Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

A stunning new YA thriller from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again . . .

Podívejte se také Moje sestřenice Rachel - DVD (D007962)

cena 312.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

A stunning new YA thriller from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again . . .

Podívejte se také faux modry kozich holly

cena 357.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price - Holly Jacksonová

''The queen of YA crime Holly Jackson returns with a blisteringly good standalone thriller'' – Observer''An instantly gripping, corkscrew-twisty thriller’ – The Guardian''Holly Jackson has smashed it again.’ – The Nerd DailyA stunning new thriller from the bestselling author of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom’s mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can’t wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again …Holly Jackson was ''BookTok Author of the Year'' at the 2023 TikTok Book Awards.The Reappearance of Rachel Price was No 1 in the Sunday Times Children’s bestseller listings on Sunday 14/4/2024 and in the New York Times Young Adult Hardcover listings on Wednesday 10/4/2024

Podívejte se také Buddy Holly Story - LP (7217112)

cena 443.0 Kč

The Reappearance of Rachel Price (Defekt) - Holly Jacksonová

A stunning new YA thriller from the bestselling, award-winning author of A Good Girl's Guide to Murder!18-year-old Bel has lived her whole life in the shadow of her mom's mysterious disappearance. Sixteen years ago, Rachel Price vanished and young Bel was the only witness. Rachel is gone, presumed dead.The case is dragged up from the past when the Price family agree to a true crime documentary. Bel can't wait for filming to end, for life to go back to normal. But then Rachel Price reappears, and life will never be normal again . . .

Objev podobné jako The Reappearance of Rachel Price (Defekt) - Holly Jacksonová

cena 139.0 Kč

Kill Joy - Holly Jacksonová

Find out where it all began for Pip in this prequel novella to the bestselling, award-winning A Good Girl's Guide to Murder,Good Girl, Bad Blood and As Good As Dead. Previously published in 2021 as a World Book Day title. Pippa Fitz-Amobi is not in the mood for her friend's murder mystery party. Especially one that involves 1920's fancy dress and pretending that their town, Little Kilton, is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder. But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn't the only case on her mind … Warning: Contains mature content, for older readers

Objev podobné jako Kill Joy - Holly Jacksonová

cena 214.0 Kč

Five Survive - Holly Jacksonová

The Guardian Eighteen year old Red and her friends are on a road trip in an RV, heading to the beach for Spring Break. It's a long drive but spirits are high.Until the RV breaks down in the middle of nowhere. And as the wheels are shot out, one by one, the friends realise that this is no accident. There's a sniper out there.He's watching them and he knows exactly who they are. One of the group has a secret that the sniper is willing to kill for. As a game of cat-and-mouse plays out, the group desperately tries to get help.Buried secrets are forced to light and tensions within the group reach deadly levels. Only one thing is for sure. Not everyone will survive the night .

Objev podobné jako Five Survive - Holly Jacksonová

cena 232.0 Kč

Kill Joy - Holly Jacksonová

Pippa Fitz-Amobi is not in the mood for her friend’s murder mystery party.Especially one that involves 1920’s fancy dress and pretending that their town, Little Kilton, is an island called Joy. But when the game begins, Pip finds herself drawn into the make-believe world of intrigue, deception and murder. But as Pip plays detective, teasing out the identity of the killer clue-by-clue, the murder of the fictional Reginald Remy isn’t the only case on her mind … Warning: Contains mature content, for older readers

Objev podobné jako Kill Joy - Holly Jacksonová

cena 447.0 Kč

Hra na vraždu - Holly Jacksonová

Pipa Fitz–Amobiová není ten typ dívky, co by byla nadšená z pozvání na kamarádovu party. Zvlášť na takovou, která po ní vyžaduje navléct se do šatů, jako by byl rok 1920, a předstírat, že s ostatními hosty vyšetřuje vraždu.Oproti očekáváním ale Pipu hra na hledání pachatele pohltí. Fascinovaná světem intrik, lží a zločinu si navíc záhy uvědomí, že zabití smyšleného Reginalda Remyho není jediný případ, který jí vrtá hlavou…Zjistěte, jak to celé začalo, v příběhu, který předchází bestselleru Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky

Objev podobné jako Hra na vraždu - Holly Jacksonová

cena 223.0 Kč

Jen pět přežije - Holly Jacksonová

Osm hodin. Šest přátel. Jeden snajpr.Red Kennyová vyrazila o jarňácích s partou kamarádů na road trip. Jen ona, její nejlepší kámoška se svým starším bratrem, jeho dokonalá holka, kamarád ze školy a kluk, se kterým by Red nejradši víc než jen kamarádila.Jenže se jim v noci uprostřed ničeho porouchá obytňák a oni záhy zjistí, že v pustině nejsou sami. Někde tam ve tmě se totiž ukrývá odstřelovač. Nejde ale o žádného náhodného pomatence, tenhle chlap jde najisto – a jeho cílem je jeden z nich.Do úsvitu zbývá 8 hodin. Do té doby musí šestice uprchnout, nebo odhalit, kdo z nich skrývá děsivé tajemství, pro které je muž venku ochoten je všechny do jednoho postřílet.

Objev podobné jako Jen pět přežije - Holly Jacksonová

cena 379.0 Kč

As Good as Dead - Holly Jacksonová

Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she'll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her . . . and this time it's all about Pip. Pip is used to online death threats, but there's one that catches her eye, someone who keeps asking: who will look for you when you're the one who disappears? And it's not just online. Pip has a stalker who knows where she lives. The police refuse to act and then Pip finds connections between her stalker and a local serial killer. The killer has been in prison for six years, but Pip suspects that the wrong man is behind bars. As the deadly game plays out, Pip realises that everything in Little Kilton is finally coming full circle. If Pip doesn't find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears . . .

Objev podobné jako As Good as Dead - Holly Jacksonová

cena 241.0 Kč

Good Girl, Bad Blood - Holly Jacksonová

Pip Fitz-Amobi is not a detective anymore. With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her. But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared but the police won't do anything about it. And if they won't look for Jamie then Pip will, uncovering more of her town's dark secrets along the way& and this time EVERYONE is listening. But will she find him before it's too late?

Objev podobné jako Good Girl, Bad Blood - Holly Jacksonová

cena 223.0 Kč

Hodná holka, zlá krev - Holly Jacksonová

NĚKDO zmizel beze stopy.NIKDO nechce mluvit.Ale tentokrát VŠICHNI naslouchají. Zmizel Jamie Reynolds. Policie nic nedělá. Ani Pipa se nechce do případu zaplést, není přeci žádný profík. Jamieho rodina se k ní ale obrátí o pomoc. Je jejich jedinou nadějí. Všichni poslouchají její detektivní podcast, sledují vyšetřování, ale mluvit nechce nikdo. Kolik temných tajemství může městečko skrývat? Jak postupně vyplouvají na povrch, Little Kilton začíná vřít. S každou další stopou je mezi sousedy víc a víc zlé krve. Sama Pipa se ocitá v ohrožení života. Dokáže propojit všechny souvislosti a najít Jamieho dřív, než bude pozdě?

Objev podobné jako Hodná holka, zlá krev - Holly Jacksonová

cena 369.0 Kč

As Good as Dead - Holly Jacksonová

Pip is about to head to college, but she is still haunted by the way her last investigation ended. She’s used to online death threats in the wake of her viral true-crime podcast, but she can’t help noticing an anonymous person who keeps asking her: Who will look for you when you’re the one who disappears?Soon the threats escalate and Pip realizes that someone is following her in real life. When she starts to find connections between her stalker and a local serial killer caught six years ago, she wonders if maybe the wrong man is behind bars.Police refuse to act, so Pip has only one choice: find the suspect herself—or be the next victim. As the deadly game plays out, Pip discovers that everything in her small town is coming full circle . . .and if she doesn’t find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears. . .

Objev podobné jako As Good as Dead - Holly Jacksonová

cena 599.0 Kč

Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka - Holly Jacksonová

Kdo tě bude hledat, až zmizíš ty? Pipa se chystá na vysokou. Na každém kroku ji ale pronásledují události posledního případu. Trpí panickými záchvaty, které doprovázejí krví zbrocené halucinace. Pravidelně jí chodí anonymní výhrůžky a záhy ji začne v ulicích pronásledovat tajemný muž. Když se Pipa pokouší odhalit identitu svého stalkera, uvědomí si spojitost mezi ním a sériovým vrahem, který v okolí řádil před šesti lety. Je snad možné, že tehdy zavřeli nevinného? Kvůli nezájmu policie zbývá Pipě jediné: vyřešit nový případ na vlastní pěst dřív, než se stane další obětí.

Objev podobné jako Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka - Holly Jacksonová

cena 357.0 Kč

Hra na vraždu - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: Pipa Fitz–Amobiová není ten typ dívky, co by byla nadšená z pozvání na kamarádovu party. Zvlášť na takovou, která po ní vyžaduje navléct se do šatů, jako by byl rok 1920, a předstírat, že s ostatními hosty vyšetřuje vraždu. Oproti očekáváním ale Pipu hra na hledání pachatele pohltí. Fascinovaná světem intrik, lží a zločinu si navíc záhy uvědomí, že zabití smyšleného Reginalda Remyho není jediný případ, který jí vrtá hlavou… Zjistěte, jak to celé začalo, v příběhu, který předchází bestselleru Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky

Objev podobné jako Hra na vraždu - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 212.0 Kč

Jen pět přežije - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: Osm hodin. Šest přátel. Jeden snajpr. Red Kennyová vyrazila o jarňácích s partou kamarádů na road trip. Jen ona, její nejlepší kámoška se svým starším bratrem, jeho dokonalá holka, kamarád ze školy a kluk, se kterým by Red nejradši víc než jen kamarádila. Jenže se jim v noci uprostřed ničeho porouchá obytňák a oni záhy zjistí, že v pustině nejsou sami. Někde tam ve tmě se totiž ukrývá odstřelovač. Nejde ale o žádného náhodného pomatence, tenhle chlap jde najisto – a jeho cílem je jeden z nich. Do úsvitu zbývá 8 hodin. Do té doby musí šestice uprchnout, nebo odhalit, kdo z nich skrývá děsivé tajemství, pro které je muž venku ochoten je všechny do jednoho postřílet.

Objev podobné jako Jen pět přežije - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Good girl´s guide to murder - Holly Jacksonová

A debut YA crime thriller as addictive as Serial as compelling as Riverdale and as page-turning as One of Us Is Lying The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it. But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn't so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth ... ?

Objev podobné jako Good girl´s guide to murder - Holly Jacksonová

cena 241.0 Kč

As Good As Dead (Collector's Edition) - Holly Jacksonová

Pip Fitz-Amobi is haunted by the way her last investigation ended. Soon she'll be leaving for Cambridge University but then another case finds her . . . and this time it's all about Pip.Pip is used to online death threats, but there's one that catches her eye, someone who keeps asking: who will look for you when you're the one who disappears? And it's not just online. Pip has a stalker who knows where she lives. The police refuse to act and then Pip finds connections between her stalker and a local serial killer. The killer has been in prison for six years, but Pip suspects that the wrong man is behind bars. As the deadly game plays out, Pip realises that everything in Little Kilton is finally coming full circle. If Pip doesn't find the answers, this time she will be the one who disappears . . .

Objev podobné jako As Good As Dead (Collector's Edition) - Holly Jacksonová

cena 473.0 Kč

Good Girl, Bad Blood (Collector's Edition) - Holly Jacksonová

Pip Fitz-Amobi is not a detective anymore.With the help of Ravi Singh, she released a true-crime podcast about the murder case they solved together last year. The podcast has gone viral, yet Pip insists her investigating days are behind her.But she will have to break that promise when someone she knows goes missing. Jamie Reynolds has disappeared but the police won't do anything about it. And if they won't look for Jamie then Pip will, uncovering more of her town's dark secrets along the way& and this time EVERYONE is listening.But will she find him before it's too late?

Objev podobné jako Good Girl, Bad Blood (Collector's Edition) - Holly Jacksonová

cena 473.0 Kč

Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka - část druhá - Holly Jacksonová

Kdo tě bude hledat, až zmizíš ty? Pátrání po identitě tajemného stalkera Pipu dovedlo až k šest let starému případu sériového vraha známého jako LP. Ten si Pipu vyhlédl jako svoji příští oběť. Má s ní totiž nevyřízené účty. Vše se vrací zpět k samému počátku. K případu Andie Bellové. Kruh se uzavírá…

Objev podobné jako Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka - část druhá - Holly Jacksonová

cena 357.0 Kč

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - Holly Jacksonová

THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES• Everyone is talking about A Good Girl's Guide to Murder! With shades of Serial and Making a Murderer this is the story about an investigation turned obsession, full of twists and turns and with an ending you'll never expect. Everyone in Fairview knows the story. Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town. But she can't shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. How could he possibly have been a killer? Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine the closed case for her final project, at first just to cast doubt on the original investigation. But soon she discovers a trail of dark secrets that might actually prove Sal innocent . . . and the line between past and present begins to blur. Someone in Fairview doesn't want Pip digging around for answers, and now her own life might be in danger.

Objev podobné jako A Good Girl's Guide to Murder - Holly Jacksonová

cena 447.0 Kč

Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky - Holly Jacksonová

YA detektivní thriller stejně působivý jako Riverdale a návykový jako Jeden z nás lže. Knihu jednoduše nedokážete odložit, dokud ji nepřečtete.Zmizela oblíbená středoškolačka, Andie Bellová. Tělo se sice nenašlo, ale policie ví, kdo je vrah. Všichni vědí, kdo je vrah! Sala Singha za vraždu přítelkyně odsoudili všichni, kromě soudu a poroty. Sal Singh totiž spáchal sebevraždu a nikdo neusiluje o očištění jeho jména. Až na Pipu Fitz-Amobiovou. Městečko rozežírá nenávist k rodině vraha, ale ona nevěří, že je vinen.Pět let po zločinu začíná vyšetřovat pod záminkou závěrečného školního projektu. Je to ale úkol, který ji může zabít. Jestliže se Pipa nemýlí a vrah je stále na svobodě, nikdo neví, kam až bude ochotný zajít, aby své tajemství zachoval. Kdosi chce totiž minulost utajit za každou cenu. A kam až dokáže zajít Pipa, aniž by zaplatila životem?

Objev podobné jako Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky - Holly Jacksonová

cena 369.0 Kč

Hodná holka, zlá krev - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: NĚKDO zmizel beze stopy. NIKDO nechce mluvit. Ale tentokrát VŠICHNI naslouchají. Zmizel Jamie Reynolds. Policie nic nedělá. Ani Pipa se nechce do případu zaplést, není přeci žádný profík. Jamieho rodina se k ní ale obrátí o pomoc. Je jejich jedinou nadějí. Všichni poslouchají její detektivní podcast, sledují vyšetřování, ale mluvit nechce nikdo. Kolik temných tajemství může městečko skrývat? Jak postupně vyplouvají na povrch, Little Kilton začíná vřít. S každou další stopou je mezi sousedy víc a víc zlé krve. Sama Pipa se ocitá v ohrožení života. Dokáže propojit všechny souvislosti a najít Jamieho dřív, než bude pozdě?

Objev podobné jako Hodná holka, zlá krev - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: YA detektivní thriller stejně působivý jako Riverdale a návykový jako Jeden z nás lže. Knihu jednoduše nedokážete odložit, dokud ji nepřečtete. Zmizela oblíbená středoškolačka, Andie Bellová. Tělo se sice nenašlo, ale policie ví, kdo je vrah. Všichni vědí, kdo je vrah! Sala Singha za vraždu přítelkyně odsoudili všichni, kromě soudu a poroty. Sal Singh totiž spáchal sebevraždu a nikdo neusiluje o očištění jeho jména. Až na Pipu Fitz-Amobiovou. Městečko rozežírá nenávist k rodině vraha, ale ona nevěří, že je vinen. Pět let po zločinu začíná vyšetřovat pod záminkou závěrečného školního projektu. Je to ale úkol, který ji může zabít. Jestliže se Pipa nemýlí a vrah je stále na svobodě, nikdo neví, kam až bude ochotný zajít, aby své tajemství zachoval. Kdosi chce totiž minulost utajit za každou cenu. A kam až dokáže zajít Pipa, aniž by zaplatila životem?

Objev podobné jako Návod na vraždu pro hodné holky - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka – část první - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: Kdo tě bude hledat, až zmizíš ty? Pipa se chystá na vysokou. Na každém kroku ji ale pronásledují události posledního případu. Trpí panickými záchvaty, které doprovázejí krví zbrocené halucinace. Pravidelně jí chodí anonymní výhrůžky a záhy ji začne v ulicích pronásledovat tajemný muž. Když se Pipa pokouší odhalit identitu svého stalkera, uvědomí si spojitost mezi ním a sériovým vrahem, který v okolí řádil před šesti lety. Je snad možné, že tehdy zavřeli nevinného? Kvůli nezájmu policie zbývá Pipě jediné: vyřešit nový případ na vlastní pěst dřív, než se stane další obětí.

Objev podobné jako Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka – část první - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 339.0 Kč

Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka – část druhá - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

eBook: Kdo tě bude hledat, až zmizíš ty? Pátrání po identitě tajemného stalkera Pipu dovedlo až k šest let starému případu sériového vraha známého jako LP. Toho policie sice údajně dopadla, dokonce se ke všemu sám přiznal, jenže nic není, jak se na první pohled zdá. Skutečný pachatel zůstal na svobodě a Pipu si vyhlédl jako svoji příští oběť. Má s ní totiž nevyřízené účty. Vše se vrací zpět k samému počátku. K případu Andie Bellové. Kruh se uzavírá…

Objev podobné jako Mrtvá holka, dobrá holka – část druhá - Holly Jacksonová - e-kniha

cena 339.0 Kč

Fototapeta na stěnu Reappearance of Burning Image / Dan Johannson

Fototapeta na zeď z jednoho nebo více kusů v závislosti na rozměru. Fototapety na zeď, které dodají Vašemu prostoru nový rozměr. Fototopety jsou vyrobeny z kvalitních materiálů. Tapety na stěny do bytu, domu či kanceláře. Díky svým vlastnostem se ideálně přizpůsobí podmínkám v interiéru jako vlhkost, prach a pod .. Moderní tapety pro moderní interiéry. Návod k použití si můžete stáhnout> ZDE V případě pokud fototapeta obsahuje bílý bezpečnostní okraj, je třeba jej před aplikací na stěnu odstřihnout.

Objev podobné jako Fototapeta na stěnu Reappearance of Burning Image / Dan Johannson

cena 806.0 Kč

A Good Girl´s Guide to Murder (TV Tie-In) - Holly Jacksonová

The New York Times No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller that everyone is talking about!TIKTOK AUTHOR OF THE YEAR, 2023‘A taut, compulsively readable, elegantly plotted thriller'' – GuardianThe case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it.But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn''t so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth … ?

Objev podobné jako A Good Girl´s Guide to Murder (TV Tie-In) - Holly Jacksonová

cena 268.0 Kč

Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová

A modern guide to connecting with the other side, Signs is full of stories of hope. It teaches us how to recognise and interpret the life-changing messages from loved ones and spirit guides, by a renowned psychic medium.Laura Lynne Jackson is a psychic medium and the author of the New York Times bestseller The Light Between Us. She possesses an incredible gift: the ability to communicate with loved ones who have passed, convey messages of love and healing, and impart a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. Though her abilities are exceptional, they are not unique, and that is the message at the core of this book. Understanding ''the secret language of the universe'' is a gift available to all. As we learn to ask for and recognise signs from the other side, we will start to find meaning where before there was only confusion, and see light in the darkness. We may decide to change paths, push toward love, pursue joy, and engage with life in a whole new way.In Signs, Jackson is able to bring the mystical into the everyday. She relates stories of people who have experienced uncanny revelations and instances of unexplained synchronicity, as well as others drawn from her own experience. There''s the lost child who appears to her mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know that her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson''s own father''s passing; and many others. This is a book that is inspiring and practical, deeply comforting and wonderfully motivational, in asking us to see beyond ourselves to a more magnificent universal design.

Objev podobné jako Signs : The secret language of the universe - Laura Lynne Jacksonová

cena 502.0 Kč

Book of Night - Holly Black

'Dark, strange, thick with mystery and twists Book of Night is everything delicious and frightening I've come to expect from Holly Black.' Leigh Bardugo, Sunday Times bestselling author of Ninth House'Black is a master at world-building.' The New York Times Book Review_______________________________________________________________________#1 New York Times bestselling author Holly Black makes her stunning adult debut with Book of Night, a modern dark fantasy of shadowy thieves and secret societies. Charlie Hall has never found a lock she couldn't pick, a book she couldn't steal, or a bad decision she wouldn't make. She's spent half her life working for gloamists, magicians who manipulate shadows to peer into locked rooms, strangle people in their beds, or worse.Gloamists guard their secrets greedily, creating an underground economy of grimoires. And to rob their fellow magicians, they need Charlie. Now, she's trying to distance herself from past mistakes, but going straight isn't easy.Bartending at a dive, she's still entirely too close to the corrupt underbelly of the Berkshires. Not to mention that her sister Posey is desperate for magic, and that her shadowless and possibly soulless boyfriend has been keeping secrets from her. When a terrible figure from her past returns, Charlie descends back into a maelstrom of murder and lies.Determined to survive, she's up against a cast of doppelgangers, mercurial billionaires, gloamists, and the people she loves best in the world - all trying to steal a secret that will allow them control of the shadow world and more. 'I will never forget my first time reading Holly Black . .. Such a beautiful writer.' Daisy Johnson, Man Booker Prize finalist and author of Sisters

Objev podobné jako Book of Night - Holly Black

cena 268.0 Kč

The Price of Time - Edward Chancellor

The first book of the next crisis. A history of interest rates by a leading financial commentator, updated with a new postscript.*Winner of the 2023 Hayek Book Prize**Longlisted for the 2022 Financial Times Business Book of the Year Award*All economic and financial activities take place across time. Interest coordinates these activities. The story of capitalism is thus the story of interest: the price that individuals, companies and nations pay to borrow money.In The Price of Time, Edward Chancellor traces the history of interest from its origins in ancient Mesopotamia, through debates about usury in Restoration Britain and John Law '' s ill-fated Mississippi scheme, to the global credit booms of the twenty-first century. We generally assume that high interest rates are harmful, but Chancellor argues that, whenever money is too easy, financial markets become unstable. He takes the story to the present day, when interest rates have sunk lower than at any time in the five millennia since they were first recorded - including the extraordinary appearance of negative rates in Europe and Japan - and highlights how this has contributed to profound economic insecurity and financial fragility.Chancellor reveals how extremely low interest rates not only create asset price inflation but are also largely responsible for weak economic growth, rising inequality, zombie companies, elevated debt levels and the pensions crises that have afflicted the West in recent years - conditions under which economies cannot possibly thrive. At the same time, easy money in China has inflated an epic real estate bubble, accompanied by the greatest credit and investment boom in history. As the global financial system edges closer to yet another crisis, Chancellor shows that only by understanding interest can we hope to face the challenges ahead.

Objev podobné jako The Price of Time - Edward Chancellor

cena 384.0 Kč

Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel

Discover 40 nature poems to read and treasure in this unmissable sequel to bestselling hit If You Go Down to the Woods Today.The time has come, my little cub, to pass into your paws The Wisdom of the Woods - a book of Nature''s ancient laws. Open this sumptuous treasury which has been in Bear''s family for generations. Discover 40 poems which conjure the everyday magic of Brown Bear Wood, from the beauty of a butterfly''s life cycle to the hidden communications of tree roots in the soil.This pocket-sized poetry book is perfect for children aged 4+· Features 40 poems, written to be read aloud from acclaimed poet Rachel Piercey· Promotes a sense of wonder in the natural world as they bear witness to nature''s power to amaze, console and bring joy· Gorgeous illustrations from bestselling artist Freya Hartas· Stunning pocket-sized case with gold foil on the coverPraise for If You Go Down to the Woods Today: ''A simple introduction to poetry, perfectly aimed at young children, that will be loved and enjoyed for a long time'', The Independent''s Best Kids'' Poetry Book 2021 ''A tour de force of interactive two-dimensional nature'', Kirkus starred review ''A simple yet magical first book of poetry'', The Telegraph

Objev podobné jako Wisdom of the Woods - Piercey Rachel

cena 384.0 Kč

Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

An electric contemporary reimagining of the myth of Persephone and Demeter set over the course of one summer on a lush private island, exploring who holds the power in a modern underworld. Camp counsellor Cory Ansel, eighteen and aimless, afraid to face her high-strung single mother in New York, is no longer sure where home is when the father of one of her campers offers an alternative. The CEO of a Fortune 500 pharmaceutical company, Rolo Picazo is middle-aged, divorced, magnetic.He is also intoxicated by Cory. When Rolo proffers a childcare job (and an NDA), Cory quiets an internal warning and allows herself to be ferried to his private island off the coast of Maine. Plied with luxury and opiates manufactured by his company, she continues to tell herself she's in charge.Her mother, Emer, head of a teetering agricultural NGO, senses otherwise. When her daughter seemingly disappears, Emer crosses land and sea to heed a cry for help she alone is convinced she hears. Alternating between the two women's perspectives, Fruit of the Dead incorporates its mythic inspiration with a light touch and devastating precision.The result is a lush and haunting story that explores love, attraction, control, obliteration and America's own late capitalist mythos. Advance praise for Fruit of the Dead 'Irresistible and devastating. Lyon has spun an utterly absorbing, lush and terror-laced retelling of an ancient, archetypal tale - a young woman tempted and taken, a mother's feral grief - that is both timeless and crisply contemporary' Melissa Febos 'Opulent and unsettling, Fruit of the Dead explores the island where ancient myth meets the contemporary body' Julia Phillips

Objev podobné jako Fruit of the Dead - Rachel Lyon

cena 357.0 Kč

An A-Z of Pasta - Rachel Roddy

Exquisitely designed, beautifully written and featuring mouth-watering photography, this gorgeous tome makes the perfect gift for the pasta lover in your life!Guardian columnist and award-winning food writer Rachel Roddy condenses everything she has learned about Italy''s favourite food in a practical, easy-to-use and mouth-watering collection of 100 essential pasta and pasta sauce recipes.Along with the recipes are short essays that weave together the history, culture and the everyday life of pasta shapes from the tip to the toe of Italy. There is pasta made with water, and pasta with egg; shapes made by hand and those rolled a by machine; the long and the short; the rolled and the stretched; the twisted and the stuffed; the fresh and the dried. The A-Z of Pasta tells you how to match pasta shapes with sauces, and how to serve them. The recipes range from the familiar - pesto, ragù and carbonara - to the unfamiliar (but thrilling).This is glorious celebration of pasta from one of the best food writers of our time.SHORTLISTED FOR THE ANDRE SIMONS FOOD & DRINK BOOK AWARDS________________________''I love this book. Every story is a little gem - a beautiful hymn to each curl, twist and ribbon of pasta.'' Nigel Slater''Rachel Roddy describing how to boil potatoes would inspire me. There are very, very few who possess such a supremely uncluttered culinary voice as hers, just now'' Simon Hopkinson''Rachel Roddy''s writing is as absorbing as any novel'' Russell Norman, author of Polpo''Roddy is a gifted storyteller, and a masterful hand with simple ingredients'' Guardian Cook

Objev podobné jako An A-Z of Pasta - Rachel Roddy

cena 738.0 Kč

Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

This classic book is a complete but concise guide to the origins, meaning and psychological applications of the Tarot. Its aim is to demystify and to make Tarot symbolism an effective and accessible means of self-enlightenment.Volumes 1 and 2 have now been combined and completely updated into one volume.

Objev podobné jako Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom - Rachel Pollack

cena 443.0 Kč

The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

FROM THE AUTHOR OF THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER DEAR LIFE AND BREATHTAKING, A MAJOR TV DRAMA''Profoundly moving and at the same time wildly inspiring'' Rob Delaney''The best narrative non-fiction I''ve read in years. Rachel Clarke has written a profound piece of investigative journalism and wrapped it up in poetry'' Christie WatsonThe first of our organs to form, the last to die, the heart is both a simple pump and the symbol of all that makes us human: as long as it continues to beat, we hope. One summer day, nine-year-old Keira suffered catastrophic injuries in a car accident. Though her brain and the rest of her body began to shut down, her heart continued to beat. In an act of extraordinary generosity, Keira''s parents and siblings agreed that she would have wanted to be an organ donor. Meanwhile nine-year-old Max had been hospitalised for nearly a year with a virus that was causing his young heart to fail. When Max''s parents received the call they had been hoping for, they knew it came at a terrible cost to another family. This is the unforgettable story of how one family''s grief transformed into a lifesaving gift. With tremendous compassion and clarity, Dr Rachel Clarke relates the urgent journey of Keira''s heart and explores the history of the remarkable medical innovations that made it possible, stretching back over a century and involving the knowledge and dedication not just of surgeons but of countless physicians, immunologists, nurses and scientists.The Story of a Heart is a testament to compassion for the dying, the many ways we honour our loved ones, and the tenacity of love.

Objev podobné jako The Story of a Heart - Rachel Clarke

cena 650.0 Kč

The Children of Ash and Elm - Neil Price

A TIMES BOOK OF THE YEAR''As brilliant a history of the Vikings as one could possibly hope to read'' Tom HollandThe ''Viking Age'' is traditionally held to begin in June 793 when Scandinavian raiders attacked the monastery of Lindisfarne in Northumbria, and to end in September 1066, when King Harald Hardrada of Norway died leading the charge against the English line at the Battle of Stamford Bridge. This book, the most wide-ranging and comprehensive assessment of the current state of our knowledge, takes a refreshingly different view. It shows that the Viking expansion began generations before the Lindisfarne raid, and traces Scandinavian history back centuries further to see how these people came to be who they were.The narrative ranges across the whole of the Viking diaspora, from Vinland on the eastern American seaboard to Constantinople and Uzbekistan, with contacts as far away as China. Based on the latest archaeology, it explores the complex origins of the Viking phenomenon and traces the seismic shifts in Scandinavian society that resulted from an economy geared to maritime war. Some of its most striking discoveries include the central role of slavery in Viking life and trade, and the previously unsuspected pirate communities and family migrations that were part of the Viking ''armies'' - not least in England.Especially, Neil Price takes us inside the Norse mind and spirit-world, and across their borders of identity and gender, to reveal startlingly different Vikings to the barbarian marauders of stereotype. He cuts through centuries of received wisdom to try to see the Vikings as they saw themselves - descendants of the first human couple, the Children of Ash and Elm. Healso reminds us of the simultaneous familiarity and strangeness of the past, of how much we cannot know, alongside the discoveries that change the landscape of our understanding. This is an eye-opening and surprisingly moving book.

Objev podobné jako The Children of Ash and Elm - Neil Price

cena 502.0 Kč

The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

After being pronounced Queen of Faerie and then abruptly exiled by the Wicked King Cardan, Jude finds herself unmoored, the queen of nothing. She spends her time with Vivi and Oak, watching reality television, and doing odd jobs, including squaring up to a cannibalistic faerie.When her twin sister Taryn shows up asking a favour, Jude jumps at the chance to return to the Faerie world, even if it means facing Cardan, who she loves despite his betrayal. When a dark curse is unveiled, Jude must become the first mortal Queen of Faerie and break the curse, or risk upsetting the balance of the whole Faerie world.

Objev podobné jako The Queen of Nothing - Folk of the Air 3 - Holly Black

cena 229.0 Kč

The Woodsmoke Women's Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

A beautifully written, atmospheric tale of homecoming, dark magic and love.There is an old tale that weaves through the mountain town of Woodsmoke.It whispers of a stranger who appears as the snow falls, only to disappear in spring. Leaving behind a broken heart... Carrie Morgan expects trouble when she returns to Woodsmoke after ten years. What she does not predict is the beautiful stranger who walks into her life with the first frost and with whom Carrie begins to fall in love.Bound to her family's book of spells and a deep magic that flows from the mountains, Carrie's family warn that her new love is a curse who will disappear when the frost thaws. If Carrie is to embrace the power a Morgan woman carries, she must trade something in return. But is lifting a curse worth any price?

Objev podobné jako The Woodsmoke Women's Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

cena 402.0 Kč

The Woodsmoke Women’s Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

For fans of Practical Magic and The Unmaking of June Farrow There is an old tale that weaves through the mountain town of Woodsmoke.It whispers of a stranger who appears as the snow falls, only to disappear in spring.Leaving behind a broken heart…Carrie Morgan expects trouble when she returns to Woodsmoke after ten years.What she does not predict is the beautiful stranger who walks into her life with the first frost and with whom Carrie begins to fall in love.Bound to her family’s book of spells and a deep magic that flows from the mountains, Carrie’s family warn that her new love is a curse who will disappear when the frost thaws.If Carrie is to embrace the power a Morgan woman carries, she must trade something in return.But is lifting a curse worth any price?READERS LOVE THIS MAGICAL BOOK‘It was beautiful, it was evocative, it was fascinating’ NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''This book was so masterfully done'' NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Spooky and melancholy to start with, and then full of tension as you find out more about why Carrie originally left Woodsmoke… I''d definitely recommend’ NetGalley reviewer,⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Woodsmoke Women’s Book of Spells - Rachel Greenlaw

cena 502.0 Kč

The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová

When Harold Fry nips out one morning to post a letter, leaving his wife hoovering upstairs, he has no idea that he is about to walk from one end of the country to the other. He has no hiking boots or map, let alone a compass, waterproof or mobile phone. All he knows is that he must keep walking. To save someone else's life.

Objev podobné jako The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry - Rachel Joyceová

cena 53.0 Kč

A Kingdom of Blood and Betrayal - Renee Holly

My fate is bonded to two princes- one born of blood, the other of power- but my trust lies in neither.My skin is cursed by the stars, my fate damned by desire.But when the dark prince offers me a bargain that will save his people and my life, the cruel and intoxicating male gives me no choice.Our union is his revenge, and I am his sacrifice.His lies are unforgivable. His wicked touch still bathes me in sin.He is my mate, and he is tortured by a curse to protect his people from his own family.I could now see him for exactly who he was. So why can't I get his alluring touch out of my head?I am the key to saving his kingdom, but he alone has the power to ruin me.

Objev podobné jako A Kingdom of Blood and Betrayal - Renee Holly

cena 447.0 Kč

Evolis AC000015 price tag stand, metal, pack of 5

Price tag stand, metal, pack of 5, height: 18 cm.

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cena 939.0 Kč

Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová

The final novel in the Harold Fry trilogy, this is a heart-stopping story told from the view point of his wife Maureen as she takes her own journey and discovers how to reconnect with the world.Ten years ago, Harold Fry set off on his epic journey on foot to save a friend. But the story doesn't end there.Now his wife, Maureen, has her own pilgrimage to make.Maureen Fry has settled into the quiet life she now shares with her husband Harold after his iconic walk across England. Now, ten years later, an unexpected message from the North disturbs her equilibrium again, and this time it is Maureen's turn to make her own journey.But Maureen is not like Harold. She struggles to bond with strangers, and the landscape she crosses has changed radically. She has little sense of what she'll find at the end of the road. All she knows is that she must get there.Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North is a deeply felt, lyrical novel, full of warmth and kindness. Short, exquisite, powerful- it is about love, loss, and how we come to terms with the past in order to understand ourselves and our lives a little better.

Objev podobné jako Maureen Fry and the Angel of the North - Rachel Joyceová

cena 259.0 Kč

How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories - Holly Black

An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame from bestselling Folk of the Air author Holly Black, with stunning full-colour illustrations by Rovina Cai.Once upon a time, there was a boy with a wicked tongue ...Before Cardan was a cruel prince or a wicked king, he was a faerie child with a heart of stone. In this sumptuously illustrated tale, Holly Black reveals a deeper look into the dramatic life of Elfhame's enigmatic high king. This tale includes delicious details of life before The Cruel Prince, an adventure beyond The Queen of Nothing, and familiar but pivotal moments from The Folk of the Air trilogy, told wholly from Cardan's perspective.This new instalment in the Folk of the Air series is a return to the heart-racing romance, danger, humour and drama that enchanted readers everyw here. Each chapter is paired w ith lavish and luminous full-colour art, making this the perfectcollector's item to be enjoyed by audiences both new and old.

Objev podobné jako How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories - Holly Black

cena 330.0 Kč

How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories (The Folk of the Air series) - Holly Black

An irresistible return to the captivating world of Elfhame from bestselling Folk of the Air author Holly Black, with stunning full-colour illustrations by Rovina Cai.

Objev podobné jako How the King of Elfhame Learned to Hate Stories (The Folk of the Air series) - Holly Black

cena 502.0 Kč

Patterns of Power, Grades 9-12 - Jeff Anderson, Holly Durham, Travis Leech

Traditional grammar instruction often focuses too much on what’s right or what’s wrong, hiding the true power of conventions—the creation of meaning, purpose, and effect. Instead of hammering high school students with the mistakes they should avoid, Jeff Anderson, Travis Leech, and Holly Durham suggest exploring grammar through the celebration of author’s purpose and craft. In Patterns of Power, Grades 9-12: Teaching Grammar Through Reading and Writing, they invite you to create an environment in which writers thrive while studying and appreciating the beauty, effects, and meaning of grammar. Inside this book, teachers will find a comprehensive explanation of the brain-based Patterns of Power invitational process, as well as: 35 standards-aligned lesson sets built around practical, engaging, inquiry-based methods that take deeper dives into grammar and craft than any worksheet, quiz, or editing exercise ever could A variety of high-interest model texts from authentic and diverse sources, including excerpts from classic and current novels, memoirs, plays, graphic novels, poems, and media Real-life classroom examples and tips with suggestions for scaffolding new learning and ideas for how to use the lessons in AP courses Templates for extended application, easy to locate printables, and ready-to-go visuals Additional Models for Further Study for extension opportunities in every lesson set An entire chapter devoted to helping high school writers master citations in research With hundreds of teach-tomorrow resources and implementation supports such as quick-reference guides, specific applications to reading instruction, and soundtrack suggestions to infuse the joy of music into grammar instruction, Patterns of Power, Grades 9-12 gives you everything you need to inspire your high school writers to move beyond limitation and into the endless possibilities of what they can do as writers. The Patterns of Power series also includes Patterns of Power, Grades 6-8: Inviting Adolescent Writers into the Conventions of Language; Patterns of Power, Grades 1-5: Inviting Young Writers into the Conventions of Language; Patterns of Wonder, Grades PreK-1: Inviting Emergent Writers to Play with the Conventions of Language; and Patterns of Power en Español, Grades 1-5: Inviting Bilingual Writers into the Conventions of Spanish.

Objev podobné jako Patterns of Power, Grades 9-12 - Jeff Anderson, Holly Durham, Travis Leech

cena 1684.0 Kč

Pineapple Street - Jenny Jacksonová

THE INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER'Searing, hilarious and poignant' MIRANDA COWLEY HELLER'Smart and clever' GUARDIAN 'A killer debut about class, love and money' GRAZIA 'Marvellous - clever, funny and brilliantly well observed' INDIA KNIGHTMeet the Stockton women of Brooklyn Heights: Darley, who was born with money; Sasha, who married into it; and Georgiana, who wants to give it all away. Among glittering parties, weekend homes and hungover brunches, the three will have to grapple with the burden of parental expectations, the hardships and bewilderment of growing up, and the miles between the haves and have-nots. Pineapple Street is a witty and wicked novel about New York’s one percenters: their first loves, family feuds and the complexities of being human – even when you have everything.'Wise, emotionally honest fun' HELEN FIELDING'Deliciously fun' KEVIN KWAN'Lovely, absorbing, acutely observed' NICK HORNBY

Objev podobné jako Pineapple Street - Jenny Jacksonová

cena 241.0 Kč

Pineapple Street - Jenny Jacksonová

Escape to glamorous Pineapple Street, New York, with 2023's must-read and warmest debut about love, family, class and money, from exciting new literary voice Jenny JacksonOld money. New family . . .Pineapple Street in Brooklyn Heights is one of New York City's most desirable residences, and home to the glamorous and well-connected Stockton family . . .Darley, the eldest daughter, has never had to worry about money. She followed her heart, trading her job and her inheritance for motherhood - but ended up sacrificing more of herself than she ever intended.Sasha is marrying into the wealthy Stockton family, who are worlds apart from her own. She feels like the outsider, trying to navigate their impenetrable traditions and please her new mother-in-law - plus her hesitancy to sign a pre-nup has everyone questioning her true intentions.Georgiana, the youngest, is falling in love with someone she can't (and really shouldn't) have - and is forced to confront the kind of person she wants to be.Witty, escapist and full of heart, with an unmissable cast of loveable - if flawed - characters, Pineapple Street is a beautifully observed novel about the complexities of family dynamics, the miles between the haves and the have-notes, and the all-consuming insanity of first love - while also asking the age-old question, can money really buy you happiness?

Objev podobné jako Pineapple Street - Jenny Jacksonová

cena 357.0 Kč

The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith - Johannes Fiebig, Rachel Pollack

Arthur E. Waite, a modern mystic, created together with Pamela Colman Smith the most influential Tarot deck. With a selection of more than 800 images and texts, the pioneer of Tarot history, Johannes Fiebig contextualizes this unique deck. The kit includ

Objev podobné jako The Tarot of A. E. Waite and P. Colman Smith - Johannes Fiebig, Rachel Pollack

cena 2676.0 Kč

Dům Na kopci - Shirley Jacksonová

Tři lidé, které na první pohled nic nespojuje, přijíždějí do domu Na Kopci na pozvání doktora Montaguea, badatele v oblasti paranormálních jevů. Křehká Eleanor, sebevědomá Theodora a světácký Luke mají pod jeho dohledem zaznamenávat vše, co se během jejich pobytu přihodí, a z počátku ke svému úkolu přistupují s veselým cynismem. Neblahá historie domu v kombinaci se zvýšenou citlivostí jeho dočasných obyvatel má však za následek řadu nevysvětlitelných a děsivých událostí. Eleanor si až pozdě uvědomí, že to ona je středobodem úkladů, které jako by na ni nastražili její zlomyslní kolegové. Anebo je v domě ještě někdo? Síla, která jí bere vůli uprchnout? Sláva a popularita spisovatelky Shirley Jacksonové (1916-1965) vrcholila v padesátých letech 20. století, ale až nyní s odstupem času jasněji vyvstává její přínos americké, potažmo světové literatuře. Svými psychologickými prózami navázala na klasiky žánru jako Edgar Allan Poe nebo Henry James a obohatila je o atributy, které pomohly definovat moderní literární horor. Na míle vzdálená primitivním exploatacím stvořila v Domě Na kopci esenci plíživého děsu, který se nás působí svou kombinací známého, zdánlivě známého a zcela neznámého. V tomto roce nakl. Argo autorce vydává sbírku znepokojivých kratších textů Loterie a jiné povídky. Následovat bude román Sluneční hodiny. Oldschoolová hororová klasika patří k nejznámějším dílům Shirley Jacksonové. Na tento román se odvolávají i takové hvězdy temných žánrů, jako jsou Neil Gaiman nebo Stephen King. Už několikrát se o jeho adaptaci pokusili filmaři, ale vystihnout obrazem hrůzu, jak ji slovně vylíčila autorka, se jim většinou nedaří.

Objev podobné jako Dům Na kopci - Shirley Jacksonová

cena 311.0 Kč

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