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Ryan and Avery - David Levithan

“David Levithan is an icon of queer young adult fiction. Romance, realism, and relationship drama – Levithan's stories are where my love for queer YA was born.” – Alice Oseman From the New York Times bestselling author of EVERY DAY, this is a queer love story for the ages–told over the course of a couple’s first ten dates. From the New York Times bestselling author of EVERY DAY, this is a queer love story for the ages–told over the course of a couple’s first ten dates. When a blue-haired boy (Ryan) meets a pink-haired boy (Avery) at a dance–a queer prom–both feel an inexplicable but powerful connection. Follow them through their first ten dates as they bridge their initial shyness and fall in love–through snowstorms, groundings, meeting parents (Avery’s) and not (Ryan’s), cast parties, heartbreak, and every day and date in between.

Podívejte se také ZEP Ryan růžový (0119_0279R)

cena 268.0 Kč

Every Day - David Levithan

Each morning, A wakes up in a different body. There's never any warning about who it will be, but A is used to that. Never get too attached. Avoid being noticed. Do not interfere. And that's fine - until A wakes up in the body of Justin and meets Justin's girlfriend, Rhiannon. From that moment, the rules by which A has been living no longer apply.

Podívejte se také Adams Ryan: Wednesdays - CD (0842812129421)

cena 268.0 Kč

Jednoho dne - David Levithan

Celý svůj život se A každé ráno probudil v těle jiné osoby. Vždy si myslel, že na světě není nikdo jiný, kdo by vedl stejný život. Ale v tom se mýlil. Existují další, jako je on sám. A poté co opustil Rhiannon bojuje s pocitem osamělostí a s touhou ji znovu vidět. A, Rhiannon, Nathan a osoba, o které si všichni mysleli, že je to reverend Poole, se tak společně snaží přijít na to, co je to duše, co z nás dělá člověka – a hlavně, co je to láska.

Podívejte se také Funko POP! Boxing Ryan Garcia (889698568159)

cena 349.0 Kč

Jednoho dne (Defekt) - David Levithan

Celý svůj život se A každé ráno probudil v těle jiné osoby. Vždy si myslel, že na světě není nikdo jiný, kdo by vedl stejný život. Ale v tom se mýlil. Existují další, jako je on sám. A poté co opustil Rhiannon bojuje s pocitem osamělostí a s touhou ji znovu vidět. A, Rhiannon, Nathan a osoba, o které si všichni mysleli, že je to reverend Poole, se tak společně snaží přijít na to, co je to duše, co z nás dělá člověka – a hlavně, co je to láska.

Objev podobné jako Jednoho dne (Defekt) - David Levithan

cena 139.0 Kč

Den co den - David Levithan

Každý den se probudíte v jiném těle, každý den žijete život někoho jiného. A tak platí jedna jediná zásada – vyhněte se tomu, aby si někdo všiml, že na jeden den přebýváte v těle někoho jiného a nepleťte se do jeho života. Vše je v pořádku, až do rána, kdy se probudíte v těle Justina a zamilujete se do jeho přítelkyně Rhiannon. Od toho okamžiku všechna pravidla, podle nichž jste až do teď žili, přestávají platit. Konečně se objevil někdo, s kým chcete být den co den.

Objev podobné jako Den co den - David Levithan

cena 249.0 Kč

You Know Me Well - David Levithan

Who knows you well? Your best friend? Your boyfriend or girlfriend? A stranger you meet on a crazy night? No one, really? Mark and Kate have sat next to each other for an entire year, but have never spoken. For whatever reason, their paths outside of class have never crossed. That is until Kate spots Mark miles away from home, out in the city for a wild, unexpected night. Kate is lost, having just run away from a chance to finally meet the girl she has been in love with from afar. Mark, meanwhile, is in love with his best friend Ryan, who may or may not feel the same way. When Kate and Mark meet up, little do they know how important they will become to each other -- and how, in a very short time, they will know each other better than any of the people who are supposed to know them more.

Objev podobné jako You Know Me Well - David Levithan

cena 268.0 Kč

Dash a Lily - David Levithan - e-kniha

eBook: Čarovný vianočný New York plný nekonečných dobrodružstiev. Dvojica tínedžerov, ktorá dúfa vo vianočný zázrak. Jeden zápisník, ktorý im zmení život. Lily skryla červený zápisník plný výziev na svojej obľúbenej polici v kníhkupectve. Chcela tak spoznať ideálneho chalana, ktorý by výzvu na túto hru prijal. Lily miluje Vianoce a nevie si predstaviť lepšie obdobie na prvé zaľúbenie ako práve toto. Zápisník z police vytiahne Dash, ktorý neznáša Vianoce, no zbožňuje nápaditosť. Sarkastického, samotárskeho Dasha jeho podrezané ústa na ceste za Lily privedú do vtipných i trápnych situácií, no puto medzi neznámymi sa prehlbuje stále viac. Sú Dash a Lily predurčení na to, aby spolu zdieľali výzvy, sny a túžby v zápisníku, ktorý si na striedačku skrývajú po celom New Yorku? A keď sa konečne stretnú, preletí medzi nimi vytúžená iskra?

Objev podobné jako Dash a Lily - David Levithan - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Dash & Lily Kniha přání - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan

Lily zanechala chvíli před Vánoci červený zápisník plný výzev na poličce svého oblíbeného knihkupectví a čeká, až někdo přijme nabídku ke hře. Ale je Dash ten pravý? Nebo je jejich osudem vzájemně sdílet svoje sny a touhy jen na stránkách deníku, který na střídačku schovávají po celém vánočním New Yorku? Můžou se ve skutečnosti setkat, bude to fungovat? Bude červený zápisník jejich knihou přání? Nebo se k sobě vlastně ani trošku nehodí?

Objev podobné jako Dash & Lily Kniha přání - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan

cena 268.0 Kč

Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green, David Levithan

One cold night, in a most unlikely corner of Chicago, teenager Will Grayson crosses paths with . . . Will Grayson! Two teens with the same name who run in two very different circles suddenly find their lives going in new and unexpected directions. Culminating in epic turns-of-heart on both of their parts, they team up to produce the most fabulous musical ever to grace the high-school stage. Told in alternating voices from two award-winning, popular names in young-adult fiction - John Green and David Levithan - this unique collaborative novel features a double helping of the heart and humour that has won both authors legions of fans.

Objev podobné jako Will Grayson, Will Grayson - John Green, David Levithan

cena 269.0 Kč

Dvanáct dní Dashe & Lily - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan

Dash a Lily už spolu randí skoro rok, ale celé tohle období nebylo zrovna zalité sluncem. Lilyin milovaný děda totiž prodělal infarkt a jeho zdlouhavé a náročné zotavování se na její jinak obvykle slunečné povaze dost podepsalo. Do Vánoc – nejoblíbenějšího Lilyina období v roce – zbývá už jen dvanáct dní a Dash, její bratr Langston a jejich nejbližší přátelé se musí vrhnout do víru Manhattanu, aby Lily pomohli znovu objevit jedinečné kouzlo předvánočního zasněženého New Yorku.

Objev podobné jako Dvanáct dní Dashe & Lily - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan

cena 312.0 Kč

Dvanáct dní Dashe & Lily - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan - e-kniha

eBook: Dash a Lily už spolu randí skoro rok, ale celé tohle období nebylo zrovna zalité sluncem. Lilyin milovaný děda totiž prodělal infarkt a jeho zdlouhavé a náročné zotavování se na její jinak obvykle slunečné povaze dost podepsalo. Do Vánoc – nejoblíbenějšího Lilyina období v roce – zbývá už jen dvanáct dní a Dash, její bratr Langston a jejich nejbližší přátelé se musí vrhnout do víru Manhattanu, aby Lily pomohli znovu objevit jedinečné kouzlo předvánočního zasněženého New Yorku.

Objev podobné jako Dvanáct dní Dashe & Lily - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Dash & Lily - Kniha přání - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan - e-kniha

eBook: „Nechala jsem ti tu pár nápověd a vodítek.Jestli chceš, otoč stranu.Jestli ne, vrať knihu prosím zpátky do poličky.“Takhle začíná nová knížka od bestselerového autora Davida Levithana a Rachel Cohnové. Lily zanechala chvíli před Vánoci červený zápisník plný výzev na poličce svého oblíbeného knihkupectví a čeká, až půjde kolem ten pravý a přijme nabídku ke zře. Ale je Dash opravdu ten pravý? Nebo je jejich osudem vzájemně sdílet svoje sny a touhy jen na stránkách deníku, který na střídačku schovávají po celém vánočním New Yorku? Můžou se ve skutečnosti setkat, bude to fungovat? Bude červený zápisník jejich knihou přání? Nebo se k sobě vlastně ani trošku nehodí?

Objev podobné jako Dash & Lily - Kniha přání - Rachel Cohnová, David Levithan - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

Až půjdeš, vezmi mě s sebou - Jennifer Nivenová, David Levithan

Ezra Ahern se jednoho dne probudí a zjistí, že jeho starší sestra Bea je pryč. Žádný vzkaz, žádná stopa, nic než e-mailová adresa schovaná na místě, kde ji mohl najít jen on. Nečekal, že někdy zůstane sám s agresivním otčímem a matkou, která se o něj nezajímá, ale teď je to jeho každodenní realita.Bea věděla, že musí odejít. V cizím městě, o samotě a bez jasného plánu pátrá po někom, kdo možná ani nechce být nalezen. Snaží se přitom vypořádat s tajemstvím z minulosti, které navždy změní to, jak vnímá svoji rodinu.Když si začnou dopisovat, Ezra pochopí, jak moc sestru trápí výčitky svědomí, že ho opustila, ale že neměla na výběr. A jak Bea pomalu odhaluje skutečný důvod svého odchodu, nacházejí sourozenci odpovědi na otázky, které je trápí celý život. Ale najde Bea i sílu vrátit se domů? Nebo odejdou oba – nadobro? Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Až půjdeš, vezmi mě s sebou - Jennifer Nivenová, David Levithan

cena 268.0 Kč

Dash a Lily: Dvanásť dní do Vianoc - David Levithan - e-kniha

eBook: Čarovný vianočný New York plný nekonečných dobrodružstiev. Dvojica tínedžerov, ktorej sa splnil vianočný zázrak. Jeden zápisník, ktorý ich znova zblíži. Odkedy sa Dash a Lily do seba zaľúbili medzi regálmi ich obľúbeného kníhkupectva, majú za sebou ťažký rok. Lilin starý otec prekonal infarkt a dovtedy vždy pozitívne naladenú Lily to veľmi zmenilo. Do Vianoc, ktoré Lily nadovšetko miluje, zostáva už len dvanásť dní. Dash, jej brat Langston a ich kamoši sa preto rozhodli, že pomôžu Lily opäť uveriť v jedinečné sviatočné čaro zasneženého New Yorku.

Objev podobné jako Dash a Lily: Dvanásť dní do Vianoc - David Levithan - e-kniha

cena 289.0 Kč

Až půjdeš, vezmi mě s sebou - Jennifer Nivenová, David Levithan - e-kniha

eBook: Ezra Ahern se jednoho dne probudí a zjistí, že jeho starší sestra Bea je pryč. Žádný vzkaz, žádná stopa, nic než e-mailová adresa schovaná na místě, kde ji mohl najít jen on. Nečekal, že někdy zůstane sám s agresivním otčímem a matkou, která se o něj nezajímá, ale teď je to jeho každodenní realita. Bea věděla, že musí odejít. V cizím městě, o samotě a bez jasného plánu pátrá po někom, kdo možná ani nechce být nalezen. Snaží se přitom vypořádat s tajemstvím z minulosti, které navždy změní to, jak vnímá svoji rodinu. Když si začnou dopisovat, Ezra pochopí, jak moc sestru trápí výčitky svědomí, že ho opustila, ale že neměla na výběr. A jak Bea pomalu odhaluje skutečný důvod svého odchodu, nacházejí sourozenci odpovědi na otázky, které je trápí celý život. Ale najde Bea i sílu vrátit se domů? Nebo odejdou oba – nadobro? Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Až půjdeš, vezmi mě s sebou - Jennifer Nivenová, David Levithan - e-kniha

cena 239.0 Kč

Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out - Ryan Love

The feel-good read of 2024. Perfect for fans of Mike Gayle, Beth O’Leary and Alice Oseman’s Heartstopper.Selected as one of the Independent’s 19 debut authors set to make their mark in 2023‘Gentle, honest and beautifully authentic’ Julietta Henderson’Touching and sincere’ The Sunday Times‘Feel-good, heartwarming fiction’ Holly Miller’I’m totally #TeamArthurandTeddy’ Heidi Swain’A feel-good novel to inspire’ My Weekly’Uplifting and emotional’ Justin Myers’A celebration of family and love’ Platinum‘Joyful, big-hearted’ Freya Sampson’Will stay with me for a VERY long time’ Miranda DickinsonNo one in the family is prepared when 79-year-old Arthur Edwards drops a bombshell: he''s gay, and after a lifetime in the closet, he''s finally ready to come out.Arthur''s 21-year-old grandson, Teddy, has the same secret. But Teddy doesn''t feel ready to come out yet – especially when Arthur’s announcement causes shockwaves in the family.Can Arthur and Teddy navigate first loves, heartbreak, and finding their place in their community?Readers are LOVING Arthur and Teddy!‘Too often, queer literature is enjoyed only by the LGBT+ community, but this is a novel ready to be loved by the masses.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘This book is genuinely a hug in book form.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘The multiple relationship threads running through the story come together beautifully at the end and the book is a joy to read from start to finish!’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘What an absolutely beautiful book! Dealt with sensitive subjects really, really well and brilliantly descriptive characters.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I''d love to have read something like this when I was younger and finding myself.’ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako Arthur and Teddy Are Coming Out - Ryan Love

cena 295.0 Kč

Poirot and Me - David Suchet

As he films the final episode, actor David Suchet recalls his experience of playing Agatha Christie's world-famous detective, Hercule Poirot, for almost a quarter of a century.

Objev podobné jako Poirot and Me - David Suchet

cena 299.0 Kč

Jerry Garcia, David Gris - Jerry Garcia and David Grisman (2 LP)

Barva: Černá Hmotnost: 180 g Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Folk;Jazz;Rock;Blues;Country Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Folk;Country Rock;Folk Rock;Celtic;Bluegrass Typ: Audiofilní kvalita;Limitovaná edice;Album;Nové vydání;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Složení setu: 2 ks Země interpreta: USA Datum vydání: 1991-08-23 Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999 Varianta: Jerry Garcia and David Grisman (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Mobile Fidelity Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok nahrávky: 1991.0 Rok vydání: 2014.0 Interpret / Téma: Jerry Garcia, David Grisman

Objev podobné jako Jerry Garcia, David Gris - Jerry Garcia and David Grisman (2 LP)

cena 1947.0 Kč

Sons and Lovers - David Herbert Lawrence

This is the "Penguin English Library Edition" of "Sons and Lovers" by D. H. Lawrence. '"She was a brazen hussy." "She wasn't. - And she was pretty, wasn't she?" "I didn't look...And tell your girls, my son, that when they're running after you, they're not to come and ask your mother for you - tell them that - brazen baggages you meet at dancing classes"'. The marriage of Gertrude and Walter Morel has become a battleground. Repelled by her uneducated and sometimes violent husband, delicate Gertrude devotes her life to her children, especially to her sons, William and Paul - determined they will not follow their father into working down the coal mines. But conflict is evitable when Paul seeks to escape his mother's suffocating grasp through relationships with women his own age. Set in Lawrence's native Nottinghamshire, "Sons and Lovers" is a highly autobiographical and compelling portrayal of childhood, adolescence and the clash of generations. "The Penguin English Library" - 100 editions of the best fiction in English, from the eighteenth century and the very first novels to the beginning of the First World War.

Objev podobné jako Sons and Lovers - David Herbert Lawrence

cena 268.0 Kč

Franny and Zooey - David Jerome Salinger

A sharp and poignant snapshot of the crises of youth - from the acclaimed author of The Catcher in the Rye'Everything everybody does is so - I don't know - not wrong, or even mean, or even stupid necessarily. But just so tiny and meaningless and - sad-making. And the worst part is, if you go bohemian or something crazy like that, you're conforming just as much only in a different way.'First published in the New Yorker as two sequential stories, 'Franny' and 'Zooey' offer a dual portrait of the two youngest members of J. D. Salinger's fictional Glass family.'Salinger's masterpiece' Guardian

Objev podobné jako Franny and Zooey - David Jerome Salinger

cena 299.0 Kč

Kevin and the Blackbirds - David Almond

A heartfelt retelling of an ancient Irish tale by a master storyteller, paired with the extraordinary style of an award-winning illustrator.When young Kevin is sent to a monastery to be cared for, he yearns for the freedom of the woods and fields and misses his parents. One day he reaches out through the cell window towards the light and a blackbird lands in his hands and begins to build a nest there. Kevin waits patiently as the eggs are laid and the baby birds hatch. When they spread their tiny wings and fly off, three new wild things gone out into the world, at last Kevin can rest. PJ Lynch’s atmospheric illustrations perfectly capture David Almond’s moving retelling of this ancient Irish tale about the love of nature and a willingness to let go.

Objev podobné jako Kevin and the Blackbirds - David Almond

cena 384.0 Kč

David Gilmour - Luck and Strange (LP)

Vydavatelství: Columbia Typ: LP deska Varianta: Luck and Strange (LP) Subžánr: Psychedelic Rock;Progressive Rock;Rock Interpret / Téma: David Gilmour Datum vydání: 2024-09-06 Rok vydání: 2024.0 Žánr: Rock Barva: Černá Barva podle výrobce: Black Země interpreta: Spojené království Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP

Objev podobné jako David Gilmour - Luck and Strange (LP)

cena 1114.0 Kč

Elmer and the Gift - David McKee

The 30th and final Elmer storybook from BookTrust Lifetime Achievement Award winner David McKee, about caring for elderly family members, featuring a reading guide and a link to online resources from Alzheimer's Research UK. Aunt Zelda has a gift to give to Elmer from his Grandpa Eldo, but she can't remember what it is or where it is. Zelda's memory sometimes escapes her, and her hearing isn't what it used to be, so they set off together to find Grandpa Eldo and solve the mystery of the forgotten gift. In his 30th storybook, Elmer's love, patience and respect for his Aunt Zelda and Grandpa Eldo makes for a heart-warming depiction of family life with elderly relatives, and deftly deals with themes relating to dementia with love and respect.

Objev podobné jako Elmer and the Gift - David McKee

cena 236.0 Kč

The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love and Raising Great Kids - Ryan Holiday

What does it mean to be a great father? Parenting is a role filled with meaning and purpose, but every dad needs guidance: because fatherhood is not a one-off, it is something you do every day. From Socrates to Martin Luther King Jr., ancient philosophy to contemporary psychology, The Daily Dad collates wisdom from around the world to help every dad face the day-to-day challenges in the lifelong job of parenting. Each daily meditation offers a memorable lesson on being the role model and carer your child needs, rooted in timeless principles.Parents new and experienced alike will find inspiration and advice to last a lifetime.

Objev podobné jako The Daily Dad: 366 Meditations on Parenting, Love and Raising Great Kids - Ryan Holiday

cena 312.0 Kč

David Krasnostein: Colours and Faces of India

Hands that tell stories, a sparkle in the eyes, or wrinkles on the face inscribing a whole life lived. In this new book of street photography in India, David Krasnostein captures the experiences and histories of everyday people.His striking images are prefaced by an Introduction describing his photographic practice, as well as the Indian culture, religion, and rituals he has come to know and love.

Objev podobné jako David Krasnostein: Colours and Faces of India

cena 1334.0 Kč

The Bear and the Piano - David Litchfield

The first book in the best-selling, award-winning ‘Bear and the Piano’ trilogy. Winner of the Waterstones Children's Book Prize, Illustrated Book Category for 2016 Over 120,000 copies have been sold of The Bear and the Piano in the UK. One day, a young bear stumbles upon something he has never seen before in the forest. As time passes, he teaches himself how to play the strange instrument, and eventually the beautiful sounds are heard by a father and son who are picnicking in the woods. The bear goes with them on an incredible journey to New York, where his piano playing makes him a huge star. He has fame, fortune and all the music in the world, but he misses the friends and family he has left behind. A moving tale of exploration and belonging from best-selling and critically acclaimed author David Litchfield. The Sunday Times –‘The influence of the great illustrators Jon Klasen and Shaun Tan are detectable in David Litchfield’s opulent The Bear and the Piano.’The Guardian –‘This book is full of breath-taking scenes, from the stunning forest to the rich New York skyline.'Huffington Post —‘A heart-warming and beautifully illustrated tale of music, friendship and adventure.’The Daily Mail —‘A sumptuous treat… [Litchfield] weaves magic with light and space...The ending will have your heart soaring like a soprano’s top C.’The Bookseller —‘One of the most impressive debuts of the autumn, this is a really stunning picture book with both critical and commercial appeal […] Distinctive, atmospheric and uplifting, it's my picture book of the year.’ **Don't miss David Litchfield's other books:The Bear and the Piano [1] The Bear, the Piano, The Dog and the Fiddle [2]The Bear, the Piano and Little Bear’s Concert [3] Grandad's Secret Giant Lights on Cotton Rock

Objev podobné jako The Bear and the Piano - David Litchfield

cena 236.0 Kč

David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants (9780141978956)

Kniha - autor Malcolm Gladwell, 306 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Why do underdogs succeed so much more than they should? How do the weak outsmart the strong? In DAVID AND GOLIATH Malcolm Gladwell takes us on a scintillating and surprising journey to uncover the hidden dynamics that shape the balance of power between the small and the mighty.

Objev podobné jako David and Goliath: Underdogs, Misfits and the Art of Battling Giants (9780141978956)

cena 211.0 Kč

The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday

Where can you find joy? What's the true measure of success? How should we manage anger? Find meaning? Conquer grief? The answers to these questions and more lie at the heart of Stoic philosophy. The Daily Stoic is a compelling, accessible guide to living a good life, offering daily doses of this classic wisdom. Long the secret weapon of history's great figures, from emperors to artists and activists to fighter pilots, the principles of Stoicism have shone brightly through the centuries as a philosophy for doers. Tested in the laboratory of human experience over the last two thousand years, this timeless knowledge is essential to navigating the complexities of modern life. The Daily Stoic offers a daily devotional of Stoic insights and exercises, featuring all-new translations from the Emperor Marcus Aurelius, the playwright Seneca, and the slave-turned-philosopher Epictetus, as well as diamonds like Zeno, Cleanthes and Musonius Rufus. On each page, one for every day of the year, you'll find one of their pithy, powerful quotations, as well as historical anecdotes and provocative commentary to help you tackle any problem or approach any goal. By following these teachings over the course of a year (and, indeed, for years to come) you'll find the serenity, self-knowledge, and resilience you need to live well.

Objev podobné jako The Daily Stoic: 366 Meditations on Wisdom, Perseverance, and the Art of Living - Ryan Holiday

cena 312.0 Kč

Lonely Planet Indonesia - Paul Harding, Regis St Louis, Lonely Planet, Ryan Ver Berkmoes, David Eimer, Mark Johanson, Jason Lee, Jayne D'Arcy

Lonely Planet''s local travel experts reveal all you need to know to plan the trip of a lifetime to Indonesia.Discover popular and off the beaten track experiences from visiting the dozens of golden beaches along the coastline of Gunung Kidul to taking a diving tour of the Liberty shipwreck in Bali, and trekking through the rainforest in little-visited Gunung Palung National Park.Build a trip to remember with Lonely Planet''s Indonesia travel guide:Our classic guidebook format provides you with the most comprehensive level of information for planning multi-week tripsUpdated with an all new structure and design so you can navigate Indonesia and connect experiences together with easeCreate your perfect trip with exciting itineraries for extended journeys combined with suggested day trips, walking tours, and activities to match your passionsGet fresh takes on must-visit sights including Prambanan, Tumpak Sewu, and Pulau MenjanganSpecial features on where to spot wildlife, volcano climbing guide, Borneo river cruiseExpert local recommendations on when to go, eating, drinking, nightlife, shopping, accommodation, adventure activities, festivals, and moreEssential information toolkit containing tips on arriving; transport; making the most of your time and money; LGBTIQ+ travel advice; useful words and phrases; accessibility; and responsible travelConnect with Indonesian culture through stories that delve deep into local life, history, and traditions Inspiring full-colour travel photography and maps Covers Java, Bali, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku, Papua, Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi Create a trip that''s uniquely yours and get to the heart of this extraordinary country with Lonely Planet''s Indonesia.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet Indonesia - Paul Harding, Regis St Louis, Lonely Planet, Ryan Ver Berkmoes, David Eimer, Mark Johanson, Jason Lee, Jayne D'Arcy

cena 502.0 Kč

Touch and Go - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: Inspired by Lawrence's own experiences with mining, this classic play explores the lives of a group of miners as they navigate struggles with power dynamics, along with the consequences of their many conflicts.

Objev podobné jako Touch and Go - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Sons and Lovers - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: D.H. Lawrence's great autobiographical novel is a provocative portrait of an artist torn between love for his possessive mother and desire for two young beautiful women. Set in the Nottinghamshire coal fields of Lawrence's own boyhood, the story of young Paul Morel's growing into manhood in a British working-class family rife with conflict reveals both an inner and an outer world seething with intense emotions. Gertrude is Paul's puritanical mother who concentrates all her love and attention on her son Paul. She nurtures his talents as a painter - and when she broods that he might marry someday and desert her, he swears he will never leave her. Inevitably, Paul does fall in love, but with two women - and is unable to choose between them. Written early in Lawrence's literary career, Sons and Lovers possesses all the powers of description, insistent sensuality, and scathing social criticism that are the special hallmarks of his genius. "A work of striking originality," writes the critic F.R. Leavis, by "the greatest creative writer in English of our time."

Objev podobné jako Sons and Lovers - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Black and British: An Illustrated History - David Olusoga

This beautiful hardback gift book is a stunning visual journey through Black British history for younger readers by award-winning historian and broadcaster David Olusoga and illustrated by Jake Alexander and Melleny Taylor. The essential starting place for anyone who wants to learn about Black British History. David Olusoga’s thought provoking text charts the forgotten histories of Black people in Britain from Roman times right through to the present day.From Roman Africans guarding Hadrian’s Wall, to an African trumpeter in the court of Henry the Eighth, Black Georgians fighting for the abolition of slavery, Black soldiers fighting for Britain in the First World War, Windrush and right up today. These are the stories that brought us all together in this country.When did Africans first come to Britain?Who are the well-dressed black children in Georgian paintings?Why did the American Civil War disrupt the Industrial Revolution?These and many other questions are answered in this essential introduction to 1800 years of the Black British history.This children's edition of the bestseller Black and British: A Forgotten History is beautifully illustrated in full-colour with maps, portrait galleries, timelines, photos and portraits.

Objev podobné jako Black and British: An Illustrated History - David Olusoga

cena 502.0 Kč

Lila and the Secret of Rain - David Conway

This award-winning picture book tells with spare, elegant prose and poignant illustrations how Lila saves her Kenyan village by telling the sky the saddest thing she knows. For months the sun has burned down on Lila’s village. It is too hot to gather firewood, or weed the garden. It is even too hot to milk the cow. Without rain the well will run dry and the crops will fail. Lila is so worried that when her grandfather whispers the secret of rain to her, she sets off to talk to the sky herself.Lila and the Secret of Rain introduces the topics of natural resources and the impact that extreme weather can have on people’s lives in a tender way that children can relate to. With the added magic of folklore, the African setting sparks interest in our world’s diverse cultures. Your heart will be drawn again and again to follow Lila in her quest to save her village with the secret of rain. *A Parents’ Choice Gold Award Winner*

Objev podobné jako Lila and the Secret of Rain - David Conway

cena 236.0 Kč

Ruffles and the Lost Bouncy Ball - David Melling

Ruff! Ruff! Meet Ruffles, the playful puppy who faces all the tricksy troubles of preschool life in this heart-warming picture book series from bestselling author and illustrator David Melling. Ruffles loves scratching and sniffing and sleeping. But most of all, he loves his bouncy, bouncy ball!But wait! Where is Ruffles' bouncy, bouncy ball? It's not between the books, in the fishbowl, or even in the umbrella . . . Where could it possibly be? Can Ruby help Ruffles find his lost ball, or is there something else they can play with that would be just as fun? Dog-lovers won't be able to resist the adorable Ruffles in this preschool series from the creator of Hugless Douglas (over 5 million copies sold worldwide). Other titles in the series include: Ruffles and the Teeny, Tiny Kittens, Ruffles and the Red, Red Coat, Ruffles and the Cosy, Cosy Bed, Ruffles and the New Green Thing and Ruffles and the Cold, Cold Snow.

Objev podobné jako Ruffles and the Lost Bouncy Ball - David Melling

cena 236.0 Kč

Sea and Sardinia - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

eBook: Written when he was living in Sicily, Sea and Sardinia records Lawrence's journey to Sardinia in 1921. It reveals his delighted response to a new landscape and people and his uncanny ability to transm ute the the spirit of place into literary art but, like his other travel writings, it is also a shrewd enquiry into the political and social values of an era which saw the rise of communism and fascism. This edition restores censored passages and corrupt readings to reveal the book Lawrence himself called 'a marvel of veracity'.

Objev podobné jako Sea and Sardinia - David Herbert Lawrence - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Black and British: A short, essential history - David Olusoga

Winner of the Book of the Year, Children's Illustrated and Non-Fiction at The British Book Awards, 2021Shortlisted for Waterstones Book of the Year 2020A short, essential introduction to Black British history for readers of 12+ by award-winning historian and broadcaster David Olusoga.When did Africans first come to Britain?Who are the well-dressed black children in Georgian paintings? Why did the American Civil War disrupt the Industrial Revolution?These and many other questions are answered in this essential introduction to 1800 years of the Black British history: from the Roman Africans who guarded Hadrian’s Wall right up to the present day.This children's version of the bestseller Black and British: A Forgotten History is illustrated with maps, photos and portraits.Macmillan Children's Books will donate 50p from every copy sold to The Black Curriculum.

Objev podobné jako Black and British: A short, essential history - David Olusoga

cena 266.0 Kč

David Bowie 1947-2016 Piano, Vocal and Guitar Noty

Notová knížka pro piano, kytaru a vokály obsahující 20 největších hitů známého zpěváka Davida Bowieho. Díky těmto hodnotám se naučíte hrát tyto známé hity přesně tak jak znějí na CD. Země interpreta: Spojené království Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Glam;Rock Typ: Noty Země původu: Evropská unie Vhodné pro: Klavír;Kytara;Vokální Interpret / Téma: David Bowie Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Balení obsahuje: Noty Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;2010 - 2019;1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Úroveň obtížnosti: Středně pokročilí

Objev podobné jako David Bowie 1947-2016 Piano, Vocal and Guitar Noty

cena 600.0 Kč

The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough - Chas Newkey-Burden

A fascinating and entertaining collection of facts, quotes and stories, celebrating Sir David Attenborough's wicked sense of humour and astute wisdom. David Attenborough is a national treasure, known for his soothing voice, calming presence, passion for the natural world, and his humble, easy-going nature. Despite his incredible talent and influence, he tends to play it all down, one time stating that, 'I can't believe I'm still employed'.So if he won't celebrate himself, we'll have to do it for him. Filled with facts, tributes and anecdotes, as well as beautiful illustrations, this enormously positive book celebrates Sir David, providing a fascinating insight into his life as well as showcasing his brilliant sense of humour. Running chronologically, this book begins with his early days, to his first job at the BBC, to eventually becoming the most esteemed naturalist on the planet, as he is today.Such revelations include:- There are 18 plants and animals named after him- When asked by a reporter how many degrees he had, he said it would be 'rude to count'*- The single thing that would improve his quality of life is 'good, workable knees'. Blending his quips galore with his powerful messages on the environment and future of the planet, this timely book showcases everything we love about Sir David, making it the perfect gift for any fan. * He has over thirty!

Objev podobné jako The Wit and Wisdom of David Attenborough - Chas Newkey-Burden

cena 402.0 Kč

Revision and Practice: GCSE Maths: Higher Student Book - David Rayner

Whatever specification you teach, GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice by David Rayner remains an all-round winner. With the latest edition presented in full colour and completely updated for the new GCSE specifications from 2015, this uniquely effective series continues to increase your students'' chance of success with your chosen exam board. This book is targeted at the Higher tier GCSE, and provides a wealth of practice with careful progression, alongside substantial revision support for the new-style grading and exam questions.With all the new topics included, and a dedicated section on using and applying mathematics, this unique resource can be used either as a course book over two or three years or as a revision text in the run-up to exams. GCSE Mathematics: Revision and Practice provides invaluable support for your GCSE maths programme.

Objev podobné jako Revision and Practice: GCSE Maths: Higher Student Book - David Rayner

cena 1034.0 Kč

My Revision Notes: WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Business - David Salter

Target success in WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Business with this proven formula for effective, structured revision; key content coverage is combined with exam-style tasks and practical tips to create a revision guide that students can rely on to review, strengthen and test their knowledge.With My Revision Notes every student can:- Plan and manage a successful revision programme using the topic-by-topic planner- Consolidate their knowledge by working through clear and focused coverage of the WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Business specifications- Test understanding and identify areas for improvement with regular ''Check your understanding'' activities and answers- Improve exam technique through practice questions, expert tips and examples of typical mistakes to avoid- Revise, remember and accurately use key business terms with definitions alongside the text for quick and easy referenceThis revision guide covers the content of:- 2017 WJEC GCSE (A*-G) Business specification regulated by Qualifications Wales- 2017 WJEC Eduqas GCSE (9-1) Business specification regulated by Ofqual

Objev podobné jako My Revision Notes: WJEC and Eduqas GCSE Business - David Salter

cena 340.0 Kč

David Gilmour - Luck and Strange (Translucent Sea Blue Coloured) (LP)

Složení setu: 1 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Typ: Barevná;LP deska Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Barva: Modrá Subžánr: Rock;Progressive Rock;Psychedelic Rock Žánr: Rock Varianta: Luck and Strange (Translucent Sea Blue Coloured) (LP) Rok vydání: 2024.0 Datum vydání: 2024-09-06 Vydavatelství: Columbia Barva podle výrobce: Translucent Sea Blue Interpret / Téma: David Gilmour Země interpreta: Spojené království

Objev podobné jako David Gilmour - Luck and Strange (Translucent Sea Blue Coloured) (LP)

cena 1259.0 Kč

The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War - David Halberstam

Coldest Winter od Halberstam, David vyšla v roce 2009 a obsahuje 736 stran. A magisterial and compellingly readable history of the Korean War from the acclaimed author of The Best and the Brightest, the defining account of the Vietnam War

Objev podobné jako The Coldest Winter: America and the Korean War - David Halberstam

cena 447.0 Kč

Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy - David J. Chalmers

From one of our leading thinkers, a dazzling philosophical journey through virtual worldsIn the coming decades, the technology that enables virtual and augmented reality will improve beyond recognition. Within a century, world-renowned philosopher David J. Chalmers predicts, we will have virtual worlds that are impossible to distinguish from non-virtual worlds. But is virtual reality just escapism? In a highly original work of 'technophilosophy', Chalmers argues categorically, no: virtual reality is genuine reality. Virtual worlds are not second-class worlds. We can live a meaningful life in virtual reality - and increasingly, we will.What is reality, anyway? How can we lead a good life? Is there a god? How do we know there's an external world - and how do we know we're not living in a computer simulation? In Reality+, Chalmers conducts a grand tour of philosophy, using cutting-edge technology to provide invigorating new answers to age-old questions.Drawing on examples from pop culture, literature and film that help bring philosophical issues to life, Reality+ is a mind-bending journey through virtual worlds, illuminating the nature of reality and our place within it.

Objev podobné jako Reality+: Virtual Worlds and the Problems of Philosophy - David J. Chalmers

cena 399.0 Kč

Gateway to the World B1 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

Cumulative review pages after every two units offer further revision. Great students' tips give advice on study and exam techniques. The Digital Workbook includes the content of the print Workbook with fully interactive activities, audio and automated marking. Teachers can monitor students' work using the Progress Tracker. The Exam Trainer is designed to familiarise students with exam tasks through extra practice and exam tips.

Objev podobné jako Gateway to the World B1 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

cena 247.0 Kč

Gateway to the World A1+ Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

Gateway to the World kombinuje úplně nový obsah a digitální nástroje s metodikou, které důvěřují tisíce učitelů po celém světě. Autor Dave Spencer, aktivní učitel angličtiny, využívá svoje praktické zkušenosti z výuky k vytvoření kurzu, který zaručeně osloví mladé studenty a vybaví je jazykovými dovednostmi potřebnými pro život. Účinný systém přinesl milionům studentů na celém světě úspěch při závěrečných a mezinárodních zkouškách, v dalším studiu a ve světě práce. Důkladně prověřená učebnice, zdokonalená na základě rozsáhlého výzkumu, je plná aktuálního a relevantního materiálu pro skvělé hodiny, které nadchnou a motivují dospívající studenty a umožní jim dosáhnout vytyčených cílů ve škole i v životě. WORKBOOK AND DIGITAL WORKBOOK Pracovní sešit i jeho digitální verze obsahují klíčovou gramatiku a slovní zásobu z učebnice a další procvičování čtení, poslechu, mluvení a psaní.

Objev podobné jako Gateway to the World A1+ Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

cena 247.0 Kč

Gateway to the World B2 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

Cumulative review pages after every two units offer further revision. Great students' tips give advice on study and exam techniques. The Digital Workbook includes the content of the print Workbook with fully interactive activities, audio and automated marking. Teachers can monitor students' work using the Progress Tracker. The Exam Trainer is designed to familiarise students with exam tasks through extra practice and exam tips.

Objev podobné jako Gateway to the World B2 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

cena 247.0 Kč

Gateway to the World A2 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

Gateway to the World kombinuje úplně nový obsah a digitální nástroje s metodikou, které důvěřují tisíce učitelů po celém světě. Autor Dave Spencer, aktivní učitel angličtiny, využívá svoje praktické zkušenosti z výuky k vytvoření kurzu, který zaručeně osloví mladé studenty a vybaví je jazykovými dovednostmi potřebnými pro život. Účinný systém přinesl milionům studentů na celém světě úspěch při závěrečných a mezinárodních zkouškách, v dalším studiu a ve světě práce. Důkladně prověřená učebnice, zdokonalená na základě rozsáhlého výzkumu, je plná aktuálního a relevantního materiálu pro skvělé hodiny, které nadchnou a motivují dospívající studenty a umožní jim dosáhnout vytyčených cílů ve škole i v životě. WORKBOOK AND DIGITAL WORKBOOK Pracovní sešit i jeho digitální verze obsahují klíčovou gramatiku a slovní zásobu z učebnice a další procvičování čtení, poslechu, mluvení a psaní.

Objev podobné jako Gateway to the World A2 Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

cena 247.0 Kč

Gateway to the World B1+ Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

Cumulative review pages after every two units offer further revision. Great students' tips give advice on study and exam techniques. The Digital Workbook includes the content of the print Workbook with fully interactive activities, audio and automated marking. Teachers can monitor students' work using the Progress Tracker. The Exam Trainer is designed to familiarise students with exam tasks through extra practice and exam tips.

Objev podobné jako Gateway to the World B1+ Workbook and Digital Workbook - David Spencer

cena 247.0 Kč

PER | Level 5: British and American Short Stories - David Herbert Lawrence

Contemporary / British EnglishThese stories paint colourful pictures of life in Britain and America in the past. We meet some unusual people. There’s the dreamy boy who wakes up one day to find a bird making a nest in his hair! And there’s the man who tries to catch a ghost.

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 5: British and American Short Stories - David Herbert Lawrence

cena 247.0 Kč

Pearson Edexcel A Level Politics 2nd edition: UK Government and Politics, Political Ideas and US Government and Politics - David Tuck, Sarra Jenkins,

- Includes all core and non-core political ideas, with key thinkers integrated throughout the text- Builds confidence by highlighting key terms and explaining links between different topics in the specification- Provides opportunities to test your progress with quick knowledge-check questions.- Develops analysis and evaluation skills with ''stretch and challenge'' activities and suggestions for targeted further reading.- Features practice questions with answer guidance online at www.hoddereducation.co.uk.

Objev podobné jako Pearson Edexcel A Level Politics 2nd edition: UK Government and Politics, Political Ideas and US Government and Politics - David Tuck, Sarra Jenkins,

cena 1240.0 Kč

Otočné křeslo AVERY

Pokud hledáte křeslo, které by vám poskytlo pohodlí, a zároveň by se stalo také stylovým doplňkem do vaší domácnosti, věnujte pozornost designovému otočnému křeslu AVERY. Toto luxusní křeslo je v atraktivním šedém provedení ekokůže. Křeslo disponuje vysokou opěrkou na záda a opěrkami na ruce. Spolu s pohodlným hlubokým sedadlem zajišťují maximální komfort během sezení. Pevná a stabilní čtyřramenná konstrukce je tvořena z černého kovu. Celé křeslo je z přední i zadní části dekorativně prošito. Dalším pozitivem křesla AVERY je plně otočný systém, díky kterému budete mít snazší dosah na věci kolem vás. Toto designové křeslo přináší měkké a pohodlné sezení do vašeho obývacího pokoje, pracovny nebo kavárny.Barva: šedá / černáMateriál: ekokůže / kovRozměry: šířka: 56 cmhloubka: 56 cmvýška: 90 cmšířka sedu: 51,5 cmhloubka sedu: 48 cmvýška sedu: 42 cmrozměry zádové opěrky: 51x64 cmvýška opěrek na ruce: 24,5 cmNosnost: 110 kgHmotnost: 21 kgDodáváno v demontu.

Objev podobné jako Otočné křeslo AVERY

cena 11122.0 Kč

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