Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia - David Graeber

'A characteristically radical re-reading of history that places the social and political experiments of pirates at the heart of the European Enlightenment. A brilliant companion volume to the best-selling Dawn of Everything' Amitav GhoshThe Enlightenment did not begin in Europe. Its true origins lie thousands of miles away on the island of Madagascar, in the late seventeenth century, when it was home to several thousand pirates.This was the Golden Age of Piracy, a period of violent buccaneering and rollicking legends - but it was also, argues anthropologist David Graeber, a brief window of radical democracy, as the pirate settlers attempted to apply the egalitarian principles of their ships to a new society on land. For Graeber, Madagascar's lost pirate utopia represents some of the first stirrings of Enlightenment political thought. In this jewel of a book, he offers a way to 'decolonize the Enlightenment', demonstrating how this mixed community experimented with an alternative vision of human freedom, far from that being formulated in the salons and coffee houses of Europe.Its actors were Malagasy women, merchants and traders, philosopher kings and escaped slaves, exploring ideas that were ultimately to be put into practice by Western revolutionary regimes a century later. Pirate Enlightenment playfully dismantles the central myths of the Enlightenment. In their place comes a story about the magic, sea battles, purloined princesses, manhunts, make-believe kingdoms, fraudulent ambassadors, spies, jewel thieves, poisoners and devil worship that lie at the origins of modern freedom.

Podívejte se také Real Thing: The Real Thing - LP (4260494436815)

cena 509.0 Kč

Pirate Enlightenment, or the Real Libertalia - David Graeber

'A characteristically radical re-reading of history that places the social and political experiments of pirates at the heart of the European Enlightenment. A brilliant companion volume to the best-selling Dawn of Everything' Amitav GhoshThe Enlightenment did not begin in Europe. Its true origins lie thousands of miles away on the island of Madagascar, in the late seventeenth century, when it was home to several thousand pirates.This was the Golden Age of Piracy - but it was also, argues anthropologist David Graeber, a brief window of radical democracy, as the pirate settlers attempted to apply the egalitarian principles of their ships to a new society on land. In this jewel of a book, Graeber offers a way to 'decolonize the Enlightenment', demonstrating how this mixed community experimented with an alternative vision of human freedom, far from that being formulated in the salons and coffee houses of Europe. Its actors were Malagasy women, philosopher kings and escaped slaves, exploring ideas that were ultimately to be put into practice by Western revolutionary regimes a century later.Pirate Enlightenment playfully dismantles the central myths of the Enlightenment. In their place comes a story about the magic, sea battles, purloined princesses, manhunts, make-believe kingdoms, fraudulent ambassadors, spies, jewel thieves, poisoners and devil worship that lie at the origins of modern freedom.

Podívejte se také Real Thing: The Best of The Real Thing (2x CD) - CD (4050538539455)

cena 325.0 Kč

The Dawn of Everything : A New History of Humanity - David Graeber, David Wengrow

THE NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER AND SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND BBC HISTORY BOOK OF THE YEARFINALIST FOR THE ORWELL PRIZE FOR POLITICAL WRITING 2022''Pacey and potentially revolutionary'' Sunday Times ''Iconoclastic and irreverent ... an exhilarating read'' The Guardian For generations, our remote ancestors have been cast as primitive and childlike - either free and equal, or thuggish and warlike. Civilization, we are told, could be achieved only by sacrificing those original freedoms or, alternatively, by taming our baser instincts. David Graeber and David Wengrow show how such theories first emerged in the eighteenth century as a reaction to indigenous critiques of European society, and why they are wrong. In doing so, they overturn our view of human history, including the origins of farming, property, cities, democracy, slavery and civilization itself. Drawing on path-breaking research in archaeology and anthropology, the authors show how history becomes a far more interesting place once we begin to see what''s really there. If humans did not spend 95 per cent of their evolutionary past in tiny bands of hunter-gatherers, what were they doing all that time? If agriculture, and cities, did not mean a plunge into hierarchy and domination, then what kinds of social and economic organization did they lead to? The answers are often unexpected, and suggest that the course of history may be less set in stone, and more full of playful possibilities than we tend to assume. The Dawn of Everything fundamentally transforms our understanding of the human past and offers a path toward imagining new forms of freedom, new ways of organizing society. This is a monumental book of formidable intellectual range, animated by curiosity, moral vision and faith in the power of direct action.''This is not a book. This is an intellectual feast'' Nassim Nicholas Taleb''The most profound and exciting book I''ve read in thirty years'' Robin D. G. Kelley

Podívejte se také Toronzo Canon: The Preacher. The Politician Or The Pimp - CD (0014551499527)

cena 357.0 Kč

Debt - David Graeber

A revised and updated edition of the international bestseller. Graeber, one of the early organisers of Occupy Wall Street and a well regarded academic, presents a stunning reversal of conventional wisdom; he shows that before there was money, there was debt. For more than 5000 years, since the beginnings of the first agrarian empires, humans have used elaborate credit systems to buy and sell goods, long before the invention of cash. It is in this era, Graeber argues, that we first see a society divided between debtors and creditors.

Objev podobné jako Debt - David Graeber

cena 561.0 Kč

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment - David R. Hawkins

Discover how to transcend the limitations of the ego, relieve suffering, and advance your consciousness in this masterpiece from world-renowned author, psychiatrist, clinician, and spiritual teacher, David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D.The now widely known Map of calibrated levels of Consciousness was presented in Power vs. Force in 1995 and has been translated into all the world’s major languages. This was followed by The Eye of the I (2001), I: Reality and Subjectivity (2003), and Truth vs. Falsehood (2005), which explored the levels of Truth reflected throughout society.Transcending the Levels of Consciousness expands on this work and returns to the exploration of the ego’s expressions and limitations, giving detailed explanations and instructions on how to transcend them.“I consider myself a student of David Hawkins and return to his books and work time and time again. His wisdom deeply resonates with my lived experiences; he is often able to beautifully articulate what I cannot put into words.” – Vex KingAs with the reading of Dr. Hawkins’ previous books, your level of consciousness will advance from exposure to the information itself. This opens up avenues to the relief of suffering, which fulfills the purpose of the work and the intention to facilitate your own Enlightenment.This transformative personal growth book combines elements of psychology, spirituality, and philosophy, and invites you to explore the profound depths of your own consciousness, Hawkins'' genius consciousness concept will inspire you to reach new heights of spiritual and personal development. Transcending The Levels of Consciousness is a monumental testament to the boundless potential of the human spirit. It is an empowering book that offers inspiration and motivation on your journey of self-discovery.Experience the profound wisdom of Dr. David Hawkins, as he elegantly blends spirituality, psychology, and philosophy to create a comprehensive roadmap to unlock the divine potential within you so that you can step into a higher consciousness.

Objev podobné jako Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment - David R. Hawkins

cena 443.0 Kč

Počiatok všetkého - David Graeber, David Wengrow

Úplne nový a revolučný pohľad na evolúciu ľudstva, ktorý našim predkom vracia dlho popieranú ľudskosť. Na základe najnovších výskumov antropológ David Graeber a archeológ David Wengrow radikálne prehodnotili dejiny človeka od samých počiatkov v časoch lovcov a zberačov, cez vznik poľnohospodárstva, prvých miest a štátov. Dokazujú, že naši predkovia boli inteligentní ľudia, ktorí sa nehnali len za potravou ani sa bezhlavo navzájom nezabíjali.Ako teda trávili čas? Akí boli, čo robili, ako fungovali dávnoveké spoločnosti, dodnes považované za primitívne a jednoduché, hoci najnovšie poznatky ukazujú, že to tak nebolo? Počiatok všetkého je dôkladná štúdia dvoch naslovovzatých odborníkov a nadšencov, ktorí našli odpovede na všetky tieto otázky.

Objev podobné jako Počiatok všetkého - David Graeber, David Wengrow

cena 1318.0 Kč

Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow

Ze školních lavic často získáváme pocit, že naši vzdálení předci byli sice svobodní a sobě rovni, ale vedli nebezpečný a primitivní život, plný bojů a násilí. Bylo nám řečeno, že skutečné civilizace mohlo být dosaženo pouze obětováním těchto původních svobod či zkrocením našich nižších instinktů. David Graeber a David Wengrow však ve své knize převrací zakořeněný pohled na lidskou historii; včetně počátků zemědělství, majetku, měst, demokracie, otroctví a civilizace samotné. Své poznatky čerpají z průkopnických archeologických a antropologických výzkumů a ukazují, jak se i dávná historie může měnit, pokud se na ni podíváme jiným pohledem.

Objev podobné jako Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow

cena 589.0 Kč

Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow - e-kniha

eBook: # O knizeLOVCI A SBĚRAČI BYLI ORGANIZOVANĚJŠÍ, NEŽ SI MYSLÍTE.A NĚKTERÁ Z PRVNÍCH MĚST SVOBODNĚJŠÍ, NEŽ BY VÁS NAPADLO.Dlouhé tisíce let jsme údajně žili v absolutně rovnostářských kmenech – než jsme vynalezli zemědělství a s ním také bohatství a chudobu, byrokracii a krutovládce. Učitelé dějepisu i autoři bestsellerů o historii tento jednoduchý příběh milují. Profesoři David Graeber a David Wengrow nyní však na spoustě příkladů dokládají, že jde o pouhý výmysl. A že skutečnost byla nesrovnatelně zajímavější a rozmanitější, než nás učili ve školních lavicích.Kniha Úsvit všeho stojí na přesvědčivých, ale dosud často opomíjených faktech z oblasti archeologie, historie a kulturní antropologie. Okamžitě se v těchto oborech stala světovou událostí a vyvolala diskuse, které budou probíhat ještě dlouhá léta.# AUTOŘI OŽIVUJÍ FASCINUJÍCÍ SVĚT, V NĚMŽ:- Naši dávní předci nebyli primitivové žijící v tlupách, ale aktivní členové pozoruhodných, malých i velkých společností.- První města na světě nezakládali zemědělci, nýbrž lovci a sběrači. Mimo jiné na území dnešní Ukrajiny.- Příchod zemědělství nebyl žádnou revolucí – trval tisíce let a některé společnosti se od něj opět odvracely.- Archeologie zmapovala obrovská města, která se obešla bez byrokracie, šlechty i tyranů.- Lidé odpradávna experimentovali s různými podobami demokracie a své rozhodovací systémy svižně přizpůsobovali okolnostem.Graeber a Wengrow nevolají po návratu na stromy. Na základě průkop- nických poznatků a archeologických objevů z celého světa nám však při- pomínají, že civilizaci můžeme budovat i bez toho, že bychom se vzdávali svých svobod.

Objev podobné jako Úsvit všeho - David Graeber, David Wengrow - e-kniha

cena 499.0 Kč

Bullshit Jobs : The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It - David Graeber

Be honest: if your job didn't exist, would anybody miss it? Have you ever wondered why not? Up to 40% of us secretly believe our jobs probably aren't necessary. In other words: they are bullshit jobs. This book shows why, and what we can do about it. In the early twentieth century, people prophesied that technology would see us all working fifteen-hour weeks and driving flying cars. Instead, something curious happened. Not only have the flying cars not materialised, but average working hours have increased rather than decreased. And now, across the developed world, three-quarters of all jobs are in services, finance or admin: jobs that don't seem to contribute anything to society. In Bullshit Jobs, David Graeber explores how this phenomenon - one more associated with the Soviet Union, but which capitalism was supposed to eliminate - has happened. In doing so, he looks at how, rather than producing anything, work has become an end in itself; the way such work maintains the current broken system of finance capital; and, finally, how we can get out of it. This book is for anyone whose heart has sunk at the sight of a whiteboard, who believes 'workshops' should only be for making things, or who just suspects that there might be a better way to run our world.

Objev podobné jako Bullshit Jobs : The Rise of Pointless Work, and What We Can Do About It - David Graeber

cena 312.0 Kč

(R)evoluční ekonomie - Tomáš Sedláček, David Graeber, Roman Chlupatý - e-kniha

eBook: Respektovaný ekonom Tomáš Sedláček si s publicistou Romanem Chlupatým k debatě přizval amerického anarchistu Davida Graebera, jednoho z vůdců světového hnutí Occupy, ale též uznávaného antropologa a autora světového bestselleru Dluh: prvních 5000 let.(R)EVOLUČNÍ EKONOMIE: O SYSTÉMU A LIDECH je střetem dvou pohledů na životaschopnost systému, ve kterém žijeme. Férově vedená diskuze reflektuje stále častěji kladenou otázku: Je možné současný dům jen poopravit, anebo je lepší (či nevyhnutelné) ho strhnout a postavit nový o kus dál?Rozhovor nabízí stravitelné, inspirující a místy provokativní zamyšlení nad tématy, která hýbou světem. Tomáš Sedláček, autor mezinárodního bestselleru Ekonomie dobra a zla, zde dostává prostor představit své názory v novém kontextu, který mu evidentně svědčí. Kniha volně navazuje na úspěšný první svazek edice Double, Soumrak homo economicus. Rozhovor Tomáše Sedláčka s kanadským matematikem Davidem Orrellem vyvolal debatu v odborných i laických kruzích, byl přeložen do tří jazyků a vyšel také jako audiokniha.

Objev podobné jako (R)evoluční ekonomie - Tomáš Sedláček, David Graeber, Roman Chlupatý - e-kniha

cena 98.0 Kč

Revoluční ekonomie: O systému a lidech - Tomáš Sedláček, David Graeber, Roman Chlupatý

Respektovaný ekonom Tomáš Sedláček si s publicistou Romanem Chlupatým k debatě přizval amerického anarchistu Davida Graebera, jednoho z vůdců světového hnutí Occupy, ale též uznávaného antropologa a autora světového bestselleru Dluh: prvních 5000 let. (R)EVOLUČNÍ EKONOMIE: O SYSTÉMU A LIDECH je střetem dvou pohledů na životaschopnost systému, ve kterém žijeme. Férově vedená diskuze reflektuje stále častěji kladenou otázku: Je možné současný dům jen poopravit, anebo je lepší (či nevyhnutelné) ho strhnout a postavit nový o kus dál? Rozhovor nabízí stravitelné, inspirující a místy provokativní zamyšlení nad tématy, která hýbou světem. Tomáš Sedláček, autor mezinárodního bestselleru Ekonomie dobra a zla, zde dostává prostor představit své názory v novém kontextu, který mu evidentně svědčí. Kniha volně navazuje na úspěšný první svazek edice Double, Soumrak homo economicus. Rozhovor Tomáše Sedláčka s kanadským matematikem Davidem Orrellem vyvolal debatu v odborných i laických kruzích, byl přeložen do tří jazyků a vyšel také jako audiokniha. Tomáš Sedláček je patrně nejsledovanějším českým ekonomem současnosti. Díky svým nekonvenčním názorům a schopnosti propojit ekonomii s ostatními obory se v posledních letech prosadil i na mezinárodní scéně. Jeho kniha Ekonomie dobra a zla byla přeložena do 14 jazyků a dočkala se i úspěšného scénického zpracování. David Graeber je americký antropolog a aktivista, který v současnosti působí jako profesor na London School of Economics. Za knihu Dluh: prvních 5000 let získal Batesonovu cenu za kulturní antropologii. Je jedním z vůdců hnutí Occupy. Jeho zatím poslední knihou je Demokratický projekt: Historie, krize, hnutí, v níž se zamýšlí nad reformou demokracie, respektive její současné podoby. Roman Chlupatý je novinář a publicista. Od roku 2000 působí v zahraničí. Přispíval například do francouzského OWNI a nebo čínského FT. V Česku dlouhodobě spolupracuje s předními ekonomickými tituly, jako je Euro, Hospodářské noviny a nebo Investiční web. Autor knihy rozhovorů (Ne)mocná země, ve které se podobně jako v dalších svých aktivitách věnuje tématům spojeným s mezinárodní ekonomikou, politikou a průsečíkem těchto dvou světů.

Objev podobné jako Revoluční ekonomie: O systému a lidech - Tomáš Sedláček, David Graeber, Roman Chlupatý

cena 148.0 Kč

The Islamic Enlightenment (1847922422)

Kniha - autor Christopher de Bellaigue, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Islamic Enlightenment (1847922422)

cena 507.0 Kč

Entertainment for Angels, Electricity in the Enlightenment

Electricity was the scientific fashion of the Enlightenment, 'an Entertainment for Angels, rather than for Men'. Lecturers attracted huge audiences to marvel at sparkling fountains, flaming drinks, pirouetting dancers and electrified boys. Enlightenment optimists predicted that this new-found power of nature would cure illnesses, improve crop production, even bring the dead back to life.Benjamin Franklin, better known as one of America's founding fathers, played a key role in developing the new instruments and theories of electricity during the eighteenth century. Celebrated for drawing lightning down from the sky with a kite, Franklin was an Enlightenment expert on electricity, developing one of the most successful explanations of this mysterious phenomenon.But Patricia Fara, Senior Tutor of Clare College Cambridge, reveals how the study of electricity became intertwined with Enlightenment politics. By demonstrating their control of the natural world, Enlightenment philosophers hoped to gain authority over society. And their stunning electrical performances provided dramatic evidence of their special powers.

Objev podobné jako Entertainment for Angels, Electricity in the Enlightenment

cena 169.0 Kč

The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis - Whatmore Richard

''A brilliant and revelatory book about the history of ideas'' David Runciman ''Fascinating and important'' Ruth Scurr The Enlightenment is popularly seen as the Age of Reason, a key moment in human history when ideals such as freedom, progress, natural rights and constitutional government prevailed. In this radical re-evaluation, historian Richard Whatmore shows why, for many at its centre, the Enlightenment was a profound failure.By the early eighteenth century, hope was widespread that Enlightenment could be coupled with toleration, the progress of commerce and the end of the fanatic wars of religion that were destroying Europe. At its heart was the battle to establish and maintain liberty in free states – and the hope that absolute monarchies such as France and free states like Britain might even subsist together, equally respectful of civil liberties. Yet all of this collapsed when states pursued wealth and empire by means of war. Xenophobia was rife and liberty itself turned fanatic.The End of Enlightenment traces the changing perspectives of economists, philosophers, politicians and polemicists around the world, including figures as diverse as David Hume, Adam Smith, Edmund Burke and Mary Wollstonecraft. They had strived to replace superstition with reason, but witnessed instead terror and revolution, corruption, gross commercial excess and the continued growth of violent colonialism.Returning us to these tumultuous events and ideas, and digging deep into the thought of the men and women who defined their age, Whatmore offers a lucid exploration of disillusion and intellectual transformation, a brilliant meditation on our continued assumptions about the past, and a glimpse of the different ways our world might be structured - especially as the problems addressed at the end of Enlightenment are still with us today.

Objev podobné jako The End of Enlightenment: Empire, Commerce, Crisis - Whatmore Richard

cena 886.0 Kč

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (0340733500)

Kniha - autor Eckhart Tolle, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A Canadian word-mouth-bestseller which asks us to leave analysis and the ego behind, surrender to the present, embrace your true self and skip happily into the sunset.

Objev podobné jako The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment (0340733500)

cena 319.0 Kč

Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (0141979097)

Kniha - 576 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - 576 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress (0141979097)

cena 429.0 Kč

Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story or the Magic Cloak - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

eBook: First published in 1905, author L. Frank Baum considered ‘Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story of the Magic Cloak’ to be one of his greatest works. Closer in style to a traditional fairy tale than many of his other children’s stories, the plot centres around a magic wishing cloak created by Queen Lulea and her fairy subjects. The cloak will grant a single wish to each wearer of the cloak – unless they have come into possession of it by dishonest means. A captivating story, full of magic, morals, mystery, and wonder. A must-read for all Oz fans.

Objev podobné jako Queen Zixi of Ix or The Story or the Magic Cloak - Lyman Frank Baum - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Real Thing: The Real Thing - LP (4260494436815)

LP vinyl - V roce 1970 založili Chris Amoo, Kenny Davis a Ray Lake v Liverpoolu kapelu The Real Thing. V roce 1970 založili Chris Amoo, Kenny Davis a Ray Lake v Liverpoolu kapelu The Real Thing. Zpočátku se věnovali americkým hitům a vzali si příklad z The Temptations a The Four Tops. Vystupovali v malých klubech, ale rychle se prosadili svým vlastním progresivním soulovým stylem. První nahrávací smlouva přišla rychle, již v roce 1972, ale rychlý úspěch se nedostavil. Obrat kariéry začal spoluprací s Davidem Essexem. Vydali se na mezinárodní turné s Essexem a nabrali novou sílu k dalšímu vzletu. Poté, co skupinu opustil Kenny Davis, se v roce 1976 ke skupině připojil Chrisův bratr Eddie Amoo, který jim konečně dal dlouho očekávanou velkou přestávku. You To Me My Everything se vyšplhalo na vrchol britských singlových žebříčků a stalo se letním hitem roku 1976, milionovým prodejcem a klasikou. Obrovským hitem se stalo i pokračování Cant't Get By Without You. Ve...

Objev podobné jako Real Thing: The Real Thing - LP (4260494436815)

cena 579.0 Kč

Toronzo Canon: The Preacher. The Politician Or The Pimp - CD (0014551499527)

Hudební CD - Toronzo Cannon je americký elektrický bluesový kytarista, zpěvák a skladatel. Toronzo Cannon je americký elektrický bluesový kytarista, zpěvák a skladatel. ALbum z roku 2019 Seznam stop Get Together Or Get Apart / The Preacher, The Politician Or The Pimp / The Chicago Way / Insurance / Stop Me When I'm Lying / She Loved Me (Again) / The Silence Of My Friends / The First 24 / That's What I Love About 'Cha / Ordinary Woman / Let Me Lay My Love On You / I'm Not Scared

Objev podobné jako Toronzo Canon: The Preacher. The Politician Or The Pimp - CD (0014551499527)

cena 399.0 Kč

Candide, or The Optimist - Voltaire

Candide, or the Optimist is Voltaire's hilarious and deeply scathing satire on the Age of Enlightenment. This classic of French literature has been a bestseller for over two hundred years.Part of the Macmillan Collector's Library, a series of stunning, clothbound, pocket-sized classics with gold-foiled edges and ribbon markers. These beautiful books make perfect gifts or a treat for any book lover. This classic of French literature features an introduction by Dr Marine Ganofsky.Young nobleman Candide lives a sheltered and comfortable life under the tutorship of the ridiculous Dr Pangloss who espouses the prevailing 18th-century philosophy of Optimism. Following an indiscretion, Candide is cast out into the world which according to Pangloss is 'the best of all possible worlds'. But this is not so, Candide and his companions encounter nothing but ludicrous calamities in their madcap travels around the world - war crimes, earthquakes, inquisitions and chain gangs - all based with horrible closeness on real events of the 18th century.

Objev podobné jako Candide, or The Optimist - Voltaire

cena 349.0 Kč

The Real Thing - Real Thing (Coloured Vinyl) (LP)

Varianta: Real Thing (Coloured Vinyl) (LP) Žánr: R&B;Soul;Disco;Funk Subžánr: Disco;Soul;R&B;Funk Vydavatelství: Jive Interpret / Téma: The Real Thing Rok vydání: 2022.0 Datum vydání: 2022-09-09 Barva: Žlutá Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2010 - 2019;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;1970 - 1979;2000 - 2009 Typ: Barevná;LP deska;Limitovaná edice;Album Barva podle výrobce: Yellow Země interpreta: Spojené království Balení obsahuje: LP Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Země původu: Německo Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako The Real Thing - Real Thing (Coloured Vinyl) (LP)

cena 704.9 Kč

Daughter of the Pirate King (1250144221)

Kniha - autor Tricia Levenseller, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A 17-year-old pirate captain intentionally allows herself to get captured by enemy pirates in this thrilling young adult tale. There will be plenty of time for me to beat him soundly once I've gotten what I came for. Sent on a mission to retrieve an ancient hidden map—the key to a legendary treasure trove—seventeen-year-old pirate captain Alosa deliberately allows herself to be captured by her enemies, giving her the perfect opportunity to search their ship. More than a match for the ruthless pirate crew, Alosa has only one thing standing between her and the map: her captor, the unexpectedly clever and unfairly attractive first mate Riden. But not to worry, for Alosa has a few tricks up her sleeve, and no lone pirate can stop the Daughter of the Pirate King. In Daughter of the Pirate King, debut author Tricia Levenseller blends action, adventure, romance, and a little bit of...

Objev podobné jako Daughter of the Pirate King (1250144221)

cena 249.0 Kč

The Pirate - Walter Scott - e-kniha

eBook: 'The Pirate' is a thrilling adventure novel by Walter Scott. The story takes place on the edge of civilisation in the remote Shetland Isles during the 17th Century as a mysterious man washes up on their secluded shores. The mystery man is rescued by the lovelorn Mordaunt, but they soon become rivals as they vie for the attention of two sisters. It is later revealed that the enigmatic stranger is a pirate captain, and violence ensues as the sisters are taken hostage and Mordaunt must rescue them. 'The Pirate' features some of Scott's finest romantic prose as he vividly depicts the isolation and beauty of the islands north of the Scottish Mainland. There are some gothic elements to the tale as the heroes are aided in their quest to defeat the pirates by the mystical Norna whose poetic dialogue was celebrated at the time of the book's release. Although this is a historical novel the theme of changing culture and fear of societal shifts remains timely. 'The Pirate' is a riveting novel teeming with adventure, danger, and romance that is recommended for fans of historical fiction or adventure stories such as 'The Pirates of the Caribbean'.

Objev podobné jako The Pirate - Walter Scott - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

The Pirate Mums - Jodie Lancet-Grant

Set sail on an swashbuckling pirate adventure with Billy and his brave, strong, and unique mums!Billy''s family is not what you''d call ordinary. His mums won''t listen to NORMAL music. They love to sing sea shanties and dance jigs in the lounge. Their clothes are highly unusual, they have a rude parrot for a pet, and their taste in house design is, well . . . FISHY. Billy wishes his family could be more like everyone else''s, until an ocean adventure changes everything! Written by Jodie Lancet-Grant and illustrated by Lydia Corry, Pirate Mums is a celebration a celebration of inclusive families, perfect for sharing with young children who love adventure.Little fans of adventure will also love The Marvellous Doctors for Magical Creatures.

Objev podobné jako The Pirate Mums - Jodie Lancet-Grant

cena 236.0 Kč

The Conspirators; or The Chevalier d\'Harmental - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: Part of a duology about the life of King Louis XV, \"The Conspirators; or the Chevalier d\'Harmental\" follows the conspiracy against Phillip II, Duke of Orleans, regent of the infant King. Of his work on the period, it is considered among Dumas\' best by critics and fans alike.It is a thrilling novel, threaded through with romance, political conspiracy, and the epic clash between the Church and the Crown, for the support of the people. From the brilliant mind behind \'The Three Musketeers\', it is another brilliant gem in his already epic body of work, perfect for anyone who loves historical fiction or the intrigue of Netflix\'s \'The King\'.-

Objev podobné jako The Conspirators; or The Chevalier d\'Harmental - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Real Thing: The Best of The Real Thing (2x CD) - CD (4050538539455)

Hudební CD - Kompilační album největších hitů britské soulové skupiny Real Thing z roku 1986. Kompilační album největších hitů britské soulové skupiny Real Thing z roku 1986. Seznam stop CD1 Someone Oughta' Write a Song (About You Baby) 7" Version / You To Me Are Everything / Can't Get By Without You / You'll Never Know What You're Missing / Dance With Me / Love's Such a Wonderful Thing / Children Of The Ghetto / Whenever You Want My Love / Let's Go Disco / Can You Feel The Force (12" John Luongo Disco Remix) / Boogie Down (Get Funky Now) / Keep an Eye (On Your Best Friend) / Topsy Turvy / Saint or Sinner / Foot Tappin' / FlashCD2 Rainin' Through My Sunshine / (He's Just A) Moneymaker / She's a Groovy Freak / Lightning Strikes Again / Watch Out Caroline / Give Me Your Love / Stone Cold Love Affair / Liverpool Medley: Liverpool Eight / Children of the Ghetto / Stanhope Street / Won't You Step Into...

Objev podobné jako Real Thing: The Best of The Real Thing (2x CD) - CD (4050538539455)

cena 179.0 Kč

Moby-Dick : or, The Whale - Herman Melville

Part of Penguin's beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design.In Herman Melville's Moby-Dick, Captain Ahab is an eerily compelling madman who focuses his distilled hatred and suffering (and that of generations before him) into the pursuit of a creature as vast, dangerous and unknowable as the sea itself. More than just a novel of adventure, this is a haunting social commentary populated with some of the most enduring characters in literature. Written with wonderfully redemptive humour, Moby Dick is a profound and timeless inquiry into character, faith and the nature of perception.

Objev podobné jako Moby-Dick : or, The Whale - Herman Melville

cena 591.0 Kč

The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or the Roly-Poly Pudding - Beatrix Potterová

The first farm that Beatrix Potter owned, Hill Top, was an old house with thick walls and many hiding places for rats and mice. In The Tale of Samuel Whiskers this farmhouse is Tom Kitten''s home and the story tells what happens when Tom accidently comes upon the rat Samuel Whiskers living in a secret hideout behind the attic walls.The Tale of Samuel Whiskers is number 16 in Beatrix Potter''s series of 23 little books, the titles of which are as follows:1 The Tale of Peter Rabbit2 The Tale of Squirrel Nutkin3 The Tailor of Gloucester4 The Tale of Benjamin Bunny5 The Tale of Two Bad Mice6 The Tale of Mrs. Tiggy-Winkle7 The Tale of Mr. Jeremy Fisher8 The Tale of Tom Kitten9 The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck10 The Tale of the Flopsy Bunnies11 The Tale of Mrs. Tittlemouse12 The Tale of Timmy Tiptoes13 The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse 14 The Tale of Mr. Tod15 The Tale of Pigling Bland16 The Tale of Samuel Whiskers17 The Tale of The Pie and the Patty-Pan18 The Tale of Ginger and Pickles19 The Tale of Little Pig Robinson20 The Story of a Fierce Bad Rabbit21 The Story of Miss Moppet22 Appley Dapply''s Nursery Rhymes23 Cecily Parsley''s Nursery Rhymes

Objev podobné jako The Tale of Samuel Whiskers or the Roly-Poly Pudding - Beatrix Potterová

cena 207.0 Kč

The Royal Life Guard or The Flight of the Royal Family - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

eBook: A seamless blend of fact and fiction, \'The Royal Life Guard, or The Flight of the Royal Family\' tells the story of the downfall of the French Monarchy. Set during the French Revolution, this novel paints Marie Antoinette as the villain of the piece. By comparison, King Louis XIV is depicted as an accommodating monarch with his people\'s interests at heart. Historians will know the outcome of this thrilling tale but, even so, will find it fast-paced and brimming with intrigue and conspiracy.The adventure-packed narrative is supported by historical observations and Dumas\' rapier-sharp political knowledge. A superb read for those new to his work and for those who want to read beyond the romantic romps of \'The Three Musketeers.\'

Objev podobné jako The Royal Life Guard or The Flight of the Royal Family - Alexandre Dumas - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Molly and the Pirate Cave - Doyle Malachy

One morning, Molly''s dog Gus goes missing and the whole island are sent searching. On her search, Molly and her friend Bo hear a noise coming from a cave and decide to follow it. As they head deeper into the cave, Molly and Bo finally find Gus but the tide begins to rise. Will Molly, Bo and Gus be able to make their way out of the cave before the tide comes in?

Objev podobné jako Molly and the Pirate Cave - Doyle Malachy

cena 266.0 Kč

Vengeance of the Pirate Queen - Tricia Levensellerová

Pirates of the Caribbean meets The Mummy in Vengeance of the Pirate Queen, a page-turning, seafaring standalone YA fantasy romance, set in the world of Tricia Levenseller's Daughter of the Pirate King. Now in B Format.

Objev podobné jako Vengeance of the Pirate Queen - Tricia Levensellerová

cena 295.0 Kč

Daughter of the Pirate King - Tricia Levensellerová

Seventeen-year-old Alosa, daughter of the feared Pirate King, is on a mission. She must retrieve an ancient hidden map, the key to a legendary treasure trove. The catch? Alosa needs to conceal her considerable combat skills and allow herself to be captured by her enemies, giving her the perfect opportunity to search their ship.More than a match for the ruthless pirate crew, Alosa has only one thing standing between her and the map: her captor, the unexpectedly clever and unfairly attractive first mate, Riden. But luckily, she has a few tricks up her sleeve- and no lone pirate can stop the Daughter of the Pirate King.

Objev podobné jako Daughter of the Pirate King - Tricia Levensellerová

cena 268.0 Kč

Wigglesbottom Primary: The Pirate Cat - Pamela Butchart

Another hilarious take on school life from the brilliant Pamela Butchart - three stories of mayhem and chaos where pupils' imaginations run riot... The strangest things happen at Wigglesbottom Primary!

Objev podobné jako Wigglesbottom Primary: The Pirate Cat - Pamela Butchart

cena 207.0 Kč

Monet or The Triumph of Impressionism - Daniel Wildenstein

Žádný jiný umělec, s výjimkou J.M.W. Turnera, se tolik nesnažil, jako Claude Monet (1840-1926) zachytit na plátně samotné světlo. Dalo by se říci, že Monet objevil možnosti barev. Ať už to byl jeho raný zájem o japonské tisky, období branné služby v oslnivém světla Alžírska, nebo osobní seznámení s hlavními malíři konce 19. století, Monetova práce vytvořená během celého jeho života navždy změnila způsob, jakým vnímáme přirozený svět a jeho průvodní jevy. Vrcholem jeho díla byly pozdní série leknínů, jež maloval ve své vlastní zahradě v Giverně, které jsou ve svém přístupu směrem k téměř úplné beztvarosti skutečným vrcholem abstraktního umění. Tato biografie oslavuje tohoto pozoruhodného a velmi vlivného umělec a nabízí mnoho reprodukcí a archivních fotografií vedle podrobného a zasvěceného komentáře.

Objev podobné jako Monet or The Triumph of Impressionism - Daniel Wildenstein

cena 536.0 Kč

Catharine, or The Bower - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

eBook: What do we usually find in Jane Austen\'s novels? At least one girl with a conflict and a handsome man or two to rush in and save the day. If nothing else, Jane was a romantic through and through! Catharine is a young orphan being raised in the country. Her best friends are the four children of the vicar. After the vicar’s death, they have been sent off to various locations to make their way in the world. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley come to visit Catharine and her guardian aunt. They have a daughter Camilla, and a handsome son Edward. Camilla and Catharine become friends and Camilla is sure that Catharine and Edward will become a couple. The heroine, Catharine Percival, is young and naive, but intelligent and spirited. Although she is an orphan, as befits the heroine of a novel written in the late eighteenth century, she is hampered in her adventures by her loving aunt who is overprotective and fearful of the world Catharine is soon visiting London as well. Will she reunite with her old friends? Will Catharine and Edward become a couple or will something from the past force them apart?

Objev podobné jako Catharine, or The Bower - Jane Austenová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Pirate City - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: A merchant and his two sons leave Sicily on a voyage, but they are soon interrupted by a pirate from Algiers. When he takes them captive, they must fight not only for their own survival but also to forget the atrocities that they witness. An exciting historical tale of brutality, survival, and humanity, this is perfect for fans of Robert Louis Stevenson’s ‘Treasure Island’.

Objev podobné jako The Pirate City - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Enlightenment - Sarah Perryová

**LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE 2024**A story of love and astronomy told over the course of twenty years through the lives of two improbable best friends‘Gorgeous... Ethereal’ GUARDIAN‘A book with cosmic reach'' FINANCIAL TIMES‘A romance worthy of Emily Brontë’ WALL STREET JOURNAL‘A genre-bending novel of ideas’ TELEGRAPH''Sarah Perry just gets better and better'' INDEPENDENTThomas and Grace are fellow worshippers at the Baptist chapel in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits – torn between their commitment to religion and their desire for more. But their friendship is threatened by the arrival of love.Thomas falls for James Bower, who runs the local museum. Together they develop an obsession with the vanished nineteenth-century female astronomer Maria Veduva, said to haunt a nearby manor. Inspired by Maria, and the dawning realisation James may not reciprocate his feelings, Thomas finds solace studying the night skies. Could astronomy offer as much wonder as divine or earthly love?Meanwhile Grace meets Nathan, a fellow sixth former who represents a different, wilder kind of life. They are drawn passionately together, but quickly pulled apart, casting Grace into the wider world and far away from Thomas.In time, the mysteries of Aldleigh are revealed, bringing Thomas and Grace back to each other and to a richer understanding of love, of the nature of the world, and the sheer miracle of being alive.

Objev podobné jako Enlightenment - Sarah Perryová

cena 591.0 Kč

Enlightenment - Sarah Perryová

A story of love and astronomy told over the course of twenty years through the lives of two improbable best friends***AN OBSERVER FICTION BOOK TO LOOK OUT FOR IN 2024***'A complete masterwork' SARAH HALL'A beautifully nuanced novel of love in all its aspects' SUSAN STOKES-CHAPMANThomas Hart and Grace Macauley are fellow worshippers at the Bethesda Baptist chapel in the small Essex town of Aldleigh. Though separated in age by three decades, the pair are kindred spirits - torn between their commitment to religion and their desire for more. But their friendship is threatened by the arrival of love.Thomas falls for James Bower, who runs the local museum.Together they develop an obsession with the vanished nineteenth-century female astronomer Maria Veduva, said to haunt a nearby manor, and whose startling astronomical discoveries may never have been acknowledged. Inspired by Maria, and the dawning realisation James may not reciprocate his feelings, Thomas finds solace studying the night skies. Could astronomy offer as much wonder as divine or earthly love?Meanwhile Grace meets Nathan, a fellow sixth former who represents a different, wilder kind of life.They are drawn passionately together, but quickly pulled apart, casting Grace into the wider world and far away from Thomas.In time, the mysteries of Aldleigh are revealed, bringing Thomas and Grace back to each other and to a richer understanding of love, of the nature of the world, and the sheer miracle of being alive.

Objev podobné jako Enlightenment - Sarah Perryová

cena 473.0 Kč

Antonia; or, The Fall of Rome - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

eBook: Enter Big Willy C. In this his first published novel, Collins tackles two conflicts in the Rome of 408 AD: Paganism vs. Christianity and the titular hero, the daughter of a Christian Roman zealot, Antonia vs. Goisvintha – a Goth survivor of a Roman massacre. And when mild-mannered Antonia ends up captured by Goisvintha's brother during a siege, a tale of betrayals, sex and cat and mouse can truly unfold. It's not giant mech battles on distant planets exactly, but for 1850 English literature, this is pretty darn exotic.

Objev podobné jako Antonia; or, The Fall of Rome - Wilkie Collins - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Moby Dick or The Whale (978-80-7567-582-8)

Kniha - autor Herman Melville, 72 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá Citlivě zkrácený příběh v angličtině - úroveň A2 KET Tato kniha podporuje výuku angličtiny pro školní mládež. V atraktivním a zábavném čtení se děti setkají s klasickým textem světové literatury připraveným pro výuku. Text je učí nové slovní zásobě a procvičuje ji. Nová slovíčka jsou zvýrazněna. Kniha je zaměřena na děti, které začínají samostatně číst anglicky. Obsahuje celý příběh, 15 řádek textu na stránku, složitější syntaktické konstrukce. Součástí je také slovník a závěrečná kontrola toho, co se děti naučily. Román Moby Dick se zamýšlí nad zlem ztělesněným do dvou protagonistů: na jedné straně velryby, která reprezentuje zlo bez citů a ničí vše, s čím se setká, a na druhé straně kapitána Achaba, který ukazuje zlo zatvrzelé, jelikož je to jeho osobní nenávist a touha po pomstě, které ho vedou k velrybě, třebaže riskuje i životy svých mužů.

Objev podobné jako Moby Dick or The Whale (978-80-7567-582-8)

cena 147.0 Kč

Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite - Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliére - e-kniha

eBook: In this witty and charming French play, the audience follows Madame Pernelle, whose self-importance leads her to leave her son Orgon\'s house because no one pays any attention to her. The only person who happens to meet her high expectations is Tartuffe. While Tartuffe\'s true character of being \'the Hypocrite\' is slowly revealed to the audience, Madame Pernelle remains blissfully unaware of the fraud who exploits his victims by pretending to be pious. Madame Pernelle is on the point of leaving many times, but can\'t leave without having the last word and finds herself coming back to admonish or criticize one more person. Molière\'s ´Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite´ puts a satirical spin on religious hypocrisy and will delight fans of Shakespeare\'s ´The Taming of the Shrew´. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known by his stage name Molière, was a French playwright, actor, and poet. He is widely regarded as one of the greatest writers in the French language and world literature. Molière wrote comedies, farces, tragicomedies, and comédie-ballets. His plays have been translated into every major living language and are performed at the Comédie-Française more often than those of any other playwright today. He was born into a prosperous family and studied at the Collège de Clermont which made him well-suited for a life in the theatre. Molière spent thirteen years as an itinerant actor, which helped him polish his comedic abilities. While acting, he began writing, combining Commedia dell\'arte elements with the more refined French comedy.

Objev podobné jako Tartuffe, or The Hypocrite - Jean Baptiste Poquelin Moliére - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Clotel; or, The President's Daughter - William Wells Brown - e-kniha

eBook: First published in December 1853, Clotel was written amid then unconfirmed rumors that Thomas Jefferson had fathered children with one of his slaves. The story begins with the auction of his mistress, here called Currer, and their two daughters, Clotel and Althesa. The Virginian who buys Clotel falls in love with her, gets her pregnant, seems to promise marriage—then sells her. Escaping from the slave dealer, Clotel returns to Virginia disguised as a white man in order to rescue her daughter, Mary, a slave in her father’s house. A fast-paced and harrowing tale of slavery and freedom, of the hypocrisies of a nation founded on democratic principles, Clotel is more than a sensationalist novel. It is a founding text of the African American novelistic tradition, a brilliantly composed and richly detailed exploration of human relations in a new world in which race is a cultural construct.

Objev podobné jako Clotel; or, The President's Daughter - William Wells Brown - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker

If you think the world is coming to an end, think again: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science. Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? In this elegant assessment of the human condition in the third millennium, cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker urges us to step back from the gory headlines and prophecies of doom, which play to our psychological biases. Instead, follow the data: In seventy-five jaw-dropping graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, and happiness are on the rise, not just in the West, but worldwide. This progress is not the result of some cosmic force. It is a gift of the Enlightenment: the conviction that reason and science can enhance human flourishing. Far from being a naive hope, the Enlightenment, we now know, has worked. But more than ever, it needs a vigorous defense. The Enlightenment project swims against currents of human nature--tribalism, authoritarianism, demonization, magical thinking--which demagogues are all too willing to exploit. Many commentators, committed to political, religious, or romantic ideologies, fight a rearguard action against it. The result is a corrosive fatalism and a willingness to wreck the precious institutions of liberal democracy and global cooperation. With intellectual depth and literary flair, Enlightenment Now makes the case for reason, science, and humanism: the ideals we need to confront our problems and continue our progress.]

Objev podobné jako Enlightenment Now - Steven Pinker

cena 357.0 Kč

Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

eBook: Young Jeff Benson and his elder brother Jacob are left fatherless when their father dies unexpectedly. The tragic event changes the course of their lives forever – and Jeff sets his sights on a life at sea. After several years learning his craft, Jeff returns to land to become a coastguardsman in his hometown of Cranby – where plenty of daring adventures await him.

Objev podobné jako Jeff Benson, or the Young Coastguardsman - R. M. Ballantyne - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

Anděl smrti - Charles Graeber

Po zatčení v roce 2003 média bleskově vymyslela ošetřovateli Charlesi Cullenovi přezdívku "Anděl smrti". Jenže Cullen nevraždil ze soucitu a nebyl ani žádným jednoduchým monstrem. Byl to oblíbený syn, manžel, milující otec, nejlepší přítel a velice kvalifikovaný a často chválený ošetřovatel. Přitom se předpokládá, že by mohl mít na svědomí smrt až 300 pacientů. Charles Graeber představuje Cullena jako překvapivě inteligentního a problematického mladého muže, jehož slibnou kariéru zhatilo nutkání zabíjet a jehož plaché vystupování maskovalo jeho pokřivené nitro i před rodinou a nejbližšími přáteli. Kdyby nebylo dvou neúnavných, dnes již bývalých detektivů z oddělení vražd v Newarku, kteří tvrdě pracovali, aby poskládali všechny dílky obrazu Cullenovy kariéry, a jedné jeho kolegyně z práce, která byla ochotná riskovat svou práci i bezpečí svých dětí, kdo ví, kolik dalších lidských životů mohlo být jeho rukou zmařeno. Kniha byla zfilmována pod názvem Dobrá sestra (Netflix, 2022) s Eddiem Redmaynem a Jessicou Chastainovou v hlavních rolích.

Objev podobné jako Anděl smrti - Charles Graeber

cena 419.0 Kč

Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - M

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - M

cena 422.8749 Kč

Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - L

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - L

cena 422.8749 Kč

Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - XXL

Mr. Tee100% Original GuaranteedHigh ComfortImported

Objev podobné jako Mr. Tee The Real MojitoTee white - XXL

cena 422.8749 Kč

Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová

The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Růžová.

Objev podobné jako Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová

cena 1079.0 Kč

Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová

The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Růžová.

Objev podobné jako Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Růžová

cena 1079.0 Kč

Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová

The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle - Melissa - Fialová.

Objev podobné jako Melissa The Real Jelly Kim Pantofle Fialová

cena 1079.0 Kč

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