Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Shared Living: Interior design for rented and shared spaces - Emily Hutchinson

Share houses traditionally get a bad rap but the reality of global housing markets has made sharing a longer-term solution for many. Featuring 21 shared homes around the world that are getting it right, Shared Living uncovers the potential of shared spaces. Inspirational rather than aspirational, these homes are the work of creative thinkers who focus on savvy ways of decorating eclectically rather than with big-ticket items. A weatherboard cottage in Sydney boasts a ready-made gallery with an enviable swapped-art collection; an apartment in Berlin exudes bohemian luxury through a combination of vintage finds and exotic curios; a Tokyo share house reveals a bedroom art installation; and a small London apartment merges bold colours with clusters of collectables to achieve domestic harmony. Through each stage of shared living - from finding a place to merging style - this book offers practical advice and tips for DIY styling, such as how to upcycle furniture or scour flea markets for unique finds. Includes: 5 Melbourne homes, 4 Sydney homes, 3 Berlin homes, 2 New York homes, 2 Los Angeles homes, 3 London homes and 2 Tokyo homes. Contents List INTRODUCTION • Less is more • A brotherly bond in Brooklyn • The Naughty Corner • Colourful collections • CREATING STYLE • Decorating a rental • Merging styles • Filling in the gaps • When Madonna and mid-century unite • A NYC loft brings five housemates together • A dreamy space for weary heads • Two set decorators bring work home • MAKING A SHARED LIFE SHINE • In the kitchen • In the living room • In the bedroom • In the bathroom • Outdoor living • From friends to housemates • Embracing retro roots • Defying the odds • The house of fun • Contents •ASK THE PROFESSIONALS • Ayano Uchimura and Satoko Shinohara • Jane Shirkes • Dabito • Two free spirits join forces • Dreaming in an LA studio • Sharing a retreat • Living slowly • Lights, camera, action • MAKING A STATEMENT • How to create a gallery wall • Plant parenting • Styling a shelf • Swept away by the waves • When entrepreneurs decorate • Art, feasts and friends in a weatherboard cottage • Two bros in Tokyo • ARTWORK CREDITS • PHOTOGRAPHY CREDITS • ABOUT THE AUTHOR

Podívejte se také Naturehike ultralight Shared 2 20D (6927595749074)

cena 590.0 Kč

Construction and Detailing for Interior Design - Drew Plunkett

Construction and detailing are vital skills for all students studying interior design and architecture. This new edition of this book allows each student the means to find and put into practice the appropriate solution to fabrication issues and also to express their own personal aesthetic. The relation of existing building shells to the construction and detailing of new elements is also explored. Practical tips are given throughout the book, the roles of consultants, manufacturers, suppliers and fabricators are explained, and theories of modern, sustainable approaches to interior detailing are discussed. The chapters are packed with professional, annotated drawings and explanatory photographs of techniques, materials and tools. Through these, the principles of sound construction are explained. This second edition includes revised diagrams to increase clarity, more on sustainability and more on services and lighting. Drew Plunkett is Head of the Department of Interior Design at the Glasgow School of Art. Since 1981 he has practised as an interior designer based in London and Glasgow. Plunkett is also active as an exhibitor, curator and critical writer. His published work includes a chapter in the book Four Studies on Charles Rennie Mackintosh and articles and reviews for Designers’ Journal, The Architects’ Journal, Blueprint, Magazine of the Mackintosh Society and Building Design.

Podívejte se také Byrd Donald: Places And Spaces - LP (3596800)

cena 877.0 Kč

Naturehike ultralight Shared 2 20D (6927595749074)

Stan outdoorový a ultralehký, tvar: iglů s předsíňkou a s jedním vchodem, pro 2 osoby, duralová konstrukce, dvouplášťový, nepromokavý, vodní sloupec 3000 mm, samonosný, hmotnost 1,7 kg Outdoorový a ultralehký stan Naturehike vás spolehlivě ochrání před rozmary počasí. Jedná se o stan ve tvaru iglů či kopulky, ty jsou oblíbené pro velmi dobrou stabilitu. Dostat se dovnitř je možné pouze z jedné strany. Vstupní část chrání poctivá předsíň, která je využitelná jako další úložný prostor. Stan Naturehike ultralight Shared 2 20D je určen pro 2 osoby. Před vodou chrání kvalitní plášť, náležitou nepromokavost deklaruje vodní sloupec 3000 mm. K jeho ušití byl využit nylon. Nosnou konstrukci stanu Naturehike tvoří dural, tyčím dodává dostatečnou pevnost a ojedinělou lehkost. Ve sbaleném stavu stan má hmotnost 1,7 kg a jeho rozměry jsou 15 × 15 × 45 cm. Důležité přednosti stanu Naturehike ultralight Shared 2 20D Vhodný maximálně pro 2 osoby Praktická předsíňka...

Podívejte se také Forgotten Times and Spaces (978-80-210-7781-2)

cena 5689.0 Kč

High on Living: Residential Architecture & Interior Design - Ralf Daab

High on Living - Residential Architecture and Interior Design" presents livable spaces that are functional, aesthetic, and sustainable. They integrate various styles, materials, and technologies to create personalized spaces that reflect the tastes and lifestyles of their occupants. Whether in the vast landscapes of Scandinavia, the majestic Alps, the southern European coasts, or the rugged beauty of the American desert, the projects featured here are captivating examples of how architecture and interior design are crafted with a sense of belonging. They impressively demonstrate how architects and interior designers incorporate the unique conditions and characteristics of a region into their plans. The living spaces express a deep connection to the environment and culture that surrounds them. They are works of art that capture the soul of the region and remind us of how man and nature can coexist in harmony.

Objev podobné jako High on Living: Residential Architecture & Interior Design - Ralf Daab

cena 849.0 Kč

Shared Reading: The Ultimate Therapy - Jan Raes

Shared Reading: The Ultimate Therapy puts forward the transformative power of Shared Reading Illustrated through concrete personal stories and fitting advice for anyone interested in taking up the practice Those of us who live their lives in a context of vulnerability are in desperate need of accessible and efficient health care, a safety net that allows them to grow, learn and change. Powerful stories and poems can offer valuable help in that. Shared Reading brings forth a process of change that follows a universal pattern, in a dynamic cycle of starting, growing, reaping what you have sown, learning and relaxing. Small groups get together to read literary texts, helped by a reading facilitator who reads aloud and engages others to reflect on the text. Through talking and thinking participants learn from each other and grow their inner space. By connecting to others they can experience powerful added therapeutic effects outside of a formal therapeutic context. Shared Reading: The Ultimate Therapy puts forward the transformative power of Shared Reading, illustrated through concrete personal stories and fitting advice for anyone interested in taking up the practice.

Objev podobné jako Shared Reading: The Ultimate Therapy - Jan Raes

cena 670.0 Kč

Wood: Cosy Interiors for Timeless Living Spaces - David Andreu Bach

Step into the enchanting world of 'Wood', a captivating collection of 30 architectural and interior design studies that embrace the timeless allure of wood. As you leaf through these pages, you will embark on a journey where each project exudes a warm, inviting and utterly cosy ambiance. From the rustic charm of log cabins nestled amidst towering pines to the modern elegance of wooden retreats with plush furnishings, this book transports you to spaces where the gentle embrace of wood evokes a sense of comfort and tranquillity.Discover how architects and designers have harnessed the innate cosiness of wood to craft environments that beckon you to unwind, relax and savour the soothing embrace of natural beauty.

Objev podobné jako Wood: Cosy Interiors for Timeless Living Spaces - David Andreu Bach

cena 752.0 Kč

CISCO CBS350 Managed 24-port SFP+, 4x10GE Shared (CBS350-24XS-EU)

Switch , 28× SFP, QoS, L3, rack Přepínač známý jako switch je aktivní síťový prvek, který propojuje jednotlivá zařízení případně jiné prvky sítě. Slouží ke koordinaci síťového provozu. CISCO CBS350 Managed 24-port SFP+, 4x10GE Shared je určen k instalaci do rozvaděče. Celkem 28 ks konektorů typu SFP zužitkujete při přenosu dat skrz optická vlákna. Rozměry switche byly stanoveny na 440 × 350 × 44 mm. Díky technologii QoS alias Quality of Service je eliminováno vytížení switche, navíc můžete seřídit přednost koncových zařízení. Hmotnost switche je 4400 g. CISCO CBS350 Managed 24-port SFP+, 4x10GE Shared se podílí také na síťové vrstvě ISO/OSI modelu, to znamená, že dokáže nahradit funkci routeru. Díky tomu nemusíte pořizovat další síťový prvek. Rozhodující vlastnosti switche CISCO CBS350 Managed 24-port SFP+, 4x10GE Shared Switch k zapojení koncových zařízení a dalších uzlů Přepínací kapacita 480 Gb/s SFP konektory k propojení optickými vlákny Switch CISCO...

Objev podobné jako CISCO CBS350 Managed 24-port SFP+, 4x10GE Shared (CBS350-24XS-EU)

cena 61090.0 Kč

CISCO CBS350 Managed 8-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared (CBS350-8XT-EU)

Switch 8 portový, 10 Gbit, 2× SFP, L3, rack Přepínač známý jako switch je aktivní síťová jednotka propojující koncová zařízení popřípadě další síťové prvky. Slouží k vedení síťového provozu. CISCO CBS350 Managed 8-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared je vhodný k instalaci do rozvaděče. Switch je opatřen 8 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou poskytnuty k propojení se síťovými prvky. Celkem 2 konektory typu SFP zužitkujete při přenosu dat skrz optická vlákna. Disponuje Dual Personality porty, které jsou speciální díky tomu, že poskytují konektor RJ-45 i SFP, v určitém okamžiku lze však použít jen jeden z nich. Rozměry přepínače jsou 440 × 203 × 44 mm. Integrované LAN porty podporují přenosovou rychlost až do 10 Gbit. Hmotnost switche je 2980 g. CISCO CBS350 Managed 8-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared má podíl i na síťové vrstvě ISO/OSI modelu, to znamená, že dokáže fungovat jako router. Díky tomu už nebudete potřebovat další síťový prvek. Rozhodující vlastnosti switche CISCO CBS350...

Objev podobné jako CISCO CBS350 Managed 8-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared (CBS350-8XT-EU)

cena 27890.0 Kč

CISCO CBS350 Managed 12-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared (CBS350-12XT-EU)

Switch 12 portový, 100 Mbit, 2× SFP, QoS, VLAN, L3, rack Síťový přepínač je aktivní síťový komponent propojující jednotlivá zařízení nebo jiné síťové prvky. Je vhodný k zapojení síťového provozu. CISCO CBS350 Managed 12-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared byl navržen k instalaci do racku. Switch disponuje 12 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou poskytnuty k propojení se síťovými prvky. Celkem 2 konektory typu SFP zužitkujete při přenosu dat přes optická vlákna. Nabízí Dual Personality porty, které jsou výjimečné tím, že mají k dispozici konektor RJ-45 i SFP, v jednom okamžiku je k využití jen jeden z nich. Rozměry switche odpovídají hodnotám 440 × 203 × 44 mm. Díky technologii QoS značící Quality of Service není možné zahlcení switche, dokonce si můžete nastavit přednost koncových zařízení. Integrované LAN porty podporují přenosovou rychlost až do 100 Mbit. Switch váží 2930 g. CISCO CBS350 Managed 12-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared má podíl i na síťové vrstvě ISO/OSI modelu, z...

Objev podobné jako CISCO CBS350 Managed 12-port 10GE, 2x10G SFP+ Shared (CBS350-12XT-EU)

cena 35190.0 Kč

CISCO CBS110 Unmanaged 24-port GE, Partial PoE, 2x1G SFP Shared (CBS110-24PP-EU)

Switch 24 portový, 1 Gbit, QoS, 2× Dual Personality, PoE, rack Přepínač neboli switch je funkční síťové zařízení propojující jednotlivá zařízení nebo jiné prvky sítě. Je dělaný k zapojení síťového provozu. CISCO CBS110 Unmanaged 24-port GE, Partial PoE, 2x1G SFP Shared je vyhotoven k umístění do racku. Nabízený model disponuje přepínací kapacitou 48 Gb/s a paketovou kapacitou 35,7 ×. Switch disponuje 24 ks RJ-45 portů, které jsou určeny k propojení se síťovými prvky. Technologie 10/100/1000Base-T pomůže přenášet soubory až při rychlosti 1000 Mbit/s. Rozměry přepínače odpovídají hodnotám 440 × 203 × 44 mm. Díky technologii QoS neboli Quality of Service je zabráněno zahlcení switche, je také možné seřídit prioritu koncových zařízení. Přístroj CISCO také pracuje s technologií PoE, díky které je možné napájet i přivádět signál ke koncovým zařízením pouze s využitím samotného LAN kabelu. Integrované LAN porty podporují přenosovou rychlost až do 1 Gbit. Switch váží...

Objev podobné jako CISCO CBS110 Unmanaged 24-port GE, Partial PoE, 2x1G SFP Shared (CBS110-24PP-EU)

cena 7849.0 Kč

Tiny Living Spaces - Lisa Baker

Exciting and surprising approaches of how living spaces reduced to a minimum can enhance the quality of life to a maximumThe trend towards the Tiny House - and also the Micro Flat - is more than just a short-term hype. It is an attitude towards life, a contemplation on the essentials to which more and more people are attracted. The two years have shown us what we really need - and that is often not so much.All over the world, houses and housing units in mini format are en vogue. For many, they are the only way to fulfill the dream of owning one's own home. The carefully selected projects from all over the world show how space can be gained by concentrating on the substantial, intelligent floor plans, well thought-out storage solutions and nesting of functions. They highlight in very different ways that great living quality can be wonderfully made possible in a small space through a clever design.

Objev podobné jako Tiny Living Spaces - Lisa Baker

cena 1155.0 Kč

The Interior Design Handbook - Ramstedt Frida

THE BESTSELLING SWEDISH PHENOMENONWhat looks good and why?Design consultant Frida Ramstedt runs Scandinavia''s leading interior design blog. In this book she distils the secrets of successful interior design and styling to help you create a home that works best for your space, taste and lifestyle. Filled with practical tips, rules-of-thumb and tricks of the trade, The Interior Design Handbook will help you to think like a professional designer.''Frida has created this BIBLE to interior design ... such useful info that has taken me years to learn, all in one place'' Rebecca Wakefield, Studio Fortnum''Beautifully illustrated with handy line drawings ... The Interior Design Handbook gets down to the nitty gritty of successfully putting a room together'' Fabric Magazine ''Take it to bed and you''ll be utterly engrossed and elightened'' Stylist

Objev podobné jako The Interior Design Handbook - Ramstedt Frida

cena 738.0 Kč

Givi E203 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN37 Trekker Outback

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN37 TREKKER OUTBACK. Barva: Stříbrná Počet v balení (ks): 1 Typ: E203 Barva podle výrobce: Silver Země původu: Vietnam

Objev podobné jako Givi E203 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN37 Trekker Outback

cena 701.1 Kč

The Winter Garden: Over 35 step-by-step projects for small spaces using foliage and flowers, berries and blooms, and herbs and produce - Emma Hardy

Bring colour and life to your garden during the cold winter months with Emma Hardy’s wonderful planting ideas. There are plenty of creative ways here to bring vitality to your garden in winter, with ideas for planting pots, forcing bulbs, growing winter crops, and more. In the first chapter, Stems and Leaves, you will learn how to make a stunning wreath from succulents, plant a decorative tabletop display of miniature conifers and grow ferns in a reclaimed sink. Add scent to your winter garden with Beautiful Bulbs, where you will find bright hyacinths in glass jars, crocuses in jelly moulds, a china tureen of snowdrops, and other imaginative ideas. Winter Colour has bright designs such as a vivid vertical display of cyclamen in vintage cake tins, an indoor terrarium with hellebores and violas, festive poinsettia pots and a variety of containers planted with small-scale shrubs laden with berries. And if you are keen on growing your own food, there are projects in Winter Harvests to make the most of hardy herbs, cabbages, chard and lettuces. Whether you want to decorate your entrance with colourful pots, brighten up your balcony or windowsills, or grow a winter harvest by the kitchen door, you will find The Winter Garden packed with ideas and inspiration.

Objev podobné jako The Winter Garden: Over 35 step-by-step projects for small spaces using foliage and flowers, berries and blooms, and herbs and produce - Emma Hardy

cena 402.0 Kč

Givi E201 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN58 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

GIVI vnitřní obložení dna a víka (vložka) pro kufry OBKN58 TREKKER OUTBACK / ALA56 TREKKER ALASKA. Barva podle výrobce: Silver Země původu: Vietnam Typ: E201 Barva: Stříbrná Počet v balení (ks): 1

Objev podobné jako Givi E201 Interior Lining for the Bottom and Lid of OBKN58 Trekker Outback/Trekker Alaska 56

cena 695.7 Kč

Love How You Live: Adventures in Interior Design - Rodman Primack, Rudy Weissenberg

The first book from the AD100 interior designer renowned for joyful, vibrant, intensely personal homes imbued with art, pattern, and craftsmanship A decidedly global outlook best described as ‘a punk take on preppy’ brings passion and a playful spirit to AD100 designer Rodman Primack’s projects. His work with his partner Rudy Weissenberg has garnered attention over two decades for breaking hierarchies by layering textures, patterns, art, and bold colors to create vibrant, joyful spaces. The first book from the globetrotting designer, Love How You Live takes readers to thirteen international projects―including Primack and Weissenberg’s own homes―each reflecting the culture and conditions of their locations and the passions of their inhabitants while embodying Primack’s radical philosophy. The book reveals that spontaneity, juxtaposition, collection, and emotion in any setting lead to satisfying spaces, and that objects we value need not be expensive, making high design relatable. Callout features highlighting fourteen artists and artisans living across the United States and around the world encourage readers to look to their own local sources and craftspeople―from farmers markets to art fairs―for inspiration and accent pieces to give rooms depth, joy, and personality. A belief that beauty can always be found in site-specific authenticity enriches all the projects presented in this book, spanning locations from Mexico City, Guatemala, and London to New York, California, Kentucky, Hawaii, Cape Cod, and Miami. Primack and Weissenberg’s international interiors practice is driven by cultural amplification and cross-disciplinary conversations, and is focused on collaborative relationships with architects, artists, and craftspeople. The firm is included in Architectural Digest’s AD100 list of the world’s top design talent, the Wallpaper US 300, and has had projects featured in the New York Times T Magazine, W, World of Interiors, Vogue Mexico, Casa Vogue Brasil, Elle Decor Japan, Architectural Digest, and Architectural Digest Spain, among other publications.

Objev podobné jako Love How You Live: Adventures in Interior Design - Rodman Primack, Rudy Weissenberg

cena 1244.0 Kč

Organized Living: Solutions and Inspiration for Your Home - Shira Gill

People are naturally curious about the homes of professional organizers. Organized Living was inspired by Shira's desire to provide a glimpse into a rarely-seen world: The homes of people who organize others. Shira showcases the homes of twenty-five international home organizers, offering an exclusive behind-the-scenes look into this meticulously kept world. Organized Living introduces you to the aspirational spaces of the most organized people in the world, the organizers themselves, and the passion that fuels their work. Through stunning images and absorbing interviews, you’ll gain expert tips and resources, loads of visual inspiration, and clever organizing hacks you can use in your own home, such as:• Ditching the packaging• Choosing stylish storage• Elevating the most neglected spaces• Putting things away, right awayThrough books, TV shows, and social media platforms, home organizers have been elevated as top lifestyle influencers and have cemented their place in the cultural zeitgeist. And Shira Gill, the organizer of organizers, is the perfect tour guide to walk us through these professional organizers’ homes.If you’re seeking less clutter, overwhelm, and stress in your life, and are looking to create more time and energy for the things that matter most, Organized Living is your chance to learn directly from the best in the business.

Objev podobné jako Organized Living: Solutions and Inspiration for Your Home - Shira Gill

cena 790.0 Kč

Sobolev Spaces and Their Applications in

V úvodní části (Preliminaries) jsou uvedeny některé poznatky z matematické analýzy a funkcionální analýzy, které by měl čtenář znát, než přistoupí ke studiu samotné knihy. Část I má název Theory of Sobolev Spaces (Teorie Sobolevových prostorů). Je rozdělena do 20 kapitol a jsou v ní uvedeny všechny poznatky nutné k porozumění matematické teorie metody konečných prvků a případné práci v této teorii. Část II, i když nese název Basic applications of the theory of Sobolev spaces in the finite element method (Základní aplikace teorie Sobolevových prostorů v metodě konečných prvků), obsahuje v kapitole 26 důkaz nejobtížnější věty uvedené v knize. Část III Variational problems in bad domains (Variační problémy ve špatných oblastech) obsahuje některé autorovy výsledky o metodě konečných prvků v dvojrozměrných oblastech, jejichž hranice mají tzv. body vratu. Část IV Variational problems in the case of parabolic-elliptic equations (Variační problémy v případě parabolicko-eliptických rovnic) obsahuje některé autorovy výsledky, které mají aplikace v kvazistacionárních problémech elektromagnetických polí, zejména v teorii točivých elektrických strojů Část V Semiregaular finite elements (Semiregulární konečné prvky). V této kapitole jsou probírány některé aspekty tzv. semiregulárních prvků, kdy v případě trojúhelníkových prvků je splněna pouze podmínka maximálního úhlu, podle kterého největší úhel trojúhelníku se nesmí blížit k ?. To znamená, že trojúhelníky mohou mít jeden úhel libovolně malý. V této části jsou vysvětleny také základní obtíže, které vznikají v teorii metody konečných prvků, když není splněna podmínka minimálního úhlu.

Objev podobné jako Sobolev Spaces and Their Applications in

cena 582.0 Kč

Donald Byrd - Places and Spaces (LP)

Varianta: Places and Spaces (LP) Vydavatelství: Blue Note Žánr: Funk;Soul;Jazz Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1960 - 1969;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;1950 - 1959;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019 Datum vydání: 2021-11-19 Subžánr: Jazz Funk;Funk;Jazz Typ: LP deska;Album;Stereo;Nové vydání Rok vydání: 2021.0 Interpret / Téma: Donald Byrd Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Země interpreta: USA Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Donald Byrd - Places and Spaces (LP)

cena 855.9 Kč

Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips

Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement

Objev podobné jako Futurekind: Design by and for the People - Robert Phillips

cena 707.0 Kč

Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips

Manual and manifesto, an inspiration and a call-to-arms, this rich and timely survey presents over 60 innovative, socially and environmentally conscious design projects changing the world for the better Improving lives is no longer the role only of governments and experts: enabled by the latest technologies, anyone can help to design and create products for the social and environmental good. Part manual, part manifesto, part call-to-arms, Futurekind presents more than 60 world-changing projects that, through a process of collaboration between communities and designers, are shaping a better future for us all. Contents List Introduction • 1. Civic Empowerment • 2. Health • 3. Environment + Sustainability 4. Accessible Design • 5. Education • 6. Economic Empowerment • 7. Access to Knowledge • 8. Community Engagement

Objev podobné jako Futurekind: Design by and for the People (Defekt) - Robert Phillips

cena 149.0 Kč

Forgotten Times and Spaces (978-80-210-7781-2)

Elektronická kniha - autor Martin Novák, 617 stran, anglicky Kniha přináší přes čtyřicet příspěvků mezinárodního kolektivu autorů a jejím záměrem je především shromáždit a popsat střípky předchozích, zapomenutých způsobů života. Lidský život a evoluce překlenuje různé historické epochy i místa, osud člověka se však zdá neúprosný, protože svědkové, vzpomínky i hmatatelné důkazy lidské existence se nevyhnutelně vytrácejí. Kniha současně odráží výsledky široké, mezinárodní spolupráce Jiřího A. Svobody, významného vědce, s autory příspěvků, včetně těch, kteří se jeho dílem inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Forgotten Times and Spaces (978-80-210-7781-2)

cena 748.0 Kč

Fashion Spaces: A Theoretical View

Social media has brought a new type of space into the world of fashion retail. When architecture and fashion meet in the creation of ephemeral spaces for the immediate presentation of new collections, for example, these temporary but real spaces are brought into the realm of the everlasting digital space as they are shared and re-shared on platforms like Instagram. Fashion spaces can best be defined, then, as a co-created, ever changing and prevailing metaspaces where the dialogue amongst designers, consumers and industry leaders continues well after the real space has vanished. Can these fashion spaces have a bigger impact on consumers than real-time experience of space? How may the dialogues developing within and as result of fashion spaces influence physical retail design? Can designers use fashion spaces as sites for new cultural production? These are but some of the questions tackled by Fashion Spaces, A Theoretical View. The book is created via a practice-oriented approach to academic teaching and research, through the collaboration of academics, students and the retail industry. Following an introductory essay by professor Vésma Kontere McQuillan and assistant professor Kjeld Hansen, which tackles the problematics of research in the field and presents a conceptual model for further research, seven case studies developed by students of the retail design program at the School of Arts, Design, and Media at Kristiania University College explore possible applications of this model.

Objev podobné jako Fashion Spaces: A Theoretical View

cena 357.0 Kč

Backyard Blueprints: Design, furniture and plants for a small garden - David Stevens

Every house in the world has a backyard, a vital outdoor space where life happens. In this book the author shows you how to make the most of the area and create a haven of peace (or fun) that is right for you and your lifestyle. The backyard makes an important link between the house and the wider garden or may constitute the whole garden. Even if the house walls cast shadows for most of the day and the soil is poor, this book has masses of tricks for bringing the space alive with plants and turning it into a green paradise. First impressions count and the backyard may well have a high proportion of “hard landscape”, or paving of various kinds, which may take the lion’s share of the budget. This makes sound planning and clever use of space especially important. This book shows how to get the area right without expensive changes of mind and with future needs planned.

Objev podobné jako Backyard Blueprints: Design, furniture and plants for a small garden - David Stevens

cena 133.0 Kč

Living on Vacation: Contemporary Houses for Tranquil Living

Escape and unwind with this breathtaking collection of contemporary homes - each designed with relaxation in mind Packed with the spirit of sanctuary, Living on Vacation is an inspiring showcase of spaces used exclusively for retreat and rejuvenation; from sun-drenched private islands and peaceful lakeside cottages to intimate mountain hideaways and secluded desert villas. This volume goes further than any other in search of the world's most desirable havens, featuring fabulous, architect-designed homes from across the globe, each illustrated inside and out with carefully curated photography emphasizing each home's stunning location. Conceived and edited by Phaidon editors

Objev podobné jako Living on Vacation: Contemporary Houses for Tranquil Living

cena 1090.0 Kč

Forgotten Times and Spaces - Martin Novák, Alena Mizerová, Sandra Sázelová - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha přináší přes čtyřicet příspěvků mezinárodního kolektivu autorů a jejím záměrem je především shromáždit a popsat střípky předchozích, zapomenutých způsobů života. Lidský život a evoluce překlenuje různé historické epochy i místa, osud člověka se však zdá neúprosný, protože svědkové, vzpomínky i hmatatelné důkazy lidské existence se nevyhnutelně vytrácejí. Kniha současně odráží výsledky široké, mezinárodní spolupráce Jiřího A. Svobody, významného vědce, s autory příspěvků, včetně těch, kteří se jeho dílem inspirují.

Objev podobné jako Forgotten Times and Spaces - Martin Novák, Alena Mizerová, Sandra Sázelová - e-kniha

cena 748.0 Kč

Grow 5: Simple seasonal recipes for small outdoor spaces with just five plants - Lucy Bellamy

Grow 5 reveals a brilliantly simple, fast way to make a beautiful garden, whether you have a small plot or a handful of pots. With 52 planting 'recipes' using a palette of just five plants, you can create:- a low-carbon flower garden for a changing climate- a micro-meadow in a city space- an urban garden inspired by an ancient woodland- high notes of colour in a tiny courtyard- a stylized slice of nature in a potThis practical and inspirational book by award-winning garden expert Lucy Bellamy and photographerJason Ingram includes more than 100 of the newest and best plants and how to use them through the seasons.

Objev podobné jako Grow 5: Simple seasonal recipes for small outdoor spaces with just five plants - Lucy Bellamy

cena 618.0 Kč

Made for Living - Amber Lewis

NATIONAL BESTSELLER • The trendsetting designer known for her effortless style shares the secrets of the art of layering, with more than 250 gorgeous photographs of her signature interiors. “Livability is my true north. The materials I use time and again all change with age and wear. Not only is that okay, it’s how you achieve more than a re-creation of what you’ve already seen, or what somebody else has done. You can do this, too—I promise.”—from the introduction Designing a room with all the vibes comes down to how you layer your décor. The more you can mix the elements of your room—your pillows, objects, patterns, and lighting—the more finished it’ll feel: not too new, not too old, but just right. Known for her eclectic approach that stems from her California cool, Amber Lewis trains your eye in Made for Living, offering friendly advice on everything from nailing that perfect shade of paint to mismatching patterns with wild abandon to choosing a stone finish for new countertops. These pages will help you design a home that''s made to be lived in.

Objev podobné jako Made for Living - Amber Lewis

cena 975.0 Kč

Nature Inside: Plants and Flowers in the Modern Interior - Penny Sparke

The story of how plants and flowers have shaped interior design for over 200 years From ferns in 19th-century British parlors to contemporary 'living walls' in commercial spaces, plants and flowers have long been incorporated into the design of public and private spaces. Spanning two centuries, Nature Inside explores the history and popularity of indoor plants, revealing the close relationship between architecture, interior design, and nature. Studying the international modern interior through the lens of plants in the human environment, author Penny Sparke attributes a degree of the interest in indoor plants to urbanization, and, more recently, the climate crisis, which serve as ongoing reminders that people must maintain a connection to, and respect for, the natural world. While architectural and interior design styles have evolved alongside the popularity of various plant species, the human need to bring nature indoors has remained constant.

Objev podobné jako Nature Inside: Plants and Flowers in the Modern Interior - Penny Sparke

cena 1386.0 Kč

Crystals for Everyday Living - Philip Permutt

Simple ways to make the power and energy of crystals work for you every day.Philip Permutt has brought health, happiness, and harmony to many through his years of experience with crystals. With his most accessible guide to date it is easy to incorporate the magic of crystals daily to enhance your everyday life. From selenite lamps in the living room to balance the energy of technology and screens, to carrying protective turquoise on your daily commute, Philip offers easy-to-follow tips for nurturing your relationships, bringing harmony to your home, improving performance at work, and achieving your life goals. A comprehensive directory features 101 of the most useful crystals, alongside information on harnessing them to enhance the feng-shui energy of your home, connect to your chakras, and work with their astrological alignment for the most successful results.

Objev podobné jako Crystals for Everyday Living - Philip Permutt

cena 495.0 Kč

Home in Bloom - Ariella Chezar

A vivid, inspiring look at the role of flowers and plants in interior design through the stunning, wild work of Ariella Chezar.Home in Bloom celebrates the seamless integration of architecture, light, and natural landscapes into Ariella Chezar's floral designs. Her talent for layering colors and combining improbable wild elements results in arrangements that are as gorgeous as they are dynamic. With each page, Ariella invites us to revel in the inherent drama of nature, encouraging us to infuse our living spaces with beauty and abundance, while fundamentally altering a room's energy through the transformative power of flowers.Organized into chapters that celebrate every room in the home—Welcome, Nourish, Celebrate, Pause, and Wilding—Home in Bloom takes us on a journey through spaces filled with incredible blooms that spark color and light. The arrangements in each chapter are accompanied by detailed captions that inspire us to walk outside and bring the wilds of nature into our own spaces. Filled with hundreds of gorgeous photographs of inviting spaces, this interior design book is full of unique inspiration for any flower lover.

Objev podobné jako Home in Bloom - Ariella Chezar

cena 841.0 Kč

Petite Places : Clever Interiors for Humble Homes

Great inspiration for small spaces! Petite Places presents clever solutions for compact living. From living rooms and kitchens to bedrooms and bathrooms, small spaces can offer immense possibilities, if only the interior is well considered. By showing a variety of projects in different styles - from reduced and pragmatic to cozy - Petite Places delves into how small homes are being designed today, delivering insights from interior designers and architects. Floor plans will allow you to translate inspirations from the book into your home. Living in small spaces is not a new phenomenon. By looking at pioneering projects from times gone by, one starts to understand where modern living concepts draw ideas from. Clever furniture and storage solutions create more room to cook, relax, read in a comfortable nook, or work from home. Explore how you can add striking changes to your modest home with only a few tweaks.

Objev podobné jako Petite Places : Clever Interiors for Humble Homes

cena 1199.0 Kč

černé minišaty emily s nařasením vel. ONE SIZE

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 167 cm, obvod přes prsa má 73 cm, obvod pasu 64 cm a přes boky 91 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti One size.

Objev podobné jako černé minišaty emily s nařasením vel. ONE SIZE

cena 1149.0 Kč

Hnědé minišaty emily s nařasením vel. ONE SIZE

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 167 cm, obvod přes prsa má 73 cm, obvod pasu 64 cm a přes boky 91 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti One size.

Objev podobné jako Hnědé minišaty emily s nařasením vel. ONE SIZE

cena 1149.0 Kč

Us & Our Planet: This is How We Live - Maisie Skidmore

In collaboration with IKEA, this inspirational study explores how to live more sustainably and well based on the experience of both ordinary and extraordinary lives, showing how small changes at home will work positively towards sustainability for our planetEver since the 1950s, IKEA retailers have visited homes all over the world to find out more about how we live. Inspired by this approach, Inter IKEA Systems and Phaidon have teamed up to explore the greatest challenge of our generation - living sustainably - through the lives of activists, artists, athletes, entrepreneurs and many more.Achieving a more sustainable life at home is one of the most pressing social and environmental challenges we face today as a society. Together with IKEA, we visit homes, workplaces and shared spaces from Mexico to Moscow, Bali to Beirut to find ways in which we can improve how we live. Our everyday actions might seem inconsequential, but the future of our planet starts with us.

Objev podobné jako Us & Our Planet: This is How We Live - Maisie Skidmore

cena 626.0 Kč

EastWest Spaces II

software, 24-bitový stereo konvoluční reverb s vysokým rozlišení, prostorové vzory jako např. např. kostely, katedrály, jeskyně, nahrávací studia, ateliéry, lesy, garáže, tunely nebo i vlastní digitální reverb, elektronická licence

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cena 5790.0 Kč

Miska pod květináč ferm LIVING Tray for Plant Box

Miska pod květináč z kolekce ferm LIVING. Model vyroben z mosazi.

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cena 1199.0 Kč

Miska pod květináč ferm LIVING Tray for Plant Box

Miska pod květináč z kolekce ferm LIVING. Model vyroben z mramoru.

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cena 1599.0 Kč

Japandi Living: Japanese Tradition. Scandinavian Design - Laila Rietbergen, Marlous Snijder

More than 200 images of interiors in which Japanese aesthetics and Scandinavian design go hand in hand Author Laila Rietbergen has more than 340,000 followers on Instagram and with this book she provides the best of Japandi inspiration With practical tips and tricks, you will create your own Japandi-inspired home in no time Get into this year's interior design trend: Japandi, a style that combines serene Scandinavian design elements with the richness of Japanese design tradition. It is characterised by a combination of beauty, functionality, and clean lines with a lot of attention to materials, textures, and natural touches. In addition to more than 200 images of the most beautiful Japandi-interiors and designs, this book gives practical tips on how to implement these ideas in your own home. This book will inspire you to create minimalist, yet luxurious Japandi interiors, where the design styles from two parts of the world meet. Book Description Geef jouw woning een unieke Japandi boost From the Back Cover Scandinavian and Japanese design styles 'highlight' the philosophy of 'less is more', each in its own way. When put together, a unique new concept called 'Japandi' arises. Influenced by the ancient Japanese philosophy of wabi-sabi and the Scandinavian's practice of hygge, Japandi celebrates refined quality, subtlety and craftsmanship. It takes the minimalistic home to another level of luxury and elegance. With more than two hundred inspiring images of the most beautiful Japandi interiors and designs, this book inspires its readers to transform their own homes into elegant, comfortable and decluttered places - to establish harmony with their environment, away from the hectic world outside. 'For me Japandi is also about making conscious choices and appreciating what you already have. In this book I share practical tips and tricks and lots of inspiration to help you create your Japandi-inspired home.' - Laila Rietbergen

Objev podobné jako Japandi Living: Japanese Tradition. Scandinavian Design - Laila Rietbergen, Marlous Snijder

cena 1240.0 Kč

Living in the Light, Yoga for Self-Realization - Deepak Chopra

A ground-breaking guide to the philosophy and practice of yoga from master of modern meditation Deepak Chopra.More than a form of exercise, yoga is a way of existing in the world rooted in physical, mental and spiritual practices. It defines everyday life as ideal and brings every experience, no matter how small, into the light.In this revelatory book, international bestselling author Deepak Chopra offers a simple eight-week programme covering the eight stages of transformation in yoga including transcendence, wholeness and breath. Featuring 50 poses in delicate line illustrations, created by Chopra and his long-time instructor Sarah Platt-Finger, Living in the Light will guide beginners and enthusiasts alike in nurturing a state of total awareness and a deeper understanding of self.

Objev podobné jako Living in the Light, Yoga for Self-Realization - Deepak Chopra

cena 447.0 Kč

Interior Chinatown

A deeply personal novel about race, pop culture, immigration, assimilation, and escaping the roles we are forced to play.Willis Wu doesn't perceive himself as the protagonist in his own life: he's merely Generic Asian Man. Sometimes he gets to be Background Oriental Making or even Disgraced Son, but always he is relegated to a prop. Yet every day, he leaves his tiny room in Chinatown and enters the Golden Palace restaurant where Black and White, a procedural cop show, is in perpetual production. He's a bit player here, too, but he dreams of being Kung Fu Guy-the most respected role that anyone who looks like him can attain. Or is it?After stumbling into the spotlight, Willis finds himself launched into a wider world than he's ever known, discovering not only the secret history of Chinatown, but also the buried legacy of his own family. Infinitely inventive and deeply personal, Interior Chinatown is Charles Yu's most moving, daring, and masterful novel yet.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth - Oliver Jeffers

#1 New York Times Bestseller and #1 TIME Best Book of the Year for 2017!The exquisite and thought-provoking new book from the multi award-winning, internationally best-selling picture book creator of Lost and Found, Oliver Jeffers.Well, hello.And welcome to this Planet.We call it Earth.Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you’ve only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let’s explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey. And you’ll figure lots of things out for yourself. Just remember to leave notes for everyone else… Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you’ve just got to be kind.Here We Are is the utterly heartfelt new book from Oliver Jeffers. We’re glad you found it.“An optimistic snapshot of contemporary life, this heartfelt hug of a book ought to become a classic” The Guardian

Objev podobné jako Here We Are: Notes for Living on Planet Earth - Oliver Jeffers

cena 236.0 Kč

Here We Are : Notes for Living on Planet Earth - Oliver Jeffers

#1 New York Times Bestseller and #1 TIME Best Book of the Year for 2017! The exquisite and thought-provoking new book from the multi award-winning, internationally best-selling picture book creator of Lost and Found, Oliver Jeffers. Well, hello.And welcome to this Planet.We call it Earth. Our world can be a bewildering place, especially if you’ve only just got here. Your head will be filled with questions, so let’s explore what makes our planet and how we live on it. From land and sky, to people and time, these notes can be your guide and start you on your journey. And you’ll figure lots of things out for yourself. Just remember to leave notes for everyone else… Some things about our planet are pretty complicated, but things can be simple, too: you’ve just got to be kind. Here We Are is the utterly heartfelt new book from Oliver Jeffers. We’re glad you found it. “An optimistic snapshot of contemporary life, this heartfelt hug of a book ought to become a classic” The Guardian

Objev podobné jako Here We Are : Notes for Living on Planet Earth - Oliver Jeffers

cena 420.0 Kč

Warehouse Home: Industrial Inspiration for Twenty-First-Century Living - Sophie Bush

A global overview of the most contemporary and ingenious – and comfortable – former light-industrial spaces transformed into stylish modern residences. The love of warehouse buildings – often in attractive waterside locations – has become a global phenomenon, from London to New York, from Sydney to Florence. Drawing on her own experience of living in a Grade II listed mill, Sophie Bush has amassed a wealth of knowledge, contacts and understanding about which ingredients make a building fit for contemporary habitation. Warehouse Home is the ultimate resource for everything from how best to preserve and complement original architectural features to style ideas for adapting vintage and reclaimed pieces for modern living. The book has a practical structure, broken down into two key sections. 'Architectural Features' looks at how to make the most of a space while retaining its features, such as exposed brickwork, concrete floors and mezzanines. It also draws on examples of former industrial buildings across the world that have been renovated to create distinctive homes and workspaces, each selected for the originality or intelligence of its design. ‘Decorative Details' provides tips on how to recreate the warehouse aesthetic in any home, from repurposing pallets and breeze blocks as furniture to transforming exhaust cones into unique lighting fixtures. A reference section includes ideas on where to source everything from furniture to finishes.

Objev podobné jako Warehouse Home: Industrial Inspiration for Twenty-First-Century Living - Sophie Bush

cena 715.0 Kč

Blossoms - Foolish Loving Spaces (LP)

Rok vydání: 2020.0 Žánr: Pop;Rock Subžánr: Pop;Indie Rock;Indie Pop;Rock Vydavatelství: EMI Datum vydání: 2020-01-31 Varianta: Foolish Loving Spaces (Vinyl LP) Interpret / Téma: Blossoms Země interpreta: Spojené království Typ: LP deska;Album Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Barva podle výrobce: Black

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cena 959.0 Kč

Slow Living new - Daniela Santos Quartino

The concept of slow living translates architecturally into interior spaces that slow down the frenetic pace of modern life, whether at the seaside, in a country village or in the middle of a big city. They seek wellbeing in everyday life; they favour observation, enjoyment, reflection and calm. The interiors of these homes are an alternative to the urgency of modern life and are oriented towards simplicity, conscious consumption and the natural rhythm of things.This book presents a selection of the work by architects and interior designers from around the world who seek through their work to create environments for an unhurried life.

Objev podobné jako Slow Living new - Daniela Santos Quartino

cena 886.0 Kč

Kadidlo se stojanem ferm LIVING Burner and Sage Gift S

Kadidlo se stojanem z kolekce ferm LIVING. Model vyroben z přírodního materiálu a hliníku.

Objev podobné jako Kadidlo se stojanem ferm LIVING Burner and Sage Gift S

cena 1199.0 Kč

Dixie Chicks - Wide Open Spaces (LP)

Tracklist A1 I Can Love You Better 3:53A2 Wide Open Spaces 3:44A3 Loving Arms 3:37A4 There's Your Trouble 3:10A5 You Were Mine 3:37A6 Never Say Die 3:56B7 Tonight The Heartache's On Me 3:25B8 Let 'Er Rip 2:49B9 Once You've Loved Somebody 3:28B10 I'll Take Care Of You 3:40B11 Am I The Only One (Who's Ever Felt This Way) 3:25B12 Give It Up Or Let Me Go 4:55 Barva: Černá Typ: Nové vydání;Album;Remastered;LP deska Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Země původu: Evropská unie Subžánr: Folk;Country;World Music Složení setu: 1 ks Balení obsahuje: LP Rok vydání: 2016.0 Žánr: Pop;World Music;Country Vydavatelství: Monument Varianta: Wide Open Spaces (Vinyl LP) Interpret / Téma: Dixie Chicks Datum vydání: 2016-04-15

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cena 914.0 Kč

EastWest Sounds SPACES II (Digitální produkt)

Společnost EastWest Sounds s hrdostí oznamuje pokračování svého přelomového reverbového pluginu Spaces. Spaces II rozšiřuje hranice zvukového realismu pro hudební producenty a skladatele.Navazuje na úspěch:Spaces způsobil revoluci ve světě konvolučních reverbů díky svým pečlivým nahrávacím technikám. Spaces II jde ještě o krok dál a přidává masivní kolekci 353 zbrusu nových reverbů zachycených na úchvatných místech.Prozkoumejte vesmír zvuku:Ponořte se do akustiky prvotřídních koncertních sálů, kostelů, operních domů a dalších míst. Od posvátných sálů Abravanel Hall až po jedinečnou atmosféru katakomb - Spaces II nabízí vesmír zvukových možností.Intuitivní ovládání na dosah ruky:Díky zjednodušenému rozhraní je navigace ve Spaces II hračkou. Vizuální znázornění jednotlivých prostorů umožňuje rychlý výběr, zatímco nový panel Decay Time poskytuje dokonalou kontrolu nad délkou dozvuku.Neochvějná kvalita:EastWest si zachovává svou oddanost zvukové dokonalosti. Spaces II využívá stejné špičkové vybavení a nahrávací techniky, díky nimž se originál stal fenoménem. Skutečné stereofonní zpracování s vysokým rozlišením zajišťuje nedotčenou kvalitu zvuku i při nízkém využití procesoru.Připraveno pro prostorový zvuk:Většina impulsů ve Spaces II je k dispozici v osmikanálovém formátu, což vám umožní vytvářet ohromující prostorové zvukové mixy.DOWNLOAD: http://eastwestsounds.com/register Podporované formáty pluginů: VST3;AAX;VST2;AU Kompatibilita: Windows 10 <;MacOS 10.13 < Licence: Plná verze Hardwarové požadavky: 16 GB RAM;Quad-Core Processor Typ: Reverb

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cena 3019.0 Kč

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