Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Small Stories of Great Artists - Laurence Anholt
It’s been thirty years since Laurence Anholt began his beloved series about great artists and the real children who knew them. Since then, these classic tales of Vincent van Gogh, Frida Kahlo, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo da Vinci, and many other geniuses of Western art have provided a springboard into a lifetime’s love of art, selling millions of copies around the world. The stories have been adapted in many forms including ballet, opera, Braille editions for blind and partially sighted children, and a full-scale stage musical in Korea.Alongside Anholt’s dazzling watercolor illustrations, this anniversary edition includes dozens of high-quality reproductions of the artists’ work, child-friendly biographies of the artists, and interactive questions for young readers. Each story is closely based on historical events and extensive research. In many cases, Anholt visited the artists’ homes and studios, walking in their footsteps and interviewing their relatives.He was granted private access to Monet’s house in Giverny and became close friends with Sylvette David (now Lydia Corbett), Picasso’s famous Girl with a Ponytail. In order to make the artists and their worlds accessible to young readers, Anholt employs a unique device in which the events are seen through the eyes of a child protagonist who actually knew the artist. In this way, readers are able to “piggyback” through the story, and artists who might otherwise be inaccessible become humanized.On a subconscious level, the reader absorbs many inspirational themes such as kindness, self-esteem, perseverance, creativity, and courage. Perhaps it is Anholt’s gentle storytelling or his handcrafted illustrations. Perhaps it is his love for children and passion for his subject.One way or another, a whole generation of readers have found a lifelong love of art through his stories. And now they are passing that precious gift to their own children. The gift of art is golden.This volume features the following artists and their stories: Van Gogh and the Sunflowers, Frida Kahlo and the Bravest Girl in the World, Cézanne and the Apple Boy, Picasso and the Girl with a Ponytail, The Magical Garden of Claude Monet, Tell Us a Story, Papa Chagall, Degas and the Little Dancer, Leonardo and the Flying Boy.
Podívejte se také Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
Smrt na festivalu - Laurence Anholt - e-kniha
eBook: Když charismatického frontmana skupiny Stigma Ethana Flynna zabije přímo na pódiu před 175 000 diváky elektrický výboj z kytary, podezření padne na Tyrona, jeho výbušné a agresivní dvojče. Vyšetřením vraždy je pověřen detektiv Vincent Caine a jeho partnerka Shanti Joyceová. Případ, který je svedl dohromady – mrtvá umělkyně nalezená ve skleněné kádi formaldehydu na vlastní vernisáži –, jim k Shantině zděšení přinesl u policie renomé nejpovolanější dvojice pro vyšetřování „ulítlých” zločinů v západní Anglii. A jen málo případů je ulítlejších než ten z festivalu v Glastonbury. Nesourodé duo vyšetřovatelů musí rozplést klubko chaotických výpovědí bodyguardů, milenek, zdrogovaných bedňáků a pochybných barmanek. Stopy vedou od mystického kopce Glastonbury Tor do somersetské vesničky Kilton, od jasnovidců vykládajících tarot k tajemnému textu ztracené písně. Dokáže Shanti se svým pragmatismem v kombinaci s Vincovou intuicí případ vyřešit? Je budoucnost největšího světového hudebního festivalu v ohrožení? A co se stane, když jsou dva profesionálové nuceni sdílet stan během horké letní noci?
Podívejte se také Stories of Mystery and Suspense
Smrt jako umění - Laurence Anholt - e-kniha
eBook: Když je slavná umělecká performerka nalezena na vernisáži k vlastní výstavě mrtvá v nádrži plné formaldehydu, podezření okamžitě padne na její nejbližší. Vedoucí vyšetřovatelkou je Shanti Joyceová, která byla nedávno převelená z Londýna do Yeovilu poté, co její poslední případ nedopadl ani zdaleka tak, jak měl, a navíc se jí rozpadlo manželství. Shanti rychle odhalí, že k vyšetřování bude třeba víc než jen chladná logika, a když jí kolega doporučí Vince Caina zvaného Veggie, Shanti toho podivínského detektiva vyhledá. Oba vyšetřovatelé se ponoří do bohémské komunity a objeví místo plné zášti a žárlivosti. A brzy zjistí, že i přes pokračující vyšetřování, je vrah nejen velmi důmyslný, ale také zdánlivě nepolapitelný. Může se nepravděpodobná dvojice detektivů – pragmatická a nohama pevně na zemi ukotvená Shanti a mysticky založený Cain se svou nevysvětlitelnou intuicí – ukázat jako pravý klíč k dopadení vychytralého vraha?
Podívejte se také Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
Podívejte se také
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Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová
Over half of all the visual artists working today are women, but the paintings and sculptures shown in many galleries and museums tell a different story because they're usually the work of men.In this book Kate Pankhurst, descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, tells the fascinating stories of some of history's most talented female artists.* Express your feelings and find your identity through art with Frida Kahlo* Run away to the circus and paint with Laura Knight* Help bring talented artists into the spotlight with Peggy Guggenheim* Challenge racism and segregation by creating powerful art with Faith RinggoldIncluding comic strips, family trees, maps and more, Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories is a celebration of just some of the women whose creativity and dreams have made a mark on the world. A fantastic gift for girls and boys alike!List of women featured: Amrita Sher-Gil, Elisabeth Le Brun, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Faith Ringgold, Frida Kahlo, Kathe Kollwitz, Dame Laura Knight and Peggy Guggenheim.
Objev podobné jako Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová
Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
Hudební CD - Pražské jaro a Zoltán Kocsis na tomto CD Franz Schubert - Sonata B dur Franz Liszt - Uherská rapsodie č. 5 e moll, Ave Maria Béla Bartók - Devět malých klavírních skladeb Seznam stop Sonáta B dur Molto moderato / Andante sostenuto / Scherzo. Allegro vivace con delicatezza / Allegro ma non troppo / Uherská rapsodie č. 5 e moll S 244/5 Héroide élégiaque / Ave Maria S 182 Římské zvonyDevět malých klavírních skladeb, 2.sešit Sz 82 Menuetto. Moderato / Air. Allegro / Marcia delle bestie. Comodo / Tamburína. Allegro molto
Objev podobné jako Kocsis Zoltán: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0509-2)
Casadesuse Robert: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0595-2)
Hudební CD - Live nahrávka z Pražského jara 1962 a 1958. Edice Great Artists in Prague. Live nahrávka z Pražského jara 1962 a 1958. Edice Great Artists in Prague. Obsah: Claude Debussy (1862-1918) - 24 preludií (výběr) César Franck (1822-1890) - Preludium, chorál a fuga Nahrávka jednoho z nejvýznamnějších francouzských klavíristů 20. století Roberta Casadesuse (1899-1972). Seznam stop Preludia pro klavír - I. kniha (výběr) Delfské tanečnice. Lent et grave / Vrcholky na Anacapri. Tres modéré / Dívka s vlasy jako len (Plavovláska). Tres calme et doucement expresiff / Co vyprávěl západní vítr. Animé et tumulteux / Potopená katedrála. Profondément calme / Kejklíři. ModéréPreludia pro klavír - II. kniha (výběr) Vinná brána. Mouv de Habanera / Rusalka. Scherzando / Generál Lavine - výstředník. Dans le style et le Mouvement d'un Cake-Walk / Audienční terasa ve svitu luny. Lent / Střídavé tercie. Modérement animé / Ohňostroj. Modérement animé / MaskyRytiny...
Objev podobné jako Casadesuse Robert: Great Artists in Prague - CD (CR0595-2)
50 Great Short Stories (9780553277456)
Kniha - autor Milton Crane, 592 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá 50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world's finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley, James Joyce, to Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, Faulkner, E.B. White, Saroyan and O'Connor. The variety in style and subject is enormous, but all these stories have one point in common - the enduring quality of the writing, which places them among the masterpieces of the world's fiction."50 Great Short Stories" is a comprehensive selection from the world&8217;s finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley, and James Joyce, to Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, Faulkner, E.B. White, Saroyan, and O&8217;Connor. The variety in style and subject is enormous, but all these stories have one point in...
Objev podobné jako 50 Great Short Stories (9780553277456)
50 Great Short Stories - Milton Crane
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world’s finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley, and James Joyce, to Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, Faulkner, E.B. White, Saroyan, and O’Connor. The variety in style and subject is enormous, but all these stories have one point in common–the enduring quality of the writing, which places them among the masterpieces of the world’s fiction.
Objev podobné jako 50 Great Short Stories - Milton Crane
Great Japanese Stories: 10 Parallel Texts
A captivating selection of short stories in the original Japanese alongside their English translations This new dual-language edition of ten stories selected from The Penguin Book of Japanese Short Stories celebrates some of the very best Japanese literature from the past hundred years. Each story appears in the original Japanese alongside an expert English translation, providing unique cultural insight and literary inspiration for language learners. Ranging from a witty send-up of modern social graces to a powerful evocation of the aftermath of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima, this remarkable collection includes works from beloved authors Abe Akira, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Betsuyaku Minoru, Hoshi Shin'ichi, Kawakami Mieko, Kono Taeko, Murakami Haruki, Oba Minako, Ota Yoko and Uchida Hyakken.
Objev podobné jako Great Japanese Stories: 10 Parallel Texts
Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
Hudební CD - Dramatická symfonie podle Shakespearovy tragédie pro sóla, sbor a orchestr na slova Émila Deschampse, op. 17. Dramatická symfonie podle Shakespearovy tragédie pro sóla, sbor a orchestr na slova Émila Deschampse, op. 17 (1839) Beno Blachut - tenor Věra Krilová - mezzosoprán Ladislav Mráz - bas Český pěvecký sbor & Josef Veselka Česká filharmonie & Lorin Maazel Živý snímek z koncertu konaného dne 19. května 1960 ve Smetanově síni pražského Obecního domu (vokální party zpívány česky) Seznam stop Romeo a Julie Op. 17 Introdukce / Prolog / Píseň / Scherzetto / Romeo sám - Smutek - Vzdálene ohlasy koncertu - Velká slavnost / Milostná scéna / Královna Mab, víla snůRomeo a Julie Op. 17 Pohřeb Juliin / Romeo v hrobce Kapuletů / Finále / Árie / Přísaha
Objev podobné jako Maazel Lorin: Romeo a Julie - Great Artists Live in Prague (2x CD) - CD (CR0599-2)
50 Great Short Stories (Defekt) - Milton Crane
50 Great Short Stories is a comprehensive selection from the world’s finest short fiction. The authors represented range from Hawthorne, Maupassant, and Poe, through Henry James, Conrad, Aldous Huxley, and James Joyce, to Hemingway, Katherine Anne Porter, Faulkner, E.B. White, Saroyan, and O’Connor. The variety in style and subject is enormous, but all these stories have one point in common–the enduring quality of the writing, which places them among the masterpieces of the world’s fiction.
Objev podobné jako 50 Great Short Stories (Defekt) - Milton Crane
Great Italian Stories: 10 Parallel Texts - kolektiv autorů
A spellbinding selection of short stories in the original Italian alongside their English translationsThis new dual-language edition of ten stories selected from The Penguin Book of Italian Short Stories celebrates some of the very best twentieth-century literature from Italy. Each story appears in the original Italian alongside an expert English translation, providing unique cultural insight and literary inspiration for language learners. Ranging from a spellbinding tale of the supernatural to a powerful portrait of post-war Italy, this revelatory collection includes works from beloved authors, Italo Calvino, Fausta Cialente, Alba de Céspedes, Grazia Deledda, Natalia Ginzburg, Elsa Morante, Lalla Romano, Umberto Saba, Alberto Savinio, and Elio Vittorini.
Objev podobné jako Great Italian Stories: 10 Parallel Texts - kolektiv autorů
Great Spanish Stories: 10 Parallel Texts - kolektiv autorů
A riveting selection of short stories in Spanish alongside their English translations This new dual-language edition of ten stories selected from The Penguin Book of Spanish Short Stories celebrates some of the very best twentieth-century literature from Spain. Each story appears in Spanish alongside an expert English translation, providing unique cultural insight and literary inspiration for language learners. Ranging from a poignant tale of betrayal to a darkly humorous exchange between wedding guests, this captivating collection includes works from authors such as Leopoldo Alas (Clarín), Cristina Fernández Cubas, Medardo Fraile, Carmen Martín Gaite, Karmele Jaio, Carmen Laforet, Javier Marías, Carme Riera, Manuel Rivas, and Esther Tusquets.
Objev podobné jako Great Spanish Stories: 10 Parallel Texts - kolektiv autorů
Great Stories in Czech History (80-7252-111-X)
Kniha - autor Petr Čornej; Magda Veverková Hrnčířová, 142 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Známý český historik a popularizátor historie vybral a poutavě napsal patnáct nejzajímavějších příběhů z české historie od nejstarších dob po současnost. Kniha určená zahraničním turistům a studentům.
Objev podobné jako Great Stories in Czech History (80-7252-111-X)
Stories of Sherlock Holmes
Audiokniha MP3 Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, čte Rodilý mluvčí Obtížnost poslechu odpovídá jazykové úrovni B1 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce, tj. pro středně pokročilé studenty angličtiny.In the Boscombe Valley Mystery, Turner kills his blackmailer McCarthy to prevent McCarthy's son marrying his daughter and claiming all of his property. In the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, Holmes foils Mr Ryder's plans to steal a precious jewel and frame a plumber for the crime. The Adventure of Silver Blaze tells of how a trainer tries to injure his horse in order to win a bet, but is killed when the horse fights back! In the Adventure of the Copper Beeches a selfish father traps his daughter so he will not lose her money. His plan is foiled when his daughter's love rescues her.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Sherlock Holmes
Stories of Mystery and Suspense
Audiokniha MP3 Edgar Allan Poe, čte Rodilý mluvčí Audiokniha Stories of Mystery and Suspense namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače. In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stories such as The Pit and the Pendulum, through to detective fiction like The Murders in the Rue Morgue and an early science fiction tale - A Descent into the Maelström. Ghostly mysteries such as Ligeia and The Fall of the House of Usher are also in the collection along with Poe’s masterpiece study of madness The Tell-Tale Heart.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Mystery and Suspense
The Stories of Sherlock Holmes ()
Audiokniha MP3 - autor Arthur Conan Doyle a Sabrina D.Harris, čte Theodore Christopher Vasilis Čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese v angličtiněAudiokniha nabízí čtyři příběhy Sherlocka Holmese, které jsou určeny mírně pokročilým studentům angličtiny. Zájemci se díky nim nejen seznámí s případy, v nichž věhlasný detektiv rozehrává své brilantní logické myšlení, ale také si procvičí poslech a porozumění angličtiny. Kniha je načtená rodilým mluvčím.
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Sherlock Holmes ()
Tinny little Stories of animals AJ
Our history has been linked with that of animals since the very beginning of human life on Earth. This bond has grown stronger and stronger over the centuries, and some creatures have become real animal celebrities. Some of them are famous because they supported their owners in the conquest of new lands or in great battles, such as Hannibals elephants. Others went down in history as true heroes in dangerous situations, such as the pigeon Cher Ami, that carried war orders right from the battle frontline. In this book youll read the true stories of these animals, and many others. At the very end, youll find a section dedicated to animals that never existed, but that are still part of our mythology and culture. Lidské dějiny jsou již od svého prvopočátku spojeny se zvířaty. Tento svazek během staletí sílil a některá zvířata se stala stejně slavnými jako lidé. Některá sloužila svým pánům při dobývání nových území nebo s nimi bojovala ve velkých bitvách, jako sloni vojevůdce Hannibala. Jiní vstoupili do historie, protože se stali protagonisty nebezpečných situací, jako poštovní holubice Cher Ami, která přinášela válečné rozkazy přímo do ohniska bitvy. V této knize si můžeš přečíst nejen příběhy těchto velkých spojenců a přátel člověka, ale ještě mnoho dalšího. Knihu totiž doplňuje kapitola o zvířatech, která nikdy neexistovala, patří však do světové mytologie i naší kultury. Otevři s námi knihu, která tě potěší i poučí.
Objev podobné jako Tinny little Stories of animals AJ
Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová
Travel to Greece and watch Cynisca, a Spartan princess, become the first ever woman to win at the ancient Olympic Games. Or touch the heavens with Junko Tabei as she carves her path through history and mountain ranges with little applause but a lot of bravery. In this book Kate Pankhurst, descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, tells the fascinating stories of some of history''s most talented female sports stars.From football superstars to trailblazing Olympians, women throughout history have fought for the right to take part, win or lose, in sports across the globe. Whether they were making impassioned pleas for support on the football pitch, or working behind the scenes to set up rival games when the Olympics said ‘NO’, these women are all sporting heroes.Including diary entries, postcard messages, maps and more, Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and Their Stories is a celebration of just some of the women whose tenacity and skill have made a mark on the world. A fantastic gift for girls and boys alike!List of women featured: Cynisca, Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Dod, Alice Milliat, Junko Tabei, Derartu Tulu, Marta Vieira da Silva, Ellie Simmonds and Simone Biles.
Objev podobné jako Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová
Stories of Eva Luna - Isabel Allende
Eva Luna is a young woman whose powers as a storyteller bring her friendship and love. Lying in bed with her lover, European refugee and journalist Rolf Carlé, Eva answers his request for a story 'you have never told anyone before' with these twenty-three samples of her vibrant artistry. Interweaving the real and the magical, she explores love, vengeance, compassion and female power, depicting worlds that are at once poignantly familiar and intriguingly new.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Eva Luna - Isabel Allende
Seasons of Cognac - Laurence Benaim
This connoisseurs’ tribute to the ultimate French brandy celebrates the Cognac region and the centuries-old techniques that Hennessy uses to craft their celebrated liqueur. Cognac hails from a unique terroir in the Charentes region of France, where the elixir’s blend of tradition and voluptuousness has been rhythmed by the seasons for centuries. This handsome volume invites aficionados of fine spirits on a year-long journey into Hennessy’s realm, guided by lifestyle journalist Laurence Benaïm’s impressions on the singularity of the landscape, the temperament of its vineyards, the transformations that take place within its cellars, and the exceptional know-how at the origin of this amber treasure. The transportive text is illustrated by a dozen evocative watercolors; together they create a keepsake homage to the style and taste that intrinsically define Hennessy cognac.
Objev podobné jako Seasons of Cognac - Laurence Benaim
Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1101972122)
Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
Kniha - autor Ted Chiang, 338 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others (1529039436)
The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
"A fascinating, entertaining and deeply smart journey into the storytelling brain" - Will Storr, bestselling author of The Status Game and The Science of Storytelling"Life - and the quite appalling behaviour of everyone I know - finally makes sense. Read this remarkable book" - Andrew Gold, author of The Psychology of Secrets and host of Heretics--------------------------We understand the world through stories. All of our experiences, all of our insights – psychologically, we interpret them through specific lenses that have been curated, perfected and passed down throughout human history. Internationally bestselling author Professor Ben Ambridge has quantified those lenses into eight distinct masterplots that can apply to any experience.The mother who wakes up an hour early every day to prep her child's breakfast? She's playing out the Sacrifice plot. The amateur sports team who go on to win the big trophy against all the odds? They're part of the Underdog narrative.Ambridge uses examples from fiction, real life, and popular psychology research to demonstrate how we not only naturally gravitate towards the masterplot narratives, but how we actually use those narratives to manipulate the world around us – like the addict who uses the Monster plot to paint their illness as something to overcome, or the boxer who relies on the Revenge narrative to motivate themselves to fight their way back after an embarrassing defeat.These masterplots do more for us than to help us understand the world; they’re vehicles through which humans have survived. The Stories of Your Life shares fascinating lessons about the nature of humanity, the power of psychology and – most importantly – the way we see ourselves.--------------------------"Stories are essential for human beings - they allow us to learn, to connect, to empathize. The best stories follow structures that catalyze and amplify their power. Ambridge expertly decodes and deciphers these masterplots so we can all benefit and grow" - Matt Abrahams, author of Think Faster Talk Smarter and host of Think Fast, Talk Smart
Objev podobné jako The Stories of Your Life - Ben Ambridge
Love Letters of Great Men (0230739466)
Kniha - 144 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Remember the wonderfully romantic book of letters by Beethoven, Byron and Napoleon that featured in the Sex and the City film? That collection never actually existed, but all of the letters referenced in the film were real; so Macmillan decided to create Love Letters of Great Men...
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Love Letters of Great Men (1509895302)
Kniha - 156 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Ursula Doyle, 156 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako Love Letters of Great Men (1509895302)
Dreams of a Great Small Nation : The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe
The pages of history recall scarcely any parallel episode at once so romantic in character and so extensive in scale." ,Winston S. ChurchillIn 1917, two empires that had dominated much of Europe and Asia teetered on the edge of the abyss, exhausted by the ruinous cost in blood and treasure of the First World War. As Imperial Russia and Habsburg-ruled Austria-Hungary began to succumb, a small group of Czech and Slovak combat veterans stranded in Siberia saw an opportunity to realize their long-held dream of independence.While their plan was audacious and complex, and involved moving their 50,000-strong army by land and sea across three-quarters of the earth's expanse, their commitment to fight for the Allies on the Western Front riveted the attention of Allied London, Paris, and Washington.On their journey across Siberia, a brawl erupted at a remote Trans-Siberian rail station that sparked a wholesale rebellion. The marauding Czecho-Slovak Legion seized control of the Trans-Siberian Railroad, and with it Siberia. In the end, this small band of POWs and deserters, whose strength was seen by Leon Trotsky as the chief threat to Soviet rule, helped destroy the Austro-Hungarian Empire and found Czecho-Slovakia.British prime minister David Lloyd George called their adventure one of the greatest epics of history," and former US president Teddy Roosevelt declared that their accomplishments were unparalleled, so far as I know, in ancient or modern warfare."
Objev podobné jako Dreams of a Great Small Nation : The Mutinous Army that Threatened a Revolution, Destroyed an Empire, Founded a Republic, and Remade the Map of Europe
Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall (0571245005)
Kniha - autor Kazuo Ishiguro, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A story cycle exploring ideas of love, music and the passing of time, from the piazzas of Italy to the floor of an exclusive Hollywood hotel. Was a Sunday Times bestseller in HB, while Ishiguro has sold over 2 million copies of his books with Faber. 'The unity of Nocturnes is plain. It is a unity of tone - regretful, memory-laden and full of astonishing quality that is made to seem, somehow, routine' Brian Appleyard, Sunday Times
Objev podobné jako Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall (0571245005)
Stories of Little Tibet - Luboš Pavel, Aneta Pavlová
Little Tibet is a name given to Ladakh, a beautiful region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir bordering Tibet to the east and bearing its influence. In the shadow of Great Himalaya, Indus Valley is inhabited by people of Tibetan descent. The book is telling us their stories - narrating about the history of Ladakh, about present-day people, and, finally expressing wishes and visions for the future. So, here you will find fairy-tales and folk tales as well as Buddhist stories - along with the stories of people the authors met and who had stories to tell. For them, the past, the present and the future merge into one entity. Finally, a reader will also find completely new stories that arose from the creative work of children in the Spring Dales Public School. Life is changing rapidly. Where yesterday there was not even a dirt track, dozens of cars flow along a new road today. Next to the houses made of clay, new concrete buildings are growing up. All together the Stories of Little Tibet form a kind of collage, which in a new context could reveal the actual life of people in Ladakh and the tradition from which it stems.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Little Tibet - Luboš Pavel, Aneta Pavlová
Stories of Little Tibet - Luboš Pavel, Aneta Pavlová
Little Tibet is a name given to Ladakh, a beautiful region in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir bordering Tibet to the east and bearing its influence. In the shadow of Great Himalaya, Indus Valley is inhabited by people of Tibetan descent. The book is telling us their stories - narrating about the history of Ladakh, about present-day people, and, finally expressing wishes and visions for the future. So, here you will find fairy-tales and folk tales as well as Buddhist stories - along with the stories of people the authors met and who had stories to tell. For them, the past, the present and the future merge into one entity. Finally, a reader will also find completely new stories that arose from the creative work of children in the Spring Dales Public School. Life is changing rapidly. Where yesterday there was not even a dirt track, dozens of cars flow along a new road today. Next to the houses made of clay, new concrete buildings are growing up. All together the Stories of Little Tibet form a kind of collage, which in a new context could reveal the actual life of people in Ladakh and the tradition from which it stems.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Little Tibet - Luboš Pavel, Aneta Pavlová
PER | Level 3: Stories of Survival - Fiona Beddall
Some people choose adventure. Others suddenly find themselves in danger in their ordinary lives. This book tells the true stories of survivors. In the Antarctica cold or the Sahara Desert heat, in the wide Atlantic Ocean or a small Rwandan bathroom, these people have known terrible suffering but have lived.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 3: Stories of Survival - Fiona Beddall
Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4
Internationally bestselling author and acclaimed screenwriter Anthony Horowitz, creator of Magpie Murders, together with founder of Mysterious Press, Otto Penzler, selects the very best of the year''s crime and mystery tales in this latest collection perfect for crime fiction lovers. Featuring stories from Jeffery Deaver and L. Frank Baum among many others!These twenty tales represent the best of short form crime and mystery fiction from over the past twelve months. With a variety of fiendishly twisty plots, and featuring murder and mischief in evilly evocative settings, this collection is perfect for crime fiction lovers. Also includes a bonus short mystery story from the Golden Age of Crime Fiction, by the fabled L. Frank Baum.Featuring stories by:Ace AtkinsMichael BrackenFleur BradleyShelley CostaDoug CrandellJeffery DeaverJohn FloydNils GilbertsonPeter HayesShells LegoullonVictor MethosLeonardo PaduraDan PopeAnnie ReedCameron SandersAnna ScottiArcher SullivanAndrew Welsh-HugginsStacy Woodson
Objev podobné jako Best Crime Stories of the Year Volume 4
The Ghost Stories of Wilkie Collins - Wilkie Collins
Vengeful spirits, mysterious revenants and haunted objects stalk the pages of Wilkie Collins' short fiction, and yet his reputation as a sensation and detective novelist has long overshadowed his inventive contributions to the ghost story genre. Drawing from across the writer's career, Xavier Aldana Reyes presents eight stories of the strange and uncanny to celebrate this lesser-known side of the Collins' imaginative and ground-breaking fiction, guiding the reader into a candlelit night in which unearthly forces - and inescapable doom - lie in wait.
Objev podobné jako The Ghost Stories of Wilkie Collins - Wilkie Collins
Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
With Stories of Your Life and Others, his masterful debut collection, multiple-award-winning author Ted Chiang deftly blends human emotion and scientific rationalism in eight remarkably varied stories. From a soaring Babylonian tower that connects a flat Earth to the firmament above, to a world where angelic visitations are a wondrous and terrifying part of everyday life; from a neural modification that eliminates the appeal of physical beauty, to an alien language that challenges our very perception of time and reality, Chiang’s unique imagination invites us to question our understanding of the universe and our place in it. The title novella 'Story of Your Life' was the basis for the Academy Award-winning film Arrival, starring Amy Adams and Jeremy Renner.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Your Life and Others - Ted Chiang
An Emotion Of Great Delight - Tahereh Mafi
From bestselling author of the Shatter Me series and the National Book Award-nominated A Very Large Expanse of Sea, Tahereh Mafi, comes a stunning novel about love and loneliness, navigating dual-identity as a Muslim teenager in America, and reclaiming your right to joy. It's 2003. It's been several months since the US officially declared war on Iraq, and the political world has evolved. Shadi, who wears hijab (a visible allegiance to Islam) keeps her head down. Hate crimes are spiking. Undercover FBI agents are infiltrating mosques and interrogating members of the congregation, and the local Muslim community is beginning to fracture. Shadi hears the fights after services, the arguments between families about what it means to be Muslim, about what they should be doing and saying as a community but she does not engage. She's too busy drowning in her own troubles to find the time to deal with bigots. Shadi is named for joy, but she's haunted by sorrow. Her brother is dead, her father is dying, her mother is falling apart, and her best friend has mysteriously dropped out of her life. And then, of course, there's the small matter of her heart It's broken. Shadi has tried to navigate the remains of her quickly-shattering world by soldiering through, saying nothing, until finally, one day, everything changes. She explodes. Perfect for fans of the Shatter Me series as well as Angie Thomas's The Hate U Give and Nicola Yoon's The Sun is Also A Star.
Objev podobné jako An Emotion Of Great Delight - Tahereh Mafi
Zrcadlová četba - True Stories of Gangsters (Gangsteři) - Henry Brook
Z Al Caponeho terorem ovládaného Chicaga po australskou buš, kde se na poslední odpor policii postavil Ned Kelly, žila většina gangsterů chladný, násilný a vypočítavý život, který se brzy uzavírá. Bankovní lupiči, šéfové mafie, útěky z vězení a další to vše najdete v těchto jedenácti napínavých příbězích, prostřednictvím kterých se vydáte do temného prodsvětí nejnebezpečnějších zločinců, kteří kdy žili.
Objev podobné jako Zrcadlová četba - True Stories of Gangsters (Gangsteři) - Henry Brook
Nocturnes - Five Stories of Music and Nightfall - Kazuo Ishiguro
'It was our third time playing the Godfather theme since lunch...'In a sublime short story collection, Kazuo Ishiguro explores ideas of love, music and the passing of time. From the piazzas of Italy to the Malvern Hills, a London flat to the 'hush-hush floor' of an exclusive Hollywood hotel, the characters we encounter range from young dreamers to cafe musicians to faded stars, all of them at some moment of reckoning.Gentle, intimate and witty, this quintet is marked by a haunting theme: the struggle to keep alive a sense of life's romance, even as one gets older, relationships flounder and youthful hopes recede.If you enjoyed Nocturnes: Five Stories of Music and Nightfall, you might also like Ishiguro's The Remains of the Day, now available in Faber Modern Classics.
Objev podobné jako Nocturnes - Five Stories of Music and Nightfall - Kazuo Ishiguro
Stories of Sherlock Holmes / Případy Sherlocka Holmese - Zrcadlová četba
Anglicko-český zrcadlový text pro mírně pokročilé. Klasické příběhy Sherlocka Holmese podle Sira Arthura Conana Doyla. Sherlock Holmes s pomocí věrného Dr. Watsona musí použít veškerý svůj um a mazanost, aby vyřešil čtyři velmi rozdílné záhady, – „krysu“, velký modrý klenot, slavného dostihového koně a mladou dámu, která je ve větším nebezpečí, než si uvědomuje...
Objev podobné jako Stories of Sherlock Holmes / Případy Sherlocka Holmese - Zrcadlová četba
Stories of Mystery and Suspense - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Audiokniha Stories of Mystery and Suspense namluvená rodilým mluvčím. Jazyková úroveň B2 pro pokročilé posluchače. In this reader you will find nine of Edgar Allan Poe’s most famous stories of mystery and suspense. They range from Gothic historical stories such as The Pit and the Pendulum, through to detective fiction like The Murders in the Rue Morgue and an early science fiction tale - A Descent into the Maelström. Ghostly mysteries such as Ligeia and The Fall of the House of Usher are also in the collection along with Poe’s masterpiece study of madness The Tell-Tale Heart.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Mystery and Suspense - Edgar Allan Poe - audiokniha
Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
Audiokniha: In the Boscombe Valley Mystery, Turner kills his blackmailer McCarthy to prevent McCarthy's son marrying his daughter and claiming all of his property. In the Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, Holmes foils Mr Ryder's plans to steal a precious jewel and frame a plumber for the crime. The Adventure of Silver Blaze tells of how a trainer tries to injure his horse in order to win a bet, but is killed when the horse fights back! In the Adventure of the Copper Beeches a selfish father traps his daughter so he will not lose her money. His plan is foiled when his daughter's love rescues her.
Objev podobné jako Stories of Sherlock Holmes - Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - audiokniha
Various Artists - Ministry Of Sound: Origins of Trance (2 LP)
Subžánr: Elektronický;House;Progressive House;Progressive Trance;Trance Žánr: Elektronický;Trance Barva: Černá Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Kompilace;LP deska;Album Vydavatelství: Ministry Of Sound Rok nahrávky: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-09-20 Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Various Artists Varianta: Ministry Of Sound: Origins of Trance (2 LP) Rok vydání: 2019.0 Složení setu: 2 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g
Objev podobné jako Various Artists - Ministry Of Sound: Origins of Trance (2 LP)
The Rise & Fall of Great Powers - Tom Rachman
NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BYNPR - The Seattle Times - The Globe and Mail - Kirkus Reviews - Daily Mail - The Vancouver Sun From the author of The Italian Teacher and The Imperfectionists comes a brilliant, intricately woven novel about a young woman who travels the world to make sense of her puzzling past. Look in the back of the book for a conversation between Tom Rachman and J. R. Moehringer Following one of the most critically acclaimed fiction debuts in years, New York Times bestselling author Tom Rachman returns with a brilliant, intricately woven novel about a young woman who travels the world to make sense of her puzzling past. Tooly Zylberberg, the American owner of an isolated bookshop in the Welsh countryside, conducts a life full of reading, but with few human beings. Books are safer than people, who might ask awkward questions about her life. She prefers never to mention the strange events of her youth, which mystify and worry her still. Taken from home as a girl, Tooly found herself spirited away by a group of seductive outsiders, implicated in capers from Asia to Europe to the United States. But who were her abductors? Why did they take her? What did they really want? There was Humphrey, the curmudgeonly Russian with a passion for reading; there was the charming but tempestuous Sarah, who sowed chaos in her wake; and there was Venn, the charismatic leader whose worldview transformed Tooly forever. Until, quite suddenly, he disappeared. Years later, Tooly believes she will never understand the true story of her own life. Then startling news arrives from a long-lost boyfriend in New York, raising old mysteries and propelling her on a quest around the world in search of answers. Tom Rachman--an author celebrated for humanity, humor, and wonderful characters--has produced a stunning novel that reveals the tale not just of one woman but of the past quarter-century as well, from the end of the Cold War to the dominance of American empire to the digital revolution of today. Leaping between decades, and from Bangkok to Brooklyn, this is a breathtaking novel about long-buried secrets and how we must choose to make our own place in the world. It will confirm Rachman's reputation as one of the most exciting young writers we have. Praise for The Rise & Fall of Great Powers
Objev podobné jako The Rise & Fall of Great Powers - Tom Rachman
Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón
Plato is philosophy, and philosophy, Plato.---Emerson The Republic and other great dialogues by the immortal Greek philosopher Plato are masterpieces that form part of the most important single body of writing in the history of philosophy. Beauty, love, immortality, knowledge, and justice are discussed in these dialogues, which magnificently express the glowing spirit of Platonic philosophy. Translated by W. H. D. Rouse, one of the world's most outstanding classical scholars and translator of Homer's The Odyssey and The Iliad, this volume features the complete texts of seven of Plato's most revered works. -In Rouse's pages Socrates' strength of mind, his dedication to philosophical truth, are borne in on the modern reader with something of the power that impressed and disturbed the ancient Greeks.---Time
Objev podobné jako Great Dialogues of Plato - Platón
Knížka DOG - Stories of Dog Ownership by Julian Victoria, English
Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. Neseriózní příběhy majitelů psů, jak je vyprávějí oni sami.
Objev podobné jako Knížka DOG - Stories of Dog Ownership by Julian Victoria, English
Little Wizard Stories of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
eBook: First published in 1914, ‘Little Wizard Stories of Oz’ is a collection of six short stories from the famous and much-loved ‘Oz’ author L. Frank Baum. Short stories in the collection include ‘The Cowardly Lion and the Hungry Tiger’, ‘Little Dorothy and Toto’, and ‘Tiktok and the Nome King’. A sweet collection of magical stories, perfect for younger readers new to the world of Oz.
Objev podobné jako Little Wizard Stories of Oz - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha
Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová
Find out the fascinating stories of ten real-life dragons, the myths and legends surrounding them, their discoveries and how they survive today.For centuries, dragons have captured our imaginations, guarding troves of treasure and breathing out fire. They appear in many myths and legends from around the world, some soaring through the air on scaly wings; some lurking in caves underground and some diving the depths of the seas and oceans.While there is, sadly, no such thing as a fire-breathing dragon, there are still dragons alive today in the animal kingdom. One of them can even fly. This book brings together the stories of ten real-life dragons, with fascinating facts mixed with some folklore. There are also tales of how these extraordinary creatures were discovered and about their adaptations for surviving in the wild.Are you ready for the wildlife safari of a lifetime?This high-interest approach to the natural world shows the diversity of nature, evolution and adaptation and can be used to support the science curriculum study of living things at key stage two.Full-colour photographs combined with illustrations make this a beautiful and fascinating introduction to real-life dragons around the world.
Objev podobné jako Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová
True Stories of Gangsters/Gangsteři (978-80-7240-590-9)
Kniha - autor Henry Brook, 300 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Zrcadlová četba pro mírně pokročilé.
Objev podobné jako True Stories of Gangsters/Gangsteři (978-80-7240-590-9)
The Lives of the Artists - Giorgio Vasari
Packed with facts, attributions, and entertaining anecdotes about his contemporaries, Vasari''s collection of biographical accounts also presents a highly influential theory of the development of Renaissance art.Beginning with Cimabue and Giotto, who represent the infancy of art, Vasari considers the period of youthful vigour, shaped by Donatello, Brunelleschi, Ghiberti, and Masaccio, before discussing the mature period of perfection, dominated by the titanic figures of Leonardo, Raphael, and Michelangelo.This specially commissioned translation contains thirty-six of the most important lives as well as an introduction and explanatory notes. ABOUT THE SERIES: For over 100 years Oxford World''s Classics has made available the widest range of literature from around the globe. Each affordable volume reflects Oxford''s commitment to scholarship, providing the most accurate text plus a wealth of other valuable features, including expert introductions by leading authorities, helpful notes to clarify the text, up-to-date bibliographies for further study, and much more.
Objev podobné jako The Lives of the Artists - Giorgio Vasari
Various Artists - Sound Of Philadelphia (2 LP)
Subžánr: Soul;Disco;Funk Rok vydání: 2019.0 Datum vydání: 2019-04-05 Barva podle výrobce: Black Žánr: Funk;Soul Interpret / Téma: Various Artists Typ: LP deska;Kompilace;Album Vydavatelství: Sony Music Barva: Černá Složení setu: 2 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Evropská unie;Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Sound Of Philadelphia (2 LP)
Objev podobné jako Various Artists - Sound Of Philadelphia (2 LP)
The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (014103887X)
Kniha - autor Norman Doidge, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Brain that Changes Itself: Stories of Personal Triumph from the Frontiers of Brain Science (014103887X)
A Natural History of Negation - Horn Laurence R.
This book offers a unique synthesis of past and current work on the structure, meaning, and use of negation and negative expressions, a topic that has engaged thinkers from Aristotle and the Buddha to Freud and Chomsky. Horn's masterful study melds a review of scholarship in philosophy, psychology, and linguistics with original research, providing a full picture of negation in natural language and thought; this new edition adds a comprehensive preface and bibliography, surveying research since the book's original publication.
Objev podobné jako A Natural History of Negation - Horn Laurence R.
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