Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Rhythmic and melodic patterns to accompany popular songs using chord symbols and their piano arrangements - Tomáš Kuhn - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace mapuje různé druhy klavírní stylizace populárních písní patřící do hudby jazzového okruhu. Je první českou publikací, která systematicky popisuje a předkládá rytmicko-melodické modely určené k doprovodu populárních písní hraných současně s melodií i bez melodie. Text je rozdělen do dvou částí. První blok obsahuje analytickou část, která je zaměřena na hudební teorii z pohledu sledované látky, tj. klavírní fakturu, harmonii, rytmus ad. vážící se ke zkoumanému tématu. Náplň druhé části tvoří typologie rytmicko-melodických modelů a variací vhodných k doprovodům populárních písní.

Podívejte se také Bogza L.A.: Songs For Voice And Piano - CD (UP0172)

cena 165.0 Kč

Rhythmic and melodic patterns to accompany popular songs using chord symbols and their piano arrange (978-80-261-0749-1)

Elektronická kniha - autor Tomáš Kuhn, 124 stran, anglicky Publikace mapuje různé druhy klavírní stylizace populárních písní patřící do hudby jazzového okruhu. Je první českou publikací, která systematicky popisuje a předkládá rytmicko-melodické modely určené k doprovodu populárních písní hraných současně s melodií i bez melodie. Text je rozdělen do dvou částí. První blok obsahuje analytickou část, která je zaměřena na hudební teorii z pohledu sledované látky, tj. klavírní fakturu, harmonii, rytmus ad. vážící se ke zkoumanému tématu. Náplň druhé části tvoří typologie rytmicko-melodických modelů a variací vhodných k doprovodům populárních písní.

Podívejte se také tomas repka kniha

cena 165.0 Kč

French Ways and their Meaning - Edith Whartonová - e-kniha

eBook: Edith Wharton was devoted to the French people and their culture. During the First World War, while living in France and devoting herself to numerous war and relief efforts, she wrote several essays about the French and the unique attributes of their civilization, having in mind particularly the need for both Americans and the English to understand the ways of a people whose nation they were defending in the Great War. These pieces were first published in book form in 1919, under the title French Ways and Their Meaning.

Podívejte se také Various: Folk Songs and Dances - CD (4600383170015)

cena 194.0 Kč

Podívejte se také

Rytmicko-melodické modely k doprovodu populárních písní podle akordových značek a jejich klavírní stylizace - Tomáš Kuhn - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace mapuje různé druhy klavírní stylizace populárních písní patřící do hudby jazzového okruhu. Je první českou publikací, která systematicky popisuje a předkládá rytmicko-melodické modely určené k doprovodu populárních písní hraných současně s melodií i bez melodie. Text je rozdělen do dvou částí. První blok obsahuje analytickou část, která je zaměřena na hudební teorii z pohledu sledované látky, tj. klavírní fakturu, harmonii, rytmus ad. vážící se ke zkoumanému tématu. Náplň druhé části tvoří typologie rytmicko-melodických modelů a variací vhodných k doprovodům populárních písní.

Objev podobné jako Rytmicko-melodické modely k doprovodu populárních písní podle akordových značek a jejich klavírní stylizace - Tomáš Kuhn - e-kniha

cena 165.0 Kč

Bohemia’s Jews and Their Nineteenth Century - Jindřich Toman - e-kniha

eBook: This book on Jewish culture and literature focuses on the “quiet” decades of the nineteenth century, a scarcely written-about period of time in Bohemian Jewish history. Using a myriad of sources, including travelers’ accounts, poems, essays, short stories, guides, and newspaper articles, the volume explores Jewish expression, Jewish-Czech relations, and the changing attitudes toward Jews between the 1820s and 1880s. It offers close readings of writers like Karel Havlíček Borovský, Ján Kollár, Siegfried Kapper, and Jan Neruda, as well as lesser-known authors and sources. Combining skillful sustained analysis, judicious argumentation, and elegant writing, the book is a truly enriching reading experience.

Objev podobné jako Bohemia’s Jews and Their Nineteenth Century - Jindřich Toman - e-kniha

cena 700.0 Kč

MS Really Easy Piano: 50 Popular Songs

Noty pro klavír REALLY EASY PIANO: 50 POPULAR SONGS Knihy ze série Really Easy Piano jsou určené pro začínající klavíristy, kteří si chtějí zahrát populární skladby. Kromě notových záznamů zde naleznete i doporučení jak hrát. Tento díl obsahuje opravdu masově známé skladby. Seznam skladeb: A Thousand Miles [Carlton, Vanessa] Ain't No Sunshine [Withers, Bill] As Time Goes By (Casablanca) Bleeding Love [Lewis, Leona] Born To Try [Goodrem, Delta] California Dreamin' [Mamas And Papas, The] Can't Help Falling In Love [Presley, Elvis] Circle Of Life (The Lion King) Close Every Door (Joseph And The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat) Crazy [Cline, Patsy] Dancing Queen [Abba] Don't Know Why [Jones, Norah] Don't Speak [No Doubt] Eastenders Theme Eine Kleine Nachtmusik [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] Feather Theme (Forrest Gump) Foundations [Nash, Kate] Glasgow Love Theme (Love Actually) God Bless' The Child Goldfinger (Goldfinger) Half The World Away (The Royle Family) Hit The Road Jack [Charles, Ray] I Got You (I Feel Good) [Brown, James] I Say A Little Prayer [Franklin, Aretha] I Should Be So Lucky [Minogue, Kylie] I Will Survive [Gaynor, Gloria] Largo (New World Symphony) Morning (Peer Gynt) Nothing Compares 2 U [O'connor, Sinead] On My Own (Les Miserables) Oops!...I Did It Again [Spears, Britney] Overture (William Tell) [Rossini, Gioacchino] Take The 'A' Train That's Life [Sinatra, Frank] The Phantom Of The Opera (The Phantom Of The Opera) The Tide Is High [Blondie] The Voice Within [Aguilera, Christina] Theme (Jurassic Park) Theme (Star Trek) Umbrella [Rihanna] What A Wonderful World [Armstrong, Louis] Who Do You Think You Are? [Spice Girls] Who Will Buy? (Oliver!) Yellow [Coldplay] Your Song [John, Elton] Your Song [John, Elton]

Objev podobné jako MS Really Easy Piano: 50 Popular Songs

cena 490.0 Kč

Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha

eBook: Songs of Innocence and of Experience is a collection of poems by William Blake. It appeared in two phases. A few first copies were printed and illuminated by William Blake himself in 1789; five years later he bound these poems with a set of new poems in a volume titled Songs of Innocence and of Experience Shewing the Two Contrary States of the Human Soul. William Blake was also a painter before the songs of innocence and experience and made paintings such as Oberon, Titania, and Puck dancing with fairies.

Objev podobné jako Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience - William Blake - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

Kniha - 352 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá Since when did certain hand gestures become offensive? And why are scales a symbol of justice? For thousands of years, humans have communicated through a language of signs and symbols. From uniforms to body adornment and corporate logos, symbols are everywhere, and this book is your guide to their secret meanings and history. The Sun as well as the night sky with its stars and planets has long been used to symbolize supernatural forces. Learn about this and also how humans have used patterns, numbers, clothing, and more to signal authority, kinship, and status. Signs & Symbols decodes over 2000 emblems, explaining the visual language of architecture, heraldry, religion, and death. It answers questions such as why, for example, Christianity is symbolized by a fish, or how the Chinese use the crane bird to signify longevity. This comprehensive book also explores how certain gemstones or flowers became...

Objev podobné jako Signs & Symbols: An illustrated guide to their origins and meanings (0241387043)

cena 511.0 Kč

Music Sales Really Easy Piano: 50 Popular Songs Noty

Kniha ze série Really Easy Piano: 50 Popular Songs je sbírka 50 skladeb, od popových až po klasické hity, speciálně upravených pro piano. Obsahuje noty pro backround a různé tipy a rady. Kniha je v anglickém jazyce. Vhodná i pro začátečníky. Počet stran: 104. Typ: Noty Varianta: 50 Popular Songs Počet stran: 104 Balení obsahuje: Noty Vhodné pro: Klavír;Vokální Interpret / Téma: Music Sales Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Země původu: Čína Úroveň obtížnosti: Začátečník Žánr: Classical

Objev podobné jako Music Sales Really Easy Piano: 50 Popular Songs Noty

cena 456.0 Kč

Suffrage Songs and Verses - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha

eBook: Suffrage Songs and Verses, by Charlotte Perkins Gilman, is a collection of 25 poems which advocates the suffragette movement and women's rights. Published in 1911, the poetry anthology includes both famous and lesser-known works such as 'Women of To-day', 'Boys Will Be Boys' and 'The Socialist and the Suffragist', and is a clear inspiration for modern feminist writers and pro-women's rights campaigners. Now seen as a classic selection of American female poetry and inspirational literature, this forward-thinking anthology examines the role of women in a pre-WW1 patriarchal society – and was one of many works to inspire the 2015 British historical drama film 'Suffragette' which starred Carey Mulligan, Meryl Streep, Helena Bonham Carter and Anne‑Marie Duff. A selection of Perkins' work featured in this book were originally published in the book 'In this our World' in 1898. Charlotte Perkins Gilman's best known work was her autobiographical-inspired short story 'The Yellow Wallpaper', written about her experience of severe postnatal depression, which was made into a 2011 gothic thriller film by Logan Thomas. -

Objev podobné jako Suffrage Songs and Verses - Charlotte Perkins Gilman - e-kniha

cena 124.0 Kč

MS Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

Škola hry na housle Ediční řada Ready to Play je určena především začínajícím a mírně pokročilým muzikantům. Nabízí slavné melodie z klasické, filmové i populární hudby ve zjednodušených úpravách, které však ctí předlohu a vyznívají tak velmi efektivně. Díky kvalitně zpracovaným doprovodům jsou sešity vhodné i jako zpestření výuky. Výběr slavných filmových melodií v jednoduché úpravě pro housle a klavír. Obsahuje jak originální filmové kompozice od autorů jako Zimmer, Schifrin nebo Arlen, tak i díla, zpopularizovaná jejich užitím ve filmech (Brahms, Strauss).

Objev podobné jako MS Popular Movie Hits for Violin and Piano

cena 450.0 Kč

Songs of Travel, and Other Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

eBook: ‘Songs of Travel, and Other Verses’ is a collection of forty-four poems written in the last years of the life of renowned author Robert L. Stevenson. It is a wonderful collection with a wide range from love ballads to more pensive deliberations on time, being and mortality. Many poems are nostalgic retrospectives on his native Scotland, while others are set in his new home of Samoa. The word ‘Travel’ encompasses not just the physical movement of oneself, but also the internal journey we all take in our own lives. It is a beautiful collection of poetry, perfect for fans of Rupi Kaur’s ‘Milk and Honey’.

Objev podobné jako Songs of Travel, and Other Verses - Robert Louis Stevenson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Knížka Assouline Vital Voices: 100 Women Using Their Power To Empower by Alyse Nelson and Gayle Kabaker, English

Kniha z kolekce Assouline. Každá žena si razí cestu po svém, zatímco 100 hlasů shromážděných v této knize ilustruje transformační sílu ženského vedení bez ohledu na kulturu, odvětví a generace.

Objev podobné jako Knížka Assouline Vital Voices: 100 Women Using Their Power To Empower by Alyse Nelson and Gayle Kabaker, English

cena 1499.0 Kč

Dokonalý svůdce - Oliver Kuhn - e-kniha

eBook: Nemusíte být David Beckham ani George Clooney, aby vám krásné ženy ležely u nohou. Vše, co potřebujete, jsou tajné psychologické techniky a strategie, které najdete v této knize. Krok za krokem se můžete stát úspěšnými mistry ve svádění, pokud si osvojíte ta správná pravidla hry. Naučte se, jak ženu oslovit, jak vzbudit její zájem během rozhovoru, jak si získat její důvěru, jak v ní vyvolat pocity spřízněnosti a vzrušení až po touhu mít s vámi sex. Autor vás provede nejen jednotlivými fázemi flirtu, ale také poradí, jak se na ženy emocionálně naladit, jak se v nich zorientovat a mít flirt pod kontrolou, jak používat řeč těla a mnoho dalších osvědčených rad, tipů a doporučení. Skoncujte s nudou a osamělostí. Odkryjte tajemství úspěšného flirtování! "Pokud svádění žen přirovnáme k surfování na moři, pak po přečtení této knihy budete znát vše potřebné, abyste se mohli projet na každé vlně, kterou si vyhlédnete..."

Objev podobné jako Dokonalý svůdce - Oliver Kuhn - e-kniha

cena 237.0 Kč

Údolí – Katastrofa - Krystyna Kuhn - e-kniha

eBook: Pokračování úspěšného románu pro mládež, německé autorky Krystyny Kuhn,je opět poutavý a místy strašidelný příběh, který nebude šetřit nečekanými zvraty a dobrodružstvím, z něhož dýchá tajemno. Nováčci na Grace College se již dobře zabydleli. Spojuje je mimo jiné i smrt jedné ze studentek, z níž se vyklubala vražda… Nyní se dostává do popředí další z hlavních hrdinek, Katie, a dozvíme se tak něco více o její minulosti. Stejně jako Julia, i ona v sobě nese jedno veliké, strašné tajemství… I na konci tohoto dílu nás opustí dva hrdinové příběhu. Nepředbíhejme ale a nehledejme hned na počátku naši známou tabulku se jmény mrtvých…

Objev podobné jako Údolí – Katastrofa - Krystyna Kuhn - e-kniha

cena 169.0 Kč

Údolí – Hra - Krystyna Kuhn - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha německé autorky Krystyny Kuhn je úvodním dílem knižní řady Údolí. Je psána srozumitelným a moderním jazykem dnešní mládeže. Je velmi čtivá a poutavě napsaná a slibuje čtenáři dobrodružný a temný příběh. Každý díl má svou kriminální a tajemnou zápletku, ve všech se objevuje něco strašidelného a úzkostného. Na konci každé z knih najde čtenář zlověstnou tabulku, v níž je stručně zaznamenáno, kteří lidé v tomto díle zahynuli… V prvním díle slaví nováčci na Grace College úvodní večírek v loděnici. Julia a její přátelé si však brzy povšimnou, že tu něco nehraje. Nacházejí se v odlehlém údolí uprostřed kanadských hor. Proč se tady ale kolem objevuje tolik cedulí s nejrůznějšími zákazy? A proč není toto místo k nalezení ani na internetových vyhledávačích? Situace se ještě více zdramatizuje, když Juliin bratr Robert pozoruje nějaké děvče, které skočí do jezera, je staženo vírem a utopí se... Když pak tuto hrůzostrašnou příhodu vypráví další den ostatním, nikdo nevěnuje jeho slovům pozornost a nikdo mu nevěří – ani Julie. Jedna z dívek se však opravdu pohřešuje. Její zmizení je ještě záhadnější vzhledem ke skutečnosti, že tato dívka byla po celý život upoutána na invalidní vozík. Julie ještě netuší, že temné stíny minulosti, o nichž doufala, že je již jednou provždy překonala, vyplynou tady v Údolí opět na povrch…

Objev podobné jako Údolí – Hra - Krystyna Kuhn - e-kniha

cena 169.0 Kč

Boj a zánik Afrikakorpsu 1941-43 - Volkmar Kühn - e-kniha

eBook: Když Itálie 11. června 1940 vyhlásila Velké Británii a Francii válku a v září vstoupila do britskými vojsky obsazeného Egypta, wehrmacht se právě připravoval na operaci „Barbarossa“. Ovšem rýsující se italská porážka v Africe přiměla Hitlera, aby v únoru 1941 vyslal vojska wehrmachtu do Tripolisu – to byla hodina zrodu německého Afrikakorpsu. V následujících dvou letech vedla tato vojska pod charismatickým velitelem Erwinem Rommelem se střídavými úspěchy boje v africké pouštní krajině. Tyto boje přivedly německý Afrikakorps od prvních těžkých střetů s Brity u Marsa el Brega přes Tobruk a Sollum do zuřivých bojů o egyptský El Alamein, kde protivník donutil německá a italská vojska po vysokých ztrátách k ústupu. Německý Afrikakorps a jeho italští spojenci dotlačení spojeneckými vojsky v Tunisku k válce na dvou frontách 12. a 13. května kapitulovali. Většina jejich vojáků padla do britského zajetí. Autor líčí slovy i obrázky historii legendárního Afrikakorpsu a válečného tažení v Africe zasazenou do životopisu jeho oslavovaného velitele, generála polního maršála Erwina Rommela, „Pouštní lišky“. Díky jeho genialitě se mu podařilo proti často velké přesile protivníka dosáhnout velkých úspěchů a společně se svými vojáky získat u tehdejšího nepřítele uznání.

Objev podobné jako Boj a zánik Afrikakorpsu 1941-43 - Volkmar Kühn - e-kniha

cena 189.0 Kč

Sbírky a politika / Collections and Politics - Pavlína Vogelová, Tomáš Kavka, Jolana Tothová - e-kniha

eBook: Jaký význam mají sbírky zaniklých českých stranických muzeí a proč se jimi i dnes zabývat? Neklademe si za cíl obsáhnout komplexní dějiny těchto institucí a jejich sbírek, ale spíše rozšířit společný diskurz o zaniklých ideologických muzeích. Jde o pohledy do současného myšlení o muzejních strategiích, kde se střetávají individuální tematické i metodologické přístupy jednotlivých autorů, a to ve dvou liniích. První, stěžejní část se zabývá tématem institucionální roviny muzea, stejně tak povahou, specifickou kvalitou, proměnou rolí a uplatněním jeho sbírkového, ideologií zatíženého, fundusu. Druhá část knihy náleží třem případovým studiím o využití muzejních sbírek. Jistě se všichni shodneme, že likvidace sbírek z bývalých stranických muzeí, coby hmatatelné stopy historické paměti, by byla chyba. Zaměřili jsme se na otázky, jak uchopit a jak vytěžit bohatství materiálové škály předmětů, fotografií, filmů, dokumentů, knih či archiválií těchto sbírek coby svědectví naší minulosti, odrážející se v přítomnosti i v perspektivě budoucnosti.

Objev podobné jako Sbírky a politika / Collections and Politics - Pavlína Vogelová, Tomáš Kavka, Jolana Tothová - e-kniha

cena 430.0 Kč

Sobolev Spaces and Their Applications in

V úvodní části (Preliminaries) jsou uvedeny některé poznatky z matematické analýzy a funkcionální analýzy, které by měl čtenář znát, než přistoupí ke studiu samotné knihy. Část I má název Theory of Sobolev Spaces (Teorie Sobolevových prostorů). Je rozdělena do 20 kapitol a jsou v ní uvedeny všechny poznatky nutné k porozumění matematické teorie metody konečných prvků a případné práci v této teorii. Část II, i když nese název Basic applications of the theory of Sobolev spaces in the finite element method (Základní aplikace teorie Sobolevových prostorů v metodě konečných prvků), obsahuje v kapitole 26 důkaz nejobtížnější věty uvedené v knize. Část III Variational problems in bad domains (Variační problémy ve špatných oblastech) obsahuje některé autorovy výsledky o metodě konečných prvků v dvojrozměrných oblastech, jejichž hranice mají tzv. body vratu. Část IV Variational problems in the case of parabolic-elliptic equations (Variační problémy v případě parabolicko-eliptických rovnic) obsahuje některé autorovy výsledky, které mají aplikace v kvazistacionárních problémech elektromagnetických polí, zejména v teorii točivých elektrických strojů Část V Semiregaular finite elements (Semiregulární konečné prvky). V této kapitole jsou probírány některé aspekty tzv. semiregulárních prvků, kdy v případě trojúhelníkových prvků je splněna pouze podmínka maximálního úhlu, podle kterého největší úhel trojúhelníku se nesmí blížit k ?. To znamená, že trojúhelníky mohou mít jeden úhel libovolně malý. V této části jsou vysvětleny také základní obtíže, které vznikají v teorii metody konečných prvků, když není splněna podmínka minimálního úhlu.

Objev podobné jako Sobolev Spaces and Their Applications in

cena 582.0 Kč

Dogs and Their Humans - Noel Fitzpatrick

Every day in my consulting room with a dog at my feet I have seen the very best that humanity has to offer and often in the very worst of circumstances.No matter where a family comes from, whether prince or pauper, when they come through the door, every single person has three things in common. One, they love their dogs beyond anything that can be described in words. Two, they will do whatever it takes to help their friend.And three, they have all come to me for one thing and one thing only: hope. Dogs don’t care where we come from, and neither do I. My room is the great leveller. From the sublime to the ridiculous, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick has seen it all in his veterinary practice. Dogs (and their humans): stories of healing and hope from the Supervet’s surgery is a funny, uplifting and at times heartbreaking celebration of our connection with our loyal canine friends. Dogs allow us to be the very best we can be.

Objev podobné jako Dogs and Their Humans - Noel Fitzpatrick

cena 738.0 Kč

MS 101 Popular Songs: Tenor Sax

Noty pro saxofon Publikace 101 Popular Songs: Tenor Sax obsahuje 101 známých hitů pop music v úpravě pro sólový tenorový saxofon. Seznam skladeb: 1. ABC 2. We'Re Not Gonna Take It 3. Afternoon Delight 4. Ain't Too Proud To Beg 5. Time after time 6. If 7. God Only Knows 8. Down Under 9. Through The Years 10. All Night Long (All Night) 11. Easy 12. Smoke On the Water 13. All You Need is Love 14. Stand by Me 15. Lean On Me 16. Ain't No Sunshine 17. Somebody to Love 18. Another Brick In The Wall 19. Lady 20. Downtown 21. At Seventeen 22. Travelin' Man 23. Imagine 24. Bad, bad Leroy Brown 25. Big Girls Don't Cry 26. Billie Jean 27. I will survive 28. Yesterday 29. Bridge Over Troubled Water 30. California Dreamin' 31. Caribbean Queen (No More Love On The Run) 32. Centerfold 33. Groovin' 34. Copacabana (At The Copa) 35. Cracklin' Rosie 36. Do You Believe In Magic 37. Piano Man 38. Dust in the Wind 39. One More Night 40. The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face 41. Free Bird 42. Gentle On My Mind 43. Girls Just want To Have Fun 44. Just Once 45. Happy Together 46. Hey Jude 47. I Get Around 48. I Heard It Through the Grapevine 49. I Saw Her Standing There 50. I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For 51. I'm A Believer 52. Jessie's Girl 53. Karma Chameleon 54. Killing Me Softly With His Song 55. Lay Down Sally 56. Leader Of The Pack 57. Leaving on a Jet Plane 58. Let's Hang On 59. Let's Hear It For The Boy 60. Like a Virgin 61. The Lion Sleeps Tonight 62. Livin' On a Prayer 63. Love Will Keep Us Together 64. Mandy 65. Maneater 66. Monday, Monday 67. Mony, Mony 68. Mr. Tambourine man 69. My Cherie Amour 70. My Girl 71. Nights in white satin 72. Nightshift 73. Physical 74. Pour Some Sugar On Me 75. Reeling In The Years 76. Right Here Waiting 77. Rocket Man (I Think It'S Gonna Be A Long Long Time) 78. Saving all my love for you 79. She Drives Me Crazy 80. Shiny Happy People 81. Silly Love Songs 82. Sister Christian 83. (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay 84. Son-Of-A-Preacher Man 85. The Sound Of Silence 86. Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) 87. Sweet Home Alabama 88. Take me Home, Country Roads 89. These Dreams 90. Ticket to Ride 91. Time In A Bottle 92. 25 Or 6 To 4 93. Up, Up and Away 94. What's Love Got To Do With It 95. A Whiter Shade of Pale 96. With or without you 97. Wichita Lineman 98. You are so beautiful 99. You Can't Hurry Love 100. You really got me 101. You're so Vain

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cena 590.0 Kč

Alternative Oil Supply Infrastructures for the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic - Tomáš Vlček - e-kniha

eBook: Od roku 2007 se často opakuje informace o tom, že Rusko zvažuje uzavření ropovodu Družba. Česká a Slovenská republika to vnímají jako významnou hrozbu. Tato kniha hodnotí dostupné infrastrukturní alternativy a poskytuje jakési vodítko pro budoucí řešení problému. Cílem je analyzovat možnosti ropovodní infrastruktury s ohledem na alternativy k primární zásobovací trase, a to pro Českou a Slovenskou republiku. Těchto možností je šest: ropovod Ingolstadt-Kralupy-Litvínov, ropovod Adria, potenciální ropovod Bratislava-Schwechat-Pipelie a ropovod Adria-Wien Pipeline, potenciální ropovod Oděsa-Brody-Adamowo-Płock-Gdaňsk, potenciální ropovod Spergau-Litvínov a vodní cesta Lobau-Bratislava. Výsledky výzkumu ukazují, že Česká a Slovenská republika mají společné zájmy v ropném sektoru, které mohou přetavit ve společný postup při jejich dosahování.

Objev podobné jako Alternative Oil Supply Infrastructures for the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic - Tomáš Vlček - e-kniha

cena 431.0 Kč

Roe Deer and their Antlers - Pavel Scherer

This gripping book full of unique photos was published jointly by the author and Czech Publishing House Lesnická práce in Kostelec nad Černými lesy in 2009. Author´s profound knowledge and original approach make the book an outstanding achievement beyond any traditional literature dealing with roe deer. It intends to give comprehensive information on roe deer biology and ethology, and primarily to root out myths and dogmas that have been passed on from one generation of hunters to another. Besides bringing the latest information on roe deer biology, it also shows trickiness and pitfall often lying in wait for and wrongly affecting hunters in their daily activities. It focuses on the most frequently discussed topical issues of hunting. Besides other interesting topics the book also deals with the phenomenon of antlers (aiming at explaining how the complex vascular and nerve systems affect the growth of antlers - from growing through mineralisation until casting). Its value also lies, among others, in an extensive chapter on abnormalities in roe deer antlers and reasons for them. In 2010 the book was awarded Czech-Moravian Hunting Association Prize in the field of professional literature.

Objev podobné jako Roe Deer and their Antlers - Pavel Scherer

cena 1342.0 Kč

Humble Pie and Cold Turkey: English Expressions and Their Origins - Caroline Taggart

Humble Pie and Cold Turkey is an engaging historical exploration of the bizarre words and phrases that are sprinkled throughout the English Language. Designed to be easily accessible, this digestible book informs and entertains the budding linguist in equal measure. The huge variety of colourful phrases contained in the English language are notoriously varied and, often, notably odd. From blue-blooded (an invention of aristocratic Spaniards) to limelight (a way of lighting Victorian theatres), passing an exam with flying colours (an image from sailing ships) to winning hands down (from horse racing), the fascinating expressions that make up our language are explored in Humble Pie and Cold Turkey.In this highly entertaining book, language enthusiast and Sunday Times best-selling author Caroline Taggart browses through thousands of years of history to shed light on why we use the words and phrases we do. Arranged by themes including food, the household, childhood, romance and more, this intriguing book looks at the origins of our language from their historical context. For example, did you know that:If you rest on your laurels, you’re imitating a complacent Roman general?If you eavesdrop, you’re likely to get wet?If you’re taken aback, you should, strictly speaking, be a sailing ship?If you’re galvanized into action, you’re behaving like Frankenstein’s monster?Humble Pie and Cold Turkey will prompt you to question the downright bizarre idioms we use to express ourselves, and answer questions you may never have thought to ask. Including why turkeys need to be cold and how pies came to be humble.

Objev podobné jako Humble Pie and Cold Turkey: English Expressions and Their Origins - Caroline Taggart

cena 223.0 Kč

Man and His Symbols (0440351839)

Kniha - autor Carl Gustav Jung, 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Illustrated throughout with revealing images, this is the first and only work in which the world-famous Swiss psychologist explains to the layperson his enormously influential theory of symbolism as revealed in dreams.

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cena 229.0 Kč

MS Pop Standards For Accordion: Arrangements Of 20 Classic Songs

Škola hry na akordeon Tato publikace obsahuje dvacet slavných popových hitů v úpravě pro akordeon. Seznam skladeb: • All My Loving • Annie's Song • Can't Smile Without You • Chances Are • For Once In My Life • Help Me Make It Through The Night • My Cherie Amour • Que Sera, Sera (Whatever Will Be, Will Be) • Quiet Village • Ramblin' Rose • (Sittin' On) The Dock Of The Bay • Song Sung Blue • Spanish Harlem • Speak Softly, Love (Love Theme) • Sunny • Take Me Home, Country Roads • That's Amore (That's Love) • Unchained Melody • Wives And Lovers (Hey, Little Girl) • Wooden Heart

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cena 450.0 Kč

Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová

Over half of all the visual artists working today are women, but the paintings and sculptures shown in many galleries and museums tell a different story because they're usually the work of men.In this book Kate Pankhurst, descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, tells the fascinating stories of some of history's most talented female artists.* Express your feelings and find your identity through art with Frida Kahlo* Run away to the circus and paint with Laura Knight* Help bring talented artists into the spotlight with Peggy Guggenheim* Challenge racism and segregation by creating powerful art with Faith RinggoldIncluding comic strips, family trees, maps and more, Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories is a celebration of just some of the women whose creativity and dreams have made a mark on the world. A fantastic gift for girls and boys alike!List of women featured: Amrita Sher-Gil, Elisabeth Le Brun, Emily Kame Kngwarreye, Faith Ringgold, Frida Kahlo, Kathe Kollwitz, Dame Laura Knight and Peggy Guggenheim.

Objev podobné jako Fantastically Great Women Artists and Their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová

cena 205.0 Kč

Poems and Songs (0307595838)

Kniha - autor Leonard Cohen, 246 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A magnificent selection of song lyrics and poems from across the storied career of one of the most daring and affecting poet-ongwriters in the world. In the more than half century since his first book of poems was published, Leonard Cohen has evolved into an international cult figure who transcends genres and generations. This anthology contains a cross section of his five decades of influential work, including such legendary songs as "Suzanne," "Sisters of Mercy," "Bird on the Wire," "Famous Blue Raincoat," and "I'm Your Man" and searingly memorable poems from his many acclaimed poetry collections, including "Flowers for Hitler, Beautiful Losers, "and "Death of a Lady's Man." Encompassing the erotic and the melancholy, the mystical and the sardonic, this volume showcases a writer of dazzling intelligence and live-wire emotional immediacy.

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cena 459.0 Kč

New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson - Tomáš Kačer - e-kniha

eBook: Publikace představuje specifický typ dramatické postavy, pojmenovaný „nový posel“, kterého lze chápat jako následovníka konvenčního typu postavy známé z tradičních dramat nejčastěji jako „posel“. Přítomnost posla v tradičním dramatu má určité funkce, které plní i nový posel. Toho však odlišuje fakt, že se nejedná o samostatnou postavu, ale jeho roli v současném anglicky psaném mainstreamovém dramatu přejímá některá z hlavních postav. Mezi takové postavy patří především rozliční novináři či reportéři, politici či jejich asistenti, vědci či učitelé, detektivové či policisté, historické postavy, filozofové a literární vědci atd. Publikace v konkrétních případech analyzuje dramata dvou britských dramatiků, Michaela Frayna a Toma Stopparda, a afroamerického dramatika Augusta Wilsona.

Objev podobné jako New Messengers: Short Narratives in Plays by Michael Frayn, Tom Stoppard and August Wilson - Tomáš Kačer - e-kniha

cena 123.0 Kč

Svažte si sami knížku - Franziska Kühne - e-kniha

eBook: Píšete si deník nebo povídky a nikdo vám je nechce vydat? Vytvořte si vlastní knihu! Nevybrali jste si z nabídky fotoalb? Udělejte si svoje na míru! Chcete věnovat dárek v nezvyklé krabičce? Vyrobte si ji! Kreslíte komix, ilustrujete, malujete? Sestavte si artbook! Návody na všechny tyto a další knihařské postupy najdete v knize. Umění knižní vazby má v sobě cosi magického. Z obyčejných materiálů s trochou řemeslné dovednosti vznikne malé umělecké dílo. Je to tradiční řemeslné umění, kterému zatím nikdy nehrozil zánik a které každá generace dále rozvíjela. Také my dnes můžeme propojit staré řemeslné postupy a druhy vazeb a nově je využít. Můžeme tak propojit vědění starých mistrů a využití nových materiálů. Vystavět most mezi knihou – uměleckým dílem a knihou – předmětem denní potřeby. Ten, kdo se zabývá ruční knižní vazbou, vytváří vždy unikát. Každý kus je originál a každý z těchto jedinečných předmětů se může stát inspirací pro další tvorbu. Ručně vázaná kniha je jedním z nejkrásnějších dárků.

Objev podobné jako Svažte si sami knížku - Franziska Kühne - e-kniha

cena 195.0 Kč

Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

Find out the fascinating stories of ten real-life dragons, the myths and legends surrounding them, their discoveries and how they survive today.For centuries, dragons have captured our imaginations, guarding troves of treasure and breathing out fire. They appear in many myths and legends from around the world, some soaring through the air on scaly wings; some lurking in caves underground and some diving the depths of the seas and oceans.While there is, sadly, no such thing as a fire-breathing dragon, there are still dragons alive today in the animal kingdom. One of them can even fly. This book brings together the stories of ten real-life dragons, with fascinating facts mixed with some folklore. There are also tales of how these extraordinary creatures were discovered and about their adaptations for surviving in the wild.Are you ready for the wildlife safari of a lifetime?This high-interest approach to the natural world shows the diversity of nature, evolution and adaptation and can be used to support the science curriculum study of living things at key stage two.Full-colour photographs combined with illustrations make this a beautiful and fascinating introduction to real-life dragons around the world.

Objev podobné jako Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

cena 399.0 Kč

Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová

Travel to Greece and watch Cynisca, a Spartan princess, become the first ever woman to win at the ancient Olympic Games. Or touch the heavens with Junko Tabei as she carves her path through history and mountain ranges with little applause but a lot of bravery. In this book Kate Pankhurst, descendent of Emmeline Pankhurst, tells the fascinating stories of some of history''s most talented female sports stars.From football superstars to trailblazing Olympians, women throughout history have fought for the right to take part, win or lose, in sports across the globe. Whether they were making impassioned pleas for support on the football pitch, or working behind the scenes to set up rival games when the Olympics said ‘NO’, these women are all sporting heroes.Including diary entries, postcard messages, maps and more, Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and Their Stories is a celebration of just some of the women whose tenacity and skill have made a mark on the world. A fantastic gift for girls and boys alike!List of women featured: Cynisca, Charlotte ‘Lottie’ Dod, Alice Milliat, Junko Tabei, Derartu Tulu, Marta Vieira da Silva, Ellie Simmonds and Simone Biles.

Objev podobné jako Fantastically Great Women Sports Stars and their Stories - Kate Pankhurstová

cena 236.0 Kč

Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha

eBook: This textbook for medical students include an overview of essential information on etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics and treatment of developmental and acquired orthopedic diseases and disorders, including musculoskeletal injuries. It also includes an overview of essential conservative and surgical procedures used in orthopedics and traumatology of the musculoskeletal system in adult and child patients. As this textbook is intended as an aid for the preparation of the final state exam in surgical fields for the students at the Third Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, the chapters are arranged according to questions taken from the “pool” of Orthopedics and Traumatology used in this exam. However, we believe that this textbook can help students from other medical faculties of Charles University as a tool for quick and easy reference to a range of orthopedic diseases and injuries to the musculoskeletal system.

Objev podobné jako Selected chapters in orthopedics and traumatology for medical students - Martin Krbec, Valér Džupa, Tomáš Pešl, Pavel Douša - e-kniha

cena 290.0 Kč

Delizia: The Epic History of Italians and Their Food - Dickie John

The new edition of the much-loved classic, with a fresh chapter that brings the surprising and moreish tale of the Italian way of eating right up to the present.Delizia! takes the reader on a revelatory historical journey through the flavours of the cities that shaped the Italian love for good eating. From the bustle of Medieval Milan, to the bombast of Fascist Rome; from the pleasure gardens of Renaissance Ferrara, to the putrid alleyways of nineteenth-century Naples. In rich slices of Italian life, Delizia! shows how violence and intrigue, as well as taste and creativity, went to make the world's favourite cuisine. With its mix of vivid story-telling, ground-breaking research and shrewd analysis, John Dickie's Delizia! is as appetising as the dishes it describes.

Objev podobné jako Delizia: The Epic History of Italians and Their Food - Dickie John

cena 499.0 Kč

The Winter Garden: Over 35 step-by-step projects for small spaces using foliage and flowers, berries and blooms, and herbs and produce - Emma Hardy

Bring colour and life to your garden during the cold winter months with Emma Hardy’s wonderful planting ideas. There are plenty of creative ways here to bring vitality to your garden in winter, with ideas for planting pots, forcing bulbs, growing winter crops, and more. In the first chapter, Stems and Leaves, you will learn how to make a stunning wreath from succulents, plant a decorative tabletop display of miniature conifers and grow ferns in a reclaimed sink. Add scent to your winter garden with Beautiful Bulbs, where you will find bright hyacinths in glass jars, crocuses in jelly moulds, a china tureen of snowdrops, and other imaginative ideas. Winter Colour has bright designs such as a vivid vertical display of cyclamen in vintage cake tins, an indoor terrarium with hellebores and violas, festive poinsettia pots and a variety of containers planted with small-scale shrubs laden with berries. And if you are keen on growing your own food, there are projects in Winter Harvests to make the most of hardy herbs, cabbages, chard and lettuces. Whether you want to decorate your entrance with colourful pots, brighten up your balcony or windowsills, or grow a winter harvest by the kitchen door, you will find The Winter Garden packed with ideas and inspiration.

Objev podobné jako The Winter Garden: Over 35 step-by-step projects for small spaces using foliage and flowers, berries and blooms, and herbs and produce - Emma Hardy

cena 402.0 Kč

Spectators and Actors - Cupido - e-kniha

eBook: The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and the teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend.This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following \"Their windows were less than ten metres apart. They soon stopped closing the curtains when it got dark.\" - Shadow Play by Vibeke, Klampenborg\"It annoyed her that the neighbour\'s window wasn\'t clean. A layer of stubborn dirt left from the winter prevented her from having a clear view.\"

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cena 124.0 Kč

Jean-Michel Basquiat: Of Symbols and Signs - Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Dieter Buchhart, Antonia Hoerschelmann

Jean-Michel Basquiat's symbolic, complex, and often emotionally charged work made a huge impact on the 1980s downtown New York City art scene. And though his all-too-brief career ended when he died at age 27, Basquiat left behind an enormous legacy-not only in the number of works he produced, but also in the messages he encoded around political, social, racial, and cultural issues.This exciting book shows how Basquiat used an intricate network of signs and symbols to challenge the very system that made him a darling of the art world. It traces his inspiration from cartoons, children's drawings, and advertising as well as his own Haitian and Puerto Rican heritage; discusses the influence of African-American, African, and Aztec cultural histories; and shows how Basquiat incorporated into his work classical themes and contemporary icons-from athletes to musicians. What becomes clear is how, even as a young man, Basquiat had a profound understanding of the artist's role in art history, and of his position as a young Black artist in a world of racism, suppression and social injustice.This book helps readers decode Basquiat's unique lingua franca, an intoxicating body of work brimming with social commentary that was in turns incisive, angry, comic, hip, and heartbreaking, and that remains powerful and meaningful today.

Objev podobné jako Jean-Michel Basquiat: Of Symbols and Signs - Klaus Albrecht Schröder, Dieter Buchhart, Antonia Hoerschelmann

cena 1340.0 Kč

MS The Little Black Book of 4-Chord Songs

Zpěvník THE LITTLE BLACK BOOK OF 4-CHORD SONGS Knihy z edice The Little Black Book jsou zpěvníky, které obsahují text a akordové značky, a nejvíc je tak ocení kytaristé. Tento díl je věnován jednoduchým hitům, které využívají jen 4 akordy. Seznam skladeb: (You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party) [Beastie Boys] A Girl Like You [Collins, Edwyn] Angel Of Harlem [U2] Apeman [Kinks, The] Baba O'riley [Who, The] Bankrobber [Clash, The] Brimful Of Asha [Cornershop] Brown Eyed Girl [Morrison, Van] Calling Elvis [Dire Straits] Common People [Pulp] Crash [Primitives, The] Cry! Cry! Cry! [Cash, Johnny] Destiny Calling [James] Early Morning Rain [Lightfoot, Gordon] Every Morning [Sugar Ray] Everywhere [Fleetwood Mac] Fairytale Of New York [Pogues, The] [Maccoll, Kirsty] Fisherman's Blues [Waterboys, The] Foundations [Nash, Kate] Get Up, Stand Up [Marley, Bob] Girl From Mars [Ash] Going Down [Stone Roses, The] Hand In My Pocket [Morissette, Alanis] Here Comes The Night [Them] How Bizarre [OMC] I Fought The Law [Clash, The] I Shot The Sheriff [Marley, Bob] I Wanna Be Adored [Stone Roses, The] I'll Be Your Baby Tonight [Dylan, Bob] In The Air Tonight [Collins, Phil] In The City [Razorlight] Jailhouse Rock [Presley, Elvis] Jerk It Out [Caesers, The] Johnny B. Goode [Berry, Chuck] Jolene [Parton, Dolly] Kinky Afro [Happy Mondays] Knockin' On Heaven's Door [Dylan, Bob] Laid [James] Late In The Evening [Simon, Paul] Love Me Do [Beatles, The] Lullaby [Cure, The] Magic Bus [Who, The] Make It Wit Chu [Queens Of The Stone Age] Massachusetts [Bee Gees, The] More Life In A Tramp's Vest [Stereophonics] Mr Tambourine Man [Dylan, Bob] Mull Of Kintyre [Mccartney, Paul] My Best Friend's Girl [Cars, The] Not Fade Away [Rolling Stones, The] One Love/People Get Ready [Marley, Bob] Operator [Grateful Dead] Paperback Writer [Beatles, The] Praise You [Fatboy Slim] Red, Red Wine [Ub40] Rhiannon [Fleetwood Mac] Ruby, Don't Take Your Love To Town [Rogers, Kenny] Sit Down [James] Somebody To Love [Jefferson Airplane] Songbird [Oasis] Stir It Up [Marley, Bob] Stupid Girl [Garbage] Suzanne [Cohen, Leonard] Sweetest Thing [U2] The First Cut Is The Deepest [Stevens, Cat] The Joker [Miller, Steve] The Kids Are Alright [Who, The] The Tide Is High [Paragons, The] Twist And Shout [Beatles, The] Two Princes [Spin Doctors] Up Around The Bend [Creedence Clearwater Revival] Walk Of Life [Dire Straits] Where Did You Sleep Last Night [Nirvana] Whole Again [Atomic Kitten] Wild Wood [Weller, Paul] You're Still The One [Twain, Shania] Zombie [Cranberries, The]

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cena 460.0 Kč

Theaster Gates: Young Lords and Their Traces - Massimiliano Gioni, Gary Carrion-Murayari

A comprehensive survey of one of the most innovative, boundary-breaking artists working todayTheaster Gates's work in the areas of social practice, interdisciplinary performance, archival investigation, and multi-faceted object making have made him one of the most compelling artists of the twenty-first century.Accompanying a major mid-career retrospective at the New Museum, New York, opening in November 2022, this book covers the full range of Gates's artistic activities over the past twenty years, capturing his expansive conception of art as a social sculptor, organizer, improviser, and preservationist.

Objev podobné jako Theaster Gates: Young Lords and Their Traces - Massimiliano Gioni, Gary Carrion-Murayari

cena 1690.0 Kč

Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework - Bullock Jessey

Leverage Wireshark, Lua and Metasploit to solve any security challenge. Wireshark is arguably one of the most versatile networking tools available, allowing microscopic examination of almost any kind of network activity. This book is designed to help you quickly navigate and utilise it effectively, and includes a primer for exploring the Wireshark Lua API as well as an introduction to the Metasploit Framework.

Objev podobné jako Wireshark for Security Professionals: Using Wireshark and the Metasploit Framework - Bullock Jessey

cena 1499.0 Kč

Man and Wife - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: Man and Wife (1870) combines the fast pace and sensational plot structure of Collins's most famous novels with a biting attack on the inequitable marriage laws in Victorian Britain. At its centre is the plight of a woman who fears that the archaic marriage laws of Scotland and Ireland may have forced her into committing unintentional bigamy. As the novel progresses, the atmosphere grows increasingly sinister when the setting moves from a country house to a London suburb and a world of confinement, plotting, and murder.

Objev podobné jako Man and Wife - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 528.0 Kč

Cabbages and Kings - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: 'Cabbages and Kings' is one of renowned author William Sidney Porter's most famous collections of short stories. Better known by his literary pseudonym 'O. Henry', the collection was inspired by the time he spent hiding out from the US authorities in Honduras. The narrative focuses on the fictional Republic of Anchuria and is a collective tale of corruption and political intrigue. 'Cabbages and Kings' is also the source of the now famous and much-used term 'banana republic'. The title is in reference to the poem 'The Walrus and the Carpenter' from 'Through the Looking Glass' by well-known children's author Lewis Carroll. One of O. Henry's earliest short story collections, 'Cabbages and Kings' offers a fascinating introduction to this much-loved 20th century author.

Objev podobné jako Cabbages and Kings - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Waifs and Strays - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: "Waifs and Strays" is a collection of short stories by O. Henry that focuses on the outcasts in society, the charlatans, the humourists, and all of the other wonderous people that populate O. Henry's universe. Teeming with anecdotal wit, humour, and satire, often verging on the tragic, the collection is diamond in O. Henry's treasure trove of work. In "Out of Nazareth", we come across a swindler-businessman selling false plots of land for a living, ripping off elderly couples that have put their lives in to his bogus plans. In another tale, "The Red Roses of Tonia", two men compete for the heart of the eponymous heroine, bringing the tale to a tragic conclusion. It is a truly well rounded and diverse collection, perfect for readers that enjoy the stories of Oscar Wilde and Mark Twain.

Objev podobné jako Waifs and Strays - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Sixes and Sevens - O. Henry - e-kniha

eBook: Published posthumously, William Sidney Porter's 'Sixes and Sevens' is a collection of 25 short stories from the popular author. Some of the most famous works included are 'Ulysses and the Dogman', where a dog walker meets an old acquaintance; 'The Church with an Overshot-Wheel' about a bereaved miller who turns his mill into a church, and classic detective story 'The Sleuths'. With a focus on the harshness but also the humour of everyday life, and tales stretching from New York to the Wild West, this is a remarkable collection of some of O. Henry's timeless tales.

Objev podobné jako Sixes and Sevens - O. Henry - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Romeo and Juliet - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

eBook: In Romeo and Juliet, Shakespeare creates a world of violence and generational conflict in which two young people fall in love and die because of that love. The story is rather extraordinary in that the normal problems faced by young lovers are here so very large. It is not simply that the families of Romeo and Juliet disapprove of the lover's affection for each other; rather, the Montagues and the Capulets are on opposite sides in a blood feud and are trying to kill each other on the streets of Verona. Every time a member of one of the two families dies in the fight, his relatives demand the blood of his killer. Because of the feud, if Romeo is discovered with Juliet by her family, he will be killed. Once Romeo is banished, the only way that Juliet can avoid being married to someone else is to take a potion that apparently kills her, so that she is burried with the bodies of her slain relatives. In this violent, death-filled world, the movement of the story from love at first sight to the union of the lovers in death seems almost inevitable. What is so striking about this play is that despite its extraordinary setting (one perhaps reflecting Elizabethan attitudes about hot-blooded Italians), it has become the quintessential story of young love. Because most young lovers feel that they have to overcome giant obstacles in order to be together, because they feel that they would rather die than be kept apart, and especially because the language Shakespeare gives his young lovers is so exquisite, allowing them to say to each other just what we would all say to a lover if we only knew how, it is easy to respond to this play as if it were about all young lovers rather than about a particular couple in a very unusual world. (When the play was rewritten in the eighteen century as The History and Fall of Caius Marius, the violent setting became that of a particularly discordant period in classical Rome; when Leonard Berstein rewrote the play as West Side Story, he chose the violent world of New York street gangs.)

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cena 138.0 Kč

Antony and Cleopatra - William Shakespeare - e-kniha

eBook: Following the death of Julius Caesar, the Roman Empire is ruled by Antony, Octavius Caesar and Lepidus. Antony resides in Egypt and it completely captivated by its Queen, Cleopatra. But circumstances beyond his control force him to return to Rome and marry Caesar's sister, Octavia. When Antony abandons his new wife and travels back Egypt, Caesar declares war on the star-crossed lovers.Anthony and Cleopatra is Shakespeare at his best. With a mix of politics and romance, this play is wonderfully complex and intellectually stimulating. The Royal Shakespeare Company has seen many productions of the play, starring Michael Gambon and Helen Mirren in 1982 and Patrick Stewart and Harriet Walter in 2006.

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cena 194.0 Kč

Crime and Punishment - Fyodor Dostoevsky - e-kniha

eBook: Murder and madness, emotions and mystery, honour and deceit. This well known novel has it all.Why does Raskolnikov think he is within his rights to kill other people? Is there anyone that can stop him? Suspense and drama just waiting to be devoured by youOften labelled as Dostoevsky's masterpiece and most popular work, 'Crime and Punishment' explores the life choices and tribulations of Radion Raskolnikov, a young student who decides to kill an old pawnbroker for money. His plan succeeds, but what follows is, to put it mildly, a descent into madness.It is a novel about guilt – creeping and inevitable guilt that threatens to devour the protagonist. Haunting, maniacal, and absorbing, "Crime and Punishment" is an eternal tale for all kinds of readers, touching upon those traits from our human nature that make us tick and act.There have been at least 30 film and TV adaptations of Fyodor Dostoyevsky's 1866 novel 'Crime and Punishment' with probably the most popular being the British BBC TV series starring John Simm as Raskolnikov and Ian McDiarmid as Porfiry Petrovich.

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cena 249.0 Kč

Rose and Friends - Puk Krogsøe - e-kniha

eBook: The summer holidays are almost over and Rose will soon be starting fifth grade. She wonders excitedly what it will be like to see all her classmates again. She likes school, but it can be hard to make friends. Will the tough girls be as annoying as they were before the summer, or will they have changed and become a little nicer? Rose is pleasantly surprised at first when she is invited to join the popular girls’ group. It all feels fun and lovely, except for her guilty conscience about shutting out Klara. Then suddenly her luck changes and it’s no longer Klara who is all alone during the breaks, but Rose herself … Puk Krogsøe (1974) is a trained primary school teacher. Krogsøe made her Danish debut with the Rose series in 2014. She draws inspiration for her books from her experiences at school and in the school environment, hitting the mark both linguistically and in terms of content for the target group. Since her debut with Rose, Krogsøe has written several series and books for children and young people.

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cena 155.0 Kč

Hide-and-Seek - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

eBook: Play a fun game of ‘Hide-and-Seek’ and learn English words with your little one in this English language-learning children’s book from the ‘Hello English’ collection. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ´Hide and Seek´ features words such as play, remember, cheat - and many more! ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

Objev podobné jako Hide-and-Seek - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

Dressing and Changing - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

eBook: Start a joyful new day and learn new English words related to clothes with ‘Dressing and Changing’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, children can learn English words such as dress, shirt, pants, socks - and more! ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

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cena 135.0 Kč

Hello and Goodbye - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

eBook: Teach your little one basic greetings in English with ‘Hello and Goodbye’, an English language-learning book in the ‘Hello English’ collection. With colourful illustrations, a useful English keyword list and a simple yet fun story, ‘Hello and Goodbye’ teaches children words such as hello, goodbye, wave - and many more! ‘Hello English’ is a collection of children’s learning books that help your little one become bilingual. Learn English in a fun and easy way with these English books that explore the basics from shapes and colours to counting and emotions.

Objev podobné jako Hello and Goodbye - Ivy Dad - e-kniha

cena 135.0 Kč

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