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She Who Became the Sun - Shelley Parker-Chan
The Number One Sunday Times BestsellerAn immersive, historical fantasy set in 14th-century China, She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan is a queer tale of love, loss, betrayal and triumph.'Magnificent in every way' – Samantha Shannon, author of The Priory of the Orange TreeIn a famine-stricken village on a dusty plain, a seer shows two children their fates. For a family’s eighth-born son, there’s greatness. For the second daughter, nothing.In 1345, China lies restless under harsh Mongol rule. And when a bandit raid wipes out their home, the two children must somehow survive. Zhu Chongba despairs and gives in. But the girl resolves to overcome her destiny. So she takes on her dead brother’s identity – and begins her journey.Can Zhu escape what is written in the stars, as rebellion sweeps the land? Can she claim her brother’s greatness – and rise, ruthlessly, to take the dragon throne?This is a glorious tale from a powerful new voice.She Who Became the Sun is a reimagining of the rise to power of Zhu Yuanzhang. Zhu was the real-life peasant rebel who expelled the Mongols, unified China under native rule, and became the founding Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.‘Epic, tragic and gorgeous’ – Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of January
Podívejte se také The Who: Who - CD (7743036)
She Who Became the Sun (1529043409)
Kniha - autor Shelley Parker-Chan, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná She Who Became the Sun reimagines the rise to power of the Ming Dynasty's founding emperor. In a famine-stricken village on a dusty plain, a seer shows two children their fates. For a family's eighth-born son, there's greatness. For the second daughter, nothing. In 1345, China lies restless under harsh Mongol rule. And when a bandit raid wipes out their home, the two children must somehow survive. Zhu Chongba despairs and gives in. But the girl resolves to overcome her destiny. So she takes her dead brother's identity and begins her journey. Can Zhu escape what's written in the stars, as rebellion sweeps the land? Or can she claim her brother's greatness - and rise as high as she can dream?
Podívejte se také The Who: Who - LP (7747053)
He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
What would you give to win the world? Zhu Yuanzhang, the Radiant King, is riding high after a great victory.She’s torn southern China from its Mongol masters. Now she burns with a new desire: to crown herself emperor. However, she’s not the only one with imperial aspirations.Courtesan Madam Zhang wants the throne for her husband. And scorned scholar Wang Baoxiang yearns to bring the empire to its knees. So Zhu must gamble everything on a risky alliance with her old enemy: Ouyang, the brilliant but unstable eunuch general.All contenders will do anything and everything to win. But when desire and ambition have no limits, could the price be too high for even the most ruthless heart to bear?
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He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Mulan meets The Song of Achilles in He Who Drowned the World by Shelley Parker-Chan - a dazzling queer historical fantasy of war and destiny set in an epic alternate China, and sequel to Sunday Times bestselling She Who Became the Sun. What would you give to win the world? Zhu Yuanzhang, the Radiant King, is riding high after her victory - one that tore southern China from its Mongol masters. Now she burns with a new desire: to seize the throne and crown herself emperor. However, Zhu isn't the only one with imperial aspirations. Courtesan Madam Zhang plots to steal the throne for her husband. But scorned scholar Wang Baoxiang is even closer to the throne. He's maneuverered his way to the capital, where his courtly games threaten to bring the empire to its knees. For Baoxiang also desires revenge: to become the most degenerate Great Khan in history. In the process, he'd make a mockery of the warrior values his Mongol family loved more than him. To stay in the game, Zhu must gamble everything on one bold move. A risky alliance with an old enemy: Ouyang, the brilliant but unstable eunuch general. All contenders will do whatever it takes to win. But when desire has no end, and ambition no limits, could the price be too high for even the most ruthless heart to bear?
Objev podobné jako He Who Drowned the World - Shelley Parker-Chan
Jenž utopil svět - Shelley Parker-Chan
Pokračování románu o válce a osudu, zasazeného do alternativní historie staré ČínyZářivý král Ču Jüan-čang osvobodil jižní Čínu z područí mongolských vládců a nese se na vlně vítězství. Mocným plamenem v něm hoří nová touha: zmocnit se trůnu a nechat se korunovat císařem. Jenže na císařské žezlo mají zálusk i další. Vlivná kurtizána madam Čang ze sousedního území chce trůn pro svého chotě a má dostatek prostředků, aby Ču překazila plány. Ve snaze zůstat ve hře musí Ču vsadit všechno na vratké spojenectví s dávným nepřítelem: nadaným, ale nevyrovnaným vykleštěným generálem Ou-jangem. Jižané ovšem netuší, že o trůn se uchází také někdo přímo z císařského dvora. Do hlavního města pronikl všemi opovrhovaný učenec Wang Pao-siang a svými vražednými intrikami ohrožuje stabilitu celé říše. Všichni rivalové jsou odhodláni udělat pro vítězství cokoli. Ovšem když touha nabude nesmírných rozměrů, daň za její naplnění možná neunese ani to nejokoralejší srdce…
Objev podobné jako Jenž utopil svět - Shelley Parker-Chan
Jež se stala sluncem - Shelley Parker-Chan
Podmanivý a poetický román o válce a osudu, zasazený do alternativní historie staré Číny. V nuzné vesnici na prašné žluté pláni, kde vládne bída a hladomor, se dvě děti dozvědí svůj osud. Chlapci je přisouzena sláva a výjimečnost, kdežto dívce jen zapomnění… V roce 1345 vládnou Číně tvrdou rukou Mongolové. Živořící rolníci z planin ve středním vnitrozemí slýchají o význačnosti leda v bájích a pověstech. Proto když je osmému synu rodiny jménem Ču Čchung-pa přiřknut právě takový velkolepý úděl, všichni překvapeně žasnou, kudy se asi jeho cesta bude ubírat. Zato sudba nicoty, kterou si vyslechne bystrá a zdatná druhá dcera rodiny, nikoho nepřekvapí. Když však obě děti po útoku lapků osiří, je to Ču Čchung-pa, kdo podlehne beznaději a zanevře na život. Dívka se odmítne vzdát, a aby své předurčené smrti unikla, přivlastní si bratrovu totožnost a vstoupí do kláštera v přestrojení za mladého novice. Tam Ču poháněná spalující touhou přežít zjistí, že se nezalekne ani těch nejotrlejších činů, pokud ji skryjí před jejím osudem. Jakmile její klášterní útočiště stihne odplata za podporu povstání proti mongolské nadvládě, Ču se chopí příležitosti, aby si vymohla zcela jinou budoucnost: odhozenou slávu svého bratra.
Objev podobné jako Jež se stala sluncem - Shelley Parker-Chan
Jenž utopil svět - Shelley Parker-Chan - e-kniha
eBook: Pokračování románu o válce a osudu, zasazeného do alternativní historie staré Číny Zářivý král Ču Jüan-čang osvobodil jižní Čínu z područí mongolských vládců a nechává se unášet vlnou vítězství. Mocným plamenem v něm hoří nová touha: zmocnit se trůnu a být korunován císařem. Jenže na císařské žezlo mají zálusk i jiní. Vlivná kurtizána madam Čang ze sousedního území chce získat trůn pro svého chotě a má dostatek prostředků, aby Ču překazila plány. Ve snaze zůstat ve hře musí Ču vsadit všechno na vratké spojenectví s dávným nepřítelem: nadaným, ale vnitřně rozervaným vykleštěným generálem Ou-jangem, který už obětoval to nejcennější kvůli naději, že vykoná pomstu na samotném velkém chánovi. Jižané ovšem netuší, že se o trůn uchází také někdo přímo z císařského dvora. Do hlavního města pronikl všemi opovrhovaný učenec Wang Pao-siang a svými vražednými intrikami ohrožuje stabilitu celé říše. Pro vítězství jsou všichni rivalové odhodláni udělat cokoli. Ovšem když touha nabude nesmírných rozměrů, daň za její naplnění možná neunese ani to nejokoralejší srdce… ––– Nejpropracovanější fantasy román letošního roku. Styl Shelley Parker-Chan nemá v rámci moderní fantastiky konkurenci. — BookPage Shelley Parker-Chan na historickém pozadí válečného konfliktu rozehrává příběh soustředící se na odpadlíky, vyvrhele, ty, kterými společnost opovrhuje, ale oni se stále rvou o svůj osud. […] Pokud se vám líbila trilogie Maková válka R. F. Kuangové, rozhodně nevynechejte ani sérii Zářivý císař. — Pevnost Překvapivě svěží přístup ke kombinaci fantastiky a historie. Předpokládám, že o této dvojici románů budu přemýšlet i za deset let. Jenž utopil svět v každém případě představuje důstojného nástupce románu Jež se stala sluncem: je čtivý a strhující a jeho postavy jsou navzdory všem svým záporným vlastnostem fascinující. — NPR
Objev podobné jako Jenž utopil svět - Shelley Parker-Chan - e-kniha
Jež se stala sluncem - Shelley Parker-Chan - e-kniha
eBook: Podmanivý a poetický román o válce a osudu, zasazený do alternativní historie staré Číny V nuzné vesnici na prašné žluté pláni, kde vládne bída a hladomor, se dva sourozenci dozvědí svůj osud. Chlapci je přisouzena sláva a výjimečnost, kdežto dívce jen zapomnění… V roce 1345 vládnou Číně tvrdou rukou Mongolové. Živořící rolníci z planin ve středním vnitrozemí slýchají o význačnosti leda v bájích a pověstech. Proto když je osmému synu rodiny Ču se šťastným jménem Čchung-pa přiřknut právě takový velkolepý úděl, vzbudí to očekávání, kudy se asi jeho životní cesta bude ubírat. Zato sudba nicoty, kterou si vyslechne bystrá a zdatná druhá dcera rodiny, nikoho nepřekvapí. Když však obě děti po útoku lapků osiří, je to Ču Čchung-pa, kdo podlehne beznaději a zanevře na život. Dívka se odmítne vzdát, a aby své předurčené smrti unikla, přivlastní si bratrovu totožnost a vstoupí do kláštera v přestrojení za mladého novice. Tam Ču poháněná spalující touhou přežít zjistí, že se nezalekne ani těch nejdrsnějších činů, pokud díky nim zůstane svému osudu skryta. Jakmile její klášterní útočiště stihne odplata za podporu povstání proti mongolské nadvládě, Ču se chopí příležitosti, aby si vymohla zcela jinou budoucnost: zahozenou slávu svého bratra. ––– Velkolepé ve všech ohledech. Válka, touha, pomsta, politika — Shelley Parker-Chan všechny aspekty vyvážila dokonale.— Samantha Shannonová, autorka románu Převorství u pomerančovníku Proti zdejším politickým intrikám vypadá série Píseň ledu a ohně jako dětská hra. Jež se stala sluncem je kniha nabitá akcí a dobrodružstvím, v níž dokonce i klidnější momenty pulzují napětím.— Locus Magazine Zcela originální přístup k fantasy i genderu, a navíc je to napínavé dobrodružství. Parker-Chan je autorkou, kterou je třeba sledovat, protože bude posouvat naše chápání toho, co je v tomto žánru možné.— Strange Horizons Čtenáři, kteří si užili drsný svět Makové války R. F. Kuangové, naleznou v románu Jež se stala sluncem podobně strhující příběh, k němuž dostanou i dávku poetické a zároveň drsné atmosféry fantaskní Číny čtrnáctého století.— Jiří Štěpán, nakladatelství Host
Objev podobné jako Jež se stala sluncem - Shelley Parker-Chan - e-kniha
The Story of Tutankhamun: An Intimate Life of the Boy who Became King - Garry J. Shaw
A lively new biography of Tutankhamun―published for the hundredth anniversary of his tomb’s modern discovery The discovery of Tutankhamun’s tomb in 1922 sparked imaginations across the globe. While Howard Carter emptied its treasures, Tut-mania gripped the world―and in many ways, never left. But who was the “boy king,” and what was his life really like? Garry J. Shaw tells the full story of Tutankhamun’s reign and his modern rediscovery. As pharaoh, Tutankhamun had to manage an empire, navigate influential courtiers, and suffer the pain of losing at least two children―all before his nineteenth birthday. Shaw explores the boy king’s treasures and possessions, from a lock of his grandmother’s hair to a reed cut with his own hands. He looks too at Ankhesenamun, Tutankhamun’s wife, and the power queens held. This is a compelling new biography that weaves together intriguing details about ancient Egyptian culture, its beliefs, and its place in the wider world.
Objev podobné jako The Story of Tutankhamun: An Intimate Life of the Boy who Became King - Garry J. Shaw
The Werewolves Who Weren´t - Shelley T. C.
The magical follow-up to The Monster Who Wasn't. The second book in this brilliantly rich and strange fantasy series will make us all believe in monsters - be they good, bad or somewhere in between. Sam might be half-monster and half-fairy, but since finding a loving family with the Kavanaghs, his daily life has been all human. And now he's facing one of the greatest human challenges - starting secondary school. But Sam barely has time to worry about the strange stuff teachers say (why do they call it the Great War when it sounds like was anything but great?) before he is thrust back into the world of monsters. Sam's school friends Amira, Hazel and Wilfred reveal that they are shifters: noble twin-souled beings who live half their lives as humans and the other half as dogs. When his new friends are kidnapped one by one, Sam is dragged into an adventure that will force him to confront both halves of his own identity, monster and fairy, if he wants a chance at saving their lives .
Objev podobné jako The Werewolves Who Weren´t - Shelley T. C.
The Boy Who Hatched Monsters - Shelley T. C.
Sam's life has always been strange. After all, his family have no idea that he's half monster, half fairy. But now he's keeping an even bigger secret. He alone has the power to bring monsters to life! (He's even got a tiny gargoyle hatchling hidden in his sock drawer.) When Queen Maggie finds out, she's delighted. She wants Sam to create her a whole new legion of vile ogres. When he refuses, she vows that she will destroy everything Sam holds dear. And so the stage is set for a final battle, one that will determine not just Sam's future, but that of the whole of monsterkind ... The conclusion to T.C. Shelley's magical fantasy trilogy is perfect for fans of Jennifer Bell, Sophie Anderson and Neil Gaiman's The Graveyard Book.
Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Hatched Monsters - Shelley T. C.
The Monster Who Wasn´t - Shelley T. C.
A brilliantly rich and strange fantasy adventure that will make us all believe in monsters - be they good, bad or somewhere in between.It is a well-known fact that fairies are born from a baby's first laugh. What is not as well documented is how monsters come into being . This is the story of a creature who is both strange and unique. When he hatches down in the vast underground lair where monsters dwell, he looks just like a human boy - much to the disgust of everyone watching. Even the grumpy gargoyles who adopt him and nickname him 'Imp' only want him to steal chocolate for them from the nearby shops. He's a child with feet in both worlds, and he doesn't know where he fits. But little does Imp realise that Thunderguts, king of the ogres, has a great and dangerous destiny in mind for him, and he'll stop at nothing to see it come to pass .
Objev podobné jako The Monster Who Wasn´t - Shelley T. C.
Girl Who Became a Fisch - Osamu Dazai
Another spectacular collaboration from the Maiden's Bookshelf series, this dark and intense fable by the great giant of postward literature is brought to vivid life by contemporary master Nekosuke. Suwa, a charcoal burner's daughter, lives together with her father in a small village at a foot of a mountain so remote it doesn't even appear on maps. Slowly she comes to realize the dark futility of her life, leading to a strange and elliptical transformation... Dazai depicts the adolescent awakening to death and the desire to escape through this quiet and ominous tale.
Objev podobné jako Girl Who Became a Fisch - Osamu Dazai
Girl Who Became A Fish - Polly Ho-Yen
Ita is afraid of lots of things. She’s afraid of talking to herclassmates at her new school. She’s afraid of walking through her new town. But most of all she is afraid of water. When she realises that the river inher new town turns her into a fish, she is forced to face up to her fears. Indoing so, can she bring her family together again? With themes of change, anddeftly tackling the concept of fear for younger readers, this is anotherheart-warming and beautifully-written early reader by Polly Ho-Yen, filledwith charming artwork by Sojung Kim-McCarthy.
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The Girl Who Took What She Wanted - David Handler
Having your name in lights can be murder...Stewart ''Hoagy'' Hoag hasn''t written any fiction since writer''s block struck him after his hit debut novel. He''s been reduced to ghostwriting celebrity memoirs, but his latest project has him diving back into the literary world in a way he never imagined.Nikki Dymtryk is Hollywood''s hottest reality TV star, known for her wild lifestyle and celebrity boyfriends. But when the ratings for her show Being Nikki begin to drop, the Dymtryk family hatch a new plan to keep Nikki in the limelight: reinventing her as a best-selling author. And who better than Hoagy to ghostwrite a steamy Hollywood romance?Reluctantly, Hoagy flies out to L.A., trusty basset hound Lulu in tow. He is surprised to find that Nikki is nothing like her public ''airhead'' image. This project may just get Hoagy''s creative juices flowing again, and give him a chance at getting back together with his actress ex-wife, Merilee.But Nikki''s life isn''t all parties and paparazzi. As Hoagy gets closer to the young woman, he begins to uncover the Dymtryk family''s dark secrets. Secrets that are worth killing for...Perfect for fans of Only Murders in the Building.''One of my all-time favourite series!'' Harlan Coben
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Who She Was - Tony Parsons
The mysterious stranger seems perfect. But nobody knows who she is and what she has been compelled to do to survive. The gripping new bestseller from Tony Parsons.'Vividly drawn and utterly engrossing' Tom Hindle'Gripping and beautifully written, with atmosphere you could cut with a knife' Alex Michaelides'A cracking story ... keeps you hooked to the last page.' Heidi Perks'...an intriguing Du Maurier-ish Cornwall mystery... a story of twists and turns' Peterborough Telegraph'Quite possibly his most assured outing yet.' Barry Forshaw, Crime Time'It's a brilliant book' Piers Morgan___________A bonfire burns on a Cornish beach in the middle of the night.Nearby, a young woman waits for morning, and for the estate agent to arrive with the keys to her new life in the peaceful fishing village.She carries with her no trace of the past she has left behind.Quickly she becomes an object of fascination among the locals; one in particular finds that he just can't stay away.But can anyone really have start afresh?What happened to this woman's old life?And what price did she pay to escape it?___________Readers can't get enough of Who She Was . . .***** 'I read this book within 24 hrs of receiving. That's how good it is.'***** 'What a perfect book to discuss at a book club.'***** 'This is an absolutely beautiful book. Atmospheric doesn't even begin to describe the writing.'***** 'Wonderful characterization and a captivating novel.'***** 'Wow, what a great book! I loved everything about it. I haven't read Tony Parson's books for a while, and I now feel like I've missed out on some great reads.'
Objev podobné jako Who She Was - Tony Parsons
Marvellous Light - Freya Marske
Set in an alternative Edwardian England, this is a comedy of manners, manor houses, and hedge mazes – a magic-infused murder mystery and a delightful queer romance. Perfect for fans of Bridgerton who'd like to welcome magic into their lives . . .‘This book is a confection, both marvellous and light’ – Alix E. Harrow, author of The Ten Thousand Doors of JanuaryYoung baronet Robin Blyth thought he was taking up a minor governmental post. However, he has actually been appointed parliamentary liaison to a secret magical society. If it weren’t for this administrative error, he’d never have discovered the incredible magic underlying his world.Cursed by mysterious attackers and plagued by visions, Robin becomes determined to drag answers from his missing predecessor – but he’ll need the help of Edwin Courcey, his hostile magical-society counterpart. Unwillingly thrown together, Robin and Edwin will discover a plot that threatens every magician in the British Isles.Continue the thrilling series with A Restless Truth.‘A dazzling debut’ – Shelley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the Sun‘Prepare to fall in love’ – Emily Tesh, author of Silver in the Wood‘If you ever wished Downton Abbey was sharper-edged and full of magic, this is the book for you’ – Kat Howard, author of An Unkindness of Magicians
Objev podobné jako Marvellous Light - Freya Marske
A Song to Drown Rivers - Ann Liang
‘Exquisite and devastating. It won’t fail to move you’ – Shelley Parker-Chan, author of She Who Became the SunInspired by the legend of Xishi, one of the famous Four Beauties of Ancient China, A Song to Drown Rivers is an epic historical fantasy about womanhood, war, sacrifice and love against all odds as the fate of two kingdoms hangs in a delicate balance.Her beauty hides a deadly purpose . . .Since birth, Xishi’s extraordinary beauty has been seen as a blessing. When Xishi draws the attention of the famous young military advisor Fanli, he presents her with a rare opportunity: to use her beauty as a weapon. One that could topple the rival neighbouring kingdom, improve the lives of her people and avenge her sister’s murder. All she has to do is infiltrate the enemy palace as a spy and seduce their immoral king.What neither Xishi nor Fanli expect is the doomed attraction that ignites between them. Even worse, Xishi soon finds herself under the hungry gaze of the king and his advisors. Despite his gentleness, a brutality lurks and Xishi knows she can never let her guard down. But the higher she climbs in the court, the further she and Fanli have to fall. And if she is unmasked as a traitor, she will bring both kingdoms down . . .'An elegant historical epic' – Samantha Shannon, author of The Priory of the Orange Tree‘Stunning and heart-rending’ – Chloe Gong, author of Immortal Longings
Objev podobné jako A Song to Drown Rivers - Ann Liang
Butler to the World: How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals - Oliver Bullough
With a new introduction on the Ukraine crisisLONGLISTED FOR THE FINANCIAL TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022A TIMES AND SUNDAY TIMES BUSINESS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022A DAILY MAIL BEST CURRENT AFFAIRS BOOK OF 2022A DAILY MIRROR BEST NON-FICTION BOOK OF 2022A SPECTATOR BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022PRESENTER OF THE BBC RADIO 4 SERIES 'HOW TO STEAL A TRILLION'A WATERSTONES BEST POLITICS BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022AN IRISH TIMES NON-FICTION BOOK OF THE YEAR 2022A MANAGEMENT TODAY BEST LEADERSHIP BOOK OF 2022How did Britain become the servant of the world's most powerful and corrupt men?From accepting multi-million pound tips from Russian oligarchs, to the offshore tax havens, meet Butler Britain...In his Sunday Times-bestselling expose, Oliver Bullough reveals how the UK took up its position at the elbow of the worst people on Earth: the oligarchs, kleptocrats and gangsters. Though the UK prides itself on values of fair play and the rule of law, few countries do more to frustrate global anti-corruption efforts. From the murky origins of tax havens and gambling centres in the British Virgin Islands and Gibraltar to the influence of oligarchs in the British establishment, Butler to the World is the story of how we became a nation of Jeeveses - and how it doesn't have to be this way.
Objev podobné jako Butler to the World: How Britain became the servant of tycoons, tax dodgers, kleptocrats and criminals - Oliver Bullough
The Swerve: How the World Became Modern (0393343405)
Kniha - autor Stephen Greenblatt, 356 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the world's most celebrated scholars, Greenblatt has crafted both an innovative work of history and a thrilling story of discovery, in which one manuscript, plucked from a thousand years of neglect, changed the course of human thought and made possible the world as we know it.
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The Golden Wok - Diana Chan
The Golden Wok is the cookbook that shows you how the work is the most versatile pan in the home, with over 80 approachable recipes covering everything from steaming to frying and roasting to sautéing. The wok is the pride of any Chinese kitchen and The Golden Wok will teach you how to nail the basics of mastering wok hei and navigate your way around the mechanics of the perfect stir-fry. Then, it’s time to spread your culinary wings and fly – from tempura vegetables and dashi-simmered dishes to smoky, crispy noodles and delicate dumplings.The Golden Wok will show you why the wok is the Chinese family heirloom that’s passed down through generations, and the one thing you need to unlock a whole new world of flavour.
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The Storm We Made - Vanessa Chan
READERS ARE LOVING THE STORM WE MADE:Difficult to put down once started. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐This is not a book to be missed. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐An absolutely exceptional book that will never leave me.⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐AS FEATURED ON BBC RADIO 4 WOMAN''S HOURHer decision changed history.Now her family must survive it.British Malaya, 1930s Discontented housewife Cecily is seduced by Japanese general Fujiwara and the glorious future he is promising for ''independent'' Malaya, free from British colonialism. As she becomes further embedded as his own personal spy, she unwittingly alters the fate of her country by welcoming in a punishing form of dictatorship under the Japanese in WWII.Japanese-occupied Malaya, 1945 Cecily and her family are barely surviving. Her children, Jujube, Abel and Jasmin, are surrounded by threat, and look to their mother to keep them safe. But she can''t tell them about the part she played in the war - and she doesn''t know how to protect them.Can Cecily face up to her past to save her children? Or is it already too late... ?''I''ll never forget this book'' Jessamine Chan''One of the most powerful debuts I''ve ever read. A storytelling star is born'' Tracy Chevalier ''Exceptionally brave, heart-breaking, beautiful, and moving. A significant contribution to world''s literature'' Nguyen Phan Que Mai ''A gripping, exquisitely plotted novel. I could not put it down!'' Alice Winn, author of Sunday Times bestseller In Memoriam''A striking, moving exploration of good and evil, it is a novel that will stay with you.'' Cecile Pin, author of Wandering Souls
Objev podobné jako The Storm We Made - Vanessa Chan
The Unbearable Dreamworld of Champa the Driver - Chan Koonchung
Life is simple for Champa. He has a good job as a chauffeur in his hometown of Lhasa, and if his Chinese boss Plum is a little domineering, well, he can understand that - she's a serious art-collector after all. And he does get to drive her huge Toyota. When he starts to sleep with his boss, life becomes a whole lot more complicated.
Objev podobné jako The Unbearable Dreamworld of Champa the Driver - Chan Koonchung
The Who: Who - CD (7743036)
Hudební CD - Po dlouhých 13 letech vydali v roce 2019 The Who své dvanácté album s jednoduchým a všeříkajícím názvem Who. Po dlouhých 13 letech vydali v roce 2019 The Who své dvanácté album s jednoduchým a všeříkajícím názvem Who. „Album se skládá z písní, které byli až na dvě všechny napsány během minulého roku,” přibližuje desku Townshend. „Album nemá žádné téma, žádný koncept, ani příběh, jde jen o sestavu skladeb, které jsme já a můj bratr Simon napsali jako inspiraci, výzvu a možností pro Roberta Daltreyho vyzkoušet svůj nově oživený hlas. Já a Roger jsme už po všech stránkách staří muži, takže jsem se snažil držet dál od romantiky a nostalgie, jak to jen šlo. Nechtěl jsem, aby se někdo cítil nepříjemně. Vzpomínky jsou ale v pořádku. Některé skladby také odkazují k alarmujícímu stavu dnešního světa.” „Myslím, že jsme nahráli nejlepší album od vydání desky Quadrophenia v roce 1973,” doplňuje Daltrey. „Pete je pořád skvělý textař.” Seznam stop All This...
Objev podobné jako The Who: Who - CD (7743036)
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
In this taut and explosive debut novel, one lapse in judgement lands a young mother in a government reform program where custody of her child hangs in the balance.Frida Liu is struggling. She doesn’t have a career worthy of her Chinese immigrant parents’ sacrifices. What’s worse is she can’t persuade her husband, Gust, to give up his wellness-obsessed younger mistress. Only with their angelic daughter Harriet does Frida finally feel she’s attained the perfection expected of her. Harriet may be all she has, but she’s just enough.Until Frida has a horrible day.The state has its eyes on mothers like Frida — ones who check their phones while their kids are on the playground; who let their children walk home alone; in other words, mothers who only have one lapse of judgement. Now, a host of government officials will determine if Frida is a candidate for a Big Brother-like institution that measures the success or failure of a mother’s devotion. Faced with the possibility of losing Harriet, Frida must prove that she can live up to the standards set for mothers — that she can learn to be good.This propulsive, witty page-turner explores the perils of “perfect” upper-middle-class parenting, the violence enacted upon women by the state and each other, and the boundless love a mother has for her daughter.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
Frida Liu is a struggling mother. She remembers taking Harriet from her cot and changing her nappy. She remembers giving her a morning bottle. They'd been up since four am.Frida just had to finish the article in front of her. But she'd left a file on her desk at work. What would happen if she retrieved it and came back in an hour? She was so sure it would be okay.Now, the state has decided that Frida is not fit to care for her daughter. That she must be re-educated. Can this mistake cost her everything?THE SCHOOL FOR GOOD MOTHERS is an explosive and thrilling novel about the pressures of perfectionism, parenthoodand privilege.
Objev podobné jako The School for Good Mothers - Chan Jessamine
Hana-chan and the Shape of the World - Ryotaro Ueda
It's the story of a girl. A girl who lives in the country. A girl encountering fragments, both bitter and sweet, of the world around her.It's the story of the shape of her world.
Objev podobné jako Hana-chan and the Shape of the World - Ryotaro Ueda
The Unbearable Dreamworld of Champa the Driver (Defekt) - Chan Koonchung
Life is simple for Champa. He has a good job as a chauffeur in his hometown of Lhasa, and if his Chinese boss Plum is a little domineering, well, he can understand that - she's a serious art-collector after all. And he does get to drive her huge Toyota. When he starts to sleep with his boss, life becomes a whole lot more complicated.
Objev podobné jako The Unbearable Dreamworld of Champa the Driver (Defekt) - Chan Koonchung
The Last Man - Mary W. Shelley
One of the first dystopian novels ever written, The Last Man traces the impact of an unstoppable pandemic as it slowly overtakes the world. Beginning in the year 2073, the story follows Lionel Vesey—the titular last man—and his circle of friends as the disease creeps from continent to continent and erodes the foundations of civilization. Published in 1826, after the death of Shelley’s husband, her stepsister, and her two children, The Last Man is both an eerily accurate story about humanity wrestling with disaster and a moving fable about surviving personal grief.
Objev podobné jako The Last Man - Mary W. Shelley
The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Pros (0141976217)
Kniha - 704 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Weirdest People in the World: How the West Became Psychologically Peculiar and Particularly Pros (0141976217)
The Punishment She Deserves (144478661X)
Kniha - 608 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Punishment She Deserves (144478661X)
Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
“Now, if you don’t mind, there is a great big universe out there calling, and I’ve gotta get going!”With exclusive content from Ncuti Gatwa’s first outing as the Fifteenth Doctor, discover more about the Time Lord who has been keeping the Earth safe for over 60 years.This brand-new edition is the ultimate guide to all of the Doctor’s fifteen incarnations – from William Hartnell to Tom Baker and including both of David Tennant’s eras – you will learn fascinating facts from all of space and time.Discover more about the Doctor’s many helpful companions, fearsome foes and, of course, the TARDIS who has been through it all.Learn the difference between regeneration and bi-generation, why you should never anger a Meep, and always, always get Cherry Sunday a cup of tea!So, allons-y!
Objev podobné jako Doctor Who: The Official Guide - Doctor Who
Frankenstein: The 1818 Text - Mary W. Shelley
Mary Shelley''s seminal novel of the scientist whose creation becomes a monsterThis edition is the original 1818 text, which preserves the hard-hitting and politically charged aspects of Shelley''s original writing, as well as her unflinching wit and strong female voice. This edition also includes a new introduction and suggestions for further reading by author and Shelley expert Charlotte Gordon, literary excerpts and reviews selected by Gordon and a chronology and essay by preeminent Shelley scholar Charles E. Robinson.
Objev podobné jako Frankenstein: The 1818 Text - Mary W. Shelley
The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley
Two centuries after its original publication, Mary Shelley’s classic tale of gothic horror comes to vivid life in "what may very well be the best presentation of the novel" to date (Guillermo del Toro). "Remarkably, a nineteen-year-old, writing her first novel, penned a tale that combines tragedy, morality, social commentary, and a thoughtful examination of the very nature of knowledge," writes best-selling author Leslie S. Klinger in his foreword to The New Annotated Frankenstein. Despite its undeniable status as one of the most influential works of fiction ever written, Mary Shelley’s novel is often reductively dismissed as the wellspring for tacky monster films or as a cautionary tale about experimental science gone haywire. Now, two centuries after the first publication of Frankenstein, Klinger revives Shelley’s gothic masterpiece by reproducing her original text with the most lavishly illustrated and comprehensively annotated edition to date. Featuring over 200 illustrations and nearly 1,000 annotations, this sumptuous volume recaptures Shelley’s early nineteenth-century world with historical precision and imaginative breadth, tracing the social and political roots of the author’s revolutionary brand of Romanticism. Braiding together decades of scholarship with his own keen insights, Klinger recounts Frankenstein’s indelible contributions to the realms of science fiction, feminist theory, and modern intellectual history—not to mention film history and popular culture. The result of Klinger’s exhaustive research is a multifaceted portrait of one of Western literature’s most divinely gifted prodigies, a young novelist who defied her era’s restrictions on female ambitions by independently supporting herself and her children as a writer and editor. Born in a world of men in the midst of a political and an emerging industrial revolution, Shelley crafted a horror story that, beyond its incisive commentary on her own milieu, is widely recognized as the first work of science fiction. The daughter of a pioneering feminist and an Enlightenment philosopher, Shelley lived and wrote at the center of British Romanticism, the “exuberant, young movement” that rebelled against tradition and reason and "with a rebellious scream gave birth to a world of gods and monsters" (del Toro). Following his best-selling The New Annotated H. P. Lovecraft and The New Annotated Sherlock Holmes, Klinger not only considers Shelley’s original 1818 text but, for the first time in any annotated volume, traces the effects of her significant revisions in the 1823 and 1831 editions. With an afterword by renowned literary scholar Anne K. Mellor, The New Annotated Frankenstein celebrates the prescient genius and undying legacy of the world’s "first truly modern myth."
Objev podobné jako The New Annotated Frankenstein - Mary W. Shelley
The Night She Dies - Sarah Clarke
How far would you go to protect your child?''Tense and tightly plotted with a killer twist'' Louise Jensen, author of The IntrudersBullied at school, Rachel’s teenage daughter Lucy is a shadow of the sweet, happy child she once was. So when Rachel returns home one night to find Lucy gone, she fears the worst.Rachel searches through the night with her husband and Lucy’s older sister, desperate to find her child safe.The following morning, a body is found in the woods.But the nightmare is only just beginning.Praise for The Night She Dies:''The very definition of a page-turner and keeps you guessing until the literal last page’ Katy Brent, author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It‘Thought-provoking, shocking at times, and plenty of surprises along the way’ Catherine Cooper, The Island''A taut, chilling tale of love, loss and revenge'' A.A. Chaudhuri, author of She''s Mine''So tense it''s actually painful. My fingernails will never recover'' Sarah J Naughton, author of The Mothers''I absolutely love Sarah Clarke''s books and this might just be her best yet'' Sophie Flynn, author of What Stays UnsaidReaders LOVE The Night She Dies''A brilliant and engaging read with so much tension and so many secrets!'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Such a gripping read'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Great emotional psychological thriller… totally engrossing and intriguing'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''Haunting and atmospheric, this is a page-turner'' ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
Objev podobné jako The Night She Dies - Sarah Clarke
She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott
Read the instant New York Times bestseller and TikTok sensation -- THE new swoon-worthy hate-to-love rom com from #1 New York Times bestselling co-author of Five Feet Apart Rachael Lippincott and debut writer Alyson Derrick. The perfect summer read for fans of Adam Silvera, Casey McQuiston, Becky Albertalli and Alice Oseman's HEARTSTOPPER series!Alex and Molly are two girls who don’t belong on the same planet, let alone the same college campus . . .Alex Blackwood is a little bit headstrong, with a dash of chaos and a whole lot of flirt. She knows how to get the girl. Keeping her on the other hand . . . not so much.Molly Parker has everything in her life totally in control, except for her complete awkwardness with just about anyone besides her mum. She knows she’s in love with the impossibly cool Cora Myers. She just . . . hasn’t actually talked to her yet.When the girls' paths cross unexpectedly, and Alex discovers Molly’s hidden crush, they realise they might have a common interest after all. Because maybe if Alex can help Molly to get her dream girl, she can prove to her ex that she’s serious about love.As the two embark on their five-step plans to get their girls to fall for them, though, they both begin to wonder if maybe they’re the ones falling . . . for each other.Read what everyone is saying about She Gets the Girl:'Adorable. There's no better word to describe this book. It is so full of hilarious & cute moments that it is bursting at the seams.' - Amazon reviewer 'A great sapphic rom-com style story. I truly loved reading this book from start to finish!' - Amazon reviewer 'The ending made me swoon.' - Amazon reviewer 'Both hilarious and poignant, no doubt in my mind that this gem will be one of the best books I read this year.' - Amazon reviewer
Objev podobné jako She Gets the Girl - Rachael Lippincott
The Boy Who Grew Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 1) - Shepherd Andy
'Irresistible ... a modern classic' GUARDIAN'A warm-hearted debut ... lovely, expressive, characterful' SUNDAY TIMESWhen Tomas discovers a strange old tree at the bottom of his grandad's garden, he doesn't think much of it. But he takes the funny fruit from the tree back into the house - and gets the shock and delight of his life when a tiny dragon hatches! The tree is a dragonfruit tree, and Tomas has got his very own dragon, Flicker ...Tomas soon finds out that life with Flicker is great fun, but also very ... unpredictable. Yes, dragons are wonderful, but they also set fire to your toothbruth and leave your pants hanging from the TV aerial. Tomas has to learn how to look after Flicker - and quickly. And then something extraordinary happens - more dragonfruits appear on the tree. Tomas is officially growing dragons ...The first book in a sparky and utterly enchanting new series.
Objev podobné jako The Boy Who Grew Dragons (The Boy Who Grew Dragons 1) - Shepherd Andy
The Who: Who - Deluxe Edition (2x CD ) - CD (3512943)
Hudební CD - Who je dvanácté studiové album anglické rockové skupiny The Who z roku 2019. Who je dvanácté studiové album anglické rockové skupiny The Who. Vydáno bylo 6. prosince 2019, Deluxe Edition vyšlo v roce 2020. Jde o první řadové album kapely po třinácti letech - to poslední, nazvané Endless Wire, vydali v roce 2006. Většinu písní pro album napsal Pete Townshend, který je zároveň spolu s Davem Sardym producentem alba. S produkcí zpěvu pomáhal Dave Eringa. Seznam stop CD1:WHO All This Music Must Fade / Ball and Chain / I Don't Wanna Get Wise / Detour / Beads On One String / Hero Ground Zero / Street Song / I'll Be Back / Break The News / Rockin' In Rage / She Rocked My World / Beads On One String - Yaggerdang RemixCD2:Live at Kingston Intro / Substitute (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Squeeze Box (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Tattoo (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / The Kids Are Alright (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Break The News...
Objev podobné jako The Who: Who - Deluxe Edition (2x CD ) - CD (3512943)
The Who: The Who (Deluxe Limited Box Set - 6x LP 7" + CD) - LP+CD (3512956)
LP vinyl - V pořadí dvanácté studiové album z roku 2019 v luxusní limitované edici. V pořadí dvanácté studiové album z roku 2019 v luxusní limitované edici. Seznam stop LP 1 A1 All This Music Must Fade / B1 Ball and ChainLP 2 A1 I Don't Wanna Get Wise / B1 DetourLP 3 A1 Beads On One String / B1 Hero Ground ZeroLP 4 A1 Street Song / B1 I'll Be BackLP 5 A1 Break The News / B1 Rockin' In RageLP 6 A1 She Rocked My World / B1 Beads On One String - Yaggerdang RemixCD: Live at Kingston Intro / Substitute (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Squeeze Box (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Tattoo (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / The Kids Are Alright (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Break The News (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / She Rocked My World (Acoustic - Live at Kingston) / Won't Get Fooled Again (Acoustic - Live at Kingston)
Objev podobné jako The Who: The Who (Deluxe Limited Box Set - 6x LP 7" + CD) - LP+CD (3512956)
The Who: Who Sell Out Delux (2x LP) - LP (7711435)
LP vinyl - The Who Sell Out je třetí studiové album anglické rockové kapely The Who. Bylo vydáno v roce 1967. The Who Sell Out je třetí studiové album anglické rockové kapely The Who. Bylo vydáno v roce 1967. Rok vydání : 1967 ROk reedice : 2021 Seznam stop LP 1 ORIGINAL - STEREO Armenia City in The Sky / Heinz Baked Beans / Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand / Odorono / Tattoo / Our Love Was / I Can See for Miles / I Can't Reach You / Medac / Relax / Silas Stingy / Sunrise / Rael LP 2 BONUS TRACKS - STEREO Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand (US single version) / Someone's Coming / Summertime Blues / Glittering Girl / Early Morning Cold Taxi / Girl's Eyes / Coke After Coke / Sodding About / Things Go Better with Coke / Hall of The Mountain King / Jaguar / Rael (remake; IBC version) Track Records outro
Objev podobné jako The Who: Who Sell Out Delux (2x LP) - LP (7711435)
The Who: Who Sell Out Delux (2x CD) - CD (7711427)
Hudební CD - The Who Sell Out je třetí studiové album anglické rockové kapely The Who. Bylo vydáno v roce 1967. The Who Sell Out je třetí studiové album anglické rockové kapely The Who. Bylo vydáno v roce 1967. Rok vydání : 1967 ROk reedice : 2021 Seznam stop CD 1 Armenia City in The Sky / Heinz Baked Beans / Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand / Odorono / Tattoo / Our Love Was / I Can See for Miles / I Can't Reach You / Medac / Relax / Silas Stingy / Sunrise / Rael / Track Records run-off groove Bonus:MONO Pictures of Lily (original UK Track single mix) / Doctor, Doctor (original UK Track single mix) / The Last Time (original UK Track single mix) / Under My Thumb (original UK Track single mix) / I Can See for Miles (original UK Track single mix) / Mary Anne With the Shaky Hand (original US Decca single mix) / Someone's Coming (original US Decca single mix) / Unused Radio London ad / Early Morning... (original 1967 mono mix) / Unused Radio London...
Objev podobné jako The Who: Who Sell Out Delux (2x CD) - CD (7711427)
The Girl Who Drank the Moon (1848126476)
Kniha - 386 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the Newbery Medal winner of the highly acclaimed novel, "The Witch's Boy", comes an enchanting, magical and unforgettable modern fable. Ages: 9-11yrs
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Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John
The stunning, gender-flipped novel about love, creativity and the power of speaking out - perfect for fans of Madeline Miller and Pat Barker. 'Poetic and evocative ... this story will thrill readers' PIP WILLIAMS, bestselling author of The Dictionary of Lost Words Their love transcends every boundary. Can it cheat death?Orphia dreams of something more than the warrior crafts she's been forced to learn. Hidden away on a far-flung island, her blood sings with poetry and her words can move flowers to bloom and forests to grow ... but her father, the sun god Apollo, has forbidden her this art. A chance meeting with a young shield-maker, Eurydicius, gives her the courage to use her voice. After wielding all her gifts to defeat one final champion, Orphia draws the scrutiny of the gods. Performing her poetry, she wins the protection of the goddesses of the arts: the powerful Muses, who welcome her to their sanctuary on Mount Parnassus. Orphia learns to hone her talents, crafting words of magic infused with history, love and tragedy. When Eurydicius joins her, Orphia struggles with her desire for fame and her budding love. As her bond with the gentle shield-maker grows, she joins the Argonauts on their quest for the Golden Fleece. Facing dragons, sirens and ruthless warriors on the voyage, Orphia earns unparalleled fame, but she longs to return to Eurydicius. Yet she has a darker journey to make - one which will see her fight for her love with all the power of her poetry. Praise for Orphia and Eurydicius'As I read, I imagined the muses beside Elyse John, focusing her mind and guiding her hand. The writing is poetic and evocative, and the story will thrill readers who have long suspected something is missing from the classics of Greek myth.' PIP WILLIAMS, author of The Dictionary of Lost Words and The Bookbinder of Jericho'Spins a bewitching tale of courage, love, and defiance, giving voice and agency to the women in Greek tales who are so often defined by the men they are associated with. Orphia's poetry may bring the gods to tears; John's words have the same effect on us mere mortals. Tragic and triumphant, a must-read!' ANDREA STEWART, author of The Bone Shard Daughter'Elyse John's deft language lays bare the exquisite intimacies of human connection, from the brutal - yet seductive - exercise of power over another, to the moments of tenderness and vulnerability between lovers.' SHELLEY PARKER-CHAN, author of She Who Became the Sun'Elyse John's Orphia and Eurydicius stunning retelling deftly explores Orphia's beginnings, her poetic ambitions, and her searing chemistry with Eurydicius, all of which challenge the gender dynamics of the time and death itself. A highly original read.' STACEY THOMAS, author of The Revels'Bold yet beautiful ... I was glued to the page, compelled by the story of Lady Orphia and her love, the gentle shieldmaker Eurydicius. Orphia and Eurydicius is a thoughtful consideration as to what it means to be a man, a woman, a hero, a human being. I loved this retelling and couldn't stop thinking about it: Lady Orphia has my heart.' LAURA SHEPPERSON, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Heroines (UK), Phaedra (US)'A cleverly conceived and lyrically crafted reimagining. John deftly weaves a compelling and insightful narrative that interrogates not only patriarchy but the gendered dynamics of love, romance and the role of artist and muse. It is a story about the importance of having a voice, and a delightful subversion of myth' BEA FITZGERALD, Sunday Times bestselling author of Girl, Goddess, Queen'I found myself crying at the power of Elyse John's glittering, lyrical prose and the relationship at the heart of the novel. This is an excellent example of the power of mythological retellings as the novel makes us re-examine gender, heteronormativity and what makes a hero. I fell head over heels for this warrior-poet and gentle shieldmaker' RANI SELVARAJAH, author of Savage Beasts'Orphia and Eurydicius is a Greek retelling which stands out in an age of reiterations. The language is lyrical, the plot, enchanting. John is a writer who has clearly done the work, one whose courage aligns with her brave, protagonists, outliers in their own right. I find myself enamoured of both artist and novel; the tender yearning, the fierce desire, the sorrow and sacrifice. This book consumed three months of my life and yet, I want to give more. It will be hard to return to real life. (If I cannot have this type of love, I'd rather have none at all). Orphia and Eurydicius is worthy of the greats.' CH?K?D?L? EMEL?MAD?, author of Dazzling'A gorgeous, sweeping tale that both evokes the feeling of classic mythology and intelligent and modern insight, this is a story of the boundaries we put on love and grief - I dare you to be unmoved by it.' SAM HAWKE, author of City of Lies'A beautiful, poetic ode to Greek myth, love, and the sheer power of women's art and women's voices.' TASHA SURI, author of the Burning Kingdo
Objev podobné jako Orphia And Eurydicius - Elyse John
The Maths Book - Matthew Parker
What is an imaginary number? Can two parallel lines ever meet? How can maths help us predict the future? Charting the development of maths around the world from Babylon to Bletchley Park, this book explores big questions like these and explains how the answers help us understand everything from patterns in nature to artificial intelligence. Written in clear English, The Maths Book is packed with short, pithy explanations that cut through the jargon, step-by-step diagrams that untangle knotty theories, memorable quotes, and witty illustrations that play with our ideas about numbers. This diverse and inclusive account of mathematics will have something for everybody, including the maths behind world economies and espionage. But it also traces the history of maths, from ancient ideas such as magic squares and the abacus to modern cryptography, fractals, and the final proof of Fermat's Last Theorem. Continuing the "Big Ideas" series' trademark combination of authoritative, clear text and bold graphics, The Maths Book uses an innovative visual approach to make the subject accessible to everyone, whether you're an avid student or just curious about maths.
Objev podobné jako The Maths Book - Matthew Parker
The Koala Who Could (1408331640)
Kniha - autor Rachel Bright, 32 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fans of The Gruffalo and Giraffes Can't Dance will love this feelgood rhyming story portraying a positive message about facing up to change, something that young children can sometimes struggle with.Sometimes change comes along whether we like it or not . . . but if you let it, change can be the making of you. Kevin the Koala discovers this and more in this delightful picture book from the bestselling creators of The Lion Inside!Stylish art with Jon Klassen appeal and vibrant storytelling from two contemporary stars make this a story to shout about - it will make you laugh, cry and read it every bedtime.'A feel-good rhyming tale ... Field's Australian animals are a treat' - Bookseller
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Podložka na gramofon, The Who
Podložka na gramofon s motivem The Who s antistatickou úpravou
Objev podobné jako Podložka na gramofon, The Who
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (1529391733)
Kniha - 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea (1529391733)
The Camel Who Had The Hump - Rachel Bright
In the shimmering desert, a joyful herd of camels are out to find an oasis for a drink and a play. All, that is, except Cuthbert. He hasn''t woken up in such a good mood. He''s hot, he''s tired and he certainly WON''T be walking today! There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that will get him out of his grump. Or is there? Might the desert''s hoppiest, happiest creature be able to help?A gloriously empowering tale of how choosing fun can turn a grumpy, humpy start into a happy ending. This spectacularly illustrated rhyming tale from the award-winning, bestselling creators of The Lion Inside and The Koala Who Could is the perfect read for anyone who''s ever had The Hump.
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The Boy Who Painted The World - Tom McLaughlin
When a boy stumbles into a blank book, he thinks it looks very empty . . . until he meets a determined paintbrush. Although the boy is certain that he can''t draw or paint, he''s encouraged to try-and the results are surprising. An ordinary square can become a dumper truck, and a messy blob of paint can become a Messy-saurus (that''s a scribbly sort of dinosaur). In fact, it soon becomes clear that anything can be turned into something. With a bit of imagination, the possibilities are endless! Written and illustrated by bestselling author Tom McLaughlin, The Boy Who Painted The World is a celebration of creativity and turning mistakes into magic.
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The Girl Who Drank the Moon - Kelly Barnhillová
THE NO 1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND NEWBERY MEDAL WINNER'This beautifully written, darkly funny coming-of-age story will enchant and entertain' Daily MailEvery year, the people of the Protectorate leave a baby as an offering to the witch who lives in the forest.
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All the Wide Border - Mike Parker
A Waterstones Travel Book of the Year 2023A funny, warm and timely meditation on identity and belonging, following the scenic route along the England–Wales border: Britain’s deepest faultline.There is a line on the map: to one side Wales, small, rugged and stubborn; on the other England, crucible of the most expansionist culture the world has ever seen. It is a line that has been dug, debated, defined and defended for twenty centuries.All the Wide Border is a personal journey through the places, amongst the people, and across the divides of the border between England and Wales. Taking in some of our loveliest landscapes, and our darkest secrets, this is a region of immeasurable wonder and interest. It is here that the deepest roots and thorniest paradoxes of Britishness lie. The border between the countries, even as a concept, is ragged, jagged and many-layered.Garlanded author Mike Parker has adored and explored these places his entire life. Born in England but settled in Wales, he finds himself typical of many in being pulled in both directions. His journey is divided into three legs, corresponding with the watersheds of the three great border rivers: the Dee in the north, the Severn in the centre, the Wye in the south. Neither quite England nor Wales, the furzy borderland he uncovers — the March — is another country.Picking apart the many notions and clichés of Englishness, Welshness and indeed Britishness, Mike Parker plays with the very idea of borders: our fascination with them, our need for them, and our response to their power. In his hands, the England–Wales frontier is revealed to be a border within us all, and it is fraying, fast.
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