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Life Vision Elementary Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080118)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Pracovní sešit k učebnici Life Vision Elementary s online procvičováním (licence na 2 roky) Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. V průběhu roku 2022 vychází úroveň Elementary, Pre-Intermediate a Intermediate, pro český trh v \"maturitní\" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině. V roce 2023 pak vyjdou zbývající úrovně Upper-Intermediate a Advanced. O doložku MŠMT je již zažádáno.
Podívejte se také Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080675)
Life Vision Elementary Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Halliwell Helen
Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. Úrovně Elementary až Advanced nabízíme pro český trh v "maturitní" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině.Life Vision má doložku MŠMT (MSMT-28673/2021-8). Doložka je platná do roku 2028. Your Life: Umožňuje studentům stát se zodpovědnými a úspěšnými občany současného globálního světa. Your Motivation: Rozšiřuje obzory a motivuje skrze reálná témata zajímavá pro teenagery. Your Success: Připravuje studenty na celoživotní úspěch a plnění cílů dnešního dynamického, rychle se vyvíjejícího světa. Global Skills – samostatné sekce a navíc i aktivity napříč celým obsahem vybavují studenty vitálními dovednostmi moderní doby (úspěšná týmová práce, řešení problémů, kulturní povědomí, kreativní myšlení, zachování zdraví, online bezpečnost aj.) Mediation aktivity – poskytují studentům výbavu pro úspěšné sdílení a komunikování informací v angličtině (např. dovednosti interpretace, shrnutí a zaznamenávání) Think and Share aktivity – povzbuzují studenty k analytickému myšlení, zdůvodňování svých odpovědí a zpochybňování jiných názorů zajímavé fotografie a YouTube style vlogy na počátku každé lekce uvádí studenty zábavnou formou blízkou jejich věku do tématu a představují slovní zásobu a gramatiku dané lekce 360° interaktivní obrázky – přenáší studenty do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a aplikovat naučený jazyk při skupinové práci na projektech gramatické animace – atraktivní a jasné představení gramatických jevů, ke kterým se může student vracet dokumentární videa – přináší do hodin angličtiny reálný svět Maturita Skills Trainer – důkladná systematická příprava na maturitu Maturita Skills Test – jeden kompletní maturitní test se zadáním v českém jazyce Functions Bank, Writing Bank, Wordlist s českou podporou Culture sekce v pracovním sešitě prezentují českou kulturu v anglickém jazyce Pracovní sešit, přístup k Online Practice.
Podívejte se také Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice (9780194080392)
Life Vision Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Lynne White, Neil Wood
Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. Úrovně Elementary až Advanced nabízíme pro český trh v "maturitní" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině.Life Vision má doložku MŠMT (MSMT-28673/2021-8). Doložka je platná do roku 2028. Your Life: Umožňuje studentům stát se zodpovědnými a úspěšnými občany současného globálního světa. Your Motivation: Rozšiřuje obzory a motivuje skrze reálná témata zajímavá pro teenagery. Your Success: Připravuje studenty na celoživotní úspěch a plnění cílů dnešního dynamického, rychle se vyvíjejícího světa. Global Skills – samostatné sekce a navíc i aktivity napříč celým obsahem vybavují studenty vitálními dovednostmi moderní doby (úspěšná týmová práce, řešení problémů, kulturní povědomí, kreativní myšlení, zachování zdraví, online bezpečnost aj.) Mediation aktivity – poskytují studentům výbavu pro úspěšné sdílení a komunikování informací v angličtině (např. dovednosti interpretace, shrnutí a zaznamenávání) Think and Share aktivity – povzbuzují studenty k analytickému myšlení, zdůvodňování svých odpovědí a zpochybňování jiných názorů zajímavé fotografie a YouTube style vlogy na počátku každé lekce uvádí studenty zábavnou formou blízkou jejich věku do tématu a představují slovní zásobu a gramatiku dané lekce 360° interaktivní obrázky – přenáší studenty do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a aplikovat naučený jazyk při skupinové práci na projektech gramatické animace – atraktivní a jasné představení gramatických jevů, ke kterým se může student vracet dokumentární videa – přináší do hodin angličtiny reálný svět Maturita Skills Trainer – důkladná systematická příprava na maturitu Maturita Skills Test – jeden kompletní maturitní test se zadáním v českém jazyce Functions Bank, Writing Bank, Wordlist s českou podporou Culture sekce v pracovním sešitě prezentují českou kulturu v anglickém jazyce Pracovní sešit, přístup k Online Practice.
Podívejte se také Project Fourth Edition 1 Workbook: With Audio CD and Online Practice (International English Version) (978-0-947628-8-5)
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Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Halliwell Helen, Walker Sarah, Johannsen Thomas
Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. Úrovně Elementary až Advanced nabízíme pro český trh v "maturitní" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině.Life Vision má doložku MŠMT (MSMT-28673/2021-8). Doložka je platná do roku 2028. Your Life: Umožňuje studentům stát se zodpovědnými a úspěšnými občany současného globálního světa. Your Motivation: Rozšiřuje obzory a motivuje skrze reálná témata zajímavá pro teenagery. Your Success: Připravuje studenty na celoživotní úspěch a plnění cílů dnešního dynamického, rychle se vyvíjejícího světa. Global Skills – samostatné sekce a navíc i aktivity napříč celým obsahem vybavují studenty vitálními dovednostmi moderní doby (úspěšná týmová práce, řešení problémů, kulturní povědomí, kreativní myšlení, zachování zdraví, online bezpečnost aj.) Mediation aktivity – poskytují studentům výbavu pro úspěšné sdílení a komunikování informací v angličtině (např. dovednosti interpretace, shrnutí a zaznamenávání) Think and Share aktivity – povzbuzují studenty k analytickému myšlení, zdůvodňování svých odpovědí a zpochybňování jiných názorů zajímavé fotografie a YouTube style vlogy na počátku každé lekce uvádí studenty zábavnou formou blízkou jejich věku do tématu a představují slovní zásobu a gramatiku dané lekce 360° interaktivní obrázky – přenáší studenty do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a aplikovat naučený jazyk při skupinové práci na projektech gramatické animace – atraktivní a jasné představení gramatických jevů, ke kterým se může student vracet dokumentární videa – přináší do hodin angličtiny reálný svět Maturita Skills Trainer – důkladná systematická příprava na maturitu Maturita Skills Test – jeden kompletní maturitní test se zadáním v českém jazyce Functions Bank, Writing Bank, Wordlist s českou podporou Culture sekce v pracovním sešitě prezentují českou kulturu v anglickém jazyce Pracovní sešit, přístup k Online Practice.
Objev podobné jako Life Vision Pre-Intermediate Workbook CZ with Online Practice - Halliwell Helen, Walker Sarah, Johannsen Thomas
Roadmap A2+ Elementary Workbook with Online Audio with key
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.
Objev podobné jako Roadmap A2+ Elementary Workbook with Online Audio with key
Roadmap A2 Elementary Workbook with Online Audio with key
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.
Objev podobné jako Roadmap A2 Elementary Workbook with Online Audio with key
Eyes Open Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education (TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources, games and interactive video activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning. A Student's Book and Online Workbook pack with link to the learning management platform is also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 2 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Eyes Open Level 3 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
Captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics spark curiosity and engage teenage learners. Developed in partnership with Discovery Education (TM), Eyes Open features captivating Discovery Education(TM) video and stimulating global topics to motivate students and spark their curiosity. This version of the Workbook includes access to the online learning management platform with extra resources, games and interactive video activities. Teachers can use the platform to track students' progress and ensure more effective learning. A Student's Book and Online Workbook pack with a link to the learning management platform is also available.
Objev podobné jako Eyes Open Level 3 Workbook with Online Practice - Vicki Anderson
New Headway Elementary Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Elementary Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Elementary Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Elementary Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Life Vision Elementary Student´s Book with eBook CZ - Leonard Carla
Nový materiál s podporou pro české studenty připravující se k maturitní zkoušce. Úrovně Elementary až Advanced nabízíme pro český trh v "maturitní" úpravě, tzn. včetně slovníčku, zkouškových aktivit a spousty další podpory v češtině.Life Vision má doložku MŠMT (MSMT-28673/2021-8). Doložka je platná do roku 2028. Your Life: Umožňuje studentům stát se zodpovědnými a úspěšnými občany současného globálního světa. Your Motivation: Rozšiřuje obzory a motivuje skrze reálná témata zajímavá pro teenagery. Your Success: Připravuje studenty na celoživotní úspěch a plnění cílů dnešního dynamického, rychle se vyvíjejícího světa. Global Skills – samostatné sekce a navíc i aktivity napříč celým obsahem vybavují studenty vitálními dovednostmi moderní doby (úspěšná týmová práce, řešení problémů, kulturní povědomí, kreativní myšlení, zachování zdraví, online bezpečnost aj.) Mediation aktivity – poskytují studentům výbavu pro úspěšné sdílení a komunikování informací v angličtině (např. dovednosti interpretace, shrnutí a zaznamenávání) Think and Share aktivity – povzbuzují studenty k analytickému myšlení, zdůvodňování svých odpovědí a zpochybňování jiných názorů zajímavé fotografie a YouTube style vlogy na počátku každé lekce uvádí studenty zábavnou formou blízkou jejich věku do tématu a představují slovní zásobu a gramatiku dané lekce 360° interaktivní obrázky – přenáší studenty do reálného prostředí, ve kterém si mohou rozvinout digitální gramotnost a aplikovat naučený jazyk při skupinové práci na projektech gramatické animace – atraktivní a jasné představení gramatických jevů, ke kterým se může student vracet dokumentární videa – přináší do hodin angličtiny reálný svět Maturita Skills Trainer – důkladná systematická příprava na maturitu Maturita Skills Test – jeden kompletní maturitní test se zadáním v českém jazyce Functions Bank, Writing Bank, Wordlist s českou podporou Culture sekce v pracovním sešitě prezentují českou kulturu v anglickém jazyce Učebnice, e-book a přístup ke Student Resources.
Objev podobné jako Life Vision Elementary Student´s Book with eBook CZ - Leonard Carla
Best Practice: elementary - workbook - Bill Mascull
Best Practice is a fourlevel business English course designed for use by both prework students and inwork students. Its topicbased modules train students in the English needed for both the professional and personal sides of modern business life.
Objev podobné jako Best Practice: elementary - workbook - Bill Mascull
Real Life Elementary Workbook CZ Edition - Liz Foody
Učebnice angličtiny pro střední školy, Pearson, český pracovní sešit, příprava k maturitě.
Objev podobné jako Real Life Elementary Workbook CZ Edition - Liz Foody
Global Revised Elementary - Workbook with key
Global is an award winning 6-level general English course with sophisticated content and international appeal. Information-rich topics are combined with a global outlook in a stimulating design.• The Global Voices sections give students the opportunity to listen to authentic native and non-native speakers in their own time, furthering their learning.• Global English sections provide extra reading practice with texts written especially for the course by David Crystal, world-renowned expert on the English language.• The Teacher's Book includes a range of specialist methodology essays written by award winning ELT authors.• The eBook offers students a page-faithful version of the print coursebook with interactive audio.
Objev podobné jako Global Revised Elementary - Workbook with key
Complete Preliminary Student´s Book with answers with Online Practice, 2nd
Complete Preliminary 2nd edition is the most thorough preparation for the revised B1 Preliminary.Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio containing the listening material for this course is provided with the Teacher's Book.
Objev podobné jako Complete Preliminary Student´s Book with answers with Online Practice, 2nd
Cutting Edge Elementary Workbook with key (New) - Sarah Cunningham
New Cutting Edge Elementary Workbook consolidates and extends the language taught in the Students' Book. * Grammar exercises give students useful practice and build confidence *Vocabulary boosters and Wordspots build on the lexical areas covered in the Students' Book *Listen and read and Improve your writing sections develop skills *Pronunciation sections focus on the sounds and the features of natural speech The Workbook is accompanied by an optional Students' Audio Cassette/CD.
Objev podobné jako Cutting Edge Elementary Workbook with key (New) - Sarah Cunningham
Motivate! 4: Workbook with Online Audio
Čtyřdílná učebnice angličtiny Motivate! je zpracována tak, aby svým obsahem zaujala studenty angličtiny ve věku od 11 do 16 let. Velmi důležitým aspektem učebnice Motivate! je skutečnost, že bere v potaz různé úrovně znalostí studentů, kteří vstupují na 2. stupeň základních škol nebo na osmiletá gymnázia. Proto je učebnice metodicky zpracována tak, aby vyhovovala výuce ve třídách s různě nadanými studenty (mixed ability classes). Z toho důvodu také učebnice na začátku nabízí rozřazovací test. Ve cvičebnici jsou aktivity jasně označeny jednou až třemi hvězdičkami pro různě nadané studenty (basic, more advanced, challenging). Každá lekce také obsahuje sekci psaní. Oddíl Revision na konci lekce látku opakuje, oddíl Extension rozšiřuje dovednosti nadanějších studentů. Cvičebnice je doplněna 2 CD, na kterých jsou nahrány: Texty ze sekcí Reading a Writing Diktáty Kontrolní gramatická cvičení Poslechy z cvičebnice Slovíčka navíc Konverzační cvičení Poslechy si případně můžete stáhnout i zde. Na konci cvičebnice se nachází 50 stránkový oddíl, který obsahuje: Aktivity na CLIL Slovíčka navíc Souhrn gramatiky a další gramatická cvičení Konverzační cvičení Abecední seznam slovíček Nepravidelná slovesa
Objev podobné jako Motivate! 4: Workbook with Online Audio
English File Fourth Edition Elementary Student's Book s anglicko-českým slovníčkem a Online Practice
The English File fourth edition Student's Book is packed full of interesting content to keep students of all levels talking.Online Practice gives students the opportunity to practise and develop their language and skills or catch up on a class they have missed. NEW and updated texts, topics, and tasks that make students want to speak in English. Students build confidence to communicate with a proven balance of Grammar, Vocabulary, Pronunciation and skills in every File. Each Student's Book comes with access to new Online Practice that is directly linked to each Student's Book. English File now integrates NEW video listening activities in to each even numbered File. These short documentaries and dramas make class time more dynamic and exciting. NEW interactive videos linked to Practical English sections allow students to record themselves and play the recording back for out-of-class speaking practice. NEW Sound Bank Videos videos bring English File's unique Sound Bank to life.
Objev podobné jako English File Fourth Edition Elementary Student's Book s anglicko-českým slovníčkem a Online Practice
Empower Elementary/A2 Workbook with Answers
The Elementary Workbook with answers can be used alongside the Student's Book and offers additional consolidation activities. Downloadable audio and the Workbook vox pop video is available on Cambridge One.
Objev podobné jako Empower Elementary/A2 Workbook with Answers
New Headway Fifth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (9780194527682)
Kniha - anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá, doprava zdarma s AlzaPlus+
Objev podobné jako New Headway Fifth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (9780194527682)
English File Third Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (9780194598200)
Kniha - anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá
Objev podobné jako English File Third Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (9780194598200)
face2face Elementary Workbook with Key,2nd - Chris Redston, Gillie Cunningham
face2face Second edition is the flexible, easy-to-teach, 6-level course (A1 to C1) for busy teachers who want to get their adult and young adult learners to communicate with confidence.
Objev podobné jako face2face Elementary Workbook with Key,2nd - Chris Redston, Gillie Cunningham
Cambridge English First Result Student´s Book with Online Practice Test (9780194511926)
Kniha - autor P.A. Davies; T. Falla,, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Fully updated for the revised 2015 exam Cambridge: English First Result is fully updated to prepare students for success in the new 2015 exam. The contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design keep students motivated and the online practice and online practice test provide plenty of opportunities for further learning outside class. The Teacher’s Book includes unit tests, progress tests and a Speaking DVD showing students doing Speaking tests in exam-like conditions, which teachers can play to reassure their class about what to expect on exam day. Key Features Fully updated for the new 2015 exam Online Practice and online practice test provide plenty of extra practice opportunities outside class Contemporary topics, lively texts and vibrant design to keep your students motivated Focus on developing dictionary skills for exam tasks encourages independent study Workbook...
Objev podobné jako Cambridge English First Result Student´s Book with Online Practice Test (9780194511926)
New Headway Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Project Fourth Edition 4 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
Nejnovější vydání populárních učebnic Project staví na osvědčené metodice a oblíbeném formátu. Nové vydání zachovává koncept, rozdělení obsahu a lekcí dle třetí edice a nabízí naprostou návaznost a prostupnost jednotlivých úrovní. Základní učivo na 3 hodiny týdně s rozšiřujícím materiálem až na 5 hodin týdně. Nově je tato edice doplněna o speciální stránky s přípravou k testování a rozšířenou digitální podporou. Více komunikačních cvičení. Online skills practice s přístupem přes kód v pracovním sešitě. DVD klipy navazující na sekce Culture v učebnici, rozhovory a animované komixy. The tried and tested methodology of Project which is trusted by teachers around the world New extensive reading bank with stories graded at the appropriate level New pronunciation bank including both TPR activities and quiet individual activities New test bank includes ready-made tests, plus a bank of extra material for teachers to create bespoke tests. Please contact your local representative for more information. More multi-skill and communication exercises to prepare you students for using English in the real world
Objev podobné jako Project Fourth Edition 4 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
Gold Experience A1 Students´ Book with Online Practice Pack, 2nd Edition - Carolyn Barraclough
Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school.Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world. Student´s Book: Ten units: nine topic-based units and a tenth, review unit in exam task format Exam-like tasks are marked with an icon for ease of identification Additional vocabulary sets in the back of the book Students explore topics, collaborate and present to the class in end-of-unit projects Independent learning sections help students become more successful learners Detailed grammar and language explanations, plus a full page of practice activities for every unit Exam-related help and useful language for productive tasks Online practice: On the Pearson English Portal - access code in the Student’s Book Fully interactive version of the Workbook Instantly graded activities with supportive feedback Personal gradebook for students to review their performance Remediation videos and activities Audio and video for the Student’s Book The Pearson English Portal connects teachers, learners and world-class resources, enabling you to work together, anytime and anywhere. Providing rigorous pedagogical development powered by advanced technology, it's easy to use, flexible, and uniquely comprehensive – transforming teaching, revolutionizing learning, and improving outcomes.
Objev podobné jako Gold Experience A1 Students´ Book with Online Practice Pack, 2nd Edition - Carolyn Barraclough
Gold Experience B2+ Students´ Book with Online Practice Pack, 2nd Edition - Clare Walsch
Gold Experience 2nd Edition is a new edition of the fast-paced course that motivates students to build the language and skills they need in the classroom, exams and the world beyond school.Topics relevant to teenagers help students bring their own experience to lessons, and learn about the wider world. Student´s Book: Ten units: nine topic-based units and a tenth, review unit in exam task format Exam-like tasks are marked with an icon for ease of identification Additional vocabulary sets in the back of the book Students explore topics, collaborate and present to the class in end-of-unit projects Independent learning sections help students become more successful learners Detailed grammar and language explanations, plus a full page of practice activities for every unit Exam-related help and useful language for productive tasks Online practice: On the Pearson English Portal - access code in the Student’s Book Fully interactive version of the Workbook Instantly graded activities with supportive feedback Personal gradebook for students to review their performance Remediation videos and activities Audio and video for the Student’s Book The Pearson English Portal connects teachers, learners and world-class resources, enabling you to work together, anytime and anywhere. Providing rigorous pedagogical development powered by advanced technology, it's easy to use, flexible, and uniquely comprehensive – transforming teaching, revolutionizing learning, and improving outcomes.
Objev podobné jako Gold Experience B2+ Students´ Book with Online Practice Pack, 2nd Edition - Clare Walsch
Project Fourth Edition 2 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
Nejnovější vydání populárních učebnic Project staví na osvědčené metodice a oblíbeném formátu. Nové vydání zachovává koncept, rozdělení obsahu a lekcí dle třetí edice a nabízí naprostou návaznost a prostupnost jednotlivých úrovní. Základní učivo na 3 hodiny týdně s rozšiřujícím materiálem až na 5 hodin týdně. Nově je tato edice doplněna o speciální stránky s přípravou k testování a rozšířenou digitální podporou. Více komunikačních cvičení. Online skills practice s přístupem přes kód v pracovním sešitě. DVD klipy navazující na sekce Culture v učebnici, rozhovory a animované komixy.
Objev podobné jako Project Fourth Edition 2 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
New Headway Beginner Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Beginner Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Beginner Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Beginner Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Project Fourth Edition 5 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
Nejnovější vydání populárních učebnic Project staví na osvědčené metodice a oblíbeném formátu. Nové vydání zachovává koncept, rozdělení obsahu a lekcí dle třetí edice a nabízí naprostou návaznost a prostupnost jednotlivých úrovní. Základní učivo na 3 hodiny týdně s rozšiřujícím materiálem až na 5 hodin týdně. Nově je tato edice doplněna o speciální stránky s přípravou k testování a rozšířenou digitální podporou. Více komunikačních cvičení. Online skills practice s přístupem přes kód v pracovním sešitě. DVD klipy navazující na sekce Culture v učebnici, rozhovory a animované komixy. The tried and tested methodology of Project which is trusted by teachers around the world New extensive reading bank with stories graded at the appropriate level New pronunciation bank including both TPR activities and quiet individual activities New test bank includes ready-made tests, plus a bank of extra material for teachers to create bespoke tests. Please contact your local representative for more information. More multi-skill and communication exercises to prepare you students for using English in the real world
Objev podobné jako Project Fourth Edition 5 Teacher´s Book with Online Practice Pack - Tom Hutchinson
New Headway Advanced Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Advanced Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Elementary Workbook with Key (3rd) - John a Liz Soars
The third edition of the best-selling course, maintaining the successful core content but updated and refreshed. Language levels: Beginner, Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate Key features •Streamlined units, now at eight pages. They are easy to navigate, with clearly divided sections. •Fresh modern design, with an emphasis on maximum clarity on the page. •Every aspect of the previous edition has been reviewed. There are small changes to make activities run more smoothly, as well as major changes to text and topic. •The clear, systematic, effective grammar syllabus has been retained, but has been modified where necessary for even greater clarity. •Grammar Spots highlight key areas, getting students to analyse form and use. •Up-to-date texts with global appeal reflect changing trends and the use of English worldwide. •Challenging reading and listening texts from a variety of authentic sources develop comprehension skills and integrate speaking practice, usually personalised. •Writing now has a separate section at the back of the book, with a fuller syllabus, providing models and follow-up activities.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Elementary Workbook with Key (3rd) - John a Liz Soars
New Headway Elementary Workbook with Key (4th) - John a Liz Soars
The world's best-selling English course - a perfectly-balanced syllabus with a strong grammar focus, and full support at all six levels. With its proven methodology, Headway is the course you can always trust. The strong grammar focus, clear vocabulary syllabus and integrated skills work give you lessons that really work in class. Constant updates mean the material is always current, and with a huge range of components available - including new digital resources for interactive whiteboards - you've always got support where you need it. Key features: • Clear focus on grammar. • Balanced, integrated-skills syllabus. • Real-world speaking skills - Everyday English, Spoken English, Music of English. • Digital resources for interactive whiteboards - New Headway iTools. • Full teacher support - resources, photocopiables, tests and more - in print and online.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Elementary Workbook with Key (4th) - John a Liz Soars
New Headway Pre-Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Pre-Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Advanced Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Advanced Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Pre-Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Pre-Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack A with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Complete Key for Schools Second edition Student´s Book without answers with Online Practice
Complete Key for Schools is the most thorough preparation for the revised A2 Key for Schools. Complete is trusted by millions of candidates worldwide. This course allows you to maximise students' performance with the Complete approach to language development and exam training. It creates a stimulating learning environment with eye-catching images, easy-to-navigate units and fun topics. Students are able to build confidence through our unique understanding of the exam and insights from previous candidate performance, and the Complete exam journey for successful and stress-free outcomes. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio containing the listening material for this course is provided with the Teacher's Book.
Objev podobné jako Complete Key for Schools Second edition Student´s Book without answers with Online Practice
New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Multipack B with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Headway Fifth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key - John Soars, Liz Soars
Headway 5th edition provides fresh, relevant English instruction needed for success today. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language teaching and learning. Teach with Headway's perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course's world-renowned methodology. Headway 5th edition retains the course's trusted methodology and has been completely updated with new texts, topics and digital resources. The Workbook offers learners additional practice for every unit of the Student's Book, for homework or self-study.
Objev podobné jako Headway Fifth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key - John Soars, Liz Soars
New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students' needs.
Objev podobné jako New Headway Upper Intermediate Student´s Book with Online Practice (5th) - John Soars, Liz Soars
Roadmap B1 Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.
Objev podobné jako Roadmap B1 Pre-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key
Speakout A2 Student´s Book and eBook with Online Practice, 3rd Edition - Frances Eales, Steve Oakes
Speakout 3rd Edition is the go-to course for teachers looking for comprehensive four-skills coverage, with a particular emphasis on developing learners’ confidence in speaking. Speakout 3rd Edition is the result of extensive research with users of Speakout 2nd Edition from around the world. It builds on the tried-and-tested methodology of the series, but has been brought up to date with 100% new content, a revised syllabus based on the Global Scale of English and a fresh new look and feel. The enhanced digital environment offers even more flexibility for online and hybrid use, with all activities from the eBook and the Online Practice reporting to the gradebook. Learners can also benefit from innovative speech recognition technology for out-of-class speaking practice and feedback. A1 contains separate Sounds and Spelling lessons to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing, and from A2 there are integrated skills for employability including mediation lessons and future skills training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work. Speakout 3rd Edition is fully accessible on your computer, tablet and mobile phone so that you can enjoy the full functionality of the course wherever you are. Speakout 3rd Edition offers 100% new content, all-new video, and a fresh new look and feel, all underpinned by flexible components for in-class, online and hybrid use. Built on the Global Scale of English, providing clear objectives for every stage of a lesson All-new BBC video, including clips from popular TV programmes, street interviews, and vlogs for maximum exposure to authentic English as it is spoken around the world Innovative speech recognition for out-of-class speaking practice Enhanced pronunciation strand with recording feature Integrated skills for employability, including mediation lessons and ‘future skills’ training to help learners prepare for the changing world of work Mapped to external exams, including the Benchmark Test and Pearson English International Certificate The Student’s Book has eight units, each with four lessons, plus a Unit Opener and a Review section. Each unit contains: A unit opener featuring vlogs filmed by real people from around the world together with a mini task to engage learners with the topic of the unit, plus learner-friendly Global Scale of English Learning Objectives Two main input lessons (A and B), covering the four skills plus Grammar, Vocabulary and Pronunciation, all based on GSE learning objectives, and leading towards a final GSE-based skills output task A functional language or ‘How to ..’ lesson where learners learn and put into practice real-world language that will help them in everyday situations, such as order a meal in a restaurant, getting help in shops, and phoning for information; this lesson links to an interactive speaking practice activity for students to do outside the classroom and receive feedback, and also links to a standalone mediation lesson in the Mediation Bank A BBC video lesson with preview tasks to spark interest and set expectations, activities based on language points from the videos, and speaking and writing tasks based on the video themes; the video lessons alternate between a programme clip from the BBC archive and bespoke BBC street interviews A review section providing practice of the language from the unit plus listening and pairwork speaking activities to consolidate learners’ understanding Grammar Bank Vocabulary bank containing either a continuation of the lexical set presented in the lesson, or presenting a new set related to the lesson Mediation Bank (from A2) Sounds and Spelling lesson (A1 only) to help learners with sound recognition, pronunciation and writing Future Skills activities Online Practice gives practice of the material covered in the Students’ Book, including: Grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and functional language practice activities Reading, writing, listening, and speaking practice activities Benchmark Test task types Instant feedback and gradebook to help track progress Note: Online Practice provides the same activities as the print Workbook
Objev podobné jako Speakout A2 Student´s Book and eBook with Online Practice, 3rd Edition - Frances Eales, Steve Oakes
Compact Key for Schools Student´s Book without Answers with Online Practice - Emma Heyderman, Susan White
Fast, focused exam preparation - a 50 to 60 hour course for the A2 Key for Schools exam from 2020.Compact Key for Schools Student's Book offers intensive revision and practice to quickly maximise performance. You will consolidate language and skills for exam success through clear, concise training. Compact help you build confidence with its unique step-by-step approach and teaches essential exam strategies through user-friendly Exam tips. The exam-specific Grammar sections and Grammar reference deepen understanding of language structures, while the Speaking bank and Writing bank extend proficiency in productive skills. Online Practice accompanying each Student's Book offers additional practice in grammar and vocabulary. Downloadable Class Audio for listening activities is provided with the Teacher's Book.
Objev podobné jako Compact Key for Schools Student´s Book without Answers with Online Practice - Emma Heyderman, Susan White
English File Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig
Published 2019.English File Third Edition provides a comprehensive package of completely new lessons, and up to date texts. A proven balance of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and skills gives students the language they need and fresh lively lessons and engaging topics make classes enjoyable, and provide the motivation and opportunity to practice and improve.New file structure makes courses easier to prepare, teach and organizeA fine-fined syllabus provides confidence for teachers and studentsEngaging topics and texts bring the classroom to lifeVideo content films especially for English FileDigital learning and teaching toolsOnline and mobile audio and video content.Ke stažení:https://elt.oup.com/student/englishfile/elementary3/download?cc=cz&selLanguage=cs
Objev podobné jako English File Elementary Workbook with Answer Key (3rd) without CD-ROM - Christina Latham-Koenig
English File Fourth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig
The English File fourth edition Workbook reinforces what is learned in each English File lesson, and can be used as extra practice during class, or set as homework.
Objev podobné jako English File Fourth Edition Elementary Workbook with Answer Key - Clive Oxenden, Christina Latham-Koenig
New Close-up B2+ St´s Book with Online Practice and St´s eBook (24 month access)
New Close-up helps learners get closer to the world through dynamic photography, video and real-world stories from National Geographic. Relevant, global topics, paired with a comprehensive four-skills syllabus, promote the key language and life skills teenagers need to succeed in international exams, in the classroom, and in their future careers.
Objev podobné jako New Close-up B2+ St´s Book with Online Practice and St´s eBook (24 month access)
Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick
Ten units provide additional practice of material covered in the Students’ Book. The Workbook also includes: Additional grammar, vocabulary and functional language practice activities Additional reading, writing and listening practice activities An answer key at the back of the book allow learners to check their answers.
Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2 Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick
Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick
The right route for every learner. Roadmap is a new, eight-level general English course for adults that recognises every class is different, every learner is unique. Roadmap's rich content and flexible organisation allows teachers to personalise their lessons to give learners the specific language training they need to progress. Engaging and clearly-organised with an extensive range of support materials, Roadmap makes lessons easy to prepare and fun to teach.
Objev podobné jako Roadmap B2+ Upper-Intermediate Workbook with Online Audio with key - Lindsay Warwick
First Trainer Practice Tests with Answers with Online Audio, 2nd Edition - Peter May
Six full practice tests with tips and training for the 2015 revised Cambridge English: First (FCE). First Trainer Second edition offers six practice tests for the revised Cambridge English: First (FCE) exam combined with easy-to-follow guidance and exam tips. The first two tests are fully guided with advice on how to tackle each paper. Extra practice activities, informed by the Cambridge Learner Corpus, a bank of real candidates' exam papers, focus on areas where students typically need the most help. This version contains a full answer key. Audio for the listening and speaking test activities is available online for download. Audio CDs featuring the listening material are also available, separately.
Objev podobné jako First Trainer Practice Tests with Answers with Online Audio, 2nd Edition - Peter May
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