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Oxybag Santoro - Every Summer Has A Story (8596424128311)

Dětský batoh vhodný Dětský batoh Oxybag (Karton P+P) od začátku vzbudí zalíbení u vašeho dítěte originálním zpracováním a užitnými vlastnostmi. Pohodlné nošení násobně zlepšují i popruhy, jejichž délku snadno přizpůsobíte dítěti na míru. Díky příjemnému objemu 6 l do batohu naskládáte vše potřebné. Samotný dětský batoh Oxybag Santoro - Every Summer Has A Story zatíží záda vahou pouhých 0,25 kg. Klíčové parametry dětského batohu Oxybag Santoro - Every Summer Has A Story Dětský batoh Oxybag (Karton P+P) je vhodný od 3 let Objem tohoto modelu je 6 l Dětský batoh Oxybag (Karton P+P) má rozměry 22 × 10 × 30 cm Hmotnost dětského batohu je 0,25 kg Vychytaná výbava dětského batohu Oxybag (Karton P+P) Při koupi tohoto dětského batohu můžete počítat s tím, že má nastavitelné ramenní popruhy. Vaše dítko si může tak jeho pozici na zádech podle svých potřeb.

Podívejte se také santoro london zapisnik a5 linkovany gorjuss every summer has a story

cena 457.0 Kč

3-dílný Oxybag PREMIUM Every Summer Has A Story (8596424138099)

Školní set , obsahem školního setu je aktovka, nevybavený penál a sáček na přezůvky/cvičební úbor, objem batohu: 28l, hmotnost: 1,1kg, rozměry: 35cm×31cm×18cm, vhodné od 6 let Aktovka se skládá z velké přihrádky, do které umístíte veškeré školní pomůcky a dokáže zachovat stejný tvar plná a prázdná. V setu mimo aktovky obdržíte i penál, který potřebuje každý školák. Sáček na přezůvky nebo cvičební úbor bez problému využijete k přenosu lehčích věcí mezi školou a domovem. Školní set Oxybag (Karton P+P) je dobrou volbou pro děti od 6 let. Samotná aktovka váží. Školní aktovka s objemem 28 l dokáže tak pojmout veškeré školní potřeby a pomůcky. Rozměry aktovky se rovnají 35 cm × 31 cm × 18 cm. Nejdůležitější parametry školního setu 3-dílný Oxybag PREMIUM Every Summer Has A Story Aktovka pro veškeré učivo i školní potřeby Sáček pro umístění přezůvek nebo cvičební úbor

Podívejte se také santoro

cena 2030.0 Kč

Fotokniha EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Printworks šedá

Hlavní výhody: fotokniha v neutrálních barvách vypadá jako klasická elegantní kniha 80 stránek vysoce kvalitního fotografického papíru o gramáži 150 g/m2 vejde se do ní 160 vodorovně umístěných fotografií o rozměru 11 x 15 cm kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) textilní potah v tmavě šedé barvě s černým textem ideální dárek k různým příležitostem Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 28 x 3,5 x 19,5 cm materiály: recyklovaný šedý karton, FSC cert. fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 80

Podívejte se také Her Every Fear (9780571327119)

cena 708.0 Kč

Fotokniha EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Printworks šedá

Hlavní výhody: fotokniha v neutrálních barvách vypadá jako klasická elegantní kniha 80 stránek vysoce kvalitního fotografického papíru o gramáži 150 g/m2 vejde se do ní 160 vodorovně umístěných fotografií o rozměru 11 x 15 cm kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) textilní potah v tmavě šedé barvě s černým textem ideální dárek k různým příležitostem Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 28 x 3,5 x 19,5 cm materiály: recyklovaný šedý karton, FSC cert. fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 80

Objev podobné jako Fotokniha EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Printworks šedá

cena 708.0 Kč

Fotokniha EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Printworks šedá

Hlavní výhody: fotokniha v neutrálních barvách vypadá jako klasická elegantní kniha 80 stránek vysoce kvalitního fotografického papíru o gramáži 150 g/m2 vejde se do ní 160 vodorovně umístěných fotografií o rozměru 11 x 15 cm kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) textilní potah v tmavě šedé barvě s černým textem ideální dárek k různým příležitostem Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 28 x 3,5 x 19,5 cm materiály: recyklovaný šedý karton, FSC cert. fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 80

Objev podobné jako Fotokniha EVERY PICTURE TELLS A STORY Printworks šedá

cena 708.0 Kč

Plakát Stranger Things - Every Ending Has A Beginning

Tento plakát se hodí na každou zeď Tištěno na kvalitní papír, snadno sbalitelné do tubusu Rozměr plakátu: 61 x 91,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Plakát Stranger Things - Every Ending Has A Beginning

cena 189.0 Kč

The Moravian Night : A Story

Mysteriously summoned to a houseboat on the Morava River, a few friends, associates, and collaborators of an old writer listen as he tells a story that will last until dawn: the tale of the once well-known writer's recent odyssey across Europe. As his story unfolds, it visits places that represent stages of the narrator's and the continent's past, many now lost or irrecoverably changed through war, death, and the subtler erosions of time. His wanderings take him from the Balkans to Spain, Germany, and Austria, from a congress of experts on noise sickness to a clandestine international gathering of jew's-harp virtuosos. His story and its telling are haunted by a beautiful stranger, a woman who has a preternatural hold over the writer and appears sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the longed-for destination of his travels.Powerfully alive, honest, and at times deliciously satirical, The Moravian Night explores the mind and memory of an aging writer, tracking the anxieties, angers, fears, and pleasures of a life inseparable from the recent history of Central Europe. In crystalline prose, Peter Handke traces and interrogates his own thoughts and perceptions while endowing the world with a mythic dimension.

Objev podobné jako The Moravian Night : A Story

cena 359.0 Kč

Fotoalbum Printworks A Story of Love

Fotoalbum z kolekce Printworks.

Objev podobné jako Fotoalbum Printworks A Story of Love

cena 1199.0 Kč

The Moravian Night : A Story (Defekt)

Mysteriously summoned to a houseboat on the Morava River, a few friends, associates, and collaborators of an old writer listen as he tells a story that will last until dawn: the tale of the once well-known writer's recent odyssey across Europe. As his story unfolds, it visits places that represent stages of the narrator's and the continent's past, many now lost or irrecoverably changed through war, death, and the subtler erosions of time. His wanderings take him from the Balkans to Spain, Germany, and Austria, from a congress of experts on noise sickness to a clandestine international gathering of jew's-harp virtuosos. His story and its telling are haunted by a beautiful stranger, a woman who has a preternatural hold over the writer and appears sometimes as a demon, sometimes as the longed-for destination of his travels.Powerfully alive, honest, and at times deliciously satirical, The Moravian Night explores the mind and memory of an aging writer, tracking the anxieties, angers, fears, and pleasures of a life inseparable from the recent history of Central Europe. In crystalline prose, Peter Handke traces and interrogates his own thoughts and perceptions while endowing the world with a mythic dimension.

Objev podobné jako The Moravian Night : A Story (Defekt)

cena 159.0 Kč

Money: A Story of Humanity - David McWilliams

MONEY.The object of our desires.The engine of our genius.Humanity’s greatest invention.Whether we like it or not, our world revolves around money, but we rarely stop to think about it. What is money, where does it come from, and can it run out? What is this substance that drives trade, revolutions and discoveries; inspires art, philosophy and science?In this illuminating, sometimes irreverent, and often surprising journey, economist David McWilliams charts the relationship between humans and money – from a tally stick in ancient Africa to coins in Republican Greece, from mathematics in the medieval Arab world to the French Revolution, and from the emergence of the US dollar right up to today’s cryptocurrency and beyond. Along the way, we meet a host of characters who have innovated with money, disrupting society and changing the way we live, in an ongoing monetary evolution that has, for the last 5000 years, animated human progress.McWilliams unlocks the mysteries and power of money, explaining why it matters and how it shapes our world. The story of money is the story of earth’s most inventive, destructive, and dangerous animal: Homo sapiens. It is our story.

Objev podobné jako Money: A Story of Humanity - David McWilliams

cena 473.0 Kč

Jonathan Livingston Seagull : A Story - Richard Bach

The complete edition of a timeless classic, includes the recently rediscovered Part Four and 'Last Words' by Richard Bach.Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the most celebrated inspirational fable of our time, tells the story of a bird determined to be more than ordinary.

Objev podobné jako Jonathan Livingston Seagull : A Story - Richard Bach

cena 268.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

Hlavní výhody: krásné fotoalbum na svatební fotografie na každou stránku se vejdou dvě fotografie 10 x 15 cm s dostatečným prostorem pro poznámku kvalitní fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin fotografie je možno připevnit pomocí fotorůžků nebo samolepek (nejsou součástí balení) možnost přidání dalších až 10 stránek Dodatečné informace: rozměry: 27 x 5 x 33 cm rozměry fotopapíru: 21 x 28 cm materiály: potah 100% bavlna + recyklovaná šedá deska, stránky FSC cert. bílý fotopapír bez obsahu kyselin počet stran: 30

Objev podobné jako Svatební fotoalbum A STORY OF LOVE Printworks bílé

cena 902.0 Kč

Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment - Levi Pinfold

An enchanting tale of haunting places and mystical bargains, sumptuously illustrated by Levi Pinfold.Washed clean in his pool, we fall under his ruleAway from what is, for we are now his.When a young girl and her brothers step into the ghostly Paradise Sands hotel, they fall under the rule of the mysterious Teller. She makes a deal with him to free them all from his haunting paradise. But can she hold up her side of the bargain?

Objev podobné jako Paradise Sands: A Story of Enchantment - Levi Pinfold

cena 266.0 Kč

Jonathan Livingston Seagull : A Story (Defekt) - Richard Bach

The complete edition of a timeless classic, includes the recently rediscovered Part Four and 'Last Words' by Richard Bach.Jonathan Livingston Seagull, the most celebrated inspirational fable of our time, tells the story of a bird determined to be more than ordinary.

Objev podobné jako Jonathan Livingston Seagull : A Story (Defekt) - Richard Bach

cena 159.0 Kč

Every Summer After - Carley Fortune

Five summers to fall in love. One moment to fall apart. A weekend to get it right.A magazine writer has to make a choice when she returns to the lake she grew up on, and to the man she thought she'd never have to live without, in this achingly nostalgic debut.They say you can never go home again, and for Persephone Fraser that has felt too true for the last decade, ever since she made the biggest mistake of her life. Instead of glittering summers on the lakeshore of her childhood, she spends them in a stylish apartment in the city, going out with friends, and keeping everyone a safe distance from her heart. Until the day she gets a call that sends her racing back to Barry's Bay and into the orbit of Sam Florek.For five summers, through hazy afternoons on the water and warm summer nights working in his family restaurant and curling up together with books-medical textbooks for him and work-in-progress horror short stories for her-Percy and Sam had been inseparable. And slowly that friendship turned into something breathtakingly more, before it fell spectacularly apart.When Percy returns to the lake to attend Sam's mother's funeral, their connection is as undeniable as it had always been. Percy must confront the decisions she's made and the years she's spent punishing herself for them, in order to determine, once and for all, whether their love might be bigger than the biggest mistakes of their past.Told over the course of five years and one weekend, Every Summer After is a big, sweeping look at love and the people and choices that mark us forever.

Objev podobné jako Every Summer After - Carley Fortune

cena 268.0 Kč

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (081298496X)

Kniha - autor Bryan Stevenson, 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption (081298496X)

cena 297.0 Kč

PrintWorks Wedding Album, A Story of Love Blue Multi

PrintWorks Wedding Album, A Story of Love – svatební fotoalbum, které vám pomůže uchovat vzpomínky na váš perfektní svatební den na vždy.

Objev podobné jako PrintWorks Wedding Album, A Story of Love Blue Multi

cena 1062.0 Kč

National Trust: A Story of the Seasons - Anna Wilsonová

Discover the secrets of the changing seasons in this enchanting and fact-filled guide to nature. Follow wildlife season by season, finding out about the exciting - and sometimes surprising - stories of the animals, plants and places you see around you. Meet tiny tadpoles growing into frogs in spring and colourful butterflies clustering around the summer wildflowers.Follow hedgehogs as they find safe places to hibernate among the falling autumn leaves, and birds searching for berries to eat during the coldest winter months. A seasonal nature story for the whole family to treasure.

Objev podobné jako National Trust: A Story of the Seasons - Anna Wilsonová

cena 591.0 Kč

The House by the Lake: A Story of Germany (0099592045)

Kniha - autor Thomas Harding, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A personal and panoramic new history of Germany in the 20th century, by the author of "Hanns & Rudolf". Reveals the story of the country through the inhabitants of one small wooden building. Now in paperback. 'A passionate memoir about Germany.' Neil MacGregor

Objev podobné jako The House by the Lake: A Story of Germany (0099592045)

cena 328.0 Kč

Along Came Coco: A Story about Coco Chanel - Eva Byrne

In a time when children were meant to be seen and not heard, along came Coco, a small French orphan with an eye for style, a talent for sewing, and a big imagination. Coco grew up in an orphanage run by very strict nuns, but she wasn't very good at following rules. At a time when girls were told to brush their hair 100 times until their arms were sore, Coco promised herself that one day she would snip away her locks so that she wouldn't have to be so fussy-girls needed time for other things, and they needed some of the comforts that boys enjoyed. Why shouldn't girls have pockets? And why did they have to wear corsets all the time? An exploration of Coco's early life and a celebration of her creativity, Along Came Coco ?shows the ways in which Coco Chanel's imaginative spirit led her to grow into one of the world's most beloved fashion icons.

Objev podobné jako Along Came Coco: A Story about Coco Chanel - Eva Byrne

cena 339.0 Kč

Work: A Story of Experience - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

eBook: 'A Story of Experience' is a semi-autobiographical novel loosely based on Alcott's own life, which explores the social standing of women in the US, in the years around the Civil War. Christie, our heroine, is a single woman who works outside the home doing a number of odd jobs to make ends meet. This story tracks the change in women's work with the dawn of the new industrial age, the meaning of work to women and the tension and dilemmas that came with this work. It is a story of women trying to find their place in the world, in a society that continually hampers their progress. It is a mature story full of insightful and uplifting anecdotes, that gives an excellent window in to Alcott's own life as well. It is a profoundly uplifting read, with a triumphant conclusion that makes perfect reading for any fans of underdog stories.

Objev podobné jako Work: A Story of Experience - Louisa May Alcottová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Pick a Story: A Monster Princess Shark Adventure - Sarah Coyle

Do you love monsters? How about princesses? And sharks? Find them ALL in the pages of this laugh-out-loud ‘pick your own’ picture book adventure! Zara is enjoying a day at the beach, when she realised – horror! – that Old Ted has disappeared. He may be old and worn . .. but Zara needs him back, and she needs YOUR help to find him! Has Old Ted been taken by a monster? Or pinched by a princess? Or snapped up by a shark? It’s up to YOU to decide! Pick a Story is the ONLY series where young readers choose between three completely different worlds – allowing them to change the story as it happens. Children are excited by having choice and a feeling of agency, and it fires their imaginations.Choice and value! Readers choose the direction of the adventure on every page. With endless story paths to be taken, the adventure is always different. Packed with activities! Each page includes an activity, such as search-and-find, odd-one-out, mazes and more, woven seamlessly into the narrative – perfect for immersing and engaging young readers.

Objev podobné jako Pick a Story: A Monster Princess Shark Adventure - Sarah Coyle

cena 214.0 Kč

The Night We Got Stuck in a Story - Ben Miller

Turn the page . . . share the adventure in the latest top-ten family fairytale from bestselling author, actor and comedian, Ben Miller. *BRAND NEW ADVENTURE ROBIN HOOD AGED 10 3/4 AVAILABLE FOR PRE-ORDER NOW* Lana and Harrison are staying with their grandparents, when they discover their favourite tree to play in is under threat. That night, a magical golden thread leads them up through the hollow of the tree into a storybook land, where wind and rain rage and a fearsome beast terrifies all who live there. When Harrison is kidnapped by the evil Queen, Lana must do whatever it takes to find him, save the villagers and restore the balance of the storybook world, before the night is out. A breathtaking journey through magical worlds for all the family, featuring Lana and Harrison, the adventure-loving siblings from the bestselling The Day I Fell into a Fairytale, from master storyteller, Ben Miller. 'Wonderful, funny, magical' Chris Evans‘A magical adventure’ Sunday Express 'Bubbles with warmth and mischievous humour . . . irresistible' Alexander Armstrong

Objev podobné jako The Night We Got Stuck in a Story - Ben Miller

cena 236.0 Kč

A Story of a Weir-Wolf - Catherine Crowe - e-kniha

eBook: The first werewolf story written by a female, Catherine Crow’s ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ depicts the horrors of one man’s deadly secret - and fight for survival. Banished by those who loved him, he must now learn to manage the devil in his mind. And stop the horrors of his heart from awaking once the full moon rises... Reprinted in ‘The Best Werewolf Short Stories 1800-1849: A Classic Werewolf Anthology’, ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ will delight fans of Netflix’s ‘Werewolves Within’. Catherine Crow (1803-1876) was an English novelist, children’s writer, and playwright. On stage, her writings reflect the trials and tribulations of family love and life, with ‘Aristodemus’ and the melodrama ‘The Cruel Kindness’. On the page, however, Crow turned to German gothic writers, leading to her supernatural works ‘A Story of a Weir-Wolf’ and ‘The Night-Side of Nature’ - the latter of which influenced the likes of Charles Baudelaire. Meanwhile, her children’s stories span ‘ Uncle Tom's Cabin’, ‘Pippie's Warning; or, Mind Your Temper’ and ‘The Adventures of a Monkey’. Crow remains today the first female author of werewolf fiction.

Objev podobné jako A Story of a Weir-Wolf - Catherine Crowe - e-kniha

cena 255.0 Kč

Rumple Buttercup: A Story of Bananas, Belonging, and Being Yourself (0525648445)

Kniha - 136 stran, anglicky, Pevná bez přebalu lesklá - 136 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá

Objev podobné jako Rumple Buttercup: A Story of Bananas, Belonging, and Being Yourself (0525648445)

cena 350.0 Kč

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (1400082773)

Kniha - autor Barack Obama, 480 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná Obama, the son of a white American mother and a black African father, writes an elegant and compelling biography that powerfully articulates America's racial battleground and tells of his search for his place in black America. photos. High school & older.

Objev podobné jako Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (1400082773)

cena 419.0 Kč

Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (1782119256)

Kniha - autor Barack Obama, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná An international bestseller which has sold over a million copies in the UK, Dreams From My Father is a refreshing, revealing portrait of a young man asking big questions about identity and belonging. The son of a black African father and a white American mother, President Obama recounts an emotional odyssey. He retraces the migration of his mother's family from Kansas to Hawaii, then to his childhood home in Indonesia. Finally he travels to Kenya, where he confronts the bitter truth of his father's life and at last reconciles his divided inheritance.

Objev podobné jako Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance (1782119256)

cena 328.0 Kč

Why Did You Come Back Every Summer - Belen Lopez Peiro

A fractured account of family abuse, secrets, and the cost of pursuing the truth. In the most private spaces, the most intimate betrayals occur. Belén López Peiró places us squarely in the tenderest of times—young teenagehood, in a home about to be ruptured by sexual assault. In this home, for this young woman, your assailant is your uncle, and also a police commissioner. The people who shelter you will reject you: your mother is his sister-in-law, your beloved aunt his wife and your cousin and friend his daughter. And the truth of what happened will depend entirely on you. Why Did You Come Back Every Summer is a document of uncertainty, self-doubt, and the appearance of progress when there is none. A chorus of voices interrupt and overtake each other; interviews and reports are filed. The truth will be heard but how and by whom? Loyalties will shift and slip. And certain questions have no easy answers. What do you owe to your family? What do they owe you? How far will you go to get yourself back?

Objev podobné jako Why Did You Come Back Every Summer - Belen Lopez Peiro

cena 354.0 Kč

Once Upon a Time in the East: A Story of Growing Up (1784740683)

Kniha - autor Xiaolu Guo, 318 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Award-winning author Xiaolu Guo's extraordinary memoir is a handbook of life lessons: how to be an artist when censorship kills creativity, how to be a woman when sexual abuse is commonplace, how to love when you've never been shown how. A story of modern China, it is WILD SWANS for a new generation.

Objev podobné jako Once Upon a Time in the East: A Story of Growing Up (1784740683)

cena 452.0 Kč

Move Like Water: A Story of the Sea and Its Creatures - Stowe Hannah

The seas cover over two thirds of our planet and yet most of us live our lives on land, creatures of a different element, at once fascinated and terrified by the beauty and power of these great bodies of water. There are some, though, who go to sea, who get to know its many moods -- the tranquil and mirror-like, the raging and ripple-swept -- and who bring back with them their stories of wonder and warning. Hannah Stowe is one such sea-goer and one such storyteller.Having been raised at the tide's edge on the Pembrokeshire coast, falling asleep to the sweep of the lighthouse beam, Hannah Stowe went to see straight after school and has worked on and studied the sea in depth. Drawing on her expertise as a marine biologist and sailor, and her experiences in the North Sea, the North Atlantic, the Mediterranean, the North Sea, the Celtic Sea, and the Caribbean, Move Like Water is an exploration of the human relationship with the sea, the powerful impression it has made on our culture, and the terrible damage we have inflicted upon its ecosystems. In shimmering, fluid prose, Stowe introduces us to six keystone marine creatures - the firecrow, sperm whale, the albatross, he humpback whale, the shearwater, and the barnacle - encouraging us to fall in love with the seas as she has, to appreciate their majesty and their vulnerability.This is a heartfelt hymn to the sea and an unforgettable introduction to one of the most gifted nature writers of the new generation.

Objev podobné jako Move Like Water: A Story of the Sea and Its Creatures - Stowe Hannah

cena 325.0 Kč

Out of the Maze: A Story About the Power of Belief - Spencer Johnson

Who Moved My Cheese? offered millions of readers relief for an evergreen problem: unanticipated and unwelcome change. Now its long-awaited sequel digs deeper, to show how readers can adapt their beliefs and achieve better results in any field. Johnson's theme is that all of our accomplishments are due to our beliefs: whether we're confident or insecure, cynical or positive, open-minded or inflexible. But it's difficult to change your beliefs - and with them, your outcomes. Find out how Hem, Haw, and the other characters from Who Moved My Cheese? deal with this challenge.

Objev podobné jako Out of the Maze: A Story About the Power of Belief - Spencer Johnson

cena 268.0 Kč

The Big Five for Life: 'A Story of one Man and Leadership''s Greatest Secret' (0749929588)

Kniha - autor John P. Strelecky, 226 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Thomas Derale, a mild-mannered businessman from Chicago, embodies leadership's greatest secret: his companies make fortunes, and his people and customers love him. At age 55, though, Derale is dying, and through a series of final encounters with key people in his life, we learn about the true impact the man and his work have had on the people around him. A business parable with a difference, THE BIG FIVE FOR LIFE is a story of great leadership and a powerful reminder that successful leaders are not just in the business of business - they are in the business of life.

Objev podobné jako The Big Five for Life: 'A Story of one Man and Leadership''s Greatest Secret' (0749929588)

cena 279.0 Kč

The Courtship of Eva Eldridge : A Story of Bigamy in the Marriage-Mad Fifties - Diane Simmonsová

Everyone Got marrIed In the 1950s, then moved to the suburbs to have the children of the soon-to-be-famous baby boom. For Americans who had survived the Great Depression and World War II, prosperous married life was a triumph. The unwed were objects of pity, scorn, even suspicion. And so in the 1950s, Eva Eldridge, no longer so young and marginally employed, was the perfect target for handsome Vick, who promised everything: storybook romance, marital respectability, and the lively social life she loved. When he disappeared not long after their honeymoon, she was devastated.Eva hadn't always been so vulnerable. Growing up pretty and popular in rural Oregon, she expected to marry young and live a life much like that of her parents, farming and rearing children. But then the United States threw its weight into World War II and as men headed to battle, the government started recruiting women to work in their places. Eva, like many other young women, found that life in the city with plenty of money, personal freedom, and lots of soldiers and sailors eager to pay court was more exhilarating than life down on the farm. After the war, she was ambivalent about getting married and settling down-at least until Vick arrived. Refusing to believe her brand-new husband had abandoned her, Eva set about tracking down a man who, she now believed, was more damaged by wartime trauma than she had known. But instead of a wounded hero, she found a long string of women much like herself-hard-working, intelligent women who had loved and married Vick and now had no idea where-or even who-he was. Drawing on a trove of some eight hundred letters and papers, Diane Simmons tells the story of Eva's poignant struggle to get her dream husband back, as well as the stories of the women who had stood at the altar with Vick before and after her. Eva's remarkable life illuminates women's struggle for happiness at a time when marriage-and the perfect husband-meant everything.

Objev podobné jako The Courtship of Eva Eldridge : A Story of Bigamy in the Marriage-Mad Fifties - Diane Simmonsová

cena 491.0 Kč

Extreme - III Sides To Every Story (180 g) (2 LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Hmotnost: 180 g Balení obsahuje: LP Složení setu: 2 ks Typ: LP deska;Remastered;Nové vydání;Album Země původu: Německo Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Žánr: Rock Subžánr: Hard Rock;Glam;Funk Metal Barva: Černá Rok vydání: 2023.0 Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Datum vydání: 2023-07-28 Varianta: III Sides To Every Story (180 g) (2 LP) Interpret / Téma: Extreme

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cena 1021.0 Kč

Abba: All The Songs: The Story Behind Every Track - Benoit Clerc

THE DEFINITIVE RECORDING HISTORY OF SWEDISH SUPERSTARS, ABBA, TOLD ALBUM-BY-ALBUM AND SONG-BY-SONG. Filled with fascinating photography (some rarely seen) and sensational behind-the-scenes details. Discover the untold stories behind ABBA's greatest hits, including the iconic 'Waterloo', 'Mamma Mia' and 'Dancing Queen' in this loving and thorough dissection of every album and song released by the pop megastars.From their first single in 1972, all the way up to their Grammy-nominated studio album, Voyage, and their revolutionary virtual tour, this definitive tome uncovers the full story behind every track that ABBA released. In over 500 pages, no stone is left unturned. Drawing upon decades of research, expert author Benoît Clerc recounts the circumstances that led to the composition of every song - detailing the inspiration behind the lyrics, the recording process and the instruments that shaped ABBA's distinctive sound.Featuring hundreds of photographs, including rare publicity stills, images of the instruments used by the band, and shots of the musicians on-stage and in-studio, Abba: All the Songs is the perfect gift for any fan of pop.

Objev podobné jako Abba: All The Songs: The Story Behind Every Track - Benoit Clerc

cena 1477.0 Kč

Paraván Story of the Summer Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

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cena 5480.0 Kč

Paraván Story of the Summer Dekorhome

Dekorativní paraván je jedinečnou ozdobou pro moderní interiéry.Paraván je oboustranně potištěný.Díky perfektnímu zpracování a originálním motivem tištěným v kvalitě Full HD dodává paraván jedinečné kouzlo každému interiéru.Dekorativních paraván do bytu je originální nápad na výzdobu interiéru. Za zmínku stojí jejich praktické využití - pokojový paraván lze využít např. za účelem uschování sušáku. Je to velmi originální ozdoba místností, které může využít nejen doma ale i v obchodních prostorách jako např.: v kadeřnictví, v ordinaci. Paraván se ideálně hodí do: pokoje jako dekorační nábytek oddělující velkou obývací místnost od jídelny či kuchyně garsonky pro oddělení denní části od ložnice ložnice např. na oddělení otevřeného šatníku butiků a kosmetických salónů - jako originální doplněk a šatna v jednom společných dětských pokojů jako diskrétní rozdělení prostoru velkých bytů a loftů Rozměr 5-dílného:výška: 172 cmdélka: 225 cmdélka jednoho dílu: 45 cm Technické údaje:

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cena 5480.0 Kč

The Pearl of Orr\'s Island: A Story of the Coast of Maine - Harriet Elisabeth Beecher-Stoweová - e-kniha

eBook: Growing up is difficult. It is even more difficult when surrounded by vile gossips, evil eyes, and bad-tempered fishermen! When you live in a trivial fishing community on the coast of Maine this is a part of everyday life. Just ask Mara and she will tell you all about it.This is a vivid and interesting story about Mara Lincoln, a young woman called "The Pearl". She has a troubled childhood, raised by her grandparents because her mother died giving birth to her and her father drowned. As she becomes older, Mara finds herself tangled up in various adventures on her coming-of-age path. An interesting and adventurous read recommended for both fans of Stowe and everyone who enjoys realism, classics and American fiction.

Objev podobné jako The Pearl of Orr\'s Island: A Story of the Coast of Maine - Harriet Elisabeth Beecher-Stoweová - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

The Great Alone: A Story of Love, Heartbreak and Survival From the Worldwide Bestselling Author of The Four Winds - Kristin Hannahová

Thirteen-year-old Leni is coming of age in a tumultuous time. Caught in the riptide of her parents’ passionate, stormy relationship, she dares to hope that Alaska will lead to a better future for her family, and a place to belong. Her mother, Cora, will do anything and go anywhere for the man she loves, even if it means following him into the unknown.As Leni grows up in the shadow of her parents’ increasingly volatile marriage, she meets Matthew. And Matthew – thoughtful, kind, and brave – makes her believe in the possibility of a better life. With her trademark combination of elegant prose and deeply drawn characters, Kristin Hannah celebrates the remarkable and enduring strength of women.

Objev podobné jako The Great Alone: A Story of Love, Heartbreak and Survival From the Worldwide Bestselling Author of The Four Winds - Kristin Hannahová

cena 295.0 Kč

Every Colour of You : An emotional, page-turning love story with a difference - Mandeville Amelia

Zoe and Tristan couldn't be more different - which is precisely why, when they meet in a hospital waiting room, Zoe becomes determined to get to know Tristan more. But Tristan is struggling with a sadness no one seems to understand, least of all himself. Giving up isn't in Zoe's nature, and as the two spend more time together, it seems like Tristan might be coming around to seeing the world the way she does. Until one day when everything changes - and in trying to put Tristan back together, Zoe finds herself falling apart . . . Heart-breaking, heart-healing and a story you won't want to end, Amelia Mandeville's unforgettable debut is perfect for fans of If Only I Could Tell You, The Summer of Impossible Things and Giovanna Fletcher

Objev podobné jako Every Colour of You : An emotional, page-turning love story with a difference - Mandeville Amelia

cena 269.0 Kč

Dormouse Has a Cold - Julia Donaldsonová

Lift the flaps and get cosy with Dormouse Has a Cold, a story in the bestselling Tales from Acorn Wood preschool series by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, creators of The Gruffalo.Dormouse is sniffing and snuffling – being ill is hard! But with some help from Doctor Stoat and a visit from her friends as she snuggles up at home, she soon starts to feel better. What will cheer her up? Lift the flaps to find out, then join Dormouse and her friends for a fun trip to Acorn Fair.With sturdy flaps on every spread and rhyming stories that are a joy to read aloud, Dormouse Has a Cold joins the bestselling Tales from Acorn Wood which have been delighting parents and children for over twenty years.Enjoy more lift-the-flap adventures from Acorn Wood: Squirrel's Snowman, Badger's Band and Mole's Spectacles.

Objev podobné jako Dormouse Has a Cold - Julia Donaldsonová

cena 236.0 Kč

Isadora Moon Has a Sleepover - Harriet Muncasterová

Isadora Moon is special because she''s different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and she''s a bit of both. When Isadora is invited to stay at her friend Zoe''s house she''s so excited - she hasn''t been to a sleepover before! There will be midnight feasts, and staying up all night, it''s going to be so much fun!And while she''s there, Isadora and Zoe are going to work on their cake for a baking competition at school. But will they be able to resist adding a sprinkling of magic to their creation. . . ?With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout by author/illustrator Harriet Muncaster and a totally unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family, this is a beautiful, charming, and funny series of first chapter books. Perfect for fans of Claude, Dixie O''Day, and Squishy McFluff, Isadora Moon is the ideal choice for readers who want their magic and sparkle with a bit of bite!

Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon Has a Sleepover - Harriet Muncasterová

cena 207.0 Kč

Isadora Moon Has a Birthday - Harriet Muncasterová

Half vampire, half fairy, totally unique! Isadora Moon is special because she is different. Her mum is a fairy and her dad is a vampire and Isadora is a bit of both. Isadora loves going to human birthday parties, and now is going to have one of her own! But with her mum and dad organizing things, it's not going to be like the parties she's been to before .. . With irresistible pink and black artwork throughout by author/illustrator Harriet Muncaster and a totally unique heroine with an out-of-this-world family, this is a beautiful, charming, and funny new series of first chapter books.Perfect for fans of Claude, Dixie O'Day, and Squishy McFluff, Isadora Moon is the ideal choice for readers who want their magic and sparkle with a bit of bite!

Objev podobné jako Isadora Moon Has a Birthday - Harriet Muncasterová

cena 231.0 Kč


Dárková kazeta SANTORO London kolekce Gorjuss Tall tails v kufříku s motivem panenky a dvou roztomilých kočiček obsahuje 50 ml toaletní voda, 7,4 ml růžový lak, pilník na nehty ve tvaru srdce, separátor na lakování nehtů

Objev podobné jako SANTORO DÁRKOVÁ SADA

cena 699.0 Kč

Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm... - EDP 50 ml

Mmmm... je orientálně-květinová vůně pro ženy i muže. Hlava obsahuje olej z květů hořkého pomeranče, pelargonii a malinu. V čistě květinovém srdci ucítíte sambacký jasmín, tuberózu, pomerančový květ a kosatec. Kompozici uzavírají sladké tóny karamelu a vanilky doplněné o santalové dřevo, pačuli, bílé pižmo a květinu heliotrop. Na trh byla uvedena v roce 2016.

Objev podobné jako Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm... - EDP 50 ml

cena 1399.0 Kč

Juliette Has A Gun Gentlewoman - EDP 100 ml

Moderní, odvážná, krásná, svobodná – taková je žena, která používá vůni Gentlewoman od Juliette Has A Gun. Těžší a hutná parfémovaná voda je odrazem silné osobnosti, kterou dnešní žena musí mít. Svrchní tóny z bergamotu, hořkých pomerančových květů a neroli se mění ve spojení mandle, květu pomeranče, kumarinu a levandule. Uzavírá se v základu pižmem, jantarem a dřevitými tóny. Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 2015.

Objev podobné jako Juliette Has A Gun Gentlewoman - EDP 100 ml

cena 1429.0 Kč

Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm... - EDP 100 ml

Mmmm... je orientálně-květinová vůně pro ženy i muže. Hlava obsahuje olej z květů hořkého pomeranče, pelargonii a malinu. V čistě květinovém srdci ucítíte sambacký jasmín, tuberózu, pomerančový květ a kosatec. Kompozici uzavírají sladké tóny karamelu a vanilky doplněné o santalové dřevo, pačuli, bílé pižmo a květinu heliotrop. Na trh byla uvedena v roce 2016.

Objev podobné jako Juliette Has A Gun Mmmm... - EDP 100 ml

cena 1534.0 Kč

Juliette Has A Gun Anyway - EDP 50 ml

Anyway je svěží a lehká vůně pro ženy od francouzské značky parfémů Juliette Has A Gun, inspirovaná jednoduchými, ale svůdnými vůněmi. Tato vůně je naplněna tóny bílých květů, díky nimž je ženský, jemný a vhodný pro dámy všech věkových skupin. Vrchní vůně Juliette Has A Gun Anyway začíná tóny svěží limetky a nebeského neroli. V srdci kompozice cítíme exotický jasmín, který vám připomene romantické letní večery. Základ vůně je dosažena teplými dřevěnými tóny, pižmem a ambroxanem.

Objev podobné jako Juliette Has A Gun Anyway - EDP 50 ml

cena 1403.0 Kč

Juliette Has A Gun Anyway - EDP 100 ml

Anyway je svěží a lehká vůně pro ženy od francouzské značky parfémů Juliette Has A Gun, inspirovaná jednoduchými, ale svůdnými vůněmi. Tato vůně je naplněna tóny bílých květů, díky nimž je ženský, jemný a vhodný pro dámy všech věkových skupin. Vrchní vůně Juliette Has A Gun Anyway začíná tóny svěží limetky a nebeského neroli. V srdci kompozice cítíme exotický jasmín, který vám připomene romantické letní večery. Základ vůně je dosažena teplými dřevěnými tóny, pižmem a ambroxanem.

Objev podobné jako Juliette Has A Gun Anyway - EDP 100 ml

cena 1463.0 Kč

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