Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Prague at the turn of the century - Pavel Scheufler

Towards the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Prague still possessed its venerable majesty, but now it was fast becoming a modern European metropolis. The old Jewish Quarter had been replaced with broad boulevards, modern bridges spanned the river, and the first steam trains from Vienna were arriving at the station. While only recently the Emperor and his guard had promenaded here, soon independence would be declared and a new country, Czechoslovakia, would be founded. The remarkable photographs in this book capture key moments and everyday life in Prague. Pavel Scheufler has selected over 140 photographs from his family's archive and written a learned commentary on each one. This book is not only a valuable account of a city in transition, but a guide to reading photographs in a way that lets us hear the fascinating stories they tell.

Podívejte se také The turn of the Screw

cena 447.0 Kč

Brno na přelomu 19. A 20. Století: Brno at the turn of the twentieth century (978-80-11-00285-5)

Kniha - autor Iloš Crhonek, 216 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Brněnská secese vyrostla v mnohotvárný a současně celistvý fenomén doby. Objevná poznání jednotlivých uměleckých disciplin tvoří celek překvapivé obsažnosti a výtvarné síly. Jakoby navzájem souzněly verše Neumannovy Knihy lesů vod a strání s geniální hudbou Leoše Janáčka a zářivou barevností obrazů Joži Úprky. Mají společnou schopnost hlubokého poznání přírody, země, krajiny a lidí. Architektura je přirozenou součástí hnutí i samostatnou tvůrčí silou, která vytvořila příznivé prostředí a spolehlivý rámec doby a její kultury. Svým výtvarným úsilím a charakteristickým stylem směřovala secese k nalezení výrazové jistoty a vytvoření slohu jako hodnověrné formy kultury společnosti. F. X. Šalda ve stati Nová krása z roku 1903 označil secesi jako nejvyšší kulturní hodnotu. Jako jednotuumění a života, která je výrazem nutnosti a nikoliv spekulací. Dne 28. 7. 1914 se lidé probudili do děsivého...

Podívejte se také Brno na přelomu 19. A 20. Století: Brno at the turn of the twentieth century (978-80-11-00285-5)

cena 565.0 Kč

The turn of the Screw

Audiokniha MP3 Henry James, čte Rodilý mluvčí Obtížnost poslechu odpovídá jazykové úrovni B2 podle Společného evropského referenčního rámce, tj. pro studenty angličtiny na úrovni pokročilých. Duchařský příběh, jehož autorem je Henry James, namluvený v angličtině rodilým mluvčím. A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story

Podívejte se také The Ocean at the End of the Lane (1472283368)

cena 149.0 Kč

The Turn of the Screw (0141441356)

Kniha - 134 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Henry James, a master of haunting atmosphere and riveting tension, presents one of the most famous ghost stories of all time. A young governess is sent to a country home to take charge of two orphans, and unsettled by a sense of intense evil within the house, becomes obsessed with the belief that malevolent forces are stalking the children in her care. Growing increasingly uneasy, she becomes drawn into a frightening battle against an unspeakable evil that may or may not be real.

Objev podobné jako The Turn of the Screw (0141441356)

cena 183.0 Kč

The Turn of the Key - Ruth Ware

When Rowan stumbles across the advert, it seems like too good an opportunity to miss: a live-in nanny position, with a very generous salary. And when she arrives at Heatherbrae House, she is smitten by the luxurious 'smart' home fitted out with all modern conveniences by a picture-perfect family.What she doesn't know is that she's stepping into a nightmare - one that will end with a child dead and her in cell awaiting trial for murder.She knows she's made mistakes. But she's not guilty - at least not of murder. Which means someone else is...

Objev podobné jako The Turn of the Key - Ruth Ware

cena 214.0 Kč

The Golden Age of Czech Spas / Tschechische Kurorte zur Kaiserzeit - Pavel Scheufler

The world of spas at the end of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, when the emperor, the aristocracy and famous visitors from all over Europe would take the waters, is long gone. Elegant ladies and gentlemen would come to these towns for health, diversion, amusement and tranquillity. This country's many smaller and lesser-known spas offered seclusion and relaxation, while the beautiful promenades, cafés and casinos of Karlovy Vary, Mariánské Lázně and Františkovy Lázně offered entertainment, conviviality and romance. All of this was captured by photographers whose pictures can now take us back to a lost world. Die Welt der Kurbäder gegen Ende der Österreichisch-Ungarischen Monarchie, als bedeutende Persönlichkeiten aus ganz Europa zu den Heilquellen strömten, gehört schon lange der Vergangenheit an. Elegante Damen und Herren waren hier nicht nur auf der Suche nach Gesundheit, sondern auch nach Entspannung, Unterhaltung und Ruhe. Etliche kleinere und weniger bekannte böhmische Kurorte boten ruhige Plätze und Erholungsmöglichkeiten. Wunderbare Promenaden, Cafés und Casinos in Karlsbad, Marienbad oder Franzensbad luden hingegen zur Unterhaltung ein und boten Gelegenheiten, neue Freundschaften zu knüpfen oder sogar romantische Bekanntschaften schliesssen. All dies wurde von den Augen der Fotografen achtsam mitverfolgt, deren Aufnahmen uns heute ein einzigartigen Zeugnis über diese verlorene Welt von Gestern gewähren.

Objev podobné jako The Golden Age of Czech Spas / Tschechische Kurorte zur Kaiserzeit - Pavel Scheufler

cena 447.0 Kč

Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

eBook: Kniha vychází ze tří statistických výzkumů čtenářů a čtení, které v letech 2007, 2010 a 2013 zorganizovaly Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky a Národní knihovna. Nejdříve jsou představeny základní údaje o České republice (demografie, kultura, vzdělání, ekonomika atd.), následují údaje z jednotlivých výzkumů. Ty se týkají čtení, digitálního čtení, toho, jak navštěvujeme veřejné knihovny, kolik knih si v průměru za rok kupujeme a jaký je náš vztah k jednotlivým médiím. Tuto kvantitativní část doplňují údaje části kvalitativní – volné výroky respondentů na téma čtení a knižního trhu. Publikaci uzavírá několik srovnání české čtenářské populace se situací v jiných zemích. – Vychází ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky.

Objev podobné jako Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century - Jiří Trávníček - e-kniha

cena 100.0 Kč

The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

Audiokniha: A young woman starts her first job as a governess in charge of two young orphans, Miles and Flora, at a country house called Bly. The children are beautiful and well-behaved, but are they too good to be true? When the governess starts to experience strange visions, she suspects that the children are hiding a terrible secret. Are there ghosts at Bly, or is the governess going mad? Henry James’s classic ghost story

Objev podobné jako The turn of the Screw - Henry James - audiokniha

cena 149.0 Kč

Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century (978-80-747-0091-0)

Elektronická kniha - autor Prof. PhDr. Jiří Trávníček M. A., 96 stran Kniha vychází ze tří statistických výzkumů čtenářů a čtení, které v letech 2007, 2010 a 2013 zorganizovaly Ústav pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky a Národní knihovna. Nejdříve jsou představeny základní údaje o České republice (demografie, kultura, vzdělání, ekonomika atd.), následují údaje z jednotlivých výzkumů. Ty se týkají čtení, digitálního čtení, toho, jak navštěvujeme veřejné knihovny, kolik knih si v průměru za rok kupujeme a jaký je náš vztah k jednotlivým médiím. Tuto kvantitativní část doplňují údaje části kvalitativní – volné výroky respondentů na téma čtení a knižního trhu. Publikaci uzavírá několik srovnání české čtenářské populace se situací v jiných zemích. – Vychází ve spolupráci s Ústavem pro českou literaturu Akademie věd české republiky. Detaily knihy: Autor: Prof. PhDr. Jiří Trávníček M. A. Rok vydání: 2015 ISBN: 978-80-747-0091-0 Počet stran: 96

Objev podobné jako Reading Bohemia. Readership in the Czech Republic at the beginning of the 21th century (978-80-747-0091-0)

cena 100.0 Kč

Pražské veduty 18. století / Prague Vedute of the 18th Century - Miroslava Přikrylová, Jiří Lukas

Pražské veduty provedené grafickými technikami podávají již více než pět set let průběžnou zprávu o vzhledu města, o jeho urbanistickém a architektonickém vývoji. Patří k základním pramenům práce historiků, uměnovědců a architektů. Jsou předmětem nejenom vědeckého zkoumání, ale i sběratelství a obdivu milovníků umění. Pokusy o jejich souborné zpracování probíhají již od konce 18. století. Míra zpracování souborů vedut z jednotlivých období je však rozdílná. Důvodem je téměř geometrickou řadou vzrůstající počet grafickými technikami vytvořených pohledů na město a jeho části v průběhu staletí a tím i narůstající obtíže spojené s jejich komplexním "podchycením" a zpracováním. Podrobný soupis pražských vedut ze 16. a 17. století, opřený o sbírkové fondy Muzea hl. m. Prahy, Archivu hl. m. Prahy, ale i Národního muzea v Praze, Národní galerie a Královské kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově (část byla ještě tehdy umístěna v Památníku národního písemnictví) vyšel v roce 2002. Předkládaný soupis na něj v mnohém navazuje a představuje odborné veřejnosti, ale i zájemcům o historii grafické pohledy na město z 18. století. Jeho složení je však poněkud jiné, což je dáno postupnou proměnou pojetí městské veduty v průběhu tohoto století. Publikace je věnována pohledům na Prahu a její jednotlivé části. Obsahuje vyobrazení a podrobné popisy více než 420 grafických listů, zachycujících vzhled a proměny města v průběhu 18. století, včetně významných historických událostí a přírodních katastrof. Soupis vedut se opírá o významné sbírkové fondy Muzea hl. m. Prahy, Národního muzea, Národní galerie v Praze, Královské kanonie premonstrátů na Strahově, Národní knihovny ČR a dalších veřejných sbírek. Kniha je doplněna rejstříkem umělců, věcným rejstříkem a podrobným seznamem odborné literatury. Soupis a popis pražských vedut 18. století je určen nejen odborníkům, ale i všem milovníkům Prahy a zájemcům o její historii. Kniha je v češtině a angličtině.

Objev podobné jako Pražské veduty 18. století / Prague Vedute of the 18th Century - Miroslava Přikrylová, Jiří Lukas

cena 1495.0 Kč

The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Friendly Card (LP) (180g)

Žánr: Elektronický;Pop;Rock Typ: Nové vydání;Audiofilní kvalita;Album;LP deska Hmotnost: 180 g Země původu: Evropská unie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Elektronický;Symphonic Rock;Synthpop;Pop;Rock Barva: Černá Země interpreta: Spojené království Rok vydání: 2005.0 Rok nahrávky: 1980.0 Vydavatelství: Arista Interpret / Téma: The Alan Parsons Project Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1980 - 1989 Varianta: The Turn of a Friendly Card (Vinyl LP) (180 Gram) Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2005-06-07

Objev podobné jako The Alan Parsons Project - The Turn of a Friendly Card (LP) (180g)

cena 1313.0 Kč

Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century - William Norwich

The ultimate global celebration of residential design and decorating With 400 rooms organized by designer from A-Z, this much-lauded book goes beyond decorators, designers, and architects to highlight exquisite interiors designed by fashion designers, artists, style icons, and film stars, each of whom has made a unique contribution to the world of interior design. Ranging from the beginning of the twentieth century to the present day, the book features everything from chateaux, town houses, and penthouses to desert ranches, beach houses, and tiny apartments in more than 25 countries. Featuring the ‘greats’ of interior design, such as Elsie de Wolfe, Billy Baldwin, and Colefax & Fowler, alongside contemporary stars such as Anouska Hempel, Kelly Hoppen, and Karim Rashid, Interiors is an elegant and beautiful object in its own right, now available with an exquisite and eye-popping pink velvet cover. This is the essential inspirational source book for design aficionados, anyone who is interested in beautiful rooms, and for everyone who cares about the spaces in which they live. Fashion designer’s homes featured include those of: Giorgio Armani, Gianni Versace, Yves Saint Laurent, Coco Chanel, Christian Dior, and Calvin Klein Artists’ and art collectors’ homes include those of: Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Donald Judd, Georgia O’Keeffe, Cy Twombly, and Peggy Guggenheim Features stunning rooms designed or commissioned by: Jennifer Aniston, Meg Ryan, Anjelica Huston, Madonna, Gloria Vanderbilt, Nelson Rockefeller, and Jacqueline Kennedy

Objev podobné jako Interiors: The Greatest Rooms of the Century - William Norwich

cena 1781.0 Kč

The Boy at the Top of the Mountain (1250115051)

Kniha - 288 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Boy at the Top of the Mountain (1250115051)

cena 226.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

Kniha - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Douglas Adams, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná "DOUGLAS ADAMS IS A TERRIFIC SATIRIST."--The Washington Post Book WorldFacing annihilation at the hands of the warlike Vogons is a curious time to have a craving for tea. It could only happen to the cosmically displaced Arthur Dent and his curious comrades in arms as they hurtle across space powered by pure improbability--and desperately in search of a place to eat.Among Arthur's motley shipmates are Ford Prefect, a longtime friend and expert contributor to the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy; Zaphod Beeblebrox, the three-armed, two-headed ex-president of the galaxy; Tricia McMillan, a fellow Earth refugee who's gone native (her name is Trillian now); and Marvin, the moody android who suffers nothing and no one very gladly. Their destination? The ultimate hot spot for an evening of apocalyptic entertainment and...

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (0345391810)

cena 203.0 Kč

The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis

Across the planet, the futures of young people hang in the balance as they face the harsh realities of the environmental crisis. Isn't it time we made their voices heard?The Children of the Anthropocene, by conservationist and activist Bella Lack, chronicles the lives of the diverse young people on the frontlines of the environmental crisis around the world, amplifying the voices of those living at the heart of the crisis.Advocating for the protection of both people and the planet, Bella restores the beating heart to global environmental issues, from air pollution to deforestation and overconsumption, by telling the stories of those most directly affected. Transporting us from the humming bounty of Ecuador's Choco Rainforest and the graceful arcs of the Himalayan Mountains, to the windswept plains and vibrant vistas of life in Altiplano, Bella speaks to young activists from around the world including Dara McAnulty, Afroz Shah and Artemisa Xakriabá, and brings the crisis vividly to life.It's time we passed the mic and listened to different perspectives. Bella's manifestos for change will inspire and mobilize you to rediscover the wonders and wilds of nature and, ultimately, change the way you think about our planet in crisis. This is your chance to hear the urgent stories of an endangered species too often overlooked: the children of the Anthropocene. ____________________________'Extraordinarily moving, wild and engaging - the book of the moment' Mary Robinson, Former President of Ireland and author of Climate Justice'A visionary statement for the future [...] Pragmatic, positive & beautifully written' Ben Macdonald, Award-Winning Conservation Writer, Wildlife TV Producer and Naturalist

Objev podobné jako The Children of the Anthropocene: Stories from the Young People at the Heart of the Climate Crisis

cena 299.0 Kč

The Boy at the Top of the Mountain - Bayne John

When Pierrot becomes an orphan, he must leave his home in Paris for a new life with his Aunt Beatrix, a servant in a wealthy household at the top of the German mountains. But this is no ordinary time, for it is 1935 and the Second World War is fast approaching; and this is no ordinary house, for this is the Berghof, the home of Adolf Hitler. Quickly, Pierrot is taken under Hitler's wing, and is thrown into an increasingly dangerous new world: a world of terror, secrets and betrayal, from which he may never be able to escape.John Boyne was born in Ireland in 1971. He is the author of nine novels for adults, five for young readers and a collection of short stories. Perhaps best known for his 2006 multi-award-winning book The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas, John’s other novels, notably The Absolutist and A History of Loneliness, have been widely praised and are international bestsellers. His most recent book is The Boy At The Top Of The Mountain, which sees him returning to the setting of the Second World War. His novels are published in over 45 languages.

Objev podobné jako The Boy at the Top of the Mountain - Bayne John

cena 223.0 Kč

The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

Soon no one on Earth will have a place to hide in this novel about fears known and unknown by #1 New York Times bestselling master of suspense Dean Koontz.In retreat from a devastating loss and crushing injustice, Katie lives alone in a fortresslike stone house on Jacob’s Ladder island. Once a rising star in the art world, she finds refuge in her painting.The neighboring island of Ringrock houses a secret: a government research facility. And now two agents have arrived on Jacob’s Ladder in search of someone—or something—they refuse to identify. Although an air of menace hangs over these men, an infinitely greater threat has arrived, one so strange even the island animals are in a state of high alarm.Katie soon finds herself in an epic and terrifying battle with a mysterious enemy. But Katie’s not alone after all: a brave young girl appears out of the violent squall. As Katie and her companion struggle across a dark and eerie landscape, against them is an omnipresent terror that could bring about the end of the world.

Objev podobné jako The House at the End of the World - Dean Koontz

cena 266.0 Kč

The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

Following the smash-hit sci-fi comedy The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe is the second part in Douglas Adams' multi-media phenomenon and cult classic series. This edition includes exclusive bonus material from the Douglas Adams archives, and an introduction by Monty Python star, Terry Jones.If you've done six impossible things this morning, why not round it off with breakfast at Milliways, the Restaurant at the end of the Universe?Which is exactly what Arthur Dent and the crew of the Heart of Gold plan to do. There's just the small matter of escaping the Vogons, avoiding being taken to the most totally evil world in the Galaxy and teaching a space ship how to make a proper cup of tea.And did anyone actually make a reservation?Follow Arthur Dent's galactic (mis)adventures in the rest of the trilogy with five parts: Life, the Universe and Everything, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, and Mostly Harmless.

Objev podobné jako The Restaurant at the End of the Universe - Douglas Adams

cena 295.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

A special illustrated edition of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, the bestselling magical novel from master storyteller Neil Gaiman. Breathtaking black-and-white illustrations throughout by fine artist and illustrator, Elise Hurst. ''Both a pitch-perfect fantasy and a moving examination of childhood memories and their effects on our adult selves ... superb'' The Times''Some books you read. Some books you enjoy. But some books just swallow you up, heart and soul'' Joanne HarrisThis is what he remembers, as he sits by the ocean at the end of the lane:A dead man on the back seat of the car, and warm milk at the farmhouse.An ancient little girl, and an old woman who saw the moon being made.A beautiful housekeeper with a monstrous smile.And dark forces woken that were best left undisturbed.They are memories hard to believe, waiting at the edge of things. The recollections of a man who thought he was lost but is now, perhaps, remembering a time when he was saved...

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 325.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

It began for our narrator forty years ago when the family lodger stole their car and committed suicide in it, stirring up ancient powers best left undisturbed. Dark creatures from beyond the world are on the loose, and it will take everything our narrator has just to stay alive: there is primal horror here, and menace unleashed - within his family and from the forces that have gathered to destroy it. His only defense is three women, on a farm at the end of the lane. The youngest of them claims that her duckpond is ocean. The oldest can remember the Big Bang. THE OCEAN AT THE END OF THE LANE is a fable that reshapes modern fantasy: moving, terrifying and elegiac - as pure as a dream, as delicate as a butterfly's wing, as dangerous as a knife in the dark.

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane - Neil Gaiman

cena 241.0 Kč

The Cafe at the Edge of the Woods - Mikey Please

Welcome to the Café at the Edge of the Woods, the utterly charming and mesmerising new picture book from BAFTA award-winning writer Mikey Please.Rene''s dreams have finally come true! She''s opened a café beside an enchanted wood, and with the help of a newfound waiter, Glumfoot, she is ready to serve the finest cuisine! But the locals seem to favour a most peculiar palette, requesting all sorts of disgusting things.Can Glumfoot''s quick-thinking save the day?Join Rene and Glumfoot in this incredible other-worldly story full of magical humour, mythical creatures and culinary curiosities.CREATOR AND CODIRECTOR OF THE OSCAR-NOMINATED ANIMATED FILM ROBIN ROBIN, AS SHOWN ON NETFLIX ''I really, really love this story'' – Jon Klassen

Objev podobné jako The Cafe at the Edge of the Woods - Mikey Please

cena 236.0 Kč

The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

A hugely rewarding read." SFX Magazine "James is one to watch." Kirkus Reviews How far would you go to save those you love? Lowrie and Shen are the youngest people on the planet after a virus caused global infertility. Closeted in a pocket of London and doted upon by a small, ageing community, the pair spend their days mudlarking and looking for treasure - until a secret is uncovered that threatens not only their family but humanity's entire existence. Now Lowrie and Shen face an impossible choice: in the quiet at the end of the world, they must decide what to sacrifice to save the whole human race...

Objev podobné jako The Quiet at the End of the World - Lauren Jamesová

cena 268.0 Kč

Power Play: Elon Musk, Tesla, and the Bet of the Century

Inside the outrageous, come-from-behind story of Elon Musk and Tesla's bid to build the world's greatest car and the race to drive the future.Elon Musk is among the most controversial titans of Silicon Valley. To some he's a genius and a visionary and to others he's a mercurial huckster. Billions of dollars have been gained and lost on his tweets and his personal exploits are the stuff of tabloids. But for all his outrageous talk of mind-uploading and space travel, his most audacious vision is the one closest to the ground: the electric car.When Tesla was founded in the 2000s, electric cars were novelties, trotted out and thrown on the scrap heap by carmakers for more than a century. But where most onlookers saw only failure, a small band of Silicon Valley engineers and entrepreneurs saw potential and they pitted themselves against the biggest, fiercest business rivals in the world, setting out to make a car that was quicker, sexier, smoother, cleaner than the competition.Tesla would undergo a truly hellish fifteen years, beset by rivals, pressured by investors, hobbled by whistleblowers, buoyed by its loyal supporters. Musk himself would often prove Tesla's worst enemy--his antics repeatedly taking the company he had funded himself to the brink of collapse. Was he an underdog, an antihero, a conman, or some combination of the three?Wall Street Journal tech and auto reporter Tim Higgins had a front-row seat for the drama: the pileups, wrestling for control, meltdowns, and the unlikeliest outcome of all, success. A story of power, recklessness, struggle, and triumph, Power Play is an exhilarating look at how a team of eccentrics and innovators beat the odds... and changed the future.

Objev podobné jako Power Play: Elon Musk, Tesla, and the Bet of the Century

cena 402.0 Kč

At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

The summit is what drives us, but the climb itself is what matters. This is a gorgeous atlas of eight of the world’s greatest mountains on all its continents: Everest, Fuji, Matterhorn, Kilimanjaro, Denali, Pucak Jaya, Chimborazo and Vinson Massif. Clear, accessible texts by Robin Jacobs break down the geography of each mountain, its flora and fauna, the history of its conquest, tales of local populations and indigenous mythologies, and finally, how best to climb it.The routes to the summit are explained as are the individual climbing challenges posed by each mountain. Further chapters provide information on how mountains are formed, climbing terms, how to tie knots and what to do in case of an avalanche. A must have for any young explorer or climbing enthusiast!

Objev podobné jako At The Top of the World - Robin Jacobs

cena 491.0 Kč

The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

Barva: Černá Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;1960 - 1969;1970 - 1979;1990 - 1999;1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1980 - 1989 Země interpreta: Česká republika Barva podle výrobce: Black Země původu: Německo Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Kompilace Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Rok vydání: 2020.0 Datum vydání: 2020-10-02 Subžánr: Score Varianta: The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP) Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Žánr: Stage & Screen

Objev podobné jako The City Of Prague - The Hobbit & The Lord Of The Rings (2 LP)

cena 988.0 Kč

A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González

There is something beautiful and wild in the impossible architecture of lighthouses. They have been the homes and workplaces of men and women whose romantic guardianship has saved countless lives from cruel seas. Yet while that way of life fades away, as the lights go out and the buildings crumble, we still have their stories.From a blind lighthouse keeper tending a light in the Arctic Circle, to an intrepid young girl saving ships from wreck at the foot of her father's lighthouse, and the plight of the lighthouse crew cut off from society for forty days, this is a glorious book full of illuminating stories that will transport the reader to the world's most isolated and inspiring lighthouses.With over thirty tales that explore the depths to which we can sink and the heights to which we can soar as human beings, and accompanied by beautiful illustrations, nautical charts, maps, architectural plans and curious facts, A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World is as full of wonder as the far flung lighthouses themselves.Translated from Spanish by Daniel Hahn

Objev podobné jako A Brief Atlas of the Lighthouses at the End of the World - Macías González

cena 536.0 Kč

The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

Kniha - 272 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 272 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A festive, Christmas edition of the award-winning novel about memory, magic, and survival. *Also appeared in October Buyer's Notes*

Objev podobné jako The Ocean at the End of the Lane. Christmas Edition (1472228421)

cena 305.0 Kč

The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

The Stoker Award-winning, taut and propulsive twist on home invasion horror, packed psychological suspense. Soon to be a major film, Knock At the Cabin, directed by M. Night Shyamalan.Seven-year-old Wen and her parents, Eric and Andrew, are vacationing at a remote cabin on a quiet New Hampshire lake, with their closest neighbours more than two miles in either direction.As Wen catches grasshoppers in the front yard, a stranger unexpectedly appears in the driveway. Leonard is the largest man Wen has ever seen but he is young and friendly. Leonard and Wen talk and play until Leonard abruptly apologises and tells Wen, "None of what's going to happen is your fault". Three more strangers arrive at the cabin carrying unidentifiable, menacing objects. As Wen sprints inside to warn her parents, Leonard calls out, "Your dads won't want to let us in, Wen. But they have to. We need your help to save the world."So begins an unbearably tense, gripping tale of paranoia, sacrifice, apocalypse, and survival that escalates to a shattering conclusion, one in which the fate of a loving family and quite possibly all of humanity are intertwined.

Objev podobné jako The Cabin at the End of the World (Defekt) - Paul Tremblay

cena 99.0 Kč

The Girl at the Front of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

The debut picture book from Onjali Q. Raúf, the bestselling and award-winning author of The Boy at the Back of the Class. There's a new girl in my class.She has eyes as wide and as golden as a tiger's, a face as pale as a glass of milk, and hair as shiny as a mirror. I'd like to be her friend. But she never wants to play with me in the playground or makes sandcastles in the sandpit.The cleverest people I know say that the new girl is sad because she had to leave her home, her family, her school, her toys, her books and all her friends too. But I've got a plan! There's something I can do to make her feel better when she's missing everything she's left behind . . . This heartfelt story about the power of friendship and kindness shows young children what steps they can take to make refugee children feel welcome.

Objev podobné jako The Girl at the Front of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 384.0 Kč

The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2019 SHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE 2019 Told with heart and humour, The Boy at the Back of the Class is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense. There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it. He's nine years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite! But then I learned the truth: Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War. A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to help. That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan. . . With beautiful illustrations by Pippa Curnickshow less

Objev podobné jako The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 232.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

SOLVE THE MURDER TO SAVE WHAT''S LEFT OF THE WORLD THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER''A mind-bending, genre-blending, boy-that-ending mystery unlike any I''ve ever read'' A. J. FINN ''I loved it'' C. J. TUDOR ''An absolute blast'' BENJAMIN STEVENSON''Wildly inventive'' M. W. CRAVEN ''Believe the hype'' ALICE BELL ''Extraordinary'' WILL DEAN An Observer Thriller of the MonthOutside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic. 122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they’re told by the scientists.Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death. And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn’t solved within 107 hours, the fog will smother the island – and everyone on it.But the security system has also wiped everyone’s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer – and they don’t even know it…Readers love The Last Murder at the End of the World: ''Mind-bending''''Absolutely loved it''''Captivating'' ''Thrillingly fast-paced'' ''New favourite book'' ''Another masterpiece'' ''Unique'' ''Explosive'' ''Absolutely unforgettable'' ''Unlike anything I''ve ever read before'' ''Still shocked by the ending'' ''Wonderfully imaginative''The Last Murder at the End of the World was No. 1 in the Sunday Times Hardback Fiction chart w/e 30th March 2024

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 591.0 Kč

The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

Solve the murder to save what's left of the world. Outside the island there is nothing: the world destroyed by a fog that swept the planet, killing anyone it touched. On the island: it is idyllic.122 villagers and 3 scientists, living in peaceful harmony. The villagers are content to fish, farm and feast, to obey their nightly curfew, to do what they re told by the scientists. Until, to the horror of the islanders, one of their beloved scientists is found brutally stabbed to death.And they learn the murder has triggered a lowering of the security system around the island, the only thing that was keeping the fog at bay. If the murder isn t solved within 92 hours, the fog will smother the island and everyone on it. But the security system has also wiped everyone s memories of exactly what happened the night before, which means that someone on the island is a murderer and they don t even know it The outstanding new high concept murder mystery from the Sunday Times bestselling and Costa Book Award winning author of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle.

Objev podobné jako The Last Murder at the End of the World - Stuart Turton

cena 357.0 Kč

The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

"A poetic and remarkably fertile exploration of the relationship between human beings and the natural environment."—Pankaj Mishra, The Guardian"I'm very grateful to have this book."—Ursula K. Le GuinThe acclaimed and award-winning book about what a rare mushroom can teach us about sustaining life on a fragile planetA Flavorwire and Times Higher Education Book of the YearMatsutake is the most valuable mushroom in the world—and a weed that grows in human-disturbed forests across the northern hemisphere. Through its ability to nurture trees, matsutake helps forests to grow in daunting places. It is also an edible delicacy in Japan, where it sometimes commands astronomical prices. In all its contradictions, matsutake offers insights into areas far beyond just mushrooms and addresses a crucial question: what manages to live in the ruins we have made? A tale of diversity within our damaged landscapes, The Mushroom at the End of the World follows one of the strangest commodity chains of our times to explore the unexpected corners of capitalism. Here, we witness the varied and peculiar worlds of matsutake commerce: the worlds of Japanese gourmets, capitalist traders, Hmong jungle fighters, industrial forests, Yi Chinese goat herders, Finnish nature guides, and more. These companions also lead us into fungal ecologies and forest histories to better understand the promise of cohabitation in a time of massive human destruction. By investigating one of the world's most sought-after fungi, The Mushroom at the End of the World presents an original examination into the relation between capitalist destruction and collaborative survival within multispecies landscapes, the prerequisite for continuing life on earth.

Objev podobné jako The Mushroom at the End of the World - Anna Lowenhaupt Tsing

cena 473.0 Kč

The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

This special edition of The Boy at the Back of the Class comes with a gold foiled cover to celebrate the 5 year anniversary. WINNER OF THE BLUE PETER BOOK AWARD 2019 WINNER OF THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN'S BOOK PRIZE 2019SHORTLISTED FOR THE JHALAK PRIZE 2019Told with heart and humour, The Boy at the Back of the Class is a child's perspective on the refugee crisis, highlighting the importance of friendship and kindness in a world that doesn't always make sense. There used to be an empty chair at the back of my class, but now a new boy called Ahmet is sitting in it.He's nine years old (just like me), but he's very strange. He never talks and never smiles and doesn't like sweets - not even lemon sherbets, which are my favourite!But then I learned the truth: Ahmet really isn't very strange at all. He's a refugee who's run away from a War.A real one. With bombs and fires and bullies that hurt people. And the more I find out about him, the more I want to help.That's where my best friends Josie, Michael and Tom come in. Because you see, together we've come up with a plan. . . With beautiful illustrations by Pippa Curnick

Objev podobné jako The Boy At the Back of the Class - Onjali Q. Rauf

cena 241.0 Kč

Panic! At The Disco - Death Of The Bachelor (LP)

Typ: Album;LP deska Složení setu: 1 ks Země původu: Evropská unie Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009 Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Hmotnost: 180 g Subžánr: Rock;Emo;Folk Rock;Alternative Rock;Punk;Pop Žánr: Rock;Pop;Punk Vydavatelství: Atlantic;Fueled By Ramen Varianta: Death Of The Bachelor Interpret / Téma: Panic! At The Disco Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2016-04-22 Rok nahrávky: 2016.0 Rok vydání: 2016.0 Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Panic! At The Disco - Death Of The Bachelor (LP)

cena 659.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLERDISCOVER THE NEW JACKSON BRODIE NOVEL, FROM THE BESTSELLING AUTHOR OF SHRINES OF GAIETY''How delicious to have Jackson Brodie back, this time in a story that starts off in Agatha Christie''s world but soon becomes a landscape that could only have been crafted from the pen of the incomparable Kate Atkinson'' Ian Rankin''Christie would be proud . . . I defy you not to snort with laughter as the novel progresses to its farcical denouement. Atkinson is brilliant'' Observer**SPECIAL FIRST EDITION PRINT RUN: With an exclusive design underneath the dust jacket and Author Q&A, available while stocks last*******Welcome to Rook Hall.The stage is set. The players are ready. By night’s end, a murderer will be revealed. Ex-detective Jackson Brodie is staving off a bad case of midlife malaise when he is called to a sleepy Yorkshire town, and the seemingly tedious matter of a stolen painting. But one theft leads to another, including the disappearance of a valuable Turner from Burton Makepeace, home to Lady Milton and her family. Once a magnificent country house, Burton Makepeace has now partially been converted into a hotel, hosting Murder Mystery weekends.As paying guests, a vicar, an ex-army officer, impecunious aristocrats, and old friends converge, we are treated a fiendishly clever mystery; one that pays homage to the masters of the genre—from Agatha Christie to Dorothy Sayers.Brilliantly inventive, with all of Atkinson’s signature wit, wordplay and narrative brio, Death at the Sign of the Rook may be Jackson Brodie’s most outrageous and memorable case yet.****''Sharp, droll and knowing as ever, Atkinson has huge fun with the set-up;the supporting cast is terrific, and the rueful Brodie, ever more mindful of the passing years,feels like an old friend.'' Guardian‘Delicious character studies… fine writing, wit, originality and eccentricity – even as it induces a warm glow’ Telegraph‘Another brilliant addition to her impressive oeuvre, Atkinson masterfully blends intricate plotting with rich character development, delivering a mystery that is both intellectually stimulating and emotionally engaging.’ Glamour‘The set-up is a delight, paying homage to traditional Agatha Christie-style murder mysteries – the characters are well-drawn, their stories unfolding alongside each other until gradually the strands unite, keeping the reader guessing how they will ultimately tie together. A great read.’ PA Media‘Superior writing...a highly entertaining read’ GraziaKate Atkinson, Sunday Times bestseller, August 2024

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 650.0 Kč

Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

The stage is set. Marooned overnight by a snowstorm in a grand country house are a cast of characters and a setting that even Agatha Christie might recognize - a vicar, an Army major, a Dowager, a sleuth and his sidekick - except that the sleuth is Jackson Brodie, and the 'sidekick' is DC Reggie Chase. The crumbling house - Burton Makepeace and its chatelaine the Dowager Lady Milton - suffered the loss of their last remaining painting of any value, a Turner, some years ago. The housekeeper, Sophie, who disappeared the same night, is suspected of stealing it. Jackson, a reluctant hostage to the snowstorm, has been investigating the theft of another painting: The Woman with a Weasel, a portrait, taken from the house of an elderly widow, on the morning she died.The suspect this time is the widow's carer, Melanie. Is this a coincidence or is there a connection? And what secrets does the Woman with a Weasel hold? The puzzle is Jackson's to solve.And let's not forget that a convicted murderer is on the run on the moors around Burton Makepeace. All the while, in a bid to make money, Burton Makepeace is determined to keep hosting a shambolic Murder Mystery that acts as a backdrop while the real drama is being played out in the house. A brilliantly plotted, supremely entertaining, and utterly compulsive tour de force from a great writer at the height of her powers.

Objev podobné jako Death at the Sign of the Rook - Kate Atkinsonová

cena 447.0 Kč

Vet at the End of the Earth - Jonathan Hollins

Hugely entertaining and affectionate, Jonathan Hollins’s tales are full of wonderful creatures and steeped in the unique local history, cultures and peoples of the South Atlantic islands, far removed from the hustle of continental life.

Objev podobné jako Vet at the End of the Earth - Jonathan Hollins

cena 325.0 Kč

Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

Rage burns brighter than any spellfire... Deep in the birchwoods of Norway, magic courses through the veins of two sisters. For years they've been alone, but sweet-tempered Kaija is tired of living in shadows and longs for a life filled with community, even if it means stifling her magic. But Minna is a witch through and through, with wrath always simmering just below the surface. Different as they may be, both will never forget the day they were driven from their village. The day their mother burned. When Kaija leaves to pursue a new life, Minna is left alone in the darkness of the forest. Devastated and outraged at the betrayal, Minna casts a curse to punish those who took everything from her. What she doesn't realize is that this act will incite a deadly chain of events. Soon it will destroy everything, including the life Kaija has lovingly built. But once a witch's rage boils, regret means nothing-she can't take back what's already done. Someone will have to burn.

Objev podobné jako Witches at the End of the World - Chelsea Iversen

cena 268.0 Kč

Fodor's Prague: With the Best of the Czech Republic

Written by locals, Fodor's travel guides have been offering expert advice for all tastes and budgets for more than 80 years. Offering value, a vibrant nightlife scene, and one of the most beautiful old cities in all of Europe, it's no wonder that Prague is the single most-visited destination in Eastern Europe. The full-color Fodor's Prague guide provides all the recommendations and tips travelers need for exploring this picturesque city. This travel guide includes: - Dozens of full-color maps - Hundreds of hotel and restaurant recommendations, with Fodor's Choice designating our top picks- Multiple itineraries to explore the top attractions and what's off the beaten path- Major sights such as the Old Town Square, Church of St. Nicholas, and the Jewish Museum- Day Trips from Prague including Kutna Hora, Lidice, and Terezin- Coverage of Prague, Southern Bohemia, Western Bohemia, and Moravia For over 80 years, Fodor's Travel has been a trusted resource offering expert travel advice for every stage of a traveler's trip. We hire local writers who know their destinations better than anyone else, allowing us to provide the best travel recommendations for all tastes and budget in over 7,500 worldwide destinations. Our books make it possible for every trip to be a trip of a lifetime.

Objev podobné jako Fodor's Prague: With the Best of the Czech Republic

cena 529.0 Kč

The City Of Prague - Music From The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy (LP)

Typ: Barevná;LP deska;Album Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949;1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1990 - 1999 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země interpreta: Česká republika Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Classical;Stage & Screen Subžánr: Classical;Score;Stage & Screen Varianta: Music From The Lord Of The Rings (LP) Datum vydání: 2022-09-16 Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Silva Screen Barva: Zelená Barva podle výrobce: Green Clear

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cena 808.0 Kč

The City Of Prague - The Music From Lord Of The Rings (4 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;1940 - 1949;1970 - 1979;2010 - 2019;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969 Balení obsahuje: LP Žánr: Classical;Soundtrack Typ: LP deska;Album Složení setu: 4 ks Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: Česká republika Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Černá Interpret / Téma: The City Of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra Vydavatelství: Diggers Factory Subžánr: Soundtrack Varianta: The Music From Lord Of The Rings (4 LP) Datum vydání: 2024-10-25

Objev podobné jako The City Of Prague - The Music From Lord Of The Rings (4 LP)

cena 1943.0 Kč

Edge of Eternity: Book Three of the Century Trilogy (0451474023)

Kniha - autor Ken Follett, 1136 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná In Fall of Giants and Winter of the World, Ken Follett followed the fortunes of five international families—American, German, Russian, English, and Welsh—as they made their way through the twentieth century. Now they come to one of the most tumultuous eras of all: the 1960s through the 1980s, from civil rights, assassinations, mass political movements, and Vietnam to the Berlin Wall, the Cuban Missile Crisis, presidential impeachment, revolution—and rock and roll. East German teacher Rebecca Hoffmann discovers she’s been spied on by the Stasi for years and commits an impulsive act that will affect her family for the rest of their lives. . . . George Jakes, the child of a mixed-race couple, bypasses a corporate law career to join Robert F. Kennedy's Justice Department and finds himself in the middle of not only the seminal events of the civil rights battle but a much more personal...

Objev podobné jako Edge of Eternity: Book Three of the Century Trilogy (0451474023)

cena 269.0 Kč

Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)

Kniha - 506 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 506 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Hero at the Fall: Rebel of the Sands 3 (0571325432)

cena 263.0 Kč

The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

Kniha - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Russell Shorto, 416 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A new edition of Shorto's history of Dutch Manhattan, New York (formerly New Amsterdam). Reissued to tie in with the paperback edition of "Amsterdam".

Objev podobné jako The Island at the Centre of the World: The Epic Story of Dutch Manhattan and the Forgotten Colony Th (0349140200)

cena 318.0 Kč

Wiegedood - There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road (CD)

Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks Subžánr: Black Metal Balení obsahuje: CD Typ: Album;CD Žánr: Black Metal Interpret / Téma: Wiegedood Datum vydání: 2022-01-14 Varianta: There’s Always Blood At The End Of The Road (CD) Rok vydání: 2022.0 Vydavatelství: Century Media

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cena 404.0 Kč

Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha

Audiokniha: „Truth and love must triumph over lies and hatred.“ Václav Havel. Martin Vopěnka weaves historical events with biographical narratives, describing the essence of a totalitarian society and the individual's yearning for truth. Are there gaps in your children's knowledge of 20th-century history? Would they struggle to assemble basic information about Václav Havel's life? This experienced author describes the personality of the first Czech president within the context of 20th-century history. He artfully combines historical occurrences with personal accounts, describing the nature of a totalitarian society and the unwavering pursuit of truth by individuals. Young readers will acquire a lucid understanding of figures like Masaryk and Hitler, the aftermath of the Munich Betrayal, and the milieu in which Václav Havel came of age. Following February 1948, the thoughtful, privileged child transformed into an undesirable son of a bourgeois family with the label "unsuitable for studies". Nevertheless, his heart and intellect were in the right place. His clear vision of the world around him and his personal charisma eventually propelled him into the unofficial leadership of the anti-regime movement and the presidency of our country.

Objev podobné jako Václav Havel – The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka - audiokniha

cena 288.0 Kč

Weirder Maths: At the Edge of the Possible - David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee

Even the most enthusiastic of maths students probably at one time wondered when exactly it would all prove useful in 'real life'. Well, maths reaches so far and wide through our world that, love it or hate it, we're all doing maths almost every minute of every day.David Darling and Agnijo Banerjee go in search of the perfect labyrinth, journey back to the second century in pursuit of 'bubble maths', reveal the weirdest mathematicians in history and transform the bewildering into the beautiful, delighting us once again.

Objev podobné jako Weirder Maths: At the Edge of the Possible - David Darling, Agnijo Banerjee

cena 299.0 Kč

A Witch´s Love at the End of the World 1 - Kujira

In a world where magic rules from the shadows, there exists a school forwitches. This mysterious academy trains young witches on a path of revengeagainst those who have used them only as tools. Alice, a magical prodigy, haslived her life by this goal only to have her world turned upside down when Mari,a magic-less human, enters the school and her heart!

Objev podobné jako A Witch´s Love at the End of the World 1 - Kujira

cena 357.0 Kč

Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová

This biography is not just about Václav Havel and his legacy, but about the history of Central Europe in the 20th Century. It offers a foundation that anyone interested in this history should know. Václav Havel grew up during the great historical upheavals of the Second World War and the division of Europe by the Iron Curtain. Later he would make his own mark on history. Was he more powerful as a president struggling to bring a more human dimension to politics, or as a prisoner of the communist regime, acting in accordance with his conscience? In the face of the dangers and challenges of today, it becomes ever clearer that European politics in the decade since Havel's death has lacked figures of the same moral stature. Martin Vopěnka is the author of many successful books for children, young people and adults. His books have been translated into ten languages. Here, he once again shows his ability to select the most essential information and set it in comprehensible context. At the same time, he does not disguise the fact that the theme is a very personal one for him. Eva Bartošová's apt illustrations accompany his moving account of Havel's life and times.

Objev podobné jako Václav Havel - The Power of the Powerless in the 20th Century - Martin Vopěnka, Eva Bartošová

cena 402.0 Kč

The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

Adventurous, magical and brilliantly funny next book in the House at the Edge of Magic series.Nine and her friends have cured the house's hiccups and are off to the strange and utterly unpredictable Back of Beyond in search of Professor Dish – Spoon's best friend and partner in all things alchemy.When they find Dish trapped by the greedy witch Ophidia in the basement of a particularly marvellous shop, it soon becomes clear they're going to need something more than Flabberghast's dicey magic and Nine's quick thinking to triumph this time. What they really need is a rather clever witch – one particularly good at curses...A new instalment in the brilliantly funny, magical and commercial series for readers age 8+.

Objev podobné jako The Bookshop at the Back of Beyond - Amy Sparkes

cena 205.0 Kč

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