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Letters to a Young Poet - Reiner Maria Rilke
Introducing Little Clothbound Classics: irresistible, mini editions of short stories, novellas and essays from the world's greatest writers, designed by the award-winning Coralie Bickford-Smith. Celebrating the range and diversity of Penguin Classics, they take us from snowy Japan to springtime Vienna, from haunted New England to a sun-drenched Mediterranean island, and from a game of chess on the ocean to a love story on the moon. Beautifully designed and printed, these collectible editions are bound in colourful, tactile cloth and stamped with foil. Over the course of six years, Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, suffering and the nature of advice itself; these profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for writers and artists of all kinds. This volume also contains the 'Letter from a Young Worker', a striking polemic against Christianity written too in letter form.
Podívejte se také Rainer Maria Rilke (978-80-7335-727-6)
Letters to a Young Poet - Reiner Maria Rilke
Rilke's powerfully touching letters to an aspiring young poet At the start of the twentieth century, Rainer Maria Rilke wrote a series of letters to a young officer cadet, advising him on writing, love, sex, suffering, and the nature of advice itself. These profound and lyrical letters have since become hugely influential for generations of writers and artists of all kinds, including Lady Gaga and Patti Smith. With honesty, elegance, and a deep understanding of the loneliness that often comes with being an artist, Rilke's letters are an endless source of inspiration and comfort. Lewis Hyde's new introduction explores the context in which these letters were written and how the author embraced his isolation as a creative force. This edition also includes Rilke's later work The Letter from the Young Worker .
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Letters to a Young Poet - Reiner Maria Rilke
''What matters is to live everything. Live the questions for now.''A hugely influential collection for writers and artists of all kinds, Rilke''s profound and lyrical letters to a young friend advise on writing, love, sex, suffering and the nature of advice itself.One of 46 new books in the bestselling Little Black Classics series, to celebrate the first ever Penguin Classic in 1946. Each book gives readers a taste of the Classics'' huge range and diversity, with works from around the world and across the centuries - including fables, decadence, heartbreak, tall tales, satire, ghosts, battles and elephants.
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Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
Hailed as the greatest modern lyrical poet of Germany, Rainer Maria Rilke's genius lies in his passion for perfection, artistic integrity and `willingness to remain a perpetual beginner'. The verse contained in this selection ranges from the objective, naturalistic descriptions of his earliest works to the increasingly effusive outpourings of half-religious ecstasy and anguish that characterize his later poems and culminates in the overwhelmingly personal vision of the famous `Duino Elegies' and `The Sonnets to Orpheus', in which his most intense experiences of living and being find their noblest expression.
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Duino Elegies - Reiner Maria Rilke
The captivating original English translation of Rilke's landmark poetry cycle, by Vita and Edward Sackville-West
Objev podobné jako Duino Elegies - Reiner Maria Rilke
Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
For poetry lovers and students of literature and literary criticism, a National Book Award-winning poet brings his prowess as a translator and critic to bear on the work of one of the major German poets of the century.
Objev podobné jako Selected Poems - Reiner Maria Rilke
Zápisky Malta Lauridse Brigga - Reiner Maria Rilke
Zápisky Malta Lauridse Brigga lze označit za "dějiny duše". Jediný román velikého básníka patří k nejvlivnějším a nejtrvalejším světovým beletristickým dílům. Vystavěn je na estetice smyslů - události a okamžiky jsou prožívány jako vizuální, akustické, hmatové a čichové vjemy, které probouzejí hluboko uložené zážitky a dávají vzniknout novým myšlenkám. Román se vyznačuje zvláštní směsicí poetiky a prozaičnosti, je to tichá, snovým dojmem působící próza s nezapomenutelnými scénami, které jsou podávány v přesných, analytických popisech, jindy v intenzivních lyrických líčeních. Je to próza, která zasahuje čtenáře podobně náhlými odhaleními a vědomím existence nadpřirozeného jako Rilkova poezie. Rilkův jazyk je v pravém smyslu krásný. Překlad dokonale zprostředkovává znepokojivou krásu originálu, tlumočí do češtiny nejenom význam, ale i perleťový odlesk určitých pasáží, soumračné vyzařování Rilkových slov, a především melodii: teskný valčíkový rytmus vět, jenž se někdy ozývá z hloubky, jindy pulzuje zřetelně při samém povrchu. Maltova křehká, vlastně zhýčkaná duše často myslí na smrt a na duchy své aristokratické rodiny, jejímž je Malte jediným žijícím potomkem. Pomyšlení na vlastní útrapy mu však pomáhá zahánět soucit se zavrženými a trpícími, jimž aktivně pomáhá, a tak se váha smrti a života postupně přechyluje ve prospěch života. Rilke je evropský básník z Prahy, jeho Zápisky jsou skutečnou evropskou knihou, pro niž neexistují hranice mezi státy. Malte, jenž v mládí osiřel a žije v Paříži bez peněz, pochází z dánské šlechtické rodiny, do příběhu však vstupují i události z ruského kulturního okruhu. Genius loci hlavního dějiště - Paříže podněcuje génia autorova a je též kulisou tvořící pozadí Maltova příběhu. Po Rilkově smrti vznikl mýtus, že zemřel, když na své zahradě nastříhal růže, kterými chtěl ohromit krásnou ženu. Píchl se do ruky o trn, rána se zanítila a on nakonec na následky zranění zemřel. Historka sice není pravdivá, ale ukazuje, že stejně jako Malte i jeho stvořitel žil a zemřel jako básník: s poetickým viděním světa a s tvůrčí nepoddajností. Pojďme tedy a začtěme se do Rilkova příběhu…
Objev podobné jako Zápisky Malta Lauridse Brigga - Reiner Maria Rilke
The Book of Hours - Reiner Maria Rilke
Long hailed as a masterwork of modern German literature, The Book of Hours (1905) marks the origin of Rainer Maria Rilke’s distinctive voice and vision—where clarity of diction meets unexpected imagery, where first-person poetry discovers its full lyric possibility. In these audacious poems, a devout but intimately candid speaker addresses an ultimately unknowable deity. “What will you do, God, when I die?” Rilke’s speaker asks, passing through love, fear, guilt, anger, bewilderment, loneliness, tenderness and exaltation in his search for meaning.In this dual-language edition, Edward Snow, “the most trustworthy and exhilarating of Rilke’s contemporary translators” (Michael Dirda, The Washington Post), makes Rilke’s achievement accessible as never before in English. Snow combines striking fidelity to the German text with an uncanny ability to convey not just its tones and cadences but the captivating psychological presence that animates Rilke’s best poems. Mystical and moving, The Book of Hours retains its power to astonish.
Objev podobné jako The Book of Hours - Reiner Maria Rilke
A já v plamenech - Reiner Maria Rilke - e-kniha
eBook: Výbor byl pořízen ze sbírky Buch der Bilder (1902), česky Kniha obrazů, a básníkovy pozůstalosti, tematicky pak s úzkým zaměřením na fenomén smrti i její esteticko-emotivní básnické vyjádření. Kvalitní překlad je doplněn zasvěceným výkladem.
Objev podobné jako A já v plamenech - Reiner Maria Rilke - e-kniha
Neumannovy Poděbrady 1982 - Karel Sýs, Adolf Branald, Vladimír Holan, Peter Bichsel, William Eastlake, Reiner Maria Rilke, Geo Milev, Parujr Sevak - a
Audiokniha: Celostátní přehlídka uměleckého přednesu Neumannovy Poděbrady vycházela od roku 1974 na deskách Supraphonu. Další díl této řady vydaný původně na EP kompletu 1088 0641-43 v roce 1983 vychází poprvé digitálně. Obsah: I. cena - posluchači vysokých divadelních škol - Září (úryvek) (Geo Milev) I. cena - mladí profesionální umělci - Píseň o lásce a smrti korneta Kryštofa Rilka (úryvek) (Rainer Maria Rilke) II. cena - mladí profesionální umělci - Hájili jsme hrad (úryvek) (William Eastlake) II. cena - mladí profesionální umělci - Zlaté stíny (úryvek z kapitoly Střelba v Gröbově vile) (Adolf Branald) II. cena - posluchači vysokých divadelních škol - Tanečnice ve zlaté láhvi (úryvek) (Karel Sýs) II. cena - posluchači vysokých divadelních škol - Výběr z renesanční poezie II. cena - mladí profesionální umělci - Jodok nechá pozdravovat (úryvek) (Peter Bichsel) II. cena - mladí profesionální umělci - Šťastný návrat (montáž z veršů arménského básníka (Parujr Sevak) I. cena - posluchači konzervatoří -Z dokumentu (úryvek) (Vladimír Holan) II. cena - posluchači konzervatoří - Odchod dona Juana (Jarmila Urbánková)
Objev podobné jako Neumannovy Poděbrady 1982 - Karel Sýs, Adolf Branald, Vladimír Holan, Peter Bichsel, William Eastlake, Reiner Maria Rilke, Geo Milev, Parujr Sevak - a
Love Letters to a Serial Killer
Hannah's love life? Dying. Career? Dead. New pen pal? Deadly.Hannah Wilson can't text her ex again - it's too sad.She can't snap back at the new boss who took her promotion either - she'll be fired. But what she can do is write a series of furious letters to William Thompson, arrested for the murders of multiple women he got close to.You're a monster, I hope you know that.I want you to listen when I tell you that I'll never be able to go on a date again without thinking of you. Every moment I will wonder whether he wants to love me or murder me.Hannah's shocked when William writes back, each response more surprising than the last.And as communication tips from curiosity to obsession, Hannah has to wonder if William might be innocent, and whether she even wants him to be...
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Rainer Maria Rilke - Lou Andreas-Salomé, Jana Vahalíková
Lou Andreas-Salomé, dcera francouzského generála ruské armády, která dětství prožila v Petrohradu, autorka několika knih a mnoha článků a recenzí, se v květnu 1897 s Rilkem seznámila jako zralá šestatřicetiletá žena, velmi inteligentní a přitažlivá. Z jejich setkání se zrodilo intelektuální přátelství spisovatelky a dvaadvacetiletého básníka, jež zakrátko přerostlo v milenecký vztah. Zamilovaný estét myje u své milé nádobí a štípe dříví do kamen. Tak blaženou lásku prožívá poprvé - zároveň naposledy. Velký básník lásky, jehož matčina výchova i roky strávené na vojenském gymnáziu přesvědčily o vlastní fyzické podprůměrnosti, se v milostné sféře stává podstatně sebevědomější než v jiných mezilidských vztazích, které mu často jsou přítěží. Dříve trávil čas po kavárnách, redakcích a na premiérách, nyní ale dokáže žít měsíce o samotě. Velkým zážitkem se pro něj stává příroda. Pod milenčiným vlivem si mění jméno René na německou variantu Rainer, jeho dříve tuctově nedbalý rukopis nyní působí energicky, elegantně, uvolněně - a připomíná její písmo. "Přišel jsem k tobě chudý, přišel jsem k bohaté ženě málem jako dítě. Vzala jsi mou duši do náruče a konejšila jsi ji… políbila jsi mě na čelo a musela ses přitom hluboko snížit," píše. Pod vlivem Lou se Rilke zbavuje přemrštěné exaltovanosti, naučí se zvládat návaly smutku. Na cestě k vnitřní rovnováze sice ještě utrží mnoho ran, aniž dosáhne cíle, ale Lou mu umožnila, aby se na sebe samého dovedl podívat z odstupu. Pocit jistoty, který u Lou získal, mu vydrží do konce života. Poslední dopis jí napíše několik dní před smrtí. Knížka vyznačující se hlubokým pochopením pro lidsky blízkého básníka je současně vzpomínkou, posledním rozhovorem i rozloučením… A literárním klenotem.
Objev podobné jako Rainer Maria Rilke - Lou Andreas-Salomé, Jana Vahalíková
Rainer Maria Rilke (978-80-7335-727-6)
Kniha - autor Lou Andreas-Salomé, 120 stran, česky, pevná bez přebalu lesklá Lou Andreas-Salomé, dcera francouzského generála ruské armády, která dětství prožila v Petrohradu, autorka několika knih a mnoha článků a recenzí, se v květnu 1897 s Rilkem seznámila jako zralá šestatřicetiletá žena, velmi inteligentní a přitažlivá. Z jejich setkání se zrodilo intelektuální přátelství spisovatelky a dvaadvacetiletého básníka, jež zakrátko přerostlo v milenecký vztah. Zamilovaný estét myje u své milé nádobí a štípe dříví do kamen. Tak blaženou lásku prožívá poprvé – zároveň naposledy. Velký básník lásky, jehož matčina výchova i roky strávené na vojenském gymnáziu přesvědčily o vlastní fyzické podprůměrnosti, se v milostné sféře stává podstatně sebevědomější než v jiných mezilidských vztazích, které mu často jsou přítěží. Dříve trávil čas po kavárnách, redakcích a na premiérách, nyní ale dokáže žít měsíce o samotě. Velkým zážitkem se pro něj stává příroda. Pod...
Objev podobné jako Rainer Maria Rilke (978-80-7335-727-6)
The Diary of a Young Girl (9780241952436)
Kniha - anglicky The definitive 70th anniversary edition of "The Diary of a Young Girl" by Anne Frank and edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, the world's most famous diary and 'one of the greatest books of the century'. '12th June, 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.' In the summer of 1942, fleeing the horrors of the Nazi occupation, Anne Frank and her family were forced into hiding in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary in which she confided her innermost thoughts and feelings, movingly revealing how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with the daily threat of discovery and death, being cut off from the outside world, petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners. An intimate record of tension...
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl (9780241952436)
How to Be a Young #Writer (0198376480)
Kniha - autor Christopher Edge, 160 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Advice on getting started on your writing journey. Plot structuring, choosing a viewpoint, creating characters, writing killer openings and perfect endings are all covered, and there are extracts and advice from authors for inspiration. Ages: 12+
Objev podobné jako How to Be a Young #Writer (0198376480)
Rainer Maria Rilke (Defekt) - Lou Andreas-Salomé, Jana Vahalíková
Lou Andreas-Salomé, dcera francouzského generála ruské armády, která dětství prožila v Petrohradu, autorka několika knih a mnoha článků a recenzí, se v květnu 1897 s Rilkem seznámila jako zralá šestatřicetiletá žena, velmi inteligentní a přitažlivá. Z jejich setkání se zrodilo intelektuální přátelství spisovatelky a dvaadvacetiletého básníka, jež zakrátko přerostlo v milenecký vztah. Zamilovaný estét myje u své milé nádobí a štípe dříví do kamen. Tak blaženou lásku prožívá poprvé - zároveň naposledy. Velký básník lásky, jehož matčina výchova i roky strávené na vojenském gymnáziu přesvědčily o vlastní fyzické podprůměrnosti, se v milostné sféře stává podstatně sebevědomější než v jiných mezilidských vztazích, které mu často jsou přítěží. Dříve trávil čas po kavárnách, redakcích a na premiérách, nyní ale dokáže žít měsíce o samotě. Velkým zážitkem se pro něj stává příroda. Pod milenčiným vlivem si mění jméno René na německou variantu Rainer, jeho dříve tuctově nedbalý rukopis nyní působí energicky, elegantně, uvolněně - a připomíná její písmo. "Přišel jsem k tobě chudý, přišel jsem k bohaté ženě málem jako dítě. Vzala jsi mou duši do náruče a konejšila jsi ji… políbila jsi mě na čelo a musela ses přitom hluboko snížit," píše. Pod vlivem Lou se Rilke zbavuje přemrštěné exaltovanosti, naučí se zvládat návaly smutku. Na cestě k vnitřní rovnováze sice ještě utrží mnoho ran, aniž dosáhne cíle, ale Lou mu umožnila, aby se na sebe samého dovedl podívat z odstupu. Pocit jistoty, který u Lou získal, mu vydrží do konce života. Poslední dopis jí napíše několik dní před smrtí. Knížka vyznačující se hlubokým pochopením pro lidsky blízkého básníka je současně vzpomínkou, posledním rozhovorem i rozloučením… A literárním klenotem.
Objev podobné jako Rainer Maria Rilke (Defekt) - Lou Andreas-Salomé, Jana Vahalíková
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
''One of the greatest books of the century'' - Guardian''Hiding...where would we hide?... Margot and I started packing our most important belongings into a satchel. The first thing I stuck in was this diary...''In July 1942 thirteen-year-old Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, went into hiding in an Amsterdam warehouse. Over the next two years Anne vividly describes in her diary the frustrations of living in such confined quarters.This unabridged, definitive text reveals Anne''s innermost thoughts and feelings as she grows up, and provides a deeply moving true-life story that comes to an abrupt and tragic end.Contains an Afterword, chronology of events and glossary of terms.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Anne Frank's "The Diary of a Young Girl" is among the most enduring documents of the twentieth century. Since its publication in 1947, it has been read by tens of millions of people all over the world. It remains a beloved and deeply admired testament to the indestructible nature of the human spirit. Restored in this "Definitive Edition" are diary entries that were omitted from the original edition. These passages, which constitute 30 percent more material, reinforce the fact that Anne was first and foremost a teenage girl, not a remote and flawless symbol. She fretted about and tried to cope with her own sexuality. Like many young girls, she often found herself in disagreements with her mother. And like any teenager, she veered between the carefree nature of a child and the full-fledged sorrow of an adult. Anne emerges more human, more vulnerable and more vital than ever.Anne Frank and her family, fleeing the horrors of Nazi occupation, hid in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse for two years. She was thirteen when she went into the Secret Annex with her family.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Anne Frank's The Diary of a Young Girl is an inspiring and tragic account of an ordinary life lived in extraordinary circumstances that has enthralled readers for generations. This Penguin Classics edition is edited by Otto H. Frank and Mirjam Pressler, translated by Susan Massotty, and includes an introduction by Elie Wiesel, author of Night. 'June, 1942: I hope I will be able to confide everything to you, as I have never been able to confide in anyone, and I hope you will be a great source of comfort and support.' In Amsterdam, in the summer of 1942, the Nazis forced teenager Anne Frank and her family into hiding. For over two years, they, another family and a German dentist lived in a 'secret annexe', fearing discovery. All that time, Anne kept a diary. Since its publication in 1947, Anne Frank's diary has been read by tens of millions of people. This Definitive Edition restores substantial material omitted from the original edition, giving us a deeper insight into Anne Frank's world. Her curiosity about her emerging sexuality, the conflicts with her mother, her passion for Peter, a boy whose family hid with hers, and her acute portraits of her fellow prisoners reveal Anne as more human, more vulnerable and more vital than ever.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
70th Anniversary EditionIn the summer of 1942, fleeing the horrors of the Nazi occupation, Anne Frank and her family were forced into hiding in the back of an Amsterdam warehouse. Aged thirteen when she went into the secret annexe, Anne kept a diary in which she confided her innermost thoughts and feelings, movingly revealing how the eight people living under these extraordinary conditions coped with the daily threat of discovery and death, being cut off from the outside world, petty misunderstandings and the unbearable strain of living like prisoners. An intimate record of tension and struggle, adolescence and confinement, anger and heartbreak, this is the definitive edition of the diary of Anne Frank.
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl - Anne Franková
Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady - Clarice Lispector
'The morning became a long, drawn-out afternoon that became depthless night dawning innocently through the house' Tales of desire and madness from this giant of Brazilian literature. Penguin Modern: fifty new books celebrating the pioneering spirit of the iconic Penguin Modern Classics series, with each one offering a concentrated hit of its contemporary, international flavour. Here are authors ranging from Kathy Acker to James Baldwin, Truman Capote to Stanislaw Lem and George Orwell to Shirley Jackson; essays radical and inspiring; poems moving and disturbing; stories surreal and fabulous; taking us from the deep South to modern Japan, New York's underground scene to the farthest reaches of outer space.
Objev podobné jako Daydream and Drunkenness of a Young Lady - Clarice Lispector
Confessions of a Young Man - George Moore - e-kniha
eBook: Confessions of a Young Man (1888) is a memoir by George Moore. Originally written in French, it is a record of his life in Paris as a young man with money and dreams to spare. Controversial for its depictions of bohemianism and pointed critique of Victorian morality, Confessions of a Young Man has been recognized as an invaluable portrait of nineteenth century Paris and the geniuses who struggled to reshape art in their image. Degas. Renoir. Monet. Zola. Their names are now immortal, instant reminders of their influence on the visual and literary arts. In the 1870s, however, and throughout their lifetimes, they were artists struggling to hone their craft and gain recognition for their work. Into their world came the young George Moore, an Irishman who thought he was a painter and would eventually make his own name as a pioneering modernist writer. In Confessions of a Young Man, he offers his experience and impressions of bohemian life in Paris, a place where the temptations of flesh, drugs, and alcohol led many a young artist astray. In this murky world, he will draw inspiration for his groundbreaking stories and novels in the realist style. With a beautifully designed cover and professionally typeset manuscript, this edition of George Moore’s Confessions of a Young Man is a classic of Irish literature reimagined for modern readers.
Objev podobné jako Confessions of a Young Man - George Moore - e-kniha
The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition (0241387485)
Kniha - 368 stran, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná
Objev podobné jako The Diary of a Young Girl: The Definitive Edition (0241387485)
ELI - A - Young 3 - Jane Eyre - readers + CD - Charlotte Brontë
Jane Eyre was an immediate bestseller, and most critics liked it. One reviewer wrote It is one of the most powerful domestic romances which have been published for many years. In this Reader you will find A short biography of Charlotte Brontë Glossary Comprehension activities PETstyle activities Exit test Tags Love Society Jane Eyre is an orphan, and all alone in the world. But she is no ordinary young woman despite her lonely and unhappy childhood, she is determined to succeed at a time when women had little freedom. When she meets the enigmatic Mr Rochester, however, her independent spirit is put to the test. Will Jane ever find the happiness she desires so much? Syllabus Verb tenses Present Continuous future plans and activities, present actions Past Perfect Simple in reported speech and narrative Modal verbs cant logical necessity could ability (was able tomanaged to), possibility, polite requests maycancould permission might (present and future reference) possibility, permission must logical necessity and obligation would hypothesis, polite requests should (present and future reference) moral obligation, advice used towould past habits and states Verb forms and patterns Past forms with going to and will Verb object full infinitive (e.g. I want you to help.) Simple reported speech statements, questions and commands with say, ask, tell Phrasal verbsverbs with prepositions had better for advice or desirability
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Jane Eyre - readers + CD - Charlotte Brontë
ELI - A - Young 4 - Robin Hood - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Anon
Follow Robin Hoods adventures in Sherwood Forest in this easytofollow drama version based on the popular legend of Robin Hood. Robin Hood and his Merry Men hatch a plan to rob the evil Sheriff of Nottingham and give back the money to the poor. Will good win over evil. Can Robin and his Merry Men save the day?
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Robin Hood - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Anon
ELI - A - Young 1 - Sophie´s Dream - readers + CD - Dominique Guillemant
Its late. Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. In her dream she meets Giggles the clown and Juliet the ballet dancer. Tags Fairy Tale and Fantasy Animal Story In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Sophie is asleep in her bed and she is having a lovely dream. She is dreaming about a day at the circus. What would happen if during the night elephants and lions, musicians and entertainers, clowns and ballet dancers came in your little room? The never ending and fascinating show of the circus seen from the eyes of a curious child in a very poetic tale accompanied by artistic illustrations. Syllabus Topics The world of the circus Occupations Animals Grammar and structures Singular and plural forms with s Common irregular plural forms Possessive form (s) Simple adjectives Positive, question, positive imperative forms Present Simple Present Continuous with present meaning (except negative questions)
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Sophie´s Dream - readers + CD - Dominique Guillemant
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
James Joyce's first novel follows the life of Stephen Dedalus, an artistic and fiercely individual young man. Along the way, Stephen learns to negotiate the 'snares of the world', to avoid the pitfalls of his dysfunctional family, his terrifying and repressive boarding school, and the various beautiful young ladies who capture his heart. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is an unforgettable depiction of childhood and adolescence, as well as a lyrical evocation of life in Ireland over a century ago. It shocked readers on its publication in 1916 and it is now regarded as one of the most significant literary works of the twentieth century.This beautiful Macmillan Collector's Library edition of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man features an afterword by Peter Harness.Designed to appeal to the booklover, the Macmillan Collector's Library is a series of beautiful gift editions of much loved classic titles. Macmillan Collector's Library are books to love and treasure.
Objev podobné jako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce
PER | Level 4: The Diary of a Young Girl - Franková Anna
It is 1942 in Holland and the Germans have invaded. All Jewish people are frightened for their lives, so the Frank family hide. Life is dangerous but they hope for the best, until they are finally discovered. Anne Frank was a real person, and this is her diary.
Objev podobné jako PER | Level 4: The Diary of a Young Girl - Franková Anna
There Was a Young Reindeer Who Swallowed a Present - Ewen Diane
A laugh-out-loud Christmas cracker of a story, There Was a Young Reindeer who Swallowed a Present from Kaye Baillie and award-winning illustrator Diane Ewen is the perfect festive gift!Everyone's heard about the old lady who swallowed a fly, but now it's time to meet a little reindeer who, on the most important night of the year (Christmas Eve!), swallows a present. And he doesn't stop there! Soon he's gobbled down an elf, a bauble, a tree . .. what will he swallow next?A funny, cumulative rhyming story children will love, packed with elves, stockings, a very full sleigh full of gifts and, of course, Santa Claus! And one very hungry little reindeer - keep an eye on the presents under your tree!
Objev podobné jako There Was a Young Reindeer Who Swallowed a Present - Ewen Diane
ELI - A - Young 3 - Five Children and It - readers - Edith Nesbitová
Imagine you found a fairy at the bottom of your garden. And imagine the fairy tells you that your wishes will come true! This is what happens to the five children in this story. However, things dont happen exactly as expected and the fairy turns out to be quite a grump fairy! Readers though the generations have loved this humorous story by Edith Nesbit. Along with an appreciation for the funny side of life it teaches children that if not thinking things through properly can get you into trouble thinking carefully can usually get you out of it.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Five Children and It - readers - Edith Nesbitová
ELI - A - Young 2 - Maxi´s adventure - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
Rumbledumbles greatest loves are Anna and the other children, his garden and his little dog Maxi. When Maxi gets lost Rumbledumble and the children search everywhere for him. But Maxi is far away in another, very different, world. Will Maxi get back? Will Rumbledumble find him? This is a story about the loyalty between a man and his dog, about determination and about how help is not all one way sometimes children can help adults too! Its also about being kind to a stranger Even when that stranger is a little dog!
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - Maxi´s adventure - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
STAGE 3 - 1000 headwords | B1 | Preliminary | Classic"A Pure Woman Faithfully Presented” The story, set in a poor rural area of England in the 19th century, centres around Tess Durbeyfield, a sweet, innocent, country girl who is a victim of fate and her own beauty.When her lazy father finds out that his ancestors were the noble d’Urberville family, he dreams of winning back this glory for his own family. Tess, 16 years old at the start of the story and the eldest of seven children, is pushed by her parents to go and work for Alec d’Urberville who will change Tess’s life in a dramatic way. In the middle of the chaos caused by Alec d’Urberville, Tess meets Angel Clare. Will he love her forever as he promises, without judging her for her past? Or will Alec d’Urberville become her master?Read and find out.SyllabusGrammar and structures Present simple andcontinuous, past simple and continuous,present and past perfect simple. Futurewith go-ing to and will. Passive forms.Modal verbs. Verb + infinitive, verb + ing.Phrasal verbs. First and second condi-tional.Comparatives and superlatives.In this Reader you will find:Information about Thomas Hardy and his times |Focus on section about Stonehenge | Glossary ofdifficult words | Comprehension and extensionactivities including B1 Preliminary style activitiesTagsClassic literature | Relationships | Fate | Judgement
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Tess of the D´urbervilles - readers - Thomas Hardy
ELI - A - Young 4 - Oliver Twist - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Charles Dickens
Dickens asked his readers to have a heart that never gets hard. As readers follow the life of Oliver Twist, a poor orphaned boy struggling against the dangers of life in 19thcentury London, they can empathise with his childhood in a workhouse and his life with a gang of pickpockets. They can also share his relief that there were some good people, ready and willing to rescue a child in need.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Oliver Twist - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Charles Dickens
ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Dracula - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Bram Stoker
When Jonathan Harker travels to Transylvania to meet Count Dracula, he soon realises that he has made a big mistake. What is happening in the lonely castle? Where does Count Dracula go during the day? Why are there no mirrors? Bram Stokers classic story takes us, and Count Dracula, from the Transylvanian castle to a small port on the east coast of England. Then we move to London, in a desperate fight to save people from the new, the terrible, Undead. The reader covers the following grammar areas Nouns Pronouns Connectives Adjectives Prepositions Verbs Present Perfect Past Continuous Present Simple Passive will for future reference, promises and predictions need for necessity and obligation could for ability, requests and suggestions have to for obligation common phrasal verbs.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young adult 2 - Dracula - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Bram Stoker
How to Stand Up to a Dictator - Maria Ressa
What will you sacrifice for the truth? Maria Ressa has spent decades speaking truth to power. But her work tracking disinformation networks seeded by her own government, spreading lies to its own citizens laced with anger and hate, has landed her in trouble with the most powerful man in the country: President Duterte. Now, hounded by the state, she has multiple arrest warrants against her name, and a potential 100+ years behind bars to prepare for - while she stands trial for speaking the truth. How to Stand Up to a Dictator is the story of how democracy dies by a thousand cuts, and how an invisible atom bomb has exploded online that is killing our freedoms. It maps a network of disinformation - a heinous web of cause and effect - that has netted the globe: from Duterte's drug wars, to America's Capitol Hill, to Britain's Brexit, to Russian and Chinese cyber-warfare, to Facebook and Silicon Valley, to our own clicks and our own votes. Told from the frontline of the digital war, this is Maria Ressa's urgent cry for us to wake up and hold the line, before it is too late.
Objev podobné jako How to Stand Up to a Dictator - Maria Ressa
ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, Teddy and the princess - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
Katie has some special friends Regazza the doll and Monty the mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go when they are thrown away or are left forgotten in a toy box for a long time. One day Regazza and Monty go to find Katie. A pirate with a problem has just arrived in the Land of Forgotten Toys. Can she help him? This is a humorous adventure story about friendship and using cooperation to solve a problem.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, Teddy and the princess - readers (do vyprodání zásob)
ELI - A - Young 1 - Gulliver´s Travels - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Jonathan Swift
Jonathan Swifts best known fulllength work, and a classic of English literature. In this Reader you will find information about Jonathan Swifts life CLIL History European Exploration glossary comprehension activities exit test Tags Classic literature satire Gulliver is a doctor on a ship. He travels from England to many places. He meets little people and giants, he meets people from the past and horses who can talk. He also encounters pirates and terrible storms. Will he ever return home? Will he be happy in England? Syllabus Articles a, an, the Nouns countable and uncountable, plural, possessive Pronouns subject and object, indefinite Quantifiers someany, more Adjectives possessive, opinion Prepositions place, time, movement, phrases, like Verbs tense, aspect, form Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple regular and common irregulars, ing forms after verbs and prepositions, can, must for obligation, need for necessity, imperatives, have got, would like, common phrasal verbs, there isthere are, know, think, hope etc that clause, like dont like ing Adverbs frequency, manner Conjunctions so, before, after, when
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Gulliver´s Travels - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Jonathan Swift
Helga's Dairy: A Young Girl's Account Of Life In Concentration Camp - Helga Wiess
'The most moving Holocaust diary published since Anne Frank' Daily Telegraph First they led us to the baths, where they took from us everything we still had. Quite literally there wasn't even a hair left. I didn't even recognize my own mother till I heard her voice . . . In 1941, aged 12, Helga Weiss, her mother and father were forced to say goodbye to their home, their relatives and all that they knew, and were interned in the Nazi concentration camp of Terezín. For the next three years, Helga documented her experiences there, and those of her friends and family, in a diary. Then they were sent to Auschwitz, and the diary was left behind, hidden in a wall. Helga was one of a tiny number of Jewish children from Prague to survive the holocaust. After she returned home, she eventually managed to retrieve her diary and completed the journal of her experiences. The result is one of the most vivid first-hand accounts of the Holocaust ever to have been recovered. 'Anne Frank's diary finished when her family was rounded up for the camps: in Helga's Diary, we have a child's record of life inside the extermination factories. Shines a light into the long black night that was the Holocaust' Daily Express 'Resounds with a ferocious will to endure conditions of astonishing cruelty. Displays a rare capacity to remain keenly observant and to find the right words for transmitting . . . memory into history' New Statesman 'A moving testimony to courage and endurance. Remarkable . . . what is so compelling is the immediacy and unknowingness' Financial Times Helga Weiss was born in Prague in 1929. Her father Otto was employed in the state bank and her mother Irena was a dressmaker. Of the 15,000 children brought to Terezín and later deported to Auschwitz, only 100 survived the Holocaust. Helga was one of them. On her return to Prague she studied art and is well known for her paintings. She has two children, three grandchildren and lives in the flat where she was born.
Objev podobné jako Helga's Dairy: A Young Girl's Account Of Life In Concentration Camp - Helga Wiess
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce - e-kniha
eBook: "A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is a semi-autobiographical novel by James Joyce that follows the coming-of-age of Stephen Dedalus, a young Irish artist. The book charts Stephen's intellectual, moral, and spiritual development from childhood to adulthood as he struggles with his identity, religious faith, and independence. Through Stephen's experiences and introspective thoughts, the novel explores themes of nationalism, identity, and artistic expression, painting a vivid portrait of the young artist's inner world and the societal and cultural forces that shape it.
Objev podobné jako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce - e-kniha
ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers + CD(do vyprodání zásob) - James Matthew Barrie
Once upon a time, a long time ago, in London there was a happy family in a happy house. Happy parents, happy children, and a happy dog. Tags Friendship Adventure In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Never leave your windows open at night. Anything can get in. The story of a boy who never grew up, with his friends Wendy and the jealous fairy Tinker Bell. Why are there no Lost Girls in Neverland? What did the crocodile want to eat? Find out in this new edition of the classic story, Peter Pan. Syllabus Topics Family, gender and gender role Notions and concepts Feelings, likes and dislikes, ability, actions and activities, narration Grammar and structures Verbs Common regular and irregular verbs in the simple past, all forms Common regular and irregular verbs in the present, all forms There is are was were, all forms simple determiners Modal verbs can and could for ability Adverbs of manner and frequency Adjectives Prepositions Connectives and, but, so Comparatives and superlatives Nouns Pronouns subject, object and possessive Determiners a, an, the, some, any, lots of
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 3 - Peter Pan - readers + CD(do vyprodání zásob) - James Matthew Barrie
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha
eBook: What if all that you knew was a lie? A version of the truth prescribed and injected to you without consultation, conversation or countability? When Stephen Dedalus finds fault with religion and reality in 19th-century Ireland, he quickly decides to forge his own fate. But society is less than kind to those who reject their rightful futures. And Stephen will soon learn the price he has to pay if he is to reclaim a sense of soul and conscience. Weaving a powerful and poignant tale of passion and perseverance, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’ is perfect for fans of Michelle Gallen, Niall Williams, and Frances Macken. Born in Ireland, James Joyce (1882-1941) was a trailblazing and experimental novelist and poet. He is celebrated as one of the most influential and important writers of the 20th century with his landmark novel ‘Ulysses’, which parallels Homer’s ‘Odyssey’, whilst his other works include ‘Dubliners’, ‘A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man’, and ‘Finnegans Wake’.
Objev podobné jako A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man (YA) - James Joyce - e-kniha
ELI - A - Young 4 - The Jungle Book - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Rudyard Kipling
The Jungle Book + CD audioAbout the series:The series Young ELI Readers is divided into four levels according to the language level of the readers. It's in line with the indications of the Common European Framework of Reference for Language and comprise useful language certification exercises. This ensures that learners will meet language and structures they have already studied or which are commensurate with their level, making reading an achievable, enjoyable and stimulating experience.Stages:Stage 1 (100 headwords) Below A1Stage 2 (200 headwords) A1 StartersStage 3 (300 headwords) A1.1 MoversStage 4 (400 headwords) A2 FlyersAbout The Jungle Book + CD audio:Stage 4: A2 FlyersThis is the real story of the Jungle Book. It is not a funny film for children. People and animals die. And one child kills the great tiger and changes the laws of the jungle.The book contains five pages of exercises for revision at the end. An illustrated dictionary, placed on the inside of the cover, keeps the vocabulary the student needs within sight at all times. Fun cut out bookmarks personalize the book. Reading, speaking, writing and listening skills are fully practised and developed through exercises specifically designed for each skill. The text, either whole or partial, is narrated by native speakers on an Audio CD. The illustrations have been carried out by the most interesting of illustrators, with the conviction that visual ‘comments’ in the text aid the comprehension of a foreign language text. The Young ELI Readers compel the reader to fall in love with both the stories and illustrations. It's elegant book made up of fine details which surprise the reader: from the type of paper to the font chosen. This particularly clear and captivating design was created to guide the readers in the comprehension of the text and the execution of the activities.Syllabus:Verb tenses and patterns - Positive, negative, question, imperative and short answer forms including contractions: Present Simple passive, Past Continuous, Present Perfect, be going toModal Verbs - will, might, may, shall, could, shouldIn this Reader you will find:- Games and language activities- An audio recording of the story- A picture dictionary
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - The Jungle Book - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Rudyard Kipling
Tuesdays with Morrie: 'An old man, a young man, and life''s greatest lesson' (0385496494)
Kniha - autor Mitch Albom, anglicky, brožovaná bez přebalu matná Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher. Someone older who understood you when you were young and searching, who helped you see the world as a more profound place, and gave you advice to help you make your way through it. For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of your mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded, and the world seemed colder. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying, Morrie visited with Mitch in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college.Tuesdays With Morrie is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift to the world.
Objev podobné jako Tuesdays with Morrie: 'An old man, a young man, and life''s greatest lesson' (0385496494)
ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Put your elbows up stamp your feet on the ground make circles with your shoulders and turn around do the Armour Jive and count to five 1 2 3 4 5 HEY! Tags Adventure Crime In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary In this amusing story Harry, the reluctant hero, braves robbers and ghosts and armour to triumph in the end (by accident!). Two detectives, Harry and Emma are sent to the castle to lie in wait for some robbers. The enthusiastic Emma persuades Harry to put on some armour as a disguise. The night is long and events take an un expected turn. Harrys mood turns from reluctant to bored to horrified! How will the night end? Syllabus Topics Materials, directions, places in a town, parts of the body, clothes. Grammar and structures Past simple Past continuous Be going to Will Giving directions If (zero conditional) Be made of See you
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Crown - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young adult 5 - The Great Gatsby - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Scott Fitzgeralds third novel was published in 1925 and has justifiably become a 20th century literary classic. In this Reader you will find Focus on CAEstyle activities Glossary of difficult words Test yourself Comprehension activities Tag Love Society Gatsby? asked Daisy urgently. What Gatsby? Could it be the same young army lieutenant whom Daisy Fay met five years ago and who owns a sumptuous house on Long Island, where New York society enjoys the best parties on offer? Is it just coincidence that Gatsby lives across the bay from Daisy now married to wealthy poloplayer Tom Buchanan? As one mans mysterious dream moves towards its ultimately tragic conclusion, Midwesterner Nick Carraway is drawn into the dark world of Gatsbys past and present a world of hidden frustrations and superficial relationships which perfectly illustrates the careless and confused nature of Americas Jazz Age. Syllabus Verbs Present perfect simple and continuous Past perfect simple and continuous with time clause by Future tenses Phrasal verbs Modal verbs Couldcould have (probabilitypast ability) Should Will Wouldwould have (future in the past) Mightmight have (presentpast possibility) Mustmust have (presentpast deduction) Must not (prohibition) Other (eg. ask, reply, interrupt, repeat, suggest, comment, react, suppose, answer, explain)
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young adult 5 - The Great Gatsby - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Francis Scott Fitzgerald
ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
These are animals from a farm. A pig goes oink and a sheep goes baa. Theres a chicken and a duck and a horse of course. And a sad little goat with a curly coat. Tags Friendship Adventure Human Interest In this Reader you will find Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary An exciting adventure with a friendly extraterrestrial and his robot. When a big black spaceship arrives everyone is afraid. Who is in it? What do they want? Two children, Sue and Ben, dive into the sea and meet PB3 and his robot, Robin. Together they come face to face with the bad OOs from Planet X011 and together they discover a terrible plan. Can they stop Syllabus Topics Clothes, animals, colours, feelings Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Possessive adjectives Adverbs There is There are Question words what? why? Conjunctions and but Prepositions of place
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Jacket - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Tuesdays With Morrie : An old man, a young man, and life´s greatest lesson - Mitch Albom
Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, and gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it?For Mitch Albom, that person was Morrie Schwartz, his college professor from nearly twenty years ago.Maybe, like Mitch, you lost track of this mentor as you made your way, and the insights faded. Wouldn't you like to see that person again, ask the bigger questions that still haunt you?Mitch Albom had that second chance. He rediscovered Morrie in the last months of the older man's life. Knowing he was dying of ALS - or motor neurone disease - Mitch visited Morrie in his study every Tuesday, just as they used to back in college. Their rekindled relationship turned into one final 'class': lessons in how to live.TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE is a magical chronicle of their time together, through which Mitch shares Morrie's lasting gift with the world.Praise for Tuesdays with Morrie:'This is a true story that shines and leaves you forever warmed by its afterglow' Amy Tan'A moving tribute to embracing life' Glasgow Herald'An extraordinary contribution to the literature of death' Boston Globe'A beautifully written book of great clarity and wisdom that lovingly captures the simplicity beyond life's complexities' M Scott Peck
Objev podobné jako Tuesdays With Morrie : An old man, a young man, and life´s greatest lesson - Mitch Albom
ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Katie has some special friends Regazza the doll and Monty the mouse. They live in the Land of Forgotten Toys, the place where toys go when they are thrown away or are left forgotten in a toy box for a long time. One day Regazza and Monty go to find Katie. A pirate with a problem has just arrived in the Land of Forgotten Toys. Can she help him? This is a humorous adventure story about friendship and using cooperation to solve a problem.
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Katie, the Pirate and the Treasure - readers (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Will the children be able to save PB3 and Robin from the OOs? And from the journalists? PB3 and Robin are happily doing their Earth homework! Little do they suspect that the evil OOs are chasing them! It looks like the end for our ET friends but a band of Earth children come to the rescue. Will they be able to save them?
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 2 - PB3 and the Helping Hands - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Ann is ALWAYS losing her things and her teacher is angry. But help is on the way! Granny Fixit and her piece of yellow string solve all her problems or do they? Tags Adventure Magic Games and language activities An audio recording of the story A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas School, family and friends, the home, toys Grammar and structures Present simple Present progressive Imperatives Have for possession There is There are Can for ability Question words Where? What? Conjunctions and but Determiners this that a an a lot of
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 1 - Granny Fixit and Yellow String - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
Harry is the very last person to volunteer for a sport competiton! In this story our reluctant hero braves golf and volleyball to come out tops (to everyones surprise!). Harry and his three friends are selected to take part in the Police Sport Competition. They arrive at the luxury hotel by the sea where the competition is to take place. Everything seems normal ... but something strange is going on at the hotel. Tags Adventure Crime Games and language activities An audio recording of the story and the song A picture dictionary Syllabus Vocabulary areas Sports and leisure, time, clothes and materials, work, the world around us Grammar and structures Past simple Past progressive Present perfect Will ... Going to ... Tag questions Should Must Verbs infinitive ing form When clauses Adverbs
Objev podobné jako ELI - A - Young 4 - Harry and the Sports Competition - readers + CD (do vyprodání zásob) - Jane Cadwallader
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