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Ready Player One: A Novel (0307887448)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná At once wildly original and stuffed with irresistible nostalgia, a spectacularly genre-busting, ambitious, and charming debut that is part quest, part love story, and part virtual space opera set in a universe where spell-slinging mages battle giant Japanese robots and flying DeLoreans.
Podívejte se také Ready Player One ()
Ready Player One. Movie Tie-In: A Novel (0525574344)
Kniha - 582 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Podívejte se také Ready Player One: Hra začíná - DVD (W02169)
Ready Player Two: A Novel (1524761346)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Podívejte se také Ready Player One: Hra začíná - Blu-ray (W02170)
Podívejte se také
- Ready Player One: Hra začíná (978-80-242-8337-1)
- Ready Player Two: Nová hra začíná (978-80-242-8647-1)
- Bliss: A Novel (1250096359)
- Natchez Burning: A Novel (0062330209)
- The Friend: A Novel (0735219451)
- Lovecraft Country: A Novel (0062292072)
- One Piece: Red - Ready for battle - podložka pod myš (3665361099888)
- Fallout: A V.I. Warshawski Novel (0062663186)
- The Witch Elm: A Novel (0735224641)
- The Alice Network: A Novel (0062654195)
- The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
- Curious Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel (147224138X)
- Dangerous Minds: A Knight and Moon Novel 02 (055339276X)
- Sunday Morning Coming Down: A Frieda Klein Novel 07 (0718179676)
- Cordoba Ukulele Player Pack Soprano - Natural (Uke Player Pack S)
- No Fear: Hamlet. Graphic Novel (1411498739)
- KETER Úložný box NOVEL 340l (17197948)
- Insta360 ONE X2 (CINOSXX/A)
- Thrice the Brinded Cat Hath Mew'd: A Flavia de Luce Novel (0425286630)
- Select Player gloves III (SPTsel350nad)
Ready Player One ()
Audiokniha MP3 - Strhující dobrodružný thriller z blízké budoucnosti, světa virtuální reality a počítačových her. - autor Cline Ernest, čte Miloslav König Strhující dobrodružný thriller z blízké budoucnosti, světa virtuální reality a počítačových herRomán se stal kultovním bestsellerem New York Times, čtenářů napříč generacemi… a všech geeků. Vyšel ve více než 30 zemích a právě se dočkal i filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga.Svět v roce 2045 je v hluboké krizi. Jedinou záchranu před bezútěšnou skutečností představuje pro miliony lidí OASIS, bezplatná online videohra přístupná prakticky každému – každý zde může vést virtuální život, na hony vzdálený tomu opravdovému: studovat, cestovat, mít přátele, zamilovat se... A nalézt velikonoční vejce, které tam někde před svou smrtí ukryl James Halliday, výstřední tvůrce OASIS, společně s miliardovým dědictvím.Objevit ho se léta pokouší i Wade Watts, který má těsně před maturitou, přežívá u tety v karavanu a...
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One ()
Ready Player One (0099560437)
Kniha - autor Ernest Cline, 374 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Paperback edition of the debut novel which is part space opera, part coming-of-age story and part pop-culture mash-up. Set in 2044, when the real world has been devastated and everyone spends all their life in a virtual reality. The film rights have been sold to Warner Bros in a hotly contested auction. 'This non-gamer loved every page of "Ready Player One".' Charlaine Harris
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One (0099560437)
Ready Player One (9781784754792)
Kniha – autor Ernest Cline, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Ernest Cline, 384 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá It's the year 2044, and the real world has become an ugly place. We're out of oil. We've wrecked the climate. Famine, poverty, and disease are widespread. Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes this depressing reality by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia where you can be anything you want to be, where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets. And like most of humanity, Wade is obsessed by the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this alternate reality: OASIS founder James Halliday, who dies with no heir, has promised that control of the OASIS - and his massive fortune - will go to the person who can solve the riddles he has left scattered throughout his creation. For years, millions have struggled fruitlessly to attain this...
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One (9781784754792)
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
Kultovní sci-fi thriller, který nadchl čtenáře napříč generacemi. Svět v roce 2045 je v hluboké krizi. Miliony lidí proto utíkají do OASIS, bezplatné online videohry, kde každý může vést bohatý virtuální život, na hony vzdálený bídné realitě. A každý se může pokusit nalézt velikonoční vejce, které tam někde před svou smrtí ukryl tvůrce OASIS společně s miliardovým dědictvím. Poté co neznámý mladík rozluští první nápovědu, nabere jeho osud divoké obrátky… Titul se dočkal vydání ve více než 30 zemích, filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga a také pokračování pod názvem Ready Player Two (brzy vydáme).
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Strhující dobrodružný thriller z blízké budoucnosti, světa virtuální reality a počítačových her se stal kultovním bestsellerem New York Times, čtenářů napříč generacemi… a všech geeků. Vyšel ve více než 30 zemích a právě se dočkal i filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga. Strhující dobrodružný thriller z blízké budoucnosti, světa virtuální reality a počítačových her se stal kultovním bestsellerem New York Times, čtenářů napříč generacemi… a všech geeků. Vyšel ve více než 30 zemích a právě se dočkal i filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga.
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One - Ernest Cline - audiokniha
Ready Player One (anglicky) - Ernest Cline
Soon to be a major motion picture directed by Steven Spielberg. It's the year 2044, and the real world has become an ugly place. We're out of oil. We've wrecked the climate. Famine, poverty, and disease are widespread. Like most of humanity, Wade Watts escapes this depressing reality by spending his waking hours jacked into the OASIS, a sprawling virtual utopia where you can be anything you want to be, where you can live and play and fall in love on any of ten thousand planets. And like most of humanity, Wade is obsessed by the ultimate lottery ticket that lies concealed within this alternate reality: OASIS founder James Halliday, who dies with no heir, has promised that control of the OASIS - and his massive fortune - will go to the person who can solve the riddles he has left scattered throughout his creation. For years, millions have struggled fruitlessly to attain this prize, knowing only that the riddles are based in the culture of the late twentieth century. And then Wade stumbles onto the key to the first puzzle.Suddenly, he finds himself pitted against thousands of competitors in a desperate race to claim the ultimate prize, a chase that soon takes on terrifying real-world dimensions - and that will leave both Wade and his world profoundly changed.
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One (anglicky) - Ernest Cline
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (DVD)
DVD film Ready Player One: Hra začíná [2018]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Hrají: Tye Sheridan, Olivia Cooke. Sci-Fi film Stevena Spielberga. Děj filmu legendárního režiséra Stevena Spielberga je zasazen do roku 2045, kdy se svět ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Když se k závodu rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí.Bonusy:Osmdesátky: Ty jsi inspirace - krátký film
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (DVD)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná - DVD (W02169)
Film na DVD - Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který pohltil celý svět... Film Stevena Spielberga Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí. Bonusy: • Speciální bonusy • Osmdesátky: Ty jsi inspirace - krátký film
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná - DVD (W02169)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2 DVD)
DVD film Ready Player One: Hra začíná [2018]. Český dabing. České titulky. Dolby Digital. Režie: Steven Spielberg. Speciální dvoudisková DVD edice plná bonusů s českými titulky. Děj filmu legendárního režiséra Stevena Spielberga je zasazen do roku 2045, kdy se svět ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Když se k závodu rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí.Bonusy:• Speciální bonusy• Vydej se po boku Stevena Spielberga a jeho štábu v 90-ti minutovém dokumentu o Velikonočních vejcích, nostalgii z osmdesátek a dosáhnutí nemožného
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2 DVD)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (BLU-RAY)
Užijte si perfektní obraz a čistý digitální zvuk s BLU-RAY filmem Ready Player One: Hra začíná. Děj filmu legendárního režiséra Stevena Spielberga je zasazen do roku 2045, kdy se svět ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday (Mark Rylance). Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí.Bonusy:• Speciální bonusy ve 2D• Vydej se po boku Stevena Spielberga a jeho štábu v 90-ti minutovém dokumentu o Velikonočních vejcích, nostalgii z osmdesátek a dosáhnutí nemožného
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (BLU-RAY)
Ready Player One - Ernest Cline - e-kniha
eBook: Kultovní sci-fi thriller, který nadchl čtenáře napříč generacemi. Svět v roce 2045 je v hluboké krizi. Miliony lidí proto utíkají do OASIS, bezplatné online videohry, kde každý může vést bohatý virtuální život, na hony vzdálený bídné realitě. A každý se může pokusit nalézt velikonoční vejce, které tam někde před svou smrtí ukryl tvůrce OASIS společně s miliardovým dědictvím. Poté co neznámý mladík rozluští první nápovědu, nabere jeho osud divoké obrátky… Titul se dočkal vydání ve více než 30 zemích, filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga a také pokračování pod názvem Ready Player Two (brzy vydáme).
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One - Ernest Cline - e-kniha
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2DVD) - DVD (W02186)
Film na DVD - Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který pohltil celý svět... Film Stevena Spielberga Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí. Bonusy: • Speciální bonusy • Vydej se po boku Stevena Spielberga a jeho štábu v 90-ti minutovém dokumentu o Velikonočních vejcích, nostalgii z osmdesátek a dosáhnutí...
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2DVD) - DVD (W02186)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná - Blu-ray (W02170)
Film na Blu-ray - Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který pohltil celý svět... Film Stevena Spielberga Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí. Bonusy: • Speciální bonusy • Vydej se po boku Stevena Spielberga a jeho štábu v 90-ti minutovém dokumentu o Velikonočních vejcích, nostalgii z osmdesátek a dosáhnutí...
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná - Blu-ray (W02170)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (978-80-242-8337-1)
Kniha - autor Ernest Cline, 432 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Kultovní sci-fi thriller, který nadchl čtenáře napříč generacemi. Svět v roce 2045 je v hluboké krizi. Miliony lidí proto utíkají do OASIS, bezplatné online videohry, kde každý může vést bohatý virtuální život, na hony vzdálený bídné realitě. A každý se může pokusit nalézt velikonoční vejce, které tam někde před svou smrtí ukryl tvůrce OASIS společně s miliardovým dědictvím. Poté co neznámý mladík rozluští první nápovědu, nabere jeho osud divoké obrátky… Titul se dočkal vydání ve více než 30 zemích, filmové adaptace v režii Stevena Spielberga a také pokračování pod názvem Ready Player Two (brzy vydáme).
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (978-80-242-8337-1)
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (4K ULTRA HD BLU-RAY)
4K Blu-ray film Ready Player One: Hra začíná HD [2018]. Český dabing. České titulky. HDR. Dolby Digital. Dolby Atmos. V roce 2045 hledá Wade poklad ve virtuálním světě OASIS. Kdo najde Velikonoční vajíčko, získá obrovské bohatství. Děj filmu legendárního režiséra Stevena Spielberga je zasazen do roku 2045, kdy se svět ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday (Mark Rylance). Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí.
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (4K ULTRA HD BLU-RAY)
It Happened One Summer : A Novel - Tessa Bailey
The first in a spicy and unforgettable rom-com duology from #1 New York Times bestseller and tik tok favorite Tessa Bailey, in which a Hollywood “It Girl” is cut off from her wealthy family and exiled to a small Pacific Northwest beach town... where she butts heads with a surly, sexy local who thinks she doesn’t belong. Piper Bellinger is fashionable, influential, and her reputation as a wild child means the paparazzi are constantly on her heels. When too much champagne and an out-of-control rooftop party lands Piper in the slammer, her stepfather decides enough is enough. So he cuts her off, and sends Piper and her sister to learn some responsibility running their late father’s dive bar... in Washington.Piper hasn’t even been in Westport for five minutes when she meets big, bearded sea captain Brendan, who thinks she won’t last a week outside of Beverly Hills. So what if Piper can’t do math, and the idea of sleeping in a shabby apartment with bunk beds gives her hives. How bad could it really be? She’s determined to show her stepfather—and the hot, grumpy local—that she’s more than a pretty face.Except it’s a small town and everywhere she turns, she bumps into Brendan. The fun-loving socialite and the gruff fisherman are polar opposites, but there’s an undeniable attraction simmering between them. Piper doesn’t want any distractions, especially feelings for a man who sails off into the sunset for weeks at a time. Yet as she reconnects with her past and begins to feel at home in Westport, Piper starts to wonder if the cold, glamorous life she knew is what she truly wants. LA is calling her name, but Brendan—and this town full of memories—may have already caught her heart. As seen on E!Online, PopSugar, CNN, EliteDaily, Vulture, Buzzfeed, Bustle, the Nerd Daily, PARADE, LA Magazine, Country Living, USA Today, and more!
Objev podobné jako It Happened One Summer : A Novel - Tessa Bailey
Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02172)
Film na Blu-ray - Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který pohltil celý svět... Film Stevena Spielberga Píše se rok 2045 a celý svět je ocitá na pokraji chaosu a kolapsu. Lidé však nalezli spásu v OASIS, rozsáhlém světě virtuální reality, který vytvořil geniální a excentrický James Halliday. Když Halliday zemře, odkáže své nesmírné bohatství prvnímu člověku, který najde Velikonoční vajíčko ukryté někde v OASIS. Odstartuje tak zběsilý závod, který pohltí celý svět. Když se k závodu o nalezení Velikonočního vajíčka rozhodne přidat nenápadný mladý hrdina Wade Watts, je vržen do šílené, realitě na hony vzdálené honby za pokladem ve fantaskním světě mystérií, nečekaných objevů a nebezpečí. Bonusy: • Speciální bonusy • Vydej se po boku Stevena Spielberga a jeho štábu v 90-ti minutovém dokumentu o Velikonočních vejcích, nostalgii z osmdesátek a dosáhnutí...
Objev podobné jako Ready Player One: Hra začíná (2 disky) - Blu-ray + 4K Ultra HD (W02172)
Bliss: A Novel (1250096359)
Kniha - autor Shay Mitchell; Michaela Blaney; Valerie Frankel, 324 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Sophia Marcus, 21, has mapped out every aspect of her glamorous life as a Hollywood actor on her vision board. But her life right now in Toronto is anything but exciting. Attending fruitless auditions during the day and working at a club at night, Sophia is starting to feel like she's going nowhere...slowly. Demi Michaels, Sophia's best friend, didn't go to college. Short of ideas for her own future, she puts her energy into building the perfect relationship with an older man. And when that relationship crashes and burns, Demi is left to pick up the pieces.Sophia's friend (and Demi's frenemy) Leandra Hunting doesn't give a crap about hard work or a loving relationship. She has other plans for her future. After college graduation, Leandra sets out to travel the world in the yachts, planes and limos of ridiculously wealthy men. Will any of them be able...
Objev podobné jako Bliss: A Novel (1250096359)
Namesake: A Novel (1250254396)
Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Following the Hello Sunshine Book Club pick Fable, New York Times bestselling author Adrienne Young returns with Namesake, a captivating conclusion to the duology, filled with action, emotion, and lyrical writing. Trader. Fighter. Survivor. With the Marigold ship free of her father, Fable and its crew were set to start over. That freedom is short-lived when she becomes a pawn in a notorious thug's scheme. In order to get to her intended destination she must help him to secure a partnership with Holland, a powerful gem trader who is more than she seems. As Fable descends deeper into a world of betrayal and deception, she learns that the secrets her mother took to her grave are now putting the people Fable cares about in danger. If Fable is going to save them then she must risk everything, including the boy she loves and the home she has finally found.
Objev podobné jako Namesake: A Novel (1250254396)
Never: A Novel (0593300017)
Kniha - 816 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá The new must-read epic from master storyteller Ken Follett: more than a thriller, it's an action-packed, globe-spanning drama set in the present day.
Objev podobné jako Never: A Novel (0593300017)
The Idiot: A Novel (014311106X)
Kniha - 424 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 424 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Idiot: A Novel (014311106X)
To Paradise: A Novel (0385548419)
Kniha - 688 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the author of the classic A LITTLE LIFE, a bold, brilliant novel spanning three centuries and three different versions of the American experiment, about lovers, family, loss and the elusive promise of utopia. In an alternate version of 1893 America, New York is part of the Free States, where people may live and love whomever they please (or so it seems). The fragile young scion of a distinguished family resists betrothal to a worthy suitor, drawn to a charming music teacher of no means. In a 1993 Manhattan besieged by the AIDS epidemic, a young Hawaiian man lives with his much older, wealthier partner, hiding his troubled childhood and the fate of his father. And in 2093, in a world riven by plagues and governed by totalitarian rule, a powerful scientist's damaged granddaughter tries to navigate life without him-and solve the mystery of her husband's disappearances. These three sections are...
Objev podobné jako To Paradise: A Novel (0385548419)
The Friend: A Novel (0735219451)
Kniha - 224 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Friend: A Novel (0735219451)
Tweet Cute: A Novel (1250750431)
Kniha - 384 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - anglicky A witty rom-com reinvention ... with deeply relatable insights on family pressure and growing up. - Emily Wibberley and Austin Siegemund-Broka, authors of Always Never Yours and If I'm Being Honest An adorable debut that updates a classic romantic trope with a buzzy twist. - Jenn Bennett, author of Alex, Approximately and Serious Moonlight A fresh, irresistible rom-com from debut author Emma Lord about the chances we take, the paths life can lead us on, and how love can be found in the opposite place you expected. One of Forbes Best YA of 2020 Meet Pepper, swim team captain, chronic overachiever, and all-around perfectionist. Her family may be falling apart, but their massive fast-food chain is booming - mainly thanks to Pepper, who is barely managing to juggle real life while secretly running Big League Burger's massive Twitter account. Enter Jack, class clown and constant thorn in...
Objev podobné jako Tweet Cute: A Novel (1250750431)
Gone Girl: A Novel (0385347774)
Kniha - autor Gillian Flynn, 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná On a warm summer morning in North Carthage, Missouri, it is Nick and Amy Dunne's fifth wedding anniversary. Presents are being wrapped and reservations are being made when Nick's clever and beautiful wife disappears. Husband-of-the-Year Nick isn't doing himself any favors with cringe-worthy daydreams about the slope and shape of his wife's head, but passages from Amy's diary reveal the alpha-girl perfectionist could have put anyone dangerously on edge. Under mounting pressure from the police and the media-as well as Amy's fiercely doting parents-the town golden boy parades an endless series of lies, deceits, and inappropriate behavior. Nick is oddly evasive, and he's definitely bitter-but is he really a killer?
Objev podobné jako Gone Girl: A Novel (0385347774)
The Testaments: A Novel (0385543786)
Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, jiný materiál potahu
Objev podobné jako The Testaments: A Novel (0385543786)
Ancestry: A Novel - Simon Mawer
The past is another country and we are all its exiles. Banished forever, we look back in fascination and wonder at this mysterious land. Who were the people who populated it?Almost two hundred years ago, Abraham, an illiterate urchin, scavenges on a Suffolk beach and dreams of running away to sea... Naomi, a seventeen-year-old seamstress, sits primly in a second class carriage on the train from Sussex to London and imagines a new life in the big city... George, a private soldier of the 50th Regiment of Foot, marries his Irish bride, Annie, in the cathedral in Manchester and together they face married life under arms. Now these people exist only in the bare bones of registers and census lists but they were once real enough. They lived, loved, felt joy and fear, and ultimately died. But who were they? And what indissoluble thread binds them together?Simon Mawer's compelling and original novel puts flesh on our ancestors' bones to bring them to life and give them voice. He has created stories that are gripping and heart-breaking, from the squalor and vitality of Dickensian London to the excitement of seafaring in the last days of sail and the horror of the trenches of the Crimea. There is birth and death; there is love, both open and legal but also hidden and illicit. Yet the thread that connects these disparate figures is something that they cannot have known - the unbreakable bond of family.
Objev podobné jako Ancestry: A Novel - Simon Mawer
Sorrowland: A Novel - Rivers Solomon
Vern, a hunted woman alone in the woods, gives birth to twins and raises them away from the influence of the outside world. But something is wrong - not with them, but with her own body. It's changing, it's itching, it's stronger, it's... not normal.To understand her body's metamorphosis, Vern must investigate not just the secluded religious compound she fled but the violent history of dehumanization, medical experimentation, and genocide that produced it. In the course of reclaiming her own darkness, Vern learns that monsters aren't just individuals, but entire histories, systems, and nations.Sorrowland is a memorable work of Gothic fiction that wrestles with the tangled history of racism in America and the marginalisation of society's undesirables. It is a searing, seminal book that marks the arrival of a bold, unignorable voice in American fiction.
Objev podobné jako Sorrowland: A Novel - Rivers Solomon
F (A Novel) - Daniel Kehlmann
Highly-praised new novel from the bestselling Austrian author of Measuring the World, shortlisted for the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize 2015
Objev podobné jako F (A Novel) - Daniel Kehlmann
Lovecraft Country: A Novel (0062292072)
Kniha - autor Matt Ruff, 400 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The critically acclaimed novelist makes visceral the terrors of life in Jim Crow America and its lingering effects in this brilliant and wondrous work of the imagination that melds historical fiction, pulp noir, and Lovecraftian horror and fantasy. Now available in paperback!
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November 9: A Novel (1501110349)
Kniha - autor Colleen Hoover, 320 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Fallon meets Ben, an aspiring novelist, the day before her scheduled cross-country move. Their untimely attraction leads them to spend Fallon's last day in L.A. together, and her eventful life becomes the creative inspiration Ben has always sought for his novel. Over time and amidst the various relationships and tribulations of their own separate lives, they continue to meet on the same date every year. Until one day Fallon becomes unsure if Ben has been telling her the truth or fabricating a perfect reality for the sake of the ultimate plot twist. Can Ben's relationship with Fallon - and simultaneously his novel - be considered a love story if it ends in heartbreak?
Objev podobné jako November 9: A Novel (1501110349)
Natchez Burning: A Novel (0062330209)
Kniha - autor Greg Iles, 784 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá 1 New York Times bestselling author Greg Iles returns with this highly anticipated first novel in five years and auspicious start of a trilogy featuring Penn Cage.
Objev podobné jako Natchez Burning: A Novel (0062330209)
Playing Nice: A Novel (0593356667)
Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Playing Nice: A Novel (0593356667)
Geekerella - A novel - Ashley Poston
Geek girl Elle Wittimer lives and breathes Starfield, the classic sci-fi series she grew up watching with her late father. So when she sees a cosplay contest for a new Starfield movie, she has to enter. The prize? An invitation to the ExcelsiCon Cosplay Ball, and a meet-and-greet with the actor slated to play Federation Prince Carmindor in the reboot. With savings from her gig at the Magic Pumpkin food truck (and her dad s old costume), Elle s determined to win unless her stepsisters get there first. Teen actor Darien Freeman used to live for cons before he was famous. Now they re nothing but autographs and awkward meet-and-greets. Playing Carmindor is all he s ever wanted, but Starfield fandom has written him off as just another dumb heartthrob. As ExcelsiCon draws near, Darien feels more and more like a fake until he meets a girl who shows him otherwise. But when she disappears at midnight, will he ever be able to find her again? Part romance, part love letter to nerd culture, and all totally adorbs, Geekerella is a fairy tale for anyone who believes in the magic of fandom.
Objev podobné jako Geekerella - A novel - Ashley Poston
A Deadly Education: A Novel (0593128508)
Kniha - autor Naomi Novik, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Enter a school of magic unlike any you have ever encountered.There are no teachers, no holidays, friendships are purely strategic, and the odds of survival are never equal. Once you're inside, there are only two ways out: you graduate or you die.El Higgins is uniquely prepared for the school's many dangers. She may be without allies, but she possesses a dark power strong enough to level mountains and wipe out untold millions - never mind easily destroy the countless monsters that prowl the school.Except, she might accidentally kill all the other students, too. So El is trying her hardest not to use it . . . that is, unless she has no other choice.With flawless mastery, Naomi Novik creates a heroine for the ages - a character so sharply realized and so richly nuanced that she will live on in hearts and minds for generations to come.____________'Hilarious and wild! Take any fictional...
Objev podobné jako A Deadly Education: A Novel (0593128508)
Project Hail Mary: A Novel (0593135202)
Kniha - autor Andy Weir, 496 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Ryland Grace is the sole survivor on a desperate, last-chance mission—and if he fails, humanity and the earth itself will perish. Except that right now, he doesn’t know that. He can’t even remember his own name, let alone the nature of his assignment or how to complete it. All he knows is that he’s been asleep for a very, very long time. And he’s just been awakened to find himself millions of miles from home, with nothing but two corpses for company. His crewmates dead, his memories fuzzily returning, Ryland realizes that an impossible task now confronts him. Hurtling through space on this tiny ship, it’s up to him to puzzle out an impossible scientific mystery—and conquer an extinction-level threat to our species. And with the clock ticking down and the nearest human being light-years away, he’s got to do it all alone. Or does he? An irresistible interstellar adventure as only Andy...
Objev podobné jako Project Hail Mary: A Novel (0593135202)
The Witch Elm: A Novel (0735224641)
Kniha - 510 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Witch Elm: A Novel (0735224641)
The Memory Police: A Novel (1101911816)
Kniha - 274 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná A compelling speculative mystery by one of Japan’s greatest writers. Hat, ribbon, bird, rose. To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed. When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in danger of being taken away by the Memory Police, she desperately wants to save him. For some reason, he doesn’t forget, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his memories. Who knows what will vanish next? The Memory Police is a beautiful, haunting and provocative fable about the power of memory and the trauma of loss, from one of Japan’s greatest writers.
Objev podobné jako The Memory Police: A Novel (1101911816)
Secretly Yours : A Novel - Tessa Bailey
Hallie Welch fell hard for Julian Vos at fourteen, after they almost kissed in the dark vineyards of his family’s winery. Now the prodigal hottie has returned to their small Napa town. When Hallie is hired to revamp the gardens on the Vos estate, she wonders if she’ll finally get that smooch. But the grumpy professor isn’t the teenager she remembers and their polar opposite personalities clash spectacularly. One wine-fueled girls’ night later, Hallie can’t shake the sense that she did something reckless—and then she remembers the drunken secret admirer letter she left for Julian. Oh shit. On sabbatical from his ivy league job, Julian plans write a novel. But having Hallie gardening right outside his window is the ultimate distraction. She’s eccentric, chronically late, often literally covered in dirt—and so unbelievably beautiful, he can’t focus on anything else. Until he finds an anonymous letter sent by a woman from his past. Even as Julian wonders about this admirer, he’s sucked further into Hallie’s orbit. Like the flowers she plants all over town, Hallie is a burst of color in Julian’s grey-scale life. For a man who irons his socks and runs on tight schedules, her sunny chaotic energy makes zero sense. But there’s something so familiar about her... and her very presence is turning his world upside down.
Objev podobné jako Secretly Yours : A Novel - Tessa Bailey
Fault Lines: A Novel - Emily Itami
'The perfect marriage of Sally Rooney and early Murakami' Kathy Wang, author of Impostor SyndromeMizuki is a Japanese housewife. She has a hardworking husband, two adorable children and a beautiful Tokyo apartment. It's everything a woman like her could want . . . isn't it?One rainy night, she meets Kiyoshi. In him, she rediscovers freedom, friendship, a voice, and the neon, electric pulse of the city she has always loved. But the further she falls into their relationship, the clearer it becomes that she is living two lives - and in the end, we can choose only one.'A brilliant modern love story . . . atmospheric and transporting but also wise, clever and universal in its exploration of love, family and identity. I loved it' Cathy Rentzenbrink
Objev podobné jako Fault Lines: A Novel - Emily Itami
Brewster : A Novel (Defekt) - Mark Slouka
The year is 1968. The world is changing, and sixteen-year-old Jon Mosher is determined to change with it. Racked by guilt over his older brother's childhood death and stuck in the dead-end town of Brewster, New York, he turns his rage into victories running track. Meanwhile, Ray Cappicciano, a rebel as gifted with his fists as Jon is with his feet, is trying to take care of his baby brother while staying out of the way of his abusive, ex-cop father. When Jon and Ray form a tight friendship, they find in each other everything they lack at home, but it's not until Ray falls in love with beautiful, headstrong Karen Dorsey that the three friends begin to dream of breaking away from Brewster for good. Freedom, however, has its price. As forces beyond their control begin to bear down on them, Jon sets off on the race of his life-a race to redeem his past and save them all. Mark Slouka's work has been called "relentlessly observant, miraculously expressive" (New York Times Book Review). Reverberating with compassion, heartache, and grace, Brewster is an unforgettable coming-of-age story from one of our most compelling novelists.
Objev podobné jako Brewster : A Novel (Defekt) - Mark Slouka
The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
Kniha - 380 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A modern American epic set against the panorama of contemporary politics and culture--a hurtling, page-turning mystery that is equal parts The Great Gatsby and The Bonfire of the Vanities Set against the strange and exuberant backdrop of current American culture and politics, The Golden House also marks Salman Rushdie's triumphant and exciting return to realism. The result is a modern epic of love and terrorism, loss and reinvention--a powerful, timely story told with the daring and panache that make Salman Rushdie a force of light in our dark new age.
Objev podobné jako The Golden House: A Novel (0399592806)
The Alice Network: A Novel (0062654195)
Kniha - 528 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Based on the amazing true story of Louise de Bettignies, nicknamed 'The Queen of Spies', she ran a network of 100 people in France, smuggling men to safety and collecting intelligence for the English.
Objev podobné jako The Alice Network: A Novel (0062654195)
The Starless Sea: A Novel (0385545363)
Kniha - 512 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 512 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Starless Sea: A Novel (0385545363)
The Paris Apartment: A Novel (0063227924)
Kniha - autor Lucy Foley, 320 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá From the New York Times bestselling author of The Guest List comes a new locked room mystery, set in a Paris apartment building in which every resident has something to hide… Jess needs a fresh start. She’s broke and alone, and she’s just left her job under less than ideal circumstances. Her half-brother Ben didn’t sound thrilled when she asked if she could crash with him for a bit, but he didn’t say no, and surely everything will look better from Paris. Only when she shows up – to find a very nice apartment, could Ben really have afforded this? – he’s not there. The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother’s situation, and the more questions she has. Ben’s neighbors are an eclectic bunch, and not particularly friendly. Jess may have come to Paris to escape her past, but it’s starting to look like it’s Ben’s future that’s in question. The socialite – The...
Objev podobné jako The Paris Apartment: A Novel (0063227924)
Project Hail Mary: A Novel (059335527X)
Kniha - 496 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako Project Hail Mary: A Novel (059335527X)
The Hating Game: A Novel (0062439596)
Kniha - autor Sally Thorne, 364 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá - autor Sally Thorne, 364 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako The Hating Game: A Novel (0062439596)
Almond : A Novel - Won-pyung Sohn
A BTS fan favorite! A WALL STREET JOURNAL STORIES THAT CAN TAKE YOU ANYWHERE PICK * ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY'S STAY HOME AND READ PICK * SALON'S BEST AND BOLDEST * BUSTLE'S MOST ANTICIPATEDThe Emissary meets The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime in this poignant and triumphant story about how love, friendship, and persistence can change a life forever.This story is, in short, about a monster meeting another monster.One of the monsters is me.Yunjae was born with a brain condition called Alexithymia that makes it hard for him to feel emotions like fear or anger. He does not have friends-the two almond-shaped neurons located deep in his brain have seen to that-but his devoted mother and grandmother provide him with a safe and content life. Their little home above his mother's used bookstore is decorated with colorful Post-it notes that remind him when to smile, when to say "thank you," and when to laugh.Then on Christmas Eve-Yunjae's sixteenth birthday-everything changes. A shocking act of random violence shatters his world, leaving him alone and on his own. Struggling to cope with his loss, Yunjae retreats into silent isolation, until troubled teenager Gon arrives at his school, and they develop a surprising bond.As Yunjae begins to open his life to new people-including a girl at school-something slowly changes inside him. And when Gon suddenly finds his life at risk, Yunjae will have the chance to step outside of every comfort zone he has created to perhaps become the hero he never thought he would be.Readers of Wonder by R.J. Palaccio and Ginny Moon by Benjamin Ludwig will appreciate this "resonant" story that "gives Yunjae the courage to claim an entirely different story." (Booklist, starred review)Translated from the Korean by Sandy Joosun Lee.
Objev podobné jako Almond : A Novel - Won-pyung Sohn
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