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Menopausing - McCall Davina, Dr. Naomi Potter

"A game-changing book uncovering the myths and taboos around menopause" — The Guardian"[Davina is] a perfect advertisement for midlife, an inspiration to us all." — Hello"A revolutionary book" — Woman''s OwnMenopausing is more than a book; it is a lifeline. An uprising!For too long, women have had to keep quiet about the menopause – its onset, its symptoms, its treatments – and what it means for us. Menopause affects every woman, and yet so many of us approach it with fear, misinformation, or silence. Until Menopausing launched in 2022, very few people were talking about it openly—it was a subject shrouded in shame and confusion. But that is changing.It is time to share, to learn, and to take control of our bodies and our lives. There’s no such thing as too much information.Revised and updated to reflect the changes in the conversation around menopause and the treatments available, Menopausing New Edition explores and explains the science, debunks damaging myths that have held us back, and smashes all of the taboos related to perimenopause and menopause.No more scaremongering: just evidence-based infoNo shame: real women, real menopause stories, real empathy, real communityHonest, no-holds-barred advice: Dry vagina? Zero sex drive? Hair loss? We’ve got it coveredThe start of a movement: to get everyone talking about the menopause in every home, GP surgery, and workspaceMenopausing New Edition also features moving personal stories, so you can see and understand that every menopause is different, and yet we are all connected, a community.This is your body. You owe it to yourself to arm it with all the information it needs to navigate this part of your life. Far from being over, this is your second spring. Menopausing New Edition will help you live it.Winner of The British Book Awards 2023 Overall Book of the YearDavina McCall was a number 1 Sunday Times Hardback Non Fiction bestseller in the w/e September 25th 2022

Podívejte se také 100 ruzi red naomi

cena 650.0 Kč

Menopauza - McCall Davina, Naomi Potter

Pridlho sme v tichosti trpeli, znášali návaly tepla, únavu, náladovosť a ďalšie nepríjemné pocity. Je načase poučiť sa, osvojiť si nové postoje, rozšíriť obzory, spoznať lepšie svoje telo a vziať život do vlastných rúk.Menopauza neobíde ani jednu z nás. Ako je teda možné, že vieme tak málo o niečom, čím práve teraz prechádzajú mnohé z nás? Je najvyšší čas nadobro sa rozlúčiť s pocitmi hanby, utajovaním, strachom a dezinformáciami o tejto závažnej téme. Skoncujme s tým HNEĎ A ZARAZ! Kvalitných informácií na túto tému nikdy nie je dosť.Spoluautorky v tejto knihe rozoberajú a vysvetľujú najnovšie vedecké poznatky, odhaľujú a uvádzajú na pravú mieru škodlivé mýty. Vzali si na mušku všetky tabu týkajúce sa perimenopauzy a menopauzy. Ich výklad sprevádzajú osobné príbehy celej plejády žien, ktoré boli ochotné zapojiť sa do diskusie. Názorne demonštrujú a pomáhajú pochopiť, že hoci priebeh menopauzy môže byť u každej ženy iný, všetky sme v tomto ohľade na jednej lodi, a to nás spája a učí spolupatričnosti.Je to vaše telo. Dožičte mu informácie, ktoré ho vyzbroja a pripravia na zvládnutie tejto dôležitej životnej etapy. Váš život sa nástupom menopauzy ani zďaleka nekončí. Práve naopak, je predzvesťou druhej jari, ktorú vám táto kniha pomôže v pohode a kvalitne prežiť.

Podívejte se také NAOMI CAMPBELL EdT 15 ml (5050456079773)

cena 868.0 Kč

Fuchsiová košile davina vel. S

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 160 cm, obvod přes prsa má 87 cm, obvod pasu 59 cm a přes boky 89 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti S.

Podívejte se také NAOMI CAMPBELL EdP 30 ml (5050456036806)

cena 759.0 Kč

žlutá košile davina vel. S

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 160 cm, obvod přes prsa má 87 cm, obvod pasu 59 cm a přes boky 89 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti S.

Objev podobné jako žlutá košile davina vel. S

cena 759.0 Kč

Dámské tepláky DAVINA červené

Dámské tepláky DAVINA červené

Objev podobné jako Dámské tepláky DAVINA červené

cena 320.12 Kč

žlutá košile davina vel. XL

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 160 cm, obvod přes prsa má 87 cm, obvod pasu 59 cm a přes boky 89 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti S.

Objev podobné jako žlutá košile davina vel. XL

cena 759.0 Kč

Fuchsiová košile davina vel. L

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 160 cm, obvod přes prsa má 87 cm, obvod pasu 59 cm a přes boky 89 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti S.

Objev podobné jako Fuchsiová košile davina vel. L

cena 759.0 Kč

žlutá košile davina vel. L

Modelka na obrázcích je vysoká 160 cm, obvod přes prsa má 87 cm, obvod pasu 59 cm a přes boky 89 cm. Modelka je oblečena do velikosti S.

Objev podobné jako žlutá košile davina vel. L

cena 759.0 Kč

Dámská erotická košilka Davina chemise

Dámská erotická košilka Davina chemise BEAUTY NIGHT FASHION černá barva z průsvitného tylu přední část zdobená krajkou rozparek odhalující boky na levé straně mezi košíčky lesklá ozdoba součástí košilky krajková tanga

Objev podobné jako Dámská erotická košilka Davina chemise

cena 965.0 Kč

Černá košilka s krajkou Davina

Černá košilka s krajkou Davina z kategorie Dámské košilky značky Beauty Night, velikost S/M, barva černá.

Objev podobné jako Černá košilka s krajkou Davina

cena 999.0 Kč

Dámská halenka Davina RUE PARIS limetková

Dámská halenka Davina RUE PARIS limetková

Objev podobné jako Dámská halenka Davina RUE PARIS limetková

cena 342.99 Kč

Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

Každý pes si zaslouží druhou šanci.Už od štěněcího věku Stelu cvičili k tomu, aby svým geniálním bíglím nosem nacházela nebezpečné chemikálie a spolu se svou psovodkou pomáhala zajišťovat lidem bezpečí. Při jedné rutinní bezpečnostní prohlídce si však Stela nevšimne pachu výbušniny. Dojde k děsivé a hlučné explozi, která Stelu poznamená tak, že se už nemůže vrátit do práce. Tím její kariéra služebního psa skončí.Když se jí ujme dívka jménem Emilia, fenka ví, že je to její poslední šance, aby ukázala své schopnosti. Jednou Stela ucítí z Emiliina těla zvláštní pach, který zesílí těsně předtím, než se dívenky zmocní epileptický záchvat. Stelin nos si uvědomí souvislost. Jenže jak má příště varovat svou novou rodinu, aniž by v ní vzbudila dojem, že má jen další záchvat paniky? Chce všechny přesvědčit, že může znovu pracovat jako signální pes, který umí upozornit na skryté nebezpečí. Dokáže to?

Objev podobné jako Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

cena 268.0 Kč

Šanca pre Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

Ešte ako malé šteniatko Stelu cvičili, aby dokázala používať svoj citlivý bíglí ňufáčik na odhalenie nebezpečných chemikálií a pomáhať svojmu pánovi chrániť ľudí pred nebezpečenstvom. Lenže po jednej rutinnej bezpečnostnej kontrole sa Stele nepodarí vyňuchať výbušninu. Jej výbuch bol taký silný a hrôzostrašný, že spôsobuje Stele úzkosť, pre ktorú sa viac nedokáže vrátiť do práce a je nútená odísť na psí dôchodok. Keď sa objaví dievčatko Cloe a chce si Stelu adoptovať, bíglia sučka vie, že je to jej posledná šanca dokázať, že naozaj za niečo stojí. Lenže ako? Keď Stela zacíti zvláštnu chemickú látku v tele Cloe, ktorú jej telo vylučuje vždy pred záchvatom, Stelin ňufák si spojí súvislosti. Ako sa však naučí varovať svoju novú rodinu bez toho, aby si mysleli, že len prepadá panike? Ako ostatných presvedčí, že im môže opäť slúžiť ako záchranársky pes, ktorý dokáže upozorniť na nebezpečenstvo a zachrániť život?

Objev podobné jako Šanca pre Stelu - McCall Hoyleová

cena 342.0 Kč

Džínové šaty Pepe Jeans DAVINA mini, PL953513

Šaty z kolekce Pepe Jeans. Model vyroben z denimu. Model vyrobený z vysoce kvalitního materiálu, který byl vyroben v souladu s principy udržitelného rozvoje.

Objev podobné jako Džínové šaty Pepe Jeans DAVINA mini, PL953513

cena 1299.0 Kč

The Akimbo Adventures - Alexander McCall Smith

Three classic adventure tales from the bestselling author of The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency, now together in paperback for the first time.Imagine living in the heart of Africa. Imagine living in a place where the sun rises every morning over blue mountains.Akimbo and his parents live on the edge of an African game reserve. It''s his father''s task to protect the thousands of amazing animals who make it their home, and wildlife-loving Akimbo dreams of helping him. In these three adventures, Akimbo protects elephants from poachers, saves a lion cub from a trap, and rescues a man from a crocodile!This 3-in-1 collection contains Akimbo and the Elephants, Akimbo and the Lions and Akimbo and the Crocodile Man.Fans of The Jungle Book and the Just So Stories will love these stories of wild animals and thrilling adventures.Alexander McCall Smith grew up in Zimbabwe and then moved to Scotland. He was a professor of Medical Law and has written almost 100 books, including the well-loved and bestselling No. 1 Ladies Detective Agency series. He lives in Edinburgh.Illustrator Peter Bailey has worked with some of Britain''s best-known authors and poets, including Allan Ahlberg, Dick King-Smith, Michael Morpurgo and Philip Pullman.

Objev podobné jako The Akimbo Adventures - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 297.0 Kč

Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang - Davina Tijani

A fun and fast-paced series based on African mythology, YOMI is an adventure full of heart and humour. When Yomi and her younger brother Kayode arrive in South Africa, they are greeted with stories of an abandoned town, cursed by the powerful Nkara Grootslang. They soon learn the curse is real when it’s triggered and they team up with a group of children who are determined to break it once and for all. They set out on a quest for answers, but with secrets and surprises along the way, will Yomi be ready to face the beast?BEAST QUEST meets Pokémon, the series is perfect for fans of HOW TO TRAIN YOUR DRAGON, FUTURE HERO and DRAGON MOUNTAIN.

Objev podobné jako Yomi and the Curse of Grootslang - Davina Tijani

cena 207.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 15 ml

Vůně Naomi Campbell je určena pro ženy, které touží být úspěšné a nezávislé. Znají své životní cíle, kterých chtějí dosáhnout, vyzařují neodolatelný sex-appeal a jsou rády, když je o ně něžně pečováno. Vysoký, štíhlý, jedinečný, moderní, erotický a smyslný tvar flakonu je vytvořen z hladkého průhledného skla. Elegantní černá písmena na skle tvoří jméno, které zná celý svět. Flakon je pak uzavřen špičkou v nádherně lesklé bronzové barvě (symbolizuje dámský nalakovaný nehet). Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 1999.

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 15 ml

cena 233.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 30 ml

Vůně Naomi Campbell je určena pro ženy, které touží být úspěšné a nezávislé. Znají své životní cíle, kterých chtějí dosáhnout, vyzařují neodolatelný sex-appeal a jsou rády, když je o ně něžně pečováno. Vysoký, štíhlý, jedinečný, moderní, erotický a smyslný tvar flakonu je vytvořen z hladkého průhledného skla. Elegantní černá písmena na skle tvoří jméno, které zná celý svět. Flakon je pak uzavřen špičkou v nádherně lesklé bronzové barvě (symbolizuje dámský nalakovaný nehet). Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 1999.

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 30 ml

cena 350.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDP 30 ml

Vůně Naomi Campbell je určena pro ženy, které touží být úspěšné a nezávislé. Znají své životní cíle, kterých chtějí dosáhnout, vyzařují neodolatelný sex-appeal a jsou rády, když je o ně něžně pečováno. Vysoký, štíhlý, jedinečný, moderní, erotický a smyslný tvar flakonu je vytvořen z hladkého průhledného skla. Elegantní černá písmena na skle tvoří jméno, které zná celý svět. Flakon je pak uzavřen špičkou v nádherně lesklé bronzové barvě (symbolizuje dámský nalakovaný nehet). Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 1999.

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDP 30 ml

cena 591.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 50 ml

Vůně Naomi Campbell je určena pro ženy, které touží být úspěšné a nezávislé. Znají své životní cíle, kterých chtějí dosáhnout, vyzařují neodolatelný sex-appeal a jsou rády, když je o ně něžně pečováno. Vysoký, štíhlý, jedinečný, moderní, erotický a smyslný tvar flakonu je vytvořen z hladkého průhledného skla. Elegantní černá písmena na skle tvoří jméno, které zná celý svět. Flakon je pak uzavřen špičkou v nádherně lesklé bronzové barvě (symbolizuje dámský nalakovaný nehet). Vůně byla uvedena na trh v roce 1999.

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell - EDT 50 ml

cena 550.0 Kč

Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

Precious and Grace is a story about life at Botswana's leading No. 1 Ladies' detective agency.

Objev podobné jako Precious and Grace (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 39.0 Kč

The Great Hippopotamus Hotel - Alexander McCall Smith

Precious Ramotswe takes on an interesting but sensitive case and learns valuable lessons along the way in this next installment of the beloved No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency series. Mma Ramotswe has a deft hand in delicate cases, and never allows an act of injustice to pass unanswered. So, when it comes to her attention that a matter involving dubious motives has arisen, and that it will require the utmost discretion to resolve, she has no choice but to lend her skills in the arts of detection and reconciliation. She is, after all, head of Botswana’s premier detective agency, but that doesn’t mean she can’t use the help of Mma Makutsi and Mma Potokwane. Meanwhile, Mr. J.L.B. Matekoni has found himself in complicated circumstances of his own, requiring not a little of Mma Ramotswe’s time and expertise. In the end, as each of these predicaments comes untangled, Mma Ramotswe draws on her goodwill and generosity to bring important truths to light: of friendship, honesty, and love.

Objev podobné jako The Great Hippopotamus Hotel - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 402.0 Kč

The Perfect Passion Company - Alexander McCall Smith

The Perfect Passion Dating Company at No. 24 Mouse Lane in Edinburgh''s New Town is run by Katie Donald who has an innate instinct for bringing people together. She has developed a skill for finding out what it is that people really want. Along the way, Katie learns profound lessons about her own desires as she works at better understanding others. Although Katie has little in the way of direct experience, with the help of her amiable and handsome office neighbour William Kidd, she soon finds herself making matches for the lonely hearts tired of meeting online – and who want a more personal touch.For fans of Alexander McCall Smith''s many beloved series and romantic standalone novels, The Perfect Passion Company shows him at his most perceptive, playful, and generous. In the way that only McCall Smith can, this novel offers a glimpse inside the psychology of matchmaking, the search for love and companionship, and the mysterious spark of attraction that can, at times, catch hold of us all.Two stories that wind their way into this wonderful novel were previously available in different forms as e-book only shorts.

Objev podobné jako The Perfect Passion Company - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 561.0 Kč

The Perfect Passion Company - Alexander McCall Smith

The Perfect Passion Dating Company at No. 24 Mouse Lane in Edinburgh''s New Town is run by Katie Donald who has an innate instinct for bringing people together. She has developed a skill for finding out what it is that people really want. Along the way, Katie learns profound lessons about her own desires as she works at better understanding others. Although Katie has little in the way of direct experience, with the help of her amiable and handsome office neighbour William Kidd, she soon finds herself making matches for the lonely hearts tired of meeting online – and who want a more personal touch.For fans of Alexander McCall Smith''s many beloved series and romantic standalone novels, The Perfect Passion Company shows him at his most perceptive, playful, and generous. In the way that only McCall Smith can, this novel offers a glimpse inside the psychology of matchmaking, the search for love and companionship, and the mysterious spark of attraction that can, at times, catch hold of us all.Two stories that wind their way into this wonderful novel were previously available in different forms as e-book only shorts.

Objev podobné jako The Perfect Passion Company - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Great Hippopotamus Hotel - Alexander McCall Smith

A chance meeting with the manager of The Great Hippopotamus Hotel leads the much-admired and traditionally-built Precious Ramotswe to investigate what is going wrong with this previously successful country hotel. Guests have been unwell, clothing has disappeared from the washing line, and scorpions have found their way into the guest bedrooms. Mma Ramotswe drives out to the hotel with her irrepressible colleague, Grace Makutsi (97 per cent in the final examinations of the Botswana Secretarial College). What they find there are family conflicts that only the investigators of the No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency will be able to resolve.Meanwhile, at Tlokweng Road Speedy Motors, Mma Ramotswe''s husband, Mr J.L.B. Matekoni, gets a visit from a middle-aged client who wants to purchase a fast Italian sports car. What should the conscientious garagiste do in such circumstances? Should the client''s wife be told? Mma Ramotswe is used to wrestling with such tricky questions, but it is harder for Mr J.L.B. Matekoni.And in the background is that beautiful country, Botswana, with its wide skies and its courteous people. In such surroundings, big problems soon seem small, and small worries fade away altogether.

Objev podobné jako The Great Hippopotamus Hotel - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 591.0 Kč

Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová - e-kniha

eBook: Každý pes si zaslouží druhou šanci. Už od štěněcího věku Stelu cvičili k tomu, aby svým geniálním bíglím nosem nacházela nebezpečné chemikálie a spolu se svou psovodkou pomáhala zajišťovat lidem bezpečí. Při jedné rutinní bezpečnostní prohlídce si však Stela nevšimne pachu výbušniny. Dojde k děsivé a hlučné explozi, která Stelu poznamená tak, že se už nemůže vrátit do práce. Tím její kariéra služebního psa skončí. Když se jí ujme dívka jménem Emilia, fenka ví, že je to její poslední šance, aby ukázala své schopnosti. Jednou Stela ucítí z Emiliina těla zvláštní pach, který zesílí těsně předtím, než se dívenky zmocní epileptický záchvat. Stelin nos si uvědomí souvislost. Jenže jak má příště varovat svou novou rodinu, aniž by v ní vzbudila dojem, že má jen další záchvat paniky? Chce všechny přesvědčit, že může znovu pracovat jako signální pes, který umí upozornit na skryté nebezpečí. Dokáže to?

Objev podobné jako Šance pro Stelu - McCall Hoyleová - e-kniha

cena 254.0 Kč

Čepice Dakine Davina Beanie fialová barva, z husté pleteniny

Čepice z kolekce Dakine. Model vyroben husté pleteniny.

Objev podobné jako Čepice Dakine Davina Beanie fialová barva, z husté pleteniny

cena 509.0 Kč

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns...Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year. He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief.From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage.

Objev podobné jako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 402.0 Kč

The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith

For philosophically minded Isabel Dalhousie, editor of the Review of Applied Ethics, getting through life with a clear conscience requires careful thought. And with the arrival of baby Charlie, not to mention a passionate relationship with his father Jamie, fourteen years her junior, Isabel enters deeper and rougher waters.Late motherhood is not the only challenge facing Isabel. Even as she negotiates a truce with her furious niece Cat, and struggles for authority over her son with her formidable housekeeper Grace, Isabel finds herself drawn into the story of a painter's mysterious death off the island of Jura. Perhaps most seriously of all, Isabel's professional existence and that of her beloved Review come under attack from the machiavellian and suspiciously handsome Professor Dove.A master storyteller whether debating ethics in Edinburgh or pursuing lady detectives in Africa, here Alexander McCall Smith is as witty and wise as his irresistibly spirited heroine.

Objev podobné jako The Careful Use Of Compliments - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 259.0 Kč

The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

During WW2 there was a rumour that German spies were landing by parachute in Britain, dressed as nuns... Conradin Muller was an unusual spy. He was recruited in Hamburg in June 1943, much against his will, and sent on his first, and only, mission in late September that year.He failed to send a single report back to Germany, and when the War came to an end in May 1945, he fell to his knees and wept with relief. From a highly reluctant German spy who is drawn to an East Anglian nunnery as his only means of escape, to the strange tale of one of the Cambridge spy ring's adventures with a Russian dwarf, these are Alexander McCall Smith's intriguing and typically inventive stories from the world of espionage. 'Spy-masterful storytelling' Sunday Post'Delightfully old-fashioned and prudent of prose, McCall Smith unspools his tales' Daily Mail'[Adds] another treasure to McCall Smith's already glittering library' New York Journal of Books

Objev podobné jako The Private Life of Spies - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Winds from Further West - Alexander McCall Smith

From the world''s favourite author of The No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency, this novel is about chance encounters; it is richly atmospheric and packed with compassion and humour.Often a small and seemingly insignificant event can change the course of our lives.Not long after starting a new job, Neil meets Chrissie. Romance soon blossoms and together they move to a lavish flat in Edinburgh. Everything seems to be falling into place perfectly.But an innocuous, throw-away comment unintentionally causes Neil’s career to collapse, and, at the same time, a cruel betrayal shatters the life he thought he knew.His only option is to escape to the secluded, remote beauty of a breathtaking Hebridean island. Here, he finds a different way of life, and new friendships develop. But he can’t escape the past forever, and soon he must confront a life-changing decision once more. Praise for Alexander McCall Smith''s writing: ''The author''s prose has the merits of simplicity, euphony and precision. This is art that conceals art'' – Sunday Telegraph''Bags of warmth and wisdom and easy, accomplished writing that begs for a comfy chair'' – The Times''Charming, delightful, feel-good stuff'' – Daily Express

Objev podobné jako The Winds from Further West - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 502.0 Kč

The Conditions of Unconditional Love - Alexander McCall Smith

BOOK 15 IN THE MUCH-LOVED ISABEL DALHOUSIE SERIES''You can''t go out of the house without tripping over a philosophical question.'' That is a remark made by Isabel Dalhousie to Jamie, the bassoonist who is her handsome younger husband. Isabel''s own life, of course, points to the truth of this observation: she seems to attract philosophical problems in much the same way as a magnet attracts iron filings.In this latest movement in the symphony of her life, Isabel is faced with novel challenges, each of which tests her resolution to do the right thing. Dawn, a nurse in an infectious diseases ward, is let down by her lover and needs a place to live. Not surprisingly, Isabel offers her a roof over her head. What do you do, though if your house-guest locks herself away and avoids all contact?And then there is the pompous and slippery Professor Robert Lettuce. He is planning a prestigious conference, and involves Isabel in it. But look at the budget: why is there such a large payment for Lettuce himself and for a young female assistant? Isabel is suspicious.Other intriguing problems abound, including Isabel''s involvement in a book group threatened by discord and bickering. Isabel remains calm. Of course she does. She knows the power of love, reason, and a clear head to resolve all of these issues, and more.PRAISE FOR THE ISABEL DALHOUSIE NOVELS:''Isabel Dalhousie''s charm is undeniable'' Sunday Times''The No. 2 Lady Detective . . . anyone who loves Precious cannot fail to be charmed'' Mail on Sunday''Delightful . . . McCall Smith is a writer who celebrates kindness, in short supply in the world today'' Sunday Telegraph''McCall Smith''s greatest gift as a writer - and God knows this is just one of many - is that he can write likeable characters'' New Statesman

Objev podobné jako The Conditions of Unconditional Love - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 561.0 Kč

Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

eBook: Škola na plachetnici? Tam určite nebude núdza o dobrodružstvo! Školu, do ktorej chodia súrodenci Ben a Fee, by im určite kadekto závidel. Je totiž na mori, na palube plachetnice menom Tobermory! Jedného dňa sa pri lodi objaví filmový štáb a Ben dokonca dostane ponuku zahrať si vo filme ako komparzista. Potom si však všimne čudné veci a nadobudne zvláštne podozrenie. Ide naozaj o filmárov alebo je nakrúcanie iba zásterkou pre niečo nekalé? Ben, Fee a ich priatelia rozhodne musia zistiť pravdu.

Objev podobné jako Škola pod plachtami - Alexander McCall Smith - e-kniha

cena 209.0 Kč

První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

Audiokniha: Zábavné i napínavé příběhy první soukromé detektivky v Botswaně, jihoafrické zemi, kde život je tak odlišný od našeho - a vášně a zločiny jsou často stejné. Knihu zimbabwsko-britského spisovatele čte Jana Stryková. Sympatická Precious Ramotswe zakládá první ženskou detektivní agenturu v Gaborone, hlavním městě Botswany. Nejenže se dokáže vypořádat s podvodníky, najít zmizelého manžela nebo zkrotit neposlušné dcery ustaraných rodičů, ale nabídne nám také pohled do duše národa, jenž obývá oblast na prahu pouště Kalahari. Když se Precious nakonec vrhne po stopách zmizelého dítěte, riskuje vlastní pověst a možná i život. Alexander McCall Smith okouzlil čtenáře netradiční hlavní hrdinkou i jejím chytrým humorem. Alexander McCall Smith (1948) Alexander McCall Smith je zimbabwsko-britský spisovatel, publicista a vysokoškolský pedagog. Své vzdělání získal ve Skotsku a v Zimbabwe. Jde o spisovatele a profesora lékařského práva na Edinburské univerzitě a je členem několika národních a mezinárodních institucí zabývajících se bioetikou. Jeho knihy zahrnují práce o lékařském právu, trestním právu a filozofii. Stejně tak je autorem řady knih pro děti, sbírek povídek a románů. Působil také na několika univerzitách v Africe včetně Botswany, kde nějakou dobu žil. Jana Stryková (1979) Vystudovala DAMU – obor činoherní herectví. Po absolvování DAMU v roce 2001 nastoupila angažmá v divadle F. X. Šaldy v Liberci, v sezóně 2003-2004 byla na volné noze a hrála v Divadle Bez Zábradlí, Letních shakespearovských slavností 2004, Divadle Viola, Divadle Radka Brzobohatého a Divadle v Celetné. Od roku 2004 má stálé angažmá v Divadle Rokoko. Také točí filmy, reklamy, dabuje, moderuje a příležitostně se věnuje modelingu – módní přehlídky pro herečky. Na obrazovce jsme ji mohli vidět v pohádce Hospoda U bílé kočky nebo v seriálu Dokonalý svět.

Objev podobné jako První dámská detektivní kancelář - Alexander McCall Smith - audiokniha

cena 269.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell parfémovaná voda pro ženy 30 ml

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell, 30 ml, Parfémované vody pro ženy, Dopřejte si vůni, díky níž budete v každé společnosti nepřehlédnutelná. Dámská parfémovaná voda Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell je ztělesněním luxusu a exkluzivity a její důmyslná vonná kompozice potěší i ty nejnáročnější. ovocná vůně květinová vůně podtrhne smyslnost každé ženy hřejivá vůně, ideální do chladného počasí

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cena 509.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell toaletní voda pro ženy 50 ml

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell, 50 ml, Toaletní vody pro ženy, Svádění je hra a neodolatelná vůně je ženskou zbraní, se kterou budete mít vždy navrch. Toaletní voda Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell vás zahalí do smyslné sofistikované vůně kdykoliv, kdy budete chtít zazářit. květinová vůně ovocná vůně pudrová vůně pro temperamentní ženy plné energie vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení

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cena 438.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell toaletní voda pro ženy 15 ml

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell, 15 ml, Toaletní vody pro ženy, Svádění je hra a neodolatelná vůně je ženskou zbraní, se kterou budete mít vždy navrch. Toaletní voda Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell vás zahalí do smyslné sofistikované vůně kdykoliv, kdy budete chtít zazářit. květinová vůně ovocná vůně pudrová vůně pro temperamentní ženy plné energie vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení

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cena 243.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell toaletní voda pro ženy 30 ml

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell, 30 ml, Toaletní vody pro ženy, Svádění je hra a neodolatelná vůně je ženskou zbraní, se kterou budete mít vždy navrch. Toaletní voda Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell vás zahalí do smyslné sofistikované vůně kdykoliv, kdy budete chtít zazářit. květinová vůně ovocná vůně pudrová vůně pro temperamentní ženy plné energie vůně vhodná pro každodenní nošení

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell toaletní voda pro ženy 30 ml

cena 440.0 Kč

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell deodorant s rozprašovačem pro ženy 75 ml

Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell, 75 ml, Deodoranty a antiperspiranty pro ženy, Propojte své vůně v harmonický celek. Deodorant Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell uvolňuje stejné aroma jako vaše vůně ve flakonu a společně tak tvoří perfektní pár. Vlastnosti: chrání před nepříjemným zápachem zanechává dlouhodobý pocit svěžesti doplňuje vůni ze stejné řady ideální balení do kabelky Jak používat: Můžete opakovat kdykoliv během dne.

Objev podobné jako Naomi Campbell Naomi Campbell deodorant s rozprašovačem pro ženy 75 ml

cena 278.0 Kč

The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

Book 17 in the hugely popular 44 Scotland Street series by worldwide bestselling author Alexander McCall SmithGlasgow for Bertie is the promised land. The city of pies and Irn Bru, far from his controlling mother, Irene - his place of escape. But how will he respond to the news of the proposed merging of Edinburgh and Glasgow? A new member of Bertie''s class at school is causing ripples in his social circle. She is called Galactica MacFee and is going to be a match for Olive and her lieutenant, Pansy. And, an incredible new discovery: a Pictish stone, that is said to have the first-know written poem carved into it is the talk of the town. But, when the poem is eventually translated, it is thought it is best to keep it under wraps. In this new instalment in the perennially popular 44 Scotland Street series, we are back in the world of Angus and Domenico, Bruce, Matthew and Elspeth, and, of course, Bertie and his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson.PRAISE FOR THE 44 SCOTLAND STREET SERIES:''Perfect escapist fiction'' The Times''Simple, elegantly written and gently insightful'' Good Book Guide''A joyous, charming portrait of city life and human foibles'' Sunday Express''Does for Edinburgh what Armistead Maupin did for San Francisco... A light-hearted, genial soap opera'' Financial Times

Objev podobné jako The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

Glasgow for Bertie is the promised land. The city of pies and Irn Bru, far from his controlling mother, Irene – his place of escape. But how will he respond to the news of the proposed merging of Edinburgh and Glasgow? A new member of Bertie’s class at school is causing ripples in his social circle. She is called Galactica MacFee and is going to be a match for Olive and her lieutenant, Pansy.And, an incredible new discovery: a Pictish stone, that is said to have the first-know written poem carved into it is the talk of the town. But, when the poem is eventually translated, it is thought it is best to keep it under wraps.In this new instalment in the perennially popular 44 Scotland series, we are back in the world of Angus and Domenico, Bruce, Matthew and Elspeth, and, of course, Bertie and his friend Ranald Braveheart Macpherson. Filled with Alexander McCall Smith’s trademark wit, warmth and humour, this new book is a must-read.

Objev podobné jako The Stellar Debut of Galactica MacFee - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 532.0 Kč

From a Far and Lovely Country - Alexander McCall Smith

The twenty-fourth book in the multi-million copy bestselling and perennially adored No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency series.If you are the founder and Managing Director of the No. 1 Ladies'' Detective Agency you may expect complete strangers to approach you with their problems when they see you having dinner with your husband in a peri-peri restaurant. And if you are Precious Ramotswe, you are a kind and helpful person who will be willing to take on a quest to find the relatives of a man who, many years ago, left the country for the uncertainties and dangers of a distant conflict.While that is going on, though, there may be other things that claim your attention - such as the shocking news that a club that calls itself the Cool Singles Evening Club is encouraging married men to pretend to be single and meet women under false pretences. Who can be behind such a distasteful venture? Mma Ramotswe shows great tact in dealing with this situation, and avoids harm to the innocent.And all the time, she and her assistant, Grace Makutsi, are getting on with their normal lives - which, of course, include birthdays and the buying of birthday presents. A new dress makes a fine present, but not if, when being tried on, it splits in a way that is thought to be irreparable. Mma Potokwani has dealt with situations far worse that, and in dealing with this local emergency she shows her characteristic wisdom. At the end of the day, disaster is averted. Life in Botswana, that far and lovely country of the title, continues smoothly, which is what Mma Ramotswe and her friends want - and most certainly deserve.

Objev podobné jako From a Far and Lovely Country - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The House of Unexpected Sisters (Defekt) - Alexander McCall Smith

Precious Ramotswe learns valuable lessons about first impressions and forgiveness in this latest installment of the much-loved, best-selling No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency series. At Botswana's No 1 Ladies' Detective Agency, Precious Ramotswe and Grace Makutsi are intrigued by the troubling dismissal of an employee at a thriving local business. The ladies proceed with investigations as they are inclined to do - with Mma Makutsi's customary vigour, and Mma Ramotswe's rather more subtle caution. Soon enough, interesting discoveries are made... marital subterfuge, undue influence and commercial chicanery! Clearly, there is more to this dismissal than at first imagined. While Mma Makutsi's focus, as self-appointed Principal Investigating Officer, is firmly on the case, Mma Ramotswe's attention is diverted by personal matters. Not only has her disgraced ex-husband reappeared in town, but she has stumbled on an unsettling family secret of her own - one that might threaten what she holds closest to her heart. As Precious contemplates this painful possibility, she must draw on her strength and compassion and confront The House of Unexpected Sisters. And for both Mma Makutsi and Mma Ramotswe, the wise words of their mentor Clovis Andersen - 'the needle swings in confusing ways' - have never been more prescient . . .

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cena 49.0 Kč

PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

Contemporary / British EnglishThe second exciting story from The No.1 Ladies Detective Agency series. Precious Ramotswe is now known as Botswanas first and only lady detective and has many cases. Shes looking for a young American who disappeared ten years ago. Will she finally marry Mr JLB Matekoni?

Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: Tears of the Giraffe - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 234.0 Kč

Napětí - Naomi Aldermanová

Všechno začíná jiskrou - dospívající dívky mezi 14 a 15 lety v sobě objevují schopnost vytvářet v těle elektrickou energii a výboji z prstů si vynucovat poslušnost, v horším případě i mučit nebo zabíjet. Chlapci jsou kvůli bezpečnosti izolováni v chlapeckých školách. V některých částech světa propukají krvavé revoluce. Dívky se v používání elektrického napětí zdokonalují a probouzejí tuto schopnost i ve starších ženách. Jak by svět vypadal, kdyby se moc přesunula z rukou mužů do rukou žen? Kdyby po celém světě zavládl matriarchát a přestaly platit klasické genderové stereotypy? Odpovědi na tyto otázky dává Naomi Aldermanová ve svém posledním románu Napětí, mnohoznačném a barvitě psaném textu na pomezí sci-fi, dystopie a thrilleru, v němž je výchozí situace promyšlena do důsledků: ženy zneužívají své sexuality, muži se stávají oběťmi a radikálně se mění celkové paradigma a fungování společnosti. "Napětí je Příběh služebnice pro naši éru." Ron Charles, The Washington Post

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cena 311.0 Kč

Astra - Naomi Foyle

A powerful coming-of-age story, and the beginning of a new trilogy, set on an Earth struggling to recover from global environmental collapse.

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cena 321.0 Kč

Future - Naomi Aldermanová

The new novel from the Women’s Prize-winning, bestselling author of The Power, The Future is a white-knuckle tour de force and dazzling exploration of the world we have made and where we are going. The Future is where the money is. The Future is a few billionaires leading the world to destruction. The Future is a handful of friends hatching a daring plan. The Future is the greatest heist ever? Or the cataclysmic end of civilisation… The Future is here.

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cena 384.0 Kč

Uprooted - Naomi Noviková

Winner of the 2016 Nebula Award for Best NovelWinner of the 2016 Locus Award for Best Fantasy NovelWinner of the 2016 British Fantasy Society Award for Best NovelShortlisted for the 2016 World Fantasy Award for Best NovelShortlisted for the 2016 Hugo Award for Best NovelA dark enchantment blights the land in the award-winning Uprooted - a enthralling, mythic fantasy by Naomi Novik, author of the Temeraire series.Agnieszka loves her village, set deep in a peaceful valley. But the nearby enchanted forest casts a shadow over her home. Many have been lost to the Wood and none return unchanged. The villagers depend on an ageless wizard, the Dragon, to protect them from the forest's dark magic. However, his help comes at a terrible price. One young village woman must serve him for ten years, leaving all they value behind.Agnieszka fears her dearest friend Kasia will be picked at the next choosing, for she's everything Agnieszka is not - beautiful, graceful and brave. Yet when the Dragon comes, it's not Kasia he takes.

Objev podobné jako Uprooted - Naomi Noviková

cena 214.0 Kč

The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf - Alexander McCall Smith

In the hilarious new novel in the best-selling Detective Varg series, Ulf Varg will need to resolve both a sensitive crime and his own delicate dilemma in the hopes of preserving the peace.The Department of Sensitive Crimes is downsizing in light of a recent downturn of sensitive crime, and staff members are wondering who among them will be transferred elsewhere. As the bickering between colleagues intensifies, Ulf tries his best to stay above the fray. But when Anna, a longtime friend and coworker, appears to blame him for an old case that went sideways, it seems she may be putting her own job prospects above their friendship.In the midst of all this, Ulf embarks on an important inquiry: a man''s cabin has mysteriously disappeared and Ulf is tasked with finding out what happened. How exactly does one steal a house? And, more to the point, how does one track down a stolen house? Meanwhile, a promising veterinary treatment for deafness in dogs has been announced, and Ulf''s dog, Martin, might be the perfect patient.This latest novel is another masterful, farcical installment in the series that defines the genre that Alexander McCall Smith is singlehandedly championing: Scandi blanc.

Objev podobné jako The Discreet Charm of the Big Bad Wolf - Alexander McCall Smith

cena 295.0 Kč

The Talented Mr Varg : A Detective Varg novel - Alexander McCall Smith

Spring is coming slowly to Sweden - though not quite as slowly as Detective Ulf Varg's promised promotion at the Department of Sensitive Crimes. For Varg, referred by his psychoanalyst to group therapy at Malmoe's Wholeness Centre, life now seems mostly a circle of self-examination, something which may or may not be useful when it comes to the nature of his profession and the particularly sensitive cases that have recently come to light. All in a day's work for Detective Varg, except that one of his new investigations involves fellow detective Anna; it will require every ounce of self-discipline he has in order to remain professional. The other, more curious case is centred around internationally successful novelist Nils Personn-Cederstroem. According to his girlfriend, Cederstroem is being blackmailed - but by whom and for what reason? Accompanied by his irritating but kindly colleague Blomquist, Varg begins his enquiries and soon the answers fall neatly into place. Nothing and no one is ever that simple, however, and not for the first time he learns as much about his own emotional and moral landscape as he does about the motives of others. Now Varg must make a possibly life-changing decision. Will he choose his own happiness over that of his heart's desire?

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cena 241.0 Kč

Vila Naomi Jeans Modrá

Naomi Jeans - Vila - Modrá.

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cena 909.0 Kč

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