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Normal People - Sally Rooneyová

THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER WINNER OF THE COSTA NOVEL AWARD 2018 WINNER OF THE AN POST IRISH BOOK AWARDS NOVEL OF THE YEAR WINNER OF THE SPECSAVERS NATIONAL BOOK AWARDS INTERNATIONAL AUTHOR OF THE YEAR LONGLISTED FOR THE BOOKER PRIZE Connell and Marianne grow up in the same small town in the west of Ireland, but the similarities end there. In school, Connell is popular and well-liked, while Marianne is a loner. But when the two strike up a conversation - awkward but electrifying - something life-changing begins. Normal People is a story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from that first conversation to the years beyond, in the company of two people who try to stay apart but find they can't.

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cena 294.0 Kč

Intermezzo - Sally Rooneyová

** Available for pre-order now **From the author of the multimillion-copy bestseller Normal People, an exquisitely moving story about grief, love and family. Aside from the fact that they are brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek seem to have little in common.Peter is a Dublin lawyer in his thirties – successful, competent and apparently unassailable. But in the wake of their father’s death, he’s medicating himself to sleep and struggling to manage his relationships with two very different women – his enduring first love Sylvia, and Naomi, a college student for whom life is one long joke.Ivan is a twenty-two-year-old competitive chess player. He has always seen himself as socially awkward, a loner, the antithesis of his glib elder brother. Now, in the early weeks of his bereavement, Ivan meets Margaret, an older woman emerging from her own turbulent past, and their lives become rapidly and intensely intertwined.For two grieving brothers and the people they love, this is a new interlude – a period of desire, despair and possibility – a chance to find out how much one life might hold inside itself without breaking.

Podívejte se také Temporary People (1632061422)

cena 591.0 Kč

Intermezzo - Sally Rooneyová

Aside from the fact that they are brothers, Peter and Ivan Koubek seem to have little in common. Peter is a Dublin lawyer in his thirties - successful, competent and apparently unassailable. But in the wake of their father's death, he's medicating himself to sleep and struggling to manage his relationships with two very different women - his enduring first love Sylvia, and Naomi, a college student for whom life is one long joke.Ivan is a twenty-two-year-old competitive chess player. He has always seen himself as socially awkward, a loner, the antithesis of his glib elder brother. Now, in the early weeks of his bereavement, Ivan meets Margaret, an older woman emerging from her own turbulent past, and their lives become rapidly and intensely intertwined. For two grieving brothers and the people they love, this is a new interlude - a period of desire, despair and possibility - a chance to find out how much one life might hold inside itself without breaking.

Podívejte se také Pravdivý příběh Plastic People

cena 439.0 Kč

Intermezzo - Sally Rooneyová

Kromě toho, že jsou bratři, toho Peter a Ivan Koubek nemají příliš společného. Peterovi je přes třicet a v Dublinu pracuje jako právník. Je úspěšný, schopný a působí jako člověk, jehož nic nevyvede z míry. Po otcově smrti však neusne bez prášků a přes hlavu mu přerůstá i vztah se dvěma velmi odlišnými ženami - jeho první láskou Sylvií, k níž pořád něco cítí, a vysoko- školačkou Naomi, které je celý svět k smíchu. Ivan je dvaadvacetiletý závodní šachista. Vždycky si připadal jako společensky neobratný samotář, který se nonšalantnímu staršímu bratrovi nepodobá ani pramálo. Krátce po ztrátě otce se Ivan seznámí s Margaret, o několik let starší ženou s vlastní pohnutou minulostí, a rychle spolu navážou intenzivní vztah. Pro oba truchlící bratry i jejich lásky nastává nové mezidobí. Čas touhy, beznaděje i nenadálých možností, během něhož dostanou šanci zjistit, kolik jejich život unese, aniž by se docela rozpadl

Objev podobné jako Intermezzo - Sally Rooneyová

cena 446.0 Kč

Conversations with Friends - Sally Rooneyová

WINNER OF THE SUNDAY TIMES / PFD YOUNG WRITER OF THE YEAR SHORTLISTED FOR THE DYLAN THOMAS PRIZE 2018 SHORTLISTED FOR THE KERRY GROUP IRISH NOVEL OF THE YEAR 2018 SHORTLISTED FOR THE RATHBONES FOLIO PRIZE 2018 LONGLISTED FOR THE DESMOND ELLIOTT PRIZE 2018 A SUNDAY TIMES, OBSERVER AND TELEGRAPH BOOK OF THE YEAR Frances is twenty-one years old, cool-headed and observant. A student in Dublin and an aspiring writer, at night she performs spoken word with her best friend Bobbi, who used to be her girlfriend. When they are interviewed and then befriended by Melissa, a well-known journalist who is married to Nick, an actor, they enter a world of beautiful houses, raucous dinner parties and holidays in Provence, beginning a complex menage-a-quatre. But when Frances and Nick get unexpectedly closer, the sharply witty and emotion-averse Frances is forced to honestly confront her own vulnerabilities for the first time.

Objev podobné jako Conversations with Friends - Sally Rooneyová

cena 268.0 Kč

Normální lidi - Sally Rooneyová - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Jak se pozná, že je to opravdová láska? Dvojici spolužáků – opovrhovanou Marianne a oblíbeného Connella – spojuje víc, než se na první pohled zdá. Přestože spolu ve škole ani mimo ni veřejně nepromluví, mají spolu milostný poměr. A ten nestojí a nepadá pouze se sexem, protože v sobě vzdor všem protikladům našli spřízněné duše. Jenže Connell se za vztah stydí a nechce, aby se o něm vědělo. Ještě před jeho případným prozrazením se ale pár rozejde. O rok později se opět setkávají na univerzitě v Dublinu – a zatímco on vinou dělnického původu mezi intelektuály jen obtížně nachází místo, z ní se mezitím stala královna večírků. Byť se nyní pohybují v odlišných kruzích, pořád se přitahují a nadále čelí vnitřním běsům. Co všechno dokáže jeden pro druhého udělat, aby ho zachránil? Světový bestseller, jehož se prodalo přes milion výtisků, obdržel cenu Costa za nejlepší anglickojazyčný román roku 2018. Probojoval se rovněž do nejužších nominací na Bookerovu cenu.

Objev podobné jako Normální lidi - Sally Rooneyová - audiokniha

cena 319.0 Kč

Krásny svet, kdeže si - Sally Rooneyová

Spisovateľka Alice sa zoznámi so skladníkom Felixom a požiada ho, aby ju sprevádzal na služobnej ceste. V Dubline sa jej najlepšia priateľka Eileen spamätáva z rozchodu a začína opäť flirtovať s priateľom z detstva Simonom. Alice, Felix, Eileen a Simon sú stále mladí – no život ich pomaly dobieha. Túžia po sebe a navzájom sa klamú, dávajú sa dokopy a rozchádzajú sa. Majú sex a trápia sa nad ním, strachujú sa o svoje priateľstvo a znepokojuje ich svet, v ktorom žijú. Dokážu uveriť v krásny svet?

Objev podobné jako Krásny svet, kdeže si - Sally Rooneyová

cena 447.0 Kč

Mr Salary : Faber Stories - Sally Rooneyová

My love for him felt so total and so annihilating that it was often impossible for me to see him clearly at all. Years ago, Sukie moved in with Nathan because her mother was dead and her father was difficult, and she had nowhere else to go. Now they are on the brink of the inevitable. Sally Rooney is one of the most acclaimed young talents of recent years. With her minute attention to the power dynamics in everyday speech, she builds up sexual tension and throws a deceptively low-key glance at love and death.

Objev podobné jako Mr Salary : Faber Stories - Sally Rooneyová

cena 133.0 Kč

Normálni ľudia - Sally Rooneyová - e-kniha

eBook: Jeden z najoceňovanejších románov súčasnosti. Víťaz Costa Novel Award za najlepší román roka 2018, nominácia na Man Bookerovu cenu za rok 2018 a množstvo ďalších cien. Connell a Marianne pochádzajú z jedného malého mestečka na západe Írska, no zdá sa, že tam sa podobnosť medzi nimi končí. Connell je v škole obľúbený, zatiaľ čo Marianne je samotárka. Marianne je z bohatej rodiny, Connel vyrastal bez otca a jeho matka je upratovačka. Keď však jedného dňa nadviažu rozhovor – síce trápny, no strhujúci – spustia lavínu, ktorá navždy zmení ich životy. Normálni ľudia sú príbehom o neprekonateľnej fascinácii, priateľstve a láske. O ľuďoch, ktorých vzájomná príťažlivosť a zároveň neznesiteľná vzdialenosť dovádzajú k poznaniu, že nemôžu byť spolu ani jeden bez druhého. Podáva svedectvo o tom, aké ťažké je zmeniť sa, stať sa tým, čo považujeme za „normálne“. A s dojímavou nehou odkrýva, ako nás život učí manévrovať v priestore medzi sexom a mocou, tendenciou zraňovať a byť zraňovaný, túžbou milovať a byť milovaný. „Napohľad jednoduchý príbeh, ale vyrozprávaný s inteligenciou, vtipom a jemnosťou. Rooneyovej genialita spočíva v jej schopnosti sledovať subtílne zmeny jej postáv, a to v ich vnútrnom svete, ako aj vo vzťahu k sebe navzájom. Absolútne fascinujúce. Prečítajte si to.“ Kirkus Reviews

Objev podobné jako Normálni ľudia - Sally Rooneyová - e-kniha

cena 249.0 Kč

Beautiful World, Where Are You - Sally Rooneyová

** Pre-order Sally Rooney''s new novel Intermezzo now **THE SUNDAY TIMES AND GLOBAL NUMBER ONE BESTSELLERWINNER OF NOVEL OF THE YEAR AT THE AN POST IRISH BOOK AWARDSOVER ONE MILLION COPIES SOLD ACROSS ALL FABER EDITIONS‘A tour de force.’ Anne Enright, Guardian‘Rooney’s best novel yet.’ Brandon Taylor, New York Times‘Get ready to have your heart broken all over again.’ Red‘The book moved me to tears more than once.’ The TimesAlice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a warehouse, and asks him if he’d like to travel to Rome with her. In Dublin, her best friend Eileen is getting over a break-up and slips back into flirting with Simon, a man she has known since childhood.Alice, Felix, Eileen and Simon are still young – but life is catching up with them. They desire each other, they delude each other, they worry about sex and friendship and the times they live in. Will they find a way to believe in a beautiful world?Sally Rooney''s book Beautiful World, Where Are You was a #1 Sunday Times bestseller w/c 11-09-2021

Objev podobné jako Beautiful World, Where Are You - Sally Rooneyová

cena 294.0 Kč

Normal People (0571334652)

Kniha - 304 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Normal People (0571334652)

cena 289.0 Kč

Krásny svet, kdeže si - Sally Rooneyová - e-kniha

eBook: Spisovateľka Alice sa zoznámi so skladníkom Felixom a požiada ho, aby ju sprevádzal na služobnej ceste. V Dubline sa jej najlepšia priateľka Eileen spamätáva z rozchodu a začína opäť flirtovať s priateľom z detstva Simonom. Alice, Felix, Eileen a Simon sú stále mladí – no život ich pomaly dobieha. Túžia po sebe a navzájom sa klamú, dávajú sa dokopy a rozchádzajú sa. Majú sex a trápia sa nad ním, strachujú sa o svoje priateľstvo a znepokojuje ich svet, v ktorom žijú. Dokážu uveriť v krásny svet?

Objev podobné jako Krásny svet, kdeže si - Sally Rooneyová - e-kniha

cena 348.0 Kč

Dream Big! Heroes Who Dared to Be Bold (100 people - 100 ways to change the world) - Sally Morganová

Be FIERCE, be BOLD, be INSPIRED ... DREAM BIG! 100 people, 100 ways to change the world. The ultimate empowering guide, Dream Big! Heroes Who Dared to Be Bold introduces fearless men, women, boys and girls who have spoken out and changed our lives for the better.They did it, so why can't you! From Emma Gonzalez to Nicola Adams, Adwoa Aboah to Muhammad Ali, this book celebrates sung and unsung heroes, reaching across all areas of life and to all four corners of the globe. Each personality is given a short biography detailing the inspirational things they have achieved by speaking out, highlighted with striking colour illustration. Full-page colour portraits of each amazing person With a call to action for each profile - something YOU can do to make your dreams come true.A rallying cry to boys and girls alike, inspiring them to dream big and speak out for what they believe in

Objev podobné jako Dream Big! Heroes Who Dared to Be Bold (100 people - 100 ways to change the world) - Sally Morganová

cena 241.0 Kč

Atlas zvířat - Anne Rooneyová

S Atlasem zvířat od Lonely Planet Kids proniknete do království divoké přírody jako nikdy předtím! Rozložením mapy odhalíte živočichy ze všech kontinentů a po nadzvednutí klapky spatříte jejich jedinečná životní prostředí i místa výskytu.Objevujte úžasný svět zvířecích faktů a fotografií v reálné velikosti. Prohlédněte si zblízka medvědí tlapu, želví mládě, jazyk mravenečníka, anebo sklípkance největšího – nejtěžšího pavouka na Zemi. Vše je zachycené tak, abyste se s nimi mohli sami porovnat.Najdete zde živočichy obývající mrazivé ledovce, zasněžené vrcholky hor, vyprahlé pouště, nebo temné hlubiny oceánů. Létají vzduchem, lezou po stromech, hrabou se skrz zem, plavou v moři, plíží se lesy, a jejich velikost se pohybuje na rozmezí od titěrného hmyzu, kterého bez lupy neuvidíte, až po gigantického plejtváka obrovského, delšího než 3 autobusy stojící v řadě za sebou!

Objev podobné jako Atlas zvířat - Anne Rooneyová

cena 479.0 Kč

Visual Timelines: Space - Anne Rooneyová

This book is a journey through space and time!Written by award-winning author Anne Rooney, this highly-visual, full-colour hardback explores the history of space exploration with illustrated, annotated timelines. Young readers can discover how we have mapped the Universe, sent spacecraft to distant planets, and catalogued stars billions of light years away. Readers can:• Chart our discoveries about the universe, year by year• Learn about the astronomers, scientists and astronauts who transformed our understanding of the night sky, from Neil Armstrong to Katherine Johnson• Discover the science behind our universe, from the Big Bang to the life cycle of stars • Explore the latest developments in space science, from exploration of Mars to the launch of the James Webb telescope This is a great way for children to discover the history of space science, and to reinforce their understanding by putting facts in context and developing a sense of chronology and perspective. An illuminating read for young people aged 8+. ABOUT THE SERIES: The Visual Timelines series introduces children to the history of human and scientific development, using engaging, richly illustrated timelines to pick out major events and put them in context.

Objev podobné jako Visual Timelines: Space - Anne Rooneyová

cena 443.0 Kč

Weird and Wonderful Animal Facts - Anne Rooneyová

Young readers can discover absolutely WILD facts about animals and the incredible science behind them in this mind-expanding book, written by award-winning author Anne Rooney.Did you know that snails have teeth? Or that starfish can grow new arms? Or that puffins glow in ultraviolet light? This book will reveal weird and wonderful facts about animals and dive deep into the underlying science, covering evolution, habitats, ecology and much more. These surprising facts allow readers to explore the incredible diversity of the animal kingdom and look at the natural world in a whole NEW way! Beautifully presented with gold foil cover accents and full-colour illustrations, this smart and humorous sideways look at the amazing world of animals will spark enthusiasm in any curious young reader aged 8+.

Objev podobné jako Weird and Wonderful Animal Facts - Anne Rooneyová

cena 236.0 Kč

People Need People - Benjamin Zephaniah

Winner of The Queen''s Knickers Award 2024To walk toTo talk toTo cry and rely on,People will always need people . . .From the creators of Nature Trail comes an uplifting picture book about the power of people, and the importance of connecting with others. This timely poem reminds us all to be kind to one another.Written by legendary poet, Benjamin Zephaniah, one of The Times'' top 50 British post-war writers. Beautifully illustrated by Nila Aye.Praise for Nature Trail:A joy to read with small children - Independent

Objev podobné jako People Need People - Benjamin Zephaniah

cena 236.0 Kč

Vyškrabuj a poznávej Dinosauři - Anne Rooneyová, Sarah Wade

Vydej se do prehistorického světa plného dinosaurů - děsivých predátorů i něžných, býložravých obrů. Tato nápaditá knížka je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první části jsou představeni dinosauři, o kterých se dozvíš nejrůznější fakta, údaje a zajímavosti, doplněna stránkami s vyškrabávacími obrázky. Druhá část je poté plná kvízů, doplňování, spojování, kreslení či hledání. Ani zde nechybí nejrůznější fakta o dinosaurech a prehistorickém světě. Tak na nic už nečekej a vydej se za tímto vyškrabávacím dobrodružstvím.

Objev podobné jako Vyškrabuj a poznávej Dinosauři - Anne Rooneyová, Sarah Wade

cena 223.0 Kč

Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Black XL

Pohlaví: Unisex;Pánské Barva: Černá Velikost: XL Subžánr: Elektronický;Synthpop;Alternative Rock;Electronic Rock;New Wave Žánr: Elektronický;Rock Délka rukávu: Krátké Věková skupina: Dospělý Dodavatel: Plastic Head Interpret / Téma: Depeche Mode Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;2000 - 2009;1980 - 1989;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Země interpreta: Spojené království Materiál: Bavlna Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země původu: Čína

Objev podobné jako Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Black XL

cena 533.0 Kč

Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Black L

Subžánr: Electronic Rock;New Wave;Synthpop;Alternative Rock;Elektronický Pohlaví: Pánské;Unisex Dodavatel: Plastic Head Barva podle výrobce: Black Interpret / Téma: Depeche Mode Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Země interpreta: Spojené království Dekáda interpreta: 1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Materiál: Bavlna Věková skupina: Dospělý Země původu: Čína Žánr: Rock;Elektronický Délka rukávu: Krátké Velikost: L Barva: Černá

Objev podobné jako Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Black L

cena 501.0 Kč

Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Womens Black XL

Subžánr: Synthpop;New Wave;Electronic Rock;Alternative Rock;Elektronický Interpret / Téma: Depeche Mode Dodavatel: Rock Off;Plastic Head Země interpreta: Spojené království Velikost: XL Délka rukávu: Krátké Žánr: Rock;Elektronický Barva podle výrobce: Black Dekáda interpreta: 2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;2020 - 2029;1990 - 1999;1980 - 1989 Země původu: Čína Věková skupina: Dospělý Materiál: Bavlna Barva: Černá Specifikace materiálu: Bavlna Pohlaví: Dámské

Objev podobné jako Depeche Mode Tričko People Are People Womens Black XL

cena 515.0 Kč

Temporary People (1632061422)

Kniha - autor Deepak Unnikrishnan, 252 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá In the United Arab Emirates, foreign nationals are shipped in to construct towering monuments that punctuate the skylines of Abu Dhabi and Dubai. They work without the rights of citizenship and endure miserable living conditions. The humanitarian crisis of the "guest workers" of the Gulf is finally addressed in this stunning debut which delves into their histories, struggles, and triumphs. .

Objev podobné jako Temporary People (1632061422)

cena 494.0 Kč

Anxious People (140593025X)

Kniha - 4 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako Anxious People (140593025X)

cena 256.0 Kč

Ježdění podle Sally Swift - Swift Sally

Převratná výuková filozofie ježdění na koni, zdůrazňující uvědomování si těla, význam „měkkých očí, správného dýchání, centrování a rovnováhy. Autorka byla půl století průkopníkem mezi instruktory jezdectví. V této knize, která vyšla v mnoha jazycích, poprvé formulovala své metody, které umožní koni i jezdci dosáhnout harmonie, pracovat společně, přirozeně a bez bolesti. Spoléhá na živé, neobvyklé, vysoce kreativní a ověřené představy a znalosti anatomie člověka a koně, které jezdcům umožní jezdit s přirozeným držením těla. Kniha je určena mírně pokročilým jezdcům i těm, kteří již postoupili k nejvyšším stupňům.

Objev podobné jako Ježdění podle Sally Swift - Swift Sally

cena 329.0 Kč

Ježdění podle Sally Swift 2 - Swift Sally

Centered Riding: Další zkoumáníCentered Riding není jen jezdecký styl, jako například drezura, honební nebo westernové ježdění. Je to spíš způsob reedukace mysli a těla jezdce, aby dosáhl větší rovnováhy a mohl tak lépe komunikovat se svým koněm. Zakladatelka Sally Swift vyvolala revoluci v ježdění na koni tím, že ukázala, jak jezdec díky dobrému používání svého těla změní své působení na koně ze sedla.První kniha Ježdění podle Sally Swift byla přeložena do 15 jazyků a je jednou z nejlépe prodávaných knih o koních. Kniha Ježdění podle Sally Swift 2 navazuje na epochální první knihu a obsahuje kapitoly o učení rovnováhy a uvolnění; o následujícím sedu; zvedání hřbetu koně prostřednictvím přechodů; vnímání střídajících se stran těla koně; rukou, které pomáhají a ne překážejí. Navíc se Sally k těmto jezdeckým technikám zaměřuje více na koně, než tomu bylo v její první knize, a vysvětluje detailněji, jak můžete prostřednictvím používání technik Centered Riding zlepšit svaly svého koně a jeho pohyb – a díky tomu i jeho pohodlí a výkonnost.

Objev podobné jako Ježdění podle Sally Swift 2 - Swift Sally

cena 768.0 Kč

Pravdivý příběh Plastic People

Audiokniha MP3 Ivan Martin Jirous, čte Ivan Martin Jirous, Oldřich Kaiser Strhující, věrné i pitoreskní vyprávění o letech, kdy působil jako manažer soustavně perzekvované skupiny The Plastic People Of The Universe, napsal básník, publicista a kunsthistorik Ivan Martin Jirous na přelomu let 1980-1981. V nahrávce Českého rozhlasu z roku 2009 čtou nezaměnitelným způsobem sám autor a Oldřich Kaiser. Doplněno hudebními ukázkami. Režie Markéta Jahodová.

Objev podobné jako Pravdivý příběh Plastic People

cena 199.0 Kč

Geomag Magicube People Jobs

Děti se mohou snadným spojováním a otáčením kostiček stát policistou či zahradnicí. Díky speciální vnitřní konstrukci se kostičky vzájemně přitahují ze všech šesti stran! Obsahuje 3 magnetické kostičky. Určeno pro děti od 1 roku.

Objev podobné jako Geomag Magicube People Jobs

cena 299.0 Kč

Painted People - Matt Lodder

In 1881, a writer in the Saturday Review called tattooing ‘an art without a history’. ‘No-one’, it went on, ‘has made it the business of his life to study the development of tattooing.’ Until now. Painted People is a beguiling and intimate look at an untold history of humanity. The earliest tattoos yet identified belonged to Ötzi, the ‘iceman’, whose mummy allows us a brief glimpse into the prehistory of the practice. We know that over the more than five thousand years since he was tattooed, countless cultures have performed this ancient practice, and people in every corner of the world have been tattooed. For the most part, these fascinating histories remain stubbornly untold, and the secrets of Siberian princesses, Chinese generals and Victorian socialites have been hidden on the skin, under layers of clothing and under layers of history. Now with access to a wealth of new and unreported material, this book will roll up its sleeves and reveal the artwork hidden beneath them. In Painted People, Dr Matt Lodder, one of the world’s foremost experts on tattooing, tells the stories of people like Arnaq, who was tattooed in keeping with her cultural and religious traditions in sixteenth-century Canada, and Horace Ridler, who was tattooed as a means to make money in 1930s London. And in between these two extremes, he describes tattoos inked for love, for loyalty, for sedition and espionage and for self-expression, as well as tattoos inflicted on the unwilling, to ostracise. Taken together, these twenty-one tattoos paint a portrait of humanity as both artist and canvas.

Objev podobné jako Painted People - Matt Lodder

cena 312.0 Kč

Millennium People - J.G. Ballard

Violent rebellion comes to London's middle classes.As he searches for the truth behind the Heathrow bomb that killed his ex-wife, psychologist David Markham infiltrates a shadowy protest group based in the comfortable Chelsea Marina. Led by a charismatic doctor, it aims to rouse the docile middle classes and to free them from the burdens of civic responsibility. Soon Markham is swept up in a campaign that spirals out of control - as the cornerstones of middle England become targets and growing panic grips the capital.This edition is part of a new commemorative series of Ballard's works, featuring introductions from a number of his admirers (including Martin Amis, Ali Smith, Hari Kunzru and China Mieville) and brand-new cover designs.

Objev podobné jako Millennium People - J.G. Ballard

cena 268.0 Kč

Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

Hlavní výhody: zábavná i vzdělávací hra 50 karet (25 dvojic) s ilustracemi slavných osobností a s nimi spojených rekvizit skvělý nápad na dárek pro každou příležitost a každé roční období pěkný způsob, jak si procvičit paměť Dodatečné informace: materiál: 100% FSC (udržitelné lesní hospodářství) papír bez obsahu kyselin hlavní jazyk: angličtina rozměr krabice: 14,5 x 10 x 4,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

cena 564.0 Kč

Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

Hlavní výhody: zábavná i vzdělávací hra 50 karet (25 dvojic) s ilustracemi slavných osobností a s nimi spojených rekvizit skvělý nápad na dárek pro každou příležitost a každé roční období pěkný způsob, jak si procvičit paměť Dodatečné informace: materiál: 100% FSC (udržitelné lesní hospodářství) papír bez obsahu kyselin hlavní jazyk: angličtina rozměr krabice: 14,5 x 10 x 4,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

cena 564.0 Kč

Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

Hlavní výhody: zábavná i vzdělávací hra 50 karet (25 dvojic) s ilustracemi slavných osobností a s nimi spojených rekvizit skvělý nápad na dárek pro každou příležitost a každé roční období pěkný způsob, jak si procvičit paměť Dodatečné informace: materiál: 100% FSC (udržitelné lesní hospodářství) papír bez obsahu kyselin hlavní jazyk: angličtina rozměr krabice: 14,5 x 10 x 4,5 cm

Objev podobné jako Pexeso ICONIC PEOPLE Printworks

cena 451.0 Kč

Danny's People - Virginia Bovell

Society disables us more than autism ever couldSociety disables us more than autism ever could ‘My brain’s still fizzing, my heart’s still sore and I’m already re-reading’ Sally Phillips Virginia’s son Danny has a way of lighting up a room. He’s warm, personable and has an infectious laugh. He forms lasting relationships and has known his best friend since they were little. He is also nonverbal and autistic, and requires round-the-clock care and a liquid diet. And for this reason, there are many who would rather not encounter Danny. Challenging the view that autism is something that needs to be ‘cured’, Virginia Bovell testifies to the extraordinary care Danny has received for over 30 years and the everyday kindness and decency of the people – ‘the band of angels’ – that surround him. She asks us to consider what makes a thriving individual versus an inadequate one; what it means to be ill versus what it means to not to conform; what roles society values and rewards; and how humans might flourish outside of failing political and economic systems. ''An inspiring testament and a celebration of neurodiversity.'' Manni Coe, author of Brother. Do. You. Love. Me

Objev podobné jako Danny's People - Virginia Bovell

cena 561.0 Kč

Anxious People - Fredrik Backman

The funny, touching and unpredictable No. 1 New York Times bestseller, now a major Netflix TV series''A brilliant and comforting read'' MATT HAIG''Funny, compassionate and wise. An absolute joy'' A.J. PEARCE''A surefooted insight into the absurdity, beauty and ache of life'' GUARDIAN''I laughed, I sobbed, I recommended it to literally everyone I know'' BUZZFEED''Captures the messy essence of being human'' WASHINGTON POSTFrom the 18 million copy internationally bestselling author of A Man Called Ove_______It''s New Year''s Eve and House Tricks estate agents are hosting an open viewing in an up-market apartment when an incompetent bank robber rushes in and politely takes everyone hostage.For Anna-Lena and Roger, busy buying-up apartments to fill the hole in their marriage, it''s something else to talk about.For Julia and Ro, panicky parents-to-be, it''s yet another worry.Lonely bank manager Zara only came here for the view.While 87-year-old grandmother Estelle seems rather pleased by the company . . .As the police gather outside, the anxious strangers huddled within try to make the best of a very sticky situation - but could it be that they have a whole lot more in common than meets the eye?_______Readers are loving Anxious People!''Backman never disappoints . . . heartwarming and multi layered'' 5***** READER REVIEW''As always Backman manages to delight . . . a really satisfying ending that makes you feel better about the world'' 5***** READER REVIEW''A wonderfully unusual tale, told with flair and finesse that is so wonderful it is sure to cure everything that ails you. Don''t miss out on this beautiful book'' 5***** READER REVIEW ''This novel is about humanity at its most raw and at its most wonderful and I LOVED it!'' 5***** READER REVIEW

Objev podobné jako Anxious People - Fredrik Backman

cena 241.0 Kč

PANDORA Moments People 789650C01 (5700302952810)

Přívěsek - dámský, lesklá povrchová úprava, pozlacený, do přívěsku jsou zasazeny zirkony, materiál obecný kov (bižuterní) Myslíte si, že nastal čas na koupi přívěsku, kterým uchvátíte své okolí? Přívěsek PANDORA se stane nepostradatelnou součástí každé ženy. Materiálem přívěsku je obecný kov (bižuterní). Bižuterní kov tvoří kvalitní základ šperku a přitom ho lze pořídit za příjemnou cenu. Přívěsek září zlatavou barvou díky pozlacení. Design přívěsku podtrhuje lesklá povrchová úprava. Hlavní přednosti přívěsku PANDORA Moments People 789650C01 Přívěšek PANDORA, díky kterému okouzlíte vaše okolí Elegantní přívěsek pro ženy Materiálem přívěsku je obecný kov (bižuterní) Úprava povrchu: pozlacení a lesk Osazení: zirkony

Objev podobné jako PANDORA Moments People 789650C01 (5700302952810)

cena 1469.0 Kč

Good People (Defekt) - Marcus Sakey

Tom and Anna Reed want a family. But years of unsuccessful infertility treatments have left them in debt and bereft. Then one night everything changes. The tenant in the flat below them has passed away, leaving $400,000 in cash. All they have to do is take the money and all of their problems will be solved.

Objev podobné jako Good People (Defekt) - Marcus Sakey

cena 139.0 Kč

People From My Neighbourhood (1846276993)

Kniha - autor Hiromi Kawakami, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná From the best-selling author of Strange Weather in Tokyo, here is a collection of playful, delightful, delectable Japanese micro-fiction Take a story and shrink it. Make it tiny, so small it can fit in the palm of your hand. Carry the story with you everywhere, let it sit with you while you eat, let it watch you while you sleep. Keep it safe, you never know when you might need it. In Kawakami's super short 'palm of the hand' stories the world is never quite as it should be: a small child lives under a sheet near his neighbour's house for thirty years; an apartment block leaves its visitors with strange afflictions, from fast-growing beards to an ability to channel the voices of the dead; an old man has two shadows, one docile, the other rebellious; two girls named Yoko are locked in a bitter rivalry to the death. Small but great, you'll find great delight spending time with the...

Objev podobné jako People From My Neighbourhood (1846276993)

cena 249.0 Kč

People to Follow - Olivia Worley

Ten influencers. Ten secrets. One dead body.A pacy, page-turning thriller perfect for fans of We Were Liars, The Inheritance Games and One Of Us Is Lying. 'Agatha Christie meets TikTok . .. a wicked, juicy page-turner' - Alexa Donne, author of Brightly BurningThey're used to being followed. But not like this .. . Ten social media stars think they're about to join the cast of a hot new reality show.But the production crew never shows up, and the influencers find themselves stranded on a deserted Caribbean island with no contact with the outside world - except for messages from the mysterious 'Sponsor', who is threatening to expose their darkest secrets. When one of them winds up dead, things start to get more real than they bargained for . .. With the body count rising, the influencers must figure out who is trying to get them cancelled - like, literally - before their number one follower strikes again.

Objev podobné jako People to Follow - Olivia Worley

cena 259.0 Kč

Fisher-Price Little People Autíčko

Fisher-Price Little People Autíčko – svou velikostí ideální pro malé ručičky.Autíčka mají roztomilý design a „tuningové“ pneumatiky. Každé autíčko obsahuje 1 figurku Little People®.

Objev podobné jako Fisher-Price Little People Autíčko

cena 269.0 Kč

Two People Can - Musariri Blessing

A lyrical and uplifting picture book story about the impact the departure of a dad has on a young boy called Shingai, written by award-winning Zimbabwean poet Blessing Musariri and beautifully illustrated by British artist Maisie Paradise Shearring.Shingai''s father has gone and Shingai and his mum are all alone and feeling lost. Shingai can’t contain the whirlwind inside any more. He needs to let his feelings out.A stunning story, beautifully illustrated, about the complex range of emotions a child experiences when a parent leaves, told from the perspective of a young boy. An important book about overcoming sadness with hope, love and empathy, that will help children understand their feelings . . . and ultimately help them find a way forward.

Objev podobné jako Two People Can - Musariri Blessing

cena 236.0 Kč

The People Watcher - Sam Lloyd

'Propulsive, sinister, gripping' - ALEX MICHAELIDES, international bestselling author of The Silent Patient and The Fear'Such a brilliant read with such well drawn characters - I loved it' - NIKKI SMITH, author of The Beach Party'One thing I've learned, these last few weeks, is that small acts of kindness are far less effective than fear...'She watches them in the dead of night. Hidden in plain sight, Mercy Lake provides what people need. Quietly. In secret. Making lives better.But he is watching too. And he doesn't want to help anyone - he wants to punish them. And he wants Mercy to join him.Soon, though, their activities draw the attention of the very person Mercy is desperate to avoid. Someone who will go to extreme lengths to make her pay for knowing their secret . . .The People Watcher is a shiver-inducing, heart-pounding suspense thriller that will keep you up into the early hours - perfect for fans of Alex Michaelides, Helen Fields and Catherine Ryan Howard.********Readers can't put down The People Watcher!'WOW! So full of suspense. The ending was a shocker! Reader Review'Wow wow wow this book did not disappoint. I read it in 2 sittings. So many twists and turns. I absolutely loved this book - a must read!!' 'Original, creepy and devastatingly clever. I raced through The People Watcher yet didn't want it to end. Utterly addictive. I loved it!' Sunday Times bestseller ANDREA MARA'Oh ... my ... word. The ending was such a shock and left me speechless. I normally see things coming, but not this time!' 'Twisty and dark as the night itself, it is impossible to put down. A triumph.' - NEIL LANCASTER'Absorbing and richly detailed, a novel with real heart.' LISA BALLANTYNE, Richard & Judy book club bestselling author of The Guilty One'Non-stop drama, full of surprises and twists and turns. I found it thoroughly engaging, something different and one not to be missed.' 'Intriguing characters and a gripping plot - what crime fiction should be!' 'Another cracking thriller from Sam Lloyd.'

Objev podobné jako The People Watcher - Sam Lloyd

cena 266.0 Kč

Games People Play - Eric Berne

We all play games. The nature of these games depends on both the situation and on who we meet. This book is about the games we play: those patterns of behaviour that reveal hidden feelings and emotions. It shows the underlying motivations behind our relationships and gives you the keys to unlock the psychology of others - and yourself.

Objev podobné jako Games People Play - Eric Berne

cena 325.0 Kč

Cooking for People - Mike Davies

The only seasonal cookbook needed for cooking and entertaining, from South London’s chef-vanguard Michael Davies.“The scrumptious loveliness on every page with the winning charm of a cook in his element conjures a table groaning with dish after dish prepared from this charming book.” - Jeremy Lee "Mike’s food instantly puts a smile on your face and the recipes in this book are no exception, they’re destined to make home cooks and their guests very happy. Simple, no fuss cooking. My heaven." – Richard CorriganMichael Davies is the UK’s answer to Alison Roman and Gen Zs answer to James Martin. He’s done the hard work so you don’t have to and now anyone can replicate his cult-status menus (as seen at The Camberwell Arms and Frank’s Café) for entertaining at home. This cook book is for those who want to enjoy cooking more and loves the idea of having people round for dinner whilst finding the reality of it a challenge. It’s fool proof menus delivers way more than any Dishpatch box ever could and ensure you’re guests will leave wowed and well fed.Containing beautiful seasonal menus for home cooks, Cooking for People takes out the often prohibitive stress that accompanies hosting. With various recipes planned out from early prep (some items you can tick off in 5 minutes or even a few days in advance) through to the execution on the day, this cookbook is the perfect accompaniment for any household that loves to host.Recipes include: Purple sprouting broccoli, roasted garlic aioli and lemon; Whole baked fish, creamed leeks, potatoes and dill; Slowly roast pork shoulder, sage and chestnut polenta, sweet and sour onions; Poached peaches, zabaglione and toasted almonds; A good tomato salad; and 70 more!Written by a chef looking to celebrate his own love of food and hosting with an eye on prioritising mental health, Cooking for People makes cooking a joy for everyone.

Objev podobné jako Cooking for People - Mike Davies

cena 886.0 Kč

Bad Summer People - Emma Rosenblumová

You are cordially invited to summer on New York State's idyllic Fire Island.Thirty miles of golden sand:No traffic. No tourists. No trash.The city elite gather here every year, trailing kids, their nannies, wine and seafood imported from Manhattan: hard workers need their playtime. Take the Parkers and the Weinsteins. Lauren and Jen hold sway on the beach and the tennis court.Their husbands are childhood friends bearing grudges as deep as they are secret. Their lone single friend, Rachel Woolf, is looking to meet her match, whether he's the new tennis pro - or someone else's husband. She's not picky.And while this season starts out quietly as any other, it soon changes when beneath the boardwalk, a body is found. No one is claiming to be a good person . .. But is someone actually capable of murder?Stylish, subversive and darkly comedic, this is a story of what's lurking under the surface of picture-perfect lives in a place where everyone has something to hide . . .

Objev podobné jako Bad Summer People - Emma Rosenblumová

cena 266.0 Kč

Cold People - Tom Rob Smith

What if the only hope for survival becomes the greatest threat? From the brilliant, bestselling author of Child 44 comes a suspenseful and fast-paced novel about a colony of global apocalypse survivors seeking to reinvent civilisation under the most extreme conditions imaginable. The world has fallen. Without warning, a mysterious and omnipotent force has claimed the planet for their own.There are no negotiations, no demands, no reasons given for their actions. All they have is a message: humanity has thirty days to reach the one place on Earth where they will be allowed to exist… Antarctica. Cold People follows the journeys of a handful of those who endure the frantic exodus to the most extreme environment on the planet.But their goal is not merely to survive the present. Because as they cling to life on the ice, the remnants of their past swept away, they must also confront the urgent challenge: can they change and evolve rapidly enough to ensure humanity’s future? Can they build a new society in the sub-zero cold?Original and imaginative, as profoundly intimate as it is grand in scope, Cold People is a masterful and unforgettable epic.

Objev podobné jako Cold People - Tom Rob Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Dictionary People - Sarah Ogilvie

**LONGLISTED FOR THE WOMEN’S PRIZE FOR NON-FICTION 2024**''Enthralling and exuberant ... Here is a wonder-book for word-lovers'' Jeanette Winterson‘A lively, entertaining, and illuminating read. I loved it’ Susie DentWhat do three murderers, Karl Marx''s daughter and a vegetarian vicar have in common?They all helped create the Oxford English Dictionary.The Oxford English Dictionary has long been associated with elite institutions and Victorian men. But the Dictionary didn''t just belong to the experts; it relied on contributions from members of the public. By 1928, its 414,825 entries had been crowdsourced from a surprising and diverse group of people, from astronomers to murderers, naturists, pornographers, suffragists and queer couples.Lexicographer Sarah Ogilvie dives deep into previously untapped archives to tell a people''s history of the OED. Here, she reveals, for the first time, the full story of the making of one of the most famous books in the world - and celebrates the extraordinary efforts of the Dictionary People.** A Financial Times, TLS and Daunt Books Book of the Year 2023 **''Utterly fascinating, entertaining, astonishing and as clever as a box of monkeys ... I completely love it'' Joanna Lumley''Full marks to Sarah Ogilvie... guaranteed to grab those of us obsessed with books, language and mystery'' Financial Times''[An] astonishing book'' Sunday Times''Touching ... The oddities [of language] enliven the book'' Observer *Book of the Day*''[An] affectionate and accomplished book'' TLS''Engaging'' Spectator''Marvellous, witty and wholly original'' Alan Rusbridger''Glorious and surprising'' Richard Ovenden, Bodley''s Librarian and author of Burning the Books‘A fascinating and delightful exploration of the Victorian world … Wonderful’ Nicola Shulman, TLS Podcast

Objev podobné jako The Dictionary People - Sarah Ogilvie

cena 738.0 Kč

Johnny Lytle - People & Love (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Typ: Nové vydání;Album;Stereo;LP deska Žánr: Jazz;Soul;Funk Subžánr: Jazz Funk;Soul-Jazz Datum vydání: 2024-03-29 Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Vydavatelství: Milestone Varianta: People & Love (LP) Balení obsahuje: LP Interpret / Téma: Johnny Lytle Rok vydání: 2024.0 Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks Hmotnost: 180 g

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cena 930.0 Kč

Hitler's People - Richard J. Evans

Why did so many Germans take part in the crimes of Nazi Germany? How did they come to support Hitler and follow him almost to the very end? For too long, the Nazis have been presented as little more than psychopaths or criminals. In his major new work, renowned historian Richard J. Evans makes use of a mass of recently unearthed new evidence to strip away the veneer of myth and legend from the faces of the Third Reich and present a more realistic view of Nazi perpetrators as human beings who were disturbingly like us.Evans offers rounded, fresh and often startling new portraits of the men and women who created and served Nazi Germany, beginning with Hitler himself and going on to encompass leading figures like Göring, Goebbels and Himmler, enforcers of Hitler’s orders such as Eichmann and Heydrich, propagandists like Leni Riefenstahl, low-level perpetrators such as the notorious Irma Grese and unknown sympathizers and fellow-travellers who helped the regime in myriad ways. Hitler’s People is a chilling, brilliantly written work which allows the reader to understand the texture and values of the Third Reich and just how far individuals will go when so many normal moral constraints have disappeared.

Objev podobné jako Hitler's People - Richard J. Evans

cena 1034.0 Kč

People Person - Candice Carty-Williamsová

From the Sunday Times bestselling author of QUEENIE comes a propulsive story of heart, humour, homecoming. People Person is a triumph. Caleb Azumah NelsonWonderful.Marian KeyesI loved it. Sara Collins IF YOU COULD CHOOSE YOUR FAMILY... YOU WOULDN'T CHOOSE THE PENNINGTONS.Dimple Pennington knew of her half siblings, but she didn't really know them. Five people who don't have anything in common except for faint memories of being driven through Brixton in their dad's gold jeep, and some pretty complex abandonment issues. Dimple has bigger things to think about.She's thirty, and her life isn't really going anywhere. An aspiring lifestyle influencer with a terrible and wayward boyfriend, Dimple's life has shrunk to the size of a phone screen. And despite a small but loyal following, she's never felt more alone.That is, until a catastrophic event brings her half siblings Nikisha, Danny, Lizzie and Prynce crashing back into her life. And when they're all forced to reconnect with Cyril Pennington, the absent father they never really knew, things get even more complicated. From the Sunday Times bestselling author of QUEENIE comes a propulsive story of heart, humour, homecoming, and about the truest meaning of family you can get when your dad loves his jeep more than he loves his children.

Objev podobné jako People Person - Candice Carty-Williamsová

cena 259.0 Kč

People from Bloomington - Darma Budi

In the 1970s, Budi Darma - one of Indonesia's most acclaimed writers - lived as a student in Bloomington, Indiana. His experiences formed the basis for the renowed short story collection, The People from Bloomington: a portrait of small-town America that offers an incisive view of the West and the people that inhabit it.In Darma's America, apartment blocks and gasping attic rooms shadow overgrown gardens, empty streets and distances traversable only by car. His stories circle the lonely, the unkempt, and the odd: mysterious old men and gruesomely sick poets, children with strange proportions and women waiting for letters that never arrive.Tense, quietly surreal and always morbidly funny, The People from Bloomington is one of the great works of twentieth-century Indonesian literature.

Objev podobné jako People from Bloomington - Darma Budi

cena 321.0 Kč

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