Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

The 7 Habits of Happy Kids - Sean Covey

Bringing the international, best selling 7 Habits franchise to the youngest audience, this picture book is the perfect introduction. With a cast of lovable characters such as Lily Skunk and Sam Squirrel, children will be introduced to the 7 habits through seven fun and accessible stories (one for each habit). The Coveys have been a household name for many years with over twenty-five million books in print in over forty different countries, and with this inspiring picture book they are set to reach a whole new audience.

Podívejte se také KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids růžové (0010_FA923R)

cena 325.0 Kč

7 Habits Of Highly Effective People - Stephen R. Covey

One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for nearly three decades. It has transformed the lives of presidents and CEOs, teachers and parents - millions of people of all ages and occupations. Now, this 30th anniversary edition of the timeless classic commemorates the wisdom of the 7 habits with modern additions from Sean Covey. The 7 habits have become famous and are integrated into everyday thinking by millions and millions of people. Why? Because they work! With Sean Covey's added takeaways on how the habits can be used in our modern age, the wisdom of the 7 habits will be refreshed for a new generation of leaders. They include: Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind Habit 3: Put First Things First Habit 4: Think Win/Win Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood Habit 6: Synergise Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw This beloved classic presents a principle-centered approach for solving both personal and professional problems. With penetrating insights and practical anecdotes, Stephen R. Covey reveals a step-by-step pathway for living with fairness, integrity, honesty, and human dignity - principles that give us the security to adapt to change and the wisdom and power to take advantage of the opportunities that change creates.

Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw

cena 447.0 Kč

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (0762408332)

Kniha - autor Stephen R. Covey; Stephen M.R. Covey, 96 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The priceless wisdom and insight found in Covey's bestselling original is now distilled in this palm-sized edition. The book is full of advice on taking control of your life, teamwork, self-renewal, mutual benefit, and other paths to private and public victory.

Podívejte se také The Hound of the Baskervilles

cena 186.0 Kč

7 návyků úspěšných teenagerů - Sean Covey

Inspirativní a praktický průvodce pro teenagery na cestě k úspěšnému životuBýt teenager je skvělé a současně náročné. V knize 7 návyků úspěšných teenagerů její autor Sean Covey aplikuje nadčasové principy obsažené v 7 návycích (7 návyků skutečně efektivních lidí, Stephen R. Covey) na život teenagerů, na nelehké problémy a rozhodnutí, před nimiž stojí a jenž mohou zcela změnit jich život. Sean Covey v této mimořádně čtivě napsané knize, plné humoru a poutavých příkladů, čtenářům zábavným stylem ukazuje, jak postupně, krok za krokem, zlepšit vlastní představu o sobě samých, navazovat přátelské vztahy, odolávat tlaku vrstevníků, dosahovat cílů, které si stanovili, vycházet s rodiči, a mnoho dalšího. Kniha kromě toho obsahuje spoustu vtipných ilustrací, zajímavých postřehů, chytrých myšlenek a neuvěřitelných příběhů teenagerů ze všech koutů světa. Kniha 7 návyků úspěšných teenagerů zaujme teenagery tak jako žádná jiná.Knihu 7 návyků úspěšných teenagerů by si měl přečíst nejenom každý teenager, ale stejně tak i jejich rodiče a prarodiče, a vlastně každý dospělý, který se dostává do styku s mladými lidmi a má na ně vliv. Tato kniha je předurčena k tomu, aby se stala „biblí“ všech, kteří chtějí naplno prožít nejenom svá mladá léta, ale chtějí mít radost ze života i v pozdějších etapách života.

Objev podobné jako 7 návyků úspěšných teenagerů - Sean Covey

cena 273.0 Kč

7 návyků šťastných dětí - Sean Covey

Jak naučit děti správným hodnotám a žít podle principů. Inspirativní knížka s nádhernými kresbami pro všechny rodiče, kteří chtějí, aby si jejich děti osvojily správné hodnoty. Roztomilé postavičky z vesnice Sedm Dubů a jejich zábavné příběhy seznamují děti s nadčasovými principy obsaženými v 7 návycích skutečně efektivních lidí (Stephen R. Covey). Každý ze sedmi příběhů názorně ilustruje příslušný návyk. Na konci příběhu v „Okénku pro rodiče" autor přináší návrhy, jak s dětmi o příběhu hovořit a jak u nich příslušný návyk rozvíjet. Ať už se děti ztotožní s medvědem Dobrákem nebo veverkou Sofií Sečtělou, určitě naleznou v některém z hlavních hrdinů i něco ze sebe samých. Úkoly pro děti vedou malé čtenáře a posluchače k tomu, aby se zamyslely nad tím, co samy mohou dělat jinak a lépe. To vše dětem umožní začít využívat 7 návyků ve vlastním životě.

Objev podobné jako 7 návyků šťastných dětí - Sean Covey

cena 399.0 Kč

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Edition (1471195201)

Kniha - autor Stephen R. Covey, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná New York Times bestseller - over 25 million copies sold The No. 1 Most Influential Business Book of the Twentieth Century One of the most inspiring and impactful books ever written, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People has captivated readers for nearly three decades. It has transformed the lives of presidents and CEOs, teachers and parents - millions of people of all ages and occupations. Now, this 30th anniversary edition of the timeless classic commemorates the wisdom of the 7 habits with modern additions from Sean Covey. The 7 habits have become famous and are integrated into everyday thinking by millions and millions of people. Why? Because they work! With Sean Covey's added takeaways on how the habits can be used in our modern age, the wisdom of the 7 habits will be refreshed for a new generation of leaders. They include: Habit 1: Be Proactive Habit 2: Begin with the End...

Objev podobné jako The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: 30th Anniversary Edition (1471195201)

cena 449.0 Kč

Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (0060516402)

Kniha - autor James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras; Jim Collins, 342 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor James C. Collins; Jerry I. Porras; Jim Collins, 342 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Find out what makes the truly exceptional companies different from other companies. ""Built to Last" . . . is one of the most eye-opening business studies since "In Search of Excellence."--"USA Today."

Objev podobné jako Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies (0060516402)

cena 418.0 Kč

Centennials: 12 Habits of Great, Enduring Organisations - Alex Hill

Start-ups rarely survive their second birthday. Even established firms in the UK and the US average a life of only fifteen years. So how can your company build and sustain success for decades to come?Professor Alex Hill has conducted thirteen years of groundbreaking research into a clutch of organisations that have outperformed their peers for over 100 years - from NASA to the New Zealand All Blacks, from Eton College and the Royal College of Art to the Royal Marines and the Royal Shakespeare Company.And what he has found is that these very different organisations all share remarkably similar strategies when it comes to building and maintaining excellence and success - strategies that frequently fly in the face of conventional business wisdom. Here Professor Hill shares the twelve traits that have set these organisations apart for over a century, from the way they analyse success and failure to their approach to finding the best people and the brightest new ideas. In so doing, he identifies the strategies and habits that you can employ in your company to create a strong and stable core and to ensure the same long-term prosperity.In short, he shows you how to build a promising enterprise into an enduring, great organisation.

Objev podobné jako Centennials: 12 Habits of Great, Enduring Organisations - Alex Hill

cena 312.0 Kč

Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLEROne of Publishers Weekly’s “Most Anticipated Books of the Fall”As you read these words, copies of you are being created. Sean Carroll, theoretical physicist and one of this world’s most celebrated writers on science, rewrites the history of 20th century physics. Already hailed as a masterpiece, Something Deeply Hidden shows for the first time that facing up to the essential puzzle of quantum mechanics utterly transforms how we think about space and time. His reconciling of quantum mechanics with Einstein’s theory of relativity changes, well, everything.Most physicists haven’t even recognized the uncomfortable truth: physics has been in crisis since 1927. Quantum mechanics has always had obvious gaps—which have come to be simply ignored. Science popularizers keep telling us how weird it is, how impossible it is to understand. Academics discourage students from working on the "dead end" of quantum foundations. Putting his professional reputation on the line with this audacious yet entirely reasonable book, Carroll says that the crisis can now come to an end. We just have to accept that there is more than one of us in the universe. There are many, many Sean Carrolls. Many of every one of us. Copies of you are generated thousands of times per second. The Many Worlds Theory of quantum behavior says that every time there is a quantum event, a world splits off with everything in it the same, except in that other world the quantum event didn't happen. Step-by-step in Carroll's uniquely lucid way, he tackles the major objections to this otherworldly revelation until his case is inescapably established. Rarely does a book so fully reorganize how we think about our place in the universe. We are on the threshold of a new understanding—of where we are in the cosmos, and what we are made of.

Objev podobné jako Something Deeply Hidden: Quantum Worlds and the Emergence of Spacetime (Defekt) - Sean B. Carroll

cena 269.0 Kč

7 návykov dobre fungujúcich manželstiev - Stephen R. Covey

V dnešnom svete nestačí iba túžiť po vybudovaní pevného manželstva a rodiny. Na to, aby sa človek úspešne popasoval s touto výzvou, potrebuje nadobudnúť nové nastavenie mysle, nový súbor schopností a nový súbor nástrojov. Ak máme na zmeny reagovať efektívne, naše vzťahy musia byť založené práve na takých princípoch, ktoré efektívnosť zabezpečujú.Užitočné návyky v tejto knihe opisujú nastavenie mysle a súbor schopností, ktoré prešli skúškou času. Využívajú ich milióny ľudí po celom svete, aby sa vyhli fatálnym chybám, ktoré by ich mohli stáť manželstvo a rodinu. Začítajte sa do veľmi praktických a podnetných rád členov rodiny jedného z najuznávanejších koučov a konzultantov na svete, akým bol Stephen R. Covey.

Objev podobné jako 7 návykov dobre fungujúcich manželstiev - Stephen R. Covey

cena 330.0 Kč

7 návykov skutočne efektívnych ľudí - Stephen R. Covey

Svetový bestseller Stephena R. Coveyho pomohol miliónom ľudí na celom svete osvojiť si zásady, vďaka ktorým dokázali zmeniť svoj súkromný i pracovný život k lepšiemu. Uznávaný odborník na vedenie ľudí a poradca mnohých svetových spoločností v knihe definuje sedem hlavných princípov, ktoré sú základom pre vytvorenie cieľavedomej, vnútorne vyrovnanej osobnosti a kľúčom pre dosiahnutie úspešného, harmonického života. Autor na konkrétnych príkladoch demonštruje, ako dodržiavanie jeho siedmich zásad úspechu prinieslo ľuďom úžasné výsledky v rozvoji ich vlastnej osobnosti a aj vo vzťahoch k iným.Tento svetový bestseller sa stal postupom času klasikou a neodmysliteľnou súčasťou vzdelania všetkých skutočne efektívnych ľudí, ktorí sa ním inšpirujú nielen v biznise, ale aj v súkromí. Dodnes sa z neho predalo viac ako 50 miliónov výtlačkov, preložili ho do 40 jazykov a patrí medzi sto najdôležitejších kníh 20. storočia. Po smrti autora text aktualizoval a doplnil jeho syn Sean Covey, ktorý otcove prevratné myšlienky a hlboký odkaz naďalej rozvíja.

Objev podobné jako 7 návykov skutočne efektívnych ľudí - Stephen R. Covey

cena 480.0 Kč

Zen Habits (978-80-876-7245-7)

Elektronická kniha - autor Leo Babauta, 204 stran, česky Leo Babauta, populární autor bestsellerů o minimalismu, výkonnosti a zjednodušování života vás ve své nejnovější knize provede úskalím změny návyků a budování nových. V osvědčeném a léty prověřeném šestitýdenním programu se naučíte lépe si uspořádat vlastní život a žít jednodušeji, efektivněji a přitom naplno. Naučíte se lépe vypořádat s těžkými momenty, které život přináší. To vše s chladnou hlavou a nadhledem. Kniha ZEN HABITS vychází z autorových letitých zkušeností a shrnuje hlavní myšlenky z jeho populárního blogu ZenHabits.net, které dále rozvádí a doplňuje.

Objev podobné jako Zen Habits (978-80-876-7245-7)

cena 179.0 Kč

Rituals The Ritual Of Happy Buddha tělový krém 220 ml

Rituals The Ritual Of Happy Buddha, 220 ml, Tělové krémy pro ženy, Tělový krém Rituals The Ritual Of Happy Buddha pečuje o vaši pokožku a dodává jí potřebnou výživu a dlouhodobou hydrataci. Vlastnosti: intenzivně vyživuje a zvláčňuje zjemňuje a napomáhá k hedvábně hladké pokožce Jak používat: Naneste přípravek na čistou pokožku a jemně vmasírujte do úplného vstřebání.

Objev podobné jako Rituals The Ritual Of Happy Buddha tělový krém 220 ml

cena 462.0 Kč

A Woman of Opinion - Sean Lusk

From the bestselling author of The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley, discover the illuminating historical novel about the extraordinary life of pioneering writer, poet and feminist, Mary Wortley Montagu. ‘Witty, insightful and moving’ Sunday Times''This book is a triumph - vivid, exquisite, enthralling and revealing'' Kate Griffin, author of Fyneshade''Lusk conjures prose of a spell-binding elegance and charm - as charismatic as the woman who he brings so vividly into life upon the page'' Essie Fox, author of The Fascination---''I shall be a thousand different Marys and, in such manner, shall find the one I wish to be...''Lady Mary Wortley Montagu longs for adventure, freedom and love, believing that only by truly living can she ever escape the stalking crow of Death...An aristocratic woman in 18th century England is expected to act in certain ways. But Mary has never let society''s expectations stifle her: she writes celebrated poetry and articles advocating for equality, as well as endless, often scandalous, letters to her many powerful friends.However, Mary wants more from the world. Using her charm and connections, she engineers a job offer for her husband as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire. Travelling to Constantinople, Mary finally discovers the autonomous life she dreams of. And when she observes Turkish women ''engrafting'' children against smallpox, she resolves to bring the miracle cure back to England.Despite this, Mary''s reputation becomes increasingly tainted. Her inability to abide by the rules, her outspoken opinions on women''s rights, and her search for love and desire at all costs gains her powerful enemies. While Mary tries to ensure her name will live on by arranging the publication of her diaries after her death, her own daughter works against her, afraid of what they might contain...An illuminating and beautiful novel, A Woman of Opinion gives a voice to the tragically unremembered yet extraordinary life of pioneering poet and feminist, Mary Wortley Montagu.---Praise for The Second Sight of Zachary Cloudesley:''One of the best books I''ve read this year . . . completely unforgettable'' Bonnie Garmus, bestselling author of Lessons in Chemistry''Inventive, fantastical . . . memorable'' The Times''So powerful . . . like the love child of Charles Dickens and Isabel Allende'' Ruth Jones, Sunday Times bestselling author of Love Untold‘Beautifully written, ingeniously crafted . . . absolutely enthralling’ Sunday Express

Objev podobné jako A Woman of Opinion - Sean Lusk

cena 502.0 Kč

The Kids' Book of Mazes 1 - Gareth Moore

Kids of all ages will love to lose themselves in this bumper book of mazes. With hundreds of twists and turns, the a-mazing mazes get increasingly tricky, from simple, square mazes to brain-boggling 'bridge' labyrinths across four levels of difficulty. This pocket-sized book is the perfect travel companion and is sure to delight kids and adults alike. Featuring a stylish new cover design, this title is now part of the ‘Buster Puzzle Books’ series. Other books in the series:9781780555027 The Kids' Book of Mazes 29781780554402 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 19781780554341 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 29781780554419 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 19781780554334 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 29781780555010 The Kids' Book of Sudoku 19781780555034 The Kids' Book of Sudoku 29781780555058 The Kids' Book of Dot to Dot 19781780555041 The Kids' Book of Puzzles 1

Objev podobné jako The Kids' Book of Mazes 1 - Gareth Moore

cena 148.0 Kč

The Kids' Book of Sudoku 1 - Alastair Chisholm

The perfect book for ace puzzlers and kids who like a challenge, The Kids' Book of Sudoku 1 helps to develop mental arithmetic and logic skills. With a simple tutorial filled with invaluable tips and tricks, and puzzles that range in difficulty, this book is perfect for anyone from complete beginners to the ultimate sudoku-solvers. Featuring a stylish new cover design, this title is part of the ‘Buster Puzzle Books’ series.Other books in the series:9781780555034 The Kids' Book of Sudoku 29781780554402 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 19781780554341 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 29781780554419 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 19781780554334 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 29781780555003 The Kids' Book of Mazes 19781780555027 The Kids' Book of Mazes 29781780555058 The Kids' Book of Dot to Dot 19781780555041 The Kids' Book of Puzzles 1

Objev podobné jako The Kids' Book of Sudoku 1 - Alastair Chisholm

cena 148.0 Kč

The Kids' Book of Sudoku 2 - Alastair Chisholm

The perfect book for ace puzzlers and kids who like a challenge, The Kids' Book of Sudoku 2 helps to develop mental arithmetic and logic skills. With a simple tutorial filled with invaluable tips and tricks, and puzzles that range across four levels of difficulty, this book is perfect for anyone from complete beginners to the ultimate sudoku-solvers. Featuring a stylish cover design and brand-new puzzles, this title is part of the ‘Buster Puzzle Books’ series.Other books in the series:9781780555010 The Kids' Book of Sudoku 19781780554402 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 19781780554341 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 29781780554419 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 19781780554334 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 29781780555003 The Kids' Book of Mazes 19781780555027 The Kids' Book of Mazes 29781780555058 The Kids' Book of Dot to Dot 19781780555041 The Kids' Book of Puzzles 1

Objev podobné jako The Kids' Book of Sudoku 2 - Alastair Chisholm

cena 148.0 Kč

The Kids’ Book of Awesome Riddles - Amanda Learmonth

Packed with over 150 cunning conundrums and perplexing puzzles, this fun and challenging riddle book is packed with difficult riddles, designed to test logic and lateral thinking.This brain-bending collection of the trickiest riddles for clever kids is packed with hundreds of cunning conundrums and perplexing puzzles that will keep kids guessing. The riddles are accompanied with fun illustrations that add humour, but won't give the game away.From quick, easy riddles to keep your brain ticking over, to longer riddles that involve some serious brainpower, The Kids' Book of Awesome Riddles has something for everyone to enjoy.These riddles are the perfect activity for kids, parents, brothers, sisters, friends and family. For anyone that loves problem solving and testing their lateral and creative thinking skills, whether travelling, on holiday, at home or on the go, this book has it all.

Objev podobné jako The Kids’ Book of Awesome Riddles - Amanda Learmonth

cena 148.0 Kč

Ponožky Happy Socks Father Of The Years 3-pack

Dlouhé ponožky z kolekce Happy Socks. Model vyroben z elastického materiálu. V sadě 3 páry.

Objev podobné jako Ponožky Happy Socks Father Of The Years 3-pack

cena 579.0 Kč

The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1 - Sean Carroll

A groundbreaking new series from bestselling author Sean Carroll

Objev podobné jako The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 1 - Sean Carroll

cena 325.0 Kč

The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 2 - Sean Carroll

'Luminous and straightforward.’ Carlo Rovelli

Objev podobné jako The Biggest Ideas in the Universe 2 - Sean Carroll

cena 502.0 Kč

The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom - Xbox (5060528034456)

Hra na konzoli - Xbox One S / Xbox One X, Xbox Series X, krabicová verze, žánr: akční, pro online hraní vyžaduje předplatné Xbox Live Gold, - Jezděte po Wakefieldu ve svém postapokalyptickém vozidle, vylepšujte si vybavení a bojujte proti hordám monster. Získejte Staff of DoomHrajte jako Jack, Quint, June a Dirkin při hledání chybějících kousků Staff of Doom! Dávejte si však velký pozor na Malondre, královnu slizkých příšer, která chce získat totéž co vy, pro přivolání Rezzocha, ničitele světů. Hrajte s přáteliSpojte síly s rodinou či přáteli a překazte její plány. Vylepšete si vybavení, schopnosti, auto Big Mama a Treehouse a postavte se hordám zombií.

Objev podobné jako The Last Kids on Earth and the Staff of Doom - Xbox (5060528034456)

cena 899.0 Kč

The Plastic People of the Universe - Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Club Banned (CD)

CD album The Plastic People of the Universe - Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Club Banned, 15 písní.

Objev podobné jako The Plastic People of the Universe - Egon Bondy's Happy Hearts Club Banned (CD)

cena 359.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Kids The Big Book of Train Activities - Baker Laura, Lonely Planet Kids

All aboard! Keep transport-loving kids on track with this awesome activity book that''s packed with more than 80 train-themed word and picture games. The perfect accompaniment for a train trip, long-distance getaway, or a rainy day spent indoors, kids can while away the hours exploring word searches, roaming mazes, and discovering fun train facts.How were trains invented? Which is the fastest train on Earth? Where is the longest railroad? All will be revealed in The Big Book of Train Activities, which is brimming with engine-ious train trivia alongside engaging games. Pack this on-the-go-companion for your next excursion and keep curious kids entertained throughout their journey.Inside The Big Book of Train Activities:More than 80 fantastically fun train-themed activities to banish boredom including word searches, crossword puzzles, mazes, hidden pictures, connect-the dots, color-by-numbers, and morePacked with train facts for kids to impress their friends with, which can be read as they enjoy the word and picture gamesThe perfect in-hand activity book for your hand luggage or backpack that can be taken everywhere and anywhereA must-buy for entertaining train-loving children and transport enthusiasts during your next travel adventureMake The Big Book of Train Activities a must-bring addition for your travels and discover pages of entertaining word games and picture challenges that are sure to delight kids who love everything about trains!

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Kids The Big Book of Train Activities - Baker Laura, Lonely Planet Kids

cena 295.0 Kč

The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono

It's a day in the life of your average househusband-if your average househusband is the legendary yakuza "the Immortal Dragon"! A former yakuza legend leaves it all behind to become your everyday househusband. But it's not easy to walk away from the gangster life, and what should be mundane household tasks are anything but! Tatsu is tasked with squeezing the locals for money owed to the association-the neighborhood association, that is. But when the former gangster tries to collect, what should be a quick and easy job ends up anything but! All your faves are back in action as the cozy yakuza comedy continues!

Objev podobné jako The Way of the Househusband 7 - Kousuke Oono

cena 299.0 Kč

KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids modré (0010_FA923M)

Fotoalbum , formát na růžky, pro 420 ks fotografií, 60 stran, 33 cm × 30 cm (V׊), bílá a modrá barva Máte doma spoustu nezaložených fotek a rozhodli jste se, že je na čase je uspořádat? Potom by vám posloužilo fotoalbum KPH o rozměrech 33 × 30 cm. Pro fotky má k dispozici růžky, do kterých je stačí vložit. Fotoalbum KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids modré v sobě má 60 stran a jde do něj vložit až 420 fotografií. Při otevření dětského alba si vždy krásně zavzpomínáte na dětství. Rozhodující funkce fotoalba KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids modré Ve fotoalbu máte možnost uchovávat všechny vaše vzpomínky Rozměry fotoalba KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids modré činí 33 × 30 cm Fotky jednoduše vložíte do růžků Barva fotoalba je bílá a modrá Vleze se do něj 420 fotografií Fotoalbum KPH vám poskytne 60 stran Styl: pro děti

Objev podobné jako KPH Fotoalbum Happy kids modré (0010_FA923M)

cena 579.0 Kč

The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)

Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8AM (1473668948)

cena 309.0 Kč

World of Warcraft Putování Azerothem - Christie Golden, Sean Copeland

Při tesáku a pírku, prozkoumejte živelné země Kalimdoru!Připojte se ke slavnému lovci Rexxarovi, jeho zvířecím společníkům a velvyslanci Hordy Zekhanovi na nebezpečné cestě za tajemstvími bujného Kalimdoru. Nenechte kámen na kameni a následujte každou stopu v zemích, kde Rexxar a Zekhan odhalí tradice, poznatky, vybavení a dechberoucí krajiny od hradeb Orgrimmaru přes zlaté pláně Mulgore až po divočinu kráteru Un'Goro. A krom toho se naposledy rozloučí s Rexxarovým drahým přítelem. Putování Azerothem: Kalimdor je vaším dalším krokem na pozoruhodné cestě napříč Azerothem, protože je plný ohromujících a skvostných uměleckých děl a také nových informací od znalce světa Blizzardu, Seana Copelanda.

Objev podobné jako World of Warcraft Putování Azerothem - Christie Golden, Sean Copeland

cena 536.0 Kč

Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug - Mark Leiknes

It's been six months since the Quest Kids—Ned, Terra, Gil, Boulder, and Ash—saved a village from a furious dragon (no big deal) and turned their questing efforts toward finding Ned’s parents. But when the crew notices a serious sense of doom and gloom across the Seven Kingdoms, they set out in search of Doug, whose mysterious Dark Prophecy has the potential to send the world into even more dire darkness and dread. With help from new and old friends, the Quest Kids sail through stormy seas, vacation on the newly rebranded Contentment Island, and venture into the Forsaken Lands to find Doug, whose wicked tunes and even wickeder plans are in full force. Can the Quest Kids get it together to counter Doug's plans and find Ned's parents—or must they watch as a triumphant Doug surfs on waves of fire and fulfills his terrible prophecy?

Objev podobné jako Quest Kids and the Dark Prophecy of Doug - Mark Leiknes

cena 295.0 Kč

Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic - Matty Long

SUPER HAPPY MAGIC FOREST ADVENTURES NOW IN COLOUR! A Super Happy Magic Forest chapter book packed with illustrations and plenty of humour-this is the perfect read for fans of Dog Man and Captain Underpants (6+). Fun-filled frolics from award-winning author Matty Long. The Super Happy Magic Forest is a place of happiness, frolicking, and picnics. Well, most of the time it is, but something is threatening to disrupt the peace. In Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic, a mysterious portal opens up above the forest and a small and very hungry gargoyle-like creature flies out determined to eat everything in its path. It even tries to take a bite out of Trevor the mushroom! Thank goodness for our five brave heroes: Hoofius the faun, Trevor the mushroom, Twinkle the pixie, Herbert the gnome, and Blossom the unicorn, who set off to Wizard City for answers. Can they figure out which wizard is responsible in time to save the day, or will they be distracted by a busy sightseeing schedule and some delicious waffles?For more laugh-out-loud adventures with the Super Happy Magic Forest heroes, read Super Happy Magic Forest and the Deep Trouble.

Objev podobné jako Super Happy Magic Forest and the Portals of Panic - Matty Long

cena 236.0 Kč

Delinquent Habits - Delinquent Habits (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999 Typ: LP deska;Nové vydání;Album Hmotnost: 180 g Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: RCA Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Varianta: Delinquent Habits (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Delinquent Habits Žánr: Hip Hop Subžánr: Hip Hop Rok vydání: 2015.0 Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Delinquent Habits - Delinquent Habits (2 LP)

cena 880.0 Kč

How Women Rise : Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back - Helgesen Sally

By the bestselling author of What Got You Here Won't Get You ThereDo you hesitate about putting forward ideas? Are you reluctant to claim credit for your achievements? Do you find it difficult to get the support you need from your boss or the recognition you deserve from your colleagues?If your answer to any of these is 'Yes', How Women Rise will help get you back on track. Inspiring and practical by turns, it identifies 12 common habits that can prove an obstacle to future success and tells you how to overcome them. In the process, it points the way to a career that will satisfy your ambitions and help you make the difference you want to make in the world.

Objev podobné jako How Women Rise : Break the 12 Habits Holding You Back - Helgesen Sally

cena 268.0 Kč

The Wheel of Time Set III, Books 7-9: A Crown of Swords / The Path of Daggers / Winter's Heart

Kniha - autor Robert Jordan, 2400 stran, anglicky The #1 Internationally Bestselling Series The Wheel of Time The Wheel of Time turns and Ages come and pass. What was, what will be, and what is, may yet fall under the Shadow. Let the Dragon ride again on the winds of time. This boxed set contains: Book Seven: "A Crown of Swords"Book Eight: "The Path of Daggers"Book Nine: "Winter's Heart"

Objev podobné jako The Wheel of Time Set III, Books 7-9: A Crown of Swords / The Path of Daggers / Winter's Heart

cena 753.0 Kč

Ponožky Happy Socks Beatles In The Name Of Sock tmavomodrá barva, BEA01-6504

Ponožky z kolekce Happy Socks. Model vyroben z elastického, vzorovaného materiálu.

Objev podobné jako Ponožky Happy Socks Beatles In The Name Of Sock tmavomodrá barva, BEA01-6504

cena 219.0 Kč

Happy Days: 365 Facts to Brighten Every Day of the Year - Emily Coxhead

A wonderfully joyful book bursting with 365 happy facts to brighten every day of the year, from the much-loved creator of The Happy News.Did you know that otters hold hands when they sleep or that a group of pugs is called a grumble? Discover this and much more in this joyful collection of happy facts, wholesome true stories and uplifting statistics for young readers to learn from and enjoy. Including adorable stories of animals and inspiring stories of humanity, and beautifully complemented by Emily Coxhead’s vibrant artwork, this is the perfect gift to enjoy each and every day for years to come.

Objev podobné jako Happy Days: 365 Facts to Brighten Every Day of the Year - Emily Coxhead

cena 325.0 Kč

Clinique My Happy. Lily of the Beach parfémovaná voda pro ženy 15 ml

Clinique My Happy. Lily of the Beach, 15 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Lehká, svěží a zároveň nezaměnitelná. Parfémovaná voda pro ženy Clinique My Happy. Lily of the Beach vás dostane svou jemnou, sofistikovanou vonnou kompozicí, která je jako stvořená pro každodenní nošení. květinová vůně dřevitá vůně podtrhne smyslnost každé ženy svěží vůně, ideální do teplého počasí

Objev podobné jako Clinique My Happy. Lily of the Beach parfémovaná voda pro ženy 15 ml

cena 472.0 Kč

Invisibobble Kids set Disney The Princesses gumičky do vlasů 7 ks

Invisibobble Kids set Disney The Princesses gumičky do vlasů, se kterými vytvoříte copy, culíky a drdůlky, aniž by docházelo k otlakům do vlasů, tahání nebo jiným známkám nošení.

Objev podobné jako Invisibobble Kids set Disney The Princesses gumičky do vlasů 7 ks

cena 245.0 Kč

The Rolling Stones Tričko Classic Tongue Kids Black 7 - 8 let

Věková skupina: Junior;Dítě Subžánr: Rock and Roll;Blues;Rock Interpret / Téma: The Rolling Stones Barva podle výrobce: Black Dodavatel: Rock Off Žánr: Rock and Roll;Blues;Rock Pohlaví: Pánské;Unisex Velikost: 7 - 8 let Barva: Černá Délka rukávu: Krátké Země původu: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Materiál: Bavlna Země interpreta: Spojené království Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna

Objev podobné jako The Rolling Stones Tričko Classic Tongue Kids Black 7 - 8 let

cena 350.55 Kč

Invisibobble Dárková sada vlasových doplňků Kids Disney The Princesses 7 ks

Sada obsahuje: Gumička do vlasů Kids Original 6 ks Gumička do vlasů Sprunchie 1 ks

Objev podobné jako Invisibobble Dárková sada vlasových doplňků Kids Disney The Princesses 7 ks

cena 227.0 Kč

The Doobie Brothers - What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits (Clear Coloured) (LP)

Žánr: Rock;Soul Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Průhledná Barva podle výrobce: Clear Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Barevná;LP deska;Album Interpret / Téma: The Doobie Brothers Varianta: What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits (Clear Coloured) (LP) Datum vydání: 2024-10-04 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Subžánr: Soul;Pop Rock Vydavatelství: Rhino Records

Objev podobné jako The Doobie Brothers - What Were Once Vices Are Now Habits (Clear Coloured) (LP)

cena 951.0 Kč

The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers

The first children's cookbook from London's iconic and world renowned River Cafe - a collection of 50 fresh and playful recipes for kids to cook and for everyone to enjoyThis highly anticipated, child-friendly cookbook comes direct from the kitchen of the iconic and beloved Michelin-star restaurant River Cafe on the banks of the Thames in London. Its fabulous recipes bring the warmth, beauty, and sumptuous ease of Italian family home-cooking to kids of all levels of kitchen expertise, introducing inventive garden-fresh meals such as Smashed Broad Bean Bruschetta, Fusilli Zucchini, and Grilled Peaches as well as classics such as Carbonara and Focaccia. With engaging combinations of ingredients and images bursting with natural produce, this brightly-coloured warm and friendly book encourages young readers to connect with their food - and to get messy in the kitchen!

Objev podobné jako The River Cafe Look Book, Recipes for Kids of all Ages - Ruth Rogers

cena 797.0 Kč

The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma

A REVOLUTIONARY METHOD TO BECOME TRULY WEALTHYThe Wealth Money Can't Buy offers you a completely life-changing new philosophy and methodology for enjoying an honestly rich life, one filled with personal power, authenticity, exceptionally fulfilling work and a beautiful lifestyle that will cause you to feel like real fortune has finally smiled on you. Based on The 8 Forms of Wealth learning model that Robin Sharma - legendary personal growth expert and famed mentor to billionaires, professional sports superstars and heads of state - has taught to his clients with transformational results, this masterwork is sure to become your daily guide to enjoying the lifetime of your highest dreams. Discover the hidden habits to live your richest life and avoid the lasting regrets of potential unfulfilled.'Robin Sharma has been an amazing mentor to me. He is a major influencer of our time' - Deepak Chopra

Objev podobné jako The Wealth Money Can´t Buy: The 8 Hidden Habits to Live Your Richest Life - Robin S. Sharma

cena 473.0 Kč

The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

The third book from the CEO of The Happiness Research Institute and internationally bestselling author of The Little Book of Hygge, Meik Wiking. Every year, we are given a fixed number of days. Some days pass us by without leaving a trace and some days we remember forever. Do you remember your first kiss? Or how the first rays of the spring sun feel? Or how about the best meal you ever had?These memorable experiences are characterized by intensity of perception, depth of feeling or sense of profound significance causing them to stand out in our mind and involve a heightened sense of wonder and awe. But what ingredients produce these happy memories? Why is it that a piece of music, a smell, a taste can take us back to something we had forgotten? And can we learn to create happy memories and be better at holding on to them? Combining research on happiness and mnemonics (learning techniques that aids memory retention or retrieval) Meik Wiking explores how peak experiences are made, stored and remembered. Using data and diaries, interviews, global surveys and studies and conducting real-life behavioural science and happiness experiments, the Happiness Research Institute will answer how we can we create perfect moments. Moments that will go down in history. Moments that will shape who we are.

Objev podobné jako The Art of Making Memories : How to Create and Remember Happy Moments - Meik Wiking

cena 357.0 Kč

Fatal Alliance: Star Wars Legends (The Old Republic) (Defekt) - Sean Williams

From across the galaxy they've come: agents of both the Republic and the Sith Empire, an investigating Jedi Padawan, an ex-trooper drummed out of the Republic's elite Blackstar Squad, and a mysterious Mandalorian.An extraordinary auction has drawn them all together--in quest of a prize only one can claim. Each is prepared to do what he must to possess the treasure, whose value may be the wealth of a world itself. None intend to leave empty-handed. All have secrets, desires, and schemes. And nothing could ever unite them as allies--except the truth about the deadly danger of the object they covet.But can Sith and Jedi, Republic and Empire--enemies for millennia--join as one against the certain doom of the galaxy?

Objev podobné jako Fatal Alliance: Star Wars Legends (The Old Republic) (Defekt) - Sean Williams

cena 179.0 Kč

Apostle of the Sleeping Gods (Disgardium 7) - Dan Sugralinov

Alex Sheppard flies to the Demonic Games, hoping that he and his friends Malik and Tissa can do the impossible and achieve victory. Almost four hundred players are invited to the Games, the best of the best from all walks of Dis. Champions of the Arena and the Battlefields, gryphon races and pet battles; the very best craftspeople and grand masters of their professions... All of them await the arrival of Scyth the Class-A Threat, who must now prove his worth without his divine abilities to help him.

Objev podobné jako Apostle of the Sleeping Gods (Disgardium 7) - Dan Sugralinov

cena 536.0 Kč

Voice of the Locality (978-80-210-8747-7)

Elektronická kniha - ze série Edice: Media, autor Lenka Waschková, 305 stran, anglicky Publikace se zaměřuje na téma lokálních médií, které je v oboru mediálních studií často opomíjené. Hlavními úhly pohledu jsou analýza lokálních publik a charakteristika vztahu lokálních médií a lokálních publik. Mezinárodní kolektiv devatenácti autorů mapuje specifika fungování lokálních médií a obecněji lokální komunikace v různých (především evropských) státech.

Objev podobné jako Voice of the Locality (978-80-210-8747-7)

cena 225.0 Kč

Pink Floyd Tričko Vintage Dark Side of the Moon Seal Kids Black 4 roky

Subžánr: Psychedelic;Experimental Rock;Progressive Rock;Art Rock;Rock Dodavatel: Rock Off Interpret / Téma: Pink Floyd Pohlaví: Unisex Země původu: Spojené království Materiál: Měkká bavlna Délka rukávu: Krátké Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019 Velikost: 4 roky Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Věková skupina: Dítě Barva podle výrobce: Black Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Pink Floyd Tričko Vintage Dark Side of the Moon Seal Kids Black 4 roky

cena 390.0 Kč

Zkrocení zlé ženy/The Taming of the Shrew (978-80-86573-42-7)

Kniha - autor William Shakespeare, 182 stran, česky, pevná Komedie na věčné a vděčné téma boje mezi mužem a ženou.

Objev podobné jako Zkrocení zlé ženy/The Taming of the Shrew (978-80-86573-42-7)

cena 206.0 Kč

Percy Jackson and the Olympians 7: Wrath of the Triple Goddess - Rick Riordan

THE ORIGINAL HERO. A BRAND-NEW ADVENTURE.Percy Jackson has saved the world multiple times - battling monsters, Titans, even death himself - so graduating high school should be a piece of cake, right?Wrong. Percy needs three college recommendation letters from the gods before his final school year comes to an end.And one thing Percy knows, the Greek gods don't do anything for free.He earned his first one by retrieving Ganymede's lost chalice. Now, to secure his second letter, Percy and his friends Annabeth and Grover must agree to a new challenge - pet-sitting for the goddess Hecate while she's away over Halloween week. They just need to follow her simple rules: Look after her pet polecat and mastiff like their lives depend on it (because they do). Don't touch anything - especially Hecate's magic potions! But when Grover's curiosity gets the better of him, the friends find themselves with a giant goat, a destroyed mansion, and Hecate's (terrifying and potentially deadly) pets on the loose in New York City.Now the trio have only days to find the pets and restore the mansion to order - or face the full fury of Hecate and her horrifying three-heads.It's going to take luck, demigod wiles, and some old and new friends to hunt down the animals and set things right again.

Objev podobné jako Percy Jackson and the Olympians 7: Wrath of the Triple Goddess - Rick Riordan

cena 357.0 Kč

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