Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Nelson Handwriting: Reception/Primary 1: Starter B Workbook (pack of 10pc) - Warwick Anita

Nelson Handwriting is the definitive handwriting programme for the whole school. This completely updated new edition provides all the tools and resources you need to ensure a consistent whole-school approach to handwriting.This Starter Level Workbook B continues the practice of individual letter forms linked to Letters and Sounds Phase 2 sets 4-6.

Podívejte se také FINISH Starter pack (5999109582010)

cena 606.0 Kč

Reception/Primary 1: Martha Maps It Out - Leigh Hodgkinson

Martha LOVES drawing maps. She creates maps of everything, from outer space to her little (but very exciting) bedroom!This entertaining picture book is perfect for sharing with young children. Let Martha be your guide as she explores all the people and places that make her world special, and dreams of a future where ANYTHING is possible. Written and illustrated by Leigh Hodgkinson, Martha Maps it Out is full of immersive maps, with quirky details and fun non-fiction labels that little ones will love poring over. Little ones will discover cool new facts with every reading. Each map is packed with an irresistible sense of excitement about the world and optimism for the future.

Podívejte se také Playmobil 71077 Starter Pack Svatba (4008789710772)

cena 236.0 Kč

Viva! 1 Segunda Edicion Workbook B (Pack of 8) - Ana Kolkowska, Marianne Mathews, Libby Mitchell

Viva! 2nd Edition is packed with content your Spanish language lower secondary students will enjoy learning, with a tried-and-tested approach to progression. Our workbooks for each year contain extra reading and writing activities perfect for homework or cover work. Vocabulary lists at the end of each module. Workbook 1B is for extension. Note that this series was not written to align with any Australian syllabuses but has been reviewed for Australian use and Level 1 is recommended for use with Year 7 in Australia. Territory: Sales in Australia and New Zealand only.

Podívejte se také Pivo Pod Active Starter Pack (SPS)

cena 1116.0 Kč

Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Starter, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

Super Minds is back and is super charged! From the same renowned author team, the second edition is thoroughly updated, enhanced and ready to teach your students so much more than English. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, the course has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, as well as three key cognitive control functions for young learners. Students enjoy exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, with creative projects, authentic CLIL projects and extensive skills practice along the way to B1. The second edition is supported by a comprehensive and enriching digital package in Cambridge One, including big screen style animations and Practice Extra for home use. Herbert Puchta and his team possess a deep understanding of the learning needs of Primary students, as well as profound knowledge of classroom practice and the challenges faced by teachers. Watch Herbert Puchta giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the creation of Super Minds Second Edition. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework underpins the creative and critical thinking strands of Super Minds Second Edition. The framework examines social, emotional and cognitive skills at different stages of the learning journey. Super Minds is much loved by millions of learners in over 70 countries. Since its publication, we have carried out extensive research to find out what teachers and learners love about the course, and what could be updated and made even better. Power your students' learning all the way towards B1 with the wealth of audio digital content, including exciting adventure stories worthy of the big screen! Children will love learning grammar with the Language Focus sections and videos featuring the hilarious characters Penny the Penguin, Greg the Gecko and Leo the Leopard. Brand new CLIL content throughout the course is designed to mirror topics students will be studying in their first language. Documentary-style videos help to bring this content to life. All the teaching and learning materials are easily accessible, on any device, on our digital platform. The Teacher's Pack gives you Presentation Plus, test generator and a range of resources. Students have Practice Extra - a motivational learning path with bite-sized original activities, games and brain breaks along the way. Workbook with Digital Pack The Workbook, now full colour for the second edition, correlates page by page with the Student’s Book, making it easy to use both books in class. The Workbook also includes a code for students to access the Digital Pack, including Practice Extra. Digital Pack Practice Extra includes: Online activities which consolidate the classroom learning, as well as animations and interactive games to engage students. Brain Break activities designed to aid motivation and help recharge the brain.

Objev podobné jako Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Starter, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

cena 275.0 Kč

Speakout B1 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson English International Certificate The Workbook provides additional practice of material covered in the eight units of the Students’ Book, including: Additional grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice activities Benchmark Test task types An answer key at the back of the book to allow learners to check their answers. Note: The Workbook provides print versions of the Online Practice activities. Audio is available online using the access code inside the Student’s Book of the same level.

Objev podobné jako Speakout B1 Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

cena 569.0 Kč

Speakout A2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

Speakout 3rd Edition is the new edition of Pearson’s best-selling, eight-level general English course for adults. Developed in partnership with BBC Studios, Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. What’s new? Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test

Objev podobné jako Speakout A2+ Workbook with key, 3rd Edition - Lindsay Warwick

cena 569.0 Kč

Adventures Starter Workbook - Ben Wetz

A topic-based course with four levels, perfect for maintaining the interest and motivation of young teenagers. Key features Adventures builds students' confidence through the use of clear grammar presentations, varied practice exercises, and guided skills work. The highly motivating topics have been carefully chosen to appeal to teenagers. The clear syllabus offers an analytical approach to grammar, as well as extensive and varied practice. Strong emphasis is placed on skills development and study skills. There is a systematic approach to vocabulary building. The variety of challenging and enjoyable activities motivate students to participate fully in class. The optional 'World of English' sections exploit functional and everyday language, cross-cultural topics, and authentic pop songs.

Objev podobné jako Adventures Starter Workbook - Ben Wetz

cena 135.0 Kč

Playtime Starter Workbook - Claire Selby, Sharon Harmer

This great new series focuses on the real-life pre-school environment, a familiar setting for little ones to start learning English through other subjects. Monkey (the puppet) starts every lesson in a fun way and the children's enthusiasm for English builds from the beginning. Through easy-to-follow classroom routines for each lesson, children also learn to develop good habits and good behaviour. Playtime's lively stories present natural language in familiar contexts - using integrated DVD as well.

Objev podobné jako Playtime Starter Workbook - Claire Selby, Sharon Harmer

cena 242.0 Kč

Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

Ten units provide additional practice of material covered in the Students’ Book. The Workbook also includes: Additional grammar, vocabulary and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing and listening practice activities An answer key at the back of the book allow learners to check their answers.

Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

cena 404.0 Kč

Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.

Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick

cena 404.0 Kč

New Challenges 1 Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Amanda Maris

New Challengeshelps students become more effective learners and better citizens of the world through personal development. The information-driven approach in New Challengesencourages teenagers to think about the world around them and provides lively achievable tasks, building their confidence, creativity, participation and performance. With New Challengesteachers make lessons educational, successful and fun!

Objev podobné jako New Challenges 1 Workbook w/ Audio CD Pack - Amanda Maris

cena 335.0 Kč

Motivate! 3: Workbook Pack - Olivia Johnston

Čtyřdílná učebnice angličtiny Motivate! je zpracována tak, aby svým obsahem zaujala studenty angličtiny ve věku od 11 do 16 let. Velmi důležitým aspektem učebnice Motivate! je skutečnost, že bere v potaz různé úrovně znalostí studentů, kteří vstupují na 2. stupeň základních škol nebo na osmiletá gymnázia. Proto je učebnice metodicky zpracována tak, aby vyhovovala výuce ve třídách s různě nadanými studenty (mixed ability classes). Z toho důvodu také učebnice na začátku nabízí rozřazovací test. Ve cvičebnici jsou aktivity jasně označeny jednou až třemi hvězdičkami pro různě nadané studenty (basic, more advanced, challenging). Každá lekce také obsahuje sekci psaní. Oddíl Revision na konci lekce látku opakuje, oddíl Extension rozšiřuje dovednosti nadanějších studentů. Cvičebnice je doplněna 2 CD, na kterých jsou nahrány: Texty ze sekcí Reading a Writing Diktáty Kontrolní gramatická cvičení Poslechy z cvičebnice Slovíčka navíc Konverzační cvičení Poslechy si případně můžete stáhnout i zde. Na konci cvičebnice se nachází 50 stránkový oddíl, který obsahuje: Aktivity na CLIL Slovíčka navíc Souhrn gramatiky a další gramatická cvičení Konverzační cvičení Abecední seznam slovíček Nepravidelná slovesa

Objev podobné jako Motivate! 3: Workbook Pack - Olivia Johnston

cena 294.0 Kč

face2face Starter Workbook with Key, 2nd - Chris Redston

face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence.

Objev podobné jako face2face Starter Workbook with Key, 2nd - Chris Redston

cena 328.0 Kč

IndigiSounds Soca Starter Pack Vol 1 (Digitální produkt)

Sample a smyčky, které vám dají zvuk Soca, radostného žánru z Trinidadu a Tobaga.Sample knihovna pro Kontakt & Komplete Soca - 80 smyček, 70 singly zhotov a efektů.INFOhttps://www.indigisounds.com/product/soca-samples/ Licence: Plná verze Typ: Virtual Instrument;Samples Podporované formáty pluginů: KONTAKT

Objev podobné jako IndigiSounds Soca Starter Pack Vol 1 (Digitální produkt)

cena 2026.0 Kč

Speakout Starter Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Frances Eales

Speakout is a comprehensive English course that helps adult learners gain confidence in all skills areas using authentic materials from the BBC. With its wide range of support material, it meets the diverse needs of learners in a variety of teaching situations and helps bridge the gap between the classroom and the real world.

Objev podobné jako Speakout Starter Workbook with key, 2nd Edition - Frances Eales

cena 556.0 Kč

New Cutting Edge Starter Workbook w/ key - Marnie Frances

The Workbook contains a wide variety of practice exercises that review all the language areas studied in the Students' Book: Grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation exercises help to consolidate new language. Functional and writing exercises build on the Language Live lessons. Listen and read sections extend learners' skills.

Objev podobné jako New Cutting Edge Starter Workbook w/ key - Marnie Frances

cena 384.0 Kč

Cambridge English First Masterclass Workbook Pack - Simon Haines

Popis edice: Fully updated for the revised 2015 exam. Level: Upper-Intermediate (B2) The contemporary design and updated material in this revised edition will motivate students preparing for the 2015 Cambridge English: First exam. The exams skills trai

Objev podobné jako Cambridge English First Masterclass Workbook Pack - Simon Haines

cena 526.0 Kč

Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

Super Minds is back and is super charged! From the same renowned author team, the second edition is thoroughly updated, enhanced and ready to teach your students so much more than English. Aligned to the Cambridge Life Competencies Framework, the course has a particular focus on developing critical and creative thinking skills, as well as three key cognitive control functions for young learners. Students enjoy exciting adventures with the intrepid characters, with creative projects, authentic CLIL projects and extensive skills practice along the way to B1. The second edition is supported by a comprehensive and enriching digital package in Cambridge One, including big screen style animations and Practice Extra for home use. Herbert Puchta and his team possess a deep understanding of the learning needs of Primary students, as well as profound knowledge of classroom practice and the challenges faced by teachers. Watch Herbert Puchta giving us a glimpse behind the scenes of the creation of Super Minds Second Edition. The Cambridge Life Competencies Framework underpins the creative and critical thinking strands of Super Minds Second Edition. The framework examines social, emotional and cognitive skills at different stages of the learning journey. Super Minds is much loved by millions of learners in over 70 countries. Since its publication, we have carried out extensive research to find out what teachers and learners love about the course, and what could be updated and made even better. Power your students' learning all the way towards B1 with the wealth of audio digital content, including exciting adventure stories worthy of the big screen! Children will love learning grammar with the Language Focus sections and videos featuring the hilarious characters Penny the Penguin, Greg the Gecko and Leo the Leopard. Brand new CLIL content throughout the course is designed to mirror topics students will be studying in their first language. Documentary-style videos help to bring this content to life. All the teaching and learning materials are easily accessible, on any device, on our digital platform. The Teacher's Pack gives you Presentation Plus, test generator and a range of resources. Students have Practice Extra - a motivational learning path with bite-sized original activities, games and brain breaks along the way. Workbook with Digital Pack The Workbook, now full colour for the second edition, correlates page by page with the Student’s Book, making it easy to use both books in class. The Workbook also includes a code for students to access the Digital Pack, including Practice Extra. Digital Pack Practice Extra includes: Online activities which consolidate the classroom learning, as well as animations and interactive games to engage students. Brain Break activities designed to aid motivation and help recharge the brain.

Objev podobné jako Super Minds Workbook with Digital Pack Level 1, 2nd Edition - Herbert Puchta

cena 275.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 21733 B

protiprachový povlak, pro 88 klávesové nástroje, vnitřní rozměry 1440 x 450 x 160 mm, umělohmotné zpevnění rohů pro lepší úchyt, velmi kvalitní černý nylon, rohy stažené gumou, vyražené Rockbag® logo

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 21733 B

cena 749.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20516 B

povlak pro el. kytaru, 10 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20516 B

cena 749.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20518 B

povlak, španělka, 10 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20518 B

cena 769.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20526 B

povlak pro el. kytaru, 5 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20526 B

cena 549.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 21418 B

polstrovaný obal, vnitřní rozměry 1220 x 420 x 160 mm, 5 mm polstrování, pro 6 oktávové nástroje

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 21418 B

cena 1350.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20525 B

povlak pro baskytaru, 5 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20525 B

cena 549.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20528 B

povlak pro klasickou kytaru, 5 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20528 B

cena 549.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20519 B

povlak pro akustickou kytaru, 10 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20519 B

cena 899.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20529 B

povlak pro akustickou kytaru, 5 mm polstrování

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20529 B

cena 690.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 20520 B

povlak pro baskytaru, 10 mm polstrování, vnitřek z černého nylonu, GUITAR-SAVING-SYSTEM (fixace krku), 2x odnímatelný ergonomický ramenní řemen, 1x polstrované měkké ucho

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 20520 B

cena 949.0 Kč

English in Mind Starter Level Workbook - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks

This second edition updates a course which has proven to be a perfect fit for classes the world over.

Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level Workbook - Herbert Puchta, Jeff Stranks

cena 332.0 Kč

Rockcase by Warwick RC 10605 B/SB

pevný kufr pro baskytaru, 5 mm překližka, černý samet, rozměry 118 x 35 x 9 cm

Objev podobné jako Rockcase by Warwick RC 10605 B/SB

cena 2790.0 Kč

Rockbag by Warwick RB 22650 B/PLUS

obal pro tom-tom, 8" x 6", 10 mm polstrování, uvnitř bílý plyš s dlouhým vlasem, 1 polstrované, dvakrát prošité ucho, 2 odnímatelné, polstrované popruhy 50 mm s pouzdrem na mobil, povrch voděvzdorný, pevný Rok Tex, barva černá

Objev podobné jako Rockbag by Warwick RB 22650 B/PLUS

cena 490.0 Kč

Nelson of The East - Kybele (LP)

Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;2010 - 2019 Balení obsahuje: LP Země interpreta: Itálie Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Složení setu: 1 ks Žánr: Elektronický Typ: Album;LP deska Země původu: Evropská unie Hmotnost: 180 g Varianta: Kybele (Vinyl LP) Barva: Černá Datum vydání: 2020-06-12 Interpret / Téma: Nelson of the East Rok nahrávky: 2020.0 Subžánr: Breakbeat;Leftfield;Downtempo Vydavatelství: Tartelet Records Rok vydání: 2020.0 Barva podle výrobce: Black

Objev podobné jako Nelson of The East - Kybele (LP)

cena 410.4 Kč

Cambridge English Empower Starter Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Rachel Godfrey

Cambridge English Empower is a general adult course that combines course content from Cambridge University Press with validated assessment from the experts at Cambridge English Language Assessment. The Starter Workbook with answers and downloadable audio can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities.

Objev podobné jako Cambridge English Empower Starter Workbook with Answers with Downloadable Audio - Rachel Godfrey

cena 345.0 Kč

English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta

English in Mind je čtyřdílný kurz pro teenagery. Každý díl obsahuje 16 oddílů začleněných do 4 modulů (80 – 90 vyučovacích hodin). Popis: English in Mind is a four-level course for teenagers. Each level contains 16 units grouped into four modules. Clear learning objectives at the beginning of each module, plus 'Check your Progress' sections at the end, help students and teachers plan learning more effectively.Each level of the course provides 80-90 hours of class work with extra photocopiable activities and tests in the Teacher’s Resource Pack. The Workbook comes with a free CD combining interactive CD-ROM and audio material.The course can be used with mixed-ability classes. The Starter level is for complete beginners. Level 1 is for elementary students and contains a 16-page starter section to revise key language. Levels 2 and 3 take students from pre-intermediate to intermediate level.

Objev podobné jako English in Mind Starter Level: Workbook with Audio CD/CD-ROM - Herbert Puchta

cena 299.0 Kč

Children´s Encyclopedia of Technology (Defekt) - Loughrey Anita

Discover the world of cutting-edge technology with this comprehensive visual encyclopedia.Full of surprising facts and stunning photographs, this accessible book takes in the full sweep of modern life-from solar power to microchips, and from cars to lightbulbs. Based on the very latest research, this is the definitive children's guide to understanding the world around us.Accessible, entertaining, and authoritative, this comprehensive visual encyclopedia supports the key stage 2 (KS2) curriculum and is great for home learning. The perfect introduction to the world of technology for children aged eight and above.

Objev podobné jako Children´s Encyclopedia of Technology (Defekt) - Loughrey Anita

cena 129.0 Kč

International Express Interactive Ed Intermediate Workbook + Student´s Workbook CD Pack - Mike Macfarlane

International Express combines general English with business situations, giving students the social and functional English they need to work, travel, and socialize.

Objev podobné jako International Express Interactive Ed Intermediate Workbook + Student´s Workbook CD Pack - Mike Macfarlane

cena 353.0 Kč

Finish Starter Pack

Finish Starter Pack obsahuje kapsle do myčky se svěží vůní citronu, sůl do myčky, leštidlo, osvěžovač a čistič myčky. Objevte sadu pro čisté a lesklé nádobí a péči o myčku.

Objev podobné jako Finish Starter Pack

cena 399.0 Kč

Šmoulové Starter pack

Revoluční koncept, který kombinuje tvořivost a zručnost s možností vytvořit si oblíbenou licenční figurku. Každé balení obsahuje modelínu, kartonové doplňky na dotvoření figurky, lepítka a brožurku s různými aktivitami a návodem na výrobu postavičky.

Objev podobné jako Šmoulové Starter pack

cena 178.0 Kč

Honeywell CK67-SP-1PK screen protector, pack of 1

Screen protector, pack of 1, fits for: CK67

Objev podobné jako Honeywell CK67-SP-1PK screen protector, pack of 1

cena 230.0 Kč

Dámské šaty 274-1 Anita

Dámské šaty 274-1 Anita Numoco rozšířený střih široká ramínka překřížení v oblasti dekoltu ve spodní části s řasením

Objev podobné jako Dámské šaty 274-1 Anita

cena 1794.0 Kč

Willie Nelson - Band Of Brothers (Coloured Vinyl) (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Blue Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Subžánr: Country Datum vydání: 2021-03-26 Typ: LP deska;Barevná Dekáda interpreta: 2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1950 - 1959;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999;1960 - 1969;2010 - 2019;2020 - 2029 Varianta: Band Of Brothers (Coloured Vinyl) (LP) Interpret / Téma: Willie Nelson Vydavatelství: Music On Vinyl Rok vydání: 2021.0 Žánr: Country;Folk Země interpreta: USA Složení setu: 1 ks Barva: Modrá Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako Willie Nelson - Band Of Brothers (Coloured Vinyl) (LP)

cena 817.95 Kč

Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage - Jonny Steinberg

From one of South Africa’s foremost nonfiction writers, a deeply researched, shattering new account of Nelson Mandela’s relationship with Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. Drawing on never-before-seen material, Steinberg reveals the fractures and stubborn bonds at the heart of a volatile and groundbreaking union, a very modern political marriage that played out on the world stage. One of the most celebrated political leaders of the twentieth century, Nelson Mandela has been written about by many biographers and historians.But in one crucial area, his life remains largely untold: his marriage to Winnie. During his years in prison, Nelson grew ever more in love with an idealised version of his wife, courting her in his letters as if they were young lovers frozen in time. But Winnie, every bit his political equal, found herself increasingly estranged from her jailed husband ’ s politics.Behind his back, she was trying to orchestrate an armed seizure of power, a path he feared would lead to an endless civil war. Jonny Steinberg tells the tale of this unique marriage – its longings, its obsessions, its deceits – turning the course of South African history into a page-turning political biography. Winnie & Nelson is a modern epic in which trauma doesn’t just affect the couple at its centre, but an entire nation.It is also a Shakespearean drama in which bonds of love and commitment mingle with timeless questions of revolution, such as whether to seek retribution or a negotiated peace. Told with power and tender emotional insight, Steinberg reveals how far these forever entwined leaders would go for one another, and also, where they drew the line. For in the end both knew theirs was not simply a marriage, but a contest to decide how apartheid should be fought.

Objev podobné jako Winnie & Nelson: Portrait of a Marriage - Jonny Steinberg

cena 357.0 Kč

Disney Cars Starter pack

Revoluční koncept, který kombinuje tvořivost a zručnost s možností vytvořit si oblíbenou licenční figurku. Každé balení obsahuje modelínu, kartonové doplňky na dotvoření figurky, lepítka a brožurku s různými aktivitami a návodem na výrobu postavičky.

Objev podobné jako Disney Cars Starter pack

cena 174.0 Kč

FINISH Starter pack (5999109582010)

Sada drogerie obsahuje: FINISH Tablety do myčky Ultimate All in 1 30 ks, FINISH Sůl 1,5 kg, FINISH Leštidlo Shine&Dry Regular 400 ml, FINISH Osvěžovač Odor Stop Easy Clip + FINISH Čistič myčky 250 ml Pokud chcete udržet svou myčku v dokonalém stavu po mnoho let, doporučíme vám sadu prostředků značky FINISH Starter pack. Sada obsahuje sůl, leštidlo, osvěžovač, čistič a tablety do myčky. Výrobky je vhodné používat zvláště v případě tvrdé a středně tvrdé vody. Sada těchto výrobků ochrání myčku před vodním kamenem. Klíčové vlastnosti sady do myčky FINISH Starter packSada do myčky FINISH Starter pack udrží vaší myčku v dobrém stavuJe vhodná zvláště pro tvrdou a středně tvrdou voduObsahuje sůl, leštidlo, osvěžovač, čistič a tablety do myčkySada do myčky FINISH Starter pack ochrání myčku před vodním kamenem FINISH přináší to nejlepší pro vaši myčkuSůl FINISH má speciální složení pro změkčení vody a tím...

Objev podobné jako FINISH Starter pack (5999109582010)

cena 379.0 Kč

Disney Mickey Starter pack

Revoluční koncept, který kombinuje tvořivost a zručnost s možností vytvořit si oblíbenou licenční figurku. Každé balení obsahuje modelínu, kartonové doplňky na dotvoření figurky, lepítka a brožurku s různými aktivitami a návodem na výrobu postavičky.

Objev podobné jako Disney Mickey Starter pack

cena 180.0 Kč

Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

Find out the fascinating stories of ten real-life dragons, the myths and legends surrounding them, their discoveries and how they survive today.For centuries, dragons have captured our imaginations, guarding troves of treasure and breathing out fire. They appear in many myths and legends from around the world, some soaring through the air on scaly wings; some lurking in caves underground and some diving the depths of the seas and oceans.While there is, sadly, no such thing as a fire-breathing dragon, there are still dragons alive today in the animal kingdom. One of them can even fly. This book brings together the stories of ten real-life dragons, with fascinating facts mixed with some folklore. There are also tales of how these extraordinary creatures were discovered and about their adaptations for surviving in the wild.Are you ready for the wildlife safari of a lifetime?This high-interest approach to the natural world shows the diversity of nature, evolution and adaptation and can be used to support the science curriculum study of living things at key stage two.Full-colour photographs combined with illustrations make this a beautiful and fascinating introduction to real-life dragons around the world.

Objev podobné jako Real-life Dragons and their Stories of Survival - Anita Ganeriová

cena 399.0 Kč

Lifestyle Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Louis Harrison

The Intermediate Workbook contains further practice of areas covered in the corresponding units of the Coursebook. It is designed to provide practice activities for personal study and an answer key is included so that students can check their progress.

Objev podobné jako Lifestyle Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Louis Harrison

cena 437.0 Kč

Straightforward Intermediate: Workbook (with Key) Pack - John Waterman

A new general English course for adults and young adults based on observation of what good teachers do in the classroom. Straightforward is transparent in its structure, pragmatic in its methodology and varied in its content. Key features A practical approach to methodology that prioritizes what works in the real,as opposed to the ideal, classroom Double-page lessons offer a balanced mix of language input, skills work and oral tasks A wide range of speaking tasks help students become flexible communicators in English Engaging and modern topics promote reaction and interest amongst students An extensive, fully integrated lexical syllabus enriches students' vocabulary and encourages greater awareness of lexical patterns Functional language lessons provide students who use English in their daily lives with language that is immediately useful Did You Know sections give up-to-date cultural information and encourage cross-cultural comparison.

Objev podobné jako Straightforward Intermediate: Workbook (with Key) Pack - John Waterman

cena 284.0 Kč

Straightforward Beginner: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Lindsay Clandfield

Učebnice angličtiny pro střední školy a dospělé. Popis:Učebnice angličtiny Straightforward je založena na tom, co dobří učitelé používají v hodinách, protože to funguje. Dobří učitelé zpravidla nepoužívají striktně jeden přístup, ale z každého přístupu si berou to nejlepší - to, co opravdu funguje.Přístup učebnice Straightforward by se dal nazvat eklektickým - z každé metody si vybírá to, co bude pro příslušnou pokročilost, probíranou látku nebo procvičovanou dovednost nejlépe fungovat. Jsou to tedy aktivity, se kterými jste se pravděpodbně již setkali. Proto používání učebnice Straightforward vám nebude činit žádné problémy. Je napsána tak, že je možné ji dokonce používat bez toho, aby si učitel před hodinou četl Teacher's Book. Z pohledu do Student's Book je jasné, který aspekt anglického jazyka aktivita procvičuje a jak je třeba ji provádět. Teacher's Book + CD + CD-ROMI přes výše uvedené však doporučujeme Teacher's Book používat, protože obsahuje:mnoho alternativ ke cvičením v učebnici, doplňujících, úvodních i následných aktivit podrobné informace o probírané látce a poznámky ke kulturním tématům Methodology Builders - oddíly pro profesní rozvoj učitle (rozšiřují množství výukových strategií, vycházejí ze cvičení v učebnici a vysvětlují, proč se které typy cvičení používají, a nabízejí alternativy a nápady k nejlepšímu využití materiálu v učebnici kopírovatelné pracovní listy ke každé lekci (včetně písniček) shrnutí obsahu lekce klíč ke všem cvičením a vzorové vypracování písemných úkolů nápady na domácí úkoly a přepisy nahrávek 2 CD: první obsahuje písničky a nahrávky k poslechovým testům a druhé obsahuje 12 testů po každé lekci a 4 posupové testy (testy jsou ve formátu Microsoft Words, takže si je můžete před vytištěním upravit, zkrátit nebo doplnit o vlastní úkoly) Autorem metodické příručky je Jim Scrivener, autor jednoho z nejprodávanějších metodických titulů Learning Teaching.Student's BookObsahuje 12 units z nichž každá je rozdělena na 4 dvoustránkové lessons. Každá dvoustrana je navržena pro 90 min práce v hodině. Každá unit je zakončena dvoustranou se shrnutím gramatiky a přehledem nové slovní zásoby tříděné podle tématických okruhů. Slovíčka jsou rozdělena na červená (aktivní slovní zásoba) a černá (pasivní slovní zásoba) a jsou hvězdičkami označna podle frekvence. Tyto informace jsou převzaty z výkladového slovníku Macmillan English Dicitonary.Hlavními rysy knihy pro studenta jsou:metodika, která upřednostňuje to, co nejlépe funguje dvoustránkové lekce s vyváženým zastoupením nové látky, dovedností a konverzace široká škála cvičení k rozvoji mluvení (roleplay, diskuse, řešení problémů, interview apod.) systematický rozsáhlý přístup ke slovní zásobě cvičení na funkční jazyk, který mohou studenti okamžitě využít při každodenním dorozumívání se v cizím jazyce zajímavé texty odpovídající věku studentů včetně emailů, webových stránek a časopisů oddíly Did you know podávající aktuální informace o kulturních aspektech, které umožňují srovnání mezi rozdílnými kulturami Class audio CDDvě CD s nahrávkami všech poslechových cvičení ze Student's Book.Workbook + CD (k dispozici verze s klíčem nebo bez klíče)Najdete v ní:cvičení k opakování a procvičování látky z každé lekce včetně textů ke čtení úplný 24stránkový kurz psaní, který je možné zařadit do hodin nebo zadat za domácí úkol audio CD s diktáty a nahrávkami všech textů ke čtení

Objev podobné jako Straightforward Beginner: Workbook (with Key) Pack - Lindsay Clandfield

cena 284.0 Kč

Success Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Lindsay White

Students will . * enjoy their course with the inspiring and up-to-date topics and 'Culture Shocks' sections. * be motivated and confident with activities that help learners both understand and internalise grammar rules and avoid common mistakes * be able to speak easily with a syllabus that focuses on communication in real-world contexts and vocabulary. * are extensively prepared for school-leaving exams with a clear syllabus supported by exam practice and exam strategies. Teachers .. * can make every lesson different with the variety of material in the Student's Book, the video, the CD-ROM, photocopiables and tests. * can easily adapt lessons and tests with photocopiables and the Testmaster CD-ROM. SUCCESS. It's all in the name

Objev podobné jako Success Intermediate Workbook w/ CD Pack - Lindsay White

cena 473.0 Kč

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