Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Spy x Family: The Official Guide - Tacuja Endó
The official guide to the hit manga Spy x Family! The intimate secrets of the Forger family are revealed in this ultimate behind-the-scenes guide! Packed with character details, never-before-seen illustrations, in-depth interviews with creator Tatsuya Endo, and much more, this is a must-have for fans and collectors alike. Includes behind-the-scenes details covering the first nine volumes of the hit manga, as well as tribute illustrations from 16 artists, including Hajime Isayama (Attack on Titan), Yuji Kaku (Hell’s Paradise: Jigokuraku), and Kazue Kato (Blue Exorcist)!
Podívejte se také Spy x Family 1 (978-80-7679-038-4)
Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide-Mission Report: 220409-0625 - Tacuja Endó
The official companion guide to the first twelve episodes of the smash-hit anime series Spy x Family. Discover the secrets behind the Forger family in Spy x Family: The Official Anime Guide—Mission Report: 220409-0625. This companion guide to the first 12 episodes of the hugely popular anime based on the manga series by Tatsuya Endo provides readers with an exclusive behind-the-scenes look at the creation of this comedic and action-packed anime series.Sketches, storyboards, and special interviews with the production team show how the world of Loid, Anya, and Yor was carefully crafted by the animators. Tatsuya Endo also provides commentary about his experience with the anime’s production.
Podívejte se také Spy x Family 2 (978-80-7679-078-0)
Spy x Family 6 - Tacuja Endó
Je v lásce a válce vše povoleno? Soumrak a Stmívání se účastní ilegálního tenisového zápasu, aby získali tajné dokumenty. Dokáže ale během něj Stmívání skrýt své city? A nepřipraví tak Yor o Loida? Souboj o srdce špiona bez citů začíná!
Podívejte se také Spy x Family 7 (978-80-7679-314-9)
Podívejte se také
- Spy x Family 3 (978-80-7679-117-6)
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Spy x Family 10 - Tacuja Endó
Jako dítě žil ----- v klidu a míru. Hrál si s kamarády na vojáky, měl lehké spory s otcem a bral svou každodenní rutinu jako samozřejmost. Až jednoho dne...
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 10 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 4 - Tacuja Endó
Nejtěžší mise v kariéře agenta Soumraka pokračuje. A jeho dnešní cíl? Získat psa! Jenže i tak jednoduchá věc se zvrtne ve chvíli, kdy se do ní zapojí teroristé. Zvládne Soumrak zabránit teroristickému útoku a navíc získat mazlíčka, aniž by u toho přišel o život nebo hůř, o utajení?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 4 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 5 - Tacuja Endó
Anya možná získala první hvězdu, ale tím to rozhodně nekončí. Naopak, stojí před ní jedna z největších výzev v jejím životě – pololetní zkoušky. Dokáže se přes ně s pomocí své nevšední rodiny dostat, nebo selže a s ní i operace Puštík? A podaří se jí získat na svou stranu Damiana Desmonda a proniknout tak k jeho otci? Boj o světový mír pokračuje!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 5 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 2 - Tacuja Endó
První fáze plánu je v ohrožení! Během pohovoru na akademii Eden Soumrak ztratil nervy a možná tak všechno zkazil. Takhle Anya nejspíš u přijímací zkoušky neuspěje a Soumrak přijde o jedinou šanci přiblížit se ke svému cíli, Donovanu Desmondovi. Povede se mu ještě zvrátit situaci ve svůj prospěch? A pokud ano, dokáže se Anya sblížit s Donovanovým synem Damianem? Dojdou snad legendárnímu Soumrakovi síly již v první bitvě? Špionské dobrodružství pokračuje!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 2 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 3 - Tacuja Endó
Mise vytvořit rodinu: splněno. Nebo ne? Forgerova rodina čelí další výzvě – a tentokrát přichází zevnitř! Dokáže Soumrak přechytračit Yořina bratra Yuriho a přesvědčit ho o jejich manželství, nebo se nově získaný švagr stane jeho zkázou? Propuká psychologický souboj špiona a člena tajné policie! Vyjde z něj někdo vítězně, nebo se masky všech rozpadnou na prach? Na vlásku visí nejen úspěch mise, ale i Soumrakův život!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 3 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 9 - Tacuja Endó
Souboj Yor se skupinou nájemných vrahů se blíží ke konci! Ale aby toho nebylo málo, na loď někdo umístil bombu?! Loid s Anyou si sice nebezpečí všimli, jenže bude jejich záchranná mise úspěšná?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 9 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 12 - Tacuja Endó
Po únosu autobusu se rodina Forgerových vrací k poklidnému životu. Jenže co když si Yor vsugeruje, že běžní manželé jsou spolu nespokojení?! A aby toho nebylo málo, ostanský špion vynáší tajné informace WISE!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 12 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 11 - Tacuja Endó
Anya se chce soustředit na velkou válku přátelství proti Yor, která se sblížila s Desmondovou manželkou Melindou! Jenže během školní exkurze se studenti zapletou do potíží?!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 11 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 7 - Tacuja Endó
Soumrak se konečně setkává s Desmondem! Podaří se mu získat jeho důvěru, nebo celá operace Puštík selže? Mise na záchranu světa nabírá na obrátkách a její výsledek ovlivní nejeden život. Nahlédněte pod masky jednotlivých aktérů!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 7 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 1 - Tacuja Endó
Každý máme svou skrytou stránku, kterou nechceme ukázat ostatním. Ani přátelům, ani milencům, ani rodině. Za úsměvy a přetvářkou skrýváme, co si myslíme a kým doopravdy jsme. Jen díky tomu na světě přetrvává křehký mír. Špion mnoha tváří Soumrak patří mezi špičku ve svém oboru. Za svou kariéru zažil mnoho nebezpečných misí, nyní před ním však stojí ta nejzákeřnější ze všech – musí se oženit a pořídit si dítě, aby zachránil svět! Aby pronikl na elitní akademii a dostal se ke svému cíli, musí si tento samotář najít manželku a dítě, s nimiž by vytvořil naprosto obyčejnou a nenápadnou rodinu. Jenže co se stane, když se ze zdánlivě křehké ženy vyklube vražedkyně a z dcery telepatka? Dobrodružství netradiční rodinky začíná!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 1 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 8 - Tacuja Endó
Tajná východní organizace Zahrada vyslala Yor na důležitou misi – Cílem je ochránit poslední přeživší významné mafiánské rodiny. A celá věc se má odehrát na výletní lodi, na které cestuje i Loid s Anyou! Dokáže Trnová princezna splnit svůj úkol, aniž by ohrozila ty, na kterých jí záleží, nebo dokonce sebe samotnou?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 8 - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family: Family Portrait - Tacuja Endó, Aya Yajima
Join the beloved cast of the best-selling series Spy x Family as they embark on five all-new adventures in this exciting novel! In this book of Spy x Family original prose stories, Anya attempts to make friends with her target Damian during an Eden Academy camping trip, Yuri spends his day off babysitting his niece, and Franky seeks Loid’s help in winning the heart of a blind opera singer. Then, when the family sits for a portrait painting, Yor is terrified that her secret identity will be blown. And in the final story, the family is scrutinized by a pair of unseen observers… There’s never been a family quite like this one!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family: Family Portrait - Tacuja Endó, Aya Yajima
Spy x Family 7 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!As Donovan Desmond is about to share a rare family moment with his son Damian, Twilight cuts in to meet his target face-to-face for the first time. Can Twilight find some way to endear himself to the inscrutable Donovan?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 7 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 1 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Not one to depend on others, Twilight has his work cut out for him procuring both a wife and a child for his mission to infiltrate an elite private school. What he doesn't know is that the wife he's chosen is an assassin and the child he's adopted is a telepath!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 1 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 2 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head! Twilight must infiltrate the prestigious Eden Academy to get close to his target Donovan Desmond, but has he ruined his daughter Anya's chances with his outburst during the admissions interview? Perhaps the truly impossible mission this time is making sure Anya both becomes an exemplary student and befriends Donovan's arrogant son Damian!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 2 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 4 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!The Forgers look into adding a dog to their family, but this is no easy task-especially when Twilight has to simultaneously foil an assassination plot against a foreign minister! The perpetrators plan to use trained dogs for the attack, but Twilight gets some unexpected help to stop these terrorists.
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 4 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 6 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Twilight and Nightfall enter an underground tennis tournament, hoping for an opportunity to obtain an intelligence document that threatens to bring the world to the brink of war! But will their mission be compromised by Nightfall's secret crush on Twilight?!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 6 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 5 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Anya Forger has been trying her best to befriend Damian Desmond, the son of the powerful Ostanian political leader Donovan Desmond, but her attempts have been constantly rebuffed. Despite the setbacks, Anya is determined to gain access to the Desmonds' inner circle and even devises a new plan-acing her midterm exams to earn stella stars! Can the academically challenged Anya pull off this feat for the sake of world peace?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 5 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 8 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Yor is assigned to be bodyguard to a mafia family on a cruise ship by the secret organization Garden. But with Lloyd and Anya also on board thanks to a giveaway they won, Yor is starting to have doubts about her secret life as an assassin...
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 8 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 3 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Twilight has overcome many challenges in putting together the Forger family, but now all his hard work might come undone when Yor's younger brother Yuri pops in for a surprise visit! Can Twilight outsmart Yuri, who actually works for the Ostanian secret service?!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 3 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 9 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment-to get married and have a kid-he may finally be in over his head!Yor's on assignment and finds herself up against a gang of assassins on board a luxury cruiser. Meanwhile, Loid and Anya each discover that bombs have been planted throughout the ship! Will their best efforts be enough to save the vessel?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 9 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 12 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath!Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!Anya’s friendship scheme seems to be taking a turn for the better in the aftermath of the failed hijacking. Meanwhile, Operation Strix and Loid’s true identity are in danger—a mole has been uncovered and has gone underground. Will Loid and his allies be able to catch this double agent before all is lost?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 12 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 11 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
An action-packed comedy about a fake family that includes a spy, an assassin and a telepath! Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment to get married and have a kid he may finally be in over his head! Threatened by Yor's relationship with Melinda Desmond, Anya gets serious about her own friendship scheme. On the way to a museum field trip, however, she and her class become the target of activists looking to free their political allies.
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 11 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Spy x Family 10 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Master spy Twilight is unparalleled when it comes to going undercover on dangerous missions for the betterment of the world. But when he receives the ultimate assignment—to get married and have a kid—he may finally be in over his head!As a child, [REDACTED] lived an unremarkable life with his parents, playing war games with his friends and quarreling with his father. It never occurred to young [REDACTED] that the life he’d taken for granted might one day end…
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 10 (anglicky) - Tacuja Endó
Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
“Now, if you don’t mind, there is a great big universe out there calling, and I’ve gotta get going!”With exclusive content from Ncuti Gatwa’s first outing as the Fifteenth Doctor, discover more about the Time Lord who has been keeping the Earth safe for over 60 years.This brand-new edition is the ultimate guide to all of the Doctor’s fifteen incarnations – from William Hartnell to Tom Baker and including both of David Tennant’s eras – you will learn fascinating facts from all of space and time.Discover more about the Doctor’s many helpful companions, fearsome foes and, of course, the TARDIS who has been through it all.Learn the difference between regeneration and bi-generation, why you should never anger a Meep, and always, always get Cherry Sunday a cup of tea!So, allons-y!
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 - The Official Guide
Buckle up for a fun-filled road trip with Woody, Buzz and the gang in new movie Toy Story 4!Meet brand new toys including chaos-causing Forky and motorbike star Duke Caboom. Discover why Forky is on a mission to jump into the trash - and what squabbling sidekicks Ducky and Bunny are always arguing about! Catch up with much-loved characters, including Bo Peep, Jessie, Rex, Dolly, Mr. Potato Head and Hamm. Join the toys as they go on an action-packed road trip with owner Bonnie and her family, but watch out - trouble is just around the corner for Woody and his friends! Perfect for young readers and fans of the Toy Story movies, DK's Toy Story 4: The Official Guide is packed with exciting images and features everything children need to know about the new film, from Bo Peep's cool acrobatic moves, to how Bonnie created her new toy Forky. Including two fun quizzes, children can find out which toy they are most like and which character would make their perfect sidekick.The ultimate companion to Disney*Pixar's highly anticipated fourth instalment in the Toy Story franchise, DK's Toy Story 4: The Official Guide will cover all the movie's popular characters old and new, plus key locations, themes and iconic moments.
Objev podobné jako Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 - The Official Guide
Spy X Family Záložka magnetická
Magnetická záložka do knížky Spy family Rozměry: 6 × 15.5 × 0.27 cm
Objev podobné jako Spy X Family Záložka magnetická
Puzzle Spy X Family 1000 dílků
Zažijte nesrovnatelnou zábavu při skládání vysoce kvalitního puzzle s motivem japonské mangy Spy X Family od společnosti Ravensburger. Jedinečné dílky puzzle do sebe perfektně zapadají.
Objev podobné jako Puzzle Spy X Family 1000 dílků
Doctor Who: How to be a Time Lord - The Official Guide (0723294364)
Kniha - autor Craig Donaghy, 176 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: How to be a Time Lord - The Official Guide (0723294364)
Spy x Family 3 (978-80-7679-117-6)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 196 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Mise vytvořit rodinu: splněno. Nebo ne? Forgerova rodina čelí další výzvě – a tentokrát přichází zevnitř! Dokáže Soumrak přechytračit Yořina bratra Yuriho a přesvědčit ho o jejich manželství, nebo se nově získaný švagr stane jeho zkázou? Propuká psychologický souboj špiona a člena tajné policie! Vyjde z něj někdo vítězně, nebo se masky všech rozpadnou na prach? Na vlásku visí nejen úspěch mise, ale i Soumrakův život!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 3 (978-80-7679-117-6)
Spy x Family 8 (978-80-7679-364-4)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 216 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Tajná východní organizace Zahrada vyslala Yor na důležitou misi – Cílem je ochránit poslední přeživší významné mafiánské rodiny. A celá věc se má odehrát na výletní lodi, na které cestuje i Loid s Anyou! Dokáže Trnová princezna splnit svůj úkol, aniž by ohrozila ty, na kterých jí záleží, nebo dokonce sebe samotnou?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 8 (978-80-7679-364-4)
Spy x Family 1 (978-80-7679-038-4)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 216 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Dobrodružství netradiční rodinky začíná!Každý máme svou skrytou stránku, kterou nechceme ukázat ostatním. Ani přátelům, ani milencům, ani rodině. Za úsměvy a přetvářkou skrýváme, co si myslíme a kým doopravdy jsme. Jen díky tomu na světě přetrvává křehký mír.Špion mnoha tváří Soumrak patří mezi špičku ve svém oboru. Za svou kariéru zažil mnoho nebezpečných misí, nyní před ním však stojí ta nejzákeřnější ze všech – musí se oženit a pořídit si dítě, aby zachránil svět! Aby pronikl na elitní akademii a dostal se ke svému cíli, musí si tento samotář najít manželku a dítě, s nimiž by vytvořil naprosto obyčejnou a nenápadnou rodinu. Jenže co se stane, když se ze zdánlivě křehké ženy vyklube vražedkyně a z dcery telepatka?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 1 (978-80-7679-038-4)
Spy x Family 5 (978-80-7679-226-5)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 204 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Anya možná získala první hvězdu, ale tím to rozhodně nekončí. Naopak, stojí před ní jedna z největších výzev v jejím životě – pololetní zkoušky. Dokáže se přes ně s pomocí své nevšední rodiny dostat, nebo selže a s ní i operace Puštík? A podaří se jí získat na svou stranu Damiana Desmonda a proniknout tak k jeho otci? Boj o světový mír pokračuje!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 5 (978-80-7679-226-5)
Spy x Family 6 (978-80-7679-277-7)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 204 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Je v lásce a válce vše povoleno? Soumrak a Stmívání se účastní ilegálního tenisového zápasu, aby získali tajné dokumenty. Dokáže ale během něj Stmívání skrýt své city? A nepřipraví tak Yor o Loida? Souboj o srdce špiona bez citů začíná!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 6 (978-80-7679-277-7)
Spy x Family 2 (978-80-7679-078-0)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 196 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá První fáze plánu je v ohrožení! Během pohovoru na akademii Eden Soumrak ztratil nervy a možná tak všechno zkazil. Takhle Anya nejspíš u přijímací zkoušky neuspěje a Soumrak přijde o jedinou šanci přiblížit se ke svému cíli, Donovanu Desmondovi. Povede se mu ještě zvrátit situaci ve svůj prospěch? A pokud ano, dokáže se Anya sblížit s Donovanovým synem Damianem? Dojdou snad legendárnímu Soumrakovi síly již v první bitvě? Špionské dobrodružství pokračuje!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 2 (978-80-7679-078-0)
Spy x Family 7 (978-80-7679-314-9)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 196 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Soumrak se konečně setkává s Desmondem! Podaří se mu získat jeho důvěru, nebo celá operace Puštík selže? Mise na záchranu světa nabírá na obrátkách a její výsledek ovlivní nejeden život. Nahlédněte pod masky jednotlivých aktérů!
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 7 (978-80-7679-314-9)
Spy x Family 4 (978-80-7679-165-7)
Kniha - autor Tacuja Endó, 188 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nejtěžší mise v kariéře agenta Soumraka pokračuje. A jeho dnešní cíl? Získat psa! Jenže i tak jednoduchá věc se zvrtne ve chvíli, kdy se do ní zapojí teroristé. Zvládne Soumrak zabránit teroristickému útoku a navíc získat mazlíčka, aniž by u toho přišel o život nebo hůř, o utajení?
Objev podobné jako Spy x Family 4 (978-80-7679-165-7)
Doctor Who: The Time-Travelling Almanac: The Official Guide to the Doctor´s Year - Guerrier Simon
We’re all travellers in time and space. Right now, you’re riding a planet as it makes its latest circuit of the Sun. For millennia, humans have used this regular journey round and round to mark time and our place in the universe.Doctor Who: The Time-Travelling Almanac is your essential companion on this trip we call a ‘year’. It’s packed full of useful tips, information and fun stuff to guide and illuminate the voyage. Month by month you can spot constellations, identify shooting stars and mark daily Doctor Who debuts, birthdays and anniversaries!And there’s so much more.At which hour are Sea Devils most likely to attack? What do the Daleks predict for your future? When has the Doctor's timeline converged with the Beatles? And how are ‘July’ and ‘August’ related to days being erased from existence — more than once?
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: The Time-Travelling Almanac: The Official Guide to the Doctor´s Year - Guerrier Simon
Jujutsu Kaisen: The Official Character Guide - Gege Akutami
Dive into the world of jujutsu sorcerers and wicked cursed spirits with the ultimate Jujutsu Kaisen handbook!Yuji Itadori is the unwilling host of Ryomen Sakuna, a terrible evil spirit. Yuji joins the Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to rid himself of the corruption, and soon discovers a dangerous supernatural world hidden just out of sight. Jujutsu Kaisen: The Official Character Guide collects the details of Yuji’s spirit-hunting quest, profiles for all the major characters, the secret origin story of Jujutsu Kaisen creator Gege Akutami, and an exclusive interview between Akutami and Tite Kubo, creator of the global Shonen Jump phenomenon Bleach!
Objev podobné jako Jujutsu Kaisen: The Official Character Guide - Gege Akutami
The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide - Gareth Halfacree
Raspberry Pi is a small, clever, British-built computer that's packed with potential. Made using a desktop-class, energy-efficient processor, Raspberry Pi is designed to help you learn coding, discover how computers work, and build your own amazing things. This book was written to show you just how easy it is to get started.
Objev podobné jako The Official Raspberry Pi Beginner's Guide - Gareth Halfacree
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Complete Official Guide : -Expanded Edition (Defekt) - Piggyback
The Expanded Edition Guide to The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a 512-page hardcover guidebook covering everything in the main game as well as the two Expansion Pass DLC packs "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad".INCLUDES: Expansion Pass concept art gallery; dedicated chapters covering both Expansion Passes; Reference and Analysis chapter; Maps chapter; all-new hardcover and an extensive 4-page Index.GUIDE DETAILSMaps Chapter: a dedicated 36-page atlas of Hyrule showing the exact location of all Korok seeds and treasure chests.Reference & Analysis Chapter: contains a farming manual showing how to acquire all items of prime interest efficiently; the best weapons and armor upgrades; the most effective recipes; the most lucrative gemstone mining spots; amiibo; merchants and much more.Expansion Pass Chapters: 34 pages dedicated to "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad".100% AUTHORITATIVE: all side quests, all shrines of Trials and all information about collectible items fully mapped out; also includes optional challenges, mini-games, unlockables, Easter eggs, and more.At-a-glance Walkthroughs: annotated maps and screenshots show the optimal way through every quest and dungeon.Large map poster: two-sided and fully-annotated - covering the immense game area.Concept art: direct from the development team and beautifully laid out across two sections: 16 pages of concept art from "The Master Trials" and "The Champions' Ballad" as well as a 16-page art tour of the main game.Puzzle Master: every single puzzle and riddle unraveled with refined, visual solutions.Expert Combat Strategy: practical, reproducible tactics to crush all enemies and bosses.Comprehensive references: exhaustive appraisals of all items and monsters - including key parameters that are hidden in the game.Premium hardcover: with guide pages printed on superior-quality art paper.EASE OF USE: Instant searches, print navigation systems, extensive 4-page index and detailed map poster give you immediate access to the information you need.
Objev podobné jako The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild the Complete Official Guide : -Expanded Edition (Defekt) - Piggyback
TED Talks: The official TED guide to public speaking (1472228065)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The official TED guide to public speaking
Objev podobné jako TED Talks: The official TED guide to public speaking (1472228065)
Jujutsu Kaisen. The Official Anime Guide: Season 1 - Gege Akutami
The official companion to the first season of the hugely popular Jujutsu Kaisen anime.The official companion to the first season of the hugely popular Jujutsu Kaisen anime.Enter the world of jujutsu sorcerers and cursed spirits with Jujutsu Kaisen: The Official Anime Guide: Season 1. Based on the hugely popular manga series by Gege Akutami, this guide to the Jujutsu Kaisen anime will provide readers with everything they wanted to know about the making of the action-packed series. Discover all the behind-the-scenes details as the anime production team discusses the painstaking work that went into translating the pages of the best-selling manga to animation. Featuring concept art, original storyboards, character design sketches, exclusive interviews, and commentary from the voice actors, this book also includes two double-sided posters and is the ultimate look into the creation of the first season of Jujutsu Kaisen!
Objev podobné jako Jujutsu Kaisen. The Official Anime Guide: Season 1 - Gege Akutami
Boss Battle (Spy Ninjas Official Graphic Novel #3) - Vannotes _
YouTube stars Chad Wild Clay and Vy Qwaint of the Spy Ninjas are back and ready to defeat Project Zorgo once and for all in their third original graphic novel!Another day, another threat looming from Project Zorgo! This time, these determined hackers kidnap tech genius Joseph Banks to steal ideas to finally defeat the Spy Ninjas. Hold on just a minute! Chad and Vy rescue Banks with the help of their Spy Ninjas recruits, but it looks like it was a little too late. Project Zorgo created a 3D printer that allows them to send video game bosses to the real world! This can''t be good. Soon the Spy Ninjas are on the case battling, crafting, and smashing their way through the Project Zorgo plan. Will their expert moves be enough to stop this video game takeover or will Project Zorgo get the upper hand? With quick thinking and some sweet skills, the Spy Ninjas are ready for another graphic novel adventure!
Objev podobné jako Boss Battle (Spy Ninjas Official Graphic Novel #3) - Vannotes _
The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining: How to Cook, Host, and Toast Like a Member of the Ton - Emily Timberlake, Susan Vu
It''s time to entertain, Bridgerton-style.Entertain like a queen with these forty recipes for Bridgerton-style food and drink in the first official cookbook from this hugely popular Shondaland series on Netflix. Whether it''s a sumptuous lawn party, a high tea, or a boozy late-night salon, this gorgeous cookbook delivers recipes for finger food, cocktails, and entertaining ideas that help you recreate the high society of Bridgerton in your own home.Host the perfect pique-nique, complete with the Duke''s favorite Gooseberry Hand Pies and a rousing game of Pall Mall (played the Bridgerton way, of course). Create grazing boards with recipes like Roasted Pork Belly Skewers and Beet-Dyed Deviled Eggs that are perfect for a stylish watching party. Evoke the delightful decadence of Lady Danbury''s Den of Iniquity with Sausage-Stuffed Mushroom Caps, an espresso martini, and an old-fashioned game of chance. These forty recipes have been developed with a modern audience in mind, offering mocktail, vegetarian, and gluten-free options to ensure that no fan is left hungry. They are presented alongside mouth-watering food photography, stills from the show, and sidebars explaining essential expertise, such as how to address a Marquis, execute the perfect curtsy, or build a macaron tower sturdy enough to last the night.
Objev podobné jako The Official Bridgerton Guide to Entertaining: How to Cook, Host, and Toast Like a Member of the Ton - Emily Timberlake, Susan Vu
No Family Is Perfect : A Guide to Embracing the Messy Reality - Lucy Blake
A fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life and how, if we embrace it, we can improve our relationships and maybe even enjoy Christmas. What makes a good parent? Can sibling relationships survive to adulthood? Should love within a family really be unconditional? Wherever, whenever and however you learnt about family, it's likely that you have unshakeable answers to these questions. In this revelatory new book, family researcher Lucy Blake shows that, whatever your assumptions are, they are almost certainly wrong and probably doing damage to your closest relationships. Blake looks at how the expectations we have affect and even hinder our interactions with parents, siblings, relatives and our children. Drawing on her experience of interviewing hundreds of family members – of all backgrounds – she explores these unrealistic ideas, exposes the truth of what a family really is and explains how we can better understand and appreciate the one we have. No Family Is Perfect is a fascinating examination of the messy and beautiful reality of family life, and a look at how we can change our beliefs about family for the better and maybe even enjoy Christmas. 'Provides a fresh context for exploring issues that engage us throughout our lives ... No Family is Perfect will change how we think and write about families' Terri Apter, author of Difficult Mothers and The Sister Knot
Objev podobné jako No Family Is Perfect : A Guide to Embracing the Messy Reality - Lucy Blake
Keramický hrnek Spy X
Keramický hrnek v objemu 315 ml s licenční motivem. Hrnek je vhodný do myčky a mikrovlnné toruby.
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The Official Agatha Christie Puzzle Book
Can you work out whodunnit, with what and why like Miss Marple and Hercule Poirot? Put your armchair detective abilities to the ultimate test... Do you have the flair, order and method of Poirot, or the unassuming, shrewd intelligence of Miss Marple? You're going to need it... Brush off your moustache, collect your knitting needles and put your little grey cells to good use in the case of the missing librarian.With a murderous culprit leaving behind 100 of the most perplexing puzzles to solve, can you complete them to follow the trail of the crime? Immerse yourself in the world of Agatha Christie with this new and official puzzling series of events.
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