Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Peep Inside how a Fire Engine works - Lara Bryan

Nee naw, nee naw! The fire engine is here to save the day. Peep into the cab, roll out the hoses and slide out the ladder to find out how it works. Truck-obsessed toddlers will love all the details to spot, flaps to lift and holes to peep through. An exciting introduction to some of the people who help us.

Podívejte se také Blocki MyFireBrigade Fire engine with tow hook (KB0816)

cena 279.0 Kč

Peep Inside How a Plane Works - Lara Bryan

Follow a plane on a journey around the world in this little book, and peep inside its cockpit, engine and even its wings to find out how it works. With colourful illustrations, flaps to lift and holes to peep through, there's so much to discover in this fascinating introduction to planes and how they fly.

Podívejte se také lil peep

cena 223.0 Kč

Peep Inside How a Recycling Truck Works - Lara Bryan

Beep, Beep! The recycling truck has arrived! Peep under flaps and through holes to find out how it works, as it zooms around town collecting recycling and taking it to the sorting factory. This hands-on introduction to the topic of recycling is perfect for little fingers and curious minds.

Podívejte se také lara

cena 266.0 Kč

Jak funguje jeřáb? Lara Bryan, ilustrace Mike Byrne - Lara Bryan

Pozor! Je potřeba vyložit dodávku materiálu. Opatrně. Jeřáb vysouvá své dlouhé rameno. Jak se staví vysoké budovy? K čemu slouží kabina jeřábu? A pracují jeřáby jen během dne? Nechte děti nakouknout pod okénka, ať zjistí, jak to celé funguje. Při prohlížení ilustrací se dozvíte také mnoho zajímavých informací o stavbě budov a práci na staveništi. Kdo by nechtěl ovládat silný jeřáb? Děti se mohou na chvíli stát zkušenými jeřábníky nebo jeřábnicemi. Tato knížka je ideální pro malé ruce a zvídavé mysli.České vydání publikace nakladatelství Usborne.

Objev podobné jako Jak funguje jeřáb? Lara Bryan, ilustrace Mike Byrne - Lara Bryan

cena 232.0 Kč

Peep Inside Springtime - Anna Milbourneová

There's so much happening in springtime! As the days get warmer, leaves grow and flowers pop up, and all the animals get busy. Peep under blossom, behind the meadow flowers and into the pond to find nests full of chicks, baby bunnies, wiggly tadpoles, and other animals bustling round in spring. This bright interactive book will absorb little children while discovering what goes on in this lovely season.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside Springtime - Anna Milbourneová

cena 289.0 Kč

Peep Inside Garden - Anna Milbourneová

A sunny garden hums, buzzes, creeps and crawls with life. Lift the flaps and peep through the delicate laser-cut holes to discover a whole host of butterflies, birds and bees, caterpillars, squirrels, frogs and other garden wildlife. A delightful information book for the very young.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside Garden - Anna Milbourneová

cena 250.0 Kč

Peep Inside Christmas - Anna Milbourneová

A magical lift-the-flap book with holes all about what Santa does at Christmas. The elves are busy in Santa's workshop on Christmas Eve. Lift flaps and peep through holes to explore this magical winter wonderland. Meet all the reindeer and Mrs. Christmas working on the sleigh, see Santa flying through the sky, and fill the stockings full of presents. Then peep into Santa's house on Christmas morning to see how he celebrates - with a snooze in his armchair and lots of elf games. This little interactive book is a perfect way to enjoy the excitement of Christmas with little children. Sweet illustrations bring the teeny elves and the magical world to life, with lots of detail to explore.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside Christmas - Anna Milbourneová

cena 266.0 Kč

Jak funguje popelářské auto? Lara Bryan, ilustrace Giovanna Medeiros - Lara Bryan, Giovanna Medeiros

Fascinují tě popelářské vozy a říkaš si, jak fungují? Toto obrázkové leporelo ti umožní nahlédnout do těchto obrovských strojů a do třídírny odpadů.

Objev podobné jako Jak funguje popelářské auto? Lara Bryan, ilustrace Giovanna Medeiros - Lara Bryan, Giovanna Medeiros

cena 232.0 Kč

Peep Inside a Tree - Anna Milbourneová

Peep under leaves and behind branches to discover hibernating squirrels, creepy crawlies and more in this charming introduction to trees, filled with intricately cut flaps and holes to peep through. Find out what trees need to grow, what happens to a tree through the seasons, how long an oak tree can live for and much more.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside a Tree - Anna Milbourneová

cena 223.0 Kč

Peep Inside The Sea - Anna Milbourneová

Peep under waves and behind coral to discover hungry sharks, shy sea dragons and lots more hiding behind the flaps in this wonderful first book about the sea. Little children will love poring over the beautifully illustrated scenes, which include a submarine exploring the deep sea, waves lapping onto the shore and a sunken ship.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside The Sea - Anna Milbourneová

cena 223.0 Kč

Peep Inside Bug Homes - Anna Milbourneová

Come on a bug hunt in this little book and discover ants building their nest underground, bees making honey in their hive and a bug hotel where lots of creepy crawlies have found a home. With colourful illustrations, flaps to lift and holes to peep through, there's so much to discover in this fascinating introduction to insects and where they live.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside Bug Homes - Anna Milbourneová

cena 223.0 Kč

Peep inside a Coral Reef - Anna Milbourneová

Discover our planet's precious coral reefs. Peep through holes and under flaps to discover the wonders of a coral reef. Find teeny-tiny camouflaged seahorses, an octopus in its den, and a wealth of other creatures that live on the reef. See how a clownfish looks after its babies, see what comes out on the reef at night and learn what coral really is!

Objev podobné jako Peep inside a Coral Reef - Anna Milbourneová

cena 214.0 Kč

Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella - Anna Milbourneová

Peep Inside is the very young children's lift-the-flap information book series, the younger cousin of the Look Inside series which is, in turn, the younger relative of the bestselling See Inside series. With flaps and holes to peep underneath and through, life at the zoo is revealed. Snippets of information are combined with intriguing and stylish pictures.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Cinderella - Anna Milbourneová

cena 268.0 Kč

Law for Beginners - Lara Bryan

An entertaining and thought-provoking guide to what laws are, who makes them and how people enforce them. It covers crime and punishment as well as social and citizenship issues such as politics and international law, using a mixture of debates, cartoon strips and clear diagrams.

Objev podobné jako Law for Beginners - Lara Bryan

cena 295.0 Kč

Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories - Lara Bryan

Get ready to hold your nose. Here are eight stupendously whiffy, oozy and rip-roaring traditional tales, retold with extra stink and slime in this smelly yet surprisingly charming collection. Perfect for independent readers or for sharing a giggly moment at story time, these tales will spark a smile at any age.Packed with colour illustrations, jokes and speech bubbles to appeal to even the most reluctant reader. From dragon dung and stinky socks to a legendary fart from 'The 1001 Nights', discover fairy tales you wish you'd always known and old favourites in a new, much funnier, light.

Objev podobné jako Seriously Stinky Slimy Stories - Lara Bryan

cena 384.0 Kč

Ako funguje hasičské auto? - Lara Bryan

Hó-rí, hó-rí! Vzduchom znie hasičská siréna a hrdinovia všedného dňa vyrážajú do akcie. Majú všetko? Rebrík, hadicu, súpravu prvej pomoci... Nechajte deti nakuknúť pod okienka, zistia, ako to pri takomto hasičskom výjazde funguje. Prídu s hasičmi až k požiaru a k tým, ktorých treba zachrániť? Pri prezeraní ilustrácií sa môžete rozprávať o požiarnej bezpečnosti. Vzbudí to v deťoch úctu k ľuďom, ktorých prácou je zachraňovať životy. Deti sa môžu samy pozrieť pod obrázky a zistiť, ako to v hasičskom aute alebo na stanici vyzerá. Veď hasičom chcel byť predsa každý. Táto knižka je ideálna pre malé ruky a zvedavé mysle.

Objev podobné jako Ako funguje hasičské auto? - Lara Bryan

cena 358.0 Kč

Ako funguje smetiarske auto? - Lara Bryan

Túú, túú, vrzzz a škríííp. Smetiarske auto práve prichádza a nasýpa si do korby smetiaky na vašej ulici. A už sa to lisuje! Čo bude s odpadkami ďalej? Nechajte deti pozrieť pod okienka, nech zistia, ako to celé funguje. Dôjdu so smetiarmi až do triediarne odpadu? Pri prezeraní ilustrácií sa môžete rozprávať o tom, čo všetko sa dá vďaka recyklácii vyrobiť. Deti sa môžu samé pozrieť pod obrázky a stať sa odborníkmi na tieto silné a užitočné stroje. Veď smetiarom chcel byť predsa každý. Táto knižka zoznamuje deti s témou triedenia a je ideálna pre malé ruky a zvedavú myseľ. Slovenské vydanie publikácie vydavateľstva Usborne.

Objev podobné jako Ako funguje smetiarske auto? - Lara Bryan

cena 325.0 Kč

Peter Rabbit: Forest Homes A Peep-Inside Tale - Beatrix Potterová

Peter Rabbit is off to visit his friend Squirrel Nutkin! On his way, he comes across many familiar friends and asks all sorts of questions about their homes . . . Will Peter find out he and his friends are more similar than he thought? Join Peter Rabbit on this adventure story in this brilliant new board book format with flaps to lift and holes to peep through.

Objev podobné jako Peter Rabbit: Forest Homes A Peep-Inside Tale - Beatrix Potterová

cena 266.0 Kč

Ako funguje žeriav? - Lara Bryan, Byrne Mike

Pozor! Treba vyložiť dodávku materiálu. Opatrne. Žeriav vysúva svoje dlhé rameno. Ako sa stavajú vysoké budovy? Na čo slúži žeriavu kabína? A pracujú žeriavy len počas dňa? Nechajte deti nakuknúť pod okienka, nech zistia, ako to celé funguje. Pri prehliadaní ilustrácií sa dozviete tiež mnoho zaujímavých informácií o stavbe budov a práci na stavenisku. Kto by nechcel ovládať silný žeriav? Deti sa môžu na chvíľu stať skúsenými žeriavnikmi alebo žeriavničkami. Táto knižka je ideálna pre malé ruky a zvedavú myseľ.

Objev podobné jako Ako funguje žeriav? - Lara Bryan, Byrne Mike

cena 358.0 Kč

Economics for Beginners - Lara Bryan, Prentice Andrew

Nobody has everything they need, all the time – so how can we make do with what we have? Economics is all about understanding the choices we make to solve this problem. With bright infographics, this informative book describes why markets are so important, how businesses work out what to sell, and how governments choose how to run a country.

Objev podobné jako Economics for Beginners - Lara Bryan, Prentice Andrew

cena 295.0 Kč

Jak funguje hasičské auto? - Lara Bryan, Calroline Attia

Fascinují tě hasičská auta a říkáš si, jak fungují? Toto obrázkové leporelo ti umožní nahlédnout do těchto obrovských strojů a na hasičskou stanici.

Objev podobné jako Jak funguje hasičské auto? - Lara Bryan, Calroline Attia

cena 232.0 Kč

Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Anna Milbourneová

Peep through the trees right inside the three bears' tidy, inviting little cottage. Follow Goldilocks as she cheekily eats the bears' porridge, sits on their chairs and snuggles up in their beds. With a charming new twist at the end, this beloved fairy tale is retold in a gorgeous laser-cut book with holes and flaps.

Objev podobné jako Peep Inside a Fairy Tale Goldilocks and the Three Bears - Anna Milbourneová

cena 268.0 Kč

Tvoje tělo - Věda tě vítá - Lara Bryan, Teresa Bellón

Tvé tělo je dokonalé a skládá se z tisíce různých dílků! A také umí doslova zázraky! Která část tvého těla je nejmenší? Co máš pod kůží a proč ti tluče srdce? A co se stane, když se zraníš, onemocníš nebo si něco zlomíš? Odpovědi na tyto a další otázky se dočtete v tomto leporelu s mnoha odklápěcími okénky. Tato kniha pro mladší čtenáře představí dětem hravou, avšak poučnou formou, co se odehrává v našem těle a jak funguje. Díky ilustracím nahlédnete také dovnitř lidského těla - na kosti, svaly a orgány. Trefné popisky a zábavné obrázky, které doprovází fakta o lidském těle a jeho funkcích, pomohou s lepším zapamatováním si nových informací a vzbudí v dětech zájem o další objevování!

Objev podobné jako Tvoje tělo - Věda tě vítá - Lara Bryan, Teresa Bellón

cena 268.0 Kč

Yamaha BB735-A Fire Red Elektrická baskytara

Kombinací ostrého, pronikavého tónu a skutečné flexibility aktivních snímačů s razancí a sustainem 6šroubového zkoseného spoje krku se dá spolehnout na modely 700, které poskytnou mimořádně všestranný zvuk, který můžete přizpůsobit jakémukoli žánru nebo prostředí. Nejnovější modely BB700 se vyznačují laminovanou konstrukcí těla olše/javor/olše. Alnico magnety ve snímačích YGD Custom V7 vytvářejí hustý, ale pronikavý tón, který v kombinaci s jedinečnou konstrukcí těla poskytuje organický, dobře definovaný zvuk. Nové modely BB700 obsahují speciálně vyladěný aktivní/pasivní obvod pro jemné ovládání tónů a extrémní flexibilitu. Modely 700 obsahují aktivní snímače s 3pásmovým ekvalizérem, prolínačem snímačů a aktivním/pasivním přepínačem pro větší všestrannost a flexibilitu při tvarování vašeho zvuku. Nejnovější modely BB700 mají 5dílný laminovaný krk z javoru a mahagonu ve šroubovaném designu, který poskytuje ostrý útok a rychlou reakci. Tloušťka: 045" / 130" Ovládání: Middle;Treble;Hlasitost;Bass;Vyvážení Země původu: Čína Krk: Mahogany;Javor Výztuha krku: Dual Action Ladící mechanika: Yamaha Velikost pražců: Medium Jumbo Klíč na seřízení krku: Ano Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Pouzdro Tělo: Olše;Javor Snímače: 1x Yamaha Single Coil , 1x Yamaha Split Coil Provoz na baterie: Ano Hmatník: Palisandr Nultý pražec: Graphtech Povrchová úprava: Gloss Polyurethane Balení obsahuje: Šestihranný klíč Povrchová úprava krku: Satin Polyurethane Barva podle výrobce: Fire Red Typ: Precision Bass Vykládání hmatníku: Pearloid Lines Konstrukce: Šroubovaný krk Kobylka/tremolo: Vintage Plus Kobylkový snímač: VSC7b Single Coil pickup Přední deska: Ne Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 43.0 Menzura (mm): 864.0 Konfigurace snímačů: SS Úchyt na pás: Standard Počet strun: 5 Počet pražců: 21 Střední snímač: Ne Rádius hmatníku: 23 5/8" Barva: Červená Snímač u krku: VSP7n Split Single Coil Pickup Hardware: Black Chrome Pickguard: 3-Ply Black/White/Black Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Přepínač: Pan Pot Elektronika: Aktivní Ovládací knoflíky: Black Dome Style Typ baterie: 9V Struny: D'Addario EXL170-5

Objev podobné jako Yamaha BB735-A Fire Red Elektrická baskytara

cena 28590.0 Kč

Yamaha BB734-A Fire Red Elektrická baskytara

Kombinací ostrého, pronikavého tónu a skutečné flexibility aktivních snímačů s razancí a sustainem 6šroubového zkoseného spoje krku se dá spolehnout na modely 700, které poskytnou mimořádně všestranný zvuk, který můžete přizpůsobit jakémukoli žánru nebo prostředí. Nejnovější modely BB700 se vyznačují laminovanou konstrukcí těla olše/javor/olše. Alnico magnety ve snímačích YGD Custom V7 vytvářejí hustý, ale pronikavý tón, který v kombinaci s jedinečnou konstrukcí těla poskytuje organický, dobře definovaný zvuk. Nové modely BB700 obsahují speciálně vyladěný aktivní/pasivní obvod pro jemné ovládání tónů a extrémní flexibilitu. Modely 700 obsahují aktivní snímače s 3pásmovým ekvalizérem, prolínačem snímačů a aktivním/pasivním přepínačem pro větší všestrannost a flexibilitu při tvarování vašeho zvuku. Nejnovější modely BB700 mají 5dílný laminovaný krk z javoru a mahagonu ve šroubovaném designu, který poskytuje ostrý útok a rychlou reakci. Tloušťka: 045" / 100" Výztuha krku: Dual Action Barva podle výrobce: Fire Red Tělo: Olše;Javor Krk: Mahogany;Javor Země původu: Čína Provoz na baterie: Ano Hmatník: Palisandr Rádius hmatníku: 10" Velikost pražců: Medium Jumbo Ovládání: Hlasitost;Middle;Treble;Vyvážení;Bass Povrchová úprava: Gloss Polyurethane Ladící mechanika: Yamaha Balení obsahuje: Šestihranný klíč Pouzdro/kufr v ceně: Pouzdro Struny: D'Addario EXL170 (.045-.100) Nultý pražec: Graphtech Klíč na seřízení krku: Ano Snímače: 1x Yamaha Single Coil , 1x Yamaha Split Coil Povrchová úprava krku: Satin Polyurethane Počet strun: 4 Elektronika: Aktivní Šířka nultého pražce (mm): 40.0 Přepínač: Pan Pot Vykládání hmatníku: Pearloid Lines Typ baterie: 9V Barva: Červená Hardware: Black Chrome Úchyt na pás: Standard Typ: PJ-Bass Snímač u krku: VSP7n Split Single Coil Pickup Kobylkový snímač: VSC7b Single Coil pickup Menzura (mm): 864.0 Pickguard: 3-Ply Black/White/Black Konfigurace snímačů: SS Kobylka/tremolo: Vintage Plus Konstrukce: Šroubovaný krk Přední deska: Ne Střední snímač: Ne Preferovaná ruka: Pravá ruka Počet pražců: 21 Ovládací knoflíky: Black Dome Style

Objev podobné jako Yamaha BB734-A Fire Red Elektrická baskytara

cena 27790.0 Kč

Sanetta Pyžamo Fire Engine grey melange

Podrobnosti o produktu: Pyžamo s hasičským autem- Allover print Kulatý výstřih Spodní díl pyžama s elasťákem v pase Optimální přizpůsobení Materiál a péče: Materiál: 100 % bavlna Omyvatelné do 60 °C Sušení v sušičce Nebělit Nečistěte chemicky

Objev podobné jako Sanetta Pyžamo Fire Engine grey melange

cena 744.0 Kč

Sanetta Pyžamo Fire Engine grey melange

Podrobnosti o produktu: Pyžamo s hasičským autem- Allover print Kulatý výstřih Spodní díl pyžama s elasťákem v pase Optimální přizpůsobení Materiál a péče: Materiál: 100 % bavlna Omyvatelné do 60 °C Sušení v sušičce Nebělit Nečistěte chemicky

Objev podobné jako Sanetta Pyžamo Fire Engine grey melange

cena 744.0 Kč

A Fire in the Flesh - Jennifer L. Armentrout

After a startling betrayal ends with both Sera and the dangerously seductive ruler of the Shadowlands she has fallen madly in love with being held captive by the false King of the Gods, there is only one thing that can free Nyktos and prevent the forces of the Shadowlands from invading Dalos and igniting a War of Primals.

Objev podobné jako A Fire in the Flesh - Jennifer L. Armentrout

cena 599.0 Kč

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Catch A Fire (LP)

Interpret / Téma: Bob Marley & The Wailers Datum vydání: 2015-09-25 Žánr: Ska;Reggae;R&B;Rock Typ: LP deska;Album Dekáda interpreta: 1980 - 1989;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969 Subžánr: Roots Reggae;Ska;R&B;Rocksteady;Reggae Barva podle výrobce: Black Vydavatelství: Universal Music Rok vydání: 2015.0 Hmotnost: 180 g Složení setu: 1 ks Varianta: Catch A Fire (Vinyl LP) Země interpreta: Jamajka Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Evropská unie Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Bob Marley & The Wailers - Catch A Fire (LP)

cena 940.0 Kč

A Fire Born of Exile - Aliette de Bodardová

The Scattered Pearls Belt is a string of habitats under tight military rule . . .where the powerful have become all too comfortable in their positions, and their corruption. But change is coming, with the arrival of Quynh: the mysterious and enigmatic Alchemist of Streams and Hills. To Minh, daughter of the ruling prefect of the Belt , Quynh represents a chance for escape.To Hoà , a destitute engineer, Quynh has a mysterious link to her own past . . .and holds a deeper, more sensual appeal. But Quynh has her own secret history, and a plan for the ruling class of the Belt. A plan that will tear open old wounds, shake the heavens, and may well consume her.A beautiful exploration of the power of love, of revenge, and of the wounds of the past, this fast-paced, heart-warming space opera is set against a backdrop of corruption, power and political scheming in the far reaches of the award-winning Xuya universe.

Objev podobné jako A Fire Born of Exile - Aliette de Bodardová

cena 294.0 Kč

A Fire in the Flesh - Jennifer L. Armentrout

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Jennifer L. Armentrout comes book three in her beloved Flesh and Fire series…The only thing that can save the realms now is the one thing more powerful than the Fates.After a startling betrayal ends with both Sera and the dangerously seductive ruler of the Shadowlands she has fallen madly in love with being held captive by the false King of the Gods, there is only one thing that can free Nyktos and prevent the forces of the Shadowlands from invading Dalos and igniting a War of Primals. Convincing Kolis won’t be easy, though – not even with a lifetime of training. While his most favored Revenant is insistent that she is nothing more than a lie, Kolis’s erratic nature and twisted sense of honor leave her shaken to the core, and nothing could’ve prepared her for the cruelty of his Court or the shocking truths revealed. The revelations not only upend what she has understood about her duty and the very creation of the realms but also draw into question exactly what the true threat is. However, surviving Kolis is only one part of the battle. The Ascension is upon her, and Sera is out of time. But Nyktos will do anything to keep Sera alive and give her the life she deserves. He’ll even risk the utter destruction of the realms, and that’s exactly what will happen if he doesn’t Ascend as the Primal of Life. Yet despite his desperate determination, their destinies may be out of their hands. But there is that foreseen unexpected thread—the unpredictable, unknown, and unwritten. The only thing more powerful than the Fates…

Objev podobné jako A Fire in the Flesh - Jennifer L. Armentrout

cena 899.0 Kč

Blocki MyFireBrigade Fire engine with tow hook (KB0816)

Stavebnice - 188 dílků v balení, téma policie a hasiči, materiál plast, vhodná od 6 let Rády vaše děti tráví čas se stavebnicemi? Stavebnice Blocki rozvíjí řadu důležitých schopností dítěte, zejména jemnou motoriku a podporuje fantazii. Učení díky ní bude zábava a dětem takováto forma vzdělávání určitě vadit nebude. V balení se nalézá celkem 188 dílků. K jejímu zhotovení byl použitý materiál, jako je plast. Hlavní vlastnosti stavebnice Blocki MyFireBrigade Fire engine with tow hook Stavebnice představuje spoustu možností ke tvoření Podporuje fantazii a jemnou motoriku Stavebnice obsahuje celkem 188 dílků Materiálem je plast Stavebnice Blocki je vhodná pro děti od 6 let Motiv: policie a hasiči

Objev podobné jako Blocki MyFireBrigade Fire engine with tow hook (KB0816)

cena 379.0 Kč

Jamara Fire Engine 1:20Mercedes Antos 2,4GHz (4042774416799)

RC auto - vhodné pro děti od 6 let, typ motoru - elektrický stejnosměrný Moderní, lehce ovladatelná hračka, která spolehlivě zahání nudu, to je Jamara Fire Engine 1:20Mercedes Antos 2,4GHz. Je vhodné pro domácí použití. Stačí už jen sebrat ovladač a dát modelu život. Auto na dálkové ovládání Jamara má v balení dálkový ovladač a model. Hlavní přednosti RC auta Jamara Fire Engine 1:20Mercedes Antos 2,4GHz RC auto Jamara jen tak neomrzí Ovládání je velice intuitivní Doporučeno od 6 let

Objev podobné jako Jamara Fire Engine 1:20Mercedes Antos 2,4GHz (4042774416799)

cena 2329.0 Kč

Hey Duggee: The Fire Engine Badge - Hey Duggee

Enid the cat is stuck in a tree! Duggee and the Squirrels must find a way to rescue her . . . and fast! NEE-NAW! NEE-NAW! NEE-NAW!Squirrel Club to the rescue! Can the Squirrels work together to save Enid and earn their Fire Engine Badges?Join them in this heroic tale for daring young Squirrels. Want more Duggee? Also available: Hey Duggee: Vehicles: A Tabbed Board Book Hey Duggee: The Moving BadgeHey Duggee: Around the Clubhouse: A Lift-the-Flap Book

Objev podobné jako Hey Duggee: The Fire Engine Badge - Hey Duggee

cena 177.0 Kč

The Big Red Fire Engine - Ken Wilson-Max

Drive the big red fire engine and help put out the fire. A great interactive finger tab book, with fun facts on every spread.

Objev podobné jako The Big Red Fire Engine - Ken Wilson-Max

cena 295.0 Kč

That´s Not My Fire Engine... - Fiona Wattová

Turn the pages to discover the fire engines with their bumpy doors, squashy wheels and sparkly lights as they speed through the pages of this sturdy board book.Babies and toddlers will delight in the bold illustrations and touching the fuzzy, furry, smooth and soft fabric patches on each page. That's not my... books are designed to be shared and support sensory and language development.Don't forget to spot the familiar little white mouse on every page of this sturdy board book, perfect for little hands.DID YOU KNOW...? One That's not my... book is sold every minute in the UK! With over 60 titles to choose from, there's a That's not my... book for everyone.

Objev podobné jako That´s Not My Fire Engine... - Fiona Wattová

cena 207.0 Kč

Noisy Wind-Up Fire Engine (Defekt) - Sam Taplin

This book includes three fire-engine stories with a twist! Each story has a sturdy track embedded in the pages which the accompanying wind-up fire engine toy can then be placed upon to follow around and bring the story to life. This lovely big board book is perfect for sharing with small children, who love the excitement and sounds of a speedy fire engine. Children can press the button to hear the nee-naw noise just like a real fire engine. It is a fantastic gift, which is guaranteed to engage and entertain young children.

Objev podobné jako Noisy Wind-Up Fire Engine (Defekt) - Sam Taplin

cena 239.0 Kč

A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, Book 2) - Rebecca Ross

THE EPIC CONCLUSION TO THE #1 SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLING ELEMENTS OF CADENCE DUOLOGY The stunning sequel to A River Enchanted finds the delicate balance between the human and faerie realm threatened by Bane, the spirit of the North Wind, whose defeat can only come through fire, song, and heartrending sacrifice. East and west. Humans and spirits.The tenuous balance of the Isle of Cadence is under threat from Bane, the spirit of the north wind. In the west, Adaira struggles to find her place. And, though magic blooms there, the spirits suffer beneath Bane's harsh power, felt in every gust of wind.In the east, Jack Tamerlaine is adrift without Adaira, until he acquires a mission destined to lead him back to her. But among the Tamerlaines sickness is spreading and Torin desperately strikes a bargain with the spirits - a folly at any time. With their very land at risk, all will need to join together to confront Bane.Yet none can challenge the north wind without paying a terrible price, and the sacrifice required may be more than they can bear...

Objev podobné jako A Fire Endless (Elements of Cadence, Book 2) - Rebecca Ross

cena 268.0 Kč

Nino NINO-EMDJ-FE Children Fire Engine 6" Djembe

Detský perkusní nástroj typu djembe. Vhodný tvar ideální pro mále ruce s možností využití uvnitr i venku díky plastové konstrukci. Predladená plastová blána, kompaktní velikost a nízká hmotnost poskytují ideální nástroj pro rozvoj detského rytmu. Rozmery: 15,24 x 26,6 cm. Barevné provedení: Fire Engine. Typ: Djembe Země původu: Indonésie Barva podle výrobce: Fire Engine Materiál: Laminát Velikost: XXS Výška: 10 1/2" Přední deska: Syntetický materiál Barva: Červená Použití: Bubny a perkuse pro děti Průměr (inch / palec): 6.0 Průměr: 6"

Objev podobné jako Nino NINO-EMDJ-FE Children Fire Engine 6" Djembe

cena 949.0 Kč

How Music Works (0857862529)

Kniha - autor David Byrne, 374 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná How Music Works is David Byrne's bestselling, buoyant celebration of a subject he has spent a lifetime thinking about. Drawing on his own work over the years with Talking Heads, Brian Eno, and his myriad collaborators - along with journeys to Wagnerian opera houses, African villages, and anywhere music exists - Byrne shows how music emerges from cultural circumstance as much as individual creativity. It is his magnum opus, and an impassioned argument about music's liberating, life-affirming power.

Objev podobné jako How Music Works (0857862529)

cena 359.0 Kč

How Life Works - Philip Ball

A cutting-edge new vision of biology that proposes to revise our concept of what life is – from Science Book Prize winner and former Nature editor Philip Ball. Biology is undergoing a quiet but profound transformation. Several aspects of the standard picture of how life works have been exposed as incomplete, misleading, or wrong.In How Life Works, Philip Ball explores the new biology, revealing life to be a far richer, more ingenious affair than we had guessed. With this knowledge come new possibilities. Today we can redesign and reconfigure living systems, tissues, and organisms.We can reprogram cells, for instance, to carry out new tasks and grow into structures not seen in the natural world. Some researchers believe that ultimately we will be able to regenerate limbs and organs, and perhaps even create new life forms that evolution has never imagined. Incorporating the latest research and insights, How Life Works is a sweeping journey into this new frontier of the nature of life, a realm that will reshape our understanding of life as we know it.

Objev podobné jako How Life Works - Philip Ball

cena 536.0 Kč

How Linux Works, 3rd Edition (1718500408)

Kniha - autor Brian Ward, 390 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Best-selling guide to the inner workings of the Linux operating system with over 50,000 copies sold since its original release in 2014. Linux for the Superuser Unlike some operating systems, Linux doesn’t try to hide the important bits from you—it gives you full control of your computer. But to truly master Linux, you need to understand its internals, like how the system boots, how networking works, and what the kernel actually does. In this third edition of the bestselling How Linux Works, author Brian Ward peels back the layers of this well-loved operating system to make Linux internals accessible. This edition has been thoroughly updated and expanded with added coverage of Logical Volume Manager (LVM), virtualization, and containers. You'll learn: How Linux boots, from boot loaders to init (systemd) How the kernel manages devices, device drivers, and processes How networking,...

Objev podobné jako How Linux Works, 3rd Edition (1718500408)

cena 1073.0 Kč

How It Works: Sound - Victoria Williams

Sssh, listen... what can you hear? From musical harmonies to sonic booms, discover the science of sound and how we hear things. Why is most of space completely silent? Why does a recording of your voice sound strange? And what do bats, dolphins and a boat full of scientists have in common? The answers are all in this book, with lots of flaps to lift and simple experiments to do at home.

Objev podobné jako How It Works: Sound - Victoria Williams

cena 325.0 Kč

Bob Marley & The Wailers - Catch A Fire (Limited Edition) (50th Anniversary) (3 LP + 12" Vinyl)

Dekáda interpreta: 1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989 Typ: LP deska;12" vinylová deska;Limitovaná edice;Jubilejní edice Varianta: Catch A Fire (Limited Edition) (50th Anniversary) (3 LP + 12" Vinyl) Subžánr: Ska;R&B;Rocksteady;Roots Reggae;Reggae Datum vydání: 2023-11-03 Vydavatelství: Universal Music Žánr: Ska;R&B;Reggae;Rock Interpret / Téma: Bob Marley & The Wailers Země původu: Německo Barva podle výrobce: Black Rok vydání: 2023.0 Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Jamajka Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 4 ks Barva: Černá

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cena 1759.5 Kč

How Migration Really Works - Hein de Haas

Authoritative and myth-busting, this is the one book you need to read to understand why we've been wrong about migration - perfect for fans of Tim Marshall's Prisoners of GeographyGlobal migration is not at an all-time high. Climate change will not lead to mass migration. Immigration mainly benefits the wealthy, not workers.Border restrictions have paradoxically produced more migration. These statements might sound counter-intuitive or just outright wrong - but the facts behind the headlines reveal a completely different story to the ones we're told about migration. In this ground-breaking and revelatory book, based on more than three decades of research, leading expert Professor Hein de Haas explodes myths from left to right that politicians, interest groups and media regularly spread about migration.Above all, How Migration Really Works offers a new vision of global migration based on facts rather than fears, and a paradigm-altering understanding of this perennially important subject.

Objev podobné jako How Migration Really Works - Hein de Haas

cena 325.0 Kč

How It Works: The Student - Jason Hazeley

A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* How it Works: The Student - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Dog How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipste

Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Student - Jason Hazeley

cena 175.0 Kč

How It Works: The Grandparent - Jason Hazeley

This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them.The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text.

Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Grandparent - Jason Hazeley

cena 207.0 Kč

How It Works: The Wife (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster

Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Wife (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

cena 49.0 Kč

How It Works: The Dog (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

A HILARIOUS, BRAND NEW BOOK IN THE PHENOMENAL LADYBIRDS FOR GROWN UPS SERIES, FOR AUTUMN 2016* How it Works: The Dog - a nugget of wisdom from bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Other new titles for Autumn 2016: How it Works: The Student How it Works: The Cat How it Works: The Grandparent The Ladybird Book of the Meeting The Ladybird Book of Red Tape The Ladybird Book of the People Next Door The Ladybird Book of the Sickie The Ladybird Book of the Zombie Apocalypse Previous titles in the Ladybirds for Grown Ups series: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum How it Works: The Dad The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster

Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Dog (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

cena 109.0 Kč

How It Works: The Husband (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

From bestselling authors Jason Hazeley and Joel Morris - a nugget of wisdom in the phenomenal Ladybirds for Grown Ups series. This delightful book is the latest in the series of Ladybird books which have been specially planned to help grown-ups with the world about them. The large clear script, the careful choice of words, the frequent repetition and the thoughtful matching of text with pictures all enable grown-ups to think they have taught themselves to cope. Featuring original Ladybird artwork alongside brilliantly funny, brand new text. Also available: How it Works: The Husband How it Works: The Wife How it Works: The Mum The Ladybird Book of the Mid-Life Crisis The Ladybird Book of the Hangover The Ladybird Book of Mindfulness The Ladybird Book of the Shed The Ladybird Book of Dating The Ladybird Book of the Hipster

Objev podobné jako How It Works: The Husband (Defekt) - Jason Hazeley

cena 119.0 Kč

How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't - Ian Dunt

Why do some prime ministers manage to get things done, while others miserably fail? What is a ''special adviser'' and how did they take over British political life? And why is the House of Lords more functional than most people think?Most of us have a sense that our political system doesn''t seem to work, but struggle to articulate exactly why. And for good reason: our political and financial institutions are cloaked in secrecy, archaic terminology, ancient custom and impenetrable jargon. Now, expert political journalist Ian Dunt is lifting the lid on British politics to expose every aspect of the setup in a way that can be understood and challenged. From Downing Street to Whitehall, the Commons to the Lords, this book is an indispensable guide to our political system - and how we might begin to fix it.

Objev podobné jako How Westminster Works . . . and Why It Doesn't - Ian Dunt

cena 325.0 Kč

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