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Sweeney Todd: The String of Pearls - James Malcolm Rymer

Fully revised Second Edition. With a new Introduction and Bibliography by Dick Collins. The exploits of Sweeney Todd, 'The Demon Barber of Fleet Street', have been recounted many times in plays, films and musicals, but the origins of the character largely were forgotten for many years.The String of Pearls - the original tale of Sweeney Todd, a classic of British horror - was first published as a weekly serial in 1846-7 by Edward Lloyd, the King of the Penny Dreadfuls. One of the earliest detective stories, it became an important source for Bram Stoker's Dracula, but it was after over 150 years of obscurity that it appeared first in book form in the Wordsworth edition published in 2005. The one great mystery that has surrounded the book is who the author was - or was it possibly the work of more than one man? In his new introduction to this fully revised second edition, Dick Collins, by means of detailed research of contemporary records, has established finally the identity of the creator of this legendary figure.So here is the original story of the terrifying owner of that famous London barber-shop, and the secret recipe for Mrs Lovett's delicious pies...

Podívejte se také KISS Everlasting French Nail Kit - String of Pearls (731509553604)

cena 178.0 Kč

Na počiatku bol Upír - John W. Polidori, James Malcolm Rymer, Mary Elizabeth Braddonová, Alexej Konstant Tolstoj

Ak máte pre literárnych upírov slabosť a na poličke v knižnici si vedľa seba zoradíte Stokerovho Draculu, Carmillu Sheridana Le Fanu a prítomný výber Na počiatku bol upír - budete mať celú "famíliu" upírskej klasiky pekne pohromade. Slávne poviedky z pera John W. Polidoriho, Alexandra K. Tolstoja, Jamesa M. Rymera, Mary E. Braddonovej a Edith Whartonovej patria totiž k absolútnym vrcholom hororovej literatúry. Pri súčasnom upírskom revivale, o ktorom nás tak masívne presviedčajú pyramídy bestsellerov diskutabilnej úrovne na pultoch kníhkupectiev, ale i kinosály preplnené zväčša tínedžerským publikom, nezaškodí vrátiť sa k prameňom tohto podivuhodného žánru. Nežný bozk upíra bude mať svoju neodolateľnú chuť a moc zrejme naveky. Pri čítaní tých starých príbehov si dozaista nikdy naštvane nepoviete: "Teda táto knižka mi poriadne pije krv!" V pití vašej životodarnej tekutiny bude mať prsty (pardon, zuby) niekto celkom iný...

Podívejte se také Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street - DVD (W00408)

cena 322.0 Kč

KISS Everlasting French Nail Kit - String of Pearls (731509553604)

Umělé nehty - nalepovací, akrylové, vzhled francouzské manikúry, rovné, dlouhé, bílá, průhledná a růžová barva, s lepidlem, 28 kusů v balení Nejste spokojená s kvalitou či délkou svých nehtů? Není nic jednoduššího než si zakoupit nalepovací nehty značky KISS Everlasting French Nail Kit. Nehty mají přirozený vzhled a jsou vhodné pro každou příležitost. Aplikace je velmi snadná díky přiloženým pomůckám. Technologie FlexiFIt zajistí až 7 denní nošení. Okouzlete své okolí novými nehty značky KISS. Klíčové vlastnosti umělých nehtů KISS Everlasting French Nail Kit - String of PearlsKISS jsou kvalitní umělé nehtyMají přirozený vzhledNehty Everlasting French Nail Kit jsou vhodné pro každou příležitostJednoduše se aplikují díky přiloženým pomůckámVydrží až 7 dní

Podívejte se také Various: Pearls of Classic 8 - CD (CQ0068-2)

cena 239.0 Kč

Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street (DVD)

DVD film Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street [2007]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Tim Burton a Johnny Depp propůjčili svůj břitký humor a talent brilantnímu muzikálu Stephena Sondheima o londýnském holiči posedlém pomstou. Napínavý thriller z 19. století obsahuje úplně všechno: Krev, záhadu, romanci, vtip, skvělou hudbu a dokonalý styl výpravy. Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman a Sacha Baron Cohen ve vedlejších rolích dodávají tomuto mistrovskému dílu nový děsivý rozměr. Nepotřebujete oholit? Sweeney čeká.

Objev podobné jako Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street (DVD)

cena 99.0 Kč

Sweeney Todd - Šňůra perel (978-80-730-3625-6)

Elektronická kniha - autor neznámý autor, 240 stran Temné uličky a ponurá zákoutí viktoriánského Londýna... Snadno si představíme, jak se v přístěnku skrývá Jack Rozparovač s dýkou v ruce. Málokdo z nás ovšem zná příběh holiče jménem Sweeney Todd, nejšílenějšího vraha v anglických dějinách. Tato kniha je dobovým záznamem, jenž posloužil jako inspirace bezpočtu umělců – namátkou lze jmenovat například Brama Stockera a jeho Draculu či v současné době Tima Burtona, jenž natočil stejnojmenný film s Johnnym Deppem v hlavní roli. Na první pohled to byla obyčejná oficína, jakých se dalo v Londýně nalézt bezpočet. Neobyčejný byl však její majitel Sweeney Todd – člověk zrůdného vzhledu a způsobů, důmyslně tyranizující svého nešťastného učně Tobiase. Chlapec se ze všech sil snaží vymanit z područí krutého pána a najít člověka, jemuž by se mohl svěřit s děsivým podezřením. Už dlouho totiž pozoruje, že někteří zákazníci po vstupu do holičství záhadně mizí, a časem dospěje...

Objev podobné jako Sweeney Todd - Šňůra perel (978-80-730-3625-6)

cena 99.0 Kč

Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street - DVD (W00408)

Film na DVD - Tim Burton a Johnny Depp. Dva legendární talenty opět spolu. Režisér a hvězda pěti pozoruhodných filmů (Střihoruký Edward nebo Karlík a továrna na čokoládu) vytvořili šestý, jako břitva ostrý thriller podle brilantního muzikálu Stephena Sondheima. Tim Burton a Johnny Depp. Dva legendární talenty opět spolu. Režisér a hvězda pěti pozoruhodných filmů (Střihoruký Edward nebo Karlík a továrna na čokoládu) vytvořili šestý, jako břitva ostrý thriller podle brilantního muzikálu Stephena Sondheima. Příběh londýnského holiče, který nese v srdci pomstu a v ruce břitvu, obsahuje vše: krev, záhadu, romanci, vtip, skvělou hudbu a dokonalý styl výpravy. Sweeneyho spolupachatelku hraje Helena Bonham Carter a v roli obětí uvidíte Alana Rickmana a Sachu Barona Cohena. Nepotřebujete oholit? Sweeney čeká. Zajímavost: Muzikál Sweeney Todd slavil úspěchy na Broadwayi, kde byl premiérově uveden v roce 1979, v jedné z rolí se objevila Angela Lansbury alias Jessica...

Objev podobné jako Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street - DVD (W00408)

cena 179.0 Kč

Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street (BLU-RAY)

Blu-ray HD film Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street [2007]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Režie: Tim Burton. Hrají: Johnny Depp. Režisér Tim Burton a herec Johnny Depp propůjčili svůj břitký humor a talent brilantnímu muzikálu Stephena Sondheima o londýnském holiči posedlém pomstou. Napínavý thriller z 19. století obsahuje úplně všechno: Krev, záhadu, romanci, vtip, skvělou hudbu a dokonalý styl výpravy. Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman a Sacha Baron Cohen ve vedlejších rolích dodávají tomuto mistrovskému dílu nový děsivý rozměr. Nepotřebujete oholit? Sweeney čeká.Bonusy: • Burton + Depp + Carter = Todd • Sweeney Todd žije: Skutečný příběh ďábelského holiče • Hudební chaos: Sondheimův Sweeny Todd • Sweeneyho Londýn • Výprava ďábelského holiče • Veliký Guignol: Divadelní tradice • Krvavá práce • Jak se točil Sweeney Todd • Londýnská tisková konference • Refrén s břitvou • Fotogalerie

Objev podobné jako Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street (BLU-RAY)

cena 179.0 Kč

Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street - Blu-ray (W00610)

Film na Blu-ray - Režisér Tim Burton a herec Johnny Depp propůjčili svůj břitký humor a talent brilantnímu muzikálu Stephena Sondheima o londýnském holiči posedlém pomstou. Napínavý thriller z 19. století obsahuje úplně všechno: Krev, záhadu, romanci, vtip, skvělou hudbu a dokonalý styl výpravy. Režisér Tim Burton a herec Johnny Depp propůjčili svůj břitký humor a talent brilantnímu muzikálu Stephena Sondheima o londýnském holiči posedlém pomstou. Napínavý thriller z 19. století obsahuje úplně všechno: Krev, záhadu, romanci, vtip, skvělou hudbu a dokonalý styl výpravy. Helena Bonham Carter, Alan Rickman a Sacha Baron Cohen ve vedlejších rolích dodávají tomuto mistrovskému dílu nový děsivý rozměr. Nepotřebujete oholit? Sweeney čeká. Bonusy: • Burton + Depp + Carter = Todd • Sweeney Todd žije: Skutečný příběh ďábelského holiče • Hudební chaos: Sondheimův Sweeny Todd • Sweeneyho Londýn • Výprava ďábelského holiče • Veliký Guignol:...

Objev podobné jako Sweeney Todd: Ďábelský holič z Fleet Street - Blu-ray (W00610)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Alex Haley, Malcolm X

Malcolm X''s The Autobiography of Malcolm X was written in collaboration with Alex Haley, author of Roots, and includes an introduction by Paul Gilroy, author of The Black Atlantic, in Penguin Modern Classics.From hustling, drug addiction and armed violence in America''s black ghettos Malcolm X turned, in a dramatic prison conversion, to the puritanical fervour of the Black Muslims. As their spokesman he became identified in the white press as a terrifying teacher of race hatred; but to his direct audience, the oppressed American blacks, he brought hope and self-respect. This autobiography (written with Alex Haley) reveals his quick-witted integrity, usually obscured by batteries of frenzied headlines, and the fierce idealism which led him to reject both liberal hypocrisies and black racialism.Vilified by his critics as an anti-white demagogue, Malcolm X gave a voice to unheard African-Americans, bringing them pride, hope and fearlessness, and remains an inspirational and controversial figure.Malcolm X (1925-65), born Malcolm Little in Omaha, and also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz, lost both his parents at a young age. Leaving school early, he soon became part of Harlem''s underworld, and in 1946 he was sentenced to ten years'' imprisonment. It was in prison that Malcolm X converted to Islam. Paroled in 1952, he became an outspoken defender of Muslim doctrines, formed the Organization of Afro-American Unity in 1963, and had received considerable publicity by the time of his assassination in 1965.If you enjoyed The Autobiography of Malcolm X, you might like Nelson Mandela''s No Easy Walk to Freedom, also available in Penguin Modern Classics.''This extraordinary autobiography is a brilliant, painful, important book''The New York Times

Objev podobné jako The Autobiography of Malcolm X - Alex Haley, Malcolm X

cena 295.0 Kč

The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird

A RACE AGAINST TIMEThe year is 2025. Mankind is under threat.A FIGHT FOR THEIR LIVESMen are dying, but women remain safe. As the sickness spreads to every corner of the globe, people fight to protect the men they love against all odds.A DISASTER LIKE NO OTHERCan they find a cure before it's too late? Will this be the story of the end of the world - or its salvation?Compelling and devastating, The End of Men is the pulse-pounding thriller everyone is talking about.

Objev podobné jako The End of Men - Christina Sweeney-Baird

cena 241.0 Kč

The Autobiography of Malcolm X (0345350685)

Kniha - autor Malcolm X, 460 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Originally published by Grove Press in 1965.

Objev podobné jako The Autobiography of Malcolm X (0345350685)

cena 245.0 Kč

Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing lightWhat does the heartbreaking fate of the cheetah tell us about the way we raise our children? Why do elite universities care so much about sports? What is the Magic Third, and what does it mean for racial harmony? In this provocative new work, Malcolm Gladwell returns to the subject of social epidemics and tipping points, this time with the aim of explaining the dark side of contagious phenomena. Through a series of riveting stories, Gladwell traces the rise of a new and troubling form of social engineering. He takes us to the streets of Los Angeles to meet the world''s most successful bank robbers, rediscovers a forgotten television show from the 1970s that changed the world, visits the site of a historic experiment on a tiny cul-de-sac in northern California, and offers an alternate history of two of the biggest epidemics of our day: COVID and the opioid crisis. Revenge of the Tipping Point is Gladwell''s most personal book yet. With his characteristic mix of storytelling and social science, he offers a guide to making sense of the contagions of the modern world. It''s time we took tipping points seriously.

Objev podobné jako Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

cena 738.0 Kč

Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

Twenty-five years after the publication of his groundbreaking first book, Malcolm Gladwell returns with a brand new volume that reframes the lessons of The Tipping Point in a startling and revealing lightWhy in the late 1980s and early '90s did Los Angeles become the bank robbery capital of the world? What is the magic third and what does it have to do with racial equity? What do big cats and clusters of teen suicide have in common? These are just some of the questions Malcolm Gladwell addresses in this new work, which revisits the phenomenon of epidemics and examines when, how, and above all where ideas, viruses, and trends spread.Gladwell shows that - whether in neighbourhoods, schools, zoos, or conference rooms - today's epidemics are no longer singular occurrences, but turbocharged versions of their earlier counterparts. Tipping points, he explains, play a much bigger role in our lives now than ever before. With this provocative and fascinating new book, we can meet them in novel and innovative ways.

Objev podobné jako Revenge of the Tipping Point - Malcolm Gladwell

cena 473.0 Kč

The End of Average - Todd Rose

''Must the tyranny of the group rule us from cradle to grave? Absolutely not, says Todd Rose in a subversive and readable introduction to what has been called the new science of the individual ... Readers will be moved'' Abigail Zuger, The New York Times''Groundbreaking ... The man who can teach you how not to be average'' Anna Hart, Daily Telegraph''Fascinating, engaging, and practical. The End of Average will help everyone - and I mean everyone - live up to their potential'' Amy Cuddy, author of Presence''Lively and entertaining ... a cheering story of how the square pegs among us can build successful lives despite being unable or unwilling to fit into round holes'' Matthew Reisz, Times Higher Education''Heartening . . . a worthwhile read for the aspiring nonconformist'' Iain Morris, Observer

Objev podobné jako The End of Average - Todd Rose

cena 325.0 Kč

The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant

The harrowing, moving and poignant account of one of the youngest survivors of Auschwitz: a girl who was only five years old when she was sent to an extermination camp, and was one of the few people who entered a gas chamber and lived to tell her story.'I am a survivor. That comes with a survivor's obligation to represent one and half million Jewish children murdered by the Nazis. They cannot speak. So I must speak on their behalf.'AN INCREDIBLE STORY OF COURAGE, RESILIENCE AND SURVIVAL Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was five when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labour camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau. During six months of incarceration in Birkenau, Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She is one of a handful of Jews to have entered a gas chamber and lived to tell the tale. As Nazi killing squads roamed Birkenau before abandoning the camp in January 1945, Tova and her mother hid among corpses. After being liberated by the Russians they made their way back to their hometown in Poland. Eventually Tova's father tracked them down and the family was reunited.In The Daughter of Auschwitz, Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it is in danger of fading from memory. She has used those memories that have shaped her life to honour the victims. Written with award-winning former war reporter Malcolm Brabant, this is an extremely important book. Brabant's thorough research has helped Tova recall her experiences in searing detail. Together they have painstakingly recreated Tova's extraordinary story about one of the worst ever crimes against humanity.

Objev podobné jako The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant

cena 449.0 Kč

The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant

Tova Friedman was one of the youngest people to emerge from Auschwitz. After surviving the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto in Central Poland where she lived as a toddler, Tova was four when she and her parents were sent to a Nazi labour camp, and almost six when she and her mother were forced into a packed cattle truck and sent to Auschwitz II, also known as the Birkenau extermination camp, while her father was transported to Dachau.During six months of incarceration in Birkenau, Tova witnessed atrocities that she could never forget, and experienced numerous escapes from death. She is one of a handful of Jews to have entered a gas chamber and lived to tell the tale.As Nazi killing squads roamed Birkenau before abandoning the camp in January 1945, Tova and her mother hid among corpses. After being liberated by the Russians they made their way back to their hometown in Poland. Eventually Tova's father tracked them down and the family was reunited.In The Daughter of Auschwitz, Tova immortalizes what she saw, to keep the story of the Holocaust alive, at a time when it's in danger of fading from memory. She has used those memories that have shaped her life to honour the victims. Written with award-winning former war reporter Malcolm Brabant, this is an extremely important book. Brabant's meticulous research has helped Tova recall her experiences in searing detail. Together they have painstakingly recreated Tova's extraordinary story about the world's worst ever crime.

Objev podobné jako The Daughter of Auschwitz - Tova Friedman, Malcolm Brabant

cena 268.0 Kč

The Infinite Light of Dust - Anna Todd

Karina and Kael have been trying to make it work for as long as they've been together. The two broken souls have a lot of individual healing to do before they'll be able to find happiness anywhere, never mind with each other.As the world around them starts to crumble, Kael is consumed by the darkness of his PTSD, and Karina struggles to overcome her anxiety, which is at an all time high. Then someone from their past returns to invade their lives and wreak havoc on the fragile peace they've created. If they're going to have the future they dream of, they'll have to commit to fighting this battle together.

Objev podobné jako The Infinite Light of Dust - Anna Todd

cena 295.0 Kč

Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx - Joe Todd-Stanton

Buried amongst the treasures in Professor Brownstone's vault, lie his most prized possessions - a humble collection of books. Filled with stories from his ancestors, they contain tales of fearless fighters, unlikely heroes and legends from years gone by.

Objev podobné jako Marcy and the Riddle of the Sphinx - Joe Todd-Stanton

cena 266.0 Kč

Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell

An art expert sees a ten-million-dollar sculpture and instantly spots it's a fake. A marriage analyst knows within minutes whether a couple will stay together. A fire-fighter suddenly senses he has to get out of a blazing building. A speed dater clicks with the right person ...This book is all about those moments when we 'know' something without knowing why. Here Malcolm Gladwell explores the phenomenon of 'blink', showing how a snap judgement can be far more effective than a cautious decision. By trusting your instincts, he reveals, you'll never think about thinking in the same way again.

Objev podobné jako Blink : The Power of Thinking Without Thinking - Malcolm Gladwell

cena 239.0 Kč

The West: A New History of an Old Idea - Naoise Mac Sweeney

A radical new account of how the idea of the West has shaped our history, told through the stories of fourteen fascinating lives.We tend to imagine Western Civilisation as a golden thread stretching from classical antiquity to the countries of the modern Western world. But what if this is wrong?Told through the lives of fourteen fascinating historical figures - including a formidable Roman matriarch, an unconventional Islamic scholar, an enslaved African American poetess and a British prime minister with Homeric aspirations – archaeologist and historian Naoíse Mac Sweeney charts how the idea of the West was invented, how it has been used to justify imperialism and racism, and why it is no longer ideologically fit for purpose today. The result is a bold and empowering new story of the people and ideas who made us who we are today.

Objev podobné jako The West: A New History of an Old Idea - Naoise Mac Sweeney

cena 357.0 Kč

Luna and the Treasure of Tlaloc - Joe Todd-Stanton

Buried amongst the treasures in Professor Brownstone's vaults, lie a humble collection of books. Filled with legendary stories from his ancestors, they tell of fearless fighters and unlikely heroes.

Objev podobné jako Luna and the Treasure of Tlaloc - Joe Todd-Stanton

cena 384.0 Kč

From The Heart - Samantha Sweeney

This book is jam-packed full of love – a treasure for us two.It shows how much you mean to me . . .a gift from me to you!The perfect gift from family or friends, From the Heart is a novelty picture book that can be personalised with precious memories, photos and keepsakes. Every page contains interactive elements such as decorative flaps, photo frames and envelopes where you can express your love to make a unique treasure for someone special.Cute, eye-catching illustrations from the much-loved Ella Bailey are combined with a lyrical, rhyming text from Samantha Sweeney, conveying the universal themes of love, friendship and shared memories, all within one heartwarming book. Perfect for fans of In My Heart; Daddy, You’re Amazing; Mummy, You’re Amazing and the Letters to My . . . series.

Objev podobné jako From The Heart - Samantha Sweeney

cena 443.0 Kč

The Spring Girls : A Modern-Day Retelling of Little Women - Anna Todd

Four sisters desperately seeking the blueprints to life-the modern-day retelling of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women like only Anna Todd (After, Imagines) could do.The Spring Girls-Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy-are a force of nature on the New Orleans military base where they live. As different as they are, with their father on tour in Iraq and their mother hiding something, their fears are very much the same. Struggling to build lives they can be proud of and that will lift them out of their humble station in life, one year will determine all that their futures can become.The oldest, Meg, will be an officer's wife and enter military society like so many of the women she admires. If her passion-and her reputation-don't derail her.Beth, the workhorse of the family, is afraid to leave the house, is afraid she'll never figure out who she really is.Jo just wants out. Wishing she could skip to graduation, she dreams of a life in New York City and a career in journalism where she can impact the world. Nothing can stop her-not even love.And Amy, the youngest, is watching all her sisters, learning from how they handle themselves. For better or worse.With plenty of sass, romance, and drama, The Spring Girls revisits Louisa May Alcott's classic Little Women, and brings its themes of love, war, class, adolescence, and family into the language of the twenty-first century.

Objev podobné jako The Spring Girls : A Modern-Day Retelling of Little Women - Anna Todd

cena 241.0 Kč

Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night

Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night z kategorie Dámské podvazkové pásy a podvazky značky Marilyn, velikost S/M, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night

cena 1209.0 Kč

Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night

Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night z kategorie Dámské podvazkové pásy a podvazky značky Marilyn, velikost M/L, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Černý podvazkový pás s perlami Pearls Of The Night

cena 1209.0 Kč

Rates of Exchange - Malcolm Bradbury

Slaka! Land of lake and forest, of beetroot and tractor. Slaka! Land whose borders are sometimes here, often further north, and sometimes not at all!Dr Petworth is on a cultural exchange to the small (and fictional) Eastern European country of Slaka. Pallid and middle-aged, Dr Petworth might appear stuffy, but during his short stay he manages to embroil himself in the thorny thickets of sexual intrigue and love, while still finding time to see the major sites.Shortlisted for the Booker Prize in 1983, Rates of Exchange took Bradbury's satirical gifts to a new level.

Objev podobné jako Rates of Exchange - Malcolm Bradbury

cena 321.0 Kč

The Will of the Many - James Islington

At the elite Catenan Academy, where students are prepared as the future leaders of the Hierarchy empire, the curriculum reveals a layered set of mysteries which turn murderous in this new fantasy by bestselling author of The Licanius Trilogy, James Islington. Vis, the adopted son of Magnus Quintus Ulcisor, a prominent senator within the Hierarchy, is trained to enter the famed Catenan Academy to help Ulciscor learn what the hidden agenda is of the remote island academy. Secretly, he also wants Vis to discover what happed to his brother who died at the academy.He’s sure the current Principalis of the academy, Quintus Veridius Julii, a political rival, knows much more than he’s revealing. The Academy’s vigorous syllabus is a challenge Vis is ably suited to meet, but it is the training in the use of Will, a practice that Vis finds abhorrent, that he must learn in order to excel at the Academy. Will—a concept that encompasses their energy, drive, focus, initiative, ambition, and vitality—can be voluntarily “ceded” to someone else.A single recipient can accept ceded Will from multiple people, growing in power towards superhuman levels. Within the hierarchy your level of Will, or legal rank, determines how you live or die. And there are those who are determined to destroy this hierarchal system, as well as those in the Academy who use it to gain dominance in internationally bestselling author James Islington’s wonderfully crafted new epic fantasy series.

Objev podobné jako The Will of the Many - James Islington

cena 591.0 Kč

The Bomber Mafia - Malcolm Gladwell

In the years before the Second World War, in a sleepy air force base in central Alabama, a small group of renegade pilots put forth a radical idea. What if we made bombing so accurate that wars could be fought entirely from the air? What if we could make the brutal clashes between armies on the ground a thing of the past? This book tells the story of what happened when that dream was put to the test. The Bomber Mafia follows the stories of a reclusive Dutch genius and his homemade computer, Winston Churchill's forbidding best friend, a team of pyromaniacal chemists at Harvard, a brilliant pilot who sang vaudeville tunes to his crew, and the bomber commander, Curtis Emerson LeMay, who would order the bloodiest attack of the Second World War. In this tale of innovation and obsession, Gladwell asks: what happens when technology and best intentions collide in the heat of war? And what is the price of progress?

Objev podobné jako The Bomber Mafia - Malcolm Gladwell

cena 178.0 Kč

The Burning - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd continues with THE BURNING, the second novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the No.1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series.Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Burning - Anna Todd

cena 268.0 Kč

The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

Audiokniha: A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story

Objev podobné jako The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

cena 149.0 Kč

The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper

Across north-eastern America the armies of Britain and France struggle for ascendancy. This book contains vivid incident - pursuits through wild terrain, skirmishes - but reflects also on the interaction between colonists and native peoples. Through the character of Hawkeye, it questions practises of the American frontier and eclipse of cultures.

Objev podobné jako The Last of the Mohicans - James Fenimore Cooper

cena 89.0 Kč

Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment - Anna James

First in a brand-new fantasy series from acclaimed author Anna James, filled with seasonal magic and irresistible adventure‘A magical world full of wonder!’ Katie Tsang‘A triumph of imagination and storytelling’ A. F. Steadman‘Crackling with enchanting magic’ Kieran LarwoodIn Whetherwhy, everyone has magic inside them – grown from the changing seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. But a rare few are Enchanters: people born with magic in their bones, who can wield all four seasons of magic.When Juniper discovers she is an Enchanter, she is invited to study at Thistledown Academy. Unwilling to be left behind, her twin brother, Rafferty, follows her to the capital city of Stormgrove and takes up an apprenticeship at a bookbindery.As Juniper learns to wield enchantment, Rafferty becomes involved with a mysterious secret society that meets after dark. Monsters are creeping out of the shadows and dangers lurk in unexpected places. Amid night markets and magic lessons, the twins realise there is more to enchantment than they ever imagined – and the adventure that follows brings their paths together again in ways they could never have expected …

Objev podobné jako Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment - Anna James

cena 443.0 Kč

The Place of Tides - Rebanks James

‘Enchanting’ Telegraph‘Miraculous’ Isabella Tree‘Exquisite’ FTFrom the No.1 bestselling author of The Shepherd's Life, an unforgettable story of friendship, redemption and a life-changing voyage of discovery on a remote Norwegian islandHow far do you have to go to find yourself? One afternoon many years ago, James Rebanks met an old woman on a remote Norwegian island. She lived and worked alone on a tiny rocky outcrop, caring for wild Eider ducks and gathering their down. Hers was a centuries-old trade that had once made men and women rich, but had long been in decline. Still, somehow, she seemed to be hanging on. Back at home, Rebanks couldn’t stop thinking about the woman on the rocks. She was fierce and otherworldly – and yet strangely familiar. Years passed. Then, one day, he wrote her a letter, asking if he could return. Bring work clothes, she replied, and good boots, and come quickly: her health was failing. And so he travelled to the edge of the Arctic to witness her last season on the island. This is the story of that season. It is the story of a unique and ancient landscape, and of the woman who brought it back to life. It traces the pattern of her work from the rough, isolated toil of bitter winter, to the elation of the endless summer light, when the birds leave behind their precious down for gathering, like feathered gold. Slowly, Rebanks begins to understand that this woman and her world are not what he had previously thought. What began as a journey of escape becomes an extraordinary lesson in self-knowledge and forgiveness.

Objev podobné jako The Place of Tides - Rebanks James

cena 650.0 Kč

The House of Cross - James Patterson

NOW THE INSPIRATION FOR THE ORIGINAL SERIES 'CROSS' ON PRIME VIDEOThe thirty-second instalment in James Patterson's globally bestselling Alex Cross series. _____________________________________________It’s time to put the guns down, Detective Cross. Even if you knew the way out of this place, we would catch you. A serial killer is taking out America’s finest legal minds, and Alex Cross is called to investigate their brutal murders. But during a dangerous mission to track down the killer, his wife, Bree, and best friend, John Sampson, go missing. To save the people he loves most, Cross has only three goals:Number one: Find Bree and John. Number two: Escape. Number three: Survive. If he fails, there will be no one left in the House of Cross. ___________________________________________Readers can't get enough of The House of Cross... ***** 'Another non-stop action thriller'***** 'A wonderful engrossing thriller'***** 'Excellent read as always'***** 'Keeps you on the edge of your seat'***** 'Long live Alex Cross'***** 'Can be read as a first standalone book but I promise if this is the first book you read in the series you'll be reading them all!'___________________________________________PRAISE FOR THE ALEX CROSS SERIES'Patterson never, and I mean never, disappoints' USA Today'Behind all the noise and the numbers, we shouldn't forget that no one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades. The Alex Cross series proves it' Lee Child'Alex Cross is a legend' Harlan Coben'Alex Cross ... only gets better and better' Lisa Scottoline'I wrote, "Along Came a Spider is the best thriller I've come across in many a year. It deserves to be this season's no. 1 bestseller and should instantly make James Patterson a household name." A household name, indeed' Nelson DeMille'[Alex Cross] has become one of the greatest fictional detectives of all time, a character for the ages' Douglas Preston and Lincoln ChildAlex Cross Must Die was a Sunday TImes bestseller November 2023

Objev podobné jako The House of Cross - James Patterson

cena 591.0 Kč

Confessions of the Dead - James Patterson

The dead tell no tales . . .Hollows Bend is a picture-perfect New England town where weekend tourists flock to see fall leaves and eat breakfast at the Stairway Diner. The crime rate – zero – is a point of pride for Sheriff Ellie Pritchett. The day the stranger shows up is when the trouble starts.The sheriff and her deputy investigate the mysterious teenage girl. None of the locals can place her. She can’t – or won’t – answer any questions.She won’t even tell them her name. While the girl is in protective custody, the officers are called to multiple crime scenes leading them closer and closer to a lake outside of town that doesn’t appear on any map . .. _________________________________________PRAISE FOR JAMES PATTERSON'It's no mystery why James Patterson is the world's most popular thriller writer ... Simply put: nobody does it better.' JEFFERY DEAVER'No one gets this big without amazing natural storytelling talent - which is what Jim has, in spades.' LEE CHILD'Patterson boils a scene down to the single, telling detail, the element that defines a character or moves a plot along.It's what fires off the movie projector in the reader's mind.' MICHAEL CONNELLY'James Patterson is The Boss. End of.' IAN RANKIN'The master storyteller of our times.' HILLARY RODHAM CLINTON'One of the greatest storytellers of all time.' PATRICIA CORNWELL'James Patterson is the gold standard by which all others are judged.' STEVE BERRY The 24th Hour by James Patterson was a No. 1 Sunday Times Bestseller 17/03/2024

Objev podobné jako Confessions of the Dead - James Patterson

cena 266.0 Kč

The Book of Truths - James Mooney

The Wandering Paddy, aka James Mooney, has more than 530,000 followers on social media, a following that's growing at the rate of 20,000 a month, with 6 million account interactions and views a month. His unique perspective on life has resonated with people both in his native Ireland and around the world, as The Wandering Paddy shares his thoughts and experiences, his challenges in overcoming cancer, his mental health struggles and the invaluable life lessons he has learned and can now pass on. The Book of Truths captures the essence of what The Wandering Paddy has learned about life, and this collection will inspire you towards new ways to appreciate the beauty and fragility of life, show you how to embrace your own unique journey and make the most of every precious moment. It's all about living and loving with gratitude and compassion and cherishing the time we have together rather than taking it for granted.With a hugely engaged following, including celebrity endorsers from Sharon Stone and Pierce Brosnan to Dawn French and Maia Dunphy, in The Book of Truths, The Wandering Paddy explores Life & Death, Love & Relationships, Identity & Belonging, Nature & Spirituality, Resilience & Hope, sharing his own thoughts on the power of words and the importance of seeking truth in our lives.

Objev podobné jako The Book of Truths - James Mooney

cena 384.0 Kč

The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

A new love story from Anna Todd continues with THE BURNING, the second novel in a new trilogy (Brightest Stars) from the No.1 internationally best-selling author of the AFTER series.Anna Todd's Brightest Stars trilogy continues with THE INFINITE LIGHT OF DUST, coming soon.

Objev podobné jako The Burning (Defekt) - Anna Todd

cena 119.0 Kč

The Comet - Joe Todd-Stanton

A picture book touching on the impact of moving away from home that teaches coping skills for kids struggling with relationships and sense of belonging, while also holding space for the places they come from. For fans of The Blue House by Phoebe Wahl."A lovely story to share with anyone who is struggling to find comfort in a new situation."—STARRED REVIEW School Library JournalWhen Nyla is forced to leave her home in the country to start life again in the city, all she can think about is everything she misses from before.So when a comet comes crashing through the city streets and starts growing into a forest, Nyla can’t resist a chance to head somewhere that feels closer to what she had before ... but what starts as an escape could be just the thing to make her finally feel at home.Parents looking for childrens books that target ages 3-5 and emphasize the value of imagination and play as acts of self care will be excited they found this beautiful book!

Objev podobné jako The Comet - Joe Todd-Stanton

cena 384.0 Kč

James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett

Longlisted for the Booker Prize 2024From the author of The Trees, shortlisted for the Booker Prize, and Erasure, adapted into the Oscar-winning film American Fiction.'Truly extraordinary books are rare, and this is one of them' – Roddy Doyle, Booker Prize-winning author of Paddy Clarke, Ha Ha HaEnthralling and ferociously funny, James by Percival Everett is a profound meditation on identity, belonging and the sacrifices we make to protect the ones we love. It is also a bold reimagining of Mark Twain’s Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, as the enslaved Jim emerges to reclaim his voice and defy the conventions that have consigned him to the margins.The Mississippi River, 1861. When the enslaved Jim overhears that he is about to be sold to a new owner in New Orleans and separated from his wife and daughter forever, he decides to hide on nearby Jackson’s Island until he can formulate a plan.Meanwhile, Huck Finn has faked his own death to escape his violent father who recently returned to town. Thus begins a dangerous and transcendent journey by raft along the Mississippi River, towards the elusive promise of the free states and beyond. As James and Huck navigate the treacherous waters, each bend in the river holds the promise of both salvation and demise.With rumours of a brewing war, James must face the burden he carries: the family he is desperate to protect and the constant lie he must live. And together, the unlikely pair embark on the most dangerous, and life-changing, odyssey of them all . . .'A captivating response to Mark Twain’s classic that is both a bold exploration of a dark chapter in history and a testament to the resilience of the human spirit' – the 2024 Booker Prize judges 'James has the potential to become a classic . . . thrilling, bold and profound' – The Sunday Times'This is the work of an American master at the peak of his powers' – Financial Times‘Funny and horrifying, brilliant and riveting . . . Who should read this book? Every single person in the country’ – Ann Patchett, bestselling author of Tom Lake

Objev podobné jako James: The Powerful Reimagining of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn from the Booker Prize-Shortlisted Author of The Trees - Percival Everett

cena 402.0 Kč

The Shadow of What Was Lost : Book One of the Licanius Trilogy - James Islington

AS DESTINY CALLS, A JOURNEY BEGINSIt has been twenty years since the god-like Augurs were overthrown and killed. Now, those who once served them - the Gifted - are spared only because they have accepted the rebellion's Four Tenets, vastly limiting their own powers.As a young Gifted, Davian suffers the consequences of a war lost before he was even born. He and others like him are despised. But when Davian discovers he wields the forbidden powers of the Augurs, he sets in motion a chain of events that will change everything.To the west, a young man whose fate is intertwined with Davian's wakes up in the forest, covered in blood and with no memory of who he is . . .And in the far north, an ancient enemy long thought defeated, begins to stir.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of What Was Lost : Book One of the Licanius Trilogy - James Islington

cena 241.0 Kč

The Light of All That Falls : Book 3 of the Licanius trilogy - James Islington

The Light of All That Falls is the spectacular conclusion to James Islington's Licanius trilogy - a modern fantasy blockbuster packed with magic, prophecy and adventure.James Islington's bestselling debut, The Shadow of What Was Lost, began an epic tale of three heroes who embraced forbidden powers to confront a rising evil. The adventure continued in An Echo of Things to Come as armies clashed and magic collided. Now the final battle - and the fate of the world - is at hand in The Light of All That Falls, the enthralling final volume in the Licanius trilogy.

Objev podobné jako The Light of All That Falls : Book 3 of the Licanius trilogy - James Islington

cena 399.0 Kč

The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.Widely accepted as Henry James' great masterpiece, The Portrait of a Lady is a poignant and intense exploration of freedom and identity. This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition features an introduction by Costa Award-winning author Colm Toibin.Intelligent, beautiful and vivacious, Isabel Archer fascinates and intimidates the elite society of Albany, New York. Fiercely protective of her independence, she travels to England with her aunt to escape a persistent suitor but, upon inheriting a considerable fortune, falls into the sway of the devious Mrs Merle who whisks her off to Italy. There she is seduced by the narcissistic Gilbert Osmond, an art collector who will stop at nothing to possess her, and whose connection to Mrs Merle is shrouded in mystery.

Objev podobné jako The Portrait of a Lady - Henry James

cena 399.0 Kč

The Big Book of Bread - James Morton

Flour, water, salt.The Big Book of Bread explores bread in its myriad forms, and offers delicious recipes for recreating loaves from across the globe. With basic ingredients and equipment, and step-by-step explanations, Dr James Morton guides you through classic key bakes, many offered and selected by bakers from their countries of origin. Covering savoury favourites including Soda Bread, Sourdough and Shokupan, as well as sweet treats such as Babka, Buns and Brioche, this book showcases a world of awesome loaves. Illustrated throughout with stunning photography, The Big Book of Bread is a compendium of baking knowledge and insight, and a vital book for every bread enthusiast.

Objev podobné jako The Big Book of Bread - James Morton

cena 886.0 Kč

The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.

The story of the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls has become a part of Western lore. Who has not heard about the Bedouin shepherd who threw a rock into a cave, heard a crash, went in to explore, and found the scrolls? The story in that form may be accurate, but it turns out to be something of a simplification. As a matter of fact, much remains unknown about the exact circumstances under which those scrolls were discovered. The story of the discovery at first deals with just one cave; the other ten were located at later times.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls - VanderKam James C.

cena 399.0 Kč

Shogun : The First Novel of the Asian saga - James Clavell

This is James Clavell's tour-de-force; an epic saga of one Pilot-Major John Blackthorne, and his integration into the struggles and strife of feudal Japan. Both entertaining and incisive, SHOGUN is a stunningly dramatic re-creation of a very different world. Starting with his shipwreck on this most alien of shores, the novel charts Blackthorne's rise from the status of reviled foreigner up to the heights of trusted advisor and eventually, Samurai. All as civil war looms over the fragile country.

Objev podobné jako Shogun : The First Novel of the Asian saga - James Clavell

cena 357.0 Kč

Jim James - The Order of Nature (Jim James & Louisville Orchestra) (LP)

Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2020 - 2029 Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Album;Nové vydání;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Rock Varianta: The Order of Nature (Jim James & Louisville Orchestra) (Vinyl LP) Žánr: Rock Země interpreta: USA Rok vydání: 2019.0 Vydavatelství: Verve Records Datum vydání: 2019-10-18 Interpret / Téma: Jim James

Objev podobné jako Jim James - The Order of Nature (Jim James & Louisville Orchestra) (LP)

cena 759.0 Kč

The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Defekt) - VanderKam James C.

The story of the discovery of the first Dead Sea Scrolls has become a part of Western lore. Who has not heard about the Bedouin shepherd who threw a rock into a cave, heard a crash, went in to explore, and found the scrolls? The story in that form may be accurate, but it turns out to be something of a simplification. As a matter of fact, much remains unknown about the exact circumstances under which those scrolls were discovered. The story of the discovery at first deals with just one cave; the other ten were located at later times.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Defekt) - VanderKam James C.

cena 179.0 Kč

Knížka The Ivy Press The Planet's Most Spiritual Places, Malcolm Croft

Kniha z kolekce The Ivy Press. Majestátně ilustrovaný a hluboce pronikavý průvodce po 100 duchovně nejvýznamnějších místech po celém světě.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The Ivy Press The Planet's Most Spiritual Places, Malcolm Croft

cena 869.0 Kč

James: All The Colours Of You - CD (3544319)

Hudební CD - All The Colours Of You je 16. studiové album britské rockové skupiny James . To bylo vydáno v roce 2021. All The Colours Of You je 16. studiové album britské rockové skupiny James . To bylo vydáno v roce 2021. Rok vydání : 2021 (16.album) Seznam stop CD ZERO / All The Colours Of You / Recover / Beautiful Beaches / Wherever It Takes Us / Hush / Getting Myself Into / Magic Bus / Miss America / Isabella / XYST

Objev podobné jako James: All The Colours Of You - CD (3544319)

cena 359.0 Kč

The Secret History of Audrey James - Heather Marshall

Sometimes the best place to hide is the last place anyone would look.Berlin, 1938Against the backdrop of pre-WWII Berlin, British pianist Audrey James and her best friend Isle face the imminent threat of Nazi oppression. When Ilse''s family disappears and Nazi officers confiscate their home, Audrey becomes their housekeeper and Ilse is forced into hiding in the attic-a prisoner in her own home. As borders close and rumours of death camps swirl, Audrey makes the life-changing decision to join the covert resistance and risk everything to protect her loved ones. Alnwick, 2010After a tragic accident, Kate Mercer packs her things and moves to work at a guest house near the Scottish border. Instead of finding solace, Kate becomes entangled in the secrets of her mysterious elderly proprietor...Inspired by true stories of courageous women and the German resistance during WWII, this is a captivating story about the unbreakable bonds of friendship and family.

Objev podobné jako The Secret History of Audrey James - Heather Marshall

cena 295.0 Kč

Salt and the Art of Seasoning - James Strawbridge

FINALIST – Guild of Food Writers Awards 2024''A cure and a tonic...a wonderfully gritty book, full of recipes I''d happily bring to the table.'' Gill Meller, author of Outside''[A] worthy and inspirational homage to the most essential ingredient in our pantry.'' Tom Hunt, author of Eating for Pleasure, People & Planet‘[The] recipe book that will make all your other recipe books taste better.’ The Telegraph''A paean to the transformative effects of natural salts.'' The ObserverA precious and ancient resource used for thousands of years around the world, salt is the essential ingredient that transforms all cooking, elevating flavours from good to great, and from great to unforgettable. In his stunning new cookbook, chef and TV presenter James Strawbridge shares his passion for this artisan ingredient, from the distinctive tasting notes and profiles of different salts found around the world to useful techniques – such as brining, curing, charring and preserving – that bring out a world of hidden flavours. Salt and the Art of Seasoning will show you how to choose the right type of salt for the right dish, how to add it at the perfect moment and how to judge the amount to use. Inside, you’ll find:The Science of TasteA Salt Sommelier’s GuideWhat ‘season to taste’ actually meansJames’s ‘Salt Craft’ – from salt blocks to salt baking and smoking saltWith nearly 100 recipes, including:8 essential flavoured salts from black garlic to red wine Salted Cornish sardinesCured egg carbonaraSmoked salted butterWild garlic focacciaVegan Buffalo Cauliflower WingsSalt-baked Wild Bass Minted pea risotto with smoked sea salt Salt Chocolate Truffles with GorseSea G&T with Seaweed Salt and more!Salt and the Art of Seasoning is destined to become a kitchen essential – just like the humble ingredient it champions.

Objev podobné jako Salt and the Art of Seasoning - James Strawbridge

cena 797.0 Kč

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