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Shadow´s Edge: Book 2 of the Night Angel - Brent Weeks

The action-packed second book in the Night Angel series, from international bestseller Brent Weeks - an astonishing and epic tale of magic, violence and revenge.Kylar has rejected the assassin's life. In the wake of the Godking's violent coup, both his master and his closest friend are dead. His friend was Logan Gyre, heir to Cenaria's throne, but few of the ruling class survive to mourn his loss. So Kylar is starting over: new city, new companions, and new profession.But when he learns that Logan might be alive, trapped and in hiding, Kylar faces an impossible choice. He could give up the way of shadows forever, and find peace with his young family. Or Kylar could succumb to his flair for destruction, the years of training, to save his friend and his country - and lose all he holds precious.

Podívejte se také The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

cena 312.0 Kč

Beyond The Shadows: Book 3 of the Night Angel - Brent Weeks

The nail-biting third novel in the Night Angel series, from international bestseller Brent Weeks - an astonishing and epic tale of magic, violence and revenge.A new queen has usurped the throne and is leading Cenaria into disaster. The country has become a broken realm with a threadbare army, little food, and no hope. Kylar Stern plans to reinstate his closest friend Logan as King, but can he really get away with murder?In the north, the Godking's death has thrown Khalidor into civil war. To gain the upper hand, one faction attempts to raise the goddess Khali herself. But they are playing with volatile powers, and trigger conflict on a vast scale. Seven armies will converge to save - or destroy - an entire continent.Kylar has finally learnt the bitter cost of immortality, and is faced with a task only he can complete. To save his friends, and perhaps his enemies, he must assassinate a goddess. Failure will doom the south. Success will cost him everything he's ever loved.

Podívejte se také Shadow of the Tomb Raider - PS4 (5021290080980)

cena 312.0 Kč

The Way Of Shadows: Book 1 of the Night Angel - Brent Weeks

The razor-sharp first novel in the New York Times bestselling Night Angel series from master of modern fantasy Brent Weeks - an astonishing and epic tale of magic, violence and revenge.The perfect killer has no friends. Only targets.For Durzo Blint, assassination is an art. And he is the city's most accomplished artist, his talents required from alleyway to courtly boudoir.For Azoth, survival is precarious. Something you never take for granted. As a guild rat, he's grown up in the slums, and learned the hard way to judge people quickly - and to take risks. Risks like apprenticing himself to Durzo Blint.But to be accepted, Azoth must turn his back on his old life and embrace a new identity and name. As Kylar Stern, he must learn to navigate the assassins' world of dangerous politics and strange magics - and cultivate a flair for death.

Podívejte se také The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441)

cena 312.0 Kč

Krvavé zrcadlo - Brent Weeks

Zbaven magické i politické moci a uvězněn ve své vlastní magické kobce, nemá před sebou bývalý vládce Gavin Guile žádné vyhlídky na útěk. Lidé, jimž kdysi vládl, ho považují za mrtvého. Svět však čelí kalamitě větší, než kdy Sedm satrapií zažilo… a jedině on jej může zachránit. Zatímco armády Bílého krále dobývají Chromerii a nově se rodí staří bohové, je osud světa shrnut do jediné otázky: Kdo je Světlonoš?

Objev podobné jako Krvavé zrcadlo - Brent Weeks

cena 411.0 Kč

Za stíny - Brent Weeks

Logan Gyre se stal králem Cenarie, země v obležení s vyčerpanou armádou a pramalou nadějí. Má jen jedinou šanci, zoufalý risk, který by mohl zničit celé království. Na severu má nový Bohokrál plán. Pokud přinese kýžené ovoce, nikdo ho už nedokáže zastavit. Kylar Stern nemá na výběr. Aby zachránil své přátele - a možná i nepřátele - musí dokázat nemožné. Musí zavraždit bohyni.

Objev podobné jako Za stíny - Brent Weeks

cena 223.0 Kč

Oko temnoty - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

eBook: Staří bohové povstávají, satrapie se tříští a Chromerie horečně hledá ztraceného arcimága, jediného muže, který může zabránit katastrofě. Gavin Guile však uvízl jako otrok u vesla na pirátské lodi. A co hůř: Gavin ztratil schopnost zhmotňovat světlo. Kip Guile se bez ochranné ruky svého otce musí sám postavit pánovi stínů. Jeho děd hodlá vybrat nového arcimága a chopit se moci. Kip spolu s Teiou a Karris bude muset využít veškerý důvtip, aby přežili tajnou válku mezi šlechtickými rody, náboženskými frakcemi, rebely a sílícím řádem skrytých úkladných vrahů.

Objev podobné jako Oko temnoty - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

cena 229.0 Kč

Krvavé zrcadlo - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

eBook: Zbaven magické i politické moci, uvězněn ve své vlastní magické kobce, nemá před sebou bývalý vládce Gavin Guile žádné vyhlídky na útěk. Lidé, jimž kdysi vládl, ho považují za mrtvého. Svět však čelí kalamitě větší, než kdy Sedm satrapií zažilo… a jedině on jej může zachránit. Zatímco armády Bílého krále porážejí Chromerii a nově se rodí staří bohové, je osud světa shrnut do jediné otázky: Kdo je Světlonoš?

Objev podobné jako Krvavé zrcadlo - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

Oslnivá čepel - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

eBook: Gavin Guile umírá. Myslel si, že mu zbývá ještě pět let – a najednou je to necelý rok. Problémy se na něj hrnou ze všech stran: padesát tisíc uprchlíků, nemanželský syn, bývalá snoubenka, která možná odhalila jeho nejtemnější tajemství. Všechna magie světa divočí, hrozí zničení Sedmi satrapií. A co je nejhorší: povstávají staří bohové a jejich armáda padlých mágů je nezastavitelná. Jedinou spásou může být bratr, kterému Gavin před šestnácti lety ukradl svobodu i život.

Objev podobné jako Oslnivá čepel - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

cena 199.0 Kč

Černý arcimág - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

eBook: Gavin Guile je arcimágem, nejmocnějším mužem světa. Je to velekněz a vládce, muž, jehož síla, důvtip a kouzlo udržují jinak vratký mír. Ale arcimágem nebude věčně a Guile ví přesně, kolik života mu ještě zbývá: pět let, během nichž má dosáhnout pěti nemožných cílů. Ale když Guile zjistí, že má syna, narozeného v dalekém království po válce, která mu dopomohla k moci, musí se rozhodnout, jak vysokou cenu je ochoten zaplatit, aby ochránil tajemství, jež by mohlo rozervat jeho svět na kusy.

Objev podobné jako Černý arcimág - Brent Weeks - e-kniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Světlonoš 3 - Oko temnoty - Brent Weeks

Staří bohové povstávají, satrapie se tříští a Chromerie horečně hledá ztraceného arcimága, jediného muže, který může zabránit katastrofě. Gavin Guile však uvízl jako otrok u vesla na pirátské lodi. A co hůř: Gavin ztratil schopnost zhmotňovat světlo.Kip Guile se bez ochranné ruky svého otce musí sám postavit pánovi stínů. Jeho děd hodlá vybrat nového arcimága a chopit se moci. Kip spolu s Teiou a Karris bude muset využít veškerý důvtip, aby přežili tajnou válku mezi šlechtickými rody, náboženskými frakcemi, rebely a sílícím řádem skrytých úkladných vrahů.

Objev podobné jako Světlonoš 3 - Oko temnoty - Brent Weeks

cena 205.0 Kč

Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Shadow of Kyoshi (The Kyoshi Novels Book 2) - F. C. Yee

The epic, can't-miss follow-up to the New York Times bestselling Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Rise of Kyoshi Kyoshi's place as the true Avatar has finally been cemented-but at a heavy cost. With her mentors gone, Kyoshi voyages across the Four Nations, struggling to keep the peace. But while her reputation grows, a mysterious threat emerges from the Spirit World. To stop it, Kyoshi, Rangi, and their reluctant allies must join forces before the Four Nations are destroyed irreparably. This thrilling follow-up continues Kyoshi's journey from a girl of humble origins to the merciless pursuer of justice still feared and admired centuries after becoming the Avatar.

Objev podobné jako Avatar, The Last Airbender: The Shadow of Kyoshi (The Kyoshi Novels Book 2) - F. C. Yee

cena 414.0 Kč

Noční Anděl 1 - Cesta stínů - Brent Weeks

Temná, akcí nabitá fantasy, vás zavede do města jménem Cenária. Do města ponurého a nebezpečného, plného odporných slumů a obývaného těmi nejvýkonnějšími nájemnými vrahy, kteří se kdy procházeli na stránkách knih.Azoth je kluk bez rodiny, bez jakékoli budoucnosti. Má jedinou šanci změnit svůj osud – stát se nájemným vrahem. A nejlépe učedníkem skutečného mistra, Durzo Blinta, muže bez svědomí, který vraždu pokládá za umění. Z Azotha se tak stává Kylar Stern, který proniká do umění vraždy i do tajemství magie. Minulost se mu ale přesto připomene a postupem času se vrací jako bumerang…

Objev podobné jako Noční Anděl 1 - Cesta stínů - Brent Weeks

cena 241.0 Kč

At The Water´s Edge - Gruen Sara

SHORTLISTED FOR THE ROMANTIC NOVELISTS' ASSOCIATION HISTORICAL ROMANTIC NOVEL AWARDA gripping and poignant love story set in a remote village in the Scottish Highlands at the end of the Second World War.'the only fault I can find with this book is that I've already finished it' Jodi Picoult'truly enthralling' Scotsman'breathtaking' Harper's Bazaar1945. After disgracing themselves at a high society party, spoilt young Philadelphia socialites Maddie and Ellis Hyde are cut off from the family without a penny. Ellis decides their salvation will be to hunt down the Loch Ness Monster, a venture his father very publicly failed at. So, oblivious to WW2 raging around them, they make their way to the Scottish Highlands, where Maddie has to face reality and decide just who the real monsters are.

Objev podobné jako At The Water´s Edge - Gruen Sara

cena 250.0 Kč

Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden

Pericles returns home more than a hero: he's the leader of Athens, the empire's beacon of light in the dark.But even during times of peace, the threat of Sparta - Athens's legendary rival - looms large on the horizon. When a sudden catastrophe brings Sparta to its knees, Pericles sees a golden opportunity to forever shift the balance of power in his city's favour.For sometimes, the only way to win lasting peace is to wage war.Sparta may be weak, but their power is far from extinguished. Soon a ruthless young boy steps forward to lead the Spartans back to greatness.As the drums of battle draw closer, can Pericles rise once more or will the world's greatest empire fall under his watch?

Objev podobné jako Empire: Book 2 of The Golden Age - Conn Iggulden

cena 402.0 Kč

The Shadow of What Was Lost: Book One of the Licanius Trilogy (0356507777)

Kniha - autor James Islington, 608 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor James Islington, 608 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná OLD POWERS AWAKENIt has been twenty years since the god-like Augurs were overthrown and killed. Now, those who once served them - the Gifted - are spared only because they have accepted the rebellion's Four Tenets, vastly limiting their own powers. As a young Gifted, Davian suffers the consequences of a war lost before he was even born. He and his friends are despised beyond their school walls for the magical power they wield: a power that Davian, despite his best efforts, cannot seem to control. Worse, with his final test approaching and the consequences of failure severe, time to overcome his struggles is fast running out. But when Davian discovers he wields the forbidden power of the Augurs, he unwittingly sets in motion a chain of events that will change his life - and shake the entire world.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of What Was Lost: Book One of the Licanius Trilogy (0356507777)

cena 289.0 Kč

The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

From the author of How to Kill Men and Get Away With It, don't miss this utterly thrilling and laugh-out-loud novel, perfect for fans of Bella Mackie, Dawn O'Porter and Killing Eve. Available to pre-order now! Something bad happened last night. I've woken up with the hangover from hell, a stranger in my bed, and I've gone viral for the worst reasons.But I can't remember a thing... My best friend Posey is dead. The police think it was a tragic accident.I know she was murdered. There's only thing stopping me from dying of shame. I need to find a killer.Readers LOVE Katy Brent! 'I literally couldn't put this book down.' NetGalley reviewer, 'This book has got to be my favourite so far this year.' NetGalley reviewer, 'There are just so many good things I could say about this book. I absolutely tore (pun intended) through this read. Everyone needs to go read it.' NetGalley reviewer, 'One word!!! AMAZING!!!' NetGalley reviewer, 'This is one of the most clever books I have read in quite a while.' NetGalley reviewer, 'A well-rounded cast of characters, quick pace, and thrilling twists make this one of my favourites of the year!' NetGalley reviewer, 'A twisted but witty read which will keep you up all night.' NetGalley reviewer,

Objev podobné jako The Murder After the Night Before - Katy Brent

cena 241.0 Kč

The Shadow of What Was Lost : Book One of the Licanius Trilogy - James Islington

AS DESTINY CALLS, A JOURNEY BEGINSIt has been twenty years since the god-like Augurs were overthrown and killed. Now, those who once served them - the Gifted - are spared only because they have accepted the rebellion's Four Tenets, vastly limiting their own powers.As a young Gifted, Davian suffers the consequences of a war lost before he was even born. He and others like him are despised. But when Davian discovers he wields the forbidden powers of the Augurs, he sets in motion a chain of events that will change everything.To the west, a young man whose fate is intertwined with Davian's wakes up in the forest, covered in blood and with no memory of who he is . . .And in the far north, an ancient enemy long thought defeated, begins to stir.

Objev podobné jako The Shadow of What Was Lost : Book One of the Licanius Trilogy - James Islington

cena 241.0 Kč

Edge of Eternity: Book Three of the Century Trilogy (0451474023)

Kniha - autor Ken Follett, 1136 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, Ken Follett followed the fortunes of five international families—American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh—as they made their way through the twentieth century. Now they come to one of the most tumultuous eras of all: the 1960s through the 1980s, from civil rights, assassinations, mass political movements, and Vietnam to the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, presidential impeachment, revolution—and rock and roll. East German teacher Rebecca Hoffmann discovers she’s been spied on by the Stasi for years and commits an impulsive act that will affect her family for the rest of their lives. . . . George Jakes, the child of a mixed-race couple, bypasses a corporate law career to join Robert F. Kennedy's Justice Department and finds himself in the middle of not only the seminal events of the civil rights battle but a much more personal...

Objev podobné jako Edge of Eternity: Book Three of the Century Trilogy (0451474023)

cena 269.0 Kč

The Great Hunt: Book 2 of the Wheel of Time (soon to be a major TV series) (0356517012)

Kniha - autor Robert Jordan, 720 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná SOON TO BE A MAJOR AMAZON PRIME TV SERIES The second novel in the Wheel of Time series - one of the most influential and popular fantasy epics ever published. The Forsaken are loose, the Horn of Valere has been found and the Dead are rising from their dreamless sleep. The Prophecies are being fulfilled - but Rand al'Thor, the shepherd the Aes Sedai have proclaimed as the Dragon Reborn, desperately seeks to escape his destiny. Rand cannot run for ever. With every passing day the Dark One grows in strength and strives to shatter his ancient prison, to break the Wheel, to bring an end to Time and sunder the weave of the Pattern. And the Pattern demands the Dragon.

Objev podobné jako The Great Hunt: Book 2 of the Wheel of Time (soon to be a major TV series) (0356517012)

cena 359.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A treacherous bride. A heartbroken groom.Is their marriage over before it's begun? Her deceit discovered, Faraine finds herself trapped in the Shadow Realm at the mercy of her new husband. She's surrounded by enemies, far from any allies, and her best bet for survival is to convince Vor to send her home. But to do so means to give up on the alliance.Which would spell disaster for her people. With the tremors growing worse and poison spreading through his realm, Vor is more desperate than ever to find a solution. Only, it cannot involve his wife.Vor wants nothing to do with the woman he has inadvertently married. At one time, he thought he might love her, but now? How can love flourish where trust is broken? When circumstances require them to spend more time together, however, Vor's blood is stirred in ways he doesn't like to acknowledge. Can two lost hearts find healing and hope in one another? Or is their love already poisoned beyond recovery?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 2: Vow of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

Discovery of Witches 2: Shadow of Night - Deborah Harknessová

Fall deeper under the spell of Diana and Matthew in the captivating second volume of the No.1 internationally bestselling ALL SOULS trilogy, following A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES. Perfect for fans of Neil Gaiman, Diana Gabaldon and J. K. Rowling.In a world of witches, daemons and vampires the fragile balance of peace is unravelling. Diana and Matthew's forbidden love has broken the laws dividing creatures. To discover the manuscript which holds their hope for the future, they must now travel back to the past.When Diana Bishop, descended from a line of powerful witches, discovered a significant alchemical manuscript in the Bodleian Library, she sparked a struggle in which she became bound to long-lived vampire Matthew Clairmont. Now the coexistence of witches, daemons, vampires and humans is dangerously threatened.Seeking safety, Diana and Matthew travel back in time to London, 1590. But they soon realise that the past may not provide a haven. Reclaiming his former identity as poet and spy for Queen Elizabeth, the vampire falls back in with a group of radicals known as the School of Night. Many are unruly daemons, the creative minds of the age, including playwright Christopher Marlowe and mathematician Thomas Harriot.Together Matthew and Diana scour Tudor London for the elusive manuscript Ashmole 782, and search for the witch who will teach Diana how to control her remarkable powers...

Objev podobné jako Discovery of Witches 2: Shadow of Night - Deborah Harknessová

cena 268.0 Kč

The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

Abandoned at a remote island school, Faye discovers she hasbeen sent there for a wicked crime. Can she tackle the sinistermysteries of the island and discover the secrets within herself?

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Edge of Night - Lucy Strange

cena 236.0 Kč

Call of the Night 2 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna.Except that she's a vampire. That's okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too.But transformation doesn't come that easily... What's the difference between desire and love? Does Nazuna know any better than Ko? What about Ko's childhood friend Akira? Unable to answer these romantic questions, Ko and Nazuna go swimming. Turns out bathing beauties at pools are just as hot at night as in the blazing sunshine at the beach.Then, Ko gets jealous when he learns about Nazuna's night job... But when she drafts him into temping for her, the two of them join forces to save a client from her boss-and herself.

Objev podobné jako Call of the Night 2 - Kotoyama

cena 259.0 Kč

Daemons Of The Shadow Realm 2 - Hiromu Arakawa

Yuru’s quiet life comes to a sudden, bewildering end when his mountain home is attacked…by none other than his twin sister, Asa! Forced to assume the role of Daemon Wielder, Yuru manages to escape with the help of his new allies. But while they seek to keep him hidden, Yuru seeks answers, a search that puts him on a collision course with Asa and her mysterious co-conspirators, the Kagemori clan…

Objev podobné jako Daemons Of The Shadow Realm 2 - Hiromu Arakawa

cena 330.0 Kč

The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles Book 2) - Rick Riordan

The Throne of Fire: the second book in Rick Riordan's The Kane Chronicles.EVER since the gods of Ancient Egypt were unleashed on the modern world, Carter Kane and his sister, Sadie, have been in big trouble.As descendants of the magical House of Life, they command certain powers. But now a terrifying enemy - Apophis, the giant snake of chaos - is rising.If Carter and Sadie don't destroy him, the world will end in five days' time. And in order to battle the forces of chaos, they must revive the sun god Ra - a feat no magician has ever achieved. Because first they must search the world for the three sections of the Book of Ra, then they have to learn how to chant its spells . . .Can the Kanes destroy Apophis before he swallows the sun and plunges the earth into darkness . . . forever?

Objev podobné jako The Throne of Fire (The Kane Chronicles Book 2) - Rick Riordan

cena 266.0 Kč

Foundation´s Edge - Isaac Asimov

The Foundation series is Isaac Asimov's iconic masterpiece. Unfolding against the backdrop of a crumbling Galactic Empire, the story of Hari Seldon's two Foundations is a lasting testament to an extraordinary imagination, one whose unprecedented scale shaped science fiction as we know it today.After a long war which saw the First Foundation emerge victorious, the Second Foundation is now believed to be extinct, and all records of planet Earth's existence have been erased.No one suspects that the Second Foundation could still exist. None, except Council member Golan Trevize, who finds himself ordered to leave Terminus, accompanied by historian Janov Pelorat, in order to find it.Yet this quest will lead an unsuspecting Golan further than he could have possibly imagined - closer than ever to Earth, where the fate of the whole galaxy awaits him.

Objev podobné jako Foundation´s Edge - Isaac Asimov

cena 241.0 Kč

Foundation´s Edge - Isaac Asimov

At last, the costly and bitter war between the two Foundations had come to an end. The scientists of the First Foundation had proved victorious; and now they return to Hari Seldon's long-established plan to build a new Empire on the ruins of the old. But rumors persist that the Second Foundation is not destroyed after all—and that its still-defiant survivors are preparing their revenge. Now two exiled citizens of the Foundation—a renegade Councilman and a doddering historian—set out in search of the mythical planet Earth. . .and proof that the Second Foundation still exists.Meanwhile someone—or something—outside of both Foundations seems to be orchestrating events to suit its own ominous purpose. Soon representatives of both the First and Second Foundations will find themselves racing toward a mysterious world called Gaia and a final shocking destiny at the very end of the universe!

Objev podobné jako Foundation´s Edge - Isaac Asimov

cena 232.0 Kč

Shadow of Night (0143123890)

Kniha - 708 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The #1 New York Times bestselling sequel to A Discovery of Witches.

Objev podobné jako Shadow of Night (0143123890)

cena 233.0 Kč

Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

The astonishing first volume in Raymond E. Feist's bestselling Serpentwar Saga... A nest of vipers is stirring.. . Ancient powers are readying themselves for a devastating confrontation.A dark queen has raised her standard and is gathering armies of unmatched might. Into this battleground of good and evil a band of desperate men are forced, whose only hope for survival is to face this ancient power and discover its true nature. Among them are some unlikely heroes - Erik, a bastard heir denied his birth right, and his friend Roo, an irrepressible scoundrel with a penchant for thievery.They are accompanied by the mysterious Miranda, upon whom all must wager their lives.

Objev podobné jako Shadow of a Dark Queen (The Serpentwar Saga, Book 1) (Defekt) - Raymond Elias Feist

cena 59.0 Kč

Groove Armada - Edge Of The Horizon (2 LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009 Složení setu: 2 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Hmotnost: 180 g Typ: Album;LP deska Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Země interpreta: Spojené království Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Rok vydání: 2020.0 Žánr: Elektronický Interpret / Téma: Groove Armada Vydavatelství: Groove Armada Subžánr: New Wave Varianta: Edge Of The Horizon (2 LP)

Objev podobné jako Groove Armada - Edge Of The Horizon (2 LP)

cena 783.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

A KING DESPERATE TO SAVE HIS BRIDE. A QUEEN DISCOVERING THE DARK POTENTIAL OF HER POWER. After nearly losing one another in a savage attack on the city, Vor and Faraine return to Mythanar fully committed to their marriage.But the situation in the Under Realm remains dire. With the world poised on the brink of collapse, Vor struggles to protect his kingdom. Though Faraine longs to support him as queen, she fights the weakness in her body at every turn .. . not to mention the strange changes warping her gods-gift.When war drags them apart, Vor and Faraine face the consequences of their choices. How can Vor lead those who have lost faith in him? Torn between honor and desire, he must decide where his heart truly lies: with his kingdom or his queen. Meanwhile, as Faraine explores the new dimensions of her power, she starts to believe the coming cataclysm may be prevented.But in doing so, will she unleash a darkness in herself far more disastrous?Breathtaking stakes. Ultimate reveals. This is the epic finale you've been waiting for!

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 3: Heart of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 299.0 Kč

Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

For fans of The Bridge Kingdom and A Deal with the Elf King, this sweeping tale of love and betrayal is equal blends sweet and spice. A shunned princess. A reluctant king.A marriage that could save both their kingdoms . . .but destroy their hearts. Though she is the oldest daughter, Princess Faraine lives in the background, shunned from court and kept out of sight. Her chronic illness makes her a liability to the crown, and she has learned to give place to her beautiful, favored younger sister in all things.When the handsome and enigmatic Shadow King comes seeking a bride, Faraine is not surprised that her sister is his choice. Though not eager to take a human bride, King Vor is willing to do what is necessary for the sake of his people. When he meets the lively Princess Ilsevel, he quickly agrees to a marriage arrangement.So why can’t he get the haunting eyes of her older sister out of his head?

Objev podobné jako Bride of the Shadow King 1: Bride of the Shadow King - Mercedes Sylvia

cena 330.0 Kč

Book of Night - Holly Black

'Dark, strange, thick with mystery and twists Book of Night is everything delicious and frightening I've come to expect from Holly Black.' Leigh Bardugo, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ninth House'Black is a master at world-building.' The New York Times Book Review_______________________________________________________________________#1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black makes her stunning adult debut with Book of Night, a modern dark fantasy of shadowy thieves and secret societies. Charlie Hall has never found a lock she couldn't pick, a book she couldn't steal, or a bad decision she wouldn't make. She's spent half her life working for gloamists, magicians who manipulate shadows to peer into locked rooms, strangle people in their beds, or worse.Gloamists guard their secrets greedily, creating an underground economy of grimoires. And to rob their fellow magicians, they need Charlie. Now, she's trying to distance herself from past mistakes, but going straight isn't easy.Bartending at a dive, she's still entirely too close to the corrupt underbelly of the Berkshires. Not to mention that her sister Posey is desperate for magic, and that her shadowless and possibly soulless boyfriend has been keeping secrets from her. When a terrible figure from her past returns, Charlie descends back into a maelstrom of murder and lies.Determined to survive, she's up against a cast of doppelgangers, mercurial billionaires, gloamists, and the people she loves best in the world - all trying to steal a secret that will allow them control of the shadow world and more. 'I will never forget my first time reading Holly Black . .. Such a beautiful writer.' Daisy Johnson, Man Booker Prize finalist and author of Sisters

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cena 268.0 Kč

Wham! - The SIngles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP)

Typ: Barevná;Kompilace;LP deska;Misprint Barva: Modrá Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989 Složení setu: 2 ks Datum vydání: 2023-07-07 Barva podle výrobce: Blue Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Disco;New Wave;Synth-pop Vydavatelství: Sony Music Žánr: Pop;Disco;Dance Interpret / Téma: Wham! Rok vydání: 2023.0 Varianta: The Singles : Echoes From The Edge of The Heaven (Coloured) (2 LP) Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP

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cena 709.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods (0356514218)

Kniha - 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 289.0 Kč

The Penguin Book of French Short Stories: 2

'A story? No. No stories, never again...' The short story has a rich tradition in French literature. This feast of an anthology celebrates its most famous practitioners, as well as newly translated writers ready for rediscovery.Here are fables, puzzles, fairy tales, war stories and family histories, testing and expanding the boundaries of the form. They are stories about the self and the other, the centre and the periphery, experimental and existential, real and surreal. The second volume takes the reader through the tumultuous twentieth century in the company of writers including Simone de Beauvoir and Maryse Conde, Patrick Modiano and Virginie Despentes, covering world wars, revolutions, and the horrors of the motorway service station.Along the way we meet electronic brains, she-wolves, a sadistic Cinderella, ancestors, infidels, dissatisfied housewives and lonely ambassadors, all clamouring to be heard. Funny, devastating and fresh at every turn, this is the place to start for lovers of French literature, new and old. Edited and with an introduction by Patrick McGuinness, academic, writer and translator.

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cena 849.0 Kč

The Kids' Book of Sudoku 2 - Alastair Chisholm

The perfect book for ace puzzlers and kids who like a challenge, The Kids' Book of Sudoku 2 helps to develop mental arithmetic and logic skills. With a simple tutorial filled with invaluable tips and tricks, and puzzles that range across four levels of difficulty, this book is perfect for anyone from complete beginners to the ultimate sudoku-solvers. Featuring a stylish cover design and brand-new puzzles, this title is part of the ‘Buster Puzzle Books’ series.Other books in the series:9781780555010 The Kids' Book of Sudoku 19781780554402 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 19781780554341 The Kids' Book of Wordsearches 29781780554419 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 19781780554334 The Kids' Book of Crosswords 29781780555003 The Kids' Book of Mazes 19781780555027 The Kids' Book of Mazes 29781780555058 The Kids' Book of Dot to Dot 19781780555041 The Kids' Book of Puzzles 1

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cena 148.0 Kč

Call of the Night 17 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion.One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna. Except that she’s a vampire. That’s okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too. But transformation doesn’t come that easily...Ko’s school trip is full of surprises as he forges connections with old and new friends. Kyoko pursues a lead regarding the truth about her father. And Mahiru and Kiku take the final steps in their relationship as human and vampire…leaving Ko with a lot to process.

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cena 268.0 Kč

Kiss - Creatures Of The Night (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979 Balení obsahuje: LP Typ: Mástrované poloviční rychlostí;Jubilejní edice;Album;LP deska;Nové vydání Rychlost: 16 2/3 RPM Datum vydání: 2022-11-18 Žánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Glam Subžánr: Heavy Metal;Hard Rock;Glam Metal Vydavatelství: Universal Music Země interpreta: USA Varianta: Creatures Of The Night (LP) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Interpret / Téma: Kiss

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cena 773.5 Kč

Call of the Night 5 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna.Except that she's a vampire. That's okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too.But transformation doesn't come that easily... Ko seriously considers the pros and cons of becoming a vampire. But every human has a different take on it, and one just wants to kill them all! Then, when the police are alerted to Ko's nighttime jaunts, they start to cramp his style.Ko learns something surprising about vampire Haka-and gets a tempting offer. Nazuna has a change of heart-but not about everything. And Ko wants to know what vampire Kiku's intentions are regarding Ko's deliciously human friend Mahiru...

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cena 299.0 Kč

Call of the Night 6 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna.Except that she's a vampire. That's okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too.But transformation doesn't come that easily... Although Ko happily goes on a sightseeing trip to Tokyo with Nazuna, he tries to warn his childhood friend Mahiru about the dangers of dating vampire Kiku. And that's before Ko learns a disturbing secret about her! Meanwhile, Detective Anko pursues one of Nazuna's vampire friends with some stabby extralegal justice in mind.To prevent Anko from exploiting their weaknesses, the gaggle of vampire women must delve deep into their pasts. Unfortunately, Nazuna can't remember anything from her human life! Will a decades-old appointment card be the clue to finding out who "turned" Nazuna...and why?

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cena 268.0 Kč

Call of the Night 1 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. Nanakusa is a vampire. That's okay with human Ko.He wants to be one too. But transformation doesn't come that easily... One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets.Life after dark is a revelation! When flirtatious Nazuna invites Ko to spend the night at her place in an abandoned building, he's stoked! But then he awakens to kisses on his neck with a little too much bite to them... Is it just the delicious taste of his blood that makes her meet him night after night for late-night adventures, conversation and...naps? Or something else? Then, when a cute girl from Ko's past shows up and competes for his attention, his budding relationship with the undead is put to the test!

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cena 268.0 Kč

The Shadow of the Gods - John Gwynne

''A masterfully crafted, brutally compelling Norse-inspired epic'' Anthony RyanTHE GREATEST SAGAS ARE WRITTEN IN BLOOD. A century has passed since the gods fought and drove themselves to extinction. Now only their bones remain, promising great power to those brave enough to seek them out.As whispers of war echo across the land of Vigrið, fate follows in the footsteps of three warriors: a huntress on a dangerous quest, a noblewoman pursuing battle fame, and a thrall seeking vengeance among the mercenaries known as the Bloodsworn.All three will shape the fate of the world as it once more falls under the shadow of the gods.Set in a brand-new, Norse-inspired world, and packed with myth, magic and bloody vengeance, The Shadow of the Gods begins an epic new fantasy saga from bestselling author John Gwynne.Further praise for The Shadow of the Gods''Visceral, heart-breaking and unputdownable'' Jay Kristoff''A satisfying and riveting read. The well-realised characters move against a backdrop of a world stunning in its immensity. It''s everything I''ve come to expect from a John Gwynne book'' Robin Hobb''A masterclass in storytelling . . . epic, gritty fantasy with an uncompromising amount of heart'' FanFiAddict''Quintessential Gwynne honed to perfection . . . The Shadow of the Gods is absolutely stunning, one hell of an epic series opener and a spectacular dose of Viking-flavoured fantasy'' The Tattooed Book Geek''Reminds me of all that I love in the fantasy genre. The Shadow of the Gods is an action-packed cinematic read'' Fantasy Hive

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cena 250.0 Kč

Minions 2: The Rise of Gru Sticker Activity Book

Banana! The Minions are back with puzzles, quizzes and games!Packed with puzzles, colouring and games plus two spreads of amazing stickers for hours of dastardly fun! Crack codes and complete activities with your favourite mischievous Minions, featuring new characters and settings from the new movie.

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cena 169.0 Kč

Overcooked! 2 - Night of the Hangry Horde (PC) Steam DIGITAL (780934)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Akční, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra % Toto DLC přináší zatím nejděsivější hrozbu Cibulovému království. Pro hraní je potřeba vlastnictví základní hry Overcooked! 2. Připravte se nové hordy drsných nemrtvých. Ke slovu se dostává zcela nový režim, kde musíte využívat své know-how. Nový režim Přichází 8 nových úrovní, ve kterých přicházejí nemrtví nepřátelé, obří zombie jablka nebo rychlé zombie chilli papričky. ...

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cena 199.0 Kč

Call of the Night, Vol. 14 - Kotoyama

Antisocial, dorky boy seeks fun-loving, sexy vampire for blood-sucking and transforming into her minion. One sleepless night, Ko slips out to walk the streets. Life after dark is a revelation! Especially when he meets flirtatious Nazuna.Except that she’s a vampire. That’s okay. He wants to become a creature of the night too.But transformation doesn’t come that easily... To sign up for his class trip to Hokkaido, Ko has to, well, go to school! His estranged friend Mahiru decides to travel to the island as well, along with an unwelcome companion (unwelcome to Ko and company, that is). And things only get worse when Ko’s fanged female followers join him and Akira on the train ride there!

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cena 259.0 Kč

Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi

An untried acolyte desperate to speak with the orisha she worships accidentally reignites a cosmic war. The fate of her gods - and of her world - now lies in her inexperienced hands. Perfect for fans of N. K. Jemisin, Suyi Davies Okungbowa, Daughters of Nri, and Godkiller. Ashake is an acolyte in the temple of Ifa, yearning for the day she is made a priest and sent out into the world to serve the orisha.But of all the acolytes, she is the only one the orisha refuse to speak to. For years she has watched from the sidelines as peer after peer passes her by and ascends to full priesthood. Desperate, Ashake attempts to summon and trap an orisha-any orisha.Instead, she experiences a vision so terrible it draws the attention of a powerful enemy sect and thrusts Ashake into the center of a centuries-old war that will shatter the very foundations of her world.

Objev podobné jako Guardians of the Gods - In the Shadow of the Fall - Ogundrian Tobi

cena 349.0 Kč

The Fellowship of the Ring (The Lord of the Rings, Book 1)

Begin your journey into Middle-earth. A New Legend Begins on Prime Video, in The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power. The first part of J. R. R. Tolkien’s epic adventure THE LORD OF THE RINGS. In a quiet village in the Shire, young Frodo is about to receive a gift that will change his life forever. Thought lost centuries ago, it is the One Ring, an object of terrifying power once used by the Dark Lord to enslave Middle-earth. Now darkness is rising, and Frodo must travel deep into the Dark Lord’s realm, to the one place the Ring can be destroyed: Mount Doom. The journey will test Frodo’s courage, his friendships and his heart. Because the ring corrupts all who bear it – can Frodo destroy it, or will it destroy him?

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cena 299.0 Kč

The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)

Kniha - autor Charlie Lovett, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Academic and bibliophile Arthur Prescott finds respite from the drudgery of his professorship in the Barchester Cathedral Library, where he devotes himself to researching the Holy Grail and writing his long-delayed guide to the history of the medieval cathedral. His peaceful existence is shattered by the arrival of a young American academic named Bethany Davis, who has come to digitize the library's ancient books. Arthur's initial hostility towards Bethany turns to affection as he discovers a kindred spirit who shares his interest in the Holy Grail and his devotion to literature. Together, they mount a search for the Book of Ewolda, an esoteric tome that could reveal long-forgotten secrets about the Cathedral, the Grail and their connections to King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table. As Arthur and Bethany delve further into the past, the secret history of England - from the...

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cena 328.0 Kč

The Book of The Boss - Pop Press

''I think I just wanted to be great''Born in the USA ... but loved around the world, Bruce Springsteen has been a musical icon for the last 50 years and continues to rock stadiums with his legendary shows.An outspoken ally for social justice, this collection of quotes showcases The Boss''s wisdom on equality, performing and friendships and will inspire everyone to live a creative and confident life.

Objev podobné jako The Book of The Boss - Pop Press

cena 236.0 Kč

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