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Mere Christianity - C. S. Lewis

One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, ‘Mere Christianity’ has sold millions of copies worldwide.The book brings together C.S. Lewis’s legendary radio broadcasts during the war years, in which he set out simply to ‘explain and defend the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times’.Rejecting the boundaries that divide Christianity’s many denominations, ‘Mere Christianity’ provides an unequalled opportunity for believers and nonbelievers alike to absorb a powerful, rational case for the Christian faith.

Podívejte se také Monster Lewis Hamilton 0,5l plech (5060337508605)

cena 295.0 Kč

Mere Christianity (0007461216)

Kniha - autor Clive Staples Lewis, 256 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná One of the most popular and beloved introductions to the concept of faith ever written, `Mere Christianity has sold millions of copies worldwide.

Podívejte se také Funko POP! Music Lewis Capaldi (889698529389)

cena 259.0 Kč

Space Trilogy - C. S. Lewis

This striking one-volume edition marks the 75th anniversary of Lewis's classic SF trilogy featuring the adventures of Dr Ransom on Mars, Venus and Earth. It includes an exclusive Foreword compiled from letters by J.R.R. Tolkien, who inspired Lewis to write the first volume.

Podívejte se také Red Dragon Šipky Jamie Lewis - 22g (219047)

cena 738.0 Kč

The Magician's Nephew - C. S. Lewis

The Adventure Begins.A beautiful paperback edition of The Magician''s Nephew, book one in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.On a daring quest to save a life, two friends are hurled into another world, where an evil sorceress seeks to enslave them. But then the lion Aslan''s song weaves itself into the fabric of a new land, a land that will be known as Narnia. And in Narnia, all things are possible.The Magician''s Nephew is the first book in C. S. Lewis''s classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia, which has captivated readers of all ages for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone novel, but if you would like to journey through the wardrobe and back to Narnia, read The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, the second book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Objev podobné jako The Magician's Nephew - C. S. Lewis

cena 236.0 Kč

The Screwtape Letters - C. S. Lewis

A milestone in the history of popular theology, ‘The Screwtape Letters’ is an iconic classic on spiritual warfare and the power of the devil.This profound and striking narrative takes the form of a series of letters from Screwtape, a devil high in the Infernal Civil Service, to his nephew Wormwood, a junior colleague engaged in his first mission on earth trying to secure the damnation of a young man who has just become a Christian. Although the young man initially looks to be a willing victim, he changes his ways and is ‘lost’ to the young devil.Dedicated to Lewis’s friend and colleague J.R.R. Tolkien, ‘The Screwtape Letters’ is a timeless classic on spiritual conflict and the invisible realities which are part of our religious experience.

Objev podobné jako The Screwtape Letters - C. S. Lewis

cena 268.0 Kč

How to Pray - C. S. Lewis

C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God—prayer—in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings.The revered teacher and bestselling author of such classic Christian works as Mere Christianity and The Screwtape Letters, C. S. Lewis here offers wisdom and lessons that illuminate our private dialogue with God—prayer—in this collection drawn from the breadth of his writings.C. S. Lewis’s insights on Christianity and his reflections on Christian life continue to guide us more than fifty years after his death. How to Pray showcases Lewis’s enduring wisdom on prayer and its place in our daily lives.Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, How to Pray provides practical wisdom and instruction to help readers nurture their spiritual beliefs and embrace prayer in all its forms. While many people would like to speak to God, they often don’t know how to begin. Lewis guides them through the practice, illuminating the significance of prayer and why it is central to faith.A welcome addition to the C. S. Lewis canon, How to Pray offers a deeper understanding of our personal tradition of prayer, our faith, and what is means to be a Christian.

Objev podobné jako How to Pray - C. S. Lewis

cena 295.0 Kč

NARNIE – Poslední bitva (Defekt) - C. S. Lewis

Je spousta dveří, ale pouze jedny vedou do jiného světa. Projděte s námi do země zázraků a kouzel - do Narnie! Jill s Eustacem se znovu vydávají do země, které hrozí zkáza. Narnie je zmítána zmatky a pochybnostmi a král Tirian musí zabránit jejímu úplnému zničení. Začíná bitva, která navždy rozhodne o budoucnosti slavného království Narnie! Nenechte si ujít fantasy bestseller, který nadchl miliony čtenářů po celém světě.

Objev podobné jako NARNIE – Poslední bitva (Defekt) - C. S. Lewis

cena 99.0 Kč

The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis

The Chronicles of Narnia have enchanted millions of readers over the last fifty years and the magical events described in C.S. Lewis''s immortal prose have left many a lasting memory for adults and children alike.All seven Chronicles are bound together in this new paperback edition.The Chronicles of Narnia have enchanted millions of readers over the last fifty years and the magical events described in C.S. Lewis''s immortal prose have left many a lasting memory. For here is a world where a witch decrees eternal winter; where there are more talking animals than people; and where battles are fought by Centaurs, Giants and Fauns.

Objev podobné jako The Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis

cena 447.0 Kč

The Problem of Pain - C. S. Lewis

For centuries people have been tormented by one question above all – ‘If God is good and all-powerful, why does he allow his creatures to suffer pain?’ And what of the suffering of animals, who neither deserve pain nor can be improved by it?The greatest Christian thinker of our time sets out to disentangle this knotty issue. With his signature wealth of compassion and insight, C.S. Lewis offers answers to these crucial questions and shares his hope and wisdom to help heal a world hungry for a true understanding of human nature.

Objev podobné jako The Problem of Pain - C. S. Lewis

cena 295.0 Kč

Reflections on the Psalms - C. S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis’ moving theological work in which he considers the most poetic portions from Scripture and what they tell us about God, the Bible, and faith.‘We delight to praise what we enjoy because the praise not merely expresses but completes the enjoyment; it is its appointed consummation’In this wise and enlightening book, C. S. Lewis examines the Psalms. As Lewis divines the meaning behind these timeless poetic verses, he makes clear their significance in our daily lives, and reminds us of their power to illuminate moments of grace.

Objev podobné jako Reflections on the Psalms - C. S. Lewis

cena 325.0 Kč

The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - Clive Staples Lewis, C. S. Lewis

A beautiful paperback edition of Prince Caspian, book four in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.The Pevensie siblings are back to help a prince denied his rightful throne as he gathers an army in a desperate attempt to rid his land of a false king. But in the end, it is a battle of honour between two men alone that will decide the fate of an entire world.A battle is about to begin in Prince Caspian, the fourth book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series, which has been enchanting readers of all ages for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone novel, but if you would like to see more of Prince Caspian's adventures, read The Voyage of the Dawn Treader, the fifth book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Objev podobné jako The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian - Clive Staples Lewis, C. S. Lewis

cena 265.0 Kč

Rady zkušeného ďábla (jubilejní vydání) - C. S. Lewis

Připravujeme jubilejní vydání knihy Rady zkušeného ďábla od C.S. Lewise! Naprostá klasika, ve které Lewis odkrývá praktiky Zla a samotného ďábla. Jubilejní dárkové vydání tohoto bestselleru k 60 letému výročí úmrtí C.S. Lewise bude vydáno začátkem příštího roku. Kniha poprvé vyšla v roce 1942 a je mistrovským satirickým dílem, které se těší oblibě čtenářů již po desetiletí.

Objev podobné jako Rady zkušeného ďábla (jubilejní vydání) - C. S. Lewis

cena 403.0 Kč

The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair - Clive Staples Lewis, C. S. Lewis

A beautiful paperback edition of The Silver Chair, book six in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.Through dangers untold and caverns deep and dark, a noble band of friends is sent to rescue a prince held captive. But their mission to Underland brings them face-to-face with an evil more beautiful and more deadly than they ever expected.Enter a land where enchantment rules in The Silver Chair, the sixth book in C. S. Lewis's classic fantasy series. For over sixty years it has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters. This is a complete stand-alone read, but if you want to discover what happens in the final days of Narnia, read The Last Battle, the seventh and concluding book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Objev podobné jako The Chronicles of Narnia: The Silver Chair - Clive Staples Lewis, C. S. Lewis

cena 265.0 Kč

NARNIE – komplet 1.-7.díl – box - C. S. Lewis

Komplet všech sedmi dílů Letopisů Narnie v dárkovém boxu! Prožijte dobrodružství v zemi obrů, trpaslíků, kentaurů a dalších tajemných bytostí. Souborné vydání světového bestselleru.

Objev podobné jako NARNIE – komplet 1.-7.díl – box - C. S. Lewis

cena 1692.0 Kč

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C. S. Lewis

Open a door and enter a magical worldOpen a door and enter a magical world.A beautiful paperback edition of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, book two in the classic fantasy series, The Chronicles of Narnia. This edition is complete with cover and interior art by the original illustrator, Pauline Baynes.Four adventurous siblings – Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy Pevensie – step through a wardrobe door and into the land of Narnia, a land frozen in eternal winter and enslaved by the power of the White Witch. But when almost all hope is lost, the return of the Great Lion, Aslan, signals a great change . . . and a great sacrifice.The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe is the second book in C. S. Lewis''s classic fantasy series, which has been drawing readers of all ages into a magical land with unforgettable characters for over sixty years. This is a stand-alone read, but if you would like to explore more of the Narnian realm, pick up The Horse and His Boy, the third book in The Chronicles of Narnia.

Objev podobné jako The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - C. S. Lewis

cena 236.0 Kč

C. S. Lewis Excentrický génius a zdráhavý prorok - Alistair E. McGrath

"Verím kresťanstvu tak, ako verím, že ráno vyšlo slnko. Nielen preto, lebo ho vidím, ale aj preto, že vďaka nemu vidím všetko ostatné."C. S. Lewis C. S. Lewis, popredný európsky intelektuál a kresťanský mysliteľ 20. storočia fascinuje milióny ľudí po celom svete celé desaťročia. Jeho myšlienkový a literárny odkaz je predmetom odborných štúdií aj inšpiráciou pre hollywoodske trháky. Alister McGrathprináša nový a komplexný pohľad na jeho život a dielo. Po preskúmaní nových, nedávno publikovaných zdrojov odhaľuje prekvapivé skutočnosti a perspektívy. Namaľoval svojim čitateľom dôveryhodný portrét Lewisa ako excentrického génia, ktorý sa stal zdráhavým prorokom našej doby.

Objev podobné jako C. S. Lewis Excentrický génius a zdráhavý prorok - Alistair E. McGrath

cena 535.0 Kč

Fenomén C. S. Lewis Životopis zkušeného letopisce (978-80-87287-70-5)

Kniha – autor Colin Duriez, 296 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Clive Staples Lewis je dodnes populární zejména díky svým sedmidílným Letopisům Narnie. Toto dílo potkal podobný osud jako trilogii Pán prstenů Lewisova přítele a kolegy J. R. R. Tolkiena – stalo se doslova kultovní záležitostí a část byla také zfilmována. Kromě Letopisů Narnie napsal Lewis mnoho dalších, neméně úspěšných knih. Je známý také jako autor odborných studií z oblasti středověké literatury i jako popularizátor křesťanské víry. Colin Duriez popisuje Lewisův život prostřednictvím několika pevných přátelství, jež navázal nejen v kruhu slavných Inklingů a která nepochybně ovlivnila jeho intelekt a dílo. Byli to právě Lewisovi dobří přátelé Hugo Dyson a J. R. R. Tolkien, kteří hráli významnou roli na jeho cestě k znovunalezení křesťanské víry. Jeho vztahem a později manželstvím s americkou spisovatelkou Joy Davidmanovou se inspiroval film Krajina stínů. Dozvíme se také, proč se...

Objev podobné jako Fenomén C. S. Lewis Životopis zkušeného letopisce (978-80-87287-70-5)

cena 159.0 Kč

C. S. Lewis Excentrický génius a zdráhavý prorok (978-80-8156-140-5)

Kniha - autor Alister McGrath, 448 stran, slovensky, pevná s přebalem lesklá "Verím kresťanstvu tak, ako verím, že ráno vyšlo slnko. Nielen preto, lebo ho vidím, ale aj preto, že vďaka nemu vidím všetko ostatné." C. S. Lewis C. S. Lewis, popredný európsky intelektuál a kresťanský mysliteľ 20. storočia fascinuje milióny ľudí po celom svete celé desaťročia. Jeho myšlienkový a literárny odkaz je predmetom odborných štúdií aj inšpiráciou pre hollywoodske trháky. Alister McGrath prináša nový a komplexný pohľad na jeho život a dielo. Po preskúmaní nových, nedávno publikovaných zdrojov odhaľuje prekvapivé skutočnosti a perspektívy. Namaľoval svojim čitateľom dôveryhodný portrét Lewisa ako excentrického génia, ktorý sa stal zdráhavým prorokom našej doby.

Objev podobné jako C. S. Lewis Excentrický génius a zdráhavý prorok (978-80-8156-140-5)

cena 516.0 Kč

Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve (978-80-8156-061-3)

Kniha - 264 stran, slovensky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá C. S. Lewisa počas druhej svetovej vojny požiadala rozhlasová stanica BBC o sériu príhovorov o základoch kresťanskej viery. Tieto texty neskôr C. S. Lewis doplnil a tak vznikla jedna z jeho najčítanejších kníh pod názvom „Mere Christianity“. Autor sa v knihe podujal na vysvetlenie a obhajobu základných stavebných kameňov kresťanskej viery. V rozsiahlom prieskume 100 najvplyvnejších kresťanských kníh 20. storočia, ktorý usporiadal časopis Christianity Today, sa kniha umiestnila jednoznačne na 1. mieste. „Krásne a pravdivé myšlienky, jasné vyjadrovanie, osviežujúci humor a príťažlivá ľudskosť. Len málokto dokáže tieto vlastnosti namixovať tak geniálne ako práve C.S.Lewis.“ Martin Luterán, rektor Kolégia Antona Neuwirtha „C. S. Lewis dokazuje, že apologetika kresťanskej viery má svoje opodstatnenie. Silnými argumentmi vyvracia otrepané stereotypy o nepriateľstve medzi vedou a vierou. Fascinujúce čítanie…“...

Objev podobné jako Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve (978-80-8156-061-3)

cena 280.0 Kč

Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve

C. S. Lewisa počas druhej svetovej vojny požiadala rozhlasová stanica BBC o sériu príhovorov o základoch kresťanskej viery. Tieto texty neskôr C. S. Lewis doplnil a tak vznikla jedna z jeho najčítanejších kníh pod názvom „Mere Christianity“. Autor sa v knihe podujal na vysvetlenie a obhajobu základných stavebných kameňov kresťanskej viery. V rozsiahlom prieskume 100 najvplyvnejších kresťanských kníh 20. storočia, ktorý usporiadal časopis Christianity Today, sa kniha umiestnila jednoznačne na 1. mieste. „Krásne a pravdivé myšlienky, jasné vyjadrovanie, osviežujúci humor a príťažlivá ľudskosť. Len málokto dokáže tieto vlastnosti namixovať tak geniálne ako práve C.S.Lewis.“ Martin Luterán, rektor Kolégia Antona Neuwirtha „C. S. Lewis dokazuje, že apologetika kresťanskej viery má svoje opodstatnenie. Silnými argumentmi vyvracia otrepané stereotypy o nepriateľstve medzi vedou a vierou. Fascinujúce čítanie…“ Štefan Markuš, vedec, diplomat a publicista „V knihe som objavil šarm, radosť z používania zdravého rozumu a slobodu, čo volá k tomu, aby sme sa z plných pľúc nadýchli.“ Dušan Jaura, riaditeľ Bilingválneho gymnázia C.S. Lewisa

Objev podobné jako Hovory o (ne)obyčajnom kresťanstve

cena 348.0 Kč

GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel A: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism Student Book - Andy Lewis, Paul Rowan, Cavan Wood, Cathy Hobday

Please note this book is suitable for any student studying:Exam board: Edexcel Level: GCSE Subject: Religious EducationFirst teaching: September 2016First exams: June 2018This Student Book has been endorsed by Edexcel. This textbook offers a brand new approach to the study of Catholic Christianity, which has been developed in close consultation with teachers and religious organisations. Structured according to the new specification with clear, regular summaries, the book provides students with exactly what they need to know for the course, including a choice between Islam and Judaism as a second religion. It also includes Philosophy and Ethics and St Mark''s Gospel. Practice questions are provided for every topic, as well as sample answer activities and exam support.

Objev podobné jako GCSE Religious Studies for Edexcel A: Catholic Christianity with Islam and Judaism Student Book - Andy Lewis, Paul Rowan, Cavan Wood, Cathy Hobday

cena 931.0 Kč

The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

eBook: U zrodu této knihy stál projekt vedený Petrem Pokorným, zaměřený na zkoumání biblických kořenů křesťanské kultury. Výsledkem měla být koherentní kolektivní monografie na toto téma. V důsledku neočekávaného úmrtí P. Pokorného na začátku roku 2020 však nemohl být uskutečněn podle původního plánu. Ve výsledku jde tak spíše o volný soubor statí, které zkoumají rozličné aspekty Bible a křesťanství v jejich vztahu ke kultuře. První část se soustředí na speciální biblistická témata, druhá pak sleduje historické, filosofické a kulturní souvislosti. Autorem dvou statí je i sám profesor Pokorný a celá kniha je věnována jeho památce.

Objev podobné jako The Bible, Christianity, and Culture - Pavol Bargár - e-kniha

cena 310.0 Kč

Kožené kecky AllSaints Lewis pánské, béžová barva, Lewis

Kecky z kolekce AllSaints. Model vyroben ze semišové kůže.

Objev podobné jako Kožené kecky AllSaints Lewis pánské, béžová barva, Lewis

cena 1999.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Lipstick matná rtěnka odstín Marrakesh-Mere 3 g

MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Lipstick, 3 g, Rtěnky pro ženy, Krásné zvýrazněné rty nikdy nevyjdou z módy. Rtěnka MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Lipstick pokryje povrch vašich rtů souvislou vrstvou neodolatelné syté barvy, a perfektně tak podtrhne jakékoli líčení, ať už se chystáte do práce, na schůzku či třeba večírek. Umožní vám však rty nejen zvýraznit, ale také jim dodat žádoucí tvar, případně jim i dopomoci k plnějšímu vzhledu. Během chvilky vám zkrátka pomůže dosáhnout nádherně zbarvených a dokonale tvarovaných rtů, které doslova přitahují pohledy a svádí k polibkům. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající výdrž snadno se nanáší hydratuje a pečuje o rty krémová textura matný efekt Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Lipstick matná rtěnka odstín Marrakesh-Mere 3 g

cena 500.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Matná vyživující rtěnka Powder Kiss (Lipstick) 3 g Marrakesh Mere

Jemná vyživující krémová rtěnka dodá rtům romantický vzhled s matným finišem.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Matná vyživující rtěnka Powder Kiss (Lipstick) 3 g Marrakesh Mere

cena 421.0 Kč

The Lewis Carroll Puzzle Book - Lewis Carroll, Brian David Sibley

Step through the looking glass, into a world where logic and imagination intertwine in the most curious ways . . . This expertly-curated book collects the best puzzles written by the author of Alice in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll.Lewis Carroll was a mathematician who loved puzzles of all kinds, invented the word ladder, delighted in acrostics and riddles and posed twisty maths and logic questions in his most famous works, Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass.Mind-bending and utterly charming, this celebratory collection of puzzles and games includes delights such as Doublets (word ladders) and Syzygies (a more elaborate form of the word ladder), Mirror Writing, Arithmetical Croquet as well as some of the most delightfully puzzling riddles from Alice in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. Enough to keep even the most curious of minds entertained for hours.Plus, Chair of the Lewis Carroll Society, Brian Sibley, uses his expert knowledge to take readers inside the inimitable mind of Carroll, with a beautiful introduction and annotations throughout.Packed with wit and nostalgia and illustrated with beautiful full colour imagery from John Tenniel – the original illustrator of Alice in Wonderland - this is the ultimate celebration of one of the most famous puzzlers of all time. The Lewis Carroll Puzzle Book is the perfect gift for both seasoned puzzlers and the Carroll-curious.

Objev podobné jako The Lewis Carroll Puzzle Book - Lewis Carroll, Brian David Sibley

cena 443.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Tekutá rtěnka Powder Kiss (Liquid Lipcolor) 5 ml 982 Marrakesh Mere

Tekutá rtěnka s krémovou texturou poskytne rozmazaný a vysoce působivý matný vzhled. Speciální směs vitamínu E a aktivních látek poskytuje hydrataci, která zanechá rty na pohled a pocit hebké a hladké po celý den. Obsahuje aplikátor ve tvaru přesýpacích hodin, který dokonale obepíná rty a zvýrazní rty s vyhlazujícím a rozmazávacím efektem.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Tekutá rtěnka Powder Kiss (Liquid Lipcolor) 5 ml 982 Marrakesh Mere

cena 583.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Liquid Lipcolour matná tekutá rtěnka odstín Marrakesh-Mere 5 ml

MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Liquid Lipcolour, 5 ml, Rtěnky pro ženy, Rtěnka MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Liquid Lipcolour krásně zvýrazní vaše rty a perfektně podtrhne denní i večerní líčení. Vlastnosti: dlouhotrvající výdrž vysoká pigmentace snadno se nanáší krémová textura matný efekt Jak používat: Rtěnku naneste jemnými tahy na rty od středu ke koutkům.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Powder Kiss Liquid Lipcolour matná tekutá rtěnka odstín Marrakesh-Mere 5 ml

cena 676.0 Kč

MAC Cosmetics Rtěnka (Powder Kiss Velvet Blur Slim Stick) 2 g 886 Marrakesh Mere

Powder Kiss Velvet Blur Slim Stick ve tvaru tyčinky se sametově matnou texturou poskytuje rtům hydrataci a nevysušuje je. Její vysoká pigmentace zaručuje zářivé a dlouhotrvající barvy po celé hodiny. Tenké balení je praktické a ideální pro použití na cestách.

Objev podobné jako MAC Cosmetics Rtěnka (Powder Kiss Velvet Blur Slim Stick) 2 g 886 Marrakesh Mere

cena 530.0 Kč

Lewis Jerry Lee: The Killer Keys Of Jerry Lee Lewis - LP (4780516)

LP vinyl - Remasterovaná verze alba legendárního zpěváka a pianisty Remasterovaná verze alba legendárního zpěváka a pianisty Rok vydání 2022 Seznam stop A Side You Win Again / Friday Nights / Whole Lotta Shakin' Going On / Born To Lose / Long Gone Lonesome Blues / I'm Feeling Sorry / I Could Never Be Ashamed of You B Side Mexicali Rose / Sail Away (With Charlie Rich) / I'm Sorry I'm Not Sorry / Turn Around / I Forgot To Remember To Forget / Great Balls Of Fire / Tomorrow Night

Objev podobné jako Lewis Jerry Lee: The Killer Keys Of Jerry Lee Lewis - LP (4780516)

cena 759.0 Kč

The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis - The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP)

Barva podle výrobce: Black Datum vydání: 2024-03-15 Typ: Album;LP deska Interpret / Téma: The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM Balení obsahuje: LP Subžánr: Experimental Rock;Jazz Fusion Vydavatelství: Verve Records Rok vydání: 2024.0 Varianta: The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP) Žánr: Rock;Jazz Barva: Černá Složení setu: 1 ks

Objev podobné jako The Messthetics & J. B. Lewis - The Messthetics and James Brandon Lewis (LP)

cena 885.0 Kč

GCSE Religious Studies for AQA A: Christianity - David Worden, Peter Smith, Marianne Fleming

Please note this title is suitable for any student studying:Exam Board: AQA ALevel: GCSE Subject: Religious Studies First teaching: September 2016 First exams: June 2018This Student Book has been approved by AQA.This textbook offers a tried and tested approach from a team of experienced authors to cover the study of Christianity, and thematic studies from the perspective of Christianity. Each chapter sets clear objectives and topic summaries, helping students understand what they need to know. Case studies provide a real-life story or perspective, showing Christianity as it is practised today, and offering contemporary ethical issues for debate. It includes a range of activity types and study tips to develop understanding. Assessment guidance runs throughout the book, offering revision checklists, practice questions and sample answer activities to support the new question types.

Objev podobné jako GCSE Religious Studies for AQA A: Christianity - David Worden, Peter Smith, Marianne Fleming

cena 754.0 Kč

Jerry Lee Lewis - The Killer Keys Of Jerry Lee Lewis (Remastered 2022) (LP)

Vydavatelství: Virgin Records Žánr: Rockabilly;Rock and Roll Barva: Černá Subžánr: Rock and Roll;Rockabilly Interpret / Téma: Jerry Lee Lewis Datum vydání: 2022-12-16 Rok vydání: 2022.0 Varianta: The Killer Keys Of Jerry Lee Lewis (Remastered 2022) (LP) Typ: Album;LP deska;Remastered Složení setu: 1 ks Dekáda interpreta: 2020 - 2029;1950 - 1959;1940 - 1949;2010 - 2019;2000 - 2009;1970 - 1979;1960 - 1969;1980 - 1989;1990 - 1999 Barva podle výrobce: Black Balení obsahuje: LP Země původu: Německo Země interpreta: USA Rychlost: 33 1/3 RPM

Objev podobné jako Jerry Lee Lewis - The Killer Keys Of Jerry Lee Lewis (Remastered 2022) (LP)

cena 736.1 Kč

Borderlines - Baston Lewis

Europe's internal borders have rarely been 'natural'; they have more often been created by accident or force. Successive powers have redrawn the map of our continent, with varying degrees of success: the fingerprints of Napoleon, Alexander I, Castlereagh, Napoleon III and Bismarck are all there, but the present shape of Europe is mostly the work of the Allies in 1919 and Stalin in 1945.In Borderlines, writer and political historian Lewis Baston journeys along and across key borders from west to east Europe, to explore their history.He explores how places and people heal from the scars, physical and psychological, left by a Europe of ethnic cleansing and barbed wire fences. And he searches for a better European future amid the ravages of Brexit, COVID and war - finding it in unexpected places, scattered from the back lanes of rural Ireland to the Viennese-style coffee houses of the elegant Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi.A work of contemporary history that will appeal to readers of Tim Marshall but also Cal Flyn, Borderlines is a wry but ultimately optimistic look at Europe from its edges, the places where the questions and contradictions are sharpest - the cracks where the light gets in.

Objev podobné jako Borderlines - Baston Lewis

cena 473.0 Kč

AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Buddhism Revision Guide - Peter Smith, Marianne Fleming

Building on the Oxford AQA GCSE Religious Studies Student Books, this Revision Guide offers a structured approach to revising. 1. RECAP: key content from the Student Book is condensed and re-presented in simple visual styles to make content memorable and help retention. 2. APPLY: students actively apply the content they have just revised to build the knowledge and evaluative skills needed for the exams. 3. REVIEW: regular opportunities to practice exam questions and review answers direct students to pinpoint any areas of weakness in knowledge or skills, identifying where they''ll need to concentrate their efforts for further revision.This Revision Guide is ideal for students combining Christianity and Buddhism. With all the essential content condensed and made memorable, and plenty of exam practice, tips and annotated sample answers, students can feel confidently prepared.

Objev podobné jako AQA GCSE Religious Studies A: Christianity and Buddhism Revision Guide - Peter Smith, Marianne Fleming

cena 318.0 Kč

Muž z ostrova Lewis

Audiokniha MP3 - Audiokniha roku 2014: Nejlepší četba. Druhý díl vychvalované detektivní trilogie z ostrova Lewis. Audiokniha roku 2014 v kategorii Nejlepší četba Minulost temnější a city hlubší než rašeliniště ukrývající mrtvolu. Bývalý policejní detektiv Fin Macleod opustil svůj život v Edinburghu a vrací se na rodný ostrov, kde se snaží obnovit přerušené vztahy a opravit zchátralý dům po rodičích. Místní policie mezitím v rašeliništi na ostrově Lewis objeví tělo zavražděného mladého muže, který je podle testů DNA spřízněný s otcem Finovy dětské lásky Marsaili Macdonaldové. Jenomže Tormod Macdonald, dnes již vetchý muž trpící demencí, celý život tvrdil, že žádné příbuzné nemá. Příběh opět střídá dvě linie: aktuálně se odehrávající Finovo pátrání a vzpomínkové pasáže, které vypráví právě zestárlý, zmatený Tormod. Dokáže si chorý stařec vybavit dávné události? A neměly raději zůstat pohřbené v bažině? Audiokniha v podání Jiřího Dvořáka, jehož podmanivý hlas...

Objev podobné jako Muž z ostrova Lewis

cena 299.0 Kč

Twelve Trees - Daniel Lewis

'A heartwarming guide to these fascinating giants of nature . . . A book that is full of surprises . . . Highly empathetic and informative' Independent 'A global arboreal odyssey' GuardianONE OF THE GUARDIAN'S BOOKS TO WATCH IN 2024 Twelve amazing species of trees that can teach us about our past, present and future. In Twelve Trees, professor Daniel Lewis takes us around the world – from Australia to the United States, from Easter Island and Mexico to Cameroon – and introduces us to twelve tree species that epitomise the many threats faced by our planet, from climate change, poachers and parasites, to fungi and even elephants. He celebrates their many strengths in the face of adversity, and their enduring abilities to survive – and even thrive – in an increasingly dangerous planet. Trees are essential to all of our lives – and they need our help. In this incredible tribute to the noble tree, Lewis dives deep into the cutting-edge science and inspiring community efforts helping to keep them alive. Saving the tree, as he argues, means the saving of humanity.Beautifully written and informative, Twelve Trees is a heartwarming and enlightening guide to some of our most fascinating trees – and why we should be working harder to protect them.

Objev podobné jako Twelve Trees - Daniel Lewis

cena 650.0 Kč

Nightshade Mother - Gwyneth Lewis

In this extraordinary memoir, Gwyneth Lewis, the inaugural National Poet of Wales, recounts her toxic upbringing at the hands of her controlling, coercive mother. It is a book that Gwyneth has been preparing to write all her life, in diaries that she’s kept since childhood. In these journals, she interrogates the emotionally abusive mother/daughter relationship, in great pain but determined to find a way through. The result is a book that Gwyneth co-writes with her younger self, an unexpected and life-saving dialogue through time. Metaphors of haunting intensity help her confront what happened to her; quotations from art and literature help to guide and steady her. Nightshade Mother is a book about the power of art, language and, ultimately, about homecoming after a lifetime of exile from herself. It is a profoundly moving and beautiful work; questing, forgiving and loving in its approach.

Objev podobné jako Nightshade Mother - Gwyneth Lewis

cena 561.0 Kč

Being Human - Lewis Dartnell

'Illuminating' TIM MARSHALL, author of Prisoners of Geography'Refreshing' THOMAS HALLIDAY, author of OtherlandsBeing Human is history made flesh. It will change how you see the world. We’re a wonder of evolution, capable of incredible feats.But we’re also deeply flawed. Our bodies and minds often break, fail, and hinder us. To be human is to live with this extraordinary contradiction.So, to understand the course humanity has taken – from prehistoric times through the age of empire and into the modern era – we must understand who, and what, we are. Lewis Dartnell takes us on a mind-expanding journey across time to show how our biology has determined history. From the epidemic that brought Europe’s peasants freedom, to the health deficiency which gave rise to the world’s largest criminal organisation, to the cognitive biases that led to military catastrophes in Crimea and Iraq, we see how our unique nature shaped our relationships, economies and societies – and, importantly, how it continues to impact human progress today.'This book is quite literally wonderful' ED CONWAY, author of Material World'A wild ride' TIM HARFORD, author of How to Make the World Add Up'A gripping, red-blooded narrative from a master storyteller' JO MARCHANT, author of Cure

Objev podobné jako Being Human - Lewis Dartnell

cena 312.0 Kč

The Heirloom - Beverly Lewis

This heartwarming prequel to The Shunning is a tender story of love, belonging, and the courage to move forward. After her widowed father remarries, nineteen-year-old Clara Bender is no longer needed to help run his household. Marriage seems like her best hope of moving out, but there are few young men in her tiny Indiana Amish community. When she comes across letters from her mother''s aunt Ella Mae Zook, she sets off to visit Lancaster County''s Hickory Hollow to decide where her future lies.Ella Mae is not quite ready to move from the farmhouse where she and her recently deceased husband spent over fifty happy years, but her children are eager to resettle her, making Clara''s visit seem like an answer to prayer. The two women form a warm bond while restoring an heirloom wedding quilt and sharing their lives, with Ella Mae confiding about a tragedy from her courting years. Eventually, Ella Mae suggests Clara stay for the summer, allowing Ella Mae more time with her and giving Clara an opportunity to meet the area''s eligible young men. But when the unexpected happens, will Clara find where her heart truly belongs?

Objev podobné jako The Heirloom - Beverly Lewis

cena 443.0 Kč

England - John Lewis-Stempel

England’s landscape is iconic – a tapestry of distinctive habitats that together make up a country unique for its rich diversity of flora and fauna. Concentrating on twelve habitats, John Lewis-Stempel leads us from estuary to park, chalk downland to woodland , river to field, village to moor, lake to heath, fen to coastal cliffs, in a book that is unquestionably his magnum opus.Referencing beloved great writers in whose footsteps he treads – Gilbert White, John Clare, W. H. Hudson, Richard Jefferies, Edward Thomas – and combining breathtakingly beautiful prose with detailed wildlife observation, botanical fact and ancient folklore, Lewis-Stempel immerses himself in each place, discovering their singular atmosphere, the play of the seasons; the feel of the wind in midwinter; the sounds of daybreak; how twilight settles. Each one – whether managed park or wild moor, plunging cliff or man-made Broads – has also shaped human life, forming our idea of ourselves and our sense of what ‘England’ means.England: A Natural History is the definitive volume on the English landscape, and the capstone of John Lewis-Stempel’s nature writing.........................................................................................................‘No-one comes close to Lewis-Stempel’s ability to paint the English landscape in words. Maddeningly brilliant.’ - Sally Coulthard, author of A Brief History of the Countryside in 100 Objects

Objev podobné jako England - John Lewis-Stempel

cena 738.0 Kč

Erotic Vagrancy - Roger Lewis

The comic genius of English writing takes on Hollywood, delusion, celebrity and last century's ultimate glamour couple

Objev podobné jako Erotic Vagrancy - Roger Lewis

cena 384.0 Kč

Finding Hildasay - Christian Lewis

The Sunday Times Bestseller – As featured on Ben Fogle's New Lives in the Wild.Join Christian Lewis as he walks the entire coastline of the UK – his dog Jet in tow – and rebuilds his life, step by step. With a foreword from longtime supporter Ben Fogle, Finding HIldasay is his inspiring true story of reconnecting with nature and finding hope along the way.Ex-paratrooper Christian Lewis had hit rock bottom, suffering with depression so severe he would shut himself in his bedroom for weeks. Then while surfing – his sole respite – he cast his eyes along the coastline and realized it was the only place he really wanted to be.Then, Chris made an impulsive decision. He set himself a challenge: to walk the entire coastline of the UK. He gave himself a few days to rustle up a tent and walking boots, then left for good with just a tenner in his pocket and two days’ worth of food. Little did he know at the time just how long it would take to cross the finish line – and the encounters lying ahead would turn his life around.Almost six years later, Chris has navigated the West Coast, Northern Ireland, the hard-rock cliffs of Scotland and the perimeters of the Scottish Islands. He spent three months on an uninhabited island called Hildasay, with beloved dog Jet. It was there, the most barren his route had become, that he found within himself the pride and respect he needed – and his journey became all the more remarkable. Happiness and hope was just around the corner . . .

Objev podobné jako Finding Hildasay - Christian Lewis

cena 325.0 Kč

Heist Royale - Kayvion Lewis

Six months into working for the Gambit, Ross is reeling from the betrayals of the competition – focusing all her hatred on Devroe – the lover she thought she could trust. On a new heist that takes her across continents, Ross encounters a rival gang stopping her every move. Devroe's mother is at the heart of this dangerous feud and he must decide where his loyalties lie, before there are deadly consequences . . .

Objev podobné jako Heist Royale - Kayvion Lewis

cena 241.0 Kč

Zlodějský gambit - Kayvion Lewis

Zvítězit může jen jeden. A Ross má jen zlomek času na to, aby si zvolila, koho zradí a komu uvěří...Sedmnáctiletá Ross Questová je mistrnou zlodějkou, nadanou zejména v únikových plánech. Dokud se nerozhodne uniknout od své vlastní zlodějské rodiny. Plán totiž nevyjde a život Rossiny mámy teď visí na vlásku. Ross se v zoufalé snaze situaci zachránit rozhodne přihlásit do nebezpečného zlodějského gambitu, série mezinárodních loupeží, kde ani vražda konkurenta není proti pravidlům a výhra by mohla její matce zachránit život. Jakmile však zjistí, že jednou z protihráčů je její úhlavní nemesis a druhým je pohledný mladík, který se jí pokouší ukrást srdce, uvědomí si, že vyhrát tenhle gambit může být mnohem těžší, než si myslela... Doporučený věk 13+

Objev podobné jako Zlodějský gambit - Kayvion Lewis

cena 357.0 Kč

Thieves Gambit - Kayvion Lewis

Winner takes all: a cutthroat competition for the world's best thief and the girl who must beat the odds to save her mother's life. Seventeen-year-old Rosalyn Quest was raised by a legendary family of thieves with one rule: trust no one. Trapped in a glamorous world of riches and double-crosses, she is about to escape the family business when her mother is kidnapped.Her only chance to save her is to win the Thieves' Gambit - a deadly competition for the world's up-and-coming thieves, where the victor is granted one wish. To win, she must outwit all of her backstabbing competitors, including her childhood archnemesis. But can she take victory from the handsome, charming boy who makes a play for her heart and might be hiding the most dangerous secret of all? The most highly-anticipated YA launch of the year from Kayvion Lewis and soon to be a major movie, this cinematic heist thriller is The Inheritance Games meets Ocean's Eleven.

Objev podobné jako Thieves Gambit - Kayvion Lewis

cena 268.0 Kč

Going Infinite - Michael Lewis

From the #1 bestselling author of The Big Short and Flash Boys, the high-octane story of the enigmatic figure at the heart of one of the 21st century's most spectacular financial collapses'I asked him how much it would take for him to sell FTX and go do something other than make money. He thought the question over. "One hundred and fifty billion dollars," he finally said-though he added that he had use for "infinity dollars"...'Sam Bankman-Fried wasn't just rich. Before he turned thirty he'd become the world's youngest billionaire, making a record fortune in the crypto frenzy. CEOs, celebrities and world leaders vied for his time. At one point he considered paying off the entire national debt of the Bahamas so he could take his business there.Then it all fell apart.Who was this Gatsby of the crypto world, a rumpled guy in cargo shorts, whose eyes twitched across TV interviews as he played video games on the side, who even his million-dollar investors still found a mystery? What gave him such an extraordinary ability to make money - and how did his empire collapse so spectacularly?Michael Lewis was there when it happened, having got to know Bankman-Fried during his epic rise. In Going Infinite he tells us a story like no other, taking us through the mind-bending trajectory of a character who never liked the rules and was allowed to live by his own. Both psychological portrait of a preternaturally gifted 'thinking machine', and wild financial roller-coaster ride, this is a twenty-first-century epic of high-frequency trading and even higher stakes, of crypto mania and insane amounts of money, of hubris and downfall. No one could tell it better.

Objev podobné jako Going Infinite - Michael Lewis

cena 670.0 Kč

Gambit zlodejov - Kayvion Lewis

Rosalyn sa narodila v legendárnej rodine zlodejov s jediným pravidlom: nikomu never. Chce uniknúť zo sveta lúpeží a podrazov, no keď jej zrazu unesú matku, vyslobodiť ju môže len ona. V snahe zachrániť rodinu sa Ross zúčastní nebezpečnej súťaže o najlepšieho zlodeja sveta. Ak chce vyhrať, musí prekabátiť všetkých súperov vrátane svojej úhlavnej nepriateľky. Dokáže však pripraviť o víťazstvo očarujúceho chlapca, ktorý sa uchádza o jej srdce a možno skrýva to najnebezpečnejšie tajomstvo zo všetkých?

Objev podobné jako Gambit zlodejov - Kayvion Lewis

cena 375.0 Kč

Thulkandra - Clive Staples Lewis

Posledná kniha uznávanej Kozmickej trilógie o príhodách jedinečného doktora Ransoma. Temné moci, ktoré pomohol odraziť na Malakandre a Perelandre zhromaždili k útoku na samotnej Zemi. Hovorí sa, že mocný Merlin sa po mnohých storočiach vrátil medzi živých, a drží kľúč k namocnejšej zbrani, ktorú použije pre jednu alebo druhú stranu - podľa toho, kto ho nájde prvý a podriadi si ho. Zlovestná technokratická organizácia získava moc po celej Európe a jej plánom je "premena" spoločnosti. Je na Ransomovi a jeho priateľoch, aby starodávnou múdrosťou potlačili túto hrozbu. Zápas medzi Inštitútom aj Logres a jeho vyvrcholenie veľkolepo uzatvára trilógiu. Ľudia z Belbury začali niečo, z čoho má vzísť akýsi nový druh - vyvolené hlavy, ktoré nikdy neumierajú. Nazvú to ďalším krokom evolúcie. A od toho okamihu všetky bytosti, ktoré vy a ja nazývame ľudskými, budú jednoducho kandidátmi na prijatie do tohto nového druhu, alebo sa naopak stanú ich otrokmi - možno ich potravou. C. S. Lewis (1898-1963) bol významným odborníkom na grécku a latinskú literatúru, filozofiu a históriu anglického jazyka. V roku 1954 sa stal profesorom stredovekej a renesančnej literatúry na Magdalen College univerzity v Cambridge. Je známy sériou kníh pre deti Kroniky Narnie. Svoju predstavivosť naplno využil aj v alegorických dielach Rady skúseného diabla a Veľký rozvod.

Objev podobné jako Thulkandra - Clive Staples Lewis

cena 449.0 Kč

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