Kde se rozmanitost setkává s hodnotou - Katalo.cz

Joy of Gardening - Ellen Mary

Getting outside, our hands in the earth, watching plants bud then burst into bloom: the slow pleasures of gardening are an age-old tonic for the soul. From sowing seeds to deadheading flowers, growing your own potatoes to welcoming feathered friends into your own garden, discover the joy to be found in every moment of gardening by slowing down, observing nature and planning ahead for the seasons.Happiest when surrounded by plants, Ellen Mary is passionate advocate for the benefits of nature for wellbeing, spreading the word through The Plant Based Podcast and her regular talks.The Joy of Gardening includes:· Understanding your soil· How to sow seeds and care for young plants· Tips for recycling and reducing waste in your garden· How to encourage wildlife into your garden· Harvesting and cooking with fresh produce· Choosing and planting trees for both small and larger gardens· And much, much more!

Podívejte se také FLLÖS ELLEN (8595238814717)

cena 402.0 Kč

Staré sídlo - Mary Ellen Taylor

Libby má špatné období a po smrti otce si připadá osamělá. Jediné, co ji drží nad vodou, je přítelkyně Sierra a práce svatební fotografky. Ta ji zavede do historického sídla Woodmont, jehož majitelkou je Elaine Grantová.Snaží se sídlo obnovit, vrátit mu někdejší půvab a otevřít ho co nejdřív veřejnosti. Mladá fotografka se jí hned zalíbí, a tak jí zadá úkol udělat fotodokumentaci oprav. Libby na první pohled okouzlí starý skleník obrostlý zimolezem i dávné příběhy, které jsou s ním spojené.Když nakonec dokáže posbírat odvahu, aby vyklidila kancelář svého otce, najde dopis, který převrátí naruby vše, co si dosud myslela, že ví o svých rodičích, o sobě i o sídle Woodmont.

Podívejte se také mary konopela

cena 357.0 Kč

A Guided Discovery of Gardening - Julia Atkinson-Dunn

This image-laden, practical book is a comprehensive partner in creating a garden, arranged to sweep beginner and progressing gardeners through informative basics to fascinating insights laid bare through her casual, friendly writing. From introductions to plant types and taking cuttings to valuable tips for home buyers. Particularly relevant to temperate regions around the world, rich doses of handy knowledge are intermingled with reflective essays and visits to some of her favourite gardens.

Podívejte se také Mary Poppinsová ()

cena 591.0 Kč

Domek u lesa - Mary Ellen Taylor

Těhotná Megan nechce stále jen truchlit nad smrtí svého snoubence, proto se vrhá do práce na vysněném projektu: touží vrátit původní velkolepost Zimní vilce, kterou nechal vystavět její prapradědeček na pobřeží Virginie. Z domu se má stát turistická atrakce, kterou Cape Hudson, město plné jižanské historie, rozhodně potřebuje. Oporou se jí stanou nejen místní obyvatelé, ale hlavně jeden přítel z dávné minulosti.Ve správcovském domku u lesa objeví v utajené skrýši staré dopisy, v nichž se před jejíma očima začne odvíjet podmanivý životní příběh mladé ženy, která se na cestu za svými sny vydala už před celým stoletím. Megan se s každým dalším dopisem nechává unést do jejího fascinujícího světa plného mnoha rodinných tajemství.Ale svá tajemství má i Megan…

Objev podobné jako Domek u lesa - Mary Ellen Taylor

cena 402.0 Kč

Dům v zátoce - Mary Ellen Taylor

Jaké to je přijít poprvé v životě domů?Lucy plní poslední přání své matky a vrací se do rodného města ve Virginii. Cesta přes celé Státy pro ni znamená šanci na nový, lepší život. Získala totiž nečekané dědictví v podobě nemovitosti jménem Zimní vilka. Není to polorozpadlý domek, jak očekávala, ale velký dům, na němž se podepsal zub času. Sídlo s mnoha zákoutími, která skrývají tajemství, vášně a zrady několika generací. A Lucy doufá, že právě tady by mohla najít odpověď na otázku, kterou matka nikdy nezodpověděla. Kdo je její otec?Dědictví dostane, jen když splní několik podmínek, jinak přijde na řadu další z řady dědiců, charismatický Hank. Je proto odhodlaná udělat cokoliv, aby si dům udržela. Pomáhá jí v tom celé městečko, které si ji rychle oblíbí. Lucy postupem času zjišťuje víc o historii své rodiny, ale hlavně o sobě samé. Během pátrání po svých předcích totiž najde něco, co dosud neměla; domov, rodinu a lásku.

Objev podobné jako Dům v zátoce - Mary Ellen Taylor

cena 402.0 Kč

Světlo nad oceánem - Mary Ellen Taylor

Ivy se vrací do rodného města, aby se postarala o dědictví po milované babičce Ruth. Musí se vypořádat nejen se vzpomínkami z dětství, ale i se vztahy, které před lety zpřetrhala. Spolu s ní se do městečka přižene i bouře a z moře se vynoří dávno ztracená loď. Na povrch začnou vyplouvat stará tajemství, která se přímo týkají také Ivy. Rozhodne se proto zjistit pravdu – o životě babičky Ruth, o historii hotelového rezortu, který její rodina kdysi vlastnila, ale i o sobě samé.

Objev podobné jako Světlo nad oceánem - Mary Ellen Taylor

cena 402.0 Kč

Staré sídlo - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Libby má špatné období a po smrti otce si připadá osamělá. Jediné, co ji drží nad vodou, je přítelkyně Sierra a práce svatební fotografky. Ta ji zavede do historického sídla Woodmont, jehož majitelkou je Elaine Grantová. Snaží se sídlo obnovit, vrátit mu někdejší půvab a otevřít ho co nejdřív veřejnosti. Mladá fotografka se jí hned zalíbí, a tak jí zadá úkol udělat fotodokumentaci oprav. Libby na první pohled okouzlí starý skleník obrostlý zimolezem i dávné příběhy, které jsou s ním spojené. Když nakonec dokáže posbírat odvahu, aby vyklidila kancelář svého otce, najde dopis, který převrátí naruby vše, co si dosud myslela, že ví o svých rodičích, o sobě i o sídle Woodmont.

Objev podobné jako Staré sídlo - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

cena 339.0 Kč

Dům v zátoce - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Jaké to je přijít poprvé v životě domů? Lucy plní poslední přání své matky a vrací se do rodného města ve Virginii. Cesta přes celé Státy pro ni znamená šanci na nový, lepší život. Získala totiž nečekané dědictví v podobě nemovitosti jménem Zimní vilka. Není to polorozpadlý domek, jak očekávala, ale velký dům, na němž se podepsal zub času. Sídlo s mnoha zákoutími, která skrývají tajemství, vášně a zrady několika generací. A Lucy doufá, že právě tady by mohla najít odpověď na otázku, kterou matka nikdy nezodpověděla. Kdo je její otec? Dědictví dostane, jen když splní několik podmínek, jinak přijde na řadu další z řady dědiců, charismatický Hank. Je proto odhodlaná udělat cokoliv, aby si dům udržela. Pomáhá jí v tom celé městečko, které si ji rychle oblíbí. Lucy postupem času zjišťuje víc o historii své rodiny, ale hlavně o sobě samé. Během pátrání po svých předcích totiž najde něco, co dosud neměla; domov, rodinu a lásku.

Objev podobné jako Dům v zátoce - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Domek u lesa - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Román plný lásky, tajemství a vzpomínek Těhotná Megan nechce stále jen truchlit nad smrtí svého snoubence, proto se vrhá do práce na vysněném projektu: touží vrátit původní velkolepost Zimní vilce, kterou nechal vystavět její prapradědeček na pobřeží Virginie. Z domu se má stát turistická atrakce, kterou Cape Hudson, město plné jižanské historie, rozhodně potřebuje. Oporou se jí stanou nejen místní obyvatelé, ale hlavně jeden přítel z dávné minulosti. Ve správcovském domku u lesa objeví v utajené skrýši staré dopisy, v nichž se před jejíma očima začne odvíjet podmanivý životní příběh mladé ženy, která se na cestu za svými sny vydala už před celým stoletím. Megan se s každým dalším dopisem nechává unést do jejího fascinujícího světa plného mnoha rodinných tajemství. Ale svá tajemství má i Megan…

Objev podobné jako Domek u lesa - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Světlo nad oceánem - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

eBook: Ivy se vrací do rodného města, aby se postarala o dědictví po milované babičce Ruth. Musí se vypořádat nejen se vzpomínkami z dětství, ale i se vztahy, které před lety zpřetrhala. Spolu s ní se do městečka přižene i bouře a z moře se vynoří dávno ztracená loď. Na povrch začnou vyplouvat stará tajemství, která se přímo týkají také Ivy. Rozhodne se proto zjistit pravdu – o životě babičky Ruth, o historii hotelového rezortu, který její rodina kdysi vlastnila, ale i o sobě samé.

Objev podobné jako Světlo nad oceánem - Mary Ellen Taylor - e-kniha

cena 382.0 Kč

Joy of Wintering - Erin Nimi Longhurst

How to rest, reconnect and rejuvenate through practical lessons, creativity and conscious living. The Joy of Wintering celebrates the ways in which the joys of spring are made possible at any stage of life by periods of rest and recuperation. Through practical tips and lessons from cultures with a strong wintering tradition, learn why rest should be celebrated not stigmatised, and how to live more consciously and compassionately.So many of us have experienced periods of burnout, influenced by a range of factors. This book is a rallying cry to make space for times of feast and fallow to improve productivity, make space for creativity and finding your presence in moments of clarity. It is for those who want to unlock their potential and adjust to our new normal, largely inspired by the conversations forced upon us by the pandemic.Drawing upon different cultures with a strong tradition of rest and recuperation, this book will be full of practical activities, inspirational quotes and aims to provide a space for readers to embrace stillness. The chapters cover: what we see, what to listen out for, what to touch, what to taste, what to breathe; including craft activities, recipes, meditations, and much more.

Objev podobné jako Joy of Wintering - Erin Nimi Longhurst

cena 384.0 Kč

MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 1

Škola hry na klavír Publikace THE JOY OF GRADED PIANO - GRADE 1 je součástí oceňované klavírní ediční řady THE JOY OF. První díl nabízí 24 skladeb pro sólový klavír (od skladeb z období baroka a romantismu po současné klavírní kusy) doplněné o poznámky a užitečné rady k provedení jednotlivých skladeb. Seznam skladeb: 1. Air in D Minor [Henry Purcell] 2. Allegretto in C Major [Christian Gottlob Neefe] 3. Boogie Woogie Bear [Anne Crosby Gaudet] 4. Calypso Joe [Stephen Duro] 5. Cat and Mouse [Carolyn Miller] 6. The Clumsy Panda [Nikolas Sideris] 7. Coral Reef [June Armstrong] 8. Don’t You Let Nobody Turn You Around (Traditional Sacred Song) [McCain] 9. The Echo (Das Echo) [Theodor Oesten] 10. Fresh Air [Andrew Eales] 11. The Goldfishes (Złote rybki) [Janina Garścia] 12. Happy-Go-Lucky (Sorgenlose Heiterkeit) [Daniel Gottlob Türk] 13. Jive O’Clock Jazz [Victoria Proudler] 14. Le Douze de Décembre [Ignatius Sancho] 15. The Little Brook [Walter Carroll] 16. Longing (Tęsknota) [Feliks Rybicki] 17. Menuet in G Major [Christian Petzold] 18. North West of Inverness [Graham Lynch] 19. Orrin and Echo [Zenobia Powell Perry] 20. Snowflakes [Ben Andrew] 21. Soldiers’ March (Soldatenmarsch) [Robert Schumann] 22. Wedding Veil (Traditional Chinese Folk Song) [Johnson] 23. The Wind [Chee-Hwa Tan] 24. You and I (Traditional Korean Folk Song) [Lee]

Objev podobné jako MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 1

cena 420.0 Kč

MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 2

Škola hry na klavír Publikace THE JOY OF GRADED PIANO - GRADE 2 je součástí oceňované klavírní ediční řady THE JOY OF. Druhý díl nabízí 24 skladeb pro sólový klavír (od skladeb z období baroka a romantismu po současné klavírní kusy) doplněné o poznámky a užitečné rady k provedení jednotlivých skladeb. Seznam skladeb: 1. Allegro from Divertimento in G Major, Hob. XVI:8 [Franz Joseph Haydn] 2. Allegro in B-flat Major, K 3 [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] 3. Arabesque, Op. 100, No. 2 [Friedrich Burgmüller] 4. Blue Planet [Karen Tanaka] 5. Brave Matthew (Dzielny Mateusz) [Krystyna Gowik] 6. Caterpillar Blue [Nikki Iles] 7. Cloudy Day [Christopher Norton] 8. Clowns on Unicycles [Mona Rejino] 9. The Day the Snow Fell [Ming Wang] 10. Ecossaise in G Major, Op. 38, No. 23 [Johann Wilhelm Hässler] 11. Flaming Sapphire [Alison Mathews] 12. The Flying Dancer [Anna Blonsky] 13. Highway 56 [Jason Sifford] 14. Hopping, Op. 39, No. 18 [Dmitry Kabalevsky] 15. I’m a Soldier, Let Me Ride (Traditional Sacred Song) [McCain] 16. Le chant du pâtre [Simone Plé] 17. Little Sister [Norman Dello Joio] 18. Menuet in G Minor [Christian Petzold] 19. Musette in D Major (from Notebook for Anna Magdalena Bach) 20. Night Escape (Nächtliche Reise) [Cornelius Gurlitt] 21. Quiet Morning [Samuil Maykapar] 22. A Short Story [Yoshinao Nakada] 23. Sorrow (Bánat) [Béla Bartók] 24. Together At Last [Alexis Ffrench]

Objev podobné jako MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 2

cena 285.0 Kč

MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 3

Škola hry na klavír Publikace THE JOY OF GRADED PIANO - GRADE 3 je součástí oceňované klavírní ediční řady THE JOY OF. Třetí díl nabízí 24 skladeb pro sólový klavír (od skladeb z období baroka a romantismu po současné klavírní kusy) doplněné o poznámky a užitečné rady k provedení jednotlivých skladeb. Seznam skladeb: 1. Almond Tree (Migdałowiec) [Janina Garścia] 2. Arirang (Traditional Korean Folk Song) [Lee] 3. Autumn mood [Borislava Taneva] 4. The Clown, Op. 39, No. 20 [Dmitry Kabalevsky] 5. Dawn [Phillip Keveren] 6. Easy Walkin’ Blues [Eugénie Rocherolle] 7. The Fall of the Leafe [Martin Peerson] 8. Hansel and Gretel (Jaś i Małgosia) [Mirosław Gasieniec] 9. It’s All Good Here (Di Sini Senang) (Malay/Indonesian Folk Song) [Siagian] 10. March in D Major [Philipp Emanuel Bach] 11. My Scarf Is Yellow [Hale Smith] 12. Northern Lights [Karen Tanaka] 13. Old French Song (Mélodie antique française) [Pyotr Il’yich Tchaikovsky] 14. Pizza with Kristin [Errollyn Wallen] 15. Praeludium in C Major, BWV 939 [Johann Sebastian Bach] 16. The Quiet Room [Debbie Wiseman] 17. Shadows [Walter Carroll] 18. Shepherd Playing on His Pipe (Der Schäfer bläst die Schalmei) [Vladimir Rebikov] 19. Soft Rain (Azisai) [Naoko Ikeda] 20. Sonatina in C Major, Op. 36, No. 1 [Muzio Clementi] 21. Song (Lied) [Cornelius Gurlitt] 22. The Song of Twilight [Yoshinao Nakada] 23. Tarantella [William Gillock] 24. Watermark [Enya]

Objev podobné jako MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 3

cena 338.0 Kč

MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 4

Škola hry na klavír Publikace THE JOY OF GRADED PIANO - GRADE 4 je součástí oceňované klavírní ediční řady THE JOY OF. Čtvrtý díl nabízí 24 skladeb pro sólový klavír (od skladeb z období baroka a romantismu po současné klavírní kusy) doplněné o poznámky a užitečné rady k provedení jednotlivých skladeb. Seznam skladeb: 1. Adagio in C Major, K 356/617a [Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart] 2. Allegro di molto from Sonatina in G Major Op. 36, No. 5 [Muzio Clementi] 3. Andante sostenuto from Kinderstücke, Op. 72, No. 2 [Felix Mendelssohn] 4. Aria from Suite in G Major, HWV 441 [George Frideric Handel] 5. Ballade, Op. 100, No. 15 [Friedrich Burgmüller] 6. Billie’s Song [Valerie Capers] 7. Bow-Chicka-Wow-Wow [Ben Crosland] 8. Canoeing, Op. 119, No. 3 [Amy Marcy Beach] 9. Comptine d’un autre été: L'après-midi [Yann Tiersen] 10. Dance of the Elves (Alfedans), Op. 12, No. 4 [Edvard Grieg] 11. The Evening Bell (La Campana de la tarde) [Enrique Granados] 12. Holiday in Paris [William Gillock] 13. Idylle, Op. 126, No. 1 [Cécile Chaminade] 14. A Little Song (Andantino) [Aram Khachaturian] 15. Longings [Eugénie Rocherolle] 16. Lustig und Traurig (Bagatelle in C Major, WoO 54) [Ludwig van Beethoven] 17. Praeludium in C Major, BWV 846 [Johann Sebastian Bach] 18. Rain [Poppy Ackroyd] 19. Restless [Mona Rejino] 20. Shark Soup [Sam Wedgwood] 21. Song for Rani [Gabriel Yared] 22. Ticklin’ Toes [Florence Price] 23. The White Phoenix [Naoko Ikeda] 24. Written on the Sky [Max Richter]

Objev podobné jako MS The Joy Of Graded Piano - Grade 4

cena 390.0 Kč

The Unexpected Joy of Being Single - Catherine Gray

''This refreshing, unusual book needs to exist. A culture shift which repositions a single person as someone who is relationship-free, complete, and not lacking is long overdue.'' - The i''Absolutely f*cking brilliant'' - Florence GivenHaving a secret single freak-out? Feeling the red, heart-shaped urgency intensify as the years roll on by? Oh hi! You''re in the right place.Over half of Brits aged 25-44 are now single. It''s become the norm to remain solo until much later in life, given the average marriage ages of 35 (women) and 38 (men). Many of us are choosing never to marry at all. But society, films, song lyrics and our parents are adamant that a happy ending has to be couple-shaped. That we''re incomplete without an ''other half''*, like a bisected panto pony. Cue: single sorrow. Dating like it''s a job. Spending half our lives waiting for somebody-we-fancy to text us back. Feeling haunted by the terms ''spinster'' or ''confirmed bachelor.''Catherine Gray took a whole year off dating to find single satisfaction. She lifted the lid on the reasons behind the global single revolution, explored the bizarre ways cultures single-shame, detached from ''all the good ones are gone!'' panic and debunked the myth that married people are much happier.Let''s start the reverse brainwash, in order to locate - and luxuriate in - single happiness. Are you in?*Spoiler: you''re already wholePRAISE FOR CATHERINE GRAY''S WRITING:"Fascinating." - Bryony Gordon"Not remotely preachy." - The Times"Jaunty, shrewd and convincing." - The Telegraph "Admirably honest, light, bubbly and remarkably rarely annoying." - The Guardian"Truthful, modern and real." - Stylist"Brave, witty and brilliantly written." - Marie Claire"Haunting, admirable and enlightening." - The Pool

Objev podobné jako The Unexpected Joy of Being Single - Catherine Gray

cena 325.0 Kč

The Joy of Small Things - Hannah Jane Parkinson

''This book is a not-so-small joy in itself.''NIGELLA LAWSON''Parkinson has the gift of making you look with new eyes at everyday things. The perfect daily diversion.''JOJO MOYES''Always funny and frank and full of insight, I absolutely love Parkinson’s writing.''DAVID NICHOLLS''I loved this book . . . Parkinson’s writing transports you to unexpected places of joy and comfort . . . these pages contain happiness.''MARINA HYDE''The twenty-first century feels a lot more bearable in Parkinson''s company.''CHARLOTTE MENDELSONDrawn from the successful Guardian column, these everyday exultations and inspirations will get you through dismal days. Hannah Jane Parkinson is a specialist in savouring the small pleasures of life. She revels in her fluffy dressing gown (''like bathing in marshmallow’), finds calm in solo cinema trips, is charmed by the personalities of fonts (''you’ll never see Comic Sans on a funeral notice''), celebrates pockets and gleefully abandons a book she isn’t enjoying. Parkinson’s everyday exaltations – selected from her immensely successful Guardian column – will utterly delight.FEATURES BRAND NEW MATERIAL''A compendium of delights.''OBSERVER''Delightful . . . a love letter to those little moments of bliss that get us through the daily grind.''RED

Objev podobné jako The Joy of Small Things - Hannah Jane Parkinson

cena 295.0 Kč

Knížka The Joy of Home by Ashley Gilbreath, English

Kniha z kolekce home & lifestyle. O vytváření domovů, které spojují rodiny a umožňují jim oslavovat radost ze života.

Objev podobné jako Knížka The Joy of Home by Ashley Gilbreath, English

cena 1299.0 Kč

Simply Jamie: Celebrate the Joy of Food - Jamie Oliver

In five knockout chapters covering Midweek Meals, Weekend Wins, Trusty Traybakes, Cupboard Love and Perfect Puds, Jamie has produced a cookbook that will fit seamlessly into your life. Simply Jamie exists to inspire you to get cooking – it’s full of delicious, achievable recipes you’ll love to make. Whatever your needs, you can trust that these tried and tested recipes will slot right into the rhythms of your week – from 20-minute-to-table dishes and no-time-to-shop cupboard rescues to weekend wins that create smart leftover ideas, meaning mealtimes are a doddle in the days that follow.Recipes include: Jarred Pepper Pasta Roasted Veg with Camembert Fondue Batch-It-Up Bolognese Gochujang Chicken Noodle Traybake 8 Cool Ways with Salmon Smash Burger Spicy Paneer & Veg Squash Bake Tin Raid Fishcakes Hot & Crispy Ice Cream Parcel Epic Sticky Toffee Pudding This is a book about inspiration and bringing joy back into the kitchen.

Objev podobné jako Simply Jamie: Celebrate the Joy of Food - Jamie Oliver

cena 805.0 Kč

Lonely Planet The Joy of Quiet Places - Lonely Planet

Discover 60 of our planet''s most serene and peaceful spaces plus 120 extra ideas on tranquil trips that explore the joys, pleasures, and restorative effects of quiet travel.Nothing is more healing to the mind and spirit than finding a special place of peace. Learn how to slow down, open your eyes and ears to the tiny details of our world, and find joy in spaces far from the hustle and bustle of daily life with this unique travel guide.Inside The Joy of Quiet Places:60 joyous and special quiet places from all over the world organised by region plus 120 extra recommendations of quiet trips Feature profiles explore the joy of each quiet place and its story including why it is so special, its history, its challenges, and the quality of joy you may feel while thereAt-a-glance reasons to go offer a glimpse into what you can expect to find from each journey plus ''don''t miss'' experiences ensure you make the most of your timeQ&A panels from experts closely associated with each of the main destinations offer further insights and insider knowledgeEssential trip planning tips and practical travel advice including information on when to visit, how to get there, accessibility, and amenitiesStunning photography throughoutCovers Africa & the Middle East, Americas & Antarctica, Asia, Europe, OceaniaBeautiful and vibrant book cover by Owen Gatley, illustrator of all books within Lonely Planet''s Joy of seriesLonely Planet''s Joy of series introduces The Joy of Quiet Places, the ultimate gift book for anyone looking to experience a meditative or mindful getaway, and add more balance and joy to their next travel adventure.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet The Joy of Quiet Places - Lonely Planet

cena 679.0 Kč

Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová

THE SUNDAY TIMES TOP TEN BESTSELLER'[Mary Beard] has always had the sharpest eyes for telling detail and colourful anecdote' Sunday Times'Britain's most famous classicist ... at the peak of her powers' The Times'Extraordinary ... a deliciously varied tapestry of detail drawn from across nearly three centuries' Telegraph'The reigning Queen of Classics' SpectatorWhat was it really like to rule and be ruled in the Ancient Roman world?In her international best-seller SPQR, Mary Beard told the thousand-year story of ancient Rome.Now, she shines her spotlight on the emperors who ruled the Roman empire, from Julius Caesar (assassinated 44 BCE) to Alexander Severus (assassinated 235 CE). Emperor of Rome is not your usual chronological account of Roman rulers, one after another: the mad Caligula, the monster Nero, the philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Beard asks bigger questions: What power did emperors actually have? Was the Roman palace really so bloodstained?Emperor of Rome goes directly to the heart of Roman (and our own) fantasies about what it was to be Roman, offering an account of Roman history as it has never been presented before.

Objev podobné jako Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová

cena 886.0 Kč

Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová

What was it really like to rule and be ruled in the Ancient Roman world? In her international best-seller SPQR, Mary Beard told the thousand-year story of ancient Rome. Now, she shines her spotlight on the emperors who ruled the Roman empire, from Julius Caesar (assassinated 44 BCE) to Alexander Severus (assassinated 235 CE).Emperor of Rome is not your usual chronological account of Roman rulers, one after another: the mad Caligula, the monster Nero, the philosopher Marcus Aurelius. Beard asks bigger questions: What power did emperors actually have? Was the Roman palace really so bloodstained? Emperor of Rome goes directly to the heart of Roman (and our own) fantasies about what it was to be Roman, offering an account of Roman history as it has never been presented before.

Objev podobné jako Emperor of Rome - Mary Beardová

cena 330.0 Kč

Barbie Book of Joy

Be More Barbie! For generations, Barbie has inspired women around the world. From the first Barbie doll released in 1959 to the pop-culture moment and huge box office success of the Barbie movie in 2023. She has been a doctor, a lawyer, a pilot, an astronaut, even a president! With so much experience, she's learnt a lot along the way and is ready to share these gems of wisdom.Whether you need a pick-me-up, Dreamhouse decor direction, fashion advice or simply someone to remind you that you've got this, Barbie will always be there to offer a helping hand. Filled with fun, playful thoughts and philosophies, and inspired by her signature style, kindness and curiosity, Barbie Book of Joy is a guide to having the best day!

Objev podobné jako Barbie Book of Joy

cena 268.0 Kč

Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

An entertaining and insightful exploration of schadenfreude: the deliciously dark and complex joy we've all felt, from time to time, at news of others' misfortunes. You might feel schadenfreude when... the boss calls himself "Head of Pubic Services" on an important letter.a cool guy swings back on his chair, and it tips over.a Celebrity Vegan is caught in the cheese aisle. an aggressive driver cuts you off - and then gets pulled over.your co-worker heats up fish in the microwave, then gets food poisoning.an urban unicyclist almost collides with a parked car.someone cuts the line for the ATM - and then it swallows their card.your effortlessly attractive friend gets dumped. We all know the pleasure felt at someone else's misfortune. The Germans named this furtive delight in another's failure schadenfreude (from schaden damage, and freude, joy), and it has perplexed philosophers and psychologists for centuries. Why can it be so satisfying to witness another's distress? And what, if anything, should we do about it? Schadenfreude illuminates this hidden emotion, inviting readers to reflect on its pleasures, and how we use other people's miseries to feel better about ourselves. Written in an exploratory, evocative form, it weaves examples from literature, philosophy, film, and music together with personal observation and historical and cultural analysis. And in today's world of polarized politics, twitter trolls and "sidebars of shame," it couldn't be timelier. Engaging, insightful, and entertaining, Schadenfreude makes the case for thinking afresh about the role this much-maligned emotion plays in our lives -- perhaps even embracing it.

Objev podobné jako Schadenfreude : The Joy of Another´s Misfortune - Tiffany Watt Smith

cena 312.0 Kč

Nivea Joy of Life pečující sprchový gel Rose & Jasmine 250 ml

Nivea Joy of Life, 250 ml, Sprchové gely pro ženy, Sprchový gel Nivea Joy of Life je nezbytnou součástí každodenní hygieny. Jemně, ale šetrně čistí pokožku celého těla a dodává jí potřebnou hydrataci. Vlastnosti: myje pokožku a zbavuje nečistot vyživuje a pečuje o pokožku navrací pokožce komfortní pocit Jak používat: Aplikujte při sprchování či koupeli. Naneste na pokožku celého těla a poté opláchněte teplou vodou. Vhodné pro každodenní použití.

Objev podobné jako Nivea Joy of Life pečující sprchový gel Rose & Jasmine 250 ml

cena 85.0 Kč

Bess Of Hardwick - Mary S. Lovell

A biography of one of the most remarkable women of the Tudor era - next to Queen Elizabeth the most powerful woman in EnglandBess of Hardwick, born into the most brutal and turbulent period of England''s history, did not have an auspicious start in life. Widowed for the first time at sixteen, she nonetheless outlived four monarchs, married three more times, and died one of the wealthiest and most powerful women the country has ever seen. The Tudor age was a hazardous time for an ambitious woman: by the time Frances, Bess''s first child, was six, three of her illustrious godparents had been beheaded. Plague regularly wiped out entire families, conspiracies and feuds were rife. But through all this Bess Hardwick bore eight children and built an empire of her own: the great houses of Chatsworth and Hardwick. ''The best account yet of this shrewd, enigmatic and remarkable woman'' Sunday Times''Lovell has excelled at bringing the Tudor age to exuberant life. A phenomenal story'' Mail on Sunday''Utterly absorbing... one of those biographies in which the reader really doesn''t want the subject to die'' Independent on Sunday

Objev podobné jako Bess Of Hardwick - Mary S. Lovell

cena 443.0 Kč

Vow of Thieves (Dance of Thieves 2) - Mary E. Pearsonová

''Mary E. Pearson is a fearless storyteller'' Stephanie GarberVow of Thieves is the thrilling sequel to Dance of Thieves, set in the same world as Mary E. Pearson''s New York Times bestselling Remnant Chronicles.Kazi and Jase have survived, stronger and more in love than ever. Their new life now lies before them - the Ballengers will be outlaws no longer, Tor''s Watch will be a kingdom, and Kazi and Jase will meet all challenges side by side, together at last.But an ominous warning mars their journey back, and they soon find themselves captured in a tangled web of deceit woven by their greatest enemies and unlikeliest allies, a place where betrayals run deeper and more deadly than either had thought possible, and where timeless ambitions threaten to destroy them both.PRAISE FOR MARY E. PEARSON''One of my favorite reads of the year'' Alyson Noël''Deeply satisfying, intricately plotted fantasy'' Robin LaFevers''Breathtaking'' Booklist''Heart-pounding'' Cinda Williams Chima

Objev podobné jako Vow of Thieves (Dance of Thieves 2) - Mary E. Pearsonová

cena 259.0 Kč

Dance of Thieves (Dance of Thieves 1) - Mary E. Pearsonová

A reformed thief and the young leader of an outlaw dynasty lock wits in a battle that may cost them their lives, and their hearts, in a new novel from the New York Times bestselling author of The Remnant Chronicles.When the patriarch of the Ballenger empire dies, his son, Jase, becomes its new leader. Even nearby kingdoms bow to the strength of this outlaw family, who have always governed by their own rules. But a new era looms on the horizon, set in motion by a young queen, which makes her the target of the dynasty's resentment and anger.At the same time, Kazi, a legendary former street thief, is sent by the queen to investigate transgressions against the new settlements. When Kazi arrives in the forbidding land of the Ballengers, she learns that there is more to Jase than she thought. As unexpected events spiral out of their control, bringing them intimately together, they continue to play a cat and mouse game of false moves and motives in order to fulfil their own secret missions.

Objev podobné jako Dance of Thieves (Dance of Thieves 1) - Mary E. Pearsonová

cena 268.0 Kč

JHS Pedals Legends of Fuzz Series Mary-K

Kytarový efekt Mary-K je pedálový efekt značky JHS Pedals z řady Legends of Fuzz, která si klade za cíl věrně replikovat obvody těch nejslavnějších fuzz efektů z celého světa a tím jim vzdát hold. Tato série odstartovala v roce 2020 se svými prvními čtyřmi efekty a teď přináší další tři přírůstky do sbírky. Mary-K je jedním z nich. Inspirací pro Mary-K se stal efekt Kay Fuzz Tone z dílny společnosti Kay Musical Instruments, který se poprvé objevil na trhu v roce 1968 a ovládal se jednoduše jedním pedálem. Původně se jednalo o cenově dostupnější verzi efektu Univox Superfuzz, takže zde uslyšíte kromě fuzz efektu také oktávovou linku. O popularitu Kay Fuzzu se zasloužil zejména kytarista Edge z kapely U2. Krabička Mary-K je osazena dvěma ovladači, které slouží k nastavení výstupní hlasitosti (Volume) a ovládání charakteru tónu od jasného po temný (Frequency). Pokud byste efekt chtěli používat podobně jako původní Kay Fuzz, můžete ke krabičce připojit externí expression pedál a parametr Frequency ovládat jeho sešlápnutím. Na levé straně krabičky najdete přepínač Mode, jehož stlačením aktivujete unikátní režim JHS, který zesílí středové frekvence zvukového signálu. Krabičku můžete napájet standardně 9V adaptérem nebo také 9V baterií. JHS Pedals je mladá americká firma, která vznikla teprve v roce 2007 a od té doby nabízí prvotřídní produkty s minimalistickým designem a intuitivním ovládáním. Joshe Scotta přivedla k založení společnosti vášeň pro kytarové efekty a jejich fungování – ta se podepisuje na každém jednotlivém kousku. Všechny efekty jsou sestaveny v americkém Kansas City a při jejich výrobě je dbáno na precizní zhotovení všech detailů, jakožto i výběr kvalitních materiálů.

Objev podobné jako JHS Pedals Legends of Fuzz Series Mary-K

cena 4820.0 Kč

Mary I: Queen of Sorrows - Alison Weirová

''A must for Tudor fans everywhere'' Tracy Borman''Thrilling, captivating . . . unforgettable'' Kate Williams''A gripping story that''s underpinned by a wealth of research . . . this is Alison Weir at her best'' Nicola TallisSunday Times bestselling novelist Alison Weir returns with the spellbinding story of Mary I.A DESTINY REWRITTEN. A ROYAL HEART DIVIDED.Adored only child of Henry VIII and his Queen, Katherine of Aragon, Princess Mary is raised in the golden splendour of her father''s court. But the King wants a son and heir.With her parents'' marriage, and England, in crisis, Mary''s perfect world begins to fall apart. Exiled from the court and her beloved mother, she seeks solace in her faith, praying for her father to bring her home. But when the King does promise to restore her to favour, his love comes with a condition.The choice Mary faces will haunt her for years to come - in her allegiances, her marriage and her own fight for the crown. Can she become the queen she was born to be?MARY I. HER STORY.Alison Weir''s new Tudor novel is the tale, full of drama and tragedy, of how a princess with such promise, loved by all who knew her, became the infamous Bloody Mary.---PRAISE FOR ALISON WEIR''S TUDOR FICTION''Alison Weir gives us her most compelling heroine yet... This is where the story of the Tudors begins'' Tracy Borman''History has the best stories and they should all be told like this'' Conn Iggulden''As always, Alison Weir is ahead of the curve - and at the top of her game'' Sarah Gristwood''Weir is excellent on the little details that bring a world to life'' Guardian''Profoundly moving... lingers long after the last page'' Elizabeth Fremantle

Objev podobné jako Mary I: Queen of Sorrows - Alison Weirová

cena 738.0 Kč

A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Wollstonecraft Mary - e-kniha

eBook: A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792) is a work of crucial importance in intellectual history. Considered by most as Western feminism’s central heroine, Wollstonecraft argues that women must be educated to develop their reason in order to throw off the frivolous, debilitating role of man’s plaything. Rather than cultivating power from sexual allure, women should be honest, intelligent, and independent. Her concern about how women’s innate worth is denigrated by improper definitions of the feminine in novels, in advice literature, and in educational systems has inspired women for over two centuries to contemplate the connections between power and femininity. About the Author:As a young woman Mary Wollstonecraft worked in most of the few acceptable occupations for genteel women: lady’s companion, governess, seamstress, and schoolteacher. Unsatisfied by these conventional positions, Wollstonecraft carved out a career as a female polemicist, publishing in a wide range of genres: articles, reviews, novels, children’s stories, educational tracts, histories, travel writing, and textbooks.

Objev podobné jako A Vindication of the Rights of Woman - Wollstonecraft Mary - e-kniha

cena 194.0 Kč

Muziker - FULL OF JOY UNI Čelenka

Čelenka nejen pro chladné dny. Váš status se nemusí zobrazovat jen na displeji smartphonu. Ukažte světu svou radost pomocí čelenky od společnosti Muziker. Je vyrobena z elastického úpletu, směsi polyesteru a lycry. Díky povrchové úpravě na rubové straně má úplet vynikající tepelně izolační vlastnosti. Přirozeně odvádí vlhkost, čímž pomáhá udržovat stabilní tělesnou teplotu a pohodlí v chladných podmínkách. MuzMuz a anglický nápis FULL OF JOY v charakteristických barvách Muzikeru na bílém pozadí dodávají čelence znak originality. Věková skupina: Dospělý;Junior Typ aktivity: Outdoor Materiál: Elastické vlákno Lycra;PES Typ produktu: Čelenka Barva: Bílá Specifikace materiálu: Elastické vlákno Lycra;PES Země původu: Bangladéš Velikost: UNI Pohlaví: Unisex Interpret / Téma: Muziker Barva podle výrobce: FULL OF JOY Typ: Headband Varianta: „Full of Joy"

Objev podobné jako Muziker - FULL OF JOY UNI Čelenka

cena 300.0 Kč

ACappella Star Of Joy dárková sada

ACappella Star Of Joy, Aroma difuzéry s náplní Vůně do bytu, Speciální příležitosti si žádají speciální dárečky, ať už si jimi chcete udělat radost vy sami nebo potěšit své blízké. Dárková sada ACappella Star Of Joy v sobě ukrývá pečlivě vybranou a s láskou sestavenou kombinaci vůní a kosmetických produktů, které zaručeně vykouzlí úsměv na tváří vám či vašim blízkým, ať už se vrhnete do jejich zkoumání naráz, nebo je budete otevírat postupně v průběhu celého měsíce. Vlastnosti: příjemně voní Sada obsahuje: koupelová bomba 3x125 g čisticí tuhé mýdlo 100 g aroma difuzér s náplní 100 ml Jak používat: Uchovávejte mimo dosah dětí. Pokud se náplň difuzéru střetne s kůží, okamžitě ji omyjte velkým množstvím vody a mýdla. Při zasáhnutí očí několik minut vyplachujte vodou.

Objev podobné jako ACappella Star Of Joy dárková sada

cena 507.0 Kč

The Light and Shade of Ellen Swithin - DG Coutinho

Work can be a killer. But so can she.Ellen is tired of being overshadowed at work. Tired of watching less competent, entitled suits take the promotions she's earned.But when one of them pushes her too far, things take a murderous turn. And it turns out the darker Ellen goes, the brighter her future starts to look.Business can be murder, but it turns out murder can also be good business for Ellen. Torn between capitalising on her newfound success and desperately covering her tracks she soon discovers that others in the company are also interested in dramatically adjusting its toxic office culture.Will she be able to survive the competition? And how much further is she willing to go to get what she deserves?A fun, subversive thriller for fans of My Sister, the Serial Killer, Killing Eve, The Other Black Girl and Bella Mackie.

Objev podobné jako The Light and Shade of Ellen Swithin - DG Coutinho

cena 384.0 Kč

The Light and Shade of Ellen Swithin - DG Coutinho

Work can be a killer. But so can she.Ellen is tired of being overshadowed at work. Tired of watching less competent, entitled suits take the promotions she’s earned. But when one of them pushes her too far, things take a murderous turn. And it turns out the darker Ellen goes, the brighter her future starts to look.Business can be murder, but it turns out murder can also be good business for Ellen. Torn between capitalising on her newfound success and desperately covering her tracks she soon discovers that others in the company are also interested in dramatically adjusting its toxic office culture. Will she be able to survive the competition? And how much further is she willing to go to get what she deserves?A fun, subversive thriller for fans of My Sister, the Serial Killer, Killing Eve, The Other Black Girl and Bella Mackie.

Objev podobné jako The Light and Shade of Ellen Swithin - DG Coutinho

cena 561.0 Kč

Mary Queen of Scots : And the Murder of Lord Darnley - Alison Weirová

'Weir is excellent on the little details that bring a world to life' Guardian Anne Boleyn: A King's Obsession by bestselling historian Alison Weir, author of Katherine of Aragon: The True Queen, is the second captivating novel in the Six Tudor Queens series. An unforgettable portrait of the ambitious woman whose fate we know all too well, but whose true motivations may surprise you. Essential reading for fans of Philippa Gregory and Elizabeth Chadwick. 'Offers a spellbinding solution to the mystery of Anne's true nature . . . Enthralling' Sarah Gristwood The young woman who changed the course of history. Fresh from the palaces of Burgundy and France, Anne draws attention at the English court, embracing the play of courtly love. But when the King commands, nothing is ever a game. Anne has a spirit worthy of a crown - and the crown is what she seeks. At any price. ANNE BOLEYN. The second of Henry's Queens. Her story. History tells us why she died. This powerful novel shows her as she lived. SIX TUDOR QUEENS. SIX NOVELS. SIX YEARS.

Objev podobné jako Mary Queen of Scots : And the Murder of Lord Darnley - Alison Weirová

cena 357.0 Kč

Japanese Gardening - Charles Cheshire

This inspiring book offers expert information on how to create the perfect Japanese-style garden in any location, with a history of the garden styles and philosophy.

Objev podobné jako Japanese Gardening - Charles Cheshire

cena 443.0 Kč

Rebel Gardening - Alessandro Vitale

This is the ultimate beginner’s guide to establishing and tending an organic kitchen garden in any urban space, no matter how small, written by the YouTuber and TikToker known as Spicy Moustache.Do you live in the city and yearn for the space and time to grow your own food and live more connected with nature and the seasons? Rebel Gardening shows that anyone can grow a garden of delicious organic fruit and vegetables, wildlife-friendly wildflowers and abundant herbs in absolutely any urban space with a bit of know-how.Organic gardening expert Alessandro Vitale wants you to embrace the living soil and establish your own city eden where creatures and plants can coexist, in harmony with our modern lives. He shares his low-cost and organic approach with all the essential guidance you will need, including his top 50 plants for beginner gardeners, with a plethora of information on how to plant and look after them and how to make the most of all your produce. Learn how to make vegan honey with dandelions, establish a micro-orchard, or brew a natural antibiotic from garlic.Alessandro shares a plan for any type of space and how to tend it through the year. Learn about companion gardening, saving seeds, DIY raised beds and everything to allow your garden to flourish. The healing and planet-protecting power of gardening is within your grasp!

Objev podobné jako Rebel Gardening - Alessandro Vitale

cena 561.0 Kč

Lonely Planet The Joy of Birdwatching - Lonely Planet, Dr Mya-Rose Craig, Tenijah Hamilton

Discover 60 uplifting birding adventures plus 120 extra ideas on bird-rich trips that explore the joys and pleasures of watching our feathered friends in nature.Meet some of the world''s most remarkable birds - big and small - and marvel at the sights, sounds, sensations, and settings that can be experienced at each of the birdwatching locations and hotspots shared in this unique guide.Inside The Joy of Birdwatching:60 joyous and memorable birding experiences organised by region plus 120 extra recommendations of birding encounters across the worldFeature profiles explore the joy of birding and the practicalities including at-a-glance reasons to go, what makes each encounter so special, and the ''don''t miss'' aspects of each experience Q&A panels from birding experts closely associated with each of the main destinations offer further insights and insider knowledgeEssential trip planning tips and practical travel advice including information on when to visit, how to get there, accessibility, and amenitiesStunning photography throughoutCovers Africa & the Middle East, Americas & Antarctica, Asia, Europe, OceaniaBeautiful and vibrant book cover by Owen Gatley, illustrator of all books within Lonely Planet''s Joy of seriesLonely Planet''s Joy of series introduces The Joy of Birdwatching, the ultimate gift book for the ornithophile in your life, or for anyone looking to connect with nature and add more balance and joy to their next travel experience.

Objev podobné jako Lonely Planet The Joy of Birdwatching - Lonely Planet, Dr Mya-Rose Craig, Tenijah Hamilton

cena 679.0 Kč

A History of Words for Children - Mary Richards

A history of the world told through the prism of language, from Shakespeare to Anne Frank, Martin Luther King to Greta Thunberg. A History of Words for Children explores the uniquely human ability to transfer thoughts from one brain to another using words. Written in a lively narrative style, the book presents a history of the world and human development through the prism of language, introducing readers to the civilisations, inventions and wordsmiths who have shaped the way we communicate.Divided into themed chapters, the book explores what words are and how humans communicate using spoken language and sign; the development of written scripts and writing implements, including paper; the history of manuscripts and printed books, including worldwide bestsellers and famous libraries; the process of learning another language; dialects and accents and the way language can reflect our identity; the power of words to calm, inspire, rally crowds and rule nations; graffiti's role in spreading messages; codes and invented languages; the patterns of poetry; the future of words, including emojis; and languages facing extinction.

Objev podobné jako A History of Words for Children - Mary Richards

cena 479.0 Kč

The Courting of Bristol Keats - Mary E. Pearsonová

After losing both their parents, Bristol Keats and her sisters struggle to stay afloat in their small, quiet town of Bowskeep.When Bristol begins to receive letters from an aunt she has never heard of, who promises to help, Bristol reluctantly agrees to meet her and discovers that everything she thought she knew about her family is a lie. Her father might even still be alive. Not killed but kidnapped by terrifying creatures and taken to another realm, the one he is from. Desperate to save her father and find the truth, Bristol journeys to a land of gods, fae and monsters.Pulled into a dangerous world of magic and intrigue, she makes a deadly bargain with the fae king, Tyghan. But what she does not know is that he is the one who drove her parents to live a life on the run. And he is just as determined as she is to find her father; dead or alive .. .

Objev podobné jako The Courting of Bristol Keats - Mary E. Pearsonová

cena 402.0 Kč

Flower Fairies of the Winter - Cicely Mary Barker

Relive the magic of Cicely Mary Barker''s Flower Fairies of the Winter with this beautiful new edition - the perfect gift. Since the publication of Cicely Mary Barker''s first book in 1923, the Flower Fairies have been ethereal companions to readers around the world. Her charming poetry and delicate illustrations have sparked the imaginations of children for over ninety years and continue to inspire a lifelong love for fairies and all things magical.

Objev podobné jako Flower Fairies of the Winter - Cicely Mary Barker

cena 236.0 Kč

The Great Big Book of Families - Mary Hoffman

The Great Big Book of Families introduces children to the fact that not all families look the same. Featuring funny artwork and wonderfully accessible text this book celebrates each family in its own unique and wonderful way. What is a family? Once, it was said to be a father, mother, boy, girl, cat and dog living in a house with a garden. But as times have changed, families have changed too, and now there are almost as many kinds of families as colours of the rainbow. From a mum and dad or single parent to two mums or two dads, from a mixed-race family to children with different mums and dads, to families with a disabled member. This is a fresh, optimistic look through children's eyes at today's wide variety of family life: from homes, food, ways of celebrating, schools and holidays to getting around, jobs and housework, from extended families, languages and hobbies to pets and family trees.The Great Big Book of Families is a brilliant introduction for children to all family types great and small.

Objev podobné jako The Great Big Book of Families - Mary Hoffman

cena 295.0 Kč

SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome - Mary Beardová

Mary Beard''s new book Emperor of Rome is available nowAncient Rome matters.Its history of empire, conquest, cruelty and excess is something against which we still judge ourselves. Its myths and stories - from Romulus and Remus to the Rape of Lucretia - still strike a chord with us. And its debates about citizenship, security and the rights of the individual still influence our own debates on civil liberty today.SPQR is a new look at Roman history from one of the world''s foremost classicists. It explores not only how Rome grew from an insignificant village in central Italy to a power that controlled territory from Spain to Syria, but also how the Romans thought about themselves and their achievements, and why they are still important to us. Covering 1,000 years of history, and casting fresh light on the basics of Roman culture from slavery to running water, as well as exploring democracy, migration, religious controversy, social mobility and exploitation in the larger context of the empire, this is a definitive history of ancient Rome.SPQR is the Romans'' own abbreviation for their state: Senatus Populusque Romanus, ''the Senate and People of Rome''.

Objev podobné jako SPQR: A History of Ancient Rome - Mary Beardová

cena 354.0 Kč

STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman

The astonishing culmination of the artist-author’s decade-plus project to capture beauty, commemorate place, and see the world more fully Every day (every single day) for over a decade, Mary Jo Hoffman has made a photograph of found nature – no subject too small or too ordinary. For Hoffman, a former aeronautical engineer, this daily ritual cracked open profound revelations about the connectedness of all things, the importance of place, and her own life. This book shares a selection of the breathtaking photographs from Hoffman’s enormous archive, accompanied by perceptive, deeply felt, and oftentimes humorous essays illuminating the insights gained through this daily creative practice. STILL features 275 of the most stunning photographs the author-artist has accumulated over thousands of consecutive days of daily shooting – a true feast for the senses.

Objev podobné jako STILL: The Art of Noticing - Mary Jo Hoffman

cena 1340.0 Kč



Objev podobné jako Roxy DANCE OF JOY J KTTP XL

cena 519.0 Kč

A Year of Black Joy - Jamia Wilson

An uplifting anthology of joyful contributions from 52 contemporary Black voices including chef Andi Oliver, author Patrice Lawrence, space scientist Dr Maggie Aderin-Pocock and climate activist Vanessa Nakate.· Discover the joy of chess with Grandmaster Maurice Ashley, then learn the moves of the game.· Find the joy in stories with award-winning author Patrice Lawrence, then gather the tools to write your own.· Experience the joy of food with renowned chef Andi Oliver, then follow a recipe to make a delicious dish.· Read about the joy of flowers with Florist Hazel Gardiner, then learn the techniques for pressing flowers to create beautiful memories· Learn about the joy of hair styling with Celebrity Stylist Yene Damtew, then read her guide all about caring for your own hair A donation to BLAM UK will be made for every copy sold. BLAM UK are committed to ensuring that the Black-British community is recognised, represented and appreciated.Whether you read an entry a week, or dip into it whenever you are feeling in need of joy, this is a book to treasure all year round. Perfect for readers aged 7+· A joyous tribute to Black achievement today, bringing together ''own voices'' to share their life passion. The laughter, joy and power in these pages will leave readers feeling hopeful about their future· Written by Ted Prize winner and social activist Jamia Wilson· Divided into months, each joyful piece is tied to a particular season, event, international day or week, and sits alongside a non-fiction component

Objev podobné jako A Year of Black Joy - Jamia Wilson

cena 443.0 Kč

Catrice GENERATION JOY tvářenka s rozjasňovačem v tyčince odstín C01 Flush Of Joy 8,5 g

Catrice GENERATION JOY, 8,5 g, Rozjasňovače pro ženy, Vlastnosti: dodá tvářím zdravou barvu přizpůsobí se tónu pleti zajišťuje pleti odpočatý a uvolněný vzhled podtrhne přirozený půvab tváře Složení: veganský produkt Jak používat: Nanášejte na tváře pomocí širokého štětce a rozetřete do ztracena.

Objev podobné jako Catrice GENERATION JOY tvářenka s rozjasňovačem v tyčince odstín C01 Flush Of Joy 8,5 g

cena 94.0 Kč

Napalm Death: Throes of Joy In the Jaws of Defeatis - CD (0194397638820)

Hudební CD - Šestnácté dtudiové album vydané v roce 2020 Šestnácté dtudiové album vydané v roce 2020 Seznam stop CD Fuck the Factoid / Backlash Just Because / That Curse of Being in Thrall / Contagion / Joie De Ne Pas Vivre / Invigorating Clutch / Zero Gravitas Chamber / Fluxing of the Muscle / Amoral / Throes of Joy in the Jaws of Defeatism / Acting in Gouged Faith / Feral Carve-up / A Bellyful of Salt and Spleen / White Kross (04:06) - Sonic Youth Cover / Blissful Myth (01:52) - Rudimentary Peni Cover

Objev podobné jako Napalm Death: Throes of Joy In the Jaws of Defeatis - CD (0194397638820)

cena 449.0 Kč

Gardena City gardening (18405-20)

Postřikovač na hadici, určený na vodu, rozprašovací tryska, určený pro plošnou aplikaci, materiál trysky je kov, hmotnost 0,18 kg Pomocí postřikovače Gardena City gardening snadno zavlažíte veškeré rostliny na vašem balkonu či terase. Díky menšímu průtoku vody a velmi šetrnému jemnému postřiku umožňuje zavlažování, které rostliny nepoškodí. Postřikovač vyniká svým komfortním používáním zásluhou prvků z měkkého plastu. K pohodlné manipulaci přispěje také integrovaný zámek na spouštěči, který zabraňuje únavě ruky. Vybavený je rovněž integrovanou ochranou proti mrazu, ta zajistí, že nedojde k jeho poškození ani při poklesu teplot. Postřikovač Gardena City šetrně zavlaží vaše balkonové rostliny. Klíčové vlastnosti postřikovače Gardena City gardeningPostřikovač určený k zavlažování rostlin na balkoně a teraseS menším průtokem vody, který lze regulovatVelmi šetrný jemný postřik nepoškodí rostlinyZcela komfortní používání díky prvkům z měkkého...

Objev podobné jako Gardena City gardening (18405-20)

cena 379.0 Kč

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