Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Save Our Forest! - Nora Dåsnesová
This bold graphic novel sequel to Cross My Heart and Never Lie, which Alice Oseman called “a warm hug”, follows Bao, who bands together with her friends to save their beloved forest from being turned into a car park. But how can they make the adults listen? A story about being big enough to understand what needs to be done, but too young to be taken seriously. When Bao finds out that the adults have decided to turn her beloved forest – the Bog – into a car park, she realises that she’s the one who must act! With her best friends Tuva and Linnéa by her side, Bao organises a protest.Do Abdi and the other boys at school really understand why it’s so important to save the forest? And how do you make the adults understand the seriousness of the situation when you’re 12 years old? Save Our Forest! is a stand-alone follow-up to the acclaimed and awarded Cross my Heart and Never Lie.
Podívejte se také Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Naše planeta 1000 dílků (628136655415)
Na kočičí svědomí - Nora Dåsnesová
Dvanáctiletá Tuva a její dvě nejlepší kamarádky se po prázdninách vracejí do školy. Tuva má spoustu plánů, co společně podniknou. Jenže v sedmé třídě už nic není jako dřív. Jedna z kamarádek si totiž přes léto našla kluka a na hraní už nemá čas. Podle té druhé je naopak zamilovanost trapná. Tuva neví, na čí stranu se přiklonit. A možná by se i ona chtěla zamilovat. Cesta k dospívání je někdy tak složitá! Vtom se ale ve školním orchestru objeví dívka Mariam a Tuva na ni nemůže přestat myslet.
Podívejte se také Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Korálový útes 1000 dílků (628136655385)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Arktida 1000 dílků (628136655392)
Puzzle - 1000 dílků v balení, téma příroda, vhodné od 12 let Hledáte-li činnost na večerní odpočinek, určitě by vám nemělo uniknout skládání puzzle. Jedná se o aktivitu, která ani po letech nestárne a stále si najde své nadšence, a to mezi dětmi i dospělými. Balení obsahuje celkem 1000 dílků, jejichž skládání bude výzvou pro trpělivější hráče. Nabízené puzzle vás nenechá klidným, dokud jeho pěkný motiv nesložíte celý. Klíčové vlastnosti puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Arktida 1000 dílků Puzzle rozvíjí jemnou motoriku, koncentraci i předvídavost Jeho skládání navíc přispívá k relaxaci Zajímavé puzzle EUROGRAPHICS je svým motivem ideální pro děti od 12 let Téma: příroda V balení je celkem 1000 dílků Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které zná zajisté každý
Podívejte se také Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Delfíni XL 250 dílků (8251-5560)
Podívejte se také
- Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Žirafy XL 250 dílků (8251-0294)
- Nora - Domeček pro panenky
- Králičí nora - DVD (N00764)
- Smart - Králičí nora (8595558303564)
- Our Young Man (1408858967)
- Nora 1+1 Lyocell (VPmatr1243nad)
- Nora 1+1 Úplet (VPmatr1255nad)
- Nora 1+1 SilverGuard (VPmatr1251nad)
- CELTEX Save Plus 6 ks (8022650222221)
- CELTEX Save Plus 20 ks (8022650101014)
- Bravo B-4781 rychlovarná konvice Nora
- CELTEX Save Plus Maxi 6 ks (8022650323232)
- Binzer Jesper: Save Your Soul - LP (5054197083587)
- Fenica Nora peršan 13 × 28 cm (CHPdp0150nad)
- 4Home Záclona Nora, 300 x 250 cm
- 4Home Záclona Nora, 300 x 160 cm
- 4Home Záclona Nora, 150 x 250 cm
- Nástěnná lampička NORA 1xE14/40W/230V (105026)
- Odkládací stolek Nora II, 45 cm (HA00199)
- DESIGN SCANDINAVIA Nora, tkanina, tmavě zelená (A1003815)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Korálový útes 1000 dílků (628136655385)
Puzzle - 1000 dílků v balení, téma příroda, vhodné od 12 let Skládání puzzle je příjemnou rodinnou činností, při které dochází k rozvoji logického myšlení. Díky jednoduchému principu dokáže dlouho zabavit jak děti, tak dospělé. V balení vás čeká 1000 dílků, k jejichž složení už je zapotřebí více trpělivosti. Nabízené puzzle vás bude svým pěkným obrázkem motivovat k dokončení práce. Klíčové vlastnosti puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Korálový útes 1000 dílků Puzzle je dobré pro rozvoj jemné motoriky, koncentrace i představivosti Skládání puzzle přispívá k relaxaci Zajímavé puzzle EUROGRAPHICS je svým motivem ideální pro děti od 12 let Téma: příroda Obsahuje celkem 1000 dílků Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které všichni dobře známe
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Korálový útes 1000 dílků (628136655385)
Earthshot : How to Save Our Planet - Butfield Colin, Hughes Jonnie
As Prince William, founder of The Earthshot Prize, said, 'The Earth is at a tipping point and we face a stark choice: either we continue as we are and irreparably damage our planet, or we remember our unique power as human beings and our continual ability to lead, innovate, and problem-solve. People can achieve great things. The next ten years present us with one of our greatest tests - a decade of action to repair the Earth.'The Earthshot concept is simple: Urgency + Optimism = Action. We have ten years to turn the tide on the environmental crisis, but we need the world's best solutions and one shared goal - to save our planet.It's not too late, but we need collective action now.
Objev podobné jako Earthshot : How to Save Our Planet - Butfield Colin, Hughes Jonnie
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Deštný prales 1000 dílků (628136655408)
Puzzle - 1000 dílků v balení, téma příroda, vhodné od 12 let Hledáte-li činnost na večerní odpočinek, určitě by vám nemělo uniknout skládání puzzle. Jedná se o aktivitu, která ani po letech nestárne a stále si najde své nadšence, a to mezi dětmi i dospělými. V balení se nachází 1000 dílků, k jejichž složení už je zapotřebí více trpělivosti. Nabízené puzzle vám každým komponentem odkrývá kousek svého vzoru. Klíčové vlastnosti puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Deštný prales 1000 dílků Puzzle pomáhá rozvíjet jemnou motoriku, koncentraci i předvídavost Jeho skládání navíc přispívá k relaxaci Zajímavé puzzle EUROGRAPHICS je vhodné pro děti od 12 let Téma: příroda Obsahuje celkem 1000 dílků Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které patří mezi nestárnoucí klasiku
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Deštný prales 1000 dílků (628136655408)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Delfíni XL 250 dílků (8251-5560)
Puzzle - 250 dílků v balení, téma zvířata, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 48,26 × 33,02 cm (V׊) Mezi oblíbené dětské hry se řadí skládání puzzlí. A není to činnost, která by bavila pouze děti. Také dospělí se budou bavit u těchto malých dílků, díky kterým si můžou postavit oblíbený motiv. Tyto puzzle EUROGRAPHICS jsou vhodné pro kohokoliv. Než je pořídíte, musíte si ujasnit, komu chcete udělat radost. Tyto puzzle se skládají 250 dílků. Spadají mezi takzvané klasické puzzle, které zajisté moc dobře znáte. Jsou tvořeny materiálem, kterým je papír. Důležité přednosti puzzlí Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Delfíni XL 250 dílků S puzzlemi rozvíjíte jemnou motoriku, koncentraci i představivost Skládáním puzzlí navíc relaxujete Puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Delfíni XL 250 dílků se svým vzhledem hodí pro kluky i holky Téma: zvířata Celkem budete muset složit 250 dílků Spadají mezi klasické puzzle, které určitě znají všichni Jejich materiálem je papír
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Delfíni XL 250 dílků (8251-5560)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Vydry XL 250 dílků (8251-5558)
Puzzle - 250 dílků v balení, téma zvířata, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 48,26 × 33,02 cm (V׊) Skládání puzzlí je jednou z nejoblíbenějších dětských her. A není to jen zábava dětí. Také dospělí si rádi hrají s těmito malými dílky, se kterými mají možnost sestavení oblíbeného motivu. Tyto puzzle EUROGRAPHICS jsou vhodné pro kohokoliv. Než je pořídíte, je dobré si promyslet, komu chcete udělat radost. Tyto puzzle jsou složeny celkem z 250 dílků. Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které už každý někdy skládal. Pro jejich výrobu byl zvolen materiál, kterým je papír. Zajímavé přednosti puzzlí Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Vydry XL 250 dílků Rozviňte jemnou motoriku, koncentraci a představivost nejen u vašeho dítěte Skládáním puzzlí navíc relaxujete Puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Vydry XL 250 dílků můžete koupit pro kluky i holky Téma: zvířata Balení celkem obsahuje 250 dílků Spadají mezi klasické puzzle, které znají opravdu všichni Materiálem výroby je...
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Vydry XL 250 dílků (8251-5558)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Lenochodi XL 250 dílků (8251-5556)
Puzzle - 250 dílků v balení, téma zvířata, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 48,26 × 33,02 cm (V׊) Skládání puzzlí je jednou z klasických dětských her. A není to činnost, která by bavila pouze děti. I dospělí si rádi hrají s těmito malými dílky, ze kterých si sestaví oblíbený motiv. Tyto puzzle EUROGRAPHICS můžete zakoupit pro kohokoliv. Než je koupíte, musíte vědět, pro koho je pořizujete. Tyto puzzle mají totiž dohromady 250 dílků. Řadí se mezi klasické puzzle, které určitě skvěle znáte. Jsou vyrobeny z materiálu, kterým je papír. Základní vlastnosti puzzlí Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Lenochodi XL 250 dílků Puzzle jsou dobré pro rozvoj jemné motoriky, koncentrace i představivosti Díky skládání puzzlů vlastně relaxujete Puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Lenochodi XL 250 dílků jsou vhodné pro kluky i holky Téma: zvířata Balení se skládá z 250 dílků Spadají mezi klasické puzzle, které zná opravdu každý Materiál, který byl použit pro jejich výrobu je...
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Lenochodi XL 250 dílků (8251-5556)
Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Pandy červené XL 250 dílků (8251-5557)
Puzzle - 250 dílků v balení, téma zvířata, rozměry sestaveného puzzle 48,26 × 33,02 cm (V׊) Mezi stále vyhledávané dětské hry patří skládání puzzlí. Tato zábava ale nutně nemusí být pouze pro děti. I dospělí se budou bavit u těchto malých dílků, ze kterých si sestaví oblíbený motiv. Tyto puzzle EUROGRAPHICS můžete zakoupit pro kohokoliv. Před koupí je nutné se zamyslet nad tím, komu je budete pořizovat. Tyto puzzle se totiž skládají z 250 dílků. Patří mezi klasické puzzle, které určitě skvěle znáte. K jejich výrobě byl vybrán materiál, kterým je papír. Důležité funkce puzzlí Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Pandy červené XL 250 dílků Puzzle se skvěle hodí pro rozvíjení jemné motoriky, představivosti a koncentrace. Jejich skládání vám pomůže odpočívat Puzzle Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Pandy červené XL 250 dílků je možné koupit pro kluky i holky Téma: zvířata Balení celkem obsahuje 250 dílků Spadají mezi klasické puzzle, které zná zaručeně každý...
Objev podobné jako Eurographics Puzzle Save Our Planet: Pandy červené XL 250 dílků (8251-5557)
Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World - Mo Gawdat
A Sunday Times Business Book of the Year'No one ever regrets reading anything Mo Gawdat has written.' - Emma Gannon, Sunday Times bestselling author of The Multi-Hyphen Method and host of award-winning podcast Ctrl Alt DeleteTechnology is putting our humanity at risk to an unprecedented degree. This book is not for engineers who write the code or the policy makers who claim they can regulate it. This is a book for you.Because, believe it or not, you are the only one that can fix it. - Mo GawdatArtificial intelligence is smarter than humans. It can process information at lightning speed and remain focused on specific tasks without distraction.AI can see into the future, predict outcomes and even use sensors to see around physical and virtual corners. So why does AI frequently get it so wrong and cause harm?The answer is us: the human beings who write the code and teach AI to mimic our behaviour. Scary Smart explains how to fix the current trajectory now, to make sure that the AI of the future can preserve our species.This book offers a blueprint, pointing the way to what we can do to safeguard ourselves, those we love and the planet itself.
Objev podobné jako Scary Smart: The Future of Artificial Intelligence and How You Can Save Our World - Mo Gawdat
How Economics Can Save the World: Simple Ideas to Solve Our Biggest Problems - Erik Angner
Economics has the power to make the world a better, happier and safer place: this book shows you howOur world is in a mess. The challenges of climate change, inequality, hunger and a global pandemic mean our way of life seems more imperilled and society more divided than ever; but economics can help! From parenting to organ donation, housing to anti-social behaviour, economics provides the tools we need to fix the biggest issues of today. Far from being a means to predict the stock market, enrich the elite or track money around the globe, economics provides a lens through which we can better understand how things work, design clever solutions and create the conditions in which we can all flourish.With a healthy dose of optimism, and packed with stories of economics in everyday situations, Erik Angner demonstrates the methods he and his fellow economists use to help improve our lives and the society in which we live. He shows us that economics can be a powerful force for good, awakening the possibility of a happier, more just and more sustainable world.
Objev podobné jako How Economics Can Save the World: Simple Ideas to Solve Our Biggest Problems - Erik Angner
Our Young Man (1408858967)
Kniha - autor Edmund White, 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Guy takes on the fashion world in New York and becomes the darling of Fire Island's gay community. Never ageing, at 35 he is still modelling, helplessly enjoying lavish gifts from older men who believe he's far younger. Driven by the memory of his poor childhood, Guy lets them believe - until he finds his way of life is destroying the men he loves.With the richest representations of gay male identity from the disco era to the age of AIDS, this exquisite novel explores the power of physical beauty - to fascinate, enslave and deceive - with sparkling wit and pathos.
Objev podobné jako Our Young Man (1408858967)
Our Evenings - Alan Hollinghurst
Alan Hollinghurst, the Booker Prize-winning author of The Line of Beauty, brings us a dark, luminous and wickedly funny portrait of modern England through the lens of one man’s acutely observed and often unnerving experience. It is a story of race and class, theatre and sexuality, love and the cruel shock of violence, from one of the finest writers of our age.Dave Win is thirteen years old when he first goes to stay with the sponsors of his scholarship at a local boarding school. This weekend, with its games and challenges and surprising encounters, will open up heady new possibilities, even as it exposes him to their son Giles’ envy and violence.As their lives unfold over the next half a century, the two boys’ careers will diverge dramatically: Dave, a gifted actor struggling with convention and discrimination, Giles an increasingly powerful and dangerous politician.Our Evenings is Dave Win’s own account of his life as a schoolboy and student, his first love affairs, in London, and on the road with an experimental theatre company, and of a late-life affair, which transforms his sixties with a new sense of happiness and a perilous security.
Objev podobné jako Our Evenings - Alan Hollinghurst
Our Stories - Stephanie Snow
FOREWORD BY ADAM KAY, AUTHOR OF THIS IS GOING TO HURTPortion of proceeds from sales go to NHS Charities Together"What shines through with all the stories is a deep affection for the NHS."Henry Marsh, author of Do No Harm Founded on the concept of providing healthcare to rich and poor alike, the National Health Service (NHS) has been at the heart of our everyday experiences of life and death since 1948, and has been lived by millions.From Joan Meredith, who stood on street corners in the freezing winter to campaign for a new health system, to one of the first patients diagnosed with HIV/Aids, Jonathan Blake, and Klarissa Velasco, who comforted and held the hands of people suffering from Covid-19, this beautiful book tells, for the first time ever, the moving story of our world-leading health service through the voices of the patients, nurses, doctors, porters and ordinary people who have turned it into the beating heart of our country.Our Stories is a heart-warming account of an amazing institution.
Objev podobné jako Our Stories - Stephanie Snow
Our Holiday - Louise Candlish
A bestselling gripping new summer thriller from the author of Our House, full of characters you''ll love to hate and twists you''ll never see coming!''Riveting'' THE TIMES''A superstar of psychological thrillers'' DAILY MAILA Richard and Judy Book Club Pick: ''We both loved this sizzling summer scorcher of a book''***Charlotte and Perry long for summers at Cliff View, their gorgeous holiday home overlooking the turquoise waters of Pine Ridge. And now that city friends Amy and Linus have bought a property nearby, they plan lazy weeks of sun, sea and sipping rosé on Charlotte’s summerhouse veranda.But there’s trouble in paradise…A rising tide of resentment towards second-home owners is heading their way and small acts of criminal damage are escalating into something more menacing. By the end of the summer, families and friendships will be torn apart and Pine Ridge will be known for more than its sun-drenched beaches.It will be known for murder…Praise for Our Holiday:‘Scorching’ THE SUN‘An unmissable summer read’ HEAT‘Smart, sharp and suspenseful’ Adele Parks, PLATINUM‘Tense and gripping’ WOMAN’S OWN‘This is psychological suspense at its finest’ WOMAN&HOME‘Stands out for its wit, plotting and consideration of serious social issues… This is a novel that offers all kinds of pleasure – and a warning for anyone who thinks that family holidays will provide rest and relaxation’ LITERARY REVIEW‘A stylish, sun-soaked thriller… Our Holiday is destined to be THE summer read of 2024’ Janice Hallett''The perfect summer thriller'' T.M. Logan‘Nobody combines social tensions and murderous thrills quite like Louise Candlish'' Abigail Dean‘A taut, twisting psychological thriller that grabs hold of you and never lets go… Louise Candlish never disappoints’ Tim Weaver‘Another slice of compelling, gripping escapism from Louise Candlish. Absolutely loved it’ Jane Fallon
Objev podobné jako Our Holiday - Louise Candlish
Our Evenings - Alan Hollinghurst
Did I have a grievance? Most of us, without looking far, could find something that had harmed us, and oppressed us, and unfairly held us back. I tried not to dwell on it, thought it healthier not to, though I'd lived my short life so far in a chaos of privilege and prejudice.Dave Win is thirteen years old when he first goes to stay with the Hadlows, the sponsors of his scholarship at a local boarding school where their son Giles is his contemporary. For Dave this weekend, with its games and challenges and surprising encounters, will open up heady new possibilities, even as it exposes him to Giles's envy and violence. As Our Evenings unfolds over half a century, the two boys' careers will diverge dramatically, Dave a gifted actor struggling with convention and discrimination, Giles an increasingly powerful and dangerous politician. Our Evenings is Dave Win's own account of his life as a schoolboy and student, his first love affairs, in London, and on the road with an experimental theatre company, and of a late-life affair, which transforms his sixties with a new sense of happiness and a perilous security; but it is also, very movingly, the story of his hard-working widowed mother, whose own life takes an unexpected new turn after her son leaves home. Both dark and luminous, poignant and wickedly funny, Alan Hollinghurst's new novel gives us a portrait of modern England through the lens of one man's acutely observed and often unnerving experience. It is a story of race and class, theatre and sexuality, love and the cruel shock of violence, from the finest writer of our age.
Objev podobné jako Our Evenings - Alan Hollinghurst
Our Tower - Coelho Joseph
*Featured in BookTrust’s Great Books Guide 2023*From award-winning children’s poet Joseph Coelho comes this enchanting story of three kids looking for adventure in their tower block. Drawn from Coelho’s own experience growing up in a tower block, this is a celebration and reclaiming of them as places full of power and magic.A power that resides in the smiles of our neighbours. A magic that seeps out when we swap our home-baked flavours. A deeply personal story written by the award-winning poet Joseph Coelho, drawn from his own experience growing up in a tower block and looking for adventure. Three children living in the tower block travel to a strange, magical world inside a tree and meet an old man with supernatural powers… only to realise that the magic they’d been looking for had been in the tower block all that time, in the form of community and connection. Beautiful illustrations complement the poetic narrative, creating an enchanting story that children and adults alike will fall in love with. This powerful story shows us the true beauty of home and community. It’s a modern-day fable about how society separates ‘urban’ spaces from the countryside, when the reality is that nature is everywhere, and everyone should have access to it.
Objev podobné jako Our Tower - Coelho Joseph
Our Fault - Mercedes Ron
*A BookTok and Wattpad Viral Sensation*Fast-paced and sizzling with a forbidden enemies-to-lovers romance, Our Fault is the final book in Mercedes Ron’s Culpable trilogy. This suspenseful YA series untangles the threads of love, trauma, and secrets, perfect for fans of Ugly Love and After.Nick and Noah''s rocky relationship is struggling through its worst moment, and it seems that nothing can go back to the way it was before. They will have to surmount a new and frightening set of challenges to finally understand if they are really made for each other or if being apart is their only chance to be happy.Love is not always enough, and forgiveness sometimes doesn''t fix what''s been broken. But can you forget such a strong connection? How can memories tattooed on the heart be erased? Will they be able to leave the past behind and start over?Filled with angst, danger, and electric attraction, Our Fault is perfect for readers looking for:Contemporary teen romance booksUnputdownable & bingeworthy novelsTikTok booksAfter meets The Kissing BoothColleen Hoover fansForbidden romanceDual POVs and enemies-to-lovers
Objev podobné jako Our Fault - Mercedes Ron
Our Fight - Ronda Rousey
From the moment she burst onto the MMA scene, Ronda Rousey was unbeatable. She repeatedly strung together back-to-back flawless victories, racking up a collection of records and forever changing the face of sports as the UFC's first female champion.A superstar in her sport, she transcended athletics, appearing in blockbuster films and becoming a role model for women everywhere. Then, on November 15, 2015, it all came crashing down.In OUR FIGHT, Rousey explores the greatest challenge of her life and, ultimately, how she rebuilt her career into something better in the aftermath. She recounts how she replaced her pursuit of perfection with the pursuit of happiness and found a blessing in disguise amongst the wreckage.Following Rousey's relatable journey, OUR FIGHT is a courageous narrative of career changes, marriage, motherhood, and facing your fears.
Objev podobné jako Our Fight - Ronda Rousey
All Our Hidden Gifts (1406393096)
Kniha - autor Caroline O'Donoghue, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A dark and supernatural contemporary teen debut by multi-talented author and journalist Caroline O'Donoghue. I'll give up the tarot readings. I'll apologize to Lily. But Lily doesn't come to school on Monday. Or Tuesday. It's not until Wednesday that the police show up. Maeve Chambers doesn't have much going for her. Not only does she feel like the sole idiot in a family of geniuses, she managed to drive away her best friend Lily a year ago. But when she finds a pack of dusty old tarot cards at school, and begins to give scarily accurate readings to the girls in her class, she realizes she's found her gift at last. Things are looking up – until she discovers a strange card in the deck that definitely shouldn't be there. And two days after she convinces her ex-best friend to have a reading, Lily disappears. Can Maeve, her new friend Fiona and Lily's brother Roe find her? And...
Objev podobné jako All Our Hidden Gifts (1406393096)
AHI - In Our Time (LP)
Barva: Černá Země původu: Německo Subžánr: Folk;Indie Pop Balení obsahuje: LP Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Kanada Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Typ: Album;LP deska Žánr: Folk;Indie;Pop Vydavatelství: 22ND Sentry Rok vydání: 2018.0 Varianta: In Our Time (LP) Interpret / Téma: AHI
Objev podobné jako AHI - In Our Time (LP)
Our Missing Hearts - Celeste Ng
Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. His mother Margaret, a Chinese American poet, left without a trace when he was nine years old. He doesn't know what happened to her-only that her books have been banned-and he resents that she cared more about her work than about him.Then one day, Bird receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, and soon he is pulled into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of heroic librarians, and finally to New York City, where he will finally learn the truth about what happened to his mother, and what the future holds for them both.Our Missing Hearts is an old story made new, of the ways supposedly civilized communities can ignore the most searing injustice. It's about the lessons and legacies we pass on to our children, and the power of art to create change.
Objev podobné jako Our Missing Hearts - Celeste Ng
Our Violent Ends - Chloe Gong
The year is 1927, and Shanghai teeters on the edge of revolution. The heartstopping follow up to These Violent Delights, an imaginative, alluring retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai. After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. One wrong move, and her cousin will step into usurp her place as the Scarlet Gang's heir. The only way to save the boy she loves from the wrath of the Scarlets is to have him want her dead for murdering his best friend in cold blood. If Juliette were actually guilty of the crime Roma believes she committed, his rejection might sting less. Roma is still reeling from Marshall's death, and his cousin Benedikt will barely speak to him. Roma knows it's his fault for letting the ruthless Juliette back into his life, and he's determined to set things right - even if that means killing the girl he hates and loves with equal measure. Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and though secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma's cooperation if they are to end this threat once and for all. Shanghai is already at a boiling point: The Nationalists are marching in, whispers of civil war brew louder every day, and gangster rule faces complete annihilation. Roma and Juliette must put aside their differences to combat monsters and politics, but they aren't prepared for the biggest threat of all: protecting their hearts from each other.
Objev podobné jako Our Violent Ends - Chloe Gong
Amongst Our Weapons - Ben Aaronovitch
There is a world hidden underneath this great city...The London Silver Vaults - for well over a century, the largest collection of silver for sale in the world. It has more locks than the Bank of England and more cameras than a celebrity punch-up. Not somewhere you can murder someone and vanish without a trace - only that's what happened. The disappearing act, the reports of a blinding flash of light and memory loss amongst the witnesses all make this a case for Detective Constable Peter Grant and the Special Assessment Unit. Alongside their boss DCI Thomas Nightingale, the SAU find themselves embroiled in a mystery that encompasses London's tangled history, foreign lands and, most terrifying of all, the North! And Peter must solve this case soon because back home his partner Beverley is expecting twins any day now. But what he doesn't know is that he's about to encounter something - and somebody - that nobody ever expects...Effortlessly original, endlessly inventive and hugely entertaining - step into the world of the much-loved, Number One bestselling Rivers of London series.
Objev podobné jako Amongst Our Weapons - Ben Aaronovitch
Our Cursed Love - Julie Abe
Julie Abe's Our Cursed Love is a magical, uplifting story about the magic of true love and the choices we make. Perfect for fans of You've Reached Sam. Destiny, magic, true love .. . Remy is in love with her best friend Cam, and a winter trip to Japan provides the perfect setting to tell him how she truly feels.But when a mystical tea leaf reading reveals they're not meant to be together, Remy and Cam find themselves in a secret magical apothecary in their search for answers. Here they are offered an ancient soulmate elixir - but upon drinking it they are plunged into chaos when Cam's memories of Remy completely disappear. They must travel through Tokyo to rediscover Cam's memories and make new ones, for if Remy can't help restore Cam's memories before midnight on New Year's Eve, they'll be cursed to forget each other .. . forever.
Objev podobné jako Our Cursed Love - Julie Abe
Our Violent Ends - Chloe Gong
The year is 1927, and Shanghai teeters on the edge of revolution.The heartstopping follow up to These Violent Delights, an imaginative, alluring retelling of Romeo and Juliet set in 1920s Shanghai.After sacrificing her relationship with Roma to protect him from the blood feud, Juliette has been a girl on the warpath. One wrong move, and her cousin will step into usurp her place as the Scarlet Gang's heir. The only way to save the boy she loves from the wrath of the Scarlets is to have him want her dead for murdering his best friend in cold blood. If Juliette were actually guilty of the crime Roma believes she committed, his rejection might sting less.Roma is still reeling from Marshall's death, and his cousin Benedikt will barely speak to him. Roma knows it's his fault for letting the ruthless Juliette back into his life, and he's determined to set things right - even if that means killing the girl he hates and loves with equal measure.Then a new monstrous danger emerges in the city, and though secrets keep them apart, Juliette must secure Roma's cooperation if they are to end this threat once and for all. Shanghai is already at a boiling point: The Nationalists are marching in, whispers of civil war brew louder every day, and gangster rule faces complete annihilation. Roma and Juliette must put aside their differences to combat monsters and politics, but they aren't prepared for the biggest threat of all: protecting their hearts from each other.
Objev podobné jako Our Violent Ends - Chloe Gong
Our Crooked Hearts - Melissa Albert
SECRETS. LIES. SUPER-BAD CHOICES. WITCHCRAFT. This is Our Crooked Hearts - a gripping mystery crossed with a pitch-dark fantasy from Melissa Albert, global bestselling author of The Hazel Wood.In our family, we keep our magic close, but our secrets closer . . . Ivy's summer kicks off with a series of disturbing events. As unnatural offerings appear on her doorstep, she's haunted by fragmented memories from her childhood, suggesting there's more to her mother, Dana, than meets the eye.Dana's tale starts the year she turns sixteen, when she embarks on a major fling with the supernatural. Too late she realizes that the powers she's playing with are also playing with her.Years after it began, Ivy and Dana's shared story will come down to a reckoning between a mother, a daughter and the dark forces they never should have messed with.'Electrifyingly brilliant' Katherine Webber'Riveting' Angeline Boulley
Objev podobné jako Our Crooked Hearts - Melissa Albert
Our Missing Hearts - Celeste Ng
From the #1 bestselling author of Little Fires Everywhere, a deeply heart-wrenching novel about the unbreakable love between a mother and child in a society consumed by fear.Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in Harvard's library. He knows not to ask too many questions, stand out too much, stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve 'American culture' in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic - including the work of Bird's mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.Bird has grown up disavowing his mother and her poems; he doesn't know her work or what happened to her, and he knows he shouldn't wonder. But when he receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is drawn into a quest to find her. His journey will take him through the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.Our Missing Hearts is an old story made new, of the ways supposedly civilized communities can turn a blind eye to the most searing injustice. It's a story about the power - and limitations - of art to create change in the world, the lessons and legacies we pass onto our children, and how any of us can survive a broken world with our hearts intact.
Objev podobné jako Our Missing Hearts - Celeste Ng
Women Our History - Lucy Worsleyová
Re-examining history from a female perspective, this book celebrates the numerous important roles women have played in culture and society that are less often told. Packed full of evocative images, this gloriously illustrated book reveals the key events in women's history - from early matriarchal societies through women's suffrage, the Suffragette movement, 20th-century feminism and gender politics, to recent movements such as #MeToo and International Women's Day - and the key role women have had in shaping our past. Learn about the everyday lives of women through the ages as well as the big ?names of women's history - powerful, inspirational, and trailblazing women such as Cleopatra, Florence Nightingale, Emmeline Pankhurst, Eva Peron, and Rosa Parks - and discover the unsung contributions of lesser-known women who have changed the world, and the "forgotten" events of women's history. Placing women firmly centre stage, Women - Our History shows women where they have come from, and, in celebrating the achievements of women of the past offers positive role models for women of today
Objev podobné jako Women Our History - Lucy Worsleyová
Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
Complete and unabridged. One of BBC's 100 Novels That Shaped Our World. Dickens exposes the corrupting power of money in his last complete novel, Our Mutual Friend, with its expansive cast of characters and interweaving plots.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library; a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket sized classics with gold foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This edition has an afterword by Lucinda Dickens Hawksley and original illustrations by Marcus Stone.John Harmon made his fortune collecting 'dust'. On his death his estranged son is due to inherit his wealth on the condition that he marry Bella Wilfer, a young woman who he has never even met. But when his son is presumed dead, John's riches pass to his servants Mr.and Mrs. Boffin and they in turn take Bella into their own home. They hire a secretive young man, John Rokesmith, to be Mr.Boffin's secretary - but what is this man's real identity and what is his interest in Bella?
Objev podobné jako Our Mutual Friend - Charles Dickens
Our Gorgeous Baby - Smriti Halls
A charmingly funny picture book that celebrates the unconditional love a family has for their slurpy, burpy and boisterous new baby!Smriti was inspired to write Our Gorgeous Baby after reading Shakespeare’s Sonnet 130. With lyrical humour the story reflects the routine chaos a new baby brings upon a family and – in so doing – shows that even the slurpiest, burpiest, noisiest, smelliest and messiest of babies (multiple night-time wakings included) is no challenge whatsoever to the unbreakable bond and endless and unconditional love, care and affection a family has for their gorgeous baby.
Objev podobné jako Our Gorgeous Baby - Smriti Halls
Our Galaxy - Sue Lowell Gallion
Selected as one of Oprah’s Favorite Things 2024 As Oprah says on OprahDaily.com, ‘These three beautifully designed books will introduce kids to life underwater, the galaxies above, and their own world here on earth'. ‘Sure to ignite wonder, curiosity, and a desire to learn more about space, science, and technology.’ – Celebrate Picture Books A stunning addition to the bestselling Our World Collection, this colorful, creative picture book transforms into a freestanding globe. Explore our galactic home with this charming read-aloud introduction to astronomy.Beautifully illustrated and cleverly designed, Our Galaxy opens and folds back into a sturdy circular globe fastened by a hidden magnetic closure. Rhyming verse and lush illustrations teach young children about astronomical objects – from the planets in our solar neighborhood to faraway stars in the Milky Way. Secondary text offers more detailed, curriculum-focused facts and encourages children to learn about rockets, rovers, and other space technologies.Inspiring, informative, and one-of-a-kind, this artful homage to outer space is both an invitation to explore the night sky and an object to be treasured for years to come. Ages 2-6
Objev podobné jako Our Galaxy - Sue Lowell Gallion
Our World: Pakistan - Rumaisa Bilal
“This series offers solid glimpses of faraway places, more poetry than a tour guide . . . evocative and inviting” – School Library Journal Subah bakhair! Come along for a day in Pakistan. Choose a salwar kameez, ride the driverless train, and taste sweet and sour falsa. Pakistani author Bilal and Pakistani Palestinian illustrator Riaz draw on their personal experiences to create this board book, which includes educational endnotes, as part of the Our World series for very young readers.
Objev podobné jako Our World: Pakistan - Rumaisa Bilal
For Our Sins - James Oswald
The wages of sin is death.The partial collapse of a disused Edinburgh church reveals a dead body in the rubble, his head badly smashed by falling masonry. Soon identified as an old ex-con - Kenny Morgan - his death is put down to a heart attack and deemed non-suspicious.Tony McLean is approached by a notorious crime lord who suggests the police should be looking into Morgan''s death more closely. Despite struggling with his recent retirement, he is reluctant to involve himself.But when a second man is found dead in another disused church, his forehead branded with a cross, this time it is clearly murder.There''s a killer stalking the streets of Edinburgh. Is it time for McLean to get back to doing what he does best?Praise for James Oswald:''The new Ian Rankin'' Daily Record''Creepy, gritty and gruesome'' Sunday Mirror''Crime fiction''s next big thing'' Sunday Telegraph
Objev podobné jako For Our Sins - James Oswald
For Our Sins - James Oswald
The wages of sin is death.The partial collapse of a disused Edinburgh church reveals a dead body in the rubble, his head badly smashed by falling masonry. Soon identified as an old ex-con - Kenny Morgan - his death is put down to a heart attack and deemed non-suspicious.Tony McLean is approached by a notorious crime lord who suggests the police should be looking into Morgan''s death more closely. Despite struggling with his recent retirement, he is reluctant to involve himself.But when a second man is found dead in another disused church, his forehead branded with a cross, this time it is clearly murder.There''s a killer stalking the streets of Edinburgh. Is it time for McLean to get back to doing what he does best?Praise for James Oswald:''The new Ian Rankin'' Daily Record''Creepy, gritty and gruesome'' Sunday Mirror''Crime fiction''s next big thing'' Sunday Telegraph
Objev podobné jako For Our Sins - James Oswald
Our Day Out - Willy Russell
The "Heinemann Plays" series offers contemporary drama and classic plays in durable classroom editions. Many have large casts and an equal mix of boy and girl parts. The television play "Our Day Out" asks what can a group of back-street kids from Liverpool expect from life beyond a rare "day out"?
Objev podobné jako Our Day Out - Willy Russell
Our Wicked Histories - Amy Goldsmith
A teen girl's attempt to make amends with her former friendship group takes a sinister turn during a weekend getaway at an ancestral Irish estate in this atmospheric, literary horror from the author of Those We Drown.At the illustrious Greyscott's Academy, reputation is everything...For Meg the rules are simple: keep your head down, know your place, and stay invisible until graduation. That is, until the glamorous and intimidating Wren twins - Lottie and Sebastien - decide to take Meg under their gilded wings.But not all that glitters is gold.Following an incident at the Midsummer Ball, Meg finds herself suspended from school and shunned by Lottie, Sebastien and all their friends. Desperate to make amends, she accepts an unexpected invitation to an exclusive party at Wren Hall.But when one of the party-goers disappears and a violent storm traps the group inside the house, she realizes there's more to the Wren twins than meets the eye . . ."No one does horror quite like Amy Goldsmith! Our Wicked Histories is an expertly crafted novel sure to haunt you long after the very last page" - SKYLA ARNDT, author of Together We Rot"Our Wicked Histories lured me into its watery depths and left me gasping for air" - CYNTHIA MURPHY, author of Win Lose Kill Die
Objev podobné jako Our Wicked Histories - Amy Goldsmith
Our Island Stories - Corinne Fowler
''This is an essential and fascinating book because it brings to light, through conversations and nature walks, some of the buried connections between Britain’s landscape and historic buildings and its complicated hidden histories. Fowler does not judge or diminish, but enriches and deepens our understanding of this nation'' Bernardine Evaristo''This is real, difficult, essential history delivered in the most eloquent and accessible way. Her case, that rural Britain has been shaped by imperialism, is unanswerable, and she makes her arguments beautifully. An important book'' Sathnam Sanghera ''A detailed and thoughtful exploration of historical connections that for too long have been obscured. A powerful book that brings the history of the Empire home – literally'' David OlusogaThe countryside is cherished by many Britons. There is a depth of feeling about rural places, the moors and lochs, valleys and mountains, cottages and country houses. Yet the British countryside, so integral to our national identity, is rarely seen as having anything to do with British colonialism. Where the countryside is celebrated, histories of empire are forgotten. In Our Island Stories, historian Corinne Fowler brings rural life and colonial rule together with transformative results. Through ten country walks, roaming the island with varied companions, Fowler combines local and global history, connecting the Cotswolds to Calcutta, Dolgellau to Virginia, and Grasmere to Canton.Empire transformed rural lives for better and for worse: whether in Welsh sheep farms or Cornish copper mines, it offered both opportunity and exploitation. Fowler shows how the booming profits of overseas colonial activities, and the select few who benefited, directly contributed to enclosure, land clearances and dispossession. These histories, usually considered separately, continue to shape lives across Britain today.To give an honest account, to offer both affection and criticism, is a matter of respect: we should not knowingly tell half a history. This new knowledge of our island stories, once gained, can only deepen Britons'' relationship with their beloved landscape.
Objev podobné jako Our Island Stories - Corinne Fowler
Our Day Out - Willy Russell
Mrs Kay's 'Progress Class' are unleashed for a day's coach trip to Conway Castle in Wales - in an exuberant celebration of the joys and agonies of growing up and being footloose, fourteen and free from school. This edition contains the music for the play.
Objev podobné jako Our Day Out - Willy Russell
Our Dear Daisy - Rosie Goodwin
Nuneaton, 1880Twenty year old Daisy Armstrong lives a happy life with her loving father, Jed. They have a special bond, particularly after losing her beloved Irish mother and younger brother. But when Jed falls in love with a local widow, everything is set to change for them both.With expensive tastes and a lavish lifestyle, moving into Daisy and Jed's humble forge is not what the widow or her spoiled son, Gilbert, expected - and they make that very clear. Worked to the bone trying to look after their busy home, Daisy is exhausted. But the one glimmer of hope is Lewis, the widow's other son, a gentle and hard-working young man.When one fateful day something terrible happens to Daisy, she finds herself sent away from home and the chance at love slips through her fingers. After unbearable suffering, but finding incredible strength within, Daisy might finally have a chance at the life she wants. But can she ever find her way back to Nuneaton and to the happiness that she so desperately deserves?
Objev podobné jako Our Dear Daisy - Rosie Goodwin
Our Fair Lily - Rosie Goodwin
THE NEW SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Marrying for love was all well and good, but it wasn't always enoughNuneaton, 1875.Lily Moon, the local miner's daughter, spends her days as a parlour maid for Lord and Lady Bellingham at Oakley Manor, and lives a happy life. But one day, everything changes when she becomes lady's maid to the Bellingham's daughter, Arabella, who is pregnant with an illegitimate child.When Arabella suddenly disappears and Lily is left holding the baby, it is only Louis Bellingham, the handsome son and heir of the estate, who shows any interest in the child. Soon a friendship forms between him and Lily, or perhaps more than a friendship if village gossips are to be believed.Could Lily dare to believe that she might be more than just a parlour maid?
Objev podobné jako Our Fair Lily - Rosie Goodwin
Our Fair Lily - Rosie Goodwin
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER FROM BRITAIN'S BEST-LOVED SAGA AUTHORNuneaton, 1875.Lily Moon, the local miner's daughter, spends her days as a parlour maid for Lord and Lady Bellingham at Oakley Manor, on the outskirts of Nuneaton. She's always been happy with her lot in life, and never expected more. But one day, everything changes when she temporarily becomes lady's maid to the Bellingham's daughter, Arabella, who is pregnant with an illegitimate child. When Arabella suddenly disappears and Lily is left holding the baby, it is only Arabella's brother, the handsome son and heir of the estate, who shows any interest in the child. Soon a friendship forms between him and Lily. Or, perhaps more than a friendship if the village gossips are to be believed . . . When Lily is called to Paris to try to bring Arabella home to her family, a new opportunity emerges which could change her life forever. Could Lily dare to believe that she could be more than just a parlour maid?
Objev podobné jako Our Fair Lily - Rosie Goodwin
Opening Our Hearts To Men: Taking charge of our lives and creating a love that works - Susan Jeffersová
Susan Jeffers has helped millions of people throughout the world overcome their fears, heal their relationships, and move forward in life with confidence and love. In Opening Our Hearts To Men she shares her own experiences, and offers wisdom, insights and practical advice on how to feel good about yourself and your relationships. Opening Our Hearts To Men is a book for every woman who wants to bring more love into her life.It will help you if: Your relationship is not working out in the way you had hoped. You want to develop greater intimacy in your relationships; You find it difficult to form lasting relationships with men; You are feeling lonely and unloved
Objev podobné jako Opening Our Hearts To Men: Taking charge of our lives and creating a love that works - Susan Jeffersová
The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World - Max Fisher
Reveals how social media is hacking our minds, our societies and the world - and what we can do about it.
Objev podobné jako The Chaos Machine: The Inside Story of How Social Media Rewired Our Minds and Our World - Max Fisher
Hrnek měnící Zaklínač (Our Paths cross)
Keramický hrnek v objemu 315 ml, obrázek se mění s teplotou nápoje. Hrnek je možné použít do myčky nádobí a mikrovlnné trouby.
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Vans In Our Hands Mikina Bílá
In Our Hands Mikina - Vans - Bílá.
Objev podobné jako Vans In Our Hands Mikina Bílá
Vans In Our Hands Mikina Bílá
In Our Hands Mikina - Vans - Bílá.
Objev podobné jako Vans In Our Hands Mikina Bílá
Our Dark Duet (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová
The sequel-and conclusion-to Victoria Schwab's instant #1 New York Times bestseller, This Savage Song.Kate Harker is a girl who isn't afraid of the dark. She's a girl who hunts monsters. And she's good at it. August Flynn is a monster who can never be human. No matter how much he once yearned for it. He has a part to play. And he will play it, no matter the cost.Nearly six months after Kate and August were first thrown together, the war between the monsters and the humans is a terrifying reality. In Verity, August has become the leader he never wished to be, and in Prosperity, Kate has become the ruthless hunter she knew she could be. When a new monster emerges from the shadows-one who feeds on chaos and brings out its victim's inner demons-it lures Kate home, where she finds more than she bargained for. She'll face a monster she thought she killed, a boy she thought she knew, and a demon all her own.
Objev podobné jako Our Dark Duet (Defekt) - Victoria Schwabová
Fault In Our Stars - John Green
Despite the tumor-shrinking medical miracle that has bought her a few years, Hazel has never been anything but terminal, her final chapter inscribed upon diagnosis. But when a gorgeous plot twist named Augustus Waters suddenly appears at Cancer Kid Support Group, Hazel's story is about to be completely rewritten. Insightful, bold, irreverent, and raw, `The Fault in Our Stars` is award-winning author John Green's most ambitious and heartbreaking work yet, brilliantly exploring the funny, thrilling, and tragic business of being alive and in love. This book comes from the `New York Times` bestselling author of `Looking for Alaska`, `An Abundance of Katherines`, `Paper Towns` and - with David Levithan - Will Grayson, Will Grayson. John Green has over 1.2 million Twitter followers, and almost 700,000 subscribers to Vlogbrothers, the YouTube channel he created with his brother, Hank. `The Fault in Our Stars` will capture a crossover audience in the same vein as Zadie Smith, David Nicholls' `One Day` and `Before I Die` by Jenny Downham. `Electric ...Filled with staccato bursts of humor and tragedy.` (`Jodi Picoult`). `A novel of life and death and the people caught in between, `The Fault in Our Stars` is John Green at his best. You laugh, you cry, and then you come back for more` (Markus Zusak, author of `The Book Thief`). John Green is an award-winning, `New York Times` bestselling author whose many accolades include the Printz Medal, a Printz Honor, and the Edgar Award. With his brother, Hank, John is one half of the Vlogbrothers (youtube.com/vlogbrothers), one of the most popular online video projects in the world. You can join John's 1.2 million followers on Twitter (@realjohngreen) or visit him online at johngreenbooks.com and fishingboatproceeds.tumblr.com. John lives with his wife and son in Indianapolis, Indiana.
Objev podobné jako Fault In Our Stars - John Green
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