Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - T. S. Eliot
A stunning new gift edition of this much-loved classic, with the celebrated black-and-white illustrations by Edward Gorey.Cats! Some are sane, and some are mad.Some are good, and some are bad . . .The whimsical 1982 Old Possum''s illustrations have been lovingly restored and are showcased in this beautiful new poetry edition, perfect for children and Eliot aficionados alike. These lovable cat poems were written by T. S. Eliot for his godchildren and continue to delight children and grown-ups. The collection inspired the musical Cats!, and features Macavity, Mr Mistofelees and Growltiger!
Podívejte se také Orava T-120 S (T-120 S)
Collected Poems 1909-1962 - T. S. Eliot
''Each year Eliot''s presence reasserts itself at a deeper level, to an audience that is surprised to find itself more chastened, more astonished, more humble.'' Ted HughesPoet, dramatist, critic and editor, T. S. Eliot was one of the defining figures of twentieth-century poetry. This edition of Collected Poems 1909-1962 includes his verse from Prufrock and Other Observations (1917) to Four Quartets (1943), and includes such literary landmarks as The Waste Land and Old Possum''s Book of Practical Cats.
Podívejte se také T-tomi Svrchní kalhotky, cats (8594166546318)
Křesťan - kritik - básník - T. S. Eliot
Rozsáhlý výbor z esejistiky a publicistiky Thomase Stearnse Eliota poskytne reprezentativní průřez jeho kritickými a interpretačními úvahami k evropské literatuře od Vergilia přes Shakespeara až po Dickense, Joyce, Ezru Pounda a Djunu Barnesovou, ale představí jej též jako náboženského myslitele a zahrne texty k politickému dění třicátých a čtyřicátých let. Eliot patřil mezi nejvýznamnější veřejné intelektuály 20. století, předmětem jeho uvažování a tématem jeho publikací zdaleka nebyla jen poezie, ale také role křesťanství ve společnosti, otázky moderní výchovy a státu, vztah filosofie a dobového mínění či triviální kultura. Náš rozsáhlý výbor jednak rozšíří představu o záběru Eliotových literárněkritických analýz, jednak v odpovídajícím rozsahu představí tyto ostatní oblasti jeho uvažování a poskytne též (ve výběru) dokumentární podklady pro ošemetné otázky typu Eliotova antisemitismu, vztahu k Maurrasově Action Française nebo k předválečným totalitním režimům. Vydání knihy podpořilo Ministerstvo kultury České republiky.
Podívejte se také The Little Book of Feminism (1849538441)
Podívejte se také
- The Lost Book of the Grail (1846884217)
- Wylde Zakk: Book of Shadows - CD (0634164644925)
- Insight Pre-intermediate Student´s Book (9780194011075)
- T-TOMI přebalovací podložka Cats, 50 × 70 cm (8594166546110)
- T-TOMI nepromokavý pytlík Cats, 30 × 40 cm (8594166546028)
- Tiamat's Wrath: Book 8 of the Expanse (0356510360)
- Hovory s T. G. Masarykem
- Project 2 Student´s Book: Fourth Edition (9780194764568)
- Get Ready for Movers: Teacher´s Book (9780194000161)
- T-TOMI přebalovací podložka Cats - Colour, 50 × 70 cm (8594166547476)
- Fun for Movers Student´s Book: Fourth edition (9781316631959)
- Project 2: Student´s book (01-943652-3-9)
- Project 3: Student´s book (01-943653-2-8)
- CITIES T-830 S, černá (5038230129791)
- T-TOMI ortopedické abdukční kalhotky - patentky, Cats (5 – 9 kg) (8594166548862)
- T-TOMI ortopedické abdukční kalhotky - patentky, Cats (3 – 6 kg) (8594166548855)
- Hunting Music of Old Czech Masters - CD (SU4228-2)
- Iron Maiden: Book Of Souls:Live Chapter (3x LP) - LP (9029576087)
- Iron Maiden: The Book Of Souls (2x CD) - CD (9029556758)
- cobi world of tanks t 34 85
Eric Carle´s Book of Amazing Animals - Eric Carle
A bright and engaging first introduction to the animal kingdom.Join The Very Hungry Caterpillar on a journey many different animal habitats - including lush rainforests, arid deserts and snowy mountains - and meet over 180 of the amazing creatures who share our planet. With vivid scenes to marvel at, fascinating facts to discover and a beautiful fold-out page.Featuring stunning artwork from the creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar, this is a spectacular celebration of animals.
Objev podobné jako Eric Carle´s Book of Amazing Animals - Eric Carle
Julia Donaldson´s Book of Names: A Magical Rhyming Celebration of Children, Imagination, Stories . . . And Names! (Defekt) - Julia Donaldsonová
ulia Donaldson has kept a list of names of all the people she has ever signed books for. Here she celebrates her readers and bookshops in this charming picture book.I've signed for Fern and Forest,for Misty, Dawn and Dew.I've never signed for Kanga,but once I signed for Roo.From months of the year, colours, flowers, food and gemstones, Julia has seamlessly grouped all of the names she has signed in books and woven them together in her unmistakable rhyming style.Set in a magical transforming bookshop, A Book of Names is a love letter to the world of books, bookstores, and readers and illustrated by the award-winning Nila Aye.Readers will love trying to spot their name, and even if it isn't included in the book, there is a dedicated space for them to add, or even better, for Julia to sign!
Objev podobné jako Julia Donaldson´s Book of Names: A Magical Rhyming Celebration of Children, Imagination, Stories . . . And Names! (Defekt) - Julia Donaldsonová
Get Involved! A2 Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Zcela nová učebnice zaujme žáky i učitele novými postupy, aktivní spoluprací, zaměřením na realitu a získáváním dovedností pro život v současném světě. Je doporučená pro 2. stupeň ZŠ, odpovídající ročníky SŠ a lze ji využít i pro vyšší ročníky středních odborných škol. Je obohacená o herní aplikace (gamification), lze ji využít pro prezenční i distanční výuku, má silnou online a digitální podporu. Podpoří u dospívajících chuť objevovat svět kolem sebe a jejich zájem o vlastní budoucnost. Rozvíjí jazykové dovednosti a s nimi čtyři tzv. Super Skills - kritické myšlení, komunikaci, tvořivost a spolupráci. Učitelům tato učebnice umožní vytvořit inkluzivní třídu, která dává možnost vyniknout každému, i slabšímu studentovi. Učebnice se silnou digitální podporou, reálnými videi s přirozenou angličtinou a autentickým kontextem, je díky cvičením se 3 stupni náročnosti vhodná i pro tzv. mixed ability classes. UČEBNICE S APLIKACÍ PRO ŽÁKA A DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNICE S touto kombinovanou verzí, která obsahuje tištěnou a digitální učebnici, ale také studentskou aplikaci, je přepínání mezi online a prezenčními hodinami velmi jednoduché.
Objev podobné jako Get Involved! A2 Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Get Involved! A2+ Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Zcela nová učebnice zaujme žáky i učitele novými postupy, aktivní spoluprací, zaměřením na realitu a získáváním dovedností pro život v současném světě. Je doporučená pro 2. stupeň ZŠ, odpovídající ročníky SŠ a lze ji využít i pro vyšší ročníky středních odborných škol. Je obohacená o herní aplikace (gamification), lze ji využít pro prezenční i distanční výuku, má silnou online a digitální podporu. Podpoří u dospívajících chuť objevovat svět kolem sebe a jejich zájem o vlastní budoucnost. Rozvíjí jazykové dovednosti a s nimi čtyři tzv. Super Skills - kritické myšlení, komunikaci, tvořivost a spolupráci. Učitelům tato učebnice umožní vytvořit inkluzivní třídu, která dává možnost vyniknout každému, i slabšímu studentovi. Učebnice se silnou digitální podporou, reálnými videi s přirozenou angličtinou a autentickým kontextem, je díky cvičením se 3 stupni náročnosti vhodná i pro tzv. mixed ability classes. UČEBNICE S APLIKACÍ PRO ŽÁKA A DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNICE S touto kombinovanou verzí, která obsahuje tištěnou a digitální učebnici, ale také studentskou aplikaci, je přepínání mezi online a prezenčními hodinami velmi jednoduché.
Objev podobné jako Get Involved! A2+ Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Get Involved! B1 Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Zcela nová učebnice zaujme žáky i učitele novými postupy, aktivní spoluprací, zaměřením na realitu a získáváním dovedností pro život v současném světě. Je doporučená pro 2. stupeň ZŠ, odpovídající ročníky SŠ a lze ji využít i pro vyšší ročníky středních odborných škol. Je obohacená o herní aplikace (gamification), lze ji využít pro prezenční i distanční výuku, má silnou online a digitální podporu. Podpoří u dospívajících chuť objevovat svět kolem sebe a jejich zájem o vlastní budoucnost. Rozvíjí jazykové dovednosti a s nimi čtyři tzv. Super Skills - kritické myšlení, komunikaci, tvořivost a spolupráci. Učitelům tato učebnice umožní vytvořit inkluzivní třídu, která dává možnost vyniknout každému, i slabšímu studentovi. Učebnice se silnou digitální podporou, reálnými videi s přirozenou angličtinou a autentickým kontextem, je díky cvičením se 3 stupni náročnosti vhodná i pro tzv. mixed ability classes. UČEBNICE S APLIKACÍ PRO ŽÁKA A DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNICE S touto kombinovanou verzí, která obsahuje tištěnou a digitální učebnici, ale také studentskou aplikaci, je přepínání mezi online a prezenčními hodinami velmi jednoduché.
Objev podobné jako Get Involved! B1 Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Get Involved! B1+ Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Zcela nová učebnice zaujme žáky i učitele novými postupy, aktivní spoluprací, zaměřením na realitu a získáváním dovedností pro život v současném světě. Je doporučená pro 2. stupeň ZŠ, odpovídající ročníky SŠ a lze ji využít i pro vyšší ročníky středních odborných škol. Je obohacená o herní aplikace (gamification), lze ji využít pro prezenční i distanční výuku, má silnou online a digitální podporu. Podpoří u dospívajících chuť objevovat svět kolem sebe a jejich zájem o vlastní budoucnost. Rozvíjí jazykové dovednosti a s nimi čtyři tzv. Super Skills - kritické myšlení, komunikaci, tvořivost a spolupráci. Učitelům tato učebnice umožní vytvořit inkluzivní třídu, která dává možnost vyniknout každému, i slabšímu studentovi. Učebnice se silnou digitální podporou, reálnými videi s přirozenou angličtinou a autentickým kontextem, je díky cvičením se 3 stupni náročnosti vhodná i pro tzv. mixed ability classes. UČEBNICE S APLIKACÍ PRO ŽÁKA A DIGITÁLNÍ UČEBNICE S touto kombinovanou verzí, která obsahuje tištěnou a digitální učebnici, ale také studentskou aplikaci, je přepínání mezi online a prezenčními hodinami velmi jednoduché.
Objev podobné jako Get Involved! B1+ Student´s Book with Student´s App and Digital Student´s Book
Diary of a Wimpy Kid 10: Old school book - Jeff Kinney
Book 10 in the phenomenally bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is here! Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going 'old school' just too hard for a kid like Greg? Praise for Jeff Kinney: 'The world has gone crazy for Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid' - Sun 'Kinney is right up there with J K Rowling as one of the bestselling children's authors on the planet' -Independent 'The most hotly anticipated children's book of the year is here - Diary of a Wimpy Kid' - Big Issue
Objev podobné jako Diary of a Wimpy Kid 10: Old school book - Jeff Kinney
Upgrade 6 - Student´s book
„Upgradujte“ svou výuku angličtiny! „UpGrade“ je název nové výukové sady z angličtiny pro 2. stupeň základních škol a nižší stupeň víceletých gymnázií. Při tvorbě učebních materiálů Upgrade 6 byla vzata v potaz i dokument Strategie vzdělávací politiky ČR do roku 2030+. Ten klade důraz na rozvoj klíčových kompetencí, které budou kritické pro udržitelný rozvoj společnosti v následujících dekádách 21. století. Publikace se opírá o komunikativní metodu a rovnoměrně rozvíjí všechny čtyři řečové dovednosti. Úrovní obtížnosti lehce přesahuje úroveň A1+ a mírně směřuje k úrovni A2. Hojně jsou rozvíjeny jazykové prostředky a jazyk odpovídá současné užívané podobě. Motivaci žáků učebnice zvyšuje pomocí témat blízkých jejich věkové skupině, barevných ilustrací, tipů na projekty, her a videí ve stylu nových médií (vlogy). Sekce Compass v každé lekci přináší další zajímavosti k tématu, čímž vztahuje učivo k životu žáků k jiným předmětům a životu mimo školu. UVNITŘ UČEBNICE UPGRADE 6 NAJDETE: 61 celistvých vyučovacích lekcí postavených na variaci 4 řečových dovedností. 10 doplňkových tematických lekcí ke svátkům a ročním obdobím. 15 autorských videí ve formátu nových médií. 10 stran doplňkových úloh určených k samostatné práci pro rychlejší žáky. 10 stran zjednodušené autorské četby s úlohami ke čtení s porozuměním. Detailní přehled mluvnice. QR kódy s přístupem k audio a videonahrávkám.
Objev podobné jako Upgrade 6 - Student´s book
Upgrade 7 - Student´s book
Upgradujte“ svou výuku angličtiny! „UpGrade“ je název nové výukové sady z angličtiny pro 2. stupeň základních škol a nižší stupeň víceletých gymnázií. Při tvorbě učebních materiálů Upgrade 7 byla vzata v potaz i dokument Strategie vzdělávací politiky ČR do roku 2030+. Ten klade důraz na rozvoj klíčových kompetencí, které budou kritické pro udržitelný rozvoj společnosti v následujících dekádách 21. století. Publikace se opírá o komunikativní metodu a rovnoměrně rozvíjí všechny čtyři řečové dovednosti. Hojně jsou rozvíjeny jazykové prostředky a jazyk odpovídá současné užívané podobě. Motivaci žáků učebnice zvyšuje pomocí témat blízkých jejich věkové skupině, barevných ilustrací, tipů na projekty, her a videí ve stylu nových médií (vlogy). Sekce Compass v každé lekci přináší další zajímavosti k tématu, čímž vztahuje učivo k životu žáků k jiným předmětům a životu mimo školu. V souladu s RVP ZV Prázdniny a počasí, předložky místa a času Životní etapy, minulé časy (prostý, průběhový, vazba „used to“) Budoucnost a technologie, budoucí časy („will“ a „going to“) Život ve velkoměstě, určitý člen a neurčitá zájmena Životní zkušenosti a povinnosti, předpřítomný čas Lidské tělo a péče o zdraví, způsobová slovesa
Objev podobné jako Upgrade 7 - Student´s book
Practical Household Uses of Bicarbonate of Soda - Margaret Briggs
An incredibly versatile substance, bicarbonate of soda - also known as baking soda - has an enormous variety of practical uses; this book explores its applications as a cheap, natural cleaning product around the home, for medicinal purposes and in the kitchen with recipes from perfect muffins to fizzing lemonades.
Objev podobné jako Practical Household Uses of Bicarbonate of Soda - Margaret Briggs
Music Cats Board Book
Introduce youngsters to music legends with this book of adorable cat portraits, each inspired by an iconic pop star. The Music Cats Board Book from Mudpuppy features clever kitty-inspired musician such as Tuna Turner, Dolly Purrton, Bob Meowly, The Notorious C.A.T., Meowyonce and more. • 28 sturdy pages • Book trim: 7 x 7”, 18 x 18 cm • Ages 0+ • Each spread features a musical legend illustrated as a cat + musicians’ names and song titles with hilarious cat puns! • All Mudpuppy products adhere to CPSIA, ASTM, and CE Safety Regulations
Objev podobné jako Music Cats Board Book
Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old school book 10 new ed. (9780141377094)
Kniha - autor Jeff Kinney, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Get ready, book 10 in the phenomenally bestselling Diary of a Wimpy Kid series is coming! Life was better in the old days. Or was it? That's the question Greg Heffley is asking as his town voluntarily unplugs and goes electronics-free. But modern life has its conveniences, and Greg isn't cut out for an old-fashioned world. With tension building inside and outside the Heffley home, will Greg find a way to survive? Or is going 'old school' just too hard for a kid like Greg? Praise for Jeff Kinney: 'The world has gone crazy for Jeff Kinney's Diary of a Wimpy Kid' - Sun 'Kinney is right up there with J K Rowling as one of the bestselling children's authors on the planet' - Independent 'The most hotly anticipated children's book of the year is here - Diary of a Wimpy Kid' - Big Issue
Objev podobné jako Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Old school book 10 new ed. (9780141377094)
The Practical Handbook of Living with Dementia
This wide-ranging book takes a person-centred approach to supporting the person and their families/carers to live with dementia and seeks to challenge the stigma attached to the condition.
Objev podobné jako The Practical Handbook of Living with Dementia
Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai - Ken Norman
This book defines and describes the ancient craft of bonsai. The techniques of this precise art form are clearly described, and provides a stunning and fully comprehensive reference that is ideal for the beginner as well as the more experienced bonsai artist.
Objev podobné jako Complete Practical Encyclopedia of Bonsai - Ken Norman
Academy Stars Second Edition 2 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Kathryn Harper
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. PUPIL'S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PUPIL'S BOOK AND APP: This blended solution consists of the print Pupil’s Book and Digital Pupil's Book with interactive activities as well as course audio and video. The Navio App with additional gamified practice encourages repetition of activities, leading to better language acquisition. The Pupil’s Book covers the language and skills needed for academic progression and for exam success. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, pupils become exceptional language learners.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 2 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Kathryn Harper
face2face Elementary Student´s Book - Chris Redston
The Elementary Student's Book provides 80 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 120 hours with the inclusion of the photocopiable resources in the Teacher's Book (with Teacher's DVD). Vocabulary and Grammar are given equal importance and there is a clear focus on improving student's listening and speaking skills in social situations. The Student's Book includes optional video for the Real World lessons (available on the Teacher's DVD) with vocabulary selection informed by English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. (Please note that the face2face Second edition Class Audio CD's are available separately).
Objev podobné jako face2face Elementary Student´s Book - Chris Redston
Focus 5 Student´s Book - Vaughan Jones
Focus is a rich, varied, carefully leveled course for upper secondary students. Specially designed to motivate older teens, it helps them to track their level and achieve the exam results they need. With its unique blended learning package, Focus is the flexible course that gets results.
Objev podobné jako Focus 5 Student´s Book - Vaughan Jones
Gateway A2: Student´s Book - David Spencer
Gateway is an academically-rich five-level course designed to lead teenage students to success in school-leaving and university entrance exams and prepare them for university and the world of work.
Objev podobné jako Gateway A2: Student´s Book - David Spencer
Project 3 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
Projekt je pětidílná učebnice angličtiny - podle stupně pokročilosti. Zajímavá témata, se kterými učebnice pracuje, motivují studenty k aktivnímu používání angličtiny.
Objev podobné jako Project 3 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
Project 2 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures.
Objev podobné jako Project 2 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
Project 3 Teacher´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures.
Objev podobné jako Project 3 Teacher´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
Project 1 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
An innovative, five-level beginner's course for young learners from the age of 10. Key features Project brings English to life through motivating topics within a structured learning environment. It provides a clearly-structured, supportive framework of grammar with the flexibility to allow students to make their own discoveries. Language is presented in stimulating, realistic contexts. A high profile is given to skills development from the start of the course. Cross-curricular project work encourages students to communicate in English about their own lives and experiences. The strong cultural element helps students to establish a connection between language and life. Students are encouraged to learn about life in Britain and other English-speaking countries, as well as to explore differences and draw comparisons with their own cultures.
Objev podobné jako Project 1 Student´s Book - Tom Hutchinson
New Maturita Activator Student´s Book (9788378826583)
Kniha - anglicky Nové vydání bestselleru k přípravě studentů na maturitní zkoušku z anglického jazyka. New Maturita Activator svou unikátní a přehlednou strukturou poskytuje komplexní shrnutí středoškolského učiva, což ulehčuje práci jak žákům, tak učitelům. Příprava k maturitě je mnohem snazší. Studenti zvládnou všechny části klíčových jazykových dovedností, nezbytných k úspěšnému složení zkoušky.
Objev podobné jako New Maturita Activator Student´s Book (9788378826583)
Horizons 4 Student´s Book - Paul Radley
Jazyková úroveň:(False) Beginner až IntermediateHlavní rysy:• Je určený pro studenty středních škol ve věku 14-19 let • Každý díl je určený pro jeden školní rok • Gramatika je prezentována v kontextu s rozhovory a je systematicky procvičována • Novinka 2006 české pracovní sešity• Zpracovává témata k maturitní zkoušce • Obsahuje také nepovinné lekce s dalším procvičováním• Kulturní oddíly poukazují na různé aspekty života v různých zemích• Doložka
Objev podobné jako Horizons 4 Student´s Book - Paul Radley
Exam Accelerator Teacher´s Book - Marta Uminska
Nejočekávanější maturitní učebnice LONGMAN EXAM ACCELERATOR ke komplexní přípravě na vyšší maturitu (B2) – metodická příručka pro učitele s testy, kopírovatelným i materiály a klíčem.
Objev podobné jako Exam Accelerator Teacher´s Book - Marta Uminska
Insight Intermediate Student´s Book - Jayne Wildman
insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students a deeper awareness of how language works, furnishing them with not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the rules that govern its use, allowing your students to use it with confidence. Key FeaturesThought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion.A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.Culture pages in every unit and related DVD material will broaden your students’ understanding and knowledge of the customs, traditions, and history of English-speaking countries.Optional literature-based lessons in the workbook allow you to enrich your classes with classic English literature.All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout to help prepare your students for their exam.
Objev podobné jako Insight Intermediate Student´s Book - Jayne Wildman
Adventures Elementary Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
A topic-based course with four levels, perfect for maintaining the interest and motivation of young teenagers.
Objev podobné jako Adventures Elementary Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
Insight Elementary Student´s Book - Fiona Beddall
insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students a deeper awareness of how language works, furnishing them with not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the rules that govern its use, allowing your students to use it with confidence. Key FeaturesThought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion.A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.Culture pages in every unit and related DVD material will broaden your students’ understanding and knowledge of the customs, traditions, and history of English-speaking countries.Optional literature-based lessons in the workbook allow you to enrich your classes with classic English literature.All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout to help prepare your students for their exam.
Objev podobné jako Insight Elementary Student´s Book - Fiona Beddall
face2face Starter Student´s Book - Chris Redston
The Starter Student's Book provides 70 hours of core teaching material, which can be extended to 100 hours with the inclusion of the photocopiable resources in the Teacher's Book (with Teacher's DVD). Vocabulary and Grammar are given equal importance and there is a clear focus on improving student's listening and speaking skills in social situations. The Student's Book includes optional video for the Real World lessons (available on the Teacher's DVD) with vocabulary selection informed by English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. (Please note that the face2face Second edition Class Audio CD's are available separately).
Objev podobné jako face2face Starter Student´s Book - Chris Redston
International Express Third Ed. Intermediate Student´s Book with Pocket Book (9780194418256)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá General English in a professional context This completely revised Interantional Express meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retainsthe popular student-centred approach and contemporary international topics, while adding new features: New Features: All-in-one Student's Book combines material for classroom study and workbook type exercises for self-study or classroom use DVD-ROM with interactive exercises and video clips for every unit Pocket Book for accessible language support on the move 100% new material at all levels Fully updated syllabus covers all the key language students need to communicate confidently and effectively in general and work situations New work skills section helps learners develop the key skills they need in the workplace, including speaking on the phone, writing emails, and giving and checking information
Objev podobné jako International Express Third Ed. Intermediate Student´s Book with Pocket Book (9780194418256)
International Express Elementary Student´s Book with Pocket Book (3rd) - Bryan Stephens
Linking life and work. This completely revised International Express, with 100% new material, meets all the practical language needs of adult professional learners. The series retains the popular student-centred approach and strong communicative focus, while adding a range of new features. The Student's Book and Workbook are now combined, and every unit is supported by stunning new video footage, bringing the outside world into the classroom. Key features: • Ideal blend of business and general English, with a strong communicative focus • 100% new syllabus with global lifestyle topics, specifically designed to get adult professional learners talking • Stunning new video accompanies every unit • Student's Book and Workbook are combined, meaning students need just one book for classroom use and self-study
Objev podobné jako International Express Elementary Student´s Book with Pocket Book (3rd) - Bryan Stephens
Bavlněná látka FLANNEL Cats old rose
Výrobce: Evropský výrobce, Certifikace: OEKO-TEX Standard 100 class I., Barva: růžová, Gramáž: 165 g/m2, Motív: Zvířatá, Šířka: 140 cm, Složení: 100%CO, Ošetrování: 7
Objev podobné jako Bavlněná látka FLANNEL Cats old rose
Objective First Student´s Book Pack (Student´s Book with Answers, CD-ROM & Class Audio CDs(2)), 4th Edition - Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp
Fourth edition of the best-selling Cambridge English: First (FCE) course, updated to prepare for the 2015 revised exam.
Objev podobné jako Objective First Student´s Book Pack (Student´s Book with Answers, CD-ROM & Class Audio CDs(2)), 4th Edition - Annette Capel, Wendy Sharp
Academy Stars Second Edition 1 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Kathryn Harper, Gabrielle Pritchard
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. PUPIL'S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PUPIL'S BOOK AND APP: This blended solution consists of the print Pupil’s Book and Digital Pupil's Book with interactive activities as well as course audio and video. The Navio App with additional gamified practice encourages repetition of activities, leading to better language acquisition. The Pupil’s Book covers the language and skills needed for academic progression and for exam success. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, pupils become exceptional language learners.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 1 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Kathryn Harper, Gabrielle Pritchard
Academy Stars Second Edition 4 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Jane Cadwallader, Alison Blair
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. PUPIL'S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PUPIL'S BOOK AND APP: This blended solution consists of the print Pupil’s Book and Digital Pupil's Book with interactive activities as well as course audio and video. The Navio App with additional gamified practice encourages repetition of activities, leading to better language acquisition. The Pupil’s Book covers the language and skills needed for academic progression and for exam success. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, pupils become exceptional language learners.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 4 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Jane Cadwallader, Alison Blair
Academy Stars Second Edition 3 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Jane Cadwallader, Alison Blair
Academy Stars Second Edition builds on the enormous success of the first edition and has even more resources to foster brilliance in the primary English classroom. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young Learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, students become exceptional language learners. In addition, activities centered around Education for Sustainable Development & Citizenship and Social & Emotional Learning foster learner autonomy, and help pupils to become responsible citizens. PUPIL'S BOOK WITH DIGITAL PUPIL'S BOOK AND APP: This blended solution consists of the print Pupil’s Book and Digital Pupil's Book with interactive activities as well as course audio and video. The Navio App with additional gamified practice encourages repetition of activities, leading to better language acquisition. The Pupil’s Book covers the language and skills needed for academic progression and for exam success. With the aid of Graphic Grammar animations, Grammar Booster, Extra Stars communicative activities, New Cambridge Young learner exams activities and enriched readings and listenings, pupils become exceptional language learners.
Objev podobné jako Academy Stars Second Edition 3 Pupil´s Book with Digital Pupil´s Book and Pupil´s App on Navio - Jane Cadwallader, Alison Blair
Explore Together 3 Student´s Book CZ (9780194051958)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Explore Series je kompletní řada učebnic (1. – 9. ročník), která postupuje v souladu s vývojem žáků, a poskytuje tak odpovídající úroveň obtížnosti a podpory pro každou etapu základního vzdělávání. Celou sérií se prolíná téma objevování a zkoumání jazyka a různých témat. Důraz na výuku jazyka prostřednictvím příběhů, písní, vytváření hodnotové orientace a využití mezipředmětových vztahů. Kombinace smyšleného a reálného světa v každé lekci. Žáci se učí pomocí dialogů, her a prezentací slovní zásoby i gramatiky. Nahrávky na DVD ukazují žákům skutečné britské prostředí. pracovní sešit – obsahuje instrukce v češtině i v angličtině, anglicko-český slovníček a přístupový kód ke stažení poslechů.
Objev podobné jako Explore Together 3 Student´s Book CZ (9780194051958)
New Maturita Activator Teacher´s Book CZ (9788378826590)
Kniha - autor Marta Uminska, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Nejprodávanější titul k přípravě na maturitní zkoušku z angličtiny, který si oblíbila celá řada učitelů a studentů, se dočkal nového aktualizovaného vydání. New Maturita Activator svou unikátní a přehlednou strukturou poskytuje komplexní shrnutí středoškolského učiva, což ulehčuje práci jak žákům, tak učitelům. Příprava k maturitě je mnohem snazší. Studenti zvládnou všechny části klíčových jazykových dovedností, nezbytných k úspěšnému složení zkoušky.
Objev podobné jako New Maturita Activator Teacher´s Book CZ (9788378826590)
Get Ready for Movers: Teacher´s Book (9780194000161)
Kniha - autor T. Thompson,, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá A new series that fully prepares students for the Cambridge English: Young Learners Tests. Key Features: Covers all the grammar, skills and vocabulary learners need for the test enabling students to sit exams confidently. Familiarizes pupils with task types, supporting them fully. A strong focus on all 4 language skills strengthens areas most likely to cause problems for young learners. Comes with audio support and access to a free online practice test via Oxford English Testing. iTools, with all the Class Book and audio on screen, makes lessons even more interactive. Suitable to use alongside any course book.
Objev podobné jako Get Ready for Movers: Teacher´s Book (9780194000161)
New Chatterbox 1 Pupil´s Book - Derek Strange
New Chatterbox is a three-level primary course that combines imaginative and entertaining activities with a clear and tightly controlled language and grammar syllabus. Controlled grammar syllabus taught in context through fun cartoons, stories, songs, and activities Most lessons have a grammar drill in the form of a question and answer activity Practises language through fun activities, such as songs, rhymes, games, and puzzles Thrilling comic-strip adventure story provides a memorable context for new language Carefully graded syllabus allows for recycling of language Variety of additional materials to extend lessons. The Teacher's Book includes extra games, a portfolio of self-assessment activities and five tests, and the Photocopy Masters Book in the Teacher's Resource Pack contains an additional activity per unit
Objev podobné jako New Chatterbox 1 Pupil´s Book - Derek Strange
Straightforward Elementary Student´s Book + CDROM - Lindsay Clandfield
A general English course for adults and young adults based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. The lessons offer a balanced mix of language input, skills work and oral tasks.
Objev podobné jako Straightforward Elementary Student´s Book + CDROM - Lindsay Clandfield
Prepare 4/B1 Student´s Book - James Styring
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology you expect to get the results you need. Whether teaching general English or focusing on exams, Prepare! leaves you and your students genuinely ready for what comes next: real Cambridge English exams, or real life. The Level 4 Student's Book engages students and builds vocabulary range with motivating, age-appropriate topics. Its unique approach is driven by cutting-edge language research from English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. 'Prepare to...' sections develop writing and speaking skills. A Student's Book and Online Workbook is also available, separately.
Objev podobné jako Prepare 4/B1 Student´s Book - James Styring
Wider World Starter Student´s Book - Sandy Zervas
Wider World reflects the way that today’s teens access information and entertainment: from the internet, using personal devices such as tablets, laptops and mobiles. The content and the style in which it is presented is designed to inspire and challenge teenagers. By interacting with the content, rather than just practicing, students acquire the language at a deeper cognitive level. Rather than just another subject on the curriculum, English becomes the tool through which they access a Wider World of knowledge, skills and experience. Nine units and a starter unit with 72-120 hours of teaching material 12 pages per unit video (Drama, BBC Vox Pops and BBC Culture) with every unit one lesson per page (or opening), one skill focus per lesson English (GSE) and adapted to be student friendly and to include topic information wordlist with exercises activating key vocabulary and revision for every unit BBC Culture lessons in every unit based on an intriguing question Grammar Time: grammar reference and practice activities for every grammar lesson Exam Time: the Listening and Speaking parts of the relevant PTE General and Cambridge English exams five extra CLIL lessons two extra Culture lessons about the English speaking world
Objev podobné jako Wider World Starter Student´s Book - Sandy Zervas
Project 5 Teacher´s Book (3rd) - Tom Hutchinson
This new edition of Tom Hutchinson's bestselling course combines all the aspects that students and teachers loved from the previous edition with exiting new digital components, extra resources and more teacher support than ever before.Your students will love watching the new animated Mickey, Millie and Mut and Sweet Sue and Smart Alex cartoons. In later levels of the course the cartoons are replaced with dramatized episodes of Kids, the photo-story from the Student's Book. For your kinaesthetic learners there are new fun total physical response pronunciation activities in the pronunciation bank at the back of the Student's Book. Other students will enjoy reading the stories in the extensive reading bank. And you will love all the teacher support available with Project fourth edition. Use digital resources more effectively in your lessons with the digital workshops that give you step by step guides to using some of the most educationally beneficial sites on the internet as well as ideas for how you can use them with the projects in the Student's Book. Key Features: •The tried and tested methodology of Project which is trusted by teachers around the world •New animated cartoons and grammar presentations available through iTools •New extensive reading bank with stories graded at the appropriate level •New pronunciation bank including both TPR activities and quiet individual activities •New test generator which allows you to create unique tests pitched to the right level for your students •More multi-skill and communication exercises to prepare you students for using English in the real world
Objev podobné jako Project 5 Teacher´s Book (3rd) - Tom Hutchinson
English Plus 2 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 2 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
Insight Pre-intermediate Student´s Book - Jayne Wildman
insight is a new five-level English course for secondary students. It is a thought-provoking course which will challenge your students to reach their full potential. insight will challenge, develop and inspire your students. It will motivate and engage them with thought provoking topics and information rich texts which will challenge their opinions and inspire them to think critically about the world they live in. It will prepare them for a life of learning with a clear focus on developing their skills and autonomous learning habits. It will give your students a deeper awareness of how language works, furnishing them with not just the meaning of vocabulary but also the rules that govern its use, allowing your students to use it with confidence. Key FeaturesThought-provoking topics and information-rich texts will challenge your students’ opinions, educate them about the world they live in, and inspire classroom discussion.A coherent and systematic vocabulary syllabus, Vocabulary insight pages, and a ten-page Vocabulary bank explore vocabulary in greater depth.Culture pages in every unit and related DVD material will broaden your students’ understanding and knowledge of the customs, traditions, and history of English-speaking countries.Optional literature-based lessons in the workbook allow you to enrich your classes with classic English literature.All school-leaving exam topics are covered, and exam-like tasks appear throughout to help prepare your students for their exam.
Objev podobné jako Insight Pre-intermediate Student´s Book - Jayne Wildman
Prepare 2/A2 Student´s Book - Joanna Kosta
Prepare! is a lively 7-level general English course with comprehensive Cambridge English for Schools exam preparation integrated throughout. This flexible course brings together all the tools and technology you expect to get the results you need. Whether teaching general English or focusing on exams, Prepare! leaves you and your students genuinely ready for what comes next: real Cambridge English exams, or real life. The Level 2 Student's Book engages students and builds vocabulary range with motivating, age-appropriate topics. Its unique approach is driven by cutting-edge language research from English Profile and the Cambridge Learner Corpus. 'Prepare to...' sections develop writing and speaking skills. A Student's Book and Online Workbook is also available, separately.
Objev podobné jako Prepare 2/A2 Student´s Book - Joanna Kosta
English Plus 4 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
A supportive course that helps students of all abilities build confidence through graded practice. The flexible package makes it ideal for mixed-ability classes, and varying teaching loads. English Plus develops students’ communication skills through a structured and methodical approach, helping students to achieve their individual learning outcomes in every lesson. One lesson-per-page structure means teachers can pick up and teach the course ‘I can’ statements, learning objectives, and presentation-practice-production methodology ensures all students achieve a productive outcome, regardless of their ability Step-by-step writing lessons and step-by-step speaking practice to build students’ confidence Options provides four optional extra lessons of CLIL, Culture, Vocabulary, or listening and speaking practice for each unit, linked to topics and language in the main units Graded grammar and vocabulary photocopiables in the Teacher’s Book offer the opportunity to supplement or extend lessons Finished? Activities ensure fast finishers are kept busy throughout the lesson.
Objev podobné jako English Plus 4 Student´s Book - Ben Wetz
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