Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The Christmas Fix - Lucy Score

She'll save Christmas just to spite him... There's only one thing standing in the way of Cat King saving a small town's Christmas festival: Grumpy town manager Noah Yates. Single dad Noah takes his responsibilities seriously.When a late season hurricane turns Merry, Connecticut, into a disaster, he's left scrambling to pick up the pieces of the town he loves. At least, until home renovation expert and smoking hot reality TV star Catalina King arrives with a camera crew and a budget big enough to put the town back together again. But Noah doesn't want a celebrity diva capitalizing on their tragedy or filling his daughter's head with visions of glitz and glam.Blonde bombshell Cat is used to being underestimated, but Noah has an uncanny knack for getting under her skin. They can't be in a room together without rubbing each other the wrong way...except that time in the dark alley where the rubbing was just right. Can these enemies work together to pull off a Christmas miracle or will their fighting leave them both on the naughty list?A note from Lucy Score: These enemies-to-lovers deliver the holiday feels with a dirty-talking hero, ballsy blonde who never backs down, steamy hot break-the-dining-room-table sexy times, and a small town that still believes in the magic of Christmas.

Podívejte se také Lucy - DVD (U00543)

cena 295.0 Kč

Things We Hide From The Light - Lucy Score

Police Chief Nash Morgan is known for two things: being a good guy and the way his uniform accentuates his rear end.But two bullets put a dent in his Southern charm and now he's facing a criminal still on the loose and a town full of citizens that consider the law more of a 'guideline'. The last thing he needs is the leggy, smart-mouthed Lina Solavita moving in next door, making him feel things he doesn't have the energy to feel.Lina is on a mission. As soon as she gets what she's after, she has no intention of sticking around. The town of Knockemout has other ideas. Soon she finds herself sucked into small-town life. Dog-sitting. Saying yes to a bridesmaid's dress. Listening to the sexy chief of police in the shower.But when Nash discovers Lina's secret these friends become furious enemies - though the sparks flying between them don't know the difference between love and hate.

Podívejte se také Lucy - Blu-ray (U00309)

cena 268.0 Kč

Vianočné kúzlo - Lucy Score

Zachráni Vianoce len preto, aby ho nahnevala... Cat Kingovej stojí v ceste za záchranou vianočného festivalu v meste Merry v Connecticute len jedna vec: nevrlyě starosta mesta Noah Yates. Slobodnyě otec Noah berie svoje povinnosti vážne. Keď hurikán na konci sezóny spôsobí v jeho meste katastrofu, musí sa popasovať s tyěm, aby pozbieral jednotlivé kúsky a dal mesto, ktoré miluje, späť dokopy. Teda až do chvíle, keď do mesta príde odborníčka na renováciu domov a hviezda televíznej reality šou Catalina Kingová s kamerovyěm štábom a dostatočne veľkyěm rozpočtom, aby postavila mesto znovu na nohy. Noah však nechce, aby známa celebrita ťažila z ich tragédie alebo aby jeho malej dcére plnila hlavu predstavami o sláve. Blonďavá sexbomba Cat je zvyknutá na to, že ju podceňujú, no Noah má neuveriteľnyě talent dostať sa jej pod kožu. Nedokážu byť spolu v miestnosti bez toho, aby jeden druhého nenaštval alebo sa ho nedotkol... až na ten prípad v tmavej uličke, kde išlo o úplne inyě druh dotykov. Dokážu títo nepriatelia spolupracovať, aby sa im podaril vianočnyě zázrak, alebo svojou nevraživosťou ohrozia celyě úspech projektu?

Podívejte se také Top Light Lucy B - LED stolní lampa LUCY LED/5W/230V (66845)

cena 486.0 Kč

Na vlásku - Lucy Score

Dominic Russo. Na pohled odtažitý, zádumčivý, nepřístupný muž, ctižádostivý šéf, kolem kterého podřízení chodí po špičkách. Ally Moralesová. Nezávislá, otevřená, optimistická a kurážná žena, která se umí postavit za sebe i za druhé a nenechá se odradit neúspěchem. Co se stane, když se tyto dva živly střetnou, navíc na jednom pracovišti, v redakci exkluzivního módního magazínu? Zdá se, že to nemůže dopadnout jinak, než že se začnou vzájemně nenávidět až za hrob. Anebo přesně naopak…

Objev podobné jako Na vlásku - Lucy Score

cena 411.0 Kč

Maggie Moves On - Lucy Score

Can these opposites turn up the heat . . . without burning down the house?House-flipping sensation and YouTube star Maggie Nichols can't wait to dig into her next challenge. Arriving in a tiny American town with only a coffeemaker, Maggie is prepared to restore a crumbling Victorian mansion in four months or less. She has her to-do lists, her blueprints and her team. What she doesn't have is time for sexy, laid-back landscaper Silas Wright.The man takes flirtation to a whole new level. And he does it shirtless . . . He and his dog are impressively persistent. But she's not interested in putting down roots. Not when fans tune in to watch her travel the country turning dilapidated houses into dream homes. A short-term fling on the other hand could fit nicely into her calendar. After all, Maggie remembers what fun is like. Vaguely.As their summer gets downright steamy, Silas manages to demolish the emotional walls she's spent years building, sending Maggie into a panic. He's the wrench in her carefully constructed plans. With the end of the project looming, she has a decision to make. But how can she stay when her entire career is built on moving on?

Objev podobné jako Maggie Moves On - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Pretend You're Mine - Lucy Score

Luke Garrison is a hometown hero, a member of the National Guard ready to deploy again. The last thing he's looking for is a woman to ruin his solitude. When the wildly beautiful Harper stumbles into his life, though, he realises she's the perfect decoy: a fake girlfriend to keep his family off his back until he's deployed.Harper was on her way to starting a new life . . . again. But something about Luke makes her want to settle down in this small town and make his house a home. Luke never thought he'd feel this way about a woman again. But he knows that he can't tell her the truth about his dark past. And she can't reveal what she's running from.At least this isn't a real relationship. It's only for a month. It's only pretend. Until it isn't . . .

Objev podobné jako Pretend You're Mine - Lucy Score

cena 299.0 Kč

Protecting What's Mine - Lucy Score

From Sunday Times and #1 New York Times bestselling author of Things We Never Got Over Fire Chief Lincoln Reed is known for his heroics in the fire department and in the bedroom. Life is a never-ending good time. Until flight trauma surgeon Mackenzie O'Neil lands right in the middle of an accident scene he's working, as well as in his back yard. Too bad she's immune to flirty first responders . . . After experiencing severe burnout, Mackenzie's temporary job as a small-town family physician is just what the doctor ordered. She'll learn to meditate. Sleep more. Take up gardening. But Linc and his tattoos are very persuasive. It's all naked fun and games until the shadows from Mack's past find their way into her present. Can Linc be her hero when she needs him the most? One thing is certain: Someone is going to get burned.

Objev podobné jako Protecting What's Mine - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

By a Thread - Lucy Score

Dominic: I got her fired. Okay, so I'd had a bad day, but there's nothing innocent about Ally Morales. Maybe her colourful, annoying, inexplicably alluring personality brightens up the magazine's offices that have felt like a prison for the past year. Maybe I like that she argues with me in front of the editorial staff. And maybe my after-hours fantasies are haunted by her brown eyes and sharp tongue.She's working herself to death at half a dozen dead-end jobs for some secret reason. And I'm going to fix it all. Don't accuse me of caring. She's nothing more than a puzzle to be solved. If I can get her to quit, I can finally peel away all those layers. Then I can go back to salvaging the family name and forget all about the dancing, beer-slinging brunette.Ally:Ha. Hold my beer, Grumpy Grump Face.

Objev podobné jako By a Thread - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Mr Fixer Upper - Lucy Score

'He started to work the laces of his boots loose. Toeing them off, he tugged his t-shirt over his head. "Oh my God.What are you doing?" Paige's voice barely rose above the spray from the showerhead. "I'm washing your damn hair."'It's a constant battle on set between sexy home renovation reality star grumpy Gannon and his no-nonsense field producer. Paige has zero time for temperamental talent, especially one who acts like being in front of the camera is the last thing he wants.Mr. Sex in a Toolbelt has made it his mission in life to get a rise out of her, but Paige is a master at locking down her temper. They're on the road together working long hours fixing houses and changing lives.When cracks in her legendary coolness start to show and sparks fly, Gannon is infatuated and the cameras are there to capture it. But he's fallen for pretty packages before and Paige won't be taken seriously if she's caught sleeping with the star of her show. She also can't seem to resist those big, rough hands.Those smoldery hazel eyes. The dimples. The toolbelt.That fiercely protective vibe. Too bad it's all about to fall apart. She never should have trusted him.He never should have let her go. Author's Note: A protective grumpy hero, a not easily impressed heroine, the worst human being on TV ever, a grand gesture so big you'll need a box of tissues, and THAT SHOWER SCENE.

Objev podobné jako Mr Fixer Upper - Lucy Score

cena 294.0 Kč

Finally Mine: the unmissable small town love story from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

Gloria is due a happily ever after. She's lost ten years to a toxic, dangerous relationship. Now that she's finally free - and medicating with makeovers and margaritas in her mother's kitchen - she has a long road ahead of her remembering who she really is.And just when she has sworn off men for at least a decade more, along comes larger-than-life, hometown hero Aldo Moretta. He's saying all the right things and flirting in all the right ways, but he is leaving for six months.One dazzling kiss, and he's gone. Or so Gloria thought . . .

Objev podobné jako Finally Mine: the unmissable small town love story from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score

Atraktivní vousáč Knox nejraději žije tak, jak popíjí kávu: sám. Nesnáší drama, a to ani tehdy, když má podobu zoufalé nevěsty na útěku. Naomi však neprchá jen před svou svatbou, do Knockemoutu se vydala taky proto, aby pomohla svému odcizenému dvojčeti – Tině. V tomhle na první pohled drsném městečku se spory řeší postaru… pěstmi a pivem. A většinou právě v tomto pořadí. Škoda že se Naomino dvojče vůbec nezměnilo. Tina nejen že ukradne sestře auto a peníze, ale zanechá po sobě i nečekaný dáreček – neteř, o které neměla mladá žena ani potuchy. Naomi se tak zničehonic ocitne v cizím městě bez jakýchkoli prostředků a s jedenáctiletým dítětem, o které se musí postarat…

Objev podobné jako Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score

cena 389.0 Kč

Veci, ktoré sme vzdali - Lucy Score

Na svete existovala len jedna žena, ktorá ma dokázala oslobodiť. No ja by som sa bol radšej vrhol do pekelných plameňov, než aby som Sloane Waltonovú o niečo požiadal. Lucian Rollins je dobre stavaný, nepríjemný podnikateľský magnát, ktorý túži po pomste. Odhodlaný vymazať svojho násilníckeho otca z rodinnej histórie, trávi každú minútu poťahovaním nitiek v zákulisí svojich kšeftov a budovaním impéria. Čím viac peňazí a moci má, tým bezpečnejšie sa cíti. No len dovtedy, kým sa nezjaví jedna hašterivá knihovníčka z malého mesta. Hoci ich spája temné tajomstvo z minulosti a vzájomné opovrhovanie, Sloane Waltonová Lucianovi ani zamak nedôveruje. Až kým sa jedna z ich škriepok nezmení na predohru a nerozdúcha tak plamene túžby, ktoré nedokážu uhasiť. No keďže Sloane je rozhodnutá založiť si rodinu a Lucian o niečom takom nechce ani počuť, títo dvaja nepriatelia, z ktorých sa stali milenci, narazili na slepú uličku. A keď Lucian nepríjemným spôsobom zistí, že opustiť Sloane je nemožné, zaprisahá sa, že urobí všetko preto, aby ju ochránil. Nech to stojí čokoľvek...

Objev podobné jako Veci, ktoré sme vzdali - Lucy Score

cena 609.0 Kč

Co skrýváme před světem - Lucy Score

O policejním veliteli Nashi Morganovi se mezi místními tradují dvě věci: je to správňák a jeho zadek v uniformě představuje něco jako knockemoutský poklad. Když však právě jeho při přestřelce zasáhly dvě kulky, kromě jeho těla zranily i jeho nitro. Jižanské kouzlo, kterým vždycky oplýval, zastínily panické ataky a noční můry. Byť se vůbec necítí ve své kůži, nehodlá se nikomu se se svými problémy svěřovat. Nashova nová sexy sousedka Lina Solavitová ale není slepá a všimla si, že ho něco trápí. A ačkoli zpravidla nemá ráda, když se jí někdo dotýká, zrovna u něj jí to kupodivu zas až tak nevadí. Jenže i Lina má svá tajemství, a pokud Nash zjistí pravdu o tom, proč se ve městě objevila, rozhodně jí to neodpustí…

Objev podobné jako Co skrýváme před světem - Lucy Score

cena 447.0 Kč

Na vlásku - Lucy Score - e-kniha

eBook: Dominic Russo. Na pohled odtažitý, zádumčivý, nepřístupný muž, ctižádostivý šéf, kolem kterého podřízení chodí po špičkách. Ally Moralesová. Nezávislá, otevřená, optimistická a kurážná žena, která se umí postavit za sebe i za druhé a nenechá se odradit neúspěchem.Co se stane, když se tyto dva živly střetnou, navíc na jednom pracovišti, v redakci exkluzivního módního magazínu? Zdá se, že to nemůže dopadnout jinak, než že se začnou vzájemně nenávidět až za hrob. Anebo přesně naopak…

Objev podobné jako Na vlásku - Lucy Score - e-kniha

cena 329.0 Kč

Things We Left Behind - Lucy Score

There was only one woman who could set me free. But I would rather set myself on fire than ask Sloane Walton for anything.Lucian Rollins is a lean, mean vengeance-seeking mogul. On a quest to erase his father's mark on the family name, he spends every waking minute pulling strings and building an indestructible empire. The more money and power he amasses, the safer he is from threats.Except when it comes to the feisty small-town librarian that keeps him up at night . . .Sloane Walton is a spitfire determined to carry on her father's quest for justice. She'll do that just as soon as she figures out exactly what the man she hates did to - or for - her family. Bonded by an old, dark secret from the past and the dislike they now share for each other, Sloane trusts Lucian about as far as she can throw his designer-suited body.When bickering accidentally turns to foreplay, these two find themselves not quite regretting their steamy one-night stand. Once those flames are fanned, it seems impossible to put them out again. But with Sloane ready to start a family and Lucian refusing to even consider the idea of marriage and kids, these enemies-to-lovers are stuck at an impasse.Broken men break women. It's what Lucian believes, what he's witnessed, and he's not going to take that chance with Sloane. He'd rather live a life of solitude than put her in danger. But he learns the hard way that leaving her means leaving her unprotected from other threats.It's the second time he's ruthlessly cut her out of his life. There's no way she's going to give him a third chance. He's just going to have to make one for himself.

Objev podobné jako Things We Left Behind - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

Naomi wasn’t just running away from her wedding. She was riding to the rescue of her estranged twin to Knockemout, Virginia, a rough-around-the-edges town where disputes are settled the old-fashioned way…with fists and beer. Usually in that order.Too bad for Naomi her evil twin hasn’t changed at all. After helping herself to Naomi’s car and cash, Tina leaves her with something unexpected. The niece Naomi didn’t know she had. Now she’s stuck in town with no car, no job, no plan, and no home with an 11-year-old going on thirty to take care of.There’s a reason Knox doesn’t do complications or high-maintenance women, especially not the romantic ones. But since Naomi’s life imploded right in front of him, the least he can do is help her out of her jam. And just as soon as she stops getting into new trouble he can leave her alone and get back to his peaceful, solitary life.At least, that’s the plan until the trouble turns to real danger.

Objev podobné jako Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

cena 259.0 Kč

Veci, ktoré tajíme pred svetom - Lucy Score

Veselého a usmievavého Nasha Morgana vždy považovali za toho lepšieho z bratov Morganovcov. Teraz sa ale tento náčelník polície zotavuje zo strelných rán a jeho južanský šarm zatienili návaly úzkosti a nočné mory, vďaka ktorým sa cíti ako úbohá schránka muža, ktorým kedysi býval. Nash sa so svojím utrpením nechystá nikomu zdôveriť. Jeho novej susede, inteligentnej a príťažlivej Line, však mračná nad jeho hlavou neunikli. Zvyčajne nemá rada, keď sa jej ľudia bez dovolenia dotýkajú, no pri Nashovi to z nejakého dôvodu neplatí. A všimol si to aj on. Ich vzájomná fyzická príťažlivosť je spaľujúca, jeho uzemňuje a ju núti premýšľať, či sa pre ten pocit oplatí riskovať. Škoda, že aj Lina má svoje tajomstvá a ak Nash zistí, prečo v skutočnosti prišla do mesta, určite jej to neodpustí. Okrem toho sa nikdy nevrhá do dlhodobých vzťahov. Nikdy. Vášnivý románik s miestnym policajtom? Jednoznačne. Kedykoľvek. Vzťah s mužom, ktorý od nej očakáva, že zapustí korene? Tak to ani náhodou. Hneď ako získa to, po čo sem prišla, neostane tu ani o minútu dlhšie. No Knockemout vie, ako sa človeku dostať pod kožu. A keď sa Nash rozhodne, že Lina bude jeho, nič ho nepresvedčí o opaku... dokonca ani nebezpečenstvo, ktoré ho predtým takmer zabilo.

Objev podobné jako Veci, ktoré tajíme pred svetom - Lucy Score

cena 688.0 Kč

Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Atraktivní vousáč Knox nejraději žije tak, jak popíjí kávu: sám. Nesnáší drama, a to ani tehdy, když má podobu zoufalé nevěsty na útěku. Naomi však neprchá jen před svou svatbou, do Knockemoutu se vydala taky proto, aby pomohla svému odcizenému dvojčeti – Tině. V tomhle na první pohled drsném městečku se spory řeší postaru… pěstmi a pivem. A většinou právě v tomto pořadí. Škoda že se Naomino dvojče vůbec nezměnilo. Tina nejen že ukradne sestře auto a peníze, ale zanechá po sobě i nečekaný dáreček – neteř, o které neměla mladá žena ani potuchy. Naomi se tak zničehonic ocitne v cizím městě bez jakýchkoli prostředků a s jedenáctiletým dítětem, o které se musí postarat… Na tuto novinku jsme už netrpělivě čekali: Senzace sociálních sítí, hravý i dojemný (a místy také pěkně peprný) romcom Lucy Score Co už nikdy nepřebolí, konečně vychází i v češtině! Pokud jste zamilovali Lásku po španělsku nebo Hypotézu lásky, je pro vás tento příběh s až návykově sympatickými hrdiny přesně to pravé. Lucy Score: Co už nikdy nepřebolí| Překlad: Stanislav Pavlíček | Čte Jana Stryková, Vasil Fridrich| Režie Vlado Rusko | Zvuk a střih Kate Hamsíková¬| Hudba Darek Král| Mastering Štěpán Škoch | Natočeno ve studiu All Senses Production s. r.¬o.¬| Grafiku CD podle knižní obálky upravila Jana Rybová | Produkce Kateřina Višinská | Vydala Euromedia Group, a.¬s.¬– Témbr, v¬ březnu 2024. Lucy Score CO UŽ NIKDY NEPŘEBOLÍ THINGS WE NEVER GOT OVER Copyright © 2022. Things We Never Got Over by Lucy Score. Published by arrangement with Bookcase Literary Agency. All rights reserved. Překlad © Stanislav Pavlíček, 2023 Vydala Euromedia Group, a. s. – Ikar, 2023.

Objev podobné jako Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score - audiokniha

cena 399.0 Kč

The Worst Best Man: a hilarious and spicy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never got Over - Lucy Score

The bride is a doll. The groom is the perfect gentleman. But the rest of the wedding party are the stuff of nightmares.Rich? YesVapid? YesEntitled? YesAnd the Best Man? More like the Worst Man. But Maid of Honor Franchesca takes her duties seriously. There's no way she's going to let that pretentious, judgmental jackhole ruin her best friend's wedding. No matter how sexy he is . . .

Objev podobné jako The Worst Best Man: a hilarious and spicy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never got Over - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Co skrýváme před světem - Lucy Score - e-kniha

eBook: O policejním veliteli Nashi Morganovi se mezi místními tradují dvě věci: je to správňák a jeho zadek v uniformě představuje něco jako knockemoutský poklad. Když však právě jeho při přestřelce zasáhly dvě kulky, kromě jeho těla zranily i jeho nitro. Jižanské kouzlo, kterým vždycky oplýval, zastínily panické ataky a noční můry. Byť se vůbec necítí ve své kůži, nehodlá se nikomu se se svými problémy svěřovat. Nashova nová sexy sousedka Lina Solavitová ale není slepá a všimla si, že ho něco trápí. A ačkoli zpravidla nemá ráda, když se jí někdo dotýká, zrovna u něj jí to kupodivu zas až tak nevadí. Jenže i Lina má svá tajemství, a pokud Nash zjistí pravdu o tom, proč se ve městě objevila, rozhodně jí to neodpustí…

Objev podobné jako Co skrýváme před světem - Lucy Score - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score - e-kniha

eBook: Atraktivní vousáč Knox nejraději žije tak, jak popíjí kávu: sám. Nesnáší drama, a to ani tehdy, když má podobu zoufalé nevěsty na útěku. Naomi však neprchá jen před svou svatbou, do Knockemoutu se vydala taky proto, aby pomohla svému odcizenému dvojčeti – Tině. V tomhle na první pohled drsném městečku se spory řeší postaru… pěstmi a pivem. A většinou právě v tomto pořadí. Škoda že se Naomino dvojče vůbec nezměnilo. Tina nejen že ukradne sestře auto a peníze, ale zanechá po sobě i nečekaný dáreček – neteř, o které neměla mladá žena ani potuchy. Naomi se tak zničehonic ocitne v cizím městě bez jakýchkoli prostředků a s jedenáctiletým dítětem, o které se musí postarat…

Objev podobné jako Co už nikdy nepřebolí - Lucy Score - e-kniha

cena 399.0 Kč

Veci, ktoré v nás ostanú navždy - Lucy Score

Bradatý zlý chlapec Knox Knox neznáša drámu a nepoľaví, ani keďsa k nemu dostaví v podobe zúfalej nevesty, ktorá ušla spred oltára.Naomi práve utiekla z vlastnej svadby, no zároveň sa ponáhľala napomoc svojej odcudzenej dvojičke. V Knockemoute vo Virgínii, na prvýpohľad drsnom mestečku, sa spory riešia po starom... päsťami a pivom.Zvyčajne v tomto poradí.Škoda, že Naomino dvojča sa vôbec nezmenilo. Po tom, čo jej Tinaukradne auto a peniaze, nechá jej nečakaný darček: neter, o ktorej Naomiani len netušila. Naomi sa tak ocitne v neznámom meste bez auta, práce,plánu a domova, s jedenásťročným dieťaťom, o ktoré sa musí postarať.Knox má svoje dôvody, prečo si zvyčajne nezačína s komplikovanými anáročnými ženami, zvlášť ak sú to romantičky. Naomin život mu všakvybuchol priamo pred očami, a tak sa rozhodne pomôcť jej postaviť sa nanohy, a keď sa tak stane, má v úmysle vrátiť sa k svojmu pokojnémuosamelému životu.Teda taký bol pôvodný plán, až kým sa problémy nezmenili na niečoskutočne nebezpečné.

Objev podobné jako Veci, ktoré v nás ostanú navždy - Lucy Score

cena 688.0 Kč

Forever Never: an unmissable and steamy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

You don't fall for your brother's high school sweetheart, your boss's daughter, or your ex-wife's best friend. Especially when they're all the same woman.Under Brick Callan's mile-wide chest beats a loyal heart with a few cracks in it. He's the steadfast, overprotective type. Especially when it comes to the one woman he can never have. When Remi Ford returns to Mackinac Island in the dead of winter with a secret, Brick makes it his mission to find out what put the shadows in those green eyes. Even if it means breaking down the walls he's built between them. Even if it means falling for the one girl he'll never get over.

Objev podobné jako Forever Never: an unmissable and steamy romantic comedy from the author of Things We Never Got Over - Lucy Score

cena 268.0 Kč

Veci ktoré v nás ostanú navždy - Lucy Score - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Bradatý zlý chlapec Knox si rád užíva život presne tak ako svojuj kávu: osamote. Teda ak nerátate jeho baseta Waylona. Knox neznáša drámu a nepoľaví, ani keď sa k nemu dostaví v podobe zúfalej nevesty, ktorá ušla spred oltára. Naomi práve utiekla z vlastnej svadby, no zároveň sa ponáhľala na pomoc svojej odcudzenej dvojičke. V Knockemoute vo Virgínii, na prvý pohľad drsnom mestečku, sa spory riešia po starom... päsťami a pivom. Zvyčajne v tomto poradí. Škoda, že Naomino dvojča sa vôbec nezmenilo. Po tom, čo jej Tina ukradne auto a peniaze, nechá jej nečakaný darček: neter, o ktorej Naomi ani len netušila. Naomi sa tak ocitne v neznámom meste bez auta, práce, plánu a domova, s jedenásťročným dieťaťom, o ktoré sa musí postarať. Knox má svoje dôvody, prečo si zvyčajne nezačína s komplikovanými a náročnými ženami, zvlášť ak sú to romantičky. Naomin život mu však vybuchol priamo pred očami, a tak sa rozhodne pomôcť jej postaviť sa na nohy, a keď sa tak stane, má v úmysle vrátiť sa k svojmu pokojnému osamelému životu. Teda taký bol pôvodný plán, až kým sa problémy nezmenili na niečo skutočne nebezpečné. "Ty si tá čo musí žiť svoj život. Neospravedlňuj sa druhým ľuďom za rozhodnutia, ktoré robíš" "Je rozdiel starať sa o niekoho pretože ho miluješ a starať a o niekoho pretože chceš aby ťa miloval"

Objev podobné jako Veci ktoré v nás ostanú navždy - Lucy Score - audiokniha

cena 436.0 Kč

The Score - Elle Kennedy

Allie Hayes is in crisis mode. With graduation looming, she still doesn't have the first clue about what she's going to do after college. To make matters worse, she's nursing a broken heart thanks to the end of her longtime relationship.Wild rebound sex is definitely not the solution to her problems, but gorgeous hockey star Dean Di Laurentis is impossible to resist. Just once, though, because even if her future is uncertain, it sure as heck won't include the king of one-night stands. It'll take more than flashy moves to win her over . . . Dean always gets what he wants.Girls, grades, girls, recognition, girls . . . he's a ladies man, all right, and he's yet to meet a woman who's immune to his charms. Until Allie. For one night, the feisty blonde rocked his entire world - and now she wants to be friends? Nope.It's not over until he says it's over. Dean is in full-on pursuit, but when life-rocking changes strike, he starts to wonder if maybe it's time to stop focusing on scoring . . . and shoot for love.

Objev podobné jako The Score - Elle Kennedy

cena 294.0 Kč

The Final Score - Carys Jones

It''s never too late for revenge... Connie Winchester was once a celebrated music prodigy... but those days are long behind her. So when Daniel Layton shows up on her doorstep to interview her about her career, Connie Winchester is flattered to be remembered.But as he moves through her story, it all comes back. Robin. Her friends. The drugs. What happened that final night. The lies she told.Connie has been running from her past for years. But now there''s nowhere left to run...

Objev podobné jako The Final Score - Carys Jones

cena 325.0 Kč

The Fugees - Score (Reissue) (2 LP)

Typ: Album;Nové vydání;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Rok vydání: 2012.0 Varianta: Score (Reissue) (2 LP) Žánr: Hip Hop;Rap Subžánr: Hip Hop Interpret / Téma: The Fugees Vydavatelství: Sony Music Datum vydání: 2012-10-02 Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako The Fugees - Score (Reissue) (2 LP)

cena 956.0 Kč

The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk

The effects of trauma can be devastating for sufferers, their families and future generations. Here one of the world's experts on traumatic stress offers a bold new paradigm for treatment, moving away from standard talking and drug therapies and towards an alternative approach that heals mind, brain and body.

Objev podobné jako The Body Keeps the Score - Bessel van der Kolk

cena 357.0 Kč

A Christmas Carol: York Notes for GCSE - everything you need to study and prepare for the 2025 and 2026 exams - Charles Dickens, Lucy English

The complete and comprehensive way to support your studies and assessments in 2021 and exams in 2022. Get straight to the heart of the text with crystal-clear notes, focused analysis and expert summaries. Quickly demystify historical contexts and get to grips with the text''s form, language and structure. Efficiently unpick plots, contexts and themes and sharpen your memory of key facts, quotations and characters. Power up your essay-writing skills, learn how to write top-grade answers and feel fully ready and equipped to excel in any test or assessment. York Notes are the long-established experts in English Literature, and we take your success seriously. So whether you''re studying A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens for GCSE at home, online or in the classroom, York Notes is your best bet for the best grades. Packed with more powerful features than any other guide, this essential A Christmas Carol study companion is easy to use, brimming with essential info and will quickly become your go-to buddy as you navigate your GCSE course, build your confidence, stay motivated and get ready to impress in any test, assessment or exam. To make sure you feel really ready for the unique challenges of assessment and to get the grades you know you deserve, why not use this Study Guide with the York Notes Workbook and Practice Tests for A Christmas Carol? Just search for 9781292138077 for the Workbook and 9781292195407 for the Practice Tests. Looking for a speedier way to refresh and remember what really matters? Our unique Rapid Revision Cards are fast, fun and have all the answers. Just search now for 9781292273648 .

Objev podobné jako A Christmas Carol: York Notes for GCSE - everything you need to study and prepare for the 2025 and 2026 exams - Charles Dickens, Lucy English

cena 192.0 Kč

The Castaways - Lucy Clarkeová

*A major TV series starring Sheridan Smith with Paramount+*A SECRET BEACH.A HOLIDAY OF A LIFETIME.WISH YOU WERE HERE?THINK AGAIN…_______________________________________________‘Totally addictive, clever and atmospheric’ Erin Kelly‘Tense, unnerving and emotional’ C. L. TaylorYou wake on a beautiful, remote island.Sparkling blue seas, golden sunsets, barely a footprint in the sand.Yet this is no ordinary escape.Next to the wreck of a plane, a stranger paces. Another sharpens a knife, scoring a list of the dead onto a palm tree. Others watch from the shadows of a campfire – all with untold stories, and closely-guarded secrets…This is no ordinary holiday.This is no ordinary island.This is no ordinary beach read.Gripping, twisty and full of sun-soaked atmosphere, THE CASTAWAYS will whisk you far away to the island – and never let you go.Readers love getting swept away with Lucy Clarke''s destination thrillers:‘Wow… Beautifully paced, tense and twisty’ B A Paris‘A twisty, wonderful heartfelt story about sibling love, this is the author’s best yet’ Prima‘A beautifully written, emotional and intelligent thriller. Full of atmosphere and tension as well as brilliantly drawn characters that I cared about. I loved it!’ Claire Douglas‘Wow wow wow! I’ve enjoyed The Castaways more than any book for years!’ Netgalley reviewer‘The Castaways is a genuine page-turner – a taut, utterly compelling tale that will make you wonder just how far you’d be willing to go to find out the truth’ T M Logan‘Fantastic thriller, full of twists and turns!’ Netgalley reviewer‘I found this the perfect piece of escapism’ Netgalley reviewer

Objev podobné jako The Castaways - Lucy Clarkeová

cena 295.0 Kč

The Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland

Britain, 60 AD. Hoping to save her lover and her land from the Romans, Herla makes a desperate pact with the Otherworld King. She becomes Lord of the Hunt and for centuries she rides, reaping wanderers souls.Until the night she meets a woman on a bloody battlefield a Saxon queen with ice-blue eyes. Queen thelburg of Wessex is a proven fighter, but after a battlefield defeat she finds her husbands court turning against her. Yet King Ine needs thel more than ever: the dead kings of Wessex are waking, and Ine must master his bloodlines ancient magic if they are to survive. When their paths cross, Herla knows its no coincidence. Something dark and dangerous is at work in the Wessex court.As she and thel grow closer, Herla must find her humanity and a way to break the curse before its too late. Striking, bold and beautifully written Angela Slatter, author of The Briar Book of the Dead.

Objev podobné jako The Song of the Huntress - Lucy Holland

cena 402.0 Kč

The Storm and the Minotaur - Lucy Strange

Lucy Strange interweaves the Industrial Revolution with gripping Greek mythology in this atmospheric tale, featuring artwork from acclaimed illustrator Pam Smy.Money is scarce in George’s family and so at the age of nine he has to join his father underground, hewing coal in the local mine. It’s far from the dreams George had of continuing his education, and it’s also a dangerous way to earn a living that has already claimed the life of his dad’s older brother.Not long after he starts work, a summer storm leads to flooding in the mine. Trapped down in the dark, George spots a shadowy figure that seems to be telling George to follow him.Can a ghost from the past lead him back to safety, or will George meet the same fate as his long-lost uncle?Particularly suitable for readers aged 9+ with a reading age of 8.

Objev podobné jako The Storm and the Minotaur - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

The Christmas Pig (9781444964912)

Kniha - autor J. K. Rowling, 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu matná One boy and his toy are about to change everything... Jack loves his childhood toy, Dur Pig. DP has always been there for him, through good and bad. Until one C hristmas Eve, something terrible happens - DP is lost. But Christmas Eve is a night for miracles and lost causes, a night when all things can come to life... even toys. And Jack's newest toy - the Christmas Pig (DP's annoying replacement) - has a daring plan: Together they'll embark on a magical journey to seek something lost, and to save the best friend Jack has ever known...

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Pig (9781444964912)

cena 459.0 Kč

The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley

In a remote hunting lodge, deep in the Scottish wilderness, old friends gather.The beautiful oneThe golden coupleThe volatile oneThe new parentsThe quiet oneThe city boyThe outsiderThe victim.Not an accident - a murder among friends.

Objev podobné jako The Hunting Party - Lucy Foley

cena 269.0 Kč

The Scapegoat - Hughes-Hallett Lucy

From the winner of the Baillie Gifford Prize, an extraordinary story of the meteoric rise and fall of George Villiers, the first Duke of Buckingham. ''Lord Buckingham rockets off the page of this gloriously epic, seductively detailed biography'' OLIVIA LAINGAs King James I’s favourite, Buckingham was also his confidant, gatekeeper, right-hand man and lover. When Charles I succeeded his father, he was similarly enthralled and made Buckingham his best friend and mentor. A dazzling figure on horseback and a skilful player of the political game, Buckingham rapidly transformed the influence his beauty gave him into immense wealth and power. He became one of the most flamboyant and enigmatic Englishmen at the heart of seventeenth-century royal and political life.With a novelist’s touch, Lucy Hughes-Hallett transports us into a courtly world of masques and dancing, exquisite clothes, the art of Rubens and Van Dyck, gender-fluidity, same-sex desire and appallingly rudimentary medicine. Witch hunts coexisted with Francis Bacon’s empiricism and public opinion was becoming a political force. Falling from grace spectacularly, Buckingham came to represent everything that was wrong with the country.From kidnappings and murder plots to men weeping in Parliament over civil liberties, The Scapegoat navigates love, war-fever and pacifism in a society on the brink of cataclysmic change. In this immersive and authoritative account, Hughes-Hallett summons an era that still resonates today.-''The Scapegoat brilliantly dramatises the complex and glittering Duke of Buckingham and the political and sexual intrigue of the court of James I. Hughes-Hallett combines the instincts and talents of a novelist with a historian''s vivid sense of period and social change’ COLM TÓIBÍN‘This is an absorbing, even thrilling journey through the dark and tangled networks of Stuart England. Perhaps you think we have sunk to new lows in the twenty-first century? Read this outstanding work of biography, and learn’ DIANE PURKISS''An enthralling reassessment of Buckingham''s extraordinary career'' ANNE SOMERSET‘A flamboyant character, an epic rise and tragic fall, brought to life with intelligence, tenderness and profound scholarship’ ADAM ZAMOYSKI

Objev podobné jako The Scapegoat - Hughes-Hallett Lucy

cena 886.0 Kč

The Sleeping Beauties - Lucy Ashe

An unputdownable tale of obsession, jealousy and heartache against the backdrop of WW2

Objev podobné jako The Sleeping Beauties - Lucy Ashe

cena 295.0 Kč

The Paris Apartment - Lucy Foley

*The brand new thriller from Lucy Foley – THE MIDNIGHT FEAST – is available to buy now**The No.1 New York Times and Sunday Times bestseller*Discover the electric thriller from the No.1, million-copy bestseller, Lucy FoleyThere was a murder here last night.Who holds the key to the mystery of apartment three?‘Dazzling’ The Times‘Up-all-night reading’ Erin Kelly‘Gloriously twisty’ Ruth Ware‘Combines edge-of-your-seat tension with out-and-out Parisian chic’ Adele Parks_________________________________________________________________In a beautiful old apartment block, deep in the backstreets of Paris, secrets are stirring behind every resident’s door.The lonely wifeThe party animalThe curtain-twitcherThe secret loverThe watchful caretakerThe unwanted guestOne resident is missing. Only the killer holds the key to the mystery…_________________________________________________________________What readers are saying about The Paris Apartment:‘One to devour entirely in one delicious sitting. Stupendous’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Twisty and mysterious and surprising’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Had me gripped right from the beginning’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Has “book of the year” written all over it’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A page-turner with an amazing setting’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A fabulously tense and mysterious read!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐The Paris Apartment was a New York Times No.1 bestseller for w/e 06/03/2022The Guest List was a Sunday Times No.1 bestseller for w/c 14/09/2022The Guest List was the Goodreads Choice Awards winner for Crime & Mystery 2020

Objev podobné jako The Paris Apartment - Lucy Foley

cena 259.0 Kč

The Guest List - Lucy Foley

On an island off the windswept Irish coast, guests gather for the wedding of the year - the marriage of Jules Keegan and Will Slater.Old friends.Past grudges.Happy families.Hidden jealousies.Thirteen guests.One body.The wedding cake has barely been cut when one of the guests is found dead. And as a storm unleashes its fury on the island, everyone is trapped.All have a secret. All have a motive.One guest won't leave this wedding alive . . .

Objev podobné jako The Guest List - Lucy Foley

cena 241.0 Kč

The River Spirit - Lucy Strange

Trapped within the oppresive warrens of the city’s chimneys, young sweeper Tom longs for fresh air and freedom in this atmospheric and ghostly tale from Lucy Strange.Young chimney sweep Tom has started seeing strange, supernatural things – fairies in the flowers by the river, a soot monster crouching in the darkness of a chimney, and then the mysterious river spirit Elle. Elle joins Tom and the other children apprenticed to cruel master sweep Mister Crow. Together, they shimmy up the town''s narrow, filthy chimneys. But Tom has an ominous feeling in his bones, and when he faces his most dangerous job of all, the reason for Elle''s magical appearance becomes clear . . .

Objev podobné jako The River Spirit - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas: The Perfect Christmas Gift - Julia Donaldsonová

Packed full of fun, What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas is a perfect gift for the festive season from the bestselling picture book partnership of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks. In a big old house, the ladybird is visiting her friend the spider for the festive season. But those two bad men, Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len, are up to no good again.They have a devious plan - to steal the children's Christmas presents from their stockings! It's a good thing that the clever little ladybird has overheard their awful plotting, and she has a cunning plan to make sure they don't get away with it. The fifth title in the Number One bestselling series from the award-winning team of Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks, which has been enjoyed by over four million children worldwide. Enjoy more perfect picture books from Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks including The Singing Mermaid, Sugarlump and the Unicorn and other exciting adventures from the What the Ladybird Heard series.

Objev podobné jako What the Ladybird Heard at Christmas: The Perfect Christmas Gift - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Christmas Wish - Lindsey Kelková

It's the second-chance romance of dreams... If only he could remember it. READERS LOVE LINDSEY KELK: 'Absolutely hilarious, engaging and fun' 'A festive romance with a twist .. . with plenty of funny moments and a whole load of emotion' 'The perfect antidote to these dark evenings, full of warmth, humour, deep insights and feel-good prose' 'If you read one Christmas book this year .. . let it be this one!' 'Everything you want for a Christmas read' 'Warm-hearted, funny and so enjoyable' Newly single lawyer Gwen Baker needs a family Christmas to bury her woes, with festive films, country walks and a mountain of chocolate.Her teenage crush Dev is back in their small village as well - and it turns out he's just as kind, funny and good-looking as she remembers. But then Gwen wakes up to discover it's Christmas all over again. She's trapped in a snowy Groundhog Day.But would repeat meet-cutes with Dev really be so bad for a heart that needs mending? 'Romantic, festive fun and as irresistible as a tub of Quality Street' Red 'With laugh-out-loud moments, it's another classic Kelk novel' Woman and Home Lindsey Kelk has hit the sweet spot with a festive romcom that's Groundhog Day meets The Family Stone' Stylist 'Fun and festive . . a witty, feelgood read' Popsugar 'Heartwarming and funny' Heat 'This brilliant, hilarious read is escapist fun' Fabulous 'With genuine laugh-out-loud moments, it's another Kelk novel that will put a big smile on your face' Woman's Weekly

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Wish - Lindsey Kelková

cena 250.0 Kč

The Christmas Guest - Peter Swanson

PRE-ORDER THE PERFECT STOCKING STUFFER ''Delicious . . . The twist will make you rethink everything.'' New York Times Book Review''Funny, clever and gripping ... with twists that will blow you away.'' Irish IndependentWhen Ashley Smith – a bright-eyed but lonely American studying in London – is invited to spend Christmas with her classmate''s family at their Cotswolds manor house, it seems like a perfect country idyll.And for Ashley – who records it all in her diary – there''s the added romantic potential of her friend''s twin brother, Adam, who she thinks could be her wildest dream come true.But is there something strange about the old house, both stately and rundown? What could the motives of the mysterious Chapman family be? And what holiday horrors might be lying in wait?''Perfect. . . I was not prepared for the shocking revelation.'' 5* reader review''All the Christmas cheer & nostalgia wrapped in a gothic murder mystery. I loved it!'' 5* reader review''Filled with lots of twists . . . the perfect one sitting read.'' 5* reader review''A perfect small jewel of a story.'' 5* reader review''I GASPED at several of the reveals. Christmas magic mixed with a quaint murder mystery.'' 5* reader review

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Guest - Peter Swanson

cena 266.0 Kč

The Christmas Chronicles - John Townsend

Count down to Christmas with this enchanting, advent calendar-style book. Lift the flap, peek inside the window, and discover what chapter to read tonight, all the way up to Christmas!A magical story set in the snowy North Pole that follows Santa as he prepares for his big flight before Christmas! It's time to round up the reindeer, wrap the presents, rally the elves and whizz about on the snowmobile. Perfect for gifting to loved ones, the book's intricately-foiled front cover functions like an advent calendar, with tiny dated doors that open to reveal what page number the next chapter in the story is on. Each page is filled with humorous adventures and bright, colourful illustrations, introducing children to a cast of Christmas characters and conventions, and creating a joyful keepsake that can be reused for years to come. Ho-ho-happy reading!

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Chronicles - John Townsend

cena 443.0 Kč

The Christmas Pine - Julia Donaldsonová

A stunning picture book for Christmas, written in Julia Donaldson'sperfect, heartfelt rhyme. Deep in a snowy wood stands a littlepine tree with a special destiny: it's going to be the famous Christmastree in Trafalgar Square! With gorgeous, atmospheric illustrations,this beautiful, moving story brims with festivity andhope.

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Pine - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

The Christmas Bear - Ian Whybrow

When Father Christmas sets off to deliver the presents, poor Bear is left behind in the workshop! How will he make it to Tom's house in time for Christmas morning? Lift the flaps to find out, as he chases Santa's sleigh through icy seas and snowy forests, all the way from the North Pole to Tom's cosy bedroom.With a laugh-out-loud text full of witty rhymes and silly scenarios from Ian Whybrow, and illustrations by Axel Scheffler, illustrator of The Gruffalo, that are bursting with funny details, The Christmas Bear is a Christmas book with a difference - and there's a flap to lift on every page, so children can join in the fun!

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Bear - Ian Whybrow

cena 236.0 Kč

The Christmas Appeal - Janice Hallett

** THE CAST OF SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING THE APPEAL RETURN FOR A FESTIVE MURDER MYSTERY **** FROM THE WINNER OF THE BRITISH BOOK AWARDS CRIME AND THRILLER BOOK OF THE YEAR *** THE SMASH-HIT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ** AN INSTANT TIMES BESTSELLER ** A GUARDIAN BEST BOOK OF 2023 *''A Christmas treat'' - OBSERVER''A great deal of festive fun'' - GUARDIAN''Sharp, witty and suspenseful'' - SUNDAY EXPRESSOne dead Santa. A town full of suspects. Will you discover the truth?Christmas in Lower Lockwood, and the Fairway Players are busy rehearsing their festive pantomime, Jack and the Beanstalk, to raise money for the church roof appeal. But despite the season, goodwill is distinctly lacking amongst the amateur dramatics enthusiasts. Sarah-Jane is fending off threats to her new position as Chair, the fibreglass beanstalk might be full of asbestos, and a someone is intent on ruining the panto even before the curtain goes up.Of course there''s also the matter of the dead body. Who could possibly have had the victim on their naughty list? Join lawyers Femi and Charlotte as they read the round robins, examine the emails and pore over the police transcripts. Will the show go on?''A perfect stocking filler'' - INDIA KNIGHT''Hallett is as good as ever'' - OBSERVER

Objev podobné jako The Christmas Appeal - Janice Hallett

cena 384.0 Kč

The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma (0141978619)

Kniha - 464 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A world expert presents a sympathetic exploration of the causes of trauma and the new treatments making it possible for sufferers to reclaim their lives.

Objev podobné jako The Body Keeps the Score: Mind, Brain and Body in the Transformation of Trauma (0141978619)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

Abandoned at a remote island school, Faye discovers she hasbeen sent there for a wicked crime. Can she tackle the sinistermysteries of the island and discover the secrets within herself?

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

The Brontes' Christmas

Describes Christmas in the Bronte household through the eyes of their father and Aunt Branwell, the glittering social whirl of balls, charades and other festive entertainments observed by the Bronte sisters at their various teaching posts, and the accounts of Christmas from their novels and poignant memoirs.

Objev podobné jako The Brontes' Christmas

cena 384.0 Kč

Lucy by the Sea - Elizabeth Stroutová

From the Pulitzer prize-winning author of MY NAME IS LUCY BARTON - available for pre-order now'It is a gift in this life that we do not know what awaits us'In March 2020 Lucy's ex-husband William pleads with her to leave New York and escape to a coastal house he has rented in Maine. Lucy reluctantly agrees, leaving the washing-up in the sink, expecting to be back in a week or two. Weeks turn into months, and it's just Lucy, William, and their complex past together in a little house nestled against the sea.Rich with empathy and a searing clarity, Lucy by the Sea evokes the fragility and uncertainty of the recent past, as well as the possibilities that those long, quiet days can inspire. At the heart of this miraculous novel are the deep human connections that sustain us, even as the world seems to be falling apart.'A superbly gifted storyteller and a craftswoman in a league of her own' Hilary Mantel'A terrific writer' Zadie Smith'She gets better with each book' Maggie O'Farrell

Objev podobné jako Lucy by the Sea - Elizabeth Stroutová

cena 420.0 Kč

The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson

Annie has a secret. But if she's not going to tell, we won't either. It's a heart-breaking secret she wishes she didn't have - yet Annie isn't broken, not quite yet. Especially now there's someone out there who seems determined to fix her. Kate has run aw

Objev podobné jako The Day We Disappeared - Lucy Robinson

cena 268.0 Kč

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