Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Library for the War-Wounded - Monika Helferová

The second volume in Monika Helfer's internationally bestselling wartime trilogy, based on the history of her own family. 'We called him Vati, Dad. Not Father, not Papa. That's what he wanted. He thought it sounded modern. He wanted to present himself to us, and through us, as a man in tune with the modern age. Though he seemed to come from nowhere.' Josef was an illegitimate child, a charity case from Salzburg, schooled by a benefactor. He was drafted to fight in the Second World War while still at school and sent to Russia, returning with only one leg. He married his nurse, and brought his family to the high, idyllic slopes of the Austrian Alps, where he took a position as manager of a home for injured soldiers, a strangely suspended, deeply isolated place with a remarkable library. He was a man of many mysteries. To his daughter, Monika, none was greater than his obsession with these cloistered, crumbling books, his great treasure and secret amidst a country barrelling away from the memory of war. Beautifully written, restrained, and memorable, Library for the War-Wounded turns a real life into great literature by confronting the universal question: Who are our parents, really?

Podívejte se také War: Deliver The Word - LP (0349784493)

cena 357.0 Kč

Pakáž - Monika Helferová

Proč Josef nikdy nepromluvil se svou dcerou? Uznávaná rakouská autorka Monika Helferová se v románovém zpracování vrací k vlastním kořenům a zkoumá detaily zásadních událostí, jež předcházely narození její matky, "spratka". Matčino početí provázely neurčité okolnosti, které způsobily, že ji otec absolutně ignoroval, nezajímal se o ni, nikdy v životě se na ni ani nepodíval. Autorka rekonstruuje osud prarodičů Josefa a krásné Marie na pozadí první světové války, kdy se svými dětmi živoří na venkově na okraji společnosti. Když je Josef odveden do armády, Maria a děti se stávají závislými na ochraně starosty. Do kraje přijíždí okouzlující cizinec Georg, který jednoho dne bez pozvání zaklepe na dveře "pakáže". Helferová si všímá morálních hodnot doby, jež různé postavy jejího vyprávění různě vnímaly a interpretovaly, a poukazuje na vliv minulosti na budoucnost každého člověka. Z vlastních vzpomínek a z vyprávění příbuzných skládá ztracený svět zapadlé horské vesnice na počátku 20. století a podmanivým jazykem poodhaluje jedno rodinné tajemství.

Podívejte se také Amouage The Library Collection Opus II EdP 100 ml Uni (4200038)

cena 266.0 Kč

Pakáž - Monika Helferová - e-kniha

eBook: Proč Josef nikdy nepromluvil se svou dcerou? Uznávaná rakouská autorka Monika Helferová se v románovém zpracování vrací k vlastním kořenům a zkoumá detaily zásadních událostí, jež předcházely narození její matky, „spratka“. Matčino početí provázely neurčité okolnosti, které způsobily, že ji otec absolutně ignoroval, nezajímal se o ni, nikdy v životě se na ni ani nepodíval. Autorka rekonstruuje osud prarodičů Josefa a krásné Marie na pozadí první světové války, kdy se svými dětmi živoří na venkově na okraji společnosti. Když je Josef odveden do armády, Maria a děti se stávají závislými na ochraně starosty. Do kraje přijíždí okouzlující cizinec Georg, který jednoho dne bez pozvání zaklepe na dveře „pakáže“.  Helferová si všímá morálních hodnot doby, jež různé postavy jejího vyprávění různě vnímaly a interpretovaly, a poukazuje na vliv minulosti na budoucnost každého člověka. Z vlastních vzpomínek a z vyprávění příbuzných skládá ztracený svět zapadlé horské vesnice na počátku 20. století a podmanivým jazykem poodhaluje jedno rodinné tajemství. Rakouská spisovatelka Monika Helferová (*1947) se narodila a žije ve Vorarlbersku. Je autorkou povídek, románů, divadelních textů a knížek pro děti, za něž obdržela mnoho literárních ocenění. Poslední z nich – Schubartovu literární cenu – získala v roce 2021 právě za román Pakáž. Titul se rovněž dlouho držel na předních příčkách prestižního žebříčku nejprodávanějších knih časopisu Der Spiegel.  Pakáž je prvním dílem volné trilogie, v níž autorka líčí osudy své rodiny. Následuje román Vati (Tatínek, 2021), který byl roku 2021 nominován do užšího výběru na Německou knižní cenu, a vzpomínkovou řadu uzavírá dílo s názvem Löwenherz (Lví srdce, 2022). Monika Helferová je provdaná za spisovatele Michaela Köhlmeiera, s nímž také literárně tvoří.

Podívejte se také Amouage The Library Collection Opus III EdP 100 ml Uni (4200039)

cena 197.0 Kč

What You Are Looking for is in the Library - Mičiko Aojama

What are you looking for? So asks Tokyo's most enigmatic librarian, Sayuri Komachi. But she is no ordinary librarian. Sensing exactly what someone is searching for in life, she provides just the book recommendation to help them find it. We meet five visitors to the library, each at a different crossroads: The restless retail assistant eager to pick up new skills The mother faced with a demotion at work after maternity leave The conscientious accountant who yearns to open an antique store The gifted young manga artist in search of motivation The recently retired salaryman on a quest for newfound purpose Can she help them find what they are looking for? Which book will you recommend?

Objev podobné jako What You Are Looking for is in the Library - Mičiko Aojama

cena 268.0 Kč

BOOM Library World War 2 Tanks (Digitální produkt)

Chcete komplexní, precizně zaznamenanou a upravenou, vysoce kvalitní knihovnu zvukových efektů vzácných tanků/panzerů ze 2. světové války?Knihovna zvukových efektů WORLD WAR 2 TANKS obsahuje obrovský arzenál zvuků tanků. Získáte 8 různých tanků, které budou super flexibilní ve vašem prostředí vojenského zvukového designu. Každý tank vám umožňuje manévry při jízdě a manévry na palubě. Zabudované, vícekanálové nahrávky (4x stereo) vám umožní perfektně namíchat zvuky dle vašeho přání.JÍZDA, MANIPULACE, STŘELBA – VŠEAle je toho víc. Kromě nahrávek jízdy a vícekanálových nahrávek jízdy přidaly některé zvuky ovládání a – ty si obzvlášť zamilujete – skvělý výběr neuvěřitelných výstřelů z děla.DOWNLOAD: https://www.boomlibrary.com/product-registration/ Arpeggiator: Ne Envelope: Ne Počet zvuků: 395.0 Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Hardwarové požadavky: 27,1 GB HD Vzorkovací frekvence: 96 kHz / 24 bit Systémové požadavky: Win (32-bit);Mac OSX 10.13 (64-bit) Typ: Samples Licence: Plná verze Podporované formáty: WAV Kompatibilní s: Všechny hlavní DAW Země původu: Německo

Objev podobné jako BOOM Library World War 2 Tanks (Digitální produkt)

cena 7459.0 Kč

The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Him kolínská voda pro muže 30 ml

The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Him, 30 ml, Kolínské vody pro muže, Zavřete oči a představte si rozbouřené moře, vlny narážející do skalnatého útesu a silný přímořský vítr. Tak voní pánská kolínská voda The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Him , jež v sobě skrývá svěžest a nespoutanou divokost. chypre vůně pro dynamické vůdčí osobnosti jedinečná vůně pro speciální příležitosti vznikla také dámská verze této vůně

Objev podobné jako The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Him kolínská voda pro muže 30 ml

cena 505.0 Kč

The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Her kolínská voda pro ženy 30 ml

The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Her, 30 ml, Kolínské vody pro ženy, Novou závislost, které se nebudete chtít vzdát, představuje kolínská voda pro ženy The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Her . Okouzlí vás hned při prvním přivonění a každý další den vás bude přesvědčovat, že si své místo na vašem toaletním stolku rozhodně zaslouží. chypre vůně pro nespoutané ženy, které se nebojí jít proti proudu jedinečná vůně pro speciální příležitosti vznikla také pánská verze této vůně

Objev podobné jako The Library of Fragrance Zombie for Her kolínská voda pro ženy 30 ml

cena 423.0 Kč

BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms Designed (Digitální produkt)

S 25 nejznámějšími střelnými zbraněmi z druhé světové války, jako jsou MG42 a M1 Garand, je tato knihovna prezentována v úžasně ostrých detailech a charakteru. S balíčkem Designed Pack zašli BOOM ještě dále ve vytváření dokonalých zvuků připravených k použití.Navržené zvuky jsou vždy vytvořeny s ohledem na skutečné použití drag-and-drop. Díky navržené mechanice zbraně, která doplňuje zvukový profil výstřelu, si můžete být jisti, že tyto zvuky lze přidat tam, kde je potřebujete, bez jakékoli další potřeby revize. V kombinaci s Construction Kit pro přidání jakéhokoli charakteru nebo efektů navíc jde o skutečně výkonný soubor nástrojů se zvuky zbraní. Vzorkovací frekvence: 24 bit;96 kHz Počet zvuků: 1030.0 Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Varianta: Designed Podporované formáty: WAV

Objev podobné jako BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms Designed (Digitální produkt)

cena 3262.0 Kč

BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms Bundle (Digitální produkt)

Posuňte své hry a filmy s tématikou druhé světové války na vyšší úroveň s touto dosud největší knihovnou střelných zbraní z druhé světové války. Nahráno v mimořádně vysoké kvalitě s nejmodernějšími technikami obsahuje zbraně ze všech stran nechvalně známého konfliktu. Tento balíček obsahuje 25 známých střelných zbraní z druhé světové války, od první útočné pušky až po pistole s stále používaným designem a obsahuje nejdůležitější zbraně z období druhé světové války. S výstřely i mechanickými zvuky je naprostou nezbytností pro jakýkoli zvukový design pro filmy a interaktivní média zaměřená na boj v polovině 20. století. Kompatibilita: Windows;Mac OS Podporované formáty: WAV Vzorkovací frekvence: 24 bit;96 kHz Počet zvuků: 9178.0 Varianta: Bundle

Objev podobné jako BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms Bundle (Digitální produkt)

cena 6199.0 Kč

BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms CK (Digitální produkt)

Toto byly zbraně, které definovaly bitvy, ve kterých se zúčastnili. Vysoce kvalitní zvuky tohoto stupně a kalibru jsou naprostou nezbytností pro zvukový design ve hře, filmu nebo podcastu, který se zabývá tématem druhé světové války a bude fungovat s čímkoli, co se týká zbraní – zločin, sport, válka atp. Zahrnuto je 10 různých výstřelů pro každou zbraň a v závislosti na zbrani, BOOM zaznamenali i jednu střelu, dávku a plně automatickou střelbu. To umožňuje maximální všestrannost pro rychlé pracovní postupy.Zahrnuty byly nejen zvuky střelby, ale také všechny mechanické zvuky. Zaznamenáno bylo vše od přebíjení/výměny zásobníků, snímačů až po natahování kohoutku a suchou palbu. Podporované formáty: WAV Varianta: Construction Kit Počet zvuků: 8148.0 Kompatibilita: Mac OS;Windows Vzorkovací frekvence: 96 kHz;24 bit

Objev podobné jako BOOM Library Boom World War II Firearms CK (Digitální produkt)

cena 4787.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells

With an Introduction and Notes by Dr Andrew Frayn, Lecturer in Twentieth-Century Literature and Culture at Edinburgh Napier University.In these two compelling novels H.G. Wells imagines terrifying futures in which civilisation itself is threatened.The narrator of The War of the Worlds is quick to discover that what appeared to be a falling star was, in fact, a metallic cylinder landing from Mars. Six million people begin to flee London in panic as tentacled invaders emerge and overpower the city. With their heat-ray, killing machines, black gas, and a taste for fresh human blood, is there anything that can be done to stop the Martians?In The War in the Air, naive but resourceful Bert Smallways is thrilled by speed and fascinated by the new flying machines. His curiosity sweeps him away by accident into a German plan to conquer America, beginning with the destruction of New York. The ease of movement in aerial warfare means that nothing and nobody is safe as Total War erupts, civilisation crumbles, and Bert's hopes of getting back to London to marry his love seem impossibly distant.

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds and The War in the Air - Herbert George Wells

cena 107.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds (1847496466)

Kniha - autor H. G. Wells, 192 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor H. G. Wells, 192 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná When an army of invading Martians lands in England, panic and terror seize the population. As the aliens traverse the country in huge three-legged machines, incinerating all in their path with a heat ray and spreading noxious toxic gases, the people of the Earth must come to terms with the prospect of the end of human civilization and the beginning of Martian rule. Inspiring films, radio dramas, comic-book adaptations, television series and sequels, The War of the Worlds is a prototypical work of science fiction which has influenced every alien story that has come since, and is unsurpassed in its ability to thrill, well over a century since it was first published.

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds (1847496466)

cena 209.0 Kč

Oxford AQA History for GCSE: Conflict and Tension: The Inter-War Years 1918-1939 - Aaron Wilkes, Ellen Longley

Please note this title is suitable for any student studying:Exam Board: AQALevel/Subject: GCSE HistoryFirst teaching: 2016First exams: June 2018This Student Book has been approved by AQA. Conflict and Tension 1918-1939 is part of a brand new series written specially to match the new 2016 AQA GCSE History specification, and is developed by an expert team led by an experienced head of history and an author with senior examining experience. This Conflict and Tension Wider World Depth Study focuses on the causes of the Second World War, and seeks to show how and why conflict occurred, and why it proved difficult to resolve the issues which caused it. Students will study the complex interests of different states, the role of key individuals and groups in shaping change, and how they were affected by and influenced international relations. Carefully selected Sources allow students the opportunity to analyse and evaluate primary sources in context. Practice Questions and Study Tips help students prepare for the new AQA exam questions, and features such as Extension, Over to you, and How to provide step-by-step explanations of how to put into practice essential history skills such as analysing a source, cartoon or essay writing.

Objev podobné jako Oxford AQA History for GCSE: Conflict and Tension: The Inter-War Years 1918-1939 - Aaron Wilkes, Ellen Longley

cena 532.0 Kč

After the War - Tom Palmer

Master storyteller Tom Palmer returns with a deeply moving and beautifully told novel of friendship and belonging, inspired by the incredible true story of the Windermere Boys."The best children’s fiction book I’ve yet read about the Holocaust" – Tim Robertson, CEO Anne Frank TrustSummer 1945. The Second World War is finally over and Yossi, Leo and Mordecai are among three hundred children who arrive in the English Lake District. Having survived the horrors of the Nazi concentration camps, they''ve finally reached a place of safety and peace, where they can hopefully begin to recover.But Yossi is haunted by thoughts of his missing father and disturbed by terrible nightmares. As he waits desperately for news from home, he fears that Mordecai and Leo – the closest thing to family he has left – will move on without him. Will life by the beautiful Lake Windermere be enough to bring hope back into all their lives?

Objev podobné jako After the War - Tom Palmer

cena 236.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells

Part of Penguin''s beautiful hardback Clothbound Classics series, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith, these delectable and collectible editions are bound in high-quality, colourful, tactile cloth with foil stamped into the design. From the planet of war they came to conquer the Earth ...The night after a shooting star is seen streaking across the sky, a cylinder is discovered on Horsell Common. Fascinated and exhilarated, the local people approach the mysterious object armed with nothing more than a white flag. But when gruesome alien creatures emerge armed with all-destroying heat-rays, their rashness turns rapidly to fear. As the rays blaze towards them, it soon becomes clear they have no choice but to flee - or die.The forces of the Earth, however, may prove harder to beat than they at first appear ...

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells

cena 447.0 Kč

The War on the West - Douglas Murray

In The War on the West, international bestselling author Douglas Murray asks: if the history of humankind is one of slavery, conquest, prejudice, genocide and exploitation, why are only Western nations taking the blame for it?It's become perfectly acceptable to celebrate the contributions of non-Western cultures, but discussing their flaws and crimes is called hate speech. What's more it has become acceptable to discuss the flaws and crimes of Western culture, but celebrating their contributions is also called hate speech. Some of this is a much-needed reckoning; however, some is part of a larger international attack on reason, democracy, science, progress and the citizens of the West by dishonest scholars, hatemongers, hostile nations and human-rights abusers hoping to distract from their ongoing villainy.In The War on the West, Douglas Murray shows the ways in which many well-meaning people have been lured into polarisation by lies, and shows how far the world's most crucial political debates have been hijacked across Europe and America. Propelled by an incisive deconstruction of inconsistent arguments and hypocritical activism, The War on the West is an essential and urgent polemic that cements Murray's status as one of the world's foremost political writers.

Objev podobné jako The War on the West - Douglas Murray

cena 325.0 Kč

The Armchair General World War One: Can You Win The Great War? - John Buckley

'The Armchair General team has done it again. An absorbing read for Christmas.'Peter Caddick-Adams'Brilliant and immersive.'Harry SidebottomThe second book in the Armchair General series, where YOU choose the fate of the First World War________________________________HISTORY IS WRITTEN BY THE VICTORS. WILL IT BE YOU?TAKE THE HOTSEATAssume the role of real historic decision-makers: general, leaders, soldiers and intelligence officers of the Allied Forces during World War I.EXAMINE THE INTELLIGENCEExplore eight key moments from the First World War, using real contemporaneous intelligence: including the July Crisis, the Battle of the Somme, and the Russian Revolution.CONSIDER THE SCENARIO & MAKE YOUR DECISIONFrom battlefields to the Royal Courts, each tactical and strategic decision you make leads to a different outcome.Will you follow the path of the past - or shape a new history...?________________________________PRAISE FOR THE ARMCHAIR GENERAL SERIES'An original and exciting approach...The Armchair General adds enormously to our understanding of the conflicts' JAMES HOLLAND'A reminder that history is a never ending now, a relentless and endless present that comes without the luxury of hindsight' AL MURRAY'Wonderfully original...putting readers at the heart of the decision-making process and allowing them, literally, to change the course of history. This is counterfactual history at its very best' SAUL DAVID

Objev podobné jako The Armchair General World War One: Can You Win The Great War? - John Buckley

cena 447.0 Kč

The Invisible Library (1447256239)

Kniha - autor Genevieve Cogman, 328 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Irene is a professional spy for the mysterious Library, which harvests fiction from different realities. And along with her enigmatic assistant Kai, she's posted to an alternative London. Their mission - to retrieve a dangerous book. But when they arrive, it's already been stolen. London's underground factions seem prepared to fight to the very death to find her book.

Objev podobné jako The Invisible Library (1447256239)

cena 259.0 Kč

The Midnight Library (1786892731)

Kniha - autor Matt Haig, 336 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

Objev podobné jako The Midnight Library (1786892731)

cena 279.0 Kč

Theatre of War 2 - Battle for Caen (195511)

Herní doplněk / DLC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: Strategie, pro uplatnění je vyžadována základní hra Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen je datadisk pro oceňovanou hru Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943, který se soustředí na jedno z nejznámějších tažení 2. světové války. Hráč se ujme velení britské 11. obrněné divize během operace Epsom a Goodwood, které probíhaly v období od 26. června do 19. července 1944. Bude se muset ovšem připravit na odpor, jenž mu budou klást síly 2., 21. a 1. oddílu SS a 12. oddílu tankového oddílu SS, které rozhodně nehodlají dát svou kůži lacino. Tato fotografie je vypnuta z colorboxu a nebude se v něm tedy zobrazovat. Theatre of War 2: Battle for Caen je datadisk pro oceňovanou hru Theatre of War 2: Kursk 1943, který se...

Objev podobné jako Theatre of War 2 - Battle for Caen (195511)

cena 49.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

When a cylinder from Mars lands not far from London, crowds of people arrive. Curiosity turns to terror as Martians appear. Their technology is far more advanced than humans and their heat-ray weapon kills instantly. One man, looking for his wife, understands that this invasion could mean the end of human civilisation and the beginning of Martian rule. Dossiers:H. G. Wells; The Planet Mars; Orson Welles radio dramatisation of The War of the Worlds; Cinema: The War of the Worlds

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

cena 218.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

Shooting stars tear across the night sky, then a gigantic artificial cylinder descends from Mars to land near London. Inquisitive locals gather round, only to be struck down by a murderous Heat-Ray. Giant destructive machines disgorge from the cylinder, destroying everything in their path on a merciless march towards the capital. Can humanity survive this Martian onslaught? A gripping adventure written in semi-documentary style, The War of the Worlds by H. G. Wells is the seminal man versus machine adventure which has inspired countless science fiction stories and novels. This Macmillan Collector's Library edition of The War of the Worlds contains an introduction by author James P. Blaylock.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

cena 299.0 Kč

The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

The night after a shooting star is seen streaking through the sky from Mars, a cylinder is discovered on Horsell Common in London. At first, naive locals approach the cylinder armed just with a white flag only to be quickly killed by an all-destroying heat-ray, as terrifying tentacled invaders emerge.

Objev podobné jako The War of the Worlds - Herbert George Wells

cena 321.0 Kč

The Body in the Library - Agatha Christie

A young woman found murderedA scandal in the makingWhen Mrs Bantry wakes to find a body in her library, there's only one woman to call: her good friend Jane Marple.But she hasn't called her old friend for comfort.The body in her library has been murdered and Miss Marple is so very good at solving murders.Her investigations uncover a scandal far darker than either of them could have imagined, and this time she may be out of her depth.Never underestimate Miss Marple

Objev podobné jako The Body in the Library - Agatha Christie

cena 357.0 Kč

The Dragon In The Library - Louie Stowell

But when she's dragged along to the library one day by her two best friends, she makes an incredible discovery - and soon it's up to Kit and her friends to save the library ...

Objev podobné jako The Dragon In The Library - Louie Stowell

cena 236.0 Kč

War: Give Me Five! The War Albums (1971-1975) (RSD) (Coloured) (5x LP) - LP (0349784499)

LP vinyl - Exkluzivní box barevných vinylů je oslavou padesátého výročí. Jedná se o alba skupiny vydaná v letech 1971-1975 po odchodu zakládajícího člena a hlavního vokalisty Erica Burdona. Exkluzivní box barevných vinylů je oslavou padesátého výročí. Jedná se o alba skupiny vydaná v letech 1971-1975 po odchodu zakládajícího člena a hlavního vokalisty Erica Burdona. War (původně Eric Burdon and War) je americká funk-rocková kapela z Long Beach v Kalifornii, známá několika hitovými písněmi, včetně Spill the Wine, The World Is a Ghetto, The Cisco Kid, Low Rider a Summer). Jejich album The World Is a Ghetto bylo nejprodávanějším albem Billboard Chart roku 1973. Rok vydání : 2021 Seznam stop LP1 - War (1971) Sun Oh Son / Lonely Feelin' / Back Home / War Drums / Vibeka / Fidel's Fantasy LP2 - All Day Music (1971) All Day Music / Get Down / That's What Love Will Do / There Must Be A Reason / Nappy Head (Theme From „Ghetto Man”) /...

Objev podobné jako War: Give Me Five! The War Albums (1971-1975) (RSD) (Coloured) (5x LP) - LP (0349784499)

cena 2489.0 Kč

Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel

Less than a month after it marched into France in summer 1870, the Prussian army had devastated its opponents, captured Napoleon III and wrecked all assumptions about Europe's pecking order. Other countries looked on in helpless amazement. Pushing aside further French resistance, a new German Empire was proclaimed (as a deliberate humiliation) in the Palace of Versailles, leaving the French to face civil war in Paris, reparations and the loss of Alsace and Lorraine.Bismarck's War tells the story of one of the most shocking reversals of fortune in modern European history. The culmination of a globally violent decade, the Franco-Prussian War was deliberately engineered by Bismarck, both to destroy French power and to unite Germany. It could not have worked better, but it also had lurking inside it the poisonous seeds of all the disasters that would ravage the twentieth century.Drawing on a remarkable variety of sources, Chrastil's book explores the military, technological, political and social events of the war, its human cost and the way that the sheer ferocity of war, however successful, has profound consequences for both victors and victims.

Objev podobné jako Bismarck´s War: The Franco-Prussian War and the Making of Modern Europe - Chrastil Rachel

cena 357.0 Kč

The Tomorrow War (4471)

Hra na PC - elektronická licence, klíč pro Steam, žánr: akční a simulátor, Vesmírný simulátor z 27. století inspirovaný trilogií novel známého ruského autora Alexandera Zoricha. The Tomorrow War nás s absolventy vojenské vesmírné akademie zavádí do intergalaktické války dvou mocných říší United Earth Empire a Konkordie.VypnutoThe Tomorrow WarVesmírný simulátor z 27. století inspirovaný trilogií novel známého ruského autora Alexandera Zoricha. The Tomorrow War nás s absolventy vojenské vesmírné akademie zavádí do intergalaktické války dvou mocných říší United Earth Empire a...

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cena 69.0 Kč

The Dogs Of War

An astonishing discovery is made in the remote African republic of Zangaro, one which could change the course of a nation's history forever. But such a discovery cannot be kept secret for long and Sir James Manson will stop at nothing to protect this find. A ruthless and bloody-minded tycoon, Manson immediately hires an army of mercenaries and with this deadly crew behind him he sets out to topple the government and replace its dictator with a puppet president. But news of the discovery has reached Russia - and suddenly Manson finds he no longer makes the rules in this power game. A game in which win or lose means life or death.

Objev podobné jako The Dogs Of War

cena 129.0 Kč

Sword of the War God - Tim Hodkinson

THE EPIC HISTORICAL NOVEL OF THE YEAR - READERS LOVE SWORD OF THE WAR GOD!''Tim Hodkinson has created a fascinating and undeniably epic tale... Highly recommended!'' Theodore Brun''A relentless tale from start to finish that will leave you breathless for more.'' Richard CullenFeaturing breathtaking battles, fearsome foes, and vehement vows of vengeance, SWORD OF THE WAR GOD is a thrilling adventure set amongst the blood and tumult of fifth-century Europe, where the dying Roman Empire, the mighty Huns, and heroes from Norse mythology vie for power. In a world of war and ruin, men and gods collide.436 AD. The Burgundars are confident of destroying Rome''s legions, for the Empire is weak. Their forces are strong and they have beaten the Romans in battle before. But they are annihilated, their king killed, his people scattered. Their fabled treasure is lost. For Rome has new allies: the Huns, whose taste for bloodshed knows no bounds. Many years later, the Huns, led by the fearsome Attila, have become the deadliest enemies of Rome. Attila seeks the Burgundars'' treasure, for it includes the legendary Sword of the War God, said to make the bearer unbeatable.No alliance can defeat Attila by conventional means. With Rome desperate for help, a one-eyed old warlord from distant lands and his strange band of warriors may have the answers... but oaths will be broken and the plains of Europe will run with blood before the end.Drawing on Norse mythology and European history, Sword of the War God is an epic historical adventure perfect for fans of Bernard Cornwell, Joanne Harris, Neil Gaiman and Christian Cameron.Goodreads Reviewers on SWORD OF THE WAR GOD''Definitely delivers on its promise – it truly is an epic historical adventure that takes you on a blisteringly fast page-turning journey through bloodshed, vengeance, betrayal, and epic battles until the epic end.''''A thrilling historical that draws on real history and legends.''''There is so much to enjoy in the way Hodkinson re-imagines these many core myths of Europe.''''This is epic storytelling in every sense.''''A bold re-imagining of an enduring epic.''''Bernard Cornwell had better up his game.''''An exhilarating journey through the tumultuous landscape of fifth-century Europe, where empires clash and legends come to life.''''A spectacular and epic tale that spans thousands of miles and encompasses many cultures.''''A lot of people will really enjoy this book!''''A must-read!''Reviews for Tim Hodkinson''A superb author of dark age fiction.'' Simon Turney''Will appeal to fans of Bernard Cornwell, George R. R. Martin, and especially Theodore Brun.'' Historical Novel Society''An excellently written page-turner.'' Historical Writers Association

Objev podobné jako Sword of the War God - Tim Hodkinson

cena 325.0 Kč

Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: Indian History of the American West (0099526409)

Kniha - autor Dee Brown, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Subtitled, "An Indian History Of The American West". The heart-breaking and bestselling classic history, first published in 1970.

Objev podobné jako Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee: Indian History of the American West (0099526409)

cena 315.0 Kč

Blackwater IV: The War: The Blackwater Saga - Michael McDowell

Discover the gothic horror phenomenon that is sweeping across Europe, with over 2 million copies sold'RIVETING, TERRIFYING...JUST ABSOLUTELY GREAT' STEPHEN KINGA new era has begun for the Caskey family. Elinor’s relentless determination and the years of struggle are finally beginning to bear fruit: old hostilities have faded and the town is ripe for change. The conflict in Europe has brought new blood to Perdido, men arriving from far afield wanting to ingratiate themselves with the powerful family.But tangling with the Caskeys comes at a cost, and soon they must ask themselves how close is too close…

Objev podobné jako Blackwater IV: The War: The Blackwater Saga - Michael McDowell

cena 268.0 Kč

The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

eBook: For those interested in a more philosphical aspect of war, \'The Meaning of the War\' by Henri Bergson is a short non-fiction work that explores \'Life & Matter in Conflict\', as the subtitle of the book tells us. A renowned French philosopher, Bergson delves into the history and politics of war, specifically examining Germany during World War I. This book criticizes the ideology that might is right. A policy that has been fatal for regions that neighbour Germany.To further get insight into the philosophical aspect of war, Sigmund Freud\'s essay ´Reflections on War and Death´ provides a great perspective on the modern mental state of people during WWI.

Objev podobné jako The Meaning of the War - Henri Bergson - e-kniha

cena 138.0 Kč

The Hogwarts Library Boxset (1526620308)

Kniha - 432 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná

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cena 464.0 Kč

The Memory Library - Kate Storey

‘A gorgeous story full of emotion and a very special library.’ – Evie Woods, bestselling author of The Lost BookshopSome stories stay with us forever…For forty-two years, Sally Harrison has been building a library.Each year, on her daughter’s birthday, she adds a new book to her shelves – with a note in the front dedicated to her own greatest work.But Ella – Sally’s only child – fled to Australia twenty-one years ago after a heated exchange, and never looked back. And though Sally still dutifully adds a new paperback to the shelves every time the clock strikes midnight on July 11th, her hopes of her daughter ever thumbing through the pages are starting to dwindle.Then disaster strikes and Ella is forced to return to the home she once knew.She is soon to discover that when one chapter ends, another will soon follow.All you have to do is turn the page…Journey through the pages of this heartwarming novel, where hope, friendship and second chances are written in the margins. Perfect for book lovers everywhere and fans of Sally Page’s The Keeper of Stories.Praise for The Memory Library:''An absolute joy to read. Uplifting, beautiful, and perfect for any book lovers!'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐''The Memory Library delivers on its promise of hope, friendship and second chances. It''s a love letter to the written word.'' Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A powerful and poignant story. There were tears shed.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘I laughed out loud and had more than one glassy eye!’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘A real treasure for booklovers everywhere who completely appreciate the joy, knowledge and healing that books can bring.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘There’s page after page of wonderful wisdom in this novel.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘Filled with tender moments of sharing, tears, forgiveness, revelation and healing.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐‘What a beautiful, moving story this was! It really had me sobbing my eyes out.’ Reader review, ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Objev podobné jako The Memory Library - Kate Storey

cena 295.0 Kč

The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé

An extraordinary historical debut for any reader who loves gothic mysteries like Rebecca and Fingersmith, and fiction which shines a light on untold stories.''Intriguingly and superbly plotted . . . Shenjé weaves race, identity, feminism, sexuality and class into a beguiling mystery'' WOMAN & HOMEThe library is under lock and key. But its secrets can''t be contained.After he brought her home from Jamaica as a baby, Florence''s father had her hair hot-combed to make her look like the other girls. But as a young woman, Florence is not so easy to tame - and when she brings scandal to his door, the bookbinder throws her onto the streets of Manchester. Intercepting her father''s latest commission, Florence talks her way into the remote, forbidding Rose Hall to restore its collection of rare books. Lord Francis Belfield''s library is old and full of secrets - but none so intriguing as the whispers about his late wife. Then one night, the library is broken into. Strangely, all the priceless tomes remain untouched. Florence is puzzled, until she discovers a half-burned book in the fireplace. She realises with horror that someone has found and set fire to the secret diary of Lord Belfield''s wife - which may hold the clue to her fate . . .''A tantalising read that swells with secrecy and intrigue. It''s hard to believe that Kuchenga Shenjé writes of the past, and not of the present. A beautifully and skilfully written debut'' CANDICE CARTY-WILLIAMS, author of Queenie''This debut gut-wrenchingly conveys a unique historical perspective on race, gender, and sexuality . . . Fans of Sarah Waters and Bridget Collins might have in Shenjé a new author to add to their TBR lists''LIBRARY JOURNAL''Powerful, gorgeously absorbing and wholly original''JOANNE BURN, author of The Hemlock Cure''Threads in themes of identity, sexuality and a woman''s impossible choices into an intricate web of mysteries that would not let me go''CARI THOMAS, author of Threadneedle''I was swept up with the mystery. A beautifully crafted story full of nuanced characters, gothic undertones and plenty of heart''STACEY THOMAS, author of The Revels''Atmospheric and compelling. Victorian gothic with a fresh twist''FREYA BERRY, author of The Birdcage Library

Objev podobné jako The Library Thief - Kuchenga Shenjé

cena 502.0 Kč

The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry

A diary hidden. A crime buried. A secret to be freed...'A delicious page-turning mystery within a mystery' LIZ HYDER'A twisty treasure hunt of a novel... Utterly beguiling' LIZZIE POOK'It glistens with a hint of the danger that lurks within' CHARLOTTE PHILBY'Claustrophobic and clever' JANE SHEMILT_________Dear Reader, the man I love is trying to kill me... 1932.Emily Blackwood, a young adventuress and plant hunter, travels north for a curious new commission. A gentleman has written to request she catalogue his vast collection of taxidermied creatures before sale. On arrival, Emily finds a ruined castle, its owner haunted by the memory of a woman who disappeared five decades before.And when she discovers the ripped pages of an old diary, crammed into the walls, she realises a dark secret lies here, waiting to entrap her too... 'Beautiful writing, thrilling plot and a literary treasure hunt - all my favourite things' ANNA MAZZOLA'Outstanding. Lovers of crime, mystery and intrigue should order this immediately' HARPER'S BAZAAR'Wonderfully gothic and immersive' NEW EUROPEAN'An atmospheric read - add in a literary treasure hunt and this is irresistible' GOOD HOUSEKEEPING'Very clever.Keeps you glued until the final twist' WOMAN & HOME'Compulsive. A twisty, atmospheric tale of dark secrets and hidden clues' KATE HAMER'Gorgeous, atmospheric; an immersive page-turner to be swept up in' ELLERY LLOYD'Addictive. Beautifully atmospheric and darkly compelling, this tale of murder and obsession will keep you guessing until the final page' HEAT'A most intriguing detective story within the most gothic of atmospheres - a double shiver of pleasure' THE CHAP

Objev podobné jako The Birdcage Library - Freya Berry

cena 268.0 Kč

The Golden Library - Scott Mariani

Learn the secret – or die tryingHas ex-SAS soldier Ben Hope finally got out of his depth?That’s the question Ben faces when the hunt for a missing girl takes him to China. He’s a stranger in a strange land – but he’s also the victim’s only hope. To make things worse, she’s almost family.As the pressure mounts, so does the gruesome death toll. With ruthless enemies in pursuit and an unlikely alliance with an enigmatic detective his only lifeline, Ben realises that this situation is far more explosive than even he’d bargained for. Suddenly it’s no longer just the missing girl’s fate depending on him.At the heart of the mystery lies an ancient secret dating back to China’s first emperor and the legendary Terracotta Army – a secret that people will still kill for, millennia later. Ben Hope has never turned his back on those in need, and he’s no stranger to tough odds. But can he survive long enough to discover the truth – and is he ready for the consequences?

Objev podobné jako The Golden Library - Scott Mariani

cena 266.0 Kč

The Library Mouse - Frances Tosdevin

From dream duo, Frances Tosdevin and Sophia O''Connor (creators of The Bear and Her Book, and The Bear and Her Book: There''s More to See), we present a brand new picture book. Quill, the mouse, is a dreamer! He longs to write stories and share them with children in his beloved library. But getting his words noticed seems impossible for such a small creature. Can he and his spider friend, Leggsy, find a way to make his voice stand out from the crowd — or will Quill’s stories remain forever unheard?

Objev podobné jako The Library Mouse - Frances Tosdevin

cena 236.0 Kč

The Library Book - Susan Orlean

Selected by Reese Witherspoon to be the first 2019 title in Reese’s Book Club - Hello Sunshine After moving to Los Angeles, Susan Orlean became fascinated by a mysterious local crime that has gone unsolved since it was carried out on the morning of 29 April 1986: who set fire to the Los Angeles Public Library, ultimately destroying more than 400,000 books, and perhaps even more perplexing, why? With her characteristic humour, insight and compassion, Orlean uses this terrible event as a lens through which to tell the story of all libraries - their history, their meaning and their uncertain future as they adapt and redefine themselves in a digital world. Filled with heart, passion and extraordinary characters, The Library Book discusses the larger, crucial role that libraries play in our lives.

Objev podobné jako The Library Book - Susan Orlean

cena 447.0 Kč

The Art of War (1847497462)

Kniha - autor Sun Tzu, 96 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná The Art of War is an ancient Chinese military treatise attributed to Sun Tzu, a high-ranking military general, strategist and tactician. The text is composed of 13 chapters, each of which is devoted to one aspect of warfare. It is commonly known to be the definitive work on military strategy and tactics of its time. It has been the most famous and influential of China's Seven Military Classics, and "for the last two thousand years it remained the most important military treatise in Asia, where even the common people knew it by name." It has had an influence on Eastern and Western military thinking, business tactics, legal strategy and beyond.The book was first translated into the French language in 1772 by French Jesuit Jean Joseph Marie Amiot and a partial translation into English was attempted by British officer Everard Ferguson Calthrop in 1905. The first annotated English language...

Objev podobné jako The Art of War (1847497462)

cena 191.0 Kč

The Art of War (1509827951)

Kniha - autor Tzu Sun, 152 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá A fresh, contemporary translation of Sun Tzu's title for the 21st century, now in hardback.

Objev podobné jako The Art of War (1509827951)

cena 276.0 Kč

The Solar War - John French

Explore the final stages of the New York Times Bestselling Series The Horus Heresy in this fantastic miniseries, a must have for all fans!After seven years of bitter war, the end has come at last for the conflict known infamously as the Horus Heresy. Terra now lies within the Warmaster's sights, the Throneworld and the seat of his father's rule. Horus' desire is nothing less than the death of the Emperor of Mankind and the utter subjugation of the Imperium. He has become the ascendant vessel of Chaos, and amassed a terrible army with which to enact his will and vengeance. But the way to the Throne will be hard as the primarch Rogal Dorn, the Praetorian and protector of Terra, marshals the defences. First and foremost, Horus must challenge the might of the Sol System itself and the many fleets and bulwarks arrayed there. To gain even a foothold on Terran soil, he must first contend the Solar War. Thus the first stage of the greatest conflict in the history of all mankind begins.

Objev podobné jako The Solar War - John French

cena 223.0 Kč

The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

"For a full hour, he poured lemonade. The world is a thirsty place, he thought as he nearly emptied his fourth pitcher of the day." And I am the Lemonade King. Fourth-grader Evan Treski is people-smart. He s good at talking with people, even grownups. His younger sister, Jessie, on the other hand, is math-smart, but not especially good with people. So when the siblings lemonade stand war begins, there really is no telling who will win or even if their fight will ever end. Brimming with savvy marketing tips for making money at any business, definitions of business terms, charts, diagrams, and even math problems, this fresh, funny, emotionally charged novel subtly explores how arguments can escalate beyond anyone s intent. Awards: 2009 Rhode Island Children's Book Award, 2007 New York Public Library 100 Titles for Reading and Sharing, North Carolina Children s Book Award 2011, 2011 Nutmeg Award (Connecticut)

Objev podobné jako The Lemonade War - Jacqueline Davies

cena 239.0 Kč

The Second World War (1780225644)

Kniha - autor Antony Beevor, 994 stran, anglicky, Brožovaná bez přebalu matná - autor Antony Beevor, 994 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná A magisterial, single-volume history of the greatest conflict the world has ever known, by our foremost military historian. Beevor assembles the whole picture in a narrative that extends from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific and from snowbound steppe to the North African desert. A new paperback edition.

Objev podobné jako The Second World War (1780225644)

cena 411.0 Kč

The Art of War (0141023813)

Kniha - autor Sun Tzu, 100 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Offering ancient wisdom on how to use skill, cunning, tactics and discipline to outwit your opponent, this bestselling 2000-year-old military manual is still worshipped by soldiers on the battlefield and managers in the boardroom as the ultimate guide to winning.

Objev podobné jako The Art of War (0141023813)

cena 209.0 Kč

The Everything War - Dana Mattioli

'Riveting and explosive. This is the business story of our time.'Christopher Leonard, New York Times Bestselling Author of Kochland and The Lords of Easy Money---From veteran Amazon reporter for The Wall Street Journal, The Everything War is the first untold, devastating expose of Amazon's endless strategic greed, its pursuit of total domination, by any means necessary, and the growing efforts to stop it.For over twenty years, Amazon was the quintessential American success story, whilst its "customer obsession" approach made it indelibly attractive to consumers across the globe. But the company was not benevolent; it operated in ways that ensured it stayed on top, coming to dominate over a dozen industries beyond retail, growing voraciously by abusing data, exploiting partners, copying competitors, and avoiding taxes-leveraging its power to extract whatever it could, at any cost and without much scrutiny.Until now.With unparalleled access, and having interviewed hundreds of people - from Amazon executives to competitors to small businesses who rely on its marketplace to survive - Dana Mattioli exposes how Amazon was driven by a competitive edge to dominate every industry it entered, bulldozed all who stood in its way, reshaped the retail landscape, transformed how Wall Street evaluates companies, and altered the very nature of the global economy.In 2023, the Federal Trade Commission filed a monopoly lawsuit against Amazon in what may become one of the largest antitrust cases in the 21st century. As Amazon's supremacy is finally challenged, The Everything War is the definitive, inside story of how it grew into one of the most powerful and feared companies in the world - and why this is the most consequential business story of our times.

Objev podobné jako The Everything War - Dana Mattioli

cena 473.0 Kč

I Brought the War with Me - Lindsey Hilsum

''Remarkable: combines her exceptional experience as a war correspondent with selected poetry in an act of witness'' ANDREW MOTIONI was standing outside an apartment block that had been split apart by a missile. The words of a poem came to me when I could no longer find my own.In nearly four decades as a journalist covering conflict from Rwanda to Kosovo to Palestine, Channel 4 News International Editor Lindsey Hilsum has always carried a book of poetry. In Ukraine, she tweeted a poem a day, and people began to read, to share, to ask for more.Here, Lindsey collects her favourite poems from ancient times to modern, by writers from all around the world. Alongside each, she recalls a memory from her own work, whether interviewing the warlords of Bosnia, meeting child soldiers in Uganda or giving testimony in Rwanda. Her prose reveals comic absurdity and astonishing courage, meaning and its absence, unexpected moments of love and the untold consequences that come long after most cameras disperse. She explores the pity of war – and its fatal attraction.''Profound, revelatory, distressing and timely'' CAROL ANN DUFFY''Fantastic, beguiling and movingly profound'' WILLIAM BOYD''Brings us darkness and light in the most moving, magical way'' CHRISTINA LAMB

Objev podobné jako I Brought the War with Me - Lindsey Hilsum

cena 502.0 Kč

Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors (9781788705868)

Kniha - autor Tom Bower, 464 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá The British Royal Family believed that the dizzy success of the Sussex wedding, watched and celebrated around the world, was the beginning of a new era for the Windsors. Yet, within one tumultuous year, the dream became a nightmare. In the aftermath of the infamous Megxit split and the Oprah Winfrey interview, the Royal Family's fate seems persistently threatened. The public remains puzzled. Meghan's success has alternatively won praise, bewildered and outraged. Confused by the Sussexes' slick publicity, few understand the real Meghan Markle. What lies ahead for Meghan? And what has happened to the family she married into? Can the Windsors restore their reputation? With extensive research, expert sourcing and interviews from insiders who have never spoken before, Tom Bower, Britain's leading investigative biographer, unpicks the tangled web of courtroom drama, courtier politics and...

Objev podobné jako Revenge: Meghan, Harry and the war between the Windsors (9781788705868)

cena 489.0 Kč

World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks

It began with rumours from China about another pandemic. Then the cases started to multiply and what had looked like the stirrings of a criminal underclass, even the beginning of a revolution, soon revealed itself to be much, much worse. Faced with a future of mindless man-eating horror, humanity was forced to accept the logic of world government and face events that tested our sanity and our sense of reality. Based on extensive interviews with survivors and key players in the ten-year fight against the horde, World War Z brings the finest traditions of journalism to bear on what is surely the most incredible story in the history of human civilisation. Read the original cult novel that propelled the zombie genre into the mainstream - now a blockbuster film and game.

Objev podobné jako World War Z : An Oral History of the Zombie War - Max Brooks

cena 268.0 Kč

Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift Library Edition (1616555505)

Kniha - autor Gene Luen Yang, 240 stran, anglicky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Avatar Aang and friends honor an Air Nomad holiday that hasn't been celebrated in over one hundred years, but when cryptic visits from the spirit of Avatar Yangchen lead Aang to a refinery operating on land sacred to the Airbenders--they soon find themselves in peril as a dangerously powerful ancient spirit awakens with vengeance and destruction on its mind! This collection of The Rift Parts 1-3 features annotations by Eisner Award-winning writer Gene Luen Yang (American Born Chinese) and artists Gurihiru (Thor and the Warriors Four), with a brand-new sketchbook section!

Objev podobné jako Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Rift Library Edition (1616555505)

cena 863.0 Kč

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