who love plants - whether they want to grow them or not. Hortus Curious delivers a different way to view the plant world and enjoy it for its bonkers and bizarre.The book is split into five chapters, covering:- Plants Behaving Badly - the criminal world of plants such as poisonous plants, insect catchingplants, and plants that do risky things- Mistaken Identity - plants that look like other things, e.g. flowers that look like monkeys, bees, oreven dead man's fingers- Greater Good - did you know that aspirin comes from a plant? This chapter explores the plantsthat make up our everyday products- Superheroes - find out about the plants that can disguise themselves, changing colour, shapeor even moving themselves- X-rated Plants - a selection of the rudest plants out there!A humorous and quirky gift book for people interested in plants and gardening, Hortus Curious is sure to delight.
Objev podobné jako Hortus Curious: Discover the World's Most Weird and Wonderful Plants and Fungi
Sada kartiček Another Me 100 Curious Facts, People who changed the world, English
Sada na poznámky z kolekce Another Me. Model vyroben z papíru a kovu.
Objev podobné jako Sada kartiček Another Me 100 Curious Facts, People who changed the world, English
Murdle Junior: Curious Crimes for Curious Minds - G. T. Karber
From the internationally-bestselling Murdle series comes a new book of immersive puzzle- and mystery-solving fun for young detectives!Join four junior sleuths on their daring detective journeys deciphering codes, navigating maps and solving mazes to catch the dastardly culprits of fiendish crimes - and earn your own Murdle Junior badge. Race to the top echelons of a prestigious school to unravel The Case of the Missing Pencil, explore the secret passageways beneath The Mysterious Investigation Institute and unravel the conundrum of The Deadly Silent Spy Organization that links them all. And more! With over forty mysteries featuring key suspects, locations, clues and more to enter into your trusty deduction grid, Murdle Junior: Curious Crimes for Curious Minds is an introduction to a nefarious world kids will love to dive into, using logic and the power of deduction to figure out each whodunnit.
Objev podobné jako Murdle Junior: Curious Crimes for Curious Minds - G. T. Karber
Baby Einstein Neptune the Turtle™ Curious Car autíčko s chrastítkem 3 m+ 1 ks
Baby Einstein Neptune the Turtle™ Curious Car, 1 ks, Drobné hračky pro děti, Hračky představují ideální způsob, jak zaujmout ty nejmenší. Hračka Baby Einstein Neptune the Turtle™ Curious Car vaše dítko navíc nejen zabaví, ale také pomůže v rozvoji jeho smyslového vnímání a dalších dovedností. Vlastnosti: kontrastní barvy vzbuzují zájem u miminka a rozvíjí zrak upoutá pozornost miminka umožňuje pohodlné držení v malých dětských ručičkách senzorické barvy stimulují rozvoj smyslů dítěte rozvíjí schopnost miminka soustředit pozornost stimuluje rozvoj zraku a hmatu lehká a praktická, ideální na cesty
Objev podobné jako Baby Einstein Neptune the Turtle™ Curious Car autíčko s chrastítkem 3 m+ 1 ks
Baby Einstein Zen the Zebra™ Curious Car autíčko s chrastítkem 3 m+ 1 ks
Baby Einstein Zen the Zebra™ Curious Car, 1 ks, Drobné hračky pro děti, Hračky představují ideální způsob, jak zaujmout ty nejmenší. Hračka Baby Einstein Zen the Zebra™ Curious Car vaše dítko navíc nejen zabaví, ale také pomůže v rozvoji jeho smyslového vnímání a dalších dovedností. Vlastnosti: kontrastní barvy vzbuzují zájem u miminka a rozvíjí zrak umožňuje pohodlné držení v malých dětských ručičkách senzorické barvy stimulují rozvoj smyslů dítěte rozvíjí schopnost miminka soustředit pozornost stimuluje rozvoj zraku a hmatu lehká a praktická, ideální na cesty
Objev podobné jako Baby Einstein Zen the Zebra™ Curious Car autíčko s chrastítkem 3 m+ 1 ks
Citizen Dot Matrix Printer Mechanisms MD911SS, 5V, 40 columns, without knob
dot-matrix printing, media width (max.): 58 mm
Objev podobné jako Citizen Dot Matrix Printer Mechanisms MD911SS, 5V, 40 columns, without knob
Citizen Dot Matrix Printer Mechanisms MD910SS, 5V, 24 columns, without knob
dot-matrix printing, media width (max.): 58 mm
Objev podobné jako Citizen Dot Matrix Printer Mechanisms MD910SS, 5V, 24 columns, without knob
Berserker! - Adrian Edmondson
The instant Sunday Times bestseller and Financial Times Best Audio of 2023From brutal schooldays to 80s anarchy, through The Young Ones, Bottom and beyond, Berserker! is the one-of-a-kind, hilarious memoir from an icon of British comedy, Adrian Edmondson.Ade Edmondson revolutionized the comedy circuit in the 1980s and, alongside Rik Mayall, brought anarchy to stage and screen. How did a child brought up in a strict Methodist household – and who spent his formative years incarcerated in repressive boarding schools – end up joining the revolution?With wisdom, nostalgia and uniquely observed humour, Ade traces his journey through life and comedy: starting out on the alternative scene, getting arrested in Soho, creating outrageously violent characters and learning more about his curious (possibly Scandinavian) heritage. With star-studded anecdotes and set to a soundtrack of pop hits which transport the reader through time, it’s a memoir like no other.Nominated for Radio Times Moment of the Year for sharing his memories of Rik Mayall on Desert Island Discs.'The Berserker from The Young Ones and Bottom tells his story with self-effacing charm and no end of backstage anecdotes' - Ian Rankin'Amazing' - Richard Osman'Gloriously candid and wise all at once' - Sara Pascoe'It is incredibly funny, but it is also a lot, lot more than that' - Miles Jupp‘More fun than reading Hegel, and also more enlightening’ - Louis de Bernières
Objev podobné jako Berserker! - Adrian Edmondson
Berserker! - Adrian Edmondson
The instant Sunday Times bestseller and Financial Times Best Audio of 2023From brutal schooldays to 80s anarchy, through The Young Ones, Bottom and beyond, Berserker! is the one-of-a-kind, fascinating memoir from an icon of British comedy, Adrian Edmondson.Ade Edmondson revolutionized the comedy circuit in the 1980s and, alongside Rik Mayall, brought anarchy to stage and screen. How did a child brought up in a strict Methodist household – and who spent his formative years incarcerated in repressive boarding schools – end up joining the revolution?With wisdom, nostalgia and uniquely observed humour, Ade traces his journey through life and comedy: starting out on the alternative scene, getting arrested in Soho, creating outrageously violent characters and learning more about his curious (possibly Scandinavian) heritage. With star-studded anecdotes and set to a soundtrack of pop hits which transport the reader through time, it’s a memoir like no other.Nominated for Radio Times Moment of the Year for sharing his memories of Rik Mayall on Desert Island Discs.'The Berserker from The Young Ones and Bottom tells his story with self-effacing charm and no end of backstage anecdotes' - Ian Rankin'Amazing' - Richard Osman'Gloriously candid and wise all at once' - Sara Pascoe'It is incredibly funny, but it is also a lot, lot more than that' - Miles Jupp‘More fun than reading Hegel, and also more enlightening’ - Louis de Bernières
Objev podobné jako Berserker! - Adrian Edmondson
Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo
Women of the White House looks at the work, lives and times of the 47 women officially recognized as America's first lady.Through portraits, photographs, accounts and profiles, the book examines their contributions to the presidencies they supported and to the 230-year history of the role. The women who have held the position have evolved it from White House hostess to campaigner for social causes and a game-changing leadership position. A role model for the world, a powerful political player, a traditional yet modern woman - the position of first lady of the United States is many-faceted, complex and beyond high profile.Amy Russo explores how the social platforms these women established - from Mary Todd Lincoln's work for slaves and soldiers after the Civil War to Michelle Obama's fight for girls' education - have not only made the role iconic but also shaped America.
Objev podobné jako Women of the White House: The Illustrated Story of the First Ladies of the United States of America - Amy Russo
MAC Cosmetics Holiday Stay Curious Party Crew dárková sada pro dokonalý vzhled Forever Curious
MAC Cosmetics Holiday Stay Curious Party Crew, 1 , Kosmetické sady pro ženy, Udělejte radost sobě nebo svým blízkým perfektním kosmetickým setem MAC Cosmetics Holiday. Balíček plný make-up kousků jako dárek vždycky potěší. Sada obsahuje: MAC Cosmetics MACximal Silky Matte Lipstick matná rtěnka 3 g Lustreglass Lipstick 3g (A Little Curious) lesklá rtěnka 3 g PK Velvet Blur Slim Stick 2g (Stay Curious) hydratační rtěnka 2 g Tinted Lipglass 3.1ml (Out of Curiosity) lesk na rty 3,1 ml Mini Lip Pencil (More Curious) 1,5g tužka na rty 1,5 g Vlastnosti: skvěle se hodí jako dárek potěší všechny ženy krásně zabaleno limitovaná edice Složení: luxusní taštička navíc Jak používat: Každý produkt z kosmetického setu používejte dle jeho návodu.
Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Holiday Stay Curious Party Crew dárková sada pro dokonalý vzhled Forever Curious
Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
Kniha z kolekce The School of Life Press. Sbírka nejlepších a nejpronikavějších citátů ze série Škola života o vztazích, smutku, úzkosti, práci, přátelích, rodině, cestování a smyslu života.
Objev podobné jako Knížka The School of Life Press The School of Life, The School of Life
The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)
Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him?
Objev podobné jako The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)
The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)
Kniha - autor John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, 556 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná J.R.R. Tolkien's great work of imaginative fiction has been labeled both a heroic romance and a classic fantasy fiction. By turns comic and homely, epic and diabolic, the narrative moves through countless changes of scene and character in an imaginary world which is totally convincing in its detail.
Objev podobné jako The Lord of the Rings 3. The Return of the King (0261102370)
Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
Plakát Pán prstenů - Návrat krále se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu
Objev podobné jako Plakát 61x91,5cm-The Lord of the Rings - The Return of the King
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