Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Politics for Beginners - Alex Frith, Rosie Hore, Louie Stowell
An informative guide to political systems, elections, voting and government and issues including feminism, human rights, freedom of speech and fake news, all explained with clear text and bright, infographic style illustrations. Includes tips on how to argue and debate, a glossary, and links to specially selected websites with more information.
Podívejte se také S láskou, Rosie - DVD (D007253)
The Tantrum - Louie Stowell
A book about meltdowns and bawling bards!Bill Bear and his friends are staging a new play in their woodland theatre, The Glade, but when things go wrong, Bill throws a full-blown tantrum! Parents everywhere will identify with his friends as they try to calm him down and persuade him that the show must go on. With clever, engaging text by Louie Stowell and beautiful, detailed illustrations by Isobel Lundie, your little one will be absorbed by this gorgeous depiction of Bill the Bear and his forest home.A Gentle introduction to the concept of theatre, this book is split into three acts with a list of dramatis personae and a location map. Encourage your little reader''s interest in the theatre with a page of fun facts about William Shakespeare, his plays, the Globe Theatre and more!Can you relate to the drama of persuading a furious little bear that the show must go on? Don''t miss the first in this series of Shakesbearean Tales: A Midsummer Night''s Drama
Podívejte se také Czech for Beginners Step by Step: Čeština pro začátečníky krok za krokem (978-80-904465-8-8)
A Midsummer Night's Drama - Louie Stowell
Bill the Bear lives with his friends in the woods and writes brilliant plays for The Glade Theatre. His latest play is a huge success, but then the problems start . . . Parents everywhere will recognise the drama of getting an over-excited little bear off to dreamland. A bedtime book for little bards!
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The Dragon In The Library - Louie Stowell
But when she's dragged along to the library one day by her two best friends, she makes an incredible discovery - and soon it's up to Kit and her friends to save the library ...
Objev podobné jako The Dragon In The Library - Louie Stowell
Podívej se do svého těla - Louie Stowell
Tato encyklopedická knížka s odklápěcími okénky tě nechá nahlédnout do útrob lidského těla. Nauč se něco nového! Odklop více než 100 okének a zjisti, jak spolu všechny části lidského těla spolupracují a jak jsou vzájemně propojeny, aby vytvořily jedinečnou bytost - člověka. Uvnitř těla je spousta fascinujících věcí, ať jsou to kosti, krev, srdce, mozek nebo svaly. S touto knížkou to jde tak snadno!
Objev podobné jako Podívej se do svého těla - Louie Stowell
Illiustrated Norse Myths - Alex Frith
A brand-new collection of Viking myths that tell the story of the Norse gods from creation to the story of how the world will end, including Odin's quest for wisdom, the battles of Thor the thunder god, and the tale of Sigurd the Dragonslayer and the curs. Beautifully bound with head and tail bands and a ribbon marker. Dynamic artwork by Matteo Pincelli brings to life the exciting, strange and sometimes dangerous world of the Norse gods.
Objev podobné jako Illiustrated Norse Myths - Alex Frith
Loki Zlý bůh se snaží polepšit - Louie Stowell
Loki, bůh lži a klamu, byl potrestán samotným Ódinem za další ze svých vydařených kousků. Tentokrát ale veškerá legrace končí. Musí přebývat na Zemi v těle kluka a má měsíc na to, aby dokázal, že se polepšil. Jinak ho čeká věčnost v přítomnosti hadů. Musí páchat dobré skutky (nuda!). Musí chodit do školy (krutost sama!). A hlavně musí snášet falešného bratra, samotného Thora (a ten smrdí!). Držte mu palce! Nebo vlastně nemusíte. Smrtelníci jsou mu stejně ukradení…
Objev podobné jako Loki Zlý bůh se snaží polepšit - Louie Stowell
Loki: zlý bůh se snaží polepšit (Defekt) - Louie Stowell
Loki, bůh lži a klamu, byl potrestán samotným Ódinem za další ze svých vydařených kousků. Tentokrát ale veškerá legrace končí. Musí přebývat na Zemi v těle kluka a má měsíc na to, aby dokázal, že se polepšil. Jinak ho čeká věčnost v přítomnosti hadů. Musí páchat dobré skutky (nuda!). Musí chodit do školy (krutost sama!). A hlavně musí snášet falešného bratra, samotného Thora (a ten smrdí!). Držte mu palce! Nebo vlastně nemusíte. Smrtelníci jsou mu stejně ukradení…
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se snaží polepšit (Defekt) - Louie Stowell
Loki: zlý bůh se učí vládnout světu - Louie Stowell
S Lokiho pokusy o spořádaný život to začíná vypadat vážně bledě. Když ho učitelka dramatické výchovy obsadí do role záporáka ve školní hře, nemůže už se zbavit neodbytné otázky: Má smysl být hodný, když jsou všichni přesvědčeni o jeho padoušství? A pak mezi kostýmy a rekvizitami objeví prsten, který se podezřele podobá prokletému prstenu trpaslíka Andvariho. S jeho pomocí by si mohl podmanit svět, stačí se jen podvolit svým nejtemnějším touhám… Zdá se, že Lokiho čeká souboj, při kterém budou lítat blesky!
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se učí vládnout světu - Louie Stowell
Loki: zlý bůh se učí přijímat vinu - Louie Stowell
Já, Loki, bůh lži a klamu, si stále odpykávám svůj trest mezi smrtelníky na Zemi. Když se ztratí Thorovo kladivo, všichni jsou přesvědčeni, že za to můžu já. A to je nefér, teď se přece chovám slušně! Naštěstí mám plán na očištění svého jména: Musím najít Thorovo kladivo, odhalit skutečného zloděje a přinutit ostatní, aby smekli před mou genialitou. Naneštěstí se ukáže, že všechno je komplikovanější, a pokud něco rychle nevymyslím, zbydou na světě akorát tak polární lišky…
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se učí přijímat vinu - Louie Stowell
Nazri dovnútra matematiky - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey
Otvorte vyše 86 okienok v tejto knižke a nazrite do fascinujúceho sveta matematiky.Zoznámte sa s císlami, geometrickými tvarmi a mnohým dalším.
Objev podobné jako Nazri dovnútra matematiky - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey
Politika pre začiatočníkov (978-80-567-0356-4)
Kniha - autor Alex Frith; Rosie Hore; Louie Stowell, 128 stran, slovensky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Politika je téma, ktorej sa v slušnej spoločnosti vraj treba vyhýbať. Je však nevyhnutné politike porozumieť, ak chceme pochopiť svet, v ktorom žijeme.Na pochopenie toho, ako funguje svet okolo teba, treba poznať aspoň základné politické princípy.Politika je totiž úplne všade, aj keď si to ani neuvedomuješ. Ako občan máš rôzne práva a povinnosti – iné teraz a iné, keď vyrastieš.V tejto knihe nájdeš odpovede na otázky týkajúce sa politiky:Čo sú to zákony? Čo je to parlament? Čo robia králi a kráľovné? Kto platí nemocnice a cesty? Môžem veriť médiám? Kto rozhoduje, čo je legálne? Ako jednotlivé krajiny spolupracujú?Otvor knihu a prečítaj si odpovede na otázky, ktoré ťa najviac zaujímajú.
Objev podobné jako Politika pre začiatočníkov (978-80-567-0356-4)
Loki: zlý bůh se snaží polepšit - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
eBook: Loki, bůh lži a klamu, byl potrestán samotným Ódinem za další ze svých vydařených kousků. Tentokrát ale veškerá legrace končí. Musí přebývat na Zemi v těle kluka a má měsíc na to, aby dokázal, že se polepšil. Jinak ho čeká věčnost v přítomnosti hadů. Musí páchat dobré skutky (nuda!). Musí chodit do školy (krutost sama!). A hlavně musí snášet falešného bratra, samotného Thora (a ten smrdí!). Držte mu palce! Nebo vlastně nemusíte. Smrtelníci jsou mu stejně ukradení…
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se snaží polepšit - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
100 Things to Know About Music - Alex Frith
Which tunes could save a life, and which should come with a health warning? How do talking drums tell the history of Africa? What happens in your brain when you listen to music? Find the answers to these questions and more in this exciting book exploring all corners of the diverse world of music.
Objev podobné jako 100 Things to Know About Music - Alex Frith
Loki: zlý bůh se učí přijímat vinu - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
eBook: Já, Loki, bůh lži a klamu, si stále odpykávám svůj trest mezi smrtelníky na Zemi. Když se ztratí Thorovo kladivo, všichni jsou přesvědčeni, že za to můžu já. A to je nefér, teď se přece chovám slušně! Naštěstí mám plán na očištění svého jména: Musím najít Thorovo kladivo, odhalit skutečného zloděje a přinutit ostatní, aby smekli před mou genialitou. Naneštěstí se ukáže, že všechno je komplikovanější, a pokud něco rychle nevymyslím, zbydou na světě akorát tak polární lišky…
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se učí přijímat vinu - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Making Enemies - Louie Stowell
Loki's fourth doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series. Loki has made a fair few enemies during his time in Asgard. Too many to count and certainly too many to remember.When the elf, Vinir beams Loki aboard his chariot and challenges him to a magical duel, Loki hasn't got a clue why. Sweet talking his way out of a fight by pointing out there's little honour in duelling someone who can't remember how they wronged you, and even less in picking on a child, Loki is returned safely to school. That is until Vinir shows up in child form, as resolute as ever about seeking that duel... and vengeance.
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Making Enemies - Louie Stowell
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Being Good - Louie Stowell
Wry, witty and very funny diary-style story packed with doodles and comic strips about the frustration trickster god Loki feels at having to live trapped in the body of a weedy eleven-year-old boy.After one trick too many, Loki is banished to live on Earth as a "normal" school boy. Forbidden from using his AWESOME godly powers, Loki must show moral improvement. As he records his lies THE TRUTH in his magical (judgemental) diary, it becomes clear Loki hasn’t a clue how to tell good from evil, trust from tricks, or friends from enemies.
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Being Good - Louie Stowell
Loki: zlý bůh se učí vládnout světu - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
eBook: S Lokiho pokusy o spořádaný život to začíná vypadat vážně bledě. Když ho učitelka dramatické výchovy obsadí do role záporáka ve školní hře, nemůže už se zbavit neodbytné otázky: Má smysl být hodný, když jsou všichni přesvědčeni o jeho padoušství? A pak mezi kostýmy a rekvizitami objeví prsten, který se podezřele podobá prokletému prstenu trpaslíka Andvariho. S jeho pomocí by si mohl podmanit svět, stačí se jen podvolit svým nejtemnějším touhám… Zdá se, že Lokiho čeká souboj, při kterém budou lítat blesky!
Objev podobné jako Loki: zlý bůh se učí vládnout světu - Louie Stowell - e-kniha
Znalosti pod okénky - Světová náboženství - Alex Frith, Barry Ablett
Co je to náboženství? Proč někteří lidé věří v Boha, zatímco jiní ne? Která náboženství sdílí společnou historii, tradice a příběhy, a která jsou naopak neslučitelná? Co přichází po smrti? Na tyto otázky není vůbec lehké odpovědět, ale dříve či později si je pokládá každý. Knížka s více než 70 odklápěcími okénky vysvětluje srozumitelnou a díky mnoha ilustracím také názornou formou starším dětem problematiku víry z mnoha úhlů pohledu. Staví vedle sebe nejrozšířenější náboženství, a aniž by je jakkoli hodnotila nebo čtenářům cokoli podsouvala, porovnává jejich rozdíly i společné znaky. Seznámíte se s proslulými stavbami, navštívíte zajímavé oslavy a svátky, začtete se do starodávných podobenství a zjistíte, co jednotlivá náboženství učí o tom, co bude po smrti.
Objev podobné jako Znalosti pod okénky - Světová náboženství - Alex Frith, Barry Ablett
Matematika - Podívej se pod okénko - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey
Otevřete přes 86 okének na stránkách této knížky a nahlédněte do fascinujícího světa matematiky. Seznamte se s čísly, geometrickými tvary a mnohým dalším.
Objev podobné jako Matematika - Podívej se pod okénko - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
Loki's third doodle-packed diary in the number one best-selling series. When Heimdall and Hyrrokkin abandon their "children" to go on holiday, Odin sends Baldur - Thor's half brother and god of making Loki look bad - to babysit. As Baldur and Thor bond, Loki's attempts to prove he's good start getting a bit desperate.After the drama teacher casts him as the villain in the school play, Loki starts to wonder whether there's any point in being good when everyone seems convinced of his villainy. That is until he discovers a rather unusual ring among the costumes and props. A ring that looks suspiciously like the cursed ring of Andvari, one that promises Loki the world if only he gives in to his deepest, darkest desires...
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Ruling the World - Louie Stowell
Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Taking the Blame - Louie Stowell
Loki might not have shown any moral improvement (yet) but Odin has given him another chance to prove himself worthy of Asgard by keeping Earth safe from the threat of Frost Giants. But eleven-year-old Loki has more important things to worry about:Parents Evening. After a series of 1-star reviews from his teachers, Loki is jealous of the glowing adoration bestowed upon Thor and swears vengeance.So when Thor has a birthday party and his favourite hammer, Mjolnir, goes missing, everyone suspects Loki. To clear his name, Loki must find Thor’s hammer and find out who the real thief is…
Objev podobné jako Loki: A Bad God´s Guide to Taking the Blame - Louie Stowell
Vlaky světa - Podívej se pod okénko - Alex Frith, Colin King
Seznam se díky této encyklopedické knížce, mající více než 60 odklápěcích okének, s různými typy vlaků – vlaků, které za slunečného dne, za deště či ve sněhu rachotí po kolejích a převážejí cestující a náklady zboží do všech koutů světa. Odklop tedy okénka a dozvíš se něco o historii vlaků, zjistíš nové informace o parních vlacích, o tom, jak lokomotivy pracují, o těch největších i o těch nejrychlejších vlacích, o vlacích v podzemí nebo těch, které zdolávají kopce. Tak honem nastupovat, jedeme!
Objev podobné jako Vlaky světa - Podívej se pod okénko - Alex Frith, Colin King
Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith
Follow the owl professor as he takes two children on a tour of a body. But not just any human body - a gigantic factory building built to explain how real bodies work, from cell 'building blocks' to conveyor belts that carry life-giving energy packets and transport defenders to repel germ attacks! This beautifully illustrated book will open children's eyes to the wonder and weirdness of what's going on inside them.
Objev podobné jako Usborne Book of the Body and How it Works - Alex Frith
Happiness for Beginners - Carole Matthewsová
Molly Baker is living her best life. Thirty-eight years old, she lives on the twenty-five-acre Hope Farm in Buckinghamshire, surrounded by (mostly) four-legged friends and rolling hills. There's Anthony the anti-social sheep, Tina Turner the alpaca with attitude, and the definitely-not-miniature pig, Teacup. Molly runs the farm as an alternative school for kids who haven't thrived in mainstream education. It's full on, but she wouldn't have it any other way. So when the well-groomed Shelby Dacre turns up at Hope Farm asking to enrol his son Lucas, Molly isn't fazed. But Lucas is distant and soon Molly realises he might be more of a handful than she anticipated. And then there's the added problem that his dad is distractingly handsome. Molly has her beloved farm to think of - could letting Lucas and Shelby in be a terrible mistake, or the start of something wonderful? An absolute must-read from the queen of romance Carole Matthews, Molly's story will make your heart sing.
Objev podobné jako Happiness for Beginners - Carole Matthewsová
Philosophy for Beginners - Rachel Firthová
Philosophy is a way of thinking about just about anything. It asks big questions, such as "how can I be good?" or "what makes something beautiful?" Using lively examples, humorous illustrations and simple thought experiments, this book opens up the world of philosophy to children and adults with enquiring minds.
Objev podobné jako Philosophy for Beginners - Rachel Firthová
Money for Beginners - Matthew Oldham
An informative introduction to the world of money, covering everything from bank accounts, earning and borrowing to government spending, taxes and inflation. With bright, infographic pictures, a detailed glossary and links to specially selected websites where you can visit a virtual bank, see money from around the world and more.
Objev podobné jako Money for Beginners - Matthew Oldham
Physics for Beginners - Stobbart Darran
Part of the best-selling '...for Beginners' series that brings to life the wide world of physics. Rather than explaining details about how to do physics, this book focusses on explaining what different branches of physics are about, how we know about them, and what mysteries remain for budding physicists to uncover. It doesn't shy away from the hard stuff, tackling black holes, quantum mechanics and even Einstein's theories of relativity.
Objev podobné jako Physics for Beginners - Stobbart Darran
Law for Beginners - Lara Bryan
An entertaining and thought-provoking guide to what laws are, who makes them and how people enforce them. It covers crime and punishment as well as social and citizenship issues such as politics and international law, using a mixture of debates, cartoon strips and clear diagrams.
Objev podobné jako Law for Beginners - Lara Bryan
Levitation for Beginners - Dunn Suzannah
A sharp eye and keen wit are brought to bear on the secrets and lies of a small rural community - secrets and lies that may prove deadly.It's 1972 and ten-year-old Deborah is living a ten-year-old life: butterscotch angel delight and Raleigh chopper bikes, and Clunk Click, and Crackajack and Jackanory, Layla and the Bee Gees, flares and ponchos.But new girl Sarah-Jayne breezes into ten-year-old Deborah's school, pretty as a picture and full of gossip and speculation, as well as unlikely but thrilling stories about levitation.The other girls are dazzled but Deborah is wary and keeps her distance. That same week, eighteen-year-old brickie Sonny turns up on her doorstep with a stray tortoise and begins an unlikely friendship with her young widowed mum. That's bad enough, Deborah thinks, but then Sonny starts work on a site opposite the school and Sarah-Jayne decides he's the latest love of her life.Nothing escapes Sarah-Jayne, and Deborah fears what she'll make of her mum. It's good to be different, her mum often says; but not, Deborah knows, too different.So, Deborah changes tactics, keeping her friends close and her enemy closer, even stepping up for some of Sarah-Jayne's levitation sessions. Then she's invited to Sarah-Jayne's lovely house, where she meets her charming family and encounters Sarah-Jayne's big sister's fiance, Max, which is when she senses that all isn't quite as it seems.
Objev podobné jako Levitation for Beginners - Dunn Suzannah
Jungle Way For Beginners dárková sada
Jungle Way For Beginners, 1 ks, Kadidla a vykuřovadla Vůně do bytu, Kadidlo Jungle Way For Beginners vás zcela pohltí svou netradiční vůní s nádechem orientu. Jedná se o vonnou pryskyřici získanou ze stromu kadidlovníku. Má mnoho způsobu využití – používá se k provonění interiéru a pro očistu prostor, předmětů i osob. Podle různých pověr je možné pomocí kadidla očistit také duši. Provoňte i vy svůj domov či pracovní prostor tímto netradičním způsobem a přineste své mysli potřebnou relaxaci. Vlastnosti: ideální jako dárek dřevitá vůně Sada obsahuje: Circle vykuřovací podložka 1 ks Omani incense - Hojari Green Royal kadidlo 20 g White Sage vykuřovadla II. 10 cm Palo Santo kadidlo 20 g Manila Copal kadidlo 20 g Arabic gum kadidlo 20 g Jak používat: Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí a domácích zvířat. Kadidelnici se zapáleným uhlíkem nikdy nenechávejte bez dozoru. K vykuřování vždy používejte kadidelnici k tomu určenou. Po ukončení pálení uhaste vodou.
Objev podobné jako Jungle Way For Beginners dárková sada
MS 88 Piano Classics For Beginners
Noty pro klavír 88 PIANO CLASSICS FOR BEGINNERS je publikace určená začínajícím pianistům všech věkových kategorií. Obsahuje výběr skladeb pro klavír či ve zjednodušené úpravě pro klavír od slavných hudebních skladatelů (J. S. Bach, Beethoven, Brahms, Mendelssohn, Mozart, Rimsky-Korsakov, Rachmaninoff, Tchaikovsky). Seznam skladeb: 1. Solfegietto [Bach, Carl Philipp Emanuel 2. Arioso in G [Bach, Johann Sebastian] 3. Affetuoso (Brandenburg Concerto No.5) [Bach, Johann Sebastian] 4. Brandenburg Concerto No.3 (opening) [Bach, Johann Sebastian] 5. Menuet (Anna Magdalena’s Notebook) [Bach, Johann Sebastian] 6. Invention In A Minor [Bach, Johann Sebastian] 7. "Wachet Auf (""Sleepers Awake"") [Bach, Johann Sebastian]" 8. Symphony No.3 (theme) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 9. Adagio Cantabile (Sonata No.8) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 10. Romanza (Sonatina In G) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 11. Piano Concerto No.4 Mvt.II [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 12. Symphony No.6 (Opening) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 13. Symphony No.8 (Opening) [Beethoven, Ludwig Van] 14. Piano Quintet (Opening) [Brahms, Johannes] 15. Hungarian Dance No.1 [Brahms, Johannes] 16. Serenade (Four Songs) [Brahms, Johannes] 17. Symphony No.4 (Opening) [Brahms, Johannes] 18. Variations On A Theme By Haydn [Brahms, Johannes] 19. Habanera (Carmen) [Bizet, Georges] 20. Minuet (String Quintet In E) [Boccherini, Luigi] 21. In The Steppes Of Central Asia [Borodin, Alexander] 22. Polovetsian Dance No.1 [Borodin, Alexander] 23. Allegro (Violin Concerto No.1) [Bruch, Max] 24. First Ballade [Chopin, Frederic] 25. An Early Nocturne [Chopin, Frederic] 26. Ballade In F [Chopin, Frederic] 27. Grand Waltz In A Minor [Chopin, Frederic] 28. Lullaby [Chopin, Frederic] 29. Claire De Lune [Debussy, Claude] 30. Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun [Debussy, Claude] 31. Flower Duet (Lakmé) [Delibes, Léo] 32. Sorcerer’s Apprentice [Dukas, Paul] 33. Slavonic Dance No.2 [Dvorak, Antonin] 34. Cello Concerto (theme) [Dvorák, Antonin] 35. Entrance of the Gladiators [Fucík, Julius] 36. Gregorian Chant [Fucík, Julius] 37. Dies Irae [Fucík, Julius] 38. In the Hall of the Mountain King [Grieg, Edvard] 39. Halleluia Chorus (Messiah) [Handel, George Frideric] 40. Largo (Xerxes) [Handel, George Frideric] 41. Allegro (Cello Concerto No.2) [Haydn, Joseph] 42. Gypsy Rondo [Haydn, Joseph] 43. Aria (Pagliacci) [Leoncavallo, Ruggero] 44. Liebestraum [Liszt, Franz] 45. Alla Tarantella [MacDowell, Edward] 46. "Symphony No.4 (""Italian"") [Mendelssohn, Felix]" 47. Wedding March [Mendelssohn, Felix] 48. Boris Godunov (opening) [Moussorgsky, Modest] 49. Promenade (Pictures At An Exhibition) [Moussorgsky, Modest] 50. Bourrée Toy Symphony (Theme) [Mozart, Leopold] 51. Minuet In C [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 52. Lento (Clarinet Concerto) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 53. Andante (Piano Concerto No.21) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 54. Romanze (Eine kleine Nachtmusik) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 55. Glockenspiel (The Magic Flute) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 56. Symphony No.25 (Opening) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 57. Aria (The Marriage Of Figaro) [Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus] 58. Polonaise [Oginsky, Michal Kleofas] 59. Sonata [Pescetti, Giovanni Battista] 60. Dance Of The Hours [Ponchielli, Amilcare] 61. Vocalise [Rachmaninoff, Sergei] 62. Russian Easter Overture (Theme) [Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai] 63. Scheherazade [Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolai] 64. William Tell Overture [Rossini, Gioachino] 65. Danse Macabre [Saint-Saens, Camille] 66. Elephant (Carnival Of The Animals) [Saint-Saëns, Camille] 67. Gymnopedie No.1 [Satie, Erik] 68. Sonata In C (The Hunt) [Scarlatti, Domenico] 69. The Erl King [Schubert, Franz] 70. The Doppelganger [Schubert, Franz] 71. "Symphony No.8 (""Unfinished"") [Schubert, Franz]" 72. Child Falling Asleep (Scenes From Childhood) [Schumann, Robert] 73. Piano Concerto (opening) [Schumann, Robert] 74. Der Arme Peter Horseman (Album For The Young) [Schumann, Robert] 75. Eusubius (Carnaval) [Schumann, Robert] 76. The Moldau [Smetana, Bedrich] 77. Blue Danube Waltz [Strauss, Johann] 78. Third Mode Melody [Tallis, Thomas] 79. Piano Concerto (Theme) [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich] 80. Piano Concerto, Mvt.II (Theme) [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich] 81. Sleeping Beauty Waltz [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich] 82. Waltz Of The Flowers (The Nutcracker) [Tchaikovsky, Pyotr Ilyich] 83. Aria (Rigoletto) [Verdi, Giuseppe] 84. Spring (The Four Seasons) [Vivaldi, Antonio] 85. March (Tannheuser) [Wagner, Richard] 86. Ride Of The Valkyrie [Wagner, Richard]
Objev podobné jako MS 88 Piano Classics For Beginners
Knife Skills for Beginners - Orlando Murrin
*SHORTLISTED FOR THE VAL McDERMID DEBUT AWARD 2024*Richard Osman meets MasterChef. In this cookery school, murder is on the menu...''Delicious fun!'' Tess Gerritsen''Knife Skills for Beginners is a joy.'' S. J. Bennett‘A deliciously dark slice of murder and mystery.’ Chris Whitaker''If Ruth Rendell had teamed up with Delia Smith they’d have produced something like this.’ J. M. Hall‘Dazzlingly sharp with a wit that sparkles off the page.'' Jane CorryA recipe for disaster.When chef Paul Delamare takes a job teaching at an exclusive residential cookery school in Belgravia, the only thing he expects his students to murder is his taste buds. But on the first night, the unthinkable happens: someone turns up dead...The school rests on a knife-edge.The police are convinced Paul is the culprit. After all, he’s good with a blade, was first on the scene – and everyone knows it doesn’t take much to push a chef over the edge. To prove his innocence, he must find the killer. Could it be one of his students? Or the owner of the school – a woman with secrets and a murky past?It all boils down to murder.If Paul can’t solve the mystery fast – as well as teach his students how to make a perfect hollandaise sauce – he’ll be next to get the chop.Readers love Knife Skills for Beginners!‘The perfect blend of The Great British Baking Show and Agatha Christie.’‘A fun mystery full of quirks and fun characters that will leave you guessing.’‘A welcome addition to the cosy crime genre.’‘Sharp, incisive, cutting - and that’s just the prose!’
Objev podobné jako Knife Skills for Beginners - Orlando Murrin
Running Away for Beginners - Mark Illis
You can't run from bad news. Or can you? Jasper was just diagnosed with cancer. His treatment starts in a week, and in the meantime his parents want him to carry on as normal.Jasper knows that's impossible. His friends help to organize a weekend trip to get away from everything that's happened and clear his mind. It'll be like running away for beginners, they joke.On the journey, they come to understand each other better as everyone's secrets come out. Except Jasper doesn't tell his friends his own secret: that when the return journey begins, he won't be going with them. A funny, heartfelt journey of a book, with vivid friendship dynamics and an unforgettable protagonist and narrator facing devastating news This story was inspired by Mark Illis's own experiences from when he was a teen diagnosed with cancer Perfect for fans of John Green and Nicola Yoon
Objev podobné jako Running Away for Beginners - Mark Illis
Economics for Beginners - Lara Bryan, Prentice Andrew
Nobody has everything they need, all the time – so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright infographics, this informative book describes why markets are so important, how businesses work out what to sell, and how governments choose how to run a country.
Objev podobné jako Economics for Beginners - Lara Bryan, Prentice Andrew
History for Beginners - Prentice Andy, Tom Mumbray
Every nation tells its own history in its own way. This important book explains what's going on behind the scenes in those tellings - who gets to decide which facts are taught, and which truths are massaged, or even denied. Using a mix of comic strips, diagrams and clear, simple language, this book shows readers how to dig deeper into any story, how to investigate recent and ancient history for themselves, and learn why it's vital to understand how the world has ended up where it is today. This is a History book unlike any other you've read. It doesn't just tell stories from the past, it explains where those stories came from, and why they can change, depending on who is telling them.
Objev podobné jako History for Beginners - Prentice Andy, Tom Mumbray
Hal Leonard Songs for Beginners Drums Noty
Instruktážní knižka určená k výuce hry na bicí. Poskytuje jednoduchou a rychlou výuku oblíbených písní. Obsahuje písně jako Another One Bites the Dust, Billie Jean a I Won't Back Down. Součástí produktu je i online přístup k skladbám se dvěma stopami: kompletní, určená pro poslech a doprovodná pro sólo hraní. Při přehrávání je možné nastavování tempa písní bez změny výšky tónu. Žánr: Classical Typ: Noty Počet stran: 40 Úroveň obtížnosti: Začátečník Balení obsahuje: Noty Země původu: Německo Jazyk: Anglický jazyk Vhodné pro: Bicí Interpret / Téma: Hal Leonard
Objev podobné jako Hal Leonard Songs for Beginners Drums Noty
100 Things to Know About Science - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey, Jonathan Melmoth, Federico Mariani, Jerome Martin, Jorge Martin
Science is a huge topic, but this friendly book breaks it down into bite-sized chunks, making it an accessible introduction for anyone who wants to find out about this fascinating subject. Highly illustrated, in a pictorial, 'infographics' style, with snippets of information about all aspects of science from particle physics to genes and DNA.
Objev podobné jako 100 Things to Know About Science - Alex Frith, Minna Lacey, Jonathan Melmoth, Federico Mariani, Jerome Martin, Jorge Martin
Short Stories in French for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in French for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including* A glossary for bolded words in each text* Full plot summary* A bilingual word list* Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in French for Beginners will make learning French easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in French for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in German for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in German for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including* A glossary for bolded words in each text* A bilingual word list* Full plot summary* Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in German for Beginners will make learning French easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in German for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in Spanish for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including* A glossary for bolded words in each text* A bilingual word list* Full plot summary* Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners will make learning Spanish easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in Dutch for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly''s work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in Dutch for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, a feeling of progress and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories are designed to give you a sense of achievement and a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you? - Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn from a wide range of new vocabulary- Controlled language at your level, including the 1,000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently- Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability- Pleasure! It''s much easier to learn a new language when you''re having fun, and research shows that if you''re enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won''t experience the usual feelings of frustration: "It''s too hard!" "I don''t understand!"- Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including:- A glossary for bolded words in each text- Full plot summary- A bilingual word list- Comprehension questions after each chapterAs a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in Dutch for Beginners will make learning Dutch easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in Dutch for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in Italian for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in Italian for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying reading in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including* A glossary for bolded words in each text* A bilingual word list* Full plot summary* Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoying reading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in Italian for Beginners will make learning Italian easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in Italian for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in English for Beginners - Richards Olly
An unmissable collection of eight unconventional and captivating short stories for young and adult learners."I love Olly's work - and you will too!" - Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersShort Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening.What does this book give you?* Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary* Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently* Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability* Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying listening in a foreign language, you won't experience the usual feelings of frustration - 'It's too hard!' 'I don't understand!'* Accessible grammar so you learn new structures naturally, in a stress-free wayCarefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories will entertain you, while at the same time allowing you to benefit from an improved range of vocabulary and a better grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. From science fiction to fantasy, to crime and thrillers, Short Stories in English for Beginners will make learning English easy and enjoyable.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners - Richards Olly
Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners, Volume 2 - Richards Olly
Olly's top-notch language-learning insights are right in line with the best of what we know from neuroscience and cognitive psychology about how to learn effectively. I love his work - and you will too!- Barbara Oakley, PhD, Author of New York Times bestseller A Mind for NumbersThis second volume of the bestselling Teach Yourself Graded Readers series features 8 compelling new stories in a variety of genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller, so you'll have fun reading, while learning a wide range of new vocabulary and rapidly improving your Spanish comprehension!Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners, Volume 2 is written for students from high-beginner to intermediate level. The eight captivating stories are designed to give you a sense of achievement and a feeling of progress when reading. You'll enjoy reading in Spanish, grow your vocabulary in a natural way, and improve your comprehension at the same time. Based on extensive research into how people most enjoy and benefit from reading in a new language, this book eliminates the frustrations you experience when trying to read in Spanish.Stories are broken down into manageable chapters, so you make progress with the story and feel a sense of achievement. Realistic amounts of new vocabulary are introduced so that you're not deterred by complex words. Instead of pausing to look up every word, you'll absorb new vocabulary from the context of the story, and have the satisfaction of that moment when you say: "I totally understood that sentence!"This book includes:- Accessible grammar for high-beginner and low-intermediate level learners (CEFR A2-B2)- Natural dialogues in each story, so that you can learn conversational Spanish and improve your speaking ability!- Controlled language at your level, including the most frequent words, to help you progress confidently- Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun.Carefully curated to make learning a new language easy, these stories include key features that will support and consolidate your progress, including:· A glossary for bolded words in each text· A bilingual word list· Full plot summary· Comprehension questions after each chapter.As a result, you will be able to focus on enjoyingreading, delighting in your improved range of vocabulary and grasp of the language, without ever feeling overwhelmed or frustrated. The stories are levelled from A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference and from Novice High to Low-Mid Intermediate ACTFL Receptive Proficiency.Use the code inside the book and ebook to access the free bonus story and the discounted audiobook edition on our Language Readers Library site (readers.teachyourself.com) or from the Readers app.
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in Spanish for Beginners, Volume 2 - Richards Olly
How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • Learn chess from International Master and YouTube’s top chess teacher Levy Rozman (aka GothamChess) in this refreshing and fun guide for beginner and intermediate players.Clever and informative, How to Win at Chess teaches you everything you need to know about the game, including all the important moves and strategies to start off strong and keep you thinking several steps ahead.Full of Levy Rozman's signature charm and humor that have made him beloved by millions of fans, the first half of this unique guide introduces rising players (0-800 Elo rating) to the four key areas to consider when playing chess—openings, endings, tactics, and strategy—and the second half builds upon these core skills for more experienced players (800-1300 Elo rating). Brimming with practical and easy-to-follow tips for improving your game, How to Win at Chess includes over 500 instructional gameplay illustrations to help you better visualize the board, as well as chapter-specific QR codes for exclusive bonus content on Chessly, Rozman’s teaching platform.
Objev podobné jako How to Win at Chess: The Ultimate Guide for Beginners and Beyond - Levy Rozman
Czech for Beginners Step by Step (Čeština pro začátečníky krok za krokem) - Štěpánka Pařízková
Učebnice češtiny pro začátečníky step by step pokrývá gramatiku až na úroveň A2 a konverzační témata cizinců, kteří začínají bydlet v České republice. Pracuje se slovní zásobou asi 1800 slovíček. Učebnice poskytuje široký pomocný aparát. Skládá se z učebnice, cvičebnice, doplňků, přehledu gramatiky, poslechu a rozsáhlého souboru interaktivních cvičení. Všechny tyto materiály student získá při koupi kompletu učebnice a cvičebnice. The textbook of Czech for beginners step by step covers grammar up to the level A2 and conversation topics for foreigners who want to live in the Czech republic. It works with vocabulary of about 1800 words. The book provides rich supplementary materials. They are workbook, supplements, grammar summary, listening records and extensive set of interactive exercises. The student gets all these materials on buying the set of text- and workbook. Nahrávky mp3 ke stažení zde.
Objev podobné jako Czech for Beginners Step by Step (Čeština pro začátečníky krok za krokem) - Štěpánka Pařízková
Green Juices for Beginners : A One-Stop Guide to Cleansing Your Body - Carla Zaplana
This practical guide explains the positive effects of a green juice diet and the best way to prepare the drinks. Health and nutrition expert Carla Zaplana portrays thirty-five ingredients, including superfoods and toppings to be found in normal groceries. Thirty delicious and highly addictive recipes round off this essential handbook.
Objev podobné jako Green Juices for Beginners : A One-Stop Guide to Cleansing Your Body - Carla Zaplana
Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 240 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in English for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when listening. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making learning fun, while you gain a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in English for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and (1473683556)
Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Kniha - autor Olly Richards, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Short Stories in German for Beginners has been written especially for students from beginner to intermediate level, designed to give a sense of achievement, and most importantly - enjoyment! Mapped to A2-B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference, these eight captivating stories will both entertain you, and give you a feeling of progress when reading. What does this book give you? Eight stories in a variety of exciting genres, from science fiction and crime to history and thriller - making reading fun, while you learn a wide range of new vocabulary Controlled language at your level, including the 1000 most frequent words, to help you progress confidently Authentic spoken dialogues, to help you learn conversational expressions and improve your speaking ability Pleasure! It's much easier to learn a new language when you're having fun, and research shows that if you're enjoying...
Objev podobné jako Short Stories in German for Beginners: Read for pleasure at your level, expand your vocabulary and l (1473683378)
Happiness for Beginners : One broken family. Two hearts meeting. Dozens of naughty animals! (Defekt) - Carole Matthewsová
Molly Baker is living her best life. Thirty-eight years old, she lives on the twenty-five-acre Hope Farm in Buckinghamshire, surrounded by (mostly) four-legged friends and rolling hills. There's Anthony the anti-social sheep, Tina Turner the alpaca with attitude, and the definitely-not-miniature pig, Teacup. Molly runs the farm as an alternative school for kids who haven't thrived in mainstream education. It's full on, but she wouldn't have it any other way. So when the well-groomed Shelby Dacre turns up at Hope Farm asking to enrol his son Lucas, Molly isn't fazed. But Lucas is distant and soon Molly realises he might be more of a handful than she anticipated. And then there's the added problem that his dad is distractingly handsome. Molly has her beloved farm to think of - could letting Lucas and Shelby in be a terrible mistake, or the start of something wonderful? An absolute must-read from the queen of romance Carole Matthews, Molly's story will make your heart sing. Why do readers love Carole Matthews?
Objev podobné jako Happiness for Beginners : One broken family. Two hearts meeting. Dozens of naughty animals! (Defekt) - Carole Matthewsová
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- Louie Complete menu Monoprotein kachní se zeleninou 400 g (8595174345825)
- Vánoční textilní skřítek Alex, 11 x 35 x 12 cm
- ALEX Čistič a extra síla na laminát 750 ml (8595059704013)
- LED Křišťálový lustr na lanku ALEX 4xLED/20W/230V (115934)
- ALEX Čistič a extra síla na dřevo 750 ml (8595059706017)
- ALEX Čistič a extra péče na dřevo 750 ml (8411660291400)
- LOUIE rybí a kuřecí s rýží a taurinem 200 g (8595174345665)
- Louie Kompletní krmivo - kachní (95 %) s rýží (5 %) 1200 g (8595174345566)
- Louie Kompletní krmivo - kuřecí (95 %) s rýží (5 %) 400 g (8595174345504)
- Louie Kompletní krmivo - kachní (95 %) s rýží (5 %) 400 g (8595174345580)
- Louie Kompletní krmivo - kuřecí (95 %) s rýží (5 %) 1200 g (8595174345573)