Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz
Kreativní myšlení - Chris Griffiths, Melina Costi, Caragh Medlicott
Publikace od Griffithse, Costiové a Medlicottové přináší opakovaně využitelný návod pro otevření mysli a úspěšné zvládnutí pracovních výzev pomocí kreativního myšlení. Autoři nám ukazují, jak spojit nápaditost s logikou a jak systematicky využít kreativní dovednosti pro dosažení konkrétních výsledků. Tato prakticky zaměřená kniha poskytuje čtenářům komplexní průpravu, vodítka k sebehodnocení a nástroje na podporu hledání nových nápadů. S unikátním čtyřfázovým procesem nazvaným „hledáček řešení“ získají čtenáři nástroje a techniky k efektivnímu a kreativnímu řešení problémů od A do Z. Během tohoto procesu si mohou vybírat ze škály nástrojů a technik, které jim pomohou v každé jeho fázi dosáhnout kýženého výsledku. Griffithsův jedinečný přístup, vytříbený během více než třiceti let zkušeností, je praktický a přináší nejen teorii, ale i konkrétní postupy. Kniha je určena všem, kdo chtějí zlepšit svoji kreativitu a inovační schopnosti a úspěšně čelit výzvám v rychle se měnícím světě.
Podívejte se také logicke mysleni
Pozitivní leader - Jan Mühlfeit, Melina Costi
Věděli jste, že pozitivní přístup navyšuje produktivitu až o jednu třetinu? Bývalý prezident evropského Microsoftu, Jan Mühlfeit, shrnul své mnohaleté zkušenosti ve vedení lidí do čtyř kroků. Odhalte, jak inspirovat vlastní tým, jak dosáhnout vytyčených výsledků a přitom si zachovat rovnováhu mezi úspěchem a štěstím. Zjistěte, jak se zbavit stresu a negativismu a odemkněte potenciál u sebe i u lidí, kteří vás obklopují.
Podívejte se také kreativni hracky ostatni
Pozitivní leader - Jan Mühlfeit, Melina Costi - audiokniha
Audiokniha: Věděli jste, že pozitivní přístup navyšuje produktivitu až o jednu třetinu? Bývalý prezident evropského Microsoftu, Jan Mühlfeit, shrnul své mnohaleté zkušenosti ve vedení lidí do čtyř kroků. Odhalte, jak inspirovat vlastní tým, jak dosáhnout vytyčených výsledků a přitom si zachovat rovnováhu mezi úspěchem a štěstím. Zjistěte, jak se zbavit stresu a negativismu a odemkněte potenciál u sebe i u lidí, kteří vás obklopují. Jan Mühlfeit (1962) Jan Mühlfeit je český manažer, globální stratég, kouč a mentor. Téměř 22 let působil ve firmě Microsoft, z toho posledních 15 let v nejužším vedení. Jeho poslední rolí před odchodem v roce 2014 byla pozice prezidenta Microsoft Corporation pro Evropu (Chairman Europe), kterou zastával od roku 2007. Je poradcem pro řadu vládních a mezinárodních organizací, jako AIESEC, Světové ekonomické fórum, Evropská komise, či OECD. Melina Costi Melina Costi je profesionální obchodní spisovatelka se zaměřením na marketingové řízení. Je spoluautorkou (s Chrisem Griffithsem) amazonského bestselleru GRASP the Solution a úzce spolupracuje s poskytovatelem softwaru OpenGenius. Aleš Zbořil (1968) Aleš Zbořil je český herec a moderátor. Absolvoval herectví na JAMU, po půlroční stáži na francouzské Ecole Florent působil jako rozhlasový moderátor (Rádio Brno, později rádio Krokodýl). V současnosti je nejvíce známý jako moderátor televizních soutěží. Kromě několika „štěků“ v televizních seriálech (hrál sebe v seriálu Detektiv Martin Tomsa a vesničana v Četnických humoreskách) se také věnuje dabingovému herectví (mluví např. Sashu Mitchella v seriálu Dallas) a režii, namlouvá televizní a rozhlasové komentáře, je lektorem seminářů komunikace, rétoriky a prezentačních dovedností.
Podívejte se také Rea Chris: The Very Best Of Chris Rea (2x LP) - LP (9029564661)
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Pozitívny líder - Jan Mühlfeit, Melina Costi - e-kniha
eBook: „Základným kameňom prvotriedneho úspechu a šťastia je pochopenie seba samého. V tejto knihe sa dočítate o najdôležitejšom rozhodnutí, aké môžete urobiť: objaviť sami seba a ponúknuť svetu to najlepšie z vás.“ – David Svoboda, olympijský víťaz v modernom päťboji Vedeli ste, že pozitívny prístup zvyšuje produktivitu až o jednu tretinu? Pozitívny líder opisuje 4 kroky, ako sa stať šťastnejším a inšpiratívnejším lídrom: * pracujte so svojimi silnými stránkami * vytýčte si svoje poslanie a víziu * staňte sa „generálnym riaditeľom vlastnej energie” * veďte seba i svoj tím k šťastiu Autor zhrnul svoje mnohoročné skúsenosti s vedením ľudí a pomôže aj vám nájsť spôsob, ako inšpirovať vlastný tím, dosiahnuť vytýčené výsledky, a pritom si zachovať rovnováhu medzi úspechom a šťastím. Zistíte, ako sa zbaviť stresu a negativizmu a ako odomknúť potenciál svoj aj ľudí, ktorí vás obklopujú. Odhaľte svoje silné stránky, nechajte sa viesť Janom Mühlfeitom! Jan Mühlfeit je globálny stratég, kouč a mentor. Pomáha jednotlivcom, organizáciám a krajinám na celom svete odomknúť ľudský potenciál. Dvadsaťdva rokov pôsobil na vedúcich pozíciách v Microsofte, v rokoch 2007 – 2014 bol Prezidentom Microsoft Corporation pre Európu. Vytvoril unikátnu metodiku osobného rozvoja, ktorá má korene v pozitívnej psychológii. Vychádza nielen z jeho vlastných skúseností, ale aj z praxe mnohých úspešných ľudí zo sveta globálneho biznisu, politiky a športu. www.janmuhlfeit.com
Objev podobné jako Pozitívny líder - Jan Mühlfeit, Melina Costi - e-kniha
Architektura kreativního myšlení - Eva Le Peutrec
Jak se malá holka z komunistického Československa, již nadchl film Skleněné peklo s Paulem Newmanem v roli architekta navrhujícího mrakodrapy, dostala na stáž do San Franciska? A jak se později prosadila v oblasti, která přála především mužům? Světově proslulá architektka Eva Le Peutrec vám ve své knize prozradí, jak vás mohou složité situace posunout, jak vše zlé přetavit v něco pozitivního a především jak je důležité používat kreativní myšlení. To je jí jako architektce vlastní a během let nalezla recept, jak si je osvojit. Recept, díky kterému připravovala projekty v Číně, v Paříži nebo v Nové Kaledonii. Autorka dává v krátkých kapitolách nahlédnout nejen za oponu vlastních kreativních procesů, ale také do své minulosti. Čtenářům tak kromě jiného prozradí, proč jsou pro ni důležité sny, a zároveň jim popíše, jak se jeden takový sen realizoval.
Objev podobné jako Architektura kreativního myšlení - Eva Le Peutrec
Architektura kreativního myšlení: Jak přeměnit vzdušné zámky v mrakodrapy (978-80-7422-812-4)
Kniha - autor Eva Le Peutrec, 168 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Jak přeměnit vzdušné zámky v mrakodrapyJak se malá holka z komunistického Československa, již nadchl film Skleněné peklo s Paulem Newmanem v roli architekta navrhujícího mrakodrapy, dostala na stáž do San Franciska? A jak se později prosadila v oblasti, která přála především mužům?Světově proslulá architektka Eva Le Peutrec vám ve své knize prozradí, jak vás mohou složité situace posunout, jak vše zlé přetavit v něco pozitivního a především jak je důležité používat kreativní myšlení. To je jí jako architektce vlastní a během let nalezla recept, jak si je osvojit. Recept, díky kterému připravovala projekty v Číně, v Paříži nebo v Nové Kaledonii.Autorka dává v krátkých kapitolách nahlédnout nejen za oponu vlastních kreativních procesů, ale také do své minulosti. Čtenářům tak kromě jiného prozradí, proč jsou pro ni důležité sny, a zároveň jim popíše, jak se jeden takový sen realizoval.Eva...
Objev podobné jako Architektura kreativního myšlení: Jak přeměnit vzdušné zámky v mrakodrapy (978-80-7422-812-4)
Griffiths Marcia: Essential Artist Collection - Marcia Griffiths (2xLP) - LP (4050538873023)
LP vinyl - Na 2CD a 2LP vychází výběr zásadních nahrávek této legendární jamajské zpěvačky. Linneth Marcia Griffiths je považována za největší zpěvačku v historii jamajské hudby. Kariéru začala v roce 1964 ve skupině Byron Lee And The Dragonaires. Na 2CD a 2LP vychází výběr zásadních nahrávek této legendární jamajské zpěvačky. Linneth Marcia Griffiths je považována za největší zpěvačku v historii jamajské hudby. Kariéru začala v roce 1964 ve skupině Byron Lee And The Dragonaires. Na úspěšný hit „Feel Like Jumping” navázala rovněž úspěšnými duety s Bobem Andym. Poté se vydala na sólovou dráhu a spolupracovala s producentkou Soniou Pottinger. Seznam stop 2LP LP1 A1 Hurtin' Inside / A2 We've Got to Get Ourselves Together / A3 Peaceful Woman / A4 The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face / A5 Play Me / A6 Steppin' Out of Babylon / A7 I See You, My Love / A8 Sweet Brown Sugar / B1 Put a Little Love In Your Heart / B2 Survival (Is the Game) / B3 Pied Piper...
Objev podobné jako Griffiths Marcia: Essential Artist Collection - Marcia Griffiths (2xLP) - LP (4050538873023)
Griffiths Marcia: Essential Artist Collection - Marcia Griffiths (2xCD) - CD (4050538876161)
Hudební CD Na 2CD a 2LP vychází výběr zásadních nahrávek této legendární jamajské zpěvačky. Linneth Marcia Griffiths je považována za největší zpěvačku v historii jamajské hudby. Kariéru začala v roce 1964 ve skupině Byron Lee And The Dragonaires. Na 2CD a 2LP vychází výběr zásadních nahrávek této legendární jamajské zpěvačky. Linneth Marcia Griffiths je považována za největší zpěvačku v historii jamajské hudby. Kariéru začala v roce 1964 ve skupině Byron Lee And The Dragonaires. Na úspěšný hit „Feel Like Jumping” navázala rovněž úspěšnými duety s Bobem Andym. Poté se vydala na sólovou dráhu a spolupracovala s producentkou Soniou Pottinger. Seznam stop 2CD CD1 Hurtin' Inside / We've Got to Get Ourselves Together / Peaceful Woman / The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face / Steppin' Out of Babylon / I See You, My Love / Sweet Brown Sugar / Keep the Customer Satisfied / It's Impossible / Let's Fall In Love / The Way I Feel About You / Gypsy...
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Myšlení hranice / hranice myšlení (9788024648347)
Elektronická kniha , 370 stran, česky Filosof by měl mít odvahu setrvat na hranici mezi různými obory, stát se jejich mediátorem, ale mluvit svým vlastním jazykem. Studenti a kolegové Miroslava Petříčka vydali u příležitosti jeho životního jubilea počet z vlastního myšlení a bádání, které se po jeho vzoru pouští do této riskantní oblasti. Mimořádně silná sestava autorů několika generací má široký záběr: od astronomie po animovaný film, od Prousta po Hraničáře. Ve všech těchto oborech a v mnoha dalších totiž Miroslav Petříček zanechal svou inspirativní stopu.
Objev podobné jako Myšlení hranice / hranice myšlení (9788024648347)
Norfolk - Elly Griffiths
A stunning companion to Elly Griffiths'' beloved crime series, the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries, and a photographic journey through magical Norfolk.Norfolk, a land of peaceful broads, marshy fens, sprawling coastline and shady brecks, is the home of Dr Ruth Galloway, forensic archaeologist. A place steeped in folklore and history, visibly shaped by the lives of those who have come before, it has become an integral character in Elly Griffiths'' bestselling crime series.In this book Elly takes us through a year in the Norfolk landscape, featuring the fascinating locations that have inspired her series and her writing. From seascapes to farmlands, wetlands to woodlands, churches to cottages, this beautiful book captures Norfolk in all its glorious variety and is the perfect gift for any Elly Griffiths fan.
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Matějovský saténové povlečení Melina Gold
Povlečení v jemném designu Melina Gold kombinuje tóny šédé a hřejivé medově žluté. Decentní proužek s ombré efektem dodává povlečení elegantní vzhled.Povlak na příkrývku je z obou stran stejný, povlak na polštář je z jedné strany šedý, druhá strana je medově žlutá. Povlečení je opatřeno komfortním zipovým uzávěrem.Souprava obsahuje: 1x povlak na polštář 70 x 90 cm 1x povlak na přikrývku 140 x 200 cm
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Great Deceiver - Elly Griffiths
The next gripping volume in The Brighton Mysteries series by bestselling author Elly Griffiths. It starts with a magician and a murder in a Brighton boarding house; throw in a show on Brighton pier, a sinister radio personality and a potential serial killer, and you've got the next gripping book in the Brighton Mysteries series. Magician Max Mephisto, now divorced and living in London, is on his way to visit daughter Ruby and her new-born baby when he is hailed by a voice from the past, fellow performer Ted English, aka the Great Deceiver. Ted's assistant, Cherry, has been found dead in her Brighton boarding house and he's convinced that he'll be accused of her murder. Max agrees to talk to his friend, Superintendent Edgar Stephens, who is investigating the case. What Max doesn't know is that the girl's family have hired private detective duo Emma Holmes (aka Mrs Stephens) and Sam Collins to do some digging of their own. The inhabitants of the boarding house, most of whom are performing in an Old Time Music Hall show on Brighton pier, are a motley crew. The house is also connected to a sinister radio personality called Pal. When a second magician's assistant is killed, Edgar suspects a serial killer. He persuades Max to come out of semi-retirement and take part in a summer show. But who can pose as his assistant? Edgar shocks the team by recommending someone close. . .
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Myšlením k myšlení (978-80-7438-219-2)
Kniha - autor Viktor Zavřel, 204 stran, česky, brožovaná bez přebalu lesklá Dvanáct skeptických vhledů, které originální formou mapují naši existenci i občanské soužití, zároveň zkoumají to, co je, anebo by mohlo být ideálním stavem věcí. Jaké je to překvapení, když se objeví hlas, přesněji vícehlasí, jež všudypřítomný černobílý pohled na svět problematizuje? A co je úkolem této knihy? Může pomoci vzdělávat se ve filosofickém způsobu nahlížení na svět a nabídnout kompas, abychom se v řadě témat, jimiž se dnešní společnost zabývá, neztratili. Kniha Myšlením k myšlení je lékem, jež nám předepisuje optimistický skeptik s otevřenou myslí.
Objev podobné jako Myšlením k myšlení (978-80-7438-219-2)
The Last Remains - Elly Griffiths
THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER AND FINAL INSTALMENT OF THE DR RUTH GALLOWAY MYSTERIESRuth and DCI Nelson are working on a murder case in which their friend Cathbad emerges as the prime suspect. Can they uncover the truth in time to save him?''Galloway now seems as real as Marple and Morse'' The TimesWhen builders renovating a café in King''s Lynn unearth a human skeleton, they call for DCI Harry Nelson and Dr Ruth Galloway, Head of Archaeology at the University of North Norfolk. Ruth is preoccupied with the threatened closure of her department and by her ever-complicated relationship with Nelson.The bones are identified as those of Emily Pickering, an archaeology student who went missing in the 1990s. Emily attended a course run by her Cambridge tutor. Suspicion falls on him and on another course member - Ruth''s friend Cathbad, who is still frail following his near death from Covid. As they investigate, Nelson and his team uncover a tangled web of relationships within the student group and the adults leading them. Then, just when the team seem to be making progress, Cathbad disappears.The trail leads Ruth and Nelson to the Neolithic flint mines in Grime''s Graves. The race is on, first to find Cathbad and then to exonerate him, but will Ruth and Nelson uncover the truth in time to save their friend?*******************************Praise for The Last Remains''One of our very best writers. Bravo!'' The Times ''A great pleasure to read'' 5* Reader Review''Typically intriguing'' Sunday Times''Couldn''t put it down. Great characters, great plot'' 5* Reader Review ''One of Ruth''s best investigations'' Belfast Telegraph''Kept you guessing until the very end'' 5* Reader Review
Objev podobné jako The Last Remains - Elly Griffiths
The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ''Cosy crime of a superior order'' Sunday TimesWords can be dangerous. Sometimes they kill...Natalka and Edwin are running a detective agency in Shoreham, Sussex. Despite a steady stream of minor cases, Natalka is frustrated, longing for a big juicy investigation to come the agency''s way. Then a murder case turns up. Local writer, Melody Chambers, is found dead and her family are convinced it is murder. Edwin, a big fan of the obit pages, thinks there''s a link to the writer of Melody''s obituary who pre-deceased his subject. The trail leads them to a slightly sinister writers'' retreat. When another writer is found dead, Edwin thinks that the clue lies in the words. Seeking professional help, the amateur investigators turn to their friend, detective Harbinder Kaur, to find that they have stumbled on a plot that is stranger than fiction.The unmissable new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries.*****************************Praise for The Last Word''Outstanding and hugely entertaining'' Irish Independent ''Twisty'' Crime Monthly''The characters show real light and shade and there are ample comedic one-liners'' Belfast Telegraph''This mystery will have you hooked'' Candis''Kept me guessing to the end'' SagaA Sunday Times bestseller w/c 01/02/2024
Objev podobné jako The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
THE INSTANT SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER ''Cosy crime of a superior order'' Sunday TimesWords can be dangerous. Sometimes they kill...Natalka and Edwin are running a detective agency in Shoreham, Sussex. Despite a steady stream of minor cases, Natalka is frustrated, longing for a big juicy investigation to come the agency''s way. Then a murder case turns up. Local writer, Melody Chambers, is found dead and her family are convinced it is murder. Edwin, a big fan of the obit pages, thinks there''s a link to the writer of Melody''s obituary who pre-deceased his subject. The trail leads them to a slightly sinister writers'' retreat. When another writer is found dead, Edwin thinks that the clue lies in the words. Seeking professional help, the amateur investigators turn to their friend, detective Harbinder Kaur, to find that they have stumbled on a plot that is stranger than fiction.The unmissable new novel from the bestselling author of the Dr Ruth Galloway Mysteries.*****************************Praise for The Last Word''Outstanding and hugely entertaining'' Irish Independent ''Twisty'' Crime Monthly''The characters show real light and shade and there are ample comedic one-liners'' Belfast Telegraph''This mystery will have you hooked'' Candis''Kept me guessing to the end'' SagaA Sunday Times bestseller w/c 01/02/2024
Objev podobné jako The Last Word - Elly Griffiths
The Locked Room - Elly Griffiths
**THE NUMBER ONE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER**Forensic archaeologist Dr Ruth Galloway and DCI Harry Nelson are on the hunt for a murderer when Covid rears its ugly head. But can they find the killer despite lockdown?''GALLOWAY NOW SEEMS AS REAL AS MARPLE AND MORSE'' The Times''INTENSELY ATMOSPHERIC AND GREAT'' India KnightForensic archaeologist Dr Ruth is in London clearing out her mother''s belongings when she makes a surprising discovery: a photograph of her Norfolk cottage taken before Ruth lived there. Her mother always hated the cottage, so why does she have a picture of the place? The only clue is written on the back of the photo: Dawn, 1963.Ruth returns to Norfolk determined to solve the mystery, but then Covid rears its ugly head. Ruth and her daughter are locked down in their cottage, attempting to continue with work and home-schooling. Happily, the house next door is rented by a nice woman called Zoe, who they become friendly with while standing on their doorsteps clapping for carers.Nelson, meanwhile, is investigating a series of deaths of women that may or may not be suicide. When he links the deaths to an archaeological discovery, he breaks curfew to visit the cottage where he finds Ruth chatting to her neighbour whom he remembers as a carer who was once tried for murdering her employer.Only then her name wasn''t Zoe. It was Dawn.********************************PRAISE FOR THE LOCKED ROOM''Intelligent and gripping'' Daily Express''A terrific story'' The Times''This is Griffiths on top form'' Mail on Sunday''Charming from start to finish'' Irish IndependentA Sunday Times bestseller w/c 07/02/2022
Objev podobné jako The Locked Room - Elly Griffiths
The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths
A gruesome discovery at an old children''s home lays bare terrible secret''s from Norwich''s past in the second gripping mystery for Dr Ruth Galloway.''The setting is enticingly atmospheric . . . a really intelligent murder story'' IndependentDr Ruth Galloway''s forensic skills are called upon when builders, demolishing an old house in Norwich, uncover the bones of a child - minus the skull - beneath a doorway. Is it some ritual sacrifice or just plain straightforward murder? Ruth links up with DCI Harry Nelson to investigate. The house was once a children''s home. Nelson traces the Catholic priest who used to run the place. He tells him that two children did go missing forty years before - a boy and a girl. They were never found. When carbon dating proves that the child''s bones predate the home and relate to a time when the house was privately owned, Ruth is drawn ever more deeply into the case. But as spring turns into summer it becomes clear that someone is desperate to put her off the scent by frightening her to death...
Objev podobné jako The Janus Stone - Elly Griffiths
Čo robila Zorka v pondelok - Melina Marchettová
Zorka býva s mamičkou a babičkou Rózou v malom domčeku s krásnou záhradkou. Babička ju učí, ako sadiť semienka a starať sa o ne. A kedže je Zorka šantivé a neposedné dievčatko, sem-tam aj niečo vyvedie. Čo bláznivé sa jej stalo v pondelok,to sa dočítate v tomto príbehu. A nakoniec si môžete aj sami čosi zasadiť spolu so Zorkou.
Objev podobné jako Čo robila Zorka v pondelok - Melina Marchettová
Čo robila Zorka v utorok - Melina Marchettová
Zorka býva s mamičkou a babičkou Rózou v malom domčeku na Bumerangovej ulici. Babička pletie šál, no Zorke sa zdá akýsi deravý. Čo keby sa skamarátila s babičkou od susedov? Možno by jej pomohla a podarilo by sa im spoločne vytvoriť pletací krúžok.
Objev podobné jako Čo robila Zorka v utorok - Melina Marchettová
Myšlení hranice / hranice myšlení - Petr Prášek, Alena Roreitnerová - e-kniha
eBook: Filosof by měl mít odvahu setrvat na hranici mezi různými obory, stát se jejich mediátorem, ale mluvit svým vlastním jazykem. Studenti a kolegové Miroslava Petříčka vydali u příležitosti jeho životního jubilea počet z vlastního myšlení a bádání, které se po jeho vzoru pouští do této riskantní oblasti. Mimořádně silná sestava autorů několika generací má široký záběr: od astronomie po animovaný film, od Prousta po Hraničáře. Ve všech těchto oborech a v mnoha dalších totiž Miroslav Petříček zanechal svou inspirativní stopu.
Objev podobné jako Myšlení hranice / hranice myšlení - Petr Prášek, Alena Roreitnerová - e-kniha
The 39-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 39-Storey Treehouse is the third book in Andy Griffith's and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic cartoon-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry's amazing treehouse has thirteen new levels! It used to be 13 storeys, then 26, but they keep expanding!They've added a chocolate waterfall you can swim in, a volcano for toasting marshmallows, a bulldozer-battling level, a baby-dinosaur-petting zoo, a not-very-merry merry-go-round, a boxing elephant called the Trunkinator, an X-ray room, a disco with light-up dance floor, the world's scariest roller coaster and a top-secret thirty-ninth level which hasn't even been finished yet!And this year Terry has created the greatest invention that he—or anyone else—has ever invented . . . a Once-upon-a-time machine that will write and illustrate their entire book for them! Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 39-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The Zig Zag Girl - Elly Griffiths
Brighton, 1950. When the body of a girl is found, cut into three, Detective Inspector Edgar Stephens is reminded of a magic trick, the Zig Zag Girl. The inventor of the trick, Max Mephisto, is an old friend of Edgar's. They served together in the war as part of a shadowy unit called the Magic Men. Max is still on the circuit, touring seaside towns in the company of ventriloquists, sword-swallowers and dancing girls. Changing times mean that variety is not what it once was, yet Max is reluctant to leave this world to help Edgar investigate. But when the dead girl turns out to be known to him, Max changes his mind. Another death, another magic trick: Edgar and Max become convinced that the answer to the murders lies in their army days. When Edgar receives a letter warning of another 'trick', the Wolf Trap, he knows that they are all in the killer's sights...
Objev podobné jako The Zig Zag Girl - Elly Griffiths
The 104-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 104-Storey Treehouse is the eighth book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangJoin Andy and Terry in their 104-storey spectacular treehouse – it used to be a 91-story treehouse, but they decided it was still missing a few things!They've added thirteen new levels, including a never-ending staircase, a burp bank, and even a mighty fortress. But Andy and Terry are in a race against time to find a funny story for their next book – and Andy had a toothache that hurts so bad he can't write any jokes for their new book. Will the tooth fairy be able to help?Well, if not, Terry knows just what to do: buy a Joke Writer 2000™ to write the jokes for them! All they need first is some money from their money-making machine and then it’s off to the store. It’s a foolproof plan—a Terry-proof one, even!Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 104-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 117-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 117-Storey Treehouse is the ninth book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry have added another thirteen levels of crazy fun to their every-growing treehouse! It used to be a 104-story treehouse, but it just keeps growing!They've got a tiny-horse level, a pyjama-party room and an Underpants Museum and Treehouse Information Centre! But when Terry tries to prove that he can narrate as well as draw, the story goes completely out of control and the Story Police arrive to arrest the whole treehouse team for crimes against storytelling! And the only way to escape is through the terrifying Door of Doom!Andy, Terry and Jill go on the run, but how long can they evade the Story Police and stay out of Story Jail?Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 117-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 169-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
*10 Million Children Laughing Worldwide*There are lots of laughs at every level in The 169-Storey Treehouse, the last book in the worldwide bestselling Treehouse series by Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton. Packed full of comic book style illustrations and perfect for fans of Dog Man and Bunny vs. Monkey.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry have added thirteen new levels and built their biggest and most astonishing treehouse yet! It has everything they – and you – could wish for including: an electric pony stable, a NOISY level, a weather dome (where you can have whatever weather you want whenever you want it), and an 100% edible gingerbread house and a potato-powered translation transmitter that allows you to talk to everything everywhere all at the same time.There's also a hall of funhouse mirrors, which is the perfect place to hide from Mr Bunkoff who is trying to catch Andy, Terry and Jill in order to send them to school.But Anti-Andy, Terrible Terry and Junkyard Jill, their trouble-making opposites, are trapped in one of the mirrors — and they want out. (Oh, and Mr Big Nose wants them to write their book . . . RIGHT NOW.)Can our heroes escape school, defeat their doppelgängers AND meet their book deadline?Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 169-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 13-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 13-Storey Treehouse is the first bestselling book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, packed full of comic book style illustrations! Perfect for fans of Dog Man and Bunny vs. Monkey, this book will make you laugh-out-loud on every page.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' - Tom Fletcher, author of Space BandAndy and Terry live in the WORLD'S BEST treehouse! It's got a giant catapult, a secret underground laboratory, a tank of man-eating sharks and a marshmallow machine that follows you around and shoots marshmallows into your mouth whenever you're hungry! Just watch out for the sea monkeys, and the monkeys pretending to be sea monkeys, and the giant mutant mermaid sea monster . . . Oh, and, whatever you do, don't get trapped in a burp-gas-filled bubble . . . !Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 13-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 143-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 143-Storey Treehouse is the eleventh book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry have added thirteen new levels to their treehouse!There's a word-o-matic (it knows every word in the whole world!), a recycling depot, a wrecking ball, a deep, dark cave with a real live, fire-breathing dragon, a complaining room, a spooky graveyard (where it's always midnight, even in the middle of the day) and a camping ground where you can have a nice, relaxing camping holiday. But it turns out to be not quite as relaxing as Terry originally planned . . .Terry forgets to pack the tent and the food, their attempt at fishing ends in disaster, the spooky campfire stories are a little too spooky and then, to make matters worse, all of Andy’s fellow campers start mysteriously disappearing! Can Andy brave the dark, dark woods and rescue them in time to finish writing their next book? Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 143-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 78-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 78-Storey Treehouse is the sixth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangJoin Andy and Terry in their 78-storey spectacular treehouse – it used to be 65 storeys, but they keep expanding! They've added thirteen new levels including a drive-thru car wash, a combining machine, a scribbletorium, an ALL-BALL sports stadium, Andyland, Terrytown, a high-security potato chip storage facility and an open-air movie theatre with a super giant screen . . . which is a very useful thing to have now that Terry’s going to be a big-shot movie star!Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.Winner of the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year for Younger Children!
Objev podobné jako The 78-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 130-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 130-Storey Treehouse is the tenth book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangWe've added 13 new levels to our treehouse – it used to be 117 storeys, but it keeps on growing! Now there's a soap bubble blaster, a GRABINATOR (it can grab anything from anywhere at any time), a time-wasting level, a toilet paper factory (because you can never have too much toilet paper) and an extraterrestrial observation centre . . . which will come in handy when giant flying eyeballs from outer space come to grabinate us!Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 130-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 65-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 65-Storey Treehouse is the fifth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry's amazing 65-Storey Treehouse used to be 52 stories, but they keep expanding!Now it has a pet-grooming salon, a birthday room (where it's always your birthday, even when it's not), a room full of exploding eyeballs, a lollipop shop, a quicksand pit, an ant farm and a time machine . . . which is going to be really, really useful, since Terry messed up (again) and the treehouse just FAILED its safety inspection. Join Andy and Terry on a whirlwind trip through time as they try to stop the treehouse from being demolished!Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 65-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 91-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 91-Storey Treehouse is the seventh book of Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations.'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangJoin Andy and Terry in their 91-storey spectacular treehouse – it used to be a 78-story treehouse, but they keep getting ideas for new stories! They've added thirteen new levels, including the world's most powerful whirlpool, a mashed-potato-and-gravy train and a human pinball machine. Why not try your luck on the spin-and-win prize wheel or hang out in a giant spider web (with a giant spider), or you can always get your fortune told by Madam Know-it-all or eat a submarine sandwich the size of an actual submarine while deciding whether or not to push the BIG RED BUTTON . . . which they’re not sure whether to push or not because they can’t remember what it does.Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.
Objev podobné jako The 91-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 52-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths
The 52-Storey Treehouse is the fourth book in Andy Griffiths and Terry Denton's wacky treehouse adventures, where the laugh-out-loud story is told through a combination of text and fantastic comic book-style illustrations. 'The kind of book I would have loved as a kid' – Tom Fletcher, author of The Danger GangAndy and Terry's incredible, ever-expanding treehouse has thirteen new storeys! It used to be 13, then 26, then 39, but they keep expanding! This time, there's a new watermelon-smashing level, a wave machine, a life-size snakes and ladders game (with real ladders and real snakes!), a rocket-powered carrot launcher, a Ninja Snail Training Academy and a high-tech detective agency with all the latest high-tech detective technology. Which is lucky, because they have a BIG mystery to solve: where is Mr Big Nose?!Well, what are you waiting for? Come on up!Climb more fun-filled levels by collecting all thirteen books in the seven million-copy-selling series – the perfect chapter books for reluctant readers.Winner of the Australian Book Industry Awards Book of the Year Award!
Objev podobné jako The 52-Storey Treehouse - Andy Griffiths